HomeMy WebLinkAbout5548 - - 35 ic-72 S flatil_;(4 P,E LH __ ,J5, e_g_20_q_Cil- 4Et64- 7 - - - • • • gpFFO(� _ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ttit�p\0 COG Southold Town Hall Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman yd . 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer y = P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora ;` ^+ �� Southold, NY 11971-0959 Vincent Orlando y p!p,r Tel. (631) 765-1809 James Dinizio, Jr. `' C! * • soFax(631) 765-9064 T. http:;%southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVED 4j442 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD /.Op 9.14, FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS ANDII N 0C`" 4. MEETING OF AUGUST 2,, 2004 2004 Applications 5533 and 5548— ELAINE NESIN Southold Town Clerk Property Location: 875 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport CTM Id: 35-4-28.42 (ref. 35-4-7.4 and 28.22 combined) SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicants' 23,777 sq. ft. parcel has 140 feet along Gull Pond Lane, and is improved with two metal storage sheds as shown on the December 3, 2003 survey, updated October 16, 2003 by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. The deeded parcel is 170 feet deep along the northerly side lot line, 165 feet along the southerly side lot line and lot width of 136.55 feet along Fordham Canal. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Department's April 23, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended May 25, 2004, citing Sections 100-33, 100-239.4 and ZBA Decision #2480 (1978) in its denial of a building permit to construct a single-family dwelling. The reasons stated are that the dwelling is proposed less than 75 feet to the bulkhead, that the new dwelling will place the accessory structure in a side yard rather than a permitted front or rear yard, and Appeal No. 2480 Condition 4 contained a requirement for covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use, without prior approval of the Board of Appeals, to be filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on June 22, 2004 and July 15, 2004, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicants wish to construct a two-story 26' deep by 64' wide single-family dwelling, at 51 feet at its closest point from the bulkhead. The yard of the existing accessory frame (12.3 x 16.3') storage building would become a side yard after construction of the dwelling. AMENDED APPLICATION: Also, Applicants on May 28, 2004 amended their application to utilize this property as a single-family residence, with abandonment of the former use granted with conditions under ZBA File No. 2480 (S. Rausch and others, prior owners) regarding the Special Exception request and conditions of record. • Page 2 -August 2, 2004 • ZBA No. 5533 and 5548-A. and Nesin CTM Id: 35-4-28.42 By written confirmation in a letter dated June 24, 2004 to the Board of Appeals, Arthur and Elaine Nesin stated that there will be no living on any boat docked at this property and not renting any boat slip, if a house is built, and that they wish to continue docking their boat (40 lin. ft.) at this time. The change of use would allow incidental docking of their boat, without living or renting, as an accessory to their new residence. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of the requested relief will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The dwelling is proposed parallel with 40 ft. from the front yard line facing Gull Pond Lane, and the side yards will total 35 feet, with a minimum single side yard of 15 feet on the north side. The new construction is similar to setbacks of nearby houses at 51 feet from the bulkhead. 2. The benefit sought by the applicants cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The lot is restricted due to the proximity of the wetlands, and any construction on this lot would require a variance. 3. The variance granted is not substantial in that the proposed setback from the bulkhead will be similar to the setbacks of homes built in the area. 4. The difficulty has not been self-created. The building of any house on this lot would require some type of variance due to the close proximity of the wetlands. 5. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential, waterfront community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicants have obtained wetland permits with conditions from the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation and the Board of Southold Town Trustees. 6. Grant of the relief requested is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable applicants to enjoy the benefit of a single-family dwelling, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, the following Resolutions were adopted: Appl. No. 5533: Motion was offered by Member Dinizio, seconded by Member Tortora, and duly carried, to Page 3—August 2, 2004 • ZBA No. 5533 and 5548—A. and E. Nesin CTM Id: 35-4-28.42 GRANT the variance as applied for, as shown on the survey plan prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. December 3, 2002, updated January 23, 2003, and preliminary construction diagrams prepared by The Builder Dev. Corp. with Sun Building Systems dated 1-21-04. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Oliva (Chairwoman), Goehringer, Tortora, Orlando, and Dinizio. This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0). Appl. No. 5548: Motion was offered by Member Goehringer, seconded by Member Dinizio, and duly carried, to GRANT Application No. 5548 as applied for, with abandonment of the existing use and with REVOCATION OF Special Exception No. 2480 (S. Rausch & others) dated 10/18/78. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Oliva (Chairwoman), Goehringer, Tortora, Orlando, and Dinizio. This Resolution - my adopted (5-0).6.9w:Gu Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman 8/23/04 Approved for Filing a June 24, 2004 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals RE: Nesin Appeal, #5548 Dear Board Members, Thank you for reviewing the material for the Nesin Appeal (#5548). We are writing this letter that is signed by us, the Nesin's, Elaine and Arthur. We, Elaine and Arthur Nesin, will abide by the use variance if granted, to use the property for one purpose. If a house is built on our property we will abandoned the former use of living on our boat and from that point forth only use the boat for recreational purposes. We have no intention to use the dock for"marina" use meaning that we will not rent the slip nor will we have anyone living on the boat while it is docked on our property if a house is built. We will dock, if granted, only 1 boat, which is in length 40 feet. Thank you, Elaine Nesin Arthur Nesin • SC S Ret. #• RIO-03-39 1kIY5DEC Application # 1-473803/58/00001 • EXCAVATE TO CLEAN SMD (SW-INSTALL AAETAL SEA MAE AS REQUIRED To PROTECT ADJACENT 1 NS` lam familiar with )they STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL PROPERTY DLIIYC SANITARY/ygTALL A71CY1C r lin fir `I `2.' AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE SURVEY OF PROPERTY N i l 8— 1- � DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES AT GREENPORT Iris-1 s 1- `^�"'�,00e ,,s P a=�s l.� and will abide by lh conditions sel forth therein and on the u';.r°�SE a:, ,,<< � permil to construct. , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r '.c fe r� 3 �2'w.n� is' 1 rv�,r- -�- -_ i e"'` SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM The locations of wells and cesspools 1000-35-04-7.4 & 28.22 i 6 POOLS 2' DEEP WITH 3• SAND COLLAR shown hereon are-from field observations 1000 GAL. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK, BOTTOM and or from datalafned from others. SCALE 1'=40' OF L.P.S TO BE 2' ABOVE GROUND WATER. DEC. 3, 2002 -'' ' Ove /O, toot/pews ares) APR 2 7 id-.A Dec. 17, 2002 !lest boring J0-, 23 2003 say.s/aq Test Boring 0, a/ 8.7 NOTE' July II, 2003 ( evlslonsl Oct. 8, 2003 (revisions) Mixed Sand SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISFSALOCT. IC 2003 ( revlaloe 1 and Loam SYSTEM DESIGN ZONING ®OP�'n Or ` -5 T 4 as "if ,• BY' JOSEPH FISCHET'' P•E y TIDAL WETLAND VEGETA770N BOUNDARY DETERMBJED Water in Mixed HOBART ROAD BY DEC nEgrrrAL STAFF 9/17/03 7 Sand B Loam SOUTHOLD, p'�• 11971 Water yiS Grey SC (63N 765 --954 420 lrWater A► Brown LOT COVERAGE AFTER CONSTRUCTION , 8064, /FAR'9T0 Bog PT 1000-35-04-7.4 �� 16' 2265/16772 = 14% Water in Gray di A N 66.p120 �`3p?O' Organic Clay-OL EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED EXCEPT ' B F Water a Grey WHEN UNDER NEW DRIVEWAY 1401 a Crony Sand ti SI icti t�'`,woy,`,erp�)s7/ i44, - 98, 26' scc CERTr/ED TO' „q' ✓6l'G,-. OtY CC's- 7�0� _'+l �S� Pinter :n Br. EL,INE NESIN P . r „ . Frne kr Coarse ��0• ». . 4y a gra ''� Sand SWNORTH RD. (SR �-0 d e „ a. �� ••, ?c4?? 32' 12/05/02 9 AAL �A , + /' _ * `? }`� �1'''— : 7/f- et" '�� d L ' It � - ^V. >rca,' ' �r4 r\ •---:, --- SSS _(� 1000-36-04-7.4 3 �• +fe �,g; *eete '- ,�a� 3g,0� �� •�° 41, AREA=16,772 S.F. TO PE LINE ...s?..- �'� f0151, "� ryy, a �'I. >c> 76 - ` tt. SFA. " ' .'y .t1000-35-04-28.22 f ink AREA=7,005 ..F. TO TIE LINEQ � , . '�, vy,.., Ir� sr I am familiar with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL e� M': ,� �r a 01,E , 00 M ,16g(!0 �Pew:CT: t1:0 '» ' .u;Ctl1/40 �Woff/ " Q� ps. OITIONSAND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE -r ; .. '0�a - e e a` " �1 Ar1D ��331say 0 I:fi DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 61 ,t 0 4Xe"r A,. ‘ � PER and will abide bythe conditions set forth therein and on the JD0 03 permit to construct. ..t' '0Atan.* an ilk)0,1d) • DAT The location of wells and cesspools shown hereon are ', '" ‘,,,,b116 \C-° NEW y0 from field observations. and or from data obtained from others. t -� a; • �P a�. Metz -1# 9'Y S F o . y v ANY ALTER Anav OR ADD1 770N TO 7N1,.SUR VEY IS A VIOLA IlON '7��,'V'Y,p f�p �, _ (ksi / ,`•.?. , ic CF SECl10At 7209 OF lilt NEW YORK 5TI�7E EDUCA71(kV LAW. ,t .. 7" —., •0 .71 e' C. ;f/ 49618 EXCEPT AS PER SECMON 7209-SUBDIVISION 2 -ALL C£RMICATIONS "Mgr.. T vT Th. 4 / / reAsada • HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF ''t A,vps ',¢T't' -. '`" PECONIC ��7' ORS,'"- 9C. �� SAID MAP OR'COPIES BEAR 11-IE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE'SURVEYOR 4-`47'< 4s ,y *NOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. (631) 765- Q y-X {� . •J %5-1797 gv_ la"- y�'`�"`s^ P.O. sox 909 QED LAN)/ ELEVA BONS REFERENCED TO N.G. V. DATUM 4<, 1230 TRAVELER ,QOO $ l �scC74, 6 5/4/98 sourHOLD, N. Y. 11971 02-337 S ! LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2004 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on TUESDAY. JUNE 22,2004, at the time noted below: 10:30 AM ELAINE NESIN. Location of Property: 875 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport; CTM #35-4-28.42. Request for Variances under: #5548. Based on the Building Department's May 25, 2004 amended Notice of Disapproval, for relief of Condition #4, ZBA Appl. #2480 (Sarah Rausch) which Special Exception application was granted for dockage and mooring privileges for two yachts, with an agreement in 1978 to covenant be filed with the County Clerk, including a restriction that this property is prohibited for residential use, without prior Board of Appeals approval (The Special Exception authorized a shower, bulkhead, ramp and mooring float as requested); and #5533. Based on the Building Department's April 23, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, Section 100- 239.4B,for a dwelling proposed at less than 75 feet from the bulkhead. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: May 27, 2004. BOARD OF APPEALS RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN By Linda Kowalski • ! FORM NO. 3 5 47L 7 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL l DATE: April 23, 2004 Amended: May 25, 2004 lam" TO: Rich Sagitta Contracting for c573 Elaine Nesin PO Box 2047 Greenport, NY 11944 Please take notice that your application dated April 13, 2004 For a permit for construction of a single family dwelling, at Location of property: 875 Gull Pond La., Greenport, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 35 Block 4 Lot 28.42 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Pursuant to the ZBA Decision #2480(1978), condition #4 which states: "Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting_this property for residential use, without prior approval of the Board of Appeals shall be filed in the County Clerk's Office." The proposed construction of a single family dwelling on a non-conforming, 23,777sq. ft parcel, is not permitted pursuant to ArticleXXIII Section 100-239.4B, which states: All buildings or structures located on lots upon which a bulkhead... exists & which are adjacent to tidal water bodies other than sounds shall be set back not less than 75' from the bulkhead." The proposed survey indicates construction at a distance of 51' to the bulkhead. Furthermore, pursuant to Section100-33 the placement of the proposed dwelling as indicated on the survey places the existing accessory structure in the side yard. Total lot coverage is less than 20 percent. Authorized Signature Apr 28 04 12: 51p Rid Saetta GC inc 631 4999 P• 2 @4/213!7004 11: 32 6317659 7.BA PAGE 02 APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS c;:of(,u Use Only Z Fe, t l 1�t^" , Fllr,l RV ante 4s,igp eA4Nsalgpmeu!Na. ,. � ✓ V NESIN, ELAINE (SAETTA) 5533 JD NEW HOUSE— BLKHD SB 35-4-28.42 R40 _ 875 GULL POND LANE GREENPORT -- ---' Parcel Location: House No. 875 Sff ecu Gull Pond Lane _ HamletGreenport SCTM 1000 Scctian 35 Bloch 4 L„,(028.421.,,( size23'77 7on nr Don iR-40 I(WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE!WILDING'INSPECTOR HATED': 4ri1 23,_2004 AppttcsstrOwnerfsf: Elaine Nesin Mailing Adrlresa:32_Lexington Street Rockville Center, New York 11570 —� Telephone: 516-766-4667 NOTE Ifspplleenr is not the nrveer,stoic if.pplle.nd I,a..aces,He.,,.r. ,robber,.l,.,,mr, rnnn,.,.r„acc,Etc Authorized Rtpresentative: Courtney Gallagher, Richard Saetta General Contractor, INC. Atkfresal P.O. for 201.7 . Greenport, New York 11944 Telephone: 611_765-4900 Please specify who you wish correspondence rh he mailed to, from thtalovc listed names: 0 Applicant/Owner(Si It Authorized Representative ❑Other. .__ WHEM.F.WV THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DI NIFa AN AI'PLICATIDN DATED XBuiiding Pet,fnit 0 Certificate of Occupancy rl Pre-Certificate of Occupancy II Change of Use Il Permit for As-Built en ustruci no tither: Ihovinsnn of the 7.r,umg Ordinance Appealed. Indicate At eerie,Sec li�n Sultiretnus and p.trrgrapi1 of Zoning Ordinance by mini hers. Do not (mute the roan ArtleLe yf7tn _ Seetion 149239.45 Sul.,eetime --_ I vpc of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: Fit Variance to the Zoning Code or ?nixing Map. UN Vtriaoce tint to lack el access required by Ncw Yenk Town LawSetrion ZSR-14\ 0 Interpretation of the Town Code. Article`_. Section__ .;Rtvenal or Orbit A prtor appeal rl has 3haanot been made with respect to this property Pliant Appenfi Na. Year • • I !, J APPLICATIO TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS &4o. 9d _ Ino_ •n ' For Office Use Only Fee:.$o2ft. Filed By: - 4• - ' Date Assigned/Assignment No.c1/41)3o Q�J % Nei NESIN, ELAIN (SAETTA) 35-4-28.42 5548 VO C9c Q J 3o 65 3 3 APPEAL ZBA 2480 -NO RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUC. 875 GULL POND LA GNPT Parcel Location: House No. 875 Street Gull Pond Lane Hamlet Greenport SCTNI 1000 Section 35 Block 4 Lots)28.42Lot Size23777 Zone District R-40 I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: May 25, 2004 • Applicant/Owner(s): Courtney Gallagher. Agent -c-c-) rC\Q\'ne f1tDaee Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2047 Greenport, New York 11944 Telephone: 631-765-4900 1,44.• 631-765-4999 NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant Is owner's attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc. Authorized Representative: Richard Saetra-, 'minx-act-or, B'sildesr Address: P. 0. Box 2047, Greenport, NY 11944 Telephone: 631-765-4900 tA..K'. 631-765-4999 Please specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above listed names: Q Applicant/Owner(s) 0 Authorized Representative 0 Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED May 25, 2004 EOR: Buiiding Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Change of Use • ❑Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article Section 100- Subsection Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ❑ A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ❑A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑Interpretation of tlisTown Code,Article Section ,lgReversal or Other nrCII10e tO IOnndi+inc cc- reciord A prior appeal 0 has Xhas not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, If granted, because:This lot is the last lot that are subject restricted residential use. All other lots are built on with current residential homes. This house is set back approximately the same distance as the other houses in the tlf iiy1Kie appltllarieCANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: There are salt and fresh water set backs as per the D.E.C. and Southold Town Trustees Requirments. There are also residential homes in the area and this is the last lot without a residential home locat' (Si11rFie cg°opunrttof relief requested is not substantial because:This is a modestly sized home that would not be able to be built unless a varience is granted do to other permits we have. (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or Impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: Approval Permits have been granted allowin. this home to be built. The neighborhood is completely residential. (5) Has the variance been self-created? (X ) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, is the construction existing, as built? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) See attached surveys and permits. As per the accessory building located in the side ya to the bulkhead than home. Tt can not he moved due to other permirc It is alcn tieing ,,cod nc stnragP. (*) This is the MINIMUM that Is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and prptects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART B, Questions on next page to apply USE VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your. attorne .) Otherwise, pi-ase proceed to the signature and notary area below. writ r I 1 I Signature of Ap• = !ant or Authorized Agent Sworn to befor me this (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) a r •qy of 200_ (*) see attatched page •j•ryPublic) ZBA App 9/30/02 JOYCE M.WILKINS Notary Public,State of New York No.4952246,Suffolk County Term Expires June 12, a•007 • 0 • i) Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, If granted, because: this property is the last lot in the area. The surrounding houses have similar set backs to what is proposed on the survey. *Survey Enclosed (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: there are salt and fresh water set backs as per D.E.C. and Southold Town Trustee's Requirments. (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: this is a modestly sized home that would not be able to have built unless a variance is granted due to the D.E.C. and Southold Town Trustee's Requirments. (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or Impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: Approval and Permits have been granted by the D.E.C. and Trustee's (Permits are enclosed) (5) Has the variance been self-created? ( x) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, is the construction existing, as built? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) pinac`a. Sap arratrhed survey's and permits This is the MINIMUM that Is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART B, Questions on next page to apply USE VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorne ) Otherwise, •lea e •roceed to the signature and notary area below. J bre fie ITD SISignature of A `11T g pp= ant or Autho d Agent Sworn to before me this (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) ;•'7 ay of wart?.. ( tory Public) JOYCE M. IBA App 9/30/02 Notary Public,State of New york No.4952246,Suffolk Cou Term F_xr fires June 12, >O o 7 A; s - )-alWNL SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD — _ _ / 7. , OWNER I STRE y.7 5 VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT -.IGIng .ttIJori&1NSlb /77 oil IoND LisNe GIZisNtovrei /0 FORMER OWNER N ACR. 1enrue Ne sly, goys -I--rusl8.s c W ,SSMANN I;,1NAI- S Wn TYPE OF BUILDING Y. £ERMANsKY . ags• if, RUiKOwsK/ vANo, 6OLL. VoN0 LANE ES. - SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. 3r® N1kt. Value LAND �IMP.1 TOTAL DATE c REMARKS � Sava4� F'Clsdci .r >Slt I • P gUo �EJ. 1c .0op /3a/77 Mom V. Seter�nwvsKySits $/3Sou 4 #r73oo,.'�'41p, s1r/77 ,o till & o-v-a s/,< /7 7 9 t yr. 1(->e. C; -,ZZ - �1-� 11 O, t ^'Y Pcco�. . Hnc -tilfin - fr->--7G .2P 06 dpe ' 3/ 66 / o 7/2c - �; ,. do �,�c1 �s mac' do1VI,xrvihleta k. elo,naNasrra 3100�J 3 A 31/oca t/ 4 ra� tia� rrF1 Y�cl�r � ,7ey /`f/9r> V/z4s - I I IIcon1 17�" — cru^Il FLA t-n, I?atn-1� ee Tx,as�7c=t--ks - rc 31 -‘ cq,p (1101. + - . • - \leo . hi v C . N �lic.�a-x's)4 Li tzawcw 1EL, n ‘,-s 300 34 s 5//so al(/oz -L ( no7fvo (I -Atsin * airs Ms(rl S/Oz cm.) -7/3ir/Q2 - L f 2zo7m, _Ratak A a,s/r\ 1580 4110 2a _ _ 3©f30 liable FRONTAGE ON WATER / ,¢ a a-C -� 'oodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD /40 eadowland DEPTH 9 v / 7 Duse Plot BULKHEAD Nd Ital 11 COLOR ktr A TRIM ,vA Y IIII I 1I •III -a--- I `r � + �; 1 .s'- 7? 1 M. Bldg. 12 / /G c /92 I,re 24t ' — Extension - Extension _ IL Extension Foundation -CZ AS Bath / Dinette Porch Basement No Floors a i K. 0 Ext. Walls in /// Interior Finish LR. Breezeway Fire Place My Heat DR. Na Garage Type Roof 130A Rooms 1st Floor BR. Patio Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B O. B. Dormer Driveway Total 2 FF, / �• SDUTHOLD SECTION NO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © E 6x , 4 va .66 a,., NOTICE Aelik Nei t Tax Service A y r 6 �too +' 0 cL o ,w6' —N- 9 fi‘ 6;110"APd9B 4: N,+ h 1].1 LS. S>fiP <.0 ass a ,] g o- h1P M1y4 - o6'404 5.0 , ‘.ss:ts* 41 :S* c 6S1215.49 ' .AL,C)Alk 5S1 % • reciittr 4a'aJ c a�Z b lir ) Is:Clige t Tir ,5P :04,�� 5 � . 4, .., 33 dpyF 6 /Iad ) lei1101110. 4' 7*1r2..1• , d4r,i N.31m) O sinew turner \- O eor iti '. .5 't4 121 11561U 4%: 7P, . itatOS4411 riliattIV ,,, . ir. 6600 121 lO1c) / .350 �. 4 GULL . 4 4041 POND cIll sago INL£T � lip. (co 9 116.Uc) 126 Nt43 ,e° L611c1 QY• p •' �' ----_ ✓ LOIN OF PP c) , SWflCLO q1 / Sl.•CIES alai , I6 NM/ /n•'/0..] 55 ALL " r`,S, NOTICE ,,,19.11.,.e_,. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © N ,>o em or b SWTHOLD SECTION NO sew„r ^° wN 6wx6 u me uN c.• Red Property Tax Service Agency Y rum 6 035 RtInn a Mir MIEN OL]1E Stl •AS Ian SIMLA COCKY LAX NSP 6 PROMIrz6 .I County tenter swl rrcr N r 11901 M IRT n6mnlE REAL P PERT[”Pp SERVICE A n[ f) Ip J ".�' cod P Lisa"' 1000 PROPERTY MPP REAL PROPERTY TAX SFPVTF 6cucL. iL) RICHARD SAETTA AL CONTRACTOR, ."THEENERFIRM THAT B UILT B UG LIGHTINC" 64355 Main Road, P.O. Box 2047, if•<< :I.hr I I Greenport, New York 11944 (631) 765-4900 WIN Fax (631) 765-49991 �Tl.''1 ��I ' xx 11.1 17TIIIIIIIInI Toll Free 1-800-439-1633 JULY'— 2 2004 /all zo in c ROARD OF my 2, 2004 APPEALS Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Board Member 0 c oS This Packet Includes 1. Letter from the Nesin's, declaring what their intended use of the property will be 2. A map depicting the property will shaded areas for set backs in other areas and the only placement for a house with only one variance request. 3. A copy of 2048 Ia yo p) 4. A copy of 1504 (2f€ 2 If there is anything else needed before we are seen on July 15, 2004. Please let me know otherwise I will place a call to the office one week prior to the hearing to be informed of a time to be in the court room. Thank you, / (; • 6 Courtney Gallagher _ < r _l June 24, 2004 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals RE: Nesin Appeal, #5548 Dear Board Members, Thank you for reviewing the material for the Nesin Appeal(#5548). We are writing this letter that is signed by us, the Nesin's, Elaine and Arthur. We,Elaine and Arthur Nesin, will abide by the use variance if granted, to use the property for one purpose. If a house is built on our property we will abandoned the former use of living on our boat and from that point forth only use the boat for recreational purposes. We have no intention to use the dock for"marina"use meaning that we will not rent the slip nor will we have anyone living on the boat while it is docked on our property if a house is built. We will dock, if granted, only 1 boat, which is in length 40 feet. Thank you, GCS /WAr4::: iv, -. L Elaine Nesin Arthur Nesin pleLp r 7 I , ki -e_f bac K ( bhoLcLuD r )\\., 7-01-0S L o4 61 i.c, (i 1 Lo-1-- cc»ekc_ ciLd,q-e-A- Cc)tria(.--i--, -,� , 5fk 9� /,)S, \Ce f �. , C _ ___ . .7, _0410 ,, b- -7111!--N -, - ' , . _„-...7:1\--_,.„ _____________x____________ __ _._, . _. . . 111,,‘ C3 06, L .. . N., 1/4),... ,j, \ • \nDt 47. . 7 cad+ — +' '41 E, .r.._� ,F 5,. -„ —__ __ _ —._-_ _ Aul x \ _ .._� _•mom-...,..,,.� _. ....... . ............_ .__. -s 0 e --� 15 Jo (35-40i,o) '6'7ceI -( 1 4--Th►� --F►c -u c C 1�tJ.�v -f-r\ e Veckr�% 53 O bu.t . ,�c¢i P \'1ac1ed 7 5- (j-.)) e(A,1 icKi_cAd )( OC-ils.e4- (,,o hs,A,Q 4•:::A.-,L.-.,, r„),;) , • Thz hoe 0 5 clan K h j , -The V\o V,se Ca r r be. In A i.. a a% ...,1 .0.1 , ea — i . • J � : .1 '�I '• .. � n •.,.. , .. ' µms'• •, ;,J,1 • I•:•• , • ' • • .'.• �owN og sotJ�aolta,;l�w Yoxs • • ! DATE Nov: 6 178 • ' A •• • TSE ZONING•BOARD or A1PEALS I .•. '• Dated September 'U, 978 _ ;' •:-...: CTION or TEE ZONLNa BOARD OF APPEtILS OP TB TOWN or SOUTR OLUc••'•I;. � . . ,. • z+p• Sarah Rauch • • . • . ' , . . . . ; •• :•t••r•::�j: .. . • ,I . . • t . 1223 Cornegia AVenue_ . • . •. . PDe t ,. • ' • Par Rockaway.;••New .York 16000 • • -••• ' ••• • • ' • :, " ' . • • a a meetg aP the•Zonittg Board of Apjsealg°12.•• considered_ October 19, 1978 . $ avl ; • ( •) for d. t the c® indicatedbelow was taken on your • _ 'dna'to lack of access.to:p I • ' � • •• •( ) �queat'tas . roperty';,• •,,.•, , .,, . a'spat a epept1on under the:Zoning Ordinance •• • ; ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning-Ordinance. r • ' - • ',• • ' ' • i.'i SPECIAL EI CEPTION By. resolution of the Board it was determiu ' ▪ . 'grin:dad ed that a,spec4z3 excsDtiaa.• d (. )•be.denied pursuant to •:...–...;—• Section r»»»»»»....... ;....;.:.•.:.... • I ( ,) •• »...'of the laniag OrdiRaitcee ...»:..»... Subsection'$ .......»...:...:psaErapTz • '` and'the decision of 'the •Euulding•Inspector•( ') :be rev •:( :) be :• becausecreed• • ' 9•:G0• .P.M... (D.$.T.) •Upon a ▪ •:.j .` ••. 223 • Corne i 8 application, of Saral�•�2auch,• .'�`� ' '•`:.`y'• g a Avenue, Par:Rockaway, 'New York (John .S Ski - gent) ,.• tor a special tion to •' �O�' .• '. ';,'. P exceP the. Zoil.ing Ordinance, r •iii° ' Seatiori•100-30 B 9 (a} f r permission to Article •III,:: a storage th .Shower, a bulkhead, ramp' and mooring construct btiropin I 'Fond Lane,'•• g Location-of .property;;: ,,'' Greenport, New York, bounded on the, north by. 'Ger lsk .i.; • "a d others; east by Fordham :Canal; ,.south by Rutkowski and ••others and -- st.by:Gull Pond Lane. ' •• . • • • fir. • '' 2. VARIANCE.$y resoltction of the Board it•was determined.that • ' •• • : '' , : (a ,. Strict aDDlication of the Ordinance' •" '' • (would) (would not) 'produce practical: ,difficulties or f dshiD because • uanecessa. • 5 REVE • RSE .. . ; • . . .: .., •• • (b)l• The hardship created (is): ' (s not) izie and (would) •. '(would not) ..be:.° '.• •,•.. � � •r• ••'�4:, . '. ' shay '• ale In the immediate'vicinity of this 6d.by all;properties.: • DroD�iY and ia,the same use distr�cp'because SE REViRSE ' ; (c)r The variance • • .•. • • . (does) (does not) obsesc*e the sprit of the Ordinance and • r7�8 EQ'the character (would) • (would• not) . of the'district because • - . SEr REVERSE ; ..'• ' - - ' .. • k and I therefore it was'further determined - that the requested Variance (•,,) be granted '' • . that the previous decisions of the Building (. . be denied:and ; • Inspector ( .) be confirmed ( ' )'be reversed. p'.R • • After investigation and inspection, the Board finds that the •-• applicant requests -permission to use property for dockage and mooring privileges for' 2 yachts. •The findings of the Board are that the appli- . .• • cant•is •aware that this lot may never. be used fpr residential use and • ' the proposed site plan appears to be well suited to the •lot. The 'applicant proposes to dock no more than 2 pleasure'boats. The appli-• • • • cant understands that this is for non-commercial use only. • • • • ' : ' . - ,The Board finds that strict application of the'Ordinance would. • •'.:.• • produce practical difficulties or unnecessary .hardship; 'the hardship .' created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in • the 'immediate vicinity of-the property and in the same use district; • 'and the variance will. not• change the character of the neighborhood. and ' will: observe the spirit of the. Ordinance. • . • • • . • • On motion by 'Mr. Douglass, seconded by Mr. Gillispie, •it was • • . • ' ' RESOLVED that• Sarah Rauch, 1223'•Cornegia Avenue; Far' Rockaway Y. •' • N ew York, (John 5.. Sherviood, •as. ?gent),, be GRANTED permission to Com- '• ' .. strugt a storage building •with• shower,• a bulkhead, a ramp..and mooring•• ' : ' . ', float as 'requested.• Location of property:: 'Gull Pond Lane/ Greenport," • • New. York, bounded• on the north. by Germansky and others; east by Fordham • Canal; south by Rutkowski and ,others; west by.Gull•.Pond Lane,: subjedt••::.•.• •. , • to the following conditions: • . • .. . .', ;• . . . '. • r•r ' (1) That the accessory building to be erected shall be •no •'larger • ' •than:12 feet by 16 feet. . . . • ' , • . • • • • ' (2) - No personal 'property may. be stored 'anywhere on .the:premises • except in the. storage building: (3) • Dockage and mooring'facjlities shall be limited to' the '••• • •accommodation of:not more than two , (2) •non-commercial, pleasure.boats'• •: ' ' which shall be no larger than 40 feet in length. . (4) ' Covenanted agreements, restricting or 'prohibiting this " • ' • • property for residential use 'without prior approval of the Board o•f , ' • ' Appeals shall be filed in the County Clerk's Office.: . • (5) That' before the applicant may be permitted' dockage.and ,' "• • : • mooring privileges' for small boats as any accessory use, a special • exception ,shall be. applied for. from .the Board,of Appeals. , ' (6) .. Site Plan Approval shall be obtained fromiie Planning Board. :, • • (1) • Any sanitary••facilities installed on'this propert • y;shall be.;. ' • • . subject to.••the approval of the Board of Health. ' '• ' , • . . • • • (8) • That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaining ' • proper documents from the State and County, Environmentel .Control Com- ' missio•ns. •. •. • • • • •• • . • (9) This application is subject to the approval of 'the: Suffolk . • County Planning Commission. • . • • Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: '.Gillispie, Grigonis, Doyen, • . ' Tuthill. and Douglass. • * - • * * . 9L6!'Z - f:0420.0a ."..1.............'•— I „� �,.v� : •••1L01.15 ; - _. .. . -- °F..? ,c _»+il H___;�o_),dab- hio.•..}}:riS-. . . •r, E to Sp�lopi 1+03 S ay 4.O{. Ngo f,4� ...1,;:-Ni . :.1�1'-' l �� N 11 tm 1-i epo1ltn.s k; sty.t...,.%. M4494.5111 N` 11ovadsl p ?b 3M at• 1o>cns AZ.}aM • How utc - . - • • • c yi • `\.p • i MQ7�1� :1 \ : - . ' IC . 4; Nb 03111110311• C \ s .5cP1 Y Y •M«OZ,io®99•S \ •0 - f ,.,ir, Ni "40: v4bi. 9.dam N\ O`er \ 79 I OSI .• ..• _ ' ; 04,;\ • St \ ` �L (o. 7 �. zIO I • xfl=0 `� JkaMe► . rA • _ - _ _ \� k • ' S DAIIS ii '^ - JD fplqaf3u�° .,31 x#2.t • hi • � , pxodoAa`It :N4e.").*#?4:. ,%� c.c.,. \-47 d dN." x � � ,bxCP _ d °' • a re • \V.. . •> 4. _ di ° _ ,\ ' . ,s. 'A'l-No 'e' 'wS 1-1.1.1 N wig aeknI o)_S-0 :.ass-1 - ►-a �a o��• �\ `Qa�1 ry i~1 Si .L��L f'10 oy ty�1�'n�ddt� Slkl 7 3J-QN - �, '�6 • •N;• \;01,...1 • o+i 1PoSOn s�asii• *- fiv1s�io1-Haovc1107 pi) • •._ a• • HU ')I -aS •psodOV Qa 1.0Mopt% •1`3' '•S 451 arl 04. Ioo-ssa� paso• S a• 1Ho AMo -% o� pa.}.1. M)) 99 o1. sa1}.,Jion3. ,oasod 'WA, p'.1.ap fi.PH..4pd $ Aa1'ssayl f poQM)So•-1 • • ! fic% apprtia f-i s oda1.s4o,4 s,a01,440nala paigni-114.x3 : sa4.°H V r {{i ��7� 1 TOWN OF SOUJTHOLD,NEW YORKC DATE.,.. .. , * A78 f1 Aolflorr Or mg zorat soilD or errEats i Appel,Np. 3, Dated,v A, 1.9 - • ,AcTzt<xzOr�vG B OP TPE TQ,OPI ETOWNOX?: OT Ora + . . .. , i , ± •. 'ay' + .1•;7"r•• j. AD.peitan"t: O )• I •1"-• / • • • • • .32!-241 I• *ZililejNehi••• • tirtiv;A,14 •.1 ;''•• ;• ,•••• •.-,. .0-•Zy,04 : '.• ;; the; ''".7:7-4"14. 1. ' .t.s't(i 'Mlf• • .•14 „ Oa • .11r4::..2ne •• 1?)". bp W#15E4t. • the•no ••.• • • itot.. *An Aalt.100-ir40r1 4.14.* 'armi ,ti as e on gal $up* dated "on4kigy- Lon). . . A After invesithilat***0140etlei Posgte fUde that aipLiO3a zt , 'Wee'lot,•*ftr sig!*.rim de*. , • • and Storage utet. inraiffirdent• 844'vroa on the eaSt aide 0011. Pond 1,ai ne Geaport Iev Torb... ThS'anditgla_. . •et .,314 Beard ore that apptlioasvt is the caner of-LottOere asi•sthOon.cat van • TWA's inirvey of 3auar sa,•11"10 Med,•thatathfs Lit 4-substairtlally in excess.or equal ía zize to alphas- lots is the-04AV_ Wont azta 40. MOW of Math and the Planning,Board havelnditated that. thía. lat is act eatable for residential use. ikon:0er, it le the idilAgaticn Of the Board of Appeals to Permit the alVtliceitt VO, htik'ProPegtar • for the most reasonable ns ender the ifaulair stizatrae200 which, in the cased is accessory nee t the ordinary reeideutial 44. • r. The Board Men that strict applicatioe of thogrdinant*lson141 • produee practical"diffirelties .uaneceaaary hardikipt.thc Crested.la.unique.and woad not he Mared-br 4.14:•*.e&Wee• — • thelimaidiate vicinity of this — in;:the Salitig-use aucete.vailtazosid.u__not_naimApt. • •cliaraatist, vklogk. _tog:4440u • and.sill ohjserve the•-spirit• tecuilaro,, • • • . . . gielitEMBS'Ir ACAS Bitter, ED, Reginald kukAi aec' ie-:Broidy a • " ' others,- X3d kzont gtPaeti, lit4w_Yeih..4e Guage.20- . to.set *fide LOT 'A' a ie4 #Olirdanoclitth:::ecotal*in*S`• metes and'bounds as deer:II:bed in the =Vey iaerrea,.td, .Abbite•{survey, of 'Van Tula dated.January l5 1.970. enhleet to the fellexang coaditions: . •i 1. Covenanted agreements restricting or proWitting ti rftz . property for residential use, oitheat. pro elikrevill et the Board of Appeals, shall be filed in the CountyClerk's Office, • 2. That before the applicant nay be permitted dockage cod mooring privileges fee•stiall'heats; as an accessory*use, a special exception shall be applied for from the Board of Appealn. 3, Site Plan approval shall be obtainea from the, klauning - Board. 4. Any sanitary facilities installed on_this property hal. be sobjeot to the approval of the'Beard of liaal,t11. - 5. That this approval shall be subject to applicant obt:a1.31142,*:,.. • propez doconents from the State.and County Bavironmerital - Control. commissions.• • Vote of the Board: Ales - Sessrs: GU3IapLe, Origonis,: • Wee, Doyen, • OFFO`it APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �,'�pe'QQ�; Southold Town Hall Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman �� o53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer y P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. TortoraPr/ Southold,NY 11971-0959 Vincent Orlando �' ! � Tel. (631) 765-1809 James Dinizio, Jr. = ' $°i° Fax(631)765-9064 http://soutlioldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 23, 2004 Richard Saetta General Contractor Inc. 64355 Main Road P.O. Box 2047 Greenport, NY 11944 Attn: Courtney Gallagher Re: Appeals No. 5533 and 5548 —A. and E. Nesin Property Dear Ms. Gallagher: Supplementing today's fax transmission, please find enclosed a copy of the variance determination rendered by the Board of Appeals at its August 2, 2004 Meeting. Please be sure to contact the Building Department (765-1802) regarding the next step in the building and zoning review process. You may want to furnish an extra copy of the enclosed determination when submitting other documents requested by the Building Department in their final reviews. Thank you. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Enclosure Copy of Decision 8/23/04 to: Building Department 6 June 24, 2004 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals RE: Nesin Appeal, #5548 Dear Board Members, Thank you for reviewing the material for the Nesin Appeal (#5548). We are writing this letter that is signed by us, the Nesin's, Elaine and Arthur. We, Elaine and Arthur Nesin, will abide by the use variance if granted, to use the property for one purpose. If a house is built on our property we will abandoned the former use of living on our boat and from that point forth only use the boat for recreational purposes. We have no intention to use the dock for"marina"use meaning that we will not rent the slip nor will we have anyone living on the boat while it is docked on our property if a house is built. We will dock, if granted, only 1 boat, which is in length 40 feet. Thank you, OV4U-- 71f4:4A} 6ite,61 Elaine Nesin Arthur Nesin FORM NO. 3 k5-471 d NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL c..� DATE: April 23, 2004 Amended: May 25, 2004 0,-9-2C) TO: Rich Saetta Contracting for GS.3 3 Elaine Nesin PO Box 2047 • Greenport, NY 11944 Please take notice that your application dated April 13, 2004 For a permit for construction of a single family dwelling, at Location of property: 875 Gull Pond La., Greenport,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 35 Block 4 Lot 28.42 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Pursuant to the ZBA Decision#2480(1978), condition#4 which states: "Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use, without prior approval of the Board of Appeals shall be filed in the County Clerk's Office." The proposed construction of a single family dwelling on a non-conforming, 23,777sq. ft parcel, is not permitted pursuant to ArticleXXII1 Section 100-239.4B,which states: All buildings or structures located on lots upon which a bulkhead... exists &which are adjacent to tidal water bodies other than sounds shall be set back not less than 75' from the bulkhead." The proposed survey indicates construction at a distance of 51' to the bulkhead. Furthermore, pursuant to Section100-33 the placement of the proposed dwelling as indicated on the survey places the existing accessory structure in the side yard. Total lot coverage is less than 20 percent. &-cewe 7 Authorized Signature SCONc Ref. # RIO-03-39 NYST.:EC Application # I-473- - ,,3158/00001 - ` XCAVATE TO CLEAN SAND fSWJ�1dSTALL r, 4L hie y d SHEATHING AS REQUIRED TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTY DURING SANITARY INSTALLAT I fin Pr e1 12.7 tam lamilior with the' STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL SURVEY 0 PROPERTY ,AND CONSTRUCTION.OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE E _ o/L N 05 __e5 n 3r _- f----- ._ •""" "`, 8 -i .. , P-v /E 7.r -' DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES �-r T rp� i I_4-357-)(7,7T".•�°' ,64.°- �Ee.3' Se yI and will abide,by the conditions set forth therein and on the A T GR�iEl!I POR 1 I- 3' �2,m;n I • � lo.,/,_ f permit to construct. a �, wat�r � - i e I ,� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i., 1 . PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y 6 POOLS 2' DEEP WITH 3' SAND COLLAR The locations of wells and cesspools \ 1000 GAL. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK, BOTTOM shown hereon are from field observations 1000-35-04-7.4 & 28.22 OF L.P.S TO BE 2' ABOVE GROUND WATER. and or from data obtained from others. SCALE: 1'=40' DEC. 3, 2002 DFr /0, Z00-1...(revs i„•,s 1 Dec_ i j, 2002 (lest boa Test Boring$CZ NOTE'NOTE] _j , z�3 ,Z.','.›...,-..z. (rte v,,,,,- ) SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Mixed Sand SUBS - _ and Loam SYSTEM DESIGN 6.6- el !to BY' JOSEPH F/SCHETTI, ,P.E. Water in Mixed HOBART ROAD 7 Sand & Loam SOUTHOLD, N.Y. /197/ Wafer in Grey (63/) 765 - 2954 Clayey Sand SC N 12' - Water in Brown 16 6� OAF A,4,' Bog PT Ba' Water in Grey a� .S Organic Clay OL _c `1N 6�j`�1�20 6' 3020 b 18' Ste' N F Water In Grey 14/0 I 6 r .\ 4'h 4 961.Clayey Sand - 11Y`' 26' C CERTIFIED TO: (0 0) `y� 7000 d� 8) ELAINE NESIN P,blr�' COLE dao 000\ �� S' w7�er ,h Br. / \ Fine to Coarss se 9 °Oc),- 3`S\Oyf C..1 A, Sand SW 32' NORTH RD. (SR 25) A, ` _\ \\ it !2/05/02 9 AM. O '-'4,--6..-.... brii e} 4 ' ��,� 44 1000-35-04-7.4 ( N - r4 `''.. r J f _. �� ,7 \ rOF!' AREA=15,772 S.F. TO TIE LINE _ ' C t � a s C ,T 3 �n ; \\ �t '�*1000-35-04-28.22 ` �•- }{' -? qj9 . ;AREA=7005 S.F. TO TIE LINE `t. _ - Af 'S N CI t 44_ •--,_i. o /V6 �' ,� • /rr.. fits 9' ' I ' �. / am familiar with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL �� t'r ` ° '��` �► t�* p �' '165' IL�_• O525. f M:' - - i AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE AZ-4, .* o---- �'�, 0 t�” ��vi �� "- � ESS�� /'�' DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ¢l— ' `tom "' '---f •\55 --• and will abide by the conditions set forth therein and on the permit to construct. 41..._....: 44?z,9 -4,441,<104(...sy..s„, .._ ''° 66.p1'2 01F R 114G) �� ��� I, The location of wells and cesspools shown hereon are �• S N' to ��{ c`��� �1. Merr;�0,p� from field observations and or from data obtained from others. - �h '° ;��-� `4 l �,.•5 - ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLA770N �',/e,y �- or / , OF SEC77ON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. As. 4 fsF'QFS AC4�/ I 7 /` + v is �� , EXCEPT AS PER SECT70N 7209-SUBDIVISION 2.''ALL-CERT/F/CA TIONS 'Q ,tj ss lb heir -•-- HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF 3�2'y RS,yTh`Z' 4-* "r - 45'-7- , N. Y S,' •: NO. 49618 SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR 03 AA'o T'QF.Fs7 FTl �"\� ' , :r"'".0241:17 es, s FT sX4:9 PECONIC WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON_ • 4 a'�FN p.'-'4'Car B0 \ (631) 765- ' ! C� '��XS +31) 765-1797 ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO N.G. V. DATUM lit aN!f7ii 1401;14 ' 6' '1 --,7,5' . o� P.O. BOX 909 6c--� 1230 TRAVELER STREET ry - �FQa..0 eQ z. AZ011 f:44' # .S4,. .5 C vt7Gv 6 .5/419 8 SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 O —�� f • • t o ' 1 tr '�' •• 4411. : .. . ' ..:, ..,..... 4.!.. .i • . .. ,c. i , Si r ►� ., , tis / _ .. , , . . , _ . SCDh• '`'ef. * M0-03-39 ( N'Y DEC Application # I-47381 ";158/00001 . i'---- EXCAVATE TO CLEAN SAND (SW-INSTALL METAL nye SHEATHING AS REQUIRED TO PROTECT ADJACENT - PROPERTY DUI SANITARY 611.�TALLATIOM t ;1r el r2.7 I am familiar ,with thif STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL �T v of S _� goo d ____—_ AND CONSTRUCTION,OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE SURVEY E OF PROPERTY — 4" r = DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES rP �� ►Tl►11 T�� rlr . N _kl m n - Ldppr a,�� r,c_ 7 1 1 GREENPORT �'S 2 Co"�,,/er r row 4,z7--- a and will abide by the crnditions set forth therein and on the Cky{er •r�,o �1m3�5e Pr.c I 1 r� �r #� ,- -y , ,,„,.:1 ;, ' r�"� permit to construct TOWN WN OF SO V THOLD LSUFFOLK COUNTY" 1'�':: '. '/ PROPOSED SEWAGEDISPOSAL SYSTEM The locations of Wells and cesspools - - — 6 POOLS 2' DEEP WITH 3' SAND COLLAR - X000-35-04-7.4 & 28.22 / 1000 GAL. PRECAST SEPTIC TANK, BOTTOM shown hereon are -from field observations OF L.P.S TO BE 2' ABOVE GROUNDA - if- , • ' , ;e `btained from others. SCALE'' l a=40, :, ZU1FFOLK COUNTY DErARTIYIE; T OF A T¢1 SERVICES DEC. 3, 2002 PERMIT FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION FORA ril1 C T ON RE U R /0, TARY SY �� Dec. l•7, 2002 flex! bc•�,.,g SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY J�� � '` �rT;�; � 'j Test Boring NOTE= July /l, 2003 (t`evisions) e/ s°yam Oct. 8, 20x3 (revisions) o• Mixed Sand SUBSURFACE SEWAGE QISPOS',L DATIz3 ikS-f�`{ h1. E° 0. 1 3 -' -�-� S�� C�i•� 4' � +� �� and Loom SYSTEM DESIGN OCT 16, 2003 t revision 1 64.5.- 421-'-± _._.�_ BY' JOSEPH F/SCHETTI, P.E. J APPROVED ' 42_1(C._001� `� `"` Water in Mixed HOBART'ROAD TIDAL WETLAND VEGETATION BOUNDARY DETERMINED FOR MAXIMUM OF 3 BEDROOMS BY DEC TECHNICAL STAFF 9/17/03 Sand & Loam SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 1197! `�� �' (63/) 765 - 2954 EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL .. Water in Grey Clayey Sand SC _ ,, . . 12' Water In Brown LOT CO VERA GE AFTER CONS TRUC TION A• %-- -Bog PI' , /000-35+04-7,4 "� 6O S �4Tp rs' 2265/16772 - l4% `y ,2p 6>. -O Water In Gray i ; Qrga-- �1ay ©L EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED EXCEPT <• ., � P 66�� 2 F \ . Water rn Grey WHEN UNDER NEW DRIVEWAY 101 O E, ' /` ;,y N PO� • a Clayey Sand t y y- �� j j 26' l-- - �- ! CERTIFIED TO: ,. �CJ .• (1;411 aQ -. , °b0 C S. Wier in Br, ELAINE NES/N NORTH C ? �QQ ,' rte. 66+4 °o�tr .., � , Fine d to Qarse RD S A. ,2 )- • ' rI � MV!. _ -� �``y��, 9°D� A�8? L SW f4,� ' .'�. `I ,. A, •'''•-.. s'•••• '` ��+ 12/05!02 9 AM, * � ° . � :(? x. � e vNF , •, ;`. Ar. w ', k. . LK 4*' / � \ 1.36 Q ite OZP 1000-35-04—74 - r, „„ .r. _0� AREA16,772 S.F. TO TIE LINE .:`'— r�,5 ,, ��' t a, - 1 OO-35-04-28.22 ~ ` '.a W • oco I ,,'": 'i /_: 5- '4,l' a.".$(J - . ?�'�, �`$r-4' • �y•� AREA=7,005 S.F. TO TIE LINE - T —_ __ _ Et- -4e ,,t `'�,,.., ,,,,„-- : 9;A ,•` - tr1!Vt•NH. O.andonment of existing sanitary/system familiar with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL ' ° - ,' .7 i , �`,.x,�,`1 �° ear ' 16 lam --4 N to be witnessed by Health Department, ss�; AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE � ` 0 • "; ' c�5?1 }�. ' DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES (� ��a IV' a�jJ -. and will abide by the conditions set forth therein and on the +'p` r '' p"� U permit to construct. 5�6�1'2 E� R ��NG�t er ~ N (0 v, OF NEW yp The location of wells and cesspools shown hereon are J�i'� 'C<('- MEr�e �y _ from field abseirvatio>rs and or from data obtained from others. ; E�- a,' �;�o�'�„...,5,./100, SURVEY IS A MOLATION �s' ,�r x \ • l � • ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SUF - OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. ,Q cpd0UQ� '4'S'a''� _-. 041.k.:`f s ! r ���� 't\ � EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209—SI1Bl3I1�SCOPIES ALL 5 3'��Tgp3 q'� •s -$1'.4e-R ` `.,. ..��, %>� N. ..S LIC. NO. 4 9618 HEREON ARE' VALID FOR THIS MAP AND 4, h' 1 , PE +' • ` �. '� '.G. SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR �: ,C4-2`45'7,, , `'� i ,'''' - WFtOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON CZ-. �A ' Q - • `,, :- (631 ,�' a% ' (631) 765-1797 '` ��6at 1230 TRAVELER STREET ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO N.G.V. DATUM °' ''C; -0 is e z.'.s• A- , '..4 r /V°. C 1'7 G d• r`9 6 SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 02-337 -•---- --iiiimr- ---- --..,, _ _. -.111CgRqt-- ,__ '°- ,17t,- ,__ . - -•-•-•-• -.;%%-11.-„,710,-,A.440.4444.77' ��~ �s�sr,\\ 64:`' i,4: i:r;1 Vie.• • 1Ti" ,�,lr^:.v r41 '(e.dl�Y,r �� �Y>--y�' :+'• /'iii=71 �y„'� 210 jr% a .rte\.',4': i•.:iif, r .`' •-.;/ ,-Th ,1 I t•, \•. i..• a../ ,,t''.7,4/.• fj(•Nt,ti ,,;;0`:3 w -Pyh�v/ter' Jt1�yrr.�_.:��_r=-,-� _.. _ ....�h -11.1 :�%. .. ., � ` '' Of Southold Town Trustees �, 'M Board1 :..,..-. -*,- „ ... ,- „ , . tisi t SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK �_ F - :.•,�.; �U i•s ,. '_ '1% el ^ • ^-7::1°;;;;;:,...:: • , ~*, h 5 ®� Feb. 26, 2003 `=' �� �' .,.: 1 �` '�,' '� ' PERMIT NO. DATE: .. `'• =^ : = ry,. � ! ELAINE NESIN.... a, n-'. ,l; �. ...i ,, ISSUED TO \''.,,, .-.1.`,: 4 :: .. _ . :,.0; J.:,3, k-,1 AuI urizatthu ,�_ ; ; ' `a 11 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of • .. 'ai.; ' the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the Town Ordinance en- ' • State of New York 1952; and the Southold ;; ` b4 titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS r1 A, 14.: r, IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the jQ---GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM� �Vi- ''' REMOVAL OF SAND, }; '.•• LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS:”. and in accordance with the Feb. 26, =N`:: .''�.' `. ' _ ,r Resolution of The Board adopted at a meetingheld on 1 "1`$ ,A 2003 200.00 u j,t: $'' ` ,:„ -A „ and in consideration of the sum of ... .. paid by �j� zS,.-4; �: :k.: L ' ,,yy Elaine Nesin t4i •r. Rockville Centre Y. and subject to the �`` •' f` • Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, ti • f, :; ,,t ' • " �.5 authorizesandpermits the • of Southold Town Trustees following: ,;:,:.,� Wetland Permit to construct a modular home with the condition th,.: : 't'• 1 -: 1 the sanitarysystem is relocated closer to the road,gutters & ) -'t5.,. :--.-4-4‘ . .. •=='-_ , drywells are installed to contain roof run-off, staked line of hay , _; , F_l: -4-)e, :..:.. . . bales installed along top of bank before project begins, and a's ;- :' ;.A'�- all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in • c " 'r~_ the originating application. depicted on the survey prepared by ,`ij :. `" .,- John T. Metzger last dated January- 23, 2003. •- '_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by ?: 5• causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to 1 / j7� : "st: '•• � J ?tom•. � _:44„;-;:.;!.7.7 �� be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. ����:`_mss';.,;�• 111 i (I' `• 7 + os I. \:..t,.7.,,* ,1 ; • ��i 0 /�.L-& . a 7 tic '.?12.'- ' fir- jell! "� 0 ' � ; r.•• ' ••� W • Trustees ,.` - t . � f''o�x'"•''r •"••:,., � 'Ii/ V' i �i.s�Y l ef ' 7;7:7%-.T. i i, ' x i. . \ ve.. .:- -, �f. ,,7,/,97 f ;;Aj1:-. f.;•,::k.".iil , 11 :f. / : q'. 'f; ' Af/f tiR j '..-/ z ' \� J �` " A � ' k',', 4% � • bL � ,i � fA % -• /' - si n.,a/yv ' . � �� � �'�`z 9_� t+y�s,�``: a��.r�i��c 'st-'�Si. •�.� ,,yam?. / 4 / !Nrr -` � ^3 \ -....„," \\ J SCDHS Ref. # R10-03-39 N1 EXCAVATE TO CLEAN SAND (SWINNSTALL METAL hse SHEATHING AS REQUIRED TO PROTECT ADJACENT I f n(Jr el r2 I am familiar with II PROPERTY DUNG SMITAR8 /VSTALLATIOW el t37 .,owe AND CONSTRUCTOOA �■ r1. DISPOSAL SYSTEMS � oo E�P�,E and will abide by the N 'Si Cs ,r•s.,2vr° permit to construct. � /p.nK I" 3 12 M,a ;s _ el /v r r+o--rer, ____ The locations of • PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM shown hereon are �_ 1000 00 GAL. DEEP WITH SEPTIC3T 'STD COLLAR sho nofrom data OF L.P.STORBE 2S ABOVEGROUND WATERM and Test Boring NOTE IFINIVIrAll{ a o• -` $-� SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISQOSAL adMixed SandmSYSTEM DESIGN a r f t f and Loam I Siva • EI-Li.-L _ BY, JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E. 6.6 HOBART ROAD AA Sandy in Mixed SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 } ,�®� JO NMOL Sand 8 Loam T• 163/1 765 2954 �7 Waler in Grey - ^' 4P O V O ii Clayey Sand SC 4 E 12' Water in Brown t.., Bog PT d(..i C3�a 16 I. -_- Waley in Grey Organic Oay OL 18 - Waler M Grey Clayey Sand 26 � .Sr CERTIFIED TO,-- ELAINE NESINj Wafer in Br. NORTH RD. (S R' Fine to Coarse ) Sand SW 32' �� 12/05/02 9 AM. '�4 1 1000-35-04-7.4 ,�a� fc1s 6 t - AREA=16,772 S.F. TO 77E LINE -9..--, .„- y.%4 0ooE, Q , 1000-35-04-28.22 ,�^ o AREA=7,005 S.F. TO TIE LINE C47�ba ---10,--„ 7g t I am familiar with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL a AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE ¢U� DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 44 and will abide by the conditions set forth therein and on the permit to construct The location of wells and cesspools shown hereon are -...._ re `,\ from field observations and or from data obtained from others. ` r ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VWOLAAON ��Os0� E A',1AC'4�'1 OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW 3,''-,4,519,,,,,P,*--STS A10 EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICADONS034Vp yAFF FST y[q� HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF s 0444:43 ` SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYORNC6-•"it'll.... _ - WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. , , � `7 Albert J. Krupski, Presidentilg �® ,, 00 Town Hall James King,Vice-President ���,ZO � �w "�c G�� 53095 Route 25 Viii ; ` 1 P.O.Box 1179 Artie Foster o t Ken Poliwoda y , Southold, New York 11971-0959 Peggy A. Dickerson . ,ii �1 Telephone(631) 765-1892 14,1.0 � Fax(631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 26, 2003 Mr. Richard Saetta P.O. Box 2047 Greenport,NY 11944 RE: ELAINE NESIN 875 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT SCTM#35-4-7.4&28.22 Dear Mr. Saetta: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Richard Saetta, General Contractor, on behalf of ELAINE NESIN applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 30, 2003, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 26, 2003, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, 2 _ y , WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of ELAINE NESIN to construct a modular home with the condition that the sanitary system is relocated closer to the road, gutters and drywells are installed to contain the roof run-off, a staked line of hay bales is installed along the top of bank before the project begins, and as depicted on the survey prepared by John T. Metzger last dated January 23, 2003. • Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $10.00 Very truly yours, . Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms 95-20-1 (8187)-9d New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pis NOTICE 'aiblig � ® ' The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has issued permit(s) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law for work being conducted at this site. For further information regarding the nature and extent of work approved and any Departmental conditions on it, contact the Regional Permit Administrator listed below. Please refer to the permit number shown when contacting the DEC. Regional Permit Administrator Permit Number J- 1 lJ 8-0315 O OD00I s SOHN PAVACIC Expiration Date I b/30 Zoo D NOTE: This notice is NOT a permit ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ® * � P.O. Box 1179 kPrf Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICERFax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER =��01., .��®�i�� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER .08 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION PERMIT SEPTIC TANK or CESSPOOL Permit No. 3158 R Residential X Non-Residential Fee $ 10.00 septic X Cesspool PERMIT ISSUED TO: Name : RICHARD SAETTA Address 1: PO BOX 2047 City St Zip GREENPORT NY 11944 Descripton of Proposed Construction or Alteration SANITARY SYSTEM FOR ONE FAMILY DWELLING. APPROVED AS SUBMITTED AND AS APPROVED BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. REF #R10-03-0039 Name Of Owner NESIN, ELAINE Mailing Address 1 32 LEXINGTON STREET City St Zip ROCKVILLE CENTER NY 11570 Property Address 1 875 GULL POND LANE City St Zip GREENPORT NY 11944 Tax Map No. section 35.00 block 4 lot 28.042 Cross Street COUNTY ROAD 48 Building Permit Number Cross Reference: Issue Date: 4/15/04 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town clerk (TOWN SEAL) ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE Town Hall,53095 Main Road 'y� TOWN CLERK o P.O. Box 1179 y Southold New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER ,per Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER `may"'/Ol ����i��1 Fax (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER -_ ,�'� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: June 2, 2004 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5548 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5548-Elaine Nesin-Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is Building Department Notice of Disapproval dated April 23, 2004 amended May 25, 2004; Zoning Board of Appeals Application; Area Variance Reasons (two pages); Wastewater Disposal Permit dated April 15, 2004; DEC permit dated October 30, 2003; Board of Trustees approval dated February 26, 2003; copy of Board of Trustees permit number 5709; Board of Trustees inspection schedule; copy of DEC permit number 1-4738-03158/00001; one color photo and one copy of builders plans. h LIGHT 4 VENT CHART ,/ IMPORTANT - CUSTOMER APPROVAL NOTE /SHOP BY• ' MEN ESE ORA'MNGS HAVE BEDEVELOPED ` LIGHT PPPLEACHECK LYY SE WT,RO04 5SEE.PPO REQUIREDPECIFICALLY FOR YOu WINDOW LOCAIW KITCHEN.CEUNG NDGNT,ROGF PITCH TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER 8% 4% KNOWLEDGE, SUPPLLIED BELIEF, AND PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT DATE: ROOM NAME REQUIRED SULIED ANO WALL Off TO BE DERMA THEY ARE WHAT YW WANT KIT/NOOK 19 20 30.80 9 60 33 40 _ IF THERE ME ANY CHANGES PLEASE RAKE null CHANGES 0111 THE FOLLOWING NOTES APPLY • DINING 11 66 28 60 5 83 15 80 RED PEN AND RETURN TO WILDER FOR HERS/ENS BY US FAMILY - 15 16 26 00 7 58 33 00 ALL PRODUCTS ARE BUILT ACCORDING TO STATE MANDATED CODES HOWEVER, - 1 THESE PLANS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH OUR LIVING 14 52 26 00 7 26 13 80 IT IS ME RESPONSIBUTY OF THE LOCAL BUILDER TO BRING TO OUR ATTENTION ANY SPEDAL Issues SUCH AS.RADON YEWS AND ANY STRUCTURAL NEW YORK SYSTEMS FOR DETACHED ONE- LOADS IN EXCESS OF THE STATE YANDATFD CODES AND-TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS, AND MULTIPLE YOUR HOUSE WILL BE BUILT ACCORDING TO THESE PLANS SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS (TOWNHOUSES) HOMEODNER DATE THEY ARE DERIVED FROM A CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF OUR SYSTEM MODELS ARTIFICIAL LICHT SUPPLIED / BUILDER DATE J APPROVAL DESIGNATION M0052-02-062 DATED JANUARY 17, 2003 (-- LEGEND 1 A DENOTES LOCATION FOR INSIGNIA OF APPROVAL REFER TO SHEET GN FOR NOTES ® UL APPROVED (AC-DC) SMOKE DETECTOR PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING - w ) U.L APPROVED (AC-DC) CARBON MONOXIDE Q (1# H- y} '_n I- - DETECTOR (MOUNTED 6' A F.F) L ® WHERE APPLICABLE U L APPROVED = Q (AC-DC) SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATED ON W W H- \ CEILING AT;ASE OF STAIRS (ON SITE / \ I. = V=/ BY OTHERS 1�N � 1 40' 0" 24'-0" m a a a • r BUILDING I II„ 681 BUILDING'2 9 E) 6" 13'-0"1 621' IT-0211 II' 0811 42" 2 a' . , I Y 0 23' 5811 6811 co W :Si Q &VINYLINE SLIDER N U 3" 6'VIN7LINE SLIDER y 12x80 WALL 1 24210 OC TYPE II ,2x60 - s - i M 0I 6" OC TYPE II 3052 II > ` w rIWALL 5 w w 4.. DC2442 W2442 R t OAt 110442 W3042 ,,,, I I U325 I-HR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY i1 -= 1I ` 'F s © 1F�1� SCB48 DW0" O C`s� EGRESS = "' '�� __ - )°PLR 5B36 I-2.74-� 'x 51 �9 '7 \�, 34°TOR GARBAGE Q o u �m \ _ 0 O U -(1 LL © DISPOSAL Z I Y a m'4 J I- ' � j g 0� a 6 a § DINING ROOM L 12 Z z 4 a N GREAT Z - _ W Q ry N R r{R}l 3/4°PREP �AFFTECTOR W SBS`! w 0 ,�' 0 ^' a ROOM m_ KITCHEN `-�` I-HR FIRE RATED • Q m m Q - ® 0 32°FD ONELL ASSEMBLYRATED 1 u Fn C,: W l 3/4'PREP l CEILING ASSEMBLY -J __ g (mI. E Q I 6� U 305 30"z60' Q T-IEO �, "3 r Q FULL SHEATHING CROSS OVER v =E`+ COUNTER TOP 1 9e`c! =1cv GAROOF AGE !;T n O\,E3S Q.. /FIELD INSTALLED 3"OC FASTENING �— .q 01 -, �/ F /0\ <I- 1 r ACCESS _ - TYPICAL AT ALL UNIT CONNECTIONS in Jf BI-Fold II N t0 t r _ _ 12' 0" 12' 0" �� ITTI m - SLOPED CEILING THIS N- 48' ' T ® _ (21 11/!x9 1/4 LVL t U- o o LLI BI-Fold 1 1 I (21 I TOO I/4 LVLV 0 S a Fd a iv AREA.DRYWALL BACK 41-fin Q I i m ry ABOVE EACH MODULE FLUSH CEILING ABOVE EACH MODULE FLUSH CEILING l7 mK 5 w it:, OF STAIR ON SITE 7 - PANTRY ' 1 ---� BY BUILDER E r 32' -1 E W Z zE w E> v Naim o y I 1 -FLUSH CEILING I I PLUME WALL `r\ - i i - - - O W J g O FLUSH CEILING I Ire' E _ FI LT'g WALL I1,1141r ... - r -0 - v : .21 Z .N D T_n }I y a 105 OVER B'S REDO ABOVE REMOVE ROOF LOAD PANTRY 0.--'. N FAMILY ,\4 `r 0 L m q /�f OEn C H SH-NA ule 2e° ROOM - `� 24 x 24 GARAGE Q ., to F H / _ FULL SHEATHING CROSS OVER m �` MODULAR Q ` °��Ii: 7 LCL' W /J/� FIELD INSTALLED 3°OC FASTENING = 8'-0 CEILING W ,I >- CL / 3/4 \ TYPICAL AT ALL UNIT GOFEECTIONS _J >Q N I\` /-1 __,---1,/L-'---. ✓ �°' BATH Q o 0? r O ```��-(�'WMETASWITCHBOX f 1,:,,.\,...1' 3/4"PREP - `�`��.-(r'WIRE,SWITCH fil W -O, `" - ,,�-(�. .7' -'I - ,..)-(.....1 METAL 80X I-1 d = n.— m }= M /'•".`\ RAILING ON ' 1 ' H O L T SITE BY GUILDER - = / ' ` \ 5/8°TTFE"X° b -/ \- 1 1 / ``\; ONE HOUR FIRE RATED W WALL ASSEMBLY �- 1/I6"OSB O r> GREAT L u 30s 2x6 WALL (1_1- Ir ROOM ;21- j C 3= - IEIIW .z -'- z /36. m s 06 Zuiw EGRESS EGRESS EGRESS EGRESS "' I —I `-la) b Mar r - I p 11 3" OC TYPE I I� WALL "6" �= `° 3052 3052 WALL "2" 3052 3" OC TYPE I 3052 s Faze 6 c cci 4111 31-2111 4111 - 1 61" 13'-6111 6111 11-91 6111 — w� O? 611 14'-II" 2 2 2 6' 0' 2 8 8 1 2'-4" 8'-311 2'-10" 6_3118 8 pf- - n TONS DOCU'ENT 9 TIE PROPERTY CF - • ? W W SIN BIALDDE SYSTEMS BC ATD CDNTAIE a PROPRIETARY NFORTATION COVERED BT - n) N ALLAPPLCABLE LIECCPYSGNT LADS. '--- -------------------- ------- 64'-0 ----------------------- CTISBEOCTRNIBMITTEDANDLOANED _--- -- -'---- ---- ------------------ ----- -------------- _ --- -y MODEL: TO Ta N CLfF'DBICE,REJECT TO TIE 2-Story CONDOM THAT IT IS NOT TO BE COPIED CR - - DIODSPO'SED OF.OR TOED TO AID N MAXIM - CRAM*BIRDS.*APPARATUS CR PARTS - DRAWING. THEREOF THE CORDES MAT NOT BE DI TOED e I /j - F� pY \ N TOE OR N PART TO OTTERS OR USED I _ S I'J� I{�! IST FLOOR Fax OTHER IVAN TIE PRCSENTEIOED PLAN LAYOUT WTHOIR THE EV ED MITTEN PERISSICH CF 5W 1311079 BTBTEMS NIG 9'-0 CEILING SHEET ....... --.,.... .... _. _.._...w..ne.. .. ... .... ...........mmly,m.....o,m�.�.®,.,....m.�,,,... ,_. .-._. .. +ew,uwm°..,,mo+..,wen,."m,m,e,,.am, ..... _ .._. c�m..a+....T,m," ..........._.. ......_... .._- - .. ..._.._........ ... .._ .. ... ._..., .- __._ _ . .... ... _..._..-.,. _.._.., LIGHT 4 VENT CHART IMPORTANT - CUSTOMER APPRO NOTE. 4.1-10P BY: - THESE DRAMNGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED LIGHTLIGHT VENT VENT S SPECIFICALLY coo. ' PLEASE CHECK EDVOA T.ROOST SIZE,ROOM NAME REQUIRED SUPPLIED REQUIRED SUPPLIED xIHDOW LOCATION.KITCHEN.CDUNG HUSHr ROOF PITCH TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE, - ANO WALL SITE TO BE CERTAIN THEY ARE MHAf YOU WANT BELIEF, AND PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT DATE: MSTR BR 18 03 26 00 9 02 13 80 - U THERE ARE ANT CHANGES.PLEASE STARE YOUR CHANGES IMM THE FOLLOWING NOTES APPLY 'O BR 2 11.68 26 00 5 84 13 80 RED PEN AND RETURN TO BUILDER FOR REVISIONS BY US BR 3 9 65 13 00 4 82 6 90 ALL PRODUCTS ARE BUILT ACCORONG TO STATE STANDATED CODES NOI+ET,ER 1 THESE PLANS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH OUR SITTING RM 7 OS 1300 352 6 90 — IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL BUILDER TO BRING TO OUR NEW YORK SYSTEMS FOR DETACHED ONE— AT1CN110H ANY SPECIAL ISSUES SUCH AS RADON VENTS AND ANY STRUCTURAL LOADS IN EXCESS OF THE STATE MANDATED CODES AND-TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS, AND MULTIPLE YOUR HOUSE WILL BE BUILT ACCORDING TO THESE PLANS HOMEOWNER DATE SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS (TOWNHOUSES) THEY ARE DERIVED FROM A CONDITIONAL \ ARTIFICIAL LIGHT SUPPLIED / BUILDER DATE APPROVAL OF OUR SYSTEM MODELS / APPROVAL DESIGNATION MO052-02-062 LEGEND DATED JANUARY 17, 2003 A DENOTES LOCATION FOR INSIGNIA OF APPROVAL REFER TO SHEET GN FOR NOTES ® U L APPROVED (AC-DC) SMOKE DETECTOR PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING _ _ )- ..,,N U L APPROVED (AC-DC) CARBON MONOXIDE J B- ? 0- DETECTOR -aa,# IIWHERE APPLICABLE U L APPROVED N T- i (AC-DC) SMOKE DETECTOR LOCATED ON � W W Q CEILING AT BASE OF STAIRS(ON SITE Fq = U N1 \ BY OTHERS) / /\ 40'-0" /• N m 1 m a0- a ' T- 0 6" II' 5" 411 2, 611 4211 12'-8811 62° II' I° 6811 Y 0 .. Q N WALL"311 3052 611 OC TYPE IIJ 3052d) u)i I 4 h I ` - O0 _ EGRESS EII I! T wEt F �0 R �F � m VS848 2R o ONE HOUR FIRE RATED a -Iry 45"C T (ev LL D°. �' �t a N WALL ASSEMBLY 0 71- MSIR p O = 30° U 305 • - BATH �3� " _ �° W SITTING ROOM - 0 c\ a w a s a N HACCEs5N r WIRE,SWITCH - e o J. s o B V - \ ,/)_r I METAL BOX ¢ J. �. m ['�E - �• LINEN 32° > !' ,`.,\ m • i m . Zto al til J \- w TV �I - '/' \! ` LL 9 3 •_ U Tn ¢ WALK-IN 11 I ( II BEDROOM 3 `� 0 .04 3\ CLOSET \q° '7.1w 6'AFF RAILING ON SITE_ ';' NALL -LU r o \ I I G I BY BUILDER r' ® _ /� A m I. 1 _n FULL SHEATHING CROSS OVER rn 30" V p 5 v s FIELD INSTALLED 3'OC FASTENING 30" z (- 32' ( y U O U- 76.7 TYPICAL AT ALL UNIT CONNECTIONS ,-A., ® - -- —t I PULL DOWN STAIRS I ` RA•25 I!2°x 54" -•S W J 32° I I CLOSET 0 ? _ _ �n zZ an -a c o m FLUSH CEILING _ - FLUSH CEILING = W ill Ul LL O I ,—` r,,;(1 r" W ill,- - E s m u U 11' 4Z 6'-08R 2 4 m = r m N a �(4)9Ih°LVL BESREDDABOVE(2)EDE r719'�i'LJEPQOAEPVE1 s'i SHEATHISR •TALLEDT "BOX Z W .'�- `�` E5 TYPICAL AT ALL UNIT CONNECTIONS `� el i\ i H "11.+1? J in 2 N o `0 MASTER BEDROOM I �> .tifr'WIRE,SWITCH �1 J METAL BOX 1 L-/ \-'ONE HOUR FIRE RATED HALL N WALL ASSEMBLY V 04k' BATH m BEDROOM 305 •N 3Dr }, a 09mz Q)pcZ - 0 1.1 Z>'W EGRESS EGRESS ' EGRESS / EGRESS EGRESS ' 'o��il E :"..-c..2 4) Fl"` 123 VS LJ lel J 1-1 J 6 wI1 - -02 (D05 3052 3052 3052 WALL 11411 3052 611 OC TYPE Il 3052 _ 'L rIZ II III 611 14ILII411 II 4114' 411 3' 8" 68 11/1_ 1 0_C _ N r WE DDCNFlJT IE THE Pld PERT EF -1 Q Q UN BUXOM SYSTEMS MC,AHD CRJTANS VJ 7 W FRDPFEETARr 0FOld1ATIRJ COVERED 87 co LY N MODEL. ALL APFLICAELE US,CCPTRGTR LAE WT 1613E00 IRANRIITTED Al®LOANED TO TM M CRFIDENCE.9UEJECT TO THE - - `Or CERI NAT IT IS NOT TOM COPIED OR -. L DTOF09ED CF.OR USED TO AID N TIAK50 DRADR0S EELODB APPARATUS CR PARTS (� I A }, DRAWING THEREOF.THE=RIMS MAT NOT5EDISCLOSED 5_'C O\I / —L O O R PLAN /\I\ PLAN LAYOUT M UNDUE OR N PARE 70 OTHERS OR USED ' k' I k=.77�� 2ND FLOOR FGR OTHER WRITE RtFVSE MENDED ENHOIT THE EXPRESSED=TEEN PER'1591CN GF9D15001057510EPc 8%0 CEILING HEE7 _ SHOP BY: DATE: RIDGE VENTIL J W IN m�Unn1i1�11..1.1n11�11.1.11l�nAumnm.�nI�11m11�� Q } = NI�BmImPmEIRMmmmQnnlmnmmmmrainir mmmmqmnnmnmMirlmnsmmrlMIn mmlmmmulmnlmnmmlmmmm�m mmmmmm�niumaimimmnnlmlmmenum Imn1 4) i _1 1 mlmnlmnlm 1n1n11m111m /1■IIIII 1MMI n11Inn1I�m MIIIMMIU MIMIm11IIn11I� INIMUmmm�11m11ITm1I�nIIIMME IIIMIQ�n ENIIII lr MI \ g ? 11 mm IIm111n111mnI1n111mn11m1111nnlnlrrmnlm111mn11►m1I111111mnMINEOmnlmn11m11mnlMILI IImnNIIMM1m11111 mm111 111 tionsir munnnlmnl11m1m ummin omi n1111m111m111n1111mnm mimmmmm unnumu llm onmo nl11/m11m1111n1 mmrlmmminummmmnrmmlmnmmlmnmmm>tmlmnni nmmlmnlmmmmmmmnlmmlmrmmlmmmm num11n1mm Imnlmnrmminnum nummi n1lm11monffin mn1Im111n111mm1I1m111m111m11m inmo 1monis 1I1In1111ommun11mn1l roll nrmrl a a a mmlmmmmmmmnllmlmmmmnmmmmmnmmmmlmm m mmmnnmmmmmlmmnn mmnmlmmlmml m "" . ) Y mn1mn11mn1m111►mlm01141 nnIMINIMln111mnimnrmnlm11 1m1111m11m111InnI11m11IIm11IIrInMIERn1111 /mnlrilnmmnl innumm mm nno mlmnmmrlmmin m m mmmmmnlmnmm1mnmo n1mmmmmmm inimmmunn mrlminm ninuimr9 16 1mm/m11Im11lmill►m11Inn1Im111m111m11lmrlmm1m11IIm1111111rmmm111M1mn1I1m11mmmn1lm11mnr1m111Im11Imr1m111m111I1m1 .7 lmnlmnlmnlmnlmn111m11mn1mn1mm11mI III111mI1mmmn111m11mn1mn1m111I1m11Im1nIm111m1rmn1mn1I1mI1mmQm 11mn11 mmrmmmmmmmmmnnlmlllm UIRMOO MUNI mnmmmMINNIU MEIMUMlnmmmmmmlmmmmmMOMIA il�imlimm IIm1111m111n1111m1111m11IIHROVrlllmr1l11n11mnI11m11m1INEM 111111111rI1m11I1111111m1II1I1111m1UMMIMENINUl Mifili mm1111m Illmmm�lmnimn111ml1minitm11mn1mn111m111m1IIIm11Im111mlllmmm�1lm11mn11m1111111nImrIm111/n11111m111m1111mI1m1111m1ln1fm11 m N a w mnUMMIImmmmmnlmnlmnllml11111M 1nIIIMIMILIB1lm11mnlmnlmn1m111IIEREB 11mnrmmmmmnrm11M11mn11m111mnl i 8 mmm111mmmmmmmnllmlll►mnlmIIIIMI mllnlmnmmmmmmm1111m1 XIIII mrI11m11Qmrlmmmmmm II1m111111I11n1I1m INTO m1n1l1mnlnn11111mm�Im111I1n1IMIII 111m1111m11111n111EMMUIVIMINIMME MIMIM lull i 11m mml RIDGE VENT > a W mnrmmmmlmnmm11m1m1mmnmmlmmlmr1l11n1lm1mmnmmmmlmmmnllm nammnlmmmmmmmmlmmmm gm i F 1 m llmrm nu mlmnimmmmmmnmmnmmi nmmummnm11mm1mnl ommu mmmm11mn1m ungn mmmmmmmunan mn N �I�IIIII11IIIIf11t11 11 111111I111111111IIII1NERI nt11n111�UTI111IIIIII 1mi111mIIIIMIm1I1�1111(111111 1 v 11111_11111 m1111m1mmmmm1n1I11n1mn1mnlmnlmn1l11nlmne 11I1m11I1■III11mr1lmlmmrll1mr11m111m1mmmmlmnmmallnmmlm111m111mmm11mmm�nllmnmmmnmmm� ' H� MU_� ' p mmmmmmlmmmnnmimm�llmmmmlmmlmmllmnNMIII ' _ = Immlmlmml annim m nunm m u mmmmnmm-...=-=I _ _ _ — IIIlmmlmmm�lmmmnlmnmmlmnlmnmm1m11mml1mnlmnlm1111mrllmr - el_ — — —= mu m1 unun mlmmnmmmnminlmnnannommmmmmmmmm m n rio I,< I II _ ,,, mm = Eli p ,'■, p mmmmmmlmn mu mmm�mmnmmnni mmnmmmnmm�muummm i • a m m "j) 8 Imnrrl11nI111 ome mm11m11 a m11 irm m111I11111mennu 1m11rmmlmnlm111 Y ... C— .■, I ! nil..... 1 .., ' ! ., ' n1m11II111111111111mnmmlmnlmnlmnmm1111111m111mn1II11I111mllmmlmmlmm o �� WA WA m m111n111II umo 1111n11mmummmlmmlmnmmnomm lm111mmm n o 1._ mn11mn11�IIIf1nm�I11m111I1n11II1111mn1I11111mn111llnlmm11111rlmlllmn1m111 lmnmmllnn11m1I1111111Im11I1m1rmn1mn1mn1mn1mn1111111tInl11mn1mmmnl rlmnrmn111m1mm1mn1lm11mn1Qm111MIM rmnmm1lm11Im11mnmml 1- ® Imnmmlanniainium m ronin mmmmmmllmmmmmmlm11mn1 mmu m 122 m #3375 111nm1n1111111111111I1m1111111111111r11111111111n11111Ir11111n111n1111m111111111m111llmrr111111 IL_ ,, w mmOmmmmmmmmmnmmnmml 1lmmmmnlmnlmmmnmmMrmmmm W - _� N E �- = __--.-.....-_=. �_�_I�I ISI _ ___i lei _ . 1111 imi 0 0 LL i : : i__=_I ■■ II _ _ - II __ii=_ �iSag= ISI `:4I IIIIIMI i I IIII __ \ J#5850 #5150 _ � #5850 vat0 #5850 #5850 #5850 #5850 #58 r Ural STOOPS/STEPS 4 HANDRAIL EXTERIOR LIGHTS SNIPPED LOOSE j F = ',7)a� } SUPPLIED I INSTALLED BY FOR ON-SITE INSTALLATION BY - o Z u= Z BUILDER_ BUILDER - DU ? m 13- VIoS mss �Z�E nip FRONT ELE7/ TION PLL N o_. , N L DOD.EHE NT 5 TPRTT CPal .ri QPLDED Sr5TEr4s.C.AID LGHTANS 7 WETAR1f1ATKNCOEBTAICABLE u5.CC'Y94T LAUBI'10EL. PPLBEND TRANSMITTED AND LOANED2 011 dONCFIDENE,$®IECT TO THES`Ory IGN MAT IT IS NOT TO BE COPIED OR - 1.SED CF.OR USED 10 AD N r1AKNG BIIILDPG APPARATUSOR PARTSYB TE CRIN NIS ART TO THERSONOT BE VEEPDREFER TO SHEET GN FOR NOTES ICI . .:IcE OR N PARE TO OTHEP5 OR IBED PODDEDPERTAINING TO THI , DRAWINGTHE EJQ-I�SSED IIAnEN PEFfIL96ION c SHEETf sw TUILor c srsrEra NG 'Iv.-I: P1 OISS IiG1i11717'iNIMEMI iMNIi PTAIIMMIR,2 , .._.... ..... .-__._.. ,0..:, .............:......,.m...,....... ._..• ...,...m....,..n.. .a, ._. _. . .,. :.�,.........,. ... . _ _ .. ...............w......... ...,..,„.. m4� 9 doa, . /SI IOP B7 DATE: RIDGE VENT RIDGE VENT = 0 Iii MODULAR MATCH LINE I MODULAR MATCH LINE, I - I# N~ T-' Q zi /m'n I masa . r 9 Qi di , 0 - 2 0 I I � 0 N Q W 6W a a w V a) O 2 m a.r f Q cr U TRIPLE 3 w Q 0 0 O — LL VINYL SIDING U „@ ® . O p INSTALLED ON z Q - r. m Co p 517E 8Y BUILDER p • Q (fl m 5 U 1 CP LL . f ZL 0 J 14777 -,-.2c71 uT #3375 WLL � w , QN r . ... .6 U VN 0 p I LL E 0'T O I I r "6i 0 olyin oz r LL LL II IJ #5850 1 f' #5850 #5850 r 1 #5850 U • 4 T C _ r.. •;3; )- Q) "'QJ 4Z Q) w LEFT EL E IA TION PLL N RIGHT ELEVATION PLAN Z Du • Z - ..= LL E �°a_°I. v �ZS3 F )44000MENTSnETRfYQ W UN R.&DT SYSTEMS ID,AND CO TAl6 J PROPRIETARY KOFMATOI COVERED BY m N ALL APPLICABLE ua CC/TYR:EAR LAI4. MODEL. IT IS BEM TRANSMITTED AND LOANED TO Yal N CAADENCE.SUBJECT TO TUE , COOITIOI THAT IT IS NOT TO BE CL+IED OR ` - - - I -5 tory DISPOSED CF OR MED TO AID N MACHO .---- DRAWING WILDING APPARATUS CR PARIS DR.QWITJG TEREOPNEFCOMMR51PAR TOr"°EB OR18°SE° REFER TO SHEET GN FOR NOTES Le,-,lcN N U1T0.E OR N PART TO OTHEF9 DISCLOSED . PORODER ExFRETE�ENPERMIINTENDED PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING SHEET 11TNWT THE E#£E59ED MITTEN PENaTi591CN CF TIN Ef1RDNG SYSTEM NC /SNOP BT. DATE I- RIDGE VENT x - a w F. x I�q.rl�q..��....I�..A��....Ih..a�...���....��..vt�....��.oaf....��....��..:.�..•.�.v.��...a�...a�....��...a�.m�M..��....��A.a�...a�....��Mm�.....�.�.���. a F mmlmmmemnl�mmmnnmmn�mmmmrmlmmmmmn rdranw mmmmmm�mr�mmnumnmmlmlllmm�ml,mnlrl�mmm W# ,D 9 nm111m111m11 1mI1111Mm IMIMIU�111�I�I11�I�I1MIEN111m111m111mmmmm1111t11111m111mn1�1�111m11111.11 N N • a � _ mIm111m111m11111�11111�11111�11EH 11m1111 IIIIIIIIIM m111mmIUMBI 111m1111111111111111n11 IIII.111minmmm1nm11111�111m'111m111111'111111111 ? I1mmn1METIUMWEI1IM 111111111111nimn11111111m11ILIN1mn1mn1m111m1111111111m111111nImmm1111111I11m11111111111MIU111111mm111m1 ei tee IMMUMINIEMI M111111111111 1mn1111f111111 11111111111mm�im111m111m1111111111IMME 111m111m1111I1111mn1minmll MI11111m111mI11minm111111111111111mn 1m11 1111/11111■1111111111111111111111mI MINI111Q1111m111mmmn1mn1111111mmmmm111m1 / m1111<111111111,111111111■111mn1111111mn1m111mn1mn1m111111f11111t111m1n1111n1111RI 11111111111111111111m111111111m111mn1m111m111m111111111111111 'm 0 0 \ 111111111111f1i 11111111111111m1111111nMILI 111111111mn1111111mn111111111111111111IMMIMMEI 111111111111111111111MUU1f11111111111111111►rinminm111m a r- m111m111m111m111111111111mm1111111 MInIMISUM nm1mmMmn1m111mn1mmm111m111111111m111m11n11m1111MIN1mm1111113 111111111111 11mn1m111mn1111111111111111I11mn111111111111 11111mmmmmmn1111111'111n1111011111111m111111f111mmm111m111m111mn1mI111MM1MMI m1m11111101111111111111m1mm�111t111111I1111111111NINUMI11mI11111111111111111111/11MIRMIm1n1111111f■1111I1111mmm111mnim111m111111111m111 u Im111m1111111111111111nn111111m11111m111m111111111m11I11n11m1111n111n1111m111m111m111n11111111111111111111mm111mm1111 m111111111111111111MMIUNmmMlm11MMIN1111111111I1I1111■111111111111111m111m111mn1m111mn1111111m111m11111111111�n1111111111111111111I111n1111111111111 mm1111m111m1111111111I11111I1I11mn1mn1111111/11I11m1nm1111I1111111111m111mn1m11111101mmmmmmm111mmmmmn1m111111I11mmm11m a W 111111111111111111m1111111111111111111111111m111111111111111111111111111111111Q111111111111111111n1111n1111m1111In111m11m111n11111111m1n1111111m111111111111111 mnmm11n mm mm nimm nonom mnmm mnimmnmmmmlmnmmmm1m111mn1mn u mmlmmmlmmnmmmmlmn g W - m111m111mn1mn11111 111111111111111m111111111111111mn1mm1111mm�1mmmn1m111mn1mm11m1111111mnim111111111m111111111m1n111111 m RIDGE VENT 111I11n111111mn111m111n1111m1111m1I1n11Im111 11mn111111111m1111n111m111m1111m111n1111111mmmmmm111n111n11m111mmlmmmmml > -arc w D m1111111111111m1111111nm1n1111n11m1mn1mn1m1nmmmnlmmmm11111111mUM11111nm1mm�1111111m111m111mn1minm11111m1m 'T!' 1p Q to a M111111/111111m111111111mIn111111111i11 WEI, 1111111111,, ILIFIR1mI1WIEBAI1111n1111mIn)111111111111411111111111111111,�1/111111111�I11n11�111111111/11011111111 M11rtNnmNnmminMuIIImIMIUM EIMILMIngmntMmIInnMnmmIMMunlIInn 11m1mmminmmmmml 1111n1mn1mm111n1mmmmmmmm11m1111 hm 11111n111I11111111111111111111111111 111111111111111nlimmmnlmnlmlllmlllmt11110 11m11mmm ummE mmmmmmniu mm munnu mnnmmmmmmmnn mmnmann 1 Ilm in111111mu mIm11111m1 11mm 1 1111111111111111 �. .. - mmmmmll....... mmmnmmmnmmlmn imnnnl 1.1— mmm�llm W e e o m111mmmnlmmmnlmmmm EMEIMMnlmmm11mm11m1mm1m111m11111 MIMIIMII lmmmmllmmmlinmmmmlmmllmmm�lmnmm�lmmmnlmmmnlmnlmnn .., r'.. o a mmnlmnminmllmnmmnnmmmmmmmnnmmm111min mnunow o o te m mmmmino m111mm11m1m11m111m111m111m nwinmmmmm111mmm111m ... I.. K . r r ar Imn1m111mmmn1IIIMMI m1111 ILIB1m111m11111111mn111m1m111mn1m11111 minimmim 11mn1m111mn11111111mn1mm11m1mimm01mn1111111m11111m1mmmmmmm111 imilmemillioll mon 111■1111I1111m111Qm111n1111m111m111m 11n1111m111mIm11111m111m111111111n1 gi ... g o lmnmWIRMI nmm1IIIIIM mn1 MIUMMU lmnlmmmnn IIIMil lmmm z LL " o J ImmQmlmmm11111mlmmmm111 in m111n1I11m1m111m111m111 inionn'11m111 LL �a \ 11mn1mnIOM NIMIIIMIm111m111mn111n11m11I11n1 MImm1Im111n1111m1mn1 1111111111111111nn11m11111111111111111111►n1111111111111111n11m111111111m11111111111111111111 Ent m u 1l1mmm111m11Mmm1i111111mn1111111mn1m111111111m111mnImlllmmmnlm111m 337' imnl11m1mmmmlmnmmmmmmmnmlmmn inarmmnminlmin11m1m #3375 _ 4 a �Qa 0LL � o N . N a. y Q j Mil 111111 MIIIIIIImim 0: IA _ ‘ITL LI z mfa=11 =I iiiiiiiim 1.111 IIIIINNI�; #5850mill = �� #5850 0 \ #3375 #3375 U _ EXTERIOR LIGHTS SNIPPED LOOSE I- Nam Z STOOPED a HANDRAIL Q U •Z Z Ii¢T- Z SUPPLIED 4 INSTALLED BY FOR ON-SITE INSTALLATION BY BUILDER BUILDER ` b �a1F Qum .. ..-.rpN R E R EL I J TION PLI Al m a �Z �- c rc a o THIS DLCUMENT S THE PROPERTY CFJ~ J N Q W l� SW BUILDSG 6TSTEFS TNG AND CONTA46 7 W PRCFRLETARY NtORTATICN COVERED BY m N ALL APPLICABLE US.COPYRIGHT LAUB. R IS Betz TRMmMRTED AND LOANED MODEL To Ta M CCH TDENCE,SUBJECT TO THE ?-Story CRDITIpI THAT RNO IS T TO BE COPIED CR - - DSPOSED CF.OR USED TO AID AKDO DRAUIYAi BUILDIIG APPARATUS,CR PARTS - DRAWING N M THENCE THE CONTENTS MAT NOT BE DISCLOSED T . F I JG i IG N IN IUAOLE CRNPATif TO OTHERS DR USED c REFER TO SHEET GN FOR NOTES ECR OTHER THAN TRaE FLPPOSE SODDED , 0TIOJT 1EEXPRESSED T TTe+� I j4 PFR PAINING TO THIS DRAWING SHEET 6 SR BUILDNG SYSTEM NC I ;;=Rl eitifa is f$#nE "i e4i'"1•,,.,-W.., .,i;"a`^C i ;=0•••, !^(H A-_ - . NEW YC'__ _--TATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I _ -IERVATION DEC PERMIT NUMBER ® EFFECTIVE DATE 1-4738-03158/00001 111111511 October 30, 2003 Now FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S) PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE(S) Under the Environmental October 30, 2008 Conservation Law TYPE OF PERMIT■ New 0 Renewal 0 Modification 0 Permit to Construct 0 Permit to Operate ❑ Article 15,Title 5' Protection of Waters 0 Article 17,Titles 7, 8. SPDES 0 Article 27,Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: Hazardous Waste Management ❑ Article 15,Title 15:Water Supply 0 Article 19:Air Pollution Control 0 Article 34' Coastal Erosion ❑ Article 15,Title 15:Water Transport 0 Article 23,Title 27• Mined Land Management Reclamation ❑ Article 15,Title 15. Long Island Wells 0 Article 36 Floodplain Management 0 Article 24 Freshwater Wetlands ❑ Article 15,Title 27: Wild, Scenic and ❑ Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27,37;6NYCRR Recreational Rivers ■ Article 25.Tidal Wetlands 380: Radiation Control ❑ 6NYCRR 608:Water Quality Certifica- 0 Article 27,Title 7; 6NYCRR 360' tion Solid Waste Management PERMIT ISSUED TO TELEPHONE NUMBER Elaine Nesin (516) 766-4667 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE 32 Lexington Street, Rockville Centre, New York 11570 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK - TELEPHONE NUMBER Richard Saetta, P.O. Box 2047, Greenport, NY 11944 (631) 765-4900 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY Nesin property, 875 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport , COUNTY TOWN WATERCOURSE NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Fordham Canal DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY: Construct a two-story single family dwelling, septic system and pervious driveway. Remove existing driveway. All work must be done in accordance with the attached plans stamped NYSDEC approved. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (see page 2 &3) and any Special Conditions included as part of this permit. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: ADDRESS George W. Hammarth (DMG) Region 1 Headquarters, Bldg.#40, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE Page 1 of 4 -4V(4 October 30, 2003 (*) The accessory building is up due to the house being located in a flood zone. No basement can be built so the building is only storage, not habitable. r) . • I ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A.Application) Applicant(s): OE_ NELSo I. If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovatio s are proposed: A. Please give the dimensions and overall square footag of extensions beyond existing building: Dimensions/size: N/A Square footage: N/A B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of ne proposed foundation area which do not extend beyond the existing building: Dimensions/size: N/A Square footage: , II. If land is vacant: Please give dimensions and overall square footage of ne construction: Dimension/size: 64' x 26' Square footage: 1,664 sq. ft. Height: 32' III. Purpose and use of new construction requested in this application: Residential — Single Family Home •i IV. Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relatle to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): There are freshwater wetland boundaries in the front and a tidal wetland vegetation boundary line just beyond the bulkhead. Please see attatched survey. . V. Please submit seven (7)photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new constriction. 7/02 Please note:Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans. If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appals Department (765-1809) if you are not sure. Thank you. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A.APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? ❑Yes ENo B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? ❑Yes 10 No C. 1)Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? Yes, beyond the bulkhead 2)Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application?Yes 3)Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland,building area?' Yes 4)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas,have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction?yes D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? N/A (If not applicable, state"n/a".) E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shote on the survey map that you are submitting? None (If none exist, please state "none") F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises?..NoIf yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none,please state. G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? No If yes,'glease explain where or submit copies of deeds. H. Please list'present use or operations conducted at this parcel Storage and proposed use Residential { Authorized Signaturip Date 1 � Apr 28 04 12: 51p R:, erd Saetta GC inc 631 -""5 4999 p. 3 04/28/2004 11:32 6317667@04 ZRA PAGE 03 RIG Cr 1-6 NFiFCESR- f SEAS 1 617.1 Append C State!snvfrpnmenral Quality Review SMORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Far UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-Project Iofbrmation(To be complete by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1.Applicant/Sponsor 2.Project Name --a-9" 1- Elaine Nesin. _ __ - • 3.Project location; Municipality County Town mf Southold Suffolk 4.precise location(Street address and rood Inte+vectIons,prominent landmarks,etc,or provide map) 875 Cull Pond Lane, nearest crossroad is Rt. 48 Graespor, !'r 11944" i S.is propored.a dinar_. . ( )NEW ( )fXPAt4 FON ( )MODIFICATION/AtTERATTON- — '" 6.Deecdbe project bdeily; 12es-ideatial Coastractivu, New Structure 7.Amount of land affected' 'Initially acres; Ultimately; acres 1,664 sq.ft. 1/2 1=664 s. ..ft. . 1/2 8.Will proposed action comply with erdeting or other existing lend use reelticJeno:a ;YES j )NO if No..dascdbai salty: 9.Wheitsprasantlaoduse Ircvicinity.of project;(deaeri6ey k )Raaldeniial ( )industrial ( )CrnntrtetCfal ( )Agrfoufluref { )PO oresf/t]pon Space ( )Other' Residentdl Area, other lots have similar layouts of what is proposed on this survey.... . . 10.Dose action Involvaa gonna-Op/Oval val or Funding,now or ultimately from any other Govomnrentat agency,(Federat, ISr a!e or Local)? ($)YES ( )Nt7 ' It Yee.Ilst agency(e)and peermluepprovals• I B-.E-.0. ret mit Avvrpval and- -Soutttol-d-Town Tri,stee''s Permit Approval I 1 Does any aepecl of Iha action have a currently vaso permit or approval? CX)YES ( )NO Jf Yee.list agcncy(s)and.permItlappmwle; Saxutheid_Tsun.T mtae-Permit- (limits-teal- - MMC A3rrovs3 Permit (luo.1stded) Southold.Wastewater fispnaat Pelt (tu lu4ed-}- : .. 12.As a result of propoeed action,will existing permlllapproval rapuita.modlpcaygpp LIE!.- { )NO.- It Yea,heir-ag n6y{ +m a)eno-PeWapprovete-- - - -- H I cost'yibat flro inlormarlon prov/ded above Is true to the best Of my know/edde Applcent/Sponsor Nemo: • .. .. •41071,�jl1 r Uk c r Oate._ ,d Signature: 7 /t(he actions n the Coastal Ar(6, and you are a stare agency,complete(ha Coasts/Assossmenf Form before pro'ceeding with this..1as4rsrne - Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 t Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 05/28/04 Receipt#: 8072 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $200.00 Check#: 8072 Total Paid: $200.00 Name: Nesin, Elaine 32 Lexington Street Rockville Center, NY 11570 Clerk ID: BONNIED Internal ID:94815 °'' \AFF _ \ V1 c � zz _ s z 3outholdlow.t of Apeals 11 0' MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD. L.I. N.Y. 11971 �a irJ TELEPHONE(5161 765-1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS \ Appeal No. 3476 Application Dated February 27, 1986 (Public Hearing 4/3/86) TO: Mrs. Patricia C. Moore [Appellant(s)] Law Offices of Rudolph H. Bruer Attorneys for ROBERT, AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN Main Road Southold, NY 11971 At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on May 28, 1986, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [ I Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [X] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [ ] Request for Application of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article XI1, Section 100-121 to seek relief from conditions placed by prior Appeal No. 2006 in the Name of Claire Brody and Others dated February 27, 1975, which conditionally granted use of lot for mooring, dock and storage building (Article III, Section 100-30- (B)[9]) and insufficient lot area and. width (Bulk Schedule), to allow the construction of a single-family residence. Location of Property: 715 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport, NY; County Tax Map No. 1000-35-04-007.6 1_01 (referred to as Lot "C"). WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on April 3, 1986, in the Matter of the Application of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN, under Appeal No. 3476; and WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded and transcribed; and WHEREAS, the board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: 1 . The premises in question is located along the east side of Gull Pond Lane distant 637.82 feet from the southeasterly side of Middle (North) Road, in the Hamlet of Greenport, and is identified On the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 35, Block 04, Lot 007.6. 2. The subject premises consists of a total area of 17,934 (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: June 3, 1986. CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Farm 264 (rev. 12/81) ,, r ' '� • ‘.-. .moi Page 2 - Appeal No. 3476 Matter of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN Decision Rendered May 28, 1986 • sq. ft. with frontage along Gull Pond Lane 140 feet, more or less, and lot depth of 170 feet. The premises is_ presently vacant and constructed alorg the most easterly (rear) property line is a bulkhead of 100 feet, more or less, in length. 3. By this application, appellants request relief from prior Appeal No. 2006, Condition No. 1, rendered February 27, 1975 for approval of this substandard parcel for residential use. 4. On February 6, 1975, predecessors in title (Claire Brody and Others) applied for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, for approval of four substandard lots, each containing approximately 21 ,000± square feet in area and insufficient lot width of 140± feet, requiring a Variance from Article III, Section 100-31 , Bulk Schedule, which required a minimum lct size of 40,000 sq, ft. _and 150 ft. lot width. Also requested was permission to dock not more than two boats other than their own as permitted by Article III, Section 100-30(6)[9]. 5. Article III, Section 100-30(B)[9] of the Zoning Code provided as follows: . . .B. Uses permitted by Special Exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board (9) Boat docking facilities for the docking, mooring or accommodation of noncommercial boats, subject to the following requirements: (a) There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use... . 6. In rendering a decision on February 27, 1975, the Board of Appeals approved the insufficient lot area of proposed Lots A, B, C, and D as shown by sketched survey (surveyed January 15, 1970) . Each lot on the 1/15/70 survey is shown to be bordering at its easterly (rear) property line along the edge of a dredged canal (without bulkheading). It is the understanding of this board that during 1974-1975, the applicants were not able to obtain approval from the Suffolk County Health Department for the proposed subdivision or for the construction of new dwellings. The Board of Appeals placed the following conditions i.n its Febru- ary 27, 1975 decision: _ (1 ) written covenants restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use, without approval of the Board of Appeals, shall be filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; (2) That before applicant may be permitted dockage and mooring privileges for small boats as an accessory use, a special exception shall be applied for from the Board of Appeals; (3) Site plan approval shall be obtained from the Planning Board; ' (4) Any sanitary facilities installed on this property shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health; Page, 3 - Appeal No. 3476 Matter of ROBERT'AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN Decision'Rendered May 28, 1986 (5) That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaining proper documents from the State and County Environmental Control Commissions. . . . 7. For the record, it is noted that written Covenants were executed by the predecessors in title dated November 28, 1978 declaring the four lots will not, be used for residential purposes, binding successors and assigns in title. 8. It is also noted for the record that: (a) the parcel immediately south (Lot B) of the subject premises (Lot C) received site plan _approval from the Town Planning Board 1/9/79 as required by prior Applications, Special Exception No. 2032 [Harold Stetler] dated May .1 , 1975, and Variance No. 1954 [Brody and Others] dated February 27, 19/5; (b) on 9/23/80, Board of Appeals' actions taken between the period from 1/1/71 through 9/5/79 concerning lot line changes or subdivisions of lands, were granted by the Planning Board; (c) the subject parcel , Lot C, was issued a Certificate of Occupancy dated June 15, 1984, No. Z- 12559 indicating its status as a "single and separate lot" from the Building Inspector, and received Suffolk County Health Department approval on 1/6/84,• No. 14-S0-0.1 ; (d) the parcel immediately north referred to as Lot D, was improved with a single-family dwelling as per Certificate of Occupancy #Z-13071 dated December 18, 1984, and received Suffolk County Health Department approval on zNovember 26, 1984, #12-S0-13. 9. In reviewing the surveys/sketches submitted under this application, it is the position of the town that once a complete application has been submitted to the Building Department for a construction permit, additional reviews will be made and an additional variance application may be necessary (100-119.2) as well as compliance with the Floodplain Management Law (Ch. 45) for a minimum elevation of the lowest floor at eight feet above mean sea level for this "A-7" Flood Zone. In considering this appeal , the board find and determines that the relief requested should be approved as applied since: (a) the circumstances are unique; (b) the practical difficulty claimed is sufficient to warrant a granting of the variance; (c) the history of this parcel and actions taken lend to the practical difficulties of the appellants; (d) the interests of justice will best be served by allowing the relief, as conditionally noted below. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED, to grant relief as requested under Appeal No. 3476 in the Matter of the Application of ROBERT AND CHAR- LOTTE WISSMAN for approval of the subject 17,934± sq. ft. lot for single-family dwelling purposes, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1 . That the new construction must comply with front and side yard setback requirement; without reductions; 2. Docking and mooring shall be limited to noncommercial boats and for not more than two boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use (Article III, Section 100-30(B)[9]); Page 4 - Appeal No. 3476 Matter of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN Decision Rendered May 28, 1986 3. Commercial marina use shall not be permitted; 4. Additional variance applications must be applied for concerning setback from bulkhead, etc. if they are deemed necessary under the zoning regulations; 5. There shall be a minimum elevation of eight feet (8' ) above mean sea level as required in this "A-7" Flood Zone; 6. No temporary living quarters (such as camper, trailer, _ etc. unless permitted by Town Board ,. etc. ). Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki . This resolution was duly adopted. lk o4r4141,4 ":4d-GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, AIRMAN June 3, 1986 Fri Tiff. SOU'THHCLD TOWN CLI DATE 6/Vie( HOUR y.'/S''"7 Town Clerk, Town of Southold a . . 08%Z A;i xo;oadsux buTlYan �' a - • - • /f• •�•�I yam, •••• ••+•may • • ----OW-ferMear / �T. Nvyx•M V,� ' ,cel ' 'v 011- 71 s�-y-Va _ ,..i6..ens •a.%•. ;ta. - - tie'c2oc a: -s)aro ci__ 57-41►Z0- : -a Eta.) i a:'3b• sem' GNU).1 '"••T'. 1 Y c o ...7g ONS' 07'.;:r7t:3)-'t le �> s.. , s"iiAk--4,,o-..)-2-" , spunoi Suuaono;aq;uo panosddesip pus q;utaiaq*sum sr 'oil;oz -_•oN dew pond uoisy4pgns ••, L._M?. WI' 17 d X�OIS S 2 Q umas 000t'oN dm xsy"�uno3 . 301U/Oy _ toaAT - • aN esnOH �•►�l i VC=8'i.4- 1 1 "91 o�C1` -11e1 '•71'(r dosd;ouolisool V r`I7E •:s,"y:rrzr aa:':srti•614.sttcs7 03 mug so; • 4 61'• 5,2, ^0N•• MEP uoc;sondds xno&;z 117I1.014 awV.I.aPi Td e?Ll 1• N , S'1 5ystmila'bixsj. altt}. •.Is's nco ;; r`;• A 61' cc te a;ea 'IVAO1IddVSIQ'3O MUM 'A M'Q•IOILLIIOS 'f.;': t 33030 S.711I313 NMOL , imaiLawd3Q mamas Q'IOILL[IOS 3O NMO.L • • • . . : 'paszanaa aq ( , ) Pauitmloa aq ( ') zotoadsttl Bowling otp,io sao;staap snoptazd ata pm. ' per•.pe uep aq (• ') pa;usz3 aq (: ) aansrze4 pa;sanbaz etr} ;srq PattluagnaP znx sept `a 4r •rclazetp. pus . • • ' . t, , : , '•. esnn5aq ;ammo, iQ rain e� -at;a eq; qo ,;••.* (lair 'pltto t) (pre. ont) pan e3ustnp20 ..ate lo ;tads erg a,n.rasgo (;oat scop) • (mop) ezaerr8n at. �'(a) • ' aSti�32i''4Es asn?aaq 9ntr3slP asn woe • s• . ,...,�-, -,:-..„-..,. .,,..„...L.4-;,-.. ..„--•'...;,•,.;. -.-.-...--.... *--;:-...-•• I - . 'uI pee A.adozd • • ••• •• Sp{} I �n�rn•a;stpatarrrr•stp, ur a�e • • ..geP:adozd 118 AIL:Po/ qs eq•(oA Froom). •• (Malt) Pun an' (;ou q) . :.'(sr) Pa#n a C 1t p 4 otLL' j(q) . .•' • , , . , zasssaoatzmt .so ..52 asttsaaq driving 1 I 1 p :IEnRaerd aaapozd 007 pZ;toei) (mate) aatrettiPSO ata.io tmzlsarldd8;new (n) •.. .. • . , fin'Patnurzo;ap sera 4 pzeog a io noinresaz£g mirvirv.e. •Z . ' p . ... .. . �o Pus txsrtosr�ng•d •' •atrea• •puod Ttfl •iq''1..s • -xsugu s,zo z#��ou 'dzi uo q gq.nos'' I reuuo:uivgp.toa Aq 40va :sxatt. .o p e peput?oq 'xaO X taeI ' •addttea� ' ' .. :Al..zadosd.ffo„tto'r4' 00.7. •4gor; but.xootu puQ 'durex ' �a n •' a Pool T ,.:•r,,... :„.• bu?PT'lttq •abt�o s �. a P ��q a �alyprrs�' K� • `• q q• r1xj,stzoo •o4 uotsszurxad XO ' .•• x11. oto! 'eatreutpxo 5rrtuoz :e . k (p) 6' S 0£-OOZ•uot1.aag , •;.w• �.•� .::. .sV 1Doan q� O . uox�.daaXa T�t�ads � �� .� (�.ita;6 PoOr.t 5.•S utrop) x2Ox biog. xEMQsroo�t;.z 'anzzta.nti etbau.o. • . •,...,•;•;'•,-,..5: S ;o. 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S a ' ' " . el-h. ... tiR'•' ,.i.if L.. .:.,. • • • . • After investigation and inspection, 'the Board finds that the applicant requests •permission to use property for dockage and mooring privileges for' 2 yachts. •The findings of the Board are that the appli- . . cant is •aware. that this lot may never.be used for residential use and • ' the proposed site plan appears to be well suited to the •lot. The 'applicant proposes to dock no more than 2 pleasure'boats. The appli- '• ; cant understands that this is for non-commercial use only. • • • • ' • . .The Board finds that strict •application of the'Ordinance would. -', . • • produce practical difficulties or unnecessary .hards'hip; .the hardship ,' created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in • . the'immediate vicinity of 'the property and in the same use district; ' . • 'and the. variance will. not• change the character of the neighborhood• and will: observe the spirit of the. Ordinance.. ' . • • , • • . . • On motion by .Mr. Douglass., seconded by Mr. Gillispie, .it was ' ' RESOLVED VED that. Sara1 Rauch , 1223'•Cornegia Avenue; Far' Rockaway New York, (John S.. Sherwood, •as. A:gent)., be GRANTED permission to corm- '• ' .. • strugt a storage building •with. shower,• a bulkhead, a 'ramp•,and. mooring.• ' : • . • float as •requested.•. Location of. property:: .G011 Pond Lane,: Greenport," . New. York, bounded. on the north by Germansky and others; east by Fordham.l. . • • Canal; south by Rutkowski and ,others; west by..Gull• Pond Lane,: subjedt to the following conditions: . . • . • • . . ' .•, . . . • •; • ' - • (1) That the accessory building to be erected shall be •no ••larger. . , ' than•.12 feet' by 16 feet. • . . . . .• . . . • • . (2) • No personal 'property may. be stored •anywhere 'on .the •premises " • except in the, storage building:. : • • • • • . • • (3) Dockage and mooring'facilities' shall be limited to' the '•• ' • " accommodation of:not more than two (2) non-commercial, pleasure.boats'• •: ' which shall be no larger. than 40 feet in length.' " . . . (4) ' Covenanted agreements. restricting or prohibiting this•, property for residential use .without prior approval of the Board of . Appeals shall be filed in the County Clerks Office. • • . • (5) That before -the applicant may be permitted. dockage..and :. . • mooring. privileges for. small boats as any accessory use, a special ' . . •exception .shall be. applied for. from the Board,of Appeals.: ' . , ' • • • ,,(6) Site .Plan Approval shall•be obtained from the Planning Board. ' ' , (7) . Any sanitary'•facilitie.s installed on' this property shall be ' • subject to.:the approval of the Board of Health. • • • (8) That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaining• ' proper documents from the State and County Environmental .Control Com- . . • 'missions. •• • •• . •• ' • ; (9) • This application is subject to the approval of .the: Suffolk . County Planning Commission. ' . . Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis; Doyen; -, Tuthill and• Douglass. . • • * * •* * • .. ' , . . 8 ..6I •kags�aa-ga T\A.'-- r ,► �,.�.r� : —�w- • • li 7.1 _. . . \z... t . .. . . -saa oy _,�. d Sri?_•ii}HS t ;.1: 13 h o sph>4p1 to y s wy y.o}, 141,k03.140- • � • ,�+' t . •+is+ja :•; ry • ` 11RM M0tkto ,1D11�756 � St11AO4SIo�T� � 2r,I N11044as,p Vbi0Mat-.1► ) t1S AQ.I.bM • - • *SMO} ; ' H..Jr� ri Vj• + "trc • - • 4 1 . - NV"I • \i SMOM.).n ) - f a \ b 0311.100311-NE� �,Sgt M _O )0O99•9 _ • r .J,,� "r \ •p7 'L Awa} �}das�, ut 1 �� \ • ..•: ' ''_'tom '` ---� o. �,t �'. t,` , ' •( % + \ . illakinor . ...0N3 . \\ ‘>' 6). i 4.6 ��\\• �S'. rr y. • - _ MIA= O ���IxD 111 qd :0 X7 o��YlAC• ��•M 41 gi� _ _" .�... MIl1= 111 ,r % dir �� \A6 pasodaad __.._... .._.•. le0e1Art6` x 0 C 0D \ , ��� • 4 V \\Vt... s • > I • \ ,; '),-W�7 `metas 1-1�.1rA 9Q't9 .a9V^,l0:S-60 -35n - '-1 °�\\ �� \ \q ail N 11 St 1.-, LSC` a5 oy N.07.1,0Aljou Silo 1 9. o� • . C> \i, r� ,6-.'\ L. iAa�). 4r f��) s I•44a'� ' 1D 10'7 >o • ,,_ e• • HP `01 - aS •7sod41k„ • i o ►onna pts •s a ofloo- �, cJ�s �d ��tt t•. � . ��' ' 4S t q ) ssa� paso c• . • S d • •Ji1>{o AtAlnig AMP-%g 04, pa+1).m)f 29 04. $&I44 pab6. pasodoA ` IiL �1Gt PP•po il•PI•µp4 .iAalss;yl r pootiOp01 • f�q apptti•I fianekns oda404404 sUol.ponala pa}xn-sitfs3 : s24.°N I _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 6_: DATE..., ..2* -1,875. • MOfQN OF THE ZONh14BOARD OP APPEALS • 't f,i, 4 Appe4 NO. IA Dated MMS- • ACTS �I,O ;Tutt4`,QNSiQG Si b1*A 'Erl'la§(dlr. :10WN DF+•SO> Ori11• i - "• : "t ' a` ToJ•' '•" •: , ",t :,.9. :_ - ,s Appellant liest r ; ' < ,.?'''',':t14,1.,:!: t • ata •!o#filijet_bairig ltprd•of.Ap(leals•on mob�. ° ark• :•• '-,• 0 " • thtf appeal- r••�!•`: `n', •a�y1. lA•di.gi .�. •,"r�-;'jt • •,f':'�.....,.r • .1:'. ��' , .. PTI(ifI.,By r elution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be .S i=d( ) be ft*dd,pwca'uant ito Article: Section Subsection .............. paragraph .;,;, ,g}.:+.,,pr:tiro 0rdlnBnce the decision of the Building Inspector (t ) be reversed ( )"be _ • y5' •,a' , II :v. t a t .. t 4' .4 ";4d .7 • I 61,is T.`• 8mentagd.g ' Qtn,4a . pit ; {{ i '$�1g�•"r ith S�� !1d4t 0:. r �iSts k 4 i t 4_,,a,„,-, ,t' t�tpt ::,4:03,�t ,.f?O '"y ` ktpo Lass e.g .X zk ' : .'� di, lam•64.42 1 Pi+. ,c±... �wt,Las • lif,. s 4 , l - 3,ip •e, rag. 122,- t� Abret-� GO . :.1 4� _ *•lily°,` Ca i line ii Vna� vow 'es.OR ri e.,,.-.‘:.• i_ •'!';,•,.;.• :*;.- i,�e 41.eio1ajof,fila Board it was deterzLed that I- , (,) •`filet. Pplicatiog of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difnculties or unnecessary hietleh'Ip`�bgeausa • .SgSS .fey iOnti • • t (b)•The hzirdship created (1e) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties mike is the!immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because 1 lir, WStoSS, ( ) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) r nye the Character of the district because therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and d d :the previous decisions of the Building Inspector( ) be :ontirmed ( ) be reversed. ElWRitilg • i •FOAMZB4 I $Out 44t:4:1F-sestrgtva.44°F 4D I • .• ) • • • thaittbs "44144324?3'4V!1'• • • • • the; - .1 .•• -`• • •.4 . ",' • eut, • .116.4 shatt:bP• #0.• 'tbe -1n-4 r 200)•Shaill•te-kñckn AS. os 'oo' ' - TL71 $t0,* dated Jasintr"IS, 100••• .• Biter itivagiiiixe44•iittupilgiaoiitito..ztood etiksw that pfl oat . 'Cgraitailigitta viaeCIAri,fet•za0Oring• • • and•storegO • sitdi iraniffir1eOt.vldtth•an4•4M4 On the e.a4ct' sidelitaktii Pend La oes itiosoport. tree or sigi.ebligkot of hOard ate that applicant Ls the *saw of.,T4oetX•ael.aSenln:na Van •, Tayra survey of Su -thkt- •141:40. 'aubstastiallY in excess.or equal in.zize to arphat Iota:So.-the 0441044SSOA end tbRt the Board of itseIth and the Iriaailog,Board Argre,Osikated•tha,t•th4s lit au Rot suitable for residential:use. Bosevorr'it is thep=tion • . of the Board of appeals. to temit•the agplivait. . for the mast reasonable use under the Boning *alma* War*, in this• • case, is accessory use•to-the ordinary realdeotial e. , • , The Board ebads that strict applipatiou of vat gedfiattuak'smelt * • prOduco•practicer digficeitiee•or•Painnoanaarat•havfafiPf:the :11111141#410 :•• . created La oulfiteaand amid not he .Share • • the licaddiate'vicinity of this prdj arta in;.-the .440,rritt; anditho_Veriansia_vill riotLeatoit. 41ia;Ero!far., Ott40. 14.1* • • exid.Will **area the•spirit'Of the. • • • •.• . • • Ra40zviD, 1150.4sid gultiOig toveXatza::.*edr " otheru,. ild'exont street,. .a.r• „.• i%w.4- 0.: qithfggiv!.- :atcsi . tweet outdo LOT uh , fdir nrdeaao iittiV4P14•11640c-• . metes and'hounde as •deSCribed in the strft referred%twabitite ttatirezr- of van vald dated ,Bartuary 1.5* 19Mo .61440et- to the foiltaidng couditioluss • • . "- 1. Covenanted alres-aeRta restricting or pro240.1.tiosi this . • property fixr re/3.1.40741a/ use without prior aPprtnialof the Board of appeals, sisal be filed in the County'Cleries Office,• • • 2. That before the applicant may be permitted dockage and QZin privileges for'sinial heats•as an•accessory Use a epccai exception Weil/ be applied for from the Board of kvee.11$4, . ' • 3. Site Plan app&oval shall be obtained from the ?tanning. ' Board. 4. Any sanitary facilities installed on.this property Stall be subjeot to the approval of the'Board of lieaUlu • S. That this approval shall be =bleat to appIAoaatcbt proper doom:sante tram the State'ead County Savireargentei • - • - Central Ccemissions.• • •• . -'• Vote of the Board: Ayes:- easr jpjOrigcaiSs.: Buismtr• Owen. , • • • • • • • • • • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK • a ts` SEP 2 0 20U4 STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTVE,„ ' s. THOW.1SLES, AICP DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTQR OF PLANNING September 13, 2004 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Latapie, Francois and Suzanne* 5466 Bremer's Market&Deli (d/b/a North Fork market&Deli) 5531 Nesin, Elaine 5533 Starwood, David and Jane 5534 Van Bergen, Jeanne 5535 Nigro, Thomas 5536 Saunders, Joan 5537 Wolleben, John 5539 Head, Graham 5541 Riverhead Building Supply 5544 Buerkle,Patricia 5545 Carway, John and Jacelyn 5546 Southold Fire District& Omni-Point Communications, Inc. 5547 Nesin,Elaine 5548 Fischer, Diana 5551 Berwald, David and Patricia** 5554 Epifano L. and Ryan P. 5557 Hoffman,David G. 5558 Carnesi, Anthony P. 5559 McFeely, John 5560 Leighton, Robert 5561 Watts, John and Martha 5562 Atkinson, Peggy 5564 McGrath, Genevieve ,5565 Penny V., George L. 5573 LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR ■ P 0 BOX 6 100 ■ (516)853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 16)853-4044 September 13, 2004 SUFFOLK COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Page 2 *Alternative relief appears warranted consistent with appropriate developmental restrictions, particularly as set forth by the Zoning Board of Appeals. **Premises should be encumbered by appropriate developmental restrictions,particularly as set forth by the Zoning Board of Appeals. • Very;truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G.Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc G\CCHORNY\ZONING\ZONING\WORKING\LD2004\SEPT\SD5466 SEP -1 LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS (5 16) 853-5 190 H. LEE DENNISON BLDG -4TH FLOOR ■ P.O. BOX 61 00 •100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1 788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 I 6) 853-4044 Y • .41?;' ' • ,.� Southold Town ..oard of Appeals ‘r. MAIN MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 29 SOUTHOLD. L.I., N.Y. 11971 $ TELEPHONE(516)765.1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 34;76" • Application Dated February 27, 1986 (Public Hearing 4/3/86) TO: Mrs. Patricia C.,Moore [Appellant(s)] eAAUWA Law Offices of R :,dolph H. Bruer f_ ��„ Attorneys for ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN �r I,, f, -� "l 1"" 14%�" y Main Road ' ° �"�'�" _ C%_ � 67' Southold, NY 11 971 UU 0Y (;2 2-" �r At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on May 28, 1986, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [ ] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [X] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [ I Request for Application of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article XII, Section 100-121 to seek relief from conditions placed by prior Appeal No. 2006 in the Name of Claire Brody and Others dated February 27, 1975,tawhich conditionally granted use of lot for mooring, dock and storage building (Article III, Section 100-30- (B)[9]) and insufficient lot area and. width (Bulk Schedule), to allow the construction of a single-family residence. Location of Property: 715 Gull Pond Lane, GreenportNY; County Tax Map No. 1000-35-04-007.6 (referred to as Lot "C").• >.. . WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on April 3, 1986, in the Matter of the Application of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN, under Appeal No. 3476; and WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded and transcribed; and WHEREAS, the board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: 1 . The premises in question is located along the east side of Gull Pond Lane distant 637.82 feet from the southeasterly side of Middle (North) Road, in the Hamlet of Greenport, and is identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 35, Block 04, Lot 007.6. 2. The subject premises consists of altotal area of 17,934 (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: June 3, 1986. CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOrm ZB4Y (rev. 12/81) 1 j ; " !'-\ "h a Page 2 - Appeal .No. 3476 Matter of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN Decision Rendered May 28, 1986 sq. ft. with frontage along Gull Pond Lane 140 feet, more or less, and lot depth of 170 feet. The premises is_ presently vacant and constructed along the most easterly (rear) property line is a bulkhead of 100 feet, more or less, in length. 3. By this application, appellants request relief from prior Appeal No. 2006, Condition No. 1, rendered February 27, 1975 for approval of this substandard parcel for residential use. _ 4. On February 6, 1975, predecessors in title (Claire Brody and Others) applied for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, for approval of four substandard lots, each containing approximately 21,000± square feet in area and insufficient lot width of 140± feet, requiring a Variance from Article III, Section 100-31 , Bulk Schedule, which required a minimum lct size of 40,000 sq._ ft. and 150 ft. lot width. Also requested was permission to dock not more than two boats other than their own as permitted by Article III, Section 100-20(6)[9]. 5. Article III, Section 100-30(6)[9] of the Zcning Code provided as follows: . . .B. Uses permitted by Special Exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board (9) Boat docking facilities for the docking, mooring or accommodation of noncommercial boats, subject to the following requirements: (a) There shall be docking_ or mooring facilities for no more than two boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use. . . . 6. In rendering a decision on February 27, 1975, the Board of Appeals approved the insufficient lot area of proposed Lots A, B, C, and D as shown by sketched survey (surveyed January 15, 1970). Each lot on the 1/15/70 survey is shown to be bordering at its easterly (rear) property line along the edge of a dredged canal (without bulkheading). It is the understanding of this board that during 1974-1975, the applicants were not able to obtain approval from the Suffolk County Health Department for the proposed subdivision or for the construction of new dwellings. The Board of Appeals placed the following conditions in its Febru- ary 27, 1975 decision: - (1 ) written covenants restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use, without approval of the Board of Appeals, shall be filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; (2) That before applicant may be permitted dockage and mooring privileges for small boats as an accessory use, a special exception shall be applied for from the Board of Appeals; (3) Site plan approval shall be obtained from the Planning Board; (4) Any sanitary facilities installed on this property shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health; .74 v Page 3 - Appeal No. 3476 Matter of ROBERT-AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN ' Decision'Rendered May 28, 1986 (5) That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaining proper documents from the State and County Environmental Control Commissions. . . . 7. For the record, it is noted that written Covenants were executed by the predecessors in title dated November 28, 1978 declaring the four lots will not, be used for residential purposes, binding successors and assigns in title. 8. It is also noted for the record that: (a) the parcel immediately south (Lot B) of the subject premises (Lot C) received site plan approval from the Town Planning Board 1/9/79 as required by prior Applications, Special Exception No. 2032 [Harold Stetler] dated May .1 , 1975, and Variance No. 1954 [Brody and Others] dated February _27, 1975; (b) on 9/23/80, Board of Appeals' actions taken between the period from 1/1/71 through 9/5/79 concerning lot line changes or subdivisions of lands, were granted by the Planning Board; (c) the subject parcel , Lot C, was issued a Certificate of Occupancy dated June 15, 1984, No. Z- 12559 indicating its status as a "single and separate lot" from the Building Inspector, and received Suffolk County Health Department approval on 1/6/84, No. 14-S0-01 ; (d) the parcel immediately north referred to as Lot D, was improved with a single-family dwelling as per Certificate of Occupancy #Z-13071 dated December 18, 1984, and received Suffolk County Health Department approval on zNovember 26, 1984, #12-SO-13. 9. In reviewing the surveys/sketches submitted under this application, it is the position of the town that once a complete application has been submitted to the Building Department for a construction permit, additional reviews will be made and an additional variance application may be necessary (100-119.2) as well as compliance with the Floodplain Management Law (Ch. 45) for a minimum elevation of the lowest floor at eight feet above mean sea level for this "A-7" Flood Zone. In considering this appeal , the board find and determines that the relief requested should be approved as applied since: (a) the circumstances are unique; (b) the practical difficulty claimed is sufficient to warrant a granting of the variance; (c) the history of this parcel and actions taken lend to the practical difficulties of the appellants; (d) the interests of justice will best be served by allowing the relief, as conditionally noted below. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED, to grant relief as requested under Appeal No. 3476 in the Matter of the Application of ROBERT AND CHAR- LOTTE WISSMAN for approval of the subject 17,934± sq. ft. lot for single-family dwelling purposes, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1 . That the new construction must comply with front and side yard setback requirements without reductions; 2. Docking and mooring shall be limited to noncommercial boats and for not more than two boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use (Article III, Section 100-30(B)[9]); / r • i Page 4 - Appeal No. 3476 Matter of ROBERT AND CHARLOTTE WISSMAN Decision Rendered May 28, 1986 3. Commercial marina use shall not be permitted; 4. Additional variance applications must be applied for concerning setback from bulkhead, etc. if they are deemed necessary under the zoning regulations; _ 5. There shall be a minimum elevation of eight feet (8' ) above mean sea level as required in this "A-7" Flood Zone; 6. No temporary living quarters (such as camper, trailer, _ etc. unless permitted by Town Board ,. etc. ). Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki . This resolution was duly adopted. lk GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, AIRMAN June 3, 1986 �LECu�:. :��v✓ FIL1. BY T?iv SOUTYHOLD TOWN (ALM DATE 6/4/ite. HOUR y'/Y PM Town Clerk, Town. of Southold . . . , . . tsiii.f-,0) I 6 c'Lm)tpti in /1?ii ... 11 3 14" 5 I ..,.,:. _ , _ ..,... :,..„ . ,t -,,,_ :,f.•;:,i,....,:eit..---.! y.,,,-;.A, '1-•:.,,,,.,,-70-'7-,,7::.;27,.4.7.7046tatialgt.. , ,...4- , , . _ „ . .... -,_f- 4•••.,,;.140',°.;',"•1 ' •"""..--• '•.' •... 1...., -1 0.•,!:.-- • 4---A, •' 1 4- r,',.;,i,TE.,.'„e";1-,,, :c.`I:.,-:--24%ii•Ai •,,•••--• ,i.- '1 • T;';'="•';- 1 . • -' -. ." .1:- .',V;;,,,,,S, ,I•y „,t',,,q,;44,11Z.P,,.....:-:• '''''.1.-'•!‘'1.- 1,,.'=4-,•,c olstRITa._760--"-Ift6-- ' We':'. • _ ; ,.. . ,,,, . , .-• . ,..,,'•'',"1,,•t'\,•;',,;•"1 t., .; ..,••,,I*4-p4,1e.....Fil-.• kt:nci.,t,,It.kb,..1,-"f-A&..1,-2:: ; , , • oEpAliTH' 01 1'-• '' • • -•• — '" ''''''..1S...i;-'2•14''''.$' •!4' ,rkft',4•Imoic,:r 26V"...:. ,A,,?',,,:ge.,1 :%.•;','''' -..:-'- - '.-' ,f4sb'^/. ,:'4,,i'rdeqe, `. :, "'*';'10`i..I. ca;.• ,ft • . \. • RivEfitiqq,, .. .,• . ,... t• ., ::,,,,•'14.1,/,,, .4,,,,:,,, ,•,;; ,...ftily,-,...!,g0.,„ 4,4,-„Q-,‘/',,,,,..,Iyo-oj.1.• ,4•-;:*. 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K � The Board finds that , ; riot applic..' ion of the Ordinance would S �. produce practical difficultie- or unnece ary hardship; the, hardship Ne,s, created is unique and would no:; be shar=. by all properties alike in ; the immediate vicinity of the p .perty '-nd in the same use district; kg ? and the variance will not change the c aracter of the neighborhood and 4 will observe the spirit of the Or inance. On motion by Mr. Tuthill, se' onded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED that Raymond and 'da,. Redfield, 255 Willow Street, Roslyn -- Heights, New York, be GRANTED pe is-s on to divide property with insuf- ficient area and width-.as re-q i : .:ii—i& Aoz .±-6-14 of property: Paradise Shored Road, Southold, New /or , `bound-d an -tie north by Private Road; east by Daiker; south by O'Too, e; west ry Private Road, subject to the following: Approval of the Suffo k County Pla.ning Commission Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. * * * ' PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 2480 Upon application of Sarah Rauch, 1223 Cornegia Avenue, Far Rockaway, New York, (John S. Sherwood, as Agent) , for a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B 9 (a) for permission to construct a storage b -i d=ing with shower, a bulkhead, ramp and mooring float. Location of property: Gull Pond Lane; 'Greenport, New York, 'bounded on the •north by Germansk r , and others; east by Fordham Canal; south by Rutkowskirand others and ; west by Gull Pond Lane. - The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application fpr a special exception ,to the Zoning Ordinance, legal notice of hearing, affidavits• attresting to its publication in the official newspapers,, and disapproval from,. 'the Building Inspector. The Chairman also read a state- ment from the Tgt9n. Clerk that notification had been made to: Violet German"sky arid.others, Helen Rutkowski and others. Fee paid $15.00. TpE' !CHfl.NAN: The notice. to the neighbors indicates•, that the S;pe'cial ecc ep; -iQn; xe:lief is requested to construct a 12;hsy .l5 fbot, storage bui1dii1g5 4h i sbow,Or,, bulkhead, ramp and mooring' float. As stated, in the' Building Inspedtox's note, it is.-part of property that was; surveyed for Claire ,Brody and Others.- Van Tuyl surveyed it °on•-January 7 , 1975. This is lo,cated:,on filled land which is not suitable for zesi;dentia1 use,; however, it is the ,duty of the Board to determine the mast appropriate use of the land whi'dh is not suitable for reside-intial use. Sy way of precedent, we have already granted a special exception on4he- adjoining property to the 'south for approximately what this applicant requests. ' .t. SO `HOLD TOWN BOARD O+_--_-,,PPEALS -16- Jtober, 1r9, 1978 • Is there,-..anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? JOHN SHERWOOD: As agent for Mrs. Rauch, who is enjoying a vaca- tion in Europe, I would like to speak in favor of the application. I have the site plan ready and will present it- to the Planning Board for their consideration, and I hope their approval at the first opportunity. THE CHAIRMAN: As far as the site plan is concerned, then we do not'.have to get involved with setbacks, dimensions or anything. MR. SHERWOOD: Unless you would care to? think THE CHAIRRMAN: I don't think so. I don't/we did in the other application of Harold Stetler on the property to the south of this. We left it up to the Planning Board. The resolution which granted the sti# i. 11h4slide. of this lot reads as follows: - THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED • that Reginald Hudson a/c- Claire Brody and others, 136 Front Street, Greenport, New York, be GRANTED permission to set aside -Lot B as applied for in! accordance with applicant's metes and bounds as ,described in the survey;referred to above subject to the following :conditions: (1) Cove- nanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this •property. for residential use, without prior approval of the Board of Appeals, shall be filed 'in the County clerk's Office. (2) That before the applicant may be permitted dockage and mooring privileges for small boats as an accessory use, a special exception shall be applied for from the Board of Appeals. (.3) Site plan approval shall be obtained from the Planning Board. (4) Any sanitary facilities installed on this property shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health. (5) That this approval shall be sub- ject to applicant obtaining proper documents from the State and County Environmental Control Commissions. That is the governing document. In this application, the same conditions would apply. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak for this application? (there was no response) . Is there anyone who wishes to speak against this application? (there was no response.) Are there any questions? MR. DOUGLASS: Mr. Sherwood, in this you apply for a certain length .dock and so much float, but you also apply for bulkhead. In the adjoining property, I have pictures of the next door neighbors, and I would like to know the situation of the dock and the bulkhead. Into the channel? :MR, SHERWOOD:, The bulkhead will be at or above high water mark. The dock will be' similar to the one on' the south. Half of the dock will be on the upland and half down to low water. The ramp will then go down from the dock down to the floating dock. MR. DOUGLASS: In other words, you do not intend to protrude out into the channel more thah the neighboring properties. MR: SHERWOOD: No, it will be the same situation. The end result will be' that the two floating docks will be along side of,.each Other. THE CHAIRMAN: These will be parallel to the shore and• will not protrude any more into the channel than the adjoining one. ': OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD C. LPPEALS --17- =,tober 19, 1978 MR. SHERWOOD: Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is what the plot plan looks like. The dimensions are such that it won't go beyond the floating dock itself. MR. DOUGLASS: I took this specifically at dead low so we could see where the stoppage of the dock was and where the float started. Thinking mainly of how far out into the channel you would go. MR. SHERWOOD: We are aware of that, and we would, not go out beyond the one located to the south. THE CHAIRMAN: This would require 8 piles to which is attached a f• b Z:84 foot floating dock which is approximately 30 feet from the top of the 'bank. The way that bank slopes you would not think it is 30 feet. This proposal would almost be identical to the one next door. Are there any other questions? Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? . (there was no response. ) After investigation and inspection, the Board finds that the applicant requests• permission to use property for dockage and mooring privileges for 2 yachts. The findings of the Board are that the appli- cant is aware that' this lot may never be used for residential use and the proposed site plan appears to be well suited to the lot. The applicant proposes to dock no more. than 2 pleasure boats. The applicant understands that this is for non-commercial use only. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be-shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of the property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded by Mr. Gillispie, it was RESOLVED that Sarah Rauch, 1223 Cornegia Avenue, Far Rockaway, New York, (John S. Sherwood, as Agent) , be GRANTED permission to con- struct a storage biril'ding with shower, a bulkhead, a ramp and mooring float as requested. Location of property: 'Gull Pond Lane, Greenport; 1 New York, bounded on the north by Germansky and others; east by Fordham Canal; south by Rutkowski and others; west by Gull Pond Lane, " subject to thefollowing conditions: (1) That the accessory building to be `erected shall be no larger than 12 feet by 16 feet. (2) No personal property may be stored anywhere on the premises except in the storage building. (3) Dockage and mooring facilities shall be limited to the accommodation of not more than two (2) noncommercial pleasute=boats which shall be no larger than 40 feet in length. 5017THOIJD TOWN BOARD O,: -PPEALS -18- v�tober 19, 1978 (4) Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this, property for residential use, without prior approval of the Board of Appeals, shall be filed in the County Clerk's office. (5) That before, the applicant may be permitted dockage and mooring privileges for small boats as any accessory use, -a special exception shall be applied for from the Board of Appeals. (6) site Plan Approval shall be obtained from the Planning Board. (7) Any sanitary facilities installed on this property shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health. (8) That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaining proper documents, from the State and County Environmental Control Com- missions. (9) This application is subject to the approval of the SuffAalk County Planning Commission. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonisr Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. * * * PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 2481 - Upon application of Jeah Case, New 'SuffOlk Lan+, Cutchogue, New York; Bruce McLean Case, New Suffolk Lane, Gutcp. ue ? Tew York; and Walter Teresko, New Suffolk Lane, Cutcho- gue, New Ybxk, (Richard F. Lark, Esq.) for a variance in` accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Schedule for permiss:ican to divide property with, insufficient frontage. Location of property: New Suffolk Road',. Cutchogue, New York, bounded on the north by James Horton; east by John Wickham; south by other land of Teresko; west by New Suffolk Road: •The;,Chairn opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance tq the , oning Ordinance, legal notice pf hearing, affidavits attesting o' iits' publication in the official newspapers, and disapproval from the Bkilcixiq°inspector. The Chairman also read a statement from the Town Clerk that notification had been made to: James Dorton, John Wickham, Esther Teresko, William Beebe. Fee paid $15.00. 'THE+:,•C1 AIRMA T; The basic relief requested is a variance so that Jean •Case and';Brude:McLean Case may sell a strip, 125 feet wide by; 50.0 long to Walter Teresko at the rear of their .present property. W'e;:;h°aaaj-e* letter here from Mr. John Wickham, who has no objection to this applica- tion. Is there anyone present who wishes to 'speak for. this application? RICHARD F. LA1K, ,ESQ: For the Applicant. I won't belabor, the point. I think all of the reasoning of the applicants -is stated in the petition, Mr-. Chairman. I would pdiht out hbwever, 'th'ere ,are 2 reasons they are here.. One; they cannot satisfy the 15'0 foot Width requirement -.- 'f?.TJi+C�•?.a�l.y-�.y7-�'��..iS.�F.r `V.�{{;.Fr Mi .. 'C .-l.vn Y im ; `vf 1 ' .--) ,,,,•'''''- ":1 {F . - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD ' /1?-'.)lo IL 160 o 2,5-- e-/- 7 4 — t OWNER q� STREET VILLAGEr ; DIST.' SUB. LOT 1. SA l'e A14 PAUC./-L 2..a„, '.)i �^N. LIN, rj/,,.. ..=r114:)ff /6 V�Jc.. ..... i FORMER OWNER N E ACR. .R W+SSrv1ANN CA'NA.-'.. 210'0 S W TYPE OF BUILDING U. L5/C'14YAn1SICY q"°'CS• hi, RU/Ko ,JSKt Orin, 130Ps-ti . i.A,v. RES. SEAS. VL. FARM 1 COMM. CB. 3,g59 Mkt.Value ' LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS p1it ...woo A/'/'� J 2oo 73nh7 CeaM V. 61rlennraNSKy,OKs 4/4//3...5-0. 4 g'73°°, Mr% -511/77�i�77 P 3 1 o Z c E' o r " 2 a c 3 c'-9--. Sia G/7 p " -n or) 160 ' 3166 ' ,/p/-A -INc. . ,V • .. , t .c... l ctillable 1 FRONTAGE ONIWATER / p C OS --- --= ,V0 d ` 'Woodland FRONTAGE ON;ROAD /,�p f. '9,i ' Meadowland DEPTH /4 h 1.-louse Plot BULKHEAD / AJo 4 7.,„ ,Totot �. ,______________ __ �D `r) �J4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK C-; DATEr ..' v ,197 # - 1 AOTIPN OF THE zoN171ct BOARD OF APPEALS • q APPe No. ,� ~-- . pated r ' 1 . ACTION,o r TE,.ZoNlfgt 8 r1 OF APPEALS,OF t'. I,TOWN'OF-SOHOl 1) .- .1 , : it l tit; ! ; ,; � ._ �' • To41 :.. �tih "L a` Appellant it. at able -otthe"Zoning;i oard•o1 Appeals on i •th& appeal' 2 d QTY vr, ' 2 , y�5iw`thyalacti4nilnditr "'b _ 'iYtrur� t., '(�' .9R 1k.#o j- a`nce s fie tbz'#61c`oti access to' rope • - . - } - ,111' i. -V4 rcr •�'�? .p, .04t)!',1,: �- a{?p a ance;4; { ing Ord v pee , 1,SP.FFIAT,F,XCFPTICIN )iy rasdlution of the Board it was determined that-a special exception ( ) be . .aliteF'(+`;.I be ri?Pnisd pursuant Yto Article. Section Subsection paragraph v{FfS*,1 pf pie.,vZo} Ordinance ,and the decision oo the Building Inspector (! ) be reversed ( ) be _ :t a {' 4 .:i 1._ L.. fir. _ y tT __ '''''.'s•••: '..'''''',.•,-:-w 904' <,a_e _ 4ifio 'ame!i a;vh the Una-114r 114r•`O yLisarte t - 4 "95i .!'-',",;.:-'''.:.•a4tr '% d0,B4 j �� + "p 4.s ort to gl Sail itclusuts' Iglus insufficient Ittatli o .r 4j1$.' ' -iii', ; °4_ WA:Vat Polka 'e Matt-US''Mrti R,toy,' i ' '''...,:•:',4=V:;.':.4-.,:''...-; - ., **pp,'S9 C*'.O�I,,�ri�0.*.y�E'�r 165 v ,1- ± oy 11' gli*thegit 2,"Foicaltala ;fibres S 60° -14C-t:..4.:` -. -. � t[ ' t9' cow 8859 is ?. , ,--'A gars oj{� cl tio aof 4}ie Board it was determined that (-) Sts1ct application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary bit'dshlU�$eiauke . ' S ' (l1,) ,The hardship created (10) (±s not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike In theiimmediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because I lli • I szr-, iormiesr: , (1) 'The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) large the character of the district because • =lig lignINSE.. - d therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and t the previous decisions of the Building Inspector( ) be'Fonfirmed•( ) be reversed. I • • �r I OF1 AL.S E'gRM ZB4 }� � I Set* ,- , 1 ` -e SecretaryIIPr Ten r— es • ::,,P.onsig:4,": ;;,""• .4,gt • „ , ;that., ,.2L • •••-lAks.l';rr!'t the v the - tditO shalrbehinniai eS:jtat'oeir the No. $0137) shall he knave aa ieff'11V's' alt as shown On tan Tayt vapor, dated aflhiry I5, Lon. uze A atter investiaow ' il, 'seetttlitin the Board finds that Oklineat reaments.)/esaniXeion se: for Mooring deck and storage balding with insoffinient•width and area oo the east side of Gull Pond lane Greenport, riew York. he'Tfirdinga Cf the Board are that applicant is the owner of tot°A4 as Amen on Van Tnyl*s survey of January Sly 1179 and thazt-this lot infsabstantially in erases or canal in size to other lots in.the.sChilivisloat and that the aura of Beath and the Planning Board haveindiontind that this let is not suitable for residential use. liowevereit ie_the of the Board of Appeals to iwirmit the applicant to.use his Pr:WM* for the cost re.asonable use under the Zoning Ord/mace mbich, in this case, is accessory use to the ordinary reisidevata • , •,. •. The Board finds that strict application of the grdinence Wald produce sextet-toe"'difficulties-or unneotasax r leardidAps,.the hardship_ created unique aud would,met be *cared-by all PrePsAiree the immediate vicinity of thisend in-the'Sean vise Areocaoci • and.the.untinneoil 'character' of the nei3Oh.P4Oedi - and ls= oblerse the spirit of the Ordinenee. ' • . . THERM= =SAS BASCOBB, antwelit aie atal.re-_-s.r?sae- others, ll Pro* street, Cr OPASTBIr 4re . to set aside 1.0T zia* an'aplie4 for in adrdance With'SPPrilinnitie metes and bounds as described in the sur-Voy refermd.tdntonte (survey. of Vas Thra, dated January 15, 197114, eohleet to the following • conditional ' 1. Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this , property for residential use, without prior approval of the • Board of Appeals, shall be filed in the CountyClerk's Office, _ Z. That before the applicant May be pernittad dockage and mooring privileges for snail boats as an accessory use, a special exception shall be applied for from the Board of APPintle? 3. Site Plea aPPrOval shall be obtained from the Planning ' Board. 4. Any sanitary facilities installed on this property shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Bsalth. 5. That this approval shall be subject to appliAcalobt*taing . proper documents from the State sad County fillidrOlizae441. Metro' Commissions.. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- litessrs: 4411ispia, Grigonia, Balser polo:. . ga •F SOUT OLD PR••P RTY RESOR "; CARD /6�0=Jr= V-7.a_ _ .� `OWNER /J STREET �VII+LLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT +i-el-e, 4C u7LA'a e r,t-/. 9L' G6/ // i°6414/ LaA e G{s e ,D01s7� /d Se-, FORMER-OWNER /-Jpao[D STii N r, RAu�M pwo E f ACR. _ Ca l - - S �--� / '. W TYPE OF BUILDING • rrPre,�:h;a% eAy�0a,r 5vdhah. ilk►-•e.rsb, 0,// /ti iL.arae. -- - RE$ j 0 SEAS. - ., VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt.Value LAND IMP. • TOTAL DATE REMARKS/ SO 5-41( 4 v:, „707. r C `.9.80+ { IQO /20- 9_ d4 ,- .2 /76 rv4 10/.%/aoa. p- 79"D �'a'f A , i�..n.�' a At. �Vf / ,/ I •. r �� He's 1/9 ` 73 LTr• Rib 'OL 6" STS'''1GR .v '2c a :.vo F • 1.l ; • 7) 1 - ..- V() \ tillable • FRONTAGE ON WATER biQ�f, ,2 i o o 2 hdd Woodland • ' - I ' FRONTAGE ON ROAD ci' • Uleadowliid I DEPTH 8 y /c'e' .iibute Plot , - 1 _ I BULKHEAD a he. . - %vital I 1 COLOR w`'r >`e i TRIM Vi h r /-e• I V ' I i _ I 'tf 3e, �Y ,5+ 'T , yazs.•tM ,� ^c. ,M AE.a' i r � - 1 fr t Extension \ Extension �� /\ . Extension �I 4�, ` Foundation Both ?'"U Dinette ( I ' Porch Basement 14/J r'` Floors 1-77), K. Porch Ext.Walls VIr. 1r,�',; Interior Finishc, LR. • Breezeway {i Fire Place n,O n�, Heat• G=, y DR. ili Garage I Type Roof r Je Rooms 1st Moor BR. IYY Patio 12 y 1 - = 4. /e I., Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B O. B. { ss-�o 9 L Grp Dormer Driveway . /\\p le I , / 80 7— I 4 idO j _sfj—_ :..... , , TOWN O SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECD CARD OWNER -. STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB.. LOT .. t 1 7 J V I 1,4 6/e 71' Ri 0 Pi.-..-y,a viv Att-t • r!--•:' -',' /0.../i-- .. . . FORMER OWNER 7--"Qi--.K , CA I 1-•t k/5')*-6 ly, Nit,1-1/14 ,i 704,6, ,M, E Ca./14 Cf.,e 4/144444-'1%1-4. °, G-14,1 • S , W TYPE OF BUILDING Ac„rji rel .1.1..42, 1.1 ..? %-i-eld , S__. R IA u e...14 SL Am) -VAAL/ ?6-4 444.4... i • - ___ RES. SEAS. yi... 5 FARM COMM. CB. hiIISc.', 1 t.Value t)&1-1p.p, , liarta...... .......; a. LAND ' IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS/ i / I ,2_26r0 toi>01/4/ Agr:ii ' f ' 9 44 "606 , , ..7 4_1, _ A /7.f 74..._ 7,-,. ?V, ut-le,maisTIO )4 o . ) 1 5"Go, 66 s ' c v ,/e-Iht i l 0/79 3,T4.4, fig /e vov aio. o c ..7 . . 17 6°. , S-7 0 a s(-21 60 / 372e,1?4 1/617? SraLit ela,s..i 74:V: &Fa m Ati$K 1 01 OAS.'it, S,RA u cil 4,!Iwo. psil ' ._ \ j7 3 0 0 / 2 o 6 / g 5'0 0 / ri7 I 79 VAR/8-6 4, ?890 f01Geounski 1?At -1-e, (A i 1 ---exa—b-J 1 00. liPtz . 3 0 o c., S.AO 9 k. AGE BUILRzy SB0,, 0.3. ITI DING CONDON 1/ \) NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE 14 1 ' FARM Acre Value Per Value • _ . i Tillable 7 c l • (c) . -, - . , Tillable 2 ... c2 ..." . ... .„._ ._ . Tillable 3 • ? - Woodland - . ....2 FO CO /ci, "- .7. .5-3 2-0, - - -- Swampland • FRONTAGE ON WATER _7 iBrushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD 42-0- 3c' Tiouse Plot DEPTH BJ i.. o' , , , - BULKHEAD /6 - -- - - . - ' . - . Total DOCK _ -, ... ,:•'„2.... -''''''''' _ ---„ a-lz7-.7:;• .:7-'r1:-..-±',5.1"-_...-:,-='-' • . -s• ( ( �� i - v , I = COLOR k ATRIM 4/, 7 1 I ______[ i :' — _ _} I flPf ii„'2� ti c..•+�1 ' .,.''''44/1`. 1,k q b'.s* '” �'L t y'SS- S ' I ,,'�S'�`R f It•"4 3 ky`,t .y n r3 i czk .rc-r� N ..5 ;* d tirrk a� -s^ . at ait xx;:,,? _ _ _ _ : - --._ _ . :i' .?::+Y.4 -t .t" �x;'i,.�;ai et;l...ri'`•.^'n.•. ::�,is'''y+�N`s'ra-,�•F,'y`h 61./-) M. Bldg. t 2 /4 = I 9z '1,,r o 24? / i_ _ Extension _- I • IG _ Extension f Iz , Extension Foundation SLA S Bath / Dinette Porch Basement No Floors 4,/, K. _� Porch Ext.Walls il Interior Fihish LR �� Breezeway Fire Place ,Y',) Heat A/6DR. Garage • Type Roof P,e/4e Rooms 1st Floor BR. Patio Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B O. B. Dormer Driveway Total .z ET 1 415 ,ae e�LZ PO)- �Q c',.‘ 21,21 -- -, f- - \ 2!� . • / sc.! L. 7. 3� �, 742i2 • ^ c� 7;a aft ��y�• /� /Lo •1'//`5^.X - o2/a7/7J') 1 /3l,y d ,e, o p, . 21.444ac;d_,,,c —--A e:: .4 =tee se- Pl,ice 154- v otv #oto .to o C ,00r - ot-/-C-)Zo (-L✓, a v- tea°° 7 a AithT - -,D - , opelheeU . &.•te.) ho u': ak.A1 °-t ed 307,4 mrxa�,C 3 e--�o citu . e le-iia f,✓e 7 in r.Na(.11) 'S /.�- ; .eate. 4 d 35-Lit-1 e: a (butts 7.9. ,35a _ C'oAisrecc.cT . ' �, -,per � �ccl�.c.C..-✓G- ��T,B� s �0" PA 7//W4 - A- 73Vg4 14'5.4//3/(5'4 7- ie N - �a 4 / 3s • /�� c, cti/ h wa/J Gq,D Xrv(1 145 NC-) 1-,QA,c:>. NI- ( !-aS v? # ' 6-/2Eetypo le74, C 7/7.6) ' TOWN OF S UT OLD PROPERTY/ RECORD CAR® 6 000 - ss- ?:5 ,41-� OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT l"e_ v ��'yir� ew" nY k uL. . rc,l;, Lis _ fp=�rr �`. r , FORMER OWNER N E ACR. Ge5vtifaNskt-+ k, nr‹ j Dfli4M Ad. S IJ. , - CANA.( .'1/4171 r S W TYPE OF BUILDING r �. Wtssrn►9Nil L,7ULJ eNL RES. SEAS. VL 2,/3 FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LANDtA /�IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS' $'/IL r , i DWnrt1{s ! .'d vt S7" 41 anSd AelAoR' f Y4,ro 9 / 79 - Ar -L° -4- -7. 48 cno / a /4;45G1 ...I .3/V1) / yErOO , ,906 4://,578.5--1 •Ct`a'.""v"o°m•-„„•.• .-.-a-,....,._.,...... .+•,....w,,,.....,....-..-..,•....•.�-.+.•.�-_.....M " • Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER / m,Qa, Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD Meadowland DEPTH Hoze apt BULKHEAD • �v I Total - • SOuTHQLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -15- October 19, 1978 • • to his neighbor who has been using this por ion of the property for the past 18 years. ,The finings of the Bo-rd are that this will not change the character of the eighborhood any way. The Board finds that st•ict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties .r unnec=ssary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not •e shar-d by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of the pro'erty and in the same use district; and the variance will not change t',e aracter of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordiia ce. On motion by Mr. Tuthill, sec. ded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED that Raymond and A• -h • -dfield, 255 Willow Street, Roslyn Heights, New York, be GRANTED perm ssion to divide property with insuf- ficient area and width-.asq-tiest Lf166 ti of property: Paradise Shored Road, Southold, New York, - ounded a• -the north by Private Road; east by Daiker; south by O'Toole; west by ivate Road, subject to the following: _ Approval of the Suffolk C unty Planning Commission Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. ' * * •PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 2480 Upon application of Sarah Rauch, 1223 Cornegia Avenue, Far Rockaway, New York, (John S. Sherwood, as Agent) , for a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B 9 (a) for- permission to construct a storage building with shorter, a bulkhead, ramp 'and mooring float. Location of property; Gull Pond Lane; 'Greenport, New York, bounded on the•north by Germansky, and others; east by Fordham Canal; south by Rutkowski and others and west by Gull pond Lane. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception .` o the Zoning Ordinance, legal notice of hearing, affidavits• attesting to its publication in the official newspapers., -and disapproval frgm,, tete Building Inspector. •The Chairman also read a state- ment from the TgWn. Clerk that notification had_ been made to: Violet Germansky anc •crt!hers, Helen Rutkowski and others, Pee paid s$1.5.00. < ',3E'CHATRZMAN: The notice to the neighbors , indicates that the •spe'cia4. eXo;.ept"ipu ,relief is requested to construct a f2' ))14 ,4.5 foot,• storage bui;1di#g. h?,•show,er, bulkhead, ramp and mooring float. As stated in I tlie``Bul.ldi rig In;spedtor's note, it is part of property that was' sur•veyed • for Claire 'Broder and others. Van Tuyl surveyed it °6h•-January 7 , 1975. This is 1Q,cated on filled land which is not suitable ,for residential use,; however, -it is the ,duty of the Board to determirie the mast appropriate • use of the land which is not suitable for residential use. Ay way of precedent, we have already granted a special exception on:the adjd ;ning property to the south for approxim4e1y •what this applicant reclue`sts. ' ' ' ;5OtTHOLD TOWN BOARD 1 \PPEALS -16- ;tober, 1,9, 1978 • Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? JOHN SHERWOOD: A$ agent for Mrs. Rauch, who is enjoying a vaca- tion in Europe, I would like to speak in favor of the application. I have the site plan ready and will present it- to the Planning Board for their consideration, and I hope their approval at the first opportunity. H` THE CHAIRMAN: Z s far as the site plan is concerned, then we do adt' have to get involved with setbacks, dimensions or anything. MR. SHERWOOD: Unless you wodld care to? think THE CHAIRMAN: I don't think so. I don't/we did in the other application of Harold Stetler on the property to the south of this. We left it up to the Planning Board. The resolution which granted the se ti ngslidervf°this lot reads as follows: THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED that Reginald; Hudson a/c Claire Brody and others, 136 Frpnt Street, Greenport, New York, be GRANTED permission to set aside Lot B as applied for in! accordance with applicant's metes and bounds as ,described in the survey referred to above subject to the following .conditions: (1) Cove- nanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this property for residential, use, without prior approval of the Board of Appeals, shall be filed in the County Clerk's Office. (2) That before the applicant may be permitted dockage and mooring privileges for small boats as an accessory use, a spedial exception shall be applied for from the Board of Appeals. (.3)• Site plan approval shall be obtained from the Planning Bpard. (4) Any sanitary facilities installed on this property shall be subject 0 the - approval of the Board of Health. (5) That this approval shall be sub- ject to applicant obtaining proper documents from the State and County Environmental Control Commissions. That is the governing document. In this application, the same conditions would apply. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak for this application? (there was no response) . Is there anyone who wishes to speak against this application? (there was no response.) Are there any questions? MR. DOUGLASS: Mr. Sherwood, in this you apply for a certain length;dock and so much float, but you also apply for bulkhead. In the adjoining property, I have pictures of the next door neighbors, and I would like to know the situation of the dock and the bulkhead. Into the channel? ;MR. SHERWOOD: The bulkhead will be at or above high water mark. The dock will be similar to the one on the south. Half of the dock will be on the upland and half down to low water. The ramp will then go down from the dock down to the floating dock. MR. DOUGLASS : In other words, you do not intend to protrude out into the channel more than the neighboring properties. MR. SHERWOOD: No, it will be the same situation. The end result will be' that the two floating docks will be along side of each Other. THE CHAIRMAN: These will be parallel to the shore and. will not protrude any more into the channel than the adjoining one. - . - - , - -- - x;_,- • ' , •SOUTHOLD TQWN BOARD ( APPEALS -17- :.:tober 19, 1978 • MR. SHERWOOD: Well, they say a picture is worth.a thousand words, so here is what the plot plan looks like. The dimensions are such that it won't go beyond the floating dock itself. MR. DOUGLASS: I took this specifically at dead low so we could see where the stoppage of the dock was and where the float started. Thinking mainly of how far out into the channel you would go. MR. SHERWOOD: We are aware of that, and we would, not go out beyond the one located to the south. • THE CHAIRMAN: This would require 8 piles to Which is attached a 0' 7b r,"84, foot flouting dock which is approximately 30 feet from the top of the bank. The way that bank slopes you would not think it is 30 feet. This proposal would almost be identical to the one next door. Are there any other questions? Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? ' (there was no response. ) After investigation and inspection, the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to use property for dockage and mooring privileges for 2 yachts. The findings of the Board are that the appli- cant is aware that this lot may never be used for residential use and the proposed site plan appears to be well suited to the lot. The applicant proposes to dock no more. than 2 pleasure boats. The applicant understands that this is for non-commercial use only. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship Created is unique and would not be-shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of the property and in the same use district; • and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Douglass, seoon.dd by Mr. Gillispie, it was RESOLVED that Sarah Rauch, ,1223 Cornegia Avenue, Far Rockaway, New York, (John S. Sherwood, as Agent) , be GRANTED permission to con- struct a 'storage biiilding with shower, a bulkhead, a ramp and mooring float as requested. Location of property: Gull pond Lane, Greenport; New York,. bounded on the north by Ggrmansky and others; east by Fordham Canal; south by Rutkowski and others; west by Gull Pond Lane, " subject to the •following conditions: (1) That the accessory building to be 'erected shall be no larger than 12 feet by 16 feet. (2) No personal property may be' stored anywhere on the premises except in the storage building. (3) Dockage and mooring facilities shall be limited to the accommodation of not more than two (2) non-commercial pleasu, .e=boats which shall be no larger than 4'0 feet in length. • 'S'OUTHQIaD TOWN BOARD C_ APPEALS -18- wctober 19, 1978 (4) Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use, without prior approval of the Board of Appeals, shall be filed in the county Clerk's office. (5) That before the applicant may be permitted dockage and mooring privileges for small boats as any accessory use, -a special exception shall be applied for from the Board of Appeals. (6) Site Plan Approval shall be obtained from the Planning Board. (7) Any sanitary facilities installed on this property shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health. ' (8) That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaining proper 'documents from the State and County Environmental Control Com- missions. (9) This application is subject to the approval of the SuffAlk County Planning Commission. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. * PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 2481 - Upon -.pplication of Jean Case, New Suffolk ►ang, Cut hogue, New York; Bruce i'cLean Case, New Suffolk Lane, Gutchooue kew ork; and Walter Teres-o, New Suffolk Lane, Cutcho- gue, New Yhrk, (Richar: F. Lark, Esq.) fo a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ' , ticle III, SeCti,n 100-31 and Bulk Schedule for permission to divide pro;•erty with ins - ficient frontage. Location of property: New Suffolk Ro:d', Cutchogu- , New York, bounded on the north by James Horton; east by .hn Wickh. ; south by other land of Teresko; west by New Suffolk .Road: .he..,Chairman opened t'e h=-ring by reading the application for a variance tq the ;•Zoning Ordinalc: , legal notice of hearing, affidavits attesting tO' its' publication 1, the official newspapers', and disapproval from the Buildin Inspector. The Chairman also read a statement from the Town Clerk that -notificavioa had been made to: James Horton, John Wickham•, Esther Teresko, Wi i- Beebe. Fee paid $1.5.00. 'ti =,•C AIRMAN; The ..asic rlief requested is a variance so that Jean 'Case an.• ';Bruce-McLe-. Case mai sell a strip. 125' feet-wide by, 50.0 long to Walter Teresko a the rear •f their present property. ?r 'Oha'srs. letter here from Mr. Jo• n Wickham, o has no objection tp, this applica- tion. Is there anyone present who w shes to 'speak for. this application? RICHARD F. LA' , ,ESQ: For the , .plicant. I won't belabor the point, I think all of the reasoning of the applicants is stated in the petition, Mr. Chairman. I would pdiht oit howev'er, 'there ,are 2 reasons they are here.. One, they cannot satisfy the 150 loot width requirement i ., - 61//G TOWN OF SOUT OLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD —.26, /No - 3.5-- 4/- ... .— — -� �, lI OWNER STREET VILLAGE, DIST. SUB. LOT . 1} S A l? A!-i PA U C./4 ±.a,f 5 i_, ; �.1 r.1; _P.N.� Gr _r:r a r� , _ t i? O jam., _ i 1 FORMER OWNER N E ACR. I '.R WLSSNANN C:AN",;. t/ o r SW TYPE OF BUILDING L.4.rieMYJN$K ( 1'4/es. l, Ru7KovsK, Orb,. vJ rz:•rr:: LANE RES. SEAS. VL. FARM I COMM. CB.319.19) Mkt.Value ' LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS Ai'/, 5 30/7` ?orvi *'/3, o h4,�•,300. M%j. . /r�77 P ,.�gUO ton J� / �I /�I�7M V �jL'IzMriNSIt`�Y K$ / f� 4111 Z E`o.c g'J 2 o c 3 o-1-6 -5'/3 o/77 - -nor! ano ' 3/do ' //kd . 6 )( , ...._ . . ;. _ -. .t-- .,ill,; ; . ,. _ . . . It 'Rilabte FRONTAGE ONI WATER / .t p IC 2 p. ' .?8'O C 'Noodland FRONTAGE ON:ROAD *0 . •± Meadowland DEPTH a ,/R i' House Plot BULKHEAD o Totot AREA VARIANCE * * * * * * * * * * Town Law Amendments §267b-3 Effective July 1, 1992: • AREA VARIANCE is authorization by the ZBA for the use of land in a manner which is not allowed by the dimensional or topographical requirements of the applicable zoning code regulation. §267(1) of Town Law. The new, Statute no longer includes the term "practical difficulty" or- any particular test, and now provides that ZBAs consider two basic things: _ 1. the benefit to the applicant if the variance is granted; and 2. the detriment to the health, safety and general welfare of the neighborhood or community that would occur if the variance were to be granted. In balancing the interests above, ZBAs must also consider the following five • factors for an AREA VARIANCE: - • 1. whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, if granted;' 2. whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance; 3 . whether the area variance is substantial; 4. .whether the variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district; and 5 . whether the alleged difficulty was self-created, which consideration shall be relevant to the ZBA' s decision but shall not preclude the granting of an area variance. Also, as part of the "balancing concept," the new Statute provides that: 6. the ZBA shall grant the minimum variance that it shall deem necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. §267-b(3-c) of Town Law. USE VAR1Ai4L: . * * * *. * * * * * Amended rules effective July 1, 1992; further modified July 1, 1993 (§267b): USE VARIANCE is authorization by the ZBA for the use of land in a 'manner or for a purpose which is otherwise not allowed or is prohibited by the applicable zoning regulations. (§267(1) of Town Law) The applicant must demonstrate to the ZBA that: 1. For each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the property is located: (a) the applicant cannot realize a reasonable return, provided that lack, of ,return is substantial as demonstrated by competent financial evidence; (b) the alleiedadsthi..1p bstantialng to portioneofrthe district unique and does not apply to • or neighborhood; <Otto v. Steinhilber 282 NY 71 and Douglaston Civic Assn. Case tests> (c) therequest will Rochesterot alter Transit essential of the neighborhood; 933 ; variance denied>' (d) the alleged hardship has • not been self-Created. <Holy Sepulchre Cemetery v. ZBA Town of Greece 271 App - neighborhood was undeveloped; lot was acquired as a prohibited use; variance denied.> 2. ZBA must grant minimum variance necessary while at the same time preserve and protect the. character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety and welfare of the community §267-b(3-c) . 3 . ZBA mustinsure spirit ordinance be observed, public safety at and welfare secured, and substantial justice -done. • Prepared by the Southold Town Board of Appeals References: New York Town Law and Department of State OFFICIAL USE ONLY NESIN, ELAIN (SAETTA) 35-4-28.42 5548 VO APPEAL ZBA 2480-NO RESIDENTIAL / LABEL (4) CONSTRUC. 875 GULL POND LA GNPT CTY TAX MAP (8) NEIGHBORS CIRCLED (RED) AND TAX #'S WRITTEN ASSESSORS CARD (7) PULL NOD FROM BD — 1 ON FLDR RT SIDE ✓ RESEARCH PRIORS (6) INDEX CARD — MAKE NEW OR ATTACH /ADD ON TO OLD IF PRIOR SOIL &WATER LTR: PARCELS ON LI SOUND — Mail ASAP NVC PB MEMO: GET COMMENTS FROM CHAIRPERSON (COMMERCIAL / SUBDIVISION / LOT LINE / SCENIC BYWAY) / / INSPECTION PACKET SIGN (S) MAILINGS: CVR LTR, SIGN, AFFS SIGN PSTG & MLG, LN COUNTY PLANNING LTR UPDATED: NEW INFORMATION: M) 6C tS Cott 1--A + -b `7 s:9-4,,e J - cute vat . CezA y 5'f• 42Lik_ 1 —6 1.12 _ , • l- TOWN OF SOUFTHOLD,NEW YORK f'` DATE.. ...27v 1975 f . i ACTION OF THE ZONIIcG BOARD OF APPEALS g Appel No. Dated Y '0F 1 ACTION.O'TF --ZONING -0 -i. OF APPEALS.OF'.t.w ,TOWN OF,SDtFT$OLD ; Vis' Appellant at a'44lnk-'of the'ZoningBoard'of Appeals on '- " , e,274• >Iritthe` appeal' .war+eo fley$rnlrtbe'.aebon_tindifated„balow 'on••your,_.-• , - ; :)''Ierlt}e x'E ti�E=vaiiaaroue nce to acic of 2ccess to grope d . (4'„1-1„",,-.1:,:;,,,..4'..;. �i' '.• - -iAr:a-s a"c1'al excbp,lon`n',•iolder'*ie-'Zon'{ g,-61 tnatico - - - ' k (J ):„l,�ei ' f a tea a tce tA•thef oning Ordinapc A 1„SBECIA{.1 EXCEPTIgN._By resolution of the Board it- was determined that a special exception ( ) be g.ante '-( ,) be denied pursuant aci1 . Article. Section Subsection paragraph . ,....• ,,;,.'ti'..`Qf'the.Zon1nn Ordinance and the decision oo the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( )-be _ U c nftr e d Aeons.,*4# .,•,, 'r `.',...2. 1amendtpd 36 �o° (/ �F,� �vaiki �e �ti 1( .v. i i.":� n.. : 1/rF„ r' `0 �ggv, the 'QrM ee8 1 •� ,. ;4y, 1 26. B-S 4> 1d. 'p ss � `V/ /� S „y- .., ,, �. i�q lash i � widow / ti , r w :Sal Pond „ � , Y kc \� r i r �E. *•of;2Qr E. 165',-±#_�: 1351 ± on . r l ,L ' • 1g Vie'of 12,”F h .yes-S 60.) \ 14(74040.' #'- .- i' g l P( , � 18 68'! 19 00W 88.9' & 2. yAc,B'y',resotioppof,fhe Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary har'dship,beeauoe ' ' SXM .00.8i/SE (M) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike In the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because I I I Iasr.' wir'144. (q) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) ci}ange the character of the district because iii REVERSE Id therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and th t the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. MIME i I ,I Zir s. Nir pFf EALS FORM ZB4 . . ^”' ' Betty ,:,•- , J �, SPro Tem i S th* Board t �,s /-• • ' t'•-••• et- '',1= ;•• ,1"%rf:f;',7 • ",. ibe 4w4c2000f, :,, the north. tato Shell'be hieilint '4e4* the northerly lotiappeal No. 200011 shall be kaolin; as LOT °DPI all as shown on Van Tayl survey debad Jan IS, 197d. LAT - Biter investigatianand:Uspectien the Board finds that ap—p—rlacaat seguests pallatifitiOXL to' *el sot'for mooring dock ead storage balding with, insufficient vidth and'area on the east side of Gull Pond Bane, nPart,, Nem York. The findings of the Board 03:43 that applicant is the owner of 70)Vaa as Shawn on lean TufVs survey of January 51, 1973 and that-this let is'substantially is cacaos or equal is size to other It in the,entdiVisioni, and that the Board of nth and the Planning Board have,indisfated that this let is not suitable for residential use. Boweiter, it is the ehligatinn of the Board of Appeals to Permit the applicant to use his"property for the most reasonable use under the Zoning Ordinance which, in that' case, is accessory use to the ordinary residential -use. The Board finds that strict application of tits Ordinanee'would produce practical'difficulties or unnecessary liardiddpr.the hardship . Created is ulligue and would not he shared-by all properties,alba the immediate vicinity of this property bag, -Sans %ism diesitant: and the 'variance will not cheese/the character of the neighbortkicd, • and will observe the'spiritof the W11=1%40.. TRBREPORE 1 WAS ERSOMB, ReginaldBettiCh" Clairs:Brody & Othera, 134 Front Street, -Oreenport, ttew;Park be OPBSTEIrPerMinsigni to set aside LO sal' as-applied for i*acidOrdame with eppliesetsz • metes and bounds- as- described in the survey referred-to.dbove feurvey of 'Van Tay% dated January 15, 19731, sOldeat to the following conditions: 1. Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use without prior approval of the Board of Appeals, shall be filed is the County'Clerk's Office, 2. That before the applicant may be permitted dockage and mooring privileges for stall boats as an accessory use, a special exception shall be applied for from the Board vi lippeale. 3, Site Plan approval shall be obtained from the Planning - Board. 4. Any sanitary faeil$ties installed on this property 04411 he subject to the approval of the Board of 2ealth. 5. That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaiftieg., proper documents fren the State and County Environmental control commissions. • Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Oillispiet Origonia„; Rase, Doyen.. • '• • `• J�'f 4`I .'. - v - A,--, ` • • , • • • ' TOWN OF SOUTROLD, NEW ZOl DATE Nov. 6 t 19 7 8 • • ' . ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ArrEALS . , '> p . . Appeal, No. '- 2 - ' Dated September 11, 1978 •' . 4CTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTAOLD' ' • ' ' • . Ti° Sarah Rauch . • • Appellant ' t 1223 Cornegia Avenue • • ; Far Rockaway; New -York 16000 , • ` • a.a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals.on • October 19, 1978 the-appeal Was considered and the action Indicated below was taken on your • , , ' ( ) Request for variance due'to lack of access to property ,', . • . - , ' • i • ( I ) Request for a special exception under the'Zoning Ordinance , • • ; (IC) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance ' . J •r ' 1.1 St+ECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception' ( ,), be '� . grated ( • ) be denied pursuant to Article :............_ Section Subsection ...».....—...._. •paragraph - ' • --I4......---...-of the Zoning Ordinance and'the decision of the -Building Inspector ( ) •be reversed N(, ) be • .02 . ed because 9:00 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Sarah Rauch,- . s " ' • 223 Cornegia Avenue, Far• 'Rockaway, New York (John S. Sherwood, as ' Agent) , for a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, • • Section 100-30 B• 9 (a) for permission to construct a storage building • - with shower, a bulkhead, ramp and mooring float. Location' of property: ' • - ' Ghi11 Pond Lane; Greenport, New York, bounded on the, north by Germansky ' a d others; east by Fordham Canal; south by Rutkowski and others and • w st.by Gull. Pond Lane. • , ' • . ' 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that . •• ' • , • • • : U (a Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical' difficulties or unnecessary • h ds'ip because • - U • • • • SEE REVERSE . . •• .• • • .. . ; .,- (b)l The hardship created (is) • ' (is not) unique and (would) '(would not) be shared by all properties • . • alxlje lu the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because - . I 1 I �!:'f'"_°°Sf�TdJI'^_.v�`•C^�.,.._. - .:•c i_ •i""-' ' • ' $ E REVERSE - (c)! The variance (noes) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) . (would not) ' • change'the character of the district because ' SE REVERSE _ . . - , . . and i therefore; it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) he denied and •• • • ` • I that�the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ' ) be reversed.• • SE*, REVERSE ' ' • t ►�� ' ' . • 14 ' ' v1 • ,'ZONING BOARD'OF APPEALS . - , ' ' , FORf1L'ZB4 .«,tt08 ,� �. Ili �,. m : • • After investigation and inspection, the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to use property for dockage and mooring privileges for 2 yachts. The findings of the Board are that the appli- cant is .aware that this lot may never be used for residential use and the proposed site plan appears to be well suited to the lot. The applicant proposes to dock no more than 2 pleasure boats. The appli- cant understands that this is for non-commercial use only. .The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would. produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in • the immediate vicinity of the property and in the same use district; • and the variance will. not change the character of the neighborhood and will, observe the spirit of the. Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded by Mr. Gillispie., .it was RESOLVED that- Sarah Rauch, 1223 Cornegia Avenue, Far Rockaway ' • . New York, (John S. Sherwood, as. Agent) , be GRANTED permission to Con- struct a storage building with shower, a bulkhead, a ramp• and mooring float as requested. . Location of property: Gull Pond Lane,• Greenport, • New York, bounded on the north by Germansky and others; east by Fordham • • • Canal; south by Rutkowski and others; west by. Gull Pond Lane,. subject. to the following conditions: . r ' (1) That the accessory building to be erected' shall be no larger than .12 feet by 16 feet. • ' (2) No personal property may. ibe stored anywhere on the premises except in the. storage building. . • • (3) Dockage and mooring facilities shall be limited to the accommodation of not more than two (2) non-commercial, pleasure .boats . which shall be no larger than 40 feet in length. (4) ' Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use, without prior approval of the Board of ' Appeals shall be filed in the County Clerk's Office. • (5) That before the applicant may be permitted dockage.and ' mooring privileges for, small boats as any accessory use, a special . . exception .shall be applied for from the Board of Appeals. (6) Site Plan Approval shall be obtained fromthePlanning Board. (7) ' Any sanitary facilities installed on 'this property. shall. be ' subject to, the approval of the Board of Health, (8) That this approval shall be subject to applicant obtaining proper documents from the State and County Environmental Control Coad- • missions. . • (9) This application is subject to the approval of the' Suffolk ' • County Planning Commission. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. • * * * * • • • • i Nates : E5+ --ic�kec.( eieva-i•ior�s :sev.cto7I40105pstioiresLewrroirvizilytmls..ced:de bei' Loc kwcoc( , Kessiev C3arHe4dic# lg74 \\\\\46'14\ , PYoposec� fc*ctti-F�es 1-o be iltict iOyx 414 e•osedCess X0010 iaei 5b �� P 'c elf ?'($ • vopase• sep tic cm o .e -• . CO capac �.. • o xosrYtt-4a s �ct� �lteYs 4Y (Vciccc t r • �°r ri�,GrCoc'C�i' "1", t, \ ,_ . ��'t• Nn-1E LIk15 119PwotCtotJ -CO CoIJ%-rvCr iS 1.-t o tTeD ..Y(11\Si _ lSrS0°.� E BIZ tntC� S7e�. UNIX (/ \i _ 4,.., -,,,,, 4_ 6, — -L' <J ' 16. 0 ipe:!� ,1, / %\\ cry /K) (>, > N 40#7,V5>% • ; • I 0 \ Propc c( /5'tr \ 04, � '1OLK es..1NTY DEPARTMENT OF r.,: TH SERVICES •r ��i�*+ty i,h 1��x l�o` s 1•QYq cs� b'I dg �°�' :4 . .• � - - vrct+h s3rQweX %.44,. � . 4 \ITO FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRtJCxJ�� ONLY - No- a .C7 1111 - . \ . tan 1a.-.)-S.-?8- .-7-S.-2 SHS REP'. NO. b — G A •U ' 'Iy��it�`�~. ��' \ -IAPPRovEo r� f, +�' S.to6ao i ao-rs,w. A 1 ro5'., 1 EXCAVATION I P CTIDN REQUIRED cl �. to Nl} :"N ' \‘ .. 1 SITE. PLAN' - i . i • r CPR i vi�7yr� f., ' a .AH 2.AUCH - ' ' Mct-tse NEAR V./oi+ey sttp�Ot► ewcc a d'tsp000tl M ` K.+eliis loy 1115 11-15.falia'f u t-t wi 11 41 1'., j_ '�31wE t�i`f f•�'t'r'f�i'..'�°`i } i', SufifQ Vii ,40 ilia oHdt ottois 04.vi��es. . S t' • I atGot'}ioK bL Scx all RctuciA Poo is , COv t4*t ct AveHue DeeeirtiaeY ae, 19'7$ F'otY lzookgwetss, N.Y. i 16}1 . Scc0tce t $O i " ~- ', 0c obe.Y 19, 1976 LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS TUESDAY,JUNE 22, 2004 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on TUESDAY,JUNE 22,2004, at the time noted below: 10:30 AM ELAINE NESIN. Location of Property: 875 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport; CTM #35-4-28.42. Request for Variances under: #5548. Based on the Building Department's May 25, 2004 amended Notice of Disapproval, for relief of Condition #4, ZBA Appl. #2480 (Sarah Rausch) which Special Exception application was granted for dockage and mooring privileges for two yachts, with an agreement in 1978 to covenant be filed with the County Clerk, including a restriction that this property is prohibited for residential use, without prior Board of Appeals approval (The Special Exception authorized a shower, bulkhead, ramp and mooring float as requested); and #5533. Based on the Building Department's April 23, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, Section 100- 239.4B,for a dwelling proposed at less than 75 feet from the bulkhead. • The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: May 27,2004. BOARD OF APPEALS RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN By Linda Kowalski ' l LONING BOARD OF APPEALS SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (631) 765-1809 Fax 765-9064 May 26, 2004 Re: Chapter 58 — Public Notice for Tuesday, June 22, 2004 Hearing Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Long Island Traveler-Watchman newspaper. 1) Before JUNE 8: Please send the enclosed Legal Notice, with both a Cover Letter including a contact person and telephone number, and a copy of your Survey or Site Plan filed with this application which shows the new construction area, CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed), vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office located at Southold Town Hall (631 765-1937) and the County Real Property Office at the County Center, Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. If any letter is returned to you undeliverable, you are requested to make other attempts to obtain a mailing address or to deliver the letter to the current owner, to the best of your ability and to confirm this in either a written statement, or at the hearing, with the returned letter. AND by June 8: please either mail or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers, names and addresses noted, and return it with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. When the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the scheduled hearing. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing and return it when available. These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. 2) By JUNE 13: Please make arrangements to place the enclosed poster on a signboard such as plywood or similar material, posting it at your property for at least seven (7) days. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is available for the additional front yard. Please also deliver your Affidavit of Posting to our office on or before the day of the hearing. If you are not able to meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Zoning Appeals Board and Staff Enclosures APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer Southold,New York 11971-0959 Lydia A. Tortora Telephone(631) 765-1809 Vincent Orlando ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 James Dinizio http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN MEMO TO: Southold Town Trustees FROM: Ruth Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeals DATE: June 3, 2004 SUBJECT: Request for Comments Presently, the Board of Appeals is reviewing the following application for a June 22, 2004 public hearing. Enclosed is the Notice of Disapproval and ZBA application. The file is available for review at your convenience. NAME TAX#/ ZBA BD NOD VARIANCE PLANS PREPARER ZONE DATE/S LAST REVISED DATE NESIN, ELAINE 35-4- 5533 4/23/04 BUILD NEW HOUSE — , 10-16-03 METZGER, — SAETTA 28.42 5548 5/25/04 BULKHEAD SETBACK SURVEYOR CONTRACTING R40 AND PRIOR ZBA DECISION RESTRICTING BUILDING #2480 Your comments are appreciated. Thank you. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer Southold,New York 11971-0959 Lydia A. Tortora Telephone (631) 765-1809 Vincent Orlando ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 James Dinizio http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN MEMO TO: Planning Board FROM: Ruth Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeals DATE: June 2, 2004 SUBJECT: Request for Comments Presently, the Board of Appeals is reviewing the following application for a June 22, 2004 public hearing. Enclosed is the Notice of Disapproval and ZBA application. The Planning Board may be involved regarding a pre-submission review under the site plan regulations of the Zoning Code. The file is available for review at your convenience. NAME TAX#/ ZBA BD NOD VARIANCE PLANS PREPARER ZONE DATE/S LAST REVISED DATE NESIN, ELAINE 35-4- 5533 4/23/04 BUILD NEW HOUSE — 10-16-03 METZGER, — SAETTA 28.42 5548 5/25/04 BULKHEAD SETBACK SURVEYOR CONTRACTING R40 AND PRIOR ZBA DECISION RESTRICTING BUILDING #2480 Your comments are appreciated. Thank you. NuTk Jr Al :INS A public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Appeals Board at Town Hall , 53095 Main Road, Southold, concerning this property: NAME : ELAINE NESIN 5533 & 5548 MAP #: 35-4-28 .42 APPEAL: PROPERTY RESTRICTION & BULKHEAD SETBACK F ROJECT: NEW HOUSE DATE : TUES . JUNE222OO4 10 : 30 AM If you are interested in this project, you may review the file(s) prior to the hearing during normal business days between 'the hours of 8am and 3pm . ZONING BOARD - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - 765-1809