HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOHN, HARRY C TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry p. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Kru~,:.Jr, .Iohn' L'Bednoski,.Jr. John'B. Tt~hill Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-t823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF,S oUTHoLD SUPERVISOR' SCOTT L. HARRIS ToWn Hall 53095 Main. Road P.O[ Box1179 South01d, New York 11971 September 3, 1991 Samuels & Steelman 25235 Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Harry G. & Janet Hohn SCTM 91000-118-6-1 & 1.3 Dear Mr. Samuels: The Board of Trustees reviewed the application submitted for the above referenced property. After an on site inspection, this project was determined not to be in the Trustees jurisdiction. All other approvals that may be applicable should be secured prior to the commencement of the project. Very truly yours, jOhn M. Bredemeyer! III President, Board o~ Trustees JMB:jt cc: Building Dept. Board Of $ou,t.hoid Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. . 4!.~.0 ........ DATE: _,2g./ll/.gZ .... Pursuant fo fh.e provbions of Chapter 6)5 of the Laws of f'he SfMe of New York, J893.; and Chapter 404 of the .Laws of the State of New York t952; ~d 'the Soufho~d Tow~ Ordinance en- fff~ed "RE~U~T~N~ AND THE PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND .ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS REMOVAL OF SAND,.~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS~" and in ~ccordance wffh the ResObfbn ~f The Board ~dopfed af'a meefbg held on ..I]/.Z0 .... D a~.e]~...A..D~ee]m~ .,] .................................................................. of ....... O~.c~g.;~ ...................................... N. Y. ~nd ~ub[ecf fo the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of' SoufhoJd Town Trustees authorizes and permffs the foflowbg: Construct new stairs & ca~watk from bulkhead to beach. ail ~n ecc°rdance wlfh the detailed specificafions es pre~nfed in the origbafb.g appllcafbn. !N WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by c~uses'~fs Corporate Seal fo be affixed, and these presents fo ALL DOCKS AND BULKH~.~]DS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PF~LIT NUMBERS,. · :. . . . '%? ......~ ALL' MOORINGS AND S~KES' MUST DISPLAY ¥ISI,BLE MOORING· NUMBERS. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAIN ROAD soUTHOLD. NEW YORK t!97~ NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERMIT TO; HARRY C. HOHN Please. be advised that your application, dated 10/6/92 has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on November 20., I~92 and resuiling in the action, as ].ndicated below: ( xxx ) ( ) ( ) Application Approved. Application Denied. Application .Tabled. COMMENTS AND REMARKS: $150.00 Wetland application - Paid iF YOUR APPLICATION IS APPROVED ABOVE, A PERMIT FEE IS NOW DUE, AND SHOULD .BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES. THIS FEE IS COMPUTED BELOW A~CORD!NG TO THE SCHEDULE OF RATES'~tS SET FORTH IN .THE INSTRUCTION SHEET (.Form I/1). THIS FEE MUST .BE PAiD WITHIN 90 DAYS OR REAPPLiCAT!ON AND ADDITIONAL FEE WILL BE NECESSARY. IF THE PERMIT FEE IS PAID IN PERSON TO THE CLERK OF THE BOARD, THE P'EtlMiT WILL BE OBTAINABLE AT THE SAME TIME.· IF THE FEE iS PAID BY MAIL, .THE PERMIT WILL BE MAILED IN REPLY. ' COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEE: $150.00 Wetland application TOT.AL .FEE· FOR THIS APPLICATION:' 10/'87 __$_ !50~00 j~-- Signe~: By: Pre%ident, Board of Trustees TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, HI, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice. President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill Wzlliam G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box t179 Soulhold, New York 11971 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION NO. 10'00-'.118-6-1 & 1.3 NAME: Harry G. Hohn DATE: August 26, 1993 Chapt. 97 - Wetlands Chapt. 37 - coastal Erosion RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617';.10 and Chapter 44 of the code of the Town of 'Southold, notice is hereby given that. the Southold Town Trustees, as Lead Agency for the action described below, has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take'further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: Type Ii. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Applicant requests permit for a 4' X 240' catwalk as shown on map dated August 3, 1993. Located Aborn Lane, Cutchogue. LOCATION: SCTM %1000-118-6-1 & 1.3 REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: ~ i. An on site inspection has been conducte~ by the Board of Trustees. 2. An environmental assessment, submitted by the applicant and reviewed and completed by, the Board of Trustees, has indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should the following mitigation measures be implemented. cc: CAC ~ P. Srt,Jth W'flliam G. Atbertson Talephoae .(516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-i823 B'O~ OF TOWN TR~~-~" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD'..' eUPERVtSOP. SCOTT L HARRIS TOwn Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. B~x 1179 Southol~ New York 1197 :,. NOu~ber 25, 1992 "Dear Mr. Samuels: .actiOn was taken by the Board of. Town Tzu/stees held on November 20, 1992 regardi~g"~h~ !$ & Steelmmn Architects on behalf of Harry Hohn · Southold Town-Trustees for a permit 'un~er the the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, ;ion dated October 6~ 1992 said application was referred to the Southoid Town Advisory Council for their findings and'recommendat a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with application on November 20. 1992 at which time all i~ persons were given an'opportunity to be heard, and, -.~ h~....~..AS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area~ and~ ~~~ the:.Bo, ard has considered all the testimony and docu~mentati°~iI s~bmi:tted concerning this application~ and, %rHF~REA$,.' the:Board has determined that the project as proposed will ~Ot affect the heal,h, safety and .general welfare of the people of the. town, BE IT RESOLVED that the BOard of Trustees approves ~ion of Samuels & Steelman Architects on behalf of'Harry' :' ~onstruct new stairs a~d catwalk, fr.om,...e×is.t~ng bulkhea~ expire two years from the date it is and permit issued notification. TWO'inspections are ~'!'~arS to be notified' upon completion:of said Permit will be issued upon payment of the following fees for work to be done below Mean High Water Mark: Very truly yours, Bredemeyer, III Pzesi~nt~ ~oard of Trustee $ohn M. Bmdemeyer,.~, president Albert ~. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. %thi_'lt : WLlliam G..Albertson Telephone (5!6) 765-!892 Fax (516) ~765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hal! 53095' Main Road EO. Box 1179 Southold, New-York 11971 S~E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO 'SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRO~ APPLICATION NO. 1000-118-6-'1 N~4E: Harry' &-Janet HOhn DATE: October 28, 1992 Chapt. 97 Wetland Chapt. 37 - Coastal Erosion RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law~ State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southoid, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as Lead Agency for the action desCribed below, has determined that the ,project will not Have a significant effect on the envir'or~ent. Please take'further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the s~me or similar project. A planting, survey shall be submitted prior to final approval, if applicable.. TYPE OF ACTION: II DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To construct new stairs and catwalk from'existing bulkhead to beach. Located 8.980:Nassau. Point Road, Cutchogue. LOCATION:SCTM %1000-1i8-6-I & 1.3 REASONS SUPPORTING ~d~S DETERMINATION: 1. A~ on site inspection has' been conducted by the Board of Trustees. 2o An environmental assessment, submitted by the applicant and reviewed and com_D!etedby the Board of Trustees, has indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should the project be implemented as Planned. cc. 'Sarmieis -:' &' ~qteelrnan TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Kmpski. Jr. John L. Bednoski. Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTt L. HARRIS Supervisor Town' Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (5!6) 765-.1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 August 16, 1990 CERTIFIED MAILED Harry G. Hohn New York Life Insurance 51 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10010 RE: SCTM %1000-118-6-1,3.1 Dear Mr. Hohn: As seen on inspections by a representative of the Trustee office on July 23, 1990 and other inquiries, some eye view vegetation clearing seems to have taken place with in 15.~of the water on. Lot ~3; any further activity in the area without first obtaining a permit or waiver from this office may result in a violation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, · Breflemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB: j mt Enc. cc: Planning Board Bay Constable William W. Esseks, Esq. C.A.G. TRUSTEES John M. B~edemeyer, III, President Henry P. smith, Vice. President AIbert. J. KrUpski, Jr. John L.'Bedn0ski; Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTt L. HARRIS Supervisor Tow.n .Hall', 53095 Main Road P.O. Box.'l179' Southold, New York 11971 Fax (5.16) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 FROM: DATE: RE: planning Board Board of Trustees July 24, 1990 Harry G. and Janet Hohn SCTM ~1000-118-6-1, 3.1 This office has reviewed the determination of the CAC and agrees that the wetland line as flagged by the surveyor on January 23, 1990 is acceptable. Since the proposed map shows a 15' right-of-way along the pond the applicant should be advised that any activity within 75' of the wetlands as delineated will require a permit from this office. As seen on inspection on July 23, 1990, moderate slopes exist immediately adjacent to the wetland area. .As a result of this it is likely that only a catwalk assembly would be acceptable as a means of access to the beach. Whereas some eye view vegetation clearing seems to have taken place within 75' of the water on Lot~ $3; the applicant should be advised in writing against any further activity in the area without first obtaining a permit or waiver from this office. Thank you for the opportunity to review this map. cc: CAC Telephone (5'16~ 765-1801= Town Hall, 53095 Main Road 'P.O. Box '1.179. Southold, New York 1197I. SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL To: 'Sout.hold Town Plannin~ Board From: .Southo.ld Town '.Conservation Advisory Council Dated: July 5, 19.90 Re: ~Harry. G.. and. Janet Hohn SCTM# 1000,-1'18-6-1, 3.1 The Conservation Advisory Council makes the following r~ o.n: The site appears to have' no wetlands involved.. The wetlands sited.~-on the map appear to Map dated 4-12-90 correct. Wet:land appear to be involved. The map/survey has been transmitted to the Southold Town Trustees for their comments and any staking they .deem necessary. T:he survey is not correct. Wetlands need to :be staked b.y the Southold Town Trustees. .The maP/survey has been transmitted to the Trustees for their comments and any staking they deem necessary ._. Additional Comments: cc: Southold Town Board of Trustees .,~.~. '.~ · /..' '.,.-. ~'G.~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chai~an George. Ritchie Latham, Jr. ~'~ Richa~ G: Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Telephone (516) 765-1938, TO~ OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 · Southold, New York ! 1971 Fax (516) 765-1823 _August 14t 1990 William W. Esseks Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main. Str.~et P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, New York 11901 RE: Minor Subdivision for Harry G. & Janet Hohn SCTM~ 1000-118'6-1 & 3.1 Dear Mr. Esseks: Enclosed is a copy of the July 24, 1990 report from the Board of Trustees. Please advise your client of the contents of this report. If you haVe any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, , Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman enc. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Or[owski, Jr., Chairman George RitChie Latham, Jr. Richard G.. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth. L. Edwards Telephone'(516) 765-1938 John M. Wagner Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main Street P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, New York 11901 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor ToWn Halt, 53095 Main Road PL.O. BOX 1179· Southo.ld. New York 1 t 971 Fax (5t6) 765-1823 RE: Harry & Janet Hohn SCTM%1000-t18-6-1-3.1 Dear Mr. Wagner: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, March tl, 1991. 'Be it RESOLVED that the Southold Town. Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Q~ality Review Act, make a determination of non-significance, and grant a Negative Declaration. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~W5 Chairman Encl. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie. Latham, Jr. Richard' G. XX~ard Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone '(516) 765-1938 Lead Agency: Address: PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination of Non-Significance Determination of signiticancz Planning Board of the Town of Southotd. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, .New York 11971 Date: March 11, 199i SCOTt L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold...New York 11971 Fax (5 t 6) 765- t 823 This noti ce is issued pursuant to Part 617, of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8. (State Environmental Quality Review).o~the Environmental Conservation. Law. The. lead agency has determined that the proposed action described below will not havea significant effect on the environment and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement need not be prepared. Ti tie of Act ion: SEQR Status: Project Description: SCTM Number: Location: Minor Subdivision Harry G. & Janet Hohn Type I Action The project which is the subject of this Determ[nation, involves the subdivision of a 7.368 acre parcel.into' three (3) single family residential lots. Two of the 'three lots contain existing dwelIings. There is a bulkhead along, the unimproved lot on Great Peconic Bay. Individual wells and sanitary .systems are proposed. District 1000 - Section 118 - Block 06 -Lots 1 & 3.1 The site is located at the southwest corner of.the intersection of Aborn Lane (Private Road), and Nassau Point Road,' Cutchogue, Town of So.uthold, New York. Page ! of 2 Minor Suhdivisio.n ~ Hohn SEQR De:termination Reasons Supporting This Determination: This: determinatiOnis issued.in full consideration of the criteria for determination of significance contained in6 N'YCRK Part617,'ll, the LOng Environmental~Assessment Form Parts I and II, and' the following:specific reasons: 1) Tlie:subject pro.perry is zoned R-40, allowing lots of 40,.000 square feet or greater. TheUSe' inVotv6~:..:3.'i~its on. T368 acres, and. an'average lot size of 2,456 acres, or 0.41 units per acre. 2). Thepropose'd project confOrms .to .the demi~y s' ~t~.. dards:for s~ ,f'a~. '._y re'.s, tden.tial.. dev'eiop~en.t, established' bY'the.S. :.~.,, olk.'County l~epar.tmem 0t'rtemm..be.rmces;.m. · · oi-der ~O.Protect:groundwater. 'The.ipr°ject..iSi:c0nsistent ~with..groundwater .... manag~ent guidelines.-asi0Utlined::in.the.208 Stu.dy~ SC Sarfitai'y Code Article 6, and eO.nsidei:ed by ihe Town°fS0uthold in review of the prOject. 3) Tine. site ,-contains.. important resources including, a freshwamr.p°nd; shoreline along GtCat P6eoni:c Bayi ~tnd..areas with:.slop'es',in':excess' of 3:0 pe'rcent~ TWo of the tots already C'°ntain dwellings, and therefore the intensity of:fise:-..witl not be increased, One.site will bel. developed'in the future. There is a sufficient building enee.lop on this s£te.: t0 Permit' env/ronr~ent~y sound development; A bul}d~ng :e!!veto .P.' wilI be' estiibli.s~ed throUgh..the :subdivision.review process in .order to ensure tliat' site use occures in .the least, sensitive areas, 4) Additional conditions which. 'are aspects of the project and/or are reflected on the map in 6rder to miriimize environmental impacts include: a. There is to' be no'~further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. b. The:designated'non-Use area is to be left in its natural, state. c. if additionat access should be necessa.rg'; Lots 1 and.2 shall share a common driveway which, traverses' across LOt 2, to Ab'Om.Lane. d. L0t"3 shall' continue t'o' have access' over Aborn' Lane For Further Information: Contact Person: Address: Phone No,: Bennett Ortowski, Chairman Town of Southold Planing Board Town Hall, Main Road, Southold (516) 765-1.938. Copies of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner-Department 'of Environmental Conservation Regional Office-New York State. the Department of Environmental. ConserVation Applicant-Harry G. & Janet Hohn Suffolk County .Department o/f/Health ServiCes Southol.d Town Trustees ~' Southold Town. Building Department Page 2 of 2 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, .Ir., Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PIULDt Su r isor . ~~ Town Hall. 53095 Main Road ~ P:O BOx i 179 Southold, New York 11971 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (5'1'6) 765-1823 February 26, 1991 John M. Wagner Esseks, Hefter & Angel 1'08 E'. Main Street P.O. Box 279 RiVerhead, New York 11901 RE: Harry & Janet Hohn SCTM%1000-118-.6-t-3.1 Dear Mr. Wagner: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday., February 25, 1991. Be it RESOLVED that the Sout.hold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environme:ntal Quality Review Act, assume lead agency status on this Type 1 action. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very~~.,~&~/~.truly yours~ , /_ Bennett Orlowski, Jr.y~ ' ~ Chairman cc: Board of Appeals /. Board of Trustees Southold Town Board Suffolk County Health Services. NYSDEC - Stony Brook PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George' .Ritchie Latham, .Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark $. McDonald Kenneth L, Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTY L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southotd, New York 1197t Fax (516) 765-1823 RE: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State EnvirOnmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 6t7 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: ~Ct~ &- ~ ~ncr~r _~o~ ., Requested Action: ( ) Un-listed Conuact Person: {516)-765-1938 The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead.agency. Planning Board Position: (~) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other. ( See comments below). Comments: Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Sincerely, Bennett Ortowski, Jr. ~f Chairman , cc: Board of Appeals / aBoard Of Trustees ~ Southold Town Board ~Suffolk County Dept'. of Health Services ~NYSDEC - Stony Brook ° ~' ~. cf P"_b!ic Wcrk~ ,,~.~.o Army ~_~_= ~__ Eng~er~ ~ v o ~ ~ Tran£portati~q * Maps are enclOsed for your_Teview Coordinating agencies Town Halt, 53095 Main Road. P.O. Box 1179 Southold;.'New 'York '1.1971 .PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: John Bredemeyer, tli P.r.esident, Board of Trustees Bennett Or.l'owSki, Jr. ~0'~/~~ 'Chairman April 11, 19.90 MinOr Subdivision Proposal for Harry G. & Janet Hohn Nassau Point SCTM$ 1000-118,6-1 & SCOl~l' L. HARRIS Fa~.(s~3 TelephOne :(:516)'.. 765-'I 800:'. Enclosed please find a. map for the above mentioned subdivision. ~~' nd.-;" ZiaeS have. ~een/d~ed bo.~ on the map'and in ~ning Boal~d requests your Board's comments as to the accuracy of the delineation.. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Enct. LOl' g~ IANENT':- 8'~"ix 20? RAiLIN4 DEC KING,:;i (4'EON,G) 6. ::x:20. :GtRDEI :5/8,~' e. BOLTS :: ': :'.,-.. .~:i' 8!' LEDGER ~OTH 6.O REPRESEN TA TI VE 1990 DECEMBER 13, tgE~g. 'AKE 'X ,o Z.TS-4 f2t37~Tex! 17 ~JECT I.D. NUMBER 6i7.21 · Appendix C ~* ';-~ Slate Environmental Quality Review. SHORT 'ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I,--PROJECT INFORMATION' {To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) ~. A~P'UCAN~,tS~H~OR · 2. PROJECT NAME '! 3..~ROJ'ECT L'ccATION: · 4. PRECISE LOCATION ~Street address. ~nd road i~tersecti'a~, prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map) SEQt FORM 5. iS P'ROP.OSED ACTION: '~New · . E].Exl2~nsion E]'Modificatton:/alteration 6J DESCRIBE' PROJ'EC'C'BRfEFLY: 7. AMOUNT O.F LAND AFFECTED: Ini'liail¥ e ~)~' 3eres UfHmatel¥. . ~O'/ B. WILL~ FROPOSED A'CTIOhl COMPLY WITH EXtST[NG ZONING OR OTHER EX)STtNG LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? No If Fie, describe briefly 9. WH.A,T tS PRESE~q~ LAf;D US~ iN VICINITy OF PROJECT? [~Res,~ential [] ~ndustrial ~ Commercial Describe: [] Agriculture [] parldForesllOpen space [] Olhei' !10. DOES ACTIO;I 1NVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL. OR FUNDti'IG. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GoVeRNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERALi- STATE OR LOCAL)? [] No ~1' y.els, Ils[ 3gency(s) and permitlapp~ovals ·. DOES ANy ASPECT OF THE ACTIO[4 HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ~.Yes []/'i'o i! yes Ifs! aaency n~me end,,Eermittappro.val AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIrlAPPROVAL REQUiRE-~ODIFICATION? J-]Yes ~O I CERTIFy THAT THE 1NFORMATrON PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE If the action is in the Coasta~ Area, and you are a state agency, complete lhe J Coastal Assessment Form belore proceeding with this assessment 1 OVER 1 ~,J~_b ~.~.~PJN ~,XCEE_O ANY tYPE ~ Y~ ~ No ' WtLL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW may be superseded by another involved agency. COULD AGTION RESULT tN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLO'¢.rl~G:.(Answers may' be handwritten, il leq[ble) Ct. ~xisttng air quality, surface or groundwater qualify or cluantn?, noise levels, existing t~ai'ffc pat!ems, solid waste production or d~sl~osal, potential lot erosion, drainage or I'lOeding p¢oblems? ExDtain briefly: ~ C~'. Aestr~etic, agdcul ural. archaeo og caF,.hlstor[c, or othei' natural or culturat resources: pt' commumty or'neighborhood characte¢?. Explain briefly C.3~ Vegetation or fauna, fish. shellfish or wiIdl'ife s~ecies,'significanl habitats, or threatened or .endangered soecies? ExPlain briefly'.. C,t. A community's existing plans, or.goals, as offfci'ally.sdnpted. Or ~t change in usa or Intensity pi ese of land. or other natural resources? Explain brlef$¥ subsequent deYelotlmen/, or related ~3. clivil~es likely ~o be reduced by the p~oDosed ¢3.ction? Explain bt,oily. short term, cumulative, or'pitier effects not idenlified in CI-C57 Exp*ain briefly. C7. Cther impacts I'inct[Jding changes in vse of either nuantil¥ o¢ type pt energy)? Explain briefly. O. t5 ]'HERE. OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT$? [] Yes [] ~0 I! Yes; ex,.lain briefly PART III~DETERtAiNATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIQ~S: For each adverse effect identilJed above, determine whelher it is substan~ial,.~arge, impotent or othe~is~ sig~i[i~nt. Each e~tect sHoul~ b~ assessed in COnnection With its ia).seUi~g (i,e. urban ar rural); (b) probabiliW o~ occurring; (c) duration; (d) ir¢¢vdrsrDHily; [eJ g~ogr~phic Scope; and.(~J magnitude. Il ne.cessa~, add altlchmenls or re{atonce suPCorti~ m~terials. Ensure that explanations con,lin suf[icient detail ~o show That 3ll. relevant adverse impacts have been identified. 9nd edequateJy addressed. . [] Check thi,s bo:< ii' you have identified one or more potentially targe or significant adverse impacts which I'AA¥ · occur. Then proceed directly to' £he FULL EAF ~nd,'or prepare a positive .dectArati.on. [] Check this box if you have determined, based on the ini'ormation and anolysis above and any'supporting documentation, that the proposed ~ctJon WILL MOT result in any signit'ica.nt adverse environmental impacts ANO ~rovide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: New York Life Insuran~omp'any 51 Madison Avenue, NeC' ~k, NY 10010 212 576-5077 ~"-~'/':¥ ' Fax: 212 576-4545 Harry G. Hohn Chairman of the Board March 26, 1.9.93 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Attention:..John Bredemeyer., III,'P.resi.dent Town Hall $outho.ld, NeW'York 11971 Dear ~. Brsdemeyer:' Re: 8980 Nassau Point Road cutChogue, New York With reference to your recent meeting with Ed Dieffenbach, acting on my behalf, regarding the construction of a raised walk way on my property at 8980 Nassau Point Road, I respectfully request a field inspection and presubmission conference with representatives of the.Board of Trustees, at a mutually convenient time. Your cooperation and advice in this matter is deeply appreciated.. Since ~e. ly, P.S. If April 22; 1993 is. a possibility, I would be happy to drive out from Manhattan to meet with you on that afternoon. TRUSTEES ahn M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry, P. Smith, Vice President Albert I..Kmpski., Jr. John L- Bechaoski. Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765;1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH.OLD GRANDFATt~ER APPLICATION SCOTT' L. HARRIS Supervisor Towa ,Hall, 53095 Main'. Road P,O.'BOx 1179 Southold, New. York 11971 Fax (516) 765.,1823' Telephone (516) .765-i8,00 Name of ~ppiican't: Mailing address: ..... Address of Property.: Tax Map Number: 10.00- //g- ~- ~-{ Approx.yr.of construct: Prior owner if known: ~ L, M~K~/(~(~T ~oL~- Diagram of existing structures, including all dimensions, mllst be included with this application: Indicate on attached map.: Locatio~:,-ie; reference point, telephone pole ~umber, ad3'acent signature of applicant:./~_~_._~g~M~~- Date: '' //'.';d_'ILY ' " Pleaseapplication note, ....... there i~a-'one~ fee of $50.00 for .filing this' TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III', President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., %(ice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone .(5.1.6) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 S.UPER¥ISOR SCOTT.L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road EO. Box 1179' Southold, New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OffiCe Use Only: I Coastal Erosion Permit 'Application ~coaS~al Erosion Variance Application l~.Wetland permit.APPlication. '~Waiver from Chap~a.r :97(Applicat'ion/ ~ Trustee LandS.Permit Application Grandfather Permit Application Completed Apps. Date: Inspection date: 'CAC c.omments-Date: Sent Rec. Variance Required: (Y/N) ~'. Neighbors not'..~jed-Date: ~ ' '.$EQRA Type 2~L Coord.: Date sent SEQRA Dete.rmin./:date: ~ Publ.~c Hearing]Gate: Find'ing~: 'Approved (Y/N) Special Conditions: (Y/N) (see file) Permit[s) issued-date: Address: permi. '~ Application Fee: Application Nu2aber;SCTMgt000- ~l ~-- ~ ~ 1~I~ 3 Applicant: ~/~x/ ~. ~.~ Phone (~) 7-3'~ - 700a Interest: (owner, consultant,tessee~etc.) Owner of Property: Address ~ Phone ( ) Subject Property Location: (Provide LILCO Pole 9, Distance to cross Streets if not on location map) THIS IS NOT A PE~IT Page 1 Yds. to be excavated: .~ Yds. to be filled: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: ..Width of canal, creek or. bay fronting property: Depth at. low tide: ~/~ Aver. rise in tide: Distance to nearest channel: Distance project extends beyond similar projects in area: ~ Area zoning: ~-~0 Land area in acres: · .~..~ ..... ?_ Is project for private or business use: ~~[ Intended .use of property: ~.~';~J~ ~ Describe known prior operations conducted on premises: Has any prior license or permit been issued tO erect structures, dredge, or deposit fill on said premise~s: ~-,-~ Has any license or permit ever been revoked, or suspended by a Governmental AgencY:. ~ Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during construction of the principle and accessory structures and underground structures (i.e., pipeline and septic system; make additional attachments if necessary). THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ~Page 2 ! Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review .':' she RT 'EN VI RON.MENTAL~ ASS ESS.M ENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsorl I 1.' APPLICANT tSPO.N'.SOR PROJECT'NAME 3. PROJECT LOCATtO'N: i' ~,.,,~,=i¢,21!~, :C~.,,y o ~.~ ,E' co,,,t~, ,..._¢4.,',,~"~-'4, Z.,¢' SEQR 4. PRECISE L~).CATION (Street address And .road .intersections, prominent .landmarks, eic., or provide map) §. '.IS'.-PROr~...ED ACTION; L~ New:' [] Expansion [] Modificationlalt6ration 6.' .DESCR.[I3'E PROJECT ~3R[EFL_~: 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED; acres Ultima:¢y /'~'"~ acres 8. Wr~OPOS'ED ACTION COMPLY WiTH EXISTING ZONING oR OTHER EXISTING LAND'USE R~STRICTIONS? L.~ Yes [] No If No~ describe b~ieJly 9, WHA~IS.PRESENT LAIqD.USE iN VICINITY OF PROJECT? ~1,~ Residential [] [ndu,~lrJal [] Commercial Describe: [] Agriculture [] ParktForestlODen space [] Other 10. DOES ACT/tON INVOLVE A PERMIT'APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STAT~'"R LOCAL)? ' · ' ~ ' I)/J Yes [] Ho If ye~. llst agency(s) and permJt/ap:provals .~, ~'~. ~ , -- DOES ANY A~T OF THE AOTIOH HAVE A CUR.RENTL¥ VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? E~.Yes ~ No If'yes, IJs~ agency name and permi~lapprovat ~2, AS A RESULT ~,ROPOSED ACTION Wt. LL EX[ST. ING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? [] Yes ~ No f:CERT{FY'THAT THE tNFORMAT ON PROVID'EO ADOVE tS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Sfgnalure: ~ "the~;°t'i'~i"thoC°~s?lAr~:andy°uaroastaleagency'e~mpiol'lh¢ ' '.~~e~ Form before proceeding wilh this.assessment OVER' A. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYP~THR~SHOLD IN 6 NYC~, PA~ 6t7.127 I1 yes. ~' ~ Yes ~'No '' WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED FIE-VIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR. PART 6t7.§? I! No, -~ negative 0ecla'ralton may De superseded by another involv~ agency. ¢.. COULD ACTION RESULT ~N ANY ADVERSE 'EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WiTH THE FOLLOWrNG.' (Aaswer~ rmzy be handwritten, it leq~bte) C1. Existincj air quality, surface or groundwater qu,'~l~ty or qua.nhl¥, ~oise levels, ex,s~ing traffic p~zerns, solid waste production or dJs.oo..~al, C2. Aesthetic,.~griculturaJ, ~zrch~eolo~ic~'l, hist0ric, or other natural ar c=ffural resources; er communr]¥ or neighbarhood character?. Explain briefly: C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish. shelifist~ ~r wildlife species, sigr~i[icant habJlatS, or t'hrea~ened or enlist, gered s~ecies? Explain briefly: C4. A community'~ e~i=ting plans or goals as o~ficially ~sd~Dted, or a change ~n use or intensity ct usa ct C5. Growth. subseauert! development, or related a¢[~vitJes hkety' to De induced by t~e PrODose~ ac:~Jo~? E×olain brretly. CS. Long lerm, sJ'~ort term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in CI-CS? E;~plai~ briefly, Cl. O[i~er impacts (Jnclbding changes In. use ~t either quantify or type ct energy.)? Explain brae!ry. D. [5..THE. RE, OR tS THERE L~KELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POT£NTJAL AD'VERSE .ENVIR'ONMENTAL iMPACTS,? [~Yes [] No If Yes, explaio brief.ty PART iIi--OETEFIMINATIO.NI OF SIGNIFICANCE. (To be completed by' Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: Eot each adverse effect identified a~ove determine whether it is suDstantial, large, [moo~ant.or oth.e~ise sign'~lic~ot. Each afro.ct sflou[d De assessed fn connection with its (al'setdn~ (i.e[ urban or ~tal); .(b) probabJ ity .ct o~u[dng;.{c) ~ura~ion; id) irr~vers~bi')i[y; ia} geographic scope; and ¢) ~mgnitude. If necessa~, add: a:ttachmen~s or reference s.uePortimo materials. E~sure that explanations conz~n sufficient dotal. I to showy faa[ all r~l'evant adverse J:~pDC~S have been identified an.~ adequately addressed. [] CAeck this box if you have identified one or more Potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY -' occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive' declaration. [] Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and a:nalysis above ,~r~d any supporting docur,~a'n.tatJon, l~at th.e. proposeo .action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse '~nwronmental imp. aots AND provide on attachments as-necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: .f.-- - TRUSTEES John'M. Bredemeyer, I/L President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., '.Vice President~ Henry R. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albenson Telephone. (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD.OF ¥OWN TRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD 30 year Maintenance Agreement Erosion Protection. Structures Chapter 37 So'uth'old Town COde S0.uthotd Trustees as AdminiStrator SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road Rd. Box 1'179 Southold, New York 11971 ~X(we) HARRY G. HOHN. AND J~NET Li~HOHN type or print name(s) the owners of record of property .at: 89.80 Nassau Point Road, CUtchogue..Naw'York 11935 (type or print street address) SCTM %1000-118~z.~..2 in. applying.for a COastal Erosion permit for an Erosion · Protection Structure do hereby agree ~o a 30 year maintenance program for a structure commonly known as a :catwalk of 240 feet as shown, on the attaqhed feet of length licensed survey Of the as-built structure. It i.s my/our understanding that we are to maintain this structure with materials designed· to endure 30 years and or .equivaLent to the original approved 'structure and that for any maintenance which involves more than 5% in length of this st.ructure we are to give prior Written notice to the administrator, waiting for their approval in all but true emergency situation"s which would seriously endanger life, property .and important .coastal natural resource features such as bluffs or wetlands.. We further understand that failure to · maintain the structure could result in 'a requirement to Dost a bond and or have the repairs ordered as a lien aqainst the property upon a finding .by the Trustees that s. aia lack of maintenance would risk life, p operty or important natural resources features in.cl~ ~~~threatened animals and plants ' ~O~--TO BEFORE ME THiS ~ ~ DAY OF ~ [!.~ .. ,19q'3 ~ry Pubtic.. State of New Y~ ' No. 4t-4834278 .NOTD~-Y PUBLIC ~ ~ualifi~ in Queens C~"~ ~ ~mission. Expir~ April ~, 19~ Please submit three copies of a licensed'land survey made within one year of·the original construction. This maintenance agreement shall only be valid upon the final approval of the administrator. Subsequent owners may apply to the Southold Town Trustees to re-authorize this maintenance agreement. County of Suffolk ) State of New York ) THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE.APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD .THE TOWN OF-S.OUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM .AN~.~ ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS .ARISING UNDER 'ORBY VIRTUE. OF SAID PER~IT(S)_, tF'-GRANTED. IN CO~LETING THIS APPLICATION,. I ~EREB~ AUTHORIz. E 'THE TRUSTEES, THEIR' AGENT~{is) 0R'i.'REPRESENTATIVE(s), TO ENTER-ONTO'MY PROPERTY TO' INs~EOT.:THE PRFJ4ISES IN"coNjUNcTiONwiTH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. .SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ~ARY 'PUBLIC JANET V. STE¥/ART ~mmiss~cn ~p!~s Nov. 30, Suggested space for location Map THIS .IS NOT A PERMIT TRUSTEES ohn M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Sraith. Vice President .Albert J. Krupski. Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. .John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 · ~,~).':>.~, ..::.~ ':....,., ~, BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southotd, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-i800 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning Board Board of Trustees July 24, 1990 Harry G. and Janet Hohn SCTM ~1000-!18-6-i, 3.1 This office has reviewed the determination of the CAC and agrees that the wetland line as flagged by the surveyor on January ·23, 1990 is acceptable. Since the proposed map shows· a 15' right-of-way along the pond the applicant, should be advised that an__~v activity within 75' of the wetlands as delineated will require a permit from this office. · As seen on inspection on July· 23, 1990, moderate slopes exist ~ immediately adjacent to the wetland area. As a result of this ~ it i.s likely·· that only .a catwalk assembly would be acceptable as [. a means of ac ' Whereas some eye view vegetation clearing seems to have taken · place within 75' of the water on· Lot %3; the applicant should be advised in writing against any.further activity in the area without first obtaining a permit or waiver from this office. Thank you for the opportunity to review this map. · cc:. CAC -2- JULY 24, 1990 BOARD OF TRUSTEES LETTER During the 1989 - 1991 subdivision process, we felt that we had fairly negotiated .with the Planning Board and the Trustees. to satisfy the interest of all. EVen though the parcel under discussion.was almost 8 acres, we agreed to a subdivision of only 3 lots when our original petition had been for 4. During this process the BOard of Trustees made .the following statement: "As seen on inspection on July 23, 1990, moderate slopes exist immediately adjacent to the wetland area. As a result of this it is likely that only a catwalk assembly would be acceptable as a means of access to' the beach." We recognized then that this was not a commitment of the Board but we agreed that a catwalk assembly would be a satisfactory avenue to accomplish our long term plans withi/~ the spirit and letter of the Town permits. A part of that plan was to..retain for our family. Lots #1 and//2 and eventually sell Lot//3. This continues to be our plan and is one of the principal reasons for the pending permit. I think it is unreasonable for others to suggest that we should be required to allow individuals owning Lot #3 in the future to transverse over Lots #2 and #3 or even just Lot//2. The route suggested by ,others at the hearing, which would go within inches of the house on Lot #2 and then across a marshy stretch, is 'not a satisfactory alternative. While that route may have been used in the past, it has not been used since the. beginning of 1989 and even before that. It is now covered over with natural marsh grass and in high tide conditions it is partially covered over by: the pond. -3- The second route suggested would be around the south side of the house on Lot //2. This is also totally unsatisfactory as it gives the residents of the houses on Lots #1 and #2 no quiet, enjoyment' of their property rights and invasion of their privacy. I.suggest that these are unreasonable apProaches to follow. There is also the important matter of the diminution of the values of all of the lots involved; 'Lot #1, Lot/f2-and Lot #3.. There may be another alternative which might be considered by the Board in the context of the environmental issues. I hold. a specific deed from Hammer (prior owner of the Bun'ell property) to Kolbe (prior owner of my property) and her successors that goes with the land, which gives me a fight-of-way around the northern perimeter, of the pond. across, my property and then across Burrell's property and to the' bay. That right, of-way is shown on the survey previously filed wth the Board in this matter. It may be that .this fight-of-way could be utilized as a means to get around a good part 'of the pond and then. build a 'much shorter catwalk across the pond inlet to that part of the dune on the bay front owned by me. This was not suggested by me originally because of the sensitivity of adjacent neighbors. While it raises other issues, perhaps now it should be given consideration by the Board. DEC I have been advised that the better course of action would be to file with the Town of Southold before going to the DEC. We plan to go to the DEC. As a matter of fact, the catwalk was designed to comply with all DEC requirements. It is my understanding that the DEC requires the catwalk to be 4 feet above the water and marsh grasses, etc. That is why the catwalk was at the level indicated in the material submitted to the Board. We have never entered into the pond because of the delicate balance of the environment and certainly will not do so in the future~ -4- CAC I. was not aware of the indicated requirement that.we secure the comments of the "CAC." on this matter. If this is a requirement, I would greatly appreciate your advice as to how I would go about· this process. cc: Members of the Southold Board of Trustees Attachment NewYork Ufe Insurance Company 51 Madison Avenue, New York. NY 10010 212 576-5077 Fax: 212 576-4545 Harry.G. Hohn Chairman of the Board October 13, 1993 Mr. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Vice President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold TOWn Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 ~ Southold, New York 11971 '0WN 0F Dear Mr. KruPski: . Re: Hohn Catwalk: Abom Lane Thank you for your patience and good judgment at the Board meeting on September 30 in the handling, of my permit request to construct a catwalk.. BACKGROUND For the record, I must first note that I have not taken any actions outside, of the permits granted to me by the Town of Southold, the DEC and other governmental agencies. Everything has been done within the letter and spirit of those permits. · This can be demonstrated by a review of the property and improvements Since we began the subdivision and building process in the latter part of 1989.. The only minor· misstep was one covered in the·BOard letter of July 24, 1990 (copy attached). That activity was limited to taking· down onlY a few trees that were diseased and were interfering with other healthy growth.. As you will see f~om any current visual inspection, the vegetation within 75 feet of the wetlands on Lot #3 is more than robust and in no way has been · tampered with by me or any other person. We have been environmentally sensitive, not only for the residents and natural habita_t of Nassau Point, but for our enjoyment and the enjoyment of generationS of my children and grandchildren. Z? ' John M. Bredemeyer, III, President ltenry p.. Smith, ~ce President Albert'l. KrUpski, Jr. lohn L. Bednoski, Ir. I6tm B. Tut}dll Telephone (516) 765-'t 892 Fax {516) 765-I823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF. SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 'Main Road P.O. Box 1 I79 Southold, NeW York 11971 . COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION 'TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT APPLIC~Tt. ON TRUSTEE'LANDS~.PERMIT· APPLICATION Office Use Only: ................. ~qeti~nd Permit APplication ~TruStee Lands Permit ApplicatTon ~Com~leted'Apps. Date: 101~Ot~ I~V:ariance Required,' "$c~& ' · ~EQRA Determin:/date: Permit Vote: (Y/N)': ~.V~6~.~S,~ -' ' ' '.. 'sPeCial Conditions: %~m~%~~~.` .. ~.,~. - ' ('a so Application Number; SCTM ~1000- '//~ --~ --/ Project Name (If any) Date Prepared: /~- / ' Applicant: ~~~. '] Interest: (OtCp~o-rw~ conseet~cant,l~~. ) Owner of Pr?Perty:~ '/r~r. 2~.~/~¢./4.~' ~: ~w~ Address COd ~~ ~.~ ~ y~ / ~-.)X:..'' /¢0~/ Phone ( SubjeCt. Pr.~perty. Location: ~f~O~ ~~ (Provide LILCO Pole ~, Distance to cross Streets if not on locati~on map } THIS IS NOT A PE~4IT Yds. to' be excavated: .d%) Yds. to be filled: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Width of canal, creek or 'bay. fronting Property: Depth at' low tide: Aver. rise in tilde: Distance to nearest channel: /~~ '~'~ -Dis~.ance project e'x'tenas'beyond.~im~lar projects'in area: Area Zlonin"g: .t~.-'~'.~ Land area in aC'rest-' '~...~..~.~ I's :project for priwate or business use~ Intended use of property: ~~--'" ~~'~ DeScribe known prior opera:tions conducted on premises: Has any priOr, license o.r permit been issued. 'to~e.rect~structures, Dd'ge., or dep.o~.t .f~ll'on.said p~emises:...~$ - H'as"'an.~ liCense ~r Permit.ever been revoked or suspended by a Go~.ernmental Agency: ~ ---- Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during construction of the principle and accessory structures .and underground structures {i.e., pipeline and septic system; make additional attachments if necessary). Authorization (Where ~he applicant, is not'the owner) I · '~ residing at (Print-owner of subject property) (Mailing address-phone) do hereby authorize to apply for Coastal Erosion permit(s), from ~the Southol~ Town TrUstees Signature THIS IS NOT A PERMIT County of Suffolk ) State of New York ) /-~zUW 5 ~. -~-/W~'~L'o~ BEING DULY sWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS.THE APPLIC~T'FOR THE'ABOVE DESCRIBED PE~tIT(S). ~D THAT ALL STAT~ENTS CONTAINED HEREIN. ARE.TRUE TO T}{E BEST OF HIS/HER ~OWLED.GE ~D BELIEF, ~D. THAT. WO~ WILL BE DONE IN TH.E ~NER SET FORTH IN THiS APPLICATION ~D AS MAY BE APPROVED BY ~{E.."SOU~OLD TO~ BO~ OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREE~S TO HOLD.THE. TO~.OF SOUTHOLD .~D THE~TO~'TRUST~EES H~ESs. ~:D FREE'FRoM ~y~ ~D:.ALL D~GES ~ CLAIMS..' ~ISiNG UNDER'...0R'BY VI:RTUE OF SAID IN COM~LETING."THIS AP'~PLI~CATioN~ i~'HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, T:H'E~R AGENT[[s)..OR. ~EP~ES~TATIVE(s.)., TO ENTER ONTO.~t~ PRO'PER~ TO INSPECT.'T~HE ~'REMi'~'ES'iN~ON~uNCTioN w. ITH~REVtEW OF THIS APP.LICATION. S t GNATURE SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Nc~. 4~, NOTARY PUBLIC Suggested space for location Map TtIIS IS NOT A PE~4IT LOt ~ 6'~ ~(. 20':' RAILING : 8~ LEDGER 'H. siDES O~' U?LAND CED,BYA' REPRESENTATIVE t98~ C M FND TAKE .? / / / / ./ 15~J,972 S.F. 1~.',6-4 t211]~--T,,x! 12 I.D, NUM~,ER .~' ' .IP~I~JECT k.~ .Ap p e~ C -.'Stale E~tviromtlenta~ Quality Review .:' sHORT '~'~iV'iROI',IMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACT.IONS Only PART 1--PROJECT IIqFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or 'Pro}ecl sponsor) SEQ ~. APPLICANT tSFON~.~/E[E!R ' . 2. PROJECT NAME 3. PROJECT LOCATION: 4. PRECISE LOCATION {Street address and.road.inte'rsecti0ns prominent landmarks, etC., or provide 5. IS PFiOFOSED,. ACTION: . . .' .~'t~l'ew E]'E×pansion [] Modificaltor]talteration DESCRIBE PROa. ECT.BR EFLY: ?. AMOUNT OF LAND'AFFECTED: lniliatly · 4~10 / .,CE)/ acres Ullimately acres WILL P~I. OPOSED ACTIO/,I COMPLY W1TH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTR Cf IONS? [] No I1 I, ro, describe briefly E~] AgriFullure [] F,3tklFore.silODen . spaFe [] Other 10.. DOES ACTIOH IHVOLVE A P~RMIT APPROVAL. OR FUNDING. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTItER GOVeRNMENTAL'AGENCY {FEDERAL. STATE ~2{ LOCAL)? ~Yes E] Ho If ye"s, Iisi agency(s} and permit/approvals ' DOES ANy ASPECT OF THE ACT1ON' HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT'OR APPROVAL? I CERTIFy THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIOED AeOVE IS TRUE TO THE ~EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE l !! the aclion is in Ihe Coaslat Area, and' you are n stale aqency, complelo the J 1 Coastal Assesslrlen! Form belore proceeding will] lh}s assessment 1 OVER I C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN AI, l¥ AOVEFISE EFFECTS .ASSOCIATED W.ITH THE FOLLOWIiXtG: (Answers may b~ C2. AesthetiC, agricultural, archaeolOgrc3l, historiC, or other ~atura~ or Vegetation or fauna. Ilsh. shelfllsh or ',,.'ildl[l'e s~ecieS. !;ignifi¢.'~l ha'bitol~, or threalened or chris.gered sc}e¢ies? Exglain brlefl~ C5. CIrowlh,.subs~'qUen! d~_,Ve~oOment, or re'Isled 3¢liviti~s likely Io be mducacl'hy the Dronosed a¢l~on? ExDl'alr~ brretl¥. CI~. Long t~irrt, short l~rrn, cum~rletive, or olher ell'eels nol identified in C1-C57 E:<Otain ~rietly. C?. Other im~rc~S'(inclijding, chgngeS irt use of eilher ~uanhty o~' iype. ol energ'~)? Explain briefly. IS.THE~E. ORS THERE LIKELY TO I~E. CO~ITROVERSY RE.[.A'iED TO POTEI~TIALAOVERSE EN¥1RONME~TAL I,LIPACTS? Yes [] I~to If Yes. explain bdelly PART tlf~DETEFIMINATIOI~ OF SIGHIFICANCE (To be compleled by Agency) II'ISTnUCTIOI'~'S: For each'adverse eflec( identified above, determine whelher il is subslanlial, large, ]mOorhen! or othenvise significg'a~t. Eac~ ellect slioul~l be essesse~ in conneclio'n with ils (a} selling (i,e, urban or rural): (b) probabilily al occurring; (c) duration: (d) exptanahons 'contain sul~icient dc(ail to show Ih~l all relevant adverse impacls have been idenHtied and ~dequ~tely addressed. J~] Cl']eck this box ii you h~ve ]dentil]ed one or more potenlially large or significant ;~dverse impgctg ,,~hich ;' occtJr. Then proceed directly lo lhe FULL EAF ~nd/or prepare ~ pOs]live dectalaliom ~ Check H~.Js box il you have delermined, based on the irfformaHon and analysi~ above and ~ny SU9~OTting documentation, thai the proposed action WILL t4OT result in any signilicanl adverse environmental impac~ A~ID u'rovidO on attachmenls as necessary, lhe reasons supporling Ibis determination: S A M U E L S & S TIE E L M A N AUg,/st 31,.1992 ARCHITECTS to act as my ag~% in u~aining~e re~ired p~ie~ f~m ehe ~ YO~ ~TATE DEP~ OF ~NS~ATION~ TH~ ~OF SO~0LD ~USTE~S, Date= ARCH [FECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTC~-IOGU~, NEW YORK 11935 (516) 734-64O5 New York Life Insuran~.~. ornpar~y 51 Madison Avenue, Ne~,.~?k, NY 10010 212 576-5077 Fax: 212 576-4545 Harry G. Hohn Chairman of the Board SENT ¥iA FACSmmE January 3, 1994 Mr. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Vice President Board of Town Trustees 'ToWn 'of SOUthold Town H~ 53095. Main'Road P,O..:Box ! 179 Sr>uthold, New: york 11971 Dear Mr. Krupski: Re: Hohn Catwalk: Aborn Lane .Because of business trips outside of New York and a heavy business meetings schedule, I will not be able to attend the January meeting of the 'Board of Town Trustees. Under the. circumstances, I would greatly appreciate a postponement of any hearing on: the above matter during the January meeting of the Board of Town Trustees. As You know, other matters have come up with respect to this. application, including a letter from the New York State Department of Environmental COnservation. This and other items are in the possession of my lawyer and we wilt need time.to Consider appropriate future steps, SinCerely, .A .. ?;,'5:' '"~;.?':.:' :.5:;.? . ~_..'-' ii' "::', -..'. .' '; ~ :. ' . "· ' 5',:'?..?:;%?'!::..' · :: .~..; ' ':-~, '.' ' :' . .~:" -:" ""!%'~:~?.' ,.~ :'; i'. .' :. '., ".. ' .... ~]2 ~8.5077 Fax; 212 576-4545 Ha~r~ G. Hohn Chairman of the Board SENT ViA FACSIMILE November 17, I993 Mr, Albert J. Knlpski Jr. Vice President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road· P.O~ Box 1179 Semibold, New York 11971 Re: Hobn Catwalk: Aborn Lane ~ hz ~ jus. t today returned f-r: -~ severA e:~tensNe bus3.ness ~ps and, in v~ew of _:~:': de: ~op~:.;en~s w~th res?:ct ~_o t~e abJve ~u~ect matter wh~e !' h~.ve b~:"~: o~'~ of Ge count:/, i .~m r.:'~t p?:~pm-~ to re.'[ew ~is prQect at your November Bo~d of Trustees meeting. Sincerely, · cc: Ed Dieffenbach New York Ufe Insurance ~pan¥ ,51 Madison Avenue, New Y~% /~Y 10010 212. §76-5077 '~' Fax: 212 576-4545 Harry G. Hohn Chairman of the Board O.etober 18', 1993 Mr. Albert. J. Krupski Jr. Vice President Board of Town TrUstees Town. of SOuthold T°wn Hall 53095: .'Main R°ad P"~'O, 'B°x 1179 S0uthold, New York '11971 TOWN OF Etear Mr, Kmpski: Re: Hohn Catwalk: Aborn Lane I. Understand that :there is to be an inspection of the property in connection with the above matter on Thursday, October 21. Unfortunately, I Will be out of the ~..qn.icgmpany,business that day and will not able to be atthe property on that da~'2 Ed Dieffenbach, .who has been associated with the development of ~e property since '1989, will be at the site' and has full authority from me to make my views known on this matter. I ialso understand that the next hearing scheduled by the Board of Town TrUstees is Thursday, October 28. Unfortunately, here again, I will be out of the. country on company business and' will not be available to attend that hearing.: Under the circumstances, I would tike .you to put the hearing off on the above matter 'until the November hearing. Sin~cer~y, ~~~~2 cc: Ed..Dieffenbach New York. Life Insurance~pany 51 Madison Avenue, New h/~.fi~lY 10010 212 576-5077 Fax: 212 576-4545 Harry G. Hohn Chairman of the Board October }3, 1.993 Mr. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Vice President Board of Town Trustees Town. of. Southotd Town. Hall 53095: 'Main Road P.O. B6x' .I 179 SoUthold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Krupski: Re: Hohn Catwalk: Aborn Lane Thank you for your patience and good.judgment at the Board meeting on .,September 30 in' the handling of my permit request to construct a catwalk. BACKGROUND .. '~ ...... For the record, I must first note that I have not taken any actions outside of the permits .granted to me by the Town of Southold, the DEC and other ~overnmental agencies. Everything has been done within the letter and spirit of ~h°se permits. This can be demonstrated by a review of the property and improvements since we began the subdivision and building process in the latter part of 1989. The only minor misstep was one covered in the Board letter of July 24, 1990 (copy attached). That activity ',vas limited to taking down only a few trees that were diseased and were interfering with other, healthy growth. As you will'see from any .current visual inspection, the vegetation within 75 feet of the wetlands on Lot #3 is more than robust and in no way has been tampered with by me er any other person. We have been environmentally sensitive, not only for the residents and natural habitat of.Nassau Point, but for our enjoyment and the enjoYment of generations of my children and grandchildren. New. York State .Department of: .Environmental'co,n~ BUilding: 40--SUNy, Stony BroOk, New York 11790-2356 OCT OF S'OUTHOLD Thom'as'.C. jorling CommissiOner To: From: Subject: Bob' Thurber Kevin R. Du Bois Holm: Proposed Catwalk Installation, Also see Tidal Wetlands Subdivision permit # 1-4738-00203/000'01-0 Date: October 22, 1993 The Department received phone calls from George Burrell (an adjacent neighbor) and Linda Levy (North Fork Environmental Council) on or about September 30, 1993 concerning a recent Southotd Trustee application for a catwalk originating on subdivided lot #3, bisecting the existing tidal pond, 'and landing on the beach within the property boundary of lot ~/2. They were concerned the proposed activity would be undertal~en without DEC review and asked if the Department had received any similar applications from .Mr. Hohn. I searched Division of Regulatory Affaks card,', files and formal'that no: application· for a catwalk or any other type of access or right~of-~'ay:l~ad..been~ap~ed:~...l>y.M~.'...Ho!m:' They·Were also concerned that the proposed·· stmcmre'wauld. ·have a signffiCam (negative) impact on the existing tidal wetlands benefits especially with regard to .the maintenance of wilt}life habitat. Southold Trustee AI Krupkski was scheduled to inspect the subject.property, lot//3, and I asked permission to join him. A joint inspection was scheduled for October 21, 1993. I inspected the pond site at or about noon on October 21, 1993. TruStee Krupski was not present when I began my inspection but after poking around a bit I was met by Mr. Burrell and his daughter. Certainly the proposed activity, as it was described to me (we have no application or proposed plans to refer to) would be regulated by DEC and would require a State Tidal Wetlands permit prior to installation. From the beach, Mr. Burrell also pointed out an'existing and maimained upland path that he said had been historically used for access to the beach. I followed the path and it led around the seaward side of the house on lot//2 and. direCtly up to the house on lot #3. Please see the attached ·sketch showing the approximate path location. It would seem that this path would obviate .the need for catwalk access. In advance of an appl~cation, let me say that the Bureau of Marine Habitat Protection (BMHP) would object.to, any catwalk crossing the existing tidal pond. This site is within the Peconic BaY 'Critical Environmental Area and is 'documented to support habitat and breeding · sites for threatened 'and endangered species such as the piping plover and least tern. Not withstanding the questior,s regarding the ·riparian right of Lot owner/g2 to access the beach ,~.~:.!......~..: ~ ~;7'.~ ;:'..~'- ~ ~;..~;~' printed on recycled paper ..© Page 2 · SubjeCt:... Holm: 'Proposed CatWalk Installation October 22', 1993 on another lot (#3); BMHP vcould °bject to the proposed project as it would not meet the standards for permit...issuance-as described in Sections 661.9 (b)(1). The proposed project.is not.compatible with the policy of the Act to preserve and protect tidal .wetlands and-to prevent 'their despoliation: (661.9(b)(1)(i). The proposed. Catwalk, even if built 4' over grade, will shade wetlands directly underneath the stmctnre as well as adja~ent:vege~ti0n:v~iLhirathe':stmctttre s.:shade..en~elope (depenc~ing~'~on~'the angle, of'the sun and structure orientation). Recent Studies have also shown that the installation of the strUcture may'iflesmbilize. Underlying sediments and accelerate erosion of the vegetated wetlands. Within the-stmc'~4'e's x, icinity., The proposed .catwalk will be a conduit'for human activity, noise; .disturb'ante and PollUtion, not currentlY, existing, and. will have an undue adverse impact on aa area. that.currently provides'habitat for.wading shorebkds,, such. as herons :a~,'d e~ets; .aM.: other.seasonal and-migratory waterfowl CUrrent studies also suggest that catw.}tlks; de~ver new and/or in~rea:sed Predatory aCtivity (dOgs, cats; etc.) into the marshes they:-'~ross..'dimi'~S~g~i, the~ 'ability: to. Support 'active. wildlife populations..Certainly, a. Catwal!~ 'b~s~cti~g.:mX:!0~er.~se~.:imaltered .tidal pond:, (no:.decks, piers, butkhead~, etc) would diminish ~e -: .~: st~s..~.this :~ s~g.. The pr0posed...project is "not ~easonabte. and necessary_ taking intO account such factors as reasonable, akematiVeS.:t0; the iCro~0sed, re~ated activity .and .the de~ree to which the activity requires wateri:aCcess' 0~:.~is. w.~ter=dependm'' (661.9¢)(-1)(iii). First of ail, access to a beach from the',upland' is not a:,Watef-dependent ;'activity.. Nor, in this case, does beach access require Water access.. The P~OpoSed catwalk is not reasonable or necessary because access is afforded Via the upland path previously described. Use of the upland path is an alternative that provides::'the..same':a~ecess ,benefit without any of the associated impacts to tidal wetlands. Likewise, the-Department woUld.object to 'the clearing of a path through existing wetland vegetation for the purpose of beach access. The Uniform Procedures Regulations, 6NYCRR Part 621.14, provides the framework for DEC to initiate permit modifications, suspensions, or revocations based on the criteria set forth in paragraphs 621.14(a)(1-5). Subparagraph 4 states that the grounds for modification include: "newly discovered material information or a material change in enviroranentaI conditions, relevant teclmology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit". This newly proposed access, .to be provided to 10t//3 and crossing the existing tidal pond, was never ic[entified in the subdivision request; permit 1-4738-00203/00001-0. If it had, the Page 3 Subject: Holm.: Proposed Catwalk Installation October 22, 1993 Department would have objected based on the grounds stated earlier and, as an alternative, would have required the owner to provide access via the exSsting upland path. Anticipating the eventual, request for DEC' approval for the catwalk, to. save the owner application fees:in'file face of conceptual denial, and, most importantIy, to avoid any damage to the existing critical· environmental habitat, please modify the existing subdivision permit to inctrtde'.fiie following special condkions: "If access to the beach, fronting Great Peconic Bay, is to be provided to the owner of lot//3 as identified on the DEC:subdiVision survey dated approved 5-28-91 RNT, then the owner(s) of lot/f2 Shall deed a right of way or easement allowing for the use of the existing upland path: originating on'the southern side of file house on lot//3, extending in a southwesterly direction throUgh lot Pg, from north to south along, the seaward side of the house on lot//2, and then.in a:westerly direction to the beach". "Prior to the deeding., of the subject easement or right of way, the permittee shall submit a plan or survey depicting file access route to the Division of. Regulatory Affairs (Attention: Mr. Bob Thurber) for approval". "Any change in the location of the access path shall require further DEC approval as a modification of this subdivision permit". I have discussed· the proposed modification with Southold Trustee Krupski and George Hammarth and both have' been supportive. Please be advised that Jill from the Trustee's Office will be faxing to me today a copy of the Town's catwalk application (I-Iohn) including an alternative to cut a path through the vegetated tidal wetland and along a disputed (Burrell) right of. way. In addition, she will be sendirig excerpts from the Planning Board minutes including: a certificate of abandonment for the right of way extending NW from the seaward terminus Of Aborn Lane, the Planning Board resolution approving the existing subdivision including deed restrictions and covenants, and a photocopy of the Town's approved subdivision map. Alt documents will be forwarded to you ASAP. To avoid .future complications, I 'would appreciate it if you would expedite the processing of the proposed modification. Thank you for your attention to this matter! KDB cc: Trustee A1 Kmpski, Southold Trustee's Office Moved by Bruce Loucka. seconded by John Holzapfel~j~t was RESOLVED to rec~'~end to the Southold ToW'"~ B~.:~'d of Trustees APPROVAL of the ~land Application. of JANET T. SWANSON 15='3-.1 to construct Stairs 61' overall by .~4,!. w=ide with l~anding at top and landing in middle section; to replace . in new location, storm damaged existing stairs. 1993 Ryder Farm Lane~, Orient Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. Moved by'.Stephen Angell. seconded by John Hagerty. it was RESOLVED to recommend to the. Southold Town BOard of Trustees D!S~PROVAL of th'e Wetland Ap.plicat~on 'iB..0~ .;~3!~18-6-1 to construct new stairs and cai~wai. E "from exiStihg bulkhead to beach. The CAC recommends disapproval because there is no need for the catwalk across the pond. The catwalk would create an obstruction to wildlife and an intru:si:on to nesting birds on the beach. 8980 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue Vote of Council: Ayes: Alt 'Motion carried. Moved by Bruce Loucka; seconded by Robert Keith, it was '~ RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town BOard of Trustees TEMPORARY APPROVAL of the Wetland Application of Goldsmith's Boat Shop to install a temporary ramp made of C.C.A. pilings and 2 x 12 C..C.A. decking for the purpose of hauling and launching a seaplane and/or small boats. Ramp to be. 40' long x lIP wide and will extend from bank to just beyond Iow tide line and will be removable. The CAC recommends approval' only for a TEMPORARY PERMIT of TWO YEARS. Since applicant describes the project as temporary, the permit should reflect the approval for only a limited time. If, after the two year period, the applicant Still wishes to have the ramp available, he would have to' reapply for a permanent permit. Main Road, Southol'd.' Vote of Council: Ayes: .All Motion carried. Moved by Bruce Loucka. seconded by John Hagerty, it. was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Wetland Application of _ANTHONY AND VIOLET TAMBURRINO 88-5-56 to extend existing bulkhead return 10' landward and fi'Ii void with 4-5 c.¥. 'clean fill. 85 Waters Edge Way, Southold Vote of Council: Ayes: Bruce Loucka, John Hagerty, John Hoizapfel. Rober~ Keith, Patricia Isaksen, Betty Wells Nay: Stephen Angell October !8, 1993' Mr~ Albert J. Krupsk5 Jr. · Vice President Boa_rd of Tow a Tr,~,ste¢'s Town of Southo!d Town Hali '53095 M~Jn Road P.O. Box 1!79 Sou*,ho!d, New York !!97~ ~.~:_: ~o~,_. C3_tw~!k: Abc:rn Lane w~,_ not c.~, avsii~ie *~ a:~.e,ru~ tkat cc: 'Ed New York:Life Insurance Company· 51 Madison Avenue, New York. NY 10010 212 5:76-5077 Fax: 212 676-4545 · Harry G. Hohn Chairman of the Board October 1.3, 1993 Mr. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Vice President Board of TOwn Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 South01d, New York 11971 ' "TO[T_O_W_N OF SOUTHOLD Dear Mr. Krupski: Re: Hohn Catwalk: Aborn Lane Thank you' for your patience and good judgment at .the Board meeting on September 30 in the handling of my permit request to construct a catwalk. BACKGROUND For the record, I must first note that i have not taken any actions' outside of the permits granted to me by the Town of Southold, the DEC and other governmental agencies. Everything has been done within the letter and spirit of those permits. This can be. demonstrated by a review' of the property and improvements since we began the subdivision and building process, in the latter part of 1989. The only minor misstep was one covered in the' Board letter of July 24, i990 (copy attached). That activity was'limited to taking down o'fly a few trees that were diseased and were interfering with other healthy, growth. As you will see from any current visual inspection, the vegetation within 75 feet of the wetlands on Lot #3 is more than robust and in no way has been tampered with by me or any other person. We have been environmentally sensitive, not only for the residents and natural habitat of .Nassau Point, but for our enjoyment and' the enjoyment of 'generations of my children .and .grandchildren. CERTIFICA5 E OF ABANDONMENT SOUTHOLD"TOWN ': PLANNING I~OARD EDA L. McKNIGHT KOL5 Naples, Florida 33963, f6r t~ cancelling the subdivision of and' hereinafter described, puI of the Real.Property Law of t~ certify: (1) A certain map tract, and oth~ E, residing at 631 Bentley Drive, e purpose of abandoning and a certain tract of land owned by her suant to Subdivision 3, Section 335 e Sta~e of New York, does hereby 7as filed which subdiVided such ~r land, situate in the Town of ..... Southold, Count blocks, and st] Proposed Subdi~ Properties, In~ County, NoY." Clerk of the C Map No. 745. (2) More than twen filing of the (3') The tract of subdivision of cancelled, is Southold, Suff .y of Suffolk, into lots, plots, 'eets. Said map is entitled "Map of rision, Section B, Nassau Point Club :., Situate on Nassau Point, Suffolk ~nd was filed in the Office of the )unty of Suffolk on October 4, 1919 as ny (20) years have elapsed since t'he said map. ~nd owned by the undersigned, the which is to be abandoned and situate wholly in the Town of \ )lk CountY,. New York, and is known NOV ~,O 199~ and described '~ ~'~.'~;g.,~,'4'"~ 'and made a part hereof. C~K 0F SuFFOL~ C~/~ ~s in "'Schedule A" annexed hereto 1 1 92 4 FI. LED ftO. V 211'1.99! (4) The tract of land for which the subdivision is to be abandoned is greater than one-half acre in area. (5) Said EDA ~,'~ Mc KNIGHT KOLBE DOES HEREBY ABANDON AND CANCEL the subdivision of the tract of land described i'n ".Schedule A" hereof, which said abandonment shall be effective, and said subdivision shall no longer exist, upon the due- approval and recording of this certificate. (6-) ....Endorsed hereon is the approval of the Assessor of the Town of Southold. (7) Submitted herewith is an Abstract of Title to the property described in "Schedule A", the subdivision of which is to be abandoned~ covering' a period of at least-twenty (20) years last past, and a report Of a tax search by the Title Examiner, to the effect that there are no unpaid tax liens against the said property (to be approved by the County Clerk of the County of Suffolk at the time of recording hereof). on the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate is made and executed August ~ .~'C~ day of ~eptembe.r-, 19.9 ~. EDA L. Mci{NIGHT O~LBE STATE. OF Florida ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF Collier ) August On this 30th'~da~y offset, 1991 before me personally c~me EDA L. McKNIGHT KOLBE, to me kn~own to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged'that she executed the same. COM'~'!SStON £X~ SEPT.14, I~9~ THRU ~ENf,P, AL INS~ U~. SCHEDULE .A" DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY At.L that certain plot; piece or Carcei of land situate, lying and' being at Nassau Point, ¥own cf Southold, Suffolk County, N..w York, more particularly bounded and d3~cri, bed as {ollow$:- BEG iNN ING at the point formed by the intersection of the sou.theaste, riy line of .Aborn Lane and:the southeasteriy end of a fifteen (.!5) foot wide' right-of-way which forms part of the boundary of the premises about to be described, which point is situate South 54.5 42' 00" WeSt, 730.00 feet from the point formed by the intersection of the southeasterly-lia.~, of Aborn Lane and the westerly tine of Nassau POint Road, and RUNNING THENCE, South 54° 42' 00" West, 286.09 feet more or less to the shoreline: of Great Peconic Bay; thence along the shoreline of Great Peconic Bay, as the sa. me winds and. turns, the following two (2) tie-line courses and distances: (1) NoP~h 45° 02' 09" WeSt,' 49.76 feet, and (2) North 47° 54' 38" West, 1'21.21 feet to lands.now or formerly of .Charles & Maude B. Hammer; thence North 54° 42' 00" East, a!ohg last mentioned lands, 143.03 feet more or less to the ~outherfy line of a 15 foot wide right-of-way; thence southeasterly along the southerly and southwesterly line or side of said t5 foot wide right-of-way, as the same winds and turns, a distance of 255 feet, more or [ess, to 'the southeasterly line of Aborn Lane and the point or place of beginning, and comprising an area of 0.893. acres, be the same', more or less, being and intended to be the southerly part of Lot 93 as shown on the "Map of Proposed Subdivisi.on, Section B, Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc., NY~" Situate on Nassau Point, Suffolk County ..... ~, filed in the Office of the Clerk.of the County of 'Suffolk on October 4, 1 9t9 as Map No. 745 and on'the "Amended' Map A of N~ssau Point,. Owned by Nassau. Point Club Properties, inc., S~tuate in Town of S.outho.ld,, Long Island, N.Y.," fi[ed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August t 6, 1922 a~ Map.No. 156. APPF I, ROBERT I. SC09 Assessors of the Town of S OVAL OF ASSESSOR JR., Chairman of the BOard of ~uthold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, do hereby approve a portion of the sUbdivisi~ SubdiVision, Section B, Nag on Nassau Point, Suffolk foregoing Certificate of Abandonment of n map entitled "Map of Proposed sau Point Club Properties, Inc.., Situate ~unty, N.Y.", filed October 4, 1919, as Map No. 745. STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this C~C~-day of October, 1991, before me personally came Robert I, Scott, Jr'., to me knq~n to be the Chairman of the Board of Assessors of the Town of S~uthOld and to be the individual described in and who eXecuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr,,' Chairman George Ritchie Latham~ Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S, McDonald Kenneth L Edwards Telephone (51.6). 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October t, 1991 SCOTT'L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box I I79 So.uthold, New York 11971 ~ax (516) 765-1823 John M Wagner Esseks~ Hefter & Angel · 108 East Main Street P;'O. Box 27.9 Riverhead, New York 1L901 RE: Minor Subdivision of Harry & Janet Hohn Nassau Point ROad, Cutchogue SCTM~000-t18-6-1,3.1 Dear Mr. Wagner: The following reso'lution was adopted by the Southold Town Plan~ing. Board at a meeting held on Monday, September 30, t99i. WHEREAS, Eda L. McKnight Kolbe is the owner of the property known and designated'as SCTM$1000-118-6-1 and 3.1, iocated at NaSsau Point Road and Aborn Lane in Cutchogue; and WHEREAS, this. minor subdivision, to be known as Minor 'Subdivision for .Harry G. and Janet Hohn, is for 3 lots on 7.368 acres; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning BOard, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, (Article 8)~ part 617, declared itself Lead Agency and. issued a Negative Declaration on March I1, 1991; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said subdivision application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on September 9, 1991; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations o'f the Town of Southold have been met; and Page 2 Harry & Janet Hohn be it therefore, RESOLVED, that the Southotd Town Planning Board approve and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final survey dated september .16, 1991. It was noted for the record that the Planning Board's. 'approval did not refer to any land outside the boundaries of the sUbject parcel. EnClosed Please find a copy of the map which was endorsed by the Chairman. The mylar maps, whiCh were also endorsed.by the Chairman, must be picked, up at this office and. filed in the officeOf the County Clerk. Any plat 'not so filed or recorded within sixty' (60.) days of the date. of final approval, shall become null and void.' P'leasa contact this office if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ' ~ 3 Chairman Encl~ cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Robert Scott, Assessors~Office · DECLARATION OF COVENANTS~.AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION', made as of this ay Of'September, 199.~1, by EDA L. MoKN~GHT KOLBE, resiaing at'.631 B'~t!'~y Drive, Naples, Florid& 33963, hereinafter 'referred to. as the ".Declarant"; - - i WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner r~y at. · .'%% /. Nassau Point,' in t. he Town of Southold, Coun , and · ;~: . - ~-.' i=~, .=.if ~..~.. ~" State of New York, which pro;erty"islpartictilarl¥ de='scribed in ~'!;)3'. !"Schedule A" annexed hereto and is sho~ on-~"~inOr 'Subdivision Map ~of Har. ry.G. nd Janet H.ohn," ~de bY~'John '~P.c., dated Janu~ 31, 1991, and' last revised Sept~b~r 1H, 1991 ;~[~-]- (hereinafter "the su~ivision ~p"); and ..... WHER~S, as a condition <.of ~granti~'~-ap~rov~.l· to the' _1~ ........... 'subdivision map, the Planning Board of the ~own of Southold has ~ · . .... .. ~... .-~.~:.,~. ~. ~"'~_'.~ ..... [required that the subdivision property be s'u'bjecte'd-.'to certain ~ ' ' ',' .. ~ :'/.", '"~¥'~/: :'. · ' ~ '~ .q:'.L~ ~ ' ,'. · ' ~:.~:.. . )6.00 {restrictions; ....~. ~ .'.,...-~ ~<"~tt~<:~t~<--~ '..~. '~<~.;?'~"~:~ ....'...' "...- { ~OW', THEREFORE, i~ is he'r~by deC~d."a~:..f~llows: .. _. ~. ~. . ~.., ,.~%::,?~...,..,. :. h~' ~ { ~ .~ _ -- { 1. There shall be no furt'her.'.subd:i~i: .ri. perpetUity  ,..... · .-f....~_...~. ..... ~:.j..::? ~...?;.?:~ ~ . . ~], .... 001.000 f any lots shown on said subdivision ~'p.'....~:~.:~h.'.'addi'~k~n, ho lot.: )03.001 . . . ~.~.: .........:.~.. ~..:.~:,.~ ... .... . . · . .~ . . ...~..._.:,;.j:) ~-. ~?.% :.~.J, ]~..,eL~ y..-,., ~ :-~ ~. -~ ~ . ...~ine shall be changed in any manner atTM........... any.future~"'~"-" ~' ?':'~'"'~"'~':" '"~ d.ate.: unless..~.:~L~"-'"""~ . authorized by the Town of Southold Planni . . successor body. ' ~" ':"~':~'"/'" ": "~'"': ~ ..:-~:" ,~ ~.......~ . . 2. So as to minimize .stormwate~ ~n '-' grading within each lot shall siting and constructing a house and '~ts access( 1'134 8 238 © f structures, and facilities, 'including, but not limited to access driveways f0'r the subdivision lots. 3. HOuses an'd their .accessory uses, str.uc't~ures, and facilities, including~_~ut not limited to the access driveways for the subdivision lots, shall be sited and constructed only within the building envelopes and driveway areas shown on t'he s. ub~ivisi0n map. 4. To preserve and enhance the woodland nature of the subdivision property, within any area. of the subdivision map designated "Conservation Easement Area," all healthy trees and bushes with trunks greater than three (3) inches in diameter shall ~ ~. ~.: be preserved, except where removal of such trees and bushes is necessary for construction or maintenance of access driveways to the subdivision lots, as set.forth herein or shown on the "subdivision map. 5. Within each 20-footJwide area on the subdivision map that abuts Nassau POint Road and i~ designated "Non-Disturbance Area," natural vegetation shall not be disturbed, except as is necessary for construction or mai~tenance of the access drl~eway to Lot No. 1 as described in Paragraph "10" hereof. 6. No new sanitary disposal facility shall be constructed or otherwise located within 10'0 feet of' the existing bulkhead. No new residential structure shall be constructed within 75'feet~.of the existing bulkhead. 113.45.?' 239 7. No stormwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement Of the subdivision or any of its lots shall be dis.charged into the adjoining bodies of Water. 8. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be required~ during and immediately after construction on Lot No. t to ensure that stormwater runoff will not carry eroded and other deleterious material.s into the tidal wetland.s bordering Great Peconic Bay and the adjoining pond. 9. Ali vegetation on LOt No. 1 between the existing bulkhead and the line designated on the subdivision map as "Top of Bluff" sh~ll be maintained so as to prevent erosion. 10. Lot No. 1 of the subdivision map shall have access to and from Nassau Point Road by means of a driveway, not to exceed 16 feet in width. Such access driveway shall be located within the building envelope for Lot No. 1 as shown on the subdivision map. From the northeasterly boundary of the building envelope for Lot No. 1 to Nassau Point Road, the location and direction of such access driveway shall be such as to avoid disturbance, so far as possible, of mature trees. 11. Lot No. 2 shall have access to and from Nassau Point Road by means of the existing driveway between Lot Nos. 1 and 2 and an easement over Lot No. 1 and the access driveway .for Lot No. i described, in Paragraph "10" hereof. 11343 240 12. Lot No. 3 shall have access to and from Aborn Lane by means Of the existing driveway shown on the Subdi. visi.on map. 13.. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of $ou'thold, or its successor body, after a public hearing. Adjoining propert.y owners shal.1 be entitled to notice of such public hearing, but their c~nsent to such 'modification shall not be required. · 14. Declarant, her successors or assigns, shall .not be liable fo'~a-~violation of ~he covenants or restrictions herein c~ntained .unless she or they shall be the owner or owners of the land up. on which, and at. the time when, the violation occurs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Decl~rant~ has caused this instrument to be 'executed as of the day a-nd year first above written. EDA L'o McKNIGH~ t~L~BE 113437 241 STATE OF FLORIDA COLrNTY OF COLLIER On the' ~l~-~' day of September, 1991, before me personally came EDA L. McKNIGHT KOL~E, to me known and known to me to be the individual described i.n and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the NOTARY 'PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC STATE 0,: MY COMMISSION EXP. BONDED THRU GENERAL ~NS. UNU. SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTt'ON O'F PROPERTY DECLARANT: EDA L, MC KNIGHT KOLBE ALL that certain plot, Piece or parcel of land situate, '~ying and being at'Nassau- Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk. County, New'York, more partiCuladybounded and. described as follows: BEGINNING at the'point formed by the i~ersection of the southeasterly'fine of Aborn Lane and the westerly line of Nassau Point Road, and RUNNING THENCE. southerly along the westerly' line or side of Nassau Point Road, as the same winds and turns, a distadce of 226.25 'feet, more or less (tie line bears SOuth 04° 05' 16" West, 222.71 feet), to lands now or formedy of Richard & Christopher Hudey; thence alOng said last mentioned lands, the following three (3)-courses and distances: [1) South 54° 42' 00" West, 200'.00 feet; (2) South 09° 48' 00" West, 120..00 feet, and (3) North 54" 42' 00" East, 200.00 feet to.the westerly line or side of Nassau.. Point Road; thence southerly along the westerly line or side of Nassau Point Road, as the same winds and turns, a distance of 100.56 feet, more or less (tie line bears South 12°. 22' 10" East, 100.37 feet), to lands now or formerly of Mario& lls.e Trombone; thence South 54° 43' 00" West, along last mentioned lands, 714..68.feet more or less to the shoreline of.Great-Peconic Bay; thence along the shoreline of Great Peconic Bay, as the same winds-and tums, the following four (4) tie-line courses and distances: .(1) North 37° 19' 15" West, 67.74 feet; (2) North 40° 59' 50" West, 205.4.2 feet; (3) North 45° 02' 09" West, 1.27.84 feet, and (4) North 47° 54' 38" West, 121,21 feet to lands now or.forme'rty of .Charles & Ma~Ude B. Hammer; thence North 54° 42' 00" East,. along last. mentioned lands, 143.0.3 feet more or less to the souther!y t.ine of a 15 foot wide right-of;way; thence southeasterly .. ... . ,.....:.~ ... ~:,~ ~:;,'.--' ' ' "-..'" . -."-' .' " '- . .."'~::..~:',~.¢;~.;?~ .., - ..:. .: . : .... : .- ....,.- .~ ,:..'.~'~..'~,;,-~..~: · ' .'.'..: .~..'::.' :~.', ... '..... · . : · .;. ': .~' ':...~:... '-.' '...:-:".:..' ."~ '...-::~ ..:.-:'.':-i."-.::?._,i~;~:~:;~ along the southerly and ·southwesterly line or side of.said 15 foot wide way, as the same winds and turns, a distance of 255 feet, more or...less, .to.'the southeasterly line of Aborn Lane; then?e North 54° 42' 0'0" East~ along the sbuthe.aste'rly Ii. ne of AbOrn Lane, 730.00 feet'·to the point:or place of beginning., and comprising an.area o:f 7.36·8 acres, be the same~ more or less·, a portion of which being and in·tended to be. the southeriy part of Lot 9'3 as shown.on the "Map of PrOposed· Subdivision, Section B, .Nassau Point Cl.u.b.PrOpertie.s~ ./nc., Situate on Nassau Point, Suffolk County, N.Y.,".fited in the ·Office· of the"Clerk .of the County of'Suffolk.on October 4~ 191'9 as Map No. 745 and .on the "Am·ended Map A of ·Nassau Point, Owned 6y Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc., Situate in Town of So.utho d, Long Island, N.Y.,". filed tn the OffiCe o.f the Clerk.of. the. County of SuffoIk on August 1'6, 1922 as Map No'. 156. ~ J~O'hn BredemeYlr ~I!, President SePtember 30, 1993 SOu-thold Board of Trustees Southold ' Town Hall Southold, NY 119'71 .~ Re: Application of Harry Hohn to erect a 4' x 240' catwalk SCTM9 118-6-1 & 1.3 Dear President .Bredemeyer and Southold Trustees, On behalf of the North Fork Environmental Council (NFEC), I would like to raise a numbe~ of matters of conce'rn regarding this application.. The Negative Declaration issued on August 26, 1993 lists this as a Type II action. We"believe that this should be designated an unlisted action, as it is not an accessory use. The catwalk is- to be constructed ac'ross a pond a.nd .onto a beach of the Peconic Bay. This is a Critical Environmental Area (CEA); all' unlisted actions in a CEA are by statute Type I actions. (.see Section 617.4(h) and 617.12(12) of 6 NYCRR Part 617). Therefore, the Short Environmental Assessment Form is inadequate and a Long Environmental Assessment Form must be submitted. The Negative Declaration also states that no significant adverse effects to the environment will occur as a result of this action. We disagree. The pond is home to'osprey, egrets, blue herons, and swans. It is also a feeding ground for migratory birds, including Canadian geese, mergansers~ and bufflehead ducks. This catwalk will disrupt the feeding and nesting areas of'these birdS, as weli as obstructing the "'take-off and landing" patterns of the larger birds. In addition, the catwalk .ends at the beach, in the middle of a tern nesting area° The proposed catwalk is unnecessary to provide access to the beach. There is an existing path on the appIicants' own property which has been used as the beach access for prior residents. This path has been used for several decades. Any impact its use might have on the Pond has already been experienced. The catwalk will add a new burden on this environment. Just because the pond is not "'pristine" is not sufficient reason t'o further jeopardize this habitat. a non~profi~ organization for .the preservakioit of land, sea, air and qua]iCy of life printed on 100% recycled paper The applicant ~has a hi'StOry ~of disregard for the r.estrictions on .this WetIands are'a~. In 199-0 ,the TruStees informed~ the .applicant that "-any fur~ther activity in the area with°Ut....a permit...may resu'lt' in 'a violation." The. NYS Department .'of EnVironmental Co'nserva.tion (.DEC). has.'also., issued .a .violation on~ this proper~ty,.. ~e do' not belilev.e., that disregard for.-the regulations of our .Town and State Should be r. ewar'ded' by granting a 'permit for an unnecessary and envir, onme~ntal'ly harmful structure.. I'n conclusion, the..NFE.C must insist that t.heb's0u:thold 'Board of Trustees take a.no.ther lOOk at .this application'~ . It mu.s% be d~signa.ted, a'Type I~aCti~n with t'he corre'~o'ndinlg submission .of a 'Long.. Envir~nmen%a! ,AS'S'e~ssment Form (LE/~'F') t.o .adequately address the potential impac.~ o.ln"~the habitai~ .o.f.'. this'!'-po.nd~._' In"fact, .we b'eliee'e that the application 'demands a .f'u!l E.nVironmental' I~mp-a~'t S. tatem'e We would suggest 'that re-examination of .~his proposal mig.ht indicate that the construction of..a 'catWalk will cause much greater 'harm to the envfronment t'han'.the Continued use Of the already existing pathWay. Thank you.. Sincerely, Linda Levy Southold COordinatOr. North Fork Envi..ronmental Council George A., Liz.abeth L. and Jennifer J. Burrell 550 Aborn Lane NaSsau Point Curchogue, New York 11935 September 30, 1993 ' Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall '53095 Main. Road P~O. Box 1179 SOuthoid, NeW York Re~ Wetland Permit Application of Harry G.. Holm Application Number SCTM#1000-118-6-1 & 1.3 Application Date 8/11/93 240 Foot Catwalk at the Border of Lot 93 a~d across Pond Dear Sirs: We are writing to urge you to deny the pending application because the proposed construction will significantly disturb and may eventually destroy the delicate wetlands environment of the pond and the wildlife it sustains. The proposed plan will affect both the fish and other marine life that live in .this salt pond and the birds who depends on that aquatic life for their food, violating the strong pOlicy of the State of New York to protect these irreplaceable resources. That policy was based on the findings of the State Legislature when they enacted the Tidal Wetlands Act, which now forms Article 25 of the New York State Envirormaental Conservation Law: The legislature hereby finds and declares that tidal wetlands constitute one of the most vital and productive areas of our natural world, and that their protectiort and preservation are essential. Among the many and multiple values of such wetlands are the following: Trustees of the Town of Southold -2- September 30, 1993 (a) marine food. production--tidal wetlands are ag, essential area of retention, conversion and availability of · nutrients for crustaceans and shellfish; they are nursery ground and sanctuary for many fin fish; they sustain microscoPiC marine organisms, and vegetation which are essential' in. other food chains; two thirds of the fish and Shellfish are commerciallY harvested and'tWo~thirds of sport fish depend on the marshrestUarine SYstem''of the tidal wetlands at some point in their life cycle; (b) wildlife habitat--tidal wetlands are necessary as the breeding, nesting and feeding .grounds'and as cover to escape predators for many forms of wildlife, waterfowl and shorebirds; (C) flood and storm control--tidal wetlands are valuable and provide 'essential and irreplaceable protection in both flood and storm or hurricane weather conditions; their hydraulic and hydrographic functions serve as a natural buffer protecting :upland and developed areas from storm tides and waves .... This pond serves all these .:purposes, and its location and vital vegetation make it particularly valuable and sensitive. For example, this pond .supports spartina grass and salicomia (not just the ~mOre common fragmides), as well.as sea lavender. The migratory and indigenous' birdS which feed there include:, osprey; egrets; black-crested night herons; great white heron; blue heron; kingfishers (until the recent clearing by Mr. Hohn to make way for his new beaChfront :mansion); swans; canadian and other geese; and merganser, buffieheads and other ducks. At least one of these :migratory waterfowl--the blue heron--iS specially protected, by Fish :and Wildlife provisions of the State Environmental ConServation Law because these birds are "nearly extinct." ECL § 11-0305(14). This pond is among those the State has classified as requiring the "most stringent "protection: Intertidal marsh and coastal fresh marsh tidal wetlands are the most biologically productive of all tidal wetlands areas. Furthermore, since they receive twiCe-daily tidal flushing, the products of vegetative photOsynthetic activity and decomposition in these zones are readily transported to adjacent waters for use in the. estuarine food chain. Their intertidal locatiOn also makes them among the most effective Trustees of the Town. of SoUthold -3- September 30, 1993 wetland zones for flood and hurricane and storm protection. Both their intertidal location and their highly productive nature makes them among the most effective wetland zones for cleansing ecosystems and for absorbing silt and organic material. Because of these high Values and. their sensitive location at the 'land and water interface, intertidal and coastal fresh marshes must be the most stringentlyprotected and preserved tidal wetlands zones. Even' small portions'of these zones are .critically important resources. 6 NYCRR § 661.2(d) (emphasis added). The development of property that had been a quiet one-family residence into subdivided lots has already destroyed trees and other vegetation that had assisted in erosion protection and been a home to wildlife. Until disrupted by Mr. Holm's recent construction, many of the birds mentioned above had roosted on trees which have been .cut down to make way. for Mr. Hohn's recent construction of houses, stairs and walkways. One kingfisher in particular has lost his habitual roost, and this is but one of the birds which maintain habitual roosts who have been displaced by his development to date. In addition to the damage that has already been done, the proposed construction would have disastrous effects on the aquatic life of the pond, the birds that feed and roost there and perhaps totally destroy the pond altogether because of the attendant erosion. Negative Effects on the Marine Life We have spoken with the State Department of Environmental Conservation ("DEC ') in connection with the proposed construction, and, in addition to their cOmments described below, they expressed great concern that the slope for access to the proposed catwalk would allow excessive rainwater runoff and affect salinity of pond, thus destroying the marine life whose lives depend on the maintenance of a specific degree of salinity. In addition, the ground clearing necessary to gain access to a catwalk--on both the Aborn Lane 'side and the beach side~-would enhance erosion of adjacent soil and sand into the pond, either directly suffocating the aquatic life or indirectly killing them by altering the chemical balance of their environment. The proposed construction would also create an impediment to the already-precarious tidal flow, .with consequent stagnation and loss of marine life in the pond. In this connection, we note how many mature forms of fin fish and shell fish Trustees of the Town of Southold ~ 4 - September 30, 1993 depend upon this pond as a nursery before they make their way into the bay to provide the catch' of the East End's commercial and recreational fishermen. Tidal ponds are precarious environments, and any alteration can significantly affect their, health ..and viability. The siltatiOn and obstruction .engendered by this p[oject (and 'its undiSCloSed .apProacl~s) might very Well destroy the pond entirely and' wOUld in any event' threaten its aquatic life. Negative Effect on Birds Any change in the marine life of this pond would have devastating effects on local and migratory birds. As .noted by the' State Legislature with respect to ali Wetlands', this pond in.particular has great importance as a place for both indigenous and migratory birds'to feed and roost. Any toss in the quantity or variety of the marine life in the pond will of course affeCt the birds that feed there by depriving both the indigenous and migratory birds of sustenance. Even a loss of depth from the additional erosion will affect .food supply both directly, by killing off the marine life; and indirectly, by causing an earlier freeze-over and thus disrupting the feeding patterns of migratory birds. Apart from the loss of food and earlier freeze-over, there are additional risks to migratory .birds, for .if'they .cannot use their habitual feeding grounds to gain adequate sustenance during sOuthward migration, they remain too far north and die during the winter. Wholly apart from the loss of food and roosting area, the waterfowl may find themselves completely unable to land on or take off from the pond because their path will be obstructed .by a walkway'extending from one end of the pond to the other. Birds are already restricted by Wind direction in their headings on take-off and landing, and especially in view of prevailing winds and need of clear, long runway for some of the' larger birds to take off and land, they may 10se access to the pond altogether. Again, apart from any other effect on the pond, the proposed plan puts the '"oeach "end of the walkway directly into and crossing a designated tern nesting area. Tern nesting areas are so sensitive that no spoil may be deposited in those areas and dredging is forbidden altogether during periods during which the nesting period, yet this proposal would put a procession of beach chairs and umbrellas in their very midst at the time when their breeding is at its most precarious point. Total Lack of Need for Any Disturbance of the Pond Until Mr. Hohn's purchase, for all time within record or memory, Mrs.. Kolbe and her guests, on what are now lots 2 and 3, reached the beach by walking over © © Trustees of the Town of Southold - 5 - September 30, 1993 the land now designated by lot 2,.which is now occupied by Mr. Holm. There is no reason that Mr. Holm's own successful.petition to subdivide the land so that he can sell off~ or rent subdivided parcels should now further burden the ·wildlife of the North Fork. · If he believes that he will gain a greater profit by selling parcel 3 with access to the :beach, he can. provide that access 'over his own land, which is the way .it ·always has been · done: Simply put; he would, rather ..have his. buyers afflict the pond life than his own backYard. Defects in!the AppliCation The State Tidal Wetlands Act provides that the State will regulate 'lhe erection of any structures ...., the driving of any pilings, or placing of any other obstructions, whether or not changing the ebb and low of the fide, and any other activity within or immediately adjacent to inventoried weflands which may substantially impair or alter the natural, condition of the wetland area "and that "no person may conduct any of the [mentioned] activities ... unless he has obtained a permit from the commissioner to do sO. The permit iSsued by the commissioner shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, such permit or Permits as may be required bY any municipality within whose boundary ~uch wetland or portion thereof is located. "ECL§ 25-0401(1)-(2). The following Section· of the Act ·provides that the "applicant shall have the burden of demonstrating that the:proposed activity will be in complete accord with the policy and provisions of this act." ECL § 25--0402(1). The DEC states that their authorization is necessary to issuance of any permit, that they :have received no application, and that if any construction is commenced without their authorization, the Environmental Police Officer in Matt:tuck is to be adviSed so that he can halt the operations. The Town Wetlands Ordinance provides that any application must include '[Document:ary proof thht all other necessary permits and approvals have been obtained." Southold Code § 97-21 (emphasis added). The comments of the DEC clearly show that the conditign of the Town: Code concerning necessary permits has not been complied with by the applicant, and that failure alone, should prevent· the Town Board from granting the requested permit. Incidentally, in support of his successful application for that subdivision, Mr. Holm represented to the Senior Environmental Plauner of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services that the lot he now proposes to sell with beach access over the proposed catwalk "may very well also be retained within my immediate family .... " Trustees of the Town of Southold - 6 - September 30, 1993 The sketch (which we object to in other respects) appended to Mr. Hohn's application only shows a catwalk. As noted by the DEC, the catwalk will necessitate the clearing of plants and trees on both the Aborn Lane and beach termini to make a path to the catwalk itself. Since the areas which will have to be cleared are immediately adjacent to wetlands, their clearing will have to be the subject of additional permits. See 6 NYCRR § 661.4¢). In this connection, we note that the applicant has already significantly ' impinged on this wetlands area by building an enormous beachfront home and apparently neglected to seek a state permit for his construction of a catwalk and stairway to the beach, even though these structures were within the area regulated by the State Tidal Wetlm~ds Act. The applicant has also violated restrictions on clearing areas adjacent to weftands in tearing down. trees and vegetation on lot 3: without seeking permits from'either the Town or the State, disregarding letters from the Town ordering him to cease and'.desist and incurring a violation from the DEC for these destruction. What assurance: is there that this new construction project wilt not expand beyond prOposed limits, particularly in view of the past disregard for any 'restrictions, the absence of any mention of 'the clearing of wetlands that must attend .the proposed catwalk and the absence of the secOnd page :of his application in 'which restrictions are supposedly stated? This Town's concern for the preservation of our wetlands is. expressed in the enactment its own Wetlands Ordinance, in which the Town Board's Declaration of Policy well matches that of the State: mo The Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that rapid growth, the spread of deVelopment and increasing demands upon natural resources are encroaching upon or eliminating many of its wetlands, which, if preserved and maintained in an undisturbed and natural condition, constitute important physical, social, aesthetic, irecreational and economic assets to existing and future residents of the Town of Southold. It is the intention of this chapter to protect the citizens of the Town of Southold by prOviding for the protection, preservation, proper maintenance 'and use of its wetlands in order to minimize damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation, saltwater intrusion, loss of fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitat thereof, to minimize danger of flood and storm-tide damage and pollution and to Trustees of the Town of Southold -7- September 30, 1993 otherwise protect the quality of wetlands, tidal waters, marshes, shore lines, beaches and natural drainage systems for their conservation .... Southold Town Code § 97-11 (emphasis added). We share', and we believe the Town Trustees. share, the concern for our wetlands and their marine and avian residents expressed in federal and state acts, like .the North American Wetlands Act, the Migratory Birds Act, the Tidal Wetlands Act and the Fish and Wildlife Act, to name just a few of the most germane 'laws. We hope that the' Trustees will carry out their responsibilities' to protect Wetlands fr°m wholly unnecessary disturbance of this delicate and valuable environment by denying the requested permit for construction on the Pond. ~.~eorgd~' A/~ Burrell z~ abeth ~L. Bur~ell George A., Lizabeth L. and Jennifer J. Burrell 550 Aborn Lane Nassau Point Cutchogue, New York 11935 September 30, 1993 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York Re~ Wetland Permit Application of Harry G. Holm Application Number SCTM#1000-118-6-1 & 1.3 Application Date 8/11/93 240 Foot. Catwalk at the Border .of Lot 93 and across Pond Dear Sirs: We are writing to urge you to deny. the pending application because the proposed construction will significantly disturb and may. eventually destroy the. delicate wetlands environment of the pond and the wildlife it sustains. The proposed plan wilt affect both the fish and other marine life .that live in this salt pond and the birds who depends on that aquatic life for their food, violating the strong policy of the State of New York to protect these irreplaceable resources. That policy was based on the findings of the State Legislature when they enacted the Tidal Wetlands Act, wi-rich now forms Article 25 ot~ the New York State Enviromental Conservation Law: The legislature hereby finds and declares that tidal wetlands constitute one of the most vital and productive areas of our natural world, and that their protection and preservation are essential. Among the many and multiple values of such wetlands are .the following: A S S O C I A-'T E S, I N C. A D V E R - SING 'PUBLIC RELATIONS EVENTS MA RK E T L N.G NYSDEC Regulatory Affairs s.uny.Building 40 St°nyBr°ok, NY 11794 RE: .Destruction of trees, plants and other Trdmbon.e, 918'0 Nassau Point Road, OF,' SOUTHdLt) August !2, 1991 wetland area to the property of' Cutchogue, NY 11935 Gentlemen: I understand the owner or occupant of premises immediately to the north of my property has been'aud.'is now cutting down trees and growth and otherwise destroying the contour of the beautLful,and adjacent area~ In doing so, he has come upon my land' and has already destroyed all foliage and' plantings which had been to my benefit. Incidentally, he has demolished porous of my garden which have taken me over 15 years to cultivate. I 'haVe.brought ail of this to his attenti6n and he has ignored my request to close this practice. Instead, I' am now faced with 10 wheel 'maCks on pathways used by me for many years, taking with it and destroying the dirt sides and trees as it comes down the path on my property. There seems to be the attitude that my neighbor can do as he wishe's since he is disregardiag previous letters asking him to stop this acfiv/ty. It is now apparent that he has misled mein. alt.his intentions., cc: Board of Town.Trustees PIarming Board fY'! ~rombone 4 '5 T E C}' P A R K AV E N U E S O U T H N E W ¥ O R K , N Y fl 0~0 f 6 ( 2 q 2 ) 6 8 4 2 0 q 0 F A X ' ( 2 ~ 2 ) 6 8 4 ~ ~ 3 8 3" ¥3,{...b}- :.:-!., '.-. ' 550 Aborn Lane - Nassau Point Cutchogue, N. Y. 11935 (516) 734-5678 June 10, 1991 Mr. Walter Lindley Senior EnVironment. si Planner Suffolk COunty Department of Health Services Was.tewater Management Section Suffolk. County Center Riverhead,-N...¥. 11901 Re: 'Harry & Janet Hohn SCTM# 1000-118-6-1-3.1 SCDHS Ref. No. 90-349 Dear Mr. Lindley: I wish to thank you for your courtesy and the opportunity afforded me to revieW the records on file at your office in the above matter. My delay in responding has been due to my inability to contact Dr. Grimes who, as has been previously noted is also an immediate adjacent owner to this proposed subdivision. This letter is more by way of concern that Dr. Grimes and I both have to the advisability of having an additional well or wells in fairly close proximity to our present well locations. We believe that it is truly a matter of concern When just about One quarter of the minimum requirements are met; particularly .when there is merely eleven inches of depth to the water, when the requirement· is that there be .40 inches. The disparity is too gre~t to overc6~e our concern or to be treated lightly .I have already had wells which have been replaced and relocated. Additionally there are a number of established lots which may make demands upon the water table in the future, and which may become prejudiced by reason of the subdivision and the proposal for an additional well or wells. At the present time there is-~nother lot. adjacent to this proposed subdivision, and this too may present additional problems with the water table which is reputed to be precarious. While this letter is being written to you as a Senior Environment Planner.of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, .it may be that final determinations are ei%he~ with the Southold Board of Trustees or the Southold Planning Board. Mr~ Walter Lindley Suffolk Co. DePt. of Health Services June' 10, 1991 - 2 - Since I am not certain what is procedurally correct, I am forwarding copies of this letter both to the Southold Board of Trustees, and to the Southold Planning Board. e ~ tru ly~g rs, cc: Royal ReYnolds, Senior Public Health Mingineer John Bredemeyer, President, Southold Board of Trustees Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman, Southold Planning Board Dennis Moran, P.E, Suffolk Co. Dept. of Health Services · New.York: Life Insurance 51 Madison.Avenue, NeTM Yorl~-~.~ 10010 212 576=5077 Harry G. Hohn Chairman of the Board March 28, 19'91 Mr~ Walter Lindley Senior .Environmental.Planner Suffolk CoUnty Department of H.e'alth Services .Wastewat'er..Management.Section Suffolk County-=Center RiVerhead,.New-York 11901 Dear Mr. Lindley: Re: Harry & J'anet Hohn SCTM# 100'0-118-6-1-3.1 SCDHS Ref. No. 90-349 The Hearing now scheduled by your Department for April I1, 1991 on the above is very important to me and my family. TherefOre, I had clearly planned to attend along with my' experts, but now find.because of the date this is nOt possible. On April 11, 199'1 .I will be running the Annual Meeting .of the Foundation for Independent Higher EdUcation. (I serwe as chairman of the Board of that charitable organization .[Dro..bono] to help. meet the financial needs of the 660' member private Colleges through coordinated corporate givings.) For the record, let me state what I have been attempting to accomplish over. the last fifteen months with various .governmental agencies. I wish to build a year-round home on Nassau Point to which I will retire:full time in a few years. In order'to be in that position I had to purchase the entire sev~n plus acre parcel' of land now being subdivided. Each.of the three LotS is substantially over the minimum land. acre requirements. The vacant Lot ~Lot #1) is the Lot on which we:would like' to build our home (the test well site). The contiguous Lot with the~ Beach House on it would be retained by me and would be' used only for my four married daughters and their families,., including our four wonderful grandCkildren; By having this' f~ci~ity available, Janet and I .will' get to see our grandckildren.;on a regular basis. This alone is worth the fifteen month:process. The third Lot (Lot ~3) on Aborn Lane may very well also be retained within my immediate family if that is at all economically feaSible. ThUs-,. I am probably the most concerned party about the careful and prudent use of 'the land and all of its natural attributes and beauty~ Many o.f. the conditions imposed.upon my simple use of the seven plus acre parcel are all very well intentione.d but they do tend to restrict the application of good environmental j. udgment'-byme for decades iht he future. clearly what I am NOT i.s a de~eloper or lar~ speculator. This i's to'be my 'home and all I am asking for is an opportunity to 'be 'a responsible citizen in a community in WhilCh we.have li~ed for almost .ten years. Fa~ your further background'I have enclosed a copy of the 1990 Annual.Report o.f New York Life of which I am Chairman of the!Board.~ I am. not tooting.my own horn but merely explaining my priorities. I don't have 'time for land speculation but want to spend all of my spare time building b~tter relationships 'with my family and .the Nassau Point community. cc:. Royal. Reynolds, Senior Public Health Engineer 'John'~.Bredemeyer, preside~t,..SOuthol'd.Bo.ard..Of.T.ru.ste.es. Bennett OrloWSki, Jrt, Chairman, Southold Planning Board Attachment 4-16-,~ (2/871 ~ 7c 617,21 ~.~ ~ ,,~ ~ ~, :._.. ~EQR. Appendix A '~ ~? ~ ' · ' ~f ~'~ State Environmental Quality Review ~l~i'i ~,.~ ~ ~ ~.-~:-' FULL ENW.ON. E TAL ASSeSSmENT = Purpose: The fuji EAF i5 designed. ~o help ~ppli'cant~ and agencms de~ermme, m ~n 0rderly~&~o.her,.Wh~her z prejec[ or action may be significant. The question' of whether an ~ction may. be significant i~~&~sV ~e'a'n~er. Freq:Uent- Iy, there are asO'ec~ of a pro~ec= tha~ are. subjective o~ unmeasureable. ~ i5 also understood ~hag ~ho~ who. dege.rm~ne significance ma~ =have ['i~le or ~o. formal k~w~edEe o[ ~he.environmen~ or may be technic~Hy expe~ in en~ironm.enta] analysis. In add.it[.o~, many who haveknowledge in one particu [ar area may not be aware of the bro~der concerns ~ffecting ~he question The full EAF is intende~ to provide a me~hod whereby applicants and agencies canbe assured ~hatt.he determination process has been.orderly, comprehensive in na.tu~e, ye~ flexible ~o a[tow introduction 0f..informafi~n to fit ~ p[oje~ Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: provides obiective data and information about a given proiect and its'site: B:¥'identifying basic project data, it .ass'isis 'a reviewer in the analysis treat takes ptace in Parts ?- and 3. Part· 2: Focuses'on'identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a prolect or ·action. it provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to.be considered small to moderate or whether it is. a pote~tial!y-. large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact Can be mitigated or reduced Part 3: If.any impa'ct in Part 2 is identified as potendaJJv-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICA. NCE~Type I and Unlisted Actions identify the Portions of EAF completed for this proiect: [] Part 1 [] Part 2 ~Part 3 Upon review of the'information recorded on this ~AF (Parts.i and:2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonabl'v determined by the' lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which ~il[ not have a significant impac~ on ~.he environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared~ B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action Decause the mitigation measures described in PART 3'have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative'declaration will be prepared.' [] C. The project may resu:[t in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions MINOR SUBDIVISION OF HARRY C. $ JANET HOHN Name of Action Plannincj Board, Town of Southold Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Tide of Responsible Officer Signature. of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (if different from res ponsibte officer) " Date '. '~ "'PART 1--PROJECT INFOR]vlATiON Prepared by. Project Sponsor NOTICE: This doctJnient is designed to assist in determining whether.the action proposed may'have a signi icar~ :e.. on the environment, i*lease, complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions wiT|' be considered. as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and 'public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. it is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and wil'l not invofve new studies, re.searc[~ or investigation. If .im~ormation requiring such additional Work is unavailable, so .indi~fate and.specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION Minor Subdivision of Harry C. F_, Janet Hohn LOCATION OF ACT]ON (include Street Address, Municipality end County) · Nassau Point Road. Cutchocju'e,.Suffolk County, New York NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE Harry G. S Janet Hohn (212) 576 - 5077 ADDRESS New York Life Insurance Co., 51 Madison Avenue CITY/PO STATE j ZIP CODE New Yo~k NY~ 10010 NAME OF OV~NER {If different) BUS]NESS TELEPHONE Eda McKniqht Kolbe ( ) ADDRESS 631 Bentley Drive Naples FL 3396.3 DESCRIPHONOFACTION Subdivision of a 7.368 acre parcel into fou~ (4) single-family residential lots. Two of the three proposed waterfront lots contain existing. dwellings. There is a bulkhead along the unimproved waterfront parcel's frontage on Great Pec~nic Bay. The fourth lot is upland. Individual wells and sanitary systems are proposed. Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical Setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: [-JUrban E]lndustriai 1-3Forest I-IAgriculture 2. Total acreage of project area: 7,368 acres. APPROXlMA1 E ACREAGE Meadow or BrushJand (Non-.agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECl_) Water Surface Area Unveg.etated.[Rock, earth.or fill) earth drives/beach Road~,"buildin~s and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) landscaped areas I-ICom.mercia] fqOther J Residential (suburban) ORura] (nomfarm) 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site?..~Plymouth loamy sand: Riverhea..d sandy loam &: :beaCh a. Soil drainage: IlWell drained 100 % of rite fi-IM~derat'el¥ well drained % of site [3Poorly drained _ % of site b. f any agricultural land is. involved, .how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 throt,gh 4 of the' NYS l~nd Classification System? N/A acres. {See I NYCRR 370). 4, Ar. there bedrock outcroppings on project site? E-]Yes iN~ a. What is depth to bedrock? (in feet) PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION acres acres Lt. 66 acres 3,69 acres acres acres · 1 acres . '1 acres · 87 acres .87 acres · 86 acres ,86 acres · 12 acres ..72 acres .76 acres 1,13 acres 5..~'DProximate ~ercentage or oro~d oroiect site wrth sbpes: 10-t. 0% ~ % ~1'0-15% 1~ .% 6. Is pro,eot substantially conti~uous to. or contain a building, site, or district, listed on ~he S~a~e or ~he National Re~sters 'of Historic Places~ ~Yes ~No 7. is p.ro.lect substantially contl~uous to a site [i~ted on the Register of National Natural Landmarks~ ~Yes ~NO 8. What is the dept~ of the water tablee 0-31 [in feet) 9. rs site located over a pr~ma~,.pnncipal, or sole source aquife~ ~'Yes ~No 10. Do'hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently ex,st n the pr°iect area~ ~Yes ~'No 11. Does projecz site ~ontain an~ species of plant or ~nimal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Accordin~ to [dent[fv each species 12. Are there any umque or unusual land forms on the profecz sitee [i.e., cliffs, du~es, other geological formations) · ~Yes ~N0 Describe A bluff and ~ch exist along .potions. of. the property's f~ont~qe'on Gee~t--Peconic Bay 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood ~s an open space or recreation ama? ~Yes. ~No f yes, explain 14 Does the present site ~nc]ude scenic views known :o be important to the community? ~No 15. S~reams within' or cont~uous to project area: . Unnamed tidal pond ~ creek a, Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary Gre~t Peconi~ Bay 16. Lakes, 0onds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name Great Peconic 'BaY b. Size (in acres) 17. Is the site serveo by existing public utilities? BYes E]No a] If Yes. does, sufficient capacity exist to allow connection~, lYes b) If Yes, wii[ fmprove.ments be necessary to allow connection.~ BYes I~No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified oursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Articie 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? E~Yes 19. ls the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critica~ Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 1Yes f-lNo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? []Yes B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions ~nd scale of proiect (fii~ in dimensions as appropriate) a, Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 7. 368 b. Project acreage to be deve]op~d: 7.368 acres initia|ly; 71368 c. PrOiect acreage to remam undeveloped none acres. d. Length' of project, in miles: ~ (If appropriate} e. tf the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansior~ proposed f, Number of'off-street parking spaces existing _._ N/_A . .; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated :~er hour 12 h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One ]:amiJy Two Family fnitiMly Ultimately i. Dimensions {in feet) of largest proposed structure j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare proiect will o~cupy acres. acres ultimately. N/A {upon completion of project)? Multiple Family Condominium 35 .height; ugkn_ow~_ width;unknown length. 330 ft. 2. ttow much nalurat mat f (i.e'., rock. earth, etc,) will be removed fthe site?zndetez-mznate',,i../ct' ~h'r_~_ yards 3. Wilt dislurbed areas be reclaimed? I]Yes .~ [;-~No i-]N/A a. If yes. for'what intend . purpose is the site being reclaimed? Landscaped a~eas around .dwellinqs b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? I~Yes tZ]No ~ c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? I~Yes E3No 4. l tow many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) wilt be removed from site? .97 acres. 5. Will any mature'forest (over 100 tears o1~ or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this '~roject? E]¥es .~ ~No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period, of construction 12 months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: N/A a. Total number of phases anticipated b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 c. Approximate completion date of final phase (number). month year, (includin~ demolition). month year. L~ I-1No d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? E3Yes 8. Will blasting occur during construction? [-3Yes ~No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction None 10. Number of lobs eliminated bt this proiect None 11. Wil~ project require relocation o~ any projects or faci.[ities:? ; after project is complete [~Yes ~No I.f ..yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? gYes ~No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ~lYes ~.~No Type Household. Sanitary w~stes 14. Will surface area o~ an existing water body increase.or decrease by pr.oposa[? I-lYes iINo Explain 15...Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year.flood plain? ~Yes E3No 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ~.Yes [~N0 a. If yes, what is the amount per month 1 ./~ tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ~Iyes c. If yes, give name Southold Municipal Landfill ; location ~' Cutc.hogue d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanita~ landfill? l-lYes e. If Yes, explain I[INO 17. Will the proiect involve the disposal of solid waste? a. If yes, what is the anti'cipated rate of disposal? b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? 18. Will p.roiect use herbicides or pesticides? E]Yes I~Yes' llNo · tonsJmonth.. yea rs. IINo 19. WHI 20. Wi.Il 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? IiYes E3No If yes , indicate type(s) Electricity; fossil fuels 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity 5 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 1200 gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? ~Yes If Yes, explain project routineIy produce odors (more Lban one'hour pe~ day)? OYes iINo project produce operating noise exceeding the Iota.! ambient noise [evels? [Z]Yes gallons/minute.' [2No 25. A,Dprovais Required: ©C Type Submittal Date City, Town, ',.'i!lage 3oard ,.'FYes C~t¥, Town, ~i+ka~e Planning Board lyes City, Town Zoning Board ,rqYes C-N"v, County Health Department lyes Other Locat Agencies' ( Suffolk Cnty lYes Planning C°mmlssion ~,',· Other Regional Agencms L~es State :Agencies (NYSDEC.) lYes Federal Agencies ~Yes C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. ~.No ENo subdivision riNo []No wells g sanitary riNo subdivision ri'No ~No Tidal Wetlands Permit ~No Does proposed action imvotve a planning'or.zoning ~Jecision? ~Ye$ ~No if Yes, indicate, decision required: ~zoning amendment F~zoning variance Fqspeciai use permit lsubdivision l~new, revis~on of master ptan ~resource management plan ~other 216190 ~site plan 2. W'hat is the zomng c[assification(s)of the site? R-~0 3. What is the maxJrfium potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? Tt may be possible to create an add~l lot given present zoning restrictions. (However, the appiican' · not interested in pursuin~ that alternative ) 4. Wh~a~ is the propose~: zoning of the site. ' N/A $. What is the rna,×imum potential development of' the site if developed as permitted by the propOsed zoning.~ N/A 6. ts the proposed=. action' Consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local [and use plans? I~Yes [] No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a "/, mile radius of proposed actJon.~ R-40; sin.,ql.e-family residential 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a M mile? lyes [:]No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? 4 a. What is the minimum Jot s~ze proposed? 1. 127 acres 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? I-lYes INo 11. Wil.l the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police; fire protection)? IIiYes [3No a. If yes, is ex~sting capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? lYes I-iNo 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? r-lYes I~No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ~]Yes I-INo D. Information'al Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any 'adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above ~s true to the best of my knowledge. Appf[cant/Sponsor Name Ha~ry G. Hohn by William W. Esseks Date 'Au.~ust 10..1990 Signature ~q~t~.,. ~/. ~ ~ ~L- ~ Title Contract Vendee If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 lk. ( ~--~PROJECT IMPACTS AND ~ZI~--.,VlAGNITUDE , ' Responsibility of Lead Agency General Information. (Read CarefuJ]v) * In comp'leti~ the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and dateliner, ions ·been rea.~onable? [he reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmenta;I analyst. " ' Identifying that an impact will be potentially la,ge (column 2) does not mean that it is also .necessa~it~ sig,i[ica,t,. Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an impact in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. - ' 'I he ~amples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing ·types of impacts and wherever possible the threshoid of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are gene.rall~ applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any specific project or site other example~, and/or lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. ' The impacts of each project, on each site, in each IocaliW, will vary. Therefore, the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. * The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. ' In identifying impacts, consider ~ong term, short term and cumtative effects. I,str,diom (Read carefully) ~., a. Answer each of the 19 questions in PART 2..Answer ~es if there will be a,y impact. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers, c. f answering Yes to a question then check the aopropdate box (column 1 or 2) to indJcate the ootentia] size of the impact I[ impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided~ check column 2. if impact will occur but·threshold is lower than example, check column 1. d. If reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the impfict as ~tentially large and ·proceed to' PART 3 e. f a potentially larse impact checked in column .2 can be mitigated by change(s) in the project to a small to moderate impact, also check the Yes box in column'3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possib, le: This must be explained in Part 3. IMPACT ON LAND t. Wilt the proposed action result in a physical change to the project site? E_]NO E3YES Examples that would'apply to column 2 * Any:construction on slopes of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 , ,foot of length), or where the general slopes in'the project area exceed 10%. - Construction on land where the depth to the water table is less than 3 feet. . Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more vehicles. .' Construction on land w'here bedrock is exposed or generally within 3 feet of existing ground surface~ · Construction that will continue for more than I year or invotve more than one phase or stage. - Excavation for mining purposes thai would remove more than 1,000' tons of natural material (i.e., rock or $oi]) per year. · Construction or expansion of a'sanitary landfill * Construction in a designated floodway. · Other impacts 2 %'ill there be a.n effect t-'. .... ,y tn',~que or unusual land forms found on the sit{.~? (i.e.. cliffs, dunes, geo[ogical formations, etc.)E}NO i-1¥ES · Specific land' forms: 6 Smell to Potential Can impact Be Moderate. Large Mitigated By Impact · Impact Project Change [] [] l-lYes. []No'.I [] [] [:-lYes.. [~'No ~ [] 1-1Yes' []No. [~] ' ' [] ElVes FI:No ~ ~ ~Yes ~No , IMPACT ON WATER 3.. Wi. Il proposed action affect any water body designated as protected? (Under Articles 1 $, 24, 2_5 of.the Environmental Conservation Law. ECL) - []NO OYES Examples'that would apply.to calumn 2 · Developable area of Site' contains a protected water body. · Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of'material from channel of a protected stream. · Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water body. · Construction in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. · Other impacts: 4. Will proposed action affect any non-protected exJs.tJng or new body of water? []NO [-1Y.E 5 Examples that would apply to coiurnn 2 · A t0% increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. · Construction 'of a body of.water that exceeds 10 acres of surface area. · Other mpacts: 5. Will Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater quality or q~antity? ~qNO ~YES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action witt require a discharge permit. · ProPosed Action requires use of a source of water that does not have approval to serve proposed (project) actioq. · Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater, than 45 gailons per minute pumping capacity. · Construction or operation causing any contamination of a Water supply system. · Proposed Action wilt adversely affect groundwater. · Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the'site to facilities which presently do not exist or have inadequate capacity. · Proposed Action would use water in excess of 20,000 gallons per day. · Proposed Action will likely cause siltation or other discharge into an existing body of water to ;!,e extent that there will be an Obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. · Proposed.Action will require the storase of petroleum or chemical products greater than 1,100 §atlons. · Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without water and/or sewer servtces. · Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses which may require new or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities. · Other impacts: 6. Will proposed action alter drainage fio'w or patterns, or surface water runoff? '[--]NO ~YE$ Examples that.wou.Jd appty to column 2 · Pro'pos,~d Action woutd change flood water flows. s:m~H .to Potential Can impact Be Moderate Large . Mitigated .By . .ImPact Impact P~.0ject Change F-] ~ ~Yes' · ~No [] [] ['~ Yes ~]No []' [] E]¥es E:]No [] E'~ E~Ye:s ~No [] [] ~Yes []No [] [] ~¥es ~No [] [] []Yes . []No' '~1 [] ~]--]tes []NO [] I-i' E2Yes Q~o [] [] []Yes ~'~o [] [] []Yes []~0 '[] [] F-lyes ~.,No. '[Z] [] []Yes.. E3No [] [] 'E~Yes E~No' [] '[] ,, []Yes ~No [] [] ~Ye, []No. [] [] []Yes ~0 · [] [] []YES ElNa * Propos'ed Action may cause substantial erosion. · Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. · Proposecl Action will allow development in a designated floodway. · Other impacts: . IMPACT ON AIR 7. Will proposed action affect air quality7 ~NO FIYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action will induce 1,000 or more vehicle trips in any given hour. · Proposed Action will restdt in the incineration of more than I ton of refuse per hour. · Fmission rate of 'total contaminant~ will exceed 5 lbs. per hour or a heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. · Proposed action will allow an increase in the amount of land committed to industrial use. · Proposed action will allow an increase in the density of industrial development within existing industrial a~eas. · Other impacts: JMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8~ Will Proposed Action affect any threatened or endangered species? ONO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Reduction of one or .more species listed.on the New York or Federal list, using the site, over or near site or found on the site. · Removal of any portion of a critical or significant wildlife habitat. · Application of pesticide or herbicide more than twice a year, other than for agricultural purposes. · Other impacts: 9. Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened or non-endangered species? ~NO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident or migratory fish, shellfish or wildlife species. · Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres of matu. re forest (over 'I00 years of age) or other locally important veRetation. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. Will the Proposed Action affect .agricultural land resources? ONO OYES E~amples that 'wou. ld apply to column 2 · 'the pro!hosed acti,m would sever, .cross or limit access to agricultural la. nd (includes cropland, h.ayfields, pasture, vineyard) orchard, etc.) "1' 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact' Be.. Moderate. .Large Mitigated B.y ' Impact . Impact Project 'Change [] [] El'Yes [] No [] [~] [:]Yes ON• [] [] OYe~ []No [] [] F-lYes []No [] [] CJYes. []No ~ g ~s ~No' ~ .~ ~Y*s ~No · ~ ~ ~Yes ~'No ~ ~. ~Yes ~No ~ .~ J: ~Yes ~.No. ~' ~ ~'Ye~ gNo. ' O O. OYes:. :': ONo' ,. ~ ~ ~Yes ~' ' ~. '~Yes · Construction activity would excavate or compact the sod profile of agri.cultura], la'nd. · The proposed' action would irreversibly convert more than 10 acres of a.~ricuttura! land or. if loca~eb'in an Agri.cultutal District, more .than 2.5 acres of agricultural .land. · The proposed action wou'~d disrupt or prevent installation Of agricultural land. management systems (e.F~. subsurface drain fines outlet ditches. strrp cropping); or create a need for such measures [e.g. cause a farm . field to. d.rain poOrly due to i.ncreased runbff) · Other impacts: IMPACT' ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11. Will proposed' action affect aesthetic resources? ENO .~YES ~[f necessary, use the Visual FAF Addendum in Section 617.21. Appen'dJx Examples that would a~)I¥ to column 2 · Proposed land uses, or pro, oct components obviously different from or in sharp contrast to current surroundin~ land use patterns, whether man-made or nzturaL · Proposed land uses. or project components visible to users of aesthetic resources which will eliminate or sisnificantty reduce their enloyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. ' Project components that wifl result in the elimination or significant screen,ng of scemc views known to be important to the area. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic, pre- historic or paleontological importance? ~NO E~YE_S Examples that wo'uJd apply to column 2 · Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substantially cont,guous to any facility or site lis[ell on the State or National Register of historic places. · Any impact to an archaeological site or fossii bed located within the project site. · Proposed Action will occur in an area desisnated as sensitive for archaeotogi£a[ sites on the NYS Site Inventory. · Other impacts:_ . IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13, Wilt Proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open space5 or recreational opportunities? Examl~les that would apply to column 2 ~NO Z]Y'E5 · The perm. anent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. · A major reduction of an open space important to the community. · Other impacts:. 9 - . .:1'. 2' "3 Small' to Potential Can impact Be 'Moderate Large .' Mitigated By. ImPact impact Project 'Change ~"1 .. . ~ .' ~Yes. ~].N~... [] ' Fq.. j ~Yes...~No. ~ .. ~. ~.Y. es , ~No ~ ~ ~ Yes ~ No '~ ~ .~Yes ~No ~ ~ ~Yes gnp ~ ~ ~Yes ~No ~ ~. ' ' ~Yes · ~N0 ~ ~ ~Yes ~No IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION. 14. Will there be an effect to existing transportation systems? · ONO E2YES Examptes that would apply to column 2 · Alteration of present patterns o'f movement of people and/or goods. · Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems.' · Other in:pacts: · .IMPACT ON ENERGY 15 Will proposed action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy s~upply? ~]NO ~YES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action wiJi cause a greater than 5% increase in the use of any form of energy in the municipality. '. Proposed Action will require the creation or extension of an energy transmission or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. · Olh~'r .npacts: NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS Wift there be objectionable odors, noise, or vibration as a result of the Proposed Action? ONO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 * B[a_sting within 1,,500 feet of a hospital, school or other sensitive facility. ' Odors will occur routinely (more than one hour per day), · Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the local ambienl noise levels for noise outside 0f structures. o Proposed Action wilt remove natural barriers that would act as a noise screen. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 17 Will Proposed Action affect public health and safety? ONO E]YES Examples Ihat would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances (i.e. oil, pesticides, chemicals', radiation, etc.) in the event of accident or upset conditions,, or there may be a chronic Iow level discharge or emission. · Proposed Action may result in the burial of "hazardous wastes'~ in any form (i.e toxic, poisonous, hiRhJy reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, etc.) · Storage facilities for one million or more 8;a]]0ns of liquified natural gas or other flammable liquids. · Prgposed action may result in tim excavation or other disturbance within 2,000 feet:of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste, · Olher impacts: 10 I 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact .Be Moderate Large ·Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change [] [-q [~]Yes []No [] [] J~]-Yes [~]No [] [] [~Yes. []No ~ g ~Yes ~No ~ ~ ' ~ Yes ~ No 'g ~ ~Yes. ~No ~ g ~Yes gNo ~ ~ ~Yes ~No ~ '~ ~Yes IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 18. Wi II proposed action affect-the character of the existing commun L_%NO ~YES Examples that would apply to column 2 · The permanent population'of the ciW, town or village in which the project is located .is likely to grow by more than 5'%. · The municipa budget for capital' expenditures or operating services will increase by more than :3% per .v,.~a~ as a result of this project. · Proposed action wi[~ confI'ict with 'official}¥ adopted plans or goa[s. · Proposed_ action will:cause a change in th~ (~ens~tv of land use. · Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, structures or areas .of historic importance to" the community. · Development' will' create a demand' for additi.onat community services (e_g. schools, poiice-and fire, etc.l · Proposed Action wiII set an, .import&nt precedent for future proiects, · Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment~ · Other impacts: 19. Small' toI Potent. iai Can. trap.act Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact impact Project Change ~,' [] ~."Yes l']No [] [] [~Yes L--JNo fl-] [] ~L~ Yes J~].No ~ g ~Yes ~No.. ~ ' ~ ~'.Yes ~No " ~ ~ ~Ye5' ~No ~ ~ ~Yes ~N0' ~ ~ ~Yes ~No ~ ~ ~Yes ~No Is there, or is there likely to be. public controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? i~NO ~YES If Any Action in Part 2 is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If You Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 Part 3--.EVAL.UATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s) is considered to be potentiaJly large, even if the impact(s) may be mitigated. Instructions Discuss the following for each impact identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1. Briefly describe the impact. 2. Describe (if applicable) how the impact could be'mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate im pact by project chanBe{s), 3. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is importa.t. To answer the question of' importance, consider: · The probability of the ~mpact occurring ,. · The duration of the impact · Its irr.eversibility, including permanently lost resources of value · Whether the impact can or will be controlled · The regional consequence of the impact · Its potential divergence from Ioca[ needs and goals · Whether known obiect~ons to the project reJate to this impact. (Continue on attachments) 11 the Full' EAF. Appendix B .State Environmental Quality Review Visual .FAF Addendum This form may .be used', to provide additional information reiating to Question 1 1 of. Part' 2 of (To be completed by Lead Agency) Visibility t. Would the project be visible from: · A parceJ of land which is dedicated to and available to", the public for the' use, enjoym.er~t .and appreciation of :natural or mammade scenic qualities? * An overlook or parcel of.land dedicate~ to public [] [] [] [] [] obse}gati.on, enjoyment and appreciation of natural or man-made scenic qualities? · A site or struc:ure listed on the National or State [] [] [] [] [] Registers of HistOric. Places? , State Parks? [] [] [] [] [] ' The State Forest Preserve? [] [] [] [] [] * National Wildlife Refuges and state game refuges? [] [] [] [] [] · National Natural Landmarks and other outstanding [] [] [] [] [] natural features? · National' Park Service lands? [] [] i--] ,r-] [] · Rivers designated as National .or State Wild. Scenic [] [] [] [] [] or Recreational? · Any transportation corridor of high exposure, such [] [] [] [] [] as part of the Interstate System, or Amtrak? · A governmentally established, or designated interstate [] [] [] [] or inter-county foot trail, or one formally proposed for establishment or designation? · A site, area, lake, reservoir or highway designated as [] [] [] [] [] scenic? * Municipal park, or designated open space? · County road? State? · Local road? Distance Between Project and Resource (in Miles) 0-~A ~4-V~ 1/2.3 3-5. 5+ Is the.visibility of the project Seasonal? (i.e., screened by summer, foliage, but visible seasons) F']YeS []No during other 3. Are any of the resources checked in question during which the project will be visible? []Yes []No I used by the public during the time of year DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING VISUAL ENVIRONMENT 4. From each item checked in question 1, check those which generally describe the surrounding environment_ Within * I/4 mile * 1 mile Essentially undeveloped [] [] Forested [] [] '- Agricultural [] [] Suburban residential [] [] Industrial .[-1 [] Commercial [] [] Urban [] [] River, Lake, Pond [] [] Cliffs, Overlooks [] [] Designated Open Space [] [] Flat [] [] Hilly [] [] Mountainous [] [] Other [] [] NOTE: add attachments as needed 5. Are there .visually similar projects within: '1/2 mile ['-]Yes []No '1 miles []Yes []No *2 miles []Yes F-INo *3 miles ~--] Yes [~'NO * Distance from project site are. provided' for assistance.. Substitute.other distances:as approP,riate. EXPOS/IRE 6. The annual number of viewers likely to observe the prqpos'ed project is NOTE: When user data is.unavailable or unknown, use best estimate. CONTEXT 7. The situation or .activity in which the viewers are.engaged. While viewing the proposed action is FREQUENCY Holidays/ Activity Dally Weekly Weekends Seasonally Travel to and from. work [] [] [] [] .Involved in recreational activities [] [] [] [] Routine travel by. residents [] [] [] [] At a residence [] [] [] [] 'At worksite [] [] [] [] Other [] [] [] [] , OOI = ~, 1 ~STVOp M3N '~INAO3 ~90~A9 O90HIRo9 ~0 N~OI l'N IOa OVSSVN 001 31 W1J_ ! S NHOH 13NVP dNV ~0 dVN .NOI~IAItI~R~ ~ONIN := ..,.,., { .gl LLI oo ~ V~ 3INO3~d