HomeMy WebLinkAboutHILTON, WILLIAM P & RITAJuly 12~ 1979 ~S'.~. W£11~ ..'P, Hilton ~:?..~,.~. ~'. ~ . ~_~ck.~ 'NeW York 119~2 ' ~'.~'~' ~' ..:O~eek was ~rev~e~d at a ~1~'..~et~ T~:,[~~:,.s:~~` ~d' ~e ~tter will be.., refe~ed 'to ~e ~o~ 'o~' ~ By Mu~iet .T~lman, Clerk -/ :i:Board':Of So'Uthold.:. TOwn Trustees .SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK iT.N.O..'-t3;7;-/ .,_.-.. '-.:..-.: DATE:...A..q~.....].:...~.Zg'73 ISSUED.TO" WJ.2.Z~:"::P. 8..ud- ~±~ce~ HJ[.~'O:~'':~''::.'' :" ._.""'.., '~ ' ,-' ....Pursuan+ '~'+~"'Provisions of Chaplet 61~ of fhe Laws of- 'rr,~..'> ".~'"--4~ +he Sfafe 'of New ' YorE:;':1893; and ~'ap~r 404 o[ ~he Laws of' ~'.~'. ~;:::4:'S~afe of Ne~ York 19~2; and +he S°ufhold Town Ordinance eh- ": ~ ~':'-..: +i+lea '"RE~.U~TIN'~ AND THE PLAGIN~ OF'OBSTR.UOTIONS'. :... - I.N AND .ON .TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and +he -~ ~':;'-REMOVA'L..'OF SAN.D?~VEL O.R. OTHER MATERIALS FROM -' UNDER-:TOWN:r.:WATERSi":'Tand in accordance wffh +he ' '-- Resolufion' 0~ The Boar'J adopfed, afa mjefing hel8 'on' .~~y Z~, "."': ~i9...~9.., and ~n con~deta.fion 0f fhe sum of $ .~.,..Q0 ....... paid '~ ..~t ...... ::..2.;~',,. ~t'zz~ '~:¢...~a~..~tZ¢o~ .................... :: ...... ~'~ ...... ~' of ~.~.~._,~.9.,,..,....~:~&.~9.~:, ......... N. Y; and sub~ect +o ' : .J':~Terms 'a'hd Condifi0ns' lisfed 0n fhe reverse side hereof, ';'" :'::~'of S°ufhold Town 'Trasfees aufhor)zes, and permffs the all in accordance wifh fhe derailed' specif[~af[ons as presen+ed '"':" :~he originafing application. ' · - IN WITNESS-WHEREOF, The said Board .o~ Trusfees .... " by oauses ifs OoFp0rafe' Seal fo be '~ffixed,'ana fh~se p~Jsen+s .~o .. be sub'sCr)~e'd by a 'maiorffy o~ ~he sald Board ,s 0f +bls · ~~-------.----- ~,-.-~-~-------.--~/· A ~ ......... ....... ........... ....... . · , ......... ~.~.:~ ~'.. ' ' '~ - ~ T~tees. Telephone 51fi-765-I 938 BOAR~' ISTEES 11971 September 28, 1979 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hilton RR#I, Box llSA Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. and'Mrs... Hilton: I received a telephone call this morning £romMarie Tejo concerning a possible misunderstanding regarding.this office. I have been Clerk to the Board of Town Trustees for the Dast three years. During that time I have never received a complaint o~ objection fromM rs. Tejo regarding your projec% or any others in the Town of Southold Which involves the Board of Town· Trustees. Yours 'truly, Muriel Tolman (Brush), C'le~k Board o.f Town Trustees Copy to Sylvia Pafenyk Marie Tejo F~ it, ~979 ~ard of T°wn -'Trustees S~uthold¢ N,.Y.' 11971 D~,ar Fins ~r~s.h., ...Encl.eam.d Yeu-.will find .a copy. of the lette.r s~nt to Please-.p~se'nt '.to .the ~a~ of ~stees.. ApPlication please let us ~ow.. if there ~lt be a. p~blem-.with ~a~.~.Tou 'fo~ yo~'. time in this .matter'. ~s..- ~illiam'~. ~/lton R.P~#1 Box llSA ~attituek'., N.Y. 11952 E~'~'Mr,.-and. Mr~, HiI2'on: trying to contact you by telephone to ..:fel~ow~ i'nformat'ion but have been .~e ~f the:Trustees has. suggested ~nat'.ye~[get a ~£:.p~rmisSion'.fr~m the other persons having an ~n ~f ~w~.s office that'Ms, Pafe~yk.maybaVe an :~~.at 7':50 p,m. on February 15th at' the Town 'Halt,. ~i~:Road~ 'southOld. Mu~iel' Brush, Board .of Town TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILD~'~G INSPECTOR TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. ¥. 11971 TEL. 765-1802 July 1'7, 1.979 Mn~s. William P. Hilton RR #1., Box 115A Mattituck,. New' ¥o.rk 11952 Dea~:':Mrs. Hilton: This is in regard to a letter ~o you from the. Board of Town Trustees, dated J~ly 12, 1979 concerning a dock in Long Creek. Docks are mostly in the water, not on private property. We do not require building, permits for the sections of the dock that are built on private property. Any disturbance of wetland, like dock building, does require a wetland permit from the Southold Town Board. Yours truly, George H. Fisher Senior Building %nspector GHF: ec NEW YOP~ STATE DEPA.RT,~ENT OF. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION TW 15272-0115 SP Wq PERMIT : · ·; .; ~NDE;'THE ENViRONMeNTAL CONSEItVA.TION LAW . ARTICLE 15, (protelCtio.n of Water) ~ ~';;1~~ 25,. (~idal'.wedands) A~ICLE 24',.(Fmsh~ter.Wetla~s) ~ AR~IC~ 36, (Co~tJon in. Flood Hazar~ Areas) PERMIT'ISSUED TO Sylyia Pafenyk By: William P. Hilton ADDRESS OF ?EPJ~ITTEE · Box 1040, !220 Grand Avenue, Matt]tuck, New York 11952 LOCATION OFPRO.IECT (Section of stream, tidal weUand, dam, building) L Lpn8 greek... DESCRf:PIION. OF. 'PRO ~ E.Cl Construct 'a timber do.ck consisting of a floating dock· 8' x i0 ', ramp 8 ' and catwalk 160', 2' - 3' above grade of fringe marsh. P~oject site iS. on. north side .of Long Creek, ~ow off Grand AVemueLMattituck. ~OMMUNl~MattituckNAME(CJty, Town, VjJlage) JTOWN Southold DAM NO. COUNTY S.~folk JFIA COMMUNITY NO.' GENERAL 1. The permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate Regional Permit Administrator, a notice of intention to commence work at ]east 48 hours in advance 'of the time of commencement and shall also notify him promptly in writing of the completion of the work. 2. The permitted work shatl be subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation who may orde~ the work suspended if the public interest so requires. 3.. As a condition of the issuance of this permit, the appficant has ac- cepted expressly., by the execution of the application, the full legal respon, sibitity for ail damages, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whom- ever suffered, arising out of the proiect described herein and has agreed to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every nam~ and description resulting from the said project. 4. Any mater]at dredged in the prosecution, er the work herein permitted shall, he removed evenly', without lear]n§ larse refuse piles, ridges across the bed of the waterway or flood plain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause injury to navigable channels or to the banks of the waterway. S. Any material to be deposited, o~ dumped, under this ~rmit, either in the waterway or on shore above high-water mark, shall be deposited or dumped at the. 10caiity Shown. on the 'drawing hereto attached, and, if so ~'es.cribed thereon, .within or behind a good and substantial b~'[khead or bulkheads~ such as will prevent escape of the materia.] into the waterway. 6. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the wdrk herein atahorized. 7. That if future operations b'y the State of NeW York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Cons&trot]on it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free'navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Depart- ment to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby wRhout expense to the State; and ti, u~on the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the wate~ourse .hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners s'hali, without expense to the' State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Depa'r~ment of Environmental Conservation may require, remove at] or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the'navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made: against the State 'Of New York on account of any sLrch-removai or alteration. CONDITIONS :i 95-20-4 (9/75) · JPERMIT EXPIRATION DATE 6/30/80 8. That the State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to'the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by ar result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement: of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 9. That if the display of ]ights and signals on any work hereby authorized is not otherwise provided' for.by law, such lights and signals as may be pre, scribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed at~d maintained by and.at the expense of the owner. ~ 10. Ali work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accor- dance with established engineering practice and in a workmanlike manner. 11. tf granted under A~icles 24 or 25, the Departme~ rese~es the tight to reconsider this ;pproval .at any time and after due notice and hearing to. continue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found to be justoand equitable. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the modification of the wetland hereby authorized ~as not been completed~ the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department ~ Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of 'the Uncompleted structure or 'fill a~d restore the · site to its former cond!tion. No claim shall be made against the State of .New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 12. This permit shall not be construed as conveyi.ng to the applicant any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the .riparian rights of others ' to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rights, title or interest in rea~ or personal ;property held or Vested in a person not a party to the permit. 13, The permittee is responsible for obtaining ao~y other permits, :ap- provais, )ands, easements and rights-of-way which may be required for this proiect; 14. If granted under Article 36, this permit is granted solely on the basis of the requirements of Article 36 of the Environmental Conservation Law and Part 500 of 6 NYCRR (Construction in Flood Plain Areas having Special Flood Hazards - Building Permits) and in no way signifies that the protect'wi.il be free from flooding. 15. ~y acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees that the pemf~ is contingent upon strict compJiance with the special conditions ot~ the reverse side. (SEE gEVERSE SLOE) SPECIAL CONDiTiONS 16. Applicant Shall be liable for.lany 'damage~ to addacent waterway res~lting from any phase of the pa ~rmitted construction. SPECIAL NOTE: :'Ii -_ In ac.cordanaewith Saction401(a).(i) of the Clean Yaters .Act Amendments of 1.977 (PL 95-217) the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the subject project proposal will not contravene effluent limitations or other limitations or standards under{ $~ctio~s' ~01, 302, 303., 306 or.$07_ of the Act. PER~iT I$$U1~. DAT~ 6/2!/79 PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR Daniel J. Larki~, P.E..r. cc: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NYSDEC Law Enforcement - REgion SUNY, Stony Brook, [] 'I II II II . iI ///,/z//z /v,f~' m, ,~,~, ~, z///////Z/~ 1UMW YOM~ STATE DE?ARI~NT OF E~MROi~.~TAL CO~ISERVATION NOTICE OF i~ICOMPLETE APPLICATION May 4, 1979 TO: W~l t-~am ~. ~i_tb:m C=r-and A~ -. RR%I tlSA btattituck, NY 11953 3 . Appi!~a~i~ N~m~r: T~ ~t$272-0~I15_ You ~m?'.~e~ to inn1 ,~a~.with yomr 'app!ica~ion the f~]' amoumt of the re- qui=~ fee. Please..submit a check, or money order in the amoun~ of $ 2'5~0~~ .... ._.. ~ ~payab~e to the Departmmnt of Envircr~ C~aserva~toa. Ml~.s~bm/t the fo!I0wfi~g da~a: In or, er to bridge the extensive m~rsh your parcel, an elevated catwalk 'of 175~ 1.f. and. '2' - 3' above, the grade ~ ~arsh. wDu!d be necessary. Please notify this department of any ~ changes so- that we may proceed.:with p~ce~ing. Plebe forw~d !L~_~er Of authorizer/on to apply, from landowner. It ~_~=_~that och~'~'DEC ~ ~. m ~ be ~quired in connect/on witk your p _ropier-project. ./n ord~ for a_.~r~ensive r~ of all DEC ~ts ~ iyo~-have -reas~m'-to request .cha~.'-all perm/~$ mot be proceed ~~- -'-' Pe~'~: ~ ~ .... :~.' Talaphone N~ber ' 75!~7900 not.if~ ~.-pe~.~t for ref~d of appltCat~ fee. - Sylvia Pafenyk · Box 1040. 1220 Grand Ave. MattiZuck, NY 11952 · Board of To~ Trustees To~n of Southold Suffolk COl~nty Southold, LI. 11971 Attn..Muriel Brush, Clerk February t0, 1979 Gentlemen: Regarding the letter which you sent to Mr. and Mrs. William Hilton, Box llSA, Grand Ave., Mattituck, NY dated February 8, 1979 which intimates that I might have some objection to any plans the Hiltons may have for constructing a dock: I do not have any such objection. To the contrary, I feel a dock would be an asset to our waterfront co~_unity. May I also point out that no other party has any right, title or interest to the property in 'question. If I can do anything further to Clarify any question or objection which may come before your Board I will be happy to do so. Very ,~ruly yours ' Sy~¢ia Pafen BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Rev, 6/?2 APPLICATION FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCKS 1. Applicant's nome amd address: ..~.,../,/~Z.~,Z~/h ~ ~ ~~ ~/ ...... L ......... 2. Contractor's name ond address: ................. ~..~....~ ............ ~.~.~.~..~:~.~ 3. BHefly explain the purp~ of this, application: .~.,~.~...~.~.~....~,,~q[~.~(~ ~ .........~ ....................................................... : ............................ :~ .................................................... /.... After issuance of e Permit, I expect to: (mark by on X~ (a) Commence work -- AT ONCE ............ ; ASAP ..'..~,',....; UNKNOWN ............. (b) Complete work in -- 1 DAY ............ ; I MO ............. ; ! YR, ..~,....; FUrFURE ............. S~ure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, ~nd by using am X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate os closely as possible the location of this dock. On. the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Water Mark, I'he shape and size of the dock and any supplemental pilings which are needed to hold a floating dock or tie-up a Boat. Give all dimensions necessary to determine the area of the dock surface which extends offshore from the O. H. W. M. Will any portion of this construction extend offshore i,nto Town Waters beyond an, imagin~c,~ line or boundary formed by other similar structures along the area's shoreline? ~ If it does extend beyond this so-called dock line indicate by how fc~r, approximately, .......... ft. Provide the following documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. Will this construction require the Filting of any land offshore of the OrdinaD~High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water?~ If it does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as part of this oppl ication, .Accepted by: in requesting approval of this application, I submit that: the information presented herein is 'true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with the .~lons and specifications attached; I hove read or om familiar with the provisions'of any Southold Zown Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued to me. Voted: 7 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of SoUthol8 Main Roan Sonthold, New York 11971 To.' . William &Rita Hilton, Box llSA Grand Avenue, Mattituok l. Your app.[ication, dated ................... .~....a~..~.~t,~.~'...[l,.]~a...~.~ .............. has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on .... ..~..e.~.~.a...zq. Sr....],,~.,.....],9.~.~. ........................ ]..~.... ............ :.. and resulting in the action, as indicated below: (....,~.~....)Application approved. (...' ......... ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. CommenTs and remarks: 3. If your application is approved above, A Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according to the Schedule of Rates os set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form I/1). if the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Secretary of the Board, The Permit will be abra[noNe at the same time. If the' fee is paid by moil, the permit will be mailed in repiy. Computation of Permit Fee: Access ramp ~ x lO = 40 s.f. @.10,= $ 4.00 Floating dock 8 x l0 = 80 s.f. @.10 = 8.00 Pi~ings 3 @ $1.00 = 3.00 Total $15.00 . Total Fee for this application ............................................................ $ ... .1. 5. .~...0..0. . ......................... Signed. Philip G. Herren Chin. Board of Southold Town Trustees. Secb~tary. z' '" Distri¢~ Section Io¢!~ ~et~ h~r~ ~ Se~ty~eve~ the righ[Lof~ay~-~o~g cree~ -.-~ ~-- .~ ~, .. ~ ~ . ._ ~ . . ON ~ff~A..~ .c~s ,.boSh res~d~,ai...-~:' (~o ~ber) Poin~ S~eet, South Jamesport, Ne~ ~ork .... : ....... ~.. ....... . ......... _ _ ~ ,~ .... _'~,.~ ~ :~ ?~ ~' '~. ~.~t~the pa~f the ~rst-~rt, in.¢o~d~fi~ T~- (810.00) ......... ~w~ monef of the Lr~f~ ~m~s, an~ ~er ~ul'-ddnsi~ff~4b~ -' ~ :-' ~- ' -- ~a b~~'ihe ~nd ~, does h~by ~ and rel~se unto ~c~s~rs and a~i~s oi ~he pa~y of the' second p~ forever, ~. ~ ~n- plo~ p~e-or p~t oi had, wi~ the bu{l~nga and improvem~ th~ ~ed~ ~ituate, 1~ ;0d ~. ~ a~ ~gN~ck,. To--of Sonthold~ County of 8uffo~ ~d ~m of :f=om the poi~, of;~3ersec~ion of ~e_Sou!herly s~d ~t 6f ~e Cnni~i. ~-o~m- ~ i°'~ 5 '_ along iSe ~nd of W~mm Demehuk, feet' to a point; ~ - - thehc'&'~b~h.~ 7'8o32"40" ~ast'~¢l~g a point~ ' -- l). South 14 O1~' 50". East 178,38..feet; .... ~ce South 63~ 50~ 4~" Wes~ ¢1o~ ~he_southe'~t~ 146. t0 feet'to t~ p~nt"6r'p~ ~G~TG. · OGET~ER WITH a right of Way ~f a porSon, of the ~ght o~ Way ~o~ "Cedar "' - ....... Lane more particularly~-eEErlb~d ~0~I~i~ ~ a' ~61~t ~O~7d the :fgh~.of-~y~o~:' 'r'- · - "- '~ ~ ~' ~ "- ~:~e'~o~t~-l~°~6~ ~'OSr~eSt. ~tong ~e ~sterlF ~ne o~ O~d ~ve~ue. 35.9& eeet.to ~ monu~nt~ ' ' ................ ' ~thence~Nor{h-79045~45~' East along t~e ia~ of Wfltia~ D¢~o~, !50. -~% ~.,~. t~?~ j .'.~ 't~ene'e South 11035!10" East along the parcel of land herein, described. above, 30,70~feet to arnon .U/n-ent; ...... ~- .... thanes South 77~46';00'' West along the _southerly' side of said Cedar Lane 1 ~!9,90' fe et t~- the. point~ 6~ ~iace of' B ~G~NtN~ i ....... - SL~CT TO a ~i~ht ~f'Way 6v~r a ~t'6fc~'~ight 'of~y~%en: "Cedar L~e" more ~aF~6fihrly desk,.ed' ~s- fb~l~ ~ ............. ' ~ ~ ~I~G~%~ %h~ ~'6{~h~e}~orn~r ~f ~e parcel o~ !~d herein above described a~d; ~ ~ ~' -' ........ ' ...... · to a pipe; ': = ~ ~= ~hen.ce N~ 68 21 21, ~st, '$~ros~' ~e~afceI o~ l~nd herein desc~bed. - - ~h~c[e ~ou~e~t/a~.d~s~ukh&~s~%~l~ ~on~ the ~nd of Mar~n and P~ - ~ J ~) Sou~h I~°01.50'J East ~.~44 feet; :.c..~ ~h~da~ou~h 62°50]'~"_ _ West.~0Dg the soa~erIy side of Ceda~ Lane t46.19 -- J ~bC~E~(~T~ B ! 0 YO6l'ri~gH( o¢ '~i~ o~e~ pre~s~s'b~ed by S¢t~a P~dn~' ~nd .L~n~, 'C~eek A.~societ~,~ !0 fee¢ in ~lsf ~for ~foo~ pm~e-~plk f~ access to Ldng C~eek [ai~dr~ ~par~c~ari~ Uo~ffeff ~h.~ d&s.c~ibed as ~o~w~ ~un~ngtheuee ~6g-th~ ea~te~l~ bindery lfn~f- ~nd~of ~e~y~' '~d ~on~ -C~ek A~sociates. wMck ~ne is the westerly boundary of property now o~ fo~mert~ of M~ and ~ ~ter. S~h~¢8 ~5~ ~s~ Z7~.86 f~to Lo~¢ ~nin~ thence ~on.~ a fie ~ne alon~ the sho~es of ~n~ C~ee~ Sou%h~2~°Si 40" West 10 feet; thence North 48°58~50'' Wes: 27'3.,86 feet more or less to land of Long Creek AsSociates; runnir.¢ ~hence ~lon~ land~ oF Ldng C~k-kS%~c~tes North 63°50'40" EaSt !0 feet to th.e~ p.o~n_t., o_r_pl_a~_e_ _o_f_B_E_G~I~%N~.N~G~, .................... TOGETHER WITH the right to use the following described parcel of'land for recreation purposes including boating, sv/~znming and the ereciion of a dock thereon for solely personal purposes but not for cotrm%ercial purposes., The premises are owned by Sylvia Pafenyk and Long Creek Associates and is 20 feet in width and 9.0 -.feel in depth and~ are more particulsmly bounded and described as follows: .~ '.,Z~~ ~_. . .... 3 BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the. 10 foot right of way p=eviously descr~_b_ed and t~ejm'¢sterly bounda~ymof the proper4~y now or-formea~ty of Martin and Paul Surer which point of be¢imuinE is located on the north side of Long Creek; running-thence along a ti~ lifl.e along the shores of Long Creek, South 39° 51' 40" West 20 feet io land of Long Creek~A.ssoclates: V~um~'~n.g ~thence ak~g~!and~of_ ~on~ C~ee~ ~ssocia~es North 48°~8~50'' East l0 ~eet to o~her la~8~of Long Creek Associates; ' ~n~ng thence a~on~ othe~ ~nd of Long Creek Associate~ North 39°51q0" ~ 20 feet ~o ~nd no~ or for~erly of blar~n and Pa~ Surer; ~n~ng thence along land now or fo~erly of' M~n ~d Paul Surer, South 48o58~"'Eas~I.~Wet to the no~ih side of Long Creek at the point or place of .. ~ .,. -BEG~. T~ with ail right, title and interest, if any, ef the party of the first part in and to any streets ,and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, 'I~OGE'I~F-.R with the appurtengmces and: all the e~ate and fights of the party of the first par~ in said ~remises. TO i'tA~ ~ TO HOI~ the premises herein granted unto the party of the second par~. the traits or ~ the party of the first part .covenants tlmt the paffty of ~ first par~ haz aot d~e or suffe~ whereby t~ ~d prm~ ~ve ~ ink. red h any m~ what. s, ~ ~ ~ore~d. ~D ~e pray of ~e fir~ p~t, in mphanm ~ith S~on 13 of ihe ~ ~w, ~v~ t~t the ~y of t~ fir~ ~ wi~ r~eive ~e ~miderafion f~ ~is ~n~yance ~d w~ hold ~ fi~t m ~eive ~ ~asid- ~tion ~ a trust f~d to ~ applied iest for ~e p~se of pay~g the mst of ~e impmv~ ~d wal apply ~e ~ ir~ to t~ pa~t of ~e cost of tM ~prov~ent before umg ~y ~ 'of ~ to~ of the ~e for ~y oth~ pa~se. ~e word '"pa~'" sh~l ~ mmruea as ii k r~d '~es" whoever ~e s~e ~ ~ ~F, ~e ~ny of ~e first ~ ~ dffiy ~ecm~ ~s d~ ~e ~y ~d ymr first ~ve wfi~em parso~lt¥ came Sylvia Pa~enyk to me.know~ to ~ ~e ~ ,d~ ~ ~d wh~ she ' ~'~'~ ~" ' '" '~ 2 ~ ~bl~c, Store ef'Naw Yo~ N~, 52~295~00 ~ ~ ~y .of !9 , ~io~ .me ~rson~y ~ t~ heis~ of , ~e ~on d~ ~ows ~e ~l ~ .~d ,co~; ~t the s~ ~ ~ ~v o~er ~f ~ ~rd of &r~tor~ of ~d ~- fion, ~d ~ he ii~ei h ~e ~ereto by t~e o~. sTArE ,OF. NEY( ¥Ol~lC, COUI(TY OF On the day of personally came 19 , before me te me known, who, being' by me duly ,swern, ~d tlepese amd · say that he resides at rlo. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which ex~ated the foregoing instrumeat; that he knows Be seal of said corporation; that the seal to said instrument is such corporate se~l; Chat it was so affixed by order oi the board of directors of said tion, and that he signed la name thereto by hLke order. S~TE OF NEW-YORK, cOLrNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: On ihe 27th 'day .of J~e, 197~, before me personify e~ Syt~a ~enyk; ~o me ~o~ to be 'the member .~ ~e .'~m of Long Creek :~yso~t&~ ~d kno~ .t© .~ to be ~e ~a~ deaeffibed ~, and who executed ~e f~ego~g ~ment ~ the ~m name oS Long c~ek ~ssociates ~d'she d~y ac~owled~gd ~~a% she ~ed sine for ~d ............................ : .......................... : ......... ~o~~~ ..... ~'I't'H COVENANT AGAINST ~KANTOR'S ACT5 ~: ~ - - ~ LOt ~ ~m~ LONG CREEK ASS'OC~TES ~.,, .~ TO HILTON IIET~RI~ BY MAIL TO; Raffe & .Raffe 747 East Main Street Riverhead, New york ti 90t Att: Cha~rles E. Raffe, Esq. z~ Uo. Recorded By: TITLE INSURANCE Com~nany of New Yc~rk 127 W. Main Street Rig~l of ~ow or formerly T. Heu'ser AreO= 2 71'45 scl. ft. ~'.~ · =/~fONU/kfENT O= PIPE \ \ \ \ i'HERE ARE NO DVIE£UNGS VI/THIN /00 ' . , OF THI~ PROPERLY OTHER TH,~IAI · ' SHQW~ HEREON, TEST ffOI E IAIFORMAI70H FUR/VISED BY MR.. H/L10N JAN. II, 1978 JUNE 21, 1978 APPLICANT: ..... ~ ....... ADDRESS ............. TEL ..... YOUNG & YOUNG 400 OSTRANDEE AVENUE, EIVERHEAD, NEW YORK ALDEN w. YOUNG HOWARD W, YOUNG SURVEY FOR: WILLIAM HILTON E~ RITA HILTON j GUARANTEED TO: - AT MATT ITU CK USLIFE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY '' ' I OF NEW YORK TOWN OF sOUTHOLD W~LLI~ ~ RITA HILTON SUFF. C~O. _FE DERAL=S.~,~ylN~$ 8, LOAN AS,~ N, SUFFOLK CO. N.Y. ] ,/,y~~. ' SCALE I'~ 30'; DAT[: MAY = j 24 1977