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Southold Transportation Commission Southold Town Hall September 14, 2015 Meeting Called to Order: 10:05 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich. Members Present: Councilman Bill Ruland, Frank Field, Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Jim Baker, Highway Superintendent Vincent Orlando Planning Director Heather Lanza and Tom Fox. Minutes of July 27, 2015 After a correction to the minutes concerning parallel parking issues on 1st Street in New Suffolk by Jamie Richter, a motion to approve the minutes was made by Frank Field, was seconded by Jim Baker and was carried. EETC Update There was no meeting in August 2015. The next meeting will be in October 2015, with meetings to be held quarterly thereafter. Heather Lanza will serve as chair for the next two years. In the future, transportation and other issues relevant to the East End will continue to be discussed. Public Requests Direction Siqn Request—Art-Antique Shop-Orient It is understood that the owner of that location will contact sign makers concerning code- compliant signage. Four-Way Stop Sign Request on Pike Street at Wickham Avenue - Mattituck Councilman Ruland advised that the new president of the Mattituck-Cutchogue School District has requested the placement of four-way stop signage at that intersection. However, the crosswalk there has been restriped. Superintendent Orlando reported that SCWA will be installing a water main at that location in the fall of 2015. Suffolk County Water Authority Hydrant Request—Town-Wide SCWA's request to the Highway Superintendent for the painting of hydrant symbols on roadways at hydrant locations was deemed to be unwarranted. Parkinq Issues—Boat Ramp at the Foot of Minnehaha Boulevard - Southold On September 8, 2015, in response to Neb's letter of August 8th, the Laughing Waters Association submitted a petition from 33 residents calling for the installation of signage regulating parking at that location. The residents will be advised that the Commission will make recommendations to the Town Board for its consideration. Speedinq on Little Neck Road - Cutchoque The Supervisor referred a local resident's letter of August 28, 2015 requesting installation of speed bumps or stop signs at two intersections on that roadway. The resident will be advised that speed bumps are unworkable and that a petition from local residents should be submitted to the Commission for its further consideration of that issue. Request for Stop Sign on Peguash Avenue—Cutchoque The Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association's letter of August 25, 2015 to the Town Clerk submitted a petition with 146 signatures calling for the installation of a stop sign on that roadway 1 at the intersection of Northern Cross or Midwood Avenue to control speeding. The matter will be referred to Chief Flatley for further discussion. Councilman Ruland advised that SPD has added a second Highway Patrol unit. New Traffic Signal at Depot Lane& Route 48- Cutchogue As the new signals have been installed without left-turn arrows, the SCDPW will be contacted requesting that the signals be adjusted accordingly. Complete Street Workshop Heather reported on this matter where local initiatives concerning local issues on particular roads are discussed. Material from that program is under consideration for inclusion in the Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter of the Town Comprehensive Plan. Supervisor&Town Board Requests Traffic Violations Associated with North Fork Early Learning Center- Franklinville Road - Laurel The letter of September 3, 2105 from residents immediately adjacent to that facility concerning traffic and parking issues was forwarded by the Supervisor. As NYSDOT's determination of property ownership at location is still outstanding, the matter will be tabled until that advice has been received. However, after discussion of those issues with officials of NFLC has occurred, the residents will be copied with NYSDOT's letter of June 18, 2015 concerning the status of those issues. Signage & Public Parking Designations and Truck Traffic Restriction—Love Lane- Mattituck Neb's letter of August 8, 2015 in response to a local resident's letter of June 2nd advised that the Commission had reached a consensus on the appropriate signage to be installed that roadway. Planning Board Requests Town Comprehensive Plan The issuance of the Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter has been delayed until 2016. Current Transportation Issues Southold /Greenport Bus Shelters NYSDOT's report on SCDPW's submitted construction details for on that issue is still outstanding. Project Bus Shelters Student members of PBS submitted an email to the Suffolk Times on September 7, 2015 observing that the matter has been outstanding for three years without apparent substantive progress. Cutchoque Diner Parking Request In his letter of August 28, 2015, the owner expressed his thanks for Neb's update on the current state of the permitting process related to the proposed "Heritage at Cutchogue" development. Orientation/Interpretive Signage Project—RBA Phase II —Project Extension in Process Neb and Jamie met with RBA concerning issues related to the placement of the four kiosks at tourist information centers and the balance of funding required for completing the project. 2 Bicycle Safety Town Wide A Southold resident's letter of September 8, 2015 expressed concern about the safety of bicyclists on Town roadways and requested the Town to launch a "Share the Road" campaign. That initiative would place signage on roadways reminding motorists that bicyclists,joggers and walkers also use the roads. Old Business None. New Business None. Next Meeting The next meeting will take place on October26, 2015 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town Hall. Adjournment 11:36 AM cc: Town Clerk Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Fox 3 SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,NY 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(63 1)765-1823 September 14, 2015 Mr. Blandon Moyle 1920 Minnehaha Boulevard Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Moyle: Thank you for your September 8, 2015 letter and the enclosed petition from the Laughing Waters Association. This was discussed by the Commission at our regularly scheduled monthly meeting on September 14th. The decision reached was to recommend the placement of "Parking by Permit" signage. Town staff still needs to identify the placement of"parking by permits zone". This will be done as soon as possible. Please be aware that this action requires the Town attorney's office review and guidance how to proceed, a public hearing and a Town Board resolution in due course. Further to your request, please be advised tat the Public Works Department is responsible for the ramp. 'ncerely, oma' Neb ysha Arashich Cha rman Cc: Supervisor Scott A Russell Town Board Town Layer William Duffy Superintendent of Highways Vincent Orlando SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(63 1)765-1823 September 14, 2015 Ms. Karen Intorcia 1820 Little Neck Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Ms. Intorcia: Your August 28, 2015 letter to Supervisor Scott A. Russell regarding a speeding problem on Little Neck Road in Cutchogue was forwarded to the Commission. This issue was discussed at our regularly scheduled meeting on September 14tH It should be noted that the Commission's stated policy is not to respond to individual requests. However, to enable us to move forward, we would need a signed petition from the residents in the area requesting this proposed undertaking. Once this petition is received, we will determine what will be the most appropriate steps to repolve thjs situation. Sincerely, Neboysha R. Brashich Chairman Cc: Supervisor Scott A. Russell Superintendent of Highways Vincent Orlando Chief of Police Martin Flatley SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 fax(631)765-1823 September 24, 2015 Mr. Richard J. Jordan Senior Vice President, Issues Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association P. O. Box 554 Cutchogue, New York 11835 Dear Mr. Jordan: Your August 25, 2015 letter and enclosed petition to consider a Pequash stop sign was discussed at length at the Commission's scheduled monthly meeting on September 14tH The decision reached was to recommend the placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Northern Cross and Pequash Avenues. Please be aware that this action requires the Town attorney's office review, a public hearing and a Town Board resolutjop in due course. Si cerely, X. A,� Nebo sha R. Brashich Chai an Cc: Supervisor Scott A. Russell Town Board Town Lawyer William Duffy Superintendent of Highways Vincent Orlando f� l� FLEET'S NECK PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 554 Cutchogue,New York 11935 August 25, 2015 E RECEIVED AUG 2 6 2015 Elizabeth A Neville SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE Town Clerk AUG 2 6 2015 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town of Southold Southold Town Cried Southold, NY Re: Request for Transportation Commission ; Petition to Consider Peguash Avenue Stop sign Dear Ms Neville, Please forward the attached Request/Petition to the members of the Transportation Commission.Thanks for your help with this request. If any additional information is needed many are willing to help. Sincerely, Richao Senior Vice President, Issues 1 1 I FLEET'S NECK PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION - P.O. Box 554 o Cutchogue, NewYork 11935 August 25, 2015 Transportation Commission Town of Southold Southold, NY Re: Petition to Consider Peguash Avenue Stop Sign Attached please find a petition for a stop sign on Pequash Avenue. The petition was started on June 22 at our Association annual member ship meeting.The membership voted to endorse and proceed with petition. Nearly 150 have already signed. All signatories -with one exception - Cutchogue homeowners or Southold residents who frequent Cutchogue. All signatures were gathered on Pequash Avenue or the June 22nd annual meeting. We will submit a supplemental petition as many expressed a desire to also sign to support this request. Thank you for your cooperation. If there is any other information needed please advise. Sincerely, Richard J Jordan Senior Vice President, Issues d ' 1 ��= l FLEET'S NECK PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION P,O. Box 554 • Cutchogue,NewYork 11935 June 20, 2015 Transportation Committee Town of Southold Southold, NY RE: Request for Stop Sign on Pequash Avenue Please consider installing a stop sign on Pequash Avenue at intersection with Northern Cross or Midwood Avenue. Speeding on Pequash Avenue is endangering young children who walk or ride bicycles. Please advise what we could ado to help this process. SIGNATURE, NAME & ADDRESS 3. n 4. 7. PTIO 8. 9. GCMG- 10. 3� 11. 3116 12. Sa 13 1 c �t 1 tiac„� 16. 17. - ego &{st-wc)D j be 18. 3 �o-r vc �� t 19. ]622 �a Request to Consider Additional Peguash Avenue Stop Signage Signature Name Address 51. 64JJ, Ca 1-0 I n 19at -29s v-.v, Gl 52. GtA ° lair Oot S 1L1 t6 U rkac. QV 53. 54. G•�)'�. �►�i r d Se, Df a►,v-�,h �Y r r- a5z A � 55. bJ '/r ons 6(,c,��i�l QJ b4 L, J 14vl ckfnt &kVy L6v(, ev . y �1e 57.E 1 ��1�► � c'�1t�1 �,�, ccu�.. a 58. 60. hex ►� e G' fto C'ok I QU 61. ,64. 62. eui V) c7c!�1�3-tf j-, r _ 66. 67. 6 8. jj'�� r Request to Consider Additional Peguash Avenue Stop Signage Si nature Name Address z�,2� 4'. 6�w, 1�3d . ),^r�, (Al 70. r , Zr 71. N), G 72. o 210OA(Piv-,2, u � 74. lA Vr 75. ® P� 76. vd 5- 71 80. y 6v'i 81. {, ' r 82. - Otis 83. &V" �41 85. A iv0rcEws /3as7Et�v' t A,t 87. E e s ` �v � *Iblwe Request to Consider Additional Pequash Avenue Stop Signage S' nature Name Address i 89. d eco 90. S,a\ anncLb I' -�(Cu 1.30 V) , 92. Z3v e qs _ 94. le gm141 ovtiv llgzz j,,7e 95. (� f� / l 1_ J ®5• " l— 7�l(la iii 2 7,� Gc� ��'�tf �1 97. 98. AV04 9 . d 100 -*& wro P�, L C-es—l " 1Of17y 103. + Y� �� Q C 104�IA �� eq 105. G`(5 106® Aa, st, Request to Consider Additional Peguash Avenue Stop Signage 107. M; .. Melt SS7s Pee ��> 108. f P-O( - 109. 110. i/J %a oc) uc,-S �1 112.Darl'l) tr���C/ ��' G1 ��j aect, 113. !� ens J lvt., � 6 o s�C UA 11`w ra f o 114. ' C M. ' 116. '7 51, 117. ,i (/� �.� � �C 118. c,k. ' 119. 5.i 120. f/ !Z, 121. 122. 123. ..� 124. 125y Request to Consider Additional Pe uash Avenue Stop Signage 126. 127. 128. �i erg - 129. C/ 130. L 131 132. 133. �� J i� '� T1,4VJ04 a 134. O&d LA eW,,k - Ij 135. " 136. � � ��l � 5 'fir' -L� AVE, amwkpl Ii . 137. i�°w c1c Al'r 138. A � J lm 139. UO 140. rlvoy 141. l Sys SSL► CIUZI� �� 142. 143. ji k�k_ 1-7 P 144. \V 4�-� E� Lo goo Request to Consider Additional Peguash Avenue Stop Signage 145. _---- �� ' 555 146. Alms' 6075 q ve , c cc4c4 6, 4 Ny //I-,- 147. 29147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. �~ k SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(63 1)765-1823 September 24, 2015 Mr. Frederick Andrews 2575 Glenn Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Andrews: Your September 8, 2015 letter concerning bicycle safety was discussed at length at the Commission's scheduled monthly meeting on September 14th. We share your concerns. A number of years ago, the Commission created three bicycle loops on town roads with signage cautioning cyclists to "ride in line" and obey "approaching intersection", along with small round blue identifying logos. These loops, however, are also connected to CR 48 and NYS 25. Neither the state nor the county have cautionary signage for these roads given the premise that "share the road" is largely understood by the motorists. The Commission is considering launching an educational publicity "Share the Road" campaign for drivers and cyclists. As a first step, there is already a flier on the Town website regarding bicycles and vehicles. This website is scheduled to be updated in 2016 and the front page will be modified to accept all types of educational materials, In addition, we will add a couple of video links but it will take more time to post those to the webpage. This is a start to the campaign. We would appreciate hearing any additional specific suggestions you might have toward this goal. Thank you for your assistance and recommendations. Sipcerely, Nebo sha R. Brashich Chair an Cc: Supervisor Scott A. Russell Planning Director Heather Lanza Town Office of the Engineer James A. Richter 11'4�yclea share the road Page 1 of 1 From: "Richter, Jamie" <Jamie.Richter@town.south old.ny.us> To: nrbi@optonline.net Date: 09/16/2015 03:24:30 PM Subject: Bicycles share the road Neb I had Lloyd put a flier on the Town Website regarding Bicycles &Vehicles. He wanted to put it in a more prominent location of the main page but it is not set up to do that at this time. The website is scheduled to be updated in 2016 and the front page will be modified to accept this type of educational materials. If you go the departments and click on committees then click on Transportation you will find a link to share the road. He has a couple video links as well but it will take more time to post those to the webpage. At least this will be a start for a campaign to educate drivers and bicyclists with regard to the rules of the road. Let me know if you have any questions. Jamie James A. Richter James A. Richter,R.A. Stormwater Manager Office of the Engineer Town of Southold,New York Stormwater Management Control Plan Website: htti)://www.southoldtownny.Qov/index.asox?nid=195 Office: 631-765-1560 Cell: 631-926-9430 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/viewmessage?r=%3 Crequest%3 E%3 Cmail%20actio... 9/24/2015 RIECEIVED SEP 9 2015 Frederick Andrews 2575 Glenn Road Southold,NewYo3rkIlW1 Southold Torun e-mail fYan&ew2I0&o6om September 8,2015 Mr.Neb Brashish Chair,Southold Transportation Commission Town of Southold Dear Mr.Brashish: I am writing to express deep concern for the safety of the increasing number of cyclists we see on our roads. They are at risk because too many of our drivers aren't watching for them. I've lived in Southold for five years and known it for half a dozen years before that. Our town isn't as rustic as'it once was. Cycling is a pleasant way to tour our byways. A great many more people are taking to bikes. We have good bike lanes on both our main roads,Route 25 and the North Road,at least from Mattituck east. What we don'thave is enough drivers who understand that they are sharing our roads with bicyclists. On several occasions I've been shocked(if not terrified)by drivers oblivious to my presence. Cyclists know that any car can kill you,so we try to keep our distance from cars and trucks. Sometimes that's just not possible. This was brought home recently by a serious accident that befell the daughter of a friend. Several Saturdays ago,about 7 p.m.,she was badly injured in a clash with a car. The young woman was /- cycling,solo,going south on Cox Lane,just past the entrance to the dump. A motorist going north abruptly turned left into the shopping center and nailed her. She flew over her handle bars,hit his windshield hard enough to break it,and landed dazed in the road. The medics said her helmet saved her. The police said sun glare was a factor. Apparently the driver struck the cyclist when he turned into the glare. (If glare blinded him before he turned,he should have stopped.) I have to ask why didn't he see her coming? If he had looked up Cox Lane,this accident might not have happened. Many drivers aren't expecting cyclists. Some drivers don't even"see"them. They are looking for something with the bulk of a car. I doubt this driver would have turned into the path of an oncoming car. We need to change drivers'mindsets and heighten their alertness. The Town can help prevent p these needless accidents by launching a"Share the Road"campaign,peppering our roads and byways with signs reminding motorists that cyclists are using them,too(and let's not forget joggers and walkers). A few dozen signs are a cheap way of re-educating drivers and,eventually,saving f lives. "Share the Road"will help make sure we are not left with later regrets after someone dies. Th a you for yo consideration. cc: Town Board Heather Lanza,Planning Director SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 September 14, 2015 Mr. Paul Kuzman Acting Director of Distribution Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale, New York 11769-0901 Dear Mr. Kuzman: Your request for a road permit at multiple locations within the Town of Southold was discussed by the Commission at our regularly scheduled monthly meeting on September 14, 2015. There was no meeting of the Commission in August. The decision reached by the Commission was to reject the permit request to paint hydrant icons on our various streets. Sincerely, Neboysha R. Brashich Chairman Cc: Supervisor Scott A. Russell Superintendent of Highways Vincent Orlando SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 September 24, 2015 TO: Supervisor Scott A. Russell FROM: Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman SUBJECT: North Fork Learning Center, Laurel Further to our conversation yesterday, this memorandum is to confirm actions taken by the Commission to date regarding the Center and the attendant problems with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerdts. Namely: • Query to the NYSDOT to ascertain ownership • Intermediate NYSDOT response —final determination pending • Advice to the Gerdts re steps taken to date • Discussions with Larry Daniels, VP Operations, Family Service League (926-2549) When Mr. Daniels was queried regarding the possibility of off-street parking for the Center's staff, he thought this was a distinct possibility with the understanding that students would be protected in the rear of the building. There would be a need for fencing and a gravel driveway to the parking site. I would very much appreciate your assistance in reaching out to the Board of Education officials to see whether this would be feasible, both in terms of final approval and funding. This would go a long way in alleviate the current situation. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. r SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 September 21, 2015 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerdts P. O. Box 184 225 Franklinville Road Laurel, New York 11971 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gerdts: Further to your July 13, 2014 and September 3, 2015 letters regarding the North Fork Early Learning Center, the Commission was asked to ascertain the ownership of this location for the Southold Town Board. Enclosed please find copies of the ensuing correspondence to date: • Commission letter to NYSDOT Regional Director Joseph Brown dated February 27, 2015 • NYSDOT Regional Real Estate Officer Michael S. Librizzi response dated June 18, 2015 We are still awaiting the final NYSDOT determination. Sincerely, Neboy ha R. Brashich Chair an Cc: Supervisor Scott A. Russell Town Board , . NEW ORK Department of OPPO NnY_ p Transportation AND EW M. OMO JOAN McDONALD JOSEPH BROWN,P.E. Go ernor Commissioner Regional Director Jun 18,2015 ASF a Neboysl I L R. Brashich Chairman Southold Tr ortation Commission To Hall 1'.0 '1 ox-117,(L -- -------- — ------ - - 530915 Main R C ad Souiold,NY 1971-0959 RE: TAG 15-0028 Laurel School Route 25 Abandonment Dea Mr.Bras i ich, We Fre in rece' t of your letter regarding parking expansion at the Laurel School on Route 25 in the f'own of outhold and ownership of tax lot # 1000-125.00-01.00-004.001. Your questions regarding mat enance of the parcel, its use for parking and any modification to this area are contingent on property ownership. Once property ownership by the State is ascertained, we will notify you on I mw best to proceed. Thai Ik you for our patience in this matter. I will be back in touch with you as soon as I have II further information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sharon Muciinick of my staff at(631) 952-3362. Ver truly you , Niched S. ib.1 Zzi �n r Reg�o�nal Real state Officer cc: Joseph I.Brown,Regional Director,NYSDOT uz— 1043 Scott A sell, Southold Town Board James i L Richter, Southold Office of the Engineer a 250 Veterans Memorial Highway,Hauppauge,NY 11788 www.dotny.gov .i Page 2 Once Ne have this information in hand, Supervisor Russell will call a meeting to discus potential solutions with appropriate town and school officials, adjacent residents as well as DOT personnel should this prove necessary. In later case, we wc uld welcome your designation of an appropriate DOT official (s). Than you for your assistance in this matter. Si ce ely, tlsL Nebo sha R. rashich Chair, an Cc: Supervisor Scott A. Russell Town Board Office of the Engineer James A. Richter ti I J i ,I �I { a a i f Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 SCOTT A. RUSSELL P.O.Box 1179 Supervisor , Southold,New York 11971-0959 " r�r Fax(631)765-1823 A� Telephone(631)765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Transportation Commission FROM: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor�j� DATE: September 8, 2015 RE: 475 Franklinville Road, Laurel Attached please find a letter from Robert & Kathleen Gerdts concerning traffic violations associated with the North Fork Early Learning Center located at 475 Franklinville Road, Laurel. Please review this letter at your next meeting and provide my office with any updates regarding this ongoing matter. Thank you. i } 1 t September 3, 2015 Mr.,& Mrs. Robert Gerdts PO Box 184 225 Franklinville Road MF) � r� Laurel, New York 11948 U V Scott A. Russell, Supervisor SEP 8 2015 Town of Southold SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 TOWN OFSOUTHOL® Southold,_New York 11971 Re: North Fork Early Learning Center 475 Franklinville Road, Laurel Dear Supervisor Russell and Members Southold Town Board: We are the homeowners at 225 Franklinville Road, Laurel which is the house immediately west of the North Fork Early Learning Center (NFELC). Our letter of July 13, 2014 (copy enclosed) resulted in a meeting last summer with Supervisor Russell. Unfortunately, many of our concerns still exist and,, in fact,.have increased. On a daily basis there are traffic violations associated with the NFELC: the stop sign at the western exit from-the- parking,area to Franklinville Road is ignored, the "Do Not Enter." sign at this same--location is also ignored as several drivers each day enter from eastbound Franklinville Road against the sign and designated flow of traffic; drivers eastbound on Franklinville Road regularly cross the double yellow line to park facing the wrong way on the north side of Franklinville Road in front of our home; several of these same drivers then make u-turns, again across the double yellow line, to head westbound on Franklinville Road. There should only be one entrance into and one exit from the parking area of NFELC. It is an extremely dangerous situation that needs to be addressed. In addition, installing a speed bump at the one entrance to and one exit from the parking area would discourage use of the parking area as a throughway to Franklinville Road. As an illustration of the existing dangers, we enclose for your review copies of Town of Southold Police Accident Reports dated August 13, 2015 and August 14, 2015. Please note that the August 14th accident occurred just minutes before children began to arrive at NFELC. Further note that the Police Report states that vehicle 1 "....was traveling the wrong way on a one way street while texting..." Franklinville Road is not a one way street. This accident took place in the,parking area of NFELC. Furthermore, the driver of vehicle 1 was subsequently arrested for DWI. This parking area is a pending disaster site. Again, we request-that these seven (7) concerns, listed in our letter of July=13, 2014, be addressed:, 1. A concrete curb in front of 225 Franklinville Road 2. No parking, standing and stopping signs in front of 225 Franklinville Road 3. Alternate parking for staff of NFELC 4. No parking on public sidewalks 5. Enforcement of the stop sign and one way requirements for the parking area in front of NFELC 6. A single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC 7. Speed bumps at the single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC. Thank you, Robert and Kathleen Ge is (631) 298-5087 saltydog34@optonline.net C. Vincent M. Orlando, Superintendent of Highways Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Peter Doherty, Code Enforcement Director, North Fork Early Learning Center Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School District July 13, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerdts PO Box 184 225 Franklinville Road Laurel, New York 11948 Scott A. Russell, Town Supervisor Southold Town Board 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: North Fork Early Learning Center 475 Franklinville Road, Laurel Dear Supervisor Russell and Members Southold Town Board: We are the homeowners at 225 Franklinville Road, Laurel which is the home immediately west of the North Fork Early Learning Center (NFELC). Recently, we placed 6" X 6" wood landscaping ties along the front of our property which prompted a quick call from Southold Town Code Enforcement. We�were aware that our action would elicit a response from the Town. However, we hoped that the response would result in productive discussion and measures to alleviate the traffic dangers for the children as well as the parking situation in front of our home and the NFELC. To date, this has not happened. The NFELC provides inadequate parking for its staff and no parking for individuals that are dropping off and picking up children for the morning and afternoon sessions. The Transportation Form which is part of NFELC's Application For Admission contains a notification that "each child's parent or guardian is responsible for the child's transportation to and from the North Fork Early Learning Center". Further, Mattituck- Cutchogue Union Free School District's (MCUFSD) most recent Universal Pre- Kindergarten Application mailing contains a similar notification, i.e., "(Parents must provide transportation)". Yet, neither NFELC or MCUFSD provide a safe manner to accomplish this. Monday through Friday multiple cars and trucks pull up in front of our home four times a day to drop off and pick up. Many pull all the way onto the sidewalk. As a result, the area between the sidewalk and road is badly eroded, grass cannot grow, tire tracks are constant and it is littered with cigarette butts. In the spring of 2013, we had a contractor install steps from the sidewalk and a stone path to our front door. We have an adult physically handicapped son and in the winter months our driveway is frequently blocked with snow and ice that he cannot navigate. The steps and path were designed so we could maintain a cut path through the snow piled along the edge of the road directly to the walkway. This past winter that path was used not only by parents dropping off children at the NFLEC, but also by staff of the NFLEC, so that our son was frequently denied access. We request that, pursuant to Code of the Town of Southold Chapter 260, Article IV, section 260-15, the entire frontage of our property be designated no parking, standing and stopping, Monday - -Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with appropriate signage provided by the Town of Southold. Traffic control signage has previously been installed on the east side of the NFELC parking area to stop driving through the unpaved area in front of the property bordering the east side of the NFEC. This also effectively reduced parking there. Also, staff parking must be provided so that the parking area in front of the NFELC remains available for the dropping off and picking up of the children. Each and every parking space is used by staff. In fact, there is one individual who habitually parks directly on the sidewalk so that pedestrians must go into the parking area on their way to the NFELC. The license plate number of this vehicle is: DBJ-4903. How can someone completely block a public sidewalk on a nearly daily basis and not receive a ticket? Staff should be directed to park in the Aldrich Lane lot by the basketball court and south portion of the soccer fields, which is owned by MCUFSD, and use the rear entrance to the NFELC property. Individuals dropping off and picking up children must. be given priority parking access to the NFLEC at the Main Road entrance to the property. In addition, on a daily basis, there are traffic violations associated with the NFELC: the stop sign at the western exit from the parking area to Franklinville is ignored; the "Do Not Enter" sign at this same location is also ignored as several drivers each day enter from eastbound Franklinville against the sign and designated flow of traffic; drivers eastbound on Franklinville regularly cross the double yellow line to park facing the wrong way on the north side of Franklinville in front of our home; several of these same drivers then make u-turns, again across the double yellow line, to head westbound on Franklinville. There should only be one entrance into and one exit from the parking area. It is an extremely dangerous situation that needs to be addressed. In addition, installing a speed bump at the one entrance to and one exit from the parking area would discourage use of the parking area as a throughway to Franklinville Road. Prior to the merger of Laurel Common School District (LCSD) with MCUFSD, and the current use of Laurel School by the NFELC, these traffic concerns did not exist. LCSD offered K-6 education with full day kindergarten. All children were eligible for transportation. Two or three busses arrived at the start of the school day to deliver children to school and two or three busses arrived at the end of the school day to pick them up for return home. During the summer, only one or two cars would be in the entire parking lot. There were no summer programs associated with the LCSD. Compounding traffic concerns inherent with the NFLEC are those associated with Franklinville Road itself. Westbound drivers exiting Main Road onto Franklinville regularly cross the double yellow line into the eastbound lane of Franklinville. Some drivers even accelerate while doing it. The stop sign at the south end of Aldrich Lane entering Franklinville is mostly ignored. The traffic through this area has increased dramatically over the years with the success of Mattituck-Laurel Veterinary Hospital and the complete residential build out along the length of Aldrich Lane and the Farmveu at Mattituck subdivision at its north end. Again, placing those 6" X 6" ties was an attempt to call attention to a traffic situation which has gotten out of hand. Young children are involved and a safe method of delivering them to the NFELC needs to be implemented. It is foolish to offer these programs and provide totally inadequate parking. In summary, we would greatly appreciate that the following concerns be addressed: 1. A concrete curb in front of 225 Franklinville Road 2. No parking, standing and stopping signs in front of 225 Franklinville Road 3. Alternate parking for staff of the NFELC 4. No parking on public sidewalks 5. Enforcement of the stop sign and one way requirements for the parking area in front of the NFELC 6. A single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC. 7. Speed bumps at the single entrance into and single exit from the parking area in front of the NFELC. Thank you , Robert and Kathleen Gerdts (631) 298-5087 saitydog34@optonline.net C. Vincent M. Orlando, Superintendent of Highways Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Peter Doherty, Southold Town Code Enforcement Linda W. Ruland, North Fork Early Learning Center Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School District Page 1 of 3 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 SH-141213-15 MV-104A(3/04) 7 OQST78000469 1 Accident Date Day of Week MilitaryTime No.Ic No.Injured No.Killed Not Investigated at Scene ❑ Left Scene Police Photos 20 Month Day Year Vehicles _____________ 8 13 2 015 Thursday 16:12 2 0 0 Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ®No - VEHICLE 1 0 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST 0 PEDESTRIAN Ll OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver State of Lie VEHICLE 2-Driver 531307758 State of Lic F-2 License ID Number 731300590 NY LicensefDNumber NY 21Driver Name-exactly DDriver Name-exactly BRENES, IRMA J 13as pnnted,on license HENRY, SAMANTHA M as pooled an license Address(Include Number and Street) Apt No Address(Include Number and Street) Apt No 421 IST ST 74 OAK AVE City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 22 GREENPORT NY 119440000 FLANDERS NY 11901 _ 3 Date of BirthSex Unlicensed No of Occupants Public Date of Birth Sex Unlicensed No of Occupants 1 Public Month Day Year F Property Month Day Year Propa 7 7 3 1997 ❑ 01 Damaged 4 12 1961 F ❑ 05 Damaged Name-exactly as printea on registration Sex Date of Birt Name-exactly as pnntea on registration Sex Date or Birth 23 HENRY CHRISTINE F Month ay Year BRENES IRMA J Month ay Year 5 10 3 1965 4 12 1961 5 Address(Include Number an Street) t.No az Released Address(Include Number and Street) Apt No. Haz a ease 4 535 SIGSBEE RD Code - ❑ 74 OAK AVE Cade ❑ 1 City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 MATTITUCK NY 11952 FLANDERS NY 11901 7 Plate Number ate o Reg ehic a Year Make Vehicle Type Ins Code Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins Code 5 GWL1011 NY 2002 TOYT 14DSD 722 FMB1736 NY 12002 KIA I SUBN 478 1 Ticket/Arrest Ticket(Anest Number(s) Number(s) Violation Violation 25 Section(s) Section(s) Check if involved vehicle Is' Check if involved vehicle Is: Circle the diagram below that descnbes the accident,or draw your own 3 6 V ❑ more than 95 inches wide, V ❑more than 95 Inches wide, diagram In space#9. Number the vehicles. 1 E ❑ more than 34 feet long, E ❑more than 34 feet long, RMEnd Left Tum RIgM Angle AlghtTuin Hued On H ❑operated with an overweight permit, H ❑operated with an overweight permit, ( ❑ operated month an overdimension penult. l ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 1"d� { 3. � 0 Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 0 Box 1 Point of Impact 1 2 (VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES (amne dnedlun}eawteTom' © ATE to �direct°n) 10 26 F L Box 2-Most Damage 1 1 L Box 2-Most Damage 2 3 2 E,�� ?/0. E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM more damage codes 12 more damage codes Vehicle By OREGON 2 Vehicle By M27Towed• To OREGON Towed To See the last page of the MV-104A for the e VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING. a s 7 accident diagram. 1-13 SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14.UNDERCARRIAGE 17.DEMOLISHED s 15.TRAILER 18.NO DAMAGE 2 1s 9 16.OVERTURNED 19.OTHER 28 Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. rz n m s Unknown/Unable to determine ® Yes ❑ No 1 Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: 2 5 Latbtude/Northing: County.SUFFOLK ❑City ❑ Village ® Town of SOUTHOLD 4538263FRANKLINVILLE RD 29 0 7 i 0 i 4 Road on which accident occurred (Route Number or Street Name) Longitude/Easting: at 1)intersecting street MAIN RD 5 l 3 705285 or ❑N ❑ of S (Route Number or Street Name) 1 � i i 2) feet miles ❑E ❑W (Milepost,Nearest intersecting Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Officer's notes 30 OPERATOR OF VEHICLE ONE REPORTS SEEING VEHICLE TWO TRAVELING W/B ON 25 WITH THEIR FOUR-WAY - FLASHERS ACTIVATED AND APPEARING TO BE PULLING OVER. VEHICLE 1 OPERATOR STATED SHE PROCEEDED o TO MAKE A LEFT TURN E/B ON COUNTY ROAD 25 WHEN VEHICLE 2 DECIDED TO GO STRAIGHT AND STRUCK cows HER VEHICLE. VEHICLE TWO OPERATOR REPORTS TRAVELING W/B ON 25 WITH HER FOUR WAY FLASHERS ON S WHEN VEHICLE ONE PULLED OUT IN FRONT OF HER. VEHICLE TWO OPERATOR DID NOT HAVE A REASON FOR HAVING HER FLASHERS ACTIVATED AT THE TIME OF INCIDENT. DUE TO A COMPUTER MALFUNCTION, THE N N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY T018 Names of all involved Date of Death Only A1 1 4 1 18 F - - - HENRY, SAMANTHA M L L 2 1 4 1 54 F - - - BRENES, IRMA J 2 6 4 1 31 F - - - TORREZ, GLORIA N 2 4 4 1 X F - - - BRENES, KEYLA E V 0 2 3 4 1 24 F - - - LOUATO, KARLA L 2 5 4 1 35 F - - - CARRERA, INGRID V E Officer's Rank Pe� ��sis Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecinctlPost Station/Beat Reviewing Officer Date rime Reviewed D nd Si nature PO Troop/Zone Sector Print Name Grattan, 8/27/2015 Garrett Lake 115 05159 Steven 09:36 Page 2 of 3 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 SH-141213-15 MV-104A(3/04) OQST78000469 ® a .�. 1 Accident Date Day of Week Military Time I No.of No Insured No.Killed Not Investigated at Scene ❑ Left Scene Police Photos 20 Month Day Year Vehicles _____________ 8 13 2015 Thursday 16:12 2 0 0 Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ®No VEHICLE LI VEHICLE ❑ BICYCLIST Ll PEDESTRIAN 11 OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1;-Dnye� 'Stale of Uc., VEHtCCE 2-Driver :•Stale of Lic, I 2 License to Number License IDNumber , t .....,, v.. a s.. 2 DnverName,exactly .-- - "- , '" - ;.� DnverName,-exactly - as printed onlicense - - �u-,�,_ ,-..^°,m- �.�, ,as,pnnled en license,.,:': ''_ ' • Address(Include Numberand Street) r_ Apt:No:I Address(tndude,Number and Street) Apt;No,, ,Cdyo'rTown.- 'state- _. zip C-ode... ..' 1CityocTow' " „ State a° Zppode_ 22 3 ate ISex, I Unlit censed' I No of Occupants public' -..........' Date of.Birth� Sex Unlicensed 'No pf Occupants Public Month;• Day: Year t - Property j `Month','Day§' -Year : - Property` c- ❑ _ Damaged• 1 l )'" .Q.r.. Damaged ❑.. ame-exa y,as prime on regista,on. Sex- I Date of Birth Name=exec y as printed on regis ra on._ Sex ate.o: in _.._...:_,_ s Month ay 'Year r Month t'°Day' Year�dd _ 23 _ .. .} . ress, n u e, um er anStreet),, r pl.No. az. ""'i; Released% Address,(Include Number and Street)"-'` '- Apt:No: ,;Haz. "r, a ease „ 4 Mat:- i Mat. ( - Code_ ..... t_ ❑. a _A Code._._ "❑'. Cdy or Town - --- - Stale 'Za Code W A or sown - - 24 p„ y. State- Zap Code J Plate u erjate o, eg:.Vehicle' ear&Make,°" Vehic e Type , ins:Code j Plate Number State'ef Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle•Type: I Iris.Code 5 ) I! Ticket/Arrest - ITicket/Arrest Nomber(s) ; Numtier{s) - Violation ' V olatfon µ - Sectionts}' i secbon(s)y:a.k _ _ 25 Ct bbk if involvedmehicle is: `_ Check rf.involved vehicle ls:'• Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own~ 6 V ❑ more.than'95 inches wide; V ,❑more,thah 95 inches wide;,:- diagram in space#9. Number the vehicles. E,❑',more than`34 feet'long, E ❑.more than 34-feet long; Rear End Left�Tum Rlpttt Angle wahtTun Head On H,❑operated with°an overwelglit permit. H ❑operated with an.overweight permit;' �. I ;I]op 7ated_vith.ari overdtmensI6n pemiif_ I -❑operated vnth.an ove'Himension permit.; 1�— t— 3. R S. ly 7. T C : V C H •L .2 AMA E: ODE adesvA Len Tum Right TUM SEdemvpe 26 Box 1-Point Of'itnpabt'-`:, t,;!� 2 - 1,S ' `r2"' (samerecllon} -� �E_ (opposno f 7 Box 2-Most Damage _ _ (:-,_� w Z .,� E Emte�uP.to three* > :,3 q.. 5 . E ' 3 ..,4 5 more damage_codes ? ;' {'fit, j ' ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 Vehicle Bv: 2 Vehicle ,Bv. 27 Towed..To,_:_. Towed. To _v- VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING r 3 1-13 SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14.UNDERCARRIAGE 17.DEMOLISHED s 15.TRAILER 18.NO DAMAGE 2 to 9. 16 OVERTURNED 19.OTHER I 77= u Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000 2 3 u 11 1e ❑ Unknown/Unable to determine ❑ Yes ❑ No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: Lattitude/Northing County.SUFFOLK ❑City ❑ Village ❑ Town of � 29 Road on which accident occurred i (Route Number or Street Name) Longitude/Easting. at 1)intersecting street or 2) N S Of (Route Number or Street Name) feet miles E W (Milepost,Nearest intersecting Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Officer's notes 30 INFORMATION FOR TWO PASSENGERS RIDING IN VEHICLE TWO ISNOT AVAILABLE. ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT VEHICLE TWO OPERATOR HAVE FAILED AT THIS TIME. OPERATOR 1 # 477-2904 ADDED PASSENGER'S THREE AND FOUR ON 08/27/2015 �SHHOF ■� 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Only A - L L "G 17 El- V E Officer's Rank Pg a si: Badge/ID No NCIC No._ Precinct/Post Station/Beat wzReviewing Officer DatefTime Reviewed Y D and Signature PO Troop/Zone Sector Grattan, 8/27/2015 Print Name Garrett Lake 115 05159 Steven 09:36 Page 3 of 3 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT SH-14121,3-15 MV-104A(3/04) OQST78000469 ®�I Accident Date Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No Killed Not Investigated at Scene ❑ Left Scene Police Photos Month Day Year Vehicles ————————————— 8 13 201 Thursday 16:12 2 0 0 Accident Reconstructed ❑ El ❑Yes ®No Franklinville rd ei , VEH 2 County Road 25 Page 1 of 2 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 SH-141245-15 MV-104A(3/04) 2 OQST78000464 19 P�M F-1 Accident Date Day of Week Military Time No of No.Inured No.Killed Not Investigated at Scene ❑ Left Scene Police Photos 20 Month Day Year Vehicles ------------- g 14 1 2015 Friday 07:22 2 2 0 Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ®No 31 VEHICLE 1 N VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST U PEDESTRIAN Ll OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver State of Lic VEHICLE 2-Driver State of Lic 2 License ID Number 491803081 NY License ID Number 902736295 NY 21 - Driver Name-exactly Driver Name-exactly S IOR, DEBORAH C as pnnted on license STEELE, LAUREN M as printed on license — Address(Include Number and Street) Apt No. Address(Include Number and Street) Apt No 634 STEPHEN HAND PTH PO BOX 334 City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 22 EAST HAMPTON NY 119370000 LAUREL NY 11948 _ 3 Dale of i Sex Unlicensed No of Occupants Public Date of Birth Sex Unlicensed No of Occupants Public Month Day Year F' Property Month Day Year F ❑ 01 Properly 20 8 30 1988 ❑ O1 Damaged 5 21 1949 Damaged ame-exactly as printea on registration Sex Date o Birth ame-exactly as printed on registration Sex ate o in 23 STEELE, LAUREN M F Month ay Year SIOR, DEBORAH C F Month ay Year 8 30 1988 5 21 1949 3 Address'Include Number an Street) t No az Released Address(Include Number and Street) Apt No Haz a ease 4 634 STEPHEN HAND PTH Code - ' ❑ PO BOX 334 Code ❑ 1 City or Town State Zip Code ity or town State Zip Code 24 EAST HAMPTON NY 119370000 LAUREL NY 11948 41 Plate um ertate o Reg [Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins Code Plate Number State of Reg Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins Code 5 GKW1899 NY 2012 KIA SUBN 766 GWL1249 NY 2001 BMW 4DSD 769 Ticket/Arrest TickellArrest 4 Number(s) ST7801KBOQ ST7801KCOQ Number(s) Violation 11941B Violation 25 11923 Sechon(s) Section(s) 6 V Check If Involved vehicle is Check if involved vehicle is Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 1 1 FI ❑ more than 95 Inches wide, V ❑more than 95 inches wide, diagram in space#9. Number the vehicles. E ❑ more than 34 feet long; E ❑more than 34 feet long, Rearms LeftTurinRight Angle Might Tun Head On H ❑operated with an overweight permit, H ❑operated math an overweight permit; -all ❑ operated with an overdimension permit ( ❑operated with an overdimension permit. �� -GK- 3_ 5.- 7. VEHICLE 1 M ODES VEHICLE A A DES ad l�Tum RiphtT�n Sdeswipe 26 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 (smrie dueaion} (opposite dl'°ctta'1 3 F7 L Box 2-Most Damage 2 2 L Box 2-Most Damage 1 1 Z ��_ 1 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM more damage codesFT 2 3 rVeh oe damage codes 1 2 3 1 vehicle ev BAY TOWING 2 icle Bv- OREGON See the last page of the MV-104A for the 27 Towed To BAY TOWING ed- To. OREGON P 5 1 VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: ' 4 e a 7 accident diagram. 1-13 SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14.UNDERCARRIAGE 1T.DEMOLISHED a 15.TRAILER 18.NO DAMAGE z is 9 16.OVERTURNED 19.OTHER 28 t Cost of repairs to any one vehicle wall be more than$1000 ,z » 10 9 ❑ Unknown/Unable to determine ® Yes ❑ No 1 Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: 2 i 5 Lattitude/Northing. County SUFFOLK ❑City ❑ Village ® Town of SOUTHOLD 29 4538325 Road on which accident occurred MAIN RD _ (Route Number or Street Name) 0 ' 7 ' 0 4 Longitude/Eashng. at 1)intersecting street FRANKLINVILLE ROAD ❑N ❑S (Route Number or Street Name) 1 5 1 3 705332 or 2) Of feet rtules ❑E ❑W (Milepost,Nearest intersecting Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Officer's notes 30 P1 OPERATING V1 WAS TRAVELING THE WRONG WAY ON A ONE WAY STREET WHILE TEXTING AND DID FAIL TO SEE V2 WHICH WAS MAKING A LEFT TURN. V1 COLLIDED WITH V2 CAUSING SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE TO use BOTH VEHICLES. P1 WAS SUBSEQUENTLY ARRESTED FOR DWI. P1 631-324-8728 P2 631-905-8792 COVER *THE SPELLING OF THE OPERATOR OF VEHICLE TWO, AS WELL AS THE VEHICLE OWNER OF VEHICLE TWO SHEET WERE CORRECTED. N PROPERTY DAMAGE BY VEHICLE #01 - STREET SIGN, STATE OF NY 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY T018 Names of all involved Date of Death Only Ait 1 1 7 1 26 F 05 12 6 9997 5101 STEELE, LAUREN M L L 2 1 4 1 66 F 04 12 6 9997 5101 SIOR, DEBORAH C 1 N V w.. - s _ mss- — L __.._,.... E Officer's Rank- ~ Officer W a a � a r BadgenD No. NCIC No.. Precinct? st Station/Beat Reviewing Ocer Daterrime Reviewed PO - D and Signature i I Troop/Zone Sector Santacroce, 8/20/2015 Print Name Gregory Simmons 106 05159 Henry 08:57 Page 2 of 2 Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT SH-141245-1 MV-104A(3/04) OQST78000464 ® `�, Accident a e Day of Week MilitaryTime No of No.Inured No.Killed Not Investigated at Scene ❑ Left Scene Police Photos Month Day Year Vehicles ------------- 8 14 2015 Friday 07:22 2 2 0 Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ [I Yes ®No Franklinville RD SR 25 W/B V2$ SR 25 EIB SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall U" P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 September 16, 2015 FAX: 765-1823 To: Lauren From: Neb Subject: Correspo ence Would you please do the distribution for me? Many, many thanks. �f I i ai •I G� { Y e ,a {i �e-X\e SEP 2 2015 SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I` 3 i I _ , r i S 3 a s t a t r i t i a SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P.0.Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,W 11971-0959 Phone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 September 21, 2015 Commissioner Gilbert Anderson, P. E. Department of Public Works County of Suffolk 335 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, New York 11980 Re: CR48 & Depot Lane, Cutchogue Dear Commissioner Anderson: During our scheduled monthly meeting on September 14, 2015, the Commission discussed the recently installed traffic control device at the above intersection. This device, however, does not have turn signal indicators. Given the recent accident there as well as the previous accident scenario which continued until turn signals were subsequently installed on CR48 and Cox's Lane, the Commission strongly requests that turn signals be installed at this location. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Nebo y ha R. Brashich Chair an Cc: Supervisor Scott Russell County Legislator Alfred Krupski SOUTHOLD TOWN FIRE CHIEFS COUNCIL President:Norman Reilly,Jr. Sec:T.M.Martin 1 st VP Bruno Semon PO Box 637 2nd VP: Carlisle Cochran New Suffolk,NY 11956 16Sep15 County of Suffolk �/7 Department of Public Works D V Attn: Commissioners Office 335 Yaphank Avenue SEP 1 2015 Yaphank, NY 11980 SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE Re: CR48 & Depot Lane TOWN OF SOUTHOLO Dear Commissioner Anderson; The Southold Town Fire Chiefs Council represents the current and past Chief Officers of the eight Fire Departments within the Township. Following a tragic accident at this location in July when four lives were lost and several more seriously injured it was announced that a traffic control device would be installed but without turn signal indicators. _11 Several years ago the same scenario took place at the intersection of CR48 and Cox's Lane. But when accidents continued to occur the turn signals were installed. Use of CR48 continues to grow with the increase of agrotourism (vineyards, pumpkin picking, corn maze and Christmas trees) as well as ferry traffic to Connecticut. This Council requests that tum signals be installed at CR48 and Depot Lane. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Truly yours, Norman Reilly Jr President cc: Legislator Krupski Supervisor Russell Chapter lA - WTCD 2009 Edition - FHWA Page 1 of 34 . .551 . . Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (M UTCD) ^J�...§,_.�hr.1,j.�J„• �.�'� a*�pr ��1•..;i;,3�' "�� ^ ',rr4.. .��,"l...vA�.�3 t Li.a,.w. r......s.. . Back to Current Edition Back to Part 1 Table of Contents 2009 Edition Chapter 1A. General Section 1A.01 Purpose of Traffic Control Devices Support: 01 The purpose of traffic control devices, as well as the principles for their use, is to promote highway safety and efficiency by providing for the orderly movement of all road users on streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel throughout the Nation. 02 Traffic control devices notify road users of regulations and provide warning and guidance needed for the uniform and efficient operation of all elements of the traffic stream in a manner intended to minimize the occurrences of crashes. Standard: 03 Traffic control devices or their supports shall not bear any advertising message or any other message that is not related to traffic control. Support: 04 Tourist-oriented directional signs and Specific Service signs are not considered advertising; rather, they are classified as motorist service signs. Section 1A.02 Principles of Traffic Control Devices Support: 01 This Manual contains the basic principles that govern the design and use of traffic control devices for all streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel (see definition in Section 1A.13) regardless of type or class or the public agency, official, or owner having jurisdiction. This Manual's text specifies the restriction on the use of a device if it is intended for limited application or for a specific system. It is important that these principles be given primary consideration in the selection and application of each device. Guidance: 02 To be effective, a traffic control device should meet five basic requirements: A. Fulfill a need; B. Command attention; C. Convey a clear, simple meaning; D. Command respect from road users; and E. Give adequate time for proper response. 03 Design, placement, operation, maintenance, and uniformity are aspects that should be carefully considered in order to maximize the ability of a traffic control device to meet the five requirements listed in the previous paragraph. Vehicle speed should be carefully considered as an element that governs the design, operation, placement, and location of various traffic control devices. http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/partI/partla.htm 10/20/2015 AAU-T- 2009 Edition Page I x" lei '0 CHAPTER 1A. GENERAL Section 1A.01 Purpose of Traffic Control Devices Support: 01 The purpose of traffic control devices,as well as the principles for their use,is to promote highway safety and efficiency by providing for the orderly movement of all road users on streets,highways,bikeways,and private roads open to public travel throughout the Nation. c' 02 Traffic control devices notify road users of regulations and provide warning and guidance needed for the uniform and efficient operation of all elements of the traffic stream in a manner intended to minimize the occurrences of crashes. Standard: 03 Traffic control devices or their supports shall not bear any advertising message or any other message that is not related to traffic control. Support: 04 Tourist-oriented directional signs and Specific Service signs are not considered advertising;rather,they are classified as motorist service signs. Section 1A.02 Principles of Traffic Control Devices Support: 01 This Manual contains the basic principles that govern the design and use of traffic control devices for all streets,highways,bikeways,and private roads open to public travel (see definition in Section 1A.13)regardless of type or class or the public agency,official,or owner having jurisdiction. This Manual's text specifies the restriction on the use of a device if it is intended for limited application or for a specific system. It is important that these principles be given primary consideration in the selection and application of each device. Guidance: 02 To be effective,a traffic control device should meet five basic requirements: A. Fulfill a need; B. Command attention; C. Convey a clear,simple meaning; D. Command respect from road users;and E. Give adequate time for proper response. 03 Design,placement,operation,maintenance,and uniformity are aspects that should be carefully considered in order to maximize the ability of a traffic control device to meet the five requirements listed in the previous paragraph. Vehicle speed should be carefully considered as an element that governs the design, operation, placement,and location of various traffic control devices. Support: 04 The definition of the word"speed"varies depending on its use. The definitions of specific speed terms are contained in Section 1A.13. Guidance: 05 The actions required of road users to obey regulatory devices should be specified by State statute,or in cases not covered by State statute, by local ordinance or resolution. Stich statutes,ordinances,and resolutions should be consistent with the "Uniform Vehicle Code" (see Section ]A.]]). 06 The proper use of traffic control devices should provide the reasonable and prudent road user with the information necessary to efficiently and lawfully use the streets,highways,pedestrian facilities,and bikeways. Support: 07 Uniformity of the meaning of traffic control devices is vital to their effectiveness. The meanings ascribed to devices in this Manual are in general accord with the publications mentioned in Section 1A.11. Section 1A.03 Design of Traffic Control Devices Guidance: 01 Devices should be designed so that features such as size,shape,color, composition, lighting or retroreflection, and contrast are combined to draw attention to the devices;that size,shape, color,and simplicity y of message combine to produce a clear meaning;that legibility and size combine with placement to permit adequate time for response;and that uniformity,size, legibility,and reasonableness of the message combine to command respect. 02 Aspects of a device's standard design should be modified only if there is a demonstrated heed. December 2009 Sect 1A 01 to 1A 03 Page 2 2009 Edition Support: 03 An example of modifying a device's design would be to modify the Combination Horizontal Alignment/Intersection(W1-10) sign to show intersecting side roads on both sides rather than on just f t one side of the major road within the curve. Option: �'fi 04 With the exception of symbols and colors,minor modifications in the specific design elements of a device may 4T= be made provided the essential appearance characteristics are preserved. Section 1A.04 Placement and Operation of Traffic Control Devices Guidance: 01 Placement of a traffic control device should be within the road user's view so that adequate visibility is provided. To aid in conveying the proper meaning,the traffic control device should be appropriately positioned with respect to the location,object,or situation to which it applies. The location and legibility of the traffic control device should be such that a road user has adequate time to make the proper response in both day and night conditions. 02 Traffic control devices should be placed and operated in a uniform and consistent manner. 03 Unnecessary traffic control devices should be removed. The fact that a device is in good physical condition should not be a basis for deferring needed removal or change. Section 1A.05 Maintenance of Traffic Control Devices Guidance: 01 Functional maintenance of traffic control devices should be used to determine if certain devices need to be changed to meet current traffic conditions. 02 Physical maintenance of traffic control devices should be performed to retain the legibility and visibility of the device,and to retain the proper functioning of the device. Support: 03 Clean,legible,properly mounted devices in good working condition command the respect of road users. Section 1A.06 Uniformity of Traffic Control Devices Support: 01 Uniformity of devices simplifies the task of the road user because it aids in recognition and understanding, thereby reducing perception/reaction time. Uniformity assists road users,law enforcement officers,and traffic courts by giving everyone the same interpretation. Uniformity assists public highway officials through efficiency in manufacture,installation,maintenance,and administration. Uniformity means treating similar situations in a similar way. The use of uniform traffic control devices does not,in itself,constitute uniformity. A standard device used where it is not appropriate is as objectionable as a non-standard device;in fact,this might be worse,because such misuse might result in disrespect at those locations where the device is needed and appropriate. Section 1A.07 Responsibility for Traffic Control Devices Standard: 01 The responsibility for the design,placement,operation,maintenance,and uniformity of traffic control devices shall rest with the public agency or the official having jurisdiction,or,in the case of private roads open to public travel,with the private owner or private official having jurisdiction. 23 CFR 655.603 adopts the MUTCD as the national standard for all traffic control devices installed on any street,highway, bikeway,or private road open to public travel(see definition in Section 1A.13). When a State or other Federal agency manual or supplement is required,that manual or supplement shall be in substantial conformance with the National MUTCD. 02 23 CFR 655.603 also states that traffic control devices on all streets,highways,bikeways,and private roads open to public travel in each State shall be in substantial conformance with standards issued or endorsed by the Federal Highway Administrator. Support: 03 The Introduction of this Manual contains information regarding the meaning of substantial conformance and the applicability of the MUTCD to private roads open to public travel. 04 The"Uniform Vehicle Code"(see Section 1A.1 1) has the following provision in Section 15-104 for the adoption of a uniform manual: Sect.1A 03 to 1A.07 December 2009 2009 Edition Page 3 "(a)The [State Highway Agency] shall adopt a manual and specification for a uniform system of traffic control devices consistent with the provisions of this code for use upon highways within this State. Such uniform system shall correlate with and so far as possible conform to the system set forth in the most recent edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways,and other standards issued or endorsed by the Federal Highway Administrator." ; "(b)The Manual adopted pursuant to subsection(a) shall have the force and effect of law." � 05 All States have officially adopted the National MUTCD either in its entirety,with supplemental provisions, . or as a separate published document. Guidance: Y os These individual State manuals or supplements should be reviewed for specific provisions relating to that State. Support: 07 The National MUTCD has also been adopted by the National Park Service,the U.S.Forest Service,the U.S.Military Command,the Bureau of Indian Affairs,the Bureau of Land Management,and the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service. Guidance: os ' States should adopt Section 15-116 of the "Uniform Vehicle Code,"which states that, "No person shall install or maintain in any area of private property used by the public any sign,signal,marking,or other device intended to regulate,warn,or guide traffic unless it conforms with the State manual and specifications adopted under Section 15-104." Section 1A.08 Authority for Placement of Traffic Control Devices Standard: of Traffic control devices,advertisements,announcements,and other signs or messages within the highway right-of-way shall be placed only as authorized by a public authority or the official having jurisdiction,or, in the case of private roads open to public travel,by the private owner or private official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating,warning,or guiding traffic. 02 When the public agency or the official having jurisdiction over a street or highway or,in the case of private roads open to public travel,the private owner or private official having jurisdiction,has granted proper authority,others such as contractors and public utility companies shall be permitted to install temporary traffic control devices in temporary traffic control zones. Such traffic control devices shall conform with the Standards of this Manual. os All regulatory traffic control devices shall be supported by laws,ordinances,or regulations. Support: oa Provisions of this Manual are based upon the concept that effective traffic control depends upon both appropriate application of the devices and reasonable enforcement of the regulations. 05 Although some highway design features,such as curbs,median barriers,guardrails,speed humps or tables, and textured pavement,have a significant impact on traffic operations and safety,they are not considered to be traffic control devices and provisions regarding their design and use are generally not included in this Manual. os Certain types of signs and other devices that do not have any traffic control purpose are sometimes placed within the highway right-of-way by or with the permission of the public agency or the official having jurisdiction over the street or highway. Most of these signs and other devices are not intended for use by road users in general, and their message is only important to individuals who have been instructed in their meanings. These signs and other devices are not considered to be traffic control devices and provisions regarding their design and use are not included in this Manual. Among these signs and other devices are the following: A. Devices whose purpose is to assist highway maintenance personnel. Examples include markers to guide y snowplow operators,devices that identify culvert and drop inlet locations,and devices that precisely identify highway locations for maintenance or mowing purposes. B. Devices whose purpose is to assist fire or law enforcement personnel. Examples include markers that identify fire hydrant locations,signs that identify fire or water district boundaries,speed measurement pavement markings,small indicator lights to assist in enforcement of red light violations,and photo enforcement systems. C. Devices whose purpose is to assist utility company personnel and highway contractors,such as markers that identify underground utility locations. D. Signs posting local non-traffic ordinances. E. Signs giving civic organization meeting information. December 2009 Sect 1A 07 to]A 08 Page 4 2009 Edition-Revision 1 Standard: 07 Signs and other devices that do not have any traffic control purpose that are placed within the highway right-of-way shall not be located where they will interfere with,or detract from,traffic control devices. 4'. Guidance: Aa 08 Any unauthorized traffic control device or other sign or message placed on the highway right-of-way by a private organization or individual constitutes a public nuisance and should be removed. All unofficial or non- essential traffic control devices,signs,or messages should be removed. Section 1A.09 Engineering Study and Engineering Judgment Support: 01 Definitions of an engineering study and engineering judgment are contained in Section 1A.13. Standard: 02 This Manual describes the application of traffic control devices,but shall not be a legal requirement for their installation. Guidance: 03 The decision to use a particular device at a particular location should be made on the basis of either an engineering study or the application of engineering judgment. Thus,while this Manual provides Standards, Guidance,and Options for design and applications of traffic control devices, this Manual should not be Rev.1 considered a substitute for engineering judgment. Engineering judgment should be exercised in the selection and application of traffic control devices,as well as in the location and design of roads and streets that the devices complement. 04 Early in the processes of location and design of roads and streets, engineers should coordinate such location and design with the design and placement of the traffic control devices to be used with such roads and streets. 05 Jurisdictions,or owners of private roads open to public travel,with responsibility for traffic control that do not have engineers on their staffs who are trained and/or experienced in traffic control devices should seek engineering assistance from others,such as the State transportation agency,their county,a nearby large city, or a traffic engineering consultant. Support: 06 As part of the Federal-aid Program,each State is required to have a Local Technology Assistance Program (LTAP)and to provide technical assistance to local highway agencies. Requisite technical training in the application of the principles of the MUTCD is available from the State's Local Technology Assistance Program for needed engineering guidance and assistance. Section 1A.10 Interpretations,Experimentations,Changes,and Interim Approvals Standard: 01 Design,application,and placement of traffic control devices other than those adopted in this Manual shall be prohibited unless the provisions of this Section are followed. Support: 02 Continuing advances in technology will produce changes in the highway,vehicle,and road user proficiency; therefore,portions of the system of traffic control devices in this Manual will require updating. In addition,unique situations often arise for device applications that might require interpretation or clarification of this Manual. It is important to have a procedure for recognizing these developments and for introducing new ideas and modifications into the system. Standard: 03 Except as provided in Paragraph 4,requests for any interpretation,permission to experiment, interim approval,or change shall be submitted electronically to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),Office of Transportation Operations,MUTCD team,at the following e-mail address: MUTCDofficialrequestC dot.gov. Option: 04 If electronic submittal is not possible,requests for interpretations,permission to experiment,interim approvals, or changes may instead be mailed to the Office of Transportation Operations,HOTO-1,Federal Highway Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue,SE,Washington,DC 20590. Support: 05 Communications regarding other MUTCD matters that are not related to official requests will receive quicker attention if they are submitted electronically to the MUTCD Team Leader or to the appropriate individual MUTCD team member. Their e-mail addresses are available through the links contained on the"Who's Who" page on the MUTCD website at http://muted.fhwa.dot.gov/team.htm. Sect 1A 08 to 1A.10 May 2012 Page 50 2009 Edition When two vehicles approach an intersection from different streets or highways at approximately the same time,the right-of-way rule requires the driver of the vehicle on the left to yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. The right-of-way can be modified at through streets or highways by placing YIELD(Rl-2)signs(see Sections 2B.08 and 213.09)or STOP(Rl-1)signs(see Sections 2B.05 through 213.07)on one or more approaches. Guidance: 02 Engineering judgment should be used to establish intersection control. The following factors should be considered: A. Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic volumes on all approaches; B. Number and angle of approaches; C. Approach speeds; D. Sight distance available on each approach;and E. Reported crash experience. 03 YIELD or STOP signs should be used at an intersection if one or more of the following conditions exist: A. An intersection of a less important road with a main road where application of the normal right-of-way rule would not be expected to provide reasonable compliance with the law; B. A street entering a designated through highway or street;and/or C. An unsignalized intersection in a signalized area. 04 In addition, the use of YIELD or STOP signs should be considered at the intersection of two minor streets or local roads where the intersection has more than three approaches and where one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The combined vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian volume entering the intersection from all approaches .averages more than 2,000 units per day; B. The ability to see conflicting traffic on an approach is not sufficient to allow a road user to stop or yield in compliance with the normal right-of-way rule if such stopping or yielding is necessary;and/or C. Crash records indicate that five or more crashes that involve the failure to yield the right-of-way at the intersection under the normal right-of-way rule have been reported within a 3-year period, or that three or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. os YIELD or STOP signs should not be used for speed control. Support: 06 Section 213.07 contains provisions regarding the application of multi-way STOP control at an intersection. Guidance: 07 Once the decision has been made to control an intersection, the decision regarding the appropriate roadway to control should be based on engineering judgment. In most cases, the roadway carrying the lowest volume of traffic should be controlled. 08 A YIELD or STOP sign should not be installed on the higher volume roadway unless justified by an engineering study. Support: 09 The following are considerations that might influence the decision regarding the appropriate roadway upon which to install a YIELD or STOP sign where two roadways with relatively equal volumes and/or characteristics intersect: A. Controlling the direction that conflicts the most with established pedestrian crossing activity or school walking routes; B. Controlling the direction that has obscured vision,dips,or bumps that already require drivers to use lower operating speeds;and C. Controlling the direction that has the best sight distance from a controlled position to observe conflicting traffic. Standard: 10 Because the potential for conflicting commands could create driver confusion,YIELD or STOP signs shall not be used in conjunction with any traffic control signal operation,except in the following cases: A. If the signal indication for an approach is a flashing red at all times; B. If a minor street or driveway is located within or adjacent to the area controlled by the traffic control signal,but does not require separate traffic signal control because an extremely low potential for conflict exists; or C. If a channelized turn lane is separated from the adjacent travel lanes by an island and the channelized turn lane is not controlled by a traffic control signal. sect 2B 04 December 2009 i c,V 2009 Edition Page 51 11 Except as provided in Section 2B.09,STOP signs and YIELD signs shall not be installed on different approaches to the same unsignalized intersection if those approaches conflict with or oppose each other. 12 Portable or part-time STOP or YIELD signs shall not be used except for emergency and temporary traffic control zone purposes. is A portable or part-time (folding)STOP sign that is manually placed into view and manually removed from view shall not be used during a power outage to-control a signalized approach unless the maintaining agency establishes that the signal indication that will first be displayed to that approach upon restoration of power is a flashing red signal indication and that the portable STOP sign will be manually removed from view prior to stop-and-go operation of the traffic control signal. Option: 14 A portable or part-time(folding)STOP sign that is electrically or mechanically operated such that it only displays the STOP message during a power outage and ceases to display the STOP message upon restoration of power may be used during a power outage to control a signalized approach. Support: 15 Section 913.03 contains provisions regarding the assignment of priority at a shared-use path/ roadway intersection. Section 2B.05 STOP Sign (RI-1) and ALL WAY Plaque (Rl-3P) Standard: 01 When it is determined that a full stop is always required on an approach to an intersection,a STOP (111-1)sign (see Figure 213-1)shall be used. 02 The STOP sign shall be an octagon with a white legend and border on a red background. 03 Secondary legends shall not be used on STOP sign faces. 04 At intersections where all approaches are controlled by STOP signs(see Section 2B.07),an ALL WAY supplemental plaque(R1-3P)shall be mounted below each STOP sign. The ALL WAY plaque (see Figure 213-1)shall have a white legend and border on a red background. 05 The ALL WAY plaque shall only be used if all intersection approaches are controlled by STOP signs. os Supplemental plaques with legends such as 2-WAY,3-WAY,4-WAY,or other numbers of ways shall not be used with STOP signs. Support: 07 The use of the CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP(W4-4P)plaque(and other plaques with variations of this word message)is described in Section 2C.59. Guidance: 08 Plaques with the appropriate alternative messages of TRAFFIC FROM LEFT(RIGHT)DOES NOT STOP (W4-4aP)or ONCOMING TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP(W4-4bP)should be used at intersections where STOP signs control all but one approach to the intersection, unless the only non-stopped approach is from a one-way street. Option: 09 An EXCEPT RIGHT TURN(Rl-IOP)plaque(see Figure 213-1)may be mounted below the STOP sign if an engineering study determines that a special combination of geometry and traffic volumes is present that makes it possible for right-turning traffic on the approach to be permitted to enter the intersection without stopping. Support: 10 The design and application of Stop Beacons are described in Section 4L.05. Figure 213-1. STOP and YIELD Signs and Plaques YIELD ® TO EXCEPT ONCOMING RIGHT TRAFFIC TURN R1-1 R1-3P R1-2 R1-2aP R1-10P December 2009 Sect.2B.04 to 2B 05 r l ( 0 �1 Page 52 2009 Edition Section 2B.06 STOP Sign Applications Guidance: 01 At intersections where a full stop is not necessary at all times, consideration should first be given to using less restrictive measures such as YIELD signs(see Sections 28.08 and 2B.09). 02 The use of STOP signs on the minor-street approaches should be considered if engineering judgment indicates that a stop is always required because of one or more of the following conditions: A. The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or highway exceed 6,000 vehicles per day; B. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or highway;and/or C. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction by the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12-month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Such crashes include right-angle collisions involving road users on the minor-street approach failing to yield the right-of-way to traffic on the through street or highway. Support: 03 The use of STOP signs at grade crossings is described in Sections 8B.04 and 8B.05. Section 2B.07 Multi-Way Stop Applications Support: 01 Multi-way stop control can be useful as a safety measure at intersections if certain traffic conditions exist. Safety concerns associated with multi-way stops include pedestrians,bicyclists, and all road users expecting other road users to stop. Multi-way stop control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. 02 The restrictions on the use of STOP signs described in Section 2B.04 also apply to multi-way stop applications. Guidance: 03 The decision to install multi-way stop control should be based ora ars engineering study. 04 The following criteria should be considered in the engineering study for a multi-way STOP sign installation: A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multi-way stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. B. Five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop installation. Such crashes include right-turn and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. C. Minimum volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches(total of both approaches)averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day;and 2. The combined vehicular;pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches(total of both approaches)averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours,with an average delay to minor-street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour;but 3. If the 85,h-percentile approach speed of the major-street traffic exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the values provided in Items I and 2. D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded from this condition. Option: 05 Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to control left-turn conflicts; B. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes; C. Locations where a road user,after stopping,cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to negotiate the intersection unless conflicting cross traffic is also required to stop;and D. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector(through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multi-way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. Sect 2B06 to 2B.07 December 2009