HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Tr sf Y iii/ REC r AUG 171981T4' � Town Clerk Soutfiold ! : SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (ICOUNTY OF ALBANY -------------------------------------X In the Matter of : NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY, Notice of Application H for Review under Petitioner, Article 7 of the Real i� Property Tax Law of against - Tax Assessments of the I, g Municipalities listed co ; THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION in the Appendix dated A JAND ASSESSMENT, August 3, 1981 Z • Respondent. Z o i -------------------------------------X % S I R S: a C, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the petition of NEW YORK r4 w ( TELEPHONE COMPANY, verified the 3rd day of August, 1981 , three 0 a copies of which are herewith served on you, an application Will 0 be made at a Special Term of this Court, to be held at the H Courthouse in Albany , on the 15th day of October, 1981 at ten M o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be o heard, for the review of Article 7 of the Real Property Tax Law, 3 of those assessments referred to in the Appendix to said petition. w Z Kindly direct all administrative Enquires and forward Z copies of responses to Mr.` John W. Greene, Tax Engineer, call i w collect (212) 395-6117. Dated: August 3, 1981 Very truly yours, TO: MR. DAVID GASKELL HAROLD S. LEVY, ESQ. Executive Director . Attorney for State Board of Equalization New York Telephone Company & Assessment Office & P.O. Address: Empire State Plaza 1095 Avenue of the Americas Albany, N.Y. 12223 New York, N.Y. 10036 aa'S REMO STATE OF NEW YQAK AUG COUNTY OF �f-ra ) s s : TOWN a OF ,�m �r ) TW Md IVAN The undersigned, being duly sworn do severally depose and say that deponents are members of the Board of Assessment Review; that deponents have read the foregoing and know the contents thereof; and the matters set forth are true to the best of the deponents ' knowledge. Sworn to before me this //)e, day of SYLVIA K. ROUSE IfoCal- is •e o ew York No, 4674306•Suffolk County Colnmiui6n 1plew M6fah 30, 19F2-1 airman Me er Mem r r Me er de R.P.T.S.A. - 200 - 4/72 BAR-2 - Page 2 of 2 R FROM: Board of Assessment Review AUG 111981 TO: Torn Assessor TW ONS 11MrIMi RE: ORDER qR CHANGE IN ASSESSIC'" 'T ROLL DATE: 9 � The Board of Assessment Review for the Town of has duly met to hear complaints or grievances on the tentative town assessment roll for the tax vicar 19 //" J:2-as prescribed by law. The Board, having duly cenvenad, has considered each and every complaint or grievance on the assessments for the tax year indicated, as filed with this Board, as prescribed by law. A majority of the Board had deter.mired that all of the changes indicated on the attached page (s) will be made on the assessment roll by the Town Assessor. (BAR-2 - Part II). Total number of complaints submitted by assessor Total number of complaints received on Grievance Day Total number of complaints reviewed by the Board - Total number of recoi-m-nended reductions in assessment - Total number of recowzicndcd increases in assessment - Total number of grievances without a change - NOV, TKZREF^ORE, the Board of Fssessmert Review hereby orders the assessor or board of assessors to make all charges in assessments as determined by the Board of Assessment Review an the ass®ssrent roll of the Town of >c�l , for the tax year 19f P in conformance with this order. BAR-2 - Page 1 of 2 • RECEVED ASSESSMENT ROLL - YEAR 19fl-Z/_1�2, AUG 11 j981 TOWN OF ��f�j �� Town Clerk &Outtiold Complaint Last Name or Of Owner Property Assessment Assessment Grievance No. On Roll Desc. From To !,v 6'/c�.5[ D 600 2 �O d 'geed 11 --w-m—' e49 �� .-/ OOd- �1 �6ov SyOa 32D Y' coo//a- ZZ 4,D d R.P.T.S.A. — 500 — 4/7 BAR-2 - Part II I • Ri\rif r CY AUG 11 -1981 FROM: Board of Assessment Review Tam 01frk Southold TO: �-� �," / /:e ,1- Town Clerk RE: REPORT - BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW - TAX YEAR 19�/ DATE: u� f z��jiP'/ Attached herewith please find for public filing in your office, the complete file covering the public hearing (s) of the Board of Assessment Review, together with changes ordered by this Board to the assessment roll, Assessors ' acknowledgment, etc. The duties of the Board of Assessment Review for the grievance period covering the 19&/ assessment roll are completed. 1 � airman Member )� dLa/ �o ,�l V SYLVIA K. ROUSE NOTARY PUBLIC, 5tate of New York No. 4574306 •Suffolk County W"MI1104M kAptres March 30, 19&2/ Member R.P.T.S.A. - 200 - 4/72 Attachment: Form BAR-1, Parts I and II, Form BAR-3, Form BAR-4 CC: Town Supervisor - with attachments Director, Real Property Tax Service Agency - with attachments Office of Town Assessor - with attachments Form BAR-4 M I N U T E S O F G R I E V A N C E D A Y F O R T H E TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 21, 1981 PRESENT: BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW: Mr. Manuel A. Manarel, Chairman Mr. Theodore Heuser Mr. William Weinheimer Mr. Samuel Markel Mr. Andrew Pitre BOARD OF ASSESSORS: Mr. Henry Moisa, Chairman Mr. Charles C. Watts Mr. Frederick Gordon 1 i Mr. SamuelManarel, Chairman ofthe Board of Assessment Review of the Town of Southold opened the Grievance Day Proceedings at 9:uO A.M. on July 20, 1981 at the South ld Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. The following members were present: Mr. Samuel Manarel, Chairman, Mr. Theodore Heuser, Mr. William Weinheimer, Mr. Samuel Markel, and Mr.- , Andrew Ptre . NO. 1. CARL H. FISK, 2010 North Bayview Road, Southold, New York 11971 GROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT ON ASSESSMENT: OVERVALUATION: Full market value of property: $8,000.00; Assessed valuation of property $1 ,8uu.u0; Amount of overvaluation claimed: $950.00. Complainant believes assessment should be reduced to: $850.00. 19 dm 14 is ter<ed MR. MANAREy THE OATH TO MR. FISK. MR. MANAREL: You may come up here or sit right there, which- ever is more comfortable for you. CARL H. FISK: It doesn' t make any difference to me either. MR. MANAREL: We have your forms here, and we would like to hear what you have to say about your application. Just feel free to express yourself. We are only here for one purpose and that is if you have a problem and we can help, we ' ll be glad to help you. You can express yourself to the whole group. Just feel free to speak right out. MR. FISK: Now? MR. .iMANAREL: Oh, sure. Go ahead. MR. HEUSER: Oh, sure, we can read and listen at the same time. MR. FISK: Oh, okay. Simply, I feel that piece of property is over assessed in view of the price I paid for it and the equalization rate. I just feel it is assessed at too high a price. MR. MANAREL: Does anyone on the Board have any questions? MR. HEUSER: This is the one you want? MR. MANAREL: Does anyone have any questions. MR. MARKEL: I can' t make any decisions or ask any questions without seeing the card. MR. PITRE: Ted, you don' t mind if I read over your-shoulder 1 Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 09 46 do you, Ted? MR. HEUSER: No, you are supposed to. What equalization rate did you use on this, Mr. Fisk? MR. FISK: 10.63. MR. HEUSER: Okay. MR. MANAREL: Mr. Fisk, you know that the Town of Southold does not assess on that equalization rate, don' t you? MR. FISK: Well, I received a notice from the Town. This is the Notice I received. (Mr. Fisk handed the notice to Mr. Manarel. ) MR. MANAREL: Henry, would you like to step up here a second. I don' t know if this is yours or not. MR. HENRY MOISA: Yes, it is. MR. MANAREL: This states you use the equalization rate of 10.63. MR. MOISA: Actually, getting back to this. There was a larger piece of property involved here originally which included the park and playground area. This is on a filed subdivision map. There were four parcels, one of the parcels is the park and playground area. MR. FISK: Excuse me, Henry. I have a map here if you want to use it. MR. MOISA: Well, if you would not mind showing it to us. MR. MANAREL: Excuse me, you two are not supposed to be talking to each other. Would you mind talking through the chair. MR. FISK: Oh, I'm sorry. MR. ''MANAREL: It' s all right as long as you keep it in the tone of voice you are, but eventually we might someone who comes in here and they want to spar. You go ahead, it is all right. MR. MOISA: Actually this property was in the name of Weinstein. Mr. Fisk ' bought this property last year, I think, whatever date is on the card. We had to split it. In other words the park and play- ground area still remains in the name of Weinstein and others. The assessment which is applied to his land is comparable to the vacant land that was applied to the rest of the minor subdivision as it was filed. The change in the assessment was in the last year because of the split in the property. It was a reduction from the original assessment. MR. HEUSER: In view of our meeting in Riverhead, was .it a proper Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page thing for your to apply that 10.63 on these reports. MR. MOISA: I didn' t apply it, they did. MR. HEUSER: It is on here. MR. MOISA: Oh, yes. This is by State law. We have to do this on all notices. MR. HEUSER: This is not what we use, is it? MR. MOISA: The law requires that we do it: MR. MANAREL: Will you tell Mr. Fisk what figures you used to arrive at your assessment. MR. MOISA: Basically when we have a minor subdivision, what we do is. . . .of course this one here is a little over an acre . How much land. do you have? MR. FISK: 1.47. MR. MOISA: Okay, 1.47. MR. MARKEL: About one and one half acres. MR. MOISA: Okay. We actually do apply. On the first acre of vacant land we use a figure of 1400. The remainder is 500 per acre. Basically, in a minor subdivision. That is how we arrive at the figures. MR. MANAREL: That is used for everybody? MR. MOISA: That is correct. MR. MARKEL: Are there any houses adjacent on either side? MR. FISK: Yes. MR. MOISA: There is farmland and I think Mr. Fisk' s property and home is to the west. MR. MARKEL: Are you adjoining the other house? MR. MOISA: I think the other fellow--maybe Mr. Fisk can answer that better. MR. FISK: If I know the answer, can I answer? MR. MANAREL: Sure. MR. FISK: There is a house along side of mine. Then there is me and then the property in question. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page MR. MARKEL: The house next door to you, is that comparable in size and area? M$. FISK: I would think so. MR. MARKEL: Do you know the man' s name? MR. FISK: Yes, Marangus. MR. MARKEL: Marangus? Could we see Mr. Marangus' card, Henry? MR. X0ISA: Sure. MR. MARKEL: Mr. Fisk, we will do a comparable to see if you are paying more than the guy next door. MR. HEUSER: There is something wrong here. MR. MARKEL: We just want to make sure you arenot paying more than your neighbor. MR. HEUSER: 1976 - 1.47 acres. MR. PITRE: They changed that.other lot. MR. MANAREL: This is the same. That is right. This is when they bought the land. The land is the same. Since then they put a little house on it. MR. HEUSER: He is talking about the land. That is all he is talking about. MR. HEUSER: I understand Mr. Fisk you are just protesting the land value of $1800? MR. FISK: That is all. MR. HEUSER: Nothing to do with anything else? MR. FISK: That is right. MR. MARKEL: I want to see what the land value is on the vacant piece which is adjacent. If if is the same, everyone should be happy. MR. WEINHEIMER: They went from 7600 to 8000. Increase of 400. MR. FISK: There was no increase. I just bought this property. MR. MARKEL: He bought the piece of property. MR. FISK: As far as I am concerned, it is new. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page MR. MARKEL: All I want to see if the property value on your neighbor' s property. Size - 1.47 acre. Land value 2000. MR. MOISA: The reason for the difference there is when you put an improvement on the land it always raises the value of the land. We work on that basis. MR. MARKEL: So Marangus is actually more? MR. MOISA: It would be because he has a house on it. MR. MANAREL: The property in question is vacant. MR. WEINHEIMER: They have the same assessment of 2000. MR. MARKEL: They pay exactly the same. You are paying the same as your neighbor. MR. HEUSER: Henry, on June 12, 1976 you split the 1.47 acres. On December 28, 1976 you valued it at 1900. This year you came down 100. He got a reduction. MR. MOISA: Yes, because of the split. MR. HEUSER: Yes, but the land remained the same. According to this thing it is 1.47. MR. PITRE: The acreage did, but the land that was over there had an improvement on it. This did not have an improvement on it. MR. HEUSER: I am talking about the fact he did not lose any land acreage when you talk about splits. 1.47 and 1.47 MR. PITRE: It wasn' t 1.47. It was more. MR. MOISA: It was more . MR. HEUSER: Well it says June 12, 1976 is before December 28, 1976. It was split to 1.47 acres. Right here. June 12, 1976 split and that is what it says right here. In December the value was re- vised to 1900. That was after the split. After the split it is reduced 100 again. MR. MANAREL: Do you understand,`'llenry? MR. MOISA: Yes, I understand what you mean. This figure of course involves the split. MR. HEUSER: Okay, but what about the 1976 figure? That was after you split it. Your split was in June. You revalued it in December. MR. MOISA: That is right. This one here. • Town of Southold 40 Grievance Day - Page`" MR. MANAREL: Turn it around so you can see it. MR. MOISA: The first date here reflect the deed dates. On 1/21/81 by request of Mr. Weinstein, who is the owner of the whole property we split away the park and playground area, which is shown on another card now. MR. MARKEL: 48,900 square feet. MR. MOISA: We reviewed the area which we do normally on 12/28/76, when we applied the 1900. The split came in after that so it was reduced. MR. PITRE: Reduced 100. MR. MOISA: Right. MR. HEUSER: You keep talking split but the acreage was not changed. MR. MOISA: The original acreage here was 2.50. MR. HEUSER: But in 1976 it was 1;47. MR. MOISA: That involved the acreage that was involved in the split. That is part of the property that Mr. Fisk bought. MR. WEINHEIMER: We have another card here, Sam. MR. MOISA: I think you will find if you,;add that 1.47 and the one on the other card, it will ,.come up to the 2-1/2 acres. MR. MANAREL: Thank you very much, Henry. MR. MARKEL: By the way Henry, did Mr. Weinstein pay anything on the park and playground area? 0t did he donate that? MR. MOISA: He is still assessed at the minimum. He pays on a 100 assessment, which is the normal assessment applied to an area which cannot be built upon. This is supposed to be held in perpetuity as park and playground area, which involved the original minor subdivision which he made. MR. MANAREL: I think what we have to do here is sit down and review all of these we can take a bit more time for all of us to get it straight. I think as long as there are no more questions. MR. HEUSER: I have one more, Sam. MR. FISK: Can I say ,just more thing. As I sold Sam, this piece of property had been up for sale for four years and they never had been able to get rid of it. Four years that we know of. It is a very inferior piece of property. For that reason Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page I got it cheaper. Based on what I paid for it, I just believe it should be assessed. for less. MR. MARKEL: You paid $8,000.00? MR. FISK: That is right. MR. MANAREL: Now the Town uses the rule of thumb of about one quarter of the value of the property for the assessment. If you paid $8,000.00, 1800 is so close to one quarter. It is just slightly over about 2�. It would be within their scope of getting a quarter or 25 of full assessment. MR. FISK: Does that hold on all parcels? MR. MANAREL: Pretty much the same. MR. HEUSER: The evaluation stays the same. The valuation can be determined by the assessor. They can determine if one piece of land is less valuable than another. MR. FISK: Well, it is. It is very obvious. MR. MANAREL: Okay, fine. At-e there any other questions of Mr. Fisk? Thank you very much. In a couple of weeks we will be sitting down to review all the minutes and files. You will hear from us one way or the other. MR. FISK: Thank you very much. NO. 2. WILLIAM A. AND M. ALICE PFEFFER, Glenn Road, Southold, New York 11971 GROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT ON ASSESSMENT: OVERVALUATION: Full market value of property $63,000.00; Assessed valuation of property $$,200. Amount of overvaluation claimed: 100; Claimant believes assessment should be reduced to: 7700.00 MR. MANAREL ADMINISTERED THE OATH TO MR. PFEFFER. MR. MANAREL: If there is anything you would like to say on behalf of your application, please feel free. WILLIAM A. PFEFFER: When I received the notice of an increase in the mail. I started to inquire if any of my neighbors had re- ceived any notices, and I found no one else had received any notice. I thought possibly there had been a mistake. MR. WEINHEIMER: Excuse me, an increase in what? MR. PFEFFER: I received an increase in assessment. MR. HEUSER: The assessment. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page MR. PFEFFER: I haven' t paid any taxes yet. When I inquired and found no one else had received any increases except one man who had done alterations on his house, I telt maybe there had been a mistake as I said earlier. MR. HEUSER: We need Henry. MR. MANAREL: Henry, would you come up, please . MR. PFEFFER: I have made no alterations. I'm there eight years. I bought the house in 1973. The house is exactly how it was when I bought it. MR. HEUSER: This is William Pfeffer? MR. MOISA: Yes, sir. MR. HEUSER: He was valued at 6300 for his building in 1969. MR. MOISA: Right. MR. HEUSER: His first increase is in 1981 - 12 years later. You increased them 500.00. I presume the Board would like to know what you based that increase on. MR. MOISA: In 1969 the assessment was 6200 which included the •area in back here. At the time it was proven this place was not enclosed. The original grievance day reduction was applied to that. MR. HEUSER: The open space. MR. MOISA: In checking the area we find this is enclosed. We had to base it on the same basis of other properties that are in the area with enclosed porches. MR. HEUSER: _ Did you enclose it yourself, sir? MR. PFEFFER: Absolutely not. MR.-'HEUSER: When did you buy the house? MR. PFEFFER: In 1963 MR. HEUSER: I guess it was enclosed before Mr. Pfeffer bought the house. MR. PFEFFER: I had asked him if there was a possibility if the previous owner had done this before. He advised me that they assess on a purchase price. MR. MANAREL: Mr. Pfeffer, you are going to have to fill out this form. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page MR. PFEFFER: Oh, _okay. MR. MANAREL: Because in there you must give some explanation. MR. PFEFFER: I looked at the form, and there was no area for my reason for questioning the new assessment. MR. MANAREL: We are tied, this Board is tied by law. Up to two years ago, you could put your application on any piece of paper but now you must fill out the form. So if you do not use the State form, then we cannot help you. We will just have to say, ' ' Sorry, Mr. Pfeffer", and we do not want to do that. If you have the time you can just sit right down there and complete the form. MR. PFEFFER: There is no place on the form for my protest. MR. MANAREL: You fill out the form the best you can. There is a place called overvaluation. MR. HEUSER: Henry, maybe you can help the man fill out the form. They have the value of the house here at 6800. That was the time Henry said they found out the porch was not enclosed and they reduced 500. It has since been enclosed. MR. PFEFFER: I am not complaining about the assessments on the other houses. I am just questioning why the assessment on my house was increased. No one ' s else ' s assessment was increased, and I did not make any improvements to my house. If I had made some improvements, then I would expect to receive an increase in assessment. MR. HEUSER: Andy, are you making notes about what your thinking is? MR. PITRE: Yes. M$. MANAREL: Okay, but still fill it out so we can act on it. If you don't fill it out we can' t act on it. MR. MARKEL: If you need help Mr. Moisa will help you. MR. MANAREL: Henry, could you help him with that? (Mr. Moisa sat at the table with Mr. and Mrs . Pfeffer) . MR. HEUSER: In 1969 the building was assessed for 6800. Then in July of that year the building assessment was reduced to 6300. MR. MANAREL: Andy, do you see it all right. All of the Board members discussed the points that had been presented by comparing the information of the card . Town of Southold w Grievance Day - Page MR. MANAREL: Okay, fine . Are there any questions from any members of the Board? Is there anything else you would like to state, Mr. Pfeffer? MR. PFEFFER: Other than the fact that mine is the only house in the neighborhood that received an increase, no. 75% of my house has a crawl space and the other 25% is a slab. It was like that when I bought the house in 1973. MR. MARKEL: He is not charging you for a basement, is he? MR. PFEFFER: What was that? MR. MARKEL: He is not charging you for a basement, is he? MR. PFEFFER: No, I just mention that as a comparison to the other houses in the area. MR. MANAREL: Thank'vyou very much, Mr. Pfeffer. We are going to meet in uwo weeks and we will render all our decisions, and you will hear from us. MR. PFEFFER: Okay, thank you very much. NO. ALFRED RICHARDS AND MARJORIE RICHARDS, P;,0. Box 177, Mattituck, New York 11952. GROUNDS FOR THE COMPLAINT ON ASSESSMENT: OVERVALUATION: Full market value of the property $42,500.00; assessed valuation of the property: 5900; amount of overvaluation claimed: 1400; Complainant believes the assessment should be reduced. to $4,500.00. MR. MANAREL ADMINISTERED THE OATH TO MARJORIE RICHARDS. MARJORIE RICHARDS: I don' t think the house is worth what you have assessed at. MR. MANAREL: Okay, fine . We are waiting for the card . Okay, now you can go ahead. MRS RICHARDS: We bought the house last year for $42,500.00, because it was in such poor condition. There was no running water for over three years. We have done very little up to now that would make it look any better. We have had to tear walls down to put in insulation, thins like that. It is just not worth this. I know I could not get 55,000.00 for that house today. MR. MANAREL: It!_is all inside work that you are doing? You are doing no construction? MRS. RICHARDS: Right. Town of Southold N Grievance Day - Page MR. MANAREL: You are not doing anything with the outside walls? MRS. RICHARDS: We do not have to build anything. MR.MANAREL: Just improve the inside of it? MRS. RICHARDS: Right. MR. MARKEL: Do we have the cardon this one? MR. WEINHEIMER: He is getting the card, I think. MR. MANAREL: Here it is here. Where is your house located? MRS. RICHARDS: Pardon? MR. MANAREL: Where are you located? MR. MARKEL: In Mattituck. MR. HEUSER: On Middle Road. MR. MARKEL: What road was that? MRS. RICHARDS: I call it Middle Road, but everyone else seems to call it North Road. MR. MARKEL: You are on the North Road. It is also called the new designation. MR. PITRE: Road 48? MR. HEUSER: The north road used to be Oregon Road. MRS. RICHARDS: I don' t know anything about that. MR. PITRE: In relationship to the gas station, where are you located: MRS. RICHARDS: The Shell Station, which is now a Chevron Station. MR. PITRE: Yes. MRS. RICHARDS: We are a hAlf mile west of that. MR. HEUSER: Near Westphalia Road? MRS. RICHARDS: Just afterwards. MR. PITRE: It is right on the corner then? MRS. RICHARDS: It is beyond LIPCO Road. It is a little road Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page that goes down to the Agway potato barn. MR. PITRE: Oh, yes, I know now. MRS. RICHARDS: My house is the first one. Going west. MR. MANAREL: Does anyone else have any questions while we are checking over the card? Does anyone wish to ask Mrs. Richards any questions? Would anyone like to ask,�Mr. Watts any questions. I think this is yours, is it not Charlie? MR. WATTS: Yes, it is. MR. MANAREL: What we are doing today is you can ask us any questions and we can ask you any questions. In a few weeks we are going to review all the minutes, review all the papers. and arrive at a decision, at which time we will send you a notice of what our decision is. MR. 'HEUSER: The school taxes are terrible, they break you back. The.,-"assessment ratio'-is 20%. MR. MANAREL: No, 1/4. It is 25% isn' t it Charlie, the assessment? MR. WATTS: Pardon me. MR. MANAREL: The assessment for real property is about a quarter isn' t it? 25 percent? MR. WATTS: No, roughly ten percent. MR. PITRE: Ten percent. MR. WATTS: Roughly 10 percent. That was building costs for 1960. We assess by building costs between 1960 and 1970. One quarter of those building costs between 1960 and 1970. MR. PITRE: Are you talking about land, or land with improvements? MR.- FUSER: Assessed valuation. MR. MANAREL: Does anyone have any questions? MR. MARKEL: We are still analyzing this, Sam. MR. HEUSER: I need to see the card. MR. MANAREL: Do you want Charlie up Here? MR. MARKEL: Did you base this on the purchase price, Charlie? MR. WATTS: No. This is a split from Cardinal. It was split into two lots. • Town of Southold . Grievance Day - Page MR. MARKEL: Mrs. Richards did you base your complaint on the purchase price that you paid? MRS. RICHARDS: Purchase price and the fact the house is not worth 55,000.00. I just could not get that on the market. MR. MARKEL: You fell it is being assessed at 55,000? MRS. RICHARDS: Right. MR. MANAREL: How do you arrive at the 55,000? MRS. RICHARDS: Isn't that what it says notice. MR. PITRE: On the notice you received? You received a notice in the mail did you? MRS. RICHARDS: Yes. MR. PITRE: You don' t have that with you, do you? MRS. RICHARDS: No. MR..LHEUSER: Oh, that 10.3 figure? MRS. RICHARDS: Yes. MR. MANAREL: What is this house assessed for, Charlie? You have the card right there. MR. WATTS: The house is 400. The house assessment is 4900. The assessment on the land is ,000. The total assessment is 5900. 11000. MR. MANAREL: What would you say the true market value is based on your assessment? 1AR. WATTS: I would think in the nei-1iborrzcod o:' x;19000.00. That would be my estimate . MR. MANAREL: So $55,000 is not an erroraneous assumption. MR. WATTS: I would say that is about right. MR. MANAREL: When did you purchase the house? MRS. RICHARDS: In 1980. MR. HEUSER: Charlie, that 10. 63 figure .:confuses a lot of people. MR. WATTS: That is the State that does that. MR. MANAREL: Does anyone have any other question? Thank you • Town of Southold • Grievance Day - Page very much, Mrs. Richards, and you will hear from us one way or the other. MRS. RICHARDS: Okay, thank you. NO. 4 - Void NO. 5 - SAMUEL R. LONGO & Wf, Box 228, Peconic, New York 11958 GROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT ON ASSESSMENT: INEQUALITY. Complainant believes assessment should he reduced to $3600. 00. MR. MANAREL ADMINISTERED THE OATH TO MR. LONGO. MR. WEINHEIMER: Are they getting the card? MR. MANAREL: The card is here. Mr. Longo, feel free to say whatever you wish to the Board. You may remain seated or stand, whichever is more comfortable for you. SAMUEL LONGO: The increase they gave me was about 30% of my assessment. I haven't done a thing to the property in the last 30 years. My house is still the same. Maybe it is in a little worse condition. They revalued it, they have new rates. Then they included these closed porches. To me they are just part of the house. They are not livable. The water come in on them and everything else. MR. MANAREL: Were they enclosed before? MR. LONGO: They were always enclosed. MR. MANAREL: Ever since you have had the house the porches have been enclosed? MR. LONGO: I have had the house for the last ten years. MR. MANAREL: Not eche last ten years. Have they been enclosed ever since you had. the house? MR. LONGO: Yes. MR. MANAREL: You could have enclosed them within the last 10 years and nobody assessed the house. MR. LONGO: But I did not enclose the porches. Whenever I did anything to the house I had a permit and they came in and reassessed the whole thing. Then they said I made the improvement. MR. HEUSER: It has not been reassessed since 1971. MR. MANAREL: That is what we are going to check on. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page MR. HEUSER: There was no increase in the assessment since 1971. MR. LONGO: No, because I have not done anything to it. MR. MARKEL: This isn' t on the water, is it? MR. LONGO: Yea, it is on the water. MR. MARKEL: On the water. It is waterfront property. MR. LONGO: Yes. The thing I am trying to say is there are other properties of the same nature that are on the waterfront but they haven't been touched. They haven' t been touched and they have been there for the same length of time. MR. MARKEL: Do you know specifically of other properties? MR. LONGO: Yes, I would say all the properties along the waterfront. MR. MANAREL: It is not what you would say, it is what you know. MR. MARKEL: You have to have proof that the whole row of houses, or let' s say the guy next door is paying less than you are paying. Do you know that for a fact? MR. LONGO: Yes. MR. MANAREL: Henry, is this yours? MR. MOISA: Yes, it is. MR. LONGO: I have, where is it. MR. MARKEL: Have you examined your neighbors' assessments? MR. LONGO: Yes. MR. MARKEL: If you find they are paying less, than we have something to go on. MR. LONGO: Okay, here are the people here. Mine was assessed for 3600. Here are the other people - 5, 000, 3700 , 3000, 3400, 2600 4600. Mine was 3600. These others that I mentioned have not been t ouched. MR. MARKEL: Do you know of somebody who has a house equal to yours? MR. LONGO: You cannot say they are equal. They are all. Alot of them are residences just for the summer. MR. MARKEL: Then it is not equal to yours. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page • MR. LONGO: I haven't mentioned anyone that is pretty much above me. MR. MARKEL: That doesn't matter. We have to have a comparison. If you can give us a name. In your application you said it was an unequal assessment. MR. LONGO: Yes. In other words I got an assessment here that nobody else got. They did not get an assessment this year. MR. MARKEL: That doesn' t mean MR. LONGO: Wait a minute. Nothing happened to them. They have no improvements and nothing happened to them. I had no improvements and I got reassessed. MR. MARKEL: They may have been reassessed last year. MR. LONGO: I had no improvements, no additions, and yet mine was picked out deliberately. By 30%. Those who had additions made they were only about 10% or 11%. MR. MANAREL: Henry, I do not understand this. MR. MOISA: This means the wife was added on the deed. MR. MANAREL: This permit to alteration on dwelling. MR. MOISA: I don't know when he did that. It could have been back in the 1960 ' s. MR. MANAREL: Does anyone else have any questions? MR. HEUSER: I would like to back Sam up on this. I would like Mr. Longo to give us a comparable piece of property in your neighbor- hood that is a summer home, that we could use to compare with your figures. MR. LONGO: Well, there is rine right next door to me. MR. MARKEL: Okay, what is the name? MR. LONGO: No. 3 is Listing - 3100. MR. MARKEL: What is the name? MR. LONGO: Listing. He just got an increase of 800. MR. MARKEL: Henry, could we see Mr. Listing' s card? MR. MANAREL: Well, if he got an 800 increase. MR. LONGO: That is because he made some improvements. MR. MANAREL: All right. • Town of Southold • Grievance Day - Page MR. HEUSER: Could we see his card, please? MR. WEINHEIMER: Let' s check this out. MR. LONGO: Okay, Maybb I have a little more area of space. The point I am getting is that I have been there for 10 years that they skirted my area and there are probably different assessments. All of a sudden this year because this guy' s property had some work done, mine was right adjoining so they revalued. The measurements are the same. They put different rates on. MR. MARKEL: That is why we are going to see your neighbor' s. We don't want you to pay anymore than the next guy. Then it is not equal. If you are paying the same, then it is fair. The fact he changed it after 10 years MR. LONGO: Yeah, that' s the point. MR. MARKEL: That was really in your favor. MR. LONGO; Yes, but MR. MARKEL: If they had the .time to reassess every house in town every year, you see that would be a different story, but they don't. So for 10 years they ignore you. Mr. Moisa presented the Listing card to the Board MR. MANAREL: Do you have your placed insured? MR. LONGO; Yes. MR. MANAREL: What do you have it insured for? MR. LONGO: $30,000.00. MR. MANAREL: $30.000. 00. This gives us an indication as to what a person thinks his property is worth. MR. MARKEL: Not necessarily. You have to go into insurance rates, 80% and all. MR. MANAREL: You know it is an estimate, but your building is insured. You are not going to have a fire on the land. So you would deduct the land from the structure and that adds to the value. We try to take into consideration every facet we can to arrive at a fair and equitable decision. MR. LONGO: All I can say is my increase was 28 to 30% this year. Why should it go that high after 10 years? MR. MARKEL: Has any house been sold in your neighborhood? MR. LONGO: The house next door to me. f ' Town of Southold Grievance .Day - Page 18 MR. MARKEL: It has been sold? MR. LONGO: Yes. MR. MARKEL: For how much? MR. LONGO: I don't know -the price. MR. WEINHEIMER: Is that the card we just got out? MR. MARKEL: Okay, let' s see the card, then. MR. LONGO: It was a family matter. MR. MARKEL: Well they have to file the tax stamp anyway. The house was sold for $45,000. 00 in 1978. MR. WEINHEIMER: Henry, could you explain this to us. MR. MOISA: The square footage is greater. MR. MARKEL: You have double the square footage. MR. MANAREL: Okay, any other questions? Do you have any other statements you wish to make. Mr. Longo, we don't arrive at any decisions today. In a couple weeks we sit down and review all of our minutes and then write you and let you know what our decision is. MR. LONGO: Well, you have to look through all the others. MR. MARKEL: Well, you have double the square footage of this other house. MR. LONGO: That may be. MR. MARKEL: That has to be taken into consideration. MR. LONGO: But why all of a sudden do I got revalued? MR. MARKEL: Like I said you were lucky for 10 years. MR. LONGO: I wouldn't say I was lucky. MR. MANAREL: Mr. Longo, Mr. Longo. If you can contribute to giving us reasons why.you get a reduced assessment. -that is all we can do here this morning. We do not want to debate the issue with you because that won't help anybody. We would just like to make sure you have given us all the information that you possess plus the information you have on the card. Then in two weeks this gx'bup is going to sit down and restudy everything that has come . before us, then we will render a decision, and we will write to you Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 19 and let you know definitely what the decision is. MR. LONGO: I can say whatever I want? MR. MANAREL: Anything you want to contribute, we will be happy to have. We only want to do what is fair. We want to make sure we have all the information. MR. LONGO: The only thing I would like to say is that I am shocked I am charged with a 30% increase. MR. MANAREL: We will take all of this into consideration. MR. LONGO: If I was assessed like all of the others through the years, it would probably be equalized, I don't know. All of a sudden one house is raised and I get this big increase. MR. MARKEL: Henry, do you happen to know why Mr. Longo came up with this? MR. MOISA: We were finishing out the review in the area. It happens other houses were done before his. There were a couple that were left. We just cleaned up the area. MR. LONGO: I would like to know who's house you did, because I was studying the area, and there have not been any changes. MR. MANAREL: Okay, fine. Mr, Longo, I think when you want to find out which houses have been changed you can come up any time and visit with the assessors, and they will show you the cards. As far as this hearing is concerned, there is no more. . . MR. LONGO: I want to be treated fairly. MR. MANAREL: That is what we want to do. As long as you do not have anything more to contribute, we will take it all into con- sideration and let you know in a couple of weeks. Thank you very much, Mr. Longo. MR. LONGO: Thank you. NO. 6. EILEEN EBERHARDT, 514 West Broadway, Port Jefferson, New York 11777. GROUNDS FOR THE COMPLAINT ON ASSESSMENT: OVERVALUATION: Full market value: ?; Assessed valuation of the property: $1400; Complainant believes the assessment should be reduced to $750.00. MR. MANAREL ADMINISTERED THE OATH TO MR. FRED EBERHARDT. MR. EBERHARDT: It is only property, there is no building on it. MR. MANAREL: MR. Eberhardt: We have a problem, a legal problem. ` Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 20 The State in the last couple of years has said in order for this Board of Review to act on any petition, this form has to!)be filled out completely, and it is not,quite filled out. We have to have some information here. You may have some of it on here. We have a table and chair. . Just take your time. Just answer the questions to the best of your ability. MR. MANAREL: Charlie, is there anyone else out there in the meantime? MR. WATTS: No. MR. MARKEL: I notice in your letter that you have tried to sell this property, but have been unsuccessful. How much of a sales price did you have? MR. EBERHARDT: Well, it varies. The last one was $35,000.00. MR. MARKEL: $35,000.00. They backed out because they could not get water? MR. EBERHARDT: I reduced the price to $25,000.00, and would probably go even lower. but we still can' t sell it. MR. MARKEL: Does anyone in the area have potable water? Have there been any properties sold in the area recently? MR. WEINHEIMER: What did you pay for it originally $3200? MR. EBERHARDT: Another problem seems to be that no one can seem to find the property. MR. MANAREL: Does anyone have any questions? MR. MARKEL: No potable water? MR. EBERHARDT: There is no potable water on Fisherman's Beach. They are all siphoning from somebody MR. MARKEL: Someone has a well? MR. EBERHARDT: Yes, but no potable water. Evidentially over the years this one lady was supplying water, and it became a headache. MR. MARKEL: So she said the heck with it. MR. EBERHARDT: In 1974 we dug 100 feet and could not find water. How deep did the well .go? It would have cost us a lot of money so we just backed off. MR. MANAREL: You wish a reduced assessment? MR. EBERHARDT: Yes, I just want you to cut it in half. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 21 MR. MANAREL: The assessed valuation of theproperty is $1400. You believe it should be reduced to $150. 00. MR. PITRE: Now, he means $750.00. MR. MANAREL: Okay, thank you very much. In a couple weeks we will be sitting down to review the minutes and studying all these cases, and we will send you a letter notifying you of our decision. 12:00 The Board of Assessment Review recessed for lunch. 1: 00 The Board of Assessment Review reconvened. NO. )F. RUSSELL GOLDSMITH, JR. & LINDA GOLDSMITH, Box 251, Orient, New York 11957. GROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT: OVERVALUATION: Full market value is approximately $44, 650.00; Assessed valuation of the property is $48,898.00; Amount of overvaluation claimed $4,248.00; Complainant believes the assessment should be reduced to approximately $42,000. 00 total. MR. MANAREL ADMINISTERED THE OATH TO RUSSELL GOLDSMITH, JR. MR. MANAREL: Would you like to address the group and tell them what your problem is? You can do it sitting down of v)hatever. MR. GOLDSMITH: I want to stand. Let' s see I have it all written down somewhere here. When I bought this house the property was assessed at 4100. Then it was reassessed again and reduced. Then not even a year later it was raised again to $4600. That is what I do not understand. MR. PITRE: Was the land reduced? MR. GOLDSMITH: It went to 4,100 and then back to 4600, and that is what I don't understand. MR. PITRE: The land was reduced by 100 . MR. GOLDSMITH: Then it was raised back again over $4600 . 00. MR. PITRE: The house. MR. GOLDSMITH: The house, and that is what I don't understand. MR. MANAREL: Now, this is in East Marion? MR. PITRE: East Marion. MR. GOLDSMITH: Bay Avenue, East Marion. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 22 MR. PITRE: Does it go down to the water? That little street? MR. MANAREL: But you have an Orient post office address here. MR. GOLDSMITH: That's right. MR. HEUSER: . Did you buy that in 1980? MR. GOLDSMITH: Yes. MR. HEUSER: Oh, I thought you had it longer than that. MR. MANAREL: Did you make any improvements to the houe? MR. GOLDSMITH: Theonlything I did was paint the house, and I did not realize paint was that expensive. MR. HEUSER: There is that 10. 63 again. MR. PFTRIE: Well, that doesn't apply. MR. WEINHEIMER: Is this yours, Fred? MR. GORDON: Yes. MR. WEINHEIMER: How many=;stories? MR. GORDON: Two story., MR. WEINHEIMER: Was the garage added after you bought the house? MR. GOLDSMITH: No. It was enclosed. It is used for storage. MR. WEINHEIMER: Did it have garage doors? MR. GOLDSMITH: It was just like it is now. MR. MANAREL: Was it assessed from the time there was no garage to the time there was a garage? MR. GORDON: I believe the garage was on at the time, but it has been finished off. I would like to turn this over to Mr. Moisa who is more familiar it, and I was not on the Board at the time this assessment was changed. MR. MANAREL: Okay, Henry. MR. WEINHEIMER: Second floors go for $5. 00 a foot, Henry? MR. MOISA: Right. MR. MARKEL: What about this area he is talking about as a • Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 23 garage he uses for storage. Was it used as living area? MR. GOLDSMITH: Storage, that is all it is. The only thing that was replaced was the shingles on it. It had started to rot away. It had started to sag, so I repaired it and had it painted. The whole house has been painted. MR. WEINHEIMER: You bought the house on April 10, 1980? Then they reduced the land value by 100? Then in October, 1980 you increased the property value? MR. MOISA: That was done by a prior assessor. I think if you check he took into consideration the neighboring properties and found it was at $6. 00 per square foot. Oh.!,no, let' s see the footage. I think from the deed it was 100 feet on the road. The original assessment was based on 114 feet on the road. So naturally that brought it down 100. MR. MARKEL: That is for land. MR. MOISA: That's right. MR. WEINHEIMER: We are trying to rationAlize the increase in the property assessment. MR. MOISA: The increase was because the assessor saw it and felt there had been some work done on the garage. MR. WEINHEIMER: After the house was bought? MR. MANAREL: You did some structural work on the house? MR. GOLDSMITH: I replaced the shingles and fixed where it was sagging and did some painting. MR. MARKEL: You didn' t add anything? MR. GOLDSMITH: I just started living there a little while ago. This was done before I was living there. MR. HEUSER: We would like to see the card to check out the figures. MR. WEINHEIMER: The garage is a $3.00 rate? MR. MOISA: No, the garage is $2. 50. MR. GOLDSMITH: It was always used for storage. It is part of the kitchen. It was never a garage. Still that way. MR. MARKEL: Is there a kitchen in it. MR. GOLDSMITH: No, it is just the way it is. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 24 MR. WEINHEIMER: Henry, you said $2. 50 a square foot? MR. MOISA: Yes. MR. MARKEL: There is no plumbing there? MR. GOLDSMITH: No. MR. MARKEL: There isn't a garage door, is there? MR. GOLDSMITH: No. MR. MARKEL: It is all enclosed? MR. GOLDSMITH: Yes. MR. MARKEL: Like that porch we had a couple of years ago. While it is a porch, it is a porch. When it is enclosed it takes on a different aspect. If there was a garage door there it would be assessed at a different rate. MR. WEINHEIMER: Did you close off the garage door yourself? MR. GOLDSMITH: No, it has always been that way. It is like a garage, but all it is is storage. MR. WEINHEIMER: No garage doors on it. MR. GOLDSMITH: No. It is not even finished off. MR. MARKEL: Does it have wall board on it? MR. GOLDSMITH: No. MR. MARKEL: Sheet rock. Just open space? MR. GOLDSMITH: Yes. MR. MARKEL: Henry, have you seen the inside of it? MR. MOISA: Some time ago. I don't recall the exact situation. MR. MANAREL: Well, a former assessor did it. It is difficult to understand.. I think the only thing that we could probably do is to make sure we have the proper notes on this, and have another look at it. Make sure everything is proper. When we meet in two weeks and review our minutes-, we will let you know definitely by letter what the decision of the Board is. We will take everything into consideration that you have told us. We will check it over to make sure we have all the facts.. Does anyone have any questions? MR. HEUSER: We want to discuss it openly with you. The gentle- man took this $44,650 and multiplied it by that facto-r--of 10..-63- Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 25 That goofs it up. It gives them an assessed valuation of $48, 898 which then gives them an overvaluation of $4,248. 00. Follow me? MR. MANAREL: What does he want it reduced to? MR. HEUSER: Approximately 4200. Less than what it was when he bought it in 1980. MR. WEINHEIMER: What is the current valuation on it now? MR. HEUSER: 4600. MR. WEINHEIMER: How much was it increased by? MR. HEUSER: 600 on the house. MR. GOLDSMITH: It was assessed at 4100 then dropped to 4000. MR. HEUSER: The land was dropped. MR. MARKEL: That is still the same. It is 600. The only thing you were raised on was the house. MR. MANAREL: Okay, he would like it reduced to 4200. Fine, we will take all this into consideration, and in a couple of weeks when we get together, we will, let you know by mail. Thank you very much. NO. 8. JON C. KERBS, 510 Main Street, Greenport, New York 11944 GROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT ON ASSESSMENT: OVERVALUATION; Full market value: $50,000.00; Assessed valuation of property $3100; Amount of overvaluation claimed $900; Complainant believes the assessment should be reduced to $2200. MR. MANAREL ADMINISTERED THE OATH TO MR. KERBS. . MR. MANAREL: Mr. Kerbs, is there anything you would like to say to the Board concerning your application? You may sit there or stand whichever is more comfortable for you. MR. KERBS: I don't understand the reassessment. All the work that I did on the house was maintenance. I did not do any improvement to the property. The property was a mess. MR. MANAREL: I think you have filled out the wrong part of the form. I think the part of the form that you meant to fill out was under overvaluation. MR. WEINHEIMER: Yes, that is right. It should not be- i�11e4ality. This property is in the Village of Greenport? MR. KERBS: Yes, that is right. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 26 MR. WEINHEIMER: I think you should fill out overvaluation. MR. KERBS: I did not do any repairs. I just did maintenance to get it so it was livable. Mr. Kerbs changed his form. MR. HEUSER: Okay. MR. WEINHEIMER: Charlie, is this one of yours? MR. WATTS: As you see, it had a 50% depreciation factor on it. It was reduced to 25%. MR. MARKEL: What effected your decision? MR. WATTS-,: : We reviewed the entire area. MR. MARKEL: How old is the house MR. KERBS: In the area of 1850 it was constructed. MR. MARKEL: What kind of floor? MR. KERBS: Dirt floor. MR. WATTS: I estimated its,/was constructed around 1800. MR. KERBS: Around 1858 from the documentation I have been shown. MR. MARKEL: Do you have any neighbor we could. compare this with? MR. KERBS: No. MR. MARKEL: Is this a one family house? MR. KERBS: Three families. My basic reason for being here is that this is a 40% increase, over 40%. MR. MARKEL: The land did not increase. What happened to you was they decreased the amount of depreciation on the property. MR. KERBS: Right, based on the work I did. All I did was maintenance. I did not do anything that should increase the taxes. MR. MARKEL: Putting paint on a house is not detrimental. MR. KERBS: That is all I did. MR. MANAREL: Okay, Mr. Kerbs, we will be getting together in a couple of weeks to review the minutes and we will be notifying you by mail of our decision. Thank you very much. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 27 NO. 9 - JAMES W. O'KEEFE, JR. , ANN G. O'KEEFE and ANTHONY G. LANGHAM. , 1088 Park Avenue (Apt. 7F0, New York, New York 10028. GROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT: INEQUALITY. Full market value $299,000 . ; Complainant feels property should be assessed at 10.63% of full market value. Complainant feels assessment should be reduced to $31,890. 00. MR. MANAREL ADMINISTERED THE OATH TO MR. O'KEEFE. MR. MANAREL: You may remain seated and talk all you want. MR. O'KEEFE: That' s fine. I bought a house up on Fishers Island. The purchase closed last January 27, 1981. The purchase price was $324,000.00. The property had been offered by the previous owner Malloy for 3 years and 4 months. She had employed both local brokers and Sotheby Parke Bernet International Realty, which is a firm that specializes in resort properties. She was very serious about selling it. She put it on the market for $350,000.00 and after years passed she brought the price down to $325,000. 00, and finally sold it for $324,000.00. I did not have any relationship with the seller. It was actively marketed. As a matter offact she paid a fee to Park Renee to facilitate their advertising the property. I felt then and feel now it was a fair market transaction. Certainly anybody who wanted to make an offer had enough time to get to see the property. As part of the purchase price the furniture came with the house. Not all the furniture, but substantially all. She left a lot of books and television sets. She was moving to Florida. She put a value on that of $25,000.00. I did not go out and get a professional appraiser for the personal property. I will be glad to provide a list of all that if you require it. Based on the equalization ratio that applies for the Town of Southold it is my understanding that the relationship between the selling price or a fair market price, and the assessment on the average.'..is according to the State equalization office10. 63 having come down from 11.19. Looking at that, looking at the price I paid for the house, considering it to be a fair market value, I would request that the assessment of the house be adjusted in line with the value of property. The house to state in general suffers from what I explained in my application is functional obsolescence due to its size, design and age. It is a large house. Nobody really wants these old operations any more. It is not a functional, modern house. For example you could never heat it in the winter. It has no insulation and has the old large rooms with high ceilings. Very, very inefficient. You could never use it as a year round home, and at least stay solvent. MR. MANAREL: I have seen that house and it is quite elaborate looking from the outside. MR. O'KEEFE: It is a very pretty house. MR. MANAREL: Beautiful set up. Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 28 MR. O'KEEFE: And it is fine for the summer. Not only does it suffer from functional obsolescense the terrain that it sits on is 9-1/2 acres. However, most of it is ravine and sort of ,hilly and there are not any other .possibilities for building on the property or any additional advantage that all that land amounts to. MR. HEUSER: While we are reading we are not ignoring you. We are listening. MR. O'KEEFE: No, I know. I' ll rattle on. Because of lack of access and what have you, the only access to the property is through the driveway to the house which is bounded :on a ,couple of sides ' by ravines. What can I say? It seems like a pretty straight forward kind of a situation. A fair market sale of the property. I looked at some of the other assessments and although I haven't come here to make any bones about any of my neighbors or what have you, I felt given the selling price of other houses that my asikessment is out of line. So I guess I would make an informal case on the basis of comparables, but my formal complaint is really only based on the equalization ratio. If you would like me to provide a more,�extensive study or appraisal, I would certainly be glad to do that. I realize it is the presumption that the assessment is correct and I have to make a case to you. MR. MANAREL: May I interrupt. Is it feasible to ask for a comparable piece of property? MR. O'KEEFE: There have been a number of houses which have been sold recently in the $250,000 to $300,000 price range. None of them has an assessment that is this high. MR. HEUSER: Not as high? MR. PITRE: But the relativity. MR. MOTSA: Would you like me to pull one of those cards? MR. MANAREL: Could you get the name, Henry. MR. O'KEEFE: I will be glad to help. ` What about that fellow Schmidtz's house? Sell out on the end? MR. MOTSA: Maybe I can pick up a couple. I 'll go and check. It might take me a few minutes. MR. O'KEEFE: I probably should have done more homework, but I live in the City and it is kind of difficult to get out and spend the time out here. I suppose the new reporting gystem that went into effect back in December will help you with a computerized system. MR. PITRE: Do you plan to occupy the premises? • Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 29 MR. O'KEEFE: Just on weekends and during the summer, August and what have you. We are not intending to do anything other than that. MR. MANAREL: Do you know that the Town of Southold does not use that State equalization rate? MR. O'KEEFE: You know every Town has a different approach. Then the State comes along after the fact and says "aha" for whatever their own purposes. That was actually designed for allecation of state revenues more than assessing. As a property owner, though, I can use that on the basis to come to you and say. . . MR. MANAREL: The Real Property Tax Servicing Agency tells us we don't use that . MR. O'KEEFE: Puts us all in a quandry, doesh t it? MR. MARKEL: You evidentially bought this house in January. Did you know that the previous assessment was 60,000? MR. O'-KEEFE: That' s right. That is correct. MR. MARKEL: Then it was reduced. MR. O'KEEFE: That is right. It was reduced to $48,600. When I first wrote to Henry in April I pointed out the equalization rate of 11.63. When I looked into the other sales on Fishers Island I came up with only one sale which was in the ball park of this one. MR. MARKEL: Can I ask the size, the amount of acreage? MR. O'KEEFE: As to what the assessments were versus what the selling prices were. MR. WEINHEIMER: All the others were much less? MR. O'KEEFE: I actually have a list out in the car that I put together. Can I walk out to the car? MR. MANAREL: Sure, go right out that way. MR. fig..'XEEFE: Sure. 2 "11'vju9.t g© out the side door here. My father is an assessor up in Waterville, New York, so when I was buying the house he came out and did a little research for me all that sort of thing. Mr. O'Keefe went out to his car and brought in some papers. MR. O'KEEFE: The house I was referring to is about a stone's through from my house and is on the beach. MR. PITRE: A stone house. MR. O'KEEFE: I haven't met the new guy so I don't know if Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 30 I want to throw any stones or not. It is on the beach overlooking the ocean. It has a really commanding view. It has a swimming pool. MR. MARKEL: We can get that information when we gree the cards. MR. O'KEEFE: Henry went to get the information on that trans- action. His house is assessed for 32,400. It is on 7.04 acres but it is much more prime in the sense it sits right on a bluff over- looking Isabella Beach, which is the kind. . MR. WEINHEIMER: Are you on the beach, too? MR. O'KEEFE: No, we are on the island pond. We sit back on that in the back. I don' t know all these properties, but at the time there was only. . . Mallory last year was 60,900 and on this list the ;closest I come is to Henry Luce at 57,500.00. MR. MARKEL: Well you are in 'good company. MR. O'KEEFE: My aspirations don't match my pocketbook my mother always says. MR. PITRE: Although it has no bearing, who is Mr. Langham? MR. O'KEEFE: He is a close friend of mine and lives in the house some of the time. He and his wife use it some of the time and we use it the rest. MR. PITRE: It is dual ownership in other words. MR. O'KEEFE: We don't reside there at the same time. That was the only way we could afford to buy it. I have a plot plan if you would like me to show you where that place is versus ours. MR. MOISA: It is very hard to find anything. Here is a sale here. This is four parcels together and there is much more acreage. MR. MANAREL: The one we are looking at the decrease in the assessed valuation is 12-1/2%. On yours it is 25%. MR. O'KEEFE: What was his purchase price? MR. MANAREL: $301,500. 00. Approximately the same. MR. O'KEEFE: Almost the same. MR. MANAREL: So on depreciation Tartania was depreciated 12-1/2% approximately and yours was reduced 25%. MR O'KEEFE: When then puts his assessment where? MR. MANAREL: It is about 10%. Okay, Mr. O'Keefe, thank you for taking the time to come out and see us. We will meet in about Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 3 two weeks, review all our records and then notify you by mail. The following Cpmplaints were received by the Southold Town Board of Assessors and are hereby placed on record: 10 John Senko, Jr. and Wanda Senko, 89 Peninsula Boulevard, Hempstead, New York 11550 Arthur Levine & A frother, Greenport, New York I)- Arthur Levine & Another, Greenport, New York 1) Lionel A. Ridgewell, 7 West Norfork Drive, Elmont, New York 11003 Alan A. Cardinale, c/o Costigan, Hyman & Hyman, PC, 1301 Franklin Avenue, Garden City, New York 11530 IKJosephPerino, P.O. Box 540, Cutchogue, New York 11935 N Mildred Johnson, 10735 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York 11952 J') Frederic P. Rich, 52965 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 1� Frederic P. Rich, 52965 Main Road,. Southold, New York 11971 �� James F. and Ellen M, Preston, Box 1422, Southold, New York 11971 Bernard J. Murtha and Sarah H. Murtha, 167-11 71 Avenue, Flushing, New York 11365 d'W. Harry Lister, West Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 v.. , Town of Southold Grievance Day -Page 32 ' er' Oscar J. Bloom, Richard D. Zeidler, Sr. , Richard Zeidler, Jr. , Robert Zeidler, Sr. , Anthony Vaccaro, 801 Mt. Sinai-Coram Road, Mt. Sinai, New York 11766 05 Carl A. Soranno and Dorothy T. Soranno, 185 Bayview Avenue, Amityville, New York 11701 Mid-Island Shopping Plaza Co. , 358B Mid-Island Shopping Plaza, Hicksville, New York 11802 Colgate Design Corp. Southland Corp. c/o Wimpfheimer & Sherman Esqs. 1527 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 Donald G. King; Box 63, Rocky Point Road, East Marion, N.Y. 11939 Eylene H. King, Box 63, Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York 11939 William Keating, RD 1, Box 21E, Laurel, New York 11948 Leonard L. Frank & Others, 358 Mid-Island Shopping Plaza, Hicksville, New York 11802 D Greenport Shores, Inc. , 358 Mid-Island Shopping Plaza, Hicksville, New York 11802 Hodof-Staller and Kasper, c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. , P.C. _ 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 Staller Property Associates, c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. PC 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 �3 Arshamomague Associates, c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. , P.C. 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 M Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 33 5q Arshamomague Associates, c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. , P.C. 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 3Michael Weinstein, c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. , P.C. 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 Vantage Petroleum Corp. , c/o Matthew J. Cronin, . Esq. , P.C. 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 3 Marion Associates, c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. , P.C. 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501. ItQ Laurel Properties, c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. , P.C. 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 Vantage Petroleum Corp. c/o Matthew J. Cronin, Esq. P.C. 1539 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, New York 11501 A0 Vera Mayer c/o Koeppel Sommer Lesnick & Martone, P.C. 155 First Street, Mineola, New York 11501 A_ Vjfd ��yep - $a.m* ds c'b je- l 235 Mill Street, c/o Koeppel Sommer Lesnick & Martone P.C. 155 First Street, Mineola, New York 11501 r S & E REALTY CO. , c/o Koeppel Sommer Lesnick & Martone, P.C. 155 First Street, Mineola, New York 11501 J. Lester Parsons, Jr. and Mirian C. Parsons, Fishers Island, New York 06390 a� Westbury Equipment Co. , Inc. 31 Tennyson Avenue, Westbury, New York 11590 M Town of Southold Griefv ance Day - Page 34 J Westbury Equipment Co. , Inc. 31 Tennyson Avenue, Westbury, New York 11590 Long Island Lighting Company, 250 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York 11501 Long Island Lighting Company, 250 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York 11501 O Long Island Lighting Company, 250 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York 11501 . Tartan Oil Corp. , 150BroadHollow Road, Melville N.Y. 11746 J Crown Central Petroleum Corp. c/ E. G. Brisach, Esq. , David G. Koch, of Counsel, 170 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York 11501 �ISt. Agnes R. C. Church, Front Street, Greenport, New York 11944 s-r James W. B. Benkard and Margaret W. S. Benkard, Private Road, Fishers Island, New York 06390 S3 Greenville T. Emmet III and Patricia B. Emmet, P. 0. Box 131, Fishers Island, New York 06390 Greenville T. Emmet, III and Patricia B. Emmet, P. O. Box 131 Fishers Island, New York .06390 S Strong Oil Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 277 Water Mill, N.Y. 11963 Strong Oil Company, Inc. P.O. Box 277, Water Mill, = l.Y. 11963 ` Town of Southold Grievance Day - Page 35 Robert H. Chilton, Southold, New York Robert B. Hamilton, 1180 Smith's Drive South., Southold, New York 11971 William W. Schriever, Box 128, Main Road, Orient, New York 11957 �D W. H. Lister, West Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 b� Harold Stetler & Wf, 27 Minders Avenue, Brentwood, New York 11717 Martha Husing, Main Road, Laurel, New York 11948 b Marilyn Hickey, 25 Barnaby Lane, Hartsdale, N.Y. 11530 Steve and Mary Condos, 157-34 13th Avenue, Beechhurst, New York 11357. Grievance day was declared closed by Chairman Manarel at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Babette Cornine Secretary