HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 t . RECHyED OCT 191989 FROM: Board•'bf Assessment Review TWIN CWk TO: J v0tT7—E2 2 L-( Town Clerk I RE: REPORT - BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW - TAX YEAR 19,0/10 DATE: f ��' / 4 er 1 Attached herewith please find for public filing in your office, the complete file covering the public hearing (s) of the Board of Assessment Review, together with changes ordered by this Board to the assessment roll, Assessors ' acknowledgment, etc. The duties of the Board of Assessment Review for the grievance period covering the 19 tel/gaassessment roll are completed. • ,"Chairman Member er p -Member Member R.P.T.S.A. - 200 4/72 Attachment: Form BAR-1, Parts I and II, Form BAR-3, Form BAR-4 CC: Town Supervisor - with attachments Director, Real Property Tax Service Agency - with attachments Office of Town Assessor - with attachments Form BAR-4 GRIEVANCE DAY JULY 18, 1989 Samuel S. Markel, Chairman Thomas J. Henry William Weinheimer Samuel A. Manarel Session was called to order at 9: 10 A.M. 1) 1000-106-6-19 Gerald & Kathleen Crepezzi P.O. Box 385 Mattituck, NY 11952 Samuel A. Manarel: Gerald Crepezzi do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability? Gerald Crepezzi: I do. Chairman Markel: Now, this complaint states that you are complaining on another attached sheet; that the increased assessment on this property is excessive - an increase of thirty percent. We hear your complaint and quickly examine it, and then we meet in about two weeks and make a final decision on it, • and you will receive a letter stating this decision in the mail. Gerald Crepezzi. That' s fine. Chairman Markel: I might add that our decision is not final, if you feel we have not done properly you are able to go to Small Claims court. Gerald Crepezzi: No, I ' ll be honest with you, I told you the situation. What ever you four gentlemen decide is fine. Chairman Markel: Well, actually all we do is go by the facts and figures. Gerald Crepezzi: Alright, but just remember it was a thirty percent increase. Chairman Markel: I have your note in here. Gerald Crepezzi: Thank you very much. Chairman Markel: Thank you for coming in. 2) 1000-63-1-3 . 1 William Actu Hortons Lane Southold, NY 11971 -1- Samuel Manarel: Willaim Actu do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and • truthfully to the best of your ability? William Actu: I do. I live on Horton' s Lane, second house over the tracks going north. My complaint is since about three years ago they built the new commercial buildings across the street with the entrance to the storage buildings and also the commercial businesses across the street from my house. So what has happened is the commercial people are operating from six in the morning to ten at night. They come and go, along with the noise and everything with commercial across the street they should be making an adjustment with the commercial adjacent to the residential. Also the increase of noise with the traffic and with the Post Office down the street, everybody comes across the tracks and all I hear is gas pedal to the floor until they go past my house. There is an increase in traffic, and there is no limitation on what time they can start the businesses and finish. I called the police several times about the tractor trailers. They stop in front of the house, put the brakes on, idle it - this is three in the morning, when they deliver water bottles and whatever they do back there. The Police came down several times and told me there is nothing they can do about it. So I called Jim Gray up and said it' s only fair if you - Thomas Henry: Who is Jim Gray? • William Actu: The owner of the property. I told him from now on if I 'm up, you're going to be up; and if he changes his phone number I ' ll have to go down and blow my horn in his driveway to keep him up. Ever since the buildings went up, there is no peace. Chairman Markel: Do you know what your present assessment is? William Actu: It' s about twenty-two hundred dollars, that's what I pay. Chairman Markel: That' s taxes, I mean assessed valuation. William Actu: No, I don't. Chairman Markel: Let's get his property card and have him fill out what he would like it reduced to. (William Weinheimer leaves to acquire a copy of the card) Chairman Markel: As you know, we don't make a decision today; we meet in about two weeks on decision day and make all the decisions, and then we notify you of our decision. William Actu: Okay. Chairman Markel: Thank you very much for coming in. -2- 3 ) 139-3-7 C. Daniel Reiter Jr. • 2650 Wickam Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Present for C. Daniel Reiter Jr. : Fred N. Perry, Esquire 4250 Veterans Highway Holbrook, NY 11741 Samuel Manarel: Fred Perry, do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability? Fred Perry: I do. Mr. Markel, one request, it is my problem that I did not realize that the Board meets today and I respectfully request the opportunity within several days to submit additional information. I will submit a fair market analysis and comparable assessments in the area. Chaiman Markel: Very good, you can write us a letter to my attention. Fred Perry: I appreciate that. Chairman Markel: We will include that on decision day. • Fred Perry: I should get that to this Board; should I make several copies for other members of the Board, or is one copy sufficient? Chairman Markel: One copy is sufficient for us, we attached it right to the sheet. Fred Perry: What date should I have it in by? Chairman Markel: We will meet in about two weeks; as long as you get it in by then. Fred Perry: I won't take up any more of this Board' s time unless you have any questions. Maybe I could just explain my basic premise. Gentlemen, I am relying on the residential assessment ratio; I don't know if this Board applies this ratio. I respectfully submit that the ratio involves a very large sampling as the most accurate random sampling available for anyone to use to equalize assessments. I realize this Board and many other Boards use neighborhood properties to compare assessments, but I respectfully submit that the law states that the assessment should be a uniform percentage of fair market value throughout the assessing unit. So, in another words, Southold Township is assessing units and there may be pockets of neighborhoods that may be highly over-assessed. That is why I respectfully submit that the ratio is a more accurate • indication. I hopefully will have some information on what sample the latest residential ratio used to come up with its -3- analysis, to keep a little more validity to it. I will also supply comparable assessments of properties in the neighborhood . because I realize. . . Chairman Markel: Hold on so that we may perhaps get some more information for you. Bill, would ask the assessor for Mattituck to come in? Chairman Markel: Charlie, this gentleman is a lawyer for C. Daniel Reiter, and in his application the property should be percent at 2 .42 of full value. Charles Watts: That's the R.A.R. Chairman Markel: Would explain to Mr. Perry how you assess? Charles Watts: It's assessed by square footage; we don't assess by market value at all. Fred Perry: I understand. Charles Watts: I could take the R.A.R. Ratio and reduce every piece of property in the town. Fred Perry: Can I ask you, when was the last full re-valuation in Southold Township? • Charles Watts: We haven't re-valued since 1967. Chairman Markel. But there is a constant on-going reassessment, generally is about every five years. Charles Watts: Every property in the Town is assessed the same way. My house is assessed exactly the same way as that one, and that one has been assessed since 1976. Fred Perry: Do you know if the Town Attorney stipulates to the ratio of the equalization rate? Charles Watts: Our Town Attorney? They don't do our certioraries. Chairman Markel: We give it to an outside source. Fred Perry: I see. I realize assessments don't use the ratio; but I think the realization is if one appealed, the ratios apply, the Township refunds money. I represent to this Board that Nassau County Town Attorney stipulates that R.A.R. . . . Brookhaven Town Attorney stipulates to it. I respectfully submit that even on appeal, If I lose in Small Claims level during an Article 78 proceeding. . Charles Watts: All attorneys do not use the R.A.R. in Small • Claims, either. -4- Fred Perry: True. • Chairman Markel: If you do go to small claims, you can't go to Supreme Court, you know that? Fred Perry: I understand. In Nassau an Article 78 was brought when a Small Claims Officer refused to plug in the R.A.R. and some other things and their judgement knocked it down and sent back to Small Claims. Chairman Markel: Well, I just wanted you to hear his method of assessing. Fred Perry: I understand. Chairman Markel: Mr. Perry, we will await your additional information that you want to submit. In about ten days we will meet on Decision Day and make a decision on this. Fred Perry: Thank you. 4) 126-8-11, Item #473889 Charles Kayton (See Page 10) 1665 Bray Avenue Laurel, NY 11948 • Chairman Markel: Charles Kayton, and he is claiming that the assessed value of the real property has either got a higher percentage of full market than the other assessed value of other residential property, or at a higher percentage of full market. The value of the property is $30,000, and he believes the assessment should be reduced to $2500. His present assessment is $3300. Upon comparison with his neighbors, we find that the assessment rates are comparable by square footage and type of dwelling. Decision will be made on Decision Day. 5) 1000-63-3-15 Albert & Rita C. Cohen 53545 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Chairman Markel: On the application of Albert and Rita Cohen, they do not state how much they would like it reduced to, so the application is not complete, and we cannot act on it today. We will attempt to contact them and find out the amount they want it reduced to prior to Decision Day. • 6) 104.-4-32 John P.A. Marcin and Christine D. Marcin 34 Harvard Street -5- Garden City, NY 11530 Location of property: 7065 Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, NY • Samuel Manarel: Christine Marcin, doou solemnly swear that the information y y you give herein will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability? Christine Marcin: I do. Chairman Markel: You may state your case. Christine Marcin: I wanted to add to the information I already gave you a xeroxed copy, a statement from Burt Lewis, a licensed appraiser. Chairman Markel: Now in your complaint you have checked the assessed value is at a higher percentage of value than the assessed value of other real property, and you also state that it is not at the equalization rate, and you've check many other things such as the building has no value. Christine Marcin: Yes, unfortunately I cannot get a Certificate of Occupancy because of the violations. Chairman Markel: I read that part, I just want to get the application in order first. Do you know your assessed • valuation? See, this is property taxes; assessed valuation is in this box over here, and you have an assessed valuation of $6200. What would you like that reduced to? You must write it in this box right here. Christine Marcin: I don't know exactly what to put in. I want the assessed valuation to reflect what the value of the house is right know. It's really the value of the property; I have a house that is unsellable, so how do I reflect that? Samuel Manarel: You must decide that; we cannot determine that for you. We can only go by your figures, because we have to prove that you're right and the assessors are wrong. So you have to establish that figure. Christine Marcin: I don't have a figure; all I know is that it should be based on, what I feel, on $70,000 rather than $170,000. (Leaves to make phone call) William Weinheimer: What do you want the property valuation reduced to? Christine Marcin: Three thousand. Chairman Markel: We have your letter and the Engineering Reports. Now, as you probably know we make no decision today. • We decide in approximately ten days and then we will notify you. -6- Christine Marcin: That soon? • Chairman Markel: Yes, and believe me we will consider all the complexity of the situation. Christine Marcin: I hope so. Chairman Markel: Thank you very much for coming. Christine Marcin: Thank you very much for your time. There is no other information you need from me? Chairman Markel: I think you covered it all. 7) 473889-106-7-29 Pete Demetriou 500 Stanley Road Mattituck, NY 11952 8) 106-7-19 Panayiotis and Helen Demetriou 605 Ruth Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Samuel Manarel: Pete Demetriou, do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and • truthfully to the best of you ability? Pete Demetriou: Yes. Chairman Markel: Mr. Demetriou, would you like to state your case now, for the record? Pete Demetriou: Well, I believe the taxes are too high for everybody, especially for the fixed income people. Retired people who live monthly by monthly, fixed income. This is coming to $500 a month, so they took all my Social Security. I get $700 a month, so it leaves me with only $200 a month. I have so many bills for the doctor, for this, for that, like everybody else. They should not make it forty-five percent taxes; school taxes or whatever it is, it should be less. Otherwise everybody will move out and you will have a welfare in this area. Chairman Markel: Would you like to state the reason you would like the assessment reduced on this? Pete Demetriou: The reason is the taxes are too high. If the assessment is lower then the taxes you are paying are not too high. Chairman Markel: Mr. Demetriou, we make no decisions today. We • meet again with nobody bothering us and we go over all the applications, and at that time on the merits of the applications -7- and the law, we make our decisions and then notify you by mail. Thank you for coming in, and we will make the decision on that • date. Pete Demetriou: Thank you very much for your time. 9) 81-1-15.7 John W. and Patricia Burke 135 Split Rock Road Syosset, N.Y. 11791 Samuel Manarel: John Burke, do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability? John Burke: I do. I previously submitted all the information, but I figured while I was here I would come in. Chairman Markel: Let me examine the information. We will need a copy of the letter from the Building Department stating that the lot #16A is not buildable according to DEC regulations. If you would have a copy of that letter to me in ten days. Could you mail it to a copy of that letter and we will attach it to your application and make it a part of it. John Burke: Should I address it to your attention, to the Board • of Assessors? Chairman Markel: Not Assessors, the Board of Assessment Review. Now, this lot 16A is incorporated in the entire property? John Burke: It is now, yes. Chairman Markel: Are you going to sell 16? John Burke: Oh, no. Chairman Markel: You're not going to sell either one of them. You are building on 16? John Burke: Yes, building on 16 not living on it. The upland parcel is the one I now have a structure on. The dotted line indicates the area of the separate subdivisions that were filed in excess to the lowland parcels that I am prohibited of using by DEC regulations, by the Board of Appeals, and by the Building Department to build any structure whatsoever. Chairman Markel: Okay, so we would like to have that letter or any letters that you may have. John Burke: I will send it to you. • Chairman Markel: We will make it part of your application. We make no decisions today. We meet in about ten days and go over -8- all the facts and figures and at that time we make our decision and advise you by mail of our decision. If you have any further • comments you would like to make at this time, fine. If you are not satisfied with our decision, you always have the right to go to Small Claims Court or the Supreme Court as the case may be. John Burke: Thank you. 10) 87.-2-12, Item #473889 Michael Troisi 78 Bay Ridge Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11209 Property location: Minnehaha Blvd. Board of Assessment Review received Mr. Troisi's Federal Express letter protesting the assessed valuation. The proper application was not filled out; therefore, the Board cannot act on Mr. Troisi' s Letter. A letter from Chairman Markel was sent to Mr. Troisi explaining this and that he may reapply next year. 11) 473889-122-6-31 Pariviz Farahzad 10 Lotowana Lane, Box 209 Stonybrook, NY 11790 • Property location: 7555 Main Road, Laurel, NY Samuel Manarel: Mr. Farahzad, do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability? Parviz Farahzad: Yes, I do. Chairman Markel: Would you like to state your case briefly for the record? Parviz Farahzad: Yes, basically the project is not one hundred percent complete, and is not rented, so there is no income to pay the taxes. Chairman Markel: Let' s get a record card so we can have it for our records. Chairman Markel: If you would send in a Statement of Income to us, we meet in approximately ten days to make our decisions, so if you have that paper in prior to ten days we will have some facts to consider. Upon our decision, we will then mail you a notice of our decision. Thank you very much for coming. Parviz Farahzad: Okay, thank you. • -9- 12) 108. -3-5. 43 John and Angela Reinertsen . 1227 84th Street Brooklyn, NY 11228 Property location: Elijahs Lane, Mattituck, NY Chairman Markel: The next complaint is from John and Angela Reinertsen. They say that the excessive assessment, the assessed value exceeds the full value of the property. They want it to be reduced to full value. The application is not filled out properly and they are not here to fill it out properly. We don't know what they want it reduced to. They want to pay it on full value, which they claim is $84,035. Bill, we should have a card on this. Bill Weinheimer: Yes. 4) 126-8-11 Item #473889 Charles Kayton 1665 Bray Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 (See Page 5) Samuel Manarel: Do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability, Mr. Kayton? • Charles Kayton: I do. Chairman Markel: Would you like to state your complaint? Charles Kayton: Well, I have a seasonal residence, you know it' s only a summer home. It was built on cement blocks - it's still on cement blocks, no cellar. Samuel Manarel: No heat? Charles Kayton: I have a little gas heater. If you can't stay out here, you have to shut the water off because it all freezes. We were there since 1952. I put a new lawn in, a garage, and a deck. I 'm planning on eventually converting it. . . Samuel Manarel: Full-time? Charles Kayton: A full-time residence, yes. But you can' t stay out there yet. There is no insulation in the house at all, whatsoever. Chairman Markel: Now your present assessment is $2835, is that right? Charles Kayton: Well that' s supposed to come down already from • $3300. -10- William Weinheimer: No, Sam it is $3300. • Chairman Markel: I beg your pardon, it is $3300. Charles Kayton: I thought maybe you guys took it down already. Chairman Markel: It is $3300, and you want it reduced to $2500. Charles Kayton: I think that' s fair. William Weinheimer: That' s what you indicated, $2500. Charles Kayton: Yes, I 'm paying $2100 now. That's quite a confusing form to fill out if you're not familiar with this. Chairman Markel: I know. Charles Kayton: Unless you get an attorney to do it for you. Chairman Markel: Now, are you basing this on the fact that your neighbors are paying less for a like structure? Charles Kayton: No, that's really immaterial. You fellows go around and check houses for a reason. Chairman Markel: We don't, the assessors do. • Charles Kayton: Well, I put a deck on the back, but you can' t sleep on a deck, you know. Chairman Markel: Well, there is a charge for a deck. Charles Kayton: And I put a garage up. Chairman Markel: Yes. Charles Kayton: There' s a charge for a garage, too, right? Chairman Markel: Yes, so much per square foot. And I ' ll tell you, prior to your arrival in person, just to show you that we don't arbitrarily look at these things, I had your neighbors' cards pulled to see what you are being assessed unfairly for in the area, by square footage, etc. The fact that your neighbor might have a basement; well, that' s an additional charge that they pay rather than the rate you pay; you pay a lesser rate than they do. We did examine it. We do not make any decisions today, we just examine the facts and listen to what you have to say. Charles Kayton: Yes, well you said my neighbors; they live out here all year long. They have a regular house for the wintertime. Chairman Markel: There is no differential between seasonal houses and regular. There is no tax difference. We are not -11- preventing you from living there year round. You understand that? Charles Kayton: Yes, right. Chairman Markel: But we examine these; square foot, type of house, fireplace, whatever. Charles Kayton: There' s no fireplace in there - it wouldn' t be a bad idea. Chairman Markel: I know. We have a decision day about ten days from now, and like I say we are examining everything to make sure you get a fair shake. Charles Kayton: I would just like to remember your names. Chairman Markel: We will write to you and let you know. Charles Kayton: Okay, good enough. 13 ) 100.1-22 Item #473809 Charles Mazzarese & Wife 965 Salt Air Way Mattituck, NY 11952 Represented by: . Wickham, Wickham & Bressler, P.C. (Eric Bressler) Main Road - P.O Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 Samuel Manarel: State your name. Eric Bressler: Eric Bressler, Wickham, Wickham and Bressler, PC. Samuel Manarel: Eric Bressler, do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability? Eric Bressler: Yes sir. Chairman Markel: Okay, they are claiming unequal assessment on number two, and I think the first order of business, Bill, would be for you to go down to the property office and get Mr. Charles Mazzarese' s card, and I would like some adjoining property cards. William Weinheimer: Right. Eric Bressler: I think based upon the comparables, shows a property value of about $220,000. Which I don't think is an unreasonable number. Based on the fair market value of $220,000, and I am presuming you gentlemen are familiar with the Residential Ratio this year of 2. 42, that would result in a tax • that Mr. Mazzarese has indicated in his petition, assessment, that is, of about $5300. Just a word, if I may on the Town' s -12- methodology; you are probably familiar with the fact that last year I brought in one of these proceedings on Mr. Bagshaw, and • it went to Small Claims Hearing. It went before the examiner. At that time, the Town representatives appeared, and they explained their method of assessment. We all know what the method of assessment is, we just went through it. It is so much, either based on the size of the parcel or frontage; you've seen both methods; and so much per square foot. The question was then put to the town: What is the relationship of your method to value, keeping in mind that the law requires the Town and you gentlemen to assess based on value. It may be that the assessor has uniformly applied three dollars and twenty-five cents per foot; numbers which, by the way, are taken from 1967 cost figures, whose relevance twenty years later is questionable. But that' s neither here nor there. The question was then put to the town: What allowance do you make that Salt Air might be nice, but Nassau Point might be nicer, do you make an allowance? The answer was no. Do you make an allowance for the location on the street, do you make an allowance for who might be next door?, and the answer was no. Do you make an allowance for the quality of construction? The answer was no. Do you make an allowance for the age of construction? Eh, sometimes. What standards do you apply? Well, we don't have them really. This left me in a very awkward position. I said to the Hearing Examiner, look here is my appraisal; it is worth $220 ,000 , we know the houses in Salt Air are not the Tajmahal; it's a nice area but not great. $200,000; • $225,000 is standard. We know that the residential assessment this year was 2. 42, and we know that this guy is over-assessed. It was recommended to the town in most strenuous terms that they go back and think about this method. It may be that everyone in Salt Air is assessed on this basis. That everybody gets charged this much per foot. But it may be equally true that everybody in Salt Air has been taking a beating relative to the people, for instance on Nassau Point. I think your job, and I think you know does not end at looking at the cards around Salt Air. Take for instance these three comparables on the sales on our client' s appraisals. The taxes these people pay; and there is Highland Road, Cutchogue, Stillwater Avenue in Cutchogue, Bayview in Southold; all lower than the taxes my guy is paying. Yet, the appraised values are the same. I think that this is the real test. I will tell you I am unhappy with the system. I don't know how you people feel about it; I don't think it reflects the statute. The statute says it shall be based on value. For the life of me, I don't see how assessing $1,000 to a half an acre lot is taking into account where it is or what it might be next to. It doesn't have anything to do with value; it just can't. How can the value of this half acre lot be the same as that half acre lot? It just can't be that way. Samuel Manarel: There's one thing about the law that ties our hands. For example, if we think the property on Nassau Point is • worth more, you can't assess them more. -13- Chairman Markel: We are the Board of Assessment Review; we are not allowed, as Sam says, to raise anyone' s taxes. Eric Bressler: Absolutely correct. Chairman Markel: We only can lower them providing we find that in the case you have checked the unequal assessment box, if we feel it is unequal to other people. Eric Bressler: And do you feel that on the 2.42 Residential Assessment Ratio, which you are entitled to use, which would indicate the value of his property to be roughly $320,000? In view of an assessment of $220,000? That's what really bothers me. Based upon a 2.42, we really have a problem. Chairman Markel: Now, these are a appraisal report. Was this on recent sale, or is this just on the guys going in the area and picking a comparable? Eric Bressler: We have comparables one, two, and three here. Let's see what happened on comparable one, two, and three. Sales comparison: one sale adjoining subject at $200,000 was in contract. The above sales are closed and quite comparable. So if you look at these, you see that these are, in fact, closed sales. Date of sale: ten of eighty-eight, eleven of eighty-eight, and seven of eighty-eight. Those are pretty recent sales. I think this guy did a pretty good job of going • out any getting us comparables. I think at the very least, that indicates that he is over-assessed in respect to these three. I don't think there is any doubt. In fact one of the assessments is as low as $7,100, which is almost $1,000 below on a comparable property. I think using the Residential Assessment Ratio, Townwide, Salt Air is over-assessed. I don't think there is any doubt. I don't care about Salt Air. I only care that I showed you three comparables within the last year who pay less. Chairman Markel: When you went before the examiner, what were the final results? Eric Bressler: The final results were I got maximum relief in a Small Claims Petition. A twenty-five percent reduction, on the exactly the same evidence I have here. I presented my appraisal report, only to set the market value. It is interesting to note that the guys taxes on these other three comparables are less, but they are not necessarily determined if I use this to set value. Now we know that I use $220,000. Call it $225,000. Now what do we do? Chairman Markel: Call in the Assessor for Salt Air. Chairman Markel: Charlie, what is your method of assessing? Charles Watts: Square footage. -14- Chairman Markel: Okay. According to Mr. Bressler here, he says it is not a fair method of assessment because of the location of the property can be in a better section, or it can be a corner lot, etc. . If you went by the State Equalization Rate, of 2. 42, then it would be a fairer way to assess. Charles Watts: That' s the R.A.R. Eric Bressler: The Residential Assessment. Chairman Markel: Now I would like to get your explanation. Charles Watts: That's by market value, we're not assessing by market value. We're assessing brick and mortar, square footage. Chairman Markel: Well, by law are we. . . Charles Watts: Certainly by the laws; we assess everyone the same way. Eric Bressler: That, I respectfully disagree. I think the law requires the assessment based on value. The fact that you assess uniformly is fine, and I 'm not challenging that. What I am saying is the method is wrong because it doesn't reflect value. That's my argument. Charles Watts: Maybe you' re right on that, but that' s not the • way we do it. Eric Bressler: Understood. Charles Watts: If the Town wants to go to full assessment, that' s fine, then it will be done once and for all. That's the way it should be. Chairman Markel: As you know we make no decisions today. In about ten days we have a meeting to make up our minds. We will notify you; you want the letter to go to you, I assume. Eric Bressler: Please. Chairman Markel: We will notify you and let you know of our decision at that time. 14) 1000-137.00-05.00-12. 1 Donald J. & Geraldine Finnerty 1530 Fleetwood Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Represented by: Wickham, Wickham, & Bressler, P.C. Main Road, Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 -15- Eric Bressler: Now, on this one I have an actual sale three doors down. • Chairman Markel: One sale. Eric Bressler: One sale, three doors down. That' s the only sale I am aware of. It is $175,000 on Fleetwood Road, Fleetsneck - I presume that is somewhat arm's length was from a William and Janet Walsh. I am advised by my clients that it' s a substantially similar lot down the street. The house is a little smaller, but it has a recently remodeled kitchen. So we added $5,000 to our figure, just for that. It might be off a little bit, but not too much. I come up with $180,000, based on the Residential Assessment Ratio that should yield an assessment of $4,356; as opposed to that $4,300, we are at $7,600. I think that that is a very large discrepancy. I suggest my comments would be the same in respect to this application; these are the only two I have this year. I presume your comments are the same about the decision. Chairman Markel: Yes. 15) 125-1-2.26, 125-1-2. 27, 125-1-2. 28, 125-1-2.29 Louis San Andres David Saland San Andres Vineyards • Main Road, Laurel, NY 11948 Samuel Manarel. Do you solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability? Louis San Andres: I do. David Saland: I do Chairman Markel: Let me look your application over, then you may state your complaint. Louis San Andres: This was assessed as a minor subdivision, four lots. There are twenty-four acres, and we did a minor subdivision. But prior to that, we had planted vines. We took this twenty-four acres and planted vines throughout it. Then, I think it was two years later, we decided why don' t we do a subdivision in the event or as a result of Hurricane Gloria - we were kind of concerned that vines were going to be torn out. So we figured we'd cover our situation by saying, okay, it is now a minor, so if Gloria came back. . . Chairman Markel: You filed for a minor, and got it approved. Louis San Andres: Yes. Chairman Markel: Do you still have vines growing on the property? -16- Louis San Andres. Yes, yes. And since we're just growers, we don't have a winery. The balance sheet is a little delicate. • Chairman Markel: Don't you have an abatement? Louis San Andres: No, we don't, can we get one? Chairman Markel: For growing grapes? Louis San Andres: If we could get that, we'd appreciate it. Chairman Markel: Are you strictly under agricultural right now? Louis San Andres: Right, we have it under agricultural. We are cultivating vines and have been for six years. Since we've gotten the piece. Chairman Markel: Okay, the property was split into separate cards? Louis San Andres: Yes, separate cards. Chairman Markel: Where you didn't subdivide, you have a potato house, storage building, and a trailer? Louis San Andres: No, we don't have anything of that kind. There is not a structure on the entire parcel. • David Saland: Just a well. Chairman Markel: It shows here that there is a potato house, a storage building, and a trailer. Louis San Andres: That's Tommy Wowak's farm, not ours. That' s not possible. Chairman Markel: The former owner was Max. David Saland: Yes, what happened was we bought the piece from Maxi, Louis and I , he had subdivided it a couple of times, and what we bought we did a major subdivision; fifteen lots which we sold off. Then we have twenty-four acres of just vacant land. Max also sold to Wowak and to Brian Murphy two other pieces. On Brian Murphy' s piece is a house, a barn, storages, also on Wowaks' . Both have structures. We don't have any structures on our piece. Louis San Andres: I mean the next phase of this would be we would hopefully structure a small winery. Chairman Markel: What year did you buy this, 1982? Louis San Andres: Well, this is 1989, and this is the sixth • year of the vines. -17- ar David Saland: So probably 1983. • Chairman Markel: Well, it was split in 1985, it was split to Laurel Estates East and San Andres. Louis San Andres: Right. Chairman Markel: And in 1986 it was split. And in 1989, it was split again to a minor subdivision. Louis San Andres: What was the 1986 split? Chairman Markel: 2-10 was in 1985, 2-13 ; that was a part owner. According to records I 'm reading here. David Saland: We bought sixty acres, we split off thirty-six acres. Chairman Markel: Thirty six point eight two nine. Louis San Andres: Okay, right. Chairman Markel: To Laurel Estates. Louis San Andres: Now what's the other one you're saying? In 1986? • Chairman Markel: See, here's 1985, this is when that split was made in 1985. Then on 1-4-86, it says Lynn San Andres to Louis San Andres. Louis San Andres: Oh, she has made the assignment to me. Chairman Markel: I thought you split it again. Louis San Andres: No, it was an assignment. Chairman Markel: It is a minor subdivision on paper only. David Saland: Right. There is no road, and if anyone wanted to build there, we'd have to bulldoze the grapes. All the land is vines, for the most part. Of course there are some wetlands in the rear, which we can't use at all on one of the parcels; the Town has told us that. Chairman Markel: Freddie, are you familiar with the winery, the vineyard? Fred Gordon: Yes, this is the other card that should have been with it. It is twenty-three acres, and we have it at $250 an acre, that' s the open space that you have. Chairman Markel: Is one acre wetlands? • David Saland: More that that. -18- Louis San Andres: This is assessed as farmland, right? • Fred Gordon: 3.47 acres wetland and conservation area. Chairman Markel: Don't they have a special rate in existence for this? Fred Gordon: $250 an acre. He has twenty-three acres, that are at that rate. The remaining acres, which are in the minor-sub, went to building lots. Chairman Markel: They applied for and got a minor subdivision, but in actuality, are still growing grapes. Fred Gordon: Correct, but the value is there. He can sell anyone of those parcels. David Saland: If you put a road in and bulldoze those grapes. Fred Gordon: Right. Louis San Andres: We have no intention of doing that. This is our sixth year, which is the turning point in vines. Samuel Manarel: That' s what subdivision does for you, though. Chairman Markel: It increases the value of the property. You • can get more for a building lot. Louis San Andres: We have so much invested in those vines, we are not about to tear them out. Samuel Manarel: Why did you apply for a subdivision? Louis San Andres: I told you, there was a period after Gloria, we got frightened and what if the next one we don't survive this - it tears out the vines? Fred Gordon: Go back to the old rate. Louis San Andres: That' s the only way? It is a vineyard. Samuel Manarel: You must have your choice whether you want building lots or vineyards. The choice is yours. Louis San Andres: There are vines where the land is. Samuel Manarel: We appreciate that, but you can go back to the farm acreage, give up the subdivision is what he's saying. That will reduce your assessment. As long as you keep your subdivision, the assessment stays where it is. David Saland: I lieu of this, can we get retro-active? • Chairman Markel: No. -19- David Saland: So we're still stuck for this year. Chairman Markel: This year you'd be stuck. Louis San Andres: Oh, really? William Weinheimer: Next year you' ll get it. Chairman Markel: In reality, you would have to be reassessed. They would have to come out again, right? Fred Gordon: The decision would be yours. Louis San Andres: Is there a Veteran's allowance? Chairman Markel: Is this owned by an individual or corporation? Louis San Andres: Partnership. I 'm a veteran. Chairman Markel: Well, I really don't know, and first of all it has to be done by June lst. David Saland: This is the first time the taxes have come to our attention, because it was a zero assessment the year before. So now all of a sudden the subdivision comes in and we're aware of the fact we're penalized very heavily. We don't plan on using it as a subdivision. • Samuel Manarel: Give it up. Louis San Andres: I guess that' s the answer. Chairman Markel: If you feel you're not going to subdivide the property, there is no value to you to have that subdivision. And I 'm sure if you got it once, you can get it again. Louis San Andres: Since it isn't the other thing, but in fact is still in agriculture, and it's very obviously in agriculture. Chairman Markel: As it stands now, there are four acres. You must have ten acres or more for agriculture. Louis San Andres: But each one of these parcels are six acres. Chairman Markel: Yes, but they must be ten acres or more. And it must be cultivated on a continuing basis. Louis San Andres: That' s what we have done. It' s our sixth year and a turning point. Chairman Markel: That would be my suggestion to you. David Saland: Take the bite this year and then give it up. • -20- Chairman Markel: And give up the subdivision. You can always go back and get it if you decide to get out of the winery. I • think the wine business is going to be great, though. Louis San Andres: Yes, I think so too. Okay, we're stuck with this. How much time do we have before we make the decision to take it off the minor? There is another increase in December. Chairman Markel: Before they turn the tax roll in for the next year. I think you should go down to the Assessor's office and ask them that question specifically, perhaps get it in writing. Louis San Andres: Thank you very much. Samuel Manarel: Thank you. 16) 117-2-17-1 Peter S. Grodski P.O. Box 5 New Suffolk, NY 11956 Location of property: New Suffolk Road Chairman Markel: Mr. Grodski is complaining the assessed value exceeds the full value of the property. The increase in the assessment was not disproportionate to the improvement. (Storage • barn) 17) 1000-114. 00-03 .00-001.00 Wickham Road Marina, Inc. c/o Matt-A-Mar Marina P.O. Box 1235 Mattituck, NY 11952 Location of property: Westerly side of Wickham Ave, East side of Mattituck Creek Representing Matt-A-Mar Lawrence M. Tuthill, Esq. P.O. Box 973 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Samuel Manarel: Do you, Lawrence Tuthill, solemnly swear that the information you give herein will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of you ability? Lawrence Tuthill: I do. Chairman Markel: Now, you have assessed valued property at $59,100. That's the assessed value, not the price you paid. Lawrence Tuthill: That' s what I was told right here. Chairman Markel: The assessed value prior was $34,100. -21- Lawrence Tuthill: Right. . Chairman Markel: Did you recently buy it? Lawrence Tuthill: No, this is Matt-A-Mar Marina. I believed Matt-A-Mar bought it about ten years ago. I mean the current owners. They bought it some time ago. The reason for the increase was because of the new building that was constructed on the property. That's what Don Cox has told us and the Assessors' office. Chairman Markel: What kind of a building did you put up? Lawrence Tuthill: A storage building. Chairman Markel: One of those metal pre-fab buildings? Lawrence Tuthill: Right, I think about two hundred by. . . I don't know if you've seen in the papers, it is currently under litigation now because the Building Department issued a building permit, which was revoked by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Chairman Markel: So you never received a C.O. for the building? Lawrence Tuthill: Oh, no, we do not have a C.O. at all. I have a letter in there from, I believe it's exhibit three; from the Building Department saying that when it is completed the key is • to be handed over to the Building Department so that the building cannot be used at all as a storage building. Chairman Markel: It says here that the Zoning Board will ask the Court to direct the removal of the building. What was the Courts' decision? Lawrence Tuthill: That is correct. We don't know that yet; that is still to be determined. Actually, litigation has started in the past month or two. This is if the Court directs us to move it. It's going to go on for awhile. Chairman Markel: In the meantime, you have no actual use for the building. Lawrence Tuthill: Oh no, we're not allowed to use it. We received notice from the Building Department and Mr. Lessard was ordered by the Town Board. So we have no building permit as of now, so we cannot get a C.O. or apply for a C.O. . Chairman Markel: I think our area here will have to be calling in the Assessors and ask them whether the increase was predicated on the additional building. Chairman Markel: Here you increased the assessment because of the additional building that was built? • Charles Watts: Right, because of the building. -22- Chairman Markel: You know about the litigation on this, about the Town revoking the building permit and there' s absolutely no • use for the building? Not only are they not allowed to use it, but it is locked up by the Building Department. Charles Watts: It' s the same, Sam, we assess brick and mortar. Chairman Markel: I know you do. Okay, I just wanted to know if that was the case. Charles Watts: Yeah, we know about it. Samuel Manarel: Thanks. Chairman Markel: You are the lawyer for the firm? Lawrence Tuthill: Yes. Chairman Markel: You are also a principal, or just the lawyer? Lawrence Tuthill: I am representing them, yes. William Weinheimer: You have no vested interest in the property, though? Lawrence Tuthill: Do I? No. I have authorization. • William Weinheimer: As a client. Lawrence Tuthill. Right. Chairman Markel: As you know, we make no decisions today. We meet again in about ten days to make our final decision, based upon some additional research. At that time, we will notify you of our decision by mail. Lawrence Tuthill: Okay. Chairman Markel: Actually, we are asking for the full amount to be reduced from what it is now to what it was previously. 18) 1000-110.00-07.00-0018.002 Nicholas Neubauer 146 Central Park West New York, NY 10023 Representing Mr. Neubauer: Esseks, Hefter, & Angel 108 East Main Street, Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901 Location of property: East Road, Cutchogue • Chairman Markel: Nicholas Neubauer, and he is represented by Esseks, Hefter, & Angel. He claims that the value of the -23- property is $450,000. He believes it should be assessed a 1. 85% of full value. He says it has been assessed as 3. 91%. Therefore, he says the assessment should be reduced to $8,325. William Weinheimer: What is it right now, Sam? Chairman Markel: The assessed valuation right now, in total, is $10,205. He wants that reduced to $8,325. On comparison with property in the area, we find that the complainant is being assessed fairly on the square footage and type of construction. He is building on an addition for $100,000. Does anyone have any comments? William Weinheimer: That it is an invalid comparison, that' s all. Chairman Markel: Well, he pulled out that card. William Weinheimer: He pulled out that card, yes. Chairman Markel: Okay, we will make the decision on Decision Day. • -24- 19) 1000-142-01-026 Certilman, Balin, Adler & Hyman • Complaint on Real Assessment for Alan A. Cardinale CERTIORARI 20) 1000-142-0001-0026 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Genovese Drug Stores, Inc. CERTIORARI 21) 1000-031-0001-0005.001 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Marion Associates - Staller Associates, Building #88 CERTIORARI 22) 1000-083-0002-0001.000 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Pond Enterprises D/B/A The Beachcomber Motel CERTIORARI 23) 1000-083-0002-0002.000 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Pond Enterprises D/B/A The Beachcomber Motel CERTIORARI • 24) 1000-044-0003-0004.002 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Dorothy Snyder CERTIORARI 25) 1000-044-0003-0004.003 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Southold Ventures, Inc. CERTIORARI 26) 1000-115-0006-0003.000 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Frederick & Dolores Boeje CERTIORARI 27) 1000-122-0003-0010.000 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Hodor-Staller & Kasper Building #17D CERTIORARI 28) 1000-015-0003-0017. 000 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Anthony Pirrera CERTIORARI • -25- 29) 1000-031-0018-0010. 000 Meyer, Suozzi, English, & Klein, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Daniel C. Mooney and • Maureen M. Mooney CERTIORARI 30) 1000-063-0001-0010. 000 Meyer, Suozzi, English, & Klein, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Pudge Corp. CERTIORARI 31) 1000-061-0004-0022.000 Meyer, Suozzi, English, & Klein, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Pudge Corp. CERTIORARI 32) 1000-0061-0001-0031.1 Meyer, Suozzi, English, & Klein, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Pudge Corp. CERTIORARI 33) 1000-0055-0005-0002.4 Meyer, Suozzi, English, & Klein, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Pudge Corp. CERTIORARI 34) 1000-097-05-012 Arthur J. Kremer, Esquire • Complaint on Real Assessment for King Kullen Grocery Co. , Inc. #3 CERTIORARI 35) 1000-073-03-001.001 Certilman, Balin, Adler, & Hyman Complaint on Real Assessment for Marlake Associates CERTIORARI 36) 1000-084-02-004.001 Certilman, Balin, Adler, & Hyman Complaint on Real Assessment for Marlake Associates CERTIORARI 37) 1000-101-01-005.2 Koeppel Del Casino & Martone, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for L & R Vineyards Associates CERTIORARI 38) 1001-4-9-7 Koeppel Del Casino & Martone, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for 235 Mill Street, Inc. CERTIORARI • -26- 39) 1000-083-0002-0002.000 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Pond Enterprises, Inc. • D/B/A The Beachcomber Motel CERTIORARI 40) 1000-040-0001-0020.000 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Anthony Pirrera CERTIORARI 41) 1000-040-0001-0020.001 Cronin, Cronin, & Cronin, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Anthony Pirrera CERTIORARI 42) 1000-101-1-4. 1 Koeppel Del Casino & Martone, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for L & R Vineyards Associates CERTIORARI 43) 1001-4-7-12 Siegel, Fenchel, & Peddy, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Mandel Family Corp. CERTIORARI 44) 1001-7.1-1-1 through 1001-7.1-1-34 ( 34 Lots) Siegel, Fenchel, & Peddy, P.C. • Complaint on Real Assessment for Board of Managers of Oyster Point Condominium CERTIORARI 45) 1000-105-2-1 Siegel, Fenchel, & Peddy, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Thomas Shannon CERTIORARI 46) 1000-97-5-12 Siegel, Fenchel, & Peddy, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for S. & E. Realty Co. CERTIORARI 47) -45-4-8.1 Santemma & Murphy, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for New York Telephone Co. CERTIORARI 48) 1000-97-5-4.7 Siegel, Fenchel, & Peddy, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for WBW Corp. CERTIORARI 49) Central Office Equipment Santemma & Murphy, P.C. • Complaint on Real Assessment for New York Telephone Co. CERTIORARI -27- 50) 97-5-11 Santemma & Murphy, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for New York Telephone Co. • CERTIORARI 51) Outside Plant Equipment Santemma & Murphy, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for New York Telephone Co. 666-2-4,666-2-6,666-5-9,666-5-7,666-5-11,666-9-16,666-9-17, 666-9-11,666-9-12,666-9-9,666-10-2,666-10-4,666-11-4, 666-11-2,666-15-3. CERTIORARI 52) 1000-61-3-7-5 David G. Koch, Esquire Complaint on Real Assessment for Norstar Bank CERTIORARI 53 ) 1001-003-04-031 Certilman, Balin, Adler, & Hyman Complaint on Real Assessment for Tidal Properties Inc. CERTIORARI 54) 1001-003-04-047 Certilman, Balin, Adler, & Hyman Complaint on Real Assessment for Tidal Properties Inc. CERTIORARI • 55) 1001-003-05-016.002 Certilman, Balin, Adler, & Hyman Complaint on Real Assessment for Tidal Properties Inc. CERTIORARI 56) 1000-99-4-1 Margiotta & Ricigliano Complaint on Real Assessment for Vantage Petroleum Corp. CERTIORARI 57) 1000-102-5-24 Wimfheimer & Sherman, Esquires Complaint on Real Assessment for The Southland Corp. 16440 CERTIORARI 58) 62.-3-37 Wimfheimer & Sherman, Esquires Complaint of Real Assessment for The Southland Corp. 24020 CERTIORARI 59) 46.-1-2. 2 Wimfheimer & Sherman, Esquires Complaint of Real Assessment for The Southland Corp. 20093 CERTIORARI • -28- 60) 1001-4-10. 5 Farrell, Fritz, Caemmerer, Cleary, Barnosky & Armentano, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for The Bank of New York CERTIORARI 61) 4.-9-28. 2 Podell, Rothman, Schechter, & Banfield Complaint on Real Assessment for Gusmar Realty Corp. CERTIORARI 62) 1001-4-9-28. 2 Koeppel Del Casino & Marton, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Gusmar Realty Corp. CERTIORARI 63) 1000-112-1-18 Koeppel Del Casino & Martone, P.C. Complaint on Real Assessment for Stephen Kalaijian CERTIORARI The meeting of the Board of Assessment Review was closed at 9:00 P.M. . Respectfully submitted by: Jeanne Cullen • -29- DECISION DAY . August 3 , 1989 The meeting was called to order at 9: 05 a.m. In attendance were: Samuel Markel, Chairman Thomas J. Henry William Weinheimer Samuel A. Manarel John Sullivan 1) Gerald & Kathleen Crepezzi P.O. Box 385 Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-106-6-19 Wants taxes reduced due to thirty percent assessment increase. No grounds for reduction. Samuel Markel: agreed William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed 2) William Actu Hortons Lane • Southold, NY 11971 1000-63-1-3.1 Wants assessment reduced to 1,000 due to noise of commercial property across the street. No grounds for reduction. Samuel Markel: agreed William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas J. Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed 3 ) C. Daniel Reiter Jr. 2650 Wickam Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 139-3-7 Represented by: Fred N. Perry, Esquire 4250 Veterans Highway Holbrook, NY 11741 Wants assessment reduced from 9, 300 to 4,356. Samuel Markel: no change William Weinheimer: no change • Thomas Henry: no change Samuel Manarel: no change -30- 4) Charles Kayton 1665 Bray Avenue Laurel, NY 11948 126-8-11 Wants assessment reduced from 3 ,300 to 2,500. Samuel Markel: no change William Weinheimer: no change Thomas Henry: no change Samuel Manarel: no change 5) Albert & Rita C. Cohen 53545 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 1000-63-3-15 Application was not properly filled out. Samuel Markel: no change William Weinheimer: no change Thomas Henry: no change Samuel Manarel: no change 6) John P.A. Marcin and Christine D. Marcin • 34 Harvard Street Garden City, NY 11530 104.-4-32 Wants assessment decreased from 6,200 to 3 ,000 due to the fact that the house cannot be lived in; no C.O. will be issued due to building violations. Samuel Markel: decrease to 3 ,000 William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed 7) Pete Demetriou 500 Stanley Road Mattituck, NY 11952 106-7-29 No grounds for reduction. Samuel Markel: agreed William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed • 8 ) Panayiotis & Helen Demetriou 605 Ruth Road -31- Mattituck, NY 11952 106-7-19 • No grounds for reduction. Samuel Markel: agreed William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed 9) John W. & Patricia Burke 135 Split Rock Road Syosset, NY 11791 81-1-15.7 Wants land assessment reduced from 3 ,300 to 1,600; the land is not buildable. Samuel Markel: reduce to 1,600 William Weinheimer: reduce to 2,500 Thomas Henry: reduce to 1,600 Samuel Manarel: reduce to 1,600 11) Parviz Farahzad 10 Lotowana Lane, Box 209 • Stony Brook, NY 11790 122-6-31 Wants assessment reduced from 30,400 to 8,425. Samuel Markel: no basis; no reduction William Weinheimer: no reduction Thomas Henry: grant relief requested Samuel Manarel: no reduction 12) John Angela Reinertsen 1227 84th Street Brooklyn, NY 11228 108. -3-5. 43 No indication of what they want assessment reduced to. Samuel Markel: no change William Weinheimer: no change Thomas Henry: no change Samuel Manarel: no change 13) Charles Mazzarese & Wife 965 Salt Air Way Mattituck, NY 11952 100.-1-22 Represented by: -32- Wickham, Wickham, & Bressler, P.C. Main Road, Box 1424 • Mattituck, NY 11952 Wants assessment reduced from 8,000 to 5,324. Samuel Markel: denied William Weinheimer: denied Thomas Henry: denied Samuel Manarel: denied 14) Donald J. & Geraldine Finnerty 1530 Fleetwood Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 1000-137-05. 00-12. 1 Represented by: Wickham, Wickham, & Bressler, P.C. Main Road, Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 Wants assessment reduced from 7,600 to 4,356. Samuel Markel: denied William Weinheimer: denied Thomas Henry: denied Samuel Manarel: denied • 15) Louis San Andres David Saland San Andres Vineyard Main Road Laurel, NY 125-1-2.26 2. 27 2. 28 ' 2.29 No basis for reduction. Samuel Markel: agreed William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed 16) Peter S. Grodski P.O. Box 5 New Suffolk, NY 11956 117-2-17-1 No basis for reduction. Samuel Markel: agreed William Weinheimer: agreed -33- Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed 17) Wickham Road Marina, Inc. c/o Matt-A-Mar Marina P.O Box 1235 Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-114-03 .00-001.00 Represented by: Lawrence M. Tuthill, Esquire P.O. Box 973 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Wants assessment reduced from 59,100 to 34,100; Sam Markel spoke to Town Attorney; Attorney concurs with complainant. Samuel Markel: reduce to 34,100 William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed 18) Nicholas Neubauer 146 Central Park West New York, NY 10023 1000-110.00-07.00-018.002 Represented by: • Esseks, Hefter & Angel 108 East Main Street, Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901 Wants assessment reduced from 10,205 to 8,325; an invalid comparison was submitted. Samuel Markel: no basis for change William Weinheimer: agreed Thomas Henry: agreed Samuel Manarel: agreed The meeting was closed at 12:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: �i 6k- Jeanne A. Cullen 40 -34- �� • STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF �,5 /-J- ) ss: TOWN GR-ISE OF O v77V'0,1— The mLThe undersigned, being duly sworn do severally depose and say that deponents are members of the Board of Assessment Review; that deponents have read the foregoing and know the contents thereof; and the matters set forth are true to the best of the deponents ' knowledge. Sworn to before me this - day of 19 V - Q CLAIRE L.GLEN (-1p�J Notary Public:,State of New Yak No.4879505 d in Suffolk County /l Ndt-ary Public Commission Expires December 8,149,0 C airman Member Me ez Member Me er R.P.T.S.A. - 200 - 4/72 BAR-2 - Page 2 of 2