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Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman
Serge Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road
P.O, Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1809
Appeal No. q23q:
Application of ALEX AND MARION WIPF. This is a request for
a variance under Article III, Section 100-33C for permission to
locate an accessory garage with a frontyard setback at less than the
required ~0 ft. front-yard setback. This parcel is nonconforming
with a lot area of approximately 21,600 sq. ft. and frontage of 118
ft. Location of. Property: 9q4) West Crcc~ Avenue, Cutchogue, NY;
County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-103-13-7.
WHEREAS, public hearings were heldon May q, 199~ and June 8,
199q, at which time all persons who desired to be heard were heard,
WHEREAS, the Beard has carefully considered all testimony and
documentation submitted conca-ning this application: and
WHEREAS. Board Members have personally.viewed and are faeitiar
with the promises in question, its present zoning, and the surround-
ing areas: and
WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of. fa¢t:
1. The promises in question is located along the westerly side
of West Creek Avenue with a road frontage of 118 feet, having a
frontage along West Cr:c?, of approximately 89 feet (along a tie
line), and having a total lot area of 21,1160 sq. ft. to a tie line
along the high water mark of the creek [confirmed by Roderick
VanTuyl, surveyor) and inclusive of wetland area, and 20,67S+-
sq. ft. for upland area when excluding the wetlan(t area.
2. Submitted for consideration is a copy of a 1969 survey with
a penned-in drawing of the general area of the proposed 2q ft. by
2u, ft. accessory garage in the front yard area.
3. The survey as prepared in 1969 shows an existing acr~sory
garage structure partly in the front yard and partly in the side
yard. Also shown is an existing twa-story single~fomily, frame house
situated 93+- feet from the front property llne, 22+- feet from the
southerly side property line, 33+- feet from the northerly side
Page 2 - AppI. No. 4234
Application of ALEX and MARION WlPF
Decision Rendered June 13. 199fl
property line. and 70+- feet from the rear prop~-ty line. which is
also sho~n on this 1969 survey to be the ordinary high-water mark.
Article, III. Section 100-33A of the Zeniflej Code provides
...accessory buildings and structures or
other accessory usesshatl be located, in the
required rear yard..., and
Article III. Section 100-33C of the Zonincj Code provides
...accessory buildings and structures or other
accessory uses shall be located in the
required rear yard. subject to the following
C. In the case of a waterfront parcel.
accessory buildings and structures may be
located in, the front yard. provided that such
buildings and structures meet the front-yard
setback requirements as sat forth by~ this
Code ....
5. Section 100-2~B provides for a minimum forty (qO) ft. front
yard setback requirement in this R-q4) Low-Density Residenti~d Zone
District for properties which are single and separate ownership and
established as a legal nonconforming lot of over 20.000 squm-e feet
but less than 39.999 square feet.
6. By this application, appellarats are requesting to locate a
proposed free-sta~din9 accessery gaflacje as amended from the original
request at 18 feet. to 28 feet from the front property line at its
closest point. The amended sketch was received on June 3. 199~.
after the applicants were encourm3ed by Board Members at the May 4~
199~ hearing to consider an alternative setback at a greater distance
(instead of an 18-ft. front yard setback) particulaely when there is
adequate land area is available to position the building without a
variance { with a ~O-ft. setback }.
7. The applir, ants then submitted a sketch, amended on June 3.
1994. showing the proposed 24 ft. by 24 ft. gara~je with a setback at
five feet from the northerly-side property line and 28 feet from the
northerly property line. It is the opinion of the Board Members that
the area chosen is not the minimum necessary and find that there are
greater setbacks avaiJable in the same front yard area much closer to
the ~O-ft. requirement.
Page 3 - AppI. No. 4234
Application of ALEX and MARION WIPF
Decision Rendered June 13. 1994
8. Also. in considering this application, the Board finds:
(a) that the location of~ a garage at 28 feet or less from the front
property line will create an undesirable change and prer.~dents in,the
neighborhood and nearby properties; (b) that the relle~, as
requested, is substaetial~ at 30 perce~t; {c} the reasons-furnished
by appetlmats are not sufficient to warrant a grant of; the varimace
requested; (d) there are alternative setbacks possible, and land
available~ for appellant to pursue which would be more feasible,
under the circumstma~; (d) the location requested is not within
the character of the immediate area; (e) the intent of this recent
change in the zoning code added December 22. 1992 under Local Law
No. 33-1992 is to maintain and continue the est~lisked principal
setback line in residential neighborhoods and to allm~ accessery
buildings landward of the existing residence on waterfront parcels
without the need for a variance; {f) the grant of the altmmative
relief noted herein is adequate and at the same time preserves and
protects the character of the neighborhood, and the health, welfare.
safety and welfare of the community.
Accordingly. on motion by Member Dinizio, seconded by
Chairmen Goehriger, it was
RESOLVED, that the requested reduction in the front yard
setback from ~O feet to 28 feet, as amended, or less, for a proposed
additlona[ a~ory building as requested under Appl. No. ~23~ in
the Matter of. the Applir. ation filed by ALEXANDER and MARION WlPF.
be and hereby is DENIED as applied, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the folleeing ALTERNATIVE RELIEF be and
hereby is granted:
1. That the proposed 2~ ft. by 21~ ft. accessory garage
building be located at a setback no closer than 35 feet to the front
property line at its closest point.
2. That the subject acc~-y building be located at a setback
no closer than five feet to the northerly side property at its
closest point.
3. That plumbing, if proposed at some point in time. be
permitted with the under=ta~Jing that it is limita~ to use at the
exterior of the building (such as an outdoor sho~er or hose) on the
westerly side {facing the water and the house}.
~,. That electricity is permitted.
5. That outside lighting, if any. must be shielded to the
property without glare or disturbance to nearby areas.
Page ,4 - Appl. No. 4234
Application of ALEX and MARION WIPF
Decision Rendered June 13. 1994
6. That the height of this,accessory building shall not exceed
the 18-ft. height restriction from natural ground leve~ to peak.
7. That the use of this gm,age building shaH; be limited to
storage and/or studio use as restricted by Section 10~-31C pertaining
to accessory buildings, and shall not be used fo~, habit=ale or other
unauthorized purposes.
8. That this variance will expire two years from the date of
the filing of this determination with the Town Clerk's Office. except
when a building permit has been properly obtained and construction
commenced for the subject accessory garage building.
9. That future enlargement or expansion of the buildimJ
(to more than the requested size of 24 ft. by 2~. ft.) will
further application and consideration by the Beard of Apfleals~
Vote of the Beard: Ayes: Messrs. Dinizio. Wilton and
Goehringer. (Members Villa and Doyen were absent. ) This
resolution was duly adopted.
'i~!E SOUTi_~.~D TOWN CLLi~i
DATE ~'~ }~]OUR /o.o~,
Town Clerk, Town o[ Southold
Gerard P. Gcehringer, Chairman
Ser~ Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
Telephone (516) 765-1809
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1800
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law
and the Code of the Town of Southold, that the following public
hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS~ at the
Southoid Town Hail, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on
WEDNESDAY~ JUNE 8~ 1994~ commencing at the times specified below:
1. 7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4235 - KlM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK.
(Hearing Continued from May 4, 1994) This is a request for a variance
based upon the April 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building
Inspector to locate accessory building in the front yard area.
Location of Property: 3200 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, NY; County
Tax Map Parcel 1OOO-94-2-5.
2. 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4234 - ALEX AND MARION WIPF. (Hearing
Continued from May 4, 1994). This is a request for a variance under
Article Ill, Section 1OO-33C for permission to locate an accessory
garage with a frontyard setback at less than the required 40 ft.
front yard setback. This parcel is nonconforming with a lot area of
approximately 22,000 sq. ft. and frontage of 118 ft. Location of
Property: 940 West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel No. 1OOO-103-13-7.
Page 2 - Notice of Hearin~J~
Sbuthold Town Board of Appeals
Regular Meeting of June 8. 199L~
3- 7:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4246 - LKC CORP. and JASTA~ INC. This is
a request for a Special Exception for permission to establish a
drinking establishing use as listed under Article Xl, Section IOO-101B
in an existing principal building. The subject premises is
nonconforming with a lot area of approximately one-half acre and 115+-
ft. frontage along the north side. of
the B-General Business Zone District.
Road, Laurel, NY; County Tax Map No.
the Main Road and is
Property Address:
located, in
6955 Main
4. 7:50 p.m. Appl. No. 4245 - GEORGE AND SUSAN TSAVARIS. This is
a request for a variance under Article XXIII, Section 1OO-239.4A
for permission to locate swimmingpool with fence enclosure within
100 feet of the bluff of the Long Island Sound. Location of
Property: 2170 The Strand, Eot 111 at Pebble Beach Farms~ East
Marion, NY; Parcel ID No. 1000-30-2-53.
5. 7:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4244SE - DEPOT ENTERPRISES~ INC. This is a
request for a Special Exception, as amended, to include approval for
the location and use of a proposed addition.to the existing principal
building located at 320 Depot Lane, Cutchogue, New York. The proposed
addition is an expansion of the existing recreational membership club
and is located in the Residential-Office (RO) Zone District.
Property ID No. 1000-102-2-12.1.
Page 3 - Notice of Hearin~
Sbuthold Town Board'of Appeals
Regular Meeting of June 8, 1994
6. 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4249 - SANFORD AND SUE HANAUER. This is a
request for a Special Exception to establish and operate a Bed and
Breakfast in accordance with the provisions of the zoning code at
Article III, Section 100-31B(15), with owner-occupancy, and as an
accessory to the existing principal residence. Location of Property:
4105 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No.
1000-94-3-part of 1.7, also known and. referredto as Lot No 2 on the
Subdivision Map of Robert and Jean Lenzer.
7. 8:10 p.m. App]. No. 4240 - JOHN CROKOS. This is a request for a
variance under Article XXlX, Section 1OO-239.4A based upon the May 4,
1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector for permission
to locate swimmingpool with fence enclosure within 100 feet of the
bluff along the Long Island Sound. This property was the subject of
prior Appeals under Appl. No. 4204 as rendered~12/8/93 and Appl. No.
4140 as rendered 2/23/93. The subject premises is improved with a
single-family dwelling and contains'an area of approximately 40,000
sq. ft. (total lot area). Location of Property: 2110 Grand View
Drive, Orient, NY; Lot No. 7 on the Map of Grand View Estates; County
Tax Map Parcel No. 1OO0-14-2-3.11.
8. 8:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4241 - RICHARD LAN.. This is a request for a
variance under Article ILIA, Section 1OO-3OA.4 (ref. Article Ill,
Section 100-33) based upon the May 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from
the Building Inspector in a building permit application to construct
Page ~, - Notice of Heari~
5outhold Town Board of Appeals
Regular Meeting of June 8, 199~,
pool and deck in the front yard area, as an accessory use. Location
of Property: 230 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel
No. 1000-111-15-1.4 and 1.5 (Tax Map Parcel No. 1.4 totals 2.478 acres
and Parcel No. 1.5 totals 1.088 acres). The subject premises is
located in an R-40 Low-Density Residential Zone District.
9- 8:20 p.m. Appi. No. 4243 - MOORE'S LANE HOLDING CORP. This is
a request for a variance under Article V Section 1OO-53B, Section
1OO-31C (ref. Section 1OO-33), and Section 1OO-231, based upon the
May 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector for
permission to locate accessory uses (tennis court, swimmingpool and
pool clubhouse) in an area other than the required rear yard,
tennis-court fencing at a height of more than four feet when
in a front yard area. Location of Property: 475 Cedarfields
Greenport, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No.
premises is located in the Ham]et-Density
and with
1OOO-40-5-1.42. The subject
Zone District.
10. & 11.
Parcel No.
8:25 p.m. TONY AND MARIA KOSTOULAS. Location of
1035 Aquaview Avenue, East Marion, NY; County Tax Map
1OOO-21-2-13. This property is nonconforming as to total
lot area in this R-40 Zone District.
Appl. No. 4098 (Continued Hearing) This is a request for a
variance under Article XXIII, Section 1OO-239.4 for approval of a
deck extension located within 1OO feet of the bluff of the Long
Page 5 - Notice of Hearir~
5outhold~Town Board of A~peals
Regular Meeting of June 8. 1994
Island Sound;
Appl. No. 4248 - This is a request for variance under Article
IliA, Section 100-30A.3 for approval of a deck addition with
insufficient side yard setbacks.
12. 8:35 p.m. Appl. 4247 HUGH T. and CAROL L. CONROY. This is a
request for a Special Exception to establish an Accessory Apartment in
conjunction with the owner's occupancy within existing residence as
authorized under Article Ill, Section 1OO-3OA,2B and Section
1OO-31B(14) of the Zoning Code. Location of Property: Westerly side
of Gin Lane, Southold, NY; also referred to as Lot #2 on the
Subdivision Map of Bay Haven filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's
Office as Map 2910; further identified on the County Tax Maps as
13. 8:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4239 - MARGARET BEST and ADYLYN SYVERSON~
This is a request for a variance under Article ILIA, Section 100-3OA,1
based upon the May 2, 1994 Notice of Disapproval by the Building
Inspector for approval of the proposed insufficient lot area and
insufficient lot width of proposed Parcels #1 and #2. Location of
Property: Private Road #17 extending off the easterly side of Camp
Mineola Road, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1OOO-123-6-17
The subject premises contains a total lot area of approximately 1.2
' Pag~ 6 - Notice of Heari~
$outhold Town Board of A~Speals
Regular Meeting of June 8, 1994
acre(s) in total area and is located in the R-40 Low-Density
Residential Zone District.
The Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear any
and all persons or representatives desiring to be heard in the
above matters. Written comments may also be submitted prior to
the conclusion of the subject hearing. Each hearing will not
start before the times designated above. If you wish to review
the files or need to request more information, please do not
hesitate to call 765-1809 or visit our office.
Dated: Nay 23, 1994.
By Linda Kowalski
Date ..
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ./.,/' .~.~ lc) ~,~
for permit to ...C~.~. .... ~ '~/ .... '~'/~''-'--~-C-'~-7/:C-d'.q---~.. ~'~"...~. ~ at
House No. Street .
County Tax ~a~ No. 1000 S~ction . ./~ ....... moce ...d~: ....... Eot ...~ .......
Subdivision ................. Filed Map No. r ............... Lot No ..................
is returned herewith and disapproved on the foIlow~g grounds. ~~~ .........
Bui/d~ffg Inspector .......
RV 1/80 :
APR 1 2 1994
$outhold Town Clerk
DATE. A .P..R.I..L... :.1. · .1.,... !...9.94
ALEX & MARION WIPF 940 West Creek Ave.
l, (We) .................................................................. of ............................................................................
Name of Appellant Street and Number
....... ;;:~. ................................................................ ,~ .......................................... HEREBY APPEAL TO
Municipality State
APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ..................................... DATED ...... .N...o..v..e...m..b...e..:.....9.~.....[..9...9..3. ..........
( )
Name of Applicant for permit
of 940 West Creek Ave., Cutchogue, New York 11935
Street and Number Municipality State
Permit to Build
I. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ~9~4~e~s~C~:~e~e~.~¥~e~-~:~C~.?~t~c~[~~/L~w
Street /Hamle~ / Use District on Zoning Map Density'
District 1000 SectionlO3Block13Lot ? . .
............................................. Lz..~urren: O~ner A'lex & Marion WiDf
Mop No. 'Lot No. Pr~0t Owner .iC. hester& Charlbtte Bebe~
section and Paragraph of the Zoning OrHinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.)
ArticlelOO-30a.~ecti0n 10033 C
3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is mode herewith for (please check appr'opriate box)
(X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Mop
( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of ~ccess (State of New York T~vn L,lw Chap. 62 Cans. Laws
Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3
4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal has not been mode with respect to this decision
Of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property.
'. S~ch appeal was ( ) request for a special permit
( ,1 request for o variance
and Was made in Appea! No ...... ~ .......................... Dated .................. ~ .......... t ...... ; .................................
( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3
(X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance
( ) ::
is requested for the reason that
I must replace the current one bay garage located to the North of the house, be-
cause it is storm damaged, with a two-bay structure due to insurance requirements
for both a boat and a car and storage space overhead because my basement is always
wet and I need a dry storage area with good air circulation.
~orm Zl~l (Continue on other side)
1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or
unnecessary }~RDSHIP because it would place the garage to the front and left of
the house, a spot that is uniquely suited for use as a garden. Loss of this gar-
den space creates hardshio because I supplement my income by selling dried flower
arrangements and I plan to use this space to raise some valuable stock. I am a
professional actor who sometimes experiences extended periods of unemployment in
my field. My wife has always made a living working in the business world. Last
year she was injured in an auto accident and will be unable to return to work in
a traditional office environment. She also arranges flowers. We would like to
take advantage of the space available to us to not only raise traditional stock,
but delicate and exotic spring and summer varieties. These flowers can be freeze
dried, a'new technique, and command a good price in the west end (Manhattan) marke
I have always been an avid gardener and amateur horticulturist and need a place in
which to work. The more exotic the varieties I raise, the more valuable theV be-
come. The location is not. only unique because it is the sunniest on the propertV,
but it is also protected from the prevailing winds by the surrounding buildings
and tree line. In addition, I would like to build a small porch, wheelchair ramp
and entrance to the northside ground floor bedroom that would overlook the garden
for use by our elderly parents and eventually by ourselves. Trying to squeeze the
building next to the house would eliminate the garden and porch, block the water
view from the road and place a building housing gasoline and gas engines danger-
ously close to the living space. If the building were positioned according to cod
I ~;ould lose an old growth maple on the front road to make room for the driveway
and the building would shadow the small garden space that would be left.
2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the
immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because my property
is an undersized parcel with severely angled side yard property lines. The North
side property line is 24 ft~ larger than the south and runs at an approximately
60 degree angle from the road. The road line is 30 ft. longer than the waterside.
Waterfront property is always unique because you don't have the freedom to build
in the rear yard space. The building site would take advantage of the extra space
in the northeast corner of the property. It would be backed by a 15 ft. drainage
easement that is heavily wooded so that the view from the road is a building backe
by trees.
3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE
CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because there is already a garage in approximately the
same position within 300 ft. to the north. The placement of an accessory building
of this kind on waterfront parcels is well established throughout the neighborhood
and township. The proposed location would preserve much of the old growth trees
that fronts the property and those trees block the building from view. It would
also open the waterview, where the present garage stands, to public view hopefully
over a beautiful garden. In addition, the 15 ft. town drainage easement which is
heavily ~oded that separates my northern property line from my neighbor's house
would block his view of the building. The position of this building is the most
intelligent and efficient use of my land given that it is waterfront and it~~ odd
shape, ature~( LE~
) ss
Sworn to thi~[~ ~ay of
'bm ~p~Fes May 31, 19 ..~"~
C, ~4,/~ee$~ s , w TYPE OF BUlLDING
~ ) ~ 0 S~SI [ ~A~ COMMI CB' MISC' Mkt' Value
FA~ Acre Value Per V~lue
Tillable 2 :
~rushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD / /
~tal ~CK
/v~. Bldg:
IEXt. Walls
IFire Place
Type Roof
Recreation Room
Porch Dormer
Breezeway Driveway
Bath / Dinette
Floors ~,~ / ~ , K.
Interior Finish LR.
Rooms 1st Floor
Rooms 2nd Floor
C.,UT¢~OSUE:, N.Y.
A m ¢~'l'c c~r~ Tit i~'
! ' /
, ~VIAP O~
Page 11 -Hearing Transcript
Regular Meeting - June 8, 199[[
Southold Town Board of Appeals
7:35 P.M.
MR. CHAIRMAN: The next appeal is on behalf of ALEX and MARION
WIPF and again that's a recess hearing from the last regular
scheduled meeting. How are you tonight Mr. Wipf?
ALEX WlPF: Very well, thank you. Listen I want to apologize for not
being prepared the last time. I realize that there's a certain formal
aspect to the presentation herein. I became aware of it as I went
along and I hope for a better presentation this time. I also have
some appreciation at this point of what you gentlemen are doing which
is preserving as to the best of your ability the Town Laws as it's
written and hopefully not letting something go that's of variance go
that's in such violation that it'll come back to bite you. I~ve been
in the position myself of being in the Union where people come in and
ask for variances and I~m in exactly the same position. I know what
it is that you're dealing with and at the same time I hope that what
you'll do is keep an open mind when it comes to the nature of this
hardship. I~m an artist, it's very difficult to communicate with
people who work a regular llfe 9 to 5 and get the money like they
get. How we make our money, how we look at things and hopefully
you'll keep an open mind and see if you can get the nature of the
hardship that from my point of view. Jim came out at my request and
he spent some time and threw some numbers around and what I~ve
come up with is slightly different from what hels a, what the numbers
that he came up with and I think you have a copy of it don~t you?
Page 12 -Hearing Transcript
Regular Meeting - June 8, 1991~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
Have you been out to see the way that its been, the way I strung it
up this time and I measured it off? It's basically the a tilted
property, I mean tilted the building, the south east corner of it is
28 feet from the property llne, the north east corner is 39 feet from
the property llne and it is 5 feet from the side property line. One
of the things that I was trying to get some clarity on was the actual
size of the property. It is, and I think ff you check with Linda
because Van Tuyl --.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes, I saw the number. It's over 21,000 square feet.
ALEX WIPF: No, it's not over 21,000, itts 2,000. I mean 20,675
square feet.
BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: That's without the wetlands though.
That's what Mr. Van Tuyl told me. He called. That's if you delete
the wetlands.
ALEX WlPF: Well, it's interesting to talk about the wetlands
alongside the property because the way that its been surveyed it's
surveyed [[5 years ago. I mean
it's not the same, it's not there
It's surveyed below. It's surveyed
below that wetland area though, so if you include the whole lot line
to line from line to real line, it's 21 .... ,
ALEX WlPF' Yes I know and the reason that he did that was
because there's a tremendous amount of erosion up there and I said
to him "How much would it cost to go back and survey this thing and
it was prohibited", so what I've got to do is I~ve got to hope that
Page 13 -Hearing Transcript
Regular Meeting - June 8, 199~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
you will view this property as being 675 square feet over what
qualifies me for a 35 foot foot setback rather than a ~,0 foot
setback. It is very close, it's the kind of thing that you come to
variance forthwith and I hope that you will be sympathetic to the
closeness of the setback. In addition to that there's another thing
that Jerry Goehringer pointed out that I was, I just dldn~t think
about, was that my property line, my roadside property actually
starts 12 to 13 feet beyond where the actual road begins. Now I
realize legally that doesn't mean anything. It, it's not important.
The only importance that it has is in terms of illusions. Now I know
that your concerned about how things will look. If you grant a
variance that looks like it's a variance then you're going to have to
deal with people you know saying what's the story, he got it. Now I
know that you, you've given variances before that are you know,
that are concessions and what I'm saying is that this does not fall
into the same area. With that 12 or 13 feet you're talking about even
with the initial piece that I asked for you're talking about 18 feet
plus 12 which would be 30 feet from the road literally and at this
point you're talking about the closest spot of the road being ~,0 feet
literally from the road. Legally it doesn't mean anything, I
appreciate that, but from a perspective point of view it doesn't
create a situation where I'm going to create a problem for the town
in the future and I hope that you will look at it that way. I've
tilted the building in the way that I have because when the building
Page 1~ -Hearing Transcript
Regular Meeting - June 8, 199u,
Southold Town Board of Appeals
was up by the road closer to the road, the height of the trees pretty
much took into the count the height of the building in terms of the
sun, the path of the sun. Now, as I get further back down on the
property to get full advantage of the path of the sun if I tilt the
building I get a better angle on the path of the sun and also I took,
Mr. Villa you're consideration of mine that you don't want to look
directly into a garage. This is on an angle you won't see it that
way. I mean anybody going by has to look over their shoulders, if
there going north on West Creek and they will not see it from a
north cross. In addition to that, Jim had talked about why don't you
cut down the size of the building. To be honest with you, I, I'm not
in town all the time. I'm an artist, I work, I'm an actor, I work, I
worked in Europe, I worked in Germany this last winter. I was there
for three months. My boat was on the lawn, my car was in my
brother-ln-law's driveway. I mean you read about people coming along
taking your motor, god knows what else. It's something that is not
only an insurance necessity for me it's a practical necessity for me.
I need some place to store my stuff, so that's really why I need a 2
bay garage. I mean I'm primarily concerned with the garden I'll be
honest with you, but I really do, if I'm going to do this I need to
create a structure that works for~ me. Now, if you accept the 35 foot
setback, if you accept the 675 square feet, if you look at it as a 35
foot setback, what I'm asking for is 7 feet towards the road and it
goes 16 feet towards the side property. It is a very small variance,
it's a 55 square foot variance. I know if you look at it as a 40 foot
Page 15 -Hearing Transcript
Regular Meeting - June 8, 1991~
$outhold Town Board of Appeals
variance it makes it much more. It changes the percentages, but I
hope that you won't do that considering how small a piece over the
20,000 square feet that I have. Now just let me finish this off by
talking about a little about the way I look at things, the nature of
the hardship and I know this was very hard to communicate. From an
artlst~s point of view what we do, how we make our money is we look
at things, we see things in a particular way, we create things out of
that, I work with photographs, I work with dry flowers, I work on
the stage and what happens is that people give you money. It's really
a wonderful way to live but it's difficult for people to understand.
So, when I look at this plot of land I don~t look at it as a you know
a place for posies, I look at it as a canvas. Now, I originally
plotted a 20 foot by 60 foot canvas which is being cut down
considerably. Just some very practical things in terms of the dried
arrangements I spoke to Jim about this a little bit, I don't think he
got it. There's a whole new technique for dried arrangements. You
can get free, you can freeze dry delicate spring varieties. Lilies,
what's it name, peonies. They can be a very, very ludicrous way of
doing arrangements. Hopefully that's something I'm going to have an
opportunity to plant. I'm looking for very interesting varieties. I'm
not looking to create a junk yard. I'm looking to make something
beautiful. Another thing I have a friend in Atlanta who is a garden
sculpture. She~s looking for a situation where we can create a garden
with her stuff and I would love to have that happen so that if
somebody in East Hampton and she's, she~s dear believe me. You
Page 16 -Hearing Transcript
Regular Meeting - June 8, 199tt
Southold Town Board of Appeals
know what's look at something in place they'll come over and look and
they'll look at something that's beautiful to look at and there's
some commission involved in it. It's not something that I'm going to
have in my basement, but I mean it will be something that's up and
standing and beautiful for somebody to look at that could possibly
mean some money in my pocket and that's something that I always you
know think about. There's a friend of mine down in Virginia, his
name is Brent Kelth whose got a place called Daffodil Mart, 20 years
ago he started to fool around. He showed me a piece of property that
was 20 foot by 20 foot, he said that's my retirement. Now it's
possible to take you know if you have the vision, if you have the
imagination, very little space and make it into something and that's
what I~m hoping to do. I'm trying to take advantage of it. Please,
with everything that's you know 675 square feet that growth frontage
that's really my spiel, that's all I have to say, I hope that your
sympathetic. If you have any questions about what I said I'd be glad
to, you know.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Just again for the record we're talking about a one
story structure?
ALEX WlPF: No, it's a two story structure. It's a two bay garage
with a storage space.
MR. CHAIRMAN: And the maximum utility you'll have in the building
is electricity?
ALEX WlPF: Ah, yeah, I think so. It may be some water, if it's a
garden, you know, if it's convenient for gardening.
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Regular Meeting - June 8, 199t[
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MR. CHAIRMAN: OK. Good. I don~t really have any further
questions. Any of the Board have any further questions?
ALEX WlPF: Can I get a sense of how you feel on this cause I got, I
got an SPA loan that's got to be spent by mid July or I lose it. I"m
up against it and if I lose this --
ALEX WlPF: 2nd of July. If I lose this I'm, I'm dead in the war.
MR, CHAIRMAN: We assure you will have a decision. Don~t have a
sleepless night please. OK, really, honestly.
ALEX WlPF: All right, so what do we do, just wait and find out? By
the end of the evening you think or is it afterwards?
MR. CHAIRMAN: Well, it depends upon the lateness of the evening
we're doing pretty well at this point and we'll let you
and actually
All right. The way that it works because every foot you
shove it back I lose two feet in the back because of the slope of the
llne, that's, I guess you understand that so I~m not going to ramble
on anymore about this.
MEMBER VILLA: I just have a question. You said something about
you wouldn't see the garage doors. You're not going to put them on
the side of the building, you're still going to have them in the
front, right?
ALEX WIPF: Yeah, but, but on the angle. You're going by like this
you'd have to turn over this way or you'd have to turn your head
this way.
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Regular Meeting - June 8, 199t~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MEMBER VILLA: You're keeping the opening where you proposed it
the first time, out to the street, on the left of that telephone pole?
ALEX WlPF: Ah,----
MEMBER VILLA: Right of the telephone pole?
ALEX WlPF: Well actually it would be right in the middle of the
telephone pole. I've got a deal with you know LILCO next. If I
succeed here LILCO is my next job.
MEMBER VILLA: Well then it's going to go straight out the street,
ALEX WlPF: Yeah, but I think what would be, live, I've got a
driveway there now if I can get rid of that telephone pole I'd make
it 20 feet wide instead of 10, but it's the same thing expanded
however much I need. I don't know, I like it being hid, I llke it and
if I keep the thing straight I'm going to lose that tree and I don't
want to lose the tree. OK?
MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you Mr. Wipf. Wait a minute Mr. Dinizio has
a question.
ALEX WlPF: Yes, Jim.
MEMBER DINIZIO: I just want to clarify that you know the 35 foot
was in agreement between you and I and not just suggested on my
ALEX WlPF: I apologize, I apologize for saying this. Jim, Jim said to
me, he came in and he was absolutely right I had no idea about the
you know, about the actual footage that was involved between us and
I was unprepared for that visit. I had no, I had never laid it out. I
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Regular Meeting - June 8, 199~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
didn't think it was that complexed and then when I started to
measure it, I said wait a minute this is not that far off, this is
you know, this is only a little triangle, I didn't even know what we
were talking about 55 square feet. If I had, Jim, I, I was not
prepared and I apologize for that.
MEMBER DINIZIO: No, I just want to make the record straight that it
was an agreement between the two of us that 35 feet, not a
suggestion on my part.
ALEX WlPF: No, no, no, I, I, you know, I'll tell you the truth you
know what Linda said is reflexible and I still am reflexible.
MEMBER DINIZIO: OK, that's all I had.
MR. CHAIRMAN: All right. Is there anybody who would like to speak
against this application? I see no hands I make a motion closing the
hearing reserving decision until later.
MR. CHAIRMAN: All in favor.
7:55 p.m.
MR. CHAIRMAN: The next appeal in on behalf of ~2t[6 which is LKC
Corp. and Jasta, Inc.. This is a request for a Special Exception for
permission to establish a drinking establishment use as listed under
Article XI, Section 100-101B in an existing principal building. The
Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman
Serge Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wil~on
Telephone (516) 765-1809
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1800
Pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, The
Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, New York, hereby refers the following
to the Suffolk County Planning Cu,,~ission:
XX Variance from the Zoning Code, Article III
, Section 100_33C
Variance from Determination of Southold Town Building Inspector
__Special Exception, Article
· Section
__Special Permit
Appeal No: 4234 Applicant:Alex and Marion Wipf~
Location of Affected Land: 940 West Creek Avenue, Cul~ho§ue, NY
County Tax Map Item No.: 1000-103-13-7
Within 500 feet of:
__' Town or Village Boundary Line
×X Body of Water (Bay, Sound or Estuary)
State or County Road, Parkway, Highway, Thruway
Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State or Federally Owned Land
Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State or Federal Park or other
Recreation Area
Existing or Proposed Right-of-Way of any Stream or Drainage Channel Owned by
the County or for which the County has established Channel Lines, or
Within One Mile of a Nuclear Power Plant
__ Within One Mile of an Airport
Comments: Applicant is requesting permission.to locate en accessory .qara.qe
with m f~nnt y~rd setback mt. lc,~.~ th~n thc. required 40 ft.
Copies of Town file and related documents enclosed for your review.
Dated: 1994
July , ~-
Town of Southold
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 21, 1994
JUN 2 T 1994'"
Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County
Administrative Code, the following application(s) which have been referred to
the Suffolk County Planning Commission are considered to be a matter for local
determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as
either an approval or a disapproval.
~Wipf, Alex & Marion
Tsavaris, George & Susan
Municipal File Number(s)
Very truly yours,
Stephen M. Jones
Director of Planning
S/s Gerald G. Newman
Chief Planner
Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman
Serge Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
June 20. 199~1.
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1809
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Wipf
P.O. Box
9~) West Creek Avenue
Cutchogue. NY 11935
Re: Appl. No. ~,23Zl, - Variance for Garage With* Reduced
Front Yard Setback (Waterfront Parcel)
Dear Mr. anti,Mrs. Wipf:
Attached please find a copy of the Board's detemination denying
the request for a 28 ft. or closer setback from the front
property* line. and granting alternative relief with a minimum
front yard setback at 35 feet. as well as maintaining a minimum
five-ft, side yard from the side property line. Noted within
the determination are nine {9) conditions which must be complied
with before obtaining a building permit for the garage.
Please be sure to return to the Building Department to obtain
your building permit (and other agency approvals which which
may apply) before cc~,,,,~nclng construction activities. For your
convenience, we have provided the Building Department with a
copy of the variance determination for their permanent
recordkeeping and update since the issuance of, its Notice of
Also. since your property is located within 500 feet of, a
waterway, we have transmitted copies of your variance file to
the Suffolk County Depaz~zment of Planning as required under
the County's Administrative, Code. Once they· have* finalized
their review and forwarded their comments to our office, we will
transmit a copy of the same to you for your update.
Very truly yours.
Linda Kowalski
Clerk. Board of, Appeals
Gerard P. Goehdnger, Chairman
Serge Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1809
June 3. 1994
Mr. VanTuyl, Surveyor, called this morning and confirmed that the
Wipf parcel consists of the following lot area:
21,460 sq. ft. to tie line along'high water including wetlands
and upland area;
or 20,675 sq. ft, for upland area only
Based on the above, a 40-ft. frontyard requirement has been
established at Section 100-244 of the Zoning Code pertaining to lots
of this size.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
"uildin~'~L~3._S~30~gBrook, New York 11790-2356
Based on the information you have submitted, the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that:
Therefore, in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use
Reg%/lations (6NYCRR Part 661) no permit is required under the Tidal
Wetlands Act . Please be advised, however, that no construction,
sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of
the tidal wetlands jurisdictional boundary, as indicated above,
without a per, it. It is your responsibility to ensure that all
necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or
other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation
within Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction which may result from your
project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work
area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your
project (i.e. a 15' to 20' wide const~-uction area) or erecting a
temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm.
Please be f~-ther advised that this letter does not relieve you of
the responsibility of obtaininq any necessary Permits or approvals
from other agencies.
Very truly yours,
Deputy Reqional Permit Administrator
05/85/1994 05:30 5i$4770161
7'66- 1828
Llnda, Mr.& Mrs. WlDf Have deolded that a 86 foot aetbaok
In the front yard and a 6 foot setbaok In the lids yard
would be aeoeptsble to their needs.
May u,, 19itu,
(7:30 P.M. Hearings Commenced)
Clerk-Assistant to Board
4218 & 4220
CLAUDE SHER ............. ". ................. 3-6
ELEFTHERIOS PAPPAS ........................ 6-8
THOMAS PALMER .............................. 9-12
ALEX AND AFRODITE BOUKAS .................. 25-29
THOMAS PULS AND DONNA RICCO ............... 29-29
ALEX AND MARION NIPF ..................... 29-51
JON C. KERBS .............................. 51-54
KIN CAMPBELL .............................. 55-62
ROBERT E. BIDNELL ......................... 63-70
ROBERT PELLEGRINI ......................... 70-74
JOHN STRIPR ............................... 74-80
Page 29 - Hearing Tra~pt
Regular Meeting of May ~,, 19u~4
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MR. CHAIRMAN: All in favor?
8:26 P.M.- Mr. CHAIRMAN: Appl. No. 4217 - T~~ndaa~lll~aa
R~I~II~. This is a carry over from the March 2, 1991~ application. Is
there anybody here from Brlarcliff to deal with this? OK. I see no one
here, is there anybody that would have, anything they'd like to say
regarding this application? I see no hands, I make a motion closing the
hearing reserving decision until later. All in favor?
8:27 P.M.-MR. CHAIRMAN: The next appeal is in behalf of
Malalllllllll~llipf. It's Appeal No. 4234. The Legal Notice reads as follows: I
have a copy of pictures on the property of the deteriorated garage as
it exists closer to the house. I have a copy of a survey which is
originally dated June 3, 1969 and revised on May 13, 1993, indicating
a request of a replacement garage on the front yard area of
approximately 18 feet from West Creek Avenue, a garage of
approximately 24 x 26 and 3 feet from the north westerly or northerly
property line and I' have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map
indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. We're ready.
Just state your name for the record and we'll grill you.
Page 30 - H.e.aring Tra~pt
Regular Meeting of May ~,
Southold Town Board of Appeals
ALEX WIPF: Yes, I'm Alex Wipf and that's my wife and I'd like
everybody to know that my neighbors have absolutely no objection to
this, they love us, we love them.
MR. CHAIRMAN: And you're not putting any horses in this garage?
ALEX WIPF: No horses, no nothtng which ---. Primarily I~m looking to
create a very large garden and there looking forward to ....... flowers
from them, so. It's a water front piece of property. It's an odd shape
property, you say 2200 feet but it's actually 88 feet on the water and
there's an extra 30 feet on the road side and there's an extra 2L[ feet
on the north side of the line rather than the south side of the line,
so it creates a, a, odd shape piece that extends up llke that. What I~m
trying to do, I mean you can't build in the back yard, water front
piece of property and they just made the new law that said that you
can do in the f[~3t yard so what I'm trying to do is take advantage of
the extra space that's up there to, to build a garage. I placed the
building in between the utility pole that exists up there on an old
growth made trying to preserve the front, at least the front yard
foliage and as I said Pm, I'm an artist by trade I, I sometimes work
in, on flowers and try arrangements, things like that. I'm trying to
take advantage of what I have to basically support myself if it comes
down to it. My wife has just recently been injured in an accident.
She~s not yet available to the office work she used to do, so we're
trying to, kind of this is a one time situation the garage was damaged.
You know it looks lousy now and it was really damaged in the storm of
92 and it's gotten, it's, it's ~just not done, so this is kind of a one
time opportunity to replace it and I'm trying to create this garden
Page 31 - Hearing
Regular Meeting of May u,, 19u, a,
Southold Town Board of Appeals
space at this large garden spot to raise flowers. Exotic varieties and
things that I think may have some value.
MR. CHAIRMAN: You mean in between the house and the garage?
MR. WlPF: Yeah. It's a very protective location. The house it protects
you from the south westerly wind, the, there's a, a what's it's name, a
property, a, a town drainage area, 15 foot town drainage area, it's
wooded, to the north of it and that wooded area protects it from the
north west wind where the garage ..... protects it from the north east
wind so it's, it's an ideal location, it's the sunny spot of the
property. I, I also like to create on the, on the, there's a downstairs
bedroom that that's on the north side. I~d llke to, to build a small
rafter for both of our parents and eventually for ourselves you know to
sit and look over the garden. It's a nice protected location, so
basically we're trying to take advantage of the space that we have to
create you know, an esthetic environment that, that would be pleasing.
What I~ve done is I've keyed it off the, the setback, I keyed it off a
building that exists down the road within 300 feet of the property
that's like 16 feet, 17 feet from the, from the road.
MR. CHAIRMAN: You're referring to that one garage, that one, one car
MR. WlPF: Yeah, it, used to be Miller's garage. Now it's, and then it
was Falkner, Falkner and then it's, it's sold to I can't remember the
different name, but it's, it's well within the character of the
neighborhood so it doesn't really change anything, you know it's not
llke a, like a grand adventur~ or anything like this, it's not going to
set any kind of .... it's, it's well established to use, especially
Page 32 - Hearing TranSept
Regular Meeting of May ~, 19~L[
Southold Town Board of Appeals
with water front property to use property
I'm trying to do is basically create a, a,
the trees around us I possibly can and a,
in that kind of way. What
you know leave as much of
and yet have what I want.
I, I think it's, it's the most intelligent place to place the garage on
the property. I don't want to place the back you know right next to
the house. First of all I, I don~t think it would be a, it would be by
code you can do that and besides that I mean it's going to be it's
going to have. all the gasoline driven engines you know that, that are,
are garaged now and I don't, I just don't think it's a good idea to
place that kind of a building right up next to the house. There are
new codes about it but I don~t want to put it there anyway and any,
any place other than that or any place that's kind of closer down to
it's code really infringes because the property line is on an angle as
you slide the garage down and get it towards where code says it, it
really blocks most of what I~m trying to create which is this, this
garden space. No one has said anything to me about it being a bad
idea. I, I think it's the most intelligent use of the property. I, I
know it's a variance, but it doesn't be an earth shaking
variance. I don~t think it's going to the character of the
neighborhood. I think people are going
seem to
to llke looking at the garden.
You know unless you have some questions that I haven't thought about.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Which, which way would the doors open, Mr. Wipf?
MR. WIPF: On, the front. On, on the road. Now the road is, now
that's another thing there's a, there's the North Cross Avenue is right
there. In other words it wo~uld open directly on North Cross so it
wouldn't block anybody's view, it's right smack on the road and it
Page 33 - Hearing TranSept
Regular Meeting of May [~, 19U, L~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
would be great if someone is backing the boat into the garage and
that's really why I needed 2 bay structure because I, for in charge
purposes you have to have one for a boat and one for the car.
MR. CHAIRMAN: How close to your mon, is your monument
to the, to the road?
MR. WlPF: How close is the monument to the road.
MR. CHAIRMAN: In other words is there any space between the
monument and the road?
MR. WlPF: I think there is. I think what happened was that over the
years they changed the width of the road so that it's probably in front
of the road there's probably from the monument to the road there's
probably 3-1/2 - t~ feet, so I mean there's really much more than that
but you don't go by that, you have to go by what the, the property
line is.
MR. CHAIRMAN: OK. This is a one story structure7
MR. WlPF: No, its got a, a, its got a what's its name? Its got a
storage space in the center.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there a, is there a barn type roof or is it ..... ?
MR. WlPF: I would like that. Actually that's what I'd like to do. I'd
love to somebody~s barn because I can't afford to do anything else I~m
going to be my own general contractor. I'd like to find somebody ....
reconstructed. I want to keep an esthetically rural beautiful, I'm an
artist so I want this place to be beautiful looking. I mean I'm not
looking to go to Pergaments and purchase a you know .......... I want
to make it look beautiful.
Page 34 - Hearing Trar~ipt
Regular Meeting of May 4, 19tttr
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MR. CHAIRMAN: Can you give us some sort of diagram of what you
want to make it look like in reference to a roofing?
MR. WIPF: I have something. The roof line is, is kind of like a salt
MR. CHAIRMAN: It's a salt box.
MR. WIPF: Yeah, I mean, well I thought that but I mean, I, I don't
know. You know I, I, until I know where I am, I, but that's, that's
what I thought would be logical.
MR. CHAIRMAN: I thought I'd look at it.
MR. WIPF: Yeah, and you know with the kind of something stick out so
that you pick up you know open barn doors on the second floor and
stuff in. I mean that's what I have on my mind.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Strictly a storage building?
MR. WIPF: Oh yeah! Yeah, you know I've got, you know I don't need
space, I mean ........ my house, I don't want that. I specifically
don't want that. No ways, it's a utility.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Who has questions of this gentleman? Bob?
MEMBER VILLA: Well, you know the gentleman has given his version.
You're looking at the existing garage and it looks like it's ready to
fall down.
MR. WIPF: That's, that's a wonderful garage .... I love that garage
for many years.
MEMBER VILLA: If it was a horse it would be called a swayback.
MR. WlPF: People love that garage because of that shape.
MEMBER VILLA: Yeah, you knbw, the logical thing from my mind would
be to replace the garage where it is and not stick something up by the
Page 35 - Hearing Tra pt
Regular Meeting of May ~, 19~u,
Southold Town Board of Appeals
road. I have, I have problems with things being close to the roads, I'm
sorry itms a, you mentioned the one further up the road, I objected to
that one too. It was granted but a
MR. CHAIRMAN: No, no, this is an existing one. That was Deep Pole
on the other side.
MEMBER VILLA: I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong project. OK. Yeah, as I
remember this one there isn't much in the area that's preexisting.
MR. CHAIRMAN: There's one garage.
MR. WlPF: No, there's a garage and then of course there's all of them
on the bay, there all over the place. I know that you don't
MEMBER VILLA: Yeah, well, there's not too much here.
MR. WlPF: The, the, you know I could, I understand that, that people
might have to be concerned like that especially on a regular plot, I
mean on a plot that is not water front that it would seem logical but
basically what your dealing with when your dealing with water front if
the front is in the back and the back is in the front.
MEMBER VILLA: Oh, I realize that. I don~t have a problem with that.
MR. WlPF: You know and that's and iris, and it's, and I know that it,
it, what is it a step down ...... or something like that?
MEMBER VILLA: I have problems with things being too close to the
road because when you go down, you know, you go to the city you
know you, you feel like you're in a cannon, we're creating the same
thing here by doing this narrowing down the road.
MR. WIPF: What I'm trying to do is on, on, if you'd see the piece of
property, on the north side'in that 15 feet drainage ditch, not a
ditch, we~ve got trees, pine trees, you know the cedar trees that, that
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Regular Meeting of May 4, 1944
Southold Town Board of Appeals
are 30 feet, 1~0 feet high in front of the property. There are two old
growth maples that are at least 40-50 years old, so basically what I've
done is I've tucked it back and hid it from the road from people, from
people llke you who object to, you know, kind of looking at a building.
MEMBER VILLA: Yeah, but you're going to open up. Now, you have a
fence across the front with hedges and what have you, which you're
going to have to take out because your doors are facing the front,
you're going to have a 20 foot opening.
MR. WlPF: I, I'm going to take that stuff and it's, and what's there
now are some hue bushes and forsythia. I'm going to pick them up and
put them right to the left where the driveway is so there won't be an
opened spot there'll be right on the road. I mean you know.
MEMBER VILLA. Yeah, you'll see the building exactly there.
MR. WlPF: If you come down the road you will. That's true. I mean
you know, if you don't
MEMBER VILLA: Yeah. Speaking there isn't anything much I can do
about it.
MRS. WlPF: I, I just want to point out that the that the way the
shrubbery has been placed and because of the way the property is
situated it slants so that the only way you would actually see this
this garage is if your going to see it if it's further back too if your
passing by on the road, but because the way the shrubbery is, is, is
existing right now, you literally have to stand right in front of it or
pass right in front of it before you see it, but that's true of any
building, you see the houses,~if there 40 feet back you still see them.
Our, our hardship is that the spot where the garage is right now is
Page 37- Hearing
Regular Meeting of May ~. 19~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
literally the only spot on the property that has extensive sun where we
can not have to remove a, a 50-60 year old maple that's right on the
front road that does block any, any side views of what the structure
would be plus all the other. There very high hues to the right of the
property that would kind of hide that view.
MR. WIPF: And you know it's interesting if you push the garage where
I~m talking about because of the slant of the line, in other words llke
this, right, the trees go here so if you look it's back by trees. I
mean, if you put it down here it cuts off the view of the water.
Esthetically I can't imagine that somebody walking by would rather see
you know a garage sitting there.
MEMBER VILLA: Even a swayback garage.
MEMBER WILTON: And I share Mr. Villa's concern. I think the proper
place for that garage is where the existing one is.
MR. WIPF: Yeah, but you can't, you couldn't build it there anyway.
MEMBER WILTON: Where you propose to put it, your asking also for a
3 foot side yard and to my knowledge-this Board has never given a 3
foot side yard, so you're looking at moving that
MR. WIPF: I think it is 3 feet, I think that's what the code is.
MEMBER WILTON: You're looking at moving that garage further to the
south view which almost places it in front of your house.
MR. WIPF: I don~t think
MRS. KOWALSKI: That's what code it is. If it's in the rear yard, it's
not in the rear yard so the Board has discretion of requiring more. I
explained that to you before.
MEMBER WILTON: No, in the front yard the law is principal setbacks.
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Regular Meeting of May IF,, 19L~L[
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MR. WIPF: I've been told, we were told it was 3 feet.
MRS. KOWALSKI: No, that was if it's in the rear yard. I showed you
that. I went over it with you with the code book and I told you that
the Board has a discretion of requiring more of a side yard if it is in
the front yard, OK. There's no rule for it in the front yard.
MR. WlPF: But the town said,
MRS. WIPF: So what, what would the footage be?
MEMBER WILTON: From the side.
MEMBER VILLA: 10-15 feet-l/2 acre.
MR. WlPF: He said not, that's not what Fisher says.
MRS. KOWALSKI: Well you're lot is over 20,000 square feet?
MR. WlPF: Well, that's another question. I have never thought it was
over 20,000. It's only 88 feet ......... .
MRS. KOWALSKI: You, you have to give that to the Board, that's up
to you to show what the size of your property is. You may want to go
back to the survey or that's what it's based on, the size.
MR. WlPF: Even then, it's only a difference according to Tom Fisher,
between 3 feet and 5 feet, because he said, that you don~t want, the
new law you don't want require people to place this building in the
middle of their garage.
MRS. KOWALSKI: That's if your ti0 feet back from the road. You're not
40 feet back. That's the difference.
MR. WIPF: Alright, listen I'm flexible about this. I~m going to run to
something that's, that's horrendous here.
MRS. KOWALSKI: Yeah, I tried to explain that to you in the beginning
when you came in that there may be a problem.
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Regular 'Meeting of May ti,
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MEMBER VILLA: The law, the law was changed and it said you can,
that the, the so-called rear yard on water front can be closer to the
front yard and a setback had to be principal building set back, which
means you have the larger setbacks. It's not the same as like a garage
in the back yard is allowed 3 feet. When you put it in the front yard
here it does not apply.
MRS. WlPF: OK. Well, given that then, if the footage on the side road
is 10 or 15 feet because of the angle of the property it would
literally put the garage directly in front of the kitchen window and it
would block my view across the front of my property and it would end,
it would also block the view of the neighbor whose across the street
from us their view of the water.
MEMBER VILLA: That's why it makes more sense to put it where the
swayback is now.
MRS. WIPF: No, it makes more sense to put it up this way in the
corner of the property where it is right now. The reason why we don't
want to put it next to the house is because we need to, we need to
have a two bay garage for insurance purposes for the, for, for a boat
and for the car and also we have, we both have elderly parents who
may eventually come and llve with us, possibly his mother first. We
may need to extend that side bedroom and it would go right into where
the ramp is, it would go right into that area and I don't think it's
appropriate to put a two bay garage right next to the house if we're
thinking of taking in elderly parents with fumes and the danger of
gasoline in your boat, in your~garage.
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Regular Meeting of May 19~4
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MEMBER VILLA: No, it, it's (?) the house out here with attached
garage, installed boats and bolts and everything else. I mean that,
that argument is valid as far as I~m concerned.
MRS. WlPF: Well, but it's, it's not
MR. WlPF: Alright, listen, I'm flexible, I'm flexible about this.
MRS. WlPF: It's not the safest condition for an elderly person to be
living next to a garage.
MR. WlPF: What I got is a detached building right now. I~m flexible.
I'm willing to, to satisfy as best I can, whatever your considerations
about this are and I~m hoping that in fact we can come up with
something that will give me what I wanted, give you what you want,
but I don~t know what it is that you want. Do you want me to put it
right on the house? I, I just don~t think that's a good idea and
besides that I could, I don~t have the space for it. The space there
would, would require a variance in itself. It's less than 15 feet. I
would have to ask for a variance for something I don~t want because
it's, it's esthetlcally unpleasing or it, it, it makes you feel llke
the city. Can we do something in between that would you know give me
what I want which is basically a garden and, and, and the use of that
area of my property that's sunniest and protected from the wind and at
the same time give you some consideration of the esthetic appeal or non
appeal that you have for a for where building should be placed
accessory buildings. It's difficult if you own water front. You know
what your dealing with?
discussing. It's simply
You got a little tiny space to work with.
that~s~ why we created the law that you are
for that fact to give someone relief without
Page I~1 - Hearing
Regular Meeting of May ~t, 19uJ[
Southold Town Board of Appeals
having to come to the Zoning Board of Appeals and if we're going to
keep extending that envelope, that law, or if we're going to keep
resurfacing that law, the law is not going to be effective.
MR. WIPF: I, I asked George Penny about this and basically what he
said is that we had, they had little narrow 500 foot strips of property
and he said what would happen is you'd get a house on the water and
they couldn't build from the water all the way up to the road.
MEMBER WILTON: Right. All, all I would say to you is that you just
answered my question.
MR. WlPF: Yeah, but, now what I said,
MEMBER WILTON: You have a nice good, big, piece of property here.
You do have some, you do have some other places you can locate this
MR. WIPF: No, you
think it should be a
know, I'm, I~m flexible about that. I mean if you
little further back but remember every time you
slide it further back it comes to the center of the barn.
MEMBER WILTON: That's not really my concern. My concern is that I
think you're asking for entirely too much as oppose to the law that we
have on the books right now which is asking for principal ---
MR. WIPF: I, I, I said to George Penny, I said why
MEMBER WILTON: But George Penny is not this Board.
MR. WIPF: I know but I mean I said to him why dldn~t you take into
consideration you know, something like my situation. He said, because I
wanted each individual situation to be discussed by the Board and
that's what Tom Wickham said ~too because Tom is my neighbor down the
road. He said, I think it's a good idea to bring it before the Board,
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Regular Meeting of May 4, 19~,4
Southold Town Board of Appeals
let them consider it and see what it is you want in terms of it being
reasonable in terms of your own particular needs. So, I mean, I~m
trying not to fall into the category of doing some kind of ground
breaker here, I'm just trying to take advantage of what I have as best
I can. I see you two gentlemen have, you know reservations about it.
How can I give you what you need and yet get something at least of
what I need?
MRS. KOWALSKI: Well, the, the requirements 40 feet from the road and
your suppose to go for the minimum that's necessary. Can you put it
back 30 feet, 35 feet from the road, 38 feet?
MR. WlPF: What you're'doing is your sticking it right smack into the
MRS. WlPF: Because of the way the property is slant is where we're
restricted to the 15 feet or the 10 feet. It pushes it further .... .
It's, it's going to make it more obvious to people passing by this,
this big structure rather than up in the corner ..... .
BOARD CLERK: How long is that other building going to stand? How
long will it, before it collapses?
MR. WlPF: It's been there for such a long time.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Is, is it, can I just ask is there any reason why the
Board couldn't make another inspection of this, meet with these people?
MR. WlPF: You know, I'm, lam trying not to ---
MR. CHAIRMAN: Bob, go down there and, and you're the engineer and
their talking about you know .... situations that are beyond you know
.... passible.
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Regular Meeting of May ti, 19~,~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MR. WIPF: By the way I want to let you know that the Building
Department told me that the reason that they're putting 3 feet and I
though mine, mine was undersized. I thought mine was under a half
acre that's why I put a 3 feet and 5 feet, I~m telling you right now,
they told me that I can build 5 feet in the front yard from the
property .... . They told me that so I mean I didn't even consider this
15 feet. The 15 feet would place it I mean place it on the front lawn.
MEMBER VILLA: It suppose to be ~0 feet from the back of the road.
You got an 18 feet, it's suppose to be u,0 feet back.
MR. WlPF: Well, - .... 35 and 3 is what I was asking the variance for
because I was figuring the (more than one person speaking),
MRS. WIPF: The further back where we have to place the garage the
more obvious it becomes to people, anybody passing. We're literally
trying to tuck in the least obvious corner of the property. That's
basically what we're trying to do.
MR. WlPF: If you saw the property
MRS. WlPF: We're trying to do what you want us to do.
(Members having conference)
MEMBER WILTON: The law doesn't state that. The law does state here
that provided that such buildings and structures meet the front back
setback requirements as set forth in the code. OK, even though we're
saying that you could put a rear yard accessory in, in what you want
to call your front yard which is on the road, street side, you still
have to meet the setbacks of a front yard. You still must meet, you
MR. WIPF: It's not going well ls it?
MEMBER WILTON: No, it's not going well at all.
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Southold Town Board of Appeals
going back.
MRS. WIPF: I don't know what you're referring to. Are you referring
to the 40 feet back or the 15 feet from the side.
MEMBER WILTON: I'm referring to both.
MRS. WlPF: OK, that's what why I'm applying for a variance.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please, what I'm trying to get them to do is come
back and look at it so that you can explain to them you know exactly.
You know, we could rehash this and I'm not against
I, I've no problems closing the hearing.
BOARD CLERK: Could you come up with another plan that would be a
little better than the one you have?
MR. WlPF: Can you tell me where, how far back
MRS. WlPF: Other than exactly where it is right now I don't see,
unless we place it right smack in the middle of the property which
means we would have take then 2 maples down and I thought old trees
were important in this town and I particularly don't want to take it
MEMBER WILTON: Well I think there was one taken down right in the
middle of the estate.
MRS. WlPF: It was dead, it was dead and that's the only reason it was
taken down last year.
BOARD CLERK (KOWALSKI): What are you using the existing garage
MR. WIPF: Storage.
MRS. WlPF; But we need t(Y have a 2 bay structure for insurance
purposes for the boat and the car, otherwise their not
Page 45 - Hearing
Regular Meeting of May ti, 19~4
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MEMBER VILLA: Why you're so objective to the size of the garage?
You've got to tell me what it is that you want.
MEMBER WILTON: You want to come back with another plan that meets
the code?
MR. WlPF: I don't know what it means that I have to go back u,0 feet.
According to you it's 15 feet from the side llne. Tom even gave me less
than that. He gave me, he told me 35 because I though the lot was
BOARD CLERK KOWALSKI: It's u,0 feet because your lot is over 20,000
square feet. If you can show us
MR. WlPF: It's, it's got, and, and the ...... on the water. Now, I've
got at least :~,000 square water on the water in the front and that
doesn't count.
BOARD CLERK KOWALSKI: I know, and it does count in building area.
For some people it's an advantage for lot coverage zoning.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Could, could you do this. Rather than close the
hearing tonight come back, you know, calculate the square footage of
the property exactly, either through a surveyor or through somebody
that you know OK. Come back with some sort of alternate or a couple
of plans so that we, you know, that we just don't close it. Maybe
there's something that we can work out.
MR. WIPF: You all hate this idea don't you?
MRS. WlPF: What would be satisfactory to you, giving us some kind of
MR. CHAIRMAN: I don't particularly hate it. I told you that at the
beginning, I don't particularly hate it. Alright.
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Regular Meeting of May [~, 19U, L~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MRS. WIPF: But, given up the variance that we are asking for is
different from what the code is. Because of the code it will literally
place the garage in a more obvious place which seems to be what your
objection is. We're trying to place it in the least obvious place so
that it is sheltered by enough shrubbery and trees and that the
placement of it will not, we really thought about this, that the
placement of it will not obscure the water view and the beautiful views
that West Creek has.
MR. WlPF: And it's going to block them for sure if you put them back
MRS. WIPF: We literally talked to all of our neighbors to find out if
this was OK with them and, and if this was something that
MR. WlPF: Nobody objects to this.
BOARD CLERK: How far back is the neighbor's house on that
side.{MRS. MRS. WlPF: Ron~s is somewhere between our house and the,
MR. WIPF: Ron~s is up by the garage.
MRS. WIPF: No, no, his house isn't by the garage. He has a little
driveway where he keeps his car, right on the, right on the road. If
BOARD CLERK: Why don't you take measurements and then come
MRS. WlPF: Measurements of what?
MR. WIPF: Could you give me, could you give me a figure? I~ve asked
for 18 because I was trying to get a
BOARD CLERK: The Board~ is saying that right now that you don't
have anything. You have a zero, zero variance so you can either take
Page ~,7 - Hearing
Regular Meeting of May 4, 19LtU~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
it like that or come back with an alternative is what they're offering
to you. If you don~t want an alternative then you got to reapply.
MR. WIPF: A foot, or is there a footage set in mind? Could you give
me a footage in mind?
MEMBER WILTON: I, I could just tell you if you want my thoughts. I
could just tell you that I don't see a hardship here. I don't see any
reason why I should grant a variance. I see a lot of other places you
can put this building on this piece of property.
MR. WIPF: But even the Building Department says that, that it's only
required either a 3 or 5 foot from the side line because they don't
want to place it in front of the lawn. I mean they said it clearly. I
mean I don't know if that's just a policy or something, I mean, I
presume that there was no problem with the side llne.
MEMBER WILTON: Pm not going to comment on another department on
whether or not they, my belief is what I read in the Code and what I
read in the Code is not 3 feet in the front yard.
MRS. WlPF: Well, that's where we got our figures from.
MEMBER WILTON: Well, I understand, I'm only saying that you're,
you're .... is right, right. I agree, but, I mean I would like to see
Tom come here and tell me that 3 feet in the front yard is, is
MR. WlPF: For a side line, side line.
MEMBER WILTON: Yeah, but in a, on a front yard structure.
MR. WIPF: It's only 118 feet in the front and it squeezes down to 88
Page 48 - Hearing Tran~
Regular Meeting of May 4, 1944
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MEMBER WILTON: I agree, but like I said, I, I think you could locate
this garage without even having a variance and certainly you can locate
this garage on your piece of property with a lot less of a variance.
MR. WlPF: Less of a variance.
MR. WIPF: You want a smaller building?
MRS. WIPF: No, no, you mean 40 from, from the road?
MR. WlPF: How about footage from the side? About 15 feet is
impossible, that's really bad, that's that's. How about, how about,
your primarily concerned about the front?
MEMBER WILTON: I'm not going to tell you how to write it. All I~m
MR. WIPF: Well tell me because I~m asking.
MEMBER WILTON: I can't, I can't tell you how to write it. All I can
say to you
MR. WIPF: What would satisfy you?
MEMBER WILTON: I, I think I gave you too much already in my
opinion. I, I do think that you can actually, that I could actually
vote for this particular plan but I'm not saying that I couldn't grant
you some variance or couldn't give you some variance on this property
for that building. What, what I believe, my personal belief, and if you
sat and watched me for the past 5 years this is totally out of
character for me. I think you can do better than what your doing right
MR. WlPF: You mean further i~ack from the road?
Page ~9 ~ Hearing
Regular Meeting of May ti, 19~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MRS. WIPF: And the reason you think it should be further back from
the road, you think it would be, it would obstruct?
MEMBER DINIZIO: Right, because the Code that we wrote, which I
worked with George Penny on and the Co-Committee and it was, we
worked long and hard on it, I believe that helps everybody in the town
and I just think that if we start out less than a year from the time
that we took that Code and enforced that Code and gave a variance of
this size, we may not of even, we should not even discussed it for the
6 months that we did. That's, that the way, that's my feelings on this.
MR. WlPF: I see, I~ve run into something that's, that's like a major.
MR. KOWALSKI: Well, you're, you're asking a 60% variance that's very
major. 60%, you know.
MR. WIPF: Well, let me, let me go back and see if I can, now do I
month for this again to come back to this hearing, I
have to wait a
will won't I.
That or we can close the hearing.
MR. WlPF: No, wait a minute, take it easy.
BOARD CLERK: That's why we're letting you decide if you want to
recess it to the next month's meeting you won't have to pay another
fee. If you close the hearing tonight you're going to have a decision
you might not be happy with and you'll have to pay another fee to
come back.
MR. WIPF: Alrlght, no, no, I sense that there's things that are not
going well up here. Alright, let me just see if I can come up with
something different.
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Regular Meeting of May
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MR. CHAIRMAN: You have to excuse me Alex, you're really very jovial
MRS. WIPF: I~m kind of bending towards Mr., the Chairman's idea of
possibly inviting you back so that we can literally check, but they
havenlt been there and talked to us so that we can show them why and
what the
MR. WlPF: Let us see if we can settle it.
MEMBER DINIZIO: See if you can consider it right. See if you can
stake it out another way on the property.
MRS. WIPF: When will you be able to come and take a look at the
property again?
MEMBER WILTON: I~d be there Saturday or Sunday.
MR. WlPF: OK. Let me see if I can
MRS. WIPF: We will be there on Saturday and Sunday.
MR. WIPF: You want to come down. I~d love to get some advice from
MR. WILTON: I won't give you advice.
MRS. WIPF: He~s not looking for advice, I want to show you specifically
why we want to put it where it is.
MR. WIPF: Alrlght, what I~m trying to do is I~m trying to make
something that's going to work for, I mean obviously I want to do this
and I'm kind of flexible about how I can do it. What I donlt want,
what I do want, is that I want to get as much of a garden as I can.
That's really what my primarily concern is. If I have to cut down the
building, I, I~m gain, I~m basi(~ally looking to get it built.
MEMBER WILTON: Well, I'll come to take a look at it and anybody else.
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Regular Meeting of May L~, 19~,~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
MRS. WIPF: We'll we see you on Saturday or Sunday?
MR. WILTON: Hopefully on Saturday morning.
MR. WIPF: Thank you very much, that's very nice of you.
MRS. WlPF: Sunday is Monday's Day, you donlt want, you know.
MEMBER WILTON: I won't be anywhere on Mother's Day then. Thank
you for reminding me.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there anybody else who would llke to speak either
for or against this? I see no hands I'll make a motion recessing the
hearing to the next regular scheduled meeting.
BOARD CLERK: That's for June 1st.
MR. CHAIRMAN: All in favor?
9:00 P.M. MR. CHAIRMAN: Appeal No:[[238 in behalf of Jon C. Kerbs,
a request for a variance based upon April 18, 199[[, Notice of
Disapproval as a permit to alter roof line for a height above the 18
foot limitation preexisting accessory building and garage and rental
apartment; Article 111A, Section 100-30A.~. Location of property
Riley Avenue, (previously known as 590 Riley Avenue), Mattituck,
N.Y. County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-1~3-4-10. We have significant
pictures in the file. We have pictures of the structures or the drawing
as proposed and I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax indicating
this and surrounding properties in the area. We have a survey from
Robert VanTuyl, P.C., indicting the approximate placement of the
building as it exists on the property.
GIVEN, pursuant to Section,
267 of the Town Law and the
Code of the Town of
Southold, that the following
public hemings will be held by
the Southold Town Hall,
53095 Main Road, Southold,
New York 11971,
1994, commencing at the
times specified below: - '
1.7:30 p.m. AppL No. 423,5-,
THIA SUTRYK. (Hearing t
Continued from May 4, 1994),
This is a request for a variance
based upon the April 4, 1994
Notice of Disapproval from[
the Building Inspector to]
locate accessory building in,I
the front yard area. Location
7.~.~of Property: 3200 Soundvi~
Avenue, Mattituck, NY; Co/m-
ty Tax Map Parcel
2. 7:35 p.m.,~ppl. No. 4234-
~1~. (Hearing Continued]
from May 4, 1994). This is a
request for a variance under
Article III, Section 100-33C i
for permission to locate an ac-
cessory garage with a fron-
tyard setback at less than the
required 40 ft. front yard set-
back. This parcel is noncon-
forming with a lot area of ap-
proximately 22,000 sq. ft. and
frontage of 118 ft. Location of
Property: 940 West CreekI
Avenue, Cutchogue, NY;
County Tax Map Parcel No.
3. 7:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4246-.
INC. This is a request for a
Special Exception for permis- ]
sion to establish a drinking~
establishment ' use as listed
under Article XI, Section{
100-10lB in an existing prin-
~._M;ipal building. The subject[
premises is nonconforming]
with a lot area of approx-
imately one-half acre and
115:t: ft. frontage along the
north side of the Main Road
a~nd is located in the B-General
Business Zone District. Pro-
perty Address: 6955 Main
Road, Laurel, NY; County Tax
G~.O7:50 p.m. Appl. No. 4245-
TSAVARIS. This is a request
for a variance under Article
XXlll, Section 100-239.4A for
permission to locate swimm-
ing pool with fence enclosure
within 100 feet of the bluff of
the Long Island Sound. Loca-
tion of Property: 2170 The
Strand, Lot 111 at Pebble
Beach Farms, East Marion,
NY: Parcel ID No. 1000-30-
5. 7:55 p.m. Appl. No
PRISES, INC. This is a re-
quest for a Special Exception,
as amended, to include ap-
proval for the location and use
of a proposed addition to the
existing principal building
located at 320 Depot Lane,
Cutchogue' New York. The
proposed addition is an expan-
sion of the existing recrea-
tional membership club and is
located in the Residential-
Office (RO) Zone District.
Property ID No.
1000-102-2-12.1. .
6. 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4249-
HANAUER. This is a request
for a Special Exception to
establish and operate a Bed
and Breakfast in accordance
with the provisions of the zon-
ing code at Article III, Section
100-31B(15), with owner-
occupancy, and as an ac-
cessory to 'the existing prin-
cipal residence. Location of
Property: 4105 Soundview
Avenue' Mattituck, NY; Coun-
ty Tax Map Parcel No~
1000-94-3-part of 1.7, also
known and referred to as Lot
No 2 on the Subdivision Map
of Robert and'J~:an Echoer.~
7. 8:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4240-
JOHN CROKOS. This is a re-
quest for a variance under Ar-
ticle XXlX, Section
100-239.4A based upon the
May 4, 1994 Notice of Disap-
proval from the Building In-
spector for permission to
locate swimming pool with
fence enclosure within 100 feet
.~i f the bluff along the Long:
sland Sound. This property
was the subject of prior Ap-
peals under Appl. No. 4204 as
rendered 12/8/93 and Appl.
No. 4140 as rendered 2/23/94.
The subject premises is m-
proved with a single-family
dwelling and contains an area
of approximately 40,000 sq. ft.
(total lot area). Location of
Drive, Orient, ~1~ Lot No. 7
on the Map d~rand View
Estates; County Tax Map
Parcel No. 1000-14-2-3.11.
8.8:15 p.m. Appl No. 4241-
RICHARD LAN. This is a re-
quest for a variance under Ar-
ticle ILIA, Section 100-30A.4
(ref. Article III, Section
100-33) based upon the May 4,
1994 Notice of Disapproval
from the Building Inspector in
a building permit application
to construct pool and deck in
the front yard area, as an ac-
cessory use. Location of Pro-
perty: 230 Bridge Lane, Cut-
chogue, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel No. 1000-111-15-1.4 and
1.5 (Tax Map Parcel No. 1.4
totals 2.478 acres and Parcel
No. 1.5 totals 1.088 acres). The
subject premises is located in
an R-40 Low-Density Residen-
tial Zone District.
9. 8:20 p.m. Appl. No. 4243
request for a variance under
Article V Section 100-53B, I
Section I00-31C (ref. Section
100-33), and Section 100-231,
based upon the May 4, 1994 I
Notice of Disapproval from !
the Building Inspector for per- ]
mission to locate acessory uses
(tennis court, swimming pool
and pool clubhouse) in an area
other than the required rear
yard, and with tennis-court
fencing at a height of more
than four feet when located in
a front yard area. Location of
Property: 475 Cedarfields
Drive, Greenport, NY; Coun-
ty Tax Map Parcel No.
1000-40-5-1.42. The subject
premises is located in the
'Hamlei-Denslty Zone DistriCt.'
10. & 11. 8:25 p.m. TONY
Location of Property: 1035
Aquaview Avenue, East
Marion, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel No, 1000-21-2-13. This
property is ~onconforming as
to total lot area in this R-40
Zone District.
Appl No. 4098 - (Continued
Hearing) This is a request for
a variance under Article
XXIII, Section 100-239.4 for
approval of a deck extension
located within 100 feet of the
bluff of the i Long Island
Sound. ~
Appl No. 4248- This is a re~
quest for a variance under Ar-
ticle l/IA, Section 100-30A.3
for approval of a. deck addi-
tion with insufficient side yard
12. 8:35 p.m. Appl. 4247-
CONROY. This is a request
for a Special Exception to
establish an Accessory Apart-
ment in conjunction with the
owner's occupancy within ex-
isting residence as authorized
under Article III, Section
100-30A.2B and Section
100-31B(14) of the Zoning
Code, Location of Property:
~Westerly Side of Gin Lane,[
Southold, NY; also referred to
as Lot No. 2 on the Subdivi-
sion Map of Bay Haven filed
in the Suffolk County Clerk's
Office as Map 2910; further
identified on the County
Maps as 1000-88-3-6.
13. 8:55 p.m. Appl. No.
a~'~o- ~q'~n~,A~ET/BEST
*-e/~D A"D~rLI~q' S~,"VER$O N
This is a request for,a varian0.
under Article ILIA, Sectiofi
100-30.1 based upon the May,
2, 1994 Notice of DisapprovaI~
by the Building Inspector for
approval of the proposed in-
sufficient lot area and insuffi-
cient lot width of proposed
Parcels No. 1 and No. 2. Loca-
tion of Property: Pti~vate Road
No. 17 extendin~ off the
easter!y side of Camp Mineola
Road, Mattituck, NY; Coun-
ty Tax 'Map Parcel No.
1000-123-6-17. The .subject
premises contains a total lot
area of approxi/nately 1.2
acres in total area and is
located in the R-40 LOw-.
Density Residential zone
The Board
of Appeals will
at said time and place hear any
and all persons or represen-
tatives desiring to' be heard in
the above 'matters.. Written
comme6ts may als0 be sub-
mitted prior to the conclusion
of the subject hearing. Each
hearing will not start before
the times designated above. If
you wish to review the files or
need to request more informa-
tion, please do not hesitate to
call 765-1809 or visit our
office, ' ;., :
Dated: May 23, 1994
By: Linda Kowalski
Patricia Wood, being duly sworn,
says that she is the Editor, of the
newspaper printed at Southold, in
Suffolk County; and that the notice
of which the annexed is a printed
copy, has been published in said
Traveler-Watchman once each week
for Z
............................. weeks
success~vely, commencing on the
~w/o~n to before me on this
....-:~ .... day of
Notary Public
NOTARY PUBUC, State of Ne~
No. 480684~
Qualified in Suffolk Ceml~ ,
Corn mission Expires
.~rsuant to Section 267 of the Town
aw and the Code of the Town of
outhold, that the following public
carings will be held by the
.PPEALS, at the Southold Town
~afi, 53095 Main Road, Southold.
few Yo~k 11971, on WEDNESDAY,
UNE 8, 1994. commencing al the
me specified below:
1.7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4235 --
;UTRYK. (Hearing Continued from
.lay 4, 1994). This is a r~quest for a
ariance based upon the April 4. 1994
~cation of Property: 5200 Soundview
Xvenue. Mautiuck. NY; County Tax
(Hearing Continued from May 4.
1994). This is a request for a variance
under Article IlL Section 100-33C for
permission to locate an accessory
garage with a frontyard s~thack at I~ss
than the required 40 ft. front yard s~t-
back. This parcel is nonconforming
wilh a lot area of approximately
22,000 sq. ft. and frontage of 118 ft.
Location of Property: 940 West Creek
Avenue, Cutchogue. NY; County Tax
Map parcel No. 1000-103-t3-7.
3. 7:40 p.m. AppL No. 4246 ~
is a request for a Special Exception fo~
permission to establish a drinking
establishing use as listed under Article
XL Section 100-10lB in an existing
principal building. The subject premis,
cs is nonconforming with a Itt area of
approximately one-half acre and I 1Sa:
General Business Zone District.~'
Property Address: 6955 Main Road,
Laurel. NY; County Tax Map No.
4. 7:50 p.m. Appl. No. 4245 --
This is a request for a variance under
Article XXIIL Section 100-239.4A for
permission to Ioca~c swimmingpooi
with fence enclosure within 100 feet of
the bluff of Ibe Long Island Sound.
Location of Property: 2170 The
Strand. Lot Ill at Pebble Beach
Farms. East Marion, NY; Parcel iD
No. 1000-30-2-53.
5.7:55 p,m Appl. No. 4244SE --
is a request for a Special Exception. as
amended, to include approval for the
[ocanon and use of a proposed addi-
localed at 320 Depot Lane. Cutehogue,
New York. The proposed addition is
an expansion of the existing recre-
ational membership club and is located
in the Residential-Office (ROI Zone
District. Property ID No. 1000-102-2-
6 8:05 pill. Appl. NO. 4249 --
This ~s a request lbr a Special Enccp-
and Section 100-231, based upon the
May 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval
from the Building Inspector for per-
mission to locate accessory uses (ten-
nis court, swimmingpool and pool
clubhouse) in an area other than the
required rear yard, and with tennis-
court fencing at a height of more than
four feet when Iocaled in a front yard
area. Location of Property: 475
Cedarfields Drive, Greenport, NY;
County Tax Map parcel No. 1000-40-
5-1.42. Th~ subject premises is located
in the Hamlet-Density Zone District.
10. & I1. 8:25 p.m. TONY and
Property: 1035 Aquaview Avenue,
East Marion. NY; County Tax Map
parcel No. 1000-21-2-13, This prop-
erty is nonconforming as to total Itt
area in this R-40 Zone District.
Appl. No. 4098 -- (Continued
Hearing). This is a request for a
variance under Article XXIII,
Section 100-239 4 for approval of a
deck extension located within 100
feet of the bluff of the Long Island
AppL No. 4248 -- This is a re-
quest for variance under Article
ILIA. Section 100-30A,3 for ap-
proval of a deck addition with in-
sufficient side yard setbacks,
12 8:35 pm. AppL 4247 -- HUGI~)c
T. and CAROl. L. CONROY, This is
a request for a Special Exception to
establish an Accessory Apartment in
conjunction with the owner's occupan-
cy within existing residence as autho-
rized under Article 1[1, Section 100-
30A.2B and Section 100-31B(141 of
the Zoning Code. Location of
Properly: Westerly side of Gin Lane,
Somhold, NY; also referred to as Lot
#2 on the Subdivision Map of Bay
Haven filed in the Suffolk County
Clerk's Office as Map 2910; further
identified on the County Tax Maps as
13. 8:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4239 --
SYVERSON This is a request for a
variance under Article IliA. Section
100-30A.I based upon the May 2.
1994 Notice of Disapproval by the
tion to establish and operate a Bed and Building Inspector for approval of the
Breakfast in accordance with the pro- . proposed insufficient Itt area and
visions of the zoning code at Article insufficient Itt widlh of proposed,
El, Section 100-31B(15). with owner- Parcels #1 and #2. Location of Prop-
occupancy, and as an accessory to the erty: Private Road 1417 extending off
existing principal residence. Location the easterly side of Camp Mineola
of Property: 4105 Soundview Avenue. Road. Matrituck, NY; County Tax
Mattituck. NY; County Tax Map Map Parcel No, 1000-123-6-17. The
Parcel No. 1000-94-3-part of 1.7, also subject premises contains a total Itt
known and referred to as Lot No. 2 on area of approximately 1.2 acre(s) in,
the Subdivision Map of Robert and total area and is located in the R-40'
lean Lenzer. Low-Density Residential Zone Dis-
JOHN CROKOS. This is a request The Board of Appeals will at said
for a variance under Article XXlX, time and place hear any and all per-
Section 100-239.4A based upon the sons or representatives desiring to be
May 4. 1994 Notice of Disapproval heard in the above matters. Written
from the Building Inspector for per- comments may also be submirted prior
ntission to lecate swimmingpool with to the conclusion of the subject hear-
fence enclosure within 100 feet of tbe/~'''a lng..Each hearing will not start befo~
bluff along the Long Island Sound. the times designated above, if you
This property was the subject of prior wish to review the files or need to
Appeals under AppL No. 4204 as gn- request more information, please do
dered 12/8/93 and Appl. No. 4140 as not hesitate to call 765-1809 or visit
rendered 2/23/93. The subject premis- our office,
es is improved with a single-family Dated: May 23, 1994.
dwelling and contains an area of BY ORDER OFTHE SOUTHOLD
approximately 40,000 sq. ft. (total Itt TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS
area). Location of Property: 2110 GERARD P. GOEHRINGER
Grand View Drive. Orient, NY; Lot CHAIRMAN
No, 7 on the Map of Grand View By Linda Kowalski
Estates; County Tax Map Parcel No. 7945-1TMy26 '~ /
8. 8:15 p.m, Appl. No. 4241 --
RICHARD LAN. This is a request for
a variance under Article IliA, Section
100-30A.4 (ref. Article Ill. Section
100-33) based upon the May 4, 1994
Notice of Disapproval from the
Building Inspector in a building permit
application to eonstn~ct pool and deck
in Ibe front yard area, as an accessory
use. Location of Property: 230 Bridge
Lane. Cutchogue. NY; County Tax
Map Parcel No. 1000-II1-15-1.4 and
1.5 (Tax Map Parcel No. 1.4 totals
2.478 acres and Parcel No. 1.5 Iotals
1.088 acres). The subject premises is
located in an R-40 Low-Densiry
CORP. This is a request for a variance
under Arlicle V Section 100-53B.
) SS:
~'"'~""-"~I.~~ of Mittitnck, in
~g duly sworn
, says that he/she
rk of THE SlJ/cicOLK TIMES, a
~r, published at Mattituck, in
athold, County of Suffolk and
, and that the Notice of which
irinted copy, has been regular-
Id Newspaper once each week
Successively, commencing on
Principal Clerk
Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman
Serge Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
May 24, 1994
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1809
Public Hearings - June 8, 1994
Dear Sir or Madam:
We are in receipt of your recent 'application under the Southold~Town,Zoning
Ordinance and. have forwarded notice for publication this week to the.local and
official newspapers of the, Town. to wit: Long Island, Traveler 'and Suffolk
Copies of your file have been distributed to the,Board Members for additional
review, and individual on-site inspection; expected within-the next 10 to
days. If you have not already staked the proposed new construction, we
ask that you please do so immediately,
It is requested that one of the property owners, or if the property owner is
not availablev then someone:fully familiar with the property, appear ,at the
public hearing at, the time specified in the attached Legal Notice. If your
presentatlon, should be lengthy, a draft or final written copy is always
appreciated. You should feel free to submit additional documentation to
support this application at any time.before, or during, the public hearing~
Please do not hesitate to call our office if you. have questions concerning
your application or related matter.
Yours very truly,
Linda Kowalski
Clerk, Board of Appeals
Coples of Legal Notice
to the following. 5/24/94:
Cynthia Sytruk and Kim Fallon
55 Harbor View Avenue
Mattituck, NY 11952
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wipf
940 West Creek Avenue
Cutchogue, NY 11935
LKC Corp.
P.O. Box 843
Jamesport, NY
Mr. and Mrs. George Tsavaris
2170 The Strand
P.O. Box 385
East Marion~ NY 11939-0385
Dr. Joseph Lizewski
Depot Enterprises. Inc.
320 Depot Lane
Cutchogue. NY 11935
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford'Hanauer
4105 Soundview Avenue
P.O. Box 281
Mattltuck, NY 11952-0281
Attn: Keith
Keller-Sandgren ' Associates
10 Mineola Avenue
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
Mr. James Fitzgerald
P.O. Box 617
Cutchogue, NY 11935-0617
Moore's Lane ,Holding. Corp.
P.O. Box 1143
Cutchogue. NY 11935-1143
Patricia C. Moore; Esq.
P.O. Box 23
Westphalia Road
Matt'ituck. NY 11952-0023
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Conroy
380 Gin Lane
Southold, NY 11971
Dr./Mrs. Robert Hariri
61 Lafayette Avenue
Chatham~ NJ 07928
Scheffs Trust
3100 Soundview Avenue
Mattituck, NY 11952
M/M Demetrio Laveglia
97-24 116th Street
Richmond Hill, NY 11419
Copies to TB, BD, PB, TA Departments
GIVEN, pursuant to Section
267 of the Town Law and the
Code of the Town of.
Southold, that the following
public hearings will be held by
i tbe Southold Town Hall,
53095 Main Road, Southold,
New York 11971, on
commencing at the times
specified below:
1.7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4223 -
CLAUDE SHER. This is a re-
quest for a variance under Ar-
ticle XXIII, Section 100-231,
based upon the April 7, 1994
Notice of Disapproval from
the Building Inspector for a
building permit to erect fenc-
ing around a proposed tennis-
court structure which will ex-
ceed the maximum height re-
quirement of the code when
located in the front yard.
Location of Property: 1480
Old Woods Path, Southold,
NY; County Tax Map Parcel
No. 1000-87-1-2L
2. 7:33 p.m. Appl. No. 4236 -
and OTHERS. This is a re-
ZLluest for a variance under Ar-
~ticie XXIII, Section 100-231,
:~ased upon the April 19, 1994
~otice of Disapproval (up-
Bated from September 21,
11992) for a permit to construct
:fence/gate and gate post which
iwill exceed four-ft, height re-
~quirement when located in the
front yard. Location of Pro-
perty: 68755 C.R. 48, Green-
port, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel No. 1000-33-5-14.
3.7:35 p.m. AppL No. 4232 -
JOAN GIBBS. This is a re-
quest for a variance under Ar-
ticle IIIA, Section 100-30A.3,
based upon the March 2, 1994
Notice of Disapproval for a
lot-line change of two substan-
dard parcels, having insuffi-
cient area and width as exist
and as proposed. Location of
Property: 2140 and 2200 Deep
Hole Drive, Mattituck, NY;
County Tax Map Parcels
1000-123-4-4 and 5.
A~) p.m. Appl. No. 4235 -
SUTRYK. This is a re-
quest for a variance under Ar-
ticle III, Section 100-33, bas-
ed upon the April 4, 1994
Notice of Disapproval for a
permit to construct accessory
building in the front yard area.
Location of Property: 3200
Soundview Avenue, Mat-
tituck, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel 1000-94-2-5.
5. 7:45 p.m~ Appl. No. 4231 -
'BOUKAS. This is a request
for a variance under Article
VII, Section 100-71B(2) which i
requires a lot area of 40,000 '
sq. ft. per Special Exception I
use category in the !
Residential-Office Zone 1
District. The subject premises
is nonconforming containing i
21,051 sq. ft. in area and 97.76 I
ft. in lot width. Location of I
Property: 14695 Main Road, I
Mattituck, NY; County Tax
Map Parcel No. 1000-114-8-5~
6. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4230SE i
BOUKAS. This is a request
for a Special Exception under i
Article VII, Section
100-71B(2) for the proposed
conversion of an existing:
single-family dwelling to pro-
fessional office(s) in this:
Residential-Office Zone
District. Location of Proper- '
ty: 14695 Main Road, Mat-
titt/ck, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel No 1000-114-8-5.
7.7:52 p.m. Appl. No. 4217 -
NA RICCO. (Carryover from
March 2, 1994). This is a re-
quest for a variance under Ar-i
ticie III, Section 100-33 for.
.permission to locate swimm-
?g pool with fence enclosure
in an area other than the re-I
quired rear yard or required,
front yard. Location of Pro-
petty: 1350 Eugene's Road,
Cutehogue, NY; County Tax
Map Parcel No. 1000-97-6-1.2.
8. 7:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4234 -
WIPE This is a request for a
.variance under Article III,
Section 100-33C for permis-~
sion to locate an accessory'
garage with a frontyard set- ~
back at less than the required
40 ft. front yard setback. Thi~
parcel is nonconforming with
a lot area of approximately.
22,000 sq.'ft: aliel~rontage (lot
Width) Of lla~Location of
Propcarty: ~940 West Creek i
Avenue, Cutchogue,
County Tax Map Parcel NO.
9. 8:00 p.m. Appl. No. 4238
JON C. KERBS. This is a re-
quest for a variance based
upon the April 18, 1994 Notice
of Disapproval for a permit to
alter roof line for a height
above the 18-foot limitation in
a preexisting accessory
building with garage and ren-
tal apartment (Pre-C.O.
Z6034 issued 8/1/74); Article
IIIA, Section 100-30A.4 (ref.
100-33). Location of Property:
440 Riley Avenue (previously
known as 590 Riley Avenue),
Mattituck, NY; County Tax
Map Parcel No. 1000-143-4-10.
10. 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4226
ryover from last hearings
amendment to Special Exgep-
tion No. 4065 (rendered
January 23, 1992, for the pro-
cessing of gropes grown at the
premises and sales of grape
wine), to convert a portion of
existing building as a cooking
facility (kitchen) for private
use. Location of Property:
23005 Main Road, Cutchouge,
NY; County Tax Map Parcel
No. 1000-109-1-8.7.
14. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4218
- JOHN STRIPP. (Carryover
from last hearing ~alendar.)
Variance for front yard set-
back of new dwelling. Private
Road, Fishers Island.
15. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4220
- JOHN STRIPP. (Carryover
from last hearing calendar.)
Variance to locate accessory
swimming pool with fence
enclosure in the front yard.
calendar). . Private Road, Fishers Island.
11. 8:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4203 The Board of Appeals will
- KIM CAMPBELL. (Third at said time and place hear any
and Final Hearing). This is a and all persons or represen-
request for a variance under, tatives desiring to be heard in
Article based upon the the above matters. Written
November 30, 1993 Notice of
Disapproval for a permit to
reconstruct new accesory
building, which replaces an ac-
cessory building existing prior
to September 1993 - and which
contained a nonconforming
guest cottage use as an ac-
cessory to the main residence
(see Pre-C.O. No. Z5912 dated
5/15/74). Location of Proper-
ty: Private Road at East Har-
bor, Fishers Island, NY; Coun-
ty Tax Map Parcel No.
12.8:15 p.m. Ap~. No. 4203SE
This is a request for a Special
Exception under Article III,,
Section I00-31B(13) for ap-:
proval of winery uses in ex-
isting building and proposed
building. The site plan shows
that the property is situated
along the south side of C.R.
48, Cutehouge, NY, is zoned
and is identified on the Suf-
folk County Tax Maps as
100-96-4-4.3 containing 15.4±
comments may also be sub-
mitted prior to the conclusion
of the subject hearing. Each
hearing will not start before
the times designated abov~ If
you wish to review the files or
need to request more informa-
tion, please do not hesitate.to
call 765-1809 or visit our
Dated: April 19, 1994.
· 4'~Z 'By Linda Kowalski
13. 8:25 ~.m. Appl. No. 4237
This is a request for an
Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that si~e is the
a public newspaper printed at $outhoJd, in Suffolk County;
and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy,
has been published in sa~d Long Island Traveler-Watchman
once each week for ..................... ( ..... weeLs
successively, commencing on the ......... .C~/. .'~.. ......
.ayo,'. ..... .......
...... ~-~~..
Sworn to before me this ........... .~.(i'~... day of
......... b'/~ ....... 19 9
Notary Public
NOTARY PU~UC, State of i'~e~ York
pursuant to Se¢lion 267 of the Town
Law and the Code of the Town of
Soulhold, that Ihe following public
hearings will be held by the
APPEALS, at Ihe Southoid Town
Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold.
New York 11971, on WEDNESDAY,
MAY 4, 1994, commencing at the
times specified below:
I. 7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4223 --
CLAUDE SHER. This is a request for
a variance under Article XXlll,
Seclion 100-231, based upon the Apdl
7, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from
Ihe Building Inspector for a building
porntit to creel fencing around a pro-
posed lennis-coun slructurc which will
exceed the maximum height require-
meat of the code xxhcn Iocaled in the
front yard. Location of Property: 1480
Old Woods Path. Southold, NY;
County Tax Map Parcel No.
2. 7:33 p.m. Appl. No. 4236
OTHERS. This is a request for a va~-
231, based upon the April 19. 1994
Notice of Disapproval fapdatnd from
September 21, 1992) for a permit Io
which will exceed four-ft, height
C.R. 48, Greenpon, NY; County Tax
Map Parcel No. 1000-33-5-14.
3, 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4232 -=
Map Parcels 1000-123-4-4 and 5.
SUTRYK. This is a ~luest for a vail-
Special Exception use category in the
ResideraiaI-Off~ce Zone Dislrict. Thc
subject premises is nonconforming'
containing 21,051 sq. ft. in area and
97.76 ft. in lot width. Location of
Property: 14695 Main Road.
Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel No. 1000-114-8-5.
6. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4230SE --
This is a request for a Special Excep-
lion under Article VII, Seclion 100-
71B(2) for Ihe proposed conversion of
an existing single-family dwelling to
professional office(si in this Rest-
dentiaI-Officc Zone District. Location
RICCO. (Carryover from March 2, building and proposed building. The
) SS:
(~~' ~ of Mattituck, in
said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she
is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a
Weeldy Newspaper, published at Mattituck, in
the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk Rnd
State of New York, and that the Notice of which
the annexed is a printed copy, has been regular-
ly published in said Newspaper once each week
for [ weeks successively, COmmencing on
the ~-~ day of~fl~ 19/~.
. Oualif~l ~ Suflol~ ~ ,~.qL~ -PrtucipjtJ.~Icrk
JOHN STRIPp. (Cmryover from last
hearing calendar.) Variance to locate
accessory swimmingpool with fence
enclosure in the front yard. Private
Road, Fisher~ Island. 1000-7-2.9.
The Board of Appeals will at said
6me and place hear any and all per-
anco under Ankle IlL Section 100-33, the 18-foot limitation in a preexisting
based upon thc April 4, 1994 Notice ~f accessory building with garage and
Disapproval for a permit to construct i~nlal apartment (Pre C O No
· . ~:::,, ~,qssund 8/1/74I; Article II A S '
area. Locai,m. ef~/o~caL~,,OU 100-30A.4 (ref. 100-33). L~at~oCntl~t;
So~ndview Avenue, Mattituck, NY;* ProPerlY: 44GRiley Avenue (previous.
CountyTax Map Parce11000-94-2.5. ly known as 590 Riley Avenue},
5. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4231 -- Matrituck, NY; County Tax Map
ALEX and AERODITE BOUKAS. Pmcel No. 1000-143-4-10.
This is a request for a variance under 10. 8:05 p.m. AppL No. 4226 --
Article VII, Section 100-71B(2) which THOMAS KELLY. (CanYover from
requiresalotareaof40,000sq, ft. per : last hearings calcndar).
II. 8:10 p.m. AppL No. 4203 --
KIM CAMPBELL. (Third and Final
Hea~ng). This is a request for a vari-
ance under Article based upon Ihe
Npvem~r 30, 1993 Notice of Disap-
proval for a permit to reconstruct new
accessory building, which replaces an
accessory building existing prior to
September 1993 -- and which con-
lathed a nonconforming guest cotlage
dunce (see Pre-C.O. #Z5912 dated
5/15/74). Localion of Property: Private
Road at Easl Harbor, Fishers Island,
NY; County Tax Map Parcel No.
of Property: 14695 Main Road, 12.8:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4203SE--
hi: iu*ck, NY; Coul~ty Tax Map ROBERT E. BIDWELL Th~s n
~Y'i!~4'8-$. requesl fora Special Excep ion under
P 000 · ' 's a
~.N,o. 4217 -- Arlicle Ill. Section 100-31B(13 for
site plan shows that the property is sit-
sated along the south side of C.R. 48,
Cutchague, NY, is zoned Agricultural.
Conservation. and is identified on the
Suffolk County Tax Maps as 1000-96-
4-4..1 c~raalding 15.4~: acres.
~13. 8:25 p.m. Appl. No. 4237 --
request for an amendmenl to Special
Exception No. 4065 (rendered January
23, 1~92, for the processing of grapes
grown ~t the premises and sales of
grape Wine), to converl a pon on of
existing!building as a cooking facility
(kitche~for private use. Location of
Propert,~: 23005 Main Road;
Culchogue, NY; County Tax Map
Parcel N~. 1000-109-1.8.7.
14. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4218 --
JOHN ,$FRIPp. (Carryover from la.si ~_~_~ ~ ? GERARD p. GOEHRINGER
hearing ~alendar.) Variance for frora c:.=-,' ~
yard setbhck of new dwelling. Private :* =' ,* :~-'; · By Linda Kowabk '
Roed, Fssherslsland. 1000-7-2-9, ~7915-1TA21 ' ~ ,
15. 8:35 p.m. AppL No. 4220 --
1994). This is a request for a variance
under Article 111. Section 100-33 for
potmission to locate swimmingpool
with fence enclosure in an area other
than the required rear yard or required
front yard. Location of Property: 1350
Eugene's Road, Cutchoguc, NY;
County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-97-
8. 7:55 p.m. Apple No. 4234 --
IlL Section 100-33C for permission to
required 40 fi. front yard setback This
parcel is nonconforming with a lot
· area of approximately 22,000 sq. ft.
and frontage (lot width) of 118 ft.
Location of Property: 940 West Creek
Avenue, Culcbogue, NY; County Tax
Map Parcel No. 1000-103-13.7.
9. 8:00 p.m. AppL No, 4238 --
JON C. KERBS. This is a request for
a variance based upon the April 18,
1994 Notice of Disapproval for a per-
mit to alter roof line for a height above
Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman
Serge Doyen, Jr.
James Diaizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
Telephone (516) 765-1809
April 19. 1994
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1800
Public Hearings - May ~. 1994
Dear Sir or Madam:
We are in receipt of. your recent application under the Southold. Town. Zoning
Ordinance and= have, forwarded notice for publication this, week to the local and
official, newspapers of~ the Town. to wit: Long Island Traveler and Suffolk
Copies of your file have. been distributed to the Board Members for additional
review and individual, on-site-inspection, expected within-the next 10, to lU,
days. If you have-not already,staked the proposed new construction.~ we
ask that you please do so immediately,
It is requested that one,of the property owners, or if the property owner is
not available, then someone fully familiar with the property, appear at the
public, hearing at the time specified in the attached Legal Notice. If your
presentation will be lengthy; a · draft or final, written copy. is always
appreciated. You should feel free to submit, additional-documentation to
support this application at any-time before, or during, the public,hearing.
If you have any questions; please call our office.
Yours very truly.
Linda Kowalski
Clerk. Board of Appeals
Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman
Serge Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
Telephone (516) 765-1809
Town Hall, 53095 Mni~ Rosd
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1800
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law
and the Code of the Town of Southold, that the following public
hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS~ at the
Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on
WEDNESDAY~ MAY ~ 1994~ commencing at the times specified below:
1. 7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4223 - CLAUDE SHER. This is a request for a
variance under Article XXIll, Section 100-231, based upon the April 7,
1994 Notice of Disapproval from'the Building Inspector for a building
permit to erect fencing around a proposed tennis-court structure which
will exceed the maximum height requirement of the code when located in
the front yard. Location of Property: 1480 Old Woods Path, Southold,
NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1OOO-87-1-21.
2. 7:33 p.m. Appl. No. 4236 ELEFTHERIOS PAPPAS and OTHERS. This
is a request for a variance under Article XXIII, Section 100-231,
based upon the April 19, 1994 Notice of Disapproval (updated from
September 21, 1992) for a permit to construct fence/gate and gate post
which will exceed four-ft, height requirement when located in the
front yard. Location of Property: 68755 C.R. 48, Greenport, NY;
County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-33-5-14.
Page 2 - Notice of Heari~l~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
Regular Meeting of May 4. 1994
3. 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4232 - THOMAS PALMER and JOAN GIBBS. This
is a request for a variance under Article ILIA, Section 1OO-3OA.3,
based upon the March 2, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a lot-line
change of two substandard parcels, having insufficient area and width
as exist and as proposed. Location of Property: 2140 and 2200 Deep
Hole Drive, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcels 1000-123-4-4 and 5.
4. 7:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4235 - KlM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK. This
is a request for a variance under Article Ill, Section 100-33, based
upon the April 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a permit to construct
accessory building in
3200 Soundview Avenue,
the front yard area. Location of Property:
Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel
7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4231 ALEX AND AFRODITE BOUKAS. This
is a request for a variance under Article VII, Section 1OO-71B(2)
which requires a lot area of 40,000 sq. ft. per Special Exception use
category in the Residential-Office Zone District. The subject
premises is nonconforming containing 21,O51 sq. ft. in area and 97.76
ft. in lot width. Location of Property: 14695 Main Road, Mattituck,
NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-114-8-5.
6. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4230SE - ALEX AND AFRODITE BOUKAS. This
is a request for a Special Exception under Article VII, Section
100-71B(2) for the proposed conversion of an existing single-family
Page 3 - Notice of HeariO
Southold Town Board ofA~ppeals
Regular Meeting of May 4, 1994
dwelling to professional office(s) in this Residential-Office Zone
District. Location of Property: 14695 Nain Road, Nattituck, NY;
County Tax Nap Parcel No. 1000-114-8-5.
7- 7:52 p.m. Appl. No.
(Carryover from March 2, 1994). This
under Article Ill, Section 1OO-33
swimmingpool with fence enclosure
rear yard or required front yard.
Eugene's Road, Cutchogue, NY; County
is a request for a variance
for permission to locate
in an area other than the required
Location of Property: 1350
Tax Nap Parcel No.
8. 7:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4234 - ALEX AND MARION WIPF. This is a
request for a variance under Article Ill, Section 1OO-33C for
permission to locate an accessory garage with a frontyard setback at
less than the required 40 ft. front yard setback. This parcel is
nonconforming with a lot area of approximately 22,000 sq. ft. and
frontage (lot width) of 118 ft. Location of Property: 940 West Creek
Avenue, Cutchogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1OO0-103-13-7.
9. 8:00 p.m. Appl. No. 4238 - JON C. KERBS. This is a request for a
variance based upon the April 18, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a
permit to alter roof line for a height above the 18-foot limitation in
a preexisting accessory building with garage and rental apartment
(Pre-C.O. No. Z6034 issued 8/1/74); Article ILIA, Section 1OO-3OA.4
Page 4 - Notice of Hear~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
Regular Meeting of May 4. 1994
(ref. 1OO-33). Location of Property: 440
known as 590 Riley Avenue), Mattituck, NY;
Riley Avenue (previously
County Tax Map Parcel No.
10. 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4226 - THOMAS KELLY.
last hearings calendar).
(Carryover from
11. 8:10 p.m. Appl.
Hearing). This is a
the November 30, 1993
No. 4203 - KlM CAMPBELL. (Third and Final
request for a variance under Article based upon
Notice of Disapproval for a permit to
reconstruct new accessory building, which replaces an accessory
building existing prior to September 1993 and which contained a
nonconforming guest cottage use as an accessory to the main residence
(see Pre-C.O. #Z5912 dated 5/15/74).
Road at East Harbor, Fishers Island,
Location of Property: Private
NY; County Tax Map Parcel No.
12. 8:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4203SE - ROBERT E. BIDWELL. This is a
request for a Special Exception under Article Ill, Section 100-31B(13)
for approval of winery uses in existing buildng and proposed building.
The site plan shows that the property is situated along the south side
of C.R. 48, Cutchogue, NY, is zoned Agricultural-Conservation, and is
identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as 1OOO-96-4-4.3 containing
15.4+- acres.
Page 5 - Notice of Hear~
Southold Town Board of Appeals
Regular Meeting of May 4, 1994
13. 8:25 p.m. Appl. No. 4237 - ROBERT PELLIGRINI. This is a request
for an amendmenb to Special Exception No. 4065 (rendered January 23,
1992, for the processing of grapes grown at the premises and sales of
grape wine), to convert a portion of existing building as a cooking
facility (kitchen) for private use. Location of Property: 23005 Main
Road, Cutchogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1OOO-109-1-8.7.
14. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4218 - JOHN STRIPP. (Carryover from last
hearing calendar.) Variance for front yard setback of new dwelling.
Private Road, Fishers Island. 1OOO-7-2-9.
15. 8:35 p.m.
hearing calendar.)
fence enclosure in
Appl. No. 4220 - JOHN STRIPP. (Carryover from last
Variance to locate accessory swimmingpool With
the front yard. Private Road, Fishers Island.
The Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear any
and all persons or representatives desiring to be heard in the
above matters. Written comments may also be submitted prior to
the conclusion of the subject hearing. Each hearing will not
start before the times designated above. If you wish to review
the files or need to request more information, please do not
hesitate to call 765-1809 or visit our office.
Dated: April 19, 1994.
By Linda Kowalski
Mailing List for 51q. IFl- Hearings Notice:
Claude A. Sher
43 Ridge Road
Searington. NY 11507
Rudolph H. Bru~. Esq.
Main Road
Southold. NY 11971-1~66
Mr. Thomas A. Palmer
P.O. Box:218
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Kim Fallon
55 Harbor View Avenue
Mattituck. NY 11952
Mr. Jon C. Kerbs
/4]40 Riley Avenue
Mattltuck. NY 11952
Mr. Frank Cichanowicz
Briarcliff Landscape
P.O. Box 222
Peconic. NY 11958
Samuels. g Steelman Architects
25235 Maln: Road
Cutchogue~ NY 11935
Stephen L. Ham III. Esq.
45 Hampton Road
Southampton. NY 11968
Mr. Henry E. Raynor. Jr.
320 Love Lane
Mattituck. NY 11952
Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Wipf
9~0 West Creek Avenue
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Mr. John Thatcher
F.I. Nature Conservancy
P.O. Box 132
Green Village. NJ 07935
Robert T. Bayley, ~IA
150 LAKEVIEW Terrace
East Marion, NY 11939-0595
Delivered to NEWSPAPERS 4/19/94
Copies of all files in board boxes
and to Chairman 4/19/94.
Copy of legal notice to:
Town Clerk (for coord.)
Building Dept.
Posted on Town Clerk Bulletin
on 4/19/94.
Gerard E Goehringer, Chairman
Ser~e Doyen, Jr.
James Dinizio, Jr.
Robert A. Villa
Richard C. Wilton
Telephone (516) 765~1809
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1800
April 12, 1994
Ap~al No. 4234
County Tax Map No.
Location of Project:
Alex & Marion Wipf
1000- 103-13-7
940 West Creek Ave.,
Cutchogue, NY
Relief Requested/Jurisdiction Before This Board in this Project:
Accessory garage Front yard setback
This Notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the
implementing reg/llations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S.
Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental
Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold.
An Environmental Assessment (Short) ForTh has been
submitted; however, Section 617.13 of 6 N-YCI~R Part 616, and
Section 8-0113 of the Environmental Conservation Law, this
variance application falls under the %~e II classification as
established by law. Further, this Department may not be an
involved agency under SEQP~ {Section 617.13(a) as mended
February 14, 1990}.
Although this action is classified as ~rpe II for this
variance application under SEQP~ {specifically 617.13, 616.3(j),
and 617.2(jj)}, this determination shall have no affect upon any
other agency's interest or SEQP~ determination as an involved
For further information, please contact the Office of the
Board of Appeals, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 at
(516) 765-1809.
Original posted on Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Hall
Copies to applicant or his agent and individual board merabers.
Copy placed in ZBA project file for record purposes.
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
SouthoM, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1801
Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals
FROM: Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk
DATED: April 12. 1994
Zoning Appeal No. 4234 - Alex and Marion Wipf
Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 4234 of ALEX and
MARION WIPF for a variance. Also included is: Notice of
Disapproval from the Building Department, dated April 11, 1994;
Notice to Adjacent Property Owners; copies of survey; Short
Environmental Assessment Form; ZBA Questionnaire; diagram; and a
letter of non-jurisdiction from the NYS DEC dated June 24, 1993.
Judith T. Terry
Southold Town Clerk
A. Please disclose the names of :
the owner(s) and any other
individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the
subjec~ premises and a description of their interests:
(Separate sheet may, be a~=ached.)
~. Is the su~jecu premises lisue= on the real esUa=e'marne=
-~a~' or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes
No. (~f ~as, pl~e a~mmh ~.r~ O~ "cond/t~nns,, of
C. Are there ~zzy ~rrupcsals tD change ~r alter land cun~ou~u?
{ } Yes {~ No
D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses?
2. ~? the ~etland are~cwn on the map submitted with
=his application?
3.. Is the property bul~heaeed bet~en the wetlands area and
the upland building area?
4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have
you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its
determination of jurisdiction?
E~ Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of
proposed g~r~truction at or below'five.feet above mean sea
level? ~J~ (If not applicable, state "N.A.")
' 'F. Are there any patios, ~oncrete barriers, bulkheads or
which e~= ~nd are not shown on the survey mad that you ara
~Ubmitting? ~0~ If none exist, please state "none."
· G. Do you have any construg~ion taking place at this time
concerning your premises? ~O~ If yes, please submit a copy
of your building permit and map as approved by the Building
Department. If none, please state.
H. Do you ~any co-owner also owh other land close to this
parcel~ ~/0 ~' '
- x= yes, please explain where or submit copies
of deeds.
I. Please.~ist present Use ~r operations conducted at this
proposed use S~ and
Authorized ~igna~ure
3/87, 10/901k
§ 97-13
WET.L~."IDS § 97-13
TOWN ~ The Town of Southold.
TItUSTI~ES -- The Board of Trustees of the Town of
Southotd. [Added ~-$-84 by L.L. -No. 6-1954]
~S [Amended 8-26-76 by ~ No. 2-1976; 3-26-
(1) All lands ~enerally covered or in~rmitten~ly cov-
ered With. or which border on. tidal wa~. or lands
lyin~ beneath tidal wa~rs, which at mean low tide
are covered by tidal wate~ ~ a maximum depth of
five (5) feet. includin~ but not limited ~ ban~.
bo~s. salt marsh, swamps, meadows, fla~ or ocher
Iow lyin~ lands subject ~ tidal action;
(2) All banks, bo~s. meadows, fla~ and tidal marsh
subject to such tides and upon which grows or may
Erow some or an~ of the followin~ salt hay. black
~rass. saltwort, sea lavender. ~11 cord~s, high
bush. cat,ils, groun~eL m~a~nl!ow ~d ~w
(3) All lmad immediatei3- adiacen~ t~ a tidal wetland as
defined in Subsection A(2) and lying ~vithin seven-
ty-five (75) feet landward of the most landward
edge of such a tidal wetland.
· (I) Fresh~vater wet ands" as defined in Article 24. Ti-
tle 1. § 2-1-0107. Subdivisions l(a) to l(d) inclusive.
of the Environmen~l Conservation Law of the State
of Ne~v York: and
Ali land immediateI.v adjacent to a "freshwater wet-
land." as defined in Subsection 13(1) and lying with-
in seventy-five (75) feet landward of the most land-
ward edge of a "freshwater wetland."
9705 z.:s.ss
/03-/.~- Y
Town of Southold
Southold, New York 11971
Phone: 516- 765-1801
RECEIVED OF: ~'~'~,~- ~;"'~"~
FOR: ~ /'~'~'" '~ ~
In the Matter of the Petition of :
11o the Board of Appeal~ of the Town nf Southnld :
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Barrett
875 West Creek Ave.
Cutchogue, New York 11935
1. That it is. he intention of the undersigned to petition the Board f~f Appeals of the Town of Southold
to requesta(.~ariance~ (Special Exception) (Special Permit) (Other) [circle choice[
2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des-
cribed as follows: the Wipf parcel south of your property.
3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district:
Residential ~. Low Density
4 That b% such Petition. the undersigned will request the following relief: front yard set back
varience of 17 ft~ less than code or 18 ft. from the road.
5. That the provisions of the Southold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under-
signe~ are Article III Section 100-33 C
[ ] Section 280-A, New York Town Law for approval of access over right(s)-of-way~
6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will
be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road Southold, New York and you ma), then and there
examine the same during regular office hours. {516) 725-1809.
7. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the
Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such
hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the
Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the
right to appear and be heard at such hearing.
Dated:' April i1~ 1994
Owners'Names: ALEX & b~RION WIPF
PostOffice Address-P.O. Box ~21
940 West Creek Ave.
Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935
Tel. No. (516) 734-6513
[Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal to be attached for convenience
In the I~lmtler ot the Petition of :
to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Soulhold :
TO: Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Groocock
1030 West Creek Ave.
Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935
1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold
to requesta ~(Special Exception) (Special Permit) (Other) [circle choice]
2. That the property which is the subject of the Petinon is located adjacent to your property and is des-
cribed as follows: the Wiof D~r~l nor~ n~: y~ ~rn_~r~-%.r
Thai the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district:
Residential- Low Density
I 4 That h~, such Peliliun, the undersigned will request the following relief: front yard set back
variance of 17 ft. less than code or 18 ft. from the road.
5. Thai the provisions of the Southold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under-
signed are Article III Section 100-33-C
[ ] Section 280-A, New York Town Law for approval of access over right(s)-of-way]
6. That within five days from the date hereof, a wrizten Petition requesting the relief specified above will
be filed in lhe Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you ma}, then and there
examine the same during regular office hours. (5].6) 765-].809.
7. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the
B6ard of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such
hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the
Town of Sou*hotd and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the
right to appear and be heard at such hearing.
Dated:' April 11, 1994
Owners ' Names: ALEX £~ b'.3%RION WIFF
Post Off]ce Address P.O. Box 421
9~? West CreeS: Ave.
CutchoQue, N.Y 11935
Tel. No. ( 516 ) 73~.-6513
Z 6 =1~ "ao~_.
Receipt ~'~.
Certified h
NO Insurance Coverab~
Do not use for International
(See Reverse)
Z 693 359 962
Receipt for
Certified Mail
No Insurance Coverage Provided
Do not use for International Maid
(See Reverse)
/ u!
Certified Fee ~
Restricted Delivery Fee
~. Return Receipt Showing
,[~L" ~ ~b/[~ l- ,reslamgat / ~'~ , L.Z~c',./<. liu~.,.I
~U~'&HC;(-~;-~ / ~',~, {1~'~-- , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the //'~day
of ' ' ,19 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Nouce set forth on the re
' .
verse side hereof, directed to each of th(aBove-named persons at the addresses set opposite their r~pective
names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresse~ of said persons as shown on
the current ~sessment roll of the Town of Somhold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of-
rice at '(~.~(, ~LT~ ~ ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by
{certified) (registered) mail.
Sworn to before meJhis // '
Notary Public
Notary Public, State of NeW York
i'~o, qgS1384
~ua!ified m Suff~ k County
(Th s side does not have
property owners.)
to be completed on form transmitted to adjoining