HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/2015 James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25 Donald Feiler PO Box 1179 James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971 Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502 Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Administrative Assistant Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 p.m., December 15, 2015 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: James Garretson,Donald Feiler, James Grathwohl, Edward Webb, Gary Parker, Damon Rallis  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman James Garretson.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of November 17, 2015 were approved unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Grathwohl and a second by Commissioner Feiler. Chairman’s Comments  Chairman Garretson discussed a property at 430 Orchard Street, Orient.  Although the existing house has a building permit (39399Z) for additions and alterations, the application was not brought to the HPC for review.  An investigation revealed that the building department was following procedure when it exempted the project from review, because the work was not altering the façade visible from Orchard Street. However, because a vacant piece of land separates the parcel from Navy Street, the commission questioned whether or not it had jurisdiction over the project because of the façade view from Navy Street.  The building department’s long-standing interpretation of Chapter 170 of the town code is that only the façade visible from a street that borders the property is considered. Since the property does not border Navy Street, this façade was not considered.  Chairman Garretson said that he had received numerous complaints about the project from residents within the Orient Historic District.  As a result, the commission directed Administrative Assistant Damon Rallis to draft a memo to the town attorney’s office asking for clarification on the law as it pertains to the commission’s jurisdiction.  Administrative Assistant Damon Rallis announced that he had sent the memo to Town Attorney Bill Duffy on December 2, 2015, and had yet to receive a response.  Orient resident Robert Sorenson, who was in attendance at the meeting, expressed his disappointment in the above referenced project. Commissioners assured Mr. Sorenson that they were going to work with the town to clarify the issue.  Chairman Garretson also discussed property at 745 King Street. In this instance, he said, work was performed without approval from the HPC. Because the work did not need a building permit, the building department was not aware of the issue until the work had been done. The structure did have a building permit from the Southold Town Building Department, but it did not involve work to the exterior façade.  Administrative Assistant Damon Rallis said that the contractor had come into the building department and he was given an application to apply for the “as built” work on the façade of the property. However, Rallis reported that it had been over two weeks since he gave the application to the contractor. As a result, the commission directed Rallis to file an official complaint with code enforcement, based on Chapter 170 of the town code, against the property owner. Project Update  1535/1555 New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue (SCTM#109.-7-10.5), Salt Air Farm LLC – Proposal to move an existing historic barn. Commissioner Parker reported that he visited the site and that the property owners o would be scheduling an appointment to review a survey and plans for the barn relocation at a later date. Old Business  Using CPF Money for Historic Preservation Commissioners continued the discussion of using CPF funds to protect historic o structures. Commissioners agreed to set up a meeting the with Southold Town Board to o discuss the issue.  Community Outreach (Continued Discussion) Commissioners continued the discussion of community outreach through o advertising, community forums, and other avenues. It was decided that Commissioners Webb and Harper would work on a set of goals to move forward, as well as to work on an updated power point presentation.  Mile Marker Restoration Project (Continued Discussion) Commissioner Grathwohl explained that the mile markers had been restored and o th that a press conference had been scheduled for Saturday, December 19. Meeting Adjourned  The meeting was adjourned unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Webb and a second by Commissioner Harper. �O�agyFFO(��oGy SOUTHOLD LANDMARKS PRESERVATION COMMISSION CU-67 I Historic Building/Places Inventory .; Town of Southold 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Town of Southold/Mark S. Tweedie Date: ,April 2012 Organization: Town of Southold Landmarks Preservation Commission Inventory Update: 1. Building/Place Name/Date: -"The Old Place"/J.Wells/Fleet/Kendrick/Vernon House, (ca. 1680, roof 1815) 2. Tax Map Number/Address: 1000-102.-6-10, 525 New Suffolk Road 3. Town of Southold Identification Number: CU-67 4. Current Status of Historic Building(s) or Place(s) : -Extant 5. Evidence of Structural Modifications (if any) : -None, Intact 6. Notes: -Despite not being in oriainal location, this is one of the most significant houses historically and architecturally to the Town, as this house was owned by Joshua Wells, son of William Wells, one of the first permanent settlers in this area. Architecturally, house is a truly unique blend of vernacular Hall and Parlor with various styled traditions. Multiple views are shown to reveal and record the current condition of this exquisite structure. Photographic Record of Historic Building(s) or Place(S) - April 2012: t..a a a •tea r+ly i r:.,' • lXj.!.1L �`TT at.,^.• R.-I '�(J:Y« �`•!y�,''y�'�}r:rb.-.-Y 4 f s J;i 1 •,td•¢:' '°a✓ `•�'+,-°�.�,�gyp•';. `j y,.� a f R..�'.• SEs:',^���r-�!! �+'^!,•C�.Ts?', uh:" ,dF,'�;";"i:'='e•,Y<. Z§`.. x`557-� ,s;{`.�5. dd••cc--.'..w +q..,w u.,, � .:-x. - _'y .. $}p? �y�' iM� i .i <<}` �' 'i .a2`�`y `'�v,'"•,.�.,,, '® :lam•. t. ✓��.i7, „j§n����• a�.. �s§�,br' :moi.{,aG taws,,"�''_7�+'."`�'"'.:,tg,•v :'. �.•°�`:�"eyya t.,.�_F ner v•�?e Y 1 3 lilt• tks..✓ .i� West Facade 1 CU-67 ';':,'.."`,�"T" •-„=r ��,., ''.', ., -•.. ,,”„''s.�.,r::_,au;:=,�; tea:, _ we' • ,, .max:' ��'�''�- r.�u%�y^_-• `',AZ r ”. .. 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DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION - QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY,NEW YORK (S1 K)474-0479 NEG. NO. - - - YOUR NAME: vo Town of Snthld/S PT.T March l!I A BATE: , T986__ - �?;;,-+:• ' Town Hall Main Road _TELEPHONE:5 --• -YOUR ADDRESS: , 16/765-1892 - ;-;:`�•�.- •' "'-Southold L. I. N.Y. -11971 - r• ORGANIZATION (if.any):Southold Town Community Development Office �1,��,��"N�. _. . '. -:• ! •' ' '�'r�r•_iL-Cti;:f. f -. '�:� f-,•:::.,_, ..,'.....�q. -. s ;;; * .*-`*:.� s '• 4 # - :. +r -•- s +� •t' s •!'''!' ! k 's- # # s • k R s s 's s i' R s # # # s i s _ _•. `•• ek IDENTIFICATION -.�-;� � ,�'.�---",•��- -;. .,, -. ..'� _ .. BUILDING NAME(S)!'T "� lKanririck�Vernon hp Old Place T W�11_P� �� ' .2. COUNTY: Suffnik 'TOWNICITY: Snuthold VILLAGE:G Utn 9 e 3. STREET LOCATION: New Suffolk Rd Past side # 680 N.Suffolk Rd. +3 ` s 4. OWNERSHIP: ,:'a, public ❑ - h private ® ,;�;. --� �,. . -,•; , .:%w.:Yc ,~. + ". •. ;' I �;� ` 5. PRESENT OWNER: Y rron ADDEZESS:Bro k1 n• ,Fr - Residence USE: Original: ' ReS i n e ' Present: �. ® .No ❑ z': ': 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes ;r �.•,• .r• . • -� ' `' ''="=' :` -Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION _ :n,l' _" r c . C.r.' 8. BUILDING: a. clapboard ❑ b. stone I� mac. brick ❑ d. board and'batten ❑-w - + MATERIAL: e. cobblestone Cl...f.shingles N g. stucco ❑ other: c). STRUCTURAL ' - a. wood frame with interlocking joints ® . ' '-• ••: ' .'S:f�':'rr. .• :. SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (if knuvn). `masonry )oad bearing walls❑•. _ ` , I n� d., metal (explain) :y. other 10. CONDITION: a. excellent C3C b. good ❑ c. fair El .:d. deteriorated.q 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site ❑ b. moved ® '-if so,when? early 19th & 18.57 ` c. list major alterations and dates (if known):P aMO D aml_ED 18 L S• - :*Original sites, Main Road, south side, Cutchogue, ca+.,�`•At;". .. 300 yds east of N. Suffolk Rd. Moved to north side =•�~ ?-r Main Rd. early 19th..cent. -Moved to present site, ,in 1857. '•�fr � : . 12. PHOTO: CU-rsm )(-413. MAP: - . From west N.Y.S. DOT Southold Quad '_., ; . _ Front facade and north elevation _qLA ' 4" Front \ e ' •. - # T 111V At PO ��`� • 11 " A 1�s.s• 1 .t tir. ' V.- it e•sgyi `aa I 1,••c;c am.,aFr. �� .s>tu•�Q •.n..r. y _ fiic��o >- - - k ,. I 'r 1 cu-67 1.3 THRLATS TO BUILDING: a.none known b zoning❑ c. roads ❑ d. de%elopers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ , f. other 15. RLLATL-D OUTBULDINGS AND PROPERTY. a bdrn❑ b_ carriage house ❑ C. garage ❑ d.privy ❑. e. shed ® ' F. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑• ' h.'gardens ❑ i. landscape features: Fen P of horiZ boards_ ring the j. other: Mounting block along ro si da. street 10. SURROUNDINGS OF THE: BUILDING (check more than one if necess.u}): a,open land .,b. woodland-0 _-- c.scattered buildings IN r r d.densely built-up El e. commercial El ^= F. industrial ❑ g. residential 0 h.other: - •t 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: _ -(indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) This house stands on New Suffolk Road, a historic and picturesque dual-lane road. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including intlZrior features if known): Handsome 1 -story, 5-bay, gambrel roof house. 3 gable- 2raos' dormers with finely molded interlocking muntins ir. round topped upper sash in the Federal style. Two interior chimneys. Handsome Federal entrance with transom and side- lights. 12/12 windows. SIGNIFICANCE 1 )_ PATE OF INITIAL,CONSTRUCTION: , circa 1680 # and 183.,E -ARCHITECT.- BUILDER: 'P. HISTORICAL AND .ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: The original owner of this house was Joshua Wells, the son of Wm Wells, a 16 .0 founding father of the Town of Southold. Joshua Wells great—granddaughter married John Fleet in 1789 and lived in this house. The area was later named Fleet's Neck after this family;* This house was photographed in detail in the 1930s by the Historic American Buildings Survey. The photographs are on file in the Library of Congress '! SOURCES: * Joy Bear. the News Review, July 16, 1981, Chace. Maxi of Suffolk County. 1858 Survey by the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council, 1974• 1HL.\IC Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt, research assistant. cu-6 A previous owner, Athelstane Kendricks, wrote a booklet on the history of the house•, "The Joshua Wells House." It is in the Whitaker Collection of the Southold Free Library. -- - -- - - - THE OLD PLACE", cutchogue (resume of attached 12-page description) ,THE LAND ON WHICH THE "OLD PLACE" STANDS William Wells, 1640 founding father, negotiated a treaty in 1667 with the Indians whereby Southold was extended to include Cutchogue and part of Mattituck. For this work he was given half of this new territor This house, "The Old Place", built by William Wells son Joshua in 1630, stands on a part of his father's land grant. WHERE FLEETS NECK GOT ITS NAME "The Old Place" is built on Fleets Neck. Joshua Wells (the builder of this house ) had a great-granddaughter, Sarah, who married John Fleet. in 1739. From this couple, and their son and his wife,, Joshua and Frances Fleet, came the area 's name, Fleets Neck. 15c- -�' �"``- THE OWNERS" GENEALOGY The house was owned and lived in by Joshua :ells ' direct descendants for over 150 years. A partial list of owners follows : Joshua Wells built the house in 1650 John T. Wells (Joshua's- grandson) died in 1797, leaving the house to his daughter Sarah, who had married- John Fleet in 1739. John and . Sarah Fleet's son, Joshua, and his wife Frances, inherited th house in 1 1�. They renovated it extensively. he ho Orrin T. Goldsmit%57 who move use to this site) acquired the property in from Henry Landon Fleet.- Oliver Benjamin Goldsmith in 19214 left it to his cousin, Mrs. Athelstar. Kendricks, wife of the attached article 's author. Mrs. Elizabeth Vernon of Brooklyn owns it today. HOUSE MOVED THREE TIMES. House built on South side of Main Road, Cutchogue, c. u mile east of New Suffolk Lane. Early in 19th Century it was moved across the street, just north of first location. (Wayland Jefferson: Cutchogue, Southold's First Colony. Third move, 1957, brought house to present location, 300•' south of Main Road on New Suffolk Lane . This happened when Orrin T. Goldsmith bought it from Henry Landon Fleet. DESCRIPTION OF HOUSE. Ceilings 10 feet high. Parlor & living room separated by wide hall, 19' long First & second floor staircases have round mahogany handrails with four-sided bannisters . 24-pane windows . Dining room largest in house and has 12 doors . Floors : Parlor - uniform 5" boards . Floors dating from 1630 are random width Dining room floor installed over original floor in 1890 Front door heavy. Old eagle knocker. Delicate lights on top and sides . New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Jt/5 Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau O NEW YOWSTATE Z Peebles Island, PO Box 189, Waterford,New York 12188-0189 518-237-8643 Bernadette Castro Commissioner [March 19, 2002 14r Bennett Orlowski Chairman Southold Planning Board Town Hall P.O. BOX 1179 Southold, NY 11971 - Re: The Joshua Wells House r (Fleet-Goldsmith-Kendrick House% 525 New Suffolk Road PEAR 2 1002 Cutchogue, Suffolk County 5�=��f` old Town Dear Mr. Orlowski: s t..a-,,ai?:ia Soard I am pleased to inform you that the above referenced property has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. As you may know, the National Register is the nation's official list of properties worthy of preservation. Listing on the National Register recognizes the importance of these properties to the history of our country and provides them with a measure of protection. In addition, owners of income producing properties may qualify for federal income tax benefits. Properties owned by municipalities and not-for-profit organizations are eligible to apply for state historic preservation matching grants. If you would like more information about any of these programs, please write to the Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau or call us at (518) 237-86.1:3. Field Services Bureau staff maintains a continuing interest in all registered properties and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Sincerer, Ruth L Pierpont Director Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau P.LP:lsa An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Agency 0 printed on recycled paper i TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION APPLICATION Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 3:00 pm in Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY. All applications must have a representative at the hearing in order to be re- viewed. Questions? Call Historic Preservation Commission (631) 765-1800. Date: Property Address: 7-11 flan Sr'-- Owners r'--Owners Name: Sections of local laws authorizing review by the Historic Preservation Commis- sion of proposed work on designated town landmark properties are in Chapter 56 of the Southold Town Code. Categories of Proposed Work ❑repair ❑ Storm Windows & Doors 'Alteration [IAdditions & other ❑ Painting new construction ❑ Roofing, ❑ Signs Please attach a detailed description of the proposed work to the application. At the earliest stage of planning of the proposed work, the applicant should contact the Chairman or Secretary of the Commission in order to establish a dialogue of the proposed work. understand and agree that no work on this request shall commence until written approval has been given by the Building Inspector if a Building Permit is required. Owner's Signature: Note: Applicants should review Commission Standards before planning work to insure that the application conforms to these requirements_ 1. APPLICANT Name: Address- --7 Telephone/email/fax: 2. PROPERTY Owner's Name: Address: Telephone/e-mail/fax: Tax Map Number. Date Acquired by Current Owner: Co 3 /3" Status: Local Landmark( ) In Local'Landmark, District ( ) On National Historic Register or in NHR Dist. ( ) Use: Current: Proposed: 3. PROPOSED WORK Scope of Work: Y ` C��� �F cs•J6 t..r. , f r16 �'t't/I c��---�/�'2c° �►���y"J �-'� Reason for Work: Architect/Engineer Contractor: ''�� Construction Schedule: Ail in'lt kf� rp MR, b ` HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Southold, NY 2016 Commission Road Map Draft "SMART" Goals ("SMART"goals meet the following criteria: Specific, Measurable,Achievable, Realistic, Time-ordered.) GOAL BY DATE WHO? 1. Identify and initiate discussion with one potential new 2/31/16 Parker historic district stakeholder group in Southold Town. 2. Create a HPC speakers bureau and create and make available 3/31/16 Harper/Webb a powerpoint presentation on historic preservation for public presentations. 3. Arrange for and schedule three public presentations on 4/15/16 'historic preservation. (Rotary clubs, historical societies, etc.) 4.Create and place in Suffolk Times one human interest story 5/15/16 related to historic preservation. 5. Initiate dialogue with Southold Town Board to release 6/30/16 $350,000 in CP Funds for use in incentivizing Landmarking of private residences." 6. Create and distribute to local print, social and radio media 5 6/30/16 public service announcements about the value of historic preservation. 6. Create a website, or utilize the Town website,to publicize the 6/30/16 work of the Historic Preservation Commission. 7. Create a "Preservation/Restoration of the Year Award" to be 9/30/16 presented annually. 8. Create and organize an annual distinguished lecturer 10/31/16 program to highlight the value of historic preservation. 9. Research the role of historic preservation in Southold Town's 6130116 Master Plan and advise the Town Board on incorporating historic preservation in the future. EWW:Microsoft word/documents:HPC SMART GOALS 2016