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1979 FIFD
A N N U A L R E P O R T For Fiscal Year 1979 ANNUAL REPORT 14 OF THE ` TREASURER OF �?.le y S Tie/e T_ Name of District TOWN OF COUNTY OF FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 77 AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30 of the Coneral Municipal Law "1. '•• every ••• improvement and spacial district shall annually Maks a report of Its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report shall be made by the chief fiscal officer of each municipal corporation "'. Such reports shall include the financial transactions of Joint sar_olees defind.by section one hundred ninateen.e of this chapter. '•'. S. A11 reports ;hail boo certified by the officer making the same and shall he filed with the comptroller within sixty days after rho close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation, district, ••*. Evory such officer shall also, within sixty days after the expiration of his term mol co,*;figs, or his resignation or removal therefrom, nwe a report to rho comptroller of the financial condition of such municipal.corporative", district, •" an the data f the expiration of his term of *ffice, or his resignation or removal from office, as the case may be. The refusal or wilful neglect of such officer to file a rape" as herein prescribed shall be o misdemeanor and subiect rho financial officer so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyond the sixty days to be paid on demand of the comptroller." STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIYISION OF MUNICIPAL. AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 • REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS: steal Property Taxes 1001 Special Assessments 1030 Total Real Property Tax Items S /a 8Po? oa Penalties on Special Assessments 1091 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME: e-e y .i o�s" VIP Ala7���, io UTotol D portmental Income 2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY: Interest and Earnings 2401 $ Commissions 2450 Other(specify) Total Use of Money and Property 2499 li 7S • 7f SALE OF PROPERTY AND COMPEN- SATION FOR LOSS: Soles of Scrap and Excess Materials 2650 S Sales of Equipment 2665 Insurance Recoveries 2680 Other(specify) o Total Sales and Compensation for Loss 2699 MISCELLANEOUS: e nds o ppr0priatian Expenses of Prior-y-ov" C'0_)&,e_a /r/•e 2701 Other(specify) /� p �ENr- L,pc�s C o/✓•iCA�.L�o.eL'. /or- .���l0 9• y3 rare FPr. or /err y�Ys• ��✓•269 7s :�{a '�'�d;.�"� Total Miscellaneous 2799 INTERFUND REVENUES: Transfer from Fund S Transfer from Fund Totallnterfund Revenues 2999 STATE AID: a Total State Aid 3999 FEDERAL AID: S • Total Federal Aid Total District Revenues (Transfer to page 4) 5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: S Total Non-Revenue Receipts 5999 Total Cash Receipts 6000 . 2. OMIT SAUCE SHEET IF USING CASH ACCOUNTING PICEDURE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Account Code Cash200 S 8'89.95 Cash in Time Deposits 201 q95� �O Petty Cash 210 Cash from Budget Notes 220 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes 222 Cash for Bond Interest and Matured Bonds 223 Cash, Special Reserve Funds 230 _ Total Cash 8000 S Accounts Receivable 380 $ Due from Other Funds 391 State and Federal Governments 410 G oZ33.315 Due from Other Governments 440 Total Receivables 8002 Inventory of Materials and Supplies 445 3 Temporary Investments 450 Investments, Special Reserve Funds 452 Total Investments 8004 .. TOTAL ASSETS 8009 LIABILITIES r RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Accounts Payable 600 S Customers Deposits 615 Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable 621 Budget Notes Payable. 622 Band Interest and Matured Bonds Payable 629 Due to Other Funds 630 Due to.Other Governments 631 Overpayments and Collections in Advance 690 Total Liabilities 8010 Reserve for Encumbrances, Current Year 700 S "3'2 u'r9 9 fv O Reserve for Encumbrances, Prior Years 701 Reserve for Inventory of Materials and Supplies 720 Reserve for Accounts Receivable 730 Reserve for Repairs 882 Reserve for Bonded Debt 884 Toto) Reserves 8011 Fund Balance 909 T 1 Do.,70 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE 8019 NOTE: The 8000 codes are for use by the Department of Audit and Control. EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 OPERATING EXPENSES: `f37 X39. J� S {��. 303 e s� Total Operating Expenses $ 31. // S 5 �l3:Z E ,J'3 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: State Retirement 9010.8 5 S 9ti� X04 - Social Security 9030.8 Workmens Compensation 9040.8 Life Insurance 9045.8 Unemployment Insurance 9050.8 Disability Insurance 9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance 9060.8 o?a .00 Total Employee Benefits 9199.0 S INTERFUND TRANSFERS: Transfer to Fund S Transfer to Fund Total Interfund Transfers 9699.0 S DEBT SERVICE: PRINCIPAL: ,,11 Serial Bonds 9710.6 5 Statutory Bonds 9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.6 Capital Notes 9740.6 Budget Notes 9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770.6 Total Principal 9899.6 5 INTEREST: Serial Bonds 9710.7 5 37/b�3. 0o Statutory Bonds 9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.7 Capital Notes 9740.7 Budget Notes 9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770.7 3y/ fl7� el Total Interest 9899.7 Total Debt Service 9899.0 s Total District Expenses (Transfer to page 4) 9900.0 S NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS: Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements 9998.0 3/. 3 Total Disbursements 9999.0 - 3 ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE F DOUBLE ENTRY ACCOUNTING Fund Balance- Beginning of Fiscal Year 803fi 90 q $ -6�PI''' yy Add: Revenues (from page 2) g0� c&o L�O� !O rj, 13�j Total 8023 $ Deduct: Appropriation Expenses (from page 3) 76 �. 63 Balance before Adjustments 8025 $ Adjustments: Other Additions: (specify) 8026 Other Deductions: (specify) 8027 1"nC'�rn�6P�ntces �r .S'94j. 66 r---- Fund Balance- End of Fiscal Year 8029 $ I - - 4 CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Account Name of Account Code Cash H200 S Cash in Time Deposits H201 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes H222 Total Cash H8000 S Due from Other Funds H391 S Deposits with Other Governments H395 Total Receivables H8002 Temporary Investments H450 Obligations Authorized, Unissued H470 3 Financing to be Provided from Other Funds _H471 Financing to be Provided from State Sources H472 Financing to be Provided from Federal Sources H473 Financing to be Provided from Other Sources H474 Encumbrances H521 Total Other Debits H8008 TOTAL ASSETS H8009 S LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND BALANCES Accounts Payable H600 S Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable H605 Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable H621 Bond Anticipation Notes Payable H626 Due to Other Funds H630 Due to Other Governments H631 Total Liabilities H8010 S Reserve for Encumbrances H700 $ Earnings on Deposits and Temporary Investments H850 Premiums on Securities Issued H851 Accrued Interest on Securities Issued H852 Total Reserves H8011 Authorizations H890 S Unneeded Balances of Authorizations H911 Total Other Credits H8017 Capital Reserve Balances H920 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RE- SERVES AND BALANCES H8019 $ NOTE: The 8000 codes are for use by the Deportment of Audit and Control. 5. CAPITAL FUND • CASH RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE , REVENUES FROM OTHER LOCAL SOURCES: Capital Projects, Other Local Governments H2397 Interest Earnings H2401 Gifts and Donations H2705 Premium on Borrowings H2710 Accrued Interest on Borrowings H2710 Financing from Other Local Sources (specify) H2770 Total Revenues from Other Local Sources H2799 INTERFUND REVENUES: Transfer from Fund H2 S Transfer from• Fund H2 Transfer from Fund H2 Transfer from Fund H2 Total Interfund Revenues H2999 STATE AID FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS: (specify) H3 3 H3 H3 H3 H3 HT H3 Total State Aid H3999 FEDERAL AID FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS: (specify) H4 S H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 Total Federal Aid H4999 Total Revenues H5000 NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Advances from Other Funds H5075 S Sale of Investments H5085 Other Non-Revenue Receipts(specify) H5095 Obligations Issued: Serial Bonds H5710 Bond Anticipation Notes H5730 Capital Notes H5740 - Revenue Anticipation Notes H5770 Total Non-Revenue Receipts H5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS H6000 S CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR H8061 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE H8064 5—.-- ��` 74 6 j I r� CAPITAL FUND . CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE EDP CODE Capital Project Cash Payments H8066 S 1NTERFUND TRANSFERS: (Unneeded Authorizations, Interest Earnings, Premium and Accrued Interest) Transfer to Fund H $ Transfer to Fund H Transfer to Fund H Transfer to Fund H Total Interfund Transfers H9699.0 Total Capital Projects and Interfund - Transfers H9900.0 $ NON-PROJECT EXPENDITURES: Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes H9930.5 $ Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Notes H9970.5 Repayment of Advances to Other Funds H9975.5 Payment of Retained Percentages H9977.5 Purchase of investments H9985.5 Accounts Payable H9995.5 Other(specify) � `` f� �AHSF E<° /O Total Non-Project Expenditures H9998.0 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS H9999.0 S CASH BALANCE AT END OF FISCAL YEAR H8067 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCE H8068 ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL EQUIPMENT" OUTLAY TOTAL 2 3 0 Capital Projects (speeify) H S $ S H H H H H H H H H H H H Total Capital Projects H9000 S S S 2 3 0 • 7 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS + ` BALANCE SHEET ASSETS W91- 74/ Cash T200 S -- Cash in Time Deposits T201 Total Cash Assets T8000 S - Total Fund Balance (T10-T72) T8019 S 597• CASH BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS BEGINNING ENDING BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS BALANCE i 3 S 7 PAYROLL FUNDS Consolidated Payroll T10 S _o - S -6-- S — o - $ --v Group Insurance T20 0 07,2'?�..?/ — C — State Income Tax T21 ` c' �� 7/•.20 / 7/-.2D --O Federal Income Tax T22 _o 6-k?7.-e0 's-P'77. e —0 Income Executions T23 Association and Union Dues T24 - o " o23h�'`7 '23—a —v U. S. Savings Bonds T25 - Socia! Security T26 /i/7. 7� ,,5"/G q. 03 ,S-fee?• �a a New York City Income Tax T28 PERFORMANCE DEPOSITS } B' Deposits Guaranty and ,d D ep s is T 30 Other(specify) T /3o./.Z 79•.2e '51y3o 9•-/,s/ So `i77D-�o�/rAES /ie Tie�NENrT_i� 7—JZ T T T Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable T71 T Overpayments and collections in Advance T72 Tota! T808 S /`?7� ' S V V7�'f3 s ° �G 7 s 9•��' li DETAIL STATEMENT OF INDESTEISSS � • Year Interest Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstondeng of T l During During Title of Issue Code Is Te RPte 1 January 1, 197 Year Year December 1, 19 Bonds: Fis�/E.r s _Ls.c•¢�vd 1'977 S-,Fe ISS j, k,._ S S rye_ S .sgse."o-- Total Is S [S S �S S IS S Notes: Total 111 S $ S S Notes Pfooso»port all water district debt abevo and not in the Supervisor's Annual Report for Towns. AUTHORIZATION I. ........... a a.].is'3731.1L...lea.l•...111.............................._......... do hereby certify that l ant the rroasuref of the (Pfeese Print or TypeE • .».............�1a'.S}7.erq...1a1a1xd.XPwx=..D7.S:ziut.. .................................................... . in the Torn of (fiame,ei Dis►►itti ..................++af337.�020............................................ . County of ........ 1 .P.),I........................................... and that two foregoing is a trio and comet report of the said district for the year ended Oeeember.31, 19..., and that this report ogreos with the official records. -Y b`^J.�J!r�'1/lA�..........:y.. �.:.": •.1-, .........»»»............ William R. Pell IA fo V"of r""u")•Supervisor P. 0. Address . '4�oT?..5?.f..►�A?.ltiS7�.G�.... ............................. 53095 Main Rd. Date .....F� :... 1 t...�.9$4..........».. ........»........»».. ia.thc�ld.,...Nex z Yosk..1047-14............... FOR DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL'USE. ONLY Initials Ca�eietsd 'Oars 1. Acknowledged. 2. Cheek opening balances with previous year's closing Wane*. Check outstanding debt with report of previous Year, adiust fat deet retired 3' and -Iew 4obt incurred. i. Tabuiate revenues and expenses for annual report. I S. To EDP 5. Front EDP :0 . • , *SUMMARY OF CASH - ALL FUNDS SINGLE ENTRY . Cash Bolone• Cash Cash Cash Solana Title EDP January 1, Roesipts Disbursements *comber 31, Cede 1 3 5 T General Fund Sw 850 S S $ S Capital Fund H 849 - Trust and Agony • it Tota! All Funds ami S S S S CASH BY FUNDS PER BALANCE SHEETS DOUBLE ENTRY' TI TL E FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND S SOD �O f• 3s CAPITAL FUND TRUST AND AGENCY TOTAL ALL FUNDS f O6cl CERTIFIED BANK BALANCES Name of Bonk Bonk Balance Outstanding Checks Net Bank Baton es December 31, December 31, 7?_ December 31,7L /(►YC2r.,� rdo eK ,Qil�vic $ 953.1�' M S 66,o� S ,�iSrEe TS Jc� r '4w-r" cf'x L�SYE,eS Z73r46,vo jkezy Jisr 47,9,YA ev-*N•y. �''c /6Az•y2 7 4rrr9. 96- -7'S k, SJ'SV A nRP/TrtL f?/ivi NC�!'TN AP.K NK - `U" Total S v, X36.i', S J�as�. 9 7 S 16 77. 6 q Cashan Hand .............................................................................. Total Cash - in Bonk and on Hand .................................. 8300 .. $ -hot* anfountr must agrte. - 4CT1:: Artach ia"A certifications to support bank boJances shown. • 9 . i 4 • j SC RULE A-4 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES TOTAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES AND OTHER EXPENSES BENEFITS CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1 2 4 8 ! > GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT (Cont'd.) Buildings A1620 /io 9� �e i 4 Central Garage A1640 Central Communication System A1650 Oral Storeroom A1660 Central Printing and Mailing A1670 j Central Data Processing A1680 //�,2 s/0 2 ii�,2•s�o.Z. Unallocated Insurance A1910 '17 9,P9.33 i Municipal Association Dues A1920 Judgments and Claims A1930 Purchase of Land A1940 Taxes and Assessments A195O Pr ision -for; ollected Taxes A198O Inventory of Materials and Supp. A1982 Receivers Operating Fund A1986 Total /6 $ A8G /05, 7J&$' /adz . 9/ Page 9 o�- ,q�r/�v v.9� �•cr�oP 7ys T C?o IV74 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS _ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES Page General Fund . . ... . . 2 General Fund Outside Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 O Special Revenue: Highway Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Federal Revenue Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ' Community Development Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 0 Revenue Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 (�J ` Water Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 (vY Sewer Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 (✓) '{ Library Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 (� Lighting Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 j Water District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 (l Fire Protection Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 62 (�1 Sewer District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 (� Miscellaneous Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 W Debt Service Fund . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 O iiCapital Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 ff 'a Special Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 O ' Trust and Agency . . 85 ' General Long-Term Debt Accounts (Capital Indebtedness) . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 87v" General Fixed Assets Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 F Notes To Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 89 I SUPPORTING SCHEDULES - ALL FUNDS Statement of Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Capital Notes and Bond Anti.cipation Notes by Purpose 94 Maturity Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Bank Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Real Property Tax Levy and Uncollected Taxes 98 Certificate of Fiscal Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 *You may. delete sections of the report that do not apply to your Town . If sections are omitted , please check the appropriate box . STATEMENT A GENERAL FUND - BALANCE SHEET Page 2 ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Cash A200 $ , '9G.8y Accounts Payable A600 $ Cash in Time Deposits A201 Tax Anticipation Notes Payable A620 Petty Cash A210 Revenue Anticipation Notes A621 Cash from Budget Notes A220 Accrued Liabilities A601 Cash for Tax Anticipation Notes A221 Budqet Notes Payable A622 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes A222 Due to Other Funds A630 Cash , Special Reserves A230 Due to Other Governments A631 Total Cash $ /6o lo5',a5- Due to School Districts A661 Taxes Receivable , Current A250 $ Due to County for Tax Levy A663Overpayments A690 Taxes Receivable , Overdue A260 Total Liabilities $ hool District Taxes Receivable A290 xesReceivable Pending A30D Deferred Revenues : axable Transfers A320 Deferred Revenue A691 $ Property Acquired for Taxes A330 Deferred Tax Revenue A710 Mortgages on Property Acquired A331 Total Deferred Revenues $ Notes Receivable, Railroad Taxes A 3 32 Fund Balance : Total Taxes Receivable $ Reserved for : Less : Allowance for Uncollectible Taxes A342 Encumbrances A700 $ Net Taxes Receivable $ Inventory of Materials and Accounts Receivable A380 $ Supplies A.72a Less : Allowance for .Receivables A389 Excess Dog Control Revenues- A872 Net Accounts Receivable $ Tax Stabilization A880 Due from Other Funds A391 Repairs A882 State and Federal , Other A410 G 99y90 Judgments and Claims A888 Due from Other Governments A440 Surplus (Deficiency) - Total Other Receivables $ County Tax Levy A905 Inventor of Materials and Supplies A445 $ Inventory pp Unreserved: Temporary Investments A450 $ Approp. Ensuing Year's Budget A909 /a?o Investments , Special Reserves A452 Unappropriated A909 y7 o99. 9s" Total Investments $ Total Fund Balance $ /67 099. 9s- I TOTAL LIABILITIES AND TOTAL ASSETS A 8 0 0 9 $ /e7 aff, Vsf FUND BALANCE A8019 $ /67x99.PS i STATEMENT A-1 GENERAL F INID - SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ORIGINAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ACTUAL OVER REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES (UNDER) Real Property Taxes /s-/, X-4/.0-/, ,0 $ ---o— Other Tax Items 'Pero, og Pd" ow Pee, 7 �jo�(„�z• Non-Property Tax Items Departmental Income io x,70,or "r io x'99.G� o299•G¢ Intergovernmental Charges Use of Money and Property /9 o.2s:101, /3 oar;eo ZIE Kr a7 Zo3•s/5' Licenses and Permits i4 741”,or /G 7s�a• w a.? 099•G sr.�9.6y Fines and Forfeitures �aoa., oa 8e-�os 4GG9• as i6G9• ov I Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 76.re io-47G, P3 Miscellaneous �aso,so •oa fit -o,5d 39so•.sa nterfund Revenues irate Aid /ry R"-ea I Pl• 34er,to 93//a,t.3s Federal Aid Total Revenues $ 9a? $ 95 to yi 7j7,-3O $ Interfund Transfers Total Revenues and Transfers $ 9.x7,,W-ke $ 9z7eF4,1w 071 1"44" $ ��`� �sz• �m OTHER SOURCES Appropriated Fund Balance g3o,0,P Obligations Authorized Total $ /4G8 71A sa ORIGINAL BUDGET UNENCUMBERED BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BALANCE I EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS AS ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES E General Government Support $ $ 'Wealth Safety ln.s'Seo,o-s G9.r�s..2� s3' 7.4g-- 9y9z•�7 �fealth Transportation 4. yey.ez ayxi-15 ZZ Economic Assistance and Opp Cr LZ4` �_10 /�.2' s•�- Culture and Recreation 91 X00• ow _ 977Gz•yy �a s9/.y7 7� 70.97 4 Home and Community Services ?3:�•35 /,Zr od • .76 Employee Benefits /3y'"0' -'/,Z 1177 or /36 •eff.s/ �i�7• �y Debt Service - Principal Debt Service - Interest .._ Total Expenditures $ /0s'7'6 •,(o 87 s9o•or $7 le ps 7e,7 ii $ $ Ye F6 .97 Interfund Trans fersZc,9T.feAoeE ii ozG,e,r /i oz6,dy- //o.2G, os Total $ io 67 7Z,?',0_y $ $ i FJa•i� Budgetary Provisions- Other Purposes Total $ 1o68P1Qr oo $— /098 i6,e8 **• ** These amounts must agree - Page 3 These amounts must agree STATEMENT A-2 GENERAL FUND Page 4 ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE I Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year A8021 $ w Add : Revenues and Transfers A8022 /o7/ -X&Y r.o Total A8023 $ /ao� 9s5• �G Less : Expenditures and Transfers A8024 Total Before Adjustments A8025 $ /6o ior,os ADJUSTMENTS Add : Notes paid from Appropriations : Budget Notes $ Tax Anticipation Notes Revenue Anticipation Notes O t h e r (s p e c i f c'-,,q/H5 �99y 9a Total Notes and Other Additions 9 9 Y• 90 Less : Other Deductions (specify) $ Total Other Deductions Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year A8029 IIA IAAIIIA�IAAIA .4EDULE A-3 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE DETAIL OF REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAXES A1001 $ DEPARTMENTAL INCOME - Carried Forward $ Stadium Charges A2030 REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Auditorium Charges A2035 Gain from Sale of Tax Acquired Marina and Docks A2040 Properties A1051 $ Golf Charges A2050 Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1080 Ski Facility Charges A2060 Other Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1081 Skating Rink Charges A2065 Interest and Penalties A1090 �a6i•37 Contribution from Private Agency Settlement of Railroad TaxesA1082 for Youth A2070 Total $ 90G/1-Y7 Museum Admissions A2090 Zoning Fees A2110 PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Planning Board Fees A2115 Sales Tax A1120 $ Refuse and Garbage Charges A2130 9 Franchises A1170 Charges for Cemetery Services A2192 Total $ Public Pound Dog Control Fees A1550 .DEPARTMENTAL INCOME P.eo6rr.�,-� Fo,e T�,� �Gi�rG A/97z �'/3• q� Supervisor (or Comptroller) Fees A1230 $ Town Clerk Fees A1255 999 z s- Police Fees A1520 Total Safety Inspection Fees A1560 Charges for Demolition of CHARGES FOR SERVICES TO OTHER GOV'TS. Unsafe Buildings A1570 Tax and Assessment Services A2210 $ Health Fees - A1601 Public Works Services A2300 Hospital Income A1635 Other Economic Assistance and Ambulance Charges A1640 Opportunity Services A2349 Public Works Services A1710 Youth Recreation Services A2350 *n rking Lots and Garages A1720 Refuse and Garbage Services A2376 Street Parking Meter Fees A1740 Dog ControlServices A2 26 8 Bus Operations A1750 TT Airport Fees and Rentals A1770 Airport Commissions & Concessions A1774 Total $ Airport Sales of Supplies A1776 Repayments of Home Relief A1840 Repayments of Burials A1848 'E Park and Recreation Charges A2001 To9a•3'd Recreation Concessions A2012 Beach and Pool Fees A2025 Page 5 SCHEDULE A-3 GENERAL FUND DETAIL OF REVENUES Page 6 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS Interest -and Earnings A2401 $ Refunds of Prior Years Rental of Real Property A2410 Expenses A2701 $ .373e.i-z Rental of Real Property , Gifts and Donations A2705 Other Governments A2412 Endowment and Trust Fund Rental of Equipment , Income A2755 Other Governments A2416 CETA-Title. II A2762 Commissions A2450 9f•08 Title III A2763 Total $ y/0 798,45' Title IV A2764 LICENSES AND PERMITS Title 'W A2766 'Pe 9A Business and Occupational Title VII A2767 censes A2501 $ Title VIII A2768 of Chance Licenses A2530 8�-��,�Kr i4tFuNn A2770 Bingo Licenses A2540 -e•110, 79 Total $ Dog Licenses A2544 s"o/z.Pt. INTERFUND REVENUES Building Permits A2555 Interfund Revenues A2801 $ Licenses , Other A2545 Permits , Other A2590 i6 74 .03 Total 0 99• Gy FINES AND FORFEITURES Fines and Forfeited B.ai 1 A2610 $ !9G 4F. Forfeiture of Deposits A2620 Fines and Penalties Dog Cases A2611r�� gG69•�0 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS $ Sales of Scrap and fExcess Materials A2650 $ ii�Yis.s-o S e of Refuse for cycling A2651 02o�,9.v Minor Sales , Other A2655 'Pe Q.sa Sales of Real Property A2660 Sales of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 A2690 Total $ 7G• 83 E I k q SCHEDULE A-3 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUES STATE AID FEDERAL AID Per Capita (Revenue Sharing) A3001 $ /moi o�6•o-a Civil Defense A4305 $ Mortgage Tax A3005 97 Crime Control A4320 Loss of Railroad Tax Revenue A3007 6c y'P'P"F CETA - Title II A4 7 21 Tax Abatements A3015 Title III A4 7 31 Navigation Law Enforcement A3315 Title IV A4741 Snowmobile Law Enforcement A3317 Title VI A4761 Public Health A3401 Title,VII A4771 Insect Control A3468 Title VIII A4781 y Narcotics Control A3484 Programs for Aging A4772 z Program for Aging A3772 CETA - Summer Recreation A4830 Racreation for the Elderly A3801 "2i/0" re Emergency Disaster Assistance A4960 lh Projects A3820 oWuncil on the Arts A3862 �SH,�t,c FiSf/ 33. 0 /.Srs.`a Total $ Total Revenues $ Total $ n2G8 J,oz •.3.5 TRANSFERS ' Interfund Transfers A2831 $ _ Total Revenues and Transfers A5000 $ /o,7/ I L T 4 CI ' y de r y j s Page 7 5CHECULE A-4 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES Page 8 TOTAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES AND OTHER EXPENSES BENEFITS CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1 2 4 8 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Town Board A1010 $ /ao5',o� $ o?5�79•P7 $ $ s�"z� ,zp $ Justices A1110 •57.509. 9/ '��"b',2 9 G,F Traffic Violations Bureau A1130 9.ovisor A1220 32 -037,91 ya39 43 Director of Finance A1310 Comptroller A1315 Auditor A1320 78s,o-y !, Budget A1340 j Purchasing A1345 Assessment A1355 ate(I .2 9 9/- Tax GTax Collector A133O TIOAdvertising and Expense A1361 r i Expenses on Property Acquired A1364 a f Clerk A1410 3/ Pyr/ io a77iy.4C 7is:so a9i�, o y Law A1420 .177 97a lie /9 999- 9z 7 97z -38 Personnel A1430 " Engineer A1440 ev I Elections A1450 Board of Ethics A1470 PYA is Works Administration A1490 4 . IN SCHEDULE A-4 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES Page 10 TOTAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES AND OTHER EXPENSES BENEFITS CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC SAFETY 0 1 2 4 8 PUbliC Safety Administration A3010 $ �$ $ $ Communication System A3020 Police A3120 .33 7.2.89 a.?gs7•GG h/�S•z 3 Jail A3150 Traffic Control A3310 i fn-Street Parking A3320 Fire. Fighting A3410 Control of Dogs A3510 /9 07'3. 97 /-9-/,v T ea Sa d IFts�et�t-ion ,Ez� ��N•.r� •BoARcus A3628 'S/L/• �3 'S/�/. �3 a Civil Defense A3640 �S'c S' /J TTENDi�NC� Fdj ps}ge.e' q�� i Control of Other Animals A3520 Total $ .s'97sx P/ $ $ LTH lic Health A4010 $ $ $ $ $ Registrnr of Vital Statics A4020 i Narcotic Guidance Council A4210 Joint Hospital A4525 Ambulance A4540 i �.,.� Total $ $ $ 4 ti SL RULE A-4 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES TOTAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES AND OTHER EXPENSES BENEFITS CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1 2 4 8 { TRANSPORTATION Superintendent of Highways A5010 $ .S7o54• / $ 7os9.3/ $ $ $ Garage A5132 Street Lighting A5182 q,:!rJA 7 Sidewalks A5410 BuRperations A5630 Railroad Station Maintenance A5640 Off-Street Parking A5650 76Ga'•ao GSo�,e� /i6�•24 Total $ IJ411.1-f'3,9� $ lS-IT -9• c/ $ $ 7o G9G•G 7 $ ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY Administration A6010 $ $ $ $ $ Home Relief A6140 B*ls A6148 CETA - Title II A6220 Title III A6230 Title IV A6240 Title VI A6260 Title VII A6270 Title VIII A6280 Publicity A6410 Ar..?I/,e-e Programs for Aging, A6772a.z� ��a•�� Veterans Services A6510 Total $ /a `5`o t_' .z $ f 9le,/e Page 11 SCHEDULE A-4 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES Page 12 TOTAL. PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES AND OTHER EXPENSES BENEFITS CAPITAL OUTLAY k CULTURE AND RECREATION 0 1 2 4 8 /QECREfjT/b/y �D�r�i�y�5T/QI97-leo' e-", oa Parks A7110 $ /0 7o 4, ze Playgrounds & Recreation Centers A7140 Joint Recreation Projects A7145 Beach and Pool A7180 07 Id-", to rina and Docks A7230 olf A7250 Skating Rink A7265 _ Band Concerts A7270 Tennis A7280 Youth Programs A7310 Joint Youth Project A7320 Library (Other than Town) A7410 Museum A7450 Atorian A7510 Historical Property . A7520 5oa •e o Celebrations A7550 Adult Recreation A7620 147,40,43 /a.790. 63 t Total $ 7 $ C�EDULE A-4 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES TOTAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE. Ir SERVICES AND OTHER EXPENSES BENEFITS CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1 2 4 8 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Zoning A8010 $ $ $ $ $ Planning A8020 Joint Planning A8025 Research A8030 /RGN".�1ENTi9.t,. CO/YTiQO.G /7�OyO jqh4-_q A9049 '1// Refuse and Garbage A8160 /D 9..299.'zo .S7 7G •5s �9 s3�. GSJ Community Beautification A8510 '5176,ra STs r-o Noise Abatement A8520 Drainage A8540 X0 9s 0 7 __._. �'v9-3• e 7 Joint Drainage A8550 Shade Trees A8560 Conservation A8730 j God and Erosion Control A8745 Emergency Disaster Work A8760 General Natural Resources A8790 Cemeteries A8810 elov Agency for Prevention of Cruelty to Children A8820 Total 70 1.5"r, �� $ $ .51��/,�'0 $ ;CHF.DUL•E A-4 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES Page 14 �MPLOYE E BENEFITS DEBT INTEREST ;tate Retirement A9010 . 8 $ lo3s/9•oz Serial Bonds A9710 . 7 $ i ?ire and Police Retirement A9015 . 8 Statutory Bonds A9720 . 7 focal Pension Fund A9025 . 8 Bond Anticipation Notes A9730 . 7 r jocial Security A9030 . 8 -Ao P9.2, 7/ Capital Notes A9740 . 7 f j ;orkmens Compensation A9040 . 8 92a2, ds* Budget Notes A9750 . 7 t fife Insurance A9045 . 8 Tax Anticipation Notes A9760 . 7 Tne&oyment Insurance A9050 . 8 Revenue Anticipation Notes A9770 . 7 disability Insurance A9055 . 8 State Loans A9790 . 7 t lospital and Medical Insurance A9060 . 8 33 Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ Total $ TRANSFER TO : )EBT PRINCIPAL � serial Bonds A9710 . 6 $ Other Funds A9501 . 9 I Ptatutory Bonds A9720. 6 Capital Projects Fund A9550 . 9 �00 Anticipation Notes A9730 .6 Contributions to Other Funds A9561 . 9 capital Notes A9740 . 6 i �udget Notes A9750 . 6 rax Anticipation Notes A9760 . 6 kevenue Anticipation Notes A9770 .6 ! i Mate Loans A9790 .6 Total k Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS A9900. 0 I STATEMENT B GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE BALANCE SHEET ASSETS , LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Cash B200 $ .5".5. 0/ Accounts Payable 8600 $ Accrued Liabilities B601 Cash in Time Deposits 8201 9 9. 90 Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable B621 Petty Cash 8210 Budget Notes Payable 8622 Cash from Budget Notes 8220 Due to Other Funds 8630 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes 8222 Due to Other Governments B631 Ca* Special Reserves B230 Overpayments 8690 Total Cash $ $ ��a?S. 8/ Total Liabilities Accounts Receivable 8380 $ Deferred Revenue B691 $ Less: Allowance for Receivables 8389 Fund Balance Reserve for: Net Accounts Receivable $ Encumbrances 8700 $ Due from Other Funds 8391 State and Federal Gov'ts. , Other 8410 Inventory of Materials and Supplies B720 Due from Other Governments 8440 Repairs 8882 j Total Receivables $ Unreserved: Appropriated - Ensuing Year's Budget 8909 0?.6-r-v o-a Inventory of Materials and Supplies B445 $ Unappropriated 8909 Temporary Investments 8450 $ Total Fund Balance $ �P-�25.8/ Investments, Special Reserve Funds 8452 Total Investments $ TOTAL ASSETS 88009 $ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 88019 $ 67, P Page 15 fi Pago 16 STATEMENT B-1 GENERAL FU'N'D - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE ' SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ORIGINAL ADJUSTED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ACTUAL OVER REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES (UNDER) Real Property Taxes $ /i78 78,.9-0,ev $ ii 7.'-7'0-7, ov Sales Tax _ Departmental Income q'/ 'Fa-o•aa a-e. •�o ,,,�G 'r?fe o 40 9� 0 Use of Money and Property /s o�o,rn is'a s�/ 9/-7• i9 39913 • i9 Miscellaneous /�.�o-o.,a iP�s-�r.oe �2,� q�3,P� .s�7.s'.8'l/ State Aid e�,5-,s-o-�,o-fl Sa�S-0,�,o-v . G`j 97,3 �tal Revenues $ $ a6s 70 $ 3G s.7o $ 3/1Jr.74 erfund Transfers _ Total Revenues and Transfers $ /e9oz3sa, /.36'1G7.a.93 OTHER SOURCES Appropriated Fund Balance Obligations Authorized Total $ /33 .16a:o8_ *$ 1.-776 x077. 4-y a� ORIGINAL BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS AS ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES BALANCE Weral Government Support $ W//.3ov, $ &/0 6G y5' $ $ Public Safety SGP ?", Sia dG/•sem 0/0 dG/, Sf( - Health .�.sa o ,e� cs? Culture and Recreation Home and Community Services .2 3 -s4 6,23 -p- Employee Benefits ,//4/. y7 Debt Service - rrincipal Debt Service - Interest Total Expenditures $ $ `$ $ Interfund Transfers Total $ /33o�3so o o $ /37G 97�./0� $ i39G�9' $ $ - =— * These amounts must agree, a �*These amounts must agree. STATEMENT B-2 k; GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE ANALYSIS OF FUND .BALANCE , Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year 88021 $ oZo, 73i,s7 Add : Revenues and Transfers 88022 Total 88023 4�,�os, so Less : Expenditures and Transfers B8024 /.37G /`99.69 A Total Before Adjustments B8025 $ x .z5.8i ADJUSTMENTS Add : (specify) $ Total Other Additions Less : ( specify) $ w Total Other Deductions Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year B8029 $ "la t Page 17 T Page 18 SCHEDULE B-3 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE DETAIL OF REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAXES B1001 $ //774;So. vv t F SALES TAX B1120 $ DEPARTMENTAL INCOME f Police Fees B1520 $ 63o4a Health Fees B1601 -7,5V Zoning Fees 82110 aG �s5.9c Planning Board Fees B2115 83"90.or s Total $ .36 89/.20 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings 82401 $ sy 9/.3.9/ Tota? $ .6-./ qi/ - MISCELLANEOUS 45-11CV&.0 /R16.1-P YR ,Fxo. �z7oi $ (o�+z•.s� �-g�e�F•.1 SNS. /T'ECO✓E.E'/ES Q 260 $ 'S�,Z7'�.=�0 C/9tgcC F/',AiYI•yiSE— GsE or- Ooc�cE ,f�D/c 82'x'70 � TATE AID Per Capita 83001 $ (9 //w3. or Youth Programs B3820 //�viG�?r�oi✓��c �iD .53��. Total ."FD A"P - Oyrl- Xc 6.,q 364-0,70 TOTAL REVENUES $13Gy 6 73, 9.3 TRANSFERS i` Transfer from Other Funds B2831 TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS 85000 SLHEDULE U-4 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES I TOTAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE G SERVICES AND OTHER EXPENSES BENEFITS CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 l 2 4 8 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Unallocated Insurance B1910 $ (,o GG 7. �<s $ a GG 7• /.S:- Total $ Go 6G �7,�S $ $ $e 7.-/..4 $ kIC SAFETY olice B3120 $ $ _$ $ Safety Inspection 83620 �!s-ai„�,// sc96 393.E _ .3 .38.3- Bray �On(STAC3.(.E Ba/3a _ zs,�•s:.si iZ7oF•3'9 12- Total zTotal $ /o obis $ '77x6 x/•33 $ �s/6S',e� $ i.�o 9,2R•z $ HEALTH Public Health B4010 $ Registrar of Vital Statistics 84020 Laboratory B4025 Total CULTURE - RECREATION Waygrounds & Recreation Centers B7140 $ $ $ $ $ uth Programs B7310 — Library B7410 Total $ $ $ $ $ HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ' Zoning 88010 $ 97a,oS• $ 1/ Pa 9. o-v $ /o23,3a $ .soi9. 7s` $ Planning B8020 0?9 pe,41./P as 08• V. 99 ?9 Refuse and Garbage 88160 Total $ $ 834, 5"G �� 9/3.99 $ /.�.9•.3a $ 798. 9y $ y Page 19 F !` SCHEDULE B-4 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE - DETAIL 0'F EXPENDITURES Page 20 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEBT PRINCIPAL State Retirement B9010 .8 $ as 43 ,yy Serial Bonds B9710. 6 $ Fire and Police Retirement B9015 . 8 ail 999• Statutory Bonds B9720. 6 Local Pension Fund B9025 . 8 Bond Anticipation Notes B9730. 6 Social Security B9030 . 8 Ty Capital Notes B9740 . 6 Workmen ' s Compensation B9040. 8 wl" 44 Budget Notes B9750. 6 Life Insurance B9045 .8 Tax Anticipation Notes B9760. 6 Unemployment Insurance B9050. 8 Revenue Anticipation Notes B9770. 6 Disability Insurance B9055 . 8 State Loans B9790. 6 pital and Medical. Insurance B9060 . 8 ,.43 875.8I' Total $ DEBT INTEREST Serial Bonds B9710 . 7 $ Total $ ` fid Statutory Bonds B9720 . 7 Bond Anticipation Notes B9730. 7 Capital Notes B9740 . 7 Budget Notes B9750 . 7 Tax Anticipation Notes B9760. 7 Revenue Anticipation Notes B9770. 7 State Loans B9790 . 7 Tc2tal $ C � TOTAL, EXPENDITURES $ TRANSFER TO : Other Funds B9501 . 9 $ Capital Projects Fund B9550 . 9 Contributions to Other Funds B9561 . 9 i Total $ i. TOTAL EXPENDITURE:. AND TRANSFERS B9900. 0 $ /974 17?• G9 1 6TATEMENT D HIGHWAY FUNDS - BALANCE SHEET i ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Cash D200 $ 90-I Accounts Payable D600 $ Accrued Liabilities D601 _ Cash in Time Deposits D201 /90 Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable D621 Cash from Budget Notes D220 — o — Budget Notes Payable D622 1 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes D222 — a Due to Other Funds D630 ash, Special Reserve Funds D230 _ a — Due to Other Governments D631 Total Cash $ /97 /A/7• Overpayments D690 Accounts Receivable D380 $ Total Liabilities $ Less Allowance for Receivables D389 Deferred Revenues D691 $ Net Accounts Receivable $ Fund Balance: Due from Other Funds D391 Reserve for: Due from State and Federal D410 Encumbrances, D700 $ 5943.o-a Due from Other Governments D440 Total Receivables $ Inventory of Materials & Supplies D445 $ Inventory of Materials and Supplies D720 Temporary Investments D450 $ Repairs D882 Investments, Special Reserve Funds D452 Unreserved: Total Investments $ Appropriated - Ensuing Fiscal Year D909 Unappropriated D909 //o 14'f Total Fund Balance $ TOTAL ASSETS D8009$ /47/Y 7•as TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE D8019- $ /97 /y7.c-o Page 21 i ..�.�.. ... ..n. OI 11 iminommil I III III III I Hill 1111111 p 13TA; L'"!_N1 D- 1 HIGEIWAY FUND Page 22 (Include aZZ the Highway Funds in this Statement) SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ORIGINAL ADJUSTED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ACTUAL OVER REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES (UNDER)REVENUES I Real Property Taxes r-a /9 $ R-3 9 Non-Property Taxes (Sales Tax) _ Intergovernmental Charges Use of '-toney a:id Property ,/7' 0-0o /7a-.-, 0-V ai810/ Miscellaneous - Rc`Pfr/Rs To 70'w,v , ey q Inter Fund Revenues 0'ate Aid ederal ,lid Total Revenues $ soa,os $_- Z o $ .5"3 .6-97, 60 Interfund Transfers —! Total Revenues and Transfers $ 87o Soa. ev $_ Flo ser,�-a ., $ 9, .z��o $ s'a 6.� 7.6 c OTHEP SOURCES Appropriated Fund Balance /s_i�,�� Gia Oblinations Authorized _ Total $ 93z oa"1,51 9��.sis.J4A1 'L ORIGINAL BUDGET BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS AS ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES BALANCE Transportation - Highway Repair and Improvement $ $ ,/Pz .✓6-ov•e-c $ $ $ .s"o, /o/• J'G Bridge ,? a-is.Ny as/s, Machinery /7A ovv,an /72 0-", a.r /S9; .43/•s/ 5�G3,oa �soS, y9 . Snow and Miscellaneous 87 osa,or p7o",Ov s6 s14evd Is 7 3o /,33, W,/— Highway ;mp*@*@mmt fRUShR f�iJEbS �sL!dso.e o_ 3ye-o�,ev .�.2 !(a/7 3.2 /�38'.Z•68 Employee Benefits /,,r6 ,roo,oe /sG .�-oo.� i��33�• .g /o /6o.s� Debt Service - Principal Debt Service - Interest �i Total Expenditures $ 9. 2 O/8NY ?.23' 7:J'2.7B $ $ „ fo 2•44 Interfund Transfers Total y $ 93ys�s,�y *$ b'as �.�.�. 78 $ ��0,3.oa $ /02 S1oz..GG $ 93,? o/8.�/ ,These amounts must agree. �II�II�MIIAlIII1Nll�ll�l��VIII 1111111 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII III 'STATEMENT D-2 HIGHWAY FUNDS ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCES REPAIR AND SNOW AND HIGHWAY TOTAL IMPROVEMENT BRIDGE MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENT o , Fund Balance - Beginning of Fiscal Year D8021 $ 77,2, /,P $ GP 0/4 , 9 7 $ 4y $ $ 7.39,a 7 $ IAdd: Revenues & Transfers D8022 }act /a Z �e .5'"6 61 Total D8023 $ /oo2a P?9.71 $ la'O.R'C'/ $ � Leo Expenditures and Transfers D8024 XaS'7,6o2, 77 S-0 7.37.6. F-r /79 .0G.3. Total Before Adjustments D8025 $ 17711Y7• rV $ /aa X90• Go $ 91 9.z1 XS $ (Adjustments: (Specify) 4 Additions: 4 D10--tions: NC'vrnl3 2�NC� ..✓`766. ow -:6 F6 A e.-fj Fund Balance - End of Fiscal Year D8029 $ i4-0 $ Q�-�.�i $ .�oai�• 7,�$ tr SCHEDULE D-3 HIGHWAY FUNDS - DETAIL OF REVENUES Page 2-4 -=;L. REPAIR AND SNOW AND HIGHWAY TOTAL IMPROVEMENT BRIDGE MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENT TAX ITEMS ' Real Property Taxes D1001 $ �o3y /9�,0-0 $ si i� $ — o - $ /qr & $ $ Sales Tax Distribution by County D1120 $ $ $ $ $ $ CHARGES TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS Public Work Services D2300 $ $ Snow Removal Services D2302 Total $ $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY aBrest and Earnings D2401 $ ssaiP•o / $ 33 /�o.Bi $ $ /i a f/3•�o $ �i v3. �o $ tal of Equipment - Other Governments D2416 _I Total $ ,SsaiB,oi MISCELLANEOUS Tcury C��v�- ,�! A790 $ -2i os9.o_,9 $ p.+l a G,/7 $ $ i.�,S9i. 93 $ 410"9,9 $ 0?445" . J50,0-v �s'o•�a Total $ '.t/moo ,09 $ $ INTERFUND REVENUES Interfund Revenues D2801 $ $ $ $ $ $ j STATE AID 4 1 eage and Valuation Aid D3507 $ IJJo4,50 $ /0-a0e,..So ghway Improvement Pro, D3521 $ Total $ i3�od.sa $ /<330 6•Sa $ $ $ $ FEDERAL AID 'Public Works Employment - Antirecession D4750 $ $ $ $ $ $ Total $ $ $ $ $ $ ' Total Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Interfund Transfers D2831 Total Revenues and n Transfers D5000 7, e $ 5G 9os7.1/� $ ` o - $ hoz 7816'•,5'3 SC' ULE D-4 HIGHWAY FUNDS - DETAIL OF. EXPENDITURES REPAM-AND SNOW AND HIGHWAY TOTAL IMPROVEMENT BRIDGE MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENT GENERAL REPAIRS Personal Services D5110.1 $ ZG y.ZG 9'.id' $ -?,6 y,16 s,iZ Contractual Expenses D5110.4 /e f/g-P- Employee Benefits 05110.8 -0 _ - o - IMPROVEMENTS capital Outlay D5112.2 BRIDGE Personal Services D5120.1 $ Ctal Outlay D5120.2 i, Cactual Expenses D5120.4 Employee Benefits D5120.8 MACHINERY Personal Services D5130.1 s't ��y G S_, $ Capital Outlay D5130.2 sty,,aY9,_ 9G -s/39g•96 Contractual Expenses D5130.4 sa 6PU ,Re .5'3 6,r6. 90 Employee Benefits D5130.8 ' MISCELLANEOUS Personal Services D5140.1 k Contraelual Expenses D5140.4 ,1,2,iyz. 74 Employee Benefits 05140.8 ',SNOW REMOVAL Personal Services D5142.1 U 37 a.3 6s�•37 Contractual Expenses D5142.4 -;%F aogo�, o z �3���• a a Employee Benefits 05142.8 `SCES FOR OTHER GOV'TS. onal Services D5148.1 Contractual Expenses D5148.4 Employee Benefits D5148.8 'IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project No. D5150.2 $ # i` Project No. D5151.2 Project No. D5152.2 Project No.� D5153.2 $ �/TOTAL 3 $ --o — *Include here all Improvement Program expenses except Interfund Transfers and Debt Service ` Page 25 L,OUL G- H GI-IWN'v FbNU' - UL , AIL fi ' EXPENDI TURL5 Nage 26 I REPAIR AND SNOW AND HIGHWAY TOTAL IMPROVEMENT BRIDGE MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS r State Retirement D9010.8 $ 8/ OV4.6 $ s7 9a 9.77 $ --o — $ io?i6 s/. ox $ Social Security D9030.8 303,-7ji I' Workmens Compensation D9040.8 /� iy�,s.Z 9a -,4y''.0%7.7 4 Unemployment Insurance D9050.8 0 — Hospital/Medical Ins. D9060.8 aG 129,.31 aLK.s3,sf 1149. 4eef Total $ /it 17J?9 7i $ -6 - $ a ezz.3/ $ /9.3ai,vo DEBT PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes D9730.6 $ $ $ $ $ $ Budget Notes D9750.6 Serial Bonds n971.0. 6 Capital Notes D9740_.6 i Total $ $ $ $ $ $ DEBT INTEREST r Bond Anticipation Notes D9730.7 $ $ $ $ $ $ I` Budget Notes D9750.7 Serial Bonds n9710 . 7 Capital Notes D9740. 7 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ f Total Expenditures $ $ $ $ $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Other Funds D9501.9 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund D9550.9 �1 Total Expenditures and Transfers D9900.0 $ A&,75-,?,78 $ .5"37 I� STATEMENT CF FEDERAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Cash CF200 $ //".37 Accounts Payable CF600 $ Cash in. Time Deposits CF201 PG poi . z Accrued Liabilities CF601 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Revenue Anticipation Notes Notes CF222 Payable CF621 — Total Cash $ 81G Total Liabilities $ Due from Federal Government CF410 $ Fund Balance Reserved for: Temporary Investments CF450 $ Fnrumhrances CF700 $ V{a63 � C i Unreserved: Appropriated Ensuing Fiscal Year CF909 F/ nl,l 3 G Unappropriated CF909 Total Fund Balance $ TOTAL ASSETS CF8009 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE CF8019 s— I, E Page 27 i . STATETIENT CF-1 FEDERAL REVENUE FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUC Page 28 LOCAL SOURCES Interest and Earnings CF2401 $ •��� ,a6 Refunds of Prior Years Expense CF2701 Other (Specify ) FEDERAL SOURCES Federal Aid , General Revenue Sharing CF4001 Total Federal Revenue Sharing Fund - Revenues CF5000 99191211 i 1 ATEMENT CF-2 FEDERAL REVENUE FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT EDP PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE Account TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENSES BENEFITS Code 0 1 2 4 8 •,c/L'E .�4uio.�/�n• T CF /naa•.2 $ . 2.30-s/..?.2 $ $ $ .3�30�..72 $ 'Pug5 C'F o/.5/ 'S/o .5-0-0•av hto �o-s•elf �oin.�.9o7-0 �'� 4M3• Y .30 65'3,igt 3 o G53. /N �ASTE LU/�Tr2 �?7JA�/ C`9008•y /o o-a•o, o••a /o e� c*-o Total $ $ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement CF9010.8 $ Fire and Police Retirement CF9015.8 Social Security CF9030.8 Workmens Compensation CF9040. 8 Life Insurance CF9045.8 A49.5 7-e /y.9A✓,9dE,y�,y7- Unemployment Insurance CF9050.8 _ Hospital. and Medical Insurance CF9060. 8 4_ Total $ DEBT PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes CF9730.6 $ Total $ DEBT INTEREST Bond Antcipation Notes CF9730.7 $ Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ TRANSFERS T0: - Capital Projects Fund CF9550.9 $ Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS CF9900.0 $ Page 29 k STATEMENT CF-3 FEDERAL REVENUE FUND Page 30 } ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE t Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year CF8021 Add : Revenues CF8022 Total CF8023 $ v2a7 7.3-6-, �9 Less : Expenditures and Transfers CF8024 3i7,�-� Total Before Adjustments CF8025 $ A6 h// 7, G5 ADJUSTMENTS 3 Add : (specify) q0�.`5 C.. Total Other Additions Less : (specify) /9,r0 ��vd $ yeSa3. z'9 Total Other Deductions -*nd Balance End of Fiscal Year CF8029 $ Al 76 3G Page 74 STATEMENT V DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Cash V200 $ --o -- Bond Interest and Matured Bonds Payable V629 $ Cash in Time Deposits V201 Due to Other Funds V630 Cash with Fiscal Agent V223 Total Liabilities $ Cash , Special Reserves V230 Fund Balance Total Cash $ Reserved for : Bonded Debt V884 $ Due from Other Funds V391 $ Mandatory Reserve for Bonded Debt V888 Temporary Investments V450 $ Unreserved : Investments , Special Reserves V452 Unappropriated Ensuing Year ' s Budget V909 Total Investments $ Unappropriated V909 Total Fund Balance $ TOTAL LIA3ILITIES AND TOTAL ASSETS V8009 $ -- v - FUND BALA':CE VBO19 i f i STATEMENT V-2 DEBT SERVICE FUND ANALYSIS Of FUND BALANCE Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year V 8021 — Add : Revenues and Transfers V 8022 Total V 8023 $ ess : Expenditures and Transfers V 8024 Total Before Adjustments V 8025 $ ADJUSTMENTS Add : (specify) $ Total Other Additions $ Less : (specify) $ j 1 Total Other Deductions 1 Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year V 8029 i Page75 i STATEMENT V-1 !' DEBT SERVICE FUND - REVENUES Real Property Taxes V1001 $ Interest and Earnings V2401 Premiums on Securities Issued V2710 Accrued Interest on Securities Issued V2711 Total Revenues $ I i Interfund Transfers V2831 lleR6, e—ry Total Revenues and Transfers V6000 $ //oaf DEBT SERVICE FUND - EXPENDITURES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL PRINCIPAL INTEREST 0 4 6 7 Fiscal Agents Fee V1380 $ $ Serial Bonds V9710 $ $ S �-�9+3ds1 /,7,/1! 9 ✓973a ��o.?G•aD �oo-c-o.ov �o,T6• o� Capital Notes V9740 Public Authorities V9780 r , Total Expenditures V9900 $ i�oaG•a-o $ $ io e-�-o• $ �e-� o-� r 1"x'1 Page 76 STATEMENT P SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND FOR I BALANCE SHEET ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Cash P200 $ —o — Accounts Payable P600 $ Retained Percentages , Cash in Time Deposits P201 Contracts Payable P605 Cash for Tax Anticipation Tax Anticipation Notes P620 Notes P221 Accrued Liabilities P601 Cash for Bond Interest and Matured Bonds P223 Interest Payable P625 Bond Anticipation Notes . Total Cash $ Payable P626 Assessments Receivable , Current P370 $ Capital Notes Payable P627 Assessments Receivable, Serial Bonds Payable P628 Deferred P371 8'5�?p- e-V Bond Interest and Matured Municipality Share of Bonds Payable P629 Costs , Current P372 Municipality Share of Due to Other Funds P630 Costs , Deferred P373 Due from Other Funds P391 Overpayments P690 Total Receivables $ 9,?'p, Total Liabilities Deferred Revenue P691 $ Fund Balance (Deficit) P909 $ -- a - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND TO i AL ASSETS P8009 FUND BALANCE P8019 $ I Page 83 i STATEMENT P-1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND FOR flefe,F AoraD Page 84 -DETAIL OF CASH RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE DETAIL OF CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE Permanent Financing: Project Expenditures $ Seriai Bonds P5710 $ Statutory Bonds P5720 Debt Service - Interest: Capital Notes P5740 Serial Bonds P9710.7 Transfer from Bond Anticipation Notes P9730.7 State Aid (Specify) Capital Notes P9740.7 j Other (Specify) Federal Aid Specify Debt Service - Principal: Serial Bonds P9710.6 Bond Anticipation Notes P9730.6 Capital Notes P9740.6 Omporary Financing: Other (Specify) Bond Anticipation Notes P5730 Tax Anticipation Notes P5760 Other: Revenue Anticipation Notes P5770 Bond Anticipation Notes P9930.5 Advances from Other Funds P5075 (Redeemed from Bonds) Tax Anticipation Notes P9960.5 Debt Service Revenue: (Redeemed from Special Special Assessments P1030 Assessments) Premium and Accrued Interest (Specify) on Securities Issued P2710 Other (Specify) • Total Receipts P8063 $ Total Disbursements P8065 $ BALANCE BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR P8061 BALANCE END OF FISCAL YEAR P8067 Total Receipts and Total Disbursements and Beginning Balance P8064 $ Ending Balance P8068 $ r 1 STATEMENT T TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BALANCE SHEET i a ASSETS FUND BALANCES Cash T200 $ .f 61 Consolidated Payroll T10 $ Local Firemens Pension Fund T11 Cash in Time Deposits T201 Local Police Pension Fund T12 ' Workmens Compensation Reserve T14 Cash , Special Reserves T230 Unenployment Insurance Reserve T15 e State Retirement Systems T18 Total Cash Assets $ ,5-G0-//"2o Group Insurance T20 I State Income Tax T21 Investments , Special Federal Income Tax T22 I Reserves T452 $ Income Executions T23 Association and Union Dues T24 j Securities and Mortgages T455 United States Savings Bonds T25 Social Security T26 s' -o3i, 9G Accrued Interest on New York State Income Tax T28 Securities T456 Guaranty and Bid Deposits T30 Street Opening Deposits T31 Personal Property T457 Park Land Deposits T37 Tax Redemption T40 Real Property T458 Joint Tax Liens T41 j Receivers T42 Total Other Assets $ Receivers Operating T43 Surplus from Tax Sales T44 Foreign Fire Insurance T50 Sale of Unclaimed Property T52 Cemetery Lot Fund , Expendable T90 Library Trust Fund , Expendable T91 Other Expendable Trust Funds T93 Cemetery Lot Fund , 769 Non-Expendable T95 Library Trust Fund,`�P.e r� r/0,1' T7',` Non-Expendable T96 Other Non-Expendable Trust Funds T98 TOTAL ASSETS T8009 -4TOTAL FUND BALANCES T8019 $ .SZ 391, ?40 Page 85 SCHEDULE T-1 TRUST A%P AGENCI FUNDS Page 86 ANALYSIS OF CASH Beginning Ending Cash Cash Cash Cash Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance Consolidated Payroll T10 $ Firemens Pension Fund T11 Police Pension Fund T12 Workmens Compensation 'Reserve T14 Unemployment Insurance Reserve T15 Employees Retirement T18 .�-86,,2y /oaG7�_ 96iy io /a39 9.P' Group Insurance T20 _ 1?4 6146-.6,2 New York State Income Tax T21 ZyBs, i Z,2 X45-1 /j, —o 4deral Income Tax T22 a,2y 47...5-,Z come Executions T23 - ! Association and Union Dues T24 GG�7,I'� �G a7, 8� - o - U. S. Savings Bonds T25 ' 00 - Social Security T26 ,,�� 4-1 -s 03 /d'7 X88- 70 New York City Income Tax T28 Guaranty and Bid Deposits T30 /ydn,�e ..So-v.se o Street Opening Deposits T31 Park Land Deposits T37 Tax Redemptions T40 Joint Tax Liens T41 Receivers Fund T42 Receivers Operating Fund T43 Surplus From Tax Sales T44 Foreign Fire Insurance Tax T50 Federal Admissions Tax T51 Proceeds from Sales of Unclaimed Property T52 * cial Services Trust Fund T53 tate' Training School T56 Cemetery Lot Fund, Expendable T90 Library Trust Fund, Expendable T91 Cemetery Lot Fund, Non-Expendable T95 Library Trust Fund, Non-Expendable T96 •S.91_E-,s 7"-q,)e 7�9 %,g20 77 /a 73-x'9 /10 is s6._ E Gcl �,QE' R o rEe T10,V T7 y .a6 G3.3,os S90,0a l3ilVege) nLz /8'9�',Sa /?97.AZ -a — �O E .PA�/Mt�CjJ T7,2 Total D%2 G 3 Page 88 STATEMENT K GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNTS* I ASSETS INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS l Land K101 $ o?4306-0. oV Bonds and Notes K151 $ /o29s—�ze�-o. o p Buildings K102 -510 . 7G Current Appropriations K152 4 • Improvements Other Gifts K153 Than Buildings K103 Sate Aid K156 Machinery and Equipment K104 A,o -7 G,9a o / Federal Aid K157 Pfg /,.-3 Construction Work in Progress K105 Other ( Specify ) �ii�r5 �/Li oR APPRnP2i/aTiO/YS /�C/�O Flo -7 • �� Total Investment in Total Assets K8009$ 7-'7/.20 . 77 General Fixed Assets K8019 $ &7Y,'24-Zo . 77 *Do not include: Fixed Assets .of an Enterprise Fund . f i t I Page 89-a NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4 NOTE 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies I Basis of AccountingPrnneedure9 ha.ve been se . M to have fixed q.qqpt, undated by Amari ran j2:r;;j aal C:m=any (formerly Gpnaraj Al2 ra_i goal Cnm=any) an rannrda wprp not a»�nn»,J ed the A- mrai s 1 Cn. in time fnrthem to update fixed asset records. If copy is required at a later date D,lease advise i f SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS (Continued) INDEBTEDNESS NOT EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT Page 92 MONTH CURRENT OUTSTANDING DO NOT INCLUDE RENEWALS HERE OUTSTANDING FINAL AND INTEREST BEGINNING OF END OF t,*:T SEPARATELY EDP YEAR' RATEFISCAL YEAR ISSUED DURING PAID DURING FISCAL YEAR MATURITY BY DATE OF ISSUE CODE T P FISCAL 3YEAR FISCAL YEAR 7 DATE Capital Notes: (COMPLETE SCHEDULE 3 FOR EACH ISSUE LISTED BELOW) X / X / X / X / X / Total Capital Notes 875 � Bond Anticipation Notes: (COMPLETE SCHEDULE 3 FOR EACH ISSUE LISTED BELOW) �irzer/.vs.F � /H�Ti�.cu9rio Y 0.3/hh o3 l OF e/T�2EET /GNTS //n +�•'�� �O 4rid. 6� /D, .B�ysiet T,e.enc� Y / ce•671 Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / i Y / � Y / Y / I Total Bond ; ; Anticipation Notes 876 ..3e •mrJ 'Pov ,s• e4 /o a-a o. o-a , a-c *ON NEW ISSUES. PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE.ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LASTEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, FOR EXAMPLE. JANUARY 1977 SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01 '77 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS (Continued) INDEBTEDNESS NOT EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT MONTH CURRENT OUTSTANDING DO NOT INCLUDE RENEWALS HERE OUTSTANDING FINAL AND INTEREST BEGINNING OF END OF LIST BY PURPOSE EDP YEAR* RATE FISCAL YEAR ISSUED DURING PAID DURING FISCAL YEAR MATURITY CODE FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR DATE T P 3 7 Bonds: (COMPLETE SCHEDULE 4 FOR BONDS ISSUED DURING YEAR) � I Total Bonds 811Jam 819 � � � r q� 4 �a tate or Authoritv Loans g ` F TOTAL OF ALLk f 824 3 a,o-a /o �-o-o, c+a o��a-e�-e• e INDEBTEDNESS Footnotes to Schedule 2(include callable features of bond issues and any reserve funds available to pay debt) *ON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LASTEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1977 SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01,117. Poge 93 j MATURITY SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 4 BONDS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR EDP CODE loco A D PURPOSE OF ISSUE //Y7,P�QO vENEK TS FOR A.&C. USE ONLY CE 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL PR ��, I DATE OF ISSUE' DT IN EST RATE (1 mals) PC MONTH, DAY and YEAR OF FINAL MATURITY DM 4' � Amount of Principal Re $ /� o-o o-o $ $ $ $ deemed in or to be Re- deemed in Fiscal Year Ending in (PLEASE INSERT YEARS. LAST TWO DIGITS ONLY; �1 Continue on Reverse Side *PLEASE INSERT SIX DIGITS, FOR EXAMPLE,JANUARY 1, 1977, SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01/01/77. NOTE. If two or more purposes are combined in a consolidated issue, show the maturity schedule for each purpose. Page 95 Il\ BANK BALANCES Identify Bank Balances with Funds by Listing the Applicable Code Letters Fund Bank Less Add Cash Adjusted Name and Location of Bank Code Balance Outstanding Checks On Hand Bank Balance �'r�.Fu -Tow,v lino - Noerrr�o,tx �i�.vK 19 - &.2J 44 yyAl s — ��r /ouw - NO{rsr Lom J,94-�C ��� �a r7o /6 .Tf 7ry r'r"u -JYoe _ Sao•7z /90.2 •s/ /97 _7_ 8.3 4696 '5'4 yE.e�•�oSc?,eS l� [' - �iryir�ie,�.c. . .9iy,E 710.. 411s ,ra o2ia ?,/e •&V - u .fie o, �-�,•ao �,E-DE�.4t REQ �•vE J'y Cri�,t�rrc � fir rr - eF /6.37 -o - 86 or.,ZP 46 Nr7, GS •�7S"d.9.✓r/.Pe�c �//�Tr-fe-/. �isr,�in�cs+.c..�,�,vvr — o v — _ —o — o _ /Y r� o2.s'i 9.P3 a�•:sd �s�i,s-2 So�rF,8s E _ 10 Tow.v fi/H.c ivv Fh. 417 - ,�� - v t" oe rr �o ,►� -o- --o - -u - -v - r-- /6R .21.3• yv Add: Petty Cash Funds Other Adjustments1oz9,zle3. a These amounts must agree. .L NOTE: Bank certification forms are not required to be filed with this report. However, the Dept of Audit- end udit end Control may confirm bank balances directly with the bank. 97.A. RANK RECONCILIATION CASH BY FUNDS,' PER BALANCE SHEETS II Include `Petty Cash From Statement Total Cash A General Fund - Townwide B General Fund - Tows. Outside Village D Highway Funds /97 '/'7, CD Community Development Fund I' CF Federal_ Revenue Fund f C Enterprice Revenue Fund H Capital Fund —d - s. P Special Assessment Fund - Bayside Terrace —� - SL Lighting Districts SW Water Districts - West Greenport SF Fire Protection Districts SS Sewer Districts ' S Miscellaneous Districts - Fishers Island Ferry District T Trust and• Agency Fund - Town Trust and Agency Fund - .Fishers Island Ferry District V Debt Service Fund - Town V Debt Service Fund - Fishers Island Ferry District ' s Supervisor Tax Warrant - 1979-80 4750 ANTIREC Title II Federal Q Nutrtion Program - Nutrtion Program - Special account _ o - Recreation Center ga 79.1c/ Main Bay View Road Improvement EDA New Town Hall Annex 03 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ /a'e 9 ya * These amounts must agree withTotal Adjusted Bank Balance and Petty Cash on page 97A NOTE: Bank certification forms are not required to be filed with this report. However, the Department of Audit and Control may confirm bank balances directly with the bank. l _ 97 J AC 1965 (11/78) Print Code X ANNUAL REPORT OF NOTICES OF TORT CLAIMS FISCAL YEAR ENDING 190 . Bu/� to S667,"11 XCOUNTY (Name ob Municipat ty) L Number Amount Amount Paid i of of on n Claims Claims Claims e 1 Claims Pending at Beginning of Year a?� $ 6&"9/800 ;. XXXX 2 Notices of Claims Filed During Year to �d 8Gt 59".00 XXXX NUMBER NUMBER TOTAL 3g .S3A 9'S�h!uc XXXX Claims Disposed of During Year Prior to Commencement of Court Action: 4a By Municipality O $ _ 46 By Insurance Carrier A/ So•0L /JSo.ey Claims Disposed of During Year After Commencement of Court Action: So By Municipality Sb By Insurance Carrier Sc By Judgment Other(explain) 6a 6b 7 . TOTAL CLAIMS DISPOSED OF DURING YEAR $ /Z. o_- 8 Claims Pending at End of Year(Line 3 minus Line 7) s S36S7.1 o AUTHORIZATION Article 4, Section 50-f of the General Municipal Low "xxx. 3. a. Each officer charged with the duty of making and keeping the record of claims shall make an annual report thereof, in summary, to the governing board of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission and shall file o copy thereof in the office of the state comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year.of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission. A municipal corporation, authority or commission required by section thirty of the general municipal law to file an annual report of its finan- cial condition with the state comptroller shall file the report required by this subsection with such financial report. xxx". Report Prepared by: William R. Pell NPSS Titl Supervisor, Town 01' Southold Doted: Feb. 11. 1980 53095 Main Rd Southold NY 11971 1 _ Address Now, It is not necessary to furnish any additional information or details of the above claims or notices of claims. If there were no notices of Tort Claims filed or disposed of, please state "NONE" and return this report with the Annual Financial Report. DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 rn - rn ca P4 CERTIFICATE OF FISCAL OFFICER I, William R. Pell III certify that I am the fiscal Please Print officer of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk ; that this report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions and fiscal condition of the town for the year ended December 31 193Q. Supervisor Signature Title William R. Pell III 53095 Main Rd. ficial res Date Office Telephone Number 516 765 1800 PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York, Department of Audit and Control Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistics State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 Attention: Nicholas Solomos QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE COMPLETION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT, PLEASE CALL ALBANY. 3 Filing - (518) 474-4014 Assistance in Completion - (518) 474-5505 6023 it 8159 RECEIPTS & TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISBURSEMENTS YEAR 1979 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Encumbrances $ 9,513.87 Balance 12/31/79 55,232.o& Receipts: CF400 U. S. Treasury $ 137,004.00 CF2401 Interest 5,985.26 Disbursements Budget Actual CF9000.2-Police, Official Equipment $ 30,500.00 $ 27,4+3.6+ CF9001.4-Libraries 44,500.00 44,500.00 CF9003.4-Compactor(Waste Management) 50,000.00 30,653.1+ ugoo6.4-Land Acquisition 8,000.00 7,860.18 CF9007.4-New Suffolk Ave. R.I. 50,000.00 CF9008.4-Waste Water Study. 10,000.00 10,000.00 $1 9,000.00 $116,456.96 Encumbrances: CF9000.2-Police Equipment $ 4,860.58 4,860.58 CF9002.4-Town Hall - 4,653.29 $121,317-54 In checking: 1 16.37 In time deposits 86,401.28 4750 ANTIREC Title II PW Balance as of 12/31/78 $ 365.70 No receipts Disbursements Balance B23120.4 65.70 -0- Debt Service Fund (street lighting) Balance as of 12/31/78 -0- Receipts Disbursements Balance $11,02 .00 $11,026.00 -0- EDA Funding: Main Bayview Road Improvement Balance of Allotment Allotment Receipts Disbursements Balance $ 25,455.Q8 $ 259454-97 $ 25,454-97 $ •1' Disbursements: Lyon & Reboli Paving Construction $ 24,976.53 Greenman & Pedersen 478.44 $ 25,454-97 note: Allotment balance of $.11 was added to allotment New Town Hall per U. S. Dept. of Commerce RECEIPTS & TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISBURSEMENTS YEAR 1979 EDA Funding: New Town Hall Annex Balance in checking 12/31/78 $ 1,846.40 Draw down on remaining allotment 42,016.91 ►► r► n ►► (Bayview Rd. ) .11 43,863.42 Disbursements: Minnesota Construction Corp $ 21,577.20 Metro Plumbing 1,846.40 Morchel 10,080.00 Rolands Electric 2,410.50 Greenman & Pedersen 1,481.29 $ 37,395.39 Balance in checking $ 6,468.03 Special Assessment Fund (Bayside Terrace) Receipts: No. Fork Bank & Trust $ 8,000.00 Disbursements: P4140.1-Personal Services $ 1,874.15 P4140.4-contractual expense 6,125.85 $ 8,000.00 Tax levied on taxpayers Baysth Terrace for 1980 $2,028.00 ecreation Center for the year 1979 Receipts: County of Suffolk $154,414.50 $154,474.50 isbursements: Saccorand Ahlers $ 3,860.00 Strathmore Construction Corp. 104,583.69 Metro Plumbing East 10,340.00 Thermo Comfort Inc. 15,300.00 Cavaliere Elec. Contr. , Ltd. 11,111.00 145,194.69 Balance on hand 12/31/79 $ 9,279.81 West Greenport Water District Receipts from Tax Levy $ 24,500.00 Disbursements - Village of Greenport 24,500.00 Balance on hand 12/3' 9 -0- - _.� _ - ;YY Jq-a. P"SY'N•91+l5 'C'Ti f.: - r.r•ts'• u+"�' +h►is+•Csf� +�..+J..a++YrzL•...wsr'iar< �v.kr,�1...Ns�.+hMr�• .ti •' - t _ � ��Y. 1 use. TOW-N.OF SOUTHOLD it 1979 fNUTRITION PROGRAM (Regular account) Balance 12/31/?8 6,42 .25 Receipts: Reimburse. from County 60,649.98 Interest from savings . 165.12 Participant Income 13,114.33 80 356.68 ?5,929-43 Disbursements 7_5. 307'83 i Balance 12/31/79 71,0 j Nutkition — Special.Account ( contributions from Participants) Balance 12/31/78 Receipts 13,111{-.33 Disbursements: to regular Nutrtion Program acct 13 114.33 - 1i is 4 i i li i f ' e - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N.Y. Supervisor's Tax Account 1978-79 1978-1979 Tax Warrant Balance 12/31/78 $ 838,370.05 Received from Receiver of Taxes 10,612,975.09 Payment - 1979 General Fund - Whole, Town 683,151.00 General Fund - Part Town 1,178,550.00 HighwW Fund - Item I 514,194.00 Highway Fund - Item III 178,800.00 Highway Fund - Item IV 141,200.00 Fishers Is. Ferry District 124,882.00 Fishers Is. Garbage & Refuse 54,400.00 School District #2, Orient 662,452.26 School District #4, Fishers Is. 511,694.08 School District #5, Southold 2,228,621.46 School District•#9, Matt.-Cutchogue 2,661,113.50 School District #10, Greenport 1,447,828.79 School District #11, Laurel 318,741.10 School District #15, New Suffolk 98,340.72 Orient Fire District 32,035..96 East Marion Fire District '31,267.56 Fishers Island Fire District 55,484.79 Southold Fire District 150,060.92 Cutchogue Fire District 117:131.28 Mattituck Fire District 77,983.23 E-W Greenport Fire Protection 36,545.09 (now processed A & T) Orient Mosquito District 6,500.00 Orient-East Marion Park District 7,650.00 Southold Park District 33,500.00 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District 17,167.40 Matti-tuck Park District 57,550.00 West Greenport Water District 2/79 12,250.00 7/79 12,250.00 11,451.345.14 -0- Supervisor's Tax Account 1979-80 19.79-1980 Tax Warrant Received from Receiver of Taxes $ 1,500,000.00 Payments - 1979 School District #2, Orient $ 79,000.00 School District #4, Fishers Island 61,900.00 School District#5, Southold 269,160.00 School District #9, Matt.-Cutchogue 346,000.00 School District #10, Greenport 174,900.00 School District #11, Laurel 51,850.00 __ __. _- _.._ ------________ School District #15, New Suffolk 17,590.00 $ 1,000,000.00 Balance on hand 12/31/79 $ 500,.000.00 r r C% a CO. MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 Greenport, new York January A, 1x79 P.EarVMJ Town of Southold J11. V79>out io?.d, New York Attentions Mr. Albert T?. Yartocchia Dear A1, L The balances at the end of 1Q78 in the various accounts were as follows . . Highway account 044-08890-0 ::13 ,862.85 Nutrition- reg. A/c 047-2 .792-8 3 ,1226.20 Fishers Island Agency & T 01�I!-08621-5 4,775.79 ✓' Recreation Center 0)17-31782-9 -0- Street Lighting Install. 0 !:-31772-1 -0- ✓"� Capital Account 044-05126-8 -0- „ "'ax Account 044-08892-7 Closed ✓' Savings Accounts Highway Account 040-09537-h 78,897.98 Nutrition Account Olio-09609-1 3, 153. 72 If you need any other information or there is anything we can do to be of assistance to you please call on us . Sincerely yours , WilliamC ,Albertson ?,Ianager----Greenport HOME OFFICE: LOVE LANE MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 (516) 298-8366 RECEIVED D E C 41979 1979 ANNUAL REPORT OF TOWN JUSTICE MARTIN SUTER S town Cie* soutfiold SUMMARY OF MONEY SENT TO NEW YORK STATE COMPTROLLER: January $ 668. 00 February 788. 00 March 644. 00 April 692.80 May 378. 20 June 704. 00 July 2, 098. 00 TOTAL 5, 973. 00 CLOSED CASES AND MONEY TAKEN IN: • Vehicle & Traffic 4,485. 00 381 Parking Tickets 213. 00 39 Civil Court Costs 254. 00 96 Criminal Cases 750. 00 72 Bail Forfeitures 45. 00 4 Unclaimed Bail - Returned State Comptroller 7/79 180. 00 4 Transcript of Judgment 46. 00 46 Total 5, 973. 00 642 Bail Pending as of 8/1/79 - NONE Signed: MAT a TIN SUTER, Town Justice Town of Southold, New York ,iiSiC:lw 110.41 (Rev. 34 77) IFiGA Town Justice NAME, MARTIN SUTER REPORT TO: 0 Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 00-Ml=0E Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue &BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil g D Title of Action and Description Date Arrestinate Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (0) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Vehicle & Traffic mountedpolice YOSeal CPL 160. 50 1397 radio in veh 6/19/78 TF 12 ACOD Dismiss 1 : James D. Olstad 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 11/21 TP 12 Fine 100 :00 John W. Monahan 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 12/13 TP 12 Reduce 11192-1 bW I John W. Monahan 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 12/13 TP 12 1 year Con;dia.is5.harge Edward T. Donnery rll92-2& Driv w/Intox 12/19 TP 26 Reduce 1192 1 bW 'I Edward T. Donnery r 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 12/19 TP 26 1 year Codt Disc arge James B. Finnican 306B No inspection 12/7 SP 28 Fine 5 ;00 Joseph Garner 509-1 Unlic Oper 12/2 TP 22 Dismi sed er o� s own Gary Costas 375-2A No taillight 7/29 TP 8 Fine 15 :00 G.* Costas 511 Driv w/Suspend 7/29 TP 8 Dismissed :: William Murray 306B No inspection 12/18 TP 4 Fine 5 .00 John Lutz 375-2A1 Headlight 12/19 TP 12/27 Dism ss-pro f ;sh wn Morteza Morakkabi 1126A Pass no pass 4/17/77 TP 10 Fine 2500 Henry E. Cantelmi 306B No inspec 1/3 TP 4 Fine 5 :00 Howard Dillingham Jr 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 12/20 SP 12/20 Dismissed-p oaf hown Howard Dillingham Ur 306B No Inspection 11/30 SP 11 Fine 5 ;00 William Gremler Jr 1180D Speeding 7/30 TP 12 Fine 20 :00 Anthony Cardia 1126A Drove left 7/20 TP 12 Fine 50 :00 Stephen E. Smith 306B No inspection 9/23 SP 16 Fine 10 :00 Susan R. Morris 1180D Speeding 11/18 TP 16 Fine 50 ;00 Nora M. Charland 1172A Fail stop R s/s 11/25 TP 16 Fine 15 :00 2 825. 00 TOTAL THIS PAGE 305 :00 At the and of the month$ r was received and held by me in pending eases. 1 ee*hat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL beI during the calendar month of January 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 305 :00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/2/79 Town Justicepage 1 of 6 pages Signature Date Title "C 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDEN TIFICA'TiON 9 4"1--3 ]W99 ® Town Justice :SPORT T0: 0 Village Justice NAME, MARTIN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN IDS MANE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue UREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ttitu w York ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentanca Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) John W. Monahan 1126 Drove left 12/1.3 TP 12 Dismis -Sats fact on Howard Cain Jr 401-1 Unreg vehicle 12/3 TP 12 Dismis -Saiti fact on Howard Cain Jr. 319 No insurance 12/3 TP 12Dismis -Sats faction Howard Cain Jr. 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 12/3 TP 12 Fine 25 :00 Howard Cain Jr. 1111D1 Teed light 12/3/ TP 12 Fine 15 :00 John Proctor 375-1 No brakes 7/25/77 TP 19 Dismis -Sa:ti fact on John Proctor 319 No insurance 6/16/78 TP 19 Dismiss-Sa�tisfajctj on John Proctor 319 No insurance 7/25/77 TP 19 15 day Su:ff Co: J it Joseph L. Bull 512-1A No TMT Permit 12/6 SP 11 Dismis3-prbof sho ' n Michael W. Chiuchi to 401-1 Unreg veh 12/7 TP 12/20 Dismi s-pyo f shown - - - - - - WaW L. Fuhlbrugg 375-2A1 One headlight 12/19 TP 2/27 Dismi s-Frbo s:ho In Carol Anderson 375-2A1 One headlight 12/19 TP 2/27 Dismi s-pyo f sh wn Diane M. Zurawski 375-2A1 One' :headlight 2/19 TP 12/27 Dismi s-pko f Ish wn Michael W. Chiuchi. to 509-1 Unlic Oper 2/7 TP 23 Dismis -proo sho n Antone Gajeski 306B No inspection 1/12 SP 22 Fine 5 40 Robert F. Grefe 306B No inspection 8/2/7e TP 23 Fine 5 :00 Robert F. Grefe 402-1 No number plate 8/2 TP 23 Fine 10 :00 William J. Gaghan 1192-3 Driv w/Intox -- ---- 1 ARRestingofficer: Probation i John G. McKasson 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 10/20/78 Arresting offs er: Probation Carroll Schutze 1162 Unsafe start 8/24 TP 26 Fine 10 :00 At the end of the month.f 2 r 825. 00 was received and hold by me in pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 70 :00 I cethat the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 305 :00 bef during the calendar month of January 19 79 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 375 '00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/2/79 Town Justice page 2 of 6 pages Signature — - Date Title ?C 1030 (Rev. 3/77) j6SiiC.r iULr4iiFlCAilc:w !i i �ij,j ® Town Justice --_ ?SPORT T0: Q Town Justice NAME MARTIN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN W>7 NMX Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue UREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Dote Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Myron F. Slater 375-2A Inadequate light 11/25 TP 2E Uncon ition 1Di charge James C. DeGroff 401-1 Un reg MV 11/9 TP 29 Fine 15 :00 James C. DeGroff 411-3 Improper Plates 11/9 TP 29 Dismis ed ':sa isfa tion James C. DeGroff 319 No insurance 11/9 TP 29 Dismis ed :sa isfa tion Lorna Lumbard 375-35 Unsafe tires 10/10 TP 25 Fine 10 :00 -- - -- - i L Parking One Town parking t cket @ $1.0. 00 10 00 Civil Ge&e Braun Oyster Co vs S mmertree Restaurant 5 2 00 George Braun Oyster Co vs L nck 's Log 5 2 00 Klos vs Dunn 4 2 :00 George Braun Oystex Co vs Anchorage Inn 9 2 '00 George Braun Oyster Co vs ickiaxx4n Chas Sue Resta rant 9 2 00 � Sacco vs Skelly 10 2 00 Sklavos vs Zarbis 12 2 00 Earle Baker Fuel Oil vs Moore 16 2 00 White 16 2 00 White ' s Service Station 16 2 00 Arthur Hansen 16 2il 00 Ev lyn Johnson 16 2 00 At the and of the month S 2,825. 00 was revived and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 35 00 24. 0' 1 Car that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL baf BROUGHT FORWARD 375 '00 daring the calendar month of January 1y 79 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 410 '00 24. 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/2/79 Town Justice page 3 of 6 pages Signature Date Title sown./usfice REPORT T0: Q Village Justice NAME i�1ARTTZUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 011t?Xb00rE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE me of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Civil continued Earle Baker Fuel O ' 1 vs Marion Latney 16 20 Mike Patellis 16 20 Linda McCarthy 16 2: OC Carol Smith 16 20 Louise Sutton 16 2 : O Joseph Blados Jr 16 ,2 : 0 Ch rlotte Floyd 16 2OQ Peter Lynch vs Ste art Dewa I 17 OCII - - - -- - — - i George Braun Oyste Co. Inc s Mews Meat 22 20q Goldsmith & Tuthil vs Carroll Schutze 22 2 : 0 Ge�fge Braun vs Lo - Madelaine 24 2 : 00 George Braun Oyste Co vsNaoussa Restaurant 24 12 : 0 Bayview Paving vs �G on & Re�oli 25 : 2 : 001 - = - - -- - Transcripts North Fork Bank & rust Com any vs Mills l::: /27 1 : 00 North F,-)rk Bank & rust Cam any vs Higgins 1 /2 1 : 00 George L. Penny Lu er Co v Doric Dimension 9 1 : 00' George Braun Oyste Co vs S mmertree Restaurant 9 1 :0011 i George Braun Oyster Co vs L 'uck ' s Log 9 : 1 :00� i Kroepel vs Davids 10 1 :001 At the end of the month$ 2 r 825 a 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE — — 3 . 0 I certify that the above is a true and complete statem►nt of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 410 :QQ 24. 0' befoduring the calendar month of January 1979. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 410 00 5F. 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/2/79 Town Justice page 4 of 6 pages Signature Date Title !C1030 (Rev. 3/�/7) JUS�ICEIDEM1IrICAiIG + N C4 Town Justice NAME MARTIN SUTER :EPORT T0: Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN ORXXXXX Southold COUNTY Suffolk WUREAU ARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROLMAIJ.,ING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 52 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Ball, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Of or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Transcripts continued George Braun Oyst r Co vs has - Sue Restaur nt 1 1 :00 Reid Mahaffy V&T Transcrip 1 1 :00 Criminal Giacomo Compagnon 11-0901-9 Taking wild birds (23 Morging Doves i onie in`tc ) -_ - 1 12/23 ECO* 23 Fine 100: 0 Giancinto Staccon ' 11-0901-9 Taking wild birds (23 Mor in Doves one in:tc ) 12 12/23 ECO* 23 Fine 1000 J0LewisMills 120. 05- Assault 2nd 6 16 78 TP 7/7 Reduced 12b. 60 :toll Simple Assault 3rd Joe Lewis Mills 120.00 Assault 3rd 6/16/78 TP 1 12 ACOD isms al` William C. Conroy 120. 15 Menacing 6/2/78 TP 12 ACOD Dismissal:: Milton Nielson 120.20 Reckless End- -- -- - _ angerment 2nd 10/1 TP 12/22 Reduced 240. 20-1 Disorderly Conduct, Milton Nielson 240. 20- Disorderly Conduct 10/1 TP 12/22 1 year Cpn itio al - - D schar e YO Seal CPL 160.5C 140.2-5 Burglary 2nd 1/17 SP 7 Held for Gr nd J it YOSeal CPL 160.5 165,40, Criminal P s e s 'on St jen Property 3 .,d i ---_---- -- 11/17 SP 7 Held for Gr :ndJ ry At the end of the month: 2, 825. OO was received and hold by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 200 :00 2 : 00 1 ce hot the above is a true and complete stat;ment of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL '410 :00 56: 00 � bef during the calendar month of January 19 7 BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL610 :005E 0-0 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/2/79 Town Justice page 5 of 6 pages Signature Date Title AC 1030 lRev. V77) JUSTICE iDEN i1FiCA'iiDir N 'r 1 —37 i99 ® Town Justice '.SPORT T0: [� Village Justice NAME MARTIN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 0341E Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue •BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS tt 't c ZIP CODE 52 Nome of Defendant Statute Brie{ ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence gall, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Criminal continued- David McCook 120. 00- Assault 3rd 2/9 TP 26 Charges with rawn Dism George Mason Jr 240. 25- &5 Harassment 2/24 TP 2E Charges wit draw -Dism John Proctor 155. 25Petit Larceny- /19/79 Probation violated Senten ed 1/19/79 Probation revoked a d 15 daVs S;uf E olk - --- - county jail. 44 Lo� 10 At the end of the months 2,825. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 1 ear that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 610 gROIJGHT FORWARD bef during the calendar month of January 1979. - TOTAL610 :00 58:00 CARRIED FO RD PLEASE MAKE C KS PAYABLE TO TH "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/2/79 Town Justice page 6 of 6 pages Signature Date Title a jU5TIC% iDEPi ;FiCA Ti0,`1 li .i`—:i'19y—-,.- J 1030 (Rev. 3/77) Town Justice PORT T0: NAMi,L Ixialw:Lti JYtila i,:l ViM(age Justice DIDSTATE OF NEW YORK SQat:lol: COUNTY ': jl1 �s G ;C RTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILMG ADDRzss 600 .icYnam, Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FU1DS ;ra"ituCk, few Y'0-k zi.- cGi) 11952 Some of Defendant I ARREST DiS? 05i7N�r inn s, or Statute Brief f orfoiteu Civil Title of Action and Description Data 1116ii rosting Date Sentence Bail, on6 Fees lame of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense icer or Other Penalties ! si _ (5) e6) (7) f lo) (9) - ---(1) — (2) (3) I (4) ehicle -& Traffic I ! 1heodore Rayburn ( 306B I No inspection 1/3 TP 1 /26 Fine 5 :00 -aurie A. Archer 1111D1 Red light 1/27 TP 1/3 Fine 15 ;00 dward R. Mulrain 1111D1 Red light 1(/15/7 TP 2 amine 20 :06 foseph A. Krupski 306B No inspection 4/9 I TP 2 1 Fine 5 : 001 jl . Ii pose h r.y A. Krupski 1202-36 Parked Fire d 5/3/�9 TP 2~M Uncoi,�i.tiona� Dischu:,_c� Joseph A. Krupski306B No inspection /22/6 LP 2 ' Uncon ZtyQnal s;charc fames D. Dunkirk 375-35 Unsafe tire (11/20 TP 2 Fine 15 :00� -.11en M. Preston 401-1 Unreg Veh 12/5 TP 8 Dismi§1s-P2:0o2 on0%,j ri, ,i J. Scheer 1180B Speeding 10/11 SP 12 F ire i 2.5 :00! Tames E. Stafford 375-2A1 Insuff light . 1/30 TP 7 Dismiss-P:�oolf snow.. ?effrey Baer 376-1A1 No tail lights 1/26 TP 14 Dismi s-P�oof shown Robert H. Lehmann 401-7FB Overweight 11/22 SP 5 Fine 100 :00 arleton Raab 375-2A1 Insuff headlamp 1/22 TP 7 Dismi s-P:�ool� shoe r �. i1 Scott Evans 1126 Drove left 6/15 i TP 5 Fine 1 15, :00 Edward R. ' Miller 306B No inspection 2/6 TP 7 Fine 5 : 00 Dette Jeanne Townsand 375-2Al Insuff headlgt 1/27 TP 14 Dismi s-P:�oolf shown Gregory S. Tyrer 1180B Speeding 1/30 TP 17 Fine 25 : 00 Thomas G. Van Ette 376-1A2 Insuff headligh , 1/17 TP 7 Dismi s-Prool. Paul A. Kapustka 401-1 Unreg vehicle 8/27 TP 9 i Fine l5 : 00 ustka 1213A More than 3 in Paul A. Ka 1 P front seat 8 27 TP 9 Fine 10 : 00' YOSeal-CPL 160.50 1192-2&3 Driv w/Intox 2/30 SP 9 Reduc 192T1 riv I / TOTAL THIS PAGE TllL�a i I the•of the month$ 900. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. 255: 0 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL :fore me during the calendar month of February S9 79 BROUGHT FORWARDTOTAL '! -- CARRIED FORWARD 255: 09 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER'- E 3/6/79 Town Just:a.cc 4 1030 )Rev. 3/77) 3U5 i ICE IDE4"i iF iCA T iQ S UI 5E] Town Justice id AA4: i4:Aic t'RTI _ SUTER PORT T0: E] villageJustice STATE OF NEW YORK c , S D*RTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL TOWN O;al.�i�.:�:i .�Gu'Ci.c.>-d l:OuiyTY oi]iO.;.i': MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wic'khaPl .zxenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck, New York ZIP CODE: 11.952 -Nome of Defendant - ARREST D i S P 0 51 T l O N I Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited eivii .T 'i itle of Action and Description Date ""Arresting Date Sentence � Sail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other I Penoltios -:ame of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) tr) (4) i V&-T- Continued I YO Seal-CPL 160. 5 1192-1 Driv w/ Impaired 2/30 SP 9 Fine 50 :00 i! Mark A. Ranaldo 1509-1 Unlic operator /18 fTP 19 Fine � 25 :OGS John Malinowski 401-18 Unreg 12/1,4/74 SP 19 30 day Codd Discharge Peter Berdinka 1172 Stop sign 12/14 TP 19 6'Mos Conti D ' scnu ge Peter L. Berdinka 1102 Fail comply w/PO !12/14 "' o . �P i Dism:Lss ��.:�w.s�a:c .- Peter L. Berdinka 306B No inspection 12/14 TP 9 Dismis sca:tJ- fac - on - TP. 14 Fine I 50 00 Donald A. Robinso Jr 1280 Speeding 7/20 i , � Steven R. Claypoo 1180D Speeding 1/27 TP 114 Fine 20: 00 - - - - / '`� Ci J. Orientale 319 No insurance 2 2 TP 14 Dismzs Prbo= s:�zou, Ciro J. Orientale 401-1 Unreg MV 2/2 TP 14 Fine I 15 0 !j Richard Lehmann 1172 Stop sign 1/28 TP 114 Fine 15 00 �! James P. Wilcensk 1192-2& Driv w/Intox 11/15 TP 9 plead guil:tyito: 1192-2 FDr iv w Intox 1 year Condi -zonal •I James Wilcenski 319 No insurance 11/15 TP 1 Dismis sa:ti factzon Roger 0. Carman 1129A Follow too close 11/16 TP 15 Fine 10 00 I' Robert C. Veroste 1180B Speeding 12/131 SP 27 Fine 25 :00 Patricia J. Combs 306B No inspection 2/7 TP 21 Fine 5 :00 l Anthony Gawelko 1162 Unsafe start 2/10 TP 21 Fine 10 ;00 George Berry Jr 1126A Pass no pass zone 2/2 TP 21 Fine 15 :00 Kevin M. Flynn 1172 Stop sign 2/16 TP 21 Fine 15 :00 the.f the month$ 900. GO was received and hold by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 255: O ortify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed BROUGHTTOTAL 255' 00 fere me during the calendar month of Pebruary 19 7� TOTAL i! CARRIED FORWARD 1510: Ou PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 3/6/79 Town Just � .. 4Q gas;+ 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE iD .NTiFICA 100 It 9 199 ,j Town Justice PORT TO: ❑ Village Justice NAME. N1P,.Zy N SUi212 STATE OF NEW YORK — 704YN II^uC39=-inia .ei'Olt'i:. O.L_iu CGUNTY 5U f 0111. DARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL — MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickhapa Avenue BUREAU-OF-JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York zIP coz)E 11952 Name of Defendant AR R E ST D Is POSITION— Fines, or Statute Brief j Forfeitod Civil d DescriptiArresting Data Sentence Title of Action Boil, and Foos i' dame of Plaintiff and Defendant) Sanon Date ection of Offense Officer I or Other Penalties I (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I (S) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued II ,. William R. Johnso 375-31 Inadequat Muff 2/9 TP' 21 rine 1500 W j1 Thomas B. Kozakie icz 11 375-31Inadequat Muff 271-1 1 TP 121 rine 15 :00' Thomas C. Hansen 306B No ins ection I2 1 P 2� rine 5 ;00 Donna Horton 319 [No insurance 12/13 TP � 21 � Dismi s s�tis-'- ion Donna Horton 401-1 Unre istered NiV 2 13 TP 21 Fine . 25 :001 g _ / Thomas G. Lademan 1180BjSpeeding 1/28 TP 23 Fine 50 �O0I -- -n -- 8 Ka M. Tobler 1126A Pass left pavem 8/4 TP 23 Fine 15 '001 p p - -- / s : � : Wa&r Schmitt 402-4 Im roper Plates 2 4 1P 23 Dismi s sati-�act'ioz Walter Schmitt 1401-1 � Unreg MV 2/4 TP 23 Fine 25 ;00 • !I John E. Cielatka 509-1; Unlicensed Oper 2/8 TP 21 Fine 15 .00 it PARKING Three Town parkintickets C $5. 00 15 00 -- - --- One Town parking icket .@ 10. 00 10 '00 , CIVIL North Fork Bank &Trust Company vs Mims 14 , 2100 Carrube vs Rellst ub 5 2100 Braun Oyster vs B vet Restaurant 8 2;! 00 Byrnes vs Campbel - --- - 9 2�j 00 the le --- - 90000 f the month$ was received and hold by me in ponding cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 190000c, a _ertlf that complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL r tht the above is a true and eom P BROUGHT FORWARD 510: 0 fere me during the eolondat month of February 1979. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 700: o6 8 ' 00, PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" -3A/'79 Town J'ustice y 1030 IRev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDE.N T 1?iCA T KON N 1-37 90-.199 ;Town Justice 7,v DORT TO INAty. 1�.�:<TIN Sur.. ❑ Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK r"' .�Ou'l"i701d COUNTY UT OWN ORK4r ��:r D OTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL -- MAILING ADDRESS GOO WiCKhalCt Avenue _ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ;:atti.tuck New York _ LI? COD 11952 Name of Defendant A R R E ST D iS?05i Ti ON Finns, or Statute Brief i orfoitod Civil Sentence Title of Action and Description Dote I Arrestingl Datal uai{, and Foos Section of Offense Officer or Other !am*of Plaintiff and Defendant) ?enaitios (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (b) (7) i (E) (g) i CIVIL Continued Scaramucci vs mever 110 i 2 00 Transcripts u Braun Oyster vs �ou-Madel ine 5 00 I Braun Oyster vs ews Meat Market ! 5 { 100, Bergen vs WorthiIgton I ,15 I 1 00 CRIMINAL 1 Pgair L. Berdink 13=0309 lA 1 Taking �l�:egal Shellfish 12/14 TP 9 Fine 25 00 Peter L. Berdinka 240. 25 Harassment 12/14 TP 9 Dismiss sati fact on Donald E. Neill nd 120. 00-1 Assault 3rd 12/10 TP 23 Reduce 240. : 0-7 D',is- or CLer y nducu i, .I Donald E. Neill nd 240. 20-7 Dis Conduct 12/10 TP 23 Fine 50 00 Peter P. Klipp 240. 20- Disorderly Condu t 9/1 TP 23 1 year Cond Fisch 'rge Ira Parker 120. 00-1. Assault 3rd 2/6 TP 9 Dismis -Charye arcpped Harold Green 21. 18 (A- ) (B) (C) (D) I' Viol sanitary Code 11/16 Dept He It L' 23 1 year conn DisEh4rge i I! the�f the month$ 900. 00 was received and held by me in ponding cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 75 .00 5 :0011 ]ertifylFat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 700 ::001 8 :00!1 fors me daring the calendar month of February 19 79, TOTAL CARRIED FOR 775 :00113 :00;1 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 3/6/79 Town Justice 4 q. je}e of pa •,s 4 1 r AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # 47-3790-199 Town Justice REPORT T0: Q Village Justice NAME Martin Suter STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN f .NXX7i0E Southold COUNTY Suffolk PARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, Statute Brief Sentene• or Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date or Other Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Penalties - (11 (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) Vehicle & Traffic Frank J. Lauth Jr 1190 Reckless Driv 2/5 TP 3/16 Reduc d 1180 Frank J. Lauth Jr 1180A Unreas Speed 2/5 TP /1 6 mon hs Bond Isis Karg - I Frank J. Lauth Jr 1126A Double Line 2/5 TP /1 6 months Cond bis�harg Phillip A. Wanat 319 No insurance 2/22 SP 27 Dismi s-pxoo sho" n Phillip A. Wanat 375-1 No horn 2/22 SP 27 Fine 5 :00 Henry J. Latham j 3068 No inspection 2/8 TP 1 Fine 5 :00 Curt J. Koch 319 No insurance 2/4 TP /2 Dismi s-proof shown Gavin R. Cooke 509-3 Jr Oper Violat 12/24 TP 2/23 Licensce revo ed William W. Banks 306B No inspection 2/2 TP 6 Fine 500 jl T othy G. Clark 1192 2& Driv w/Intox 2/24 TP 16 Reduc d 1192-1 : Timothy G. Clark 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 2/24 TP 16 1 yr and ?Di cliar e Raymond A. Smith 401-1 Unreg MV 1/29 TP 7 Unconditi6nal bis Karg Leon T. Armstead 501-4A Unlic Oper 3/28/73 TP 7 Fine 25 :00 i Roger E. Cullen 1180D Speeding 1/27 TP 7 Fine 25 :00 �I Thomas G. Zimmerman 1127A Drove wrong dir 11/19 TP 7 Fine 10 :00 Patricia M. Ahlers 401-1 Unreg MV 1/19 TP 7 Fine 15 ;00 Grace Bancroft 306B No inspection 1/19 TP 7 Fine 5 :00 i Peter R. Dooley 375-17 No flares 1/31 TP 9 Fine 15 :00 Patrick W. Ireland 306B No inspection 2/7 SP 91 Fine 5 :00 Charles W. Cistern o 1180D Speeding 1/28 TP 9 Fine 25 :00 Nancy J. Poole 3066 No inspection 2/6 TP 9 Fine 5 :00 I� Af the end of the months 350. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 145 ::00 1 e•that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of March 197 9. BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL 145 :00 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 4/4/79 Town Justice page 1 of 5 pages �nofere Doh Title AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION N 47-3 -199 E] Town Justice REPORT TO: Ej village Just,.. NAME Martin Suter STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN Ul[?i<IiXA= Southold COUNTY Suffolk EPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Ma New Ycor ZIP CODE 1 952 Home of Defendant A R R FrS T DISPOSITION F inns, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date rresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (ly (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued Kevin L. Urban 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 8/8 TP 9 Fine 10: 0 Kevin L. Urban 375-2A3 Defective lamps 8/8 TP 9 Fine 50 Bruce E. Brunnen 306B No inspection 11/19 TP 9 Fine 50 Craig W. VonBargen 1126A Drove left 1/28 TP 9 Fine 15 : 0 Sara P. Costello 401-1 Unreg MV 1/20 TP 9 Fine 1510 Constance M. Bulla k 401-1 Unreg MV 1/20 TP 9 Fine 15 : 0 Danielle A. Sisino 1180D Speeding 1/27 TP 9 Fine 25 : 0 Andrew Aurichio 306B No inspection 10/19/76 S 14 Fine 10: 0 I� Man Po Lam 306B No inspection 10/15 SP 16 Fine 5 : 0 1� Po Lam 401-1A Unreg MV 10/15 SP 16 Fine 15 : 0 �I Man Po Lam 319-2 No insurance Cd 10/15 SP 16 Dismiss S*t 'sfac -on Lorraine M. Schuhmann 402-4 Switched plates 7/27/75 SP 16 Fine 15 : 0 j If of so " 401-1 Unreg MV 7/27/75 SPI 16 Fine 15 ; 0 " 319 No insurance 7/27/", 5 SP 16 Dismiss satisfac �on Robert Pforr 1192-1 Violation of C.D 4/13/ 8 TP 16 Fine 50 : 00 Robert Pforr 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 2/20 TP 16 Fine 50 .00 William J. Fogarty 401-1A Exp registration 3/12 SP 14 Fine 15 : 00 Virginia L. Qlqws i 1181A I ►peding Traffic 3/15 SP 27 Fine 15 : 00 John L. Bednoski 1181A Impeding Traffic 3/15 SP 27 Fine 15 ; 00 Thomas M. Martin 306B No inspection 2/14 TP 127J Fine 5 : 00 At the end of the month$350. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 300 ;00 1Vthat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases completed TOTAL .during the calendar month of March 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD 145 :00 TOTAL H CARRIED FORWARD 445 :00 i PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Ik 4/4/79 Town Justice 2 5 pegs of pages = Dots Title AC10301Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION k 47-3790-199 Town Justice REPORT TO: Villdge Justice NAME Martin Suter STATE OF NEW YORK TOW907R?4}MU= Southold COUNTY Suffolk _ �PARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS _ Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil � Sentence Title of Action end Description Date Arresting Date Bail, and Fees (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties i) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued Edith L. IrzarryI1180D Speeding 2/15 TP 27 Fine 20; 0 -- - Robert W. Gillispi 3rd 401-1A Unreg MV 2/5 SP 27 Fine 15 : 0 j " 306B No inspection 2/5 SP 27 Fine 50 i Charles C. Gerber 306B No inspection 2/10 SP 27 Fine 50 Patrice A. Hunter 306B No inspection 6/4/78 TP 28 Fine 10: 0 Parking I Six (6) Town Parking Tickets ® $5. 00 30: 0 i Civil i Morchel vs Miller 1 200 2 : 06 George Braun Oyster Co Inc vs R&C Rest 15 Grattan vs Pezzolla 20 20 ' North Fork Bank & rrust Co any vs Moylan 27 2 : 00 Mazzaferro vs Sypher 28 2 : 0 Transcripts Lynch vs Dewar 8 1 : 0 i George Braun Oyster Co Inc vs R&C Rest 15 1 : 0a North Fork Bank & rrust Co VS Mims 19 10 '� At end of the Months 350. 00 was received and held 6y me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 85 ; 00 1 that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal caws completed TOTAL 45 ; 0Q hr bee ma daring the calat ender oh of March 1979 , BROUGHT FORWARD 4 13; 00!TOTAL j CARRIED FORWARD T573 - 0013-- Odl PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 4/4/79 Town Justice page 3of 5 peg.. Date Title AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION N 47-3790-199 ® Town Justice NAME MartinSuter REPORT TO: Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OUKEDE [ISE Southold COUNTY Suffolk �PARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue _ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ZIP CODE 11952 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, Statute Brief Sentence or F orfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Bail, and Fees 11 Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) (i) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Transcripts Conti ued Elmiger vs Lamont gne ( 23 1 i00 Criminal Stephen Mazzaferr 13-0327 2C Poss undersiz d sca to i 2/17/76ECC* 7 Fine 5a 0 John R. Kowalski r13-032 -2A Poss undersized sca lop 2/7/79 EC01 7 Fine 25 00 Richard Kowalski 13-0327-.2A Poss undersized scat ops 2/7/79 ECO 7 Fine 25 00 * O Environmental Conservation Officer Gerald Janis 240.25-1 Harassment 3/22/78 TP 130 ACOD Dismissed Reed Jarvis Jr 155. 25 Petit Larceny 8/7/78 TP 16 ACOD D 'smi'ss d William Harding 140. 05 Trespass 7/21/78 TP 16 ACOD D 'smi'ss d Paul. A. Kapustka 120. 05-3 Assault 2nd 8/27/78 TP 0/27 Reduced A'ss ult 3 d 120. 03 Paul A. Kapustka 120. 00 Assault 3rd 8 27/78 TP 2/ Dismis ed Paul A. Kapustka 265. 01-1 Crim Poss Weap 4th 9/3 TP 2/8 Reduced Dib qonducit Paul A. Kapustka 240.20-7 Disorderly Cond 9/3 TP 2/q 1 year Cond Ilisichz4ge I Paul A. Kapustka 205. 30 Resist Arrest 9/3 TP 2/8 Reduced Att esD.s Arrest 110 20P. 1'0 At end of the month$ 350.00 rues received and held by me In pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 100 : 0 1 : OOI I sib that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases Completed TOTAL Mate me dwins the Calender month of March 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 530 i 00 13: 00' .� CARRIED FORWARD 630 ; 0 AL OOi PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 7- ,irl, 7,; 4/4,L7 9 Town Justice page 4 of 5 pages iior�n a flats, Title E JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) [R Town Justice REPORT TO: 0 Village Justice NAME Martin Suter STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN atM-LXX Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue _ ;' BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattit New York ZIP CODE Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION or Fines, Statute Brief Sentence Forfeitd Civil Title of Action and Description Data Arresting Date Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (a) (9) Criminal Continue . Paul A. Kapustka 205. 30 Att Resist Arrest 9/3 TP 2/9 1 year probation Paul A. Kapustka 240.20-3 2nd count) Disorderly Cond 9/3 TP 12/18 Dismissed Paul A. Kapustka 265. 02-3 Crim Poss Weap 31d 9/3 TP 10/27 DiSrrissad I I Luther M. Harris irr 155.25 Petit Larceny 2/3/79 TP 30 Charg s w3lth rawn Dism Michael Boken 240. 25-1 Harassment 3/1/79 TP 16 6 months Cond Dislharg YO Seal CPL160.50 240. 20-5 Disorderly Cond /23 TP 16 1 year Corid Dis.chorge i Sfaelos Realty Cop 21:18 (A-1) (B) (c) (D) it V Violation NY Sanitary Code 11/16 ealt D t law 30 Charge wit�hd aAn- ism 69TI - lv • 0� Q II At the and of the month y$• 350. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THISPAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL bef�during the calendar month of March lg 7 BROUGHT FORWARD 630: 0 14: 00 - TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 1630iO 1410 PLEASE.MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 4/4/79 Town Justice 5 5 Page of pages sfgnahna Date Title AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION N 47- 0-199 ® Town Justice NAME MARTIN SUTER REPORT TO: Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 000=09 Southold COUNTY Suet DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Statute Brief Fines, or For feited Civil i Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Ball, and Fees (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Vehicle & Traffic Kenneth H. Dimon Jr 1192-2& Driv w/Intoxica 2/6/79 TP 6 Reduce 1192 1 " 1192-1 Driv w/A Impair 2/6/79 TP 6 Condit 'ona� isj.:h Irge Timothy J. Walker 1192-2& Driv w/Intoxica 2/17/79 TP 6 Reduce 1152--1 " 1192-1 Driv W/A Impair 2/17/79 TP 6 Condit 'onal is�h rge Gary Quarty 1180B Speeding 11/2/77 TP 3010 Fine 25; .0 Isaac Israel 1172 Fail stop s/s 1/27/79 TP 2 Fine 10 0 William H. Murray 511 Oper w/lic revok 1/2/79 TP 3 Fine 50: 0 William H. Murray06E Fictitious Insp y Certificate 1/2/7 TP 2/23 Dismi s-Sat sfac ion William H. Murray 306B No inspection 1/2/7 TP 2/23 Dismi s-Sat sfac ion liam H. Murray 511 Oper Q/lic revok 2/18/ 8 T 2/ 3 Dismi s-Sat sfac ion Hilda M. Jimenez 509-4 permit Unlicensed operator 0 1 TP 41 Fine 20 00 Hilda M. Jimenez 306B 'No inspection 3/20 TP 4 Fine 5 :00 Keith W. Harris 402-3 Unreg trailer 3/30 TP 4 Fine 10 :00 j Chris M. Kujawski 375-2A1 Headlight 3/30 TP 4 . Dismis3-prooj siho n Stefan C. Zebrowskj. 1126A Pass no pass 3/21 TP 4 Fine 15 b0 John T. O'Rourke 306B No inspection 1/28 TP 4 Fine 5 b0 Wilfred J. Doucette 1127A Drove wrong air 3/30 ITP 6 Fine 10 b0 Wilfred J. Doucette 401-1 Unreg MV 3/30 TP 6 Dismis -pr:oo sho n Walter R. Silleck 306B No inspection 3/23 SP 9 Fine 5 00 Alexander G. Koke 1180B Speeding 3/16 SP 9 Fine 25 .00 Robert A. Ettl 509-2 Unlic MC Oper 4/1 TP 11 Fine 25 :00 At the end of the month$275. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 205 ;00 1Mfy that the above is o true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL aw during the calender month of April 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD -- TOTAL 0r, 00 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 5/3/79 Town Justice 1 of 5 . .e page P 9 -VlqnaDate Title AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # 47- -199 ® Town Justice REPORT TO: Village Justice . NAME MARTIN. SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN.WRCWX2= Southold_ COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck, New York ZIP CODE 119 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, 0, Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title f Action and Description Data Arresting Data Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name o/Plaintiffand Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (e) (9) V&T Continued: Philip C. Armbrust 1180A Speed n/reason 3/18 TP 11 Fine 15; 0 Patricia Schriefer 509-1 Unlic operator 3/20 , TP 11 Dismis -prpo sho n Patricia Schriefer 1180D Speeding 3/20 TP 11 Fine 20 00 i Edward M. Detrick 319 No insurance 3/30 TP 11 Dismis -proo silo n Edward M. Detrick 375-35 Unsafe tires 3/30 TP 11 Fine 20 fl0 Karen J. Loughlin 1126A Drove left 3/22 TP 16 Fine 15 300 Mark D. King 1180B Speeding 3/15 SP 16 Fine 20 00 Robert T. Cooper 1180B Speeding 3/20 TP 16 Fine 20 PO Daniel Reiter 509-1 Unlic operator 4/2 TP 18 Fine 15 00 gust W. Schneide 375-31 Inadequate Muff. /29/7p SP 19 Fine 1000 John E. Cl-auss 509-3 Jr oper viol 4/16 TP 25 Cond D sch33r e Lucas VanWorkum 509-1 Jr Oper (permit) 4/17 TP 25 Cond D 'schiar e Michael P. Glew 509-1 Jr Oper (permit) 4/18 TP 25 Cond Dischkrcre John K. Sisino 509-1 Unlic oper 4/6 TP 26 Fine 50 AO Randi Nuzzo -509-1 Unlic oper 4/21 TP 26 Fine 25 ;00 William J. Beaulieu 511 oper w/lic revo 3/6 TP 26 Fine 200 00 William J. Beaulieu 511 . oper w/lic revo 9/22/78 T1,20 Dismis s&-ti fact on Pamela A. Guy 375-31 Inadequate Muff 4/9 TP 27 Fine 15 00 Robert F. Rutkosk i 375-25A No splash guard 3/21 TP 25 Uncond Disphil.rcjp Geo J. Berry Jr 376-1A2 L/headlight out 3/18 TP 18 Dismis -proo shon Susan M. Ahlers 375 Inadequa headlt 1/28 TP 2/ Dismis -prsho n At the end of the month= 275. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 125 :00 lI ify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL be ere me during the calendar month of April 1979. BROUGHT FORWARD 05 '00 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 530 ?00 t PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 5/3/79 Town Justice page 2 of 5 pages Sfpetute Date Till. AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION N 47— -lyy ® Town Justice NAME, MARTIN SUTER REPORT T0: [] Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN>'11K11%=ig Southold COUNTY Suf folk •DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING.ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date treating Dote Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued Steven J. Malinausk s 375-2Al One headlight 3/28 TP 11 Dismiss-prooff shown Robert 1. Schein 375-2A3 No tail lamps 4/9 TP 25 Dismiss-pr6of Dismiss—proofsboiop Susan W. Gilleeny 375-2A3 No taillights 3/16 SP 9 Dismis -proo shovIln Vito M. DiVello 375-40B No stop lamps .3/30 SP 18 Dismiss-prbof Dismiss—proofsho n Robert M. Reid 375-2A1 Insuff. lights 3/29 TP 11 Dismiss-prbof Dismiss—proofsho In Robert W. Chilton 319 No insurance 4/23 TP 25 Dismiss -p9co f sh n Samuel C. Cole Jr 375-2A1 One head light 4/12 TP 25 Dismiss-pr0of Dismiss—proofshorn Justice Fees �+ CIVIL Earned Dogs DeLong $2. 00 AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 18 4 80 Berdinka vs Marvin /2 2 :00 Kreiger Well vs Eberhard 4 2001 Johnson vs Fogarty, 5 2 :00, Crenshaw vs East W'nd Homes 5 2 ;001 Watson vs Swann9 2 :00 - - — - Bruckheimer. vs Lehh 9 2 :001 Morchel Heating vs Guinta 11 2 :001 Vaccariello vs Bon archuk 11 2001 Vaccariello vs She rick 11 2 :OQ� Vaccariello vs Stu sky 11 2 :00i1 - li At the end of the month$27S. OO was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 24:8W ify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL e me during the calendar month of April 1979. BROUGHT FORWARD 630 OO TOTA CARRIED FORWARD 630 :00 24 :80 PLEASIE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Y 5/3/79 Town Justicepage 3 of 5 page, Sidhewte Date Title AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # 47-3790-199 ® Town JususNAME MARTIN SUTER REPORT T0: � VNlageJusti►rce STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN CIRX CX)MM Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York zip CODE 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date. Arresting Data Sentence Ball, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Civil Continues) Polashock vs Brand ema 13 2 :00 Vaccariello vs Kru ski 18 2001 Vaccariello vs Kiaex 18 2 :001 Vaccariello vs Johnson 18 2 :0011 Vaccariello vs Syp er 181 200 Vaccariello vs Ryan 18 2 :00 Sacco vs Xikis 20 2 :001 Bitses vs Kamps 23 2 :00I i ' Schondebare vs Kam]?s 23 2 '00. II Transcripts I Stack vs Wilson 2 1 :00 F. Kujawski 3 1 :00 Baker Fuel Products vs Hans n 4 1 :001 vs Johnson 4 1 :00, vs Latn y 4 1 :001 vs Smit 4 1 :00 Crenshaw vs East Wind Homes 5 1 :001 North Fork Bank & Trust Company vs Moylan 11 1 :001 Watson vs Swann 13 1 :00' Bruckheimer vs Leh 13 1 :00ii At the end of the month$ 275. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE2B ::00111 I f that the above is o true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL •r p p 630 :00 24;8011 before me during the calendar month of April 19 79 TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD CARRIED FORWARD 630 :00 52;80;1 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 5/3/79 Town Justice page4 of 5 pages il�n�hin Dote Title AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION p 47-3 90-199 0 Town Justice NAME MARTIN SITTER REPORT TO: Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN XKXMQG= Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDSZIP CODE Nome of Defendant ARRESTDISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date sting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties Transcripts continued John A. Becht 23 10 Parking Two (2) Town Parkirig Tickets $2. 00 40 One (1) Town Parking Ticket @ $5. 00 5 . 00 OLS 3 a o-a i a 8o ad 901 9-o ,l it At the end of the month S 275. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 9 0C 1 : QQ TOTAL " I0ofy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed BROUGHT FORWARD 630:: 0 52'80 be ere me during the ealendm month of _ Aylp i 1 19�f,, TOTAL i� CARRIED FORWARD 639: 0 53:80 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 24 5/3/79 Town Justice page 5 of 5 pages ;PWS ynewn Date Title Adlk AC 1030 (Rev: 3/77) , • • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # 47- —199 ® Town Jus REPORTT0: Village Justic• NAME. Martin Suter STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR 9UA=E Southold COUNTY Suf folk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue db BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Ma ZIP CODE _ Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Flnes, or Statute Brief Forfelted Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Dote Sentence Ball, and Fees Officer or Other Penalties (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense I� tl (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (a) (9) Vehicle & Traffic II George Guelich 1141 Fail .yield r/o/ 10/21/75 91P Fine 20 :00 Lucas VanWorkum 375-2A Hdlt not in use 4/17 TP 4 Unconditional Dais harg Todd Bibey 1123 Pass right 4/16 TP 4 C. D. 6 mant s : Jeanne L. Annison 509-3 Cl 6 aft hours 3/27 TP 4 C. D. 6 mant s James B. Fogarty 509-3 Cl 6 aft hours 4/17 TP 4 License revoked i� Judy Clark 509 Unlic o er 4/3 TP 4 Fine 25 :00 Jeffrey Jacobs 375-35C Unsafe tire 4/23 SP 9 Fine 10 :00 Jeffrey Jacobs 375-2A3 No tail lights 4/23 SP 16 Dismissedpr o4- shown Geo Christoforou 1172A Stop sign 3/24 TP 14 Fine 10 :00 Schmidt Jr- 1180D Speeding 3/20 TP 14 Fine 15 :00 Edward Purcell 3rd 1180B Speeding 4/4 SP 14 Fine 20 :00 Sophie Adler 1127A Wrong direction 4/9 TP 14 Fine 10 :00 Douglas B. Martin 1126A Drove left 4/18 TP 14 Fine 15 :00 Agnes Ehrenreich 306B No inspection 2/16 TP 14 Fine 10 :00 Karen Posnack 1180B Speeding 3/16 SP 14 Fine 15 :00 !� Joseph Barbara 1180B Speeding 3/27 SP 22 Fine 20 :00 Carroll H. Schutze 401-1 Unreg MV 3/22 ITP 29 Fine 15 :00 i� Nelson L. Shedrick 306B No inspection 4/26 TP 17 Fine 5 .00 Glen S. Cullen 1172 Fail stop s/s 3/20 TP 25 Fine 10 :00 II_ ll III --- pending TOTAL THIS PAGE 200: 0 At the end of the months 525.'00 was received and held by me In endin cease. it I tify that the above Is o true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL me during the calendar month of May 19 79. BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD O PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" M +.030 Wfw. 3/77) _ J i� Town Justice REPORT T0: Village Justice NAME Martin Suter STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 7i1VM=AXE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil and Description Arresting Sentence Title of Action P Date g Date Bail, and Fees (Name of'Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (S) (9) Parking Eight (8) Town Parking Tickets @ $5. 00 40 :00 One (1) Town Parking Ticket @ $10. 00 10 :00 it One (1) Town Parking Ticket @ $15. 00 15 :00 i Civil I Burton vs Ginas 2 2 `00 Lindsay vs Rudolph 8 2 :00 Sunshine vs Welch 8 2 :001 Kroepel vs Cheney 14 20011 Singleton vs Keller 15 2 :00.' Brophy vs Prindle 15 2 :00; Leisurely Yours vs Kavich 18 2 •`00! North Fork Bank & Trust Company vs Szczepanik 29 2 :00� Sacco & Ahlers vs David 29 . 2 ::001i Sacco & Ahlers vs Skelly , 29 2 :00!1 Sacco & Ahlers vs Yeni 29 2 :00 Ttanscript i Vaccariello vs Johnson 10 1 .- 00 Vaccariello vs She ick 10 1 :00 Vaccariello vs Stul ky 10 100� At a end of the month$ 525. 00 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 65 `00 2 Jr 0 Iffy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 200 :OO before me during the calendar month of May 19 79 TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD CARRIED FORWARD 265 :00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" A ,y 6/1/79 Town JusticePage 2 of 4 poxes Signature Date Title i'l7 it i IV.- Q Viliogc justice i.'<r.il Martin S u%E'. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN MKWN=E Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Ma fl-LunkO New York ZIP CODE 11952 Nome of Defendant Statute Brief ARREST DISPOSITION Fines j °f Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties i. (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (b) (7) (8) (9) Transcript Cont' Schondebare vs Kamp 22 1 :001 Morchel vs Clausen 29 1 : 0011 Johnson vs Fogarty 30 1 '00 ii Dogs * Civil �I Justice Fees Earne I• r Peo vs Maston AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 6 : 001 I. i Peo vs Harrison AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 720'li P s Netherwood AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 7 : 20I1 Peo vs Scott AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 6001 Peo vs Jazombek AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 7 :20 Peo vs Waldvogel AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 7 ; 20;j . Peo vs Janis AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 7 : 2011 Peo vs Sanders AM 113: Unlicensed Dog 16 7 : 20 Peo vs Dunne AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 4:80 Peo vs Posterro AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 7 : 20 Peo vs Rudolph AM 113 Unlicensed Dog j16 7 : 201 Peo vs Dillingham Jr AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 48011 Peo vs Zuhoski AM 113 Unlicensed Dog 16 6 : 0011 At the end of the month$ 525. 00 Was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 88j 2 1 e �hat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 0 0 bef during the calendar month of May 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 65 i00 2TOTAL 5: CARRIED FORWARD 65 a0 113. 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 6/1/79 Town Justice 3 4 page of pages S(gRoture Date Title Town Jusrict REPORT TO: ED Village Justice NAMEMartin Suter STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN O M3= Southold COUNTY Suffolk PARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue _ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS M �ZIP CODE - - - Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, (i Statute Brief Sentence or Forfeited Civil i Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Criminal Rose Palamore 240.30-1 Aggravated Harassment 10/18/78 T 25 ACOD isms ed Luerine Allen240. 30-1 Aggravated Harassment 1 /18/7 TP 25 ACOD D smiss d 'i - I� 1� At the end of the months 525. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 1 Athat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 65 DO 113. 0 bduring the calendar month of May 1979. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 65 fl0 113. 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 6/1/79 Town Justice page 4 of 4 pages Dat. Title AC 1030 (Rev.,3/77) r JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION M 47 90-199 ® Town Justice mw REPORT T0: 0 Village Justice NAME MARTIN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN �i E Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL - - MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck, New York ZIP CODE 11952 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Flnes, Or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil it Title of Action and Description re ting Sentence Section Date Officer Date or Other Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) of Offense Penoltiea (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (a) (9)__ it Vehicle & Traffic 11 Dana C. Klinge 319 No Insurance 5/21 SP 22 Dismi sed-Pr of S ow Laura B. Grathwohl 1140A R/o/w Intersec 5/18 TP 4 Fine 15 :00 Marian Tromba 1126 Drove left 3/23 TP 5 Fine 15 :00 James R. Woodhull 1180B Speeding 13/16 SP 6 Fine 25 :00 __[ Louise LaGuardia 1143 Fail Yield r/o/4 5/16 TP 6 Fine 10 :00 i_ John J. Scheffer 401-1 Unregistered MV 5/20 TP 6 Fine 25 :00 �I Emmanuel Zarbis 1142A Fail Yield r/o/w 7/11 TP 8 Fine 10 :00 �I Remi LaRiviere 375-2A1 Insuff lights 3/29 TP 4VIl Dismi s-Proo 3hoiNn Richard A. Kowalski 375-2A3 No brake lights 5/.•16 SP 7 Fine 15 :00 chard A. Kowalski 401-7FB Overweight 5/16 SP 7 Fine 100 `00 -- -- - Richard A. Kowalski 512-1A Tax Law 5/16 SP 7 Fine 100 :00 Noah Halsey 511 Oper w/Revoked 12/30/7-j TP 8 1 2 day S.C.J ii 1 Charles E. Wilson 511 Oper wAevoked 2/17/77 TP 14 Fine 50 ;00 Lucinda Whitrock 1142 Fail Yield r/o/w 6/14 TP 14 Fine 15 :00 -- • i Frank Rusk ow ski 375-31 Bald tire 4/12 TP 20 Fine 10 .00 ii Frank Ruskowski 375-22 Broken Windshield 4/12 TP 14 Fine 10 00 Timothy F. Pumillo 375-2A Insuff headlts 6/7 TP 20 Fine 5 :00 Gus Stanko 509-1 Unlic Oper 6/6 TP 20 Dismi s-Pxoo $ho�rn jL Donald Wachenfeld 1180B Speeding 6/8 TP 121Fine 35 .00 Donald Wachenfeld 1126A Drove left 6/8 TP 21 Fine 15 :00 I I Linda Sheer 306B No inspection 6/21 TP 21 Fine 5 :00 j At the end of the months 1, 125. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL Oro me during the calendar month of June t9 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 460: 0 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 460: 0 7 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE ✓� "STATE COMPTROLLER" � ... a.le'll, 7/517Q mown Justice e r as AC 1030 IRev. 3/771 s JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # — -- ® Town Justice NAME MARTIN SUTER REPORT T0: � Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR??A? W Southold COUNTY Suffolk - DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue _ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New or ZIP CODE - -- 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, I� or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Sentence Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Dats Bail, and Fees j Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties � (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) --(9)--Il — V&T Continued Gilbert J. Werner 319 No insurance 6/6 TP 20 Dismiss-PtooE jho n 1 Julia Buffamante 1142A Fail Yield r/o/ 5/23 TP 22 Dismissed-Pe pie Dana Klinge 509-1 Unlicensed 5/21 SP 22 Fine. 25 :00 Dana Klinge 402-4 Improper Plates 5/21 SP 22 Fine 25 :00 j Dana Klinge 401-1A Unreg MV 5/21 SP 22 Fine 15 bo II __ Dana Klinge 306B No inspection 5/21 SP 22 Fine 5 00 II Donald DeJesus 1190 Reckless Driving 6/15 TP 22 Dismis -Safi fact on Donald DeJesus 376-A Oper w/o lights 6/15 TP 22 Dismis -Safi faction Donald DeJesus 1180B Speeding 6/15 TP 22 Fine 50: 0 11onald DeJesus 1102 Fail comply 6/15 TP 22 Fine 25: 00 MW ji Donald DeJesus 1126A Drove left 6/15 TP 22 Fine 25: 0 II I Robert J. Tanzi 1142A Fail yield s/s 5/26 TP 22 Fine 10: 0 - `--- -I, Laurene Zaneski 1101 Fail obey traf de 4/29 TP 22 Condit 'onal � is:ch rg= Civil I J 1] s Leonard 5 Penny v 2 00I - Timberland vs Terranova 6 2 :00 �l - l Dorosk i vs Basile 6 2 :00 [ Shelter. Island Reporter, vs hlers 2 0011 I -- - Midgette vs American Furnitu a Stripping 7 2 :0- 1 Kapustka vs Dillala 7 2 :OO At the end of the month S 1, 125• 00 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 180:: 0 12 ob i I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees turned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 460: 0 Bore me during the calendar month of Ju„e 19 4L9 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 640: 0 12 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER” �'✓' ! �� r° - , '�/ 2 7/5/79 Town Justice r rat,.. - -- - 717� AC 1030 (Rev. 3/771 • ♦ JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION p — ___ 99 Q Town Justice NAME MAR IN SUTER REPORT TO: Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 07LJiXXWE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wit,kham Avenin_ __- j BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS t i ZIP CODE -_-11952_.=_ ARREST DISPOSITION Name of Defendant Fines, j of Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Descripf Ion Dots Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) B) (9) Civil Continued Buffamante vs Flatl y 11 2 00 I Mattituck Sundown vE Bess Food 13 2 ;00 f North Fork Bank & Trust Company vs Smith 14 2 A0 � - i Werner vs LaPough 15 Bootleg Alley vs Nolan & Henry 15 2 OT Murphy vs Bochman 15 2 .00 ;� j Kerbs vs Mayer 21 -- 2 00 I Meredith vs Moran 26 2 00 ;� r 1 -A -t A 1� i I Transcripts North Fork Bank & T37USt vs Parker 1 1 0 0 � Morchel Heating vs amet 7 1 00 f - I Crenshaw vs East Wi d Homes 13 1 00 '� Harry Sheppard ( 3 ranscrip s) 26 3 ;00 � : - U-11 Criminal Barbara Jones 38-1A Dog running @ La 6/1 DW* 6 Fine 25 00 �ll Ezekiel Vallarreal 130.60 Sexual Abuse 1st 9/16/74 SCI 11/22/74 edu'`'ce to II z a _ Ezekiel Vallarreal 130.60 Sexual Abuse 2nd 9/16/74 SC 8 Dismiss d-P.eo 1d �I ---- — IT----- Timothy Annabel 165.40 Crim Poss Stln P 8/13/78 TP 22 ACOD Dismiss l At the end of the month$1 r 125. 00 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 25: 0 22 d.O I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL _ BROUGHT FORWARD 640: 0 12 Q'0 4Nare me during the calendar month of June 19 79. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 665:� OC 34 10 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" �/ / 7/5/79 rnown Justice AC 1030 (Rev. 3/771 . • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # — • ® Town Justice REPORT T0: NAME MARTIN SUTER Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN Ot> I1fE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New Yo _ ZIP CODE -1195.2 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, �r i or Statute Brief and Description Arresting Sentence Forfeited Civil j Title of Action p Date g Date Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penaittes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Criminal Continued I� Andrew A. Besch 165.40 Crim Poss Stl Pr 8/13/18 TP 22 ACOD D smits 1 YQ SEAT. 0 140. 20 Burglary 3rd /19 TP 6/41Reduc4 Peti Lar Deny --- — I YO SEAL CPL160. 50 155. 25 Petit Larceny /19 TP 8 3 yrs robat 'on: w Psi YO SEAL CPL 160. 50 140.20 Burglary 3rd 4 21ea TP r r4 Reduced Pett Larcet g Y / YO SEAL CPL 160. 50155.25 Petit Larceny /21 TP /4 Dismi s-Sat "sfac ioi DorisBraun a/k/a Doris Ch ie lot EA--- - - j T j[ 240. 25-1 Harassment /15 TP 8 6 months Co di iona? Parking e (1) Town Parkin Summons Q $5. 00 5: 0 L I I--]— J � i L C�2 s o • Ir (z. - - 1 125 00 TOTAL THIS PAGE �I At the end of the months r was received and held by me In pending cases. 5 :00 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 11 on m. during the calendar month of June 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD 665;00 3400 — TOTAL 670-003400 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" �, 7 �� 7/5/79 Town Justice AC i030 (Rev.•3/77) .US i iL... ��:.:�•�i i -. .:,aa N 4V r`.i i •.t^.�u .J Town Justice _._ Z„ TIN SUTER REPORT T0: [:] Village Justice NAME l.t,. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR \&4X,XQ2 Southold COUNT" Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDSMatti New York ZiP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief F orfeitod Civil Title of Action and Description pato Arresting. Dote Sentenes Bail, and Foos (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties !I (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I (6) (7) (8) I (9) Vehicle & Traffic Jose:?h Garner 319 No Insurance 12/2/78 TP /22 ACOD ismiss d I William Beaulieu 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 5/26/79 TP 6/2P Reduc d 1192-1 William Beaulieu 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired /26 TP 20 Fine 50 :00 William Beaulieu 1180B Speeding /22 TP 20 Fine 50 :00 William Beaulieu 511 Drove w/Revoked 5/26 TP 20 Fine 200 : 00 plus': 3 years pr6ba ion William Beaulieu 511 Drove w/Revoked 6/9 TP 20 Dismis ed in atisi;zact William Beaulieu 1180D Speeding 5/26 TP 20 Dismis ed inatisl'E4c-c William Beaulieu 1102 Fail Comply 5/26 TP 20� Dismis 'ed in isatislzac-' liW er M. Harris 600-1 Leave Scene Incl 6/9 TP 20 Fine 50 : 00 l Luther M. Harris 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 6/9 TP 20 Fine 25 : 00 j i Theodore Sakowicz 375-2A1 Lights 5/31 TP '?/61 Dismiss Pioof shon Christopher O'Brien375-2A1 Headlight 5/29 TP 6/15 Dismiss Pz<oof �ho�, n I Veronica M. Meaney , 1142A Fail yield r/o/w 6/21 TP /2 Fine 15 : 00 II Manuel S. Acevedo 1127A Wrong way-one way 7/17 TP 2 Fine 25 : 00 Thomas C. Van Ette 509-1 Unlic Operator ( 1/17 TP 2 Fine 25 : 00 Joseph R. Grohoski 375-31 Mufflers 6/6 1 SP 2 Fine 10 : 00 Kerry Heaney 401-1 Unregistered 6/15 TP 2 Fine 15 : 00 Susan P. Thayer 1172A Fail stop s/s 6/16 TP 5/Z17 Fine 10: 00 George Hubbard 509-1 Unlic Operator 5/24 TP 5/27 Fine 25 : 0 Grace Bernhardt 1180D Speeding 5/6 TP 2 Fine 20; 0 l At the end of the month j 25. 00 Was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 5520' 0 I y that the above is o true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 19 be a me during the cc lender month of July 79 BROUGHT FORWARD — TOTAL 5,20: 0 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" �� 8/6/79 Town Justice 1 11 _ page of pages � ignoture Date Title i'L i0o� ..,. s:'771 :,s +vu .,._., .- ...-,..,.,..- rl •::. ..' _.y 1_.: ® Town justice REPORT T0: ARTIN SUT%R Village Justice NAME N, STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR Vt, RE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue _ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ZIP CODE _ Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, a' Statute Brief I Forfeited Civil iI Title of Action and Description Date Arresting DateSentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V& Continued II i Edward T. Brown 375-408 INo stop lamps 6/18 SP 17 Dismis ed-koro f :shown Daniel B. Reiter 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 6/1 TP 6/22 Reduc d 1192 1 I Daniel B. Reiter 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 6/1 TP - /22 1 yr ond 'Di charge YO Seal 160.50 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 6/11 TP /2� Reduc d DWAI 1192'71 Gerald P. Leskody 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 16/11 TP /22 1 yr and :Di charge Gerald P. Leskody 501-3 Oper aft hrs Jr 6/9 TP 6/22 License Rdvo ed j i u Gerald P. Leskody 509-3 , Oper aft hrs Jr 6/11 TP �/22 Dismiss sati facto on Gerald P. Leskody a.06B No Inspection 6/9 TP /9 Dismiss sati fdct�on Gerald P. Leskody 375-2A Insuff lights 6/9 TP /9 Dismiss sdti fact .on G&ld P. Leskody 306B No Inspection 6/11 TP /9 Dismiss s4ti f4ct!, on Albert J. Mastropao o 1113-1 Pass flash red 1 6/20 TP 6/20 Fine 10 :00 Gerald A. Picher 1120 Drove left 5/29 TP 6 Fine 50 :00 Joseph A. Nolte 1192-1 Violat C.D. 6/30/78 TP 21 Fine 50 :00 plush 6 moE Corid Di.,AcArge Jerry M. Danowski 509 Unlicensed Oper 6/22 TP 6 Fine 50 '00 Christopher Johnson 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 4/5 TP 13 Dismi s-p400f ghoIn Robert Keller 306B No Inspection 5/27 TP /22 Fine 5 :00 Priscilla Steele 306B No Inspection 5/12 SP 13 Fine 5 :00, David Mazzaferro 306B No Inspection 4/10 TP 13 Fine 5 '00 Christopher Devine 401-1 Unregistered MV 1/16/ 8 TP 13 Fine 15 :00 Steven J. Tuthill 306B No Inspection 5/12 SP 16 Fine 5 :00 At the end of the month s25. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 195 : 0 -. 1 fy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL b me during the calendar month of July 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD 520: 0 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 7] 5' 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Thi "STATE COMPTROLLER" A� / 8/6/79 Town Justice 2 11 page of pages SlQnature Date Title AC 1030 00 , : 71 -- Town Justice REPORT TO: 0 Village Justice NAME 1ARTTN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR 1f{IX1=r4 Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 6000 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief ii Civil Title of Action and Description Date ArrestingForfeited , Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5} (d) I (7) (8) (9) I' V&T Continued I Nancy J. Santiago 1142A Fail yield r/o/w 4/14 TP 16 Fine 15 : 0 Joanne W. Goodhart 1180B Speeding 5/28 TP 16 Fine 35 : 0 I Harry W. Boyd 11142A Fail yield r/o/w 5/19 TP 16 Fine 15 : 0 Edward E. Klopf 1126 No pass zone 6/10 TP 16 Fine 150 I! Edward V. Borg 1180B Speeding 5/28 TP 16 Fine 20 00 i! Bob Besser 1123 Passed on right 5/20 TP 16 rine i 15 : 00 II I Mark P. Sabat 306B No Inspection 6/8 TP 16 Fine 10: 0 II Kevin L. Heffron 1180D Speeding 6/2 TP 16 Fine 25 : 0 i Rafael Gonzalez Jr 1123 Passed on right 6/2 TP 16 Fine 15 : 00 FS. Mannweiler 1180B Speeding 6/9 TP 16 Fine 20 ; 00 Kwok W. Yee 1172A Fail stop s/s 5/28 TP 17 Fine 10: 00 Kwok W. Yee 401-4 Fail produc reg 5/28 TP 17 Fine 15 : 00 Rose A. Johnson 375-2A1 One headlight 3/28 TP 17 Fine 5 : 00 Edward J. Flynn Jr , 1120A Fail keep right 6/14 TP 17 . Fine 15 : 00 Lorraine C. Gagen 1180B Speeding 6/9 TP 17 Fine 20 : 00 Joseph F. Dunn 306B No inspection 17/9 SP 20 Uncond Discharge Noel Albrecht 401-1 Unreg MV 8/23/77 TP 20 Dismi sed:170.40 Noel Albrecht 319 No Insurance 3,/23/77 TP 20 Dismi sed170.40*�' Elizabeth DePalo 1120A-1 Unlaw pass right 1/17 TP 20 6 mos Con& DisLa, ge Anthony J. Farina 1126 Drove left 6/15 TP 20 Fine 10 : 00 II Suzanne Dobbin 306B No Inspection 5/21 SP 26 Fine 5 : 00 At the end of the months 25. 00 Was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 265 ; 00 ythat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 715 :: 00 me during the calendar month of July 197 9. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 980: 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" tL9 i 8/6/79 Town Justice page 3 of 11 pages Sidhature Date Till* 0 Town Justice ^ REPORT T0: NAME. 0 Village Justice MARTIN SUTZR STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR 341X MX Southold COUNTY Suffolk •DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham venue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck NY ZIP CODE 11952 Some of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil j Title of Action and Description Data Arresting Date Sentenco Boil, and Fees Section Officer I or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) of Offense I (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) 11 V&T Continued ! Robert D. Robinson 511 Oper w/Susp 10/5//-Y,5 SP 27 Dismi s-Proof shown Richard A. Horton 509-1 Unlic Oper 3.0/5/7E TP 20 Dismi s-Proo shown Richard A. Horton 306B No Inspection JO/5/75 TP 20 Fine 10 :00 Richard A. Horton 402-1 One plate Missin 10/5/ 5 TP 20 Fine 1000 Fred R. Butler 501-4A Unlic Oper 9/29/71 TP 24 Fine 10 :00 F Lawrence Michalski 1101 Fail obey traff /4/73 TP 24 Fine 15 :00 Robert Schlapp 375 Inadeq headlamp 7/19/E 9 SP 20 Dismi s-pxoof shorn James F. Brown 319 iNo Insurance -/7/78 + TP 26 Dismi s-pxoo sho' n David Dittman 3l9 No Insurance 6/30 TP 26 Dismi s-proof show1i Sara J. Kalinke 1180D Speeding 6/22 TP 26 Fine 30 :00 l Frank Jesch 1111D1 Red light 5/20 TP 26 Fine 15 :00 Armando Silva 1127A Drove wrong dire 6/9 TP 26r Fine 10 :00 Samuel C. Pearlman 1180B Speeding 3/21 TP 26 Fine 25 :00 jl I Nelson A. Luna 401-1B Unreg trailer 6/3 TP 25 Fine 15 :00 Jimmie L. Smiley 319 No Insurance 1,131/68 TP 20 Dismi sed :17 . 30*!, Jimmie L. Smiley 511 Oper w/Suspended 8/6/7 , TP 20 Fine 50 :00 �I Jimmie L. Smiley 1180B Speeding 8Y24/681 TP 20 Fine 20 :00 James L. Smiley 375-35 Unsafe tires 6/ 0/67 TP 20 Uncon Discharge l Jimmis L. Smiley 501-4A Permit unlic ope 5/12/69 TP 2 Uncond Discharge 11 DoY 1 -� Collins 1319 No Insurance 6/21/74 TP 20 Dismi sed:170.30* Doyle Collins 509-1 Unlic operator 6 21/74 TP 20 Fine 25 :00 At the end of the months 25. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 235 i 0 i ythat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL me during the calendar month of July 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD 980: 0 TOTAL I r CARRIED FORWARD 1 215 : OC il •/s� PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE �'/�/G-r" "STATE COMPTROLLER" �L`i 8/6/79 Town Justice 4 11 page of pages Signature Dote Title . ..:A..a.�3ii7i s . ..•�., 1, _. .:; ... .;-:ti k mac: '—� ----_,..;... Town Justice REPORT TO: 0 Village Justice NAME. MARTIN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR?XIXXQZ Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 W-ickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS , —�York ZIP CODE _1 1 C)52 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITIONFi� nes, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Foes Section of Offense Officer or Other1i (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) I Penalties j (1) (2) (3) (d) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued Doyle Collins i 401-1 i Urreg vehicle 6),,21/74 , TP 20 Fine 20 00 1 1 Doyle Collins 402-4 Improper 'plates /21/7 ) TP 20 , Fine 15 :00 Doyle Collins 306B No Inspection 6/21/74 TP 20 Fine 5 ;00 Cory N. Slater 375-31 Inadeq Muff 8/123/74 TP 20 Fine 10 :00 � r Bary ' .J. Sullivan 306B No Inspection 11/28/7E SP 27 Fine I 5 :00 l Daniel J. Archer I1180B Speeding 6/14/75 TP 271 Fine 25 :00 Patricia Wood 1172 Fail stop s/s 8/23/75 TP 27 ; Fine 10 :00 ii L.L. Gildersleeve 1180B Speeding 8/ /73 SP 27 Fine 1500 L.L. Gildersleeve 1180B Speeding 8/15/73 SP 27 Dlsml s-s4ti fdctijion ge Sfaelos 1127 Drove wrong dire 2/2/79 TP 271 Fine 10 :00 Jean Wilton 118 OB Speeding 4/9/78 SP 27 Fine 10 :00 Larry Kizer 512-1A T x Law, Switched Tax Plates 9/14/73 SP 27 Fine 10000 Larry Kizer 167 Labo� Law, No log book entries it 9/14/7 3 SP 27 Uncond Discharge ii Bobby L. Simpkins 306B No Inspection 7/22/75 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 0* 1 Bobby L. Simpkins 511 License suspend 7/22/75 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 30* Jaynes Banks 509-1 Unlic Oper 4 17/76 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 30* Jerry Finche 501-4A Unlic Oper 10,129/68 SP 20 Dismi s 170. 0'* Joseph J. Kujawski 1126A Drove left 2/5/74 TP 20 Dismiss 110. 40* i Curtis Kelley 501-4A Unlic Oper 5/ 1/68 ITP 1 20 Dismi s 170. 4 0* II At the end of the month$ 25. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 225 ;00 y that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL me during the calendar month of July 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARDl1 215 00 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 1,440 :00 I PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" L'y� 8/6/79 Town Justice peg. 5 of 11 pages Signature Date Title AC W,.0 i. 771 .:,,f.... .r, :r Iasi Town Justice F -•• .' REPORT TO: Village Justice NAME. ,MARTIN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR V13CWE Southold COUNTY Suffolk ,DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York LIP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant A R R E ST DISPOSITION pines or Statute Brief Sentonce Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Dote Bail, and Fees I� Section of Offense Officer ! or Other Penalties I! (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (E) (9) I V&T Continued i II Curtis Kelley 319 No Insurance a /68 TP 20 Dismi s 170a 0*. I' 1I Curtis Kelley 401-1 Unreg MV 8/4/68 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 4 0* Curtis Kelley 402-1 No number 8/4/68 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 40"i �! Curtis Kelley 501-4A Unlic Oper 8/4/68 TP , 20 Dismi s 170. 4-0*: Curtis Kelley 501-4A Unlic Oper 9/28/68. TP 20 Dismi s 170. 40* �I Curtis Kelley 501-4A Unlic Oper 10/10/68 TP 201 Dismi s 170. 0* Curtis Kelley 1501-14A Unlic Oper 10/ 2/69 TP 20 Dismiss 110. 40-k 1I Curtis Kelley 501-4A Unlic Oper 10/8/68. TP 20 Dismiss 170. 0* q Joseph Lima 501-4A Unlic Oper 10/ /68 TP 20 Dismi s 170. 0* ffreys Macmurdo 30.6B No Inspection 11/25/73 SP 20 Dismi s 170. 0* Louis Perez 319 No Insurance 9/ .8/77 TP 20 Dismi s 170. 0* Louis Perez 401-1 � Unreg MV 9/18/77 TP 20 Dismi s 17:0. 40* Louis Perez 306B No Inspection 9/..8/77 TP 120 Dismiss 170. 40*: 70. 0* II Louis Perez 509-1 Unlic Oper 9/18/77 TP 20 Dismi s 17.0. 0* l Louis Perez 402-4 Improper plate 9/18/77 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 0* Diamond Psarianos 319 I No Insurance 7/ 1/76 TP 20 Dismisl 170. 0* John H. Sunkett 401-1 ' Unregistered 1/26/72 SP 20 Dismiss 170. 40* John H. Sunxett 501-4A Unlic Oper 1/. /72 SP 20 Dismiss 110. 40** it � John He Sunkett 501-4A Allow Unlic Oper 2/24/-j2 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 40 George E. Sutton 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 10/17/75 TP 20 Cond Discharge :: i George E. Sutton 509-1 Unlic Oper 10 7/15 TP 20 Cond isciar e j 25. 00 was received and held b me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 00 { At the end of the month$ Y P 9 i I fy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL b me during the calendar month of JUly 19 79BROUGHT FORWARD 1 440 0 — TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 1 440: 0 ! PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" zi 8/6/79 Town Justice page 6 of 11 pages i lynature Date Title AC 1030 it J, in REPORT TO: Town Justica' , NAME. YARTI t S V_lu REl Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR V=4QE South 1C COUNTY Sllff0l}�_ „DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL• — MAILING ADDRESS 6.00 Wickham Avenue' BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck. ew York ZIP CODE 111 Name of Defendant Statute Brief ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, �j ar and D oseri tion IArrestin Sentence Forfeited Civil Title of Action P Date pffsting Date or Other Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (Z) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) it V&T Continued Paul Detrick Jr 600-1 Leave scene incl i1 1 74 P 7 Unco d Dis ai: e / / ; g Paul Detrick Jr 511 License Suspend 11/10/74 TP 27 Uncond Discharge l Paul Detrick Jr 306B No Inspection 9/30/70 TP 27 Uncond Discharge � Konstantato Sotiri s lll1D1 Red light 6/L5/74 TP 27 Bail orffpi ed i� Dismissed 1.70. 4 * 25 : 0 Konstatantato Sotirios 375-35 Unsafe tire 6/1 /74 TP 27 Bail orfei edD%6m Richard J. Kampf 319 No Insurance 6/1/73 TP 27 Bail orf0.i ed j Dismissed 17 .40* 20: 0 Richard J. Kampf 401-1 Unreg MV 6/3/73 TP 27 Bail "'orfei ed=Di!sm hard J. Kampf 509-1 Unlic Oper 6/8/73 TP 27 Dismissed 170. 40*� Jimmis L. Smiley J1 511 License Suspend L2/21/74 TP 27 Uncond Discharge Harold M. Semidey 600 Leave sceneaccid 10/4/ 9 TP 27 Dismi s 170. 30' ii David Tagg 1180D Speeding 6/13/71 TP 27 Dismi s 170. 40* jj Juan Melendez 319 No Insurance 2/3/71 TP 20 Dismi s 170. 40? jl Juan Melendez 501-4A Unlic Oper 2/3/71 TP 201 Dismi s 170. 40* Juan Melendez 402-4 Improper Plates /3/71 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 40 Juan Melendez 306E No Inspection 2/3/71 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 40? Glen T. Murray 1180B Speeding 6/10/70 SP 20 Dismiss 170.40' i David P. Francis 1192-2& Driv w/Intox 4/19/76 TP 20 Dismiss 170. 40' i I, At the end of the month$ 25. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 45 00 I fy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 1 440 00 b me during the calendar month of July 1979. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 1 485 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE 01 "STATE COMPTROLLER" c 8/6/79 Town Justice page 7 of 11 pages siofiatur. Date Title Y �} • ...... . ._.. __,, .. ® Town Justice REPORT T0: Village Justice NAME IMARTIN S U T .t STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VINE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil DO{O and Description ArrestingSentence Title of Action Section Officer � ©a}O or Other B0", and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) of Offense Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (a) (9) Parking Two Town Parking Tickets C $2. 00 40 , .Eleven Town Parkin Tickets . $5. 00 55 Oq One Town Parking T ricket @ $10. 00 10 ; OC r Civil Wenz vs A.J.B. Appliance 3 2 i00 Barkley vs Loper 11 2 �)O , Langhauser vs Grim nger 13 j 2 bO !! j! nscri is i i Buffamante, Julie ( &T Trans(:ript) ic 11 00 Kreiger Well & Pump vs EbeXhard Nurseries ic 1 �010 �� North Fork Bank & rust Com any vs Smith 1 1 00 � North Fork Bank- & rust Com any vs Szczepani 1c, 1 00 !� Vaccariello vs Syp er 1 1 00 �� Bitses vs Kamps (TGio Transcripts 11 2 X00 Mattituck Sundown ys Bess-G umet 11 1 :001, j i i i I At the end of the month$ 25• 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 69: Uq 14r . U0 Iy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL p p 1 485; 0 b me during the calendar month of Jul 19 7 9. BROUGHT FORWARD y TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 1 554: 0 14. 610 Zi PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 8/6/79 Town Justice page 8 of 11 pages fC. Stynatu a Date Title t.• ' • _.. Town justice REPORT TO: 0 TownVillajsliceJustice NAME YARTIN SUTER STATE OF NEW YORit TOWN 0&ffl --A.RE Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue _ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ttituck New York ZIP CODE 11952__ Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief I Forfeited Civil 'I IArrvstin Sentence Title of Action and Description Date g Date' Bail, and Fees Officer or Other Section of Offense Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Criminal William Harding 120. 15 Menacing 6/29 TP 6 Reduce Har' a smen Sec. 240. 25-5 j William Harding 240.25-E Harassment 6/29 TP 6 Fine 250: 0 I' John Scopaz 77-205A Southold Shellfish Ord nanc Illegal clams 6/17 BC* 16 Fine 25: 0 i. Phil Leonard 3236A S uthold Boating La Exceed 5MPH Creek 6/17 BC* 17 Fine 25: 0 William J. Beau l Leu 205. 05 Escape 3rd 5/26 TP 6/22 Reduced Disorderly ,i onduct 240. 20: *liam Beaulieu 240. 20 Disorderly Cond 5/26 j TP 20 Fine 50: 0 it Barry Latney 120. 05-2 Assault 2nd 12/29/78 TP 4/6 Reduced Assa ltAzid I Barry E. Latney 120. 00 14,2 Assault 3rd 12/29/78 TP 23 Transf rred ud�rejjRich Barry E. Latney 120. 20 Reckless Endang 12/29/78 TF 23. Transf rred udgei'Rich Anthony Swigget 120. 15 Menacing /8 SP 20 1 year Suf�o k eo bty Jail - Concu rept ) Anthony Swigget 265. 01 Crim Poss Weap 4th 4/8 SP 2C 1 year Sufo k bounty Jail - concux refit , Anthony Swigget 205.30 Resisting Arrest 4/8 SP 20 Dismiss sati faction Anthony Swigget 240. 25-1 Harassment 4/3 SP 20 Dismiss sati fact °�on i AnthonySwigget 221. 05 Unlaw Poss Marih 4/8 SP 20 Dismis sa:'ti faction At the end of the month$ 25. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 350 :00 Mmefy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL during the calendar month of July 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARDI,554 :00 14. 00 I TOTAL CARRIED FORWARDl, 904 :00 14. 0, PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 8/6/79 Town Justice page 9 of 11 pages ''' Signature Date Title AC toxo ;•' •;. :,">>i Town Justice m r REPORT TO: ! Q Village Justice NAME P�JARIII�, S'tlrn ER STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR 6E Southold COUNTY uf�oZk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL. BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS i MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue Matti uck. New York ZIP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION I Fines, or Statute Brief Fi es, Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentanca Ball, and Fees 11 (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (s) (9) i Criminal Continued f YO SEAL CPL 160. 50 140. 20 Burglary 3rd 6/12 !SCPD 6 Reduced Petit larceny Sec. 155. 25 : YO SEAL CPL 160. 50 155. 25 Petit Larceny 6/12 SCPD 2 1 yeax Suffolk -.*Co, nty J1il concurrent l YO SEAL CPL 160.50 140. 25-2 Burglary 2nd 5/31 SCPDy 6 Reduc 'd P&ti ,arceny Sec. 155:25 YO SEAL CPL 160.50 155. 25 Petit Larceny 5/31 S--PDT 20 1 year Sutfo kCo'anty Jail concurrent] Peter J. Warren 195. 05 Obstruct Gov Adrtk 6/22 SP 20 Transf rred v doe �ich �Wr J. Warren 240. 25 Harassment 6/221 SP 20 Transf rre4 J dge _'cich YO SEAL CPL 160.50 140. 20 Burglary 3rd 6/27 SCPD 6 Reduce " Petit Larceny Sec. 55. 25 YO SEAL CPL 160.50 155. 25 Petit Larceny 6/27 SC P' * G 3 mon4hs Suffolk ii ounty , ail Edward Wilcenski 145. 00-1 Crim Mis 4th 6/18 TP 120, Chargesdroppl-d�CoAp- laint uithdran :: II l i!. At the end of the month$ 25. 00 was received and hold by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 00 --1fl i I*fy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 904 00 14.'00 b me during the calendar month of July 19 79 TOTAL I BROUGHT FORWARD r CARRIED FORWARD r 904. 010 14.!P1 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 8/6/79 Town) Jus-d ce page 10 of 11 pages Signature Date Title a _ C 103U 771 _ �- '� Town Justice REPORT T0: ' �] Village Justice NAME MARTIN .SU 1+R STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR XXDxa1L Southold COUNTY suffolk ._DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 111952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSiTION Fines, ~- or Statute Brief i Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer I or Other Penalties (t) (2) (3) (d) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) li * 170. 40 - Dismissed in the !Interest of Justice * 170. 30 - Dismissed Failure to Prosecute * SCPD - Suffolk County Police Department �I * BC - Bay Constable i supplement Report i Unclaimed Bail - returned tc Audit. & Control s of 7/27/V9 it Check #132 - Bail xeturned Defendant never Cashed chec�C - paymenrr stop ed on check 30: OCA I� II i Varner 25: 0 'I ri 25: 0 ISI Parker 100: 0 Ij i ANALYSIS OF MONTHLY REPORT FOR JULY 1979 Vehicle & Traffic 1,440.'00 Bail Forfeitures (Page 7) 45. 00 Parking 69. 00 Civil 6. 00 3 Transcripts 8. 00 Criminal 350. 00 93 . Unclaimed Bail Ret rned (Page) 180. 00 Total Amount - Che k Enclos d 2, 098. 00 At the end of the month$ 25. OO was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 180 . 0c i I ify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL me during the calendar month of July 197 9 BROUGHT FORWARD 1 904: 0 14. 0 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 2 084:: 0C 14. 01 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 8/6/79 Town Justicepage 11 of 11 pages Signature Date Title 9 � 1979 ANNUAL REPORT OF TOWN JUSTICE FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI • SUMMARY OF MONEY SENT TO NEW YORK STATE COMPTROLLER: RECEIVED August $ 491. 00 September 538. 00 October 799. 00 Town Clerk SmthAll November 900. 00 December 506. 50 TOTAL 3, 234. 50 CLOSED CASES AND MONEY TAKEN IN: Cases Vehicle & Traffic 2 , 190. 00 151 Parking Tickets 150. 00 29 Civil Court Costs 84. 50 42 Criminal Cases 374. 00 63 Bail Forfeitures 425. 00 3 • Transcript of Judgment 11. 00 11 TOTAL 3, 234. 50 299 Bail Pending as of 1/1/80 $ 2 , 125. 00 Signed: 12/31/79 7 FREDERICK J// TEDESCHI, Town Justice Town of Southold, New York • AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JU STICE IDENTIFiCATiQt{ N % / Gt3 ! �j Town Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI REPORT T0: Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 0XXVQX Southold COUNTY Suffolk �PARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 316 Front Street BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Greenport, New York ZIP CODE 11944 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION " or Statute DesBrief cription Arrestio Sentence Forfeited Fees Title of Action P Date g Date Boil, and Fees i Section of'Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) �'. (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) Vehicle & Traffic Craig S. Rutledge 375-31 Inadequate Muff 9/16 SP 4 Fine 10: 0 John H. Loper II 1180B Speeding 10/7 TP 4 Fine 35: 0 Richard Mitchell 306B No Inspection 9/25 SP 4 Fine 10: 0 Howard Harris 381-7 No face shield 10/21 TP 4 Fine 5� 0 Eugene J. Avella 1172 Fail stop s/s 11/19 TP 12 Fine 15: 0 it Patricia Glisker 1127 Drove wrong dire 12/1 TP 12 Fine 10: 0 Maryanne Sledjeski 1143 Fail yield r/o/w 9/16 TP 11/23 Dism'ss of r trial Gerald Gralton Jr 375-2A1 Head light out 12/7 TP 12 Dismis -proo show`,n Robert E. Blount 1192-2& Driv w/Intox 12/10 TP 21 30 day Suff Co: J�,il G rge E. Hawkins 1180D Speeding 10/14 TP 19 Fine 35: 0 George E. Hawkins 509-2 Viol Jr Oper 10/14 TP 23 Dismiss sari fact''on John F. Barnes 1180D Speeding 12/4 TP 19 Fine 25: 0 Mary E. Gagen 1180D Speeding 12/4 TP 19 Fine 25; 0 Bernard A. Rousseau 1172 Fail stop s/s 11/26 TP 19 Fine 15: 0 David M. Chase 1180B Speeding 11/27 TP 19 Fine 50: 0 Robert J. McDaniel . 5091 Unlic operator 12/5 TP 19 Fine 35:: 0 William Ce Grigoni 509-1 Unlic operator 12/4 SP 19 Dismiss-proof sbo n William Ce Grigoni 375-2A3 No tail lights 12/4 SP 19 Dismis -proo sh �n Wesley Bednosky 375-2A1 Head light out 12/4 TP 12 Dismis -proo sho n Gary Constantine 509-1 Unlic operator 9/14 TP 21 Fine 25: 0 V James Simmons 401-1A Unreg MV 9/19 SP 21 Fine 35: 0 ii At the end of the months 2 r 125. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 330 .0 1•fy that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of December 197 9. BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD ::3::3::0:, 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1/1/80 Town Justice 1 4 page of pages ynoture Date Title 0.,U (Rev. 3i 77) 1 • _ REPORT TO: Town Justice NAME i REDERICK J.T^TEDESCri.L Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN O7 Xy-x=2 Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 316 Front Street BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ree ' ZIP CODE 11944 Name of Defendant Statute Brief ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, orForfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued James Simmons 306B No Inspection 9/19 SP 21 Fine 10 :00 Vincent E. Caccese 1180B Speeding 10/12 TP 21 Fine 25 :00 Robert E. Blount 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 12/1C TP 21 Dismisc satisfadti n David P. Lafrenier 509-1 Unlic Operator 12/2 SP 26 Dismis -proof show David P. Lafreniere 319 No insurance 12/2 SP 1261DismisE-pr6of sbow Jeffrey S. Rogers 319 No Insurance 11/2E SP 126 Dismis -pr©of show, Jeffrey Kaytis 319 No Insurance 12/91 TP 26 Dismis -prpof s'ow Jeffrey S. Rogers 306B No Inspection 11/2E SP 26 Fine 10 :00 George Dettner 1126A Drove left pave 12/11 TP 26 Fine 10 :00 E in R. Torres 511 Driv w/Susp 8/22/78 TP 21 Reduce 509- in R_ Torr - - a i 31 -Clys Parking Three (3) Town Parking Tickets C, $5. 00 15 ::00 Civil Silverstone .vs Ketcham 1 : 2 :00 North Fork Bank & rrust Co vs Iozzino 4 2 :00 North Fork Bank & rrust Co vs Warner 4 2 :00 North Fork Bank & Trust Co vs Moosmueller 4 2 :00 North Fork Bank & Trust Co vs Digangi 4 2 :00 Zurawski vs Anton 6 2 :0& Goodale vs Goodale 12 2 :00 At the end of the month$ 2 r 125. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 70 0 1 4 0 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL befe�during the calendar month of December 19 7 BROUGHT FORWARD 33d 0 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 0 ' PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" l/1/80 Town Justice page 2 of 4 page. SI tun Dab Title iXj Town Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHT REPORT TO: Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 03M E Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 316 Front Street BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ZIP CODE low Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Ball, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (�) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Civil Continued North Fork Bank & Trust Co vs McGrath 21 20 North Fork Bank & rrust Co vs Quinn 21 20 Michael Gregoras 11-0931-2 Poss load fire 12/2.. ECO 121 Fine 25 : 0 25 arm (Civil C mprom}se Transcript McCarvill vs Grattan 20 1: 00 Criminal Daniel Fogarty 120. 00-1 Assault 3rd 8/22 TP 1.1/23 Reduced 240. 2$-ll Daniel 4 . 2$- Daniel Fogarty 240. 25-1 Harassment 8/22 TP 1.1/23 Fine 50: 0 I Ydg by Jenkins 38-1A Dog running 11/24 DW* 12 Fine 10: 013 Garry Hubbard 155. 25 Petit Larceny 11/9 SCPD 21 Reduced 240. 20-7 Garry Hubbard 240-20-7 Disord Conduct 11/19 SCPD 21 Time served Jai ays Garry Hubbard 1:55. 25 Petit Larceny 11/9 SCPD 21 Reduced 240. 20-7 i Gary Hubbard 240-20-7 Dis Conduct 11/9 SCPD 21 Time served Jai 14 days Charles Gremler 240-25-1 Harassment 8/25 TP 7 Dismiss after, tti Philip Tsagak is 11-0703-6A Hunting w/o license 12/2 ECO 2 Dismiss-proof sho John .M. Gregoras 11-0931-2 Poss leaded firearm 12/2 ECP 21 ismiss sem ivll it At the end of the month$ 2, 125. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 85: 00 7: 5 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL befduring the calendar month of December ig 79. BROUGHT FORWARD 400; 00 14 0 TOTA CARRIED FORWARD 485' 00 21 5 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" . 1/1/80 Town Justice 3 4 page of popes S nature Date Title FSG 1030 (Rev.3/771 Town Justice - TEDESCH1 REPORT T0: 0 Village Justice NAME i F�Ei�EcCK u. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN aRN'}f: XrJC— Southold COUNTY Suffolk 4 EPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 316 Front Street BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS T ZIP CODE 11944 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Criminal Continue YO Seal CPL 160.50 155. 25 Petit Larceny /12/7 Violation probat 'on Prob 21 90 days S. ff C6urlty �I At the end of the month: 2 r 125. 00 was received and hold by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I c that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 85 :00 21: 5 bI te during the calendar month of December 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD — TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD g 5 ;00 21: 5 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1/1/80 Town Justice page 4 of 4 pages tura Date Title 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # 4"7 i'7900�87 ® Town Justice `PORT TO: [� V;Boge Justice NAME Frederick J. Tedeschi STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 07434'k{X=E Southold COUNTY SuffO D RTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue 'MU-- REAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Nome of Defendant k ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, Statute Brief or Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties ` (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ehicle & Traffic j arol Kamaiko , 375-2A1 Insuff lights x/29 TP 26 Fine 10; 0 • i • A. Strickland 306B No Inspection 8/l/76 TP10/29 Fine 50 • A. Strickland 306B No Inspection 5/2j/77 TP 10/29 Eine 50 E oseph G. Conway 511 Oper w/Suspend 13/24 SP 10/31 Fine 25: 0 erry M. Danowski 401-1 Unregistered Veh 10/8 TP 10/31 Fine 250 lary Be Newman 1126A1 Drove left 10/11 TP 10/31 Fine 10: 0 ohn M. Stewart 306B No Inspection 10/16 SP 10/31 Fine 10'. 0 i nomas J. Best 306B No Inspection 10/14 SP 10 31 Fine 5: 0 - -- - ff in�& Tantillo 1128f, Improp lane use 10/17 TP 10/31 Fine 100 Ij jerl? M. Danowski 402-4 Improper plates 10/8 TP 1 Fine 20:: 00 :ichard Wright 1192r-3 Driv w/Intox 10/9 TP 9 Reduce 11J2 1 ichard Wright 1192t-1 Driv w/Impaired 10/9 TP 9 Fine 50: 0 �. ' 1 year conditional 4ischarge Program Tohn J. Scheffer 306E No Inspection 10/12 TP 2 Fine 10: 0 � I Tohn J. Scheffer 319 No Insurance 10/12 TP 2 Dismiss-Prbof sho n Patrick T. Ryan 306B No Inspection 9/11 SP 9 Fine 10: 0 f I.onover Black 1180A Speeding 9/21 TP 9 Fine 35: 0 navid M. Angevine 375-31 Inadeq Muff 9/26 TP 9 Fine 10: 0 i i Michael Stankewicz 1126A Pass left 7/30 TP 13 Fine 15: 00 Barbara Kaffke 1180B Speeding 10/6 TP 14 Fine 350 John J. Kennelly 1172A Fail stop @ s/s 9/30 TP 14 Fine 10: 0 t theof the month$ 1, 000. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 300; 0 eerfsot the above is a»ue end complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases completed TOTAL :fere me during the calendar month of November 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD --- TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 300::-0() PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" :�6r 12/1/79 Town Justice ! 1 3 page of pages 1030 IRev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION a 4737900287 Town Justice �. SPORT TO: Q V7Uage Justice NAME r reder ick J. Tedeschi STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OXXXIMCE Southold COUNTY Suffolk RTMEN7 OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 'Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT.FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 i Name of Defendant - A R R E ST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief I Forfeited Civil Title of Ration and Description Doti Arresting Data Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense] Officer or Other Penalties --- --- - —_ (4) (5- ) (6), (7) (8) (9) (1) (2) (3) &T_ Contnued award Campbell 3068 No Inspection 9/25 SP 14 Fine 100 j ' john A. Farina 1180D Speeding 7/29 TP 141 Fine 50: 0 ;hawn Leonard 1192-2& Driv w/Intoxicat d 9/15 TIP 9 Reduce 1102-1 ;hawn Leonard 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 9/15 TP 14 Fine 50; 0 1 year conditional di ch rge ', ;pawn Leonard 509-1 unlic .Oper' 9/15 TP 9 Dismis ed Satis acti - - - - _ -� - -- P 23 Fine 10 0 Josef Szymanowski 1143 Fail yield r/o/w 10/10 T ` Herbert Smith Jr 1180$ Speeding 10/12 TP 23 Fine , 35.`• 0 -- nddw M.�Tull 1180 Speeding 10/2 TP 23 Fine 35: 00 Y $ P 5 j park incl free (3) Southold Town Par ing Tickets @ $5. 30 is:: 0 l i�nio (2) Southold T wn Pa ki g Tickets @ $10. 0 20� 0 t i I Civil Crenshaw vs Wolber 1 2 00 Crenshaw vs Wesnof ke 1 2 00 Murphy vs Mupphy 13 2 00 j Sullivan vs Kendal 14 2 00 Staron vs Kaelin 27 2 poll I Pharr vs Johnston 27 2 00 't thof the month S 1, 000. 00 was received and held by me in pending taus. TOTAL THIS PAGE 225 :0012:00 cert at the above is a true and canplote statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ' _fere me during the calendar month of November 1979. BROUGHT FORWARD 300 :00 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 525 i 00 12'001 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2 3 A ( 12//79 Town Justi ,f iwg„ ce C 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION N 473790 287 �] Town Justice EPORT TO: Village Justice NAME Frederick J. Tedeschi STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN l2iit' Southold COUNTY Sufo-Lk RTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Nattituc , New York ZIP CODE Name of Defendant J ARREST DISPOSITION Finos, Action ar Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of and Description Data Arresting Dote Sentence Bail,and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (S) (6) I (7) a8) i penoltbt - — 0) 2) (3) (4) (9) Civil continued _ t North Fork Bank & rust Company vs Vogel 28 2 :00 Transcripts - -- Polashock vs Beaulieu " 13 1 :00 [ i ' Criminal • I Robert A. / ist 2251-1 No boat Taylor re 9 26 ECO 14 Fine 10 ?00 1 Y g i George Lessler 120. 00 Assault 3rd 6/23- TP 9/2E Reduced Hara snen� Sec240. :Z5 George Lessler 240. 25-1 Harassment 6/23 TP 23 ]Dismiss- tNd w 'triesYO Seal CPL160.50 140.20 Burglary 3rd 10/6 TP 0/ Redu ed let La ceny, - - Sec 155. 25 1 I YO Seal CPL 160. 50 155. 25 Petit Larceny 10/6 TP 23 3 years proba ion Bail Forfeiture Shawn Leonard 1192-2& Driv w/Intox 9/15 TP 13 Forfe ' turef : 3503 0 f -- jj f At d of the month$ 1 r 000. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 360 :00 3:00 1 Go�that the above is o true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 525 :00 12 :00' before me during the calendar month of November 1979. TOTA BROUGHT FORWARD CARRIED FORWARD 885 ::0.015 .-0011 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE I lC "STATE COMPTROLLER" � 12/1/79 Town Justice i 3 z 3 of pages ----- nTitle # 4 AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # © REPORT T0: Town Justice NAME FREDE CK J. TEDESCHI � Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN307EarIfLXMC Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant A R R E ST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief F orfelted Civil and Description Arresting Sentence Title of Action p Date g Date Ball, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) Vehicle & Traffic IJO 1) Y3 . . us Robert C. Pinney 1192-3 Driv w/Intox 8/13 TP 12 3 yrs robat ori Scott W. Evans 1192-2& Driv w/Intox 9/11 TP 12 Reduced 115-2-1 Scott W. Evans 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 8/11 TP 12 Fine 100 0 James J. Murtaugh 1192-2& Driv w/Intox 8/19 TP 12 Reduced 11912- James J. Murtaugh 1192-1 Driv w/Impaired 8/19 TP 12 Fine 106 0 Ernest J. Davis 375-25A No splash guard 10/3 SP 3 Fine 10: 0 Ruth Rosenberg 1126 Drove left 9/18 TP 3 Fine 10 06 i Susan Krupski 306B No inspection 9/11 SP 3 Fine lQ 0 Michael Zukas 306B No inspection 9/11 SP 3 Fine 10: 0 Rad&v C. Klinge 306B No inspection 10/11/78 SP 11 Fine 5 0 Betty D. Geib 306B No inspection 7/31 SP 12 Fine 10 0 Franklin Saunders 509-3 Jr oper viol 8/4 TP 12 Fine 251 0 Robert C. Pinney 511 Driv w/Suspend 8/13 , TP 12 Fine 10a 0 Carl Schultheis Jr 1102 Fail comply 9/20 TP 10 Fine 5 0 �I Edith M. Damm 1142 Fail yield ror 9/17 TP 10 Fine S. 0 Sibyl Winternitz 1201A parked traffic a 9/19 TP 10 Fine 5 0 I Mark E. Berry 306B No inspection 9/25 SP 10 Fine 10 0 i Dawn M. Gibbs 306B No inspection 1/23 TP 9 Fine 0 Dawn M. Gibbs 1126A Pass no pass zo e 11/22/78 TP 9 Fine 10 0� - - 111- Debra L Ragazzi 509-3 Unlic oper Jr 8/214 TP 15 Fine 50 OP Jonathan Mohns 319 No insurance 9/11 SP 24 Dismiss - :pr Of At the end of the month$ 1 r 05 0. OO y pending TOTAL THIS PAGE 470 : 00 was received and held b me In endin eases. 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD ble me during the calendar month of October 197 9. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 470 ::.00i PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" -�,�, �� 11/2/79 Town Justicepage 1 6 of pages AC 1030 IRev. 3/771 JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION N ® Town Jostle REPORT 70: Village Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI � STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN O(RXNXdG Southold COUNTY Suffolk _ DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue____ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck, New York ZIP CODE 11952 ,mvNome of Defendant A R R E ST DISPOSITION— Fines, or Statute Brief i F rfelted Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued i Dwight Bridge 375-31 Inadequate Muff 2/13/",, 8 TP 15 Fine 10: 0 Dwight Bridge 306B No inspection 2/13/7E TP 15 Fine 50 Aaron Avent 509-2 Wrong class lic 10/8 TP 17 Dismiss - Proof:: Aaron Avent 1174A stop sign 10/8 TP 17 Fine 10; 0 Edward Redhead 1174A Fail stop schl bus 10/4 TP 17 Fine 10: 0 Christopher Hurley 375-2A1 headlight 10/7 TP 17 Dismiss - Pr of Christopher Hurley 306B No inspection 10/7 TP 17 Fine 10: 0 j Jacques Delaquaize 306B No inspection 5/12 SP 18 Fine 5: 0 Harvey Brandt 1126 Pass no pass zone 6/2 TP 23 Fine 20; 0 M.' ael Spilker 375-40B No stop lamps 9/25 SP 10 Dismis -Prbo �j i Michael Hubbard 375-40 No brake lights 9/25 SP 10 Dismis - Proof: George Clark 1126 Drove left 9/23 TP 23 Fine 25: 0 I Violet Dittenger 1111D1 Red light 10/8 TP 24 Fine 10: 0 Jose Gonzales 509-1 Oper w/o License 10/8 SP 24 Dismis - Proof:: Parking Tickets One Town Parking Ticket @ $10. 00 10: 0 j� One Town Parking Ticket @ $ 5. 00 5 0 : I �— - i1 - - Civil 1L Dawson vs Rhodes 4 2 Oa At the end of the month $ 1, 050. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 120: 0 2'Oa I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 470:: 0 me during the calendar month of October 19 79 TOTALj CARRIED FORWARD 590: 0 2 : 09,11 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE t "STATE COMPTROLLER" -? /2/?9 frOWn Justice CE r<:,,b 2 of 6 pages AC 1030 (Rev. 3/771 • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION p 473 0287 © Town Justice REPORT TO: D Village Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN ORXGtXMM Southold COUNTY Suffolk 'DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11_952 Name of Defendant ARRESTDISPOSITION Fines, Action -- ar Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of and Description Date Atresting Date Sentence gall, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties of Plaintiff and Defendant) (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) �I Civil continued Binaso vs Christie 9 2 00 Pharr vs Book Cove 10 2 00 North Fork Bank & Trust Company vs Zappola 10 2 001 Skrzypecki vs Gardner & Marc isello 10 2 -001 McCarvill vs Gratta 11 2 ::00 'i North Fork Bank and Trust Company vs Turner 16 2 OOj Bergen vs Parker 16 2 :001 Murphy vs Healy 16 2 00 HX Construction vs Ritchie 23 2 :001� i Transcripts i. North Fork Bank & Trust Company vs Zappola 16 1 OOH Sacco & Ahlers vs Dz1vid 19 1 :00 ' Sacco & Ahlers vs S, elly 19 1 _00 it Sacco & Ahlers vs Y ni 19 1 :00 � I I BAIL FORFEITURES Gilbert Werner 511 Oper w/Lic Susp 6/6 TP 31 Bail F rfeit d 25: 0 li William Foley 240. 20 Disorderly Cond 8/21 P 21 Bail F rfdit d 50 :00 it At the and of the month $ 1 t 050. 00 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 75 ; 0022 ; 06 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL b•me during the calendar month of October 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 5 90 : 0 2 QQ11 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 665 ' 00 24_: 00. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE f/ "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1/2/^9 '."own J,,rystice 3 6 AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # 473-"0287 QTown Justice REPORT TO: D Village ustislice a NAME FRED RICK J. TEDESCHI STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OIZXMXAGE ' Southold, COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York _ ZIP CODE 1199P2 Nome of Defendant ARREST DIS POSITION__T_Fines, Statute Brief Forfed Civ or eitil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Criminal Harry D. Mott 2251-1 No boat reg 9/17 ECO* 10 Fine 10 : 00 Scott Rogers 2251-1 No boat reg 9/17 ECO* 17 Fine 15 ; 00 John Gianiotis 2251-2 No boat numbers 8/7 4CO* 18 Fine 10 : 00 Keith R. Druek 13-0327-5 Taking bay scallops in excess of 10 bush @ day 9/17 ECO* 22 Fine 75 : 00 i Ronald Oliver 240. 25-1 Harassment 8/9 TP 26 Dismis ed-Charge Bopp YO Seal-160. 50 165.45-1 Crim Pos stln prop 2nd 7/8 TP 8/10 Reduc 165: 05 Y Seal - 0 160. 50 165. 05 Att Unauth use 07 7/8 TP 12 1 year probation Joseph P. Milovich 120. 05-1 Assault 2nd 8/27 SCPD 26 Dismis -Char e drolped Faith Ann Barkley 170. 10 Forgery 2nd 9/9 SCPD /1 Dismi s-sitisfictllion r Faith Ann Barkley , 140. 20 Burglary 3rd 9/9 SCPD 9/3l Dismi s-Sat 'sf�Lctl on Faith Ann Barkley 140. 20 Burglary 3rd 9/9 SCPD /1# Reduc d 155. 25 : Faith Ann Barkley 155. 25 Petit Larceny 9/9 SCPD 10/26 3 y arsprobti!bn Faith Ann Barkley 140. 20 Burglary 3rd 9/9 SCPD /1 Dismi s-Sat 'sfactlI'on Bernard G. Purcell 240. 25-1 Harassment 9/15 TP 26 Dismis -Chau e dropped William R. Harding 240. 25-3 Harassment 9/14 TP 12 15 days Sutf o: jail Peter J. Warren 120. 20 Reckless Endang 5/27 SCPD 4 Reduced 120. 15 - Peter J. Warren 120. 15 Menacing 5/27 SCPD14 Found of gu ' lt� Joseph F. Krukowski 2251-1 No boat reg 19/17 �ECO*19 jDismisqed-pr of shown At the end of the month $ 1, 050. 00 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 665 :00 1 certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL Se ma during the colander month of October 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 'i — TOTAL 'l CARRIED FORWARD 775 :00 24:00;, PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" _L/2/i 7 a m° _- — _. wn Just?ce page 4 f 6 pages AC 1030 )Rev, 3/77) • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # 0 87 ® Town Justice qW NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI REPORT T0: Q Village Justice STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 0R>VI XX0E Southold COUNTY Suf_fol_k__ DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue _ - BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 _ Name of DefendantARREST DISPOSITION Flnes, O r Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Santenee Bail, and Fees j! (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I (6) (7) (8) (9) II Criminal Continued Harry D. Mott 13-0311-L Taking shellfish excess i bushel w/o Permit 9/17 ECO* 10 Dismis -Proof sliow I' I it I� I �I ILII I I l At the end of the month $ 1 r 050. 00 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL me during the calendar month of October 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 775 00 24':QOjI PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1 1 ,7/^1QTown 7-st1'ce 5 � 6 �( AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION a 4737 287 ® Town Justice REPORT TO. [:] Village Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR}$'=X0f Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 W1Ckham Avenue _ BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION —_L�— or Statute Brief Fines, and Description Forfeited Civil Title of Action p on Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (�) (Z) (3) (4)_� (S) (b) (7) (a) (9) Please see letter attached regarding the foll wing cases dismissed by Ju tire , Martin Suter on e July m y cases were dismissed in the interest of justi e and r section 170. 0 b. us i e Frederick J. Tedesc i on Wednesday, 10/10/79 IF I Jimmie L. Smiley 319 No insurance 1/31/68 TP 10 Dismiss- 170.40: Doyle Collins 319 No insurance 6 2 y / /74 TP 10 Dismiss - �7 .40 i Bobby Simpkins 511 License Susp 7/22/75/75 TP 10 Dismiss X7 :.4fl. � Bobb L. Simpkins 306B No inspection 7/22/75 TP 10 Dismiss - 17 . 4 James Banks 509-1 Unlicensed o er . p /17/7 TP 10 Dismiss - 7.7 . 40 Geoff'qrey McMurdo 306B No inspection 11/25/73 SP 10 Dismiss - .170. 4. ;I old M. Semidey 600 Leave scene Acc 10/4/69 TP 10 Dismiss - 170. 40 I 'I I i II I i At the end of the months was received and held by me in pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE i I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL October 7 9 BROUGHT FORWARD b� during the calendar month of 19_ TOTALit me CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE 'STATE COMPTROLLER ' 11/2/'79 Town Justice_ � page •6 of 6 pages • :,, -- ^l, 1030 (Rev. 31,77) ® Town Justice"SPORT TO: Town JsliceJustice NAME. Frederick J. Tedeschi VillaSTATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OfKXIXGAXX Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS MattiZIP CODE . 11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boll, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Jehicle & Traffic wbert Rider, Jr 1126A Drove left pave 8/6 TP 9 Fine 10 ;00 4ichael O'Brien 381-7 No face shield 7/23 TP 3 Fine 1000 4ichael O'Brien 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 7/23 TP 3 Fine 25 :00 Yvonne M. Zilnicki 1127A One way-wrong wy 6/9 TP 3 Fine 10 ;00 Perrin Wechsler 509-3 No m/c Lic 7/27 TP 3 Fine 15 ;00 Naomi Verdirame 1142A Fail yield r/o/w 8/8 TP 10 Fine 10 :00 zL. Argiropoulos [ 375-31 No muffler 7/20 SP 10 Fine 10 :00 Kevin S. Nolan 1509-3 Rest lic Jr Oper 8/2 TP 14 C. D. 30 clay Vincent Montalbano 11126A Passed left 8/5 TP 14 Fine 25 ;00 JAW. Cielatka 509-1 Unlic Oper 8/26 TP 14 Fine 15 :00 James Bitses 401-1 Unreg MV 8/16 TP 14 Fine 10 :00 Stephen McNabb 1172A Passed stop sign 3/7 SP 13 Fine 15 :00 Barbara A. Brown 402-1 One license plat 5/12 SP 20 Fine 5 :00 Kenneth Lopez 1125A-1 Drove left 8/9 TP 20 Fine 10 :00 Kenneth Lopez 1129A Follow too close 8/9 TP � 20 Fine 10 :00 Nancy Ferguson 306B INo inspection 8/8 TP 20 Fine 10 :00 Laura Schmidtchen 1180B Speeding 8/13 TP 20 Fine 25 :00 Doris Haddad 1129A Follow too close 7/28 TP 26 Fine 25 :00 Joseph J. Werner 375-35C Unsafe tire 9/18 SP 26 Fine 5 :00 Craig MacMillon 509-3 Eye glass no use 8/21 TP 28 Fine 5 :00 Craig MacMillon 1306B No inspection 8/21 TP 1281 Fine 5 :00 At the end of the month S 675. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 255 :00 I aertif that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL befeduring the calendar month of September ig 79. BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL 25c, 00 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE j "STATE COMPTROLLER" 10/1/79 Town Justice page 1 of 3 pages zzel� Z Signature Date Title AC 1030 (Rgv. 3/77) ' JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION p 473AW0287 REPORT T0: � Town Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi Village Justice NAME STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN O�>H Southold COUNTY Suffolk- DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS - ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, a' Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Dehndant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V& T Continued Craig MacMillon 375-35C Unsafe tires 8/21 TP 28 Fine 10 '00 Richard Fehn 1126A Pass left pave 8/5 TP 28 Fine 25 :00 II Daniel Mc Avoy 375-35C Unsafe tires 8/3 SP 28 Fine 10 :00 �r Parking Twelve (12) Town Parking Tickets $5. 00 60 00 : JL L Civil u Marvin vs Kendrick 11 2 00ll 10th Fork Animal Hospital vs Jody Adams 19 2 :00 Polashock vs Beaulieu 26 2 : 00, i Menendez vs Strong' s Marine 27 200'' Transcri is North Fork Bank & T ust Co vs Yancy & Zachery 7 1 : 00 1! - i = North Fork Bank & T ust Co vs Mattituck Manor 7 1 : 00 George Braun Oyster Co vs Mu phy 7 1 :001 George Braun Oyster Co vs Ma tituck Anchor Inn 7 1 . 00E George Braun Oyster Co vs Bates 7 At the end of the month s 675. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 105 ::00 13 0 1 certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL .re me during the calendar month of September 19'79, BROUGHT FORWARD 255 :OO TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 360 :00 13 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE r "STATE COMPTROLLER" 10/1/79 Town Justice 2 3 page of-__..- pages iAC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION q 473 0287 ® Town Justice - - --- - -- _.__.------ REPORT TO: 0 Village sore NAME Frederick J. Tedeschi Justi --- - - - __ TATE OF NEW YORK TOWN ORK"NAIKE Southold COUNTY Suffolk- DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRins 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck. New York ZIP CODE 11952-_-_ Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil and Description Arrestin Sentence Title of Action Section of Offense Date pfficerg Date or Other Penalties Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Criminal Patrick Walden 2251-2 No boat license 7/14 *ECO 10Fine 5 : 00 - • � . Town Justlee REPORT TO: Viflage Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN CgtXXXM Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Avenue BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Mattituck New York ZIP CODE 11952 14Kome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Title of Action and Description Arresting Sentence Bull, and Civil Date g Date Bail, and Fses (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Vehicle & Traffic Scott Rudolph 306B No Inspection 9/16/-18 TP 8 Fine 5 :00 Michael Lademann 1225 Avoid Traff Dev 6/2/79 TP 10 Fine 10 :00 Michael Lademann 1125A1 Left of center 6/2/79 TP 10 Dismis ed Satisfac ion William T. Lademann 509-2 Wrong class lic 6/21/79 TP 13 Fine 25 :00 Ned Wm Harroun 509-1 Unlicensed Oper 1/12/79 TP 24 Fine 25 :00 Walter Williams 319-1 No Insurance 7/11 SP 8 Dismissed-kroo f Ann Cooke 1160A Improper Rt turn 6/19 TP 10 Dismissed Joseph McCarthy 375-31 Inadeq muffler 7/15/76 TP 15 Fine 5 : 00 Jeanne M. French 509-1 Unlic Oper 7/18 TP 15 Fine 25 : 00 TqWsa Gamble 1180B Speeding /3 TP 15 Fine 35 : 00 Stanley J. Volosik 1140A Fail yield inter 8/4 TP 15 Fine 10 : 00 Mildred Demchuk 1180B Speeding 7/27 TP 15 Fine 35 : 00 Helen F. Petty 1141 Fail yeild r/o/w 8/2 TP 15 Fine 10 : 0 Sandra J. True 375-2A3F No tail lamps 8/10 TP 22 Dismis ed-pr of Michael Fillios 375-2A3F No tail lamps 8/10 TP 22 Dismissed-fir of: John N. Bassani 1126 Drove left 8/11 TP 22 Fine 5 : 0 Barbara M. Grigonis 306B No inspection 7/28 SP 22 Fine 5 : 0 Robert Hipkins 1123 Unlaw pass right 7/15 TP 24 Fine 5 : 0 Richard Goodale 509-3 Restrict license 8/1 TP 27 Fine 25 : 0 Mark Marowitz 401-1 Unreg vehicle 8/15 TP 29 Fine 10:: 010 Mark Marowitz 306B No inspection 8/15 TP 29 Dismis ed At the end of the month j 25. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 235 00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL bel during the calendar month of August 19 79. BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 235 00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" f f� 9/6/79 Town Justice peg* 1 of 3 pages SI ewe Dote Title luau i:., iI Town Justice REPORT TO: 0 Village Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN QVVXXM Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS MAILING ADDRESS 600 Wickham Av nue ZIP CODE11952 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Ball, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) V&T Continued Paul L. Erhardt 401-1 Unreg vehicle 5/19 TP 29 Fine 25 0 Paul L. Erhardt 306B No inspection 5/19 TP 29 Fine 5: 0 Julius Usuriello 319 No insurance 8/8 TP 29 Dismis edpr o£ George Dettner 509 Unlicensed o er 8/11 TP 29 Fine 10 :00 George Dettner 381-6 No helmet 8/11 'TP 29 Fine 5 :00 Philip C. Armbrust 381-6 No helmet 8/7 SP 29 Fine 5 ::00 John B. Roache 3rd 385-7 Overweight 8/8 SP 29 Fine 10 :00 John B. Roache 3rd 375-35C Unsafe tire 8/8 SP 29 Fine 5 :00 Alfonso McMillon 511 Oper w/Susp lic 5/27 TP 29 Fine 15 :00 M elino Iglesias 306B No inspection 8/7 SP 29 Dismissed pr o� James Wilcenski 1192-2 Driv w/Intox . Violation C.D. 11/15/7E TP 8/10 Fine 100 :00 PARKING Five (5) Town Parking Tickets Oa $3. 00 15 :00 Two (2) Town Parking Tickets @ $5. 00 10 :00 CIVIL Driscoll vs Derrick 13, 2 :00 Alfred Terp vs Carol Gibbs 15 200 Sacco & Ahlers vs Trafford 15 2 :00 North Fork Bank & Trust Company vs Mattituck blanor Inc 22 2 :00 North Fork Bank & Trust Company vs Yancy & Za fiery 22 2 :00 At the end of the month S 25. 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 205: oc 1Q oq I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL be during the calendar month of August 1979 , BROUGHT FORWARD 235 OC TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 440: 0C 10: 0 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE � �� � "STATE COMPTROLLER" 9/6/79 Town Justice pao, 2 of '3 pages atwe Dote Title r •IudU (11, REPORT TO: Town Justice Village Justice NAME FREDERICK J. TEDESCHI STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OMW=0 Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 6np Wickham AVpnuP BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS qp-w York ZIP CODE 11 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer o►Other Penalties (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) Civil Continued George Braun Oystex Company vs Peconic Bay Industries 28 20 George Braun Oystei Company vs Bates 29 2; 0 George Braun Oystex Company vs Mattituck Anchor Inn 28 20 GeorsteComanvs Murphy 28 0 George Braun Oystei Company vs Fabrizio's 28 20 George Braun Oystei Company vs Macsea Restaurant 28 20 CRIMINAL Kenneth VanMeter 77-205A Illegal Clams 8/26 BC* 29 Fine 29 170 i Y EAL CPL160. 50 165.45-1 Crim Poss stln prop 2nd 7/8 TP 10 Dismissed Joseph Kane 13-0329 Take lobster w/o lic 7/1.4 E0* /8 Dis ist0d proo YO SEAL CPL160. 50 140. 25-2 Burglary. 2nd 8/22 TP 24 Transferred Jud4e Rich YO SEALCPL160. 50 140. 25-2 Burglary 2nd 8/22 TP 24 Transf rred Ludge Rich YO SEAL CPL160. 50 140. 20 Burglary 2nd 8/22 TP 24 Transf rrea udge Rich Warren Waldvogel 240. 25-1 Harassment 6/17 SP 24 Charge Disini se13 Note: * BC Bay Constable * ECO - Environmental Conservatilon Officer At the end of the month j 25 . 00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 29 OC 1Z001 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL --jl bef�during the calendar month of August fy 79 TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 440: 0 10 0 CARRIED FORWARD 469; 0 22 00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE � "STATE COMPTROLLER" ' r ll 9 6 79 Town Justice page 3 of 3 pages S ewn Date Title JUDITH T.TERRY UNjL�1T TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 October 22 , 1980 Justice Francis T. Doyen Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Francis: When the Town Board was reviewing the proposed 1981 budget they made many referrals to the annual reports of various town officials. It was discovered that we did not receive your Annual Report for the year 1979. If you did submit such a report to the State of New York for 1979, please supply me with a copy. Further, the Town Board requests that you submit a monthly report, if you prepare and submit one to the State, to me for inclusion in our Town Board meeting reports. Both Justice Tedeschi and Justice Rich submit such reports, as well as all other department heads. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUS ICE IDENTIFICATION # 6 / V Town Justice REPORT TO: 0 Village Justice NAME STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE CO TY DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ZIP CODE C' Name of Defendant AR 57 EOSTION Fines, or Statute Brief DISPIForfeited Civil Sentence Title of Action and Description DO}e nesting Date Section of Offense or Other Bail, and Fees Ali Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) . n Kr-u r C.o a l - n(u ,7%t.L,, 30 7- S' LO '10 1S. C ) rte! . 14, I II I, �I At the end of the months was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE ft I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL V BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of j�,��;, y 4�r°�a<=/i 199,. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE I ATE COMPTROLLER page of / pages --Jt-- Signature Date Title AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JU TICE IDENTIFICATION N Yj Town Justice REPORT T0: Ej VillageJustice NAME If" STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE - I�f33 t•� COUNTY --r � DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS f,x ' '1 BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS f ! S !� ZIP CODE 06 X.—O Name of Defendant Statute Brief A R R E ST DISPOSITION Fines, or Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Dots Arresting Dats Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 0411) 5 - s �r At the end of the month$ - — was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of 0*-144n 19 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" page of pages Signature Date rr Ie AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JU CE IDENTIFICATION If Town Justice �` f REPORT T0: Q village Justice NAME x,4,44 ! d STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE � :'' D+-», . COUNT V �"o L DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL M ING ADDRESS C ?� BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS - — I tf�(L 5 Iii' ,� � � ZIP CODE 3 I s+ Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, a' Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail,and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 2 Or-'Ti> i i At the end of the months was received and hold by me in pendln�g eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of 0 To A0414- Iq*?7. BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE i, "STATE COMPTROLLER" page of� pages Signature Date T e AC 1030 (Rev. 3/771 • JUS CE IDENTIFICATION # Town Justice REPORT TO: O Village Justice NAME STATE OF NEW YORK OR VILLAGE / COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL TOWN TOWNMAILIA DRESS . ,•- d BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS - ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date rrastin9 Date Sentence Boil,and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 4 151 ii i i I, At the end of the month$ was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of 19 BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" ..�+ page of pages Sign urs 17 4ri.tl r AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JU TICE IDENTIFICATION q Town Justice REPORT T0: 0 Village Justice NAME. �•••"/������ �� STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE G t:7 <'3 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL M (LING ADDRESS !7 /C BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ,;�� -/ 14,V 7V S0ZIP CODE — Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Data Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) CR f�wsK r T - Q1n 1'&G-• / V � V-;q 5 P /a � � P. x1J P�a01- 1111 A,4. Y0 ll-- ! Vim//Z t-(,.. M V 7 6 sP S 10400 F L 4 1' GMi4n1S 5 o 9 / U nj Li c. M. V. is'/79 S� ��" PRobi .aG L o N SO- 1 U r�4 I C D P19 /7�)9 5 P S fcco F III kA v miK H �o /-- V 8 Iv�7q 5 P i 3S��` �u An r.�jL *+w 1317�j onjs I, I, l !I SII I�. II i V. I I u �i II At the end of the month $ was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 144rtih that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of A UC-.,ys l 19 7qBROUGHT FORWARD j TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" page / of pages Signature Date Tft'le AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # E?Town Justice REPORT TO: 0 Village Justice NAME � -'^^• �� STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE ��i✓ :`�(1 L COUNTY ��L/� DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL � MAILING ADDRESS a,_.��C �/�a it BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ",1 v�.% ZIP CODE U 6' Name of Defendant r E/2—C ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil j Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence gait, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (�) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) i ! L ;I r� At the and of the month ; y pending TOTAL THIS PAGE was received and held b me in endin cases. I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of E��. fq?' ---� --fTOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" i page of pages Signature Date e AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • JU TICE IDENTIFICATION H Town Justice REPORT TO: ❑ Village Justice NAME AZA 1V vt STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE •}i p L.�'r COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS rA BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS ISH,%,a s s _ ZIP CODE42 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, ar Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties i (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) /1(O llwM&'-:XS oN sir �F SK /3c 3Zq- ar v 0 _G . CrR�4 w� � !!r"c1 1vf. (J;:.tlic.(� 6 � S• !�. /0- _ i 1 At the end of the month $ was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE /v I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of 19 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD �`� PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" '�f / .� ( 1 / i L' "J-r't i r� `r+r' ' page of ( pages Signature Date _T TOO` - JU ICE IDENTIFICATION ll SUUT �. LU" J �4 Town Justice --.1 REPORT TO: Village Justice NAME. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE COUNTY U O DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL M ING ADDRESS 7� j BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS 1� Edz S _-�-S A,,/ ZIP CODE `rC Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentenca gall, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (d) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ap.ry 7 )N yw. z.4 D/SeRJ). Coro {I II i ii 0 'i i i I� ' At the end of the month $ was received and hold by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE a i 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of / A 19) TOTAL CARRIED FORWARDi� PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" &X61/71 page j of pages Signature Drite Title F'�,QIYEN AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) • 1U5 ICE IDENTIFICATION q:' +,s3451d Ey'Town Justice r.�.� REPORT T0: Village Justice NAME. rx'q 0"i C.( S l Da / STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL TOWN OR VILLAGEMAIL G ADDRESS 4 BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS 15fq£4-5- ZIP CODE - Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) I Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) i I �I li i At the end of the months was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE II I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earnedan criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of PiQ,f 19 BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" /7 y /�+D1/►�~Gita'! �0i page _j of 1 pages Signature ate Titlof T. IX-` AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JU ICE IDENTIFICATION k C)I IT hALD j Town Justice ✓- REPORT TO: Village Justice NAME, STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE t�p COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS el, 2 BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS S ZS46-14161 ZIP CODE 3 IV Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) D it I it II I� i 'i At the end of the month$ was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of M�2G/� 1979' BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" // ✓/ 'YLCi1/f ' `� ! �[� ! page of pages Signature Date ff TitK • DOM AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUS ICE IDENTIFICATION # E rr ;C-jmj Town Justice '°'F4,4 °'�` REPORT T0: ❑ Village Justice NAME /'�I f� �1�us 1 d STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE 5YJ U7/4D�.D COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL c3 BUREAUBUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS MAILING ADDRESS/,� 25 ;4bZIP CODE Nome of Defendant ARREST D SPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Sentence Date Arresting Date Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) �10 A c,774WS A_ pof 4)C I ce II j i' At the end of the months was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of �' 8/1 j/plL�/ 1gzy, BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER- 3)/0/7 OMPTROLLER"3 l07 page of pages Signature yV1 Date ilio i*:LL l AC 1030 (Rev. 3/77) JUSTICE IDENTIFICATION # Town Justice j� / REPORT T0: 0 Village Justice NAME - Ar b S .. D �✓� STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE `SO U TN 0 D COUNTY .S L)F Fo DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS 8 >( SL BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS lSfFPlLS ZIP CODE U � Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil and Description Arresting Sentence and Title of Action Section of Offense Date Officer D°te or Other Penalties Fees r (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) p(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) /0 /NIS O P12.o li SII ij �_. At the end of the months was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certifythat the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL p BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of J Rnf&A X 197?. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE �} "STATE COMPTROLLER" page i of pages Signature Date Titl RECEIVED �igt���� �epur#men# Tofun of f6outholir 1Q80 reconic, W. It. 11958 Town Clerk Southold RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1979 to DECEMBER 31, 1979 (inclusive) i ITEM 1 - Total Receipts - - - - - - - -$ 638,0774.45 Total Disbursements- - - - - -$ 5379583.85 Balance on hand- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 100,490.60 ITEM 2 - Total Receipts - - - - - - - -$ 2,518.44 Total Disbursements- - -- - - -$ None Balance on hand- - - - - - - - - - - - -$ - 2,518.44 ITEM 3 - Total-Receipts - - - - - - - -$ 223,283.03 Total Disbursements- - - - -$ 185,326.82 • Balance on hand- - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 37,956.21 ITEM 4 - Total Receipts - - - - - - - -$ 159,023.86 Total Disbursements- - - - - -$ 108,805.11 Balance on hand- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 50,218.75 C't��fUM�1 �P�JMz�triPri� TO(Un of �$IIuthotb RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 HIGHWAY FUND - Item No. 1 Gasoline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 339503.89 Motor Oil & Lubricants - - - - - - - - - - - 39899.50 Diesel Fuel & Kerosene - - - - - - - - - - - 4,414.94 Lumber, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,469.80 Cement & Cement Products - - - - - - - - - - 1,983.18 Guard Rail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 113.90 Corrugated Pipe & Bands- - - - - - - - - - - 109732.65 Chemicals & Anti-freeze- - - - - - - 19202.90 Traffic Signs & Posts- - - - - - - - - - - - 1,198.97 Cold & Hot Patch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7,181.08 Code #31894 Castings- - - - - - - - - - - - 2,206.00 Traffic paint- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,008.70 Rings, Domes and Covers- - - - - - - - - - - 2,836.00 Bluestone- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,060.34 Barricades, Cones and Flashers, etc. - - - - 746.25 Asphalt Road Materials - - .- - - - - - - - - 58,456.40 Tarps- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 624.24 Slurry Seal- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 209577.43 Engineering Consultants- - - - - - - - - - - 25.00 Basin Cleaner- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,505.50 Fishers Island: Gasoline,motor oil,etc.- - - 29450.69 Cedar Beach appropriation credit - - - - - -2,068.40 N.Y.S. Employees' Retirement System- - - - - 57,929.77 Social Security- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 169383.54 State Insurance Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - 99218.52 Hospitalization premiums - - - - - - - - - - 21,653.88 Total:- - -$ 273,314.67 Payrolls - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2649269.18 TOTAL:- - -$ 537,583-85 c`�t��fvttg �P�ttr#men# (` afuu of 'Snuthota RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 MACHINERY FUND - Item No. 3 Purchase of Machinery - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 50,362.96 Small Tools - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 590.65 Repairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19124.86 Repair parts- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38,712.91 Tires and tubes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,549.97 Welding Supplies: Acetylene, Oxygen, etc. - - 1,663.45 Payment radio lease - - - - - - - - - - - - - 364.68 Radio repairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 689.25 Radio maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,620.00 Sweeper repair parts- - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,197.63 Paint, etc. for trucks- - - - - - - - - - - - 849.70 Fishers Island: truck repairs and parts - - - 29655.22 Bayside Terrace appropriation credit- - - - - -2,331.42 N.Y.S. Employees' Retirement System - - - - - 12,164.08 Social Security - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,643.95 State Insurance Fund- - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,080..25 Hospitalization - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,944.03 Total:- - - -$ 125,882.17 Payrolls- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59,444.65 TOTAL:- - - -$ 185,326.82 PiBlIfung C'Bryartt ent afun of �$IIufhofb RAYMOND C. DEAN Tel. 765-3140 Superintendent 734-5211 MISCELLANEOUS FUND - Item No. 4 Snow Fence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 3,212.00 Posts & Ties - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,345.80 Snow Plow repair parts and welding - - - - - - - - 10,410.21 Snow Plow shoes, nose pieces, blades, etc. - - - - 4,566.26 New York Telephone Company - - - - - - - - - - 4,361.74 Superintendent of Highways expenses- - - - - - 500.28 Xerox & Office supplies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,261.58 Trees & Grass seed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 418.27 Services: Clerical and Surveys - - - - - - - - - - 845.00 Mechanics uniforms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 943.60 Supplies for men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19695.66 Meals for men- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 86.57 Miscellaneous hardware items (large) - - - - - 523.10 Miscellaneous hardware items (small) - - - - - - - 1,328.20 Rent buildings (storage) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,100.00 Towing services- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35.00 Rock salt- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109849.79 F.I. Expense and Ferry services- - - - - - - - - - 1,461.90 Easement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Services - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 549.00 Chemicals- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 756.82 N.Y.S. Employees' Retirement System- - - - - - - - 11,000.00 Social Security- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29276.25 State Insurance Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,915.75 Hospitalization premiums - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,129.40 Total: - - - -$ 71,672.18 Payrolls - - - -.- - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 379132.93 TOTAL: - - - -$ 108,805.11 • TEL. 765-1802 OF� �D TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL 0 SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 January 4, 1980 Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: During the year, 1979, this Department has issued 1 ,317 receipts and fees totaling $22,878.24. This total has been received by the Supervisor. We issued 432 Building Permits collecting $15,398.24 in fees for the estimated construction of $6,876,807.00. In- cluded in this were 113 permits for new dwellings. We issued 223 Yard Sale permits and collected 3,345.00. $2,305.00 was collected for Certificates of Occupancy _fees. $1 ,830.00 was collected for Home Improvement Con- tractor License fees. The two cars travelled 13,642 miles. Respectfully submitted, i &,� ' � ,-�,_ GEORGE H. FISHER Sr. Building Inspector GHF/mw BOAR STEES Telephone 0 �, 516-765-1938 Southo . 11971 ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1979 RECEIPTS Received for permits issued ---------------------$1,906.60 Month of January -------$268.20 Month of February ------ 10.00 Month of March --------- 135.00 Month of April --------- 227.40 Month of May ----------- 310.80 Month of June ---------- 126.20 Month of July ---------- 259.80 Month of August -------- 195.60 Month of September ----- 191.60 Month of October ------- 70.00 Month of November ------ 50.00 Month of December ------ 63.00 Muriel Tolman, Clerk Board of Town Trustees g. File__ � AIM RECEIVED �5�FF0(� JUSTICE �� COURT JAN 11 7980 � �y TOWN OF 8 S O UTH O LD To" C'erk Southold NEW a • YORK JAMES H. RICH, JR. Ol JUSTICE COURT TOWN JUMCE MmN ROAD NORTH ROAD CUTCHoGUE, N. Y. 11935 SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 734-5550 765-3036 YEARLY REPORT 1979 "RICH,_,YR-A Dated : December 31, 1979 JUST ICE e �► 0 JUSTICE o\05�FFlull]( COURT TOWN OF a SOUTHOLD Ln NEW v • YORK O JAMES H. RICH, JR. 01 JUSTICE COURT TowN JUSTICE Menu ROAD NORTH ROAD CuTcxoauE, N. Y. 11935 SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 734-5550 765-3036 RECEIPTS 1.979 Monthly Reports Sent to N.Y. State Comptroller January $ 735.00 February $ 238.00 March $ 479.00 F.pr i 1 $ 440.00 May $ 325.20 June $ 274.80 July $ 416.00 August $ 553.00 September $ 700.00 October $ 528.00 November $ 870.00 December $ 669.00 $ 6228.00 $ 6228.00 Bail Money $ (1815.00 less $250.00 forfeited in monthly reports) $ 1565.00 $ 1565.00 Other money $ 117.20 $ 117.20 (postage,civil service fees) Balance carried from 1978 $10.00 Total receipts 1979 $ 7900.20 Total receipts 1979 $7910.20 $ 7910.20 JUSTICE o COURT TOWN OF 9 ; SOUTHOLD NEW oy�• �O� YORK JAMES H. RICH, JR. 01 JUSTICE COURT Town JUSTICE Menu ROAD NoRTH ROAD CuTcHocuE, N. Y. 11935 SDUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 734-5550 765-3036 DISBURSE'&NT S 1979 Monthly Reports to State Comptroller $ 6228.00 Bail refunds $ 1140.00 Civil fees and "other" $ 38.20 (petty cash *) Total Disbursements $ 7406.20 JUSTICE �� � COURT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW oy�• � YORK JAMES H. RICH, JR. Ol JUSTICE COURT TowN JusncE MmN Row NORTH ROAD CUTCHOGIIE, N. Y. 11935 SoumoLD, N. Y. 11971 734-5550 765-3036 RECE I PTS FOR 1979 364 Motor Vehicle cases $4064.00 65 Criminal cases $ 680.00 145 Civil cases $ 332.00 45 Town Ordinance cases $ 257.00 15 Conservation cases $ 635.00 4 Bail forfeits $ 260.00 Total receipts $6228.00 Bail money received $1565.00 Other fees $ 117.20 Total receipts $7910.20 Total Receipts $7910.20 Total Disbursements $7406.20 Balance held 1980 $ 504.00 JUSTICE \�c�vFFUCo COURT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Ln NEW oy�• � YORK JAMES H. RICH, JR. Ol JUSTICE COURT Town JUSTICE MAiN ROAD NORTH ROAD CUTCHooUE, N. Y. 11935 SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 734-5550 765-3036 1979 Total Receipts $ 7910.20 ($7900.20 plus $10.00 carried from 1978 to 1979) Total Disbursements $ 7406.20 Balance from 1979 carried into 1980 $ 504.00 (Pending Bail, part paid fine and civil fees) Bail $425.00 Part paid fine $ 30.00 "others" $49.00 $504.00 $ 504.00 LFOt:i Iq U L� Village Justice "`'r''" Ja111es a k1cil, Jr.47-3790-274 STATE OR NEW YORK TOWN==94= SOuth0 d COUNTY Stiff olk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND-CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold, N.Y. JUSTICE COURT FUND Jan.79 ZIP CODE 957 Name of DefendantStatute grill{ ARREST DIS POSITI ON Fines, or and Description Date ArrestingSentence Forfeited Civil Title of Action Data Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Name q Plaintiff and Defendant) (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Edward Wilcenski T1192-1 Driving Im aired 11-24 TP 5 nded to rr tr rt rr VT1180-a Im rudent spged Steven A. Ga 'eski VT401-1a Unre . veh. 12-20 SP 3 Pismissei Raymond C. Griffith VT385-7 Overweight/wheel 12-13 SP 23 �ismissej George D. Costello VT1180(dl Sneedina 11-9P T M Panaggpoulos VT r' - Christo h r I M T _2ined 15 :00 Philip J. Norkelun VT1126-a Passing in no zone 8-31 TP 10Fined 5 :00 James B. Fogarty VT375-31 No Muffler 12-24 TP 10 Fined 5 :00 Bruce A. Johnson VT306(b) No Insp. cert. 12-15 SP 10 IFined 5 :00 Bruce A. Johnson VT401-1a Unreg. vehicle 12-15 SP 10 Fined 20 :00 John Be Brush Jr. VT306 h No InsR. -ceSP 10 Fined Sion rt, i William A. Davidson VT1180 b S Michael J. Ku j awski VT511 Drr iv' - Susan A. Lehman T -Z12-21 SP 10 Dis 's Thomas Re Shearin VT375-2a Insuff lights 2-19 TP 1D— Dismiss _d Steven G. Pinks VT306 b No insp. cert 10-22 SP 112 Fined :00 Robert L. Mills 2 VT1180 b S eedin 2-2 SP 'I Charles B. Forbes VT306 b No insp.- cert - i� Patricia J. Sowi.nsk VT306 b No ins cert - John J. Scheffer VT1180 d Speeding - 11-16 ITP I 12IFinpd John J. Scheff er VT306 b No i - At the end of the months 50.00 was received and held by me in pending cases.) TOTAL THIS PAGE 240::00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL -- -- BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of January 1979. --- TOTAL � CARRIED FORWARD 240 i OO PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1/31/79 TotNn Justice page 1 of 4 pages Signature Date Title L ] village.justice NAMt James *iCh, Jr. 47-3790-274 STATE OF-NEW YORK TOWN ftdtkjK� Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUND Jan, 79 ZIP CODE 1- Name Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION' Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence , d Bull anFees Section of Offense Officer or Other BBull,Penaand ies (Ngme of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (d) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) _1 1 Edward Me Detrick VT306 b No insp, cert 2-22 TP John De Griffin VT1180 b SR@edina ..2-29 SP 17 Di Mark A. DiI.alla VT375-2al Insuff. lights -7 TP 17 ,Dismisse Paul A. Kapustka VT385-7 Overload on wheel 12-29 SP 17 Dismissed Charles F, Crosts_ III_VT375-2 _Insuf - ' Peter C,_ _Klavas VT375-2a Insulf. 1 - Barbara J. O - Patrick — —13_SP 17 Fi ned I A. QQ1 Joeph P 1-12 SP 22Dismis Amy L. Farley VT401-1a Unreg. veh. 1-2 SP 22 Oismiss Walter P. Beyer VTYIH-8816 7 (No information eceive )SP 22 Dismiss d Gustavo Valverde VT1126 Passing 8-17 TP 19 Dismissed Joel J, Levin VT1180(d) Speeding 11-19 TP 19 Fined 35:00 Warren C. Rondarchuk VT319 No Insurance 12-23 TP 19 Fined $ 00,00 us oSent, Warren C, Bondarch VT401-1 Unreg. veh. 12-23 TP 19 Dismissed Richard 14. Jensen Vr306:(b) No insp. cert, 12-21 SP 24 Fined 5 :00 Suzanne Me Koster VT1142 Stop Sign 12-25 TP 24 Fined 15 :00 Mildred L. Demchuk VT306(b) No insp. cert, 1-3 TP 124 Fined 5 :00 Stephen J. Maciura VT306(b) No insp. cert. 1- .8 TP 24 Fined 5 �00 Stephen J. Maciura VT401-1 Unreg. veh. 1-12 SP 24 Dismissed Stephen J. Maciura VT306(b) No insp. cert. 1-12 SP 24 Dismissed Thomas J, Kraebel VT1172-a Sto Sin 12-28 SP 24 - Fined At the end of the month$ 50.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 99 ::00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 240:00 BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of ,January 1979. TOTAL 339 :00 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" lZU179, Town Justice page 2 of 4 pages Signature Date Title V(-'i: i s'ii ! ' ` U Village Justice NAME James Rich, Jr. 47-3790-274 STATE OKNEW YORK TOWN 09=00M Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North_ Road, Southold, N.Y. JUSTICE COURT FUND Jane 79 ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DIS POSITION' Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil and Description ArrestingSentence Title of Action Section of Offense Date Officer Date or Other Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Geraldine U, Shel VT306-b No ins cert 1-22 P r h ii Geraldine E S - I - =22 TP 24-Fin d Ronald J 1-27 TP 31 Fined 20: 00 II Annette Ge Fox VT1142-b Failure to yield 12-23 TP 131 Fined 15:00 i William G Hand VT 06 b No insn. cert. I Jean Me Silverman VT306 -d i Mary K, Mills -Y!11804b)- Speeding 12-1 i Darren J. Helgese I Civil cases Raynor vs MacNish 2 00 I Ruggles vs Fogarty 2 n0 ! Kreiger vs Lukas 2 00I Kreiger vs Foresto estaurant 2._00 _ ii Kreiger vs MacKrellli Itrei er vs Hannan w2d Moore I i Kreiger vs Breese I, Criminal Cases NYSFish & Taking undersized Kristian Be Wolftei h Wildlaw 13-0327-2a scallo 12-22 Co 3 IFined 1 :00 NYSFish & Taking undersized Donald F. Bridge Wildlaw. 3-0327-2ascallo s 12-22 CO 3 Fined 15 :00 Robert--Larsen PL140. 0 ..,Txespass. - 11-20 -T—P---L'5. , Dismis 50 00 i TOTAL THIS PAGE At the end of the months o was received and held by me in ponding cases. 139; I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 339:00 ' before me during the calendar month of January 19 79= TOTAL TSI CARRIED FORWARD 478:001 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1/31/79 Town Justice page 3 of 4 pages Signature Date Title 7i 0 I r . Wr Village Justice t4AME ..j2�I12C?S• t<3.t:li, Jl. 47-3790-27i STATE Of' NEW YORK TOWN Qfi� yt� Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND-CONTROL JUSTICE COURT FUND MAILING ADDRESS North I20ad V- ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant A R R E S T D I S P IDS I T I ON, Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (g) Mark Mysliborski PL24025-1 Harassment 11-21 TP 19 ACOD 6 nthr I �i Parking TO 1 2$5.00 5 00 TO 1 0$2.00 2 00 i i Criminal Cases 150: 00 Eugene Ktainsmith PL240.25-1 Harassment 9-19 TP 29 .D.&Fin d Adjudged T? 115 Fined 100 0 I i I I, i At the end of the month$ 50.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 257: 00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL I� before me during the calendar month of January ig 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 47$: 00 — TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 17351001 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1/31/79 Town Justice 4 4 page of pages Signature Date Title U Village Justice iiAmEjanle: LOich, iz. 47-3790-274 '!. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWNS Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUNDFebe 70 Southold N.Y. ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant A R R E ST DISPOSITION, Fines, Statute Brief or Sentence Forfeited Civil eence Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) j (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Mark A. DiLalla VT319 No Insurance 12-26 TP 16 Dismiss d : Mark_A. _DiLalla - VT401-1 Unreq, veh 12-26 TP 16 Fined 25 :00 it Doreen E�Woessner_ VT1143 Failed to yield 1-14 TP 5 Fined 15:00 Edmund E 'Len s i W306(b) No insR. cert. 12-29 TP 5 lFined 10:00 6-25 TP 5 Fined 20:00 John C. LagruaVT401-la Unreg. veh 12-22 SP 7 Fined 20:00 Tahir Ce Deniz VT306 b No insp. cert. 12-28 TP 13 Fined 10:00 I Shawn Me Norton VT375-2a Insuff, tail lts. 12-28 TP 13 Dismissed r af: Helen Me Bookmiller VT401-1 Unre . veh. 1-13 TP 16 U. D. Barr J Sullivan VT306 b No ins cert. 1-8 TP 16 Fined 15:00 Barry J Sullivan VT509-1 Unlicensed oper, 1-8 TP 16 Dismiss d- io Barry J Sullivan VT401-1 Unre . veh. 1-8 TP 16 Dismiss d- ro —Barry J Sullivan VT319 No Insurance 1-8 TP 16 Dismiss Clinton E WhitneyVT375-2a Insuff. lights 12-29 TP 16 Fined 10:00 I� William BeByrnes VT1142 Failed to yield 12-26 TP 16 Dismissed iit 'u:stice Martha Aa Proios VT306 b No insp, cert. 1-3 SP 16 Fined 5:00 Joseph Me Pufahl VT1180 b Speeding 12-19 SP 16 Fined 30:00 Peter Re Dooley VT306 b No insp. certo 1-8 TP 16 Fined 10: 00 I Glenn T. Donovan VT306 b No insp. cert. 1-2 SP 27 Dismiss d- zo . Melvin Be Sadler VT1180 b Speeding 7-10-78 TPI 2 Fined :0 CRIMINAL CASES i Joseph C. Stevens PL120.00- Assault 3rd deg, 1-9 TP 16 amended (pa,6e At the end of the month$ 100.00 vias received and held b me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE r p g 205:00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ' before me during the calendar month of February, 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD ---=-- TOTAL 205:00 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/28/79 Tam Justice page 1 of pages Signature Date Title i i U, i U Village Justice NAME Jame AUch, Jr. 47-3790-274 STATE OF'NEW YORK TOWN X50t***Qc Southold COUNTY Suff Olk r DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Roads Southold, N.Y, JUSTICE COURT FUND Feb978 ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Dot. Sentence Bail, and Fees (Mame of Plaintiff and Defendant) section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) t Joseph_C Stevens 240,25-1 l 9 TP 16 C D ' Toney Dukes DL140,20 Burglary 3rd 7-16-78 TP 2 amended to 155.25 Petit Larceny 2 S temad 90 di_ Toney Dukes L155.25 , Petit Larceny 7-16-7 TP _ 2 amenrlpd to L140._1.0 Crime Trespass CIVIL CASES North Fork Animal H pital vs Dykeman North Fork Animal Hospital vs Sandlin North Fork Animal Hospital vs Paulos i North North Fork Animal Hospital vs Szczepanik North Fork animal Hospital vs tulsky 2 00 North Fork Animal Hospital vs Caxden 2 60 North Fork Animal Hospital vs Madison Chiel lot vs-Oldf ord nnn Donlon vs Peyser_ _ Town Oxdinanc - 1Par i tic 2 00 VT375-2a Insuff. lights Bail James C. DeVito VT511 Dr lice susmnded 11- -7k Forfeit 7111 :11171 I At the end of the months 100.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 33:00 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me Burin the calendar month of BROUGHT FORWARD 20.5:00 g Febr is ��' TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 238::00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 2/28/79 Town Justice page 2 of 2 pages Signature Date Title ._._.............,.�-..._____ __ .,.. , ...,.mom ._...__ 47-3790-2 74 Village Justice .Jc7,I:li Z(1CI1, .iY. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN 030030M Southold COUNTY Suff olk D ARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold JUSTICE COURTFUND March 79 _ N.Y. ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST D I S P O S I T I O 1, Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil ' Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Dote Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties � If) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) David Do Frost VT1121 Failed give 1/2 rd 2-20 TP 28 Fined 10:00 Thomas Re Russell VT1180 d Speeding; 2-16 TP 2 Fined I! Raymond Thilberg VT306 b No insp. cert. Y 2-15 SP 2/28 Fined Scott Corwin VT401-1 Unrega vehicle 2-14 TP 2/28 D's i! Scott Corwin VT509-1 Unlicensed D' Ali Glenn Me McDermott VT 11 Marjorie K. Ra VT1142 Failure to 1 2- �I Newonai Reese VT1142 Failure to yield 2-23 TP 7 Fined 10:00 j 1 Judy L. Clark VT511 Drivina while rev, -16 ITP 11 1I Thomas J. Kraebel VT600-1 Leaving scene of i 2-19 TP 2 Fined I Peter Me Wenzel VT375-2a Insuff lights 12-19 TP _ — Peter M, Wenzel VT306 b No 10,00 i Peter Me Wenzel VT306 b o u Robert Walker VT 5-31 7' �i James Ca le VT306 b No Insp. cert 3-4 TP 15 Fined Michael Aa Chituk VT509-1 Unlicensed qpgr. 3-5 ISP 16 D ed Roger Re Peabody VT 1157-a Hitchhiking 1974 SP 20 dismis ;pd-lan Lmss. Marin Muzinic VT1172-a StpR Si —2-1 i Cheryl Aa Rogers VT509-3 Class I� Lou J. Dickerson VT1126-a Drove left Dvmt.mkc 3-10 TP 4 i James B. Fogarty VT509-3 Class 6 after hrs. 3-7 TP Ronald So An ona VT319 No Insurance At the end of the month$ 150.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 225 :00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL —�..—.. before me during the calendar month of March i9 79, BROUGHT FORWARD — TOTAL 22�r :00 JI CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER- 4-5-79 Town Justice page l of 3 pages Signature Date Title . ................. • ,..:_ NAME >�? 7Q: �" Vif/ageJustice James� Rich, ,Jr.47-3790-274 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWNS Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEOARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold. N.Y. JUSTICE COURT FUNDMarch 79 ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSI TI O IN Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil f Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees I' Section of Offense Officer or Other j Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (°) n it Ronald S. Angona VT401-1 Unre . vehe 1-28 TP 21 Fined 5 :00 I Ronald S. An ona VT306 b Uninspected veh. 1-28 TP 21 Fined 5 .:001 ill Robert D. Harris VT376-1a brake lights 3-2 SP 21 Dismissed P ooe Robert D. Harris VT375-2b Splash guards 3-2 SP 21 Dismis ed- Dro Robert Do Harris VT376-1a brake li hts 3-2 SP 21 D'Smis ed -► ook Robert D Harris VT375-2b Splash guards 3-2 SP 2 0 Michael To Howard VT509-1 Unlicensed qpqr. 12-21 TP 23 D'smis -ed-6roqlfII Howard We Burden VT1180 b Spgeding 2-12 SP �23 F' James Re Berry VT1180 b S:peeding 3-9 TP Helen A Wysocki VT1180 Speeding P I. Richard J i i Patricia A Burrows VT1180(b) - .15_ina William L Shawn Haan William J. Westerine VT1180(b) S22eding 7-18 SP 29 Fined 35 :00 Anna Ganko VT306(b) No insp. cert. 2-23 SP 29 Fined 1000 �I John Ghulson VT1201-A Stopped on pvmt. 2-23 SP 30 Fined 5 .:00 _ Eleanna A. Torres VT1180 b Speeding 3-2 SP 30 Fined 3500 I I CIVIL CASES Hellman vs Lawrence 2:0011 At the end of the month$ 150.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 222: 0 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 225; 0 before me during the calendar month of 14arch 19-n• TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 447: 0 y PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 4-5-79 Town Justice page 2 of 3 pages Signature Date Title U l i Al MAILING ADDRESS North Rd, eu-t oif:i, V.yo 11971 JUSTICE COURT FUNDMarch 79 ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION: Fines - or Statute Brief Forfeited I Civil Title of Action and Description Date �A,re� 9 Date Sentence Bail, and Fees j Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)�, (4) Constantinopoulos vs Zahra 2 001 Hellman vs Lichas 2 00 Hellmanvs Gibbs 2 .00 1, IUnq vs A & P 2 0 The North Fork Bank Trust Col vs Savapoulos 2 00 The North Fork_ Bank Trust Co. vs Robinson: t;anscri t 1 :00 Ginsberg vs_-Szczepan'k 2 00 it Fuller vs Stevens 2 00 Annison vs Annison 2 00 __-R Z4R_ Home _lmnraveme tys l-,an9 2 00 Reinhardt vs Kavich 2 DOS PARKING TO Parkinc__l -Dismis d i TO—Par-king-1-0 $5,00 5 :00 TO Pa king 2 0 -2 0 -- - --- - - --- - - 4;00 I� CRIMTNAL CASES DN icht Brl.dge 0 38-a D� ul�ning_at lar e 3-8 DW 1 C-n-d Di_ o s I' _Michael G. O'Br' PL 120.E 2 ssault 2nd Dea. 1/28 -TP_ 1_2 amended to - h, mi c-h ae l G. 0'B PL 0 s� The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. vs Robinson 2 00 -- ----- - =t the and of the month S_i�nn was received and held by me in pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 32:00 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases completed TOTAL -- -*fore me during the calendar month of March 19 BROUGHT FORWARD Qq, '00 TOTAL t CARRIED FORWARD . 479 QQ1 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 4/5/79 Town .justice page 3 of 3 pages Sign*fure Out* Title SL--j Village Justice jali&:-A ll j tiid, . 47-.j/ ANTTATE OF NEW YORK TOWN C SoutholdCOUNTY Suff olk DtGt OF AUbIT AND'CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold, N.Y, 11971 JUSTICE COURT FUNDA it 79 ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST D ISPOSI T I O IN Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) I. James LaVarco VT1192 2&3 Driving Intox, 3-18 TP 27 ended Ito I VT1192-1 DrivingImpaired 27 Conde D's. : school I Goeffrey F Proud VT1180 b Spgedina 3-13 TP 2 Fined 35:00 Edward L. Petsche VT1180 b Speeding 3-10 TP 2 Fie 25:00 i Howard Frey 3rd VT306 b No Insp. cert 3-13 TP 2 Fined 10:00 Michael Me Sher VT306 b No InsR. cert 3-4 TP 4 iFined 10:00 Robert Le Mott VT306 b No Insp. cert 3-7 TP 4 Fined 10:00 HenryGadomski VT1180 b S _edin 3-2 SD 4 Fined 35 :00_ Lois A Terp VT1180 b S edin 3-9 TP 4 Fined 25 :00 Ste hen A Keleman VT306 b No InsRo Inscert 2-23 SP 4 lFined 10:00 Ste0en A VT40 - E 2-23--.. SP Robert EI ort VT1180(bl S P 9 Fined 1;0 00 Carl Beamon VT1180 b Speeding 3-13 TP 8Fined 25:00 John H VT 80 Sneeding 3-9 TP Fined 29 00 Jeffrey A. Bauer VT1180(d). 5 ding 3-2 P Fined 25 00 Theodore F. Sal P At the and of the month S 181.40 was received and held by me in pending cases, TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of April 1979. BROUGHT FORWARD , TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 380:001T -L-�11 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 5-2-79 Town Justice page 1 of 2 pages Signature Date Title * _LJ Village Justice .)�3,x'1 .i }t,.+i.(aOs „'i, a �'.°...i ASTATE OF NEW YORK TOWNS Southold COUNTYSuffolk _ D ART ENT OF AUDIT AND'CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUNDA '1 7 _ Southold N,Y, ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION: Fines, or Statute Brief . and Description Arrestin Sentence Forfeited Civil Title of Action p Date g Date Boil, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other (Nome of Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ---Charles Anasacasti VT1123 Passed to right 2-20 TP 24 Uncond. Dish e: William F Hartun iol Cif C.P.-Driver Reh b sc ooll0- -78 27 Uncond D'sch Robert G Kowalski VT1180 b Speeding 3-3 SP 30 Fined 35 :00 Kevin M. Jones VT509-3 Class 6 after hour 3-9 TP 29 Dismissed Irit. Ju�t' e David A- CzAlatkA VT-106(b No Insp- cert- 1-1 R TP 1-10 pinpd 1 20!00 i l: 001j Hellman vs Lawrence transcri t 1 OOI Reinhardt vs Kavich transcript ) l II II I At the end of the month$ 181,40 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 60 :00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ' before me during the calendar month of April 19 79. BROUGHT FORWARD 3$0 :00 CARRIED FORWARD 440 TOTAL :0O PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 5/2/79 Town Justice page 2 of 2 pages Signature Date Title Or anGosci y�ii n ? nr Till@ of Action o . oe A:. ing' ate 1;i, IW s Sectiond of Oliense (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) � I `-'�r 'el or Qt`^ � s'^^.:hies (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) _ (ft) (Q) 11 Charles A. Smith VT306 b T:x . inspection1-15-7Y SP 1 F ined J 25 :00! Pauline Deno VT1180 d Speeding 3-9 TP 11 Fined 125 :00 I !I Kathleen Me Goggins VT306 b . inspection 3-13 TP 11 Fined 10 00, Judith A. Jones VT319 INo Insurance 10-24-78 TP 11 ]Dismissed Judith A. Jones VT402-4 Switched plates " 't T? 11 .�,i n e d 5 :00 i I Judith A. Jones VT306 b No Insp, cera Tn -Fined Judith A. Jones VT509-1 Unlicensed ore tt It TP 11 Fined 35 :00 Judith A. Jones VT401-1 Unrea. v hic Philip F. Alexander VT375 2A- of . lights 4-29 TP George Nics VT 7 2- , • Walter Stein VT306 b Nin Insp , cert. John O. Goodwin VT375-4B No stop lamps -1 SP John 0 Goodwin VT319-1 No Insurance card 5-1 SP —JAL Dismincit-fi it Gavin Re Cooke VT1142 Failure to yield 4- Wayne We Wilkens VT375- 2A Insuff lights -2 T? _JAL. Digmigczc-d �I Janes BeQooRgr , _VT50 Jams Be C _ I Katherine Heins VT 182 c David I neri VT306 b No Ins P. 4-23 SP 16, i James Se Leggon VT375-2a3 Insutf. tail Its 4- James S. Le on VT509-1 Unlicensed o Carl Re Berry VT1142-a Failure to yield i Therese Pupilla VT106(b) p I& IDismissed At the end of the month $ 405.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 170 .00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of May 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD - - TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 170 00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 6-8-79 Town Justice page 1 of 4 pages Signature Date Title A.C.1030 (Res 2-69) ' / Town Justice REFCORT TO: ❑ Village Justice NAME James H. Rich, Jr. 47-3790-274 STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OR VILLAGE Southold COUNTY Stiffer DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold JUSTICE COURT FUND Mav 79 ZIP CODE 119.71_ Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) —11 — Audrey Parker VT1192 2&3 Driving while int 11-3 -� 18 amende " to " " VT1192-1 Drivingwhile Imp. 18 Cond. schar a Gary Ce Schwarting VT375-2&3 Insuff. tail light 5-12 SP 25 Dismissed Robert H. Gaffga VT509-1 Unlicensed opera 5-10 TP 23 Fined 10 ::00 ---jl-_ Lisa L Wanser VT509-3 Class 6 after hrs. 5-5 TP 23 FDismiss d 1 Michele A. Kujawski VT1120-a Failed keen riqlht 5-12 TP 23 1 Fined 10 :00 Lloyd Knowles VT1180 d Speeding 5-6 TP 23 Fined 25 :00 Dorothy 11=dman VT1141 Failure to yield 5-10 TP 23 Fined 10 :00 � Paul L. Rutkoski VT1180 S eeding 5-12 TP 23 Fined 25 ::00 ��-_-- Sam Stoehrer � VT401 1 Unreg. vehicle 11-13 TP �22 Dismiss d Fred Stan?co VT375-2a3 No tail lights 4-23 SP 125 Dismissed rred S` 06 'NO cert 4-23 SP 25 Dismissed John S. Seaman V1306(b) No Insp. cert 5-16 1 SP 30 Dismiss d John J. Schmitt VT305 b No Insp. cert. 5-12 SP 30 Fined 5 '00 -fl--- II- Alfred A. Von Hassel VT375-4a No brake lights 5-4 SP 30isrni s -- s -- CRIMINAL-CASES - -- - -- -� -- -- I � � - -� - - Kathy Jenkins T038-1a Dog running at large 5"11 DDJ 23 Cond. DiscY ax e Pascual Perez .Q0.25 Harassment 9-4-78 TP 18 Dismissed i. Alfred Terp PL 240.25 Harassment 9-41-73 TP 18 Dismissed Daria Bondarchuk T038-1a Dog rimning at large 4-19 DW 18 Cord. Discharge Thelma Wilkens 1038-1a Dog running at large 4-23 DW 9 1 Conde llsch4rg� �I PL -2 Rec eS '?z ang. -- 7-x.970 T I Arthur G. :vL,tchell PL265.05-� Posse of Aang.['taa on TP 18 ismisse TOTAL THIS PAGE I At the end of Ih.t mwlf,. 407 n0 *r' t Y pending 85 d0 ' ,- f � — � was received and field 6 me in endin cases. 70'"AI —_--- -- _.�� oily iF�n the 0,ove n true and comp!oto statement of c it foes ea wit criniloal cases completed � ! c' ruler men±! n( �I in y, tiKO!Iht11 1"1 ,,q,,D a n Tr .rzky_79 M o,•,u ++dm+t It+i o, Statute grief —. Title of Action and Description Arr- +ina, Sent nce Dots Not-' }3oii .ind +'ees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer I or 00,1 1 i —alties (f) (2) (3) 1 (4) (5) ! (6) (7) (8) (9) t-- —-- --w ---- John Schmidt �L140.20 -3rd -,2,2-72 TP 1118 Di--ral sLi TO PARKING 1 g $2.00 2 :00 CIVIL CASES -I Crenshaw vs Area 2: OO; Crenshawvs Radford 2: 06 Crenshaw vs Arnoff 2 OOI Squibb vs Ter 2 00' i North Fork Bank vs Woodward 2: 0 North Fork Bank vs W odward ( transcript) 100; Mills vs Schlecter 2 pp. i� Mills vs Village Stationer 2 00' Mills vs Noyac Realt 2 Od' r�— Kleinberg vs Sypher 2 00�_ Tobia. vs Demchuk 2 pljl Justice's fees earned _ Peo vs 2ebroski 4,03 AI.4113 Unlicensed Doc 16140 Peo. vs Wells 4,0.3 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 16 6 00 i Peo. vs Johnson 4,OD 4,OAM113 Unlicensed Dog 16 4 80 II I Pco. vs Fiedler 4.0 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 16 6 p 1 Peoe vs Rehm 4.01D AM113 Unlicensed Dog 16 5 60 Peo. vs White tie OAM113 Unlicensed Dog 16 � 6 00 At the and of the month$ 405.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 56 2 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 255 00 ' before me during the calendar month of 'may 19 79. -- —1 TOTAL 311 2 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 6-53-79 Town Justice page 3 of 4r pages Signature Date Title MAI- fitk, ,.k i( l :a' .!U tL COUR i FUND May 79 Zai' c sdt�T.;. Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSi T IU,1.1 or t Statute Brief Fines, Justice S Forfeited Civil � Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees P.eS Section of Offense Officer or Other (Name of Plaintif and Defe anti Penalties II (�) arne� (y) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) II Peo. vs Conroy 4,00 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 14 a :00 j I Peo, vs Atkins 4,00 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 16 6 b0 Ij T I j I I I I I i At the and of the month$ 405.00was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE14 bQ I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of 1411Y 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD 3110. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 325 20 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 6/8/79 Tann Justice page 4 of 4 pages Signature Date Title iu Village Justice rtHME Jc3llif 1S STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN tido;6f€ Southold COUNTY Suffclk_ DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold, N.Y. JUSTICE COURT FUNDJune 79 ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant Statute Brief ARREST DISPOSITI ON I Fines, � Sentence Forfeited Civil and Description Dote Arresting Date Bail, and Fees Title or of Action Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) --_ John Rutkoski T1180(d) Speeding 5-6 TP 1 fined 35j00 - Shawn F. Leonard VT511 Suspended License 1-27 TP 27 Dismissed Shawn F. Leonard VT511 Suspended license 3-10 TP 27 Dismissed ��--_- Shawn F. Leonard T1126-A Drove leftt mk 3-10 TP ./27 Fined 35 00l Shawn F. Leonard VT1172 Stop Sin 4-4 TP -1 Fined 35 :00 II I Paul We Minerva VT1190 Reckless drivin 4-30 TP 1 amended to if it it it T11.26-A Passing on left 1 C!2nd, D James G. Pike T1180 a Imprudent speed 3-9 T �1 --- --I Robert We Jurgens VT1126 Passing left 3-9 TTS 1 D' Edward E. Grathwohl T1111 a 1 Failure to yield 5-24 TP 1 Dismissid _ Shiela D. Ghimiray VT1141 Failure to yield 5-6 TP 20 Fie 25 O Richard He Rudolph T306(b) No insve cert. 4-23 SP .0 Fined10 n I� -- Stephen J. Guifrida T1172-a Stop Sin -23 TP 20 IFined 25 0it-- George He Gaber T375-25-a Splash guards 3-5 SP 20 Dis ,i Howard Hermes T306 b No ins cert. 5-12 SP S bo -- - - -- - — - Kim Fe Jahrmarkt T401-1 Unre . vehicle 4-30- TP 3 F inpri 1 R 00J Kim E. Jahrmarkt T306b No insp. cert -30 TP 3 Fined in i)n Kim Be Iahriwxkt VT402-4 Improper plates -30 TP 2 Joan Bucci Waggoner 1180(b) Speeding 1-5 7,10. l CRIMINAL CASES Henr M. hrickell 240.25-1 Harassment 3-17 T Junius HubbardL240 25-1 Harassment - - At the end of the month$ 405.00 was received and held by me in pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 220 `.00 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases completed TOTAL —� BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of June, 19 79. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 220 :00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" > � gel 6/22/79 Town Justice 1 2 •� . � :-il ,, _•.sic. .___� �}+J`.._, ,i,1.T��.�; _....r STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN. Sou+hold COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road _ JUSTICE COURT FUND June 79 Southold N.Y. ZIP CODE 1197_1__.._ Name of Defendant Statute Brief ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or and Description pate Ar sting Sentence Forfeited Civil Title of Action g Date Boll, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) ' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) If — William Actu PL240.25- Harassment 5-25 TP 1 Withdrawn James Rempe PL190.05 Issuing bad check 4-27 TP 1 Dismissed Michael Liguori PL240.25-5 Harassment 5-3 TP 1 Jailed 15 days - II _ CIVIL CASES - Chew vs Wells 2-bo - Mills vs Village Stationary ( transcript ) 100 �� i Mills vs Schecter ( transcript. ) - COQ_ Rizzo vs Davis 2-- I PARKING CASES -SII TO 1 d $2.00 2 :00 Kreiger vs Mc Krell -- --l* 00� justice's fees earn ---- J--- Peo, vs Kull 4.00 AM113 Unlicensed Don 101 5:20ii i Peo. vs Klinge 4900 A14 113 Unlicensed Dog 19 __ 4.40 , i Peo, vs Lollot 4,00 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 19 8.0011 Peoe vs Hansen 4.00 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 19 6:00 - _ Peo. vs Pederson 4.00 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 19 6 :001-= I Peo. vs Pultz 4.00 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 19 --6 .001 li Peo. vs Tangney 4.00 AM113 Unlicensed dog -_.201x__ I Peo, vs Cosby 4.00 AM113 Unlicensed Dog 5_:001_- At the end of the month$ 405.00 woe received and held by ms in pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 5d $0 1 certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD +20 ::00 r before me during the calendar month of June 19 79 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 274:SO PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE /� "STATE COMPTROLLER" I�I.II'' �l y 12c L°�Gv 7�u-'l�✓ ,�//� 6/22/79 Town Justice 2 2 .` il Y. VY' IhL Fi t •.atN - TOWN tpa,a eQtB"�� f�1C1 COUPi f Suffolk DEPART MEN-1 OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold, Suffolk, 11971 JUSTICE COURT FUND July 79 ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DISP0SIT10', or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil I'I Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees i' (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense 0ffioar or Other li Penalties (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (b) (7) (8) (9) Francis We Schriefer VT1192-2&3 Driving While Int 7-6 TP 13 � anepded VT1i9211 it it is T1192-1 Driving While IaAp. 13 Condo Discharge George Pe Moyairis VT1180-d Speeding 5-6 TP 12 Fined 35 :00 Kathleen A KetchamT1180b S - 8 ( ) Speeding g 4 l SP 12 Fined 50 :00, David P. Young V1306-b No insp. cert. 5-2 SP 12 Fined 1000 Gary Tabasco T401-1 Unreg. vehicle 6-22 TP 11 Fined 25 :00 Ramon V. Cruz T1129-a Following too clos 6-17 TP 11 Fined 20 :00 - - - Carol Fe Waldvo el 1214 • g Opened door unsafe 6-25 TP 11 Fined 10 :00 ,I Joseph S. Czelatka T1129-a Following too clos 6-17 TP 11 Fined 20 :00 II • II James Joyce T600-1 Leaving scene 6-23 TP 11 Fined 10 :00 David P*LaFrenlere T1126 No Passing lane 6-24 TP 11 Fined 2000 Peter D. Dohrman T319I No Insurance 6-30 TP 11 Dismiss d Paul A. Kapustka VT385-7 Overweight on axle 6-22 SP 11 Cond. D sch�rg4 _ - -- -- -- Kenneth Dickerson T401-9FB Dverweight on reg. 6-22SP 11 i.smxsse I John J. WadeT306 b o ins 5-18112fined 00 - O_- - --pe-cert. TP 5 ; - -_ - — - - — ��� Glen J. Lessler T509-3 iol, Jr. op. lice 6-23 TP 11 Deceased Eiis 's$edl` 78 Raymond W* Bechler T306(b) No insp. cert. 10-21- TP 17 Fined 5 ,W 78 - -- Raymond We Bechler 375-2a Insuff, headlights 10-21- TP 17 Fined 5 AO 78 Raymond We Bechler W1126 Drove left pvmat. 10-21- TP 7 Fined 20 ?00 Charles Me Turner T375-2a Headlights out 7-5 TP 18 Dismiss d Charles Me Turner T306(b) No insp. cert. 7-5 TP �Zj Fined 5 00 Alyson Me Muff IVT1172 Stop Sign 17-5 TP 5 ]Fined 15 100 was received and held b TOTAL THIS PAGE 255 : 0 At the end of the month$ 666*20 y me in pending cases. 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL -- BROUGHT FORWARD ' before me during the calendar month of July 19 78. — TOTAL 255 CARRIED FORWARD 00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE / "STATE COMPTROLLER" / J 8-8-79 Town Justice page i of 4 pages. 3ri.r,a.�i COUIJ 1 1 ou, DEPARIMENT OF AUDIT ANU CONTROL -- — _ MAILING ADDRESS Nco %-.h Rd. Southold, 119`/1 JUSTICE COURT FUND July 79 ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST D I S P 0 S I T 10 Ni Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil TI,I. of Action and Description Date Arresting Dote Sentence gall, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) __— (9) Alyson Muff VT306(b) No insp. cert. 4-5 TP �25 Dismiss ___- D, Odette L. McCabe VT1143 Failure to yield 7-13 TP 25 Fined 1S00 •�I Odette Le McCabe T401-1 Unreg. vehicle 7-13 TP 25 Fined 1500 ;I Odette L. McCabe VT319 No Insurance 7-13 TP 25 Dismiss d _-_:Proof LeroyJ. Ostroski T1180 b � Speeding( ) 7-6 TP 25 Fined 25 :00- - - reg. -- I Edward Se B -onrush T401-7FB Overweight veh. 6-22 SP 25 C.D. 6jont :sli Lucas Van Workum 509-1 Unlic. opera, 6-27 TP 25 Fined 10 :00 i Joannides Demetrios T2251-1 No motorboat reg. 7-1 CO 25 Dismissed - ::or- a:: ,I_ 1 l Gary Me Wells 2251-1 No motorboat reg. 7-1 CO 18__ C.D. 6 th(s___I �i ii Edward We Harbes T2251-1 No motorboat reg. 7-1 CO 118 ] Dismiss d - pr - -- - I Walter Hopek T2251-1 No motorboat reg. 7-8 CO 17 Dismiss d-Plr: George Thomas T2251-1 No motorboat reg. 7-8 CO 17 Dismissed r II • it John Epidy T2251-1 No motorboat reg. 7-1 CO 17 Dismiss4d — r Qf - - - - Roger Siejk T2251-1 No motorboat rege 7-1CO 12 Fined 10 00 i !I -- - - -- - I! I� CRIMINAL CASES Ij Ronald Fischer PL 155.25 Petit Larceny 6-21-78 TP 7 Dismi s d17- 3Q __I _ Susan Chilton � 38-1A Dog running at lar e7-17 DW 5 ,D 6 onth's - Luis Santiago Torres PL240.25- Harassment 7-22 TP 27 C D 1 Year i John Moore PL240.25-1 Harassment 7-16 TP 27 Dismiss- d ho-jurisd o - Arthur Smith PL120.15 Menacing 7-18 TP 20 Withdramn _ Nicholas Calabria 0-3236-A lExceed.speed in cr k7-8 BC 18 C.D. 6 nth __ At the end of the month S 666.20 was received and held by me in pending coxes. TOTAL THIS PAGE 75 it I certify that the above is o true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL • BROUGHT FORWARD 25500 before me during the calendar month of Jul 19 79• Y — TOTAL 33000 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" �[I// 8-8-79 Town Justice page 2 of 4 pages. I rzwul'; TOWN eour+i Y Sa: t calk DEPAR i'MENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS Nbrth Roads Southold, 11971 JUSTICE COURT FUNDJUIy 79 ZIP CODE Name of Defendant Statute grief ARREST D I S P O S I T I ON' Forfeited Civil Title of Action Sentence Fines, or and Description Date Arresting Date Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (Z) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) i Alexander Wipf PL240.25- Harassment -6-78 TP 13 A.C.O.D 6 cion hs' __- - Ij Edward Broring PL240.25-1 Harassment 5-28 TP 13 A.C.O.D 6 pion hs: i Beverly Broring PL 240,25-1 Harassment 5-28 TP 13 A.C.O.D 6 mon hs j; CIVIL CASES 1 Wickham, Wickham & Bressler vs Orlowski 2 : 001 �I Wickham, Wickham & Bressler vs McCarthy a/k/a Olsteen 2 00!; - Clause vs rrofita 2 '001i Reinhardt vs Hergruet r 2 .0011 Puerto Verde vs Berkowitz 2 `:00,`_ The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. vs MaKasty12 OO11 - ---- ,1 The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. vs MaKasty - transcript 1 :00 Wickham, Wickham & Bressler vs Orlowski - transcript 1 -001; Schur vs Dickson 2 OO i_ Dapcic vs Condit I Klotz vs Zwerlein III Hommel vs Grathwohl QOII- 1'- Slater vs Uhl 1 Fucillo vs Blake 2 : - -- - - - i i PARKING TICKETS TO Parking 2 45.00 10 00 �I TO Parking 2 Dismissed At the end of the month$ 666.20 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 36 '00 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 330 :00 ' before ma during the calendar month of July 19 79. TOTAL 366 )0 CARRIED FORWARD .110 j PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" //VH 8-8-79 Town Justice page 3 of 4 pages. UWW-: �3da 1��rrL 17 i_i'fai:i Iti1Lii i U. AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRcSS iio]C Irh Rd. , Southold, N.Y. 1.1971 JUSTICE COURT FUND July 79 ZIP CODE Name of Defendant ARREST DI S POSITI O IN Fines, or Statute Brief . Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees (Name d(Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (4) I VEHICLE AMID TRAFFIC CASES II Miguel Falcon-Cruz VT509-1 Unlicensed o7-1 TP -12-Fined 10 00 Miguel Falcon-Cruz VT1126 Driving left Vvmt, 7-1 TP 11 Fined 15 iO0 II I Miguel Falcon-Cruz VT600 Leaving scene 7-1 TP 11 Fined 25 i00 �i i 1. I li I i �I II - i i! ii �I At the end of the month 3 666.20 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 50: 00 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ' BROUGHT FORWARD 366; 00 II before me during the calendar month of July 1979. TOTAL j CARRIED FORWARD 416; 00 i PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" ry G/ 8-8-79 Town Justice page 4 of 4 pages. SI'ATL`OF NEW Ys TOW = Southold • COUNTY suff alk DEPARTUENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold JUSTICE COURT FUND Auge79 ZIP CODE 11971 Name of DefendantARREST D IS POSITI OR Fines, Statute Brief . Forfeited Civil or and Description Date ArrestingSentence Title of Action Date Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name 0 Plaintiff and Defendant) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Barbara Se Moses VT1180-d Speeding 7-2 TP 1 Fined 30: 0 I Remigio Rucconich VT1180(b) Speeding 7-1 SP 1 Fined 35; 00, William Polite VT401-1 Unreg. m/c 7-17 TP 1 Fined 10: 00� j i Janet A. Mastropolo VT1180(d) Speeding 7-14 TP 1 Fined 20: 00 Taddeus Se Kujawski VT509-1 Unlicensed opere 7-23 TP 1 Dismissed -`:Proof: Ronald J. Diachun VT375-31 Inad. 14uff ler 7-28 TP 1 Dismissed Timothy J. Milano VT1172 Stop Sign 7-24 TP 8 Fined 10:00 -- I Katheleen Mott VT1126 Drove left pvmt a mkg 7-21 TP 8 Fined 10:00 Joseph Re Meyer VT1129-a Follow too closely 7-26 TP 8 Fined 10:00 Richard E. DeWitt VT1126 Drove left pvmt mkg 7-24 TP 8 Fined 10:00 i Clement J. Charnews VT509(2) Unlic. opera 3-76 TP 13 Fined 15:00 Clement J. Charnews VT375-2A Insuff. headlights 3-74 TP 13 Fined 10'00 Clement J. Charnews VT306(b) No insp. cert. 1-77 TP 13 Fined 5 '00 f Anastasias Asimopoul sVT319 No Insurance 7-26 TP 15 Dismissed J'roqf Frederick He Meyer 3 VT1180=b Speeding 6-16 TP 21 Fined 35:00 K.P. DePountis VT1172A Stop Sign 7-17 TP 21 Fined 25 :00 i N.J. Papadopoulos VT1172 Stop Sign 7-3 TP 21 Fined 25 :00 C.G. Baumgartner,Jr, VT1143 Failed yield dr/uy 7-14 TP 21 Fined 25 :00 Dorothy J. Zehner VT1180-d Speeding . 7-19 TP 21 Fined 35 :00 - --- Thomas Me Harris, Jr.VT600 Leaving scene 7-8 TP 17 IDismissed i Thomas Ma Harris VTT11412-A ailed yield 7-8 TP 17 Fined 20 :00 Adjudged a Youthful fender oper m/c w/o perm. 8-2 TP 17 Fined 5 :00 At the end of the month$ 450-00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE1135 :0 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL -- -- j BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of August 1979 • TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 335 00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER' 9-10-79 Town Justice page 1 of 3 pages jSignature Date Title i i�vlll 1AME Jali`at,�i L] Village Justice KSLGfisJZ'o47-3790 274 STATE 6F NEW YORK TOWN ADc Southold COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT ANb CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Roads Southold JUSTICE COURT FUND Aug. 79 ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITIOK Fines, or Statute Brief , Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plo!(,;ff and Defendant) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) —(9)— Christopher 9)Christopher Re Brown VT1123 Passed on right 7-23 TP 17 Fined 10 :00 Ernest Albee VT509-1 Unlicensed oper, 7-8 TP 17 is I_ -- Charles Anasa asti VT1180-d Speeding 7-2 TP 17 Fie 25 •`.00 l 1 ` l Carl He Ohlman VT401-1 Lhzre vehicle 7-1 TP 11 I Fined 110 ,0n] p- - Francis J. Vincent VT1172-a Stor, Si 8-27 ITP 28 F' II — l 1 - I30 I a 0 1 � Francis D. F VT1142 a Eail�d_ yield 8-11 TP .Fine 1440 Albert Orlowski VT306 b No Insp. cert. 7-11 TP 30 Fined 5 00 f Russell G. Klein VT402-4 Switched plates 7-28 TP 31 Fined 25 :00 Russell G. Klein VT306 b No insp. cert. 7-28 TP 31 Fined 5 00 Russell Ge Klein T501-3b Jr. oper. After hr 7-28 � TP I31 Fined 5 :00 it Francis D. 14aloney VT1126 crossing tmikas 8 Fined 25 00 CRIMINAL CASES - - - Steven V. Parella IPL155,25 Petit Larceny 8-13 TP 17 amended to PL2 O 25- ��40.25-� Harassment I I17 I Conditional D.Lhargo— Michael Boken 1PL240.25 Harassment 7-22 TP I 17 Dismiss d II Michael Boken PL240.25 %iasassment 17-22 TP 117 Dismiss - - - --- - Michael Boken PL240.25 Harassment 7-22 TP 17 Con iti al - - I- Robert Larsen L145.00-1 Criminal Pdis, 4th 5-16 TP 17 Dismissed William T. Eves, Jr. L240.25-1 Harassment 7-9 TP 17 ACOD 6 ont2 1 \TYSWildlif Thomas E. Kruszeski 3-0325-6 Taking small clams 6-19 CO 12_- Fined 25 UO :A Edward Joseph Thozmas 155Q30-6 Grand Larceny 7-22 T� 17 amended to 2.40 20 ----- I-= IT it It if240.20 Disorderlyconduct 17 Sentenc d to 7 days - -- - At the end of the month$ 450-00 was received and held by me in pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 16 . OO 5 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 335: OO BROUGHT FORWARD ' before me during the calendar month of August 19 79. TOTAL 500 -: 00 it CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Town Justice 9-10-79 page 2 of '3 Pages e STATE OF NESH To WNL Southold COUNTY Stiff olk DEPARTMENT OF AUpIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS Nofth Road, Southold N.Y. JUSTICE COURT FUNDAu o 79 ZIP CODE 11973 Name of Defendant Statute Brief ARREST D I S P 0 S I T I 0 f: Fines, or and Description Arresting Sentence Forfeited Civil Title of Action p Date rresting Date or Other Bail, and Fees (Name q Plaintiff and Defendant) Section 04 Offense penalties i (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)- (9) '- - CIVIL CASES II _ Sterling Nurseries., Inc. vs Ma tituck Manor 2 06__ �- - Mary Se Drum vs Home otvn Cleaners 2 ? 00 �I I,I Howard Zehner vs PauL Kampe 2 00, ;i Peter Ra Dooley vs W Eo Hergru ter 2 ? 00 i - �III Robert Shur vs Gloria. Hallas 2 001 Jon Kerbs vs Scott yer 2 OOi - BEJ Realty Corp. vs Griffith 2 00 Goldin vs Poliwoda 2 0011 PARKING TOWN ORDINAN Parking tickets 5 @ S5,00 25 :00 r �j Parking tickets 1 10.00 10'00 I 450-00 TOTAL THIS PAGE 53 :OO iI At the end of the month$ • was received and held by me in ponding eases. I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 5OO ::0O BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of August' jqj TOTAL 553 00 n CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE rAa, "STATE COMPTROLLER" L Town Justice_9/10/79 „,�e 3 f 3 v �1 Vlilcry• .1us(ke .)cis.:,. . ._c..',_d ; JL• STATE OF NEW YDRK TOWN Out o d COUNTY Suffolk MENT OF AUDIT AND,CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUND Sept. 79 Southold, N.Y. ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST D I S P O S I T I O Fines, j Brief —� or Statute Sentence Forfeited Civil and Description Date Arresting Date Bail, and Fees Title of Action Section of Offense Officar or, Other (Name 0 Plaintiff and Defendant) Penalties (1) (Z) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (a) (9) II I Robert Pashinshy T1124 Unla f 1 l Robert S. Houston T501-3B r - I Tracy P. Moore T306 b No insp. cert - jI i Tracy P. Moore T401-1 Unregistered veh. 6-20 TP 5 lined 150 ) i Tracy P. Moore T409-1 Unlicensed o e 6-20 76 Allen D. Ruffin T306 0 insp. 8-19 TP A i 74 Allen D. Ruffin T306 B No inSD. cert' 2-1 jI Glenn F. Heidtmann T306 b No i c t - i Susan M Ma inn T1120 b Failed keep right - I Richard A. Aiello T509-4 Perm. unlic. OD. 9-1 TP 19 Fined 10� oc Christopher J.Merz T1211-a Unsafe backing 9-8 TP 191Fined James Oed Jr. T1142 Failure to vield 9-4 TP 19 - Fined 150 James Oed Jr. 11T600 Left scene of acc 9-4 TP 19 Find 2 William J. Me ran VT375-2a3 Insuff. lights 8-30 TP 24 Dismiss d- io f JA Brian E. Anderson VT319 No Insurance 9-14 TP 24 Dismissed-Di7OCf Brian E. Anderson VT375-2a Insuff. lights 9-14 TP 24 Dismissed- ro f VT1180-D Orestes G.Varvitsi tes Speeding 9-1 TP 24 Fined 20: 0 James R. Berry VT306(b) No insp. cert. 9-11 SP 12 15 day ond•, Elisrilharge Camille E. Anglin VT319 No Insurance 8-24 TP 12 Dismiss d-pro f Bruce Johnson VT306(b) No insp. cert. 7-18 TP 21 Fined 20 : 0 Bruce Johnson VT401-1 Unregistered veh. 7-18 TP 21 Fined 25: 0 Larry Williams VT1142 Stop Sign 6-26 TP 7 Dismiss faile to pros At the end of the month$ 400.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 250 .00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases completed TOTAL ---�-- ' before me during the calendar month of Sept• 1979 . BROUGHT FORWARD —� TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 1 250 ;00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Town Jlsti ce 10-10'-79 � ._ala .• G l4 REP URT`TU: Vrlloge Justice NAME JamesI Rich} Tr_ ^� STATE 001: NEW YORK ' �uffA�lC DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL TOWN aR?Q'JQXXOE Southold COUNT MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUND Se t. 79 Sputhold, N. ZIP CODIQ Q71 Name of Defendant ARREST DIS POSIT 1 OK Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civ and Descri tion Arrestin Sentence Title of Action p Date g Date Bail, and Fees (Name d(Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) �I ii Dennis W. Angevine VT375-2a Inad. lights 8-22 SP 5 Dismissed- `roi f Louis H. Petillo VT1172-a Stop Sin 8-24 TP 25 Fined 10 :00 '1 �I Timothy McKiernan VT375- a No tail lights 8-28 TP 25 Dismissed- `roof . Ellen Scanlon VT375-2al Inad. li hts 8-22 SP 25 Dismis ed- 'ro f ii Charles Witkoski VT319 No Ixisurance 8-24 TP 12 Di mi ed- •ec aged ,11 I� Gregory R. Runkel VT2251-1 No boat re 7-25 CO 25 Fined 1000 Brett R. Tuthill VT1163-a Failed signal 7-31 TP,- 25 Dismis ed-f-au t . ilfo. Lee E. Tobia VT375-2a No tail lams 9-4 TP 25 Dismis ed- `ro f Peter D. Plate VT401-1 Expired re 9-12 TP 26 Fined 1500 Peter D. Plate VT319 No Insurance 9-12 TP 26 Dismis ed- :ro f II Robert Johnson VT1126 Drove left pvmt. 7-13 TP 21 Fined 15 ::001 i Robert Johnson VT509-1 Unlicensed oper. 7-13 TP 21 Fined 25 :00 l Robert D. Hamilton Failure to 'yield i-12. TIJ Z11 Dlsmis-sed- ackprod. CRIMINAL CASES PL140-25 i Steven M. Pa astef nou urglary 2nd 8-22 TP 7 amended P1,140. 20-5 . Steven M. Papastef nou Disorderly Conduct TP 7 Cond. ischar e6 hose Ricky J. Aleksande PL140. 20 5 Disorderly coed. 7-29 TP /3 ACOD 6 moq. jl Cheryl L. Carozza PL140. 20 5 Disorderly coed. 7-29 TP 3/3L ACOD 6 mos. Edward Thomas PL120.00 1 Assault 3rd Deg. 7-6 TP 3/3L ACOD 6 mos. Kenneth Sweeney PL120.00 1 Assault 3rd Deg. 7-6 TP WL ACOD 6 mos. j Debby L. Ragazzi PL240. 25 Harassment 7-22 TP 3/3L ACOD 6 mos, Richard Kilbride PL120. 20 Reckless End. 7-29 TP /3 Withd awns At the end of the month$ 400•00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 75 00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 250 00 ' before me during the calendar month of Sept. 19 79. TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 325 00 1 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Town Justice 10114/79 2 ` 4 a STATS OF NE'W YORK j TOWN 0e?60a?G3C'&BC SOuthOl COUNTY Suffolk DEPAkTMENT OF AUDIT AND.CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUND Sept. /9 SO th ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION. Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name d(PlalntNf and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other I' Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) it Richard A. Foster PL140. 20 Burglary 3rd 8-21 TP 21 amended to-: I� Rt hard A. Foster PL240. 20 7 Disorderly Cond. 21 Sentenced t m st-�rv_}ed NYSW11d1 .fe Jailed 15 day p�usl!, Michael . L. Pont 13-0329- Lob, w/o permit 9-27 CO 27 Fined LOO 0 Lorence Mitchell PL140. 20 Burglary 3rd Deg 9-25 TP 28 Sentenced 9bdays: �I own r — I Roger Matthews 77-205-Al small clams 8-1 BC 5 Dismiss d-i6t ju6t:�pe T5 wn Frank Parlamas 77-205-A Small clams 8-1 BC 8 5 Cowl . Di I� Kevin J. Tangne PL221.05 Unl.Possof .Mari'. 8-28 TP 5 Fined 100: 0 Thomas M. Scholl PL221.05 Unl.Poss.of Mari ' 8-28 TP 5 Fined 100: 00 w on r David W. Eckartz 77-205-A small clams 9-2 BC 12 Fined 10. 0 u CIVIL CASES ,I Hull S. Chew vs Jonathon W lls 2 :00; I Erath vs DiGate Corp. 2 ,0011 Port of Egypt Marine, Inc. vs Robert Bakas 20011 II Port of Egypt Marine, Inc. vs Robert Bakas ranscr' t 1 :0 l Robert A. Graeb vs Sterling Bay Redevelopment Co Ina. 2 :0 Erath vs Colony Ca inets 2 :00 h Agway vs Kelly 2 :001 Southold Fishing Sta. , vs Kaplan, Landers & Matthews , Chi am 2 .0011 I PARKING Town Ordnance 5 $5.00 25 '00 At the end of the month S 400.00 was received and held b me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE j r p g 3 50: 0 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL before me during the calendar month of Sept. 19 79, TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 325 O CARRIED FORWARD 675: 0 j PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Town Justice 10. ./_10/79.. 3 4 ' STA7 C OF NEW YORK DEPAWTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL TOWj2=N�{c�_5�tho1A COUNTY Suffolk • MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUND Se t. 79 out ZIP CODE 11071 Name of Defendant Statute BriefA R R EST DIS POSITI 01K Fines, u or Forfeited Civil and Description Arrestln Sentence Title of Action p Date g Dats Bail, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officor or Other Penalties i (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (b) (7) (8) (9) Parking TO 2 cases IDismissed �I I VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC CASES II Peter W. Young - VT1127-a Wrong way 1/w st. 6.-19 TP 8/31 Dismissed-Int. iiistice John M. Hughes VT1126 Drove left of vm 9-25 TP 25 Fined 25 DO Christopher A. Broi h VT509-3 Disuse permit 9-8 TP 21 Dismiss d-iht 'u'sti,ce Brian K. Dillon VT401-1 Unre . veh. 9-14 TP 21 Dismiss d-i` t 'u• ti'ce Spencer T. Mims VT375(2a 3) No tail lights 9-18 TP 26 Dismiss d- ro f j 400.00 II 'j i i i i r i �I Ih Ii At the end of the month$ was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 25 :U0 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ' before me during the calendar month of Septe 19, 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 675 :00 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 790,:00II PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Town -Justis-e- ._._._.. ](}.7pA 4 �f 4 STATE OF NEV YORK mTOWNX)XXapLXM Southold COUNTY Suffolk AEPgbtTAENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL. MAILING ADDRESS North Road, Southold, N.Y. JUSTICE COURT FUND e t ZIP coDd.l 1 Nome of Defendant ARREST D I S P O S I T I OIN, Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil and Description and Arresting Sentonee Title of Action Section of Offense Date pfficorg Date or Other penBoilalties Fees (Name d(Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) I� Line _4, page 3 S Pt. 1979 report correction �I Lorence Mitchell PL1 40.20 Burgle 3rd Deg. 9-25 TP 28 amends to Lorence Mitchell PL 155.25 Petit Larceny 28 Senten ed to Q da"s IC I �I �I . II ii j I I� i At the end of the month$ was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ' before me during the calendar month of Sept. 19 79 BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD it PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" Si A i is OF NE'! YUttK TOWN XXXXI IX MEX Southol� COUNTY Suffolk DE,�AJ<>'*'ENT OF AUQIT AND.CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUND Oeto79 Southold N Y ZIP CODE C)71,, Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITIOr: Fines, j or Statute Brief . Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Date Arresting Date Sentence Bail, and Fees Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .i John C. DeWick VT1180 d Speeding - —�r— John C. DeWick VT1111-al Passed red light9-9 TP _q Finad Robert J. Haase VT1180 b Speeding -1 Fined 00 II John A. Citino VT1180(b Speeding -12 SP 5 —Fined Thomas F. Wall VT1172-A Disobeyed sign 8-? P Di missed ji�t, vv Bernadette Abers th 1180(t ) Speeding 8-19 TP 25 Pined 25100 James A. Manthos VT401-1 Unreg. veh. 8-25 TP 25 Fined 35; 00 �I Fidia Guastini VT118o Speeding 7-29 TP 25 Fined 30 ;00 Fidia Guastini VT1126-A No Passing 7-29 TP 25 Fined 20 :00 James Re I=ordinc,VT1142 Stop Sign 7-28 TP 25 Pined 20 `:00 Matthew J. Vona VT375-35 Unsafe tire 8-22 SP 25 Fined 20 .00 I� Thomas We Ohlman VT1129-A Following too c1 9-12 TP 25 Fined 25 :00 Jack Rudinsky VT1126 Dr.left pvmt.mkg 8-25 TP 25 Pined. 25 ;00 j Charles T. King VT306(b) No insp. cert. 9-5 SP 25 �ismissed-pioof I CRIMINAL CASES Robert P. Triggs PL140.20 Burglary third D. 9-16 TP amends to :- i PL240.20 Disorderly Conduct 5 Fined 0 :00 Roger Be Boger PL120e15 Menacing 9-20 TP 5 amends to :- " PL240.20 Disorderly Conduct 5 Fined 50 :00 Town Robert L. Stewart 03236-A Exceed speed/creek 8-31 BC 25 Fined 25 :00 At the end of the month S 1255.80 was received and held by me in pending eases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 43 0 :00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL --.t— BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of Oct. 19 7CtTOTAL ff� .�! 00 CARRIED FORWARD Tao I— jl PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 11-9-7.9 Town_.Ju.stiee ..ive 1 a 2 ,..... STATE'OF NEYORK TOWN CXXAXX01c"XX South COUNTY Suffolk DEP.AfQ?'MhENT OF dUQ1T AND CONTROL JUSTICE COURT FUND MAILING ADDRESS North Road OCt,79 Southold N.Y. ZI1 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION or Statute Brief Fines, - -- Title of Action and Description ArrestingSentenco Boil, and Civil Section Date Officer Date or Other Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) of Offense Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Town r outof season )j Emmanuel Lorris Shellfish ?7-204-A scallops 9-2 BC 25 Fined 25 n0 J 11_____ George Skalas 077-210 rest. areang n 7-29 BC 25 Fined 2 .0 �L I- CIVIL CASES Z� Perry vs Beaulier 2 0 -- - 1;- Brownvs Robinson 2 0 Chew vs Wells ( tr nscript) Harding vs Bumbalo 2 04 i Case vs Harroun ( transcript) 1 0 Twin Fork Siding vs Laub 2 001 ,I Parking .TO 5 $5.00 25 00 �! Parking TO 1 @ $10 ,00 100 Sterling Nurse vs Mattituc ,Manor ( transcript) 1 ;00 Southold Fishing Station vs Strickland 2 :00 II i I i (h I .I At the end of the month S 1255.50 was received and held by me In pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 5 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL �I before me during the calendar month of October. * 1979 BROUGHT FORWARD 0; 0 �-- TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 525; O PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 11-9-7.9 Town Justice 2 -f 2 W 'I U10, STAT G'OF NS TOWN RVCXbWMMK SOUttl(ilt�• COUNTY Suffolk DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUND Nov.79 Southold, _ ZIPCODE 11g71 Name of Defendant ARREST D 15 POS I TI ON' Fines, or Statute Brief Sentence Forfeited Civil and Description Arresting Date Bail, and Fees Title of Action Date Section of Offense Off icor or Other penalties (Name 0 Plaintiff and Defendant) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) — — (7) — (8) - (9) VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC .I Edward J. LclLnann 401-7. Unregistered veh. 7-25 TP 2 Fined 15 DO -- Edward J. Lehmann 306 b No cert. insp. 7-25 TP 2 Fined 5 DO 0 i; Edward J. Lehmann 402-4 Improper plates 7-25 TP 2 Fined 25 00 Sidney R. Smith III 1126-A Drove If pvmt mkg 9-7 TP 2 Fined bo --- Keith G. Gilbride T1180(b) Speeding 2-26 TP 2 Fined 25_p0 Jarvis Verity JT1192 2&3 Driving while Into 10-31 TP 16 amended to T1192-1 Driving aired Im 6 Cond. Impaired D'schare - isc0o1. • Shawn F. Leonard 1180(b) Speeding5-11 SP 6 Fined 50 b0 Judith M. Osler T11F30(d) Speeding 7-14 T? 7 Fined 35 00 Deborah E. Wells375-2a3 I-No- tail lights 11-2 1:7SP� 7 Dismiss d fro of - - -- -- Victor J. Piatti 375-35 Unsafe tire 8-22 SP 28 Fined 10 00 Anthony Be Rutkowski 319-1 No Insurance card 8-29 SP 28 Dismiss - Pro • l Anthony B. Rutkowski VT401-1a Expired reg. 8-29 SP 28 Dismiss pro !! Scott M. Hudson 1180-d Speeding 10-19 TP 7 Fined 35 : 00 Gary W. Tuthill 1172 Stop Sign 10-29 TP 7 Fined 10 601 Ronald E. McEvoy VT319 No Insurance 10-23 TP 7 Dismissed - ro a: Ronald E. McEvoy VT401-1 Unregistered veh. 10-23 TP 7 Fined 25?00 i! Ronald E. McEvoy VT306(b) No insp. cert. 10-23 TP 7 Fined 10:00 Francis J. Catz VT306(b) No insp. cert. 10-25 SP 7 Fined 5:001 D. J. Barszczewski VT375(2a) Headlight out 10-30 SP 14 Dismissed I� John A. Grefe VT375(2a3 )Headlights out 10-24 SP 7 Dismissed Mark F. Berry VT1172(a) Stop Sign 10=31 TP 14 Fined 10 00 j At the and of the month$ 699.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 285 Oa I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal eases completed TOTAL -- _ , BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of November. ' ig 79. TOTAL 285 X30 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE \ "STATE COMPTROLLER" v"' i Town Justice ,. Nay,ember 30,1979 1 0 5 STAIt:'OF KEW YUkK I TOWN SOut 20ld COUNTY s>¢f01IC DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT FUNDNov, 79 Southold, Nays ZIP CODE 11 71 Name of Defendant ARREST DIS POSITI ON' Fines, Statute Brief or Forfeited Civil and Description Arrestin Sentence li Tit le of Action Date g Date Bail, and Fees (Name Df Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officor or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)_ (7) (S) (9) ,i Sidney R. Smith III VT1192 2&3 Driving_while_:nto- 1l-_4TP 16 amended 60aay suspc ndc IT it it " 1192-1 Driving Impaired 16 Fined 25 00 & l:icd-ns II Rory E. Macnish T375-2a% No headlights 11-10 TP 21 Dismissed - pr cyf ? 'I n Richard Parker 11121 Fld.give 1/2 roadway 7-22 TP 29 Fined 25 60 II Bruce A. Herbert T375-3 Headlights -------------- 11-15 TP 29 Dismiss d Eleanna A. Torres '1375(2a-1) Headlights7-28 TP 28 Fined 10 60 Kevin J. Tangney � VT509-3 10per. out rest. 6-27 SP � 30 �Dismissed Kevin J. Tangney VT1172 Stop Sign 6-27 SP 30 Fined 35 00 Blanche Vonatski VT1140 Failure to yield 11-5 -TP 28 Fined 25 : 00 � Steven P Cielatka IVT306V) Ninsp. cert. 11-18 TP � 30 Fined 15 ©>0 ii Steven P. Cielatka VT375-31 Inad. Muffler 1 11-18 1 TP � 301D,ismisse�3 ; li -- Robert E. .Butkos, Jr. W1143 Failure to yield 10-27 TP 28 Fined 25 :00 Daniel Me Keller VT509-1 No license . 7-14 TP 28 Dismisse fro !i I Gerry M. Danowski VT2251-1 No boat registr. 7-7 CO 130 �ined, 110 00 �! Kristian E. Wolfteich VT375-2a 39 �Headlightsra out TP 28 ismisse =froPatane VT1No Insu8-2Giovanni P. -- - 10-26 1-7 TP 30 ismisse - roof PARKING TO 1 @ $5.00 5 :00 li CRIMINAL CASES SCONS. Failure to remove _ --Jo-_hn--W-o-_M-ac K-a-y 1--1903-5 - -20_ CO 21J Di mxsi10 �-- I Barry Edward Lat'ney0 O Assault 12-20- 8 P 30 DismisSe - -j Edward Hughes PL240.25-1 Harassment_ 7_-15 TP 30 ACOD 1 nth: L At the and of the month$ 699.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 175 t00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ' before me during the calendar month of November 1979. BROUGHT FORWARD 285 0C1 -- TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 460 00 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE / "STATE COMPTROLLER" '4A41 November-30, 1979. .. ..._.x.. _ 2 a 5 STAT't•.'OF"NE'W YORK �� Southold _ COUNTY Su.��' f olk DEPARTMENTTOWN OF AUDIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road JUSTICE COURT F.0 N D Nov. 79 Southold N. ZIP CODE i1 owl Name of Defendant Statute Brief ARREST D IS P O S I TI 0 i' Fines, or and Description Date Arresting Date Boil,Forfeited Civil I Title of Action , and Fees (Name d(Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties � (�) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) �1 Jeffrey Citera 032-36-A Exceed.speed in cr 7-18 BC 29 Fined 10 00 Stanley J. Keating 03236—A Exceed speed in cr 8-25 BC S` Fined 25 00 'IYSFMI. use cff a dredge Michael P. Murphy 3-0309-3 Taking shellfish 11-1 CO 4 Dismiss d SF&W. Michael P. Murphy 3-0309-4 raking Oysters 11-1 CO 14 Fined 100: 0 \TySF(W. Martin Tschiember .3-0309=4 Use of a dredge 11-1 CO 4 Dismissid 14YSF S&9. Partin Tschiember 13-0309-3 ,raking Oysters 11-1 CO 14 Fined 100: 0 'SF&W Steven Maciura 4-1B Oper.bouys nolic. # 11-7 CO 7 Cond. Dischargeii IqySF&1V Steven Maciura 4-1C Oper. pots no lic# 11-7 CO 7 Fined 10 00 P SF&W II i• John A. Schlecht 4-18 IFloats not #d. 7-14 CO /8 Cond. D'schargel I Shawn F. Leonard L240.50-3 Falsely reporting 11-4 TP 16 amended to 240.20-7 Disorderly conduct 16 Fined 100: 00 P it Alice B. Colby L190.05-1 Issuina a bad chew 9-8 TP 16 . Withdrawn ' II Rose I(oroleski L240.25-5 Harassment 7-11- TP 2 Withd Rose Koroleski ..120.00-1 Assault 3rd Deg. 7-7 TP 2 �Withdra Ili i' Robert Koroleski L 120.00-1 Assault 3rd Deg. 7-7 TP 2 Vithdr I James A. Strickland PL 120.05-1 Assault 2nd Dea. 9-8 TP 2 amended to ;i n n rr rr n rt PL120.00- Assault 3rd Dea. 2 AQ0D 6 III Adjudged a Youthful fender r Theresa Gamble PL155.30 Grand Larceny 9-25 TP 10 & restitution PL155.25 Petit Larceny 10-5 Probation 3 ar• I! CIVIL CASES il— Braun Oyster Co.. vs t i r 2 X30 At the and of the month$ 699.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 347: 00'. I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 460: 00� ' before me during the calendar month of November 19 79. TOTAL : ; CARRIED FORWARD 807: 001 j PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE 1 "STATE COMPTROLLER" November 30, 19.79-_ 3 f 5 . Sut vik i� s���,,. i r uEPalz,,la N r oi= auDIT`aN� cc,r.rfzoL i _ _ __ COUN — MAILING ADDRESS No�h Roa crF JUSTICE COU'RT FUND Nov. 79 Southold, N.Y. ZIP CODE 11971 NoTm of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION, Fines, or Statute Brief I Forfeited Civil Title of Action Date and Description !Arresting, DSentence f Boil, and I Fees Date(Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) P Braun vs Mattituck Nanor (transcript) George Braun vs Loch Ness Fish & Chips 2 PO i George Braun vs Loeb Ness rish & Chips r 1 00 George Braun vs Jonas A. Batc2eller T 12 00 I George Braun vs Jonas A. Bate ller (transcript) I 1 OO The North Fork Bank & Trust vs Pauly's East Whole ale 2 00 ' The North Fork Bank & Trust Vs Pauly's East Wholesale t ansc i t 1 00 Wic2cham, Wickham & B esslez vs Bruce Stelzer 20p I,Vickham, Wickham & Bressler vs Bruce Stelzer (transcript ) it 00 The North Fork Bank & Trust Co, vs John F. Clark ! [)0 The North Fork Bank Trust Co. vs John F. Clark trans ri t 1 60 I' The North Fork Bank Trust Co vs Larry E. and Kathleen 12 00 The North Fork Bank Trust Co vs Larry E. and Vathleen Soh>r t anscri 11 00 The North Fork Bank & Trust Co vs Rose Austin 60 The North Fork Bank & Trust Co vs Rose Austin { transcript 1 )0 Robert L. Bergen Oil Co. , Inc. vs Mattituck Manor 2 00 Seymour Kleinberg vs Thomas & Patricia Sypher2 00 l Robert L. Bergen Oil Co. , Inc. vs North Fork Transit Mix, Inc. t anscri 1 41! - - '-rs. Gerard Poole vs Aglia Tso takis J. Richard Siegel vs Martha B. Lang Robert Schur vs Gloria Hallas ---�; Anne Montgomery vs S1 anley Skr aec, Jr. 2 00 !i 699 OO TOTAL THIS PAGE At the end of the month j • was received and held by me in pending cases. 35 00 I certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD 807 001 before me during the calendar month of November ig 79 TOTAL —1 CARRIED FORWARD 842 OOI n PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE r ! "STATE COMPTROLLER" 11/30/79 Town Justine page 4 of 5 page. k Signature 11 Date Title S I ATEeOF�NE YORK � TOWN Ofd :� Southold � COUNTY StL� Ol1C DEPARTMENT OF AiIT AND CONTROL MAILING ADDRESS North Road .JUSTICE COURT FUNDNov. 79 Southold N.Y. ZIP CODE 1197 Nome of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION, Fines, Statute Brief Forfeited Civil or Title of Action and Description Date (Arresting' Date Sentence Bail, and Fees j (Name q Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (a) (9) - Gorski Bros. Dist. Ivs Sunda 2: 00_ Sparkle Wash vs Olymia Carting2: 001, Sparkle Wash vs J.J. Hart II Sparkle Wash vs M G R Enterpri as, Inc. 2:: 01 Sparkle Wash vs H.O. Ward Cart' g Co. , Inc. 1): 00 Sparkle Wash vs Atl tic Truck Lines 00' Sparkle Wash vs Clare Rose Beverages 2;00,! Sparkle gash vs Cassone Leasing 2:00 Sparkle Wash vs Homestead Trailers 2 :11 Sparkle i' Sparkle Wash vs C & S Carting, Inc. 2:00 ', I' Sparkle Wash vs S.T. .T. Truck & Trailer, Inc. 2. 00!j Sparkle Wash vs Big Petroleum Transports 2 :00'11 i Sparkle `- Wash vs A L Carting Co.o. 2 pp! Ray Williams vs Chanes Batesd/b/a Redux Inn200 !i ii ii - I�. At the end of the months 699.00 was received and hold by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 28 0 I certify that the above Is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL t BROUGHT FORWARD 842 00 before me during the calendar month of November 1979. TOTAL —~ CARRIED FORWARD $70 QO PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE t "STATE COMPTROLLER" 11/30/79 Town Justice page 5 of 5 pages Signature Date Title .r [] V;MNAME age Justice Ja res RichJr.STATE OF'NE . ,YORK PPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL TOWN � Southold COUNTY Suffolk MAILING ADDRESS North Road BUREAU OF JUSTICE COURT FUNDS Dec.79 Southold N.Y. ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION Fines, or Statute Brief Forfeited Civil Title of Action and Description Dote Arresting Date Sentence Boil, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties _ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) CIVIL CASES Robert Bergen Oil C . vs Matt tuck Manor - transcript 1: 00'' Orient Trucking & C nstruction vs Joseph Zanghi Const. 2: 00 Iferschaft vs O' Donnell 2:: 00 Haaermann vs Anniso 2: 00 i Wilson vs Fogarty 2: 00 CkiALMAL CASES Env.Cons. Taking short Vassilios Petrides NYS13-033 -2A fluke 7-1 CO 13 Fined 25 ::00 ._ Robert Larsen PL140.05 Trespass 12-14 TP 14 Referred to: r4s,,diition Int of Just1ce Robert B1 denbur PL155.25 Petit Larceny 5-11 TP 14 Dismissed lac of pros. Env. Cons Taking lobsters 97 :50 2: 50 _. Georce Ni tazos NYS13-032 -SA illegal size 10-21 CO 14 Civil C ns . Env. Cons Taking lobsters George Nistazos NYS13-032 -1 w/o ,permit 10-21 CO 14 Fined 25 :00 Env. Cons Taking lobsters 97 :50 2: 50 George Kiouz llis NYS13-032 -5A illegal size 10-21 CO � 14 Civil c rn . Env. Cons Operating gear no George Kiouzellis NYS441-B bearinq lic #t 10-21 CO 14 Fined 25 ::00 ! Env. Cons Operating gear no 10-21 CO 1417ined :00 — -. i 140TOR VEHICLE CASES Benjamin L. Sokobin VT1180 Speeding 10-19 TO 5 Fined 35 00 Carolyn Nie Eckhardt VT1126 Drove left mkgs. 10-22 TO 13 Fined 25 :001 Richard V. Volpe VT1142 Failure to yield 6-21 TO 14 Fined 35 :001 Jeannette Re Z.imnosk VT1120(a)Failed keep right 11-3 TO 13 Fined 10 :00 was received and held b TOTAL THIS PAGE At the end of the month$ 504.00 y me in pending cases. 400 :00 14i 00 1 certify that the above is o true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL ----- -- BROUGHT FORWARD — before me during the calendar month of December ig 72 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 400 :00 14: 00, PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1-4-80 Tovm Justice page 1 of 2 pages Signature Date Title r aIA]E CJh NEW 't�� �_r� _ Suffolk .k TOWN OAC b4- _t � COUNTY MENT 0 AU,Dit AND VONTROL MAILING ADDRESS No--th Road JUSTICE COURT FUNDDec. 79 Southold N.Y. ZIP CODE 11971 Name of Defendant ARREST DISPOSITION, Fines, orof Action Date Date Statute grief . Forfeited Civil and Description Arresting Sentence Title gait, and Fees (Name of Plaintiff and Defendant) Section of Offense Officer or Other Penalties - _ (1) -- ----- — (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (4) William H. Johnson T1192-3 Driving while Intox 3-19- 77 TP 14 Sentence to tiim •sexved William H. Johnson T401-1 Unreg. veh. 3-19- 77 TP 14 Dismissed William H. Johnson T509-1 Unlicensed oper. 3-19- 7 T? 14 Dismiss d i I _ I PARKING TO Parking 1 @ $5.0 5 :00 i' I Bail Forfeitures 100;00 Nelson Medina GuzmannPL195.05 Obstructing Gov.Ad 5-20 TP 14 Bail orf I Michael Xujaa►ski F..120.00 1 Assault Third De 7-10 TP 14 Bail fo f50 0O Victor Martinez VT1192-2 Driving while Int .5-20 TP 14 Bail f -00 :00 I -- II I' i I I 1 At the end of the month$ 504.00 was received and held by me in pending cases. TOTAL THIS PAGE 255 00 1 certify that the above is a true and complete statement of civil fees earned and criminal cases completed TOTAL 414 t00 BROUGHT FORWARD before me during the calendar month of December ig 79. -- TOTAL 669 :00 CARRIED FORWARD PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "STATE COMPTROLLER" 1/4/80 Town Justice page 2 of 2 pages Signature Date Title SIA {; 1984 K JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK " (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 ANNUAL REPORT 1979 RECEIPTS Licenses - Hunting, Fishing, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5, 676 . 00 Dog Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 441. 45 Redemptionof Dogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513. 00 Justices - Dog Summons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 .00 Justices - Dog Summons - Mileage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63. 00 Dogs-Suffolk Co.-Delinq. Dog Owners, Summons, etc. . . . . . . . . . 443. 90 MarriageLicenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242.00 Transcripts of Marriage Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 . 00 Transcripts of Death Certificates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688.00 Transcripts of Birth Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84. 00 BingoLicenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 075. 00 3% Bingo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 007. 98 Saleof Ordinances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865. 00 Tax on Sale of Ordinances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53. 33 Copiesof Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187. 75 Shellfish Permits - Commercial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 875. 00 Shellfish Permits - Temporary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285. 00 Sale of Sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 101. 00 Taxon Sale of Sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675. 53 Beach Permits - Motel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 130 .00 Beach Permits - Lessee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 . 00 Beach Permits -Town Beaches - Daily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 562. 50 Wetland Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225. 00 PeddlingPermits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 .00 Sand Pit Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 .00 ZoningAppeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 190 . 00 Plannina Board Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 290 .00 Changeof Zone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 . 00 JunkDealer License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. 00 House Trailers & Tourist Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135. 00 Gamesof Chance License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . 00 5% Games of Chance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133. 38 Total Receipts. . . . . $60 , 347. 82 f CIA K JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 ANNUAL REPORT 1979 DISBURSEMENTS Paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6, 700. 77 Paid to County Clerk for Conservation Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 442. 00 Paid to State Dept. of Health for Marriage Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . 60. 50 Paid to Town Justice Suter - Delinq. Dog Owners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 . 00 Paid to Town Justice Rich - Delinq. Dog Owners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93. 00 Paid to Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 913. 79 (Whole Town - $32, 911. 79 Part Town - $12, 002. 00) Paid to Supervisor - 7% Sand Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675. 53 Paid to Supervisor - 7% Ordinance Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53. 33 Paid to Supervisor - Bingo Licenses - State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 845. 00 Paid to Supervisor - Monies from Co.Treas. ,Delinq.Dog Owners. 443. 90 Paid to Supervisor - Games of Chance - State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 00 $60, 347. 82 K JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 15, 197 In accordance with Section 105 of the Town Law, on or before the 31st day of December, 1978 , all town officers and employees , except town justices , who receive or disburse any moneys of the town, shall account with the town board for all such moneys received and disbursed, and shall produce all books , records , receipts, orders , warrants , vouchers , and cancelled checks respecting same. He shall also, at the time or submitting his books and records , file with the board a statement in writing showing his receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year. On the same day each town justice shall present his criminal and civil dockets to the town board for examination. Very truly yours , Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Copies to : �, Supervisor ______ _ __. __ ____ Justice Martin Suter 1alvl?f Justice James H. Rich, Jr.�,///Po Justice Francis T. Doyen Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Deano--- 11-?yl.9d Tax Receiver George Mellas - Building Inspector George Fisher/&r— /��d6 Town Trustee Chairman Philip G. Horton %�2"/o Town Clerk & Registrar Judith T. Terry Area • /�3/P Su.S-f,-c•E Nee�d��'i`c� � j ed�sc/i% -/�C•//3/87) NIAGDALINF GOODRICH ``��� (516) 477-2090 Town Historian O�Q ;��s dal 683 Bayshore Road Greenport, New York 11944 December 31 , 1D79 Mr. Edwin J. Winslow,Senior Historian The University of the State of New York The State Education Department Cultural Education Center Albany, New York, 12230 Dear Mr. Winslow: I am enclosing a copy of the annual report from January 11 1979 to December 31 , 1979 and tried to be brief but thorough, in order to give you a slight inkling of what I am trying to do as the Town. Historian. Copies of this report will be sent to the Suffolk County Historian and the Southold Supervisor and Town Board. Every program or project that has been started seems to be incomplete . Since history is being made every day, I am expecting too much by saying that I will complete a project within a set period of time . I hope that the report is satisfactory and if you feel that something more should be added, please notify me as there is much detail that I have not included in the report. (Enc : ) 1 Sincerely (cc) Suffolk County Historian � Southold Town Supervisor and Town Board . (Mrs) Magdalir_e Goodrich Southold Town Historian C;1". -- ., r} r Aar. Date ° File .---- ATZ7UnL REPORT OF SOUTHOLD T'O'XrN HISTORIAN January 11 1979 - December 311 1979 Although my plans for 1979 were to transcribe Liner "E" of the Southold Town Records, which are still in original handwriting, I only completed 30 typed pages because of other work that was required of me . Hopefully, I shall pick up this project again shortly. The project of researc- hing the early Polish settlers in this area is also at a standstill, but I have made some contacts that may bring me positive results. Most of my time was spent researching queries that came in the mail or by telephone about ancestry, old homes in the Township and early history of the area. This required so much of my time that I had little left for anything else . New books to add to my growing library were purchased, old books have been donated as well as copies of documents , diaries, logs and account books . These have been catalogued , indexed and filed in their proper order. A request for the listing of all who served our country since the time of the early Militia through to and including the Korean and Vietnam conflicts came from one of the local civic associations . Since this seemed very important, the project was started and I am still working on it . Compiling such a list is quite a task, and although I have reached ,%v II it is the data on the Veterans of the Korean and Vietnam era which is the most difficult to find. Innumerable government agencies , which are supposed to have such information, have been contacted , but with no positive results . The search shall continue in 1980 until such time as I can compile a complete list as was requested . When it is done , I shall ask permission of the Town Board headed by the Town Supervisor to have the list published in the least costly way and it shall have included the sources from which I found the information. Although required to be in my office one day per week, I find it necessary to spend at least 3 days weekly and also do much outside work at home , in the library and at the different historical societies that have books and documents that may help in my work. I attend as many of the historical meetings that I can and in 1979 attended the Conference at Stony- brook University. During the summer months , we .receive many visitors from out of State , seeking information about their ancestry and much time is spent with them. Post graduate students working on a doctorate , newspaper people researching old houses and landmarks, potential writers of genealogy, and others have been to this office seeking material for their individual projects and publications . Credits should be given to this Town ' s Archives which have so much valuable material on record. There are many tasks yet to be done : cataloging and indexing the remaining old material and books as well as any new accessions ; cemetery records should be updated and placed in the 'town files ; a project which I considered a good one for the Eagle Scout Badge . It would be impossible to en r_erate all the programs that could be ur_dertaY.erL at this point. One final project is to get our Town' on the rational Register and also try to have it or sections of it , as an Historic Tract . My work shall be continued as best as I can towards the goals I have in mind but I can not guarantee completion of any program within a certain period . SMEARY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD } ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR FOR THE YEAR 1979 11 1 Description Balances Recei is Pa ents Encumbrances Balances General Fund Whole Town 133,519-56 110711438-8U 1104416")0.11 16t I General Fund - Part Town 20,731.57 1,364,673.93 11376,979.69 -0- 81425.81 .. Highway Account 98,772.18 924,127.60 831,715.78 51963.00 197,147.00 Agency & Trust - Town 38,853.64 11945,827.84 11928,310.28 -0- 56,371.20 Inz F. I. Ferry District 59,692.4+ 595,475-94 587,361.63 32,597.60 100,404.35 Fishers Island Agency & Trust 11275.28 65,746.89 61,034.43 -0- 51987-74 F. I. Ferry Dist. Capital Acct 10,953.76 -o- 10,953.76 -0- -0- I F. I. Ferry Debt Fund -0- 58,074.36 58,074.36 -0- -O- Supervisor' s Tax WarrantC78-79) 838,370.05 10,612,975.09 11,451,345.14 -0 -0- Supervisor' s Tax WarrantC79-80)) -0- c uz�es 1,500,000.00 11000,000.00 -0- 500,000.00 Federal Revenue Sharing 64,745.93( Lcumb.) 142,989.26 121,317.54 86,417.65 4750 ANTIREC Title II Fed. 365.70 -0— 365.70 -0- -0- Nutrition Program 61427.25 73,929.43 75,307.83 -0- 51048.85 Nutrition Special Account -0- 13,114.33 13,114.33 -0- -0- Recreation Center -0- 154,474.50 145,194.69 -0- 91279.81 Debt Service Fund -0- 11,026.00 11,026. 0.E -0- -0- West Greenport Water District -0- 24,500.00 24,500.00 -0- -0- Main Bay View Road Imprm't EDA -0- 25,45+•97 25,454.97 -0 -0- Special Assessment (Bayside Ter) -0- 81000.00 81000.00 -0- -o- New Town Hall Annex 11846.40 42 017.02 37,395-39 -0- 61468.03 L TOTALS 11275,550- > > jd12j5Ul.b57 , • 1 x ; East West Fire District Account now processed in. athe Town of Southold Agency & Trust Account Notes and Bonds outstanding at the end of the year 1979 q General Fund Whole Town $20,000.00 St. Lighting ,. 1 Fishers Island Ferry District $565,000.00 New Ferry t � , I J i TOWN OF SOUI`HOLD, N.Y. Supervisor's Tax Accolmt 1978-79 1978-.1979 Tax Warrant Balance 12/31/78 838,370.05 Received from Receiver of Taxes 10,612,975.09 Payment -- 1979 General Fund - Whole Town 683,151.00 General Fund - Part Town 1,178,550.00 High;;?;-Fund - Item I 514,19+.00 Highway Fund - Item III 178,800.00 High :ay Fund - Item 1V 141,200.00 Fishers Is. Ferry District 3-24,882.00 Fishers Is. Garbage & Refuse 54,400.00 School District #2, Orient 662,452.26 School District #4, Fishers Is. 511,69+.08 School District #5, Southold 2,228,621.46 School District19, Matt.-Cutchogue 2,661,113.50 School District #10, Greenport 1,447,828.79 . School District #11, Laurel 318,741.10 School District #15, New Suffolk 98,3+0.72 Orient Fire District 32,035.96 East t- cion Fire District 31,267.56 Fishers Island Fire District 55,484.79 Southold Fire District 150,060.92 Cutchogue Fire District 117,131.28 Mattituck Fire District 77,983.23 E-Z-T Greenport Fire Protection 36,545.09 (now processed A & T) Orient Mosquito District 6,500.00 Orient-East Marion Park District 7,650.00 . Southold Park District 33,500.00 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District 17,167.40 Matti-tuck Park District. 57,550.00 ' ITest Greenport Water District 2/79 12,250.00 7/79 12,250.00 11,451.345.14 -0- Supervisor's Tax Account 1979-80 19.79-1980 Tax Warrant Received from Receiver of Taxes $ 1,500,000.00 Payments - 1979 School District #2, Orient $ 79,000.00 School District #4, Fishers Island 61,900.00 . School District #5, Southold 269,160.00 School District #9, Matt.-Cutchogue 346,000.00 School District #10, Greenport 174,500.00 School District #11, Laurel 51,850.00 _.. _ _,-_.___._• _..__ __ School District #15, New Suffolk 17,590.00 $ 1,000,000.00 Balance on hand 12/31/79 $ 500,000.00 GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET year 1979 Whole Town: ASSETS A200 Cash $ 586.8+ A201 Cash in Time 159,518.21 Deposits A410 State & Federal Aid: Division of Youth($5725.00 6,961.00 ►� f. ►� 1236.oo) A44o County of Suffolk, CETA II 33.90 33.90 $ 167,099.95 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Fund Balance i A909 Appropriated 1980 $ 120,000.00 A909 Unappropriated 47.,099.95----- $ +7,099095----$ 167,099.95 i + Part Towns ASSETS B200 Cash $ 455.91 B201 Cash in Time Deposits 7,969.90 i $ 8,425.81 i LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Fund Balance B909 Appropriated 1980 $ 2,500.00 B909 Unappropriated 5,925.81 1 8,725. 1 t Federal Revenue Sharing: ASSETS CF 200 Cash $ 16.37 i � I j CF 201 Cash in Time Deposits 86,4ol.28 86,417.65 i LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE i CF700 Res. for I Encumbrances $ 4,653.29 CF909 Appropriated 1980 81,764-36 $ 86,417.65 ��...,.-uY..,....._..,,i+,,.-„.+�•y,,..,�;,,;;.+r..ai..vesa-s,.+«.+aur l.e:z�wi.+i.+..-e.�:T'sir vi.;,m.a,f.•�i:a:ems: .,ra-.=.�.wetiw.a,wa�i::titii'r..w«;.t::neo.rs��-xw6o,e'a..,rn...s2.v'.a.:ianio--.rsk.'�ax.'r�'v.a:+ ii a fjfii i TOWN OF SOUI'HOLD - REVENUES YEAR 1979 1 j WHOLE TOWN Over ii Description Budget as Amended Actual Under ;; A1001-Real Estate Taxes $ 3,151.00 s 6F3, .00 0 �1 A1090-Interest & Penalties 8,000.00 9,061.37 (1061.37: A1255-Clerk Fees 720.00 999.25. ( 279.25) 11�i A1550-Dog Pound & Warden Fees 2,200.00 1,440.00 760.00 i; A1770-Airport Fees 200.00 54.00 146,00 A1972-Programs for the Aging 813.91 ( 813.91. !f A2001-Park & Recreation charges 7,000.00 7,092.50 ( 92.50 A2012-Recreation Concession 500.00 500.00 0 A2401-Interest & Earnings 13,000.00 40,630.37 (27630 ; i. A2450-Commissions 25.00 98.08 ( 73.08' i A2540-Bingo License 2,350.00 2,410.79 ( 60,79, A2544-Dog Lic. Fund Apportionment 3,800.00 5,012.82 (1212.82 t! A2590-Permits 10,590.00 14,676.03 (4086,03: A2610-Fines & Forfeited Bail 8,000.00 9,669.00 (1669.00 A2620-Forfeiture of Depostis A2650-Sales of Scrap & Excess Mat, 4,500.00 11,415.50 (6915.50 A2651-Sale of Scrap-recycling 202.98 ( 202.981 A2655-Minor Sales 809.50 ( 8Og,50) 1; A2680-Insurance Recoveries500.00 248.85 251,151 fS A2701-Refunds of Prior Yrs, Expense 100.00 3,733.42 (3633.42;) 1� i A2766-CETA II 7,950.00 8,092.44 ( 142.44 i A2770-Other Unclass. Revenue 200.00 324.64 ( 124,64 A3001-Per Capita Aid 100,000.00 141,086.00 (41086,o0 A3005-Mortgage Tax 70,000.00 121,107.97 (51107.97! A3007-Loss of Railroad Tax Rev. 2,400.00 2,488.88 ( 88.881 {; A3089-Division of Youth, State Aid 1,000.00 1000.00' i' A3350-Shellfish, State Aid 1,500.00 1,500.00 0 A3801-Recreation elderly State Aid ' 2,119.50 (2119.50 l -Estimated Unexpended Bal. 141,026.00 133,516.36 lA2665-Sales of Equipment 2,700.00 (2.700.00 i } -Encumbrances 6,150.00 $ 1,068,712.00 $1,211,105.1 $143,752.8() i} PART TOWN Description B1001-Real Estate Taxes $1,178,550.00 $1,178,550.00 _ 0 �{ B1520-Police Fees 900.00 630.80 269.20, B1601-Health Fees 900.00 987.50 ( 87.50;) B2110-Zoning Fees 20,000.00 261685.90 ( 6685,96) j B2115-Planning Bd. Fees 13,000.00 8,590.00 4410.0q. 11 B2401-Interest & Earnings 15,000.00 54,913.19 ( 39913.19) B2701-Refund of Prior Yrs. Exp. 602.54 ( 602.54) B2590-Permits 500.00 ( 500.00) Ii B2650-Sales of Scrap & Exceess Mat. 300.00 435:00 ( .135,00 B2680-Insurance Recoveries- 200.00 427,30 ( 227.30) i. B2770-Cablevision Franchise 8,000.00 81211.00 ( 211.0d) !! -Police radio - use of 10,000.00 12,000.00 ( 2000.00) Cedar Beach claim 1,800.00 ( 1800,00) B3001-Per Capita Aid 55,000.00 69,443.00 ( 14443,00) 1 B3315-Navigational Aid - State 500.00 532.00 ( 32,00) B4750-AWMEC PW Title II 365.70 365.70 ( X65.70) -Unexpended Balance 30,000.00 20,731.57 i ! f' $ 1,332,715.70 $ 1,385,405.50 $ 62,323.9 f' i; i; l I' it TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISBURSEMENTS YEAR 1979 aFiOLE TOWN Over Description Budget as Modified Actual Under (.1010.1-Town Bd• , PS 25,678.87 $ 25,678.87 0 11010.4-Town Bd. , contr. . 5,526.20 5,526.20 0 11110.1-Justices, PS 46,997.47 45,829.68 1167.79 .1110.2-Justices, Equip. 500.00 500.00 } �A1110.4-justices, contr. 5,680.23 5,680.23 0 + 1220,1-Supervisor, PS 59,000.00 55,525.32 3474.68 (.1220.2-Supervisor, Equip. 1,200.00 337.91 862.09 111220.4-Supervisor, contr. 5,000.00 4,057.63 942.37 A1320.4-Independent Auditing 3,880.00 3,785.00 95.00 1.1330.1-Tax Collection, PS 20,100.00 19,049.34 1050.66 + �A1330.2-Tax Collection, Equip. 600.00 600.00 �A1330.4-Tax Collection, contr. 12,500.00 11,303.30 1196.70 1355.1-Assessors, PS 79,800.00 78,206.29 1593.71 1.1355.2-Assessors, Equip. 500.00 149.50 350.50 11355.4-A3sessors, contr. 4,700.00 3,956.96 743.04 11410.1-Town Clerk, PS 28,300.00 27,719.56 580.44 i .1410.2-Town Clerk, Equip. 1,000.00 715.50 284.50 .1410.4-Town Clerk, contr. 3,971.97 2,916.04 1055.93 .1420.1-Town Attorney, PS :' 20,000.00 19 999.92 .08 .1420.4-Town Attorney, contr. 18,000.00 17,972.38 27.62 .1440.4-Engineer, contr. 5,000.00 390.00 4610.00 .1490.1-Public Works, PS 3,000.00 3,000.00 0 11620.1-Buildings, PS 11,096.80. 11,096.80 0 1A1620.4-Buildings, contr. 66,000.00 58,213.16 7786.84 '.1680.4-Central Data Processing 14,000.00 11,824.02 2175.98 .1910.4-Unallocated Insurance 58,989-55 58,989.55 0 .1920.4-Riunicipal Assn. Dues 400.00 400.00 0 A3120.1-School Cross. Guards, PS 35,000.00 32,957.66 2042.34 �A3120.4-School Cross. Guards, contr 600.00 415.23 184.77 .3310.4-Traffic Control, contr. 5,644.12 5,644.12 0 .3510.1-Dog Warden, PS 19,000.00 12,694.17 6305:83 j A3510.2-Dog Warden, Equip. 500.00 500.00 1.3510.4-Dog Warden, contr 6,168.43 6,379.80 (211.37) .3660.1-School Attendance 0. , PS 1",200 00 1,200.00 0 .3610.4-Examing Boards, contr 732.73 461.83 270.90 A3640.4-Civil Defense, contr 400.00 400.00 15010.1-Supt. of Highways, PS 57,059.31 b 57,059.31 0 15182.4-Street Lighting, contr 69,534.47 69,534.47 0 .5610.4-Airport, contr 0 15650.1-Off Street Parking, PS 6,500.00 6,500.00 0 15650.4-Off Street Parking, contr 1,161..20 1,162.20 ( 1.00) i6210.1-CETA II, PS 6,550.00 6,916.18 ( 366.18) �' 6210.4-CETA II, fringe 1,400.00 1400.00 j 6410.4-Publicity, contr. 2,000.00 1,824.00 176.00 i A6510.4-Veterans Services 1,084.70 1,000.00 84-70 16772.4-Programs for Aging 660.24 660.24 0 i P020.4--Recreation Admin. , contr 12,000.00 12,000.00 0 j 1.7110.1-Parks, PS 8,000.00 8,000.00" 0 (A7110.2-Parks, Equip. 600.00 200.00 400.00 jA7110.4-Parks, contr. 4,000.00 2,506.70 1493.30 A7180.1-Beach, PS 28,000.00 28,000.00 0 fA7180.2-Beach, Equip. 1,000.00 1,000.00 0 1A7180.4-Beach, contr 11,949,29 6,934.31 5014.98 17320.4-Youth, contr 6,000.00 5,907.13 92.87 ,x.7410.4-Libraries 4,500.00 4,500.00 0 tA7510.1-Historian, PS 2,500.00 2,499.84 .16 '.7510.4-Historian, contr 5,448.26 5,252.86 195.40 j .7520.4-Historical Property, contr 500.00 500.00 0 .7750.4-Celebrations 500.00 500.00 0 17620.4-Adult Recreation, contr 12,764.89 12,790.63 ( 25.74) A8090.1-Environmental Control, PS 10,500.00 10,391.41 108.59 .8090.2-Environmental Control, Equip 100.00 100.00 .8090.4-Environmental Control, eontr2,736.08 . 2,736.o8 0 1 e I i f � ..- .»,,:_o. .._._.. w.s:..�:.. --.«„A,....Xis.3l:reG�ssa-wnu.rr�.*ai»�a'£raK.Ma.:s.., -..�_..-...»:;�asrvbi.�w.✓a�.ste.xa;.n.;:.:;.. TOWN OF SOuTHOLD DISBURSEDIENTS YEAR 1979 WLHOLE Z'OT Over llescription Budget as Modified Actual _ Under A8160.1-Refuse & Garbage, PS $ 59,767.55 $ 59,767.55 0 A8160.4-Refuse & Garbage, contr 49,531.65 49,531.65 0 A8510.4-Inland Waterways 800.00 475.00 325.00 �A8745.4-Flood & Erosion Control 4,000.00 4000.00 ► �W8540.4-Drainage 1,793,07 2,093.07 ( 300.00) A8810.4-Cemeteries 6.o0 6.00 0 i X8830.4-Shellfish 1,500.00 3,000.00 �1500.00f1. !9010.8-NYS Employees Retire. 64,000.00 63,519.02 480.98 �A9030.8-Social Security 32,000.00 30,892.71 1107.29 !!9040.8-Workmen s Compensation 11,446.60 9,262.05 2184.55 !9050.4-Unemployment Insurance 2,430.40 2,430.40. 0 !9060.8-Hospitalization 30,400.00 30,195.33 204.67 �A9995.4-other - Irrigation (Gozelski)2,200.00 2,200.00 0 i� -Debt Service Fund 11,026.00 11,026.00 0 =Encumbrances 6,150.00 6,150.00 0 $1,o98,616.o8 $i,o44,850.11 $ 53,765.9 D' ART TOWN Over escription Budget as Modified Actual Under P1910.4-Unallocated Insurance $ 6Q,667.45 $ 6o,667.45 0 133120.4-Police, PS 716,281.18 716,281.18 0 X83120.4-Police, contr 120,981.74 120,981.74 0.- p3130.1-Bay Constable, PS 17,708.39 17,708.39 0 !133130.2-Bay Constable, Equip. 3,075.00 3,075.00 0 X3130.4-Bay Constable, contr 6,802.12 6,802.12 0 B3620.1-Safety Inspections, PS 41,681.76 41,681.76 0 ,3620.2-Safety Inspections, Equip 393.00 393.00 0 ' 3620.4-Safety Inspections, contr 3,138.35 3,138.35 0 B4020.1-REgistrar, PS 3,000.00 3,000.00 0 IB4020.4-Registrar, contr 0 0 B8010.1-zoning, PS 21,829.00 21,829.00 0 iB8010.2-Zoning, Equip. 123.30 123.30' 0 X8010.4-Zoning, contr 5,019.75 5,019.75 0 -58020.1-Planning, PS 25,o84.99 25,o84.99 0 �138020.2-Planning, Equip 0 0 b8020.4-Planning, contr 4,779.19 4,779.19 0 �9010.8-NYS E Retirement 30,834.44 30,834.44 0 -P9015.8-NYS P & F Retirement 217,999.00 217,999.00 0 9030.8-Social Security 49,035.74 49,035.74 0 9040.8-Workmen s Compensation 14,6o0.66 14,600.66 0 9060.8-Hospitalization_ 33,895.88 33,895.88 0 b9050.8-Unemployment Insurance 48.75 48.75 0 ote: $365.70 ANTIREC included in B3120.4 1 $1076,979.69 $1,376,979.69 0 i 3' .,.......w.e ".d.a%`�a ... .. �:xr:...rn.ats.:_-.+,uww...,.:r.As.owt: a-.,e.a...n-.. �.s...w-'3•aM,.aw ktri:-,a.4i:-sFn..«..L=,-.,n,�sfe �._..» TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Highway - 1979 1 Item I Balance - January 1979 6%016.97 Receipts: DR1001 - Taxes 514,194.00 ( DR2401 - Interest on Deposits 33,130.81 DR2680 - Insurance Recovery 9.40 g 416.77 DR2770 - Repairs - Town Gen. , DR3507 - State Aid Mil. & Val. 13,306-50 569,057.48 638,074.45 Disbursements: . DR5110.1 - Personal Services 264,269.18 DR5110.4-- Contractural 168,128.96 I DR9010.8 - State Retirement 57,929.77 DR9o30.8 - Social Security 16,383.54 DR9040.8 - Workmen' s Comp. 91218.52 DR9060.8 -- Hospitalization 211653.88 ( 537583.85 M ( -X100,490.60 Item II Balance - January 1979 2,518.44 2,518.44 Item III Balance - January 1979 20,497-50 Receipts: DM1001 - Taxes 178,800.00 DM2401 - Interest on Deposits 117043.60 DM2665 - Sale of Equipment 350.00 t DM2770 - Repairs - Town Gen. 12,591.93 ( 202 785.53 223.1285.0-3 t Disbursements: ! DM5130.1 - Personal Services 59,E -65 DM5130.2 - Equipment 50,362.96 DM5130.4 - Contractural 53,686.90 DM9010.8 - State retirment 127164.08 1 DM9030.8 - Social Security 37641.95 j DM9040.8 - Workmen' s Comp. 21080.25 DM9060.8 - Hospitalization 3,944-03 i 185,326.82 37 956.21 ! I �I f i :iL .:la.i>ai(.•rw'++eF.v.yrncyyqui,mF�+.r..y -t'L'1.^Nda-t{:•.hay2ev"»vea•:...ww •. - ... ..r:L..n• wi.:'.:..una•-r...'wtti:,3 aurFfil..'1FuwM,kei�F`iS1.'uRilnrr . I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Highway - 1979 I , Item IV 'Balance - January 1979 6,739.27 Receipts: DS1001 - Taxes 1411200.00 DS2401 - Interest on Dep. 11,043.60 DS2770 - Repairs Town Gen. 21.06 DS2701 - Refund Prior Year 19.93 152,284-59 159,023.86 Disbursements: (Brush & Weeds) DS5140.1 - Personal serv. 13,474.56 DS5140.4 - Contractural 19,142.76 1 1 (Snow) DS5142.1 - Personal Serv. 23,658.37 DS5142.4 - Contractural 33,208,02 DS9010.8 - State Retirementll,000.00 DS9030.8 - Social Security 2,276.25 DS9040.8 - Workmen' s Comp. 4,915.75 - DS9060.8 - Med & Hosp.Ins. 1,129.40 108,805-11 501218.7 Highway Dept Fund Balance - Unencumbered 191,184.00 Encumbrance - Item III Sand Spreader 5 963.00 1 7,1 7. 0 1 In checking account 61903.49 In savings account 190,243-51 197,14V.00 1 �i 1 i { .. ,, s( . _ ._..__..._�._...-..._... >.v-+�...�.�.__ ..._.__... .,..- _.w.t<-,. +.-..'-::,:uvty __...,-:Kai1.,`i.C.v:«v�su ;+ -.::.,:iv,.....ro.�.k'.._..x..::u��rt.,.....,..r.-f. .w.G.:•_..n.< ,r..-.e.... ...__ "ISHERS ISUND FERRY DISTRT Receipts and Disbursements for the Year 1979 1 i � l 'Balance -' January 1979 - Unencumbered 59,692.44 Receipts: +� From Tax Levy 1247882.00 j Operation of Ferry 3771472.87 r Charters 21,850.00 Interest on Deposits 6,756.71 Theater 137341.25 Airport 3,631 -00 U. S. Mail 111048.98 Refund & Adjustments 21091.07 Misc. - Rent Con Rail Corp. 100.00 j Misc. - State of New York 32.31 iNew York State Dept. of Transportation 34,269.75 2701 - N.Y. State Dept of Transport. 6,233.45 601 709.39 661,401.83 Disbursements: Operation of Ferry 274,030.71 Payrolls 48,364-_17- , Office Expense 5,156.31 Commissioner Fees 21125.00 i Accounting 2'1?30.00 I Airport 20,719.37 Theater 81495.81 ! U. S. Mail 21400.00 Insurance - 67,806.89 Bonded Indebtedness New Ferry 47,120.60 Property Tax - New London 21509.59 Attorney Fees 850.00 Repairs to Ferry 40,776.51 Insurance Claims 45.00 Repairs to docks and buildings 53,845.70 Social Security 21142.34 Hospitalization 21282.00 { NewYork State Retirement 57 961.69 587,,361.63 J ishers Island Ferry District Fund Balance (Un.encumb) 7t} 040.20 ! i lEncumbrances i Life rafts' for MV Olinda 21062.60 Cost for dry docking Olinda 14,185.00 Dock repairs at New London Term. 67450.00 Ramp repairs at New London Term. 4,950.00 Ramp repairs at F.I. Terminal 4,950.00 32,597.60 (;Encumbered Fund Balance -106.1637.80 i! ; Balance in checking account 889.95 Balance ,in savings account (#531-900055) 99,514.40 Balance due from NewYork State Dept. of Trans. 6,233.45 �i 1061637.80 .f I i r, i 1 . _..,...�«....:..w,.a.•,.asa,,.yr�ti-::sao+�.:+:+,..�ssrc'::�aar �t'iiSt,..6awrtr.-,.+ti-.,.a•>.i+.a,m=�Srv..u...�nciw,.w'rv..-mad.s. .1�uw-.z:ra�,geex'?Fei:�:3:...a"� .a{, li RECEIPTS & TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISBURSEMENTS YEAR 1979 1 1 � +FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING `Encumbrances 9,513.87 Balance 12/31/79 55,232.06 .Recei its: 1 CF 001 U. S. Treasury $ 137,OO4.00 �CF24ol Interest 5,985.26 y {Disbursements Budget Actual i !CF9001.4-Libraries CF9000.2-Police, Official Equipment $ 30,500.00 $ 27,�+�F3.6�+40,500.00 4o,500.00 �1CF9003.4-Compactor(Waste Management) 50,000.00 30,653.14 jugoo6.4-Land Acquisition 8,000.00 7,860.18 1CF9007.4-New Suffolk Ave. R.I. 50,000.00 'CF9008.4-Waste Water Study 10,000.00 10,000.00 $189,000.00 $116,456.96 - Encumbrances: �CF9000..2-Police Equipment $ 4,860.58 4,86o.58 CF9002.4-Town Hall 4,653.29 $121,317.54 � In checking:• 16. $ 37 jIn time deposits 86,401.28 ' 4750 ANTIREC Title II PW Balance as of 12/31/78 $ 365.70 No receipts Disbursements - Balance B23120.4 $365-70 -o- { Debt Service Fund (street lighting) Balance as of 12/31/78 -0- Receipts Disbursements Balance $11,026..oo 611,026.00 — -0- I EDA Funding: Main Bayview Road Improvement i Balance of Allotment Allotment Receipts Disbursements Balance $ 25,455.08 $ 25,454-97 $ 25,454-97 Disbursements: { Lyon & Reboli Paving Construction $ 24,976.53 Greenman & Pedersen 478.44 �! $ 25,454.97 note: Allotment balance of $.11 was added to allotment New Town Hall per U. S. Dept. of Commerce � 5 1 i i i i - -.__..._.__ �._...,..-... ..,.:«.n....c_-..-..o.tt..-.,.�....n..:.ww.:.; ,r ,.,-n..wt«V _».,,:..-.. ,- :. -r:.x_ ,e✓,:;....aex.a...-' .ra!'« ril+b..wtiw-..a d.:ae&:";t�2.n x. ,r,a6n. - ji RECEIPTS & I; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DISBURSEMENTS YEAR 1979 IIEDA Funding: INew Town Hall Annex iBalance in checking 12/31/78 $ 1,846.4o Praw down on remaining allotment 42,016.91 (Bayview Rd. ) .11 # 3, 3. 422 E !Disbursements: ,Minnesota Construction Corp $ 21,577.20 Metro Plumbing 1,846.4o l�Morchel 10,080.00 Rolands Electric 2,41o.50 Greenman & P•edersen 1,481.29 $ 37,395-39 Balance in checking $ 6,468.03 ! Special Assessment Fund (Bayside Terrace) ' Receipts: `No. Fork Bank & Trust $ 8,000.00 iDisbursements: 3';P4140.1-Personal Services $ 1,874.15 1P4140.4-contractual expense 6,125.85 $ 8,000.00 IlTax levied on taxpayers Baysfb Terrace for 1980 $2,028.00 !'Recreation Center for the year 1979 (Receipts: ounty of Suffolk; $154,4,74-50 615x+,474.50 :Disbursements: :Sacco and Ahlers $ 3,860.00 liStratlimore Construction Corp. 10+,583.69 itMetro Plumbing East 10,344.00 !Thermo Comfort Inc. 15,300.00 Cavaliere Elec. Contr. , Ltd. 11,111.00 145,194.69 I Balance on hand 12/31/79 $ 9,279.81 ' West Greenport Water District 'Receipts from Tax Levy $ 24,500.00 Disbursements - Village of Greenport 24,500.00 '1 Balance on hand 12/31/79 -0 i( I: . j i i� 1 I { y l l y FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT f 1979 �Con't) 1 , i {� AGENCY & TRUST ACCOUNT Balance Receipts Payments New Balance i 1275.28 65,746.89 61,034.43 5987.74 t li Balance in checking account - $5987.74 { - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT CAPITAL ACCOUNT Balance Receipts Payments New Balance 107953.76 -0- 10;953.76 -0- { - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- , FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND Balance Receipts Pa ents- New Balance f '-0:: �58 7 074.36 T 810'/4.56 -0- is I� FISHERS ISLAND BONDED INDEBTEDNESS Interest Principal Balance Payments Payments* New Balance 589,000.00 34,043.00 24,000.00 565,000.00 i t 1 i I , j {j { it �++�+.c0..els-i+e1iAr.i.�M.✓.LfW+F.Y4."46+wTLf�Si a'.T.l:�a%W4i "..s. ..rY<AYLS..^•.+a9naoM :,iv'"--,Yi..�.e.5wia.':l�h•3'.....:.YsJ,,,.vc^ -a., + ( TOWN OF SOUTHOLD {I 1979 1 NUTRITION PROGRAM (Regular account) Balance 12/31/78 6,427.25 Receipts: Reimburse. from County 60,649.98 Interest from savings 165.12 Participant Income 13 114.33 V5,V29.43 80,356.68 Disbursements 75 307.83 Balance 12/31/7951048-85 1 Nutrition -- Special- Account ( contributions from Participants) Balance 12/31/78 -0- Receipts 13,114.33 Disbursements: to regular Nutrtion Program acct 13,114.33 -0- sf I� 1 yy� t' 1 is t i i is i' f4fi 11 i i I �