HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 (2) Mae F IAL STATE TS ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS So u rq C) (Municipality) IN THE COUNTY of S U F F o I- K - FISCAL YEAR ENDED These statements (or similar statements) are necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principles as they pertain to financial reporting. If you have prepared your own combined statements they may be filed with us in lieu of these statements. STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 Revised 11/82 TABLE OF CONTENTS 16 STAT 34ENT NLHBER Page OOMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups 1 2 Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance all Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds 5 3 Revenues, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - General and Special Revenue, Fund Types 7 4 Changes in Financial Position - Proprietary Funds 9 5 Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings- Proprietary Funds 10 Notes to Financial Statements --11 Certificate of Fiscal Officer 12 STATEMENT 1 f COMBINE ALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYP S AIPACCIUNT GROUPS AS OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS AS SETS SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROTECTS Cash 0 Investments any 90.3 ys �I3:z3si.7y 1 Taxes Receivable (Net) 2 Other Receivables (Net) 3 State & Federal, Receivables 97 4 Due from Other Funds 5 Due from Other Governmentsi 9 9i s a L a�.�•�y -- 6 Inventories 7 I Prepaid Expenses 8 Restricted Assets 9 Fixed Assets (Net) 10 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 11 Provision to be made in Future Budgets 12 13 14 TOTAL ASSETS $ a9r 1//i3 97 f/S- $ 4"'1,99R'/Z 15 WrENT 1 (Continued) PROPRIETARY FINDS FIDUCIARY FUND GENERAL ACCOUNT GROUPS SPECIAL INTERNAL TRUST FIXED LONG-TERM AS SES SMENT ENTERPRISE SERVICE AND AGENCY AS SETS DEBT 0 $ $ $ 371n.s-rr 1 2 3 3'/7-? o 0 4 5 6 - 7 8 9 10 /3b;77 11 $ 12 13 14 15 $ ;3�7a•oo $ �{'7000•�6 /�_1Xa/3X 72 �>y� y9sa �a�S3 �7 A�r 2 STATEMENT 1 (Continued) GOVERNMENTAL, FUNDS SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL LIABILITIES , DEFERRED REVENUES GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities Accounts Payable $ $ -1713, ye $ $ 0 Accrued Liabilities 1 Retained Percentages 2 Consumers' Deposits 3 Notes Payable 4 Other Liabilities 5 Due to Other Funds 6 Due to Other Governments /gy�Go 7 Agency Liabilities -8 Bond & Long-Term Liabilities 9 Total Liabilities &7?PSY �'s 10 Deferred Revenues $ $ $ $ 11 Fund Equity Contributed Capital. 12 Investment in General Fixed Assets 13 Retained Earnings 14 Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances $ 9711S.fo 15 &XV/PS (o 0,!5.-1 7.Sv 16 Trust 17 Special 18 Total Reserved .3?�ys;so �8 4 i7so 19 Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated - Ensuing Year's Budget a?sso-moo. /83.P/ 20 Unappropriated _ i y9,S d.y 27 �i3. 7s 13y90 s3•di 21 Total Unreserved 22 Total Fund Equity $ x6/ '194 -7 $ sg. y3 23 TOTAL LIABILITIES., DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND EQUITYS a9�� Y//3 $ gz7 9'99 �/z 24 The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement.: 3 - F ,,rF,1tF1vT I (Continued) PROPRIETARY FUNDS FIDUCIARY FUND GENERAL ACCOUNT GROUPS SPECIAL INTERNAL TRUST FIXED LONG TERM ASSESSMENT ENTERPRISE SERVICE AND AGENCY ASSETS DEBT 0 $ $ 2 3 4 $ 5aya•cc h��oGc•-7 6 7 8 - 3�opo. a-o 10 12 $ $ 13 90/3�7� 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 $ $ $ 24 $ 31174-e-v 74 $ 71 $ 4 y STATEMENT 2 COMBINED STATOM OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES ANDLNGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES AND EX ENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED 8:.-, GOVENMENTAL FUNDS RE"ENUES .AND OTHER SOURCES SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS Re venues Real Property Taxes 0 Real Property Tax Items i3 i7s:a1 N81R1 Ptya 9`-0 2 Departmental Income 3 Intergovernmental Charges js 7 4 Use of MDney and Property /9/ ass 7F J74.as 5 Licenses and Permits 69 boy.32 6 Fines and Forfeitures .;Zr 7 Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss _?AAAI.?3�a o 8 Miscellaneous Local Sources /6a4s 1/9 9 Iaterfund Revenues . 10 State Aid 3.3` 94'3.,/ //'9 y7c 9,0 STia 5! 9 11 Federal Aid is-//s"s•��ol 12 Total Revenues 7',�ci3. 2 $ /'Y2S3. 6s 13 Interfund Transfers ­�6- er - 304�. -14 Proceeds of Obligations 15 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 3iS7/37i37 $�6 r, ,.o /��XS3 a s 16 EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES E=penditure s General Government Support 17 L'iucation 18 Public Safety /3-5'y9dfs3 997-YF•dz 19 Health 6 714 86- 20 Transportation /76s6-GJ; 87 io6ggra.y 97 4 21 Economic Assistance & Opportunity _ /o9vi ;�s_ ,aysf� 22 Culture and Recreation /S Ali/d. 3/f 23 Home & Community Services gSge_"r- Gi -,?y/78y. 772;z9.o 3 24 Employee Benefits G'7/ y7.3,p7 % y 90 I. 25 Debt Service (Prin. & Int.) yt-'5' 26 Total Expenditures -7-.1,r 3 ny.i/ 27 Interfund Transfers 'y/oo7 28 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND _ OTHER USES 7�� z F? 7l /7'f'/.PS 29 Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Kerr- sfi yA) 30 Fund Balance-Beginning of Year yiA gyo.3/ i3s .�c.�.97- 31 Adjustments (s 7,T^?.WL 32 Fund Balance-Bid of Year 7 33 The _Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of thJis statement. - - 5- - - �_ s�ATEMF-IJT 2 (Continued). FIDUC IARY FUND SPECIAL EXPENDABLE ASSESSMENT TRUST 0 1 $ 2 3 _ 4 5 $ 6 7 8 -- 0 10 li 12 13 $ $ 14 15 16 $ Fft co $ 17 $ $ 18 19 20 21 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 $ $ 28 29 $ 3y7-g•� 30 -- — 31 32 33 b STATEMFNT 3 ' COMBINED STA NT OF REVENUES , EXPENDI , CUMBRANCES AND CHANGES FUND BALANCES'WBUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERA AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TYPP3` FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED GENERAL FUND MODIFIED BUDGET ACTUAL ENCU14BRANCES Revenues Real Property Taxes �'Y�s�Yco c�f7l �r�sfoo 0 Real Property Tax Items 7S.ai 1 Naa- 2 .y . .��o vnr,y a sutit o�Jc Departmental Income 3 Intergovernmental Charges i. .<<, y i; u 4 Use of Ibney and Property i o GSo•ev 5 Licenses and Permits .? 7s-e — G meq;;z 6 Fines and Forfeitures iasrc 7S'_ 7 Sale of Pro per t y and Compensation for Loss 8 Miscellaneous Local Sources Interfund Revenues 10 State Aid L 11 Federal Aid 12 Total Revenues ,3 X80� � —3 i 1717 7 13 Interfund Transfers _ 14 Proceeds of Obligations 15 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ •;0 8a o-o 'gl6TAI&7137 16 EXPENDITURES , ENCIZIBRANCES AND OTHER USES Expenditures General Government Support $ 6170.5'7o.a.z 17 Education 18 Public Safety /ass 879•ea /3Gp.,s3 19 Health 7,1"." i .'r-f- 20 Transportation 7s 6xrJv7- 21 Economic Assistance and Opportunity /0 0o i. s 22 Culture and Recreation /W y.S-c-o.to is ii 9- 23 Home and Community Services o?C3 XSo.7;' fo7.so 24 Employee Benefits 7 25 Debt Service (Priv. & Int.) 26 Total Expenditures and Encumbrances $ 3 2, �S-9,1 7Y 27 Interfund Transfers /��!s' . r.� - 28 TOTAL EXPE NDI TURES, ENCUMBRANCES _ AND OTHER USES $ !1,3 7 Y7,VS- a S-Z 7,7 $ 2-71-16-. s o 29. Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures, - Encumbrances and Other Uses 30 Fund Balance-Beginning of Year x1-rd r N-'A 5? c. ,y 31 Adjustments �s f'7• �� 1 32 Fund Balance-End of Year $ &o Q- yV x S_ z e d Y1.,'3 , 33 The Notes to the Financial Statements are au integral part of this statement -_ 7 _ - - ArafENT 3 (Continued) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS VARIANCE- VARIANCE FAVORABLE MODIFIED FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) BUDGET ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) 0 $ /6ay/4S, $ /GI y/xso-c $ 1 316 r, Z/ 2 3y/iaoyoa �97�z3 �� 3980•rY� 3 ,pl��•o/ -s9-os aeaGG•G-e -q 7a J 4 /y7/.Sc 39,S-5- 3-93S- 5 /S'Gas.7f' 9c c-ra.so 95��b f•?s y88rT- s' 6 Is- 7 s7 �ao•Js 8 9 14.2 V9 10 11 a /4.9•// /o a-F.o•rr /•s/ /G 9,SY7 12 74 17-/." // y/c•9a yse•yc 13 7-3s2 7.3 7 /s/i.;,. -V 14 e?s y�a•79 asY�z 7 y 15 16 $ 73sa7,97 $ 17-1,17.2-/,7y a7/-;?3 17 $ /6,14- c y 18 /c .P9a• 7 19 - r-W 20 YOB•/3 21 //7o c 3.T.1(o /oG 9 ��a•yG /n-a i s 4' 22 /5 3 9:f Ss' //o //7•a� /� y ass/� ( 7 y73� i8 23 /c3 �3sa. 24yy ra • /7 3c6 /s?.sa a?y/7f9•/.2. 25 /S- 2, /6 35.?.s`6 26 27 $ /o q 14o 6-2 28 G/�7?/� S�/e� ? 7F 29 TUG. /a�..J y/ e-J/ / /'1Y SY,S- %•f tJ/C-'D. c'-C $ // 57e-,YJ 30 31 32 33 4190 3� $ 8 STATEMENT 4 COMBINE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED _, PROPRIETARY FUNDS Sources of Working Capital: ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE Operations: Ili Net Income $ Items Not Requiring Working Capital Depreciation Working Capital Provided by Operations Cash from Long-Term Obligations (Capital Notes, Bonds, etc.) Contributions - Federal, State, Local and Other Sales of Non-Current Assets Total Sources of Working Capital Uses of Working Capital: Capital Outlay $ Retirement of Long-Term Obligations (Capital Notes, Bonds, a c.) Increase in Current Portion of Long-Term Debt Other Total Uses of Working Capital Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital $ Net Cha es in Account Balances Affecting Working Capital Decreases Ca sh Investments Net Accounts Receivable Due From Other Funds Inventory of Materials and Suppliis Prepaid Expenses Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. - 9 STAT EMENT 5 '! COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES , EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED , PROPRIETARY FUNDS Operating Revenues ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE Charges for Services $ $ Rental of Equipment, Other Governments Other (Specify). Total Operating Revenues $7 7. $ Operating Expenses Personal Services $ $ Contractual Expenses Employee Benefits Depreciation Other (specify) Total Operating Expenses $ $ Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) eveuues: c Use of Money and Property $ $ Other (Specify) Expenses: Interest Expense ( ) ( ) Fiscal Charges Other (Specify) ( ) ( ) Net Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) $ $ Income Before Transfers and Taxes $ $ Transfers In (Out) Real Property Taxes Net Income (Loss) $ $ Retained Earnings - Beginning of Fiscal Year Adjustments (Specify) Retained Earnings - End of Fiscal Year The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 10 EOSNOTES TO FINANCIAL STAT EME Summary of Significant. Accounting Policies NOTE 1 Basis of Accounting PloAse nnto that h .ommunity Development Fund lists 925.00 as an in . -rfund r ngf -r bihan-b3 lly it was dplInsitpri in Prrnr_ _thprpfnrp A ohack utas A.wjt+.,n-n from that account for $25.00 and was deposited in the Gen Fund Mhgle Town and listed as a revenue within sub 2620-forf i torp of d -nnsi t_ Attanhod tn this r .jet arp thrpp acnn unto nni: Annrnintpd fnr nn the annnal finanni Al atatpmpnt - Supprvi ands TAx At!enunt Home Aide Program and Fishers Island Sewer District. EDA Funding CERTIFICATE OF FISCAL OFFICER I I, William R. Pell III , certify that I am the fiscal Please Print officer of Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk ; that this report, to the i best of my knowledge, information and belief, isla true and correct i statement of the financial transactions and fiscall condition for the i fiscal year ended TN=pmhPr 41 119 • Subervisor Signature Title William R. Pell III 53025 Main Rn d Match 25, 198'3 Official Address. Date Southold- NY 112.71 Office Telephone No. 516 765 1800 PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: Q UESTIONS RELATING TO THE COMPLETION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT, PLEASE CALL ALBANY: Filing - (518) 474-4014 State of New York 474+6897 Office of the State Comptroller Assistance in ompletion - (518) 474-5505 Bureau of Municipal Research 474-6023 and Statistics 474-8159 Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, NY 12236 Attention: Wayne R. Carpenter . 12 _ A R S F FEDERAL RAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS -penditures made from revenue sharing funds for any of the listed functions should be indicated on the appropriate lines below (OMIT CENTS). The expenditures reported should cover your government's fiscal year that ended between July 1 1982 and June 30, 1983. CURRENT EXPENDITURES include salaries and wages, purchase of utilities and supplies,-and all other expenditures, exclusive of capital outlay. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES include pur- chase of equipment, purchase of land, and construction. FEDERAL GENERAL REVENUE SHARING EXPENDITURES Function or COLUMN A COLUMN 8 purpose of PROPOSED (budgeted) Amounts ACTUALLY expended expenditure Revenue Sharing Expenditure from Revenue Sharing funds Current Capital Current CapitaT 1 2 3 4 011 012 P13 914 1. Financial and general administration 027 028 q29 030 2. Education 035 936 01� 038 3. Libraries 043 944 045 046 4. Welfare 951 052 053 054 5. Hospitals 059' 060 -061 6 6. Health 067 068 069 070 1. Roads � �o-�-o•c-� ,���S 083 084 086 8. Police 1 092 P93 094 9. Fire 099 100 101 102 10. Correction 107 1F8 11. Sewerage 115 116 -117 12. Other sanitation Yl73/3 118 rff— 124 T9 126 13. Parks and recreation 147 148 149 150 14. Utility systems - SPECIFY TYPE. -- 139 0 K4 Cit' 15. Interest on general F .. debt 7iS p D y/•/A172 171 t 16. Payment of principal S�.�•�. ��b '.: : A x x�c t on debt `:.:.. 63 64 165 -166 17. Al I-ot her— 7c Ti-9 LCERTIFICATION S7/J.p d / 1�•3 11Q S'.cb� to f J /O. —� - This is to certify that t e data contained in this report are accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of official Te e one Area Codel Number lExtension i Title Date _ UNITED ST r , ♦o-4~`e•x RS-9F � 'TEPARTMENT OF COM OMB No . 0607-0191 Bureau of the CeWs s� P Washington, O.C. 20233 'Rms of November - 1982 i Dear Local Government Official : i The State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 as amended (General Revenue Sharing ) requires each state and local government which receives funds to submit certain information about its fiscal activities , including data on the expenditure of funds received throughlthis program. The United States Department of Treasury will be reporting to the Congress on the pro- posed and actual uses of revenue sharing funds by, state and local govern- ments in relation to their total budgets . On behalf of the Department of the Treasury, the Bureau of the Census is gathering the needed information . The information you supply on this ques- tionnaire , together with data provided for your g vernment by the State Comptroller ' s Office , will be used to meet the Tr asury Department ' s report- ing obligations for the fiscal year ending between July 1 , 1982 and June 30, 1983 ) . Please complete this form and return the addresse copy in the same en- velope together with your completed Annual Financial Report . Please mail to : l Mr. Wayne Carpenter Associate Examiner of Municipal ffairs Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Research and Statistic Alfred E. Smith State Office Building (10th floor ) Albany, NY 12236 Retain the duplicate copy of this form for your records . If you have any questions about the RS-9F form, pl I ase call the Census Bureau at (301 ) 763-2772 for assistance . Sincerely , 9e JOHN R. COLEMAN Chief, Governments Division Bureau of the Census Enclosures ""F=21 A or F-28A �'"`°t° �`�., Assets Letter r. UNITED SES DEPARTMENT OF COM Form Approved Bureau of the Census ° Washington, D.C. 20233 OMB No. 0607-0167 °,,4*�:a,,►` ._ November 1982 Dear Local Government Official : The Bureau of the Census and the New York State Comptroller ' s Office are engaged in a cooperative finance data collection program, the purpose of.- which is to reduce the reporting burden of your government . As a result - of this cooperation , your government will not be required to complete a Census Bureau Form F-21A or F-28A for the 1983 fiscal year (fiscal year ending between July 1 , 1982 and June 30, 1983 ) . Instead of completing an F-21A or F-28A form, we ask only that you supply us with the few numbers requested on the reverse side of this letter. The remainder of the finance data needed for your government will be obtained from your Annual Financial Report which will be furn- ished to the Census Bureau on computer tape by the New York State Comptroller ' s Office . Please complete this form and return the addressed copy in the same envelope together with your completed Annual Financial Report . Please mail to: Mr. Wayne Carpenter Associate Examiner of Municipal Affairs Office of the State Comptroller Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Research and Statistics Alfred E . Smith State Office Building (10th floor ) Albany , NY 12236 Retain the duplicate copy of this form for your records . If you have any questions , please call the Census Bureau at (301 ) 763-2772 for assistance . Sincerely, A6J JOHN R . COLEMAN Chief , Governments Division Bureau of the Census Enclosures _ _ A Ili VLSDILM AMETS Tr-EMINF-F—ISCAL ,e report below cash on hand and on deposit and also investments (at par value) held funds of your government at the end of fiscal 1983 (your government's fiscal year that .nded between July 1, 1982 and June 30, 1983). Report cash and investments held in sinking funds, bond funds, and all other funds (except employee retirement funds and trust and agency funds). Sink ng funds are reserves held specifically for redemption of long term debt of your government including utility, revenue, and special assessment bonds, as well as general obligations. Report in-Column (b), under bond funds, all unexpended proceeds of bond issues that werelbeing held at the end of the fiscal year, pending their disbursement. Cash includes cash in checking accounts, on hand, C.D. 's, time deposits, petty cash and cash with a fiscal agent. Exclude receivables, amounts due from other funds or governments, fixed assets and customers' deposits. Investments consist of stoci�s and bonds, debentures, money market investments, warrants, mortgages, and other credit in truments. Amount at end If fiscal year - OMIT CENTS Held in SINKING Held in BOND Held in ALL OTHER FUNDS Type of asset FUNDS, as de- FUNDS as de- except for any employee- fined above fine; above retirement or trust and agency fund a b _ c W01 W31r'�Ff �! °r� r� W 6 1 1. Cash and deposits - cash on %z hand and demand, C.D. 's and time or savings deposits. W10 W40 W70 2. Federal securities - obligations of U.S. Treasury (including short-term notes) and Federal Financing Bank. W13 W43 W73 3. Federal agency securities - obligations of government owned agencies comprising CCC, Export-Import Bank, FHA, GNMA, Postal Service, and TVA. W15 W45 W75 4. State and local government securities. W24 W54 W84 5. Other securities - bonds, notes, mortgages, etc. , not included in the foregoing classes. In- clude the following privately financed former Federal agencies : FHLB, FLB, FNMA, banks for cooperatives, and Federal intermediate credit banks. Exclude amounts re- ceivable, value of real pro- perty, and any other non- - securit assets. ' J TOWN P6TWLD _ FISMS ISLAND , .Ase report below cash on hand and on deposit and also investments (at par �)IStICT ,y funds of your government at the end of fiscal 1983 (your government's fiscal year that ended between July 1, 1982 and June 30, 1983). Report cash and investments held in sinking funds, bond funds, and all other funds (except employee retirement funds and trust and agency funds). Sinking funds are res_e_ues held specifically for redemption of long term debt of your government including utility, revenue, and special assessment bonds, as well as general obligations). Report in Column (b), under bond funds, all unexpended proceeds of bond issues that were being held at the end of the fiiscaa pending their disbursement. Cash includes cash in checking accounts, on hand, C.D. 's, time deposits, petty cash and cash with a fiscal agent. Exclude receivables, amounts due from other funds or governments, fixed assets and customers' deposils. Investments consist of stocks and bonds, debentures, money market investments, warrants, mortgages, and other credit instruments. Amount at end of fiscal year - OMIT CENTS Held in SINKING Held in BOND Held in ALL OTHER FUNDS Type of asset FUNDS, as de- FUNDS, as de- except for any employee- fined above fined above retirement or trust and agency fund a b c W91 W31 W61 1. Cash and deposits - cash on s s-q yca(I hand and demand, C.D.'s and time or savings de osits. wig W40 W70 2. Federal securities - obligations of U.S. Treasury .,(i,ncluding short-term notes) and Federal Fi nanctog Bank- 3 W73 3. Federal agency securities - obligations of government owned agencies comprising CCC, Export-Import Bank, FHA, GNMA, Postal Service and TVA. Wis W5 W5 4. State and local government securities. W24 W54 W84 5. Other securities - bonds, notes, mortgages, etc., not included in the foregoing classes. In- clude the following privately financed former Federal agencies: FHLB, FLB, FNMA, banks for cooperatives, and Federal intermediate credit banks. Exclude amounts re- ceivable, value of real pro- .perty, and any other non- security assets. TOWN OF SODMID — FI MW ISLAND FURY DISTRICT - Identify Bank Balances with Funds by Listing the Applicable Code Letters Fund Bank Less Add Cash Adjusted ! Name and Location of Bank Code Balance Outstanding Checks On Hand Bank Balanc j F+l . 1 _ �t 1 ' 1. ?/ 1�:+.tvti S��'F.•I�' /�' .. 1�) l:;tl d ).f�p`y, b', `r /� ��.?7J-.61+ /J'J' i/11..J7, �, �� , ., •�/�� r r,<>,:. PJ,. r t. e.'! �� i.�.c 59., r/ /.�� ✓�4,:�y /s rr l-�9 �.� /a y, 'y�' G i; - k Jl •i1• , ., t' r-..) Er.: l, /! 91r4 '_+' 1 t,/ /'1 �)' • .� )., � Cr<7.>.,•)r.,�L )y /...f` _ o ..._ "_=' a'i i . :d�_ �<-� l''r ` +- , ,.,�a v� /!/r r� . /Y •�•,.• ''i.'r �� ;%/,4, �� ri!•• �. � - .-, ., --r; {'' f . , •.•. //'. ,a ii Nvr�rK�i.'rA. �/�? rJN `///.9�Orl � / �,,r,,�� / v ,/ r�i.. y l � �/}i•i fir. _ — 1�Ut Firs/ /i ^�• l 'l".Rl �2�?� J� �lrn. s. La � , t .I �I'.1. r, f'l1'•J t 1 �J7);I!I l' -, r. ,,,, ... O �. _ c .- .- ;/- r I %: .r C11Pirre ac�C C• "i'.►8 .. — , 1,.. l fr 10 y�! c ,Y9R - Fly �I `, ,r^ •,. , .,. �r)oF.:rK C:r.a� Vl.: i,:n . .) l..f" •l; ,r - .. ."-O. el ;i J"J-V- Add: vAdd: Petty Cash Funds ,. Other Adjustments i � These amounts must agree. ,OTE: Bank certification forms are not required to .be filed with this report. However, the Dept of Audit ' ind Control may- confirm bank balances directly with the bank. { � ��6 � _ A,9r 97A i 0000...... i � ,swnp � y 1V ' 0a14O Page TABLE OF CONTENT'S (I fit ateme nt b Number Page f LGe11era,-I._Fun d - Townwide 1 Balance Sheet ......•..........•...............•...........................•....... ..... 4 ,r 2 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 5 i 3 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) ...... .................... 6 /General Fund -...Town..Outside Village 4 Balance Sheet .................................:... ..................... ................ 7 5 Summary Statement of Revenues,and Expenditures - Budget and Actual ....:............ .... 8 6 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) .. ............. ........... 9 Highway..Fund__. 7 Balance Sheet ....... ........................ .:...............:......................... 10 8 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual ..... ......... ..... .. 11 9 Analysis of Changes innFand Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) .. ................ ........ 12 i n V 10 Balance Sheet ...............:.......................... ......................... ....... 13 11 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 14 12 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) 15 Fede;a l._Revenue_Sharing Fund 13 Balance Sheet .............:.... ................... ..... ............................ ... 16 14 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual ... .. .... ...00.0 ... 0. 17 15 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) .......................... 18 �x Water. Special_Revenue. Fund 16 Balance Sheet ......................... ...... .. ...................... ................... 19 17 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual ...... ........ .. ... .. 20 18 < I* ; Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) .. .... ........ .. .......... 21 ° Sewer S�ecia1-Revenue_Fund 19 Balance Sheet ........................ ..... .......... ............... ................. ... 22 20 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual .. ... ....... ......... 23 21 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) 24 /\Libra =ry Snec gl Revenue Fund_ ` 22 Balance Sheet25 23 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 26 24 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) 27 i �/v rF, a•� SpeciA i Aevsnue�Fun1 M 25 Balance Sheet .................................................. .. 0000...... .... 28 26 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 29 27 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) 30 06?-Lt hting District Fund_. .`--0 28 Balance Sheet .................. .:.`.........................1 ................ . ......... 31 r 29 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 32 r, 30 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) I .. ........................ 33 OW Water District Fund 31 Balance Sheet ....................................................... ................... 34 32 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 35 33 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) ....................... ... 36 TABLE OF CONTENTS \ - , Statement Number /��,,.sf PacA � Fire Protection District Fund 34 Balance Sheet ..................... ............... ...... ......................... ..... .. 37 35 Summary Statement of,Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 38 36 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) 39 /Sewer District Fwd 37 Balance Sheet .....................0... ..............................00........0.0...... 40 38 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 41 39 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) 42 District Fund 40 Balance Sheet . .................. ...... ..... ............ ................................ 43 41 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual 44 42 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) ...... ................... . 45 Ndn cDebt Service.._Fund_ • _�_-- 43 Balance Sheet ....... .. ......... ........................ .................. ..........0... 46 44 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual ... . ..00.... ..0...... 47 45 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) ......................... . 48 ✓Capital Projects Funds 46 Balance Sheet . ..... . ........... 49 47 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual ................ ..... 50 48 / Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) .....0. 0..0..0........... . 51 V Specia]__Assessment Fund 49 Balance Sheet ................ .. ...... ......... ..... ..................... .............. . 52 50 Summary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Budget and Actual ....... ............ .. 53 51 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance (Reserved and Unreserved) ............. ........... .. 54 /it-pt` Internal Service Fund- 52 Balarit­e--Sheet .................. ....................... ............................... .. 55 53 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings 56 54 Statement of Changes in Financial Position ............... 57 Enterprise Fund 55 Balance Sheet .............. ..... .......... ............. .............. .................. 58 . 56 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings .......... ........... .. 60 57 Statement of Changes in Financial Position ............................................ . 61 Trust and Agency Funds 58 Balance Shee ................................................................. ........ . 62 59 Statement of General Fixed Assets ....... ........... .... ............................00.0 63 60 Statement of General Long-Term Debt .................... ... ........... .... ............ .. 64 Notes to Financial Statements ........ ................................................ .. 66 DEBT SECTION Statement of Indebtedness ...... ... ............................. .................. ...... 68 Indebtedness by Purpose ..................................0...0.......... ........ ..... .. 72 Maturity Schedule ........... .............. ........................... ................ .. 73 Page 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Page 3 Schedule Page Number 1 General Fund Detail of Revenues and Expenditures ............... ............ ......................... 75 2 General Fund - Town Outside Village Detail of Revenues and Expenditures .................................................... 85 3 Highway Fund Detail of Revenues and Expenditures .................. ............... ................... 88 Special Revenue Funds Detail of Revenues and Expenditures 4 Community Development ........ ......................................................... 91 5 Federal Revenue ............... ....... ............................. ..... .. ............. 93 • 6 Water .... .......... .. .... ...................... .... ......................... .......... 95 7 Sewer .. ................................................... ........ .................. .. 98 8 Public Library ... .... ................ .......... .... ... ....... ...... . . ........ ......... 101 9 ............................................... .............. 103 Special District Funds Detail of Revenue and Expenditures .......... ................ .... ........0.......... .... 10 Lighting Districts ......... .................................................... ....... 105 11 Water District .... .... ... ............. ....... .......... ........................ ... .... 106 12 Fire Protection Districts .................................... ...... ............ ....... 109 13 Sewer District ............... ....................................................... .. 110 14 Miscellaneous Districts ............................................................. .. 113 15 Debt Service .......................................................................... 115 16 Capital Projects Funds Detail of Revenues, Other Sources and Proceeds of Long-Term Debt .... ................... 116 17 Analysis of Capital Expenditures for Current Year by Administrative Unit 117 Special Assessment Fund • 18 Detail of Revenues and Expenditures ..................................... ............... 118 19 Bank Reconciliation .................. ...................................... ............ 119 20 Real Property Tax Rate, Tax Levy and Uncollected Taxes ............. .......... .......... 120 Certificate of Fiscal Officer ......... ............................................. ..... 121 STATEMENT 1 GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE Page 4 BALANCE SHEET L AS OF ASSETS LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE ` EDP EDP Cash CODE CODE Cash A200 $ Accounts Payable A600 $ Time Deposits A201 /Ssa27s• 6/ Accrued Liabilities A601 Petty Cash A210 Notes Payable Obligations A220 Tax Anticipation A620 $ Tax Anticipation Notes A221 Revenue Anticipation A621 Revenue Anticipation Notes A222 Budget A622 Fiscal Agent A223 Bond Anticipation A626 Total CashF Total Notes Payable $ Other Liabilities - Overpayments A690 _ Investments A450 $ Due to Other Funds A630 IV Due to Taxes Receivable Other Governments A631 $ Current A250 $ School Districts A661 Overdue A260 County Tax Levy A663 School District A290 Total Due to Other Governments $ Pending A300 Bonds and Long-Term Liabilities Tax Sale Certificates A320 Capital Notes A627 $ Property Acquired A330 Bonds A628 Mortgages A331 Bond Interest & Matured Bonds A629 Notes Receivable - Railroads A332 A Total Taxes Receivable $ Total Bonds and Long-Term Liabilities $ , Less: Allow.-Uncollectible Taxes A342 ( ) Total Liabilities Net Taxes Receivable $ Deferred Revenues Deferred Revenues A691 $ Accounts Receivable A380 $ Deferred Tax Revenue A694 Less: Allowance for Receivables A389 ( ) Total Deferred Revenues $ Net Accounts Receivable $ Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances A700 $ Due from Other Funds A391 $ A Excess Dog Control Revenues A872 State and Federal, Receivables A410 $ Total Reserved $ Fund Balance - Unreserved Due from Other Governments A440 $ /99/•Sa Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget A909 $ Unappropriated A909 6/b, 97 Inventory of Materials & Supplies A445 $ Total Unreserved $ Restricted Assets TotgLlg&&Rd�ance (Reserved & $ a's n9a• ,r17 Cash Special Reserves A230 $ Investments Special Reserves A452 Total Restricted Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS A8009 AND FUND BALANCE A8019 $ t The Notes to the Financial Statements are ari ENE5§EHE f this statement. I li ice✓ tATEMENT 2 GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE Page 5 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED • VARIANCE EDP MODIFIED FAVORABLE REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CODE BUDGET ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) Revenues Real Property Taxes $ 9!f/39�1/.o-v $ W398/ $ Rea]. Property Tax Item3 i7-1 R/ Non-Property Tax Items Departmental Income _ 3.2 S-".o-io / 741 G/ /7 7 "'�•3 p� Intergovernmental Charges g g 0-r-4, &-a Use of Money and Property 70 45-0, c a 7 7 7 f F Sp 7139, Licenses and Permits /Soo, o y 7,? 8, 37 Fines and Forfeitures Sale of Property & Compensation for Loss /o ? A-0 Miscellaneous Local Sources A/. Interfund Revenues State Aid a?�L top.F� a?G�8 y7• o/ X377,0/ Federal.Aid Total Revenues $ A& $ / 41 771% 7/ $ S2.5-,Y7 7/ Interfund Transfers A500M Proceeds of Obligations TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES A510M $ /3 y/.? 3/•.-o $ /-Y" 77 8 7/ $ .s'y S 117 7/ Other Appropriated Fund Balance A599M /f 7 yo,S,7s,' Appropriated Reserve A511M Obligations Authorized A530M WTOTAL WENDITURES AND OTHER USES *xpenditures General Government Support $ /v 3G G 7a••?.q $ 61, 2!1 loo 7•,.?, $ Z41 c-o $ 4 37!5 a Public Safety 777/,o-o 79'GG.?• So 3oSo. 5"0` Health 3 ?.''er.ro - 3-Z/S,7o 3i 30 Transportation /74 X711 o o = /7S- 6'4 9'7 9"S /3 Economic Assistance and Opportunity Culture and Recreation Home and Community Services /7o ,373 F'• 79' 7937• SS Employee Benefits / �(3 S,o a a8, F s'o• r. .Y.7, Debt Service (Principal & Interest) Total Expenditures $ $ / /G Interfund Transfers ' �00 A950M 5'S TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES A960M $ / ?'F R G 3 9 k S $ / //2 S c,c�� $ i -?7SSa $ e'' Other Budgetary Purposes A962M TOTAL $ 7V X.r L 3°1• S The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integra statement. STATEMENT 3 GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE >� ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (RESERVE AND UNRESERVED) ` FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED i EDP CODE ' Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year* A8021 Add: Revenues and Other Sources A8022 --_4 l i4v 7 79, 7/ Total A8023 Less: Expenditures and Other Uses A8024 Total Before Adjustments A8025 �7f���o'.�.3 • ADJUSTMENTS Add: Notes paid from Appropriations: Budget Notes Tax Anticipation Notes Revenue Anticipation Notes Other (specify) O Additions Total Notes and Other • Less: �)/ Oth Deductions (specif ) / 9G �u ..eu:l.Gt i ri btu .�� Total Other Deductions $ Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year* A8029 *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 6 i �.-A_MENTV4 Page 7 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE BALANCE SHEET AS OF ASSETS LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE EDP EDP CODE CODE Cash Cash B200 $ /.? Accounts Payable B600 $ Time Deposits B201 /A 9 4 ?7.,fV Accrued Liabilities B601 Petty Cash B210 Notes Payable Obligations B220 Revenue Anticipation B621 $ Revenue Anticipation Notes B222 Budget B622 iscal Agent B223 Bond Anticipation B626 Total Cash $ �-2 9 T yIf•`e Total Notes Payable $ Other Liabilities estments B450 $ Overpayments B690 $ B Accounts Receivable B380 $ B Less: Allowance for Receivables B389 ( ) Total Other Liabilities $ Net Accounts Receivable $ Due to Other Funds B630 Due to Other Governments B631 41 Due from Other Funds B391 $ Bonds and Long-Term Liabilities Bonds B628 $ State and Federal, Receivables B410 $ Bond Interest and Matured Bonds B629 B Due from Other Governments B440 $ Total Bonds and Long-Term Liabilities $ Inventory of Materials and Supplies B445 $ Total Liabilities $ ricted Assets $ Deferred Revenues B691 $ '"'Cash Special Reserves B230 Fund Balance - Reserved vestments Special Reserves B452 Encumbrances B700 $ 8 7o•�o Total Restricted Assets $ Inventory of Materials & Supplies B720 Repairs B882 Total Reserved $ Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget B909 $ Ao-w 0-r o •t Q Unappropriated B909 5-p7p- 4 E Total Unreserved $ Total Fund Balance (Reserved & Unreserved)$ TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS B8009 $ AND FUND BALANCE B8019 The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. STATEMENT 5 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE Page 8 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED VARIANCE EDP MODIFIED FAVORABLE REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CODE BUDGET ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) Revenues Real Property Taxes Real Property Tax Items Non-Property Tax Items Departmental Income 3/Seo.< o s/S�S.4!a d o o/5, V6 Intergovernmental Charges Use of Money and Property //a o-,,0,-c 9 5/6�. / �. G 7� Licenses and Permits .3..?4sa•v� 3 G go ?.!r • Fines and Forfeitures Sale of Property & Compensation for Loss Miscellaneous Local Sources Interfund Revenues State Aid Federal Aid � � Total Revenues $ / 73 y u i¢. 0 $ / rare f 9z. $ / 97 9 — Interfund Transfers B500M Proceeds of Obligations TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES B510M $ /7Z 7G/3,-v $ / 7S 3.P'?Y,(,4 $ /39? L Other Appropriated Fund Balance B599M /-f-s,o0 Appropriated Reserve B511M Obligations Authorized B530M TOTAL $ EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES • Expenditures General Government Support $ �. „ti o $ 3a 5 0 / $ $ 3�'1�6•�9 Public Safety „2 1�e6, OD /.276 306.x : 79.39 9? Health �//Soso 3 Transportation Economic Assistance and Opportunity Culture and Recreation Home and Community Services //3 O/.:�.00 79 7/7�. ,'S 870.ea 9 0/7o.-2j' Employee Benefits Debt Service (Principal & Interest) Total Expenditures $ $ $ $ Interfund Transfers B950M TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES B960M $_/ 99S/77-C ► $ /�{6 43, 70 $ ..� X70•ou $ a?5/ i S'p`a Other Budgetary Purposes B962M TOTAL The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral p statement. f V ! i STATEMENT 6 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (RESERVED AND UNRESERVED) FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED /a/3/ , 8a► EDP CODE Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year* B8021 $ 444 758,70 Add: Revenues and Other Sources B8022 1;S3 S3?4 t Total B8023 Less: Expenditures and Other Uses B8024 1�/( l D«2. 70 Total Before Adjustments B8025 $ /4i 751p,(,< ADJUSTMENTS Add: (specify) $ Total Other Additions $ Less: (specify) $ • Total Other Deductions $ Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year* 88029 $ *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance. The Notes to, the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 9 V R STATEMENT 7 « HIGHWAY FUNDS - BALANCE SHEET AS OF /a,/E// ASSETS LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE EDP EDP CODE CODE Cash Cash D200 $ 30ii9.2o Accounts Payable D600 $ Time Deposits D201 1 ,7g y/. yy Accrued Liabilities D601 --o- Obligations D220 - Notes Payable Revenue Anticipation Notes D222 - Revenue Anticipation D621 $ - o - Fiscal Agent D223 - Budget D622 -�• "- Total Cash $ -vo8 Total Notes Payable $ --- - Investments D450 $ Other Liabilities -' Overpayments D690 $ Accounts Receivable D380 $ - D Less: Allowance for Receivables D389 ( ) D Net Accounts Receivable $ .Vo q, 660.&4 Total Other Liabilties $ �n--- Due from Other Funds D391 $ Due to Other Funds D630 $ -cs-- Due to Other Governments D631 0-- State and Federal, Receivables D410 $ Bonds and Long-Term Liabilities Bonds D628 $ -� Due from Other Governments D440 Bond Interest and Matured Bonds D629 -- D Inventory of Materials and Supplies D445 $ Total Bonds and Long-Term Liabilities $ -� Total Liabilities _o-- __ Restricted Assets _ --- _ Deferred Revenues D691 -� - Cash Special Reserves D230 $ Fund Balance - Reserved Investments Special Reserves D452 Encumbrances D700 Total Restricted Assets $ Inventory of Materials & Supplies D720 —o - Repairs D882 ' -o Highway Capital Projects D902 Go, S-/17. J-o Total Reserved $ 6o, S,z ro Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget D909 $ /,ro- Unappropriated D909 // q4S• 7J Total Unreserved $ /G i, 4 5+'r ?,J- Total Fund Balance (Reserved&Unreserved)$ ,? a, V"5. s� TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS D8009 $ 2 2; f�3'�J AND FUND BALANCE i D8019 $ The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 10 V � z STATEMENT 8 HIGHWAY FUND Page 11 SUHIIUM STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL j FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED VARIANCE EDP MODIFIED FAVORABLE REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CODE BUDGET ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) Revenues Real Property Taxes b o o $ — Real Property Tax Items — Non-Property Tax Items — Departmental Income 1a .So Intergovernmental Charges _ o , 3 93d:c-0- Use of Money and Property 40 p, a a^ u r Licenses and Permits . Fines and Forfeitures Sale of Property & Compensation for Loss Miscellaneous Local Sources Interfund Revenues17.Z�o /o, a v<.� �n ��, 9y9 1,/ 9 9 i State Aid 76. 97 vv 1i99 co a, y96.40 ) FederalAid _ i a o to Total Revenues $ $ $ Interfund Transfers D500M 2.t' q S '79 9,f 2. 7q Proceeds of Obligations TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES D510M $- / (7.,r / 'y•3 t ) Other Appropriated Fund Balance D599M. /97 6X0,06, Appropriated Reserve D511M Obligations Authorized D530M - e — TOTAL OEXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES •Expenditures General Government Support $ $ $ $ Public Safety Health Transportation i is6 033,y6 io�� Economic Assistance and Opportunity Culture and Recreation Home and Community Services Employee Benefits /b 2 c.. o / '{� /�_0 3 z, �l / 0, �r Debt Service (Principal & Interest) �� 2s,aro Total Expenditures $ $—� $ $ Interfund Transfers D950M �Ir TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES D960M $ $ 1 376V/ w7 Other Budgetary Purposes D962M TOTAL X $- �i `�/`/ 'i c'!• 7 4 The Notes to the Financial Statements are an intergral paxt of tirts statement. STATEMENT 9 Pagea12 HIGHWAY FUNDS ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (RESERVED AND UNRESERVED) FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED REPAIR AND SNOW AND TOTAL I ) IMPROVEMENT BRIDGE MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS EDP II CODE II Fund Balance - Beginning II of Fiscal Year* D8021 $ a�5, oro . (� N I I $ /tea.��o �� $ ,��i�• s's� $ 3�, J Y/`' � $ :5,�yu3 .�.'It7 D 3S'o► ,7, o08l.as all, Add: Revenues & Other Sources D8022 .22r f3 kG I I �s�i�?y�G — 0 3�0, `rV'I,-7 1,-3, 3 II Total D8023 $/,S3! a77 7z I I $ 11610.t`o&a -7 $ .�s`r . y $ 3`��, n v o,? $ � II ' Less: Expenditures and tr 4"1,2.2, 3. 7J'1 Other Uses D8024 1. 29Z, a�o,7� �� I I 79&, 9y6,.1 3 --n 33 D r;;,d, �b G 3. d y/ Total Before ^ ur Adjustments D8025 $ a.22,4i3•;?J' ( ) $ ►3 $ II ADJUSTMENTS (Specify) II . II Additions: — II -- II II ,� II II i Deductions: II II II -- II Fund Balance - End r y 9 �� of Fiscal Year* D8029 $ I I $ � 7 $ � �V II ` *Total includes, Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance. . The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. j STATEMENT 10 Page 13 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND ' � I BALANCE SHEET `a �.t 1C .3 AS OF �. i ASSETS LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE EDP EDP CODE CODE wh sh CD200 $ 3�.3�J, AccountPayable CD600 $ s $ Wime Deposits CD201 venue Anticipation Notes CD222 Accrued Liabilities CD601 $ Total Cash $ v ' Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable CD621 $ Investments CD450 $ Due to Other Funds CD630 $ State and Federal, Receivables CD410 $ Total Liabilities $ -- Deferred Revenues CD691 $ Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances CD700 $ CD Total Reserved $ Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated - Ensuing Fiscal Year CD909 $ 3334,o2.S . Unappropriated CD909 Total Unreserved $ Total Fund Balance (Reserved & Unreserved) $ TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS CD8009 $ 3 y,. AND FUND BALANCE CD8019 $ 3 The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. STATEMENT 11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND Page 14 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED �� VARIANCE EDP MODIFIED FAVORABLE REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CODE BUDGET ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) Revenues Departmental Income $ Use of Money and Property Mi see!!&neeu9-Lqea4--Saur,-ees Federal Aid �A 2.-Z Total Revenues Interfund Transfers CD500M TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CD510M Other Appropriated Fund Balance CD599M ?�;� Appropriated Reserves CD511M TOTAL $ 5y .s •s'? i EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Expenditures e,E's ,��3�,�/, sa 33 �"A/. C, �v•3 Home and Community Services �r��2 -7, �' $ $ Total Expenditures $ 5-11 X6-7, ,5--7 I $ $ $ Interfund Transfers CD950M 41511 .00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES CD960M $ I.C7 Other Budgetary Purposes CD962M $ TOTAL The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. i J STATEMENT 12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (RESERVED AND UNRESERVED) FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED EDP CODE I Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year* CD8021 $ Add: Revenues and Other Sources CD8022 • Total CD8023 Oess: Expenditures and Other Uses CD8024 /9/ Y, Total Before Adjustments CD8025 ADJUSTMENTS Add: (specify) $ R Total Other Additions $ r4 Less: (specify) $ • Total Other Deductions $ Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year* CD8029 $ ✓3 l• - � *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. i Page 15 r STATEMENT 13 Page 16 ` FEDERAL REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET AS OF ASSETS LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE EDP EDP CODE CODE Cash • Cash CF200 $ 7(P 4" Accounts Payable CF600 $ Time Deposits CF201 77 715- 7 Revenue Anticipation Notes CF222 Accrued Liabilities CF601 $ Total Cash $ T.5 'P/k' c Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable CF621 $ Investments CF450 $ Total Liabilities $ State and Federal, Receivables CF410 $ f3 P Deferred Revenues CF691 $ Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances CF700 $ /ossa CF Total Reserved $ Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Fiscal Year CF909 $ 0 -,d14 Unappropriated CF909 /S :_— Total Unreserved $ A Total Fund Balance (Reseryed & Unreserved) s P $ ✓ TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS CF8009 $ P/Iwo AND FUND BALANCE CF8019 $ �/� R/ ed The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. i � j STATEMENT 14 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND i SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FbR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED VARIANCE EDP MODIFIED I ) FAVORABLE REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CODE BUDGET ( ) ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) Revenues II Use of Money and Property $ Miscellaneous Local Sources II Federal Aid / Sega o.�o I I /�// /sS,oo Total Revenues $ II �terfund Transfers CF500M I I TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CF510M 75,z 3 $ /d'X' 6, A$ Wer Appropriated Fund Balance CF59911 Appropriated Reserves CF511M II TOTAL $ /3 9 ¢ o I EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Expenditures II General Government Support $ gA PZ" I I $ 36- 7 Public Safety Health it Transportation / a-¢ o - I I Sd.2'11 & 3 fS�o Economic Assist. & Opportunity II Culture and Recreation II Home and Community Services �',�Q.�, I I S8 S�a y Qi'i!y; 7 G Employee Benefits I ) Debt Service (Principal & Interest) II Total Expenditures $ $ $ $ nterfund Transfers CF950M /97/-So-o , /Sa-a-o, oQ y7/S,:oo TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES CF960M $ /3 94• �a $ // .�"�0, 7/ 7 � II Other Budgetary Purposes CF962M $ II TOTAL t t The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 17 g I STATEMENT 15 FEDERAL REVENUE FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (RESERVED AND UNRESERVED) FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED EDP CODE Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year* CF8021 $ Add: Revenues and Other Sources CF8022 /'/0 9 7S. �3 • Total CF8023 $ Less: Expenditures and Other Uses CF8024 //3 S`V6. T/ Total Before Adjustments CF8025 $ f.,Ali P.ea ADJUSTMENTS Add: (specify) y $ Total Other Additions $ Less: (specify) $ $ • Total Other Deductions Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year* CF8029 $ g, /,?.e-0 *Total includes Reserved and UnreservedP ortions of Fund Balance. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 18 SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES ' EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Town Board A1010 Justices A1110 �� ;/r'r. , 4s" �/,�yG�•-�','� /3'/3 9F 4<r/0. 07 Traffic Violations Bureau A1130 Supervisor A1220 9'41/ 'Z4 Director of Finance A1310 Comptroller A1315 Auditor A1320 Budget A1340 Purchasing A1345 Assessment A1355 Tax Collector A1330 eq.:2o a6 �3 �7�.c a rpt`/•.�s f `. r ! %J Clerk A1410 Law A1420 r 9 /, a v?S/6- 9 Personnel A1430 Engineer A1440 /G G o Elections A1450 Board of Ethics A1470 Public Works Administration A1490 11-6 Page 78 4 SCHEDULE 1 Page 77 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUES EDP EDP CODE CODE STATE AID FEDERAL AID Per Capita (Revenue Sharing) A3001 $ /3 95�2�.p� CETA - Title II A4721 $ Mortgage Tax A3005 Title III A4731 Loss of Railroad Tax Revenue A3007 Title IV A4741 Tax Abatements A3015 Title VI A4761 cotics Control A3484 Title VII A4771 g Aging ram for A in A3772 Title VIII A4781 reation for the Elderly A3801 f,Sa Programs for Aging A4772 uth Projects A3820 Total $ Total Revenues $ /'7/f-o 77 7/ Total =7 O/ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Interfund Transfers A5031 $ TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES A6000 $ / 00 77' 7/ ** *Transfer to Statement 2 **Transfer to Statements 2 and 3 • • SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUES EDP EDP CODE CODE USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Interest and Earnings A2401 $ 7,4 977d 1 Sales of Scrap and Rental of Real Property A2410 Excess Materials A2650 $ o? 5��?�7 S Rental of Real Property, Sale of Refuse for Other Governments A2412 Recycling A2651 Rental of Equipment, Minor Sales, Other A2655 Other Governments ! A2416 757,/.9' Sales of ,Real Property A2660 Commissions A2450 14 3,F8 Sales of Equipment A2665 Total $ 7Z 778,S7 Insurance Recoveries A2680 m7i,/tf A2690 /x6.86 LICENSES AND PERMITS Total $ ayt�I„?,yr ad Business and Occupational MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Licenses A2501 $ Refunds of Prior Years Game of Chance Licenses A2530 Expenditures A2701 $ Bingo Licenses A2540 ;?4 03 Gifts and Donations A2705 Dog Licenses A2544 /6 a 9 q9 Endowment and Trust Fund Licenses, Other A2545 Income A2755 Building Permits A2555 CETA-Title II A2762 Permits, Other A2590 /o 173..y-r Title III A2763 Total $ 029 7„?8 3T Title IV A2764 FINES AND FORFEITURES Title VI A2766 Fines and Forfeited Bail A2610 $ /.? /6 S, IS' Title VII A2767 Fines and Penalties Dog Cases A2611 _ 7ao, oo Title VIII A2768 . Forfeiture of Deposits A2620 /37, S'O l TN a/ve.,WSZ, A2770 Total ,3 3,.7Total INTERFUND REVENUES Interfund Revenues A2801 $ Page 76 y SCHEDULE 1 Page 75 GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE DETAIL OF REVENUE EDP EDP CODE CODE REAL PROPERTY TAXES A1001 $ 9{3 9��.� DEPARTMENTAL INCOME - Carried Forward $ Repayments of Burials A1848 REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Park and Recreation Charges A2001 Gain form Sale of Tax Acquired Recreation Concessions A2012 Properties A1051 Special Recreational Facility Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1080 Charges A2025 Other Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1081 Contribution form Private Agency *Settlement of Railroad Taxes A1082 for Youth A2070 Interest and Penalties A1090- / /r.S.A Zoning Fees A2110 Total Real Property Tax Items $ 1.3/Z .21 Planning Board Fees A2115 Refuse and Garbage Charges A2130 NON-PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Charges for Cemetery Services A2192 Sales Tax A1120 $ Franchises A1170 Total Non-Property Tax Items $ DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Total $ /0�7 4 4, G/ Supervisor (or Comptroller) Fees A1230 $ _ Town Clerk Fees A1255 1900..S4_, INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES Police Fees A1520 Tax and Assessment Services A2210 $ o?Y,7/ So Public Pound-Dog Control Fees A1550 Dog Control Services A2268 Safety Inspection Fees A1560 Public Works Services A2300 Health Fees A1601 Other Economic Assistance and *Ambulance Charges A1640 Opportunity Services A2349 Public Works Services A1710 Youth Recreation Services A2350 Parking Lots and Garages A1720 Refuse and Garbage Services A2376 On Street Parking Meter Fees A1740 Repayments of Home Relief A1840 #197- 7�t3,7,f Total $ r?'171, X-0 STATEMENT 28 Page 1-101 (continued) MATURITY SCHEDULE BONDS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR ICODE I I I I I Amount of Principal Re- I 1$ 1$ 1$ I$ I$ deemed in or to be Re- deemed in Fiscal Year I ( I I I I Ending In PLEASE INSERT YEARS-LAST TWO I I I I I DIGITS ONLY: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I ! I I i Total .1$ 9J`° �, dv 1$ is /ocra is, I$ �TATEMENT 28 MATURITY SCHEDULE BONDS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR EDP CODE I I I I I PURPOSE OF ISSUE I�A' CA I �ficsr/ n�� 1 I 1 FOR A. & C. USE ONLY I CE 1100.00 .001100.00 .001100.00 .001100.00 .001100.00 .00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL I PRI �9. a-o-o.o-o I S7a-�-c� .�o I /0.�6�-0 • I DATE OF ISSUE* i DTI 03 /-zy /8z 92 I /2/ 07 /9•ZLNTEKLSI RATE (In Decimals) I PC 8.73 I Gaa I I MONTH, DAY and YEAR I OF FINAL MATURITY I DM 1 63 /aye IA-7 1 87 1 1A /07 /V, Amount of Principal Re- I V'J 1$ /9P-a-a. 1$ 1$ 1$ I S deemed in or to be Re- deemed in Fiscal Year ( �`� I /9�` '-'�•O`'y I /�'� I I I Ending in (PLEASE INSERT YEARS-LAST 1 b� I /y •.c-;: ( �f ��r z�: . I r �a�. ,�. mac, I 1 TWO DIGITS ONLY) i Continue I I I I I I on Reverse Side I i *PLEASE INSERT SIX DIGITS, FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1 , 1981 , SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01/01/81 . NOTE: If two or more purposes are combined in a consolidated issue, show the maturity schedule for each purpose. Page �3 4 STATEMENT 27 Page INDEBTEDNESS BY PURPOSE FOR CAPITAL NOTES AND -BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES i l EDP I Dateo Code I Exempt I Issue orl Outstanding I BREAKDOWN OF OUTSTANDING BALANCE BY PURPOSE Audit and I From I Latest I End of IGeneral I Water I Sewer I Highway I Revenue rouc ng Control Use I Debt I Renewal I Fiscal Year I sNN.r9�..✓ I Only I Limit* I Mo / Yr I I A I F I G ( D I C I A/6 N° i r., //j //a i °3/.-A I ya�•ro . i /Vo i 103/8 I S�e-•-a I ys>°fl. I����r�.� -i I I s7-.lQ. �nI �I IF ISSUE IS EXEMPT FROM DEBT LIMIT WRITE YES IF NOT EXEMPT WRITE "NO". \ � r STATEMENT 26 (continued) STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS NOT EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT IMonthlCurrent I outstanding I Do Notnc u e Renewals Here I Outstanding I Final List By Purpose IEDP I And IInterestl Beginning of lIssued During I Paid ring I End Of I Maturity ICodelYear*I Rate I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year i Fiscal Year I Date i T I P 1 1 i 3 I 5 I 7 Bonds: (Complete Statement 28 for each issue listed below) Total Bonds 18771 . a e oru oriy oans I 879 j TOTAL 0 ALL •�L4i INDEBTEDNESS Please note callable features of bond issues and any reserve funds available to pay debt (include also in the Notes to Financial Statements) . I i *ON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS. FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1981 SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01/81. Page 1-9 A INDEBTEDNESS BY PURPOSE Page 72 FOR CAPITAL NOTES AND BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES EDP Date of Code I BREAKDOWN OF OUTSTANDING BALANCE BY PURPOSE I Exempt . I Issue or Audit and I General I water I Sewer I Highway I Revenue Producing I From I Latest Control Use I I I I I I Debt I Renewal only I A I F ( G I D I C I Limit* I Mo / Yr I I I I *IF ISSUE IS EXEMPT FROM DEBT LIMIT WRITE "YES", IF NOT EXEMPT WRITE "NO". . �+► STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS NOT EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT IMonthlcurrent I Outstanding I Do Not Include Renewals Here I Outstanding I Final List By Purpose JEDP I And (Interest Beginning of jIssued During I Paid During I End Of I Maturity jCodejYear*j Rate I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Date T P 1 3 5 7 Bonds: (Complete Page 73 for each issue listed below) Total Bonds 1 8771 1 State or Authority Loans 1 8791 1 1 TOTAL OF ALL I I I I INDEBTEDNESS 1 8241 i I /39Y". cam► ( Please note callable features of bond issues and any reserve funds available to pay debt (include also in the Notes to Financial Statements) . *ON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. (o� PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS. FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1981 SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01/81. Page 2M 1 v� STATEMENT 26 (continued) STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS WATER AND OTHER PURPOSES EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT iminthfuurrent I outstanding I Do Not include Renewals Here I Uutstanaing Ina List Separately By [EDP I And IInterestl Beginning of jIssued During I Paiduring I End of I Maturity Date Of Issue ICodelYear*I Rate I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Date I I T I P 1 1 i 3 i 5 I 7 I 13ond Anticipation Notes: (Complete Statement 27 for each issue listed below) [Y I / I i I I I IY I / I i I I I I IY I / I I I I I I lY I / I I I I I I IY I / I I I I I I IY I / I IY I / I Total Bond Anticipation Notesl 866 ( I I I ans Redeemed From Bond Proceeds 1888 JFEW Bonds Is y purpose (Complete Statement 28 for each issue listed below) Total Bonds 1867 ? v I ( I C Authori ty Loans 1869w *ON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1981 SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01/81 . Page 1-96 STATEMENT 26 Page$S3 (continued) STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS \� IODEBTEDNESS NOT EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT n urrent -!-Tutstanding I Do Not Include Renewals Here I Outstanding I Final 'List Separately By IEDP I And IInterestl Beginning of lissued During I Paiduring I End of I Maturity Date Of Issue ICodelYear*I Rate I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Fiscal Year I Date I I T I P I 1 I 3 1 5 I 7 I Capital Notes (Complete Statement 27 for each issue listed below) Ix I / I I I I I I ix I / I I I Ix I / I Ix I Ix . I / I I I I I I Total api Notes 875 I I I I I I I Bond n icipa ion s: (Complete Statement 27 for each issue listed below) o1AI otic IY I lPo 1 74S 1 -1/P", I I 119,v6Fik4- IY 1d-5lV.I 'r,6-r I s-;, -oI I Esc-•�o. .o I a. � �. I G3�� Y Fy�,c� IY I /`d/I P, s' I c�o ,ao I I /•s"Gsa, a� I G ���a, col asst 3 /rINA f/t"C - fcIllra°: I Y I /8zl Y45, I I SP-o-•o, u-o I I ,s a—e. -cel ��I3 I-Re Ar e-N b r,,C ,C nN-N 41 A' I Y I'1/v( 3 I I �'7o-ao. ago I I 5-7w e r,.on I Y I %,Cz I Gas I I I le s a-O-o, czi IY I / I I I I I I IY I / I I I I I I IY I / I I I I I I Total on Anticipation Notes 1 876 1 .3gao-o,�a 131, Al 6, .ee, S Redeemed From ,. >: A < Bond Proceeds 1888 *ON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS. FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1981 SHOULD BE SHOWN AS 01/81 . STATEMENT 60 GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT EDP EDP ASSETS CODE LIABILITIES CODE Amount Available in Debt Service Fund W 120 $ Capital Notes Payable W-627 $ Provision to be Made in Bond Payable W 628 Future Budgets for Capital Indebtedness W 125 Due to Other Governments W 631 TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE AND Installment Purchase Debt W 685 TO BE PROVIDED IN FUTURE BUDGETS $ Other Long-Term Debt W 689 TOTAL LIABILITIES W8012 $ s ' *Do not include Long-Term Debt of Proprietary Funds or Special Assessment Funds. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 64 j I . , STATEMENT 59 Page 63 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNTS* EDP EDP ASSETS CODE INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS CODE •Land K101 $ Bonds and Notes K151 Buildings K102 /ys� Ilya.%G; Current Appropriations K152 Improvements Other Gifts K153 Than Buildings K103 State Aid K156 Machinery and Equipment X104 Federal Aid K157 Construction Work in Progress X105 Other (Specify) . TAS ST fArS 0a��fr. r/X&o /`;Ari"' K158 /G 1/ 7 '• TOTAL INVESTMENT IN TOTAL ASSETS K8009 $ ^� rO �-� '�ig GENERAL FIXED ASSETS K8019 *Should not include Fixed Assets of Proprietary Funds. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. STATEMENT 58 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BALANCE SHEET AS OF , ASSETS DO NOT 7 AGENCY FUND LIABILITIES DO NOT IKEY ENTERI IKEY ENTERI I I I I CASH I I $ 3 71,f 8 Consolidated Payroll I T10 I $ Cash IT200I State Retirement System I T18 1 ,5, 36. 94 Time Deposits IT201I 7li Group Insurance I T20 I Total I $ y�o 6 v . 76 State Income Tax I T21 I Federal Income Tax I T22 INVESTMENTS I I Income Executions I T23 I Associations and Union Dues I T24 I Securities & Mortgages IT455I $ U.S. Savings Bonds I T25 I I I Social Security Taxes I T26 Accrued Interest on I I N.Y. City Income Tax I T28 I Securities IT456I Guaranty and Bid Deposits I T30 I I Street Opening Deposits I T31 1 Personal Property IT457I Tax Redemption I T40 I I I Joint Tax Liens I T41 Real Property IT458I Receivers Fund I T42 I I I Receivers Operating Fund I T43 I Total ( $ Surplus from Tax Sales I T44 I Foreign Fire Insurance I T50 i RESTRICTED ASSETS I I Sale of Unclaimed Propertys r�� I _T5 I �So•�a I I Total Agency Funds c ( I $7-6 _143 Cash Special Reserves IT230I $ FUND BALANCE I I I I Expendable Trusts I I Investments Special Reserves IT452I Local Firemens Pension Fund I Tll I $ I I Local Police Pension Fund I T12 i I I Workers Compensation Reserve I T14 I _� Total I $ y`foG o 7` Unemployment Insurance Reserve T15 Park Land Deposits T37 Cemetery Lot Fund ( T90 i Library Trust Fund I T91 I Other (Specify) I I Z I 793.17 Total Expendable Trust I I $ `74/„ 7_5,5- Non-Expendable . 5,5-Non-Expendable Trusts I I Cemetery Lot Fund ( T95 I $ Library Trust Fund` I T96 I i Other (Specify) Total ExpendableiTrust I I $ TOTAL ASSETS $ Total Fund Balance (Expendable & Non-Expendable) The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. P — STATEMENT 57 COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ENTERPRISE FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED , 1 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Sources of Working Capital: TOTAL Operations: Net Income $ $ $ $ Items not Requiring Working Capital Depreciation Working Capital Provided by Operations $ $ $ $ Cash from Long-Term Obligations (Capital Notes, Bonds, etc.) Contributions; Federal, State Local, and Other Sales of Non Current Assets Total Sources of Working Capital $ $ $ $ Uses of Working Capital: Capital Outlay I Retirement of Long-Term Obligations (Capital Notes, Bonds, etc.) Increase in Current Portion of Long Term Debt Other Total Use of Working Capital Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital $ $ $ $ *Net Changes in Account Balances Effecting Working Capital (Decreases) Cash $ $ $ $ Investments Net Accounts Receivable Due From Other Funds Inventory of Materials and Supplies Prepaid Expenses Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital $ $ $ $ The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 61 i STATEMENT 51 Page 54 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (RESERV D AND UNRESERVED) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED EDP j Code Fund Balance, Beginning of Fiscal Year* P8021 Prior Period Adjustments (Specify) : Fund Balance, Beginning of Fiscal Year Restated $ Add: r Revenues and Other Sources P8022 0-0 Total P8023 $ J�e7R.o-o Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses P8024 9�172.o�i Total Before Adjustments P8025 $ s/1T Qa Adjustments: Add (Specify) : Total Other Additions $ Deduct (Specify): i Total Other Deductions $ Fund Balance, End of Fiscal Year* P8029 $ ° i *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 4 �' STATEMENT 50 • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED VARIANCE EDP MODIFIED ACTUAL FAVORABLE REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CODE BUDGET PRIOR YEARS CURRENT YEAR ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) Revenues Real Property Tax Items Use of Money and Property Miscellaneous Local Sources -- State Aid •Federal Aid Total Revenue $ Interfund Transfers P500M Proceeds of Obligations TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES P510M $ 3 ��•v � � $ $ 3 %�•�' $ '— �' EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES n i ures E e d t xp General Government Support $ $ Public Safety Health ( � Transportation — 7a.ot, ( 3 h�72• ^ a Economic Assistance and Opportunity dulture and Recreation ome and Community Services Debt Service (Principal & Interest) � ) Total Expenditures Interfund Transfers P950M TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES P960M The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 53 STATEMENT 49Page 52 _ - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND FOR XQa Zkl71,64 •q''tWC4r X.r- BALANCE SIJEET AS OF ASSETS LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE , EDP EDP CODE CODE Cash Cash P200 $ Accounts Payable P600 $ Time Deposits P201 Tax Anticipation Notes P221 Accrued Liabilities P601 $ Fiscal Agent P223 Total Cash $ Retained Percentages P605 $ Notes Payable Investments P450 $ Tax Anticipation P620 $ Bond Anticipation P626 Other Receivables Total Notes Payable $ 3a�•e, ,o Assessment Receivable Other Liabilities Current P370 $ Interest Payable P625 $ X 7A Deferred P371 3�7.Z.ra Overpayments P690 Municipality Share, Current P372 Total Other Liabilities $ 0?7.2,ro Municipality Share, Deferred P373 Total Other Receivables $ Due to Other Funds P630 $ Bonds and Long-Term Liabilities t Due from Other Funds P391 Capital Notes P627 $ Bonds P628 Bond Interest & Matured Bonds P629 P Total Bonds and Long-Tenn Liabilities $ Total Liabilities Deferred Revenues P691 $ Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances P700 $ P Total Reserved $ Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget P909 $ Unappropriated P909 Total Unreserved $ Total Fund Balancel (Reserved & Unreserved) $ TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS P8009 $ AND FUND BALANCE P8019 The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. s ' CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND -i /J. O. ' COMBINED ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE RESERVED AND UNRESERVED #, FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED ��/ , 8AJ EDP CODE rL-i Balance, Beginning of Fiscal Year* H8021 $ / 33 0!,y prior Period Adjustments (Specify) : y. (4/3--00 ) Fund Balance, Beginning of Fiscal Year Restated $ ( / 3' '.5- 7 , Add: Revenues and Other Sources H8022 Total H8023 $ Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses H8024 Total Before Adjustments H8025 $ (12 A 7 SS- Sf?� Adjustments Add (Specify) : Total Other Additions $ Deduct (Specify): Total Other Deductions $ Fund Balance, End of Fiscal Year* H8029 $ l .327 8S%, y13 *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. z Page 51 STATEMENT 47 Page CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS T S SUMMARY StATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED /lf3/ re ACTUAL VARIANCL EDP MODIFIED PRIOR CURRENT FAVORKBLt REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES Code BUDGET YEARS YEAR ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLY Revenues 1 ) Departmental Income $ 0a I 1 $ $ /s 77.? Use of Money and Property 3 37�,od ?99 83 ` Miscellaneous Local Sources I ) State Aid / 7o 706 ( { a376'0, ry 7lo ?�/9,.?•0/ Federal Aid — II f Total Revenues H510M $ 73.83 $ /3rf,?S8,(� Interfund Transfers H500M YS3 6 33 11 .-6-9' 7 79, /0 30 RS.�3 Proceeds of Obligations H570M II II TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ AI ��O.33 $_ -? 9.5?.9 3 $ /(��S3•�S $ �yG 9 %S/,�?7S� Other { { Appropriated Reserve 11 TOTAL $ 7� S��•33 * 1 I ii EXPENDITURES AMD OTHER USES II it Expenditures 1 ) General Government Support $ 11 $ $ $ $ ublic Safety 919 73e,4,r,-I �ealth Transportation , . , .. 779.14 97 ilfl•.�lr j Economic Assistance & Opportunity I ) Culture and Recreation 11 Home and Community Services a75' Sd,00 1 { VO4 80 /772-2y 03 Total Expenditures $ I { $ $ $ $ . Interfund Transfers H950M 1 { TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES H960M $ .Z/7s�p,33 * 11O 11 $ $ 343'f �, II *These amounts must agree / q�3 75/l The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. [ 208 'f 3� ! � /W '. pw-- Pagee 49 rr. ' CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND V D b COMBINED BALANCE SHEET AS OF LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE EDP EDP CODE CODE Cash Accounts Payable H600 $ Cash H2O0 $ /.�f��'�.y�S- Accrued Liabilities H601 $ Time Deposits H2O1 Notes Payable • Revenue Anticipation Notes H222 Revenue Anticipation Notes H621 $ Total Cash $ /34/F,-', yC Bond Anticipation Notes H626 24/ Total Notes Payable $ _F,. Investments H450 $ Other Liabilities Retained Percentages H605 $ Due from Other Funds H391 $ Earnings on Investments H850 Premium on Securities H851 Deposits with Other Governments H395 $ Accrued Interest on Securities H852 Total Other Liabilities $ State and Federal, Receivables H410 $ 91-1-4!57,97 Due to Other Funds kol4d-+ H630 $ Due to Other Governments H631 $ Total Liabilities $ Deferred Revenues H691 $ Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances H700 $ Capital Reserve Balances H878 Total Reserved $ Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget H909 Unappropriated H909 i Total Unreserved $ Total Fund Balance (Reserved & Unreserved) $ TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES TOTAL ASSETS H8009 $ 5t�999 ��, AND FUND BALANCE H8019 $ ��999• 'f The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. r 6 t STATEMENT 27 U. . rd-.r, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND , ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (Reserved and Unreserved) FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED EDP CODE Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year* C8021 $ a 3 7? ✓ o Add: Revenues and Other Sources C8022 1;?!, 2G,` Total C8023 $ 3 i G �" 21 I Less: Expenditures and Other Uses C8024 / 36� 7 a Total Before Adjustments C8025 $ y ' Y ADJUSTMENTS Add: (Specify) $ Total Other Additions Less: (Specify) $ Total Other Deductions Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year* C8029 $ ig�, s-tif *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 30 i Y STATEMENT 26 A, SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Page 29 + SUMMARY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FbR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED VARIANCE EDP MODIFIED II FAVORABLE REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CODE BUDGET II ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES (UNFAVORABLE) Revenues II Real Property Taxes $ II $ $ Other Tax Items II Departmental Income fig, ,q.6r, I I a6, �,s y, /8 !'stir- �YL ( � Igo• gz) Intergovernmental Charges II Use of Money and Property — o --- Sale of Property and Compensation ( ) for Loss S, r-FeiK Cr4 . • Miscellaneous Local Sources Interfund Revenues State Aid II Federal Aid II Total Revenues $ ) I , (,-I- I I $ /2 9 :z l: r $ /3, �.s-i, 72 II Interfund Transfers C500M I I Proceeds of Obligations II TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES C510M $ 1 1(, /!rJ.d I $ Id 9 "'s-7 0 7 OTHER Appropriated Fund Balance C599M Appropriated Reserve C511M Obligations Authorized C530M - II TOTAL $ n II EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Expenditures II General Government Support $ - o — II $ iPublic Safety — I ) Health II Transportation II Economic Assist. & Opportunity /in //7, c' I I 12$4, ks Culture and Recreation II Home and Community Services II Employee Benefits 6, ° ao I I s"ee- Debt Service (Principal & .Interest) II - Total Expenditures $ 1 ,i rr0I $ $ $ - Interfund Transfers C950M -6- TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES C960M $ I l 1 I $ / (.G `'" $ - G— $ Other Budgetary Purposes C962H G II TOTAL /l�,, , . 7.c'd Thi Notto the Financial Statements are an inte.,— .1--e -_ �Notes _____ atement. o .�t-i 3 _ •Sfo fir• �v ' , STATEMENT 25 �; �3 rr� SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Page 28 -1/,_____ BALANCE SHEET AS OF , . ASSETS - LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE j' EDP f71-e- 6Te} ?: [. is; 6��, �n CODE ��yo neo . 7l G�,�b CODE Cash Cash C200 $ } �z.J'o Accounts Payable C600 $ �'r3•�/G Time Deposits C201 Petty Cash C210 Accrued Liabilities C601 $ "'Jl3d6 Budget Notes C220 Revenue Anticipation Notes C222 Notes Payable Fiscal Agent C223 Revenue Anticipation 0621 $ Total Cash Budget C622 Total Notes Payable $ -4---- Investments C450 $ "— Other Liabilities - Overpayments C690 $ >' Accounts Receivable C380 $ Less Allowances for Receivables C389 ( ) Due to Other Funds C630 Net Accounts Receivable $ Due to Other Governments C631 Due from Other Funds C391 $ State and Federal, Receivables C410 Total Liabilities Due from Other Governments C440 $ Deferred Revenues C691 Inventory of Materials & Supplies C445 $ �- Fund Balance - Reserved Restricted Assets Encumbrances C700 $ Cash Special Reserves 0230 $ Inventory of Materials & Supplies C720 Investments Special Reserves C452 Repairs C882 --� Total Restricted Assets $ 4, Total Reserved $ Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget C909 Unappropriated C909 -- Total Unreserved $ `16 ` - Total Fund Balance (Reserved & Unreserved) $ 991i �r TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED REVENUES J TOTAL ASSETS C8009 $ `� AND FUND BALANCE '; C8019 $ -7b The Notes to the Financial Statements are an Integrai part of this statement. STATEMENT 24 PUBLIC LIBRARY SPECIAL REVENUE FUND OALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (Reserved and Unreserved) t FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED 01 EDP CODE Fund Balance Beginning of Fiscal Year* L8021 $ Add: Revenues and Other Sources L8022 Total L8023 $ Less: Expenditures and Other Uses L8024 Total Before Adjustments $ ADJUSTMENTS Add: (Specify) $ Total Other Additions Less: (Specify) $ Total Other Deductions Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year* - L8029 $ *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved portions of Fund Balance. The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 27 SCHEDULE 1 ` Page 79 a GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES . EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT (Cont'd) Buildings A1620 I„?7,1,s;,' fir, s'a 1�"5/79a 3a Central Garage A1640 Central Communication System A1650 Central Storeroom A1660 Central Printing and Mailing A1670 Central Data Processing A1680 Unallocated Insurance A1910 • 7e 9'y.2 117o Municipal Association Dues A1920 Judgments and Claims A1930 Purchase of Land A1940 Taxes and Assessments A1950 Total $ G.zq G07,4* f -7 3757.03 $ -700 94, *Transfer to Statement 2 SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE. TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP 0 1 2 4 8 PUBLIC SAFETY CODE Public Safety Administration A3010 $ $ $ $ $ Communication System A3020 Police A3120 33'?70.9/ 3.3 2.?_4 1/ 7yC.z 7 Jail A3150 0 Traffic Control A3310 1:5.Z 3 k.83 ff3 On-Street Parking A3320 Fire Fighting A3410 Control of Dogs A3510 ,�,�ksg%r/ .3,3f,�3 •�/ Control of Other Animals- A3520 Include Bounties ,C, wl"• Z�36/a /y;o v-v / 6a.a o Safety Inspection A3620 Civil Defense ,A3640 37,,r Demolition of Unsafe Buildings A3650 Total $ 7'I/GG.2•J'� * $ 36 $ $ !�/r�3� �� $ 40HEALTH Public Health A4010 $ r 7d $ $ $ S",7,1 $ Registrar of Vital Statics A4020 Narcotic Guidance Council A4210 Joint Hospital A4525 Ambulance A4540 i + Total 3�/P7G * $ $ $ 32/x. 7- $ - rans@er to Statement 2 ____- -- -- Page 80 ---------- ------------ SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES Page 81 EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 TRANSPORTATION Superintendent of Highways A5010 $ Z ls,Sr_ry $ $ $ Garage A5132 Street Lighting A5182 , Sidewalks A5410 Off-Street Parking A5650 Total ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY Administration A6010 $ $ $ $ $ Home Relief A6140 CETA -'Administration A6210 Title II A6220 Title III A6230 Title IV A6240 Title VI A6260 Title VII A6270 Title VIII A6280 Publicity A6410 3��'.:.,iP .36S.? ,Fs- Veterans Services A6510 �i�o.c n �iia,�o Programs for Aging A6772 Total h'Vz� S/ $ Transfer to Statement 2 SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES T EQUIPMENT ` PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS _ EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 CULTURE AND RECREATION Parks A7110 Playgrounds and Recreation Centers A7140 Joint Recreation Projects A7145 k,e-, Pte_ , Special Recreational Facilities A7180 k's? 7 /6a 3t�.9z Youth Programs A7310 Joint Youth Project A7320 /a 96 P. ,? 1 /05;711k: .33 Library (Other than Town) A7410 Museum A7450 Historian A7510 /1/?5�I n/g9 9-' ''`1�� 7779o,?Z Historical Property A7520 / , cQ jA ' Celebrations A7550d odult Recreation A7620 Total $ /`S` Page 82 ransfir to Statement 2 SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES Page 83 ( EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Zoning A8010 $ $ $ $ $ Planning A8020 Joint Planning A8025 Refuse and Garbage A8160 Community Beautification A8510 Drainage A8540 Conservation Programs A8710 General Natural Resources A8790 Cemeteries A8810 Total /�� 3 SSG,8� * $ /°� 1`74'A/ $ Jr8 79'0,69 *Transfer to Statement 2 SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES ' EDP EDP CODE CODE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEBT INTEREST State Retirement A9010.8 $ 7 7.Z,., - Serial Bonds A9710.7 $ Fire and Police Retirement A9015.8 Statutory Bonds A9720.7 Social Security A9030.8 Bond Anticipation Notes A9730.7 Worker's Compensation A9040.8 3 /.0 2 Capital Notes A9740.7 Life Insurance A9045.8 Budget Nates A9750.7 Unemployment Insurance A9050.8 Tax Anticipation Notes A9760.7 4isability Insurance A9055.8 Revenue Anticipation Notes A9770.7 Hospital and Medical Insurance A9060.8 �S 3 2 9.p 3 Installment Purchase Debt A9785.7 State Loans A9790.7 � y Total $ 9..5'd.-le * Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ DEBT PRINCIPAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS Serial Bonds A9710.6 $ Other Funds A9901.9 $ Statutory Bonds A9720.6 Capital Projects Fund A9950.9 Bond Anticipation Notes A9730.6 Contributions to Other Funds A9961.9 pital Notes A9740.6 Budget Notes A9750.6 Tax Anticipation Notes A9760.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes A9770.6 [nstallment Purchase Debt A9785.6 Total $ HA; .Z ke.aq * "0 tate Loans A9790.6 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES A9999.0 $ �6�,` .0 9 ** *Transfer to Statement 2 **Transfer to Statements 2 and 3 Page 84 K � x SCHEDULE 2 Page 87 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES EDP EDP CODE CODE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEBT PRINCIPAL State Retirement B9010.8 $ Serial Bonds B9710.6 $ Fire and Police Retirement 89015.8 .S p�3,0 o Statutory Bonds B9720.6 Social Security B9030.8 7,? f7�3-7 Bond Anticipation Notes B9730.6 Workers' Compensation 89040.8 4 7 73, �1� Capital Notes 89740.6 Life Insurance B9045.8 Budget Notes B9750.6 Unemployment Insurance B9050.8 Tax Anticipation Notes B9760.6 s Disability Insurance B9055.8 Installment Purchase Debt 89785.6 Hospital and Medical Insurance B9060.87; r fa. /o State Loans B9790.6 Total $ y � % * DEBT INTEREST Serial Bonds B9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds B9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes B9730.7 Capital Notes B9740.7 Budget Notes B9750.7 Tax Anticipation Notes 89760.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes B9770.7 Installment Purchase Debt B9785.7 State Loans B9790.7 Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES INTERFUND TRANSFERS Other Funds B9901.9 $ Capital Projects Fund 89950.9 Contributions to Other Funds B9961.9 Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 89999.0 $ * ' ae ert�oS €a ements 5 and 6 �- SCHEDULE 3 HIGHWAY FUNDS - DETAIL OF REVENUES REPAIR AND SNOW AND EDP ! TOTAL Ji IMPROVEMENT BRIDGE MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS CODE i II . REAL PROPERTY TAXES D1001 $ l„8 2'f /2f �' ( ($ G�lO6,70 a•U,► $ ` a " $ $ �� ��fl•/`� NON-PROPERTY TAX ITEMS ) ) Sales Tax Distribution JJ by County D1120 $ II $ $ $ $ ! I INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES iJ Public Work Services D2300 $ II $ Snow Removal Services D2302 ( ) Total II USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY II _ Interest and Earnings D2401 $ 9/,a V1. 9 5/ Rental of Equipment - ( ) Other Governments D2416 II � g ��f I I age 3 �� D/06 II Total $ 9'/ ?�o,V I I $ sss. 034 +fb $ —o – $ i $ r&; 3 Is-If. jy II MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES II C'Pngr2 $ 3�3,ros J ) $ 393,�'0� $ $ $ II INTERFUND REVENUES ) ) Interfund Revenues D2801 $ .?b., �' 9.r� i J $ a 71V Ce $ II STATE AID II Consolidated Highway Aid D3501 $ O91.24� I I $ 770&/,.�s" ��t,c►s 1 e nT OF 71A,•+sj2u17-, ,r Total tel— I I $ 119 42� II FEDERAL AID JJ ! I Total v i l $ ra, &,.-o. ,gin Total Revenues $ /4.2?b.a33.3:2 * ( $&{z SEC- INTERFUND TRANSFERS Interfund Transfers D5031 +, I ! COTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES D6000 - 3,o rvv � q.3 Transfer to Statement 8 Page 88 FTransfer to Statements 8 and 9 SCHEDULE 3 HIGHWAY FUNDS - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES 1 "I,.SE3.5g REPAIR AND (,°b• 3 SNOW AND EDP TOTAL II IMPROVEMENT BRIDGE MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CODE II State Retirement D9010.8 $ 7�/p(��/ I I $ �, 7yy 7�! $ -a-- $ $ Social Security D9030.8 39, Workers' Compensation D9040.8 �, 7r-?84 I I /o, fob• /3 a?9.39 /x'03,3.3 Unemployment Insurance D9050.8 II Disability Insurance D9055.8 — II Hospital/Medical .Ins. D9060.8 Sg 7io �� I I y6, 076 3 1 - //. 4.� 6. 17 0SE,4 U✓eLr,,iRe ru, t D9019.P '7 917,r, II T97i/, 7y 33 ? 30 II Total 30, 11,13,t2, -v - 3.- DEBT 8DEBT PRINCIPAL II Serial Bonds D9710.6 $ - II $ $ $ $ Statutory Installment II Bonds D9720.6 II Bond Anticipation Notes D9730.6 /S, (,p o • o^o I I - /.f;60e, uo Capital Notes D9740:6 II j Budget Notes D9750.6 II Installment Pur. Debt D9785.6 II II DEBT INTEREST II Serial Bonds D9710.7 II Statutory Installment II Bonds D9720.7 II Bond Anticipation Notes D9730.7 (, ��S. 0-0 Capital Notes D9740.7 II Budget Notes D9750.7 II Installment Pur. Debt* D9785.7 II II Total $ II $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures $1„2kA 79-140* 305! X77 49 $ /63, 09 �• w/ INTERFUND TRANSFERS II Transfer to Other Funds D9901.9 a,%CI'S • `' I I �S; 9e'=t �5 Transfer to Capital II Projects Fund D9950.9 II _ Total $ /�7 * 6 .a, 0 '1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & II OTHER USES D9999.0 6 $ /63 D 93, 1/r a, 7,� a *Transfer to Statement 8 Page 90 **Transfer to Statements 8 and 9 SCHEDULE 2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Unallocated Insurance B1910 $ Total $ o�0 3. y/ * $ $ $ v s'y • 77 $ PUBLIC SAFETY ' Police B3120 $ /0 9 73�7�f $ 9/-567 75/ $ 7-1k-7-- $ Sd23a3•as $ Safety Inspection B3620 90 07S, 64 7yois. 6 76.s7 7,7 Rn-I 0C,osri=Ju.tr, e :130 y.?3a9. fG $ /8ao,3, G/ $ /30.:`A,va //a73, fs- $ p-/ TPS P IBs1Yo 7v a• Gary /y�.v0 7.�rzi sr Total $ /o27a .�o�.a_ * $ , �Ssz�F;s�� $ 3�a 3� .� $ /�sas/ as/ $ HEALTH Public Health B4010 $ $ $ $ $ Registrar of Vital Statistics B4020 $ $ $ Total CULTURE - RECREATION Playgrounds & Recreation Centers B7140 $ $ $ $ $ Youth Programs B7310 Library B7410 $ $ $ Total $ * $ $ $ $ HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Zoning B8010 rso� �� $ Planning B8020 37 4,f 'y57. 9;I 80. ys' Refuse and Garbage B8160 Total $ 7/.72 * $ 6 Transfer to Statement 5 Page 86 • 1 SCHEDULE 4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUES i 1 i EDP CODE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Community Development Income CD2170 $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings CD2401 $ • MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Refunds of Prior Years Expenditures CD2701 $ Other (Specify) Total $ Z:El/� FEDERAL AID Community Development Act CD4910 $ i Total Revenues $ Interfund Transfers CD5031 $ TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CD6000 $ ��7 3G.G/ *• *Transfer to Statement 11 **Transfer to Statements 11 and 12 Page 91 SCHEDULE 4 i Page 92 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES CODE 0 1 2 4 8 Acquisition of Real Property CD8660 $ L ---5.el $ Public Works, Facilities, —� Site Improvements CD8662 �� �fi� : /� &c' Code Enforcement CD8664 $ $ $ Clearance, Demolition, Rehab. CD8666 Rehabilitation Loans and Grants ------ CD8668' Special Projects for Elderly and Handicapped �C�IS[q.C��'s CD8670 3358/,o-0 Payments for Loss of Rental Inc. CD8672 Disposition of Real Property CD8674 Provision of Public Services CD8676 Payment of Non-Federal Shares CD8678 Completion of Urban Renewal Project CD8680 ,, Relocation Payments and Assist. CD8682 Planning and Management Development CD8684 Administration CD8686 �� / g• /� S6z, Model Cities Activities _ CD8688 CD TOTAL EXPENDITURES CD9999 $ /9/ 9�8' ** $ $ ' S`�/�oa- $ ' Us/ 7, LF $ **Transfer to Statements 11 and 12 SCHEDULE 5 i FEDERAL REVENUE FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUE EDP CODE USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings CF2401 $ X77-70•-� MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Refunds of Prior Years Expenditures CF2701 $ Other (Specify) f� Total $ �?7�a• -' FEDERAL AID General Revenue Sharing CF4001 Total Revenues $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Interfund Transfers CF5031 $ TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CF6000 $ IT 3 F7S' 2 ** *Transfer to Statement 14 **Transfer to Statements 14 and 15 Page 93 SCHEDULE 5 Page 94 FEDERAL REVENUE FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 Ffi $ 'S�.(o-a-a,o e $ $ $ lrlR�rF '/�-lf;:f r..-�i..-' •7 "'�3"89G,1a � .`aT'cct:7 �!f'7/!'i•i'r.'T Fsl/. � 1n.2 �lad 3wK'.=sa 7���¢�'rT�d CF9aif� 30 97 30, F7 q ea atfl ao K, 10 /Jr � ('FX�.o. 9�9• / // 98 , iAl Total $ EDP EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CODE State Retirement CF9010.8 $ Transfers to: Fire and Police Retirement CF9015.8 (Specify) CF .9 $ Social Security CF9030.8 CF .9 Workers' Compensation CF9040.8 CF .9 Life Insurance CF9045.8 CF .9 Unemployment Insurance CF9050.8 CF9901.9 Disability Insurance CF9055.8 Capital Projects Fund CF9950.9 Hospital and Medical Insurance CF9060.8 Total Transfers $ /S"d�•p, Total $ BT PRINCIPAL $ CF .6 DEBT INTEREST CF .7 $ CF .7 Total $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES ; AND OTHER USES CF9999.0 *Transfer to Statement 14 **Transfer to Statements 14 and 15 , - SCHEDULE 9 /-'S ' ' x' SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUES i EDP EDP CODE CODE REAL P RCPERTY TAXES C1001 $ `e--' SALE OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION REAL PRC1PERTY TAX ITEMS FOR LOSS $ Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials C2650 $ Total $ Minor Sales, Other C2655 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Sales of Real Property C2660 Airport Fees and Rentals C1770 $ Sales of Equipment C2665 Airport Commissions & Concessions C1774 Insurance Recoveries C2680 Park and Recreation Charges C2001 Total $ Special Recreational Facility Charges C2025 MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Other (Specify) Refunds of Prior Years Expenditures C2701 $ Other (Specify) Total $ `x u F►-o►K C' �a, 0-6--e.µo USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Total l Interest and Earnings C2401 $ INTERFUND REVENUE C2801 $ Commissions C2450 STATE AID (Specify) ti4 r Total $ y�7..�y R�n�. r o qrR-"o $ FEDERAL AID (Specify) Total Revenues INTERFUND TRANSFERS C5031 $ TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES C6000 *Transfer to Statement 26 **Transfer to Statements 26 and 27 Page 103 or w I SCHEDULE 9 Page 104 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT PERSONAL AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE TOTAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES BENEFITS EDP CODE 0 1 2 4 8 C $ $ C C Total $ 3c. W10 • EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement C9010.8 $ 174'V. 0 y Social Security C9030.8 13W6, 3 Iz- Workers' Compensation C9040.8 a63. s2 Unemployment Insurance C9050.8 -.o .., Hospital and Medical Insurance C9060.8 g� 6 C-SFA WP��r�:P �i.., d 9oS9,g Soo. �b Total DEBT PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes C9730.6 $ Budget Notes C9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes C9770.6 DEBT INTEREST Bond Anticipation Notes C9730.7 $ Budget Notes C9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes C9770.7 Total TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ TRANSFERS TO: Total Expenditures and Transfers $ '* *Transfer to Statement 26 **Transfer to Statements 26 and 27 SCHEDULE 15 Page 115 DEBT SERVICE FUND - REVENUES EDP CODE REAL PROPERTY TAXES V1001 $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings V2401 $ MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Premiums on Securities Issued V2710 $ Accrued Interest on Securities Issued V2711 Total $ Total Revenues $ * • Interfund Transfers V5031 $ TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES V6000 $ ** DEBT SERVICE FUND - EXPENDITURES CONTRACTUAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES PRINCIPAL INTEREST 0 4 6 7 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Fiscal Agents Fee V1380 $ $ DEBT SERVICE (PRINCIPAL & INTEREST) Serial Bonds V9710 $ $ $ Statutory Bonds V9720 Capital Notes V9740 Public Authorities V9780 Total $ $ $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES V9999 $ ** $ $ $ *Transfer to Statement 44 **Transfer to Statements 44 and 45 r « x I r .----SB:;EDULE 16w CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND �' o• 7 DETAIL OF REVENUES, OTHER SOURCES AND PROCEEDS OF LONG-TERM DEBT EDP CODE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Other Local Governments H2397 $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest H2401 $ 3 j(,, o a Total $ MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES • /r ti i .r 3 $ /S *7 Total $ STATE AID Total $ FEDERAL AID $ Total $ • TOTAL REVENUES $ G G INTERFUND TRANSFERS H5031 $ /dS o PROCEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS Serial Bonds H5710 $ Statutory Installment Bonds H5720 Bond Anticipation Notes Redeemed From Appropriations H5731 Capital Notes H5740 Installment Purchase Debt H5785 Total Proceeds of Long-Term Debt $ TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES H6000 i $ /G fa toy G ** *Transfer to Statement 47 t **Transfer to Statements 47 and 48 Page 116 r a, z , 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Pag e 117 ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR CURRENT YEAR BY ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT EDP CODE GENERAL GOVERNMENT H1997.2 $ PUBLIC SAFETY - Law Enforcement H3197.2 $ Traffic Control, Park H3397.2 Fire Protection H3497.2 Public Safety - Other H3997.2 ` Total $ HEALTH H4997.2 $ TRANSPORTATION Highway Capital Projects H5197.2 Airport H5697.2 Bus H5797.2 Other Transportation H5997.2 Total $ fir('/Ra•Og ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY H6997.2 $ CULTURE AND RECREATION Parks H7197.2 $ Library H7497.2 Other Culture and Recreation H7997.2 Total $ HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Refuse and Garbage H8167.2 $ /7722 903 Sewer H8197.2 Water H8397.2 . Electric H8497.2 Drain and Storm H8597.2 Sanitation H8797.2 Other Home and Community Services H8997.2 Total $ 177a.�'9,0.6 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES H9999.0 *Transfer to Statement 47 **Transfer to Statements 47 and 48 f W ,• � t� II SCHEDULE 18 �J SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND FOR Detail of Revenue and Other Sources Detail of Expenditures and Other Uses EDP EDP Code Code REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Special Assessments (Ad valorem) P1028 $ PROJECT EXPENDITURES (Specify) Special Assessments (Other) P1030 Total $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY $"-- $ SCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Premium and Accrued Interest on Securities Issued P2710 $ Debt Service - Principal: Serial Bonds P9710.6 $ Total $ Bond Anticipation Notes P9730.6 32eO,�.4 State Aid (Specify) Capital Notes P9740.6 Other (Specify) Total $ Federal Aid (Specify) Debt Service - Interest Serial Bonds P9710.7 $ Total $ Bond Anticipation Notes P9730.7 7;.ca Capital Notes P9740.7 TOTAL REVENUES $ * Other (Specify) Total $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS $ Total $ Total Exepnditures $ 00CEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS INTERFUND TRANSFERS Serial Bonds P5710 $ $ Statutory Installment Bonds P5720 Capital Notes P5740 Total $ Total $ TOTAL REVENUE AND OTHER SOURCES P6000 $ ,�y�a,pp ** TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES P9999.0 $ �? *Transfer totals to Statement 50 **Transfer totals to Statements 50 and 51 Page 118 , BANK BALANCES Identify Bank Balances with Funds by Listing the Applicable Code Letters Fund Bank Less Add Cash Adjusted Name and Location of Bank ; Code Balance Outstanding Checks On Hand Bank Balance General Yund-Whole Town -No_Fork Bank �,$�_"' 151 , 1311 .62 150 964 .11 155r 75 .61 155 ,442 -1-2 General Fu6d -Part Tnwn Nn _Fnrk Bank R 12�59n_ 1 1 199 _GF^ 9 _29 129 - 627 -94 129 - Z48 -61; Highway Account `No . Fork Bank D 71. 785 .35 410666 . 15 17811541 .44 2. 08 .660_64 Community DeveloRment Bank of --N.Y . 3,, 339 .25 -0- -0- 3 ,339 .25 Federal Revenue Sharing Chemical Bank 7 .65 -0- 53 .810.35 53 .818 .00 Fishers IS . Sgwer Dist _ Nn _ Fork Bank— 3 _00 -0- -0- :.3;00 Special Revenue-NutritionBank_ :of- N:Y . 969 .1 969 .10 -Q- -0- Spec .Rev . Nutrition ProQ No . Fork Bank 4 , 142 .74 4 , 112.07 „ 1 ,240 .83 1 .3Z2 ,56 Capt .Proi-DOT Bond Act Chemical Bank 13 .636. 76 12 .500 .00 -0- W1 , 136 . 76 F/E Loader Chemical Bank 1 .465 ,51 -0- -4- 1 ,465 -51 " Landfill Land Checmial Bank 3 ,217 .00 -0- -0- 3.217 ,UW " '81 HQhy Equip Chemical Bank -0- -0- -Q- -0- " " Parking Lot Checmial Bank 6 ,627 . 18 -0- -0- 6 .627 . 18 Landfill Equip Chemical Bank 1 ,037 .00 -0- ---0- 1 .037 .00 Special Assessment-BaysideBank of N.Y . -0- -0- -0- -0- Trust & Agency Bank of N.Y. 44 , 142 .56. 6 , 955 .98 - 6 ,874 . 18 44 ,060. 76 Special Dists Chemical Bank -0- -0- -0- -0- Delinq Div .&Prev Proj Chemical Bank -0- -0- -0- -0- Div For Youth-SDPP Chemical Bank -0- -0- -0- -0- Home Aide Program Chemical Bank 653 .25 225 .91 _ -0- 427 .34 Supervisor ' s Tax Acc t No .Fork Bank 682 ,900.00 682,900 .00 -0- -0- Payrolr Account Bank of N.Y. '71 ,661 .75 1 ,035 .03 -0- 70 ,626 . 72 Town Hall Annex Bank of N.Y. 555 .5 -0- -0- 555 .52 1 , 179 .865 .35-1,.,023 , 797 .64 525 .470 ,25 681 , 537 .9* Add: Petty Cash Funds $81 ,537 .96 Other Adjustments * These amounts must agree. NOTE: Bank certification forms are not required to .be filed with this report. However, the Dept of Audit and Control may confirm bank balances directly with the bank. 97A AC 1985 111/781 Print Code X ANNUAL REPORT OF NOTICES'OF TORT CLAIMS FISCAL YEAR ENDING 1914 Town of SnuthQld COUNTY Suffolk (Name o j Muni.e i.nati ty) L Number Amount Amount Paid i of of on ^ Claims Claims Claims e 1 Claims Pending at Beginning of Year IT $ 4,2l n,nnn s XXXX 2 Notices of Claims Filed During Year to 0 XXXX NUMBER NUMBER TOTAL 11 4•,210,000 XXXX Claims Disposed of During Year Prior to ` Commencement of Court Action: 4a By Municipality $ = 4b By Insurance Carrier 12 5n6,47n Claims Disposed of During Year After Commencement of Court Action: So By Municipality Sb By Insu►once Carrier _ Sc By Judgment Other(explain) 6o 6b 7 TOTAL CLAIMS DISPOSED OF DURING YEAR 12 s _ 50G,470 S 8 Claims Pending at End of Year(Line 3 minus Line 7) _6 S-705i_100 AUTHORIZATION Article I, Section 50-f of the General Municipal Law "xxx. 3. a. Each officer charged with the duty of making and keeping the record of claims shall make on annual report thereof, in summary to the governing board of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission and shall file a copy thereof in the office of ih• state comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission. s municipal corporation, authority or commission required by section thirty of the general municipal law to file an annual report of its finan cial condition with the state comptroller shall file the report required by this subsection with such financial report. xxx, Report Prepared by: Nome William R. Pell III Supervisor Title Dated: March 25, 1983 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 1197 Address Note: It is not necessary to furnish any additional information or details of the above claims or notices of claims. If there were no notices of Tort Claims filed or disposed of, please state "NONE" and return this report with the Annual Financial Report. DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS • ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 t i Page 65 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS i Summary of Significant Accounting Policies NOTE 1 Basis of Accounting i NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS i Page 66 i l v SCH§DULE 19 BANK RECONCILIATION CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS Include Petty Cash FROM STATEMENT TOTAL CASH A General Fund - Townwide B General Fund - Town Outside Village D Highway Funds CD Community Development Fund CF Federal Revenue Fund E Enterprise Revenue Funds H Capital Fund P Special Assessment Funds SL Lighting Districts SW Water Districts SF Fire Protection Districts SS Sewer Districts S Miscellaneous Districts T Trust and Agency Funds V Debt Service Fund Total All Funds BANK BALANCES Identify Bank Balances with Funds by Listing the Applicable Code Letters Fund Bank Less Add Cash Adjusted Name and Location of Bank Code Balance Outstanding Checks on Hand Bank Balance Add: Petty Cash Funds Adjustments (Specify) TOTAL ADJUSTED BANK BALANCE AND PETTY CASH *These amounts must agree. NOTE: Bank certification forms are not required to be filed with this report. However, the Office of State Comptroller may confirm bank balances directly with the bank. Page'�h9-f s 1 SCHEDULE 20 Page 120 REAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND RELATED INFORMATION (WESTCHESTER COUNTY TOWNS) _ CURRENT YEAR TAX LEVY AND COLLECTIONS Taxes on Roll (County and Town Purposes) $ Add Relevied Taxes - School $ Village Add Other $ Total Taxes and Other Items on Warrant $ Deduct Cancellations ( _) Add Accrued Interest, Penalties, Advertising and Other charges (added after return of warrant) Total Taxes and Other Items To Be Collected $ (B) Deduct Total Taxes and Other Items Actually Collected (Including Accrued Interest, Penalties, Advertising and Other Charges) ( ) (A) Uncollected Taxes and Other Items $ EDP CODE 9ZTCP Tax Collection Performance (B divided by A) (nearest hundredth $) ANALYSIS OF UNCOLLECTED TAXES AND OTHER ITEMS - BY YEAR A300 A320 A325 A330 A Taxes Receivable Tax Sale Property Acquired Pending Certificates Tax Deeds for Taxes Other Total Current Year 19 $ $ $ $ $ $ Prior Years: 19 (Please Insert 14- 4 Years Prior 19 to Current) 19 All Other Years Total $ $ $ $ + $ $ *Thep�44*4nts should agree. .sfy� a.a?+ _...:+5::5':`.w!+L*,i,..,-,vanJsw,i:..rC:.si.<.,.ss :..:.:;... :.,,_..... yy�.a_:..... :. ::.2'� '��!'!'�7ia.^M,�.:c7rlx3sN.as';s+;a`cx..-l�'#,i�.3°•'ivaY;r}n+':i.>:wna;:.1 SUPERVISOR' S ANNUAL REPORT 1982 EXPENDITURES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FUND PART TOWN - PERSONAL CONTRACTUAT, DISBURSEMENTS TOTAL SERVICES EQUIP. EXPENSES B1910 - Unallocated Insurance 30503 . 41 30503 . 41 B3120 - Police 1089731. 74 915687 .74 21740. 75 152303 . 25 B3620 - Safety Inspection 90078 . 64 74015 . 84 1070. 57 14992 . 43 B3130 - Bay Constable 42309 . 46 18003 . 61 13.032. 00 11273 . 85 B3157 - Div. Youth Juv. Aid 48186 . 19 40708 . 68 1'96. 00 7281 . 51 B4020 - Registrar of Vital Stat. 3498 . 15 3000. 00 498 . 15 B8010 - Zoning 41222 . 35 32192. 23 528 . 90 8501. 22 B8020 - Planning 38449 . 37 28457 . 97 80. 95 9910 . 45 B9010. 8 State Retirement 23059 . 66 23059 . 66 B9015. 8 Fire & Police Retirement 252983 . 00 252983 . 00 B9030. 8 Social Security 73479 . 37 73479 . 37 B9040. 8 Workers' Compensation 16773 . 42 16773 . 42 B9060. 8 Hospital & Medical Ins. 85571 . 10 85571 . 10 B9059. 8 CSEA & GHI Dental 10756 . 84 10756 . 84 B9990 . Totals 1846602 . 70 1112065 . 87 36649 . 17 697887 . 66 FEDERAL REV-VUE SHARING - Balance Sheet ASSETS LIABILITIES Cash $ 7.65 Encumbrance $ 8,100.00 Investments 53,810.35 Approp. Fund Bal. 30,000.00 Unapprop. Fund Bal. 15,718.00 $ 53,818.00 $ 53,818.00 Revenues Use of money and property $ 2,720.23 Federal Aid 141,155.00 $ 143,875-23 Expenditures & Transfers Gen. Government Support $ 30-87 Public Safety 45,000.00 Transportation 3,624.60 Home & Community Services 45,742.77 Interfund Transfers 19,142.47 $ 113,540.71 Summary of Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Revenues & Expenditures for fiscal year Fund Balance 1/1/82 $ 23,483.48 Revenues 143,875.23 Expenditures 113,54o.71 Less Res, for Enc. .. 8,100.00 Fund Balance 12/31/82 $ 45,71 00 T 1 -_,.ncxfYc'eec.L'r::=.i.T'+F ^..':. .•M;;,wy. .a'ayu.^� sY'�...""L.ro7tY'G.7a:#.�a�.awk`J�b..:i!1 .';dr,.t ,.,..,..wyl:yyF?:'�i�:21.7td. .. lnr�!..Y9;H^;li.:.Y.+r,6ti�..cro+<ees;et•w�s.M.«•-:.. ....«Ha, n..., SUPERVISOR' S ANNUAL REPORT 1982 EXPENDITURES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FUND WHOLE TOWN PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS TOTAL SERVICES EQUIP. EXPENSES A1010 - Town -card 45552 . 56, 33999.36 11553 . 20 A1110 - Justices 60786 . 29 52962 . 24 1313. 98 6510 . 07 A1220 - Supervisor 74281 . 11 68831. 20 192. 00 5257 . 91 A1320 - Auditor 4020. 00 4020 . 00 A1355 - Assessment 128544 . 32 , 101525 . 98 471.75 26546 . 59 A1330 - Tax Collector 39209 . 00 23876 . 00 951. 30 14381. 70 A1410 - Clerk 45906. 64 40670 . 13 828 . 00 4408 . 51 A1420 - Law 45937 . 20 25154. 88 20782. 32 A1440 - Engineer 1660 . 00 1660 . 00 A1490 - Public Works Administration 3000 . 00 3000 . 00 A1620 - Buildings 127652 . 80 32862. 50 94790 . 30 A1680 - Central Data Processing 5173 . 51 5173 . 51 A1910 - Unallocated Insurance 47084. 29 47084 . 29 A1920 - Municipal Association Dues 800 . 00 800 . 00 A3120 - Police 33970 . 91 33224. 64 746 . 27 A3310 - Traffic Control 5238 . 83 5238 . 83 A3510 - Control of Dogs 33838. 81 33838 . 81 A3610 - Examining Boards 1460. 00 1460 . 00 A3640 - Civil Defense 153 . 95 153. 95 A4010 - Public Health 3218 . 70 3218 . 70 A5010 - Sup. of Highways 70155 . 84 70155. 84 A5182 - Street Lighting 94592. 61 94592 . 61 A5650 - Off-Street Parking 10817 . 42 9073 . 90 1743 .52 A6410 - Publicity - 3682 . 35 3682 . 35 A6772 - Programs for Aging 6819. 10 6404 . 94 414 . 16 A7110 - Parks 19802 . 48 15000 . 00 319 . 95 4482 . 53 A7180 - Beaches 39668 . 39 29635. 47 10032. 92 A7320 - Joint Youth Project 10908 . 33 10908 . 33 A7410 - Library (Other than Town) 50000 . 00 50000. 00 A7510 - Historian 11175 . 18 3199 . 92 196 . 00 7779 . 26 A7520 - Historical Property 1200. 00 1200 :00 A7550 - Celebrations 500. 00 500 . 00 A7620 - Adult Recreation 5881. 10 5881. 10 A8090 - Environmental Control 16992. 38 15180. 50 1811. 88 A8160 - Refuse and Garbage 135557 . 61 85395 . 71 50161 . 90 A8540 - Drainage 1175 . 00 1175 . 00 A8810 - Cemeteries 6 . 00 6 . 00 A8830 - Shellfish 5625 . 90 5625 . 90 A9010. 8 State Retirement 73572. 12 73572 . 12 A9030. 8 Social Security 44842 . 12 44842. 12 A9040 . 8 Worker' s Compensation 8381 . 02 8381. 02 A9050. 8 Unemployment Insurance 598 , 90 598 . 90 A9060. 8 Hospital & Medical Insurance 75329 . 03 75329. 03 A9058 . 8 CSEA 6127. 29 6127 .29 A7020 - Cultures & Recreation 14981.00 14981. 00 A510 - Veterans Services 400. 00 400 . 00 A9990 Totals 1416280 . 09 650153. 21 4272. 98 76853 . 80 3 r t j .._...__..._:..,�....::..>..a.�:_._.;.fras:.-..�rr..,._....... :.;.-,.. :_,...;..H.. �.:�:.:a;[a:�a:.c...:.w=o.-rs-.:..na.�..... :._.,:.�_i•,:»c,»>;.:...,;...,:�. .:�.wx�::arkev+..Jnyizrvr':7s?n4;n�vro....,...M,n:.+c:.w�«�i.r a#e-: SUPERVISOR' S ANNUAL REPORT 1982 REVENUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GENERAL FUND DETAIL OF REVENUES WHOLE TOWN Description A1001 - Real Property Taxes 943981 .00 A1015`0 - _Interest and Penalties 13175:.21 A1255 - Town Clerk Fees 1900. 32 A1972 - Dept. Income - Program for Aging 1743 . 79 A2001 - Park and Recreation Charges -- 11122. 50 A2210 - Office Rental 2471 . 50 A2401 - Interest and Earnings 76977 . 01 A2440 - Rental of Equipment 747 . 68 A2450 - Commissions 63. 88 A2450 - Bingo Licenses 3265. 03 A2544 - Dog Licenses 16289 . 99 A2590 - Permits, Other 10173 . 35 A2610 - Fins and Forfeited Bail 12463 . 25 A2611 - Fines and Penalties Dog Cases 720 . 00 A2620 - Forfeiture of Deposits 137 . 50 A2650 = Excess Materials 24297 .40 A2680 - Insurance Recoveries 126 . 80 A2705 - Gifts and Donations 848 . 95 A2770 - Other Unclass Revenue 15376 . 54 A3001 - Per Capita (Revenue Sharing) 139522. 00 A3005 - Mortgage Tax 116644 . 71 A3801 - Recreation for the Elderly 2119 . 50 A3820 .- Youth Projects 6610 . 80 A6000 - Total Revenues _ 1400778 . 71 PART TOWN - REVENUES Real Property Taxes 1471863 . 00 Police Fees 199 . 00 Health Fees 1997 . 00 Zoning Fees 31479 . 40 Planning Board Fees 17840 .00 Interest and Earnings 116766 .51 Insurance Recoveries 200 . 70 Gifts and Donations 1500. 00 Permits 1900 . 00 Minor Sales 1562 .96 Fica Refund and Cedar Beach 3067 . 39 Police Radio 21000 .00 Cablevision 12150. 60 Per' Capita 63256 . 00 Navigational Aid 255 . 31 - JAB Program 8554 . 79 B6000 - Total Revenues 1753592 .66 f 1 , af, 'J.i:.`e'r!4_7:.:..:: --r+x),�",... -.,.•�'MpsieHBr,.-.�t'i`.tu,� sv `,?u'':ICtTM1?�+nY�'A�R`dr 'i�.'.C39&�'R'P!d1+�r'aKa."�d"� "Sbk£A�M:+�?J:`". RECEIVED 1982 g8 Q 11983 SUPERVISOR''s ANNUAL REPORT TIM GENERAL FUND WHOLE TOWN Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities A200 Cash $ 166.51 A700 Res. for Encumbrances $ 13,275.50 A201 Cash in Time 155,275.61 A909 Approp. in ensuing A391 Due from other Funds 11,458.85 yr's budget 155,000.00 A440 Due from the County 1,991.50 A909 Unapprop. in ensuing yr's budget 616.97 $ ,168,892.47 168,892.47 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance 1/1/82 $ 190,181.61 Revenues 1,400,778.71 Expenditures 1,416,280.09 Less: Reductions on State claims 5,787.76 Res. for Encumbrances 13,275.50 Fund Balance 12/31/82 $ 155,616.97 GENERAL FUND PART TOWN Balance Sheet Assets B200 Cash $ 120.82 B700 Res. for Encumbrances $ 23,870.00 B201 Cash in Time 129,627.84 D909 Appropriated in ensuing yr's budget 100,000.00 B909 Unappropriated in ensuing yr's budget 5,878.66 $ 129,748.66 $ 129 748.66 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance 1/1/82 $ 222,758.70 Revenues 1,753,592.66 Expenditures 1,846,602.70 Less: Res. for Dicur:,brances 23,870.00 $ 105,878.66 f l j G .... ..,_.....� ..,_.....-........ . ._....m,e.0a..:<e.r.w-.:...... ..-.6.rva:. ..:wr..:�ata.w.:-ceu�...•iX.i .. . ,. .. .. K«hY,y.. ':.1:�Ati.,•I. li, ra .w.+.d%+q? 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS Original Description BAN Payable BAN Payable as of 1/1 83 Landfill Equipment 3/8o $ 72,000.00 $ 42,000.00 Highway Equipment - 5/81- 78,000.00 62,400.00 Land Purchase Matt. Park. 3/82 95,000:00 95,000.00 Front End Loader 6/82 57,000.00 57,000.00 Purchase Land/Landfill 12/82 105,000.00 105,000.00 ' Totals $ 407,000.00 $ 361,400.00 Combined Balance Sheet ASSETS LIABILITIES H2O0 Cash $ 12,346,69 H626 BAN 361;400.00 H909 Fund Bal: (Deficit) ( 349,053.31 ) Tot. assets $ 12,346.69 Tot Liabilities and $ 12,346.69 Fund Balance AGENCY & TRUST Beginning Ending Description Cash Bal. Receipts Disbursements Cash Balance Consolidated Payroll 1,70077.62 1,700,7672 Employees Retirement 2,940.98 25,863.47 23,567.59 5,236.86 Group Insurance 255,089.49 255,089.49 NYS Income Tax 115,295.59 115,295.59 Federal Income Tax 331,132.28 331,132.28 Income Executions 16,559.30 16,559.30 Assoc. & Union Dues 9,510.74 9,510.74 U.S. Savings Bonds 4,400.o0 4,400.00 Social Security 27,790.32 315,886.66 313,821.33 29,855.65 Guaranty & Bid Deposits 1,100.00 250.00 200.00 1,150.00 Park Land Deposits 13,407.47 6,533.29 6,874.18 Bingo Licenses 2,595.00 2,595.00 Sales Tax 60.47 1,372.97 1 282.54 150.90 Overpayments & Collections 272,942.60 272,942.60 E-W Fire Protection 781.34 51.671.83 51,660.00 793.17 Totals 32,673.11 3,116,745.02 3,105,357.37 44,060.76 note: Overpayments & Collections are checks received from County, State etc. that are p,yable to more than one Town of Southold's accounts -,8 -.., \�arl ``lam'Yet..wfaeitis.+dJ�f%tit:;»r�:,+'[..'�i:.%asf'.Rti..Y;�:a.:.:#.. :.. ... �.Leq�:.v:rs.SGs.ik:atini•=:.,w�:lar.n..nw.,u�x:�YlWAtiw.�.... 4 Special As essment Fund for Bayside.Terrace Road Improvement Assets Liabilities & Fun Balance Assessment Rec Deferred $ 3,472.00 B.A.N. Principal $ 3,200.00 B.A.N. Interest 272.00 $ 3,472.00 $ 3,472.00 EDA FUNDING New Town Hall Annex Balance 12/31/81 $ 5 .52 Balance 12/31/82 555 52 General Fixed Assets Accounts Assets Investment in Gen. Fixed Assets K101 Land $ 285,99 .00 K151 Bonds & Notes $ 1,439,200.00 K102 Buildings 1,458,440 76 K152 Current'Approp. 172,414.12 K104 Machinery & K156 State Aid 26,750.00 Equipment 2,535,703.0 K157 Fed. Aid 1,029,985.89 K158 Investments in Gen. Fixed Assets 1,611,788.77 $ 4,280,138.78; "� $ 4,280,138.78 ` 1 i HUD Community Development Fund f Libraries -1�pecial Project/Handicapped Original Budget $ 50,000 0 1/1/82 Budget Actu 1 Expenditure $ 33,631.52 $ 33,581.00 Balance in checking s of 12/31/82 $ 50.521 A Special Assessment Fund for Bayside Terrace Road Improvement Assets Liabilities & Fund Balance Assessment Ree. Deferred $ 3,472.00 B.A.N. Principal $ 3,200.00 B.A.N. Interest 272.00 $ 3,472.00 $ 3, 72.00 EDA FUNDING New Town Hall Annex Balance 12/31/8 ' $ 555.52 Balance 12/31/82 555.52 General Fixed Assets Accounts Assets Investment in Gen. Fixed Assets K101 Land $ 285,995.00 K151 Bonds & Notes $ 1,439,200.00 K102 Buildings 1,458,44o.76 K152 Current Approp. 172,414.12 K104 Machinery & K156 State Aid 26,750.00 Equipment 2,535,703.02 K157 Fed. Aid 1,029,985.89 K158 Investments in Gen. Fixed Assets 1,611,788.77 $ 4,280,138.78 $ 4,280,138.78 HUD Community Development Fund - Libraries - Special Project/Handicapped Original Budget $ 50,000.00 1/1/82 Budget Actual Expenditures $ 33,631.52 $ 33,581.00 Balance in checking as of 12/31/82 $ 50.52 t Fishers Island Sewer District Revenues Disbursements U.S. Treasury $ 29,710.00 F.I., Dev. Corp. $ 2,832.00 N.Y.S. State 4,700.00 H. Souther Engineer. 32,650.00 F.I. Dev. Corp. 1,075.00 $ 35,485.00 $ 35,482.00 In checking $ 3.00 to ... .-... ...,..-,+w. ....,.}-. -,., .. ....=.; .: - ./...e..: •.:.e._. so.. ✓w.. .a. �,e..a4 .... ..-. ,..... .. `"-'-'2L:Y?e " .r{^. '^.^'..i rxG.. ^k: " ,.,, ..... -.. .. .. sem..,. ';. :.....r .:... t GRANT PROGRAMS 1982 Rr. H U D Community Development Fund - Year VII Project Total : $220,526.00 Appropriations: DudLxet Actual - Senior Youth Center 50,000 16785.00 Cutchogue Landfill 100,000 75000.00 Housing Rehabilitation money deposited in Chase Manhattan & European Bank 40,000.00 40000.00 Administratim, 20,000.00 16562.88 Cortingencj�6.8 526.00 Street Imiprovement 10,000.00 10000.00 Total 220, 526.00 1583 g _ adr.. . Cash in checking $3339.25 Juvenile. Aid Zrogram: Appropriations : Budaret Actual Personal Services 54,500.00 42080.30 Supplies ~rc 1,275.00 856. 30 Equipment 300.00 196.00 Space Rental 5,000.00 3005.49 Travel 5,105.00 1666.83 Liability Insurance 800.00 216.00 Total - 66,980.00 48020.92 j This Program .is 5090o reimbursable Y 11 '22 Check;lreceived from State for $8554.79 Additional Claims submitted 10/5 and 12!31/82 o ; . Home Aide Program: Revenues : Est. Revenue $14, 312.00 Actual Revenue 6, 949.55 (includes Advance from County) Appropriations : Actual Personnel 11,700.00 5048.00 Travel 1,900.00 1170.24 Telephone 500.00 299. 97 Printing & Supplies 212.00 4.00 - Total 14,312.00 6522.21 In Checking $427. 34 Claims Sub. _tc County $3150.66 7 t i s GRANT PROGRAMS 1982 D. 0. T. Sound Ave. Project: Project Total: $134,000.00 State Share 100,500.00 (Includes 16,000 eng, fee) Town Share (in-kind) 33,500.00 Total 134,000.00 10/26 eng. fees paid to H2M from funds transferred from Whole Town by Board resolution $10756.80 Bills on hand: H2M Corp. to date for eng. & adm. services 7221.06 Materials 9987.82 Projected Asphalt Bill 82000.00 Total 99208.88 Claim sent to State for $31515.97 D. 0. T. Toti�m Wide Lighting Project: Project Total $30, 396.00 State Share 22,797.00 (Includes 3,000 eng. fee) Town Share 7,599.00 Total 30,9-00 8/12/82 Check from State for $15802.02 9/21 Eng. fees paid to H2M 2867- 31 12/14 Lighting fixtures pd. 12500.00 Bills in hand: H2M 702.05 (569. 36 over Budget) Graybar Elec. 1458.64 Per Town Board resolution 10/19/82, $702.05 transferred from Whole Town. Balance in checking: $1136.76 Regulatory & Warning Project: Project Total: $50,000.00 Federal Share 37,500.00 State Share 8, 600.00 Town Share 3,900.00 (Includes 3500 eng. fee) Total 50,000.00 2/9/82 Engineering -fcec, paid to H2M by Highway Dept. $3312.58. Bill in hand from H2M $187.42 No claims have been sent to State or Federal Gov' t. for word performed. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR°S TAX ACCOU14T 1981-1982 Received from Receiver of Taxes $ 14,953,047.93 General Fund - Whole Town $ 943,981.00 General Fund - Part Town 1,471,863.00 Highway Fund - Item I 666,700.00 Highway Fund - Item III 268,125.00 Highway Fund`- Item IV 89,300.00 Fishers Is. 'Ferry District 155`,'000.00 Fishers Is. Garbage & Refuse 75,900,00 School District #2, Orient 820,659.20 School District #4, Fishers Island 538,976.05 School District #5, Southold 2,718,499.63 School District #9, Nla.tt-Cutchogue 3,688,023.53 School District #10, Greenport 1,961,399.44 School District #11, Laurel 554,619.15 School District #15, New Suffolk 151,618,98 Orient Fire District 54,001.9+ East Marion Fire District 38,357.77 Fishers Island Fire District 85,008.98 Southold Fire District 165,103.51 Cutchogue Fire District 184,900.13 Mattituck Fire District o4,649.19 E-W Fire Protection (Agency & Trust) 51,628.00 Orient Mosquito District 10,000.00 E-W Water District (Greenport) 21,0+6.00 Bayside Terrace R.I. 1,967.20 Orient-E. Marion Park District 11,700.00 Southold Park District 37,500.00 Cut-New Suffolk Park District 14,820.23 Mlattituck Park District 71,162.50 Matt_;tuck Park District' (Agericy & Trust) 6, 537.50 $ 14,953,047-93 x* t XX SUPERVISOR'S TAX ACCOUNT 1982-1983 Received from Receiver of Taxes $ 1,800,000.00 School District #2, Orient $ 133,200,00 School District#4, Fishers Island 95,400.00 School District #5, Southold 468,000.00 School District #9, Matt,-Cutchogue 601,200.00 School District #10, Greenport 386,100.00 School District #11, Laurel 91,800.00 School District #15, New Suffolk 24,300:00 $ 1,800,000.00 9 J. ax7ru`a9�'a.rkwas.;.,.scay«s?" r'1M's�_a.;s.:ayr .i+. ..n�"'..ak:>' t ::.x»-r,u c TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Highway Fund GENERAL LEDGER Trial Balance December 31,1982 200 - CASH 30,119 . 20 201 - CASH IN SAVINGS 178 ,541. 44 410 - DUE FROM N.Y.STATE 13, 852 . 61 t $222 , 513. 25 902 Fund Balance Designated For Highway Projects (CHIPS) 60 ,517 .50 DR909 - Item I Fund Balance 134 ,478 . 89 DB909 - Item II Fund Balance 2 ,518 . 44 DM909 - Item III Fund Balance 18 ,932 . 85 DS909 - Item IV Fund Balance 6 ,065. 57 $222 ,513. 25 FACTORING ACCOUNT CASH CASH IN SAVINGS TOTAL . 8143 Item I 24 ,526. 06 96 ,106 . 89 120 , 632 . 95 . 0170 Item II 512. 03 2 ,006. 41 2,518 .44 .1278 Item III 3 ,849 .23 15 ,083. 46 18 ,932 . 69 . 0409 Item IV 1,231. 88 4 ,827. 18 6 ,059 . 06 . 0000 CHIPS -0- 60,517 . 50 60 , 517 . 50 1. 0000 TOTALS 30 ,119 . 20 178 ,541. 44 208 ,660. 64 Item I Due From N.Y.State 132852. 61 TOTAL FUND BALANCE- HIGHWAY FUND $222 ,513.25 /d .....,.,........:...........—�.ro...........,-.r_�_. _c......._.. .. -.:tl•h'�Hti t..::.::5f+ii�W#.L`:k6i1 ..::.F'+t`..� ... �.-.•:.CM1 .... a. 14 . ..- _. .... ..' :'>:'-. .�+5'SLIt.-�1"�•_".'{if'�:�,iF'YAiC'i'i/Y:iP.Yr'_li4)h.`}i1eV'lstiY'iiiV1<A .+.'�Y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Highway 1982 Item I Balance - January 1982 $152 ,550 . 76 RECEIPTS: DR1001 - Taxes $666 ,700. 00 DR1090 - Interest & Penalties 294 . 32 DR2401 - Interest on Deposits 54 , 745. 14 DR2770 - Unclassifed Revenue 10,012 . 50 HUD "10 ,000. 00 Sale of Oil 12. 50 DR2801 Repairs to Town $ 2 ,798 . 05 Dept. of Transportation 28 ,537 . 04 Cedar Beach 3 ,935 . 00 Due From N.Y.State ` 13 ,852 . 61 $780 ,874 . 66 DISBURSEMENTS: $933 ,425 . 42 DR5110. 1 - Personal Services $ 34 ,947 . 21 DR5110 . 4 - Contractural 311,937 . 67 DR5112. 4 - New Suffolk Road Improvement 11,617 . 83 DR9010 . 8 - N.Y. State Retirement 44 ,744. 74 DR9030 . 8 - Social Security 22 , 919 . 50 DR9040. 8 - Workman' s Compensation 10 ,706 . 13 DR9059 . 8 - CSEA Welfare Fund 5 , 997 .14 DR9060 . 8 - Hospitalization & Med. Ins. 46 ,076 . 31 $ 798 ,946 . 53 CHIPS: $ 134 ,478 . 89 RECEIPTS: 3501 - Consolidated Highway Improvement $ 77 ,081. 25 $ 77 ,081 . 25 DISBURSEMENTS: 5112. 2 - Consolidated Highway Improvement $ 16 ,563 . 75 $ 16 ,563 . 75 - $ 60 ,517 . 50 Item II Balance $ 2 ,518 . 44 Item III Balance $ 38 ,549 . 46 RECEIPTS: DM1001 - Taxes $ 268 ,1';L5 . 00 DM1090 - Interest & Penalties 94 . 78 DM2401 - Interest on Deposits 18 ,248 . 40 DM2801 - Repairs to Town 24 , 076 . 09 $ 310 ,544 . 27 $ 349 , 093 . 63 DISBURSEMENTS: DM5130 . 1 - Personal Services $ 119 ,500. 08 DM5130 . 2 - Equipment 68 ,017 . 21 DM5130 . 4 - Contractural 56 ,089 . 03 DM9010. 8 - N.Y. State Retirement 14 , 310 . 25 DM9030. 8 - Social Security 8 ,006 . 37 DM904', . S Yvorkman' s Compensa tion 2 ,279. 38 . DM9059. 8 - CSEA Welfare Fund 1 ,644 . 50 DM9060.8 - Hospitalization & Med. Ins. 11,906 . 17 DM9730. 6 - B.A.N. Principal 15 ,600 . 00 DM9730. 7 - B.A.N. Interest 6 , 825 . 00 DM9901. 3 - Interfund Transfers 25 , 982 . 79 $330 , 160 .78 $ 18 , 932 . 85 ' I'`."m' `1 . .. .... __..,........,.......,.._ ....�- ..-........ . ..,-...<.,yy,t -,.:.m .an.>tiaTx!%w.r..ti....x".n.r�.. ,..;.,.:.i .'X`:.7+sru.. r,r+..:•CYt:.;:f�r �,t*r�.r.+..4haa�:f;�ark�+M.:tF�uw�:ra7i+M:+SYr�.4afaN8M�l�A'�.Awft t L TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Highway 1982 Item IV - Balance January 1982 $ 35,443 .05 RECEIPTS: DS1001 - Taxes $ 89 , 300 .00 DS1090 - Interest & Penalties 109 .74 DS2401 Interest on Deposits 18 , 248 . 40 DS2801 - Repairs To Town - J-75. 00 DS5031 Interfund Transfer 25 , 952.79 133 ,715 . 93 169 ,158 . 98 DISBURSEMENTS• DS5140. 1 - Personal Services 16 ,699. 20 DS5142. 1 - Personal Services 79 , 461. 11 DS5140. 4 - Contractural 21, 954 .70 DS5142. 4 Contractural 19 ,468 . 57 DS9010 . 8 - N.Y.State Retirement 15 ,010. 52 DS9030. 8 - Social Security 6 ,634 . 85 DS9040 . 8 - Workman' s Compensation 1, 803. 33 DS9059. 8 - CSEA Welfare Fund . 333 . 36 DS9060. 8 - Hospitalization & Med. Ins. 1 ,727 .77 163 ,093 . 41 6 ,065. 57 .. �sem. : .,^r';. -r tfi y+u,Ri ',-?. •.:-�,... t w...wrt".aw:aY:_.+.4 'MJYR••..tit+.<:Fyr/. .i..e.w.v N/!tY!*L.-L.w+.Gv.s-a...,-:...u.�..Ri .ww.euro:[.31w[icY4-.-.:•ue.ier.:�a.r�'ww...,._.. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT GENERAL LEDGER Trial Balance December 31,1982 200 CASH 253. 62 201 Cash in Savings 559 , 152 . 87 $559 ,406 . 49 700 RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES 12 ,462 . 68 909 FUND BALANCE 546 ,943 . 81 $559,406 . 49 RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES: Repairs Ferry Replace damaged propeller Essex Machine Works , Essexs Ct- $2192 . 40 Operation Ferry ' - Fuel oil received but not invoiced Mobil Oil Corporation $9000 . 00 Operation Ferry Paint received but not yet invoiced International Paint Co $643 .13 Operation Ferry Replace Magnetron Tube on Olinda Electonautical Equipment Co. $627. 15 /3 ,X, MEp y FISHERS 3D ;FHv DISTRICT Receipts and Disbursements for the year 1982 Balance - January 1982 (Unencumbered) $409 ,495. 29 Less adjustment* 10 ,000. 00 Correct January lst, 1982 Fund Balance $399 ,495. 29 RECEIPTS: From Tax Levy $155,000 . 00 Operation of Ferry 538 ,398 . 04 Charters 53 ,258 . 60 r Interest on Deposits 56,214 .01 Theater 15,526 . 50 Airport 9,881. 00 U. S. Main 12 ,129 . 31 N. Y. State Dept. of Transportation96,100 . 00 Miscellaneous Revenue 56. 24 $936 , 563 . 70 $1,336) 058. 99 DISBURSEMENTS: Operation Ferry $309 , 868 . 20 Payrolls 55,712. 25 Office Expense 3 ,172. 64 Commissioners Fees 1, 975 .00 Accounting 2,750 . 00 Airport 10 ,376. 57 Theater 7 ,697 . 30 U. S. Mail 3 , 000 . 00 Insurance 37 ,606 . 95 Bonded Indebtedness 54 ,690. 14 Property Tax - New London 2 ,748 . 34 Attorney Fees 850 . 00 Repairs Ferry 39 ,987 . 65 Insurance Claims 654. 50 Repairs Docks & Buildings 35 ,257 . 17 Social Security 4 ,011. 39 Hospitalization 4 ,650. 21 N. Y. State Retirement 10 ,111. 10 Capital Projects 190 ,000 . 00 $775 ,119 . 41 Add 1981 Encumbrances disbursed in 1982 13 ,995. 77 $789 ,115. 18 546 , 943 . 81 Add 1982 Encumbrances 12 ,462 . 68 $559 ; 406 .49 Balance in checking account $253. 62 Balance in savings account $559,152. 87 $559 ,4Q6 ,A9 *Interfund Transfer was shown as received on 1981 Annual Report and due from Capital Projects for $10 ,000 . 00. Actual funds for capital projects were made available by transferring this amount from appropriations line item "airport" to``capital projects. No funds were due from capital projects as the appropriations line item "capital projects" declared this to be an actual 1981 expenditure for the Ferry District. I FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 1982 (Con' t) AGENCY & TRUST ACCOUNT Balance RECEIPTS PAYMENTS NEW BALANCE 7585. 15 112 , 012. 33 112 ,194 . 13 7403 . 35 Balance in checking account 12/31/82 - $7403. 35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FISHERS ISLAND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS PAYMENTS NEW BALANCE 7788. 33 222 , 659 . 68 229 ,235. 10 1212 . 91 Balance in checking - $19 . 13 Balance in savings - $1193 . 78 Total cash $1212 . 91 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS PAYMENTS_ NEW BALANCE -0- 54 , 690 . 14 54 , 690. 14 -0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 22 Principal BALANCE PAn�AER�tt PAYMENTS NEW BALANCE $515, 000. 00 29 , 647 . 50 25 , 000 . 00 490 ,000 . 00 /S s ...-........_. _-._.....�,.,... ..__.........:....... •....:..,...ncr-r».ac•,.5.,f+:«•r" ,a ..,...-: <'.-?Ky:+n.cG:n:nits?;.'Gr'�� .+Il.+t?.:^.'Hrthlisfr•.ivf'i.Wl?+4+:1irvwrr:,yi-r•.:y. t • _ NUTRITION PROGRAM 1982 YEAR END BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31,1982 ASSETS 200 Cash 1,372. 50 410 Due From Federal Gov't (Cash-inlieu) 2 , 855 . 60 440 Due From Suffolk County 3 , 413. 92 391 Due from Other Funds (Home Aide) 2. 92 . 7 ,644 . 94 LIABILITIES 630 Due To Suffolk County 1 , 947. 60 600 Accounts Payable 4 ,713. 46 6,661. 06 FUND BALANCE 909 Fund Balance 983 , 88 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 7 , 644 . 94 1 � • • s �f NUTRITION PROGRAM 1982 Balance January 1,1982 ($7209 . 52) Add adjustments to 1981 Fund Balance 9587 .23* Adjusted Fund Balance as of January lst,1982 2377 . 71 RECEIPTS: County of Suffolk 88 ,293.06 Participant Income 26 ,254 . 18 Cash-In-Lieu Awards (Federal Gov't) 14 ,293 .59 ItpZesz:,or Deposits 427 . 24 129268 . 07 131645 , 78 DISBURSEMENTS: Site Manager Salary 11, 664 . 9(a Clerical $1 8 ,730. 00 Cook It 12 , 360 . 96 Assistant Site Manager - Salary 5, 670 . 00 Bus Driver if 7,560. 00 Driver 4 ,440.00 Fringe Benefits 5 ,806 . 72 Equipment 2 ,441.59 Staff Travel 446 . 50 Staff Gas & Oil 4 ,012. 16 Rent 9,600. 00 Telephone 469. 53 Postage & Xerox 310 . 00 Office,Program,Janitorial Supplies 1,422. 03 Disposable supplies 7 ,127 . 38 Food 43 ,354 . 31 Insurance _ 865 . 00 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 987. 80 Vehicle Repair and Maintenance 1,439.73 Bottled Gas _1,593 . 23 Trash Removal 360 . 00 130 ,661. 90 130661. 90 983 . 88 *Included in 1981 expenditures were December 1981 expenses that were not recorded as claimed to Suffolk County until January 1982. Therefore, receipts for 1981 were understated by this amount and Due From Suffolk County was understated by the same. 17 r �. r;♦„ a .. _ � 7 moi'_5 '; � � w. r NUTRITION PROGRAM 1982 Due From Other Governments Schedule as of December 31,1982 440 Due From Suffolk County $3,413. 92 voucher 554282 - 851. 28 voucher 554283 -2562. 64 410 Due from Federal Gov't 2 ,855. 60 Total Receivables 6 ,269 . 52 NUTRITION PROGRAM 1982 DUE TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS Schedule as of December 31,1982 Due To Suffolk County (Advanced funds) 1,947 . 60 600 - Accounts Payable (warrant #12) 4 , 713 . 46 Total Payables 6 ,661. 06 -77 li Ftp H.DANIEL WINTERS CHIEF OF POLICE 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 TELEPHONE EMERGENCY DIAL 911 ADMINISTRATIVE:516 765-2600 516 734-8022 i tr1 t�1 SOUTHOLD TOWN JUNVENILE AID BUREAU y APRIL 1, 1982 - DECEMBER 31, 1982 ANNUAL REPORT z d tm1 a �3 txi z H S✓ C P.O. Edward Sidor cD Juvenile Officer H. m N � YOUTH SERVICES •( TELEPHONE JAMS C.McMAHON (518) 785-1892 EDWARD SIDOR MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.1., N.Y. 11971 JUVENILE AID BUREAU Review of 7 months operation LECTURES Alcohol Abuse, DWI , Babysitting, Bike Safety 15 Total number of Persons 460 Number of Criminal Acts Cleared 43 Number of Juveniles Processed 58 DISPOSITION OF CASES Petitioned to Family Court 10 Probation Intake 8 Closed within JAB 18 Restitution made to Complainant 24 Miscellaneous 4 PROGRAMS GOALS Bicycle Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Educate to safe use and aware of laws Bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .License bikes for ID purpose Babysitting Seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Train sitters to react to emer- gencies Drivers Ed Program (workshop ) . . . . . . . .Educate young drivers about driving & drinking Service Organizations (DWI workshop ) . .Educate Adults to alcohol ' s effec+ Community Service supervision (CSS) . . .Supervise Court mandated sentenc; Drug Awareness Workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Educate parents to commonly used drug paraphenalia. Substance abuse. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lecture and handouts at Mattituck School Rape Prevention workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . Educate High School girls in rape prevention Programmed tours of Police Headquarters .Expose youth to police using available personnel and Explain their function . 9 �+ TELEPHONE (516)765-1801 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1982 RECEIPTS Received for permits issued----------------------------- $4308. 85 January ------------- $ 93. 50 February ------------ 222. 00 March --------------- 312. 6.0 April --------------- 297. 50 May ----------------- 313. 50 June ---------------- 403. 00 July ---------------- 123. 00 August -------------- 822. 00 September ----------- 519. 75 October ------------- 1092. 00 November ------------ 70. 00 December ------------ 40. 00 $4308. 85 Marian Goubeaud, Clerk Southold Town Trustees H. DANIEL WINTERS w IA►1 ;31983 CHIEF OF POLICE TOWN CF THOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 TELEPHONE EMERGENCY DIAL 911 ADMINISTRATIVE: 516 765-2600 516734-6022 January 14 , 1983 To : Southold Town Board From: Chief Dan Winters Subject : Report of Police Department for 1982 The year 1982 was for the most part on a par with 1981 . The overall activity index for the year 1982 indicates a 5 percent increase . The 5 percent increase covers everything from uniform traffic tickets issued to homicide investigations . In some of the categories there was a definite increase and in others a sharp decrease . Listed below are a few of the more serious crimes and the percentage of increase or decrease from 1981 . Felonies : Burglary-367 Decrease Grand Larceny-237 Decrease Criminal Mischief-497 Decrease Arson-307 Increase Felonies Reported-197 Decrease Felonies Cleared-15 . 307 for 1982 Felons Arrested-1337 Increase Misdemeanors :Petit Larceny-177 Increase Criminal Mischief-10 . 57 Increase Simple Assaults-1267 Increase Driving While Intoxicated-57 Increase (Arrests ) Misdemeanors Reported-107 Increase Misdemeanor Arrests-107 Increase Total Criminal Activity for the year 1982 increased by 4 . 57 . The non-criminal activity indicates a 24 percent increase . Some of the outstanding incidents are listed below . Motor Vehicle Accidents-147 Increase Uniform Traffic Tickets Issued-187 Increase Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents-757 Decrease Marine Incidents-397 Increase Mental Cases Investigated-1227 Increase Youth Disturbances-2i% Decrease I attribute the sharp decline in fatal motor vehicle accidents to stricter enforcement of the vehicle and traffic law by the members of the police department and the more stringent penalties for Driving While Intoxicated . Our fatality rate has not been this 1 low since 1977 when one person was killed on our highways . The Communications section of the police department shows a 33% increase in activity . A detailed report of their activities is attached to this report . Our Juvenile Officer has had a busy year since the start of the program in April . A separate report of Officer Sidor ' s activities has been submitted . During 1983 a few changes will be made in an attempt to in- crease productivity and at the same time eliminate wasted man-hours . There will be a five sector operation rather than the four we are presently operating with . When there are five officers on duty , the town will be broken into five definite sectors . Presently , when five officers are on duty , the fifth man acts as a back-up , operates the radar , etc .There are wasted man-hours . Patrol sectors are being re-evaluated and re-organized . Boundaries between sectors will be made in the high incident areas thus increasing the amount of patrol and decreasing the opportunity for crimes to be committed . Hopefully , in the not too distant future we will hire enough men to operate five sectors 365 days a year . In a previous report I informed you that the detective ' s work schedule had been changed . Rather than going off duty at 11 : 00 P .M . they will be on duty until 1 : 00 A .M . The two additional hours are critical high incident times . At midnight there is no-one on the highways while the squad changes . This is a well known fact by the criminal element . If the detective is not tied up at headquarters on a case , he will be on patrol during the shift change . Our Crime Prevention Unit is preparing their program and will start presenting it to the public during February which is "Crime Prevention Month . " We are preparing for another busy summer . Three young men will start at the part-time officers academy on January 18th . r Respe gully submitted , H . DANIEL WINTERS CHIEF OF POLICE r EMERGENCY SERVICESOISPATCH ACTIVITY - 1982• FIRE -* RESCUE AMBULANCE S07JTHOLD TOWN POLICE HQS. - KFY-891 8-0-0 Agency Type of Fire/Alarm Agency Total Rescue Structure Brus1L Vehicle Mutual Aid Misc Alar Mattituck FD 225 155 25 17 13 3 12 Cutchogue FD 58 43 4 - 3 - 8 Southold FD 75 57 5 4 1 1 7 Greenport FD 154 129 6 5 2 - 12 E. Marion FD 46 42 2 2 - - - Orient FD 46 36 3 - 1 1 5 Shelter Island FD's 6 1 - 1 1 - 3 Shelter Is . Red Cross Vol Amb. 123 123 Ambulance Calls Peconic Ambul. Service 51 51 Ambulance Calls Other 1 1 ( Jamesport PD) Year Totals 785 637 46 29 21 5 47 1982 Totals indicate a 33% increase over activity during 1981 Above does not include radio & alarm test (Sig. 19's) or routine radio traffic handled by 8-0-0. Mattituck, E!AFD Rescue, OFD Rescue, Shelter Is. Red Cross calls are dispatched direct from PD Hqs. Southold FD & Cutchogue FD relayed to their Hqs. for activation. Greenport FD. EMFD General, Orient FD General, Shelter Is. FD 's alarms are relayed to Suffolk County for activation. Pec6nic Ambulance calls are relayed to their Hqs. for activation. Misc. Alarms - Total includes Signal 231s, plus boat & plane fires, Chiefs investigations, etc. .Rescue - When an agency is dispatched for an MVA with injuries and special requirements (extrication, washdown, etc ) the call is included in Rescue total. MVA's with no injuries are included ii Misc. total. C/O JR 1-1-83 SUFFot�- H.DANIEL WINTERS � - CHIEF OF POLICE O Jpl ya�� Town Clerk Southold POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 TELEPHONE EMERGENCY DIAL 911 ADMINISTRATIVE: 516 765-2600 516734.6022 28 December,1982 Supervisor William Pell Town Hall Southold,New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Pell : Please be advised that the Southold Town Police Department was called to assist the Greenport Village Police Department a total of 47 times from Jan.l , 1982 thru December 27,1982. These 47 incidents represents a total of 71 1/4 man-hours. Respec ully Submitted, H Daniel Winters Chief of Police a As • TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR v� P.O. BOX 728 C•�D 1 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 1 �lCEIVED January 3 , 1983 tIAN ] 21993 Southold Town Board TOR W& $MOOd Town Hall Southold , N . Y . 11971 Gentlemen : I wish to submit the following annual report for your edification : In 1982 , 2024 receipts were issued and the sum of $28 ,450 . 88 was collected and turned over to the Town Clerk ' s office . 546 building permits and 21 amended building permits were issued for 122 new homes ( 11 more than last year ) , 201 additions-alterations and 202 accessory , farm or miscellaneous . Permits for 8 new businesses and 13 business additions-alter- ations were issued , with a total estimated construction value of $ 12 , 20'11 , 303 . 322 Yard Sales and 1 Auction Sale Permit were issued with $4 , 845 . 00 in fees collected . 502 Certificates of Occupancy , including Vacant land , Pre-Existing buildings , Updated certificates and 107 copies for a total of $2 , 720 . 00 collected . The Building Department has a Plymouth , Chrysler and Concorde at present for their operating needs . The Plymouth and Chrysler have new ( re-built ) transmissions ; the Concorde , a new battery; and are in a condition where there should not have to be any major expense , on these , in 1983 . The cars traveled 16 , 586 miles and used 1223 . 2 gallons of gasoline , all taken from the Police pump . In 11383 , I intend to set up a program that will require the efforts of everyone in the Building Dept . The program may at first seem a bit ambitious but , I feel , reasonable and obtainable . The one weak area will be the overload on the secretary , but if the Building Dept . is allowed to continue to borrow a secretary now and then from the Supervisor ' s Office , then this handicap in the program will resolve itself . Again, it will require the reasonable efforts of everyone to materi- alize . The program briefly consists of the following : 1 . Keep abreast of the everyday business 2 . complete updating the present files & expired cases 3 . set the fire codes into motion . Southold Town Board 1 /3/83 Page 2 Steps have already been taken to take a positive and active approach to the Fire Code . A meeting of assistant Fire Inspectors has been called on 1 /17/83 toward this goal . What I intend to do is try to have all those businesses where large groups gather , to be in compliance before July 1st . That is , restaurants , bars , marinas , stores , etc . ; that will leave things like Real Estate , law offices , etc . , for the last six months . All must be in compliance be 1 /1 /84 by State Law . Any con- struction ( business ) after 4/1 /82 is bound by today ' s laws and are being made to comform as such . One prevalent problem, in the Building Dept . , is the methods of handling present day violations . Too much time is being absorbed , from daily work , in conferences , re-conferenes , re-checks , etc . To have to absorb three to five plus months to expedite cases to their final phase doesn ' t seem to me to be the efficient approach to the problem . I would suggest the appearance ticket method , with possibly control status given to a responsible authority , i . e . , the Supervisor or Prosecuting Attorney - someone readily available to make an unbiased judgment . I have very intention of filing a progress report , after the first quarter or sooner if this program needs adjustment or fine tuning . Respectfully submitted , Victor Lessard Executive Administrator Building Department VL : ec P . S . In early September , ( Budget Submission ) , I estimated the revenue to be taken in , by this Department , as $28 ,590 . for 1982 . I misfigured the amount by $ 139 . + more than we took in . In 1983 I will try to be more exact . Sorry. y TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTSOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR o ,T P.O. BOX 728 y� TOWN HALL ��- SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 RECEIVED January 12 , 1983 UAM 1,21983 Southold Town Board T EMd Town Hall Southold , NY 11971 Gentlemen : I wish to report my activities with reference to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals . First I wish to commend both Boards and especially their leaders , namely Henry Raynor and Gerard Goehringer on their zealous efforts to understand and help in trying to coordinate the efforts of both Boards to operate in unison with each other . Each board knowing what the other is doing has aided greatly toward eliminating overlapping on the same problems and avoiding double rulings . By setting down procedures of responsibilities , I believe both Boards have taken great strides toward the goals they were established for . I would also like to thank Henry Moisa and company at the Assessors department for their unending assistance toward supplying a vast amount of necessary information to resolve the many problems that arise between meetings of the two Boards . The efforts of all three units have contributed greatly toward making that aspect of Town government what it should be . Sincerely yours , Y c't� �!' �cu cl- Victor Lessard Executive Administrator VL : ec 4 RECEIVED U�F9 SDC 11982 d Town Cltrk WuttioldTown Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR or VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ANNUAL REPORT 1982 RECEIPTS - WHOLE TOWN Conservation Licenses. . .Town-365. 50. . .State-7,981 .00. . . . . . . . . $ 8, 346. 50 Dog Licenses. . .Town-11, 717. 32. . .State-5,349.18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17,066 . 50 DogRedemption. . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840. 00 DogAdoption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 Dog Summons. . .Civil Penalty. . .Town-690. 00. . .NFAWL-650. 00. . . . . . .1 340. 00 Marriage Licenses. . .Town-476.25. . . State-158. 75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .635.00 MarriageTranscripts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830. 00 Search and Certified Copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561. 57 Bingo Licenses. . .Town-1 ,552. 50. . . State-2, 328.75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 ,881 . 25 Bingo - 3% Net Proceeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,185.83 Games of Chance Licenses. . .Town-170.0O. . .State-255. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . 425. 00 Games of Chance - 5% Net Proceeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415. 41 Shellfish Permits - Commercial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 , 575.00 Shellfish Permits - Non-Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,253.00 Shellfish Permits - Temporary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .455. 00 Sale of Sand. . .Town-21, 803. 00. . .Tax-1 ,315. 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23,118. 16 Beach Permits - Motel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,540.00 BeachPermits - Lessee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .930.00 Beach Permits - Daily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,652. 50 Bid Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250.00 LandownerBig Game Permits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54. 00 Donation to Recreation Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .698. 95 Laminating & Tag Machine. . .Town-7. 20. . .Staley Corp.-28. 80. . . . . . . . . 36. 00 Total Whole Town Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . $76 ,189.67 l '4 Page 2 - Town Clerk' s 101hual Report - 1982 RECEIPTS - PART TOWN Birth Certifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 240. 00 Death Certifications. . . . . . . . . . .1 ,810. 00 Ordinance Books. . .Town-1 ,817. 90. . .Tax-124. 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,942. 05 Wetland Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910. 00 PeddlingPermits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125. 00 SandPit Permits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. 00 ZoningAppeals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,875.00 FloodPlain Appeals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 00 PlanningBoard Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,535.00 Changeof Zone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300. 00 HouseTrailer Permits & Renewals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800. 00 Building Department Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18,225. 90 JunkYard Permits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100. 00 Total Part Town Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . . $50,942. 95 DISBURSEMENTS Paid to Supervisor - Whole Town Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 57,174. 08 Paid to Supervisor - Part Town Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,818 . 80 Paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 349. 18 Paid to County Clerk for Conservation Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,981 . 00 Paid to N.Y.S. Dept. of Health for Marriage Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . 158.75 Paid to N.F. Animal Welfare League, Inc. for Dog Summons. . . . . . . . .650. 00 Paid to Staley Corp. for Laminating & Tag Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28. 80 Paid to Supervisor for Tax on Sale of Sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ,315.16 Paid to Supervisor for Tax on Sale of Ordinances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124. 15 Paid to Supervisor for Bingo Licenses - State Share. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,328. 75 Paid to Supervisor for Games of Chance Lic. - State Share. . . . . . . .255. 00 Paid to Supervisor for Bid Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250. 00 Paid to Supervisor for Donation to Recreation Center. . . . . . . . . . . . .698. 95 Total Disbursements - 1982. . . . . . . . . $127,132.62 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk