HomeMy WebLinkAbout4th Quarter 01/08/2016 Town of Southold Page• 1 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder October 01,2015—December 31,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Adoption 1 Dog Adoptions 10 00 1 Category Sub-Total . .. $10.00 Agency&Trust 10 Clean-Up Deposit 2,500 00 2 Road Clean-up Dep - 3,000 00 14 Tree Donation 1,301 00 26 Category Sub-Total... $6,801.00 Alarm Fees 1 2014 Fines 10 00 6 Renewal 2011 60 00 1 Renewal 2012 10 00 3 Renewals 2013 30 00 13 Renewals 2014 130 00 24 Category Sub-Total. .. $240.00 Alarm Permits 84 Alarm-Fines 8,250 00 52 Alarm-Initial 1,300 00 ' 1 Alarm-Renewal 10 00 399 Alarm-Renewals 3,990 00 536 Category Sub-Total... $13,550.00 Beach Permits 9 Beach-Guest 360 00 5 Beach-Non-Resident 750 00 20 Beach-Replacement 0 00 881 Beach-Resident 8,810 00 2 Beach-Void 0.00 917 Category Sub-Total. . . $9,920.00 Bid Specifications& Fees 14 Highway Garage 350 00 14 Category Sub-Total. . . $350.00 Building Permit Fees 37 Building Permit Fees 122,437 55 37 Category Sub-Total. .. $122,437.55 Certification, Birth 3 Birth Trans. 30 00 3 Category Sub-Total. . . $30.00 Certification, Death 432 Death Trans. 4,320 00 1 Death Trans.-Genealogical 11 00 433 Category Sub-Total. . . $4,331.00 Certification, Marriage 17 Marriage Trans 170 00 17 Category Sub-Total . .. $170.00 01/08/2016 Town of Southold Page• 2 10:29.22- Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder October 01,2015—December 31,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Change Of Zone , 1 Petition 1,000 00 1 Category Sub-Total. . . $1,000.00 Coastal Erosion Appeal 1 Application For Appeal 250 00 1 Category Sub-Total. .. $250.00 Conservation (DECALS) 42 Conservation (DECALS) 3,965 00 42 Category Sub-Total... $3,965.00 Dog Licenses Original 14 Dog License Female, Spayed 154 00 3 Dog License Female, Unspayed 54 00 19 Dog License Male, Neutered 209 00 1 Dog License Male, Unneutered 18.00 37 Category Sub-Total. . . $435.00 Dog Licenses Renewal 54 Dog License Female, Spayed 594 00 44 Dog License Male, Neutered - 484 00 6 Dog License Male, Unneutered 108 00 104 Category Sub-Total... $1,186.00 Euthanasia 1 Euthanasia 0 00 1 Category Sub-Total... $0.00 Filming 1 Application Fee-Non-Refund 100'00 1 Daily Filming Permit 100 00 2 Category Sub-Total... $200.00 Fishers Island Mooring 20 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 2,250 00 Permits 20 Category Sub-Total... $2,250.00 Fishers Island Sewer District 31 January Fl Sewer District Rent 6,975 00 2016 13 January Installment 2,711.25 6 June Fl Sewer District Rent 1,350 00 2016 12 June Installment 2,283 75 62 Category Sub-Total. .. $13,320.00 Highway Excavation 28 Excavation Permits 5,286 90 28 Category Sub-Total. .. $5,286.90 Historical Items 1 "Houses"Soft Cover-Retail 5 00 1 "I Love Southold"Sticker 1.25 2 Category Sub-Total. .. $6.25 House Trailer Permits 11 House Trailer Permit 2,150 00 01/08/2016 Town of Southold Page: 3 10.27.22- Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder October 01,2015—December 31,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 11 Category Sub-Total . .. $2,160.00 Interest Now Account 3 Interest NOW Account 4.22 3 Category Sub-Total. .. $4.22 Misc. Cash 843 Photocopies 1,234 97 843 Category Sub-Total. .. $1,234.97 Racing And Wagering Bell Jar 1 Bell Jar License 25 00 1 Category Sub-Total. . . $25.00 Racing And Wagering Bingo 48 Bingo Licenses 900 00 13 Bingo Proceeds 62.64 61 Category Sub-Total. .. $962.64 Redemptions 5 Dog Redemption- 1st 50 00 3 Dog Redemption-2nd 60 00 3 Dog Redemptions-3+ 90 00 11 Category Sub-Total... $200.00 Shellfish 10 Free-Non-Commer 0 00 3 Replacement - 0 00 24 Resid -Non Commer 120 00 37 Shellfish-Commercial 1,850 00 103 Shellfish-Free, 0 00 Non-Commercial 69 Shellfish-Resident, Non-Comm 345 00 246 Category Sub-Total... $2,315.00 Solid Waste Management 2 2014-16 Add'I Permit 120 00 District 1 2015 1st Permit 0 00 16 2015-17 1st Permit 1,920 00 14 2015-17 Add'I Permit 840 00 42 Bags-Retail-Large 279 00 54 Bags-Retail-Medium 405 00 47 Bags-Retail-Small 173.25 34 Disposal-2015 1st Permit 510 00 36 Disposal-2015 Add'I Permit 270 00 4 Disposal-2015 Guest/Lessee 100 00 1053 Disposal-2016 1st Permit 31,590 00. 222 Disposal-2016 Add'I Permit 3,330 00 01/08/2016 Town of Southold Page• 4 10.27 22_, Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder October 01, 2015—December 31, 2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 6 Disposal-2016 Guest/Lessee 150 00 67 Disposal-Replacement 0 00 8 Disposal-Void 0 00 1606 Category Sub-Total. . . $39,687.25 Special Events 1 Event Fee 250 00 1 Category Sub-Total.. . $250.00 Vital Statistics Marriage 24 Marriage License 960 00 24 Category Sub-Total ... $960.00 Wastewater Disposal District 19 Septic Permit-Construct- 190 00 Resid 3 Septic Permit-Operation- 30 00 Resid 22 Category Sub-Total. .. - $220.00 Yard Sale Permits 88 Yard Permit 1,320 00 88 Category Sub-Total. .. $1,320.00 ZBA Application Fees 29 ZBA Application Fees 18,150 00 29 Category Sub-Total. .. $18,150.00 Zoning Board Of Appeals 1 Public Events 250 00 1 Category Sub-Total. .. $250.00 Received Through Total Cash Total: $30,624.32 COUNTER $253,296.78 Check Total: $193,136.06 ONLINE $171 00 Credit Total: $28,840.90 Debit Total: $30.00 Money Order Total: $0.00 Online Total: $171.00 Multi-Entry Total: $469.50 Other/Unknown: $196.00 Grand Total : $253,467.78 . . . From: 10/1/2015 To: 12/31/2015 DOG LICENSE MONTHLY REPORT 01/08/201* Suffolk 47 Send Copy To: Animal Population Control Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold 10 LICENSE TYPES AND FEES 1-4 . ��seareu nnareu . • � � M Statutory .Fee ., otatotozr Fee Local ,aee (o) Late Penalty (E) Spayed ree (F) Unspayed Fee (G) m m w ‘4 (B) � (C) ' � . --i. apav/meutez 131 131 0 ,NO FEE @ 0.00 0.00 @ 16`V0 1'310.00 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 131.00 NO- FEE 2. Unspay/Unneut 10 10 0 10 @ 0.00 0.00 NO FEE @ 1s.nn zsci0n 0 @ 0.00 0.00 NO FEE @ 3.00 30.00 , 3. Exemption 0 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE �' � .mor� NO FEE 4. euzebzeu<1-10> 0 0 0 @ 0.00 , 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1,.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 5. Purebred(11-25) 0 0 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 -@ 50.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ J,nO 0�OO @ 3.00 0.00 6. Purebred(26+) 0 0 0 @ 100.00 O.no. @1oo.00 0.00 6 o.po 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ . 1.90 . 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 -- __ __ -______- ______� '_- __-____. -_ . _ 7. TOTALS 141 141 0 10 ^ $0.00 $0.00 ' yo'4on.00 $0.00 $131.-00 $30.00 .�~�~�~��_' _~� . REPLACEMENT AND PUREBRED Column H 'Column I ,(Local) Column J (Statutory) . TAG ORDERS PROCESSED # Each Tag Fees Tag Fees 8. Replacement Tags 0 0.00 0.00 9. Purebred Tags 0 0.00 0.00 . 10. TOTALS 0 $0.00 $0.00 DISBURSEMENTS (to T.C.V.) (to County) (to Animal Population Control) 12. Local% of 7B + 7C $0.00 15. Stat% of 7B + 7C $0.00 18. 100% of 7F + 7G $161.00 13. Local% of 7D + 7E + 10z $1,460.00 16. Stat% of 10J $0.00 14. Total $1'460.00 17. Total $0.00 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $0.00 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program $161.00 . • LICENSE SUMMARY. . 1. Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses: 37 z� Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses ' � 0 3. Number of Standard Renewals (including New Owner Licenses) : 104 4. Number of Purebred License Renewals: 0 5. Total of Lines 1-3: 141 01/08/2016 Town of Southold Page 1 11101 37 AM DECALS Import Transaction Report Lynda M Rudder October 01, 2015-December 31, 2015 Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD 10/01/2015 445 00 24 50 420 50 CAROLH 10/02/2015 222.00 12.23 209 77 SABRINA 10/05/2015 - 238 00 13 12 224 88 SABRINA 10/06/2015 47 00 2.59 44 41 SABRINA 10/07/2015 104 00 5 74 98.26 SABRINA 10/09/2015 22.00 1.21 20 79 SABRINA 10/13/2015 37 00 2.04 34 96 SABRINA 10/14/2015 70 00 1 00 69 00 SABRINA 10/15/2015 52.00 2.87 4913 SABRINA 10/16/2015 395 00 21 73 373.27 SABRINA 10/19/2015 158 00 8.71 149.29 SABRINA 10/20/2015 42.00 2.31 39 69 SABRINA 10/22/2015 87 00 4 80 82.20 SABRINA 10/23/2015 199 00 10 95 188 05 SABRINA 10/26/2015 37 00 2.04 34 96 CAROLH 10/27/2015 119 00 6.56 112.44 SABRINA 10/29/2015 106 00 5 84 100 16 SABRINA 10/30/2015 79 00 4 35 74 65 CAROLH 11/02/2015 87 00 4 80 82.20 SABRINA 11/04/2015 44 00 2.42 41 58 SABRINA ' 11/06/2015 174 00 9 58 164 42 SABRINA 11/09/2015 57 00 3 14 53 86 BONNIED 11/10/2015 47 00 2.59 44 41 CAROLH 11/12/2015 32.00 176 30.24 SABRINA 11/13/2015 81 00 4 48 76 52 BONNIED 11/16/2015 72.00 3 97 68 03 SABRINA 11/17/2015 32.00 176 30.24 SABRINA 11/18/2015 22.00 1.21 20 79 CAROLH 11/19/2015 111 00 6.12 104 88 CAROLH 11/20/2015 82.00 4 52 77 48 CAROLH 11/23/2015 22.00 1.21 20 79 SABRINA 11/24/2015 219 00 12.07 206 93 CAROLH 11/25/2015 67 00 3 69 63 31 CAROLH 11/30/2015 76.00 419 7181 CAROLH 12/09/2015 22.00 1.21 20 79 CAROLH 12/10/2015 32.00 176 30.24 CAROLH 12/16/2015 22.00 1.21 20 79 SABRINA 12/23/2015 22.00 1.21 20 79 SABRINA 12/28/2015 91 00 5 01 85 99 CAROLH 01/08/2016 Town of Southold Page 2 11 171 37 AM DECALS Import Transaction Report Lynda M Rudder October 01,2015- December 31,2015 Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD 12/29/2015 5 00 0.28 4 72 CAROLH 12/30/2015 67 00 3 69 63 31 CAROLH 12/31/2015 • 20 00 1 10 18 90 BONNIED Report Totals: $3,965.00 $215.57 $3,749.43