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07/29/2015Page 1 Town Clerk Monthly Report Bi—Annual January 01, 2015-June 30,2015 To the Supervisor Pursuant to Section 27,sub 1,of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. � Neville, Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share A.2544 10 Room& Board Room&Board 5 25 00 Sub-Total: $25.00 AGENCY&TRUST T1 Tree Book- Retail 2 16 58 Tree Book-Wholesale 12 66 00 T1.030 Clean-Up Deposit 39 9,750 00 Sub-Total: $9,832.58 BANK Bank Fees for DECALS account 1 -35 00 Corrected Bank Fees for DECALS 1 -35 00 Sub-Total: -$70.00 BID A.2620 00 2015 MSW 3 150 00 Sub-Total: $150.00 FISD SS2.2130 00 June Installment 3 675 00 Sewer Distrcit Rent 23 17,505 00 Sub-Total: $18,180.00 High DB.2650 Used Equipment- Highway 1 6,550 00 Sub-Total: $6,550.00 INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account 5 7 82 Sub-Total: $7.82 PART Refund of$100 to Maureen Griffin 1 -100 00 180723 returned check 1 -830 80 B 1255 00 Yard Permit 116 1,740 00 Yard Sale Permits 99 1,485 00 B 1560 00 Building Permit Fees 104 296,130 64 B 1601 10 Birth Trans. 2 20 00 B 1601.20 Death Trans. 686 6,860 00 Death Trans. -Genealogical 5 55 00 B.2110 10 Public Events 21 3,650 00 ZBA Application Fees 45 35,900 00 B.2110.20 Petition 1 1,000 00 B.2590 10 House Trailer Permit 20 3,800 00 B.2590 30 Permit-Year 5 1,000 00 B.2590 40 Event Fee 8 1,700 00 Fireworks 4 500 00 Sub-Total: $352,909.84 PT-HIGHWAY DB.2590 00 Excavation Permits 41 7,932.80 Sub-Total: $7,932.80 SMWD SR.2590 10 2015 Add'I Permit 33 247.50 Sub-Total: $247.50 SWMD SR.2130 40 Bags- Retail- Large 205 1,302 75 Bags-Retail-Medium 156 960 00 Bags- Retail-Small 139 311.25 07/29/2015Town Clerk Monthly Report Page 2 January 01, 2015 -June 30, 2015 To the Supervisor Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1,of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Large 3 20.25 Medium 11 82 50 Small 4 15 00 SR.2590 10 2015 1st Permit 112 1,680 00 2015 Add'I Permit 27 202.50 2015 G/L Permit 5 125 00 Disposal-2015 1st Permit 495 7,425 00 Disposal-2015 Add' Permit 307 2,302 50 Disposal-2015 Guest/Lessee 9 225 00 Disposal-Guest 22 550 00 Disposal- Lessee 8 200 00 Disposal- Replacement 392 0 00 Disposal-Void 6 0 00 Disposal Permit-Guest 1 25 00 Disposal Permit-Replace 30 0 00 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 1 0 00 Replacement 58 0 00 Void 2 0 00 SR.2590.20 2010-11 First Permit 1 120 00 2013-15 1st Permit 2 240 00 2013-15 Add'I Permits 1 60 00 2014-16 1st Permit 1 120 00 2014-16 Add'I Permit 7 420 00 2014-2016 Add'I Permit 2 120 00 2015 Add'I Permit 19 1,140 00 2015 Carter Permit 9 960 00 2015-17 1st Permit 25 3,000 00 2015-17 Add'I Permit 11 660 00 Sub-Total: $22,266.75 WHOLE A.1255.10 Marriage License 56 960 00 Marriage Trans 72 720 00 Marriage Trans -Genealogical 2 22.00 A.1255.20 CD copy 2 3 68 Photocopies 6099 2,864 50 A.1255 30 Check Charge 3 60 00 A.1289 10 "Houses"Soft Cover- Retail 7 32.20 "I Love Southold" Sticker 10 11 50 350th Video 2 9.20 Landmark Register 2 12 88 Liber D 3 30 39 A.1289.20 Application Fee- Non-Refund 2 200 00 Beach Permits 6 60 00 Daily Filming Permit 4 400 00 A.1410 4 100 100 Bank Fees 1 35 00 A.2116 10 Alarm Renewals 2012 3 30 00 Alarm Renewals 2013 12 120 00 07/29/2015 . Page Clerk Monthly Report Page 3 January 01, 2015-June 30, 2015 To the Supervisor Pursuant to Section 27,sub 1,of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share - Alarm Renewals 2014 61 610 00 Alarm Renewals 2015 577 5,770 00 Initial 1 25 00 Initial Alarm 52 1,300 00 Renewals 2010 3 30 00 Renewals 2011 4 40 00 Renewals 2012 1 10 00 Renewals 2014 10 100 00 Renewals 2015 24 240 00 A.2116.20 2014 Alarm Fines 61 6,100 00 2014 Fines 1 100 00 2015 Alarm Fines 22 2,200 00 Alarm-Fines 2 200 00 Alarm- Initial 5 125 00 Alarm-Renewals 112 1,120 00 Fines 4 400 00 Initial 11 275 00 Renewals 29 290 00 A.2540 10 Bingo Proceeds 23 70.24 Game Cancelled 3 0 00 A.2540.20 Games Of Chance License 1 10 00 A.2544 10 Dog- Room& Board 1 5 00 Dog License Female, Spayed 151 1,510 00 Dog License Female, Unspayed 6 90 00 Dog License Male, Neutered 123 1,230 00 Dog License Male, Unneutered 12 180 00 Exempt Dog License 1 0 00 Female, Spayed 28 280 00 Female, Unspayed 2 30 00 Male, Neutered 17 170 00 Male, Unneutered 2 30 00 Replacement Tags 4 12.00 A.2544.20 Dog Adoptions 3 30 00 Dog Redemption- 1st 10 100 00 Dog Redemption-2nd 4 80 00 Dog Redemptions-3+ 7 210 00 A.2590 10 Commercial 20 955 00 Free-Non-Commer 161 0 00 Free-Non-Commer 68 0 00 Non- Resident 4 200 00 Non-resident 1 50 00 Replacement 1 0 00 Resid. - Non Commer 219 1,095 00 Resid. - Non-Comm 34 170 00 Shellfish-Commercial 31 1,550.00 Shellfish- Free Non-Comm 412 0 00 07/29/2015 Page Town Clerk Monthly Report 4 January 01, 2015-June 30, 2015 To the Supervisor Pursuant to Section 27,sub 1,of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Shellfish-Non-Resident 25 1,250 00 Shellfish-Replacement 6 0 00 Shellfish- Resident 443 2,215 00 Shellfish-Voided 7 0 00 Void-Void 3 0 00 Voided 4 0 00 A.2590.20 Beach-Attend/Manager 2 0 00 Beach-Guest 385 15,400 00 Beach- Hotel/Motel 29 1,160 00 Beach- Hotel/Motel/B&B 142 5,680 00 Beach- Lessee 70 2,800 00 Beach- Non-Resident 95 14,250 00 Beach- Replacement 83 0 00 Beach- Resident 5175 51,750 00 Beach- Sticker Missing 1 0 00 Beach-Void 6 0 00 Beach Daily 6 150 00 Beach Personnel 19 0 00 Guest 83 3,320 00 Lessee 15 600 00 Motel 40 1,600 00 Non-Resident Season 10 1,500 00 Replacement 15 0 00 Resident 1293 12,920 00 Void 1 0 00 A.2590 30 A.2590 30 39 76 82 A.2590 50 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 35 6,045 00 A.2590 60 Landowner Fees 79 79 00 A.2650 Used Equipment-Whole Town 3 2,855 00 A.2770 10 Application For Appeal 1 250 00 B.2655 00 Zoning Map- Large 1 40 00 Euthanasia Euthanasia 1 0 00 Sub-Total: $156,504.41 WWDD SS1.2130 00 Septic Permit-Construct- Resid. 38 380 00 Septic Permit-Construct. Non-resid 1 25 00 Septic Permit-Operation-Resid. 7 70.00 Sub-Total: $475.00 07/29/2015• Town Clerk Monthly Report Page 5 January 01, 2015-June 30, 2015 To the Supervisor Pursuant to Section 27,sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Total Local Shares Remitted: $575,011.70 Amount paid to NYS Ag. &Markets for spay/neuter program ._.___—__ __._ _. —_.__.____.___ 385.00 Amount paid to NYS Environmental Conservation 1,316.18 Amount paid to NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License _ __.__.___.___..__..._._.._._____.__._. 1,260 00 Amount paid to State Share Of Games Of Chance License .._.__...._...._._._..._..___.____._._...__.. .._.._..__.. 15.00 Amount paid to T1 -Sales Tax 13.52 Total State,County &Local Revenues: $578,001.40 Total Non-Local Revenues: $2,989.70 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn,says that she is the Town Clerk,that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above,excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law 7/31,L5 Southold Town Supervisor Date Southold Town Clerk Date 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page. I 12.04 57 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—June 30, 2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Account#BANK 1 Bank Fees for DECALS account -35 00 1 Corrected Bank Fees for -35 00 DECALS 2 Category Sub-Total. .. -$70.00 Account#PART 1 Refund of$100 to Maureen -100 00 Griffin 180723 1 returned check -830 80 2 Category Sub-Total. .. -$930.80 Adoption 3 Dog Adoptions 30 00 3 Category Sub-Total. .. $30.00 Agency&Trust 39 Clean-Up Deposit 9,750 00 2 Tree Book-Retail 18 00 12 Tree Book-Wholesale 66 00 53 Category Sub-Total. .. $9,834.00 Alarm Fees 61 2014 Alarm Fines 6,100 00 1 2014 Fines 100 00 22 2015 Alarm Fines 2,200 00 3 Alarm Renewals 2012 30 00 12 Alarm Renewals 2013 120 00 61 Alarm Renewals 2014 610 00 577 Alarm Renewals 2015 5,770 00 1 Initial 25 00 52 Initial Alarm 1,300 00 3 Renewals 2010 30 00 4 Renewals 2011 40 00 1 Renewals 2012 10 00 10 Renewals 2014 100 00 24 Renewals 2015 240 00 832 Category Sub-Total. .. $16,675.00 Alarm Permits 2 Alarm-Fines 200 00 5 Alarm-Initial 125 00 112 Alarm-Renewals 1,120 00 4 Fines 400 00 11 Initial 275 00 29 Renewals 290 00 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page• 2 12.04.57 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01, 2015—June 30, 2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 163 Category Sub-Total . .. $2,410.00 Bank Fees 1 Bank Fees 35 00 1 Category Sub-Total. .. $35.00 Beach Permit 955 Resident 9,540 00 955 Category Sub-Total. .. $9,540.00 Beach Permits 2 Beach-Attend/Manager 0 00 385 Beach-Guest 15.,400 00 29 Beach-Hotel/Motel 1,160 00 142 Beach-Hotel/Motel/B& B 5,680 00 70 Beach-Lessee 2,800 00 95 Beach-Non-Resident 14,250 00 83 Beach-Replacement 0 00 5175 Beach-Resident 51,750 00 1 Beach-Sticker Missing 0 00 6 Beach-Void 0 00 6 Beach Daily 150 00 19 Beach Personnel 0 00 83 Guest 3,320 00 15 Lessee 600 00 40 Motel 1,600 00 10 Non-Resident Season 1,500 00 15 Replacement 0 00 338 Resident 3,380 00 1 Void 0 00 6515 Category Sub-Total. . . $101,590.00 Bid Sepcifications& Fees 3 2015 MSW 150 00 3 Category Sub-Total... $150.00 Building Permit Fees 104 Building Permit Fees 296,130 64 104 Category Sub-Total. .. $296,130.64 Certification, Birth 2 Birth Trans. 20 00 2 Category Sub-Total. .. $20.00 Certification, Death 686 Death Trans. 6,860 00 5 Death Trans. -Genealogical 55 00 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page- 3 12:01.57 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—June 30,2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 691 Category Sub-Total. .. $6,915.00 Certification, Marriage 72 Marriage Trans. 720 00 2 Marriage Trans.-Genealogical 22.00 74 Category Sub-Total. . . $742.00 Change Of Zone 1 Petition 1,000 00 1 Category Sub-Total. . . $1,000.00 Coastal Erosion Appeal 1 Application For Appeal 250 00 1 Category Sub-Total... $250.00 Conservation (DECALS) 39 Conservation (DECALS) 1,393 00 39 Category Sub-Total... $1,393.00 Dog Licenses Original 26 Dog License Female, Spayed 286 00 2 Dog License Female, Unspayed 36.00 20 Dog License Male, Neutered 220 00 5 Dog License Male, Unneutered 90 00 5 Female, Spayed 55.00 1 Female, Unspayed 18.00 2 Male, Neutered 22.00 1 Male, Unneutered 18.00 62 Category Sub-Total. .. $745.00 Dog Licenses Renewal 125 Dog License Female,Spayed 1,375 00 4 Dog License Female, Unspayed 72.00 103 Dog License Male, Neutered 1,133 00 7 Dog License Male, Unneutered 126 00 1 Exempt Dog License 0 00 23 Female,Spayed 253 00 1 Female, Unspayed 18 00 15 Male, Neutered 165 00 1 Male, Unneutered 18 00 280 Category Sub-Total. . . $3,160.00 Dog Licenses Rep Tags 4 Replacement Tags 12.00 4 Category Sub-Total. .. $12.00 Euthanasia 1 Euthanasia 0 00 1 Category Sub-Total. .. $0.00 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page: 4 12.04.57 ' Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—June 30, 2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Filming 2 Application Fee-Non-Refund 200 00 Filming 6 Beach Permits 60 00 4 Daily Filming Permit 400 00 12 Category Sub-Total. . . $660.00 Fishers Island Mooring 35 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 6,045 00 Permits 35 Category Sub-Total... $6,045.00 Fishers Island Sewer District 3 June Installment 675 00 23 Sewer Distrcit Rent 17,505 00 26 Category Sub-Total... $18,180.00 Highway Excavation 41 Excavation Permits 7,932.80 41 Category Sub-Total . .. $7,932.80 Historical Items 7 "Houses"Soft Cover-Retail 35 00 10 "I Love Southold"Sticker 12.50 2 350th Video 10 00 2 Landmark Register 14 00 3 Liber D 33 00 24 Category Sub-Total. .. $104.50 House Trailer Permits 20 House Trailer Permit 3,800 00 20 Category Sub-Total. .. $3,800.00 Interest Now Account 5 Interest NOW Account 7 82 5 Category Sub-Total . .. $7.82 Landowner 79 Landowner Fees 79 00 79 Category Sub-Total.. . $79.00 Misc. Cash 2 CD copy 4 00 6099 Photocopies 2,864 50 6101 Category Sub-Total. .. $2,868.50 Ordinance Fees 1 Zoning Map-Large 43 45 1 Category Sub-Total. . . $43.45 Peddling 5 Permit-Year 1,000 00 5 Category Sub-Total. .. $1,000.00 Racing And Wagering Bingo 23 Bingo Proceeds 70.24 3 Game Cancelled 0 00 26 Category Sub-Total. .. $70.24 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page. 5 1204 57 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01, 2015—June 30, 2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Racing And Wagering Games Of Chance 1 Games Of Chance License 25 00 1 Category Sub-Total. . . $25.00 Redemptions 10 Dog Redemption-1st 100 00 4 Dog Redemption-2nd 80 00 7 Dog Redemptions-3+ 210 00 21 Category Sub-Total... $390.00 Returned 3 Check Charge 60 00 3 Category Sub-Total. .. $60.00 Room&Board 1 Dog-Room&Board 5 00 5 Room&Board 25 00 6 Category Sub-Total. .. $30.00 Sale Of Used Equipment 1 Used Equipment-Highway 6,550 00 3 Used Equipment-Whole Town 2,855 00 4 Category Sub-Total. .. $9,405.00 Shellfish 20 Commercial 955 00 161 Free-Non-Commer 0 00 68 Free-Non-Commer 0 00 4 Non-Resident 200 00 1 Non-resident 50 00 1 Replacement 0 00 219 Resid -Non Commer 1,095 00 34 Resid.-Non-Comm. 170 00 31 Shellfish-Commercial 1,550 00 412 Shellfish-Free Non-Comm 0 00 25 Shellfish-Non-Resident 1,250 00 6 Shellfish-Replacement 0 00 443 Shellfish-Resident 2,215 00 7 Shellfish-Voided 0 00 3 Void-Void 0 00 4 Voided 0 00 1439 Category Sub-Total. .. $7,485.00 Solid Waste Management 1 2010-11 First Permit 120 00 District 2 2013-15 1st Permit 240 00 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page• 6 12.04 57 ' Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—June 30, 2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 1 2013-15 Add'I Permits 60 00 1 2014-16 1st Permit 120 00 7 2014-16 Add'I Permit 420 00 2 2014-2016 Add'I Permit 120 00 112 2015 1st Permit 1,680 00 79 2015 Add'I Permit 1,590 00 9 2015 Carter Permit 960 00 5 2015 G/L Permit 125 00 25 2015-17 1st Permit 3,000 00 11 2015-17 Add'I Permit 660 00 205 Bags-Retail-Large 1,302.75 156 Bags-Retail-Medium 960 00 139 Bags-Retail-Small 311.25 495 Disposal-2015 1st Permit 7,425 00 307 Disposal-2015 Add'I Permit 2,302 50 9 Disposal-2015 Guest/Lessee 225 00 22 Disposal-Guest 550 00 8 Disposal-Lessee 200 00 392 Disposal-Replacement 0 00 6 Disposal-Void 0 00 1 Disposal Permit-Guest 25 00 30 Disposal Permit-Replace 0 00 1 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 0 00 3 Large 20.25 11 Medium 82.50 58 Replacement 0 00 4 Small 15 00 2 Void 0 00 2104 Category Sub-Total. .. $22,514.25 Special Events 8 Event Fee 1,700 00 4 Fireworks 500 00 12 Category Sub-Total.. . $2,200.00 Vital Statistics Marriage 56 Marriage License 2,220 00 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page• 7 12:0'4 5'7 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder January 01,2015—June 30, 2015 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount 56 Category Sub-Total. . . $2,220.00 Wastewater Disposal District 38 Septic Permit-Construct- 380 00 Resid 1 Septic Permit-Construct. 25 00 Non-resid 7 Septic Permit-Operation- 70 00 Resid 46 Category Sub-Total. . . $475.00 Yard Sale Permits 116 Yard Permit 1,740 00 99 Yard Sale Permits 1,485 00 215 Category Sub-Total. .. $3,225.00 ZBA Application Fees 45 ZBA Application Fees 35,900 00 45 Category Sub-Total... $35,900.00 Zoning Board Of Appeals 21 Public Events 3,650 00 21 Category Sub-Total. .. $3,650.00 Received Through Total Cash Total: $78,937.25 COUNTER $577,991 40 Check Total: $422,175.08 Mail $10 00 Credit Total: $76,238.95 Debit Total: $50.00 Money Order Total: $390.00 Online Total: $0.00 Other/Unknown: $210.12 Grand Total : $578,001.40 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 01/26/15 Receipt#: 191402 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 House Trailer Permit 181 $100 00 Total Paid: $100 00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#22074 $100 00 Beds, & Borders Inc Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Beds, & Borders Inc P 0 Box 616 Laurel, NY 11948 Clerk ID: LYNDAR Internal ID 181 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page 1 -. 10.03.'16 AM DECALS Import Transaction Report _ Lynda M Rudder January 01, 2015-June 30,2015 COPY FOR YOUR INFORMATION Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD 01/02/2015 37 00 2.04 34 96 CAROLH 01/05/2015 22.00 1.21 20 79 LYNDAR 01/06/2015 15 00 0 83 14 17 SABRINA 01/07/2015 37 00 2.04 34 96 CAROLH 01/08/2015 125 00 6 88 118 12 CAROLH 01/09/2015 200 00 11 00 189 00 SABRINA 01/12/2015 5 00 0.28 4 72 CAROLH 01/12/2015 15 00 0 83 14 17 . BONNIED 01/15/2015 110 00 6.05 103 95 CAROLH 03/06/2015 37 00 2.04 34 96 CAROLH 03/10/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 03/20/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 CAROLH 03/24/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 04/02/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 04/06/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 LYNDAR 04/10/2015 5 00 0.28 4 72 CAROLH 04/13/2015 50 00 2.76 47.24 CAROLH 04/15/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 CAROLH 04/17/2015 50 00 2.76 47.24 SABRINA 04/22/2015 35 00 1 93 33 07 SABRINA 04/28/2015 50 00 2.76 47.24 SABRINA 04/29/2015 35 00 1 93 33 07 SABRINA 05/01/2015 35 00 1 93 33 07 CAROLH 05/04/2015 75 00 4 14 70 86 SABRINA 05/06/2015 10 00 0 55 9 45 CAROLH 05/08/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 05/13/2015 5 00 0.28 4 72 SABRINA 05/22/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 05/29/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 06/01/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 06/02/2015 25.00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 06/03/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 BONNIED 06/05/2015 10 00 0 56 9 44 SABRINA 06/10/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 06/11/2015 5 00 0 28 4 72 SABRINA 06/15/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 06/16/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 06/19/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 SABRINA 06/26/2015 25 00 1 38 23 62 CAROLH 07/29/2015 Town of Southold Page. 2 110403116 AM DECALS Import Transaction Report Lynda M Rudder January 01, 2015-June 30,2015 Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD Report Totals: $1,393.00 $76.82 $1,316.18 From: 1/1/2015 To: 6/30/2015 DOG LICENSE MONTHLY REPORT 07/29/2015 Suffolk 97 Send Copy To: Animal Population Control Elizabeth A. Neville Town of Southold 10 Southold Town Clerk LICENSE TYPES m AND FEES U N• M Unspayed Spayed xi 1-4 ry a Statutory Fee Statutory Fee Local Fee,-(D) Late Penalty (E) Spayed Fee (F) Unspayed Fee (G) s w w K (B) (C) 1. Spay/Neuter 319 319 0 NO FEE @ 0.00 0.00 @ 10'.00 3,190.00 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 319.00 NO FEE 2. Unspay/Unneut 22 22 0 22 @= 0.00 0.00 NO FEE @ 15.00 - 330.00 0 @ 0.00 0.00 NO. FEE @ 3.00 66.00 3. Exemption 1 1 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 4. Purebred(1-10) 0 0 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 25.00 0..00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 5. Purebred(11-25) 0 0 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @- 50.00. 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 6. Purebred(26+) 0 0 0 @ 100.00 0.00 @ 100.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 7. TOTALS 342 342 0 22 $0.00 $0.00 $3,520.00 $0.00 $319.00 $66.00 REPLACEMENT AND PUREBRED Column H Column I (Local) Column J (Statutory) TAG ORDERS PROCESSED # Each Tag Fees Tag Fees 8. Replacement Tags 4 12.00 0.00 9. Purebred Tags 0 0.00 0.00 10. TOTALS 4 $12.00 $0.00 DISBURSEMENTS (to T.C.V.) (to County) (to Animal Population Control) 12. Local% of 7B + 7C $0.00 15. Stat% of 7B + 7C $0.00 18. 100% of 7F + 7G $385.00 13. Local% of 7D + 7E + 10I $3,532.00 16. Stat% of 10J $0.00 14. Total $3,532.00 17. Total $0.00 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $0.00 COPY FOR YOUR Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program $385.00 INFORMATION LICENSE SUMMARY 1. Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses: 62 2. Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses: 0 3. Number of Standard Renewals (including New Owner Licenses) : 280 V4. Number of Purebred License Renewals: 0 5. Total of Lines 1-3 342 07/ 1