HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnvironmental Inventory - Riverhead Town Line to Horton Point 1998 OCEAN AND COASTAL MAIN OFFICE:35 CORPORATE DRIVE P.O.Box 3166,7 PAMS STREET TRUMBULL,CT 06611 USA *VC PLYMOUTH,MA 02361-3166 USA (203)268-5007 FAX(203)268-8821 (508)747-5424 Fax(508)747-5561. CONSULTANTS. INC. September 1, 1998 Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Ms. Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk Reference: Transmittal of Final Report Environmental Inventory- Riverhead Town Line to Horton Point Dear Ms. Neville: Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc.(OCC) is pleased to provide you with ten(10) unbound copies of the referenced Final Report for your distribution to appropriate Town personnel. This report reflects editorial revisions made to the draft report in response to comments solicited at the public meeting of July 29, 1998 and subsequent correspondence from interested parties. These editorial revisions have been reviewed and approved by Messrs. Barry Pendergrass and Fred Anders of the NYS Department of State. We have also forwarded two (2) copies of this report to the NYS Department of State. This report provides to the representatives of the Town of Southold and the NYS Department of State the critical database information and mapping, and the results of the field sampling program, as required by the Request for Proposals and detailed in our agreement with the Town. In keeping with the paper reduction philosophy of OCC, we request that nine (9) of the unbound Final Report inserts be incorporated into the hard cover binders which were provided with the draft report. The additional unbound copy should be retained for your files. Please direct the Final Report assembly as follows: (1) Remove the following elements from the Draft Final Report Binders and retain for your files or discard in an appropriate recycling collection station as you may see fit: • Front Cover Insert • Binder Insert • Cover Page • Transmittal Letter • Table of Contents • Text,pages 1-24 • Appendix B Listings • All Base Map and Overlap Maps, Sheet 1-8 http:/iwww.ocean-coastal.com Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Final Report- Environmental Inventory Page 2 September 1. 1998 (2) Retain the following for incorporation into the Final Report binder: • Hard Cover Three-Ring Binder • Appendix Cover Sheets • Appendix A- Contact Database - Listing • Appendix C - Grain Size Datasheets and Particle Distribution Curves - Eight(8) pages • Aerial Photographs Cover Sheet • Aerial Photographs -Four(4) pages • Base map Cover Sheet • Overlay Maps Cover Sheet (3) Insert the revised Final Report sections into the hard cover binders. OCC appreciates this opportunity to develop this Environmental Inventory and looks forward to working with you on future related projects. Very truly yours, OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS,INC. John C. Roberge, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures c: B. Pendergrass (NYS DOS), w/Enc. (2) S:\98002\en090198.wpd OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Ni"i Town of Sotithold, Suffolk County, NY Office of the Town Clerk ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY Riverhead Town Line to Horton Point •'~ Project Number 98002 September 1, 1998 • OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 35 Corporate Drive Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 268-5007 • • FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY RIVERHEAD TOWNLINE TO HORTON POINT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Table of Contents Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Study Area 1 2.0 METHODOLOGY 3 2.1 Identification of Data Resources 3 2.2 Developing the Species List and Database 4 • 3.0 RESULTS 7 3.1 Cover Type and Habitat Conditions 7 3.2 Species Usage and Presence Within the Study Area 10 3.3 Baseline Water Quality 15 4.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 19 REFERENCES 21 APPENDICES AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS BASE MAP OVERLAY MAPS • • FINAL REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY RIVERHEAD TOWNLINE TO HORTON POINT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 1.0 INTRODUCTION Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. (OCC) has prepared this report as required under Task 1.2 of the executed contract between OCC and the Town of Southold(the client), and as required by the New York State Department of State, functioning as the technical agent of the client. The Environmental Inventory is one of five (5)projects concurrently running in an effort to establish environmental and economic baseline conditions within the designated study area as typically required by the State Environmental Quality Review requirements (SEQR Sections 3-0301 (1)(b), 3-301 (2)(m) and 8-0113), prior to the implementation of any categorically included activity. The purpose of this report is to present the results of this Environmental Inventory. The results include a comprehensive species list and database; baseline water quality and benthic conditions within, and adjacent to Goldsmith Pond and Inlet; and to develop base and overlay maps depicting the study area, relevant species layers, tidal and freshwater wetland resources, and temporal restriction zones. The report also presents a description of the methods and resources utilized to complete the Environmental Inventory. Based on the discussions during the organization meeting of January 28, 1998, the water quality and aquatic community sampling event which was tentatively scheduled to be completed during late winter 1998 was rescheduled to occur during May 1998,to provide for a greater potential to collect and identify representative aquatic information within the study area. The actual field sampling event occurred on June 1, 1998. The results of this sampling event are also included herein. 1.1 Study Area The original study area, as presented and described in the Request for Proposals (RFP) extended along the Town of Southold- Long Island Sound shoreline from Duck Point east to Horton Point, including the shoreline features within the FEMA 100 year floodplain(A Zone), or the upper extent of the seaward face of all marine banks, which ever is more encompassing; Goldsmith Pond and Inlet; and extending approximately 500 ft. seaward of mean low water (MLW). During the consultant selection process, the project area was extended westward to Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 1 Final Report • include the Southold shoreline to the municipal boundary with the Town of Riverhead, including Mattituck Inlet. During the review of the Preliminary Report,NYSDOS requested that four isolated high spots, extending above the designated A Zone elevation, and located northwest of Great Pond, be included within the study area. The study area is delineated on the Base Map (sheets 1 and 2 of 8), and shown on the attached oblique aerial photographs taken by OCC on March 31, 1998 at an approximate altitude of 1000 ft. Land uses within, and immediately adjacent to the study area are depicted on Suffolk County (1995), and include the following: • Residential Land(low, medium and high density), • Agricultural Land, • Recreational Open Space, • Commercial Land, and • Vacant Land. In conjunction with Long Island Sound and its high energy unprotected shoreline, the dominant land uses appear to be agricultural and residential(see attached oblique aerial photography). On- • site and adjacent land use conditions are critical since they dictate the vegetative and non- vegetative cover and overall habitat conditions. A very close relationship exists between the North Fork of Long Island, and the coastline of Southeastern New England, including Cape Cod and the offshore islands, Block Island and Fishers Island. According to Berrill and Berrill(1981), the geographic position of Eastern Long Island's North Shore, places the study area at the northern extent of the Mid-Atlantic or "Virginian"biogeographic region. Cape Cod forms the coastal landform boundary between the Mid-Atlantic and Atlantic Boreal regions, the latter extending north to the eastern shore of Newfoundland. This boundary can be discretely observed by comparing species variations between the Buzzards Bay/Nantucket Sound and the Cape Cod Bay/Gulf of Maine systems. However, as with any ecological boundary condition, an"edge" or transitional area occurs where species communities overlap. Richness and diversity of discrete transition zones are typically enhanced by contributions from each of the bordering conditions(Odum 1971). Strahler(1966) describes the glacial geomorphology of the North Fork of Long Island and Cape Cod as being directly related. During the Wisconsin Stage of the Ice Age, the southern extent of glacial ice reached a line running eastward along Long Island (Montauk Point), and through Block Island, Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket. After holding this position for thousands of years, the ice margin receded north to a second line running eastward along Long Island's North Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 2 Final Report • Shore, Fishers Island,the south coast of Rhode Island, Blizzards Bay's eastern shoreline and the bent arm of Cape Cod. This second position was also held for several thousands of years. With the final recession of the ice sheet to the north, glacial debris was deposited at each of these margins forming the artifact landforms that would be shaped by wind, waves and outwash processes to form Long Island, Cape Cod, and the offshore islands as we know them. The climatic conditions of Eastern Long Island are typically moderately warm to warm humid summers and cool to cold wet winters and are also similar to Southeastern New England. Temperatures and humidity along the coast are moderated and controlled by the Atlantic Ocean's capacity to maintain heat longer than land, and the moisture given off to the immediate atmosphere. The region is also subjected to tropical and extra-tropical storms wich typically form offshore and generate winds from the southeast to the northeast. Prevailing winds are typically from the northwest during the fall and winter months, and from the southwest during the spring and summer. The study area falls within the USDA Zone 7 Plant Hardiness Zone (0°to 10°F). 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Identification of Data Resources In response to the scope of services, OCC has developed the species list and database, and IDoverlay maps by reviewing all readily available literature, data, and map resources. To identify those resources, OCC queried the working group members present at the organization meeting to solicit any known persons, resources, or repositories of documents which may be viewed as knowledgeable, accurate sources of local species information, and which could augment those sources presented in the proposal. Prior to commencing the literature review phase of the project, OCC received two lists of resource personnel from two members of the working group. During the review and initial resource contacts, several additional sources of information and data were identified. These, in association with the OCC list presented in the proposal became the basis for the literature and research review. Appendix A presents a database listing all contacts made by OCC and the results of each contact. This database was developed using Lotus Approach within the Lotus SmartSuite 7 Release software package (1997), and can be converted and delivered in a software format as requested. OCC's initial contacts resulted in either, the receipt of the requested information, or referrals to further contacts which could be of assistance. As one would expect from an investigation of this type, a pyramid effect developed. However, it remained a valuable exercise in identifying sources of quality and accurate information. Contact included an initial telephone call, and either follow- up telecons or face-to-face meetings. These meetings took place on February 9 and 10, 1998. Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 3 Final Report Also, based on several contacts made during this investigation, agreement was reached between OCC and NYSDEC resource personnel, that given the biogeographic, geomorphic and climatic similarities between Eastern Long Island and Southeastern New England; it could be reasonably assumed that similar species would occur in both regions in similar habitat conditions. 2.2 Developing the Species List and Database The objective of the literature review and contact interviewing phases of the project was to identify reliable sources for observational and habitat based documented data. References are presented at the end of the report narrative and include a complete list of data resources utilized to develop the comprehensive species list and database, and the report. The order of presentation and numbering of the references corresponds to the order with which each resource was referred while developing the species list and database, and also correspond to the references presented in the report text. 2.2.1 Defining Study Area Cover Types and Habitat Conditions Appendix B presents the species list and database. This database was also set up using Lotus Approach within the Lotus SmartSuite 7 Release software package (1997), and can be converted and delivered as discussed above. The framework is based on the model presented in DeGraaf and Rudis (1986). Column headers include the following species usage information: • Species Names (Common and Scientific), • Local Occurrence, • Source Status(observation or literature documentation), • Seasonal Use, and • Special Habitat Needs or Requirements; and also includes species usage of the ecological communities defined within the study area. Aside from the Long Island Sound watersheet, and natural coastal features (estuaries,beaches or banks), study area cover types and habitats are dictated by land use. OCC delineated vegetative cover types (both inland and coastal) using the aerial photographic Tidal Wetlands Maps (NYSDEC 1991), freshwater wetland maps (NYSDEC 1993a), and visual inspection. OCC evaluated the land use and cover type conditions(vegetative and non-vegetative) against the ecological communities of New York State described in Reschke (1990) and standard northeast plant community types (DeGranf and Rudis 1986, Cowardin et al 1979, and Jorgensen 1978), and developed the following representative study area ecological communities. 411 Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 4 Final Report • • Terrestrial Conditions — Pitch Pine-Oak Forest, — Maritime Scrublands, and — Maritime Grassland/Mowed Lawn; • Palustrine Conditions — Coastal Plain Pond, — Shrub Swamp, and — Emergent Marsh; and • Marine/Estuarine Conditions — Coastal Beach(gravel/sand), — Estuary/Salt Marsh, — Stable Bank, and — Marine Deepwater. These cover types/habitat conditions were developed to include, or be closely aligned with the Natural Heritage Habitat categories described in Reschke 1990, and are depicted on the Overlay Maps (sheets 5 and 6 of 8). 4/ 2.2.2 Baseline Water Quality and Benthic Conditions Baseline water quality in, and proximal to Goldsmith Pond and Inlet were collected using a Van Dorn type water sampler. Two sample stations were located in the nearshore waters of Long Island Sound, up- and downdrift of Goldsmith Inlet. Water depth at these locations was = 12 ft. at low tide, and samples were taken at the surface, mid-column, and 1.5 ft. off the bottom. Coordinates for these locations include: • LIS Station 1 - N 41° 03.06' W72° 21.21' • LIS Station 2 - N 41° 03.36' W 72° 20.91' OCC was assisted by the Town of Southold Harbormaster's Office which provided a boat as the nearshore sampling platform. Two sample stations within Goldsmith Pond, one near the outlet and the second located in the center of the pond. Range coordinates for these locations include: iOcean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 5 Final Report • GSP Station 3 - S 180° to the house with ornamental triangle 110 W 290° east marsh edge of inlet • GSP Station 4 - S 180° to the house with ornamental triangle W 310° east marsh edge of inlet The working platform used within the pond was an inflatable "Achilles" dingy. Water depth in the pond was 6 ft. at mid tide (flood), and samples were taken at the surface, and 1.5 ft. off the bottom. All samples were collected and preserved in the field, and were delivered to the lab by OCC within 24 hours. Water quality analyses included: Total Suspended Solids (TSS); Salinity; Dissolved Oxygen(in sealed vials); nitrogen-nitrite; nitrogen-nitrate; nitrogen-ammonia; and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen(organic); and were conducted by Groundwater Analytical, Inc. of Buzzards Bay, MA. Temperature was measured in the field. Benthic samples for grain size and aquatic community analyses were collected at the water quality sampling stations using a petite ponar dredge. Benthic sediments consist of fine organic silty sand and required field-sieving through a standard .500 mm. sieve for the aquatic community identification. Samples were delivered, via Federal Express to, and analyses were conducted by the Biological Laboratory at Normandeau Associates, Inc. of Bedford, NH. 2.2.3 Developing the Base Map and Overlay Maps During the information gathering phase of the project, OCC was unable to obtain any useable electronic mapping formats from either the state, county, or the town. OCC determined that the USGS topographic quadrangle format provides suitable detail and features required for the base map and overlay map preparation. OCC purchased electronically formatted 7.5 minute series maps as AutoCad Release 14 .dwg(drawing) files from IMT Associates of Denver. CO. OCC delineated an area that included the project study area on the Mattituck, Mattituck Hills and Southold Quadrangles (1:24000 Scale), and IMT digitized the quadrangle features within the delineated area. Upon receipt of the electronic file, OCC plotted the base map at several scales and determined that the presentation scale for the base map and overlays would be 1" = 1000'. Overlay maps have been developed to depict natural resource and critical habitat issues which exist within the study area. Features depicted on the overlays include: • Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 6 Final Report • Tidal and Freshwater Wetlands (NYSDEC 1991, 1993 and 1995), 11111 • Cover Types and Habitat Categories, • Temporal Restrictions Zones. • Designated shellfish habitats, and • Critical Environmental Areas (CEA's)' 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Cover Type and Habitat Conditions The study area contains several features which support varied and rich macrofaunal communities. Additionally,the study area provides large patches of open and undeveloped landscape. Secondly and as discussed previously,the study area falls near the terminal boundary separating the Mid-Atlantic and Atlantic Boreal biogeographic zones. It would be expected that this boundary transition would contain species from both zones,therefore forming an"ecotone" enhancing species richness and diversity. The study area also falls within the Atlantic Flyway, and supports migratory bird species flying the corridor between the Greater Antilles(Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico) and the Arctic and Sub-arctic regions of Greenland and Labrador (USDA 1984). Third, the designated study area includes marine deepwater(nearshore) habitat within several hundred feet of varied terrestrial cover conditions (forested, shrub, and open patches). Three habitat conditions(Cowardin et al 1979) and ten ecological communities or cover types (Reschke 1990) fall within several hundred feet of each other in an interrelated setting, creating varied patch and significant horizontal and vertical edge conditions within close proximity. These include the following: CEA's are defined in the SEQR regulations as being specific geographic areas designated by a state or local agency,as having exceptional or unique environmental character. Any work proposed within a CEA is more stringently reviewed under SEQR. Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 7 Final Report • Terrestrial Habitat Conditions: Lands containing upland, non-aquatic conditions. Pitch Pine/Oak forest: coastal regions composed of glacial moraine and/or outwash materials, dominated by oak, pine and scrubby woody species. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Maritime Shrublands: shrublands that occur on dry seaside bluffs and headlands and that are exposed to offshore winds and salt spray. Within the study area these will include abandoned agricultural fields reverting back to forest conditions, characterized by grasses, shrubs and small trees. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Maritime Grasslands: grassland communities situated on rolling outwash plains and will include broad areas of landscaped and/or cultivated patches, and broad-leaved herbaceous plants. Typically provides non-breeding habitat(resting and hunting)to large macrofauna, (foraging)to small birds and mammals, and (shelter habitat/burrowing)to small mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Palustrine Habitat Conditions: Includes all non-tidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, and emergents; and all tidally influenced wetlands where salinity fall below five (5) parts per thousand (ppt) . Coastal Plain Pond: a permanently flooded aquatic community located within the coastal plain, with seasonally or annually fluctuating water levels which are fed predominately from groundwater, and are characterized by emergent and/or floating-leaved plants. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, specifically warm-water fishery and amphibian breeding habitat. Shrub Swamp: patch dominated by woody vegetation less than 20 ft. tall with soils that are seasonally or permanently flooded to a depth of 1 ft. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Emergent Marsh: includes both shallow and deep freshwater marshes characterized by persistent emergent to emergent vegetation with water depths varying from 1 - 6 ft. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 8 Final Report • Estuarine/Marine Habitat Conditions: landside features (e.g. beaches, banks and salt marshes), and nearshore water features(e.g. embayments and open water) extending out 500 ft from the mean low water mark(MLW)2. Coastal Beach (gravel and sand): that portion of the unconsolidated coast which is subject to wave and tidal action and includes the area between MLW and the lower extent of a coastal bank, dune, or man-made structures. Typically provides breeding and non- breeding habitat for plovers, terns, gulls, shellfish and crustaceans. Estuary/Salt Marsh: deepwater and vegetated tidal wetlands that are semi-enclosed but have an open, partially obstructed, or sporadic access to the open ocean, and where ocean water is partially diluted by freshwater runoff from the adjacent land. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Stable Bank: sand or gravel banks or naturally cut stream banks topped by overhanging vegetation. Typically provides breeding, refuge and shelter habitat to some birds and mammals. Marine Deepwater(nearshore): nearshore non-estuarine tidal waters located below MLW providing breeding and non-breeding habitat for marine birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and invertebrates. Project area ecological communities/cover types are presented on the Overlay Maps (sheets 5 and 6 of 8). In addition, both mapped tidal and freshwater wetland resources located within the study area, are depicted the Overlay Maps (sheets 3 and 4 of 8), NYSDEC 1991, 1993a). Mapped study area freshwater wetlands include: • MH-3: Wolf Pit Lake, • MT-20: Upper Mattituck Creek, • SO-29: Autumn Lake, • SO-33:Not Named, 2 Assumed extent of existing and future shoreline protection structure footprints. Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 9 Final Report • Portion of SO-26:Not Named, • • SO-5: Great Pond and Associated Wetlands at Kenny Road Beach, and • SO-25: Lilly Pond. Habitats within these designated Freshwater Wetlands are represented by Palustrine Ecological Communities defined above. Again, adjoining boundaries of two community types creates an edge effect enhancing species richness and diversity within the localized patches. Having several communities and habitats concentrated within a localized area, each possessing specific habitat resources value3, and each juxtaposed in close proximity of each other, creates a"mosaic or web"of discrete communities all interwoven and interrelated, and enhancing habitat quality Odum(1971). 3.2 Species Usage and Presence Within the Study Area The information included in the species list and database relies heavily on habitat-based literature documentation, as referenced herein. Appendix A presents a detailed summary of the literature review and resource contacts which provided specific information, data or referrals. During the data gathering process it was evident, through agency(state, county and local), academic, and resource contacts, that limited documented species information was available for the study area. Therefore, placing more emphasis on habitat- and range-based species presence assumptions. The species list and database, as developed, includes consideration of the vertebrate macrofauna (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish), economically significant, or habitat defining invertebrate macrofauna(e.g. shellfish, lobster, crabs, horseshoe crab, and sea urchin). Benthic community species are presented in section 3.2.7. A decision to exclude many of the aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates (e.g. insects, annelids, and molluscs etc.) was based on the fact that many of those organisms are ubiquitous, and typically not considered economically significant or environmentally significant. Organisms of these types are expected to exist throughout the aquatic and terrestrial portions of the study area. The species list and database is presented in Appendix B. As required by the contract, species usage of specific ecological communities are described as follows: 3 Life requisite requirements for all species include:feeding,breeding,refuge and shelter. • Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 10 Final Report • known to be present, 11 • likely to be present, • possibly present, • not known to be present, and • accidental. 3.2.1 Birds Observational bird data is typically the easiest to obtain since birds are typically the easiest and most popular class of animals to be observed or sought in the field. Much of the observational data is available through bird watchers and bird watching organizations. Birds are typically the most conspicuous organism since they fly overhead; swim on the surface of open waters; sit on high obvious perches; and make obvious, easily identifiable and distinctive calls(annual and seasonal); the latter not requiring actual visual sighting or physical capture. Species which fly also enjoy unlimited range since there are few physical barriers to define range. Birding is a very popular recreational pass time for many non-technical nature lovers (birders or birdwatchers). Such enthusiasts are excellent sources local data. 11111 One hundred fifty three (153) bird species entries were included in the species list and database. Much of this data was provided by Anthony and Beverly Prentice of the North Fork Audubon Society. Their data was limited to observations from the 1997 Christmas Counts in Southold. These counts were the sole source of observational information identified and made available during the literature review. Observational data included one hundred two (102) species entries. Several species were listed based on literature support for habitat use and species range (see reference list and database line item references for specific literature citations), and included an additional fifty one (51) species. The only officially documented Federal or New York State rare, threatened, or endangered bird species observed in the field is the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) as identified in Sommers and Alfieri (1996). Also, active Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nesting sites have been informally observed evidence. Several additional rare, threatened, or endangered bird species are expected to occur within the study area based on available habitat conditions and would include the endangered Least Tern(Sterna antillarum) and Roseate Tern (S. dougallii); and the threatened Common Tern(S. Hirundo). The Common Loon (Gavia immer) is a New York State game species of special concern. • Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 11 Final Report 3.2.2 Mammals • Forty eight (48) mammal species are included in the species list and database. No field observations were made, so these entries are habitat- and range-based supported by the literature. Of the 48 mammals included: thirty one (31) are terrestrial, ten(10) are marine, and seven(7) are aerial(bats and myotis). The marine mammals included species which are transient, and are "likely or possibly" found in the marine deepwater(nearshore) or estuarine waters within the study area(e.g. seals, porpoises, dolphins, and small whales). None of the mammals listed are considered rare, threatened, or endangered. However,the New England Cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) is a New York State game species of special concern. 3.2.3 Reptiles and Amphibians (Herpetofauna) Twenty two (22) herpetofauna are listed. Four(4) are marine turtles and the remaining eighteen (18) are terrestrial and freshwater species(four(4)turtles, eight (8) snakes, four(4)toads and frogs, and two (2) salamanders). The Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) is currently the only study area herpetofauna listed as threatened by NYS Natural Heritage Program(NYS Natural Heritage Program 1998c). 3.2.4 Freshwater Fish Twelve (12) freshwater fish species were listed in Guthrie (1997). These species are • representative of a typical warm water recreational species found in coastal plain ponds throughout the northeast. Seven(7) additional species listed are considered anadromous species. These include:the Striped Bass (Morone saxatalilis), Blueback Herring (Alosa aestivalis), Alewife (A.peudoharengus), American Shad (A. sapidissima), Atlantic Herring (Culpea harengus), Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax), and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). The American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) is the only catadromous species listed. Both anadromous and catadromous species require rivers and streams as part of their migratory habitat. These conditions are limited within the study area, however during the marine portion of their life-cycle, they would be expected to transit the study area. Also, salmon marine habitat range includes the study area, however salmon spawn well north of Long Island Sound, and are not documented as occurring in the study area. 3.2.5 Marine Fish Using several literature sources(Weiss 1995, NYSDEC 1993b, Strieb 1993 and undated sources, and LILCO 1972), OCC included forty(40) estuarine/marine fish species in the species list and database. Of these, eight(8) species are common baitfish to estuaries and include: Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanus), Atlantic Silversides (Menidia menidia), Atlantic Menhaden Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 12 Final Report (Brevourita tyrannis), Bay Anchovy (Anchoa mitchii), Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon 4/ variegatus), Murnmichogs (F. heteroclitis), Northern Pipefish (Syngnathus,fuscus), and the American Sand Lance (Ammodytes americanus). The remaining thirty two (32) marine fish species include typically significant western Atlantic Commercial and Sportfish species. 3.2.6 Economically and Environmentally Significant Invertebrates As discussed previously, OCC has only listed those invertebrate species which are economically significant or are representative of significant habitat conditions. This includes the aquatic community(benthic) results from the recent sampling program and does not attempt to diminish the value of the insects, annelids, or molluscs. However, to name all of the macrofaunal classes expected to be present in the study area, would be too cumbersome for the scope of this evaluation and would not provide relevant information to the user(s). Currently, thirty four(34) invertebrate species are listed based on the literature. Significant shellfish and crustacea communities exist within Goldsmiths Inlet and Pond, and Mattituck Inlet. Species of interest include: Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis), American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica), Quahaug (Mercenaria mercenaria), Soft-shell Clam (Mya arenaria), American Lobster (Homarus americanus),Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), Channeled Whelk (Busyconpus canaliculatus), Knobbed Whelk (Busycon carica), Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus), Rock Crab (Cancer borealis), Rock Crab (C. irrotatus), Purple Sea Urchin(Arbacia punctulata), and the Green Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotis droebachiensis). • 3.2.7 Aquatic Community (Benthic) Species Table One presents the benthic species sampled and identified during the field sampling effort. These species are those typically expected to be found in the nearshore/estuarine environments of Long Island Sound(Weiss 1995 and Arnold 1968). The results also indicate the difference in species composition and abundance between the nearshore communities (predominately coarse sandy bottom), and the slier estuarine bottom of Goldsmith Pond. These organisms form the basis to the food web for the marine and estuarine fishery and shellfishery. Table One presents calculated abundances expected to populate a square meter of bottom, based on the sampling surface area of a 6" x 6" petite ponar dredge. 3.2.8 Rare, Endangered, Threatened and Species of Special Concern Again, observed and documented Federal or New York State rare,threatened, or endangered species, and species of special concern, which are known to, or likely to use the habitat resources within the study area(New York Natural Heritage Program 1998c, and the NYSDOS coastal resources staff) include the following: • Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 13 Final Report • • TABLE ONE: ABUNDANCE(no./m2)OF BENTHIC INFAUNA • (RETAINED ON A 0.5MM MESH SIEVE)COLLECTED BY A 6" x 6" PETIT PONAR GRAB. LONG ISLAND SOUND JUNE 1, 1998. STATION TAXA 1 2 3* 4 HYDROZOA P Sedularia cupressina P NEMATODA 2609 17,565 ANNELIDA Polychaeta Nephtys picta 43 87 Nereidae 43 Polydora corn uta 609 Sphaeradoridae 87 MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Tellina agilis 43 43 Gastropoda Crepidula fornicata 391 C.plana 43 Lacuna vincta 130 Nassarius trivittatus 87 Odostomia seminuda 43 ARTHROPODA Crustacea Balanus crenatus 217 Corophium insidiosum 43 Gammarus mucronatus 43 Rhepoxynus epistomus 43 BRYOZOA Aetea anguina P CHORDATA 43 Notes: * -No organisms were found at Station 3. P -colonial organism noted as present • Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 14 Final Report • Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) - endangered (NYS); • • Common Loon (Gavia immer) - special concern game species (NYS); • Least Tern (Sterna antillarum) - endangered (NYS); • Roseate Tern(S.dougalliz) - endangered (NYS); • Common Tern(S. hirundo) - threatened (NYS); • Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) -threatened (NYS); • Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) - threatened (NYS); and • New England Cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) - species(game) of special concern(NYS). 3.2.8 Temporal Study Area Usage Several species included within the database utilize study area aquatic/coastal ecological communities as specific breeding habitat. Since these species are known or are likely to be present,permitting agencies typically will impose temporal restriction conditions on proposed overwater and/or shoreline activities. Anticipated temporal use restrictions expected to be imposed on proposed project area activities are presented in Table Two. Interpretation of Table Two should not consider a continual temporal restrictive period extending from December to October. The restrictive period overlap several habitats. The habitat variable provides windows for activity to occur based on the activities location. Specific species utilize specific habitats within the study area during specific periods of the year. Typically shoreline 410 projects overlap several habitats, therefore available windows for activity in various habitats should occur within the December to October period. 3.3 Baseline Water Quality A single baseline water quality sampling and analytical event was conducted at four sampling locations, and throughout the water column, on June 1, 1998. Samples were taken and analyzed for: total suspended solids (TSS); dissolved oxygen(DO); total nitrogen series; and temperature. Analytical results are presented in Table Three. The purpose of these analyses were to document existing,pre-project baseline conditions; and afford an opportunity to predict potential affects of activities related to altered hydrologic regime, turbidity plume generation, downdrift (tidal) extent; and changes in ambient chemical conditions. Generally, the results indicate that the surface waters in the nearshore area, proximal to Goldsmith Inlet, and within Goldsmith Pond appear to be well-mixed with good tidal exchange. Sampling at the nearshore stations occurred at low tide, and in the pond during mid-tide (flooding), on June 1, 1998. Conditions during the sampling event were calm to slight chop on the water, clear, warm and breezy. • Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 15 Final Report • TABLE TWO: TEMPORAL USES SPECIES ECOLOGICAL HABITAT RECOMMENDED REFERENCE COMMUNITY USAGE RESTRICTIVE PERIOD Horseshoe Crab Coastal Beach Breeding March thru May NYSDEC-Bureau of Limulus polyphemus Marine Resources (02-10-98) Blue Crab Estuary and Marine Breeding May thru October McClane(1974) Callinectes sapidus Deepwater American Lobster Estuary and Marine Breeding June thru August McClane(1974) Homerus americanus Deepwater American Oyster Estuary Spawning June thru August Belding(1910a) Crassostrea virginica Quahaug Estuary and Marine Spawning Mid-June thru Belding(1910a) Mercenaria mercenaria Deepwater Mid-August Soft-Shell Clam Estuary and Marine Spawning June thru August Belding(1910a) Mya arenaria Deepwater 11110 Winter Flounder Estuary and Marine Spawning December thru March NYSDEC-Bureau of Pleuronectes americanus Deepwater Marine Resources (05-15-98) Red Hake Marine Deepwater Spawning June thru July McClane(1974) Urophycis chuss Roseate Tern Coastal Beach Breeding May thru August MANHESP(1991) Sterna dougalii Common Tern Coastal Beach Breeding May thru August DeGraaf and Rudis S. hirundo (1986) Least Tern Coastal Beach Breeding May thru August MANHESP(1991) S. albafrons Piping Plover Coastal Beach Breeding Mid-March thru July MANHESP(1991 Charadrius melodus • Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 16 Final Report • 3.3.1 Total Suspended Solids TSS results ranged from 29 - 69 mg/1 in the nearshore samples, and 39 - 59 mg/1 in the pond samples throughout the water column. These levels are relatively low, provide for good light penetration throughout the water column,promoting photosynthesis, and appear to meet the narrative standard for Class A saline waters(SA)4 surface water quality standards (NYS Codes: T. 6, ch. X, p 703). LaSalle et al(1991) also reports that TSS levels which fall below 500 mg/1 should be considered safe levels for fish and shellfish. 3.3.2 Salinity Salinity results were consistent at each sampling station and throughout the water column. Salinities of 23 -24 SU (or ppt), as reported are consistent with low tide salinities expected along the study area's reach of the Sound (CTDEP 1977). The consistent salinities at the nearshore and pond stations also indicate good water exchange and mixing between the two surface water features. 3.3.3 Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen levels are reported to range from 9.0 to 10.0 mg/1 in the sound, and between 7 - 10 mg/1 in Goldsmith Pond. According to Kennish(1986), these levels are considered supersaturated (120 -150%) for seawater at 20 - 21° C and at salinities of 23 - 24 ppt. These levels exceed the 5.0 mg/1 Class SA standard for surface water quality standards and can be considered typical for these waters. Kennish(1986) also reports that, " oxygen content peaks during the day as plants photosynthesize, with waters in the photic zone often becoming supersaturated with oxygen...During the night, in contrast, plants cease photosynthesis but continue to respire, causing a lowering of the oxygen levels. Diurnal pulses of oxygen are most extreme in shallow, clear estuaries inhabited by extensive populations of benthic algae and vascular plants...ranges may surpass 200%. " According to Strieb (1993)the study area falls outside those areas identified as being of low DO levels (<5.0 mg/1). 4 SA waters are defined as being suitable for shellfishing for market purposes,primary and secondary contact recreation and fishing. These waters shall be suitable for fish propagation and survival. Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 17 Final Report • 11/ • TABLE THREE: WATER QUALITY DATA GOLDSMITH'S POND AND LONG ISLAND SOUND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK LOCATION I .. 4Q O O ct Z z E H LIS -Station 1 lA 1.0 69 23 9 0.03 BRL BRL BRL 19.5 95 1B 5.0 29 24 9 0.02 BRL BRL BRL 19.5 1C 10.0 29 24 9 0.02 BRL BRL BRL 19.5 LIS - Station 2 2A 1.0 30 24 9 BRL BRL BRL BRL 19.5 11 2B 5.0 31 24 9 0.02 BRL BRL BRL 19.5 2C 10.0 33 24 10 0.02 BRL BRL BRL 19.5 Goldsmith Pond - Station 3 3A 1.0 36 23 8 0.02 BRL BRL BRL 22.0 3C 4.0 42 24 7 BRL BRL BRL BRL 21.0 Goldsmith Pond - Station 4 4A 1.0 59 24 10 BRL BRL BRL BRL 22.0 4C 3.0 39 24 10 BRL BRL BRL BRL 21.5 Reporting Limits 10 2 1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 NA Notes: BRL-Below Reporting limits; NA-Not Applicable; SU- Salinity Units(Lab reports SU's are equivalent to parts per thousand). Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 18 Final Report . 3.3.4 Nitrogen Series The Nitrogen Series included the following analyses:N-NO2 (nitrogen as nitrite),N-NO3 (nitrogen as nitrate),N-NH3 (nitrogen as ammonia), and TKN (total kjeldahl or organic nitrogen). Together these parameters represent the total nitrogen content of surface waters. Nitrogen is indicative of anthropogenic affects or nutrient cycling within a system. Nitrogen levels were extremely low throughout the water column, ranging as follows: Nearshore Samples- Goldsmith Pond Samples - N-NO2 - BRL to 0.03 mg/1 N-NO2 - BRL to 0.02 mg/1 N-NO3 - BRL N-NO3 - BRL N-NH3 -BRL N-NH3 - BRL TKN - BRL TKN - BRL These suggest that limited anthropogenic or naturally occurring nitrogen inputs are exist within the study area, dilution or mixing rates may offset such inputs, or that the study area waters are exhibiting the anticipated spring/summer decrease of nitrogen due to seasonally high phytoplankton productivity(Kennish 1986). Kennish goes on to describe that typical seawater nitrogen concentrations range from 0 - 0.5 mg/1, and surface seawater typically falls at the lower end of the range. 41111 3.3.5 Temperature Water temperature ranged from 19.5 (nearshore stations)to 22.0° C in the pond, throughout the water column. These are typically shallow nearshore seawater temperatures for the spring/summer season(Kennish 1986). 3.3.6 Grain Size Appendix C presents the data sheets and distribution curves for the grain size samples collected on June 1, 1998. Both nearshore samples (stations 1 and 2) were predominately sand(96.6% and 98.1 %) with limited fines(2.1 % and 1.5 %), respectively. Goldsmith Pond Samples(Stations 3 and 4) were also predominately sand, but also had a greater'percentage of fines. These results included: sand (64.3 % and 57.1 %), and fines (35.7 % and 30.9 %), respectively. 4.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Long Island Sound shoreline of Southold is situated at the northern extent of the Mid- Atlantic biogeographic zone, and the location-of the study area places terrestrial, palustrine, estuarine, and marine habitat conditions in close proximity, therefore creating several habitat edge components within a small geographic area. Cultural effects and land use also assist in establishing • Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 19 Final Report extensive patches of distinct vegetated cover adjacent to each other, adding to the"edge effect" • within the study area. This condition provides for the potential for very rich and diverse wildlife community structure at all macrofaunal levels. Currently, the species list and database contains approximately 320 individual species, segregated for specific query purposes, into over 1300 specific database entries. These are presented in Appendix B. Several species will utilize the study area habitat for breeding purposes. Due to these breeding seasons, temporal restrictions may be imposed on any activities which could adversely affect said habitats. Of the documented species, ten(10) are considered rare, endangered, threatened, or species of special concern by the state and/or federal agencies(New York Natural Heritage Program 1998). Water and benthic results indicate good water quality and species composition. Specifically, high DO, and low TSS and total nitrogen levels indicate limited anthropogenic affects, and are suitable for maintaining good fishery and shellfishery conditions. The physical parameters (salinity and temperature) also represent a good quality surface water environment. Study area grain sizes and visual observation indicate that the nearshore sediments undergo either erosional/accretional or alongshore transport. However, the finer sediments identified in Goldsmith Pond indicate limited deposition through the inlet and into pond. The coarse sediments offshore also indicate aerobic conditions,while the finer sediments exhibited evidence of anaerobic activity within Goldsmith Pond (H2S odor during benthic sampling). • OCC is confident that the findings and mapping presented herein will provide a comprehensive planning tool to the Town of Southold, NYSDOS and project proponents to develop and evaluate proper work plans, and implementation/mitigation strategies for any work proposed within the study area. • Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 20 Final Report 40 REFERENCES 1) DeGraaf, R.M. and D.D. Rudis. 1986. New England wildlife, habitat, natural history and distribution. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-108. USDA-Forest Service, NE Forest Exp. Stn., Broomhall, PA. Pp.491. 2) Berri11, M. and D. Berrill. 1981. The North Atlantic Coast- Cape Cod to Newfoundland, A Sierra Club Naturist's Guide, San Francisco. Pp. 464. 3) Jorgensen,N. 1978. Southern New England, A Sierra Club Naturist's Guide, San Francisco. pp. 417. 4) Weiss, H.M. 1995. Marine Animals of Southern New England and New York. CTDEP-State Geological and Natural History Survey of CT., Glastonbury, CT. 5) Peterson, R.T. 1980. A Field Guide to the Birds East of the Rockies. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. pp. 378. 6) Sommers, L.A. and M.L. Alfieri. 1996. Long Island colonial waterbird and piping plover survey. NYSDEC-Div. Of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources, Stonybrook, NY. pp. 151. • 7) Prentice, T. and B. Prentice. 1997. Christmas counts from Goldsmith's Inlet to • Hasamomuck Beach(unpublished field notes 1992-97). North Fork Audubon, Mattituck,NY. pp. 3. 8) Prentice, B. 1996. North Fork Audubon Society Checklist of the Birds of the North Fork (Luce Landing to Iron Pier Beach), Mattituck,NY. 9) Prentice, B. 1996. North Fork Audubon Society Checklist of the Birds of the North Fork(Goldsmith's Inlet to Great Pond), Mattituck,NY. 10) Nuwachuc, R. 1998. Telecon-Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, February 5, 1998. 11) Davis, S. 1998. Telecon-NYSDEC: Div. of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources, February 5, 1998. 12) Guthrie, C.A. 1997. Great Pond-Town of Southold (Long Island P 378) Survey report. NYSDEC, Stonybrook,NY. pp 44. Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 21 Final Report • 13) McClane, A.J. 1974. Field Guide to the freshwater Fishes of North America. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,New York. pp. 212. 14) McClane, A.J. 1974. New Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,New York. pp. 1156. 15) Bigelow, H.B. and W.C. Schroeder. 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. USDA- USFWS, Vol 53, Washington. pp. 577. 16) Stone, S.L., T.A. Lowry, J.D. Field, C.D. Williams, D.M.Nelson, S.H. Jury, M.E. Monaco, and L. Andreasen. 1994. Distribution and abundance of fishes and invertebrates in Mid-Atlantic estuaries. ELMR Rep. No. 12. NOAA/NOS Strategic Environmental Assessments Division, Silver Springs, MD. pp. 280. 17) NYSDEC. (No Date). Common Species to New York State Saltwater Recreational Fisheries(handout). 18) Alpieri, I.M. (No Date). Baits for Marine Fisherman-From clams to squid, what the fisherman can put on the hook to get results. NYSDEC-Div. Of Educational Services. pp. 13. 19) NYSDEC. 1993b. Final GEIS and Plan for the Development and Management of 4110 Artificial Reefs in New York's Marine and Coastal District. pp. 62 w/appendices. 20) Strieb, M. 1993. Long Island Sound Study-Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan Supporting Document: Assessment of Living Marine Resources. NYSDEC-Div. of Marine Resources. pp. 137. 21) LILCO. 1972. Final EIS related to operation of Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Docket No. 50-322. US Atomic Energy Commission, Directorate of Licensing. pgs. 2-23 to 2-39. 22) Arnold, A.F. 1968. The Sea-Beach at Ebb-Tide. Dover Publications, Inc.,New York. pp. 490. 23) CTDEP. 1977. Long Island Sound: An Atlas of Natural Resources. CTDEP- Coastal Area Management Program,NOAA/CZM. pp. 52. 24) NYS-Natural Heritage Program. 1998a. Technical fact sheets and the NYS Breeding Bird Atlas (unpublished). NYSDEC-Wildlife Resources Center, Latham, NY. • Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. Page 22 Final Report 25) NYS-Natural Heritage Program. 1998b. Ecological Communities of New York 11111 State. NYSDEC-Wildlife Resources Center, Latham,NY. pp. 95. 26) NYSDEC. 1996. State Environmental Quality Review(6 NYCRR Part 617). 27) NYSDEC. 1993a. NYS-Freshwater Wetlands Map Suffolk County, Map 6 of 39. 28) NYSDEC. 1995. Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6 NYCRR Part 661). 29) NYSDEC. 1991. Tidal Wetlands Maps (702-540; 704-540, 542, 544; 706-542, 544; 708-546; 710-546; 712-546, 548; and 714-550). Nassau-Suffolk Blueprinting, Inc. 30) USFEMA. 1993. Flood Insurance Rate Maps(Community Panels 360813 0114D, 0112E, 0093D, 0091E, and 0078F. NFIP. 31) Suffolk County. 1995. Land Use Map for the Town of Southold. Office of Planning, Hauppauge,NY. 32) Strahler, A.J. 1966. A Geologist's View of Cape Cod. Natural History Press, Garden City,NY. pp 115. • 33) Reschke, C. 1990. Ecological Communities of New York State. New York Natural Heritage Program, Latham,NY. pp. 95. 34) Cowardin, L.M., F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. USDI-FWS Office of Biological Services, (FWS/OBS-79/31) Washington, D.C. pp 47 35) USDA. 1884. Flyways - Pioneering Waterfowl Management in North America. U.S. Government printing Office, Washington, D.C. pp 517. 36) Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1991. Natural Heritage Program Species Fact Sheets (MANHESP). 37) Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders, Co., Philadelphia. pgs.157-59. 38) New York Natural Heritage Program. 1998. Animal Status List, Biological and Conservation Data System. pp 11, as faxed. 39) Kennish, M.J. 1986. Ecology of Estuaries- Vol. I Physical and Chemical Aspects. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 254. • Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 23 Final Report 40) LaSalle, M.W., D.G. Clarke, J. Homiziak, J.D. Lunz, and T.J. Fredette. 1991. A • Framework for Assessing the Need for Seasonal Restrictions on Dredging and Disposal Operations. Technical Report D-91-1, USCOE-WES, Vicksburg, MS. pp.74. 41) Andrle, R.F. and J.R. Carroll. 1988. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State. Cornell University Press, Ithaca. pp. 551. 42) NYS -Natural Heritage Program. 1998c. Animal Status Lists through March 12, 1998 (unpublished). NYSDEC-Wildlife Resources Center, Latham,NY. pp. 11. • • Ocean and Coastal Consultants,Inc. Page 24 Final Report APPENDICES • APPENDIX A Contact Database O • �. • • • �..--... � ....... . o.:.... v.� •:. r...,.:is � :.r at ... .cues.Lis =Summa a rte: Southold 98002 ,,r 3 ,- £ . . - p ryR p ux ,.� - , e , ......-���:,+U,'a ,.k";.‘''''''','",'. ,,-;v ..-..n�,.? e: ...,'✓r c.. r3.v, U..,,�y.W3.;. .-.. ..::.:.� •;;- .. "�.'t. .�' �.. �'a�, �' .E;:.-',•''',5.:j :.� '_�- s '�" 6�„Y ,:a.�r. �. ...)�.,.a � `� ��'� .,AFS .'',0,4* ‘'.u.. .,.�..a'E.i�-,,....;�..Sys,�.-n,.�.£? ..�.,,e... R.,. `f�-#H ,'�� __. __ .�� .,. v��r ,..a v� ... ...., L[a. .. .... ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water I, Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern American Toad Bufo a.americanus 1,4 Li F L NB NB NB NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern American Toad B.a.americanus 1,4 Li SP L B B B Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern American Toad B.a.americanus 1,4 Li SP L NB NB NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern American Toad B.a.americanus 1,4 Li SU L NB NB NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern American Toad B.a.americanus 1,4 Li W L NB Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern Spadefoot Scaphiepus h.holbrooki 1,4,23 N F L Sandy soils,vernal pools NB NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern Spadefoot S.h.holbrooki 1,4,23 N SP L Sandy soils,vernal pools NB NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern Spadefoot S.h.holbrooki 1,4,23 N SU L Sandy soils,vernal pools NB NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Eastern Spadefoot S.h.holbrooki 1,4,23 N W L Sandy soils,vernal pools NB NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Four-toed Salamander Hemidactylium scutatum 1 P F L Wet woods B B Amphibians-Amphibia Four-toed Salamander H.scutatum 1 P F L Wet woods NB Amphibians-Amphibia Four-toed Salamander H.scutatum I P SP L Wet woods NB Amphibians-Amphibia Four-toed Salamander H.scutatum 1 P SU L Wet woods B B Amphibians-Amphibia Four-toed Salamander H.scutatum 1 P SU L Wet woods NB Amphibians-Amphibia Four-toed Salamander H. scutatum 1 P W L Wet woods NB Amphibians-Amphibia Fowler's Toad Bufo woodhousii fowleri 1,4,23 P F L NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Fowler's Toad B.w.fowleri 1,4,23 P SP L B Amphibians-Amphibia Fowler's Toad B.w.fowleri 1,4,23 P SP L NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Fowler's Toad B.w.fowleri 1,4,23 P SU L NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Fowler's Toad B.w.fowleri 1,4,23 P W L NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 1 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • ! • 1Specie-i LisSumma� Re orr--Southold98002 ; #�� a ����ra�w� � �� i � _ 4 k . . °y <----.. � '.g,,} , - . . .:,r;g +""7�+ "*".„,, .-a ?.o •_,t-.,,.. �. ;?. ,.s��� . •s- , �8 .*.. _.s ;: <�- < � ' ' ��s � wd ._�sW � b. •�Vc "2.=-:r.„--4,-,::::: 7':..,..1:;.„..F` , ,- � „�. :? ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Eme ent Coastal Estua I Stable Marina Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain ry REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Amphibians-Amphibia Marbled Salamander Ambystoma opacum 1 P F L Woodland ponds or swamps B for breeding Amphibians-Amphibia Marbled Salamander A.opacum I P F L Woodland ponds or swamps NB NB for breeding Amphibians-Amphibia Marbled Salamander A.opacum 1 P SP L Woodland ponds or swamps NB NB for breeding Amphibians-Amphibia Marbled Salamander A.opacum 1 P W L Woodland ponds or swamps NB for breeding Amphibians-Amphibia Northern Spring Peeper Pseudacris c.crueifer 1,4 P F L Vernal pools for breeding NB Amphibians-Amphibia Northern Spring Peeper P.c.crueifer 1,4 K F L Vernal pools for breeding NB Amphibians-Amphibia Northern Spring Peeper P.c.crueifer 1,4 K SP L Vernal pools for breeding B B B Amphibians-Amphibia Northern Spring Peeper P.c.crueifer 1,4 K SP L Vernal pools for breeding NB Amphibians-Amphibia Northern Spring Peeper P.c.crueifer 1,4 K SU L Vernal pools for breeding NB Amphibians-Amphibia Northern Spring Peeper P.c.crueifer 1,4 P W L Vernal pools for breeding NB Amphibians-Amphibia Redback Salamander Plethodon cinera 1,4 Li F L Logs,stumps,rocks NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Redback Salamander P.cinera 1,4 Li F L Logs,stumps,rocks B B Amphibians-Amphibia Redback Salamander P.cinera 1,4 Li SP L Logs,stumps,rocks B B Amphibians-Amphibia Redback Salamander P.cinera 1,4 Li SP L Logs,stumps,rocks NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Redback Salamander P.cinera 1,4 Li SU L Logs,stumps,rocks NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Redback Salamander P.cinera 1,4 Li W L Logs,stumps,rocks NB NB Amphibians-Amphibia Spotted Salamander Ambystorma maculatum 1,4 Li F L Mesic woods, NB semi-permanent water Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 2 SP=Spring.SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • St S L .1) c1,--O"` 0.8 8 `O: S•e es�is . . � i - _ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch elO Maritime Grasse Coastal Marine in Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Deep REQUIREMENTS Pine/Oak Sands Grass- Pond DWer Swam Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Amphibians-Amphibia Spotted Salamander A.maculatum 1,4 Li SP L Mesic woods, B B B semi-permanent water Amphibians-Amphibia Spotted Salamander A.maculatum 1,4 Li SP L Mesic woods, NB semi-permanent water Amphibians-Amphibia Spotted Salamander A.maculatum 1,4 Li SU L Mesic woods, NB semi-permanent water Amphibians-Amphibia Spotted Salamander A.maculatum 1,4 Li W L Mesic woods, NB semi-permanent water Birds(Ayes) American Black Duck Anas rubripes 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Black Duck A.rubripes 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B B B B Birds(Ayes) American Black Duck A.rubripes 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Black Duck A.rubripes 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB NB NB BirdsAves American Coot Fulica americana 1,4,5,8,9 Li F 0 Emergent Birds( ) vegetative in water NB NB 1-4 ft.deep ' Birds(Ayes) American Coot F.americana 1,4,5,8,9 Li SP 0 Emergent vegetative in water B B B B 1-4 ft.deep Monday,August 31,1998 K-Known to be present Li—Lkely to be present P..Possibly present N—Not known to be present Ac—Accidental;F-Fall Page 3 j SP=Spring;SU-Sumner,W-Winter,O—Observed;L-Literature documentation;B-Breeding habitat NB-Non-breeding habitat III I • •�sz4 a u-,:_. r: f.. _. ��-.,e ;. ,:... � ,�.. , -,a � :.' its -iii s s.._'�` '"'z, � �� ��, i» -- � �-c.. � £c ecce F_Cris Summa Report Southold.9800 :k - __ a s t=om-._..--- --44;141'41'.:2P,..' . _.`",?.,14.-..:,,,..-s . #r �, , , ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTALIMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain r9 Estuary/Shrub Ems ant Coastal Fstira / Stable Marine REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank w Birds(Ayes) American Coot F.americana 1,4,5,8,9 Li SP L Emergent vegetative in water NB NB NB NB I 1-4 ft.deep Birds(Ayes) American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Crow C.brachyrhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B Birds(Ayes) American Crow C.brachyrhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Crow C.brachyrhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Crow C.brachyrhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Open,weedy fields with NB NB NB NB NB scattered small trees Birds(Ayes) American Goldfinch C.tristis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Open,weedy fields with B B B B B scattered small trees Birds(Ayes) American Goldfinch C.tristis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Open,weedy fields with NB NB NB NB NB scattered small trees Birds(Ayes) American Goldfinch C.tristis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Open,weedy fields with NB NB NB NB NB scattered small trees I Birds(Ayes) American Goldfinch C.tristis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W 0 Open,weedy fields with NB NB NB NB NB scattered small trees Birds(Ayes) American Kestrel Falco sparverius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Tall trees with cavities(dbh NB NB NB NB NB at least 12");open country with low elevation Birds(Ayes) American Kestrel F.sparverius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Tall trees with cavities(dbh B B B at least 12");open country with low elevation Birds(Ayes) American Kestrel F.sparverius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Tall trees with cavities(dbh NB NB NB at least 12");open country with low elevation Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present,P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 4 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed,L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat III I I aecies Lis_{4�=Summa Re ort S S9.1.,,M191,,,,,989,4/2 ‘,. , ,: -,...,-4,i,:,,.. `=',a. -7- fi,.., pie r+.:h es a<- *«Sn� -'�:fit% &;' ..r_ » ?;r :;^ -•�' ":.�`- r«�" .,. -... 34.,.ism., "fi'. `�': ^." `e: v .„4.....,,,,,,,,b e,. "9" ,i,; ..*s > ' ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT /Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estes Stable Matins Pine/Oak Shrub Grass- Plain �' REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Salbnarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) American Kestrel F.sparverius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Tall trees with cavities(dbh NB NB NB NB NB at least 12");open country with low elevation Birds(Ayes) American Kestrel F.sparverius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Tall trees with cavities(dbh NB NB NB NB NB at least 12");open country with low elevation Birds(Ayes) American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla 1,4,5,8,9 Li F L NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Redstart S.ruticilla 1,4,5,8,9,41 K SP 0 B B Birds(Ayes) American Redstart S.ruticilla 1,4,5,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Robin Turdis migratorius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Robin T.migratorius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) American Robin T.migratorius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K Si' 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Robin T.migratorius 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Tree Sparrow Spizella arborea 1,4,5,7,8 P F 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Tree Sparrow S.arborea 1,4,5,7,8 P SP 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Tree Sparrow S.arborea 1,4,5,7,8 Li W 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Wigeon Anas americana 1,4,5,7,8,9,23 Li F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) American Wigeon A.americana 1,4,5,7,8,9,23 Li SP 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) American Wigeon A.americana 1,4,5,8,9,23 P SP 0 NB NB B Birds(Ayes) American Wigeon A.americana 1,4,5,8,9,23 P W 0 NB NB B Birds(Ayes) American Woodcock Philohela minor 1,4,5,8,9,41 P F L Fertile moist soil containing NB NB earthworms,small clearings and dense swales Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 5 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation,B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • _ : #.rte.« •.� :.: . � - �._ ,: -� .:.sky' ,: .�, . '� �':. ;:i-''''4`-:- .:` y ...5'� ,o-# S ecies IL sty u ma =Re .o -Sou of 9800 Yi ,, . . *:_ t * '''',...Q.'7'; .0 : ; � ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary) Stable Dasp REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Watx Birds(Ayes) American Woodcock P.minor 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Fertile moist soil containing B B earthworms,small clearings and dense swales Birds(Ayes) American Woodcock P.minor 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Fertile moist soil containing NB NB earthworms,small clearings and dense swales Birds(Ayes) American Woodcock P.minor 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L Fertile moist soil containing NB NB earthworms,small clearings and dense swales Birds(Ayes) American Woodcock P.minor P W L Fertile moist soil containing NB NB earthworms,small clearings and dense swales Birds(Ayes) Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 1,4,8,9 K F 0 Abandoned or little used NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB buildings Birds(Ayes) Barn Swallow H.rustica 1,4,8,9 K SP 0 Abandoned or little used B B B B B B B B buildings Birds(Ayes) Barn Swallow H.rustica 1,4,8,9 K SU 0 Abandoned or little used NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB 1 buildings Birds(Ayes) Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Perches over streams,ponds, NB NB NB banks for nest sites Birds(Ayes) Belted Kingfisher M.alcyon 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Perches over streams,ponds, B B B I banks for nest sites Birds(Ayes) Belted Kingfisher M.alcyon 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Perches over streams,ponds, NB NB NB banks for nest sites. Birds(Ayes) Belted Kingfisher M.alcyon 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Perches over streams,ponds, NB NB NB banks for nest sites Birds(Ayes) Belted Kingfisher M.alcyon 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Perches over streams,ponds, NB NB NB banks for nest sites Birds(Ayes) Black and White Warbler Mniotilta varia 4,5,8,9 K F 0 NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present,Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present,Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 6 SP=Spring SU--Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • S • eco # List.SW*46 a ort =Southold 980021 6-'L4.4:# 4 .:ry 3 k ." _-- ''y A k .m1`- :f4ts f 'A'''` p �.a,<. r,,,,,.k. a pr�v �._,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,, .---.., , .+.014C .,,' ia>.'.' _`4r,9`, ?,H` .kY- i,:0411 i,:0 ,.p',r, :;,14''t.t:�. .. wz i- '` ' h v" 'i' �+5 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub Grass- Plain rory De P REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank wat Birds(Ayes) Black and White Warbler M.varia 4,5,8,9 K SP 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) Black and White Warbler M.varia 4,5,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Black Scoter Melanitta nigra 1,4,5,7,8,9 P F 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Black Scoter M.nigra 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola 4,5,8,9 P F L Mudflats NB NB Birds(Ayes) Black-bellied Plover P.squatarola 4,5,8,9 N SU L Mudflats NB NB Birds(Ayes) Black-capped Chickadee Parus atricapillus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Cavity trees or stubs in small NB NB woodlands,clearings or open woodlands. Birds(Ayes) Black-capped Chickadee P.atricapillus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Cavity trees or stubs in small B woodlands,clearings or open woodlands. Birds(Ayes) Black-capped Chickadee P.atricapillus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Cavity trees or stubs in small NB NB woodlands,clearings or open woodlands. Birds(Ayes) Black-capped Chickadee P.atricapillus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Cavity trees or stubs in small NB NB woodlands,clearings or open woodlands. Birds(Ayes) Black-capped Chickadee P.atricapillus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Cavity trees or stubs in small NB NB NB woodlands,clearings or open woodlands. Birds(Ayes) Black-crowned Night Nycticorax nycticorax 1,4,5,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB NB Heron 1 Birds(Ayes) Black-throated Green Dedroica virens 1,4,5,8,9 P F 0 Conifer or mixed woodlands NB Warbler Birds(Ayes) Black-throated Green D.virens 1,4,5,8,9 P SP 0 Conifer or mixed woodlands B Warbler Friday,August 28.1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 7 5P=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation.B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat III I, • 1 SOpcies. Los Summa 4 e•o :. outfS 9800 = - 4.4,,K,‘ '*l,, t. *�t -'f , f, ,, �� f ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pkch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE PForestk Sands ands- Plaid Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank DeeP REQUIREMENTS Forost lands lands Pond Birds(Ayes) Blue Grosbeak Guiraca caerulea 1,8,9 Ac L Brush thickets,near water NB NB Birds(Ayes) Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata 1,4,5,8,9 K F 0 NB 1 Birds(Ayes) Blue Jay C.cristata 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B Birds(Ayes) Blue Jay C.cristata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Blue Jay C.cristata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Blue Jay C.cristata 1,4,5,8,9 K W 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora pinus 1,4,5,8,9 P F 0 Old fields,scattered shrubs NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Blue-winged Warbler V.pinus 1,4,5,8,9,41 P SP 0 Old fields,scattered shrubs B B B B Birds(Ayes) Blue-winged Warbler V.pinus 1,4,5,8,9 P SP 0 Old fields,scattered shrubs NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Blue-winged Warbler V.pinus 1,4,5,8,9 P SU 0 Old fields,scattered shrubs NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Bonapartes Gull Laras philadelphia 4,5,8,9 P F 0 Migratory NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Bonapartes Gull L.philadelphia 4,5,8,9 P SP L Migratory NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Bonapartes Gull L.philadelphia 4,5,8,9 P W L Migratory NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brant Branta bernicla 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP L B Birds(Ayes) Brant B.bemicla 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brant B.bernicla 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SU L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brown Creeper Certhia americana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P F L Woodlands containing trees NB NB with sloughing or loose bark Birds(Ayes) Brown Creeper C.americana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP L Woodlands containing trees B B with sloughing or loose bark Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to bepresent;Li=Likely to be r,P=Possibly Page 8 preen y present;N=Not known[o be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter.0=Observed:L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat ! i • S ".ec�es List..,,SummRe ortSouthold 98002. Efis4 � � fr � '- ^.,',:-,-.,.,-,:,,:,:,--,.,,,;-,--,,r::,=-_:,-,,,-,-,.--,,',--. -- h # .. .;kzr4%&"� :+ ;_,,,, .,,,,,,,,.....,—,,,,,,,-44,,,=.,,, a -� ua'" Ste+ ..r> s + +. ' +a t + ,� Yry s t-- _ , _. . ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dee REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank w P III Birds(Ayes) Brown Creeper C.americana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP L Woodlands containing trees NB NB with sloughing or loose bark Birds(Ayes) Brown Creeper C.americana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SU L Woodlands containing trees NB NB with sloughing or loose bark Birds(Ayes) Brown Creeper C.americana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W L Woodlands containing trees NB NB with sloughing or loose bark Birds(Ayes) Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum 1,4,5,8,9 P F L Hardwood forest-field ecotone NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brown Thrasher T.rufum 1,4,5,8,9,41 P SP L Hardwood forest-field ecotone B B B B11 Birds(Ayes) Brown Thrasher T.rufum 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Hardwood forest-field NB NB NB NB ecotone Birds(Ayes) Brown Thrasher T.rufum 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L Hardwood forest-field ecotone NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brown Thrasher T.rufum 1,4,5,8,9 P W L Hardwood forest-field ecotone NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater 1,4,5,8,9 Li F L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brown-headed Cowbird M.ater 1,4,5,8,9,41 Li SP L B Birds(Ayes) Brown-headed Cowbird M.ater 1,4,5,8,9 Li SP L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brown-headed Cowbird M.ater 1,4,5,8,9 Li SU L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Brown-headed Cowbird M.ater 1,4,5,8,9 P W L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Bufflehead Bucephala albeola 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB I Birds(Ayes) Bufflehead B.albeola 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB AIB Birds(Ayes) Bufflehead B.albeola 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Canada Goose Branta canadensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Canada Goose B.canadensis 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 9 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat ill • • IS6tCleg Lis umrfa •of Sut •I• . :00 �.� : Pa a : 4 - ..y,�,,,, , . ,, .n vrz''-. ok g;'{ %a . { .C.'.-'1%,11,.f,.,;•,$ -, yaKyK y4,�t; , -w1 -, ',' � ,.'< d ' ,ir ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT PlnelOak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dee„ REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Canada Goose B.canadensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Canada Goose B.canadensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Canada Goose B.canadensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Carolina Wren Thryothorus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Cavity trees amid brushy NB NB NB ludovicianus vegetation. Birds(Ayes) Carolina Wren T.ludovicianus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Cavity trees amid brushy B B B vegetation. Birds(Ayes) Carolina Wren T.ludovicianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Cavity trees amid brushy NB NB NB vegetation. Birds(Ayes) Carolina Wren T.ludovicianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Cavity trees amid brushy NB NB NB vegetation. Birds(Ayes) Carolina Wren T.ludovicianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Cavity trees amid brushy NB NB NB vegetation. Birds(Ayes) Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Open country with scattered NB NB NB NB trees and persistent fruit Birds(Ayes) Cedar Waxwing B.cedrorum 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Open country with scattered NB NB NB NB trees and persistent fruit Birds(Ayes) Cedar Waxwing B.cedrorum 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SU L Open country with scattered B B trees and persistent fruit Birds(Ayes) Cedar WaxwingB.cedrorum 1 4 5 7 8 9 K SU LOpen countrywith scattered NB NB NB NB , > > > , trees and persistent fruit Birds(Ayes) Cedar Waxwing B.cedrorum 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W L Open country with scattered NB NB NB NB trees and persistent fruit Birds(Ayes) Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica 1,8,9 Li F L Chimneys NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Chimney Swift C.pelagica 1,8,9 Li SP 0 Chimneys B B B Birds(Ayes) Chimney Swift C.pelagica 1,8,9 Li SU 0 Chimneys NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be Li=Lrkel to be .P=Possibly r N=Not known to be present,Ac=Accidental,F=Fall Page tO present Y present, Y rr dos, SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • IS LisSmma Re ort Southold:9800Z % r 'i �Aecese.sit u 1 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary// Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain eree ry pip REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Clearings with bare ground, NB NB conifers or thorny shrubs Birds(Ayes) Chipping Sparrow S.passerina 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP L Clearings with bare ground, B B conifers or thorny shrubs Birds(Ayes) Chipping Sparrow S.passerina 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Clearings with bare ground, NB NB conifers or thorny shrubs Birds(Ayes) Chipping Sparrow S.passerina 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W L Clearings with bare ground, NB NB conifers or thorny shrubs Birds(Ayes) Clapper Rail Rallus longirostris 1,4,5,8,9 P F L N NB Birds(Ayes) Clapper Rail R.longirostris 1,4,5,8,9,41 N SP L B B Birds(Ayes) Clapper Rail R.longirostris 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Clapper Rail R.longirostris 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula 1,4,5,8,9 P F L Cavity trees and minimum B dbh of 20";Clear,Cold, shallow water Birds(Ayes) Common Goldeneye B.clangula 1,4,5,8,9 P F L Cavity trees and minimum NB dbh of 20";Clear,Cold, shallow water Birds(Ayes) Common Grackle Quiscalus guiscula 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Wet open country with NB NB NB NB scattered deciduous trees Birds(Ayes) Common Grackle Q.guiscula 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Wet open country with B B scattered deciduous trees Birds(Ayes) Common Grackle Q.guiscula 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Wet open country with NB NB NB NB scattered deciduous trees Birds(Ayes) Common Grackle Q.guiscula 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Wet open country with NB NB NB NB scattered deciduous trees Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 11 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed,L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • S • cies tis Summa- t Re o Sout o1. =9800 4 ;- -.- F ` � --7.J F A P ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE 1 SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitt' Maritime Maritime Coastal PShrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine Forestk Shrub- Grass- Plain REQUIREMENTS lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank W u I Birds(Ayes) Common Loon Gavia immer 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Special Concern(NYS)- NB NB NB Large undisturbed bodies of water and island Birds(Ayes) Common Loon G.immer 1,4,5,7.8,9 K SP 0 Special Concern(NYS)- B B B NB Large undisturbed bodies of water and island Birds(Ayes) Common Loon G.immer 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Special Concern(NYS)- NB B NB Large undisturbed bodies of water and island Birds(Ayes) Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor 1,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Nighthawk C.minor 1,8,9,41 P SP 0 B B B B Birds(Ayes) Common Nighthawk C.minor 1,8,9 P SP 0 NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Redpole Carduelis flammes 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Redpole C.flammes 1,4,5,8,9 N W L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Snipe G.gallinago 1,4,5,8,9 N F L NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Snipe G.gallinago 1,4,5,8,9 P SP 0 B B B B Birds(Ayes) Common Snipe G.gallinago 1,4,5,8,9 P SP 0 NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Snipe G.gallinago 1,4,5,8,9 N W L NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Tern Sterna hirundo 1,4,6,8,9 K F 0 Threatened(NYS) NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Tern S.hirundo 1,4,6,8,9 K SP 0 Threatened(NYS) B B Birds(Ayes) Common Tern S.hirundo 1,4,6,8,9 K SP 0 Threatened(NYS) NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Tern S.hirundo 1,4,6,8,9 K SU 0 Threatened(NYS) NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas 1,4,5,8,9 Li F L NB NB NB NB NB Friday.August 28,1998 K=Known to bet; presen Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Na known w be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fan Page 12 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation,B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • . ecce Lis Summa■^J/j Re orf,-Southold 980021 f � s, A',!='!-;,,,...,•"' 1..§.,00,tv.,..;, , ✓ f' ,,, -: .> _ _. r w }' ,7 =0'§" `` d Alli , ?4-.y 4 z y f-A. 4. e- ... .� X; -s-qe-; > +1 '�, ^Yv ''.c,- ri !1:-*"' .c�w .sb' §_ "'kl' :.z� o•.,� _s.Yv^ § ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritima Maritima Coastal Manns PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable PInMOak Shrub- Grass- Phan ry REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank W Birds(Ayes) Common Yellowthroat G.trichas 1,4,5,8,9,41 K SP 0 B B B B B Birds(Ayes) Common Yellowthroat G.trichas 1,4,5,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Common Yellowthroat G.trichas 1,4,5,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 1,4,5,7,8,9 P F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Cooper's Hawk A.cooperii 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Cooper's Hawk A.cooperii 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis 1,4,5,7,8 Li F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Dark-eyed Junco J.hyemalis 1,4,5,7,8 P SP 0 B Birds(Ayes) Dark-eyed Junco J.hyemalis 1,4,5,7,8 Li SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Dark-eyed Junco J.hyemalis 1,4,5,7,8 Li W 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Double-crested Phalacrocorax auritus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB Cormorant Birds(Ayes) Double-crested P.auritus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B B B Cormorant Birds(Ayes) Double-crested P.auritus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SU 0 B B BF Cormorant Birds(Ayes) Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Birds(Ayes) Downy Woodpecker P.pubescens 1,4,5, Li SP 0 Tree limbs with decay B Birds(Ayes) Downy Woodpecker P.pubescens 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Buds(Ayes) Downy Woodpecker P.pubescens 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Birds(Ayes) Downy Woodpecker P.pubescens 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be t Li=Likely to be y p present; presen y present;P=Possibly t;N=Not known to be Ac=Accidental;F=Fell Page 13 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation.B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 411 • • - +� - : =' 4x .e'_. qrk-:s "ac's - `'' , yq: -.3.:' ,-,,-;--_.---,,i4,-1-*,-,,,,-,_ Sy< 61.4-"{ , -. 41,s-.Istiitiettistr$u maN, Re"Dort Southold.9800 . .._ 'r - .+� .�. .b3s�e�z .,�;.�t:;�""�, ��r.1; < Y:`` 'a�.�+aa'_ "'.�. exd�`, ,, . ' ., . &' .�".- ,- xi .r.£. r �, 1 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dssp REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Dunlin Calidris alpina 4,5,8,9 P F L Migratory NB NB Birds(Ayes) Dunlin C.alpina 4,5,8,9 P SP L Migratory NB NB Birds(Ayes) Dunlin C.alpina 4,5,8,9 P W L Migratory NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis 1,4,5,8,9 N F L Low cavities,open country NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Bluebird S.sialis 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L Low cavities,open country B B B Birds(Ayes) Eastern Bluebird S.sialis 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L Low cavities,open country NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Bluebird S.sialis 1,4,5,8,9 N SU L Low cavities,open country NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus 4,8,9 P F 0 Clearings,fields,orchards NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Kingbird T.tyrannus 4,8,9 Li SP 0 Clearings,fields,orchards NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Kingbird T.tyrannus 4,8,9 Li SU 0 Clearings,fields,orchards NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna 1,4,5,8,9 P F L Grasslands and elevated NB perches Birds(Ayes) Eastern Meadowlark S.magna 1,4,5,8,9,41 P SP L Grasslands and elevated B perches Birds(Ayes) Eastern Meadowlark S.magna 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Grasslands and elevated NB perches Birds(Ayes) Eastern Meadowlark S.magna 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L Grasslands and elevated NB perches Birds(Ayes) Eastern Meadowlark S.magna 1,4,5,8,9 P W L Grasslands and elevated NB perches Birds(Ayes) Eastern Screech Owl Otus asio 1,4,7,8,9 K F 0 Cavity trees(12"dbh NB NB NB I minimum) Birds(Ayes) Eastern Screech Owl O.asio 1,4,7,8,9,41 Li SP 0 Cavity trees(12"dbh B minimum) Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present,Ac=Accidental,F=Fall Page 14 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed.L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • Sec es:ListSumma ReMo - S,.. o;• f 98002` k =. . •I;;:`,!"`.� }� -� �� 'lt ?Y 1 r .&`r. -• ,.�Zt� ._'. �: :; •.. mak. �' . , . �' �-a ,`" r - 4K„- a,s fi :' '� .. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable aria REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Birds(Ayes) Eastern Screech Owl O.asio 1,4,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Cavity trees(12"dbh NB NB NB minimum) Birds(Ayes) Eastern Screech Owl O.asio 1,4,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Cavity trees(12"dbh NB NB NB minimum) Birds(Ayes) Eastern Screech Owl O.asio 1,4,7,8,9 K W 0 Cavity trees(12"dbh NB NB NB minimum) Birds(Ayes) Eastern Wood Pewee Contopus virens 8,9,41 Li F L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Wood Pewee C.virens 8,9,41 Li SP L B B Birds(Ayes) Eastern Wood Pewee C.virens 8,9,41 Li SP L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Eastern Wood Pewee C.virens 8,9,41 Li SU L NB NB Birds(Ayes) European Starling Sturnus vulgaris 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Cavity trees(10"dbh) NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) EuropeanStarlingS.vulgaris 1 4 5 7 8 9 41 PCavity g , , , , , , K 5 0 Ca ty trees(10"dbh) B Birds(Ayes) European Starling S.vulgaris 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Cavity trees(10"dbh) NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) European Starling S.vulgaris 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Cavity trees(10"dbh) NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) European Starling S.vulgaris 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Cavity trees(10"dbh) NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Evening Grosbeak Coccothraustes 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L Spruce and fir forest NB NB NB vespertins Birds(Ayes) Evening Grosbeak C.vespertins 1,4,5,8,9 N W L Spruce and fir forest NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla 1,4,5,8,9 P F 0 Old fields NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Field Sparrow S.pusilla 1,4,5,8,9,41 P SP 0 Old fields B B B Birds(Ayes) Field Sparrow S.pusilla 1,4,5,8,9 P SP 0 Old fields NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Field Sparrow S.pusilla I,4,5,8,9` P SU L Old fields NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present N=Not known to be present Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 15 '1 SP=Spring,SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed:1=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat a . • FS' tieblei-ListSumma Re cort4SOUtiIOId9800 k x ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub Grave Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank W Birds(Ayes) Field Sparrow S.pusilla 1,4,5,8,9 P W L Old fields NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fish Crow Corvus ossifragus 1,4,5,8,9 N F L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fish Crow C.ossifragus 1,4,5,8,9,41 P SP L B B B Birds(Ayes) Fish Crow C.ossifragus 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fish Crow C.ossifragus 1,4,5,8,9 N SU L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fish Crow C.ossifragus 1,4,5,8,9 N W L NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca 1,4,5,8,9 P F L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fox Sparrow P.iliaca 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fox Sparrow P.iliaca 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Fox Sparrow P.iliaca 1,4,5,8,9 P W L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Gadwell Anas strepera 1,4,5,8,9,41 K F 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) Gadwell A.strepera 1,4,5,8,9 K F 0 Moderate to large bodies of NB NB NB NB waters,with submerged aquatic plants. Birds(Ayes) Gold-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa 1,4,5,8,9 K F 0 Dense conifer stands and NB thickets Birds(Ayes) Gold-crowned Kinglet R.satrapa 1,4,5,8,9 K SP 0 Dense conifer stands and NB thickets Birds(Ayes) Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos 5,8,9,23 Ac L Cliffs and wide open space NB NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Gray Catbird Dumetella Carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Shrubs,thickets in open NB NB NB country Birds(Ayes) Gray Catbird D.Carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Shrubs,thickets in open B B B country Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be t;Li=Likely to be Pa 16 present, presort P=Possibly present N=Not known b be present.Ac=Accidental,F=Fall Se SP=Spring;SU=Summer:W--Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • ISifeCieS.,List.SummaN Re ort=Southoid:9800 ;',,f'-ft. = cy ...f , - �`i .. �� . �. - , :a ,ks '.ty' - ' !:r . s-,<. Y `Alt-.eA ct .. r ti�r ,. ''.. fi ,a ,, _ .4a•f -b . S ',K'vs � nif_?b � x u '' 3 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCEC; SPE IAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime MarPomeCoastal Matins Pine/Oak Shrub Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Wates Birds(Ayes) Gray Catbird D.Carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Shrubs,thickets in open NB NB NB country or forest understory Birds(Ayes) Gray Catbird D.Carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Shrubs,thickets in open NB NB NB country Birds(Ayes) Gray Catbird D.Carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 N W 0 Shrubs,thickets in open NB NB NB country Birds(Ayes) Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Black-backed Gull L.marinus 1,4,5,8,9 K SP 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) Great Black-backed Gull L.marinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Black-backed Gull L.marinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Black-backed Gull L.marinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias 1,4,5,8,9 K F 0 Tall trees NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Blue Heron A.herodias 1,4,5,8,9 K SP 0 Tall trees B Birds(Ayes) Great Blue Heron A.herodias 1,4,5,8,9 K SU 0 Tall trees NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Blue Heron A.herodias 1,4,5,8,9 K W 0 Tall trees NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Cormorant Phalacocorax carbo 1,4,5,8,9 P F L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Cormorant P.carbo 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L B B B Birds(Ayes) Great Cormorant P.carbo 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Cormorant P.carbo 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Cormorant P.carbo 1,4,5,8,9 P W L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Egret Casmerodius albus 4,5,8,9,23 K F 0 NB NB NB NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be t;Li=Likely to be resntr,P=Possiblypresent,present y p presort;N=Not known to be earn Ac=Accidental,F=Fall Page 17 SP=Spring,SU=Summer;W=Wimer,0=Observed,1=Literature documentation.B=Brading habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat i i • • Sade Lis °S e o - Southold 9800 * - t. ,,. ....a.: .... .. P., ., ., r. ... ."sP hifit.; ,�`P.---; ,a�' ,H :it. t ,, ra t�;. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grana- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Das. REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Great Egret C.albus 4,5,8,9,23 K SP 0 B B B B B B Birds(Ayes) Great Egret C.albus 4,5,8,9,23 K SP 0 NB NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great Egret C.albus 4,5,8,9,23 K SU 0 NB NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca 4,5,8,9 K SP 0 Open marshes,mudflats NB NB Birds(Ayes) Greater Yellowlegs T.melanoleuca 5,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Great-horned Owl Bubo virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Large abandoned hawk nests, NB NB NB large tree cavities. Birds(Ayes) Great-homed Owl B.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 Li SP 0 Large abandoned hawk nests, B large tree cavities. Birds(Ayes) Great-homed Owl B.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Large abandoned hawk nests, NB NB NB 1 large tree cavities. Birds(Ayes) Great-homed Owl B.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Large abandoned hawk nests, NB NB NB large tree cavities. Birds(Ayes) Great-homed Owl B.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Large abandoned hawk nests, B large tree cavities. Birds(Ayes) Great-homed Owl B.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W 0 Large abandoned hawk nests, NB NB NB NB large tree cavities. Birds(Ayes) Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Birds(Ayes) Hairy Woodpecker P.villosus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Tree limbs with decay B Birds(Ayes) Hairy Woodpecker P.villosus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Birds(Ayes) Hairy Woodpecker P.villosus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Tree limbs with decay NB I Birds(Ayes) Hairy Woodpecker P.villosus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 18 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • eciei'Llst--SummaN Report%=Southold'9800 x - 4 12 � .- ,.,. i : • ; *r z ' �, .0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&,_,..„„,..4,,„4.8,..,. +4,,,,..„!-,.. ' ` +"84. 'c' sit 7""��1. " 'r ;r,>.- st "` " r ,w v ;3". V i ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrubs Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable DseP REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Hermit Thrush Catharus gutlatus 1,4,5,8,9 P F L Coniferous or mixed NB NB woodland with dense undergrowth. i Birds(Ayes) Hermit Thrush C.gutlatus 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Coniferous or mixed B B woodland with dense undergrowth. Birds(Ayes) Hermit Thrush C.gutlatus 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Coniferous or mixed NB NB woodland with dense undergrowth. Birds(Ayes) Hermit Thrush C.gutlatus 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L Coniferous or mixed NB NB woodland with dense undergrowth. Birds(Ayes) Hermit Thrush C.gutlatus 1,4,5,8,9 P W L Coniferous or mixed NB NB woodland with dense undergrowth. Birds(Ayes) Herring Gull Larus argentatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Herring Gull L.argentatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 B B Birds(Ayes) Herring Gull L.argentatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Herring Gull L.argentatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB I Birds(Ayes) Herring Gull L.argentatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Homed Grebe Podiceps auritus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Brackish and estuarine waters NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Homed Grebe P.auritus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Brackish and estuarine waters NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Horned Grebe P.auritus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Brackish and estuarine waters NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Homed Lark Eremophia ulpestris 1,4,5,8,9 Li W L Bare exposed soil NB NB Birds(Ayes) House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Open ground with low seed NB producing plants Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to bet,Li=Likely y to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental,F=Fall Page 19 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • 4110 110 , �eci sLis Sti .m.a� Ret.oySout-or. or. 9..: :00 k.--� �l } ' i r . =4.>. .a ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch MarMaritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub-rub- Grass- Plain N REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Birds(Ayes) House Finch C.mexicanus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Open ground with low seed B producing plants Birds(Ayes) House Finch C.mexicanus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Open ground with low seed NB producing plants Birds(Ayes) House Finch C.mexicanus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Open ground with low seed NB producing plants Birds(Ayes) House Finch C.mexicanus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Open ground with low seed NB producing plants Birds(Ayes) House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) House Sparrow P.domesticus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) House Sparrow P.domesticus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) House Sparrow P.domesticus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W I. 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) House Wren Troglodytes aedon 1,4,8,9 K F 0 Cavity trees and shrubs NB NB Birds(Ayes) House Wren T.aedon 1,4,8,9 K SP 0 Cavity trees and shrubs NB NB Birds(Ayes) House Wren T.aedon 1,4,8,9,41 K SP 0 Cavity trees and shrubs B B Birds(Ayes) House Wren T.aedon 1,4,8,9 K SU 0 Cavity trees and shrubs NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ivory Gull Pagophila ebumea 5,8,9 Ac L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Killdeer Charadrius vociferus 1,4,5,8,9 Li F L Bareground sparce vegetation NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Killdeer C.vociferus 1,4,5,8,9,41 Li SP L Bareground sparce vegetation B B B Birds(Ayes) Killdeer C.vociferus 1,4,5,8,9 Li W L Bareground sparce vegetation NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Laughing Gull Larus atricilla 5,8,9 Li F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Laughing Gull L.atricilla 5,8,9 P SU 0 NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to beesent;Li=Likely to be pr present,P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental,F=Fall Page 20 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • • c e .L4- S 1 a Re. . Sa utni t 9800 4. < , ` . X , ,, 5 , -4, ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritima Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estua / Stable Marina Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain �' REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Birds(Ayes) Least Tern Sterna albifrons 1,4,6,8,9,23 Li F 0 New York Endangered NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Least Tens S.albifrons 1,4,6,8,9,41 Li SP 0 New York Endangered B B Birds(Ayes) Least Tern S.albifrons 1,4,6,8,9,23 Li SP 0 New York Endangered NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Least Tem S.albifrons 1,4,6,8,9,23 Li SU 0 New York Endangered NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Lesser Black backed Gull Larus fuscus Ac L NB Birds(Ayes) Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus 1,8,9 Ac L Open country with short NB NB NB grasslands and scattered trees Birds(Ayes) Long-eared Owl Asio otus 1,4,5,8,9 P F L Dune conifer,thickets in open NB NB NB country Birds(Ayes) Long-eared Owl A.otus 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Dune conifer,thickets in open B country Birds(Ayes) Long-eared Owl A.otus 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Dune conifer,thickets in open NB country Birds(Ayes) Long-eared Owl A.otus 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L Dune conifer,thickets in open NB NB NB country Birds(Ayes) Long-eared Owl A.otus 1,4,5,8,9 P W L Dune conifer,thickets in open NB NB NB NB country Birds(Ayes) Mallard Anas platyhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Mallard A.platyhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B B B B B Birds(Ayes) Mallard A.platyhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Mallard A.platyhynchos K SU 0 B B B B B Birds(Ayes) Mallard A.platyhynchos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris 1,4,5,7,8,9 N F 0 Marshes NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present,N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 21 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation,B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 1110 • III cies Lit Summfir :Re'or `Sout oi`. , pp %_ �° Lr„,. k > ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT phiemak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Marsh Wren C.palustris 1,4,5,7,8,9 N SP 0 Marshes B B Birds(Ayes) Marsh Wren C.palustris 1,4,5,7,8,9 N SP 0 Marshes NB NB Birds(Ayes) Marsh Wren C.palustris 1,4,5,7,8,9 N SU 0 Marshes NB NB Birds(Ayes) Marsh Wren C.palustris 1,4,5,7,8,9 N W 0 Marshes NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Merlin Falco columbarius 1,4,5,7,8,9 P F 0 NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Merlin F.columbarius 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Open land with bare ground NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Mourning Dove Z.macroura 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Open land with bare ground B Birds(Ayes) Mourning Dove Z.macroura 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Open land with bare ground NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Mourning Dove Z.macroura 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Open land with bare ground NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Mourning Dove Z.macroura 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Open land with bare ground NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Mute Swan Cygnus olor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Shallow ponds,rivers with NB aquatic Birds(Ayes) Mute Swan C.olor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Shallow ponds,rivers with B aquatic Birds(Ayes) Mute Swan C.olor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Shallow ponds,rivers with NB aquatic Birds(Ayes) Mute Swan C.olor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Shallow ponds,rivers with NB NB NB NB aquatic Birds(Ayes) Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Brushy field edges, NB NB NB well-drained sandy loamy soils Friday.August 28,1998 K=Known to be present,Li=LJcely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=NM known to be present Ac=Aaidental;F=Fail Page 22 1 SP=Spring;SU=Sunnier;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat ill III • ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine PForestk Sands- ands- Plaid Swamp Marsh Beach Salhnarsh Bank REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond �P Birds(Ayes) Northern Bobwhite C.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 Li SP 0 Brushy field edges, B B B well-drained sandy loamy soils Birds(Ayes) Northern Bobwhite C.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Brushy field edges, NB NB NB well-drained sandy loamy soils Birds(Ayes) Northern Bobwhite C.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Brushy field edges, NB NB NB well-drained sandy loamy soils Birds(Ayes) Northern Bobwhite C.virginianus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W 0 Brushy field edges, NB NB NB well-drained sandy loamy soils Birds(Ayes) Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Thickets and vines NB NB Birds(Ayes) Northern Cardinal C.cardinalis 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 Li SP 0 Thickets and vines B B Birds(Ayes) Northem Cardinal C.cardinalis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Thickets and vines NB NB Birds(Ayes) Northern Cardinal C.cardinalis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Thickets and vines NB NB Birds(Ayes) Northern Cardinal C.cardinalis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W 0 Thickets and vines NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Open areas,trees with NB NB NB NB heartrot(12"dbh minimum) 1 Birds(Ayes) Northern Flicker C.auratus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 Li SP 0 Open areas,trees with B heartrot(12"dbh minimum) Birds(Ayes) Northern Flicker C.auratus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Open areas,trees with NB NB heartrot(12"dbh minimum) Birds(Ayes) Northern Flicker C.auratus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Open areas,trees with B heartrot(12"dbh minimum) Birds(Ayes) Northern Flicker C.auratus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Open areas,trees with NB NB heartrot(12"dbh minimum) Friday,August 28,1998 y !su K=Known to be present,Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present,N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 23 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat III III • p cie L'is ii maty eport Sout b old 98002? Y r., 9FP tc,.,,..„ „,,,.- .47s . .,, w.Y,:S'- .?,..,,,ser s.— ,,,,•1ska}wra...,% w«... ,a~- ,-., r •3` r'S"y 3. ... -d , . . ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal EstuaryI Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub- Gress- Ptein r9ry REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Birds(Ayes) Northern Flicker C.auratus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W 0 Open areas,trees with NB NB NB heartrot(12"dbb minimum) Birds(Ayes) Northern Gannet Morus bassanus 1,4,5,7,8,9 N F 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Northern Gannet M.bassanus 1,4,5,7,8,9 N SP 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Northern Gannet M.bassanus 1,4,5,7,8,9 N W 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP L Marshes and open country, B B B low vegetation Birds(Ayes) Northern Harrier C.cyaneus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Marshes and open country, NB NB NB NB NB low vegetation Birds(Ayes) Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Low thickets,high perches, NB NB persistent fruits Birds(Ayes) Northern Mockingbird M.polyglottos 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Low thickets,high perches, B B I persistent fruits Birds(Ayes) Northern Mockingbird M.polyglottos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Low thickets,high perches, NB NB persistent fruits Birds(Ayes) Northern Mockingbird M.polyglottos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Low thickets,high perches, NB NB persistent fruits Birds(Ayes) Northern Mockingbird M.polyglottos 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Low thickets,high perches, NB NB NB persistent fruits Birds(Ayes) Northern Oriole Icterus galbula 1,4,8,9 Li F L Tall scattered deciduous trees NB NB NB (elms) Birds(Ayes) Northern Oriole I.galbula 1,4,8,9,41 Li SP L Tall scattered deciduous trees B B B (elms) Birds(Ayes) Northern Oriole I.galbula 1,4,8,9 Li SP L Tall scattered deciduous trees NB NB NB (elms) Birds(Ayes) Northern Oriole I.galbula 1,4,8,9 Li SU L Tall scattered deciduous trees NB NB NB (elms) Il Monday,August 31,1998 K-Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 24 i SP=Spring;SU-Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L-Literature documentation;B.•Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat I III S 1 .n f►,�ry. .�``r�-,ma+ ■�.. _�.� ._ .. ��•,,/����_i r Q e 'CI `!.'7 •\7M a e• • r,..S OJ o a.800 b --2,'''--74.--',-'2-4-F--- .7 4 .' --;,' , k h "--1-",.7.-.^... -_ j • ,�F��:^`F -,,-, t s '� 1 "`� s.a': .'�u:z .,,;. :� <,.a * ., ,. <z. �re. w �z`� �.�..s ��,� r .r F�....,v .." ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT /Pitch Maritima Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estes Stab PitchMarna Pk Sands- Grass- Ptah Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Waar I REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Birds(Ayes) Northern Oriole Icterus galbula 1,4,8,9 N W L Tall scattered deciduous trees NB NB NB (elms) Birds(Ayes) Oldsquaw Clangula hyemalis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Open,deep water NB NB Birds(Ayes) Oldsquaw C.hyemalis 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP 0 Open,deep water NB NB Birds(Ayes) Oldsquaw C.hyemalis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Open,deep water NB NB Birds(Ayes) Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1,4,5,8,9,20,23 Li F L Clear lakes,rivers,coastal NB NB waters,threatened(NYS) New York State Threatened Birds(Ayes) Osprey P.haliaetus 1,4,5,8,9,20,23, K SP 0 Clear lakes,rivers,coastal B B waters,threatened(NYS) New York State Threatened Birds(Ayes) Osprey P.haliaetus 1,4,5,8,9,20,23 K SP 0 Clear lakes,rivers,coastal NB NB waters,threatened(NYS) New York State Threatened I Birds(Ayes) Osprey P.haliaetus 1,4,5,8,9,20,23 K SU 0 Clear lakes,rivers,coastal NB NB waters,threatened(NYS) New York State Threatened Birds(Ayes) Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum 5,8,9 K F 0 Scattered trees,thick shrub NB growth Birds(Ayes) Palm Warbler D.palmarum 5,8,9 K SP 0 Scattered trees,thick shrub B growth Birds(Ayes) Palm Warbler D.palmarum 5,8,9 K SP 0 Scattered trees,thick shrub NB growth 1 Birds(Ayes) Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 N F 0 High cliffs,endangered(Fed) NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L Marshes with water and B emergent vegetation. Birds(Ayes) Pied-billed Grebe P.podiceps 1,4,5,8,9 P SU L Marshes with water and NB NB NB NB emergent vegetation. I Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 25 SP=Spring,SU=Summer W=Winter 0=Observed.L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat ! • * ,eCIO .Li ti mma e Q South j�9800 ` ��, Ax i _ � . ,�? ?, y :,44 ' t r: . - > > . ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Matins PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable , REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank WeM Birds(Ayes) Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L Conifers NB NB Birds(Ayes) Pine Siskin C.pinus 1,4,5,8,9 N W L Conifers NB NB Birds(Ayes) Pine Warbler Dendroica pinus 5,8,9 K F 0 Pine forest NB Birds(Ayes) Pine Warbler D.pinus 5,8,9 K SP 0 Pine forest B Birds(Ayes) Pine Warbler D.pinus 5,8,9 K SP 0 Pine forest NB Birds(Ayes) Pine Warbler D.pinus 5,8,9 Li SU L Pine forest NB Birds(Ayes) Pine Warbler D.pinus 5,8,9 P W L Pine forest NB Birds(Ayes) Piping Plover Charadrius melodus 1,4,5,6,8,9,23,4 K SP 0 Federal and New York State B B Endangered Birds(Ayes) Piping Plover C.melodus 1,4,5,6,8,9,23 K SP 0 Federal and New York State NB NB NB Endangered Birds(Ayes) Piping Plover C.melodus 1,4,5,6,8,9,23 K SU 0 Federal and New York State NB NB NB Endangered Birds(Ayes) Prarie Warbler Dendroica discolor 1,8,9 N F 0 Coniferous cover and old NB NB fields Birds(Ayes) Prarie Warbler D.discolor 1,8,9 N SP L Coniferous cover and old NB NB fields Birds(Ayes) Prarie Warbler D.discolor 1,8,9,41 N SP L Coniferous cover and old B fields Birds(Aves) Purple Finch Carpodacus purpureus 1,4,5,8,9 P F L Coniferous trees NB Birds(Ayes) Purple Finch C.purpureus 1,4,5,8,9 P SP L Coniferous trees NB Birds(Ayes) Purple Finch C.purpureus 1,4,5,8,9 P W L Coniferous trees NB Birds(Ayes) Purple Sandpiper Caladris maritima 4,5,8,9 P W L NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present:Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 26 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation:B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 0 • S ISEette: LJS o tfif �Re O5:ft1 rO a ,✓ 10 ',;t.e A„ 3� ` , ;! ' z? '` f,� - � + � � ,, fi-y' `ms-s:_, -,•,--,i, ..;;,_4:- .4„,, ` -,� :I+ t. ',,4 �o4.. r , ,. , ,�� ,.,,,,,,,„,„,..-2,:..,. : b ,��,43c' #r `l` * r '7 �° �� .l— Ir.i,` � ,, ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINg SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATnck Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marlin Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain 6 REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Red Throated Loon Gavia stellata 1,4,5,7,8,9 P F 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Red Throated Loon G.stellata 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Red Throated Loon G.stellata 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SU 0 NB NB 1 Birds(Ayes) Red Throated Loon G.stellata 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Red-bellied Woodpecker M.carolinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Cavity trees in open country NB Birds(Ayes) Red-bellied Woodpecker M.carolinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Cavity trees in open country B Birds(Ayes) Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Cavity trees in open country NB Birds(Ayes) Red-bellied Woodpecker M.carolinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Cavity trees in open country NB Birds(Ayes) Red-bellied Woodpecker M.carolinus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Cavity trees in open country NB Birds(Ayes) Red-breast Merganser Mergus serrator 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Red-breast Merganser M.serrator 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Red-breast Merganser M.serrator 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Red-breasted Nuthatch Sita canadensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Cavity trees in coniferous or NB mixed woods(12"dbh) Birds(Ayes) Red-breasted Nuthatch S.canadensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 Cavity trees in coniferous or NB mixed woods(12"dbh) Birds(Ayes) Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaseus 4,5,8,9 K F 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Red-eyed Vireo V.olivaseus 4,5,8,9,41 Li SP L B 1 Birds(Ayes) Red-eyed Vireo V.olivaseus 4,5,8,9 Li SP L NB Birds(Ayes) Red-eyed Vireo V.olivaseus 4,5,8,9 Li SU L NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present,N=Not known to be present.Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 27 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat III • 411 ecies 1145,Summa Re off Southold 9800 , �a� y = >^ 'a :x;3.;;: .��+t3 � #�F ':h.:3; 'poll" z; ��",„€ t,,,.4:'''z ' `' ' ''� . ' -`''^- ,t--.7.,,..,,,,,f- ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritima Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent CoasW Estes I Stable Mari" Shrub Grass- Plain �' REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Birds(Ayes) Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Mature forest-field ecotane NB NB NB (edge) Birds(Ayes) Red-tailed Hawk B.jamaicensis 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 Li SP 0 Mature forest-field ecotane B B B (edge) Birds(Ayes) Red-tailed Hawk B.jamaicensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 Mature forest-field ecotane NB NB NB (edge) Birds(Ayes) Red-tailed Hawk B.jamaicensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SU 0 Mature forest-field ecotane NB NB NB (edge) Birds(Ayes) Red-tailed Hawk B.jamaicensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W 0 Mature forest-field ecotane NB NB NB (edge) Birds(Ayes) Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Red-winged Blackbird A.phoeniceus 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B B B B B Birds(Ayes) Red-winged Blackbird A.phoeniceus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Red-winged Blackbird A.phoeniceus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Red-winged Blackbird A.phoeniceus 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring Neck Pheasant Phasiamus colchicus 1,4,5,8,9 Li F L Cultivated farm fields NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring Neck Pheasant P.colchicus 1,4,5,8,9,41 Li SP L Cultivated farm fields B B Birds(Ayes) Ring Neck Pheasant P.colchicus 1,4,5,8,9 Li SP L Cultivated farm fields NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring Neck Pheasant P.colchicus 1,4,5,8,9 Li SU L Cultivated farm fields NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring Neck Pheasant P.colchicus 1,4,5,8,9 Li W L Cultivated farm fields NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB 1 Birds(Ayes) Ring-billed Gull L.delawarensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring-billed Gull L.delawarensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 28 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed,L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat • i III - -- . m ` R. 'rtrS' t 9dec . uma4-a a ' ', }r rr .: • ..',-- ECOLOGICAL ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USESTATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Pialn Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank wet; Birds(Ayes) Ring-billed Gull L.delawarensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring-neck Duck Aythya collaris 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Expanse of open water B B B B Birds(Ayes) Ring-neck Duck A.collaris 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li F 0 Expanse of open water NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ring-neck Duck A.collaris 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 Expanse of open water NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Rock Dove Columba Livia 1,4,5,8,9 Li F L NB Birds(Ayes) Rock Dove C.livia 1,4,5,8,9 Li SP L NB Birds(Ayes) Rock Dove C.livia 1,4,5,8,9 Li SU L NB Birds(Ayes) Rock Dove C.livia 1,4,5,8,9 Li W L NB Birds(Ayes) Roseate Tern Sterna dougallai 4,6,8,9,20,23,4 P SP L Federal and New York State B B Endangered Birds(Ayes) Roseate Tern S.dougallai 4,6,8,9,20,23 P SU L Federal and New York State NB NB NB Endangered Birds(Ayes) Rough-legged Hawk Buten lagopus 1,4,5,7,8,9 N W 0 Open Country NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Royal Tern Sterna maxima 4,6,8,9 N F L Coastal waters,jetties, B B beaches Birds(Ayes) Ruby-crowned Kinglet Regulus calendula 1,4,5,8,9 Li F L Both conifers and mixed NB stands dominated by softwoods Birds(Ayes) Ruby-crowned Kinglet R.calendula 1,4,5,8,9 Li SP L Both conifers and mixed NB stands dominated by softwoods Birds(Ayes) Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis 1,4,5,8,9 P F L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ruddy Turnstone Areraria interpres 4,5,8,9 Li F L Migratory NB NB Birds(Ayes) Ruddy Turns-tone A.interpres 4,5,8,9 Li SP L Migratory NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K-Known to bet; Pry Li-Likely to be Present:P-Possibly present,N-Na known to he present Ac=Accidental;F-Fell Page 29 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W-Winter,0=Observed;L-Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat • • :-. .s..�,.. :sa.- .> �tw.:�'�t =...�..�s �at ;" �M,,. ,..��,�-:....y�, � t ,.:.:. �.;d,� s �::`, 0111111 `;' �,„ .' <``_. ov fir. a ' ,.,:. s �'fa,:` `' l IS •ecce £FIs T �■y.'�J�� o Bout of :9800 . r., �, . e„..,..n .:�« -'...`, a- ,. .. f F ,m. 6-4;s 4,,7, - .. ,z� o� 1,.� :G'r:, S.!'1 i &. 7- _ .. .„ _., .i '-:-(11, - - ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUSHABITAT Maritimee Coastal Matins Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dsap REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Birds(Ayes) Rufous-sided Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus 1,4,5,8,9 K F 0 Dense,brushy understory, NB well-drained soils Birds(Ayes) Rufous-sided Towhee P.erythrophthalmus 1,4,5,8,9,41 K SP 0 Dense,brushy understory, B well-drained soils Birds(Ayes) Rufous-sided Towhee P.erythrophthalmus 1,4,5,8,9 K SP 0 Dense,brushy understory, NB well-drained soils Birds(Ayes) Rufous-sided Towhee P.erthyrophthalmus 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SU L Dense,brushy understory, NB well-drained soils Birds(Ayes) Rufous-sided Towhee P.erthyrophthalmus 1,4,5,8,9 Li W L Dense,brushy understory, NB well-drained soils Birds(Ayes) Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus 1,4,5,8,9 N F L NB NB NB I Birds(Ayes) Rusty Blackbird E.carolinus 1,4,5,8,9 N SP L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Rusty Blackbird E.carolinus 1,4,5,8.9 N W L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Sanderling Calidris alba 4,5,8,9 K F 0 Migratory NB Birds(Ayes) Sanderling C.alba 4,5,8,9 K SP 0 Migratory NB NB Birds(Ayes) Sanderling C.alba 4,5,8,9 P SU 0 Migratory NB Birds(Ayes) Savannah Sparrow Passerculus 1,4,5,8,9 P F 0 Herbaceous cover of moderate NB NB NB sandwichensis height Birds(Ayes) Savannah Sparrow P.sandwichensis 1,4,5,8,9,41 P SP 0 Herbaceous cover of moderate B B B height Birds(Ayes) Savannah Sparrow P.sandwichensis 1,4,5,8,9 P SP 0 Herbaceous cover of moderate NB NB NB height Birds(Ayes) Savannah Sparrow P.sandwichensis 1,4,5,8,9 P W L Herbaceous cover of moderate NB NB NB I height Birds(Ayes) Seaside Sparrow Ammospiza maritimus 4,5,7,20,23 Li F 0 NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to beesent; Pr Li=Likely to be present,P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fell Page 30 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • III II) itis' L s Sum a Re o` =Southold 9800 .,,,,,,s...,...,,,,,,.--,,,,,,,,,t,,..„,,,,,,,,,,,.:•,,,,. 0 .. i ,. .. r ) ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime MarlUme Coastal Marine 1 PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lends lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Seaside Sparrow A.maritimus 4,5,7,20,23 Li SP O B Birds(Ayes) Seaside Sparrow A.maritimus 4,5,7,20,23 Li SP O NB Birds(Ayes) Seaside Sparrow A.maritimus 4,5,7,20,23 Li SU O NB Birds(Ayes) Seaside Sparrow A.maritimus 4,5,7,20,23 Li W 0 NB Birds(Ayes) Sedge Wren Gistothorus platensis 1,8,9 Ac L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Semipalmated Plover Charadrius 4,5,6,9 Li F L B semipalmatus Birds(Ayes) Semipalmated Plover C.semipalmatus 4,5,6,9 P SP L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Semipalmated Plover C.semipalmatus 4,5,6,9 Li SP L B Birds(Ayes) Semipalmated Plover C.semipalmatus 4,5,6,9 Li SU L B Birds(Ayes) Sharp-shinned Hawk A.striatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Extensive,undisturbed NB NB NB woodlands Birds(Ayes) Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipter striatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Extensive,undisturbed B woodlands Birds(Ayes) Sharp-shinned Hawk A.striatus 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li W O Extensive,undisturbed NB NB NB woodlands Birds(Ayes) Sharp-tailed Sparrow Ammodramus 1,4,5,7,23 P F L NB NB NB caudacutus Birds(Ayes) Sharp-tailed Sparrow A.caudacutus 1,4,5,7,23 P SP L B B B Birds(Ayes) Sharp-tailed Sparrow A.caudacutus 1,4,5,7,23 P SP L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Sharp-tailed Sparrow A.caudacutus 1,4,5,7,23 P SU L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Sharp-tailed Sparrow A.caudacutus 1,4,5,7,23 P W L NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li-Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac-Accidental;F-Fall Page 31 SP-Spring;SU-Summer;W-Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB-Not-breeding habitat • • • e�cies'.Lis.t,Su a eRb �Southold°9800 1 1. , ? :F ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTALJMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable es. REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Short-eared Owl Asio flameus 1,4,5,8,9 N F L Extensive open grasslands, NB NB NB dunes Birds(Ayes) Short-eared Owl A.flameus 1,4,5,8,9 N W L Extensive open grasslands, NB NB NB dunes Birds(Ayes) Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis 1,4,8,9 N F L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Snow Bunting P.nivalis 1,4,8,9 N SP L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Snow Bunting P.nivalis 1,4,8,9 Li W L NB NB Birds(Ayes) Snow Goose Chen caerulescens 1,4,5,8,9 P F 0 B Birds(Ayes) Snow Goose C.caerulescens 1,4,5,8,9 P F 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Snow Goose C.caerulescens 1,4,5,8,9 P W 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Snowy Egret Egretta thula 4,5,8,9,23 K F 0 NB NB NB NB NB NB Snowy Br Birds 4,5 8 9,23,41 K SP 0 B B B B B (Ayes) Egret E.thula , , Birds(Ayes) Snowy Egret E.thula 4,5,8,9,23 K SP 0 NB NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Snowy Egret E.thula 4,5,8,9,23 K SU 0 NB NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria 4,5,8,9 N F L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Solitary Sandpiper T.solitaria 4,5,8,9 N SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Solitary Sandpiper T.solitaria 4,5,8,9 N SU L NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Song Sparrow M.melodia 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) Song Sparrow M.melodia 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Song Sparrow M.melodia 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;1,..Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fell Page 32 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0—Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • •e, T! is a�/ port 5out o d9800 ,.`` :11111:„ F' r '' ._' , ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal arine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Plne/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Mn__ REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Salbnarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Song Sparrow M.melodia 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia 4,5,8,9 P F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Spotted Sandpiper A.macularia 4,5,8,9,41 P SP 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) Spotted Sandpiper A.macularia 4,5,8,9 P SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Spotted Sandpiper A.macularia 4,5,8,9 P SU 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata 1,4,5,7,8,9 P F 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Swamp Sparrow M.georgiana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP 0 B B B Birds(Ayes) Swamp Sparrow M.georgiana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SP 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Swamp Sparrow M.georgiana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P SU 0 NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) Swamp Sparrow M.georgiana 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W 0 NB NB NB Birds(Aves) Tree Swallow Uidoprocne bicolor 1,4,8,9 K F L Tree cavities(10"dbh),open NB NB NB NB NB NB areas near water Birds(Ayes) Tree Swallow I.bicolor 1,4,8,9 K SP L Tree cavities(10"dbh),open NB NB NB NB NB NB NB areas near water Birds(Ayes) Tree Swallow I.bicolor 1,4,8,9 K SU L Tree cavities(10"dbh),open NB NB NB NB NB NB NB areas near water Birds(Ayes) Tufted Titmouse Parus bicolor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Cavity trees with 8"dbh NB minimum Birds(Ayes) Tufted Titmouse P.bicolor 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Cavity trees with 8"dbh B minimum Birds(Ayes) Tufted Titmouse P.bicolor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Cavity trees with 8"dbh NB minimum Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likelyto be present;P-Possibly present;N-Na known to be present Ac=Accidental;F-Fell Page 33 SP-Spring;SU-Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L-Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB-Non-breeding habitat s • a eci his SumriiaryRepo Sou oic9801 y � r IS x= � , ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Mar Uma Maritime Coastal Mark"PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank W Birds(Ayes) Tufted Titmouse P.bicolor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Cavity trees with 8"dbh NB minimum Birds(Ayes) Tufted Titmouse P.bicolor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Cavity trees with 8"dbh NB minimum Birds(Ayes) Tufted Titmouse P.bicolor 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Cavity trees with 8"dbh NB minimum Birds(Ayes) White winged Scoter Melanitta fuses 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB Birds(Avec) White winged Scoter M.furca 1,4,5,7,8,9 Li SP 0 NB NB Birds(Ayes) White winged Scoter M.fusca 1,4,5,7,8,9 N SU L NB NB Birds(Ayes) White winged Scoter M.fuses 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 NB NB Birds(Avec) White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Cavity trees in hardwoods or NB mixed wood(12"dbh) Birds(Ayes) White-breasted Nuthatch S.carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9,41 K SP 0 Cavity trees in hardwoods or B mixed wood(12"dbh) Birds(Ayes) White-breasted Nuthatch S.carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Cavity trees in hardwoods or NB mixed wood(12"dbh) Birds(Ayes) White-breasted Nuthatch S.carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Cavity trees in hardwoods or NB mixed wood(12"dbh) Birds(Ayes) White-breasted Nuthatch S.carolinensis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Cavity trees in hardwoods or NB mixed wood(12"dbh) Birds(Ayes) White-crowned Sparrow Zonotricha leucophrys 5,7 P F L Brushy edges NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) White-crowned Sparrow Z.leucophrys 5,7 N SP L Brushy edges NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) White-crowned Sparrow Z.leucophrys 5,7 P W L Brushy edges NB NB NB Birds(Ayes) White-throated Sparrow Z.albicollis 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 34 1' SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literamrr documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat s • • ItRiscjeaW,--- t=Summarypo` Soutl 9800 r 3 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch e/O Marltlme Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marl. PI./Oak Shrub- Gress- Plain 6 REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Birds(Ayes) Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillai 1,8,9 N F 0 Low deciduos trees and NB NB shrubs with clearings Birds(Ayes) Willow Flycatcher E.traillai 1,8,9 N SP L Low deciduos trees and NB NB shrubs with clearings Birds(Ayes) Willow Flycatcher E.traillai 1,8,9 N W 0 Low deciduos trees and NB NB shrubs with clearings Birds(Ayes) Winter Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 1,4,5,7,8,9 N F L Moist,mixed coniferous NB NB woodland with down logs and shrubby ground Birds(Ayes) Winter Wren T.troglodytes 1,4,5,7,8,9 N SP L Moist,mixed coniferous NB NB woodland with down logs and shrubby ground Birds(Ayes) Winter Wren T.troglodytes 1,4,5,7,8,9 P W L Moist,mixed coniferous NB NB woodland with down logs and shrubby ground Birds(Ayes) Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia 1,4,5,8,9 P F 0 Scattered small trees,dense NB NB NB shrubs;near water Birds(Ayes) Yellow Warbler D.petechia 1,4,5,8,9,41 Li SP 0 Scattered small trees,dense B B B shrubs;near water Birds(Ayes) Yellow Warbler D.petechia 1,4,5,8,9 Li SP 0 Scattered small trees,dense NB NB NB shrubs;near water Birds(Ayes) Yellow Warbler D.petechia 1,4,5,8,9 Li SU 0 Scattered small trees,dense NB NB NB NB shrubs;near water Birds(Ayes) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius 1,4,5,7,8,9 N F 0 Trees with 10"dbh minimum NB Birds(Ayes) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker S.varies 1,4,5,7,8,9 N SP 0 Trees with 10"dbh minimum NB Birds(Ayes) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker S.varies 1,4,5,7,8,9 N W 0 Trees with 10"dbh minimum NB Birds(Ayes) Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Coniferous trees and bayberry NB NB NB thickets Monday,August 31,1998 K-Known to be present Li-Likely to be present,P-Possibly present,N-Not known to be present;Ac-Accidental;F-Fall Page 35 SP-Spring;SU-Summer;W-Winter,0-Observed;L-Literature documentation;B-Breeding habitat NB-Non-breeding habitat • • • 1 .. , oIStietie-S.Lis SummaRepSoutho( 9800 °. z - - F -_,,,,,,-ft,,, f ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water !, Birds(Ayes) Yellow-bellied Sapsucker S.varius 1,4,5,7,8,9 N W 0 Trees with 10"dbh minimum NB Birds(Ayes) Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K F 0 Coniferous trees and bayberry NB NB NB thickets Birds(Ayes) Yellow-rumped Warbler D.coronata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Coniferous trees and bayberry B thickets Birds(Ayes) Yellow-rumped Warbler D.coronata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SP 0 Coniferous trees and bayberry NB NB NB thickets Birds(Ayes) Yellow-romped Warbler D.coronata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K SU 0 Coniferous trees and bayberry NB NB NB thickets Birds(Ayes) Yellow-rumped Warbler D.coronata 1,4,5,7,8,9 K W 0 Coniferous trees and bayberry NB NB NB thickets Fishes Alewife Alosapseudoharengus 4,17,20 Li F L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Alewife A.pseudoharengus 4,17,20 Li SP L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Alewife A.pseudoharengus 4,17,20 N SP L Anadromous B Fishes Alewife A.pseudoharengus 4,17,20 K SU L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Alewife A.pseudoharengus 4,17,20 Li W L Anadromous NB NB Fishes American Eel Anguilla rostrata 12,13,14,20 Li F 0 Catadromous NB NB Fishes American Eel A.rostrata 12,13,14,20 Li SP 0 Catadromous B B Fishes American Eel A.rostrata 12,13,14,20 Li SP 0 Catadromous NB NB Fishes American Eel A.rostrata 12,13,14,20 Li SU 0 Catadromous NB NB Fishes American Eel A.rostrata 12,13,14,20 Li SU 0 Catadromous B B Fishes American Eel A.rostrata 12,13,14,20 Li W 0 Catadromous NB Fishes American Sand Lance Ammodytes americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K F L NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be 36 preen[;Li=Likely to be present,P=Passtbhpresent,N=Not known to be presets;Ac=Accidental,F=Fall Pagc SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;1=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 1 1 • • S 1 1 0,_ Ocie Lis. rSu ma e'•o � :� � 1•t • .�:.---,7,:4,,,_, -:,-, I . 1 r ' . `� m,, „ _ .. �/V � -!� �";,'-: »_ '":,3 ""s, ,` li..1,` r. ,''''j ' s-;,, „;!...11•::,` .i?a:'. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Plne/Oak shrub Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Das. REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond swamp Marsh Beach saltmarsh Bank Waster Fishes American Sand Lance A.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K SP L NB NB NB Fishes American Sand Lance A.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K SP L B B B Fishes American Sand Lance A.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K SU L NB NB NB Fishes American Sand Lance A.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K W L NB NB NB Fishes American Sand Lance A.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K W L B B B Fishes American Shad Alosa sapidissima 4,17,20 K F L Anadromous NB NB Fishes American Shad A.sapidissima 4,17,20 Li SP L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes American Shad A.sapidissima 4,17,20 N SP L Anadromous B B Fishes American Shad A.sapidissima 4,17,20 K SU L Anadromous NB NB I Fishes American Shad A.sapidissima 4,17,20 Li W L Anadromous NB NB Fishes American Sturgeon Acipenser sturio 4,16,17 N F L Anadromous NB NB Fishes American Sturgeon A.sturio 4,16,17 N SP L Anadromous B B Fishes American Sturgeon A.sturio 4,16,17 N SP L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes American Sturgeon A.sturio 4,16,17 N SU L Anadromous NB NB NB 1 Fishes American Sturgeon A.sturio 4,16,17 N SU L Anadromous B B Fishes American Sturgeon A.sturio 4,16,17 N W L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua 4,16,17,20 N F L NB Fishes Atlantic Cod G.morhua 4,16,17,20 N SP L B Fishes Atlantic Cod G.morhua 4,16,17,20 N SP L NB Fishes Atlantic Cod G.morhua 4,16,17,20 N SU L NB Friday,August 28,1998K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 37 I SP=Spring SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • is ecce Lis rSumma Rea�yJo r Sou o d 8002 .,, ,.-....0.,-<,1-4-1- s; x ray * .. E _ ,y.pCl < .!' ",--- - `'-*tom, ", ;17-1,--`1,:,..., f�Y .f u; r ;.i''''.;,,,,. . x F'- ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Plne/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank WAP Fishes Atlantic Cod G.morhua 4,16,17,20 N W L NB Fishes Atlantic Herring Clupea harengus 4,17,20,21 Li F L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Atlantic Herring C.harengus 4,17,20,21 K SP L Anadromous B B Fishes Atlantic Herring C.harengus 4,17,20,21 Li SP L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Atlantic Herring C.harengus 4,17,20,21 Li SU L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Atlantic Herring C.harengus 4,17,20,21 K W L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Atlantic Mackerel Scomber scombrus 4,16,17,20,21 Li F L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Mackerel S.scombrus 4,16,17,20,21 Li SP L B Fishes Atlantic Mackerel S.scombrus 4,16,17,20,21 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Mackerel S.scombrus 4,16,17,20,21 Li SU L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Mackerel S.scombrus 4,16,17,20,21 P W L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Menhaden Brevourtia tyrannus 4,17,20,21 Li F L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Menhaden B.tyrannus 4,17,20,21 Li SP L B B Fishes Atlantic Menhaden B.tyrannus 4,17,20,21 K SP L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Menhaden B.tyrannus 4,17,20,21 K SU L B B Fishes Atlantic Menhaden B.tyrannus 4,17,20,21 K SU L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Menhaden B.tyrannus 4,17,20,21 N W L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar 4,17,20 N F L Anadromous B B Fishes Atlantic Salmon S.salar 4,17,20 N F L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Atlantic Salmon S.salar 4,17,20 N SP L Anadromous NB NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Ldcely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 38 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat • S S . . , , c Li t'Sumra e o Sout o� ;9840 ', �: h 4 � �r� ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritima Maritime Coastal Shrub Ema ant Coastal Estes / stable Manns Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain rB ry pap REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank waw Fishes Atlantic Salmon S.salar 4,17,20 N SU L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Atlantic Salmon S.salar 4,17,20 N W L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Atlantic Silversides Menidia menidia 12,13,14,21 K F 0 NB NB NB Fishes Atlantic Silversides M.menidia 12,13,14,21 K SP 0 B B I Fishes Atlantic Silversides M.menidia 12,13,14,21 K SP 0 NB NB Fishes Atlantic Silversides M.menidia 12,13,14,21 K SU 0 NB NB Fishes Atlantic Silversides M.menidia 12,13,14,21 K SU 0 B B Fishes Atlantic Silversides M.menidia 12,13,14,21 K W 0 NB NB NB Fishes Atlantic Stingray Dasyatis Sabina 4,17 N F L NB Fishes Atlantic Stingray D.sabina 4,17 N SP L B Fishes Atlantic Stingray D.sabina 4,17 N SP L NB Fishes Atlantic Stingray D.sabina 4,17 N SU L NB Fishes Atlantic Stingray D.sabina 4,17 N SU L NB Fishes Atlantic Tomcod Microgradus tomcod 4,17,21 K F L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Tomcod M.tomcod 4,17,21 K SP L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Tomcod M.tomcod 4,17,21 K SU L NB NB Fishes Atlantic Tomcod M.tomcod 4,17,21 K W L B B Fishes Atlantic Tomcod M.tomcod 4,17,21 K W L NB NB Fishes Banded Killfish Fundulus diaphanus 12,13,14,21 Li F 0 NB NB Fishes Banded Killfish F.diaphanus 12,13,14,21 Li SP 0 NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 39 SP=Spring SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat 11110 • a �� . a<�, a � � 14,,,..,,,,,,,..,,,;.,,,,,I.,,,,44,..14.3-L:411-.1,,,:� �kr -� <''3 € '�� �€ °�" a s?ter�1,,,--,,,f,.; ec)e,.L):§ „.Summary epos S,.ut ofid 9 0.0„2::,,,,,,,-4,:t.40, � tt£, a �� �`�':�r, .,� . #, ._...,e �> �t , - ,.. o °:,x T,� ... jsw,' 4 a w.c„_, -t. ...-. ,�� ....�ii �.; .. f; f - i ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal MarinePRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT PlnelOak Shrub. Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dip Water REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank 1 Fishes Banded Killfish F.diaphanus 12,13,14,21 Li SU 0 NB NB Fishes Banded Killfish F.diaphanus 12,13,14,21 Li SU 0 B B 1 Fishes Banded Killfish F.diaphanus 12,13,14,21 Li W 0 NB NB Fishes Bay Anchovy Anchoamitchii 4,17,20,21 K F L NB NB Fishes Bay Anchovy A.mitchii 4,17,20,21 K F L B B Fishes Bay Anchovy A.mitchii 4,17,20,21 K SP L B B Fishes Bay Anchovy A.mitchii 4,17,20,21 K SP L NB NB Fishes Bay Anchovy A.mitchii 4,17,20,21 K SU L B B Fishes Ba Anchovy A. ii K NB Bay vy mach 4,17,20,21SU L NB Fishes Bay Anchovy A.mitchii 4,17,20,21 K W L NB NB Fishes Black Crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus 12,13,14 Li F 0 NB Fishes Black Crappie P.nigromaculatus 12,13,14 Li SP 0 B Fishes Black Crappie P.nigromaculatus 12,13,14 Li SP 0 NB Fishes Black Crappie P.nigromaculatus 12,13,14 Li SU 0 NB Fishes Black Crappie P.nigromaculatus 12,13,14 Li SU 0 B Fishes Black Crappie P.nigromaculatus 12,13,14 Li W 0 NB Fishes Black Sea Bass Centrupristis striata 4,16,17,21 P F L NB 11 Fishes Black Sea Bass C.striata 4,16,17,21 N SP L B Fishes Black Sea Bass C.striata 4,16,17,21 N SP L NB Fishes Black Sea Bass C.striata 4,16,17,21 P SU L NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 40 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation,B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • 4 . 35++`< , �;-..�: :- crt- "... fi 59 i. e.,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,_,Summa Re o Sb Jthbld 98� --,, >; : ) r , .r 3 1, ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Cowl Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary! Stable Marine PForestk Sands- ends- Plaid Smarm Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank OetP REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Water Fishes Black Sea Bass C.striata 4,16,17,21 N W L NB Fishes Blue Shark Prionace glauca 4 P F L NB Fishes Blue Shark P.glauca 4,15 P SP L NB Fishes Blue Shark P.glauca 4,15 P SU L NB Fishes Blueback Herring Alosa aestivalis 4,17,20 K F L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Blueback Herring A.aestivalis 4,17,20 N SP L Anadromous B Fishes Blueback Herring A.aestivalis 4,17,20 K SP L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Blueback Herring A.aestivalis 4,17,20 K SU L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Blueback Herring A.aestivalis 4,17,20 Li W L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Bluefish Pomatonius saltatrix 4,16,17,20,21 Li F L NB NB Fishes Bluefish P.saltatrix 4,16,17,20,21 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Bluefish P.saltatrix 4,16,17,20,21 K SU L NB NB Fishes Bluegill Lepomismachrochirus 12,13,14 K F 0 NB Fishes Bluegill Lepomismachrochirus 12,13,14 K SP 0 B Fishes Bluegill L.machrochirus 12,13,14 K SP 0 NB 1 Fishes Bluegill L.machrochirus 12,13,14 K SP 0 NB Fishes Bluegill L.machrochirus 12,13,14 K SU 0 NB Fishes Bluegill L.machrochirus 12,13,14 K W 0 NB Fishes Butterfish Peprilus triacanthus 4,16,17,20 Li F L NB NB Fishes Butterfish P.triacanthus 4,16,17,20 Li SP L NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present,N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 4l SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat III . • .ecie4 Lis_ Suin nee Re ort =Southold 98002= li _ _ _ _ ;3 �,�3 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Os. REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Water Fishes Butterfish P.triacanthus 4,16,17,20 K SU L NB NB Fishes Butterfish P.triacanthus 4,16,17,20 K SU L B Fishes Butterfish P.triacanthus 4,16,17,20 Li W L NB NB Fishes Chain Pickerel Esoz niger 12,13,14 Li F 0 NB Fishes Chain Pickerel E.niger 12,13,14 Li SP 0 B Fishes Chain Pickerel E.niger 12,13,14 Li SP 0 NB NB Fishes Chain Pickerel E.niger 12,13,14 Li SP 0 B Fishes Chain Pickerel E.niger 12,13,14 Li SU 0 NB NB Fishes Chain Pickerel E.niger 12,13,14 Li W 0 NB Fishes Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus 4,17 Li F L NB Fishes Channel Catfish I.punctatus 4,17 Li SP L B Fishes Channel Catfish I.punctatus 4,17 Li SP L NB Fishes Channel Catfish I.punctatus 4,17 Li SU L NB Fishes Channel Catfish I.punctatus 4,17 Li W L NB Fishes Cownose Ray Rhinoptera bonansus 4,17 N F L NB ; Fishes Cownose Ray R.bonansus 4,17 N SP L NB Fishes Cownose Ray R.bonansus 4.17 N SU L NB Fishes Cunner Tautugolabrus adspersus 4,16,17.20 Li F L Rocks and submerged NB structures Fishes Cunner T.adspersus 4,16,17,20 Li SP L Rocks and submerged B structures ; Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present.Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 42 SP=Spring:SU=Summer:W=Winter.0=Observed.L=Literature documentation.B=Breeding haboot.NB=Non-breeding habitat • • s ppcies L•sf Summa Report ,South©Id 98002. _t _ _., a ,{- - v ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPlPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Et uaryl Stable Marine neeOak Shrub- Grass- Plain peen REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Fishes Cunner T.adspersus 4,16,17,20 Li SP L Rocks and submerged NB NB structures Fishes Cunner T.adspersus 4,16,17,20 Li SU L Rocks and submerged NB NB structures Fishes Cunner T.adspersus 4,16,17,20 Li W L Rocks and submerged NB structures Fishes Fluke Paralichthysdentatus 4,16,17,20 N F L B Fishes Fluke P.dentatus 4,16,17,20 N F L NB Fishes Fluke P.dentatus 4,16,17,20 N SP L B Fishes Fluke P.dentatus 4,16,17,20 N SP L NB Fishes Fluke P.dentatus 4,16,17,20 N SU L NB Fishes Fluke P.dentatus 4,16,17,20 N W L B Fishes Fluke P.dentatus 4,16,17,20 N W L NB Fishes Golden Shiner Notemigonus 12,13,14 Li F 0 NB crysoleucas Fishes Golden Shiner N.crysoleucas 12,13,14 Li SP 0 NB Fishes Golden Shiner N.crysoleucas 12,13,14 Li SU 0 NB Fishes Golden Shiner N.crysoleucas 12,13,14 Li SU 0 B Fishes Golden Shiner N.crysoleucas 12,13,14 Li W 0 NB Fishes Goldfish Carassius auratus 12,13,14 P F 0 NB , Fishes Goldfish C.auratus 12,13,14 P SP 0 B Fishes Goldfish C.auratus 12,13,14 ' P SP 0 NB Friday,August 28,1998K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present:N=Not known to be present,Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 43 SP=Spring=SU=Summer:W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Lherature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat 0 • S !Species,List Summary Re ort Southold98002.,,-'31..,-.t..?z sle t f 's - � = 4� ,,.-; � , b1.SH. i * j,—.4.y'%:# Str<h«1 .-.-it), a<a< ✓,r: .,.,,.:Aa**.,-Y,' xs :. �4iYv chMr° rs ...,"‘,•.',.-..--"--",,,:::-..:.:',:,51,,''.1', , t.d� y,s .. . tmo ,,. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Cowl Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Menne PlnelOak Shrub- Grass- Plain 9 ry O__p REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Fishes Goldfish C.auratus 12,13,14 P SU 0 B Fishes Goldfish C.auratus 12,13,14 P W 0 NB Fishes Haddock Melanogrammus 4,17 P SP L NB aeglefinus Fishes Haddock M.aeglefinus 4,17 P W L NB NB Fishes Hogchoker Trinectesmaculatus 4,16,17,20 Li F L NB NB Fishes Hogchoker T.maculatus 4,16,17,20 Li SP L B B Fishes Hogchoker T.maculatus 4,16,17,20 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Hogchoker T.maculatus 4,16,17,20 Li SU L NB NB Fishes Hogchoker T.maculatus 4,16,17,20 Li SU L B B Fishes Hogchoker T.maculatus 4,16,17,20 Li W L NB NB Fishes King Mackerel Scomber regalis 4,16,17 P SU L NB Fishes Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides 12,13,14 Li F 0 NB Fishes Largemouth Bass M.salmoides 12,13,14 Li SP 0 B Fishes Largemouth Bass M.salmoides 12,13,14 Li SP 0 NB Fishes Largemouth Bass M.salmoides 12,13,14 Li SU 0 NB Fishes Largemouth Bass M.salmoides 12,13,14 Li W 0 NB Fishes Mullets Mugil sp. 4,17 N F L NB NB Fishes Mullets Mugil sp. 4,17 N SP L NB NB Fishes Mullets Mugil sp. 4,17 N SU L NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N-Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental,F-Fall Page 44 SP-Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0-Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB-Non-breeding habitat • i S1 1 1 Speies List Summary. Report- Southold.98002 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY 1 TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dee REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Fishes Mullets Mugil sp. 4,17 N SU L NB NB 1 Fishes Mummichog Fundulus heteroclitis 4,20,21 Li F L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Mummichog F.heteroclitis 4,20,21 Li SP L Weedy estuaries B Fishes Mummichog F.heteroclitis 4,20,21 Li SP L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Mummichog F.heteroclitis 4,20.21 Li SU L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Mummichog F.heteroclitis 4,20,21 Li SU L Weedy estuaries B Fishes Mummichog F.heteroclitis 4,20,21 Li W L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Northern Kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilis 4,17.20 N SP L NB NB Fishes Northern Kingfish M.saxatilis 4,17,20 N SU L NB NB Fishes Northern Kingfish M.saxatilis 4,17.20 N SU L B B Fishes Northern Pipefish Syngnathus fuscus 4,17 Li F L NB NB Fishes Northern Pipefish S.fuscus 4,17 Li SP L B B Fishes Northern Pipefish S.fuscus 4,17 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Northern Pipefish S.fuscus 4,17 Li SU L NB NB Fishes Northern Pipefish S.fuscus 4,17 Li SU L B B Fishes Northern Pipefish S.fuscus 4,17 Li W L NB NB Fishes Northern Sea Robin Prionotus carolinus 4,17.20 P F L NB NB Fishes Northern Sea Robin P.carolinus 4,17.20 Li SP L B B Fishes Northern Sea Robin P.carolinus 4,17,20 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Northern Sea Robin P.carolinus 4,17.20 Li SU L NB NB Friday,August 28.1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present,P=Possibly present;N=Not known to bo parent:Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 45 SP=Spring;SU=Sumner:W=Winter;0=Observed:L=Literature documentation:B=Breeding habitat:NB=Non-breeding habitat • io • Species List Summary Report- Southold_98002 ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY 1 TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE I SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL. SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain r9 ry peep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Sabmarsh Bank Water Fishes Oyster Toadfish Opsanus tau 4,17.20 Li F L NB NB Fishes Oyster Toadfish 0.tau 4,17,20 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Oyster Toadfish 0.tau 4,17,20 Li SU L NB NB Fishes Oyster Toadfish 0.tau 4,17.20 Li SU L B B Fishes Oyster Toadfish 0.tau 4,17,20 Li W L NB NB Fishes Pollock Pollachius sirens 4,16,17 N F L NB NB Fishes Pollock P.virens 4,16,17 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Pollock P.virens 4,16,17 N SU L NB NB Fishes Pollock P.virens 4,16.17 Li W L NB NB 1 Fishes Pollock P.virens 4,16.17 Li W L B I Fishes Pumpkinseed Lepomisgibbosus 12,13,14 K F 0 NB Fishes Pumpkinseed L.gibbosus 12,13,14 K SP 0 B Fishes Pumpkinseed L.gibbosus 12,13,14 K SP 0 NB Fishes Pumpkinseed L.gibbosus 12,13,14 K SU 0 NB Fishes Pumpkinseed L.gibbosus 12,13,14 K SU 0 B Fishes Pumpkinseed L.gibbosus 12,13,14 K W 0 NB Fishes Rainbow Smelt Osmerus mordax 4,17.20 N F L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Rainbow Smelt 0.mordax 4,17.20 P SP L B B Fishes Rainbow Smelt 0.mordax 4,17.20 P SP L Anadromous NB NB NB Fishes Rainbow Smelt 0.mordax 4,17.20 P SU L Anadromous NB NB Friday,August 28,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present,P=Possibly present.N=Not known to be present,Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 46 SP=Spring.SU=Sumner:W=Winter:0=Observed:L=Literature documentation.B=Breeding habitat.NB=Non-breeding habitat 11111 III 111111 PripettintaS. Summary e o out wiz 9800 C� Y ., �07fi • ° ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary! Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Salbnarsh Bank Water Fishes Rainbow Smelt O.mordax 4,17,20 P W L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Red Drum Sciaenops ocellatus 4,16,17 P F L NB NB Fishes Red Drum S.ocellatus 4,16,17 P SP L NB NB Fishes Red Drum S.ocellatus 4,16,17 P SU L NB NB Fishes Red Drum S.ocellatus 4,16,17 P SU L B I Fishes Red Drum S.ocellatus 4,16,17 P W L NB NB Fishes Red Hake Urophycis chuss 4,17,20 Li F L NB NB Fishes Red Hake U.chuss 4,17,20 N SP L B B Fishes Red Hake U.chuss 4,17,20 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Red Hake U.chuss 4,17,20 Li SU L NB NB Fishes Red Hake U.chuss 4,17,20 Li SU L B Fishes Red Hake U.chuss 4,17,20 N W L NB NB Fishes Sand Tiger Shark Odontaspis taurus 4 Li F L NB Fishes Sand Tiger Shark O.taurus 4 Li SP L NB Fishes Sand Tiger Shark O.taurus 4 Li SU L NB Fishes Scup Stenotomus chrysops 4,16,17,20,21,2 Li F L NB Fishes Scup S.chrysops 4,16,17,20,21,2 Li SP L B Fishes Scup S.chrysops 4,16,17,20,21,2 K SP L NB Fishes Scup S.chrysops 4,16,17,20,21,2 K SU L B I Fishes Scup S.chrysops 4,16,17,20,21,2 K SU L NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be Li=Li:el to be present,Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 47 present; y present P=Possibly present N=Not known to be SP=Spring;SU-Summer,W-Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat 1 • • • .:tz -.,�.,. .,-�� as.vv.:..u::;. ... w.. -....� : u«: +e_:: &„�.9s sit F r x ,..,...:,,.._ ,..,:_.....,,,_„,,-__:„.7.,,„.. pedes ,,, =$umm :Repo Sout ,, • 9800 ,. __� - f . ,t � � , . . , ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS nelO Maritime Maritime Coastal Marins PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT PirtalOak Shrub Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable leap REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beads Saltmarsh Bank Watsr Fishes Scup S.chrysops 4,16,17,20,21,2 Li W L NB Fishes Sheepshead Minnow Cyprinodon variegatus 4,21 Li F L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Sheepshead Minnow C.variegatus 4,21 Li SP L Weedy estuaries B Fishes Sheepshead Minnow C.variegatus 4,21 Li SP L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Sheepshead Minnow C.variegatus 4,21 Li SU L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Sheepshead Minnow C.variegatus 4,21 Li SU L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Sheepshead Minnow C.variegatus 4,21 Li W L Weedy estuaries NB NB Fishes Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum 4,17 P F L NB NB Fishes Shortnose Sturgeon A.brevirostrum 4,17 P SP L Anadromous B Fishes Shortnose Sturgeon A.brevirostrum 4,17 P SP L NB NB Fishes Shortnose Sturgeon A.brevirostrum 4,17 P SU L B Fishes Shortnose Sturgeon A.brevirostrum 4,17 P SU L NB NB Fishes Shortnose Sturgeon A.brevirostrum 4,17 P W L NB Fishes Skates Raja sp. 4,17,20 K F L NB Fishes Skates Raja sp. 4,17,20 K SP L B Fishes Skates Raja sp. 4,17,20 K SP L NB Fishes Skates Raja sp. 4,17,20 K SU L NB Fishes Skates Raja sp. 4,17,20 K W L NB Fishes Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolonieui 12,13,14 Li F 0 NB Fishes Smallmouth Bass M.dolonieui 12,13,14 Li SP 0 B Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present,,Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 48 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat ail • • 1 isV K7.Y*y^m.w s: �:'A. ,a :.nsmr :� :, p �`"a ,.i' .3" t, -,•<• tgtx • _me tjj e�y.S�� "inn �, - �' r ' o :rQ • a •00 � S mr �� ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Shnibb- Maritime Coastal Marine HABITAT Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Fishes Smallmouth Bass M.dolonieui 12,13,14 Li SP 0 NB Fishes Smallmouth Bass M.dolonieui 12,13,14 Li SU 0 NB Fishes Smallmouth Bass M.dolonieui 12,13,14 Li W 0 NB Fishes Smooth Dogfish Mustelus canis 4,15 Li F L NB NB Fishes Smooth Dogfish M.canis 4,15 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Smooth Dogfish M.canis 4,15 Li SU L NB NB Fishes Spanish Mackerel Scomberonorus 4,16,17 P SU L NB maculatus Fishes Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias 4 Li F L NB Fishes Spiny Dogfish S.acanthias 4 Li SP L NB Fishes Spiny Dogfish S.acanthias 4 Li SU L NB Fishes Spiny Dogfish S.acanthias 4 Li W L NB Fishes Striped Bass Morone saxatilis 4,16,17,20,21,2 Li F L Anadromous NB Fishes Striped Bass M.saxatilis 4,16,17,20,21,2 Li SP L Anadromous NB NB 2 Li SP L Anadromous B M.saxatilis 4 16 17 20 21 Fishes Striped Bass , , P Fishes Striped Bass M.saxatilis 4,16,17,20,21,2 Li SU L Anadromous NB NB Fishes Striped Bass M.saxatilis 4,16,17,20,21,2 Li W L Anadromous NB Fishes Tautog Tautoga onitis 4,16,17,20,21 Li F L Rocks,boulders,structures NB NB I Fishes Tautog T.onitis 4,16,17,20,21 Li SP L Rocks,boulders,structures B B Fishes Tautog T.onitis 4,16,17,20,21, Li SP L Rocks,boulders,structures NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present P=Possibly present N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 49 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Nat-breeding habitat r • i1 ec,es.Lis Summaht a oSoutodd 98002 ' . n� "� � ' v,,,,,--:. 1, :: * � e. � _:, . . � d -' ' d- °z , - f . . ., ,: ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Sb- Maritime Coastal Plriel�k h GPlain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary] Stable Marin° REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Sahmarah Bank water Fishes Tautog T.onitis 4,16,17,20,21 Li SU L Rocks,boulders,structures NB NB Fishes Tautog T.onitis 4,16,17,20,21 Li W L Rocks,boulders,structures NB NB Fishes Weakfish Cynoscian regalis 4,16,20 Li F L NB NB Fishes Weakfish C.regalis 4,16,20 Li SP L NB NB Fishes Weakfish C.regalis 4,16,20 Li SU L NB NB Fishes White Perch Morone americana 12,13,14,20 K F 0 NB NB NB Fishes White Perch M.americana 12,13,14,20 K SP 0 B B Fishes White Perch M.americana 12,13,14,20 K SP 0 NB NB NB Fishes White Perch M.americana 12,13,14,20 K SU 0 NB NB NB Fishes White Perch M.americana 12,13,14,20 K SU 0 NB NB Fishes White Perch M.americana 12,13,14,20 K W 0 NB NB NB Fishes Windowpane Scophthalamusaquosus 4,16,17,20 K F L NB NB Fishes Windowpane S.aquosus 4,16,17,20 K SP L B B Fishes Windowpane S.aquosus 4,16,17,20 K SU L NB NB Fishes Windowpane S.aquosus 4,16,17,20 K SU L B B Fishes Windowpane S.aquosus 4,16,17,20 K W L NB NB Fishes Winter Flounder Pleuronectes americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K F L NB NB Fishes Winter Flounder P.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K SP L B B Fishes Winter Flounder P.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K SP L NB NB Fishes Winter Flounder P.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K SU L NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present N=Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 50 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation,B=Brading habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat 1111 • III '_tlAS.JSieIjs N t.. .«--,:.:-,,....,--i:. S..,.fi,a:. e�- - a �,s.,. .G 0, • - = umma :Report Sout t old 9800 �; F ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIALatime PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE pun SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grease- Plainl Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Mrm anns REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Fishes Winter Flounder P.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K W L NB NB Fishes Winter Flounder P.americanus 4,16,17,20,21 K W L B B Fishes Yellow Perch Perca flavescens 12,13,14 Li F 0 NB Fishes Yellow Perch P.flavescens 12,13,14 Li SP 0 B Fishes Yellow Perch P.flavescens 12,13,14 Li SP 0 NB Fishes Yellow Perch P.flavescens 12,13,14 Li SU 0 NB Fishes Yellow Perch P.flavescens 12,13,14 Li W 0 NB I Invertebrates American Lobster Homarus americanus 4,17,20,23 K F L Subaquatic shelter,deep NB NB migration in cold water Deepwater migration in cold weather Invertebrates American Lobster H.americanus 4,17,20,23 K SP L Subaquatic shelter,deep NB NB migration in cold water Invertebrates American Lobster H.americanus 4,17,20,23 K SU L Subaquatic shelter,deep NB NB migration in cold water Invertebrates American Lobster H.americanus 4,17,20,23 K SU L Subaquatic shelter,deep B B I migration in cold water Invertebrates American Lobster H.americanus 4,17,20,23 K SU L Subaquatic shelter,deep B B migration in cold water Invertebrates American Lobster H.americanus 4,17,20,23 K W L Subaquatic shelter,deep NB NB migration in cold water Invertebrates American Oyster Crassostrea virginica 4,17,20 K F L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, NB NB NB hard substrate Invertebrates American Oyster C.virginica 4,17,20 K SP L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, B B B hard substrate Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Licely to be present P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 51 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • ecies S List _:.,-,,,,-„......,=.,,,,.,,,,,..-A„,LisiSummaReportSout-hold98002 �4Ft ea� 41�_ :, .0 i�. `A ,, �T � � :_.,-. ' 0.-:;.:. ....:K,.::,v.,,... ..:. -... .. se > :�N � �<,- K;{UtY: Y" : ( n _ + ���� . ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal MaAne PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Invertebrates American Oyster C.virginica 4,17,20 K SP L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, NB NB NB hard substrate Invertebrates American Oyster C.virginica 4,17,20 K SU L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, NB NB NB hard substrate Invertebrates American Oyster C.virginica 4,17,20 K SU L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, B B B hard substrate Invertebrates American Oyster C.virginica 4,17,20 K W L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, NB NB NB hard substrate Invertebrates Atlantic Jackknife Ensis directus 4,18,20 Li F L Mud and sand flats NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Jackknife E.directus 4,18,20 Li SP L Mud and sand flats B B Invertebrates Atlantic Jackknife E.directus 4,18,20 Li SP L Mud and sand flats NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Jackknife E.directus 4,18,20 Li SU L Mud and sand flats B B Invertebrates Atlantic Jackknife E.directus 4,18,20 Li SU L Mud and sand flats NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Jackknife E.directus 4,18,20 Li W L Mud and sand flats NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Oyster Drill Urosalpinx cinerea 4,18,20,23 K F L NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Oyster Drill U.cinerea 4,18,20,23 K SP L B B Invertebrates Atlantic Oyster Drill U.cinerea 4,18,20,23 K SP L NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Oyster Drill U.cinerea 4,18,20,23 K SU L NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Oyster Drill U.cinerea 4,18,20,23 K SU L B B Invertebrates Atlantic Oyster Drill U.cinerea 4,18,20,23 K W L NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Surf Clam Spisula solidissima 4,18,20 Li SP L High energy sandy shoreline B B Invertebrates Atlantic Surf Clam S.solidissima 4,18,20 Li SP L High energy sandy shoreline NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to bet; praen Li=Likely to be present:P=Possibly present N=Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Pagc 52 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L-Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat s 0 0 S ecie 'List,Sum ma',- Re ort .Southold 98002 - <. 4. ,x _ '' n M_ a..- 2. -°:..1S._ru _. .. a-.' vt, . P ;4'4 .,:J .,: :i' F ,a�. .,- 44 '1,4= S:,:T."=3i.t ,...,i,.hY.S� tl''T {'.' , '+ " �' ,rt' t. s, . s?."4"1"..# ,: ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Manna PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE PForestk Shrub- Grass- Plain Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank n REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Invertebrates Atlantic Surf Clam S.solidissima 4,18,20 Li SU L High energy sandy shoreline B B 1 Invertebrates Atlantic Surf Clam S.solidissima 4,18,20 Li SU L High energy sandy shoreline NB NB Invertebrates Atlantic Surf Clam S.solidissima 4,18,20 Li W L High energy sandy shoreline NB NB Invertebrates Barnacles Balanus sp. 4,18,20,23 K F L Hard substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Barnacles Balanus sp. 4,18,20,23 K SP L Hard substrate B B B Invertebrates Barnacles Balanus sp. 4,18,20,23 K SP L Hard substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Barnacles Balanus sp. 4,18,20,23 K SU L Hard substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Barnacles Balanus sp. 4,18,20,23 K SU L Hard substrate B B B Invertebrates Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians 4,17,20 N F L NB NB Invertebrates Bay Scallop A.irradians 4,17,20 N SP L B B Invertebrates Bay Scallop A.irradians 4,17,20 N SP L NB NB Invertebrates Bay Scallop A.irradians 4,17,20 N SU L NB NB Invertebrates Bay Scallop A.irradians 4,17,20 N SU L B B Invertebrates Bay Scallop A.irradians 4,17,20 N W L NB NB Invertebrates Blue Crab Callenectes sapidus 4,17,20,23 Li F L Muddy sheltered bottom NB NB Invertebrates Blue Crab C.sapidus 4,17,20,23 Li F L Muddy sheltered bottom B B Invertebrates Blue Crab C.sapidus 4,17,20,23 Li SP L Muddy sheltered bottom B B Invertebrates Blue Crab C.sapidus 4,17,20,23 Li SP L Muddy sheltered bottom NB NB Invertebrates Blue Crab C.sapidus 4,17,20,23 Li SU L Muddy sheltered bottom NB NB Invertebrates Blue Crab C.sapidus 4,17,20,23 Li SU L Muddy sheltered bottom B B 1 Monday,August 31,1995K=Known to be present;Li-Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 53 i 1 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed,L=Literature documentation,B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat 1111 • • Species List SummaryyReport `_South"old 98002„../... .4-k .•* . ,----....,i,. .y--„ � : ;}_. : .., .. , , . , Species ..w„ ..,a`.-!Fr •.i. -.c .3 ...,, c.a,.(,.,.. r.,,,�Vµn a „ 1 3 . 'x .`1S'. .,n.},.-.4",,...7n.-1414.. n. . .� gl.9..'G .. - ....X ...)� .-t. S .'...1. zto 1^ + ; ' tY .._� �'uC��� I': L"yAC a'.�-t/ay,� ffit;�2''.,,,t�7.. T�. �r� ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marina Emergent Coastal / PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Plna/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub rg Estuary Shbia Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Invertebrates Blue Crab C.sapidus 4,17,20,23 Li W L Muddy sheltered bottom NB NB Invertebrates Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis 4,17,20,23 Li F L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, NB NB NB II hard substrate Invertebrates Blue Mussel M.edulis 4,17,20,23 Li SP L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, B B B hard substrate Invertebrates Blue Mussel M.edulis 4,17,20,23 Li SP L Gravelly,rocky shorline,hard B B B substrate Invertebrates Blue Mussel M.edulis 4,17,20,23 Li SU L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, NB NB NB hard substrate I Invertebrates Blue Mussel M.edulis 4,17,20,23 Li SU L Gravelly,rocky shorline,hard NB NB NB substrate Invertebrates Blue Mussel M.edulis 4,17,20,23 Li W L Gravelly,rocky shoreline, NB NB NB hard substrate I Invertebrates Channeled Whelk Busycotypus 4,20,23 Li F L Sandy bottom NB NB canaliculatus Invertebrates Channeled Whelk B.canaliculatus 4,20,23 Li SP L Sandy bottom B B Invertebrates Channeled Whelk B.canaliculatus 4,20,23 Li SP L Sandy bottom NB NB NB Invertebrates Channeled Whelk B.canaliculatus 4,20,23 Li SU L Sandy bottom NB NB NB Invertebrates Channeled Whelk B.canaliculatus 4,20,23 Li SU L Sandy bottom NB B B Invertebrates Channeled Whelk B.canaliculatus 4,20,23 Li W L Sandy bottom NB NB Invertebrates Common Periwinkle Littorina littorea 4,18,20,23 K F L NB NB Invertebrates Common Periwinkle L.littorea 4,18,20,23 K SP L B B Invertebrates Common Periwinkle L.littorea 4,18,20,23 K SP L NB NB Invertebrates Common Periwinkle L.littorea 4,18,20,23 K SU L NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present Li=Likely to be present:P=Possibly present;N=Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 54 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed,L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat iIlk i 1 - u• s -a -- bi�> '.4 r. sus I4 -,-.'-4,-.. yy y ;t :: t, umma Re ort° Southold 98002S Species is ry p, - ,:ill'-':4 a:�,. -� � mak. � ,�� ,, �.t�:::',,,''''K� j.ar: �� '� . } >,:�, > {� ' e - �: ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine PForestk Shrub Grass- Plain r9 ry pep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Invertebrates Common Periwinkle L.littorea 4,18,20,23 K SU L B B Invertebrates Common Periwinkle L.littorea 4,18,20,23 K W L NB NB Invertebrates Daggerblade Grass Palaemontes pugio 4,17,20 K F L Aquatic vegetation,brackish NB Shrimp water Invertebrates Daggerblade Grass P.pugio 4,17,20 Li SP L Aquatic vegetation,brackish B Shrimp water Invertebrates Daggerblade Grass P.pugio 4,17,20 K SP L Aquatic vegetation,brackish NB Shrimp water Invertebrates Daggerblade Grass P.pugio 4,17,20 K SU L Aquatic vegetation,brackish NB Shrimp water Invertebrates Daggerblade Grass P.pugio 4,17,20 K SU L Aquatic vegetation,brackish B Shrimp water Invertebrates Daggerblade Grass P.pugio 4,17,20 Li W L Aquatic vegetation,brackish NB Shrimp water Invertebrates Fiddler Crabs Uca sp. 4,18,20,23 K F L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB 1 Invertebrates Fiddler Crabs Uca sp. 4,18,20,23 K SP L Sandy,muddy bottoms B B Invertebrates Fiddler Crabs Uca sp. 4,18,20,23 K SP L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB Invertebrates Fiddler Crabs Uca sp. 4,18,20,23 K SU L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB Invertebrates Fiddler Crabs Uca sp. 4,18,20,23 K SU L Sandy,muddy bottoms B B Invertebrates Fiddler Crabs Uca sp. 4,18,20,23 K W L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB Invertebrates Green Crabs Carcinus maenas 4,18,20,23 K F L NB NB NB Invertebrates Green Crabs C.maenas 4,18,20,23 K SP L B B Invertebrates Green Crabs C.mamas 4,18,20,23 K SP L NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 55 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Litcrsmre documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • 0 S Species List Summa y Repo = Southold 98002 4 r gg�,, r4 . �. rF. "}.e. eta - ...dY� 505 :, m ..t.-_.>* - At•+3 s 3 4 ' t:•;,. .-e--.r...s. .c..> �. , �d.�. ' - ,i'R ., t .`-, N •i.' SF r.`. ;4 ,,,,T,74.-..4,--;-.. .,a i . . tea+ a..r � _3,e.. rs .,,... ,..ftuc.s :��A:� .t�....5m- .a6 �5�,. �, ,. "'�•,�� ."'Y . .'�,`riYy�:"'�• �'?..z. '��•��� �."L.w t,:. -r �. .. . � ... ';- � . ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE_ SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime CoastalruMarine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shod). Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Invertebrates Green Crabs C.maenas 4,18,20,23 K SU L NB NB NB Invertebrates Green Crabs C.maenas 4,18,20,23 K SU L B B B Invertebrates Green Crabs C.maenas 4,18,20,23 K W L NB NB NB Invertebrates Green Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus 4,18,23 Li F L Kelp beds NB droeba Invertebrates Green Sea Urchin S.droebachiensis 4,18,23 Li SP L Kelp beds B Invertebrates Green Sea Urchin S.droebachiensis 4,18,23 Li SP L Kelp beds NB Invertebrates Green Sea Urchin S.droebachiensis 4,18,23 Li SU L Kelp beds NB Invertebrates Green Sea Urchin S.droebachiensis 4,18,23 Li SU L Kelp beds B Invertebrates Green Sea Urchin S.droebachiensis 4,18,23 Li W L Kelp beds NB Invertebrates Horse Mussel Modiolus modiolus 4,18 Li F L Salt marsh NB Invertebrates Horse Mussel M.modiolus 4,18 Li SP L Salt marsh B Invertebrates Horse Mussel M.modiolus 4,18 Li SP L Salt marsh NB Invertebrates Horse Mussel M.modiolus 4,18 Li SU L Salt marsh B Invertebrates Horse Mussel M.modiolus 4,18 Li SU L Salt marsh NB Invertebrates Horse Mussel M.modiolus 4,18 Li W L Salt marsh NB Invertebrates Horseshoe Crab Limulus polyphemus 18,20 K F L NB NB Invertebrates Horseshoe Crab L.polyphemus 18,20 K SP L B B Invertebrates Horseshoe Crab L.polyphemus 18,20 K SP L NB NB Invertebrates Horseshoe Crab L.polyphemus 18,20 K SU L B B Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac-Accidental;F=Fall Page 56 SP-Spring;SU—Summer;W-Winter;0=Observed;L-Literature documentation;B-Breeding habitat;NB-Non-breeding habitat 1 I • • • ...,...,...,..„0,.„.*„,cies ListSummaReports= Southold 98002 e gt its „ 'err.' " t - ..:-.,-,:!,.,:-..,-;"--,:1,-.-4 ; „,,,,,4,....-...,,,...., ryru %;, - . " ';rr � y Li.*4. ; N1,: :, ,/ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTALIMARINg SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritima Maritime Coastal Marlin PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuaryl Stable w. REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Invertebrates Horseshoe Crab L.polyphemus 18,20 K SU L NB NB Invertebrates Horseshoe Crab L.polyphemus 18,20 K W L NB NB Invertebrates Jonah Crab Cancer borealis 4,18,20,23 Li F L Rocky shoreline and NB NB deepwater Invertebrates Jonah Crab C.borealis 4,18,20,23 Li SP L Rocky shoreline and B B deepwater Invertebrates Jonah Crab C.borealis 4,18,20,23 Li SP L Rocky shoreline and NB NB deepwater Invertebrates Jonah Crab C.borealis 4,18,20,23 Li SU L Rocky shoreline and NB NB I deepwater Invertebrates Jonah Crab C.borealis 4,18,20,23 Li SU L Rocky shoreline and B B deepwater Invertebrates Jonah Crab C.borealis 4,18,20,23 Li W L Rocky shoreline and NB deepwater Invertebrates Knobbed Whelk Busycon carica 4,20,23 P F L Sandy bottom NB NB Invertebrates Knobbed Whelk B.caries 4,20,23 P SP L Sandy bottom B B Invertebrates Knobbed Whelk B.carica 4,20,23 P SP L Sandy bottom NB NB Invertebrates Knobbed Whelk B.carica 4,20,23 P SU L Sandy bottom NB NB Invertebrates Knobbed Whelk B.carica 4,20,23 P SU L Sandy bottom B B Invertebrates Knobbed Whelk B.carica 4,20,23 P W L Sandy bottom NB NB Invertebrates Lady Crabs Ovalipes ocellatus 4,18,23 Li F L Sandy bottoms NB NB NB invertebrates Lady Crabs O.ocellatus 4,18,23 Li SP L Sandy bottoms B B B Invertebrates Lady Crabs O.ocellatus 4,18,23 Li SI' L Sandy bottoms NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present,N-Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 57 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat I i • a, 1 pedes List:SummaN.- Re ort` Southold:98002.- :b -y' '-g :,. r a,_ .i -4 <; >k--r.; .{,..,-'--:?......t.-: 1 ,",..Ar,._-,._�. .. .::.. • ::..+...G ...�.:. . 3u..�. an,, .,..k ,...>i+.t-t r , 1 .`.." .-� ,-4.4-r:.'h7F ' , L`c* . , art.,:,^..i. t,_. ., .,. t ,..,',.. r'Iv ss 7,, , ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estua Stable Marin Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain rB ry 0..., REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swami) Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Invertebrates Lady Crabs O.ocellatus 4,18,23 Li SU L Sandy bottoms NB NB NB Invertebrates Lady Crabs O.ocellatus 4,18,23 Li SU L Sandy bottoms B B B 1 Invertebrates Lady Crabs O.ocellatus 4,18,23 Li W L Sandy bottoms NB NB NB Invertebrates Longfin squid Loligo pealeii 4,17,20 Li F L NB Invertebrates Longfin squid L.pealeii 4,17,20 Li SP L B Invertebrates Longfin squid L.pealeii 4,17,20 Li SP L NB Invertebrates Longfin squid L.pealeii 4,17,20 Li SU L NB Invertebrates Longfin squid L.pealeii 4,17,20 Li SU L B Invertebrates Longfin squid L.pealeii 4,17,20 P W L NB Invertebrates NorthernMoonsnail Euspiraheros 4,18,23 Li F L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB Invertebrates Northern Moonsnail E.heron 4,18,23 Li SP L Sandy,muddy bottoms B B Invertebrates Northern Moonsnail E.heros 4,18,23 Li SP L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB Invertebrates Northern Moonsnail E.heros 4,18,23 Li SU L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB Invertebrates Northern Moonsnail E.heros 4,18,23 Li SU L Sandy,muddy bottoms B B Invertebrates Northern Moonsnail E.heros 4,18,23 Li W L Sandy,muddy bottoms NB NB Invertebrates Purple Sea Urchin Arbacia punctulata 4,18,23 Li F L Gravelly,shelly bottom NB NB Invertebrates Purple Sea Urchin A.punctulata 4,18,23 Li SP L Gravelly,shelly bottom B B Invertebrates Purple Sea Urchin A.punctulata 4,18,23 Li SP L Gravelly,shelly bottom NB NB Invertebrates Purple Sea Urchin A.punctulata 4,18,23 Li SU L Gravelly,Shelly bottom NB NB Invertebrates Purple Sea Urchin A.punctulata 4,18,23 Li SU L Gravelly,shelly bottom B B present; Likely present: y present;N=Na known to be present,Ac-Accidental;F=Fall Page 58 Monday,August 31,1998 K=Knows m be Li= m be P=Possibly SP=Spring;SU=Summa;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat al • ill 1 ec ,,, L-ist`Summar/ Rport` SouthoId 98002yi t ._' -, i�t,,1; .t. , a*,. -,4. t :i ; ;. =`;�� 4 q , P �3 «„,,,,..„;,,,i,,,,*.,, . 6 "I'+"��.. .1 7."1-. `. o i '";+ „_ .,.. tv� iPY:,ew,.i':R:�, . n.�3.:q.n'. .}. +�3?.3'{ Y. :& Y• � �. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Mna PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ StableDsapari REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Invertebrates Purple Sea Urchin A.punctulata 4,18,23 Li W L Gravelly,shelly bottom NB NB Invertebrates Quahaug Mercenaria mercenaria 4,17,20 K F L Sandy,muddy substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Quahaug M.mercenaria 4,17,20 K SP L Sandy,muddy substrate B B B Invertebrates Quahaug M.mercenaria 4,17,20 K SP L Sandy,muddy substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Quahaug M.mercenaria 4,17,20 K SU L Sandy,muddy substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Quahaug M.mercenaria 4,17,20 K SU L Sandy,muddy substrate B B B Invertebrates Quahaug M.mercenaria 4,17,20 K W L Sandy,muddy substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Ribbed Mussel Geukensia demissa 4,18,20,23 Li F L Salt marsh NB I Invertebrates Ribbed Mussel G.demissa 4,18,20,23 Li SP L Salt marsh B Invertebrates Ribbed Mussel G.demissa 4,18,20,23 Li SP L Salt marsh NB Invertebrates Ribbed Mussel G.demissa. 4,18,20,23 Li SU L Salt marsh B Invertebrates Ribbed Mussel G.demissa 4,18,20,23 Li SU L Salt marsh NB Invertebrates Ribbed Mussel G.demissa 4,18,20,23 Li W L Salt marsh NB Invertebrates Rock Crab Cancer irroratus 4,18,20,23 Li F L Rocky shoreline and NB NB deepwater Invertebrates Rock Crab C.irroratus 4,18,20,23 Li SP L Rocky shoreline and B B deepwater Invertebrates Rock Crab C.irroratus 4,18,20,23 Li. SP L Rocky shoreline and NB NB deepwater Invertebrates Rock Crab C.irroratus 4,18,20,23 Li SU L Rocky shoreline and NB NB deepwater Invertebrates Rock Crab C.irroratus 4,18,20,23 Li SU L Rocky shoreline and B B deepwater Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be Li-Likely to ba resent;P=Possibly present,Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 59 present Y P Y prtsent,N-Not known to be SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W-Winter,0=Observed;L-Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat S • 1111 1 Species ListSumma Re o Southold 98002e w - X _3' s �`' Y ` t.� G � .. .. : .._;, ._,_.C`; ,.ry* ..w.P:.�! ,�,-1 ,:: {<.._ ._.:, ;. ..4... . .y.l . .` ',. ,fit k ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL, PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable peen REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Invertebrates Rock Crab C.irroratus 4,18,20,23 Li W L Rocky shoreline and NB deepwater Invertebrates Sevenspine Bay Shrimp Crangnon septemspinosa 4,17 K F L NB. NB Invertebrates Sevenspine Bay Shrimp C.septemspinosa 4,17 K SP L B B Invertebrates Sevenspine Bay Shrimp C.septemspinosa 4,17 K SP L NB NB Invertebrates Sevenspine Bay Shrimp C.septemspinosa 4,17 K SU L NB NB Invertebrates Sevenspine Bay Shrimp C.septemspinosa 4,17 K W L NB NB Invertebrates Sevenspine Bay Shrimp C.septemspinosa 4,17 K W L B B Invertebrates Shortfin Squid Illex illecebrosus 4,17 Li F L NB Invertebrates Shortfin Squid 1.illecebrosus 4,17 Li SP L B Invertebrates Shortfin Squid I.illecebrosus 4,17 Li SP L NB Invertebrates Shortfin Squid 1.illecebrosus 4,17 Li SU L NB Invertebrates Shortfin Squid I.illecebrosus 4,17 Li SU L B Invertebrates Shortfin Squid I.illecebrosus 4,17 P W L NB Invertebrates Soft-shell Clam Mya arenaria 4,17,20 Li F L Sandy substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Soft-shell Clam M.arenaria 4,17,20 Li SP L Sandy substrate B B B Invertebrates Soft-shell Clam M.arenaria 4,17,20 Li SP L Sandy substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Soft-shell Clam M.arenaria 4,17,20 Li SU L Sandy substrate NB NB NB Invertebrates Soft-shell Clam M.arenaria 4,17,20 Li SU L Sandy substrate B B B Invertebrates Soft-shell Clam M.arenaria 4,17,20 Li W L Sandy substrate NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1991K=Known to be present Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Pege 60 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat e 4 is ListSumma . Re or:r Southold 98002:xr1 i P tr=•,. ,,� � ¢ ; � 'ISE•.!cies, r ..sta,;.s,k...3n..���.�,j ,�a;,r.•;:�.�raL. :k&-••a � ? k}.:;:t�a.9r,.5;t�i.;r..<�:;kv:n...w i:::inn' a"�34 n."5�".._....•fi^.., k?'�E�e',..-=-_,at � � .�+ `� : t - - ..'`:5,-,'•r:#'�. .. Y �-i ..�i�.e.._ .. ext.�,a^� ♦. ^� ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pindoak Snrub Grua Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ stable Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Invertebrates Spider Crabs Libinia sp. 4,18,23 K F L NB NB NB Invertebrates Spider Crabs Libinia sp. 4,18,23 K SP L B B Invertebrates Spider Crabs Libinia sp. 4,18,23 K SP L NB NB NB Invertebrates Spider Crabs Libinia sp. 4,18,23 K SU L NB NB NB Invertebrates Spider Crabs Libinia sp. 4,18,23 K SU L B B Invertebrates Spider Crabs Libinia sp. 4,18,23 K W L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus 1,4 Li F L Cold,dry areas of caves or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB buildings Mammals(Mammalia) Big Brown Bat E.fuscus 1,4 Li SP L Cold,dry areas of caves or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB buildings Mammals(Mammalia) Big Brown Bat E.fuscus 1,4 Li SU L Cold,dry areas of caves or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB buildings Mammals(Mammalia) Big Brown Bat E.fuscus 1,4 P W L Cold,dry areas of caves or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB buildings Mammals(Mammalia) Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiups truneatus 4,31 N F L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Bottlenose Dolphin T.truneatus 4,31 N SP L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Bottlenose Dolphin T.truneatus 4,31 N SU L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Bottlenose Dolphin T.truneatus 4,31 N W L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Common Dolphin Delphinus delphis 4,31 N F L NB NB I Mammals(Mammalia) Common Dolphin D.delphis 4,31 N SP L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Common Dolphin D.delphis 4,31 N SU L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Common Dolphin D.delphis 4,31 N W L NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present,P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 61 SP=Spring;SU=Summa;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat ID I S S..,., ecies List Summery Re o South:.,old 98 0 02 - £� » - r y a '' � t r,+.,+ +a;u , . _ ..r -»r,. :� „A'•:w5rv.ttx._i::.x:2,`,3,riY . ! �A' .. js : . �'t - ". ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain re ry Deep REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank w .. Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Chipmunk Tamias straitus 1,4 Li F L Tree or shrub cover,perches NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Chipmunk T.straitus 1,4 Li SP L Tree or shrub cover,perches B B Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Chipmunk T.straitus 1,4 Li SP L Tree or shrub cover,perches NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Chipmunk T.straitus 1,4 Li SU L Tree or shrub cover,perches NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Chipmunk T.straitus 1,4 P W L Tree or shrub cover,perches NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus 1,4 K F L Brush pile,wall,dens or NB NB NB NB NB NB burrows,herbaceous and shrubby cover. Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Cottontail S.floridanus 1,4 K SP L Brush pile,wall,dens or B B B B B B B burrows,herbaceous and shrubby cover. I Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Cottontail S.floridanus 1,4 K SP L Brush pile,wall,dens or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB burrows,herbaceous and shrubby cover. Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Cottontail S.floridanus 1,4 K SU L Brush pile,wall,dens or NB NB NB NB NB NB burrows,herbaceous and shrubby cover. Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Cottontail S.floridanus 1,4 K W L Brush pile,wall,dens or NB NB burrows,herbaceous and shrubby cover. Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Mole Scalopus aquateus 1,4 P F L Soft,moist soils with NB NB NB earthworms Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Mole S.aquateus 1,4 P SP L Soft,moist soils with B B B earthworms Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Mole S.aquateus 1,4 P SP L Soft,moist soils with NB NB NB earthworms Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Mole S.aquateus 1,4 P SU L Soft,moist soils with NB NB NB earthworms Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be preum;Li=Likely to he present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F-Fat Page 62 SP=Soong,SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B-Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 1 e • e 1i { c. :..:si -‘. umarRea. ort--.Southold-98002- , v rlr x4 ; 7, ,, , rr, Y - a -...r.:,..e,.. -- `' e:e. a.,,,,,• , . ', :^c. ,,I,{ ...)Xti." , t # iizk:s, { z,, , ,"x ' G - :iiv - . /`c ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands PondSwamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank �p Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Mole S.aquateus 1,4 P W L Soft,moist soils with NB NB NB earthworms Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Pipistrella Pipistrellus subflavis I N F L Warm,draft free,damp sites, NB NB NB NB NB NB NB open woods Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Pipistrella P.subflavis 1 N SP L Warm,draft free,damp sites, NB NB NB NB NB NB NB open woods Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Pipistrella P.subflavis 1 P SU L Warm,draft free,damp sites, NB NB NB NB NB NB NB open woods Mammals(Mammalia) Eastern Pipistrella P.subflavis 1 N W L Warm,draft free,damp sites, NB NB NB NB NB NB NB I open woods Mammals(Mammalia) Ermine Mustela erminea 1,4 Li F L Dense brushy cover NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Ermine M.erminea 1,4 Li SP L Dense brushy cover B Mammals(Mammalia) Ermine M.erminea 1,4 Li SP L Dense brushy cover NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Ermine M.erminea 1,4 Li SU L Dense brushy cover NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Ermine M.erminea 1,4 Li W L Dense brushy cover NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Fox Urocyon 1,4,23 P F L Hollow logs,tree cavities and NB NB NB NB NB cinereoargenteus crevices Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Fox U.cinereoargenteus 1,4,23 P SP L Hollow logs,tree cavities and B B B B B crevices Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Fox U.cinereoargenteus 1,4,23 P SP L Hollow logs,tree cavities and NB NB NB NB NB crevices Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Fox U.cinereoargenteus 1,4,23 P SU L Hollow logs,tree cavities and NB NB NB NB NB crevices Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Fox U.cinereoargenteus 1,4,23 P W L Hollow logs,tree cavities and NB NB NB NB NB crevices Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Seal Halichoerus grypus 4,11,20,31 P F L NB NB NB Monde),August 31,1998 K Known to be present;Li-Likely to be present;P-Possibly present;N-Not known to be present;Ac-Accidental;F-Fell Page 63 SP-Spring,SU-Sumner;W-Winter;0-Observed,L-Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat.NB-Non-breeding habitat 0 S S Species List Summary Southold 98002 fi... . d ,� a * -4, ,-s .., .-. • y 4,.,, , - .‘-•„..,:-' ,,s. ,- -.e. ty...',,,. . r,,.,, :., 4, . ' .t G^ ,, ,r:- x ,-.,„.. A r.. -- o: � .. ,. ,,,, ,x .._'t. ?-. ,- : # �.,a : .: i '2ns _. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL Pitch Maritime Maritime Coaxal PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine REQUIREMENTS pForestk ands and PondWDese Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Seal H.grypus 4,11,20,31 P SP L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Seal H.grypus 4,11,20,31 P SU L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Seal H.grypus 4,11,20,31 P W L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 1,4 K F L Trees for dens and nests NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Squirrel S.carolinensis 1,4 K SP L Trees for dens and nests B Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Squirrel S.carolinensis 1,4 K SP L Trees for dens and nests NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Squirrel S.carolinensis 1,4 K SU L Trees for dens and nests NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Gray Squirrel S.carolinensis 1,4 K W L Trees for dens and nests NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Hairy-tailed Mole Parascalups breweri 1,4 P F L Loose,moist,well drained NB NB soil Mammals(Mammalia) Hairy-tailed Mole P.breweri 1,4 P SP L Loose,moist,well drained B B soil Mammals(Mammalia) Hairy-tailed Mole P.breweri 1,4 P SP L Loose,moist,well drained NB NB soil Mammals(Mammalia) Hairy-tailed Mole P.breweri 1,4 P SU L Loose,moist,well drained NB NB soil Mammals(Mammalia) Hairy-tailed Mole P.breweri 1,4 P W L Loose,moist,well drained NB NB soil Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Porpoise Phocoena phocoena 4,31 P F L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Porpoise P.phocoena 4,31 P SP L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Porpoise P.phocoena 4,31 P SU L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Porpoise P.phocoena 4,31 N W L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Seal Phoca vitulina 4,11,20,23,31 Li F L NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P-Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 64 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat 0 • • Species'List Summa� Report=Southold9800 �ire > r 3 1� ; �k b .,:-A--,...1.,-;-::.;:-....,-„,-4,-,--, ,., . .... u . ... , ti ,,c� v.,,; .4,: . sR:. 30... ;,..Lt,- - .: . _1,,. t,a �< �. ?. ECOLOGICAL TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIAL E IAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritima Maritima Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ StabH Marina PForest Shrub Grass- Pond rBpin REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank wad; Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Seal P.vitulina 4,11,20,23,31 P SP L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Seal P.vitulina 4,11,20,23,31 P SU L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Harbor Seal P.vitulina 4,11,20,23,31 Li W L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Harp Seal Pagophilus 4,11,31 P SP L NB NB NB groenlandicus Mammals(Mammalia) Harp Seal P.groenlandicus 4,11,31 P W L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus 1 N F L Coniferous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Hoary Bat L.cinereus 1 N SP L Coniferous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Hoary Bat L.cinereus 1 N SU L Coniferous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Hoary Bat L.cinereus 1 N W L Coniferous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Hooded Seal Cystophora cristata 4,11,31 P SP L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Hooded Seal C.cristata 4,11,31 P W L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) House Mouse Mus musculus 1,4 K F L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) House Mouse M.musculus 1,4 K SP L B B B Mammals(Mammalia) House Mouse M.musculus 1,4 K SP L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) House Mouse M.musculus 1,4 K SU L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) House Mouse M.musculus 1,4 K W L NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Keen's Myotis Myotis keeni 1,4 Li F L Caves,mine shafts,humid NB NB NB NB NB NB NB calm air Mammals(Mammalia) Keen's Myotis M.keeni 1,4 Li SP L Caves,mine shafts,humid NB NB NB NB NB NB NB calm air Monday,August 31,1998 K-Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present P Possibly present,N=Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F Fall Page 65 SP-Spring;SU..Summer;W=Winter,0-Observed;L-Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • s 'i. t *.:� of t 3;. .,t., : tt , '.4, ,` t, - ., -.,- ,y a a 1 pedes Lists Summary,:,Reporta.` Southold:98002 - _ qt , > ,t � r y -7 � .''# � 7 t: . . �-Q 4: ,r, -,-; :; _ ;.,...,.�-'Zs ;,:,.. ;_ :a;'.q,,., ., .':.. . �....+', .n:.,x?�`#,�',7't9�.- v..4.;.:'+u s.:1,,-,,,,..4,..4�t?V.a_.:3.,a"&:�'.�r'?,`�... %17�k,�-- '.}�„`..,L,ic�.a�?.,a:`v� :�i,;3�'-C�,+... '' ',„3,=:`'...„3-4;t..,_ 'fiw�� .'�� .t�.,J-xt,nn '%� ., ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pilch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT PlnelOak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dien REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Salbnarsh Bank Water Mammals(Mammalia) Keen's Myotis M.keeni 1,4 Li SU L Caves,mine shafts,humid NB NB NB NB NB NB NB calm air Mammals(Mammalia) Little Brown Myotis M.lucifusus 1,4 Li F L Females: dark warm sites for NB NB NB NB NB NB NB' maternity colonies. Mammals(Mammalia) Little Brown Myotis M.lucifusus 1,4 Li SP L Females: dark warm sites for NB NB NB NB NB NB NB maternity colonies. Mammals(Mammalia) Little Brown Myotis M.lucifusus 1,4 Li SU L Females: dark warm sites for NB NB NB NB NB NB NB maternity colonies. Mammals(Mammalia) Long tailed Weisel M.frenata 1,4,23 Li F L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Long tailed Weisel M.frenata 1,4,23 Li SP L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Long tailed Weisel M.frenata 1,4,23 Li SU L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Long tailed Weisel M.frenata 1,4,23 Li W L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus 1,4,23 Li F L Damp woodlands,ground NB NB NB NB NB cover Mammals(Mammalia) Masked Shrew S.cinereus 1,4,23 Li SP L Damp woodlands,ground B B B B B cover Mammals(Mammalia) Masked Shrew S.cinereus 1,4,23 Li SP L Damp woodlands,ground NB NB NB NB NB cover Mammals(Mammalia) Masked Shrew S.cinereus 1 4 23 Li SU L Dampwoodlands,ground NB NB NB NB NB cover Mammals(Mammalia) Masked Shrew S.cinereus 1,4,23 Li W L Damp woodlands,ground NB NB NB NB cover Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Jumping Mouse Zapus hudsonius 1,4,23 Li F L Herbaceous cover,loose soils NB NB NB NB NB NB I Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Jumping Mouse Z.hudsonius 1,4,23 Li SP L Herbaceous cover,loose soils B B B B B B Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Jumping Mouse Z.hudsonius 1,4,23 Li SP L Herbaceous cover,loose soils NB NB NB NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1999K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 66 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 0 • 0 ISecies List.Summa Re ort==`Southold:98002: f�;_ s : y,� j< l,. Xt 4 r ; =:: _:. t- i. avri.;'?�"t'.1'sy.. `4..-,,..:-.as: y. :"ki- e, :p.-r 14.,,S: ..- ! - --- 4 kms,, 4� d . ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT /Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal EstuaryStable Marina Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain re REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Wer Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Jumping Mouse Z.hudsonius 1,4,23 Li SU L Herbaceous cover,loose soils NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Jumping Mouse Z.hudsonius 1,4,23 P W L Herbaceous cover,loose soils NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Vole Microtus pennsylvanicos 1,4,23 K F L Herbaceous cover and loose NB NB NB NB NB NB NB organic soils Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Vole M.pennsylvanicos 1,4,23 K SP L Herbaceous cover and loose B B B B B B B organic soils Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Vole M.pennsylvanicos 1,4,23 K SP L Herbaceous cover and loose NB NB NB NB NB NB NB organic soils Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Vole M.pennsylvanicos 1,4,23 K SU L Herbaceous cover and loose NB NB NB NB NB NB NB organic soils Mammals(Mammalia) Meadow Vole M.pennsylvanicos 1,4,23 K W L Herbaceous cover and loose NB NB NB NB NB NB NB organic soils Mammals(Mammalia) Mink Mustella vison 1,4 Li F L Cavity logs and roots,water NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Mink M.vison 1,4 Li SP L Cavity logs and roots,water B B B B Mammals(Mammalia) Mink M.vison 1,4 Li SP L Cavity logs and roots,water NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Mink M.vison 1,4 Li SU L Cavity logs and roots,water NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Mink M.vison 1,4 Li W L Cavity logs and roots,water NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus 1,4,20,23 Li F L Wetlands with emergent NB NB NB NB NB vegetation Mammals(Mammalia) Muskrat 0.zibethicus 1,4,20,23 Li SP L Wetlands with emergent B B B B B vegetation Mammals(Mammalia) Muskrat 0.zibethicus 1,4,20,23 Li SP L Wetlands with emergent NB NB NB NB NB vegetation Mammals(Mammalia) Muskrat 0.zibethicus 1,4,20,23 Li SU L Wetlands with emergent NB NB NB NB NB vegetation Monday,August 31,1998 g K=Known to be present Li=Likely to be present P=Possibly present;N=Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fah Page 67 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Brading habitat NB=Non-breeding habitat S . • Secies List Summa . Reort =Southold 98002 _ _ a' ::*s $ -; ; --.-•;`,..-.-w-,4-._ ; 4 n , h; _e= . � ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub. Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Map REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Mammals(Mammalia) Muskrat O.zibethicus 1,4,20,23 Li W L Wetlands with emergent NB NB NB NB NB vegetation Mammals(Mammalia) New England Cottontail Sylvilagus transitionalis 1 P F L Young woodlands with thick NB NB NB NB NB NB cover,threatened(NYS) Mammals(Mammalia) New England Cottontail S.transitionalis 1 P SP L Young woodlands with thick B B B B B B B cover,threatened(NYS) Mammals(Mammalia) New England Cottontail S.transitionalis 1 P SP L Young woodlands with thick NB NB NB NB NB cover,threatened(NYS) Mammals(Mammalia) New England Cottontail S.transitionalis 1 P SU L Young woodlands with thick NB NB NB NB NB cover,threatened(NYS) Mammals(Mammalia) New England Cottontail S.transitionalis I P W L Young woodlands with thick NB NB cover,threatened(NYS) 1 Mammals(Mammalia) Northern Shorttailed Blarina brevicauda 1,4 Li F L Low vegetation,damp loose NB NB NB NB NB NB Shrew leaf litter Mammals(Mammalia) Northern Shorttailed B.brevicauda 1,4 Li SP L Low vegetation,damp loose B B B B B B Shrew leaf litter Mammals(Mammalia) Northern Shorttailed B.brevicauda 1,4 Li SP L Low vegetation;damp loose NB NB NB NB NB NB Shrew leaf litter Mammals(Mammalia) Northern Shorttailed B.brevicauda 1,4 Li SU L Low vegetation,damp loose NB NB NB NB NB NB Shrew leaf litter Mammals(Mammalia) Northern Shorttailed B.brevicauda 1,4 Li W L Low vegetation,damp loose NB NB NB NB NB NB Shrew leaf litter I Mammals(Mammalia) Norway Rat Rattus norvegieus 1,4,20 K F L Buildings,dumps,loose soil NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Norway Rat R.norvegieus 1,4,20 K SP L Buildings,dumps,loose soil B B B Mammals(Mammalia) Norway Rat R.norvegieus 1,4,20 K SP L Buildings,dumps,loose soil NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Norway Rat R.norvegieus 1,4,20 K SU L Buildings,dumps,loose soil NB NB NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P-Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 68 SP=Spring,SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed,L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 0 • i Species.List Summary Report Southold 98002 :o41.ii, Y- i i, 12 F � t ;K` w., = i.., glt .,, ^.x . • C: .r r +.;w... V.?.. s, _,,A't:-tr.<s ..;_:.+--,•s ..,4.,... ,- _s„.i. ;i!`tttn� . ,k-vM`: ,. .. 4'�'4.. .. ,... ww., . .:.k:. '+;r�+.R t: �. t-'' 6 �' _ . fi ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITATPitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emer ent Coastal EstuaryI Stable Marine Plne/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain 9 ry REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Mammals(Mammalia) Norway Rat R.norvegieus 1,4,20 K W L Buildings,dumps,loose soil NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Pilot Whale Globicephala malaena 4,31 P F L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Pilot Whale G.malaena 4,31 P SP L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Pilot Whale G.malaena 4,31 P SU L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Pilot Whale G.malaena 4,31 P W L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Raccoon Procyon lotor 1,4,20,23 Li F L Hollow trees 10 ft.high NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Raccoon P.lotor 1,4,20,23 Li SP L Hollow trees 10 ft.high NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Raccoon P.lotor 1,4,20,23 Li SU L Hollow trees 10 ft.high NB NB NB NB NB NB NB I Mammals(Mammalia) Raccoon P.lotor 1,4,20,23 P W L Hollow trees 10 ft.high NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red Bat Lasiurus borealis 1 P F L Deciduous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red Bat L.borealis 1 P SP L Deciduous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red Bat L.borealis 1 P SU L Deciduous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red Bat L.borealis 1 P W L Deciduous forest edges NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red fox Vulpes vulpes 1,4,23 Li F L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red fox V.vulpes 1,4,23 Li SP L B B B B B B Mammals(Mammalia) Red fox V.wipes 1,4,23 Li SP L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red fox V.vulpes 1,4,23 Li SU L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red fox V.wipes 1,4,23 Li W L NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red Squirrel Tamiasciurus 1,4 Li F L Woodlands and conifers NB hudsonicus Monday,August 31,1998 = F: Pae 69 K=Known to be present,Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Na known to be present;Ac Accidental. Fall 8 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat S • • Specie's-List Summa Report.--:Southold9.8002�1 *; f nt Y x'- , y ' s : x-4 u •, s- _ -...,-A- :; -. ,,,. —..13,- -.,, ,.%.-01.,:i,'a-' . ....,:,,I!'":.-'5'''''.'2,:*.: t 4' - y , w 4. , r gr-`,- ! ' ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marina PForestk lands Gods- Plaid Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank DseP REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Wa4r Mammals(Mammalia) Red Squirrel T.hudsonicus 1,4 Li SP L Woodlands and conifers B Mammals(Mammalia) Red Squirrel T.hudsonicus 1,4 Li SP L Woodlands and conifers NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red Squirrel T.hudsonicus 1,4 Li SU L Woodlands and conifers NB Mammals(Mammalia) Red Squirrel T.hudsonicus 1,4 Li W L Woodlands and conifers NB Mammals(Mammalia) River Otter Lutra canadensis 1,4 N F L Waterbody i.e.:pond NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) River Otter L.canadensis 1,4 N SP L Waterbody i.e.:pond B B B Mammals(Mammalia) River Otter L.canadensis 1,4 N SP L Waterbody i.e.:pond NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) River Otter L.canadensis 1,4 N SU L Waterbody i.e.:pond NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) River Otter L.canadensis 1,4 N W L Waterbody i.e.:pond NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris 1 P F L Dead trees with loose bark or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB noctivagens cavities,water Mammals(Mammalia) Silver-haired Bat L.noctivagens 1 P SP L Dead trees with loose bark or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB cavities,water Mammals(Mammalia) Silver-haired Bat L.noctivagens 1 P SU L Dead trees with loose bark or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB cavities,water Mammals(Mammalia) Silver-haired Bat L.noctivagens 1 N W L Dead trees with loose bark or NB NB NB NB NB NB NB cavities,water Mammals(Mammalia) Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanos 1 Li F L Dense brushy softwood cover NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Snowshoe Hare L.americanos 1 Li SP L Dense brushy softwood cover B B Mammals(Mammalia) Snowshoe Hare L.americanos 1 Li SP L Dense brushy softwood cover NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Snowshoe Hare L.americanos 1 Li SU L Dense brushy softwood cover NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Snowshoe Hare L.americanos 1 Li W L Dense brushy softwood cover NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 70 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat,NB=Non-breeding habitat S • S IS pedes List SummaRepor# Southold 98002 , x r -G°k > r : _,; ,,� . h=. � � « Y . ' ..1 ' ., ,,M .: - ry$ y:. m= F; Aiaa ..i:. ..: ,. .:Ca.. .,rlA .. SSo " 1Y".. - h.. .. �l' .& 1 - y ,, 1i-� , ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT PlnelOak SrSub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estwryl Stable t>..n REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Bog Lemming Synaptomys cooperi 4 P F L Moist,loose soils with leaf NB NB NB NB litter Mammals(Mammalia) Southem Bog Lemming S.cooperi 4 P SP L Moist,loose soils with leaf B B B B litter Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Bog Lemming S.cooperi 4 P SP L Moist,loose soils with leaf NB NB NB NB litter Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Bog Lemming S.cooperi 4 P SU L Moist,loose soils with leaf NB NB NB NB litter Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Bog Lemming S.cooperi 4 P W L Moist,loose soils with leaf NB NB NB NB litter Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Flying Squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus 1,4 Li F L Mature woodland with cavity NB trees Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Flying Squirrel G.sabrinus 1,4 Li SP L Mature woodland with cavity B trees Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Flying Squirrel G.sabrinus 1,4 Li SP L Mature woodland with cavity NB trees Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Flying Squirrel G.sabrinus 1,4 Li SU L Mature woodland with cavity NB trees Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Flying Squirrel G.sabrinus 1,4 Li W L Mature woodland with cavity NB trees Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Redbacked Vole Clethrionomys gapperi 1,4 Li F L Springs,brook,seeps,bog, NB NB NB debris or slash Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Redbacked Vole C.gapperi 1,4 Li SP L Springs,brook,seeps,bog, B B B debris or slash Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Redbacked Vole C.gapperi 1,4 Li SP L Springs,brook,seeps,bog, NB NB NB debris or slash Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Redbacked Vole C.gapperi 1,4 Li SU L Springs,brook,seeps,bog, NB NB NB debris or slash Monday,August 31,1998 K-Known to bepresrnpresent, =Likely to be present;P-Possibly present;N-Na known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F-Fall Page 71 SP-Spring;SU-Summer;W-Winter,0-Observed;L-Literature documentation;B-Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • i 1 S ecies List Sum ma Re ort Southold 98002,•�� 5t,r , :� � WA r1 t {J ,..',....M..:,. .,-• `, .. JY t . ., , . .+_ . .. '+: y . ,.: �.. � ~'7F : 4 . WT } ;?5, .. � � s { ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTALIMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritima Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT pinefOak Shrub Orale- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Daap Wa REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank tar Mammals(Mammalia) Southern Redbacked Vole C.gapperi 1,4 Li W L Springs,brook,seeps,bog, NB NB NB debris or slash Mammals(Mammalia) Star-nosed Mole Condylura eristata 1,4 Li F L Wet muck,humus NB NB NB NB. Mammals(Mammalia) Star-nosed Mole C.eristata 1,4 Li SP L Wet muck,humus B B B B Mammals(Mammalia) Star-nosed Mole C.eristata 1,4 Li SP L Wet muck,humus NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Star-nosed Mole C.eristata 1,4 Li SU L Wet muck,humus NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Star-nosed Mole C.eristata 1,4 Li W L Wet muck,humus NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Dolphin Stenella coerulealba 4,31 P F L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Dolphin S.coerulealba 4,31 P SP L NB NB I Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Dolphin S.coerulealba 4,31 P SU L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Dolphin S.coerulealba 4,31 P W L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis 1,4 Li F L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Skunk M.mephitis 1,4 Li SP L B B B B B B B I Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Skunk M.mephitis 1,4 Li SP L NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Skunk M.mephitis 1,4 Li SU L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Striped Skunk M.mephitis 1,4 Li W L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Virginia Opossium Didelphis virginiana 1,4 Li F L Hollow log or tree cavity NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Virginia Opossium D.virginiana 1,4 Li SP L Hollow log or tree cavity B B B B B B Mammals(Mammalia) Virginia Opossium D.virginiana 1,4 Li SP L Hollow log or tree cavity NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Virginia Opossium D.virginiana 1,4 Li SU L Hollow log or tree cavity NB NB NB NB NB NB NB SI Monday,August 31,1998 K..Known to be present,Li=Likely to be present,P-Possibly present;N=Not known to be pr sen;Ac•.Accidental,F-Fall Page 72 I SP..Spring;SU-Summer,W-Winter;0-Observed;L-Literature documentation,B-Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • III Species ListSummaReport Southold 98002 yx < �;,ik xk ': , , ; 4 4� =k04 ` -x t - - iv,,ry, r4. � A , r4-' rsewL '� < :,y ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT �' Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Sahmarsh Bank water Mammals(Mammalia) Virginia Opossium D.virginiana 1,4 P W L Hollow log or tree cavity NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-footed Mouse Peromyscus leucopus 1,4,20,23 Li F L NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-footed Mouse P.leucopus 1,4,20,23 Li SP L B B B B B Mammals(Mammalia) White-footed Mouse P.leucopus 1,4,20,23 Li SP L NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-footed Mouse P.leucopus 1,4,20,23 Li SU L NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-footed Mouse P.leucopus 1,4,20,23 Li W L NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-sided Dolphin Lagenurhynchus acutus 4,31 P F L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-sided Dolphin L.acutus 4,31 P SP L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-sided Dolphin L.acutus 4,31 P SU L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-sided Dolphin L.acutus 4,31 P W L NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus 1,4,20 Li F L Softwood yarding NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-tailed Deer O.virginianus 1,4,20 Li SP L Softwood yarding B B B Mammals(Mammalia) White-tailed Deer O.virginianus 1,4,20 Li SP L Softwood yarding NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-tailed Deer O.virginianus 1,4,20 Li SU L Softwood yarding NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) White-tailed Deer O.virginianus 1,4,20 Li W L Softwood yarding NB NB NB NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Woodchuck Marmota monax 1,4 Li F L Open,semi-open country NB NB NB Mammals(Mammalia) Woodchuck M.monax 1,4 Li SP L Open,semi-open country B B B B Mammals(Mammalia) Woodchuck M.monax 1,4 Li SP L Open,semi-open country NB NB NB NB 11 Mammals(Mammalia) Woodchuck M.monax 1,4 Li SU L Open,semi-open country NB NB NB NB L Mammals(Mammalia) Woodchuck M.monax 1,4 P W Open,semi-open p country NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present Li-Likely to be present,P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 73 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter,0=Obsenved;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat s • • Species List Summary Report Southold 98002,a -v , �� r _ F,, R t „,. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritima Maritime Coastal Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- crass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable ,..P REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Mammals(Mammalia) Woodland Vole Microtus pinetorum 1,4 Li F L Herbaceous groundcover on NB NB NB moist well-drained soils. Mammals(Mammalia) Woodland Vole M.pinetorum 1,4 Li SP L Herbaceous groundcover on B B B moist well-drained soils. Mammals(Mammalia) Woodland Vole M.pinetorum 1,4 Li SP L Herbaceous groundcover on NB NB NB moist well-drained soils. Mammals(Mammalia) Woodland Vole M.pinetorum 1,4 Li SU L Herbaceous groundcover on NB NB NB moist well-drained soils. Mammals(Mammalia) Woodland Vole M.pinetorum 1,4 Li W L Herbaceous groundcover on NB NB NB moist well-drained soils. Reptiles-Reptilia Atlantic Ridley Lepidochelys kempii 1,4,11 P F L Federal and New York State NB Endangered Reptiles-Reptilia Atlantic Ridley L.kempii 1,4,11 P SU L Federal and New York State NB NB Endangered Reptiles-Reptilia Black Rat Snake Elaphe o.obsoleta 1,4 Li F L NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Black Rat Snake E.o.obsoleta 1,4 Li SP L B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Black Rat Snake E.o.obsoleta 1,4 Li SP L NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Black Rat Snake E.o.obsoleta 1,4 Li SU L NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Black Rat Snake E.o.obsoleta 1,4 Li SU L B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Black Rat Snake E.o.obsoleta 1,4 P W L NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Common Snapping Turtle Chelydras s.serpentra 1,4 Li F L Aquatic habitat,sandy NB NB gravelly soils and banks Reptiles-Reptilia Common Snapping Turtle C.s.serpentra 1,4 Li SP L Aquatic habitat,sandy B B B B B 1 gravelly soils and banks Reptiles-Reptilia Common Snapping Turtle C.s.serpentra 1,4 Li SP L Aquatic habitat,sandy NB NB NB gravelly soils and banks Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present.P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 74 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=L itemure documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • • Species List Summary Report ;Southold;98002 . r<ec�, '. Hf ';_ th:- i_ x r � ' fn -ttr .4-N. r . Y ,r::,41,.- R=elaus; ._ k:.. .. ',V.- F- eti? t ---P1.•:•••-'47•••< .Tx'P "- F rR� 7.. ::_+. - ' . ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marina PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Plandsnds- ands- peep SwampMarsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank REQUIREMENTS Forest lands Pond Water 1 Reptiles-Reptilia Common Snapping Turtle C.s.serpentra 1,4 Li SU L Aquatic habitat,sandy NB NB NB gravelly soils and banks Reptiles-Reptilia Common Snapping Turtle C.s.serpentra 1,4 P W L Aquatic habitat,sandy NB gravelly soils and banks Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Box Turtle Terrapene c.carolina 1,4 Li F L Old fields,clearings,ecotone NB NB NB NB and sandy soils Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Box Turtle T.c.carolina 1,4 Li F L Old fields,clearings,ecotone B B B B and sandy soils Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Box Turtle T.c.carolina 1,4 Li SP L Old fields,clearings,ecotone B B B B and sandy soils Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Box Turtle T.c.carolina 1,4 Li SU L Old fields,clearings,ecotone NB NB NB NB and sandy soils Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Box Turtle T.c.carolina 1,4 Li SU L Old fields,clearings,ecotone B B B B and sandy soils Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Box Turtle T.c.carolina 1,4 P W L Old fields,clearings,ecotone NB NB and sandy soils I Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Garter Snake Thamnophis s.sirtalis 1,4 K F L B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Garter Snake T.s.sirtalis 1,4 K F L NB NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Garter Snake T.s.sirtalis 1,4 K SP L B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Garter Snake T.s.sirtalis 1 4 K SP L NB NB NB NB NB , Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Garter Snake T.s.sirtalis 1,4 K SU L NB NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Garter Snake T.s.sirtalis 1,4 K W L NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Hognose Snake Heterodon platirhinos 1,4,23 Li F L Sandy soils,open woodlands NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Hognose Snake H.platirhinos 1,4,23 Li F L Sandy soils,open woodlands B B B B Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known io be present;Li=Likely W be presort P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 75 SP=Spring;SU=Summer,W=Winter,0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • S • Species Lis...tSummaRepor. t:`Southold 980.0r • tt, °`c.. K r - � � � F • , e .•r.. . ...tw .. aa ......,. ,., .ry7�'s, :.,....ofi4S,.. ,c+. .: +,..2§"' ,"S, .d ,a ci : .. .i.0:'.` ' ,. � , _c .. . ' ,a4" . =-az ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE OCCURANCE USE STATUS PitchHABITAT ne/O Maritimerub- Metals- Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Marina PForestk Shrub- ands- Plainond ry peen at REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Wa[er Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Hognose Snake H.platirhinos 1,4,23 Li SP L Sandy soils,open woodlands B B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Hognose Snake H.platirhinos 1,4,23 Li SP L Sandy soils,open woodlands NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Hognose Snake H.platirhinos 1,4,23 Li SU L Sandy soils,open woodlands NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Hognose Snake H.platirhinos 1,4,23 P W L Sandy soils,open woodlands NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Painted Turtle Chrysemys p.pieta 1,4 Li F L Ponds with basking sites NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Painted Turtle C.p.picta 1,4 Li F L Ponds with basking sites B Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Painted Turtle C.p.picta 1,4 Li SP L Ponds with basking sites B NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Painted Turtle C.p.picta 1,4 Li SU L Ponds with basking sites NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Painted Turtle C.p.picta 1,4 P W L Ponds with basking sites NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Ribbon Snake Thamnoiphis s.sauritus 1,4 P F L Mesic woodland with water B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Ribbon Snake T.s.sauritus 1,4 P F L Mesic woodland with water NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Ribbon Snake T.s.sauritus 1,4 P SP L Mesic woodland with water B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Ribbon Snake T.s.sauritus 1,4 P SU L Mesic woodland with water NB Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Ribbon Snake T.s.sauritus 1,4 P SU L Mesic woodland with water B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Eastern Ribbon Snake T.s.sauritus 1,4 P W L Mesic woodland with water NB Reptiles-Reptilia Green Turtles Chelohia mydas 1,4,11 P F L Federal and New York State NB Threatened Reptiles-Reptilia Green Turtles C.mydas 1,4,11 P SU L Federal and New York State NB Threatened Reptiles-Reptilia Leatherback Turtles Dermochelys carialea 1,4,11,20,23 P SU L Federal and New York State NB NB Threatened 1Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present P=Possibly present N-Na known to be prxsert Ac=Accidental;F=Fell Page 76 SP=Spring;SU=Sumner;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat 0 410 • Species List Summa + Report;' :Southold98002 Q X o S.i.�-v.tig, .;:i t,, )..,� / r , t �.' 'd� r w 'u. w t: 6 , :X. - s _ � : . F ...7, i.w+. . . ':.14:1''''''i::444. �v ,ewb' �r: a? ,.X,<Av .n7 .N4� ','•';5.'i,-;.., i 41 . 'a"< :4ez ,�� �. .K ;�. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS HABITAT Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable Dee p REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Water Reptiles-Reptilia Loggerheads Caretta caretta 1,4,11,20,23,32 P SU L Federal and New York State NB Threatened Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Black Racer Coluber c.constrictor 1,4 K F L NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Black Racer C.c.constrictor 1,4 K SP L B B B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Black Racer C.c.constrictor 1,4 K SP L NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Black Racer C.c.constrictor 1,4 K SU L NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Black Racer C.c.constrictor 1,4 K SU L B B B B B I Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Black Racer C.c.constrictor 1,4 K W L NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Brown Snake Storeria.d.dekayi 1,4 Li F L NB NB NB NB I Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Brown Snake S.d.dekayi 1,4 Li SP L B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Brown Snake S.d.dekayi 1,4 Li SP L NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Brown Snake S.d.dekayi 1,4 Li SU L NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Brown Snake S.d.dekayi 1,4 Li SU L B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Brown Snake S.d.dekayi 1,4 Li W L NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Diamondback Malaclemysti terrapin 4 Li F L New York State-Special NB NB Concern Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Diamondback M.terrapin 1,4 Li SP L New York State-Special B Concern Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Diamondback M.terrapin 4 Li SP L New York State-Special NB NB Concern Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Diamondback M.terrapin 4 Li SU L New York State-Special NB NB Concern Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present:Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 77 SP=Spring;SU=Summer;W=Winter,0=Observed;L=L itemmre documentation;B=Brading habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • • II/ Species List Summary.RepoSouth•old98002 : ,r x t r d� Ay, �{ i.3 -1jAy ' }rt , wc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE REFERENCE LOCAL SEASONAL SOURCE SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES SPECIAL OCCURANCE USE STATUS Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Marine PRIMARY SECONDARY ALTERNATE HABITAT Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plain Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuary/ Stable D..., REQUIREMENTS Forest lands lands Pond Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank water Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Diamondback M.terrapin 4 Li W L New York State-Special NB Concern Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Water Snake Nerodia s.sipedon 1,4,23 K F L Overhand cover,water B B Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Water Snake N.s.sipedon 1,4,23 K F L Overhand cover,water NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Water Snake N.s.sipedon 1,4,23 K SP L Overhand cover,water B B I Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Water Snake N.s.sipedon 1,4,23 K SP L Overhand cover,water NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Water Snake N.s.sipedon 1,4,23 K SU L Overhand cover,water NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Water Snake N.s.sipedon 1,4,23 K SU L Overhand cover,water B B Reptiles-Reptilia Northern Water Snake N.s.sipedon 1,4,23 K W L Overhand cover,water NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Smooth Green Snake Opheodrys v.vernalis 1,4 Li F L Upland grassy opening NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Smooth Green Snake O.v.vernalis 1,4 Li SP L Upland grassy opening NB NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Smooth Green Snake O.v.vernalis 1,4 Li SU L Upland grassy opening NB NB NB NB Reptiles-Reptilia Smooth Green Snake O.v.vernalis 1,4 Li SU L Upland grassy opening B B B B B Reptiles-Reptilia Smooth Green Snake O.v.vernalis 1,4 P W L Upland grassy opening NB NB NB Monday,August 31,1998 K=Known to be present;Li=Likely to be present;P=Possibly present;N=Not known to be present;Ac=Accidental;F=Fall Page 78 SP=Spring;Ski=Summer;W=Winter;0=Observed;L=Literature documentation;B=Breeding habitat;NB=Non-breeding habitat • APPENDIX C Grain Size Datasheets and Particle Distribution Curves S • GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: Project: Long Island Sound •oject Number: 17873. 000 Sample Data Source: Sample No. : 124096 Station #1 Elev. or Depth: Sample Length (in./cm. ) : Location: Long Island Description: Southold LI Date: PL: LL: PI : USCS Classification: AASHTO Classification: Testing Remarks: Mechanical Analysis Data Initial Dry sample and tare= 106. 31 Tare = 27 . 58 Dry sample weight = 78 .73 Tare for cumulative weight retained= . 00 Sieve Cumul . Wt. Percent retained finer # 4 1 . 06 98 .7 # 10 3. 02 96.2 # 40 52 . 37 33. 5 •# 200 77 . 10 2 . 1 Fractional Components Gravel/Sand based on #4 Sand/Fines based on #200 % COBBLES = % GRAVEL = % SAND = 96. 6 % FINES = 2 . 1 D85= 1 . 56 D60= 0. 88 D50= 0. 69 D30= 0 . 38 D15= 0. 19 D10= 0. 14 Cc= 1 . 1595 Cu= 6. 3908 • NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Particle Size Distribution Report 100 so 80 70 - - cc Lu 60 - z U- Z 50 W U IY [LI 40 - 0- 30 20 - 10 • 0 500 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE- mm %COBBLES %GRAVEL %SAND %SILT %CLAY 96.6 2.1 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Soil Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Southold LI #4 98.7 #10 96.2 #40 33.5 #200 2.1 Atterberq Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D85= 1.56 D60= 0.883 D50= 0.687 D30= 0.376 D15= 0.190 D10= 0.138 Cu= 6.39 Cc= 1.16 Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks * (no specification provided) Sample No.: 124096 Sta. #1 Source of Sample: Date: Location: Long Island Elev./Depth: • NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Client: 25 Nashua Road Project: Long Island Sound Bedford, NH 03110 Project No: 17873.000 Plate GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: Project: Long Island Sound •oject Number: 17873. 000 Sample Data Source: Sample No. : 124092 Station #2 Elev. or Depth: Sample Length (in./cm. ) : Location: Long Island Description: Goldsmith Inlet Date: PL: LL: PI : USCS Classification: AASHTO Classification: Testing Remarks: Mechanical Analysis Data Initial Dry sample and tare= 104 . 53 Tare = 29. 30 Dry sample weight = 75.23 Tare for cumulative weight retained= . 00 Sieve Cumul . Wt. Percent retained finer # 4 0 .27 99. 6 # 10 1 . 51 98 . 0 # 40 50 . 80 32 .5 41,4 200 74 . 13 1 .5 Fractional Components Gravel/Sand based on #4 Sand/Fines based on #200 % COBBLES = % GRAVEL = % SAND = 98 . 1 % FINES = 1 . 5 D85= 1 . 52 D60= 0 . 88 D50= 0. 69 D30= 0 . 39 D15= 0.20 D10= 0. 15 Cc= 1 . 1646 Cu= 5. 9362 • NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Particle Size Distribution Report • N C i S i 100 E a U 90 - 80 70 , , - cc W 60LT- - - - Z Z 50 W U !Y W 40 - a 30 20 10 4110 0 500 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE- mm %COBBLES %GRAVEL %SAND %SILT %CLAY 98.1 1.5 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Soil Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Goldsmith Inlet #4 99.6 #10 98.0 #40 32.5 #200 1.5 Atterberu Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D85= 1.52 D60= 0.882 D50= 0.694 D30= 0.391 D15= 0.203 D10= 0.149 CU= 5.94 Cc= 1.16 Classification USCS= PASHTO= Remarks * (no specification provided) Sample No.: 124092 Sta. #2 Source of Sample: Date: Location: Long Island Elev./Depth: • NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Client: 25 Nashua Road Project: Long Island Sound Bedford, NH 03110 Project No: 17873.000 Plate GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: Project: Long Island Sound Soject Number: 17873 . 000 Sample Data Source: Sample No. : 124095 Station #3 Elev. or Depth: Sample Length (in./cm. ) : Location: Long Island Description: Goldsmith Inlet Date: PL: LL: PI: USCS Classification: AASHTO Classification: Testing Remarks: Mechanical Analysis Data Initial Dry sample and tare= 53 . 60 Tare = 28 .24 Dry sample weight = 25. 36 Tare for cumulative weight retained= . 00 Sieve Cumul . Wt. Percent retained finer # 4 0. 01 100. 0 # 10 0.20 99.2 # 40 6. 42 74 . 7 200 16.32 35. 7 Fractional Components Gravel/Sand based on #4 Sand/Fines based on #200 % COBBLES = % GRAVEL = % SAND = 64 .3 % FINES = 35. 7 D85= 0 . 77 D60= 0 .21 D50= 0. 14 • NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Particle Size Distribution Report m .1 N 7 s A . ri E is i 1 ; R Q • 100 90 - 80 70 i ar MI 60 - - - 7\\I - z LI z 50 lJ U cc a 40 30 .- 20 .. - - 10 • 0 500 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE- mm %COBBLES %GRAVEL %SAND %SILT %CLAY 0.0 0.0 64.3 35.7 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Soil Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Goldsmith Inlet #4 100.0 #10 99.2 #40 74.7 #200 35.7 Atterberq Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D85= 0.768 D60= 0.210 D50= 0.136 D30= D15= D10= Cu- Cc= Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks * (no specification provided) Sample No.: 124095 Sta. #3 Source of Sample: Date: Location: Long Island Elev./Depth: NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Client: 25 Nashua Road Project: Long Island Sound Bedford, NH 03110 Project No: 17873.000 Plate GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION TEST DATA Client: Project: Long Island Sound •oject Number: 17873 . 000 Sample Data Source: Sample No. : 124094 Station #4 Elev. or Depth: Sample Length (in./cm. ) : Location: Long Island Description: Goldsmith Pond Date: PL: LL: PI : USCS Classification: AASHTO Classification: Testing Remarks: Mechanical Analysis Data Initial Dry sample and tare= 48 . 37 Tare = 27 . 65 Dry sample weight = 20. 72 Tare for cumulative weight retained= .00 Sieve Cumul . Wt. Percent retained finer # 4 2 . 48 88 . 0 # 10 2 . 70 87 . 0 # 40 6. 74 67 . 5 411# 200 14 . 31 30. 9 Fractional Components Gravel/Sand based on #4 Sand/Fines based on #200 % COBBLES = % GRAVEL = % SAND = 57 . 1 % FINES = 30 . 9 D85= 1 . 66 D60= 0.28 D50= 0. 17 NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Particle Size Distribution Report 0 r 8 8 100 90 . _ 80 70 X W 60 IC":""1".' - - z i\, z 50 W U 0t w 40 0- 30 30 - - 20 10 4110 0 500 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE- mm %COBBLES %GRAVEL %SAND %SILT %CLAY 57.1 30.9 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Soil Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Goldsmith Pond #4 88.0 #10 87.0 #40 67.5 #200 30.9 Atterberq Limits PL= LL= PI= Coefficients D85= 1.66 D60= 0.281 D50= 0.173 D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= AASHTO= Remarks (no specification provided) Sample No.: 124094 Sta. #4 Source of Sample: Date: Location: Long Island Elev./Depth: • NORMANDEAU ASSOCIATES Client: 25 Nashua Road Project: Long Island Sound Bedford, NH 03110 Project No: 17873.000 Plate AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Environmental Inventory, Town of Southold, NY Preliminary Report • - , _ _:: PHOTO 1: Mouth of Mattituck Inlet and Adjacent Coastal Beach • _ _ . A 3 s . _ _ +r 6 ilic....c"----- 61w., r ` - - ,, • PHOTO 2: West Branch of Mattituck Creek OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Environmental Inventory, Town of Southold, NY Preliminary Report 410 - _ sir — _ 3 -•*".111.1444111110Aftsiewboaast JO- PHOTO 3: Duck Pond Point Coastal Beach and Stable Bank • • +1` r � :11.i0 fit*: sat:41"v _,. _ _ : Nom, "x • • PHOTO 4: Eastern Section of Freshwater Wetland SO-26 East of Goldsmith Inlet OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Environmental Inventory, Town of Southold, NY Preliminary Report S e. k "' i F . PHOTO 5: Goldsmith Inlet and Pond and Autumn Lake (SO-29) • • • 440toro, • 191' Voir- : 1 tali! • • > ` + • • PHOTO 6: Peconic Dunes and Great Pond OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Environmental Inventory, Town of Southold, NY Preliminary Report • • . ' 3 ,,art ,r. ;` - 1 t s„ I.- leriC1011 'A .• • . ' - 74.40‘-it-d4 _ 7--r= I -;V-it tid,,, / —..4 •••/ . - ' ` ;- fir._. ti _ ftimasiessaiiimee. _ , _ PHOTO 7: Kenneys Road Beach and Maritime Grasslands • . - 3 , ,a • k y ?_ ..116y„ .4- _'. =11 41, • . . . . le PHOTO 8: Lily Pond (SO-25) and Emergent Marsh OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. BASE MAP 25 14 *- / �� \ '�:� _ ` 56 \ \ co 5. N 320000 N 320000 --,' ,*-- -- �• . •\ \� _ ��� - -- - �N — _i / . , ,<11 * ////' ifr/ ��� N / o 13 ��/ / V V \ � o / \ \\ o• • •• / , elop ;iip 50 �o 0 , , , LJJ `q 411 / 56 V -I" ,' ,' * / // / // i 1 0 \, .N\ •N a / N Qo '9 ' -j/ 1 I.Y -- /N N (6,—.) , N 0 , , ' ....7 , , _,-, • , , \� / , • ., , '''s. , , • . N . %,,,,,._, , , • , , ,-, - , ,. 44%8 21 . / \ \o. �= 4-Al \1SQ� E MEAN HIGH WATER / ' / \ /•/ \ �• W ��/ \ N. \ \ �� , 11 / .� .� �\ • • D c � �� MEAN LOW WATER ,/ /, 10 ,,,It � 57 N / \\ •,�� 24 /,, .6 / / A \/ G \ \p 0 N \ • 47 \)\ ,' ,N / / / F- b* o //� \ o,r ..- . \ \ \ • • 9 / N �o / \ 5 ,----" / s \ • --, • O slc t . \ O 24 �� / �, \ ho \\ ° ►' •• \ \ / \ \ SOP e - _ o ' 28 . /' - 0 \ ' / - ° 27 O, // �� \0 Water \. .• \ / ♦ 40 , , / /4 �`ti ' 5 '�� * / 6C �� \ ° / < • EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SHORELINE �•- / /\ ` Q o♦ F \. /� • / ♦♦ AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY G •' •tt I tU C,k 3/ �1' o • /,v9 ♦♦♦ MAPS, PUBLISHED 1956. THIS INFORMATION IS ' 17 , -t ,' / \� ♦ 'ys1 /.� (7\ ' UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE Matt' uck ,'--- - / - .,�� \ S /\� •\ SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL / lic PHOTOGRAPHY 1998. / , \\ s ' /.V., O '/ 21 ; I? \� /. \ I \ r.). kk . diPli \/ /, / h O �� .. GciN \ o \ / 11411111k • iiiiii p./ / \ \IV ikiO / 0\ / ,//f / " 44 E >� � N � '� • r East atitu • i,— o0 ' ' / /t4\04100..,a.... ----101 ,A • • •0 \ \ LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) 12 -o/ • AliZa-VtP. �Qi3y . o \ 0 \ , ,-' e N 310000 •4f O��`��I ` ..* • C5 / F 'eloop N 310000 -' I dt/ P700-o /`\ �� ' - 3 � - / ,. air / ., __ - / 63 i --- - 18--- / '1 gyp'/ �4 .a • ♦ . . i -ilw:4 • / o 30 .... 0 0 • ' o ar411414 / /,11411111 (1) LU ,,,; /ZA�� • �, © fir Q ° , , \ \ 1-,1 �. eirolf Pi , M \ Lak/ 10 4) \ - /1,.. Niitt _:._ --6 1� 30 24 j BAY _��',/,‘�� r 1V, _ . \ • 12 , ,-'/ \ o 1 rre**;14 ------, = � LEGEND \ `� i-" , \ ,. / iSt. -S 4 7.-r\ 21 ,�' ,,/j / \ ik -�.` _ \e�' ' mil ` '�� LIMIT OF STUDY AREA EXTENDS FROM APPROXIMATELY ,,-''/- / � koir �;'� , ; , 500 FT. SEAWARD OF MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) TO THE / i �13 -' '''/ �� J �— ��'' UPLAND EXTENT OF THE 100-YEAR FLOOD ZONE AS 6 / r� ��� 1N'��s• ; , tkA20 DETERMINED BY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT / f41111\4;4".„4,,,• \ �� ',� LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) AGENCY (FEMA) OR THE CREST OF THE COASTAL BANK ,, - r,,,' :` ` �`�� \. % o• �f' H I0, 1"1"1"eT / ,po — 5O TOPOGRAPHY TAKEN FROM UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL i \ /, / I y� � � BM • /, a SURVEY (USGS), SHOWN IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA 7 ,,.� / .� \ O • / \ P� 1�� _ LEVEL (MSL); SHORELINE SHOWN REPRESENTS THE ' 1�� O, cot" , \ 4 \ ♦ o / • • —ti.', APPROXIMATE LINE OF MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) AT / ,. n ��.41' P •4 �� THE TIME OF MAPPING J, c et, . � • .. ?, ,,.r ��' „, 6 DEPTH CONTOURS AND SOUNDINGS TAKEN FROM USGS, C� \ cr\ 41 0 / �' SHOWN IN FEET BELOW MEAN LOW WATER (MLW) oo \ katiuck �� ,��� \114A54r( �_ c�. \ y \ / O \ O X \ If F o h 4� ��� / BM 16 < \ o c_ \ k_'0 -'71FC� • ' 51 'Po i g.\ O Ci ' \ 9p C77 n \ / • \ C o \ , �o� \ ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO HORTON PT. \.cc \\ %es o �" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK \ •�, 0o N \ 1\ 0 ‘.111111% p � �`m \ ; 58� _ 53 �J• 0 m \ .\° 4 . °• • 57 SOUND / STUDY AREA BASE MAP • • AL GRAPHIC SCALES - 0 \o• /��/ BM o6cr) CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING 0 ` DATE: 3-19-98 REV. 1 8-19-98 SH. 1 OF 8 _, 0 BM 55 \ 0 -- 0 • 0 N 3 M �o 1 „_1 000,—O„ 1000 2000 FT. OCEAN AND COASTAL Lu �o w w oo cu �9� ge""A"\,... N 300000 � ` N 300000 N 300000 CONSULTANTS, INC. CD Z /, 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) 268 8821 cc 0 0 U Q U 30 ------------------- N 340000 N 340000 N 340000 - 25 21 ��"12 � 0 = o , o / - . , o 0O 0O // / ,' `. 0 0 o - --- / o _- �r ' w w Li• thou - =e-.4.--#. 72- ._,/.-.- - / -ice • / / ' '� ?„........ rk;;;AHill: /,' 19 , � / o 19 1 _ ooW E p 7 o _ 4 iiiiiitii* $( ./ v % \., ..._...fr____y „ ,- Allk • / • 9 <121r> /"... / , ! c?i * 0„ X•1 / , LEGEND I / Ls 24 , , tit , N . �' \/� olcl II 0,9 13 /, //`�/ °o • °© / 40 . { �/ .\ LIMIT OF STUDY AREA EXTENDS FROM APPROXIMATELY Q • 500 FT. SEAWARD OF MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) TO THE / , r , / N. AND EXTENT OF THE 100-YEAR FLOOD ZONE AS 13N 1... i ...-------)\• ',`- �' 1•14-./..,% oDETERMINED BY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT \' 14 AGENCY (FEMA) OR THE CREST OF THE COASTAL BANK ,'-', 133° � ° Nc. \\ V 50 — TOPOGRAPHY TAKEN FROM UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL O SURVEY USGS SHOWN IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA - -- '' 21 Ir. o:), ff, \ �� (USGS), ,-' g �� • LEVEL (MSL); SHORELINE SHOWN REPRESENTS THE S 27 ,,,'' / /14 ,',,/' ,,// • �� •• APPROXIMATE LINE OF MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) AT // ` o \• THE TIME OF MAPPING ,30-------- a • 9 / , / ., �. (\�` . • • • / / / • / / �/ p • 6 ------ DEPTH CONTOURS AND SOUNDINGS TAKEN FROM USGS, - "- 12 21 ' o ,I ,•di \ 1►`' • If SHOWN IN FEET BELOW MEAN LOW WATER (MLW) '' --' -- it, �. +STATION 1 14 _,12 r'6-N/ ,-\ 13 /' 10 9 •0 0 \\IP F,pPO SAMPLE LOCATION 0 24 / YI o \ .,),„. „ , / 8 /I //4` \ • ip4 •�. / 139 / / . C P ' / / / 8 �a / �' /' ,' ••/ 7 40 , 414 S I /1 1 r / / l o • / // ' / / / / �J/l �, . p • 00 \0 ''. 15 '/ / /rli- Pres Dine- iv� •� • o 19 / / / /I //' / Ys P _ o 'O • 1 . ,,3� / T 1 rn /' 24 '''/ 10 /'r '/ 21 / / 1 ,'�/ O' �\ „A A& / \ 100/10.40111 /. /' ,- 1... ,- /' 1 ' ,' ,' // -J `. � � Q 0 N 330000G //1 25/ ', ,,./.. 15 --'” 9 - 11,E /,� o /</._ :' iiir � �/ / • ' O/' -' .' ,'-‘ /' / '' r p / / / t .' 1 , I O /0 ' 1a' 9 / 10 - ; ,/ . `70 O 5 �� - --- --- - ^ y o / 7 11 - 24 ,�' 41'? X17 �,''' STATION 3 / ��� �� C),...,. fro • \ 10 STATION 2 - /� '�� /jb r \ \ Li ' 22 �. -'/ 10 11 N. /�• o i0 o , STATION 1 'Goldsmit ' • • ' 11 /' /'/ • © EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SHORELINE 30 ,/'/ ,'/',,'�/ LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) ; Inlet ; ,/'/ p �. AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY �' , ------_-__ ' , , ,'/ 0 i''` ���/ MAPS, PUBLISHED 1956. THIS INFORMATION IS 14,' 10 14 6 � O / Q, �20 \-,o UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE , , ._, / 9' ,,� ,-''/ /' /' 16 /' �'\ 0 4 SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL / PHOTOGRAPHY 1998. . , - - 15 %.,.........„/' -- ' Ili 6 •• ,,Ilk.° mi /41, lo / / / f, / - I,o/ ,-,1,5 /-- 'V -- 1 - /. ' .- a' 0 \T•:./11? ©.k• 114111( 4'OP o / • / 2 ,'/ / ''- /'/' '--' -'-r' -- '14 /'/ "' / ' O ',� • , • •/ ,'', ''.9 ' MEAN HIGH WATER ' r N.ixe •~, 8 - / 21 13.' ,_ , , O / - -6- c� _ - '/ - ' '' 10 -'' '' -'-� ''-- MEAN LOW WATERAO -- .8 .' � o ......4 O ` , 7" ' 13 -' / _12- i o ' ..Ccs , , -- , \ ....... `. '' ''- - ___ ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO NORTON PT. , „ 'I� , ,/ I 6 / CU � " TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK L / / `-- ,' /' -' /' ..0°. / ` It/ -/ 15/, / • / \ \ \ U / / Q / / .' / /' ,, \ 7 tr) �� �' ' • STUDY AREA BASE MAP AND ',''' 8 / j p \ \ 50 N 13/'/ - / WATER QUALITY/AQUATIC COMMUNITY , ,0 / , / ,' --;- Q al ' /,, ''' = - / — ' � � °•' SAMPLING LOCATIONS c:, ,/ 22 / DUCk P,• d '' — — ' /� • • dri / , / — '�% '' /'-' Olt/ 60 / cF < \ \ ° •/ REV. 1 8-19-98 SH. 2 OF 8 CU /'' /;%'/ ,''' /-'' ,'' ,' /' - \ \ _ . \ \ 'Q N o GRAPHIC SCALES DATE: 3- 19-98 ,,��' /,-' //'3 ,,�,�/ (`��� �� \ 65 `� • \ \ NFN ° ���P CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING ,- ,',' 7 ' ' , i ° • \ • 0 OCEAN AND COASTAL `` '' '' -" '' \ '' \ \ • 0 1000 2000 FT. o -� ,' 11 ,'/ ,,j / 0 N . // \ \ Ilk \° 1 1000,_0„ .17,_ .. - LIIIS ° • ..../11:"......." .1\ CO /' • ' �� '/' 8 '''� 4/1/6. V/ cateeik \ • \ Ow CONSULTANTS, INC. •c_D ,'� ,/' 14 ,�.-''� i P 56 \. \ ,oh__ 25 /AM__ __ ,/,/////� -A� ,, ___ �� ,A __ __ _a ,� N 320000 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) 268 8821 cc ,' f' -' * ,' /iAi�i /� ,���4� . `` ,��`_� \ / N O Q U Q U OVERLAY MAPS / / 14 / ) .1( 54..- ' 25 ,' , *- /..ZAT.,4frik. i.4awiL....in 56 & x (0 41k _----------,.. N. -11 N 320000 N 320000 -f----------. / x ' * / C./ IZI - •,T. i • . . - N • • 0 0 / / ,' Ni /C) N N a •-!.., i • , , x . • 7 0 0 / N • ,K. rtimit„ittk, 13 ,% /( / , , \ , 0. .0iN. to to _ - - ' ,- . ,,..----i N . _J , , , 5 / ildk N •N / x --'/- /1 / N N N. / N Ns 0• / '. • 5 6/ / N 6, 21 , , / / , , /4 /1/ / , / ° N N•N N Oo :/• • x N , 7 - I- x (Th 0 • x , 4-) ,/) -) \ i 6 '0 N , • 0 ,AP , , • , • ;- 7,./ / ), \ , , , .„. i N N . 21 / , , , / ' ; 12 " \ . 'R- „?._, • / 0() N / , / / i N a• N it I I k A% / • / / , . \ / 1).\ ; N W wit 0 ......._J.J E MEAN HIGH WATER ,' ,/ / / / . \ f ' // ' • \ 0 . (16 / • N. \ > 0 MEAN LOW WATER / , 10 ' X/ , z , . c,) '/ f N /•N •\\. 57 N \ .3. / N • \ \/ . 0 X , / /', /' / g )s• . 47 4tisaiii) .\ • o 7 \)\ , V ''' LZ • • \ e /6, o.a. ,,,, ,% N x .\ x _ _ * Al .if ° / <(/ • \ \ / ..---4•11TiV. ' /'' \ • 0 \ 1 CD / N \-\ / ,„' ,/ 15 ,/' 12 • 0 7 • ,, .. ...Air-7... .4 0 /44 (,) ./ S ,' '' / „ // ,' / 'rnii,--,,,411‘-- , 4:41 / Al 0 • 0 cLC k . . \ oo -- -- ,- ,” 4iftor, / 116-1 <0 \ • .tik / --,.. • „ 0 • •. . 0\ \\ .. ./ 4\ \ g- .• ,-'----- 28 , ,- --, SM --' .W ki4( j., \ \ Orego */ 0/ , , ,a . u vii V • 'CD * \ 11111 40 ,' , ,' / ,' (0/ \ Water, \• • / 2 - , - , / - 414 -7 /3„, \ o 0 •/ \< . , , EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SHORELINE , 1' ; 5 ,' * Als'i , 62 \l`z_ . I ,- <<\ 7 \.\(.y\ 'N/ AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY •• , (c‘ C\D G ,, , ' ,, , 17 , / ,. .itituc,k 3Aliir ,,, ,ie i z' Al... n 1!..k AL /- \. 0 • ,.• l, ("i' , -5- . \ (9 \• )C.0.. MAPS, PUBLISHED 1956. THIS INFORMATION IS UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE -t ' 4W ,!L"' CZMI*061 ' '7. A ** . / SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL Xipp, , ...:4 -- 4 4-- ei7,0,44„4! ,,,/ \\.. • 0 :, \. ______ fr \ 0 / LZ / i \• • /. 7 PA!! --- . VA:- - \ w < \ / '1 1 /1/ r ii-•----- "*.411424 or at. Wk,. / I , / /7 f h• lk LZ ' , . 1._,48i,1 •• , \ z_ ( \ v , \ \.z , , 07-4/60. I um ' cA / /f / /1 / 1L • 2 \ o\ . • 0 / 28 24 , / 4 :41 .4710051a,' Ur 1 iftk .,, 4 'AI' East aftitu . 0 , ,.. uGt.„---- 0 , 0 , r•41K-ck .,2—' -- •- ., • 4_ tw.e, ivkiiik ; ,,-v • 0\ \ \ 41 to LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) -, •/12 6\0 ri •0 .• ' " m , 100,..1 Ao 1., 1 .7 it 11, . , -prto w , , <(` . r!,,0 e:1,%-vit _IW • s7-- 2-4.v.10 ,(A, x N 310000 - , /-' 0 111W,..C.--virricsi I----1011 ---- • ---- --- .T. S M , V&A / 5. d di" r\ , ..4.41466111, 63 ` ,-•••44t V C1115.11. ..4. o co' / I Sit w_ 7 4 / , , , , ,, ,- v kow.4,..---,0.---- • ••• p. , , /'' 15 , - 11 , , , gar xo.,..V,11111- IV ,z. o , , ,j, li itili k -4 - ,,, . ., 0 „., 13 --• 12 ‘----/ -- '-/---"ft, /,/i ) 0) I. „.\ ..„0,_...5.....,,,,a_. , • \ cr a .), • • w ‘ir 1 piq _,, LZ „ 4„,---.444.14,......_ , C;),art- . F- • 1 up*" a , 0 ,, 11 I c' ;101 . '' s % awe.' 0 • \ ....t,rt ri- b• II v4 olf Pi,' ' \ , '"---, /e k\m/04 \ \ \ I 01 I r- - cii , 1 34 7'3 k \ , ‘043-c - / r4ilifk C \ LEGEND . xr 4440" // 101110\ • -, ----" .---- 30 24 , -' -‘'••• 1.-•I'l , i• i• p:"Z"-..:- - • • / • 0 \ flocic,,,;:- ,.., Lai Fw ,• , a,., X .\\. ..\ 110 Ore7:4041CA --)c zlitr-; sm _Th...... _, . _.,..... , ip .• /idd a. (1 INTERTIDAL MARSH C (NYS DEC) - IM ..... .) ,------ , N • Ai ;St• -S fil 411---N ) 21 ,' , •Iiilr-.„,-- ,:'-'240---K/ I \.... ... -\ iti.IL ma .1 1 ... I ' / ,....,. ....tb, ,, e:),;%,,';','',:',•:',4 HIGH MARSH OR SALT MEADOW (NYS DEC) - HM - - , _,---- , 13 ,' 41...__--,..z.., = COASTAL SHOALS, BARS, AND MUDLFLATS (NYS DEC) - SM , •,.. .,,.... ....-----. , .........., .„,...,... . • , idi____,) \ s. ....._ ___ fa • 7-/".'7''''''.. '-- Oira4. \\NJ --'r), 4: LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) 41 Ni ,Z;041 FW ;i:if::Kii:§:§iiiiiiii;? FORMERLY CONNECTED TIDAL WETLANDS (NYS DEC) - FC , o , • / - ,..- iv/A ,i ,.... ::-...... ..1*-- 7 , ::;,ir rive 11;:m-, tor, ,-. k‘A, 0 c LZ ) LITTORAL ZONE (NYS DEC) - LZ r \ 0 , iliA. 0./elOk : 40$1*• , -- Ay/,-- \ LZ I .- i . 0 \ dp . -''\ 1 c•;-:-:4 c . ) . .4ii;,'" FRESHWATER WETLANDS (NYS DEC) - FW 04 i --"-- \ (41 4 \\C\ 4* • lik\41 • ...-, .. I) ,,,, / - ,:...:/: ••. a..._,,., 44/A • ; A 417 I • ,,.‘) Pl>\*A I M (MT 20) FRESHWATER WETLAND IDENTIFICATION CODE (NYS DEC) °!pc) -.. \ \ , • 0 k at ' wok •A •(<4 4‘c 014j,*) \ v- - -5- < c).\ \ 0.1W _, . p \ 4° \ 0 4,0 We, X BM 16 \ c., 'C&. /' - • 51 • .... ... - ro \ IC7 ' ) • \ -570 c, ..t \ C ) \ __ 51)3 • \ 0 ....„.,,. 0 6 I 1 \ \ • ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO HORTON PT. on . 0 • __ • cc . \ 01 co \ \ • , :) 000 • ..., ---- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK • ‘• 01 \,, ‘\ (<\ 1 ) °. .>.• LLD 00 7111-11k- 1116.‘ . (3* ("Th M . Cli \ . 0 • 58,....-- --....., 53 r-, G. DESIGNATED TIDAL AND FRESHWATER WETLANDS „, ,,,, ,;, , , • 57 SOUND \-J -------- BM 46 GRAPHIC SCALES .\ ...-- o o CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING 0 0, o BM 55 % o o DATE: 3-19-98 REV. 1 8-19-98 SH. 3 OF 8 . 0 0 0 0 1, 00 1 "=1 0001-o" 0 1000 2000 FT. a) r4) OCEAN AND COASTAL c‘i co r0 0,p, ' r-- LU LU LU<-1 'V Clki/M, (4...774 I o co N 300000 N 300000 cn N 300000 CONSULTANTS, INC. CD p--, 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) 268 8821 E; cc cD , cu ..x ,_, <c , Li ---------------- N 340000 N 340000 N 340000 __ __-30 ------- -- ------ ,__ ,1 / // 25 21 1, 12 --'-- 0 0 = 0 ,' ;- 0 0 - oo 00 0 /' ,-'-----' CD d- 7 / __-' -'/ �' Hor •• ' P, '= -- —\__ _ w w w Li thous- .�- , /' ,/,'--",_.., Ith„. ...1„,\,,,.. X. • �/ �� it" W (� E `••-\t „-' ,' 1 ,, � o� •• �: f p o o LEGEND ��� ��l 22 - ; /7 /r' ' I/ ; . 110144/41111k. P MARSH NYS DEC — IM , „ / , 24 0 INTERTIDAL �� -'-' ' N ' �' . o 1't .,,, . ) , %i;�i'%i' HIGH MARSH OR SALT MEADOW (NYS DEC — HM '' '' 13 �° o/ N ci-) ,/ 30 LZ5 • / N 4.. / //;./\ — . ,/ 1 N COASTAL SHOALS, BARS, AND MUDLFLATS (NYS DEC) SM �` /� _��„(---- 0 \ o• \ ..-. / NS., ir A / 14 o �o : : :: : FORMERLY CONNECTED TIDAL WETLANDS (NYz) DEC) FC 16 qS/ • ' �2 \ WM LITTORAL ZONE (NYS DEC) — LZ O / 27 ,-'' ,';'' : :i � • ' opit. <3 „.. • -• ) Si: �� /41. • C) 50 11 „ , „, 114 , , , , / ,, % N .411110 , , FRESHWATER WETLANDS (NYS DEC) — FW ... , ,„ , , 9, , , /' y • a •o• .• \. • , , ' • ' �,` (MT 20) FRESHWATER WETLAND IDENTIFICATION CODE (NYS DEC -- �� , 14.. h ' 9 \IP \ ,,„o 14 '-_� /' 13 / ••�•��•' 0 •41k4r*,,,,,,,,,N(t90.,:, \ po 0 ,,, „.,. Allf A \--,\ „,---- ,/,' „„,,-- , , /' /, 8 , ,' 0 441 1 e - /,. ■wry. / � / 4 P '' '', 9 /' /' S IVI /'' '' its/ / W W O / , ,/ • 8 , / / `'. - 0S •”''......."• w....4.4. Ociiy '\114.• * f • / • �/' 15 �' • 5'- , //' ►res D :r- •� W �Q1© ry� • (� r�' • \ , 24 / / , / , / , / -4.„4.....4... T„,2/- 1‘ ° i "'A' N Ilitt 10 ' iw ' , // , !mo '4*.)\114111 '' fill) / N 330000 25 --- 9 '_,-' ; /' // ,, ' / 0 / 15 , 11 ,,/ • o •• i • . r c, l 10 LZ , ifii kil */ I / 41'1`111'....*:-.115' ",` .‘ 0 .„. . 5) (1/ 11 ,' I, • "�� �� 1• ç1 / \ , 24 S M A” • • .../ ,/ , , , is '� /17 /• Na i . /,' /,' "/' 10 11 Goldsmit '.t .• jo �- 0• ' 30 '' ' 44 ' /'/ 11 ' Inlet ,:' H \.r • © ` \ o EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SHORELINE , LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) --, ,` /�.� /���_u,�' 0 \ + AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ,' 1 / •� -� o i! i;'( Q��/ MAPS, PUBLISHED 1956. THIS INFORMATION IS ,-/ 14, 10 14 ,--' 6 ;lis o J/� �;; h o (I) �20 N �� UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE 9 ' ,�.0 e '' ,/ 16 '-- -- .,__.,.z,„ :y �\� SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL 22 '' 11 11 1 •. . ~,)00n ; PHOTOGRAPHY 1998. firq • / .... e I ''' 15 . 2 W)% —,...„,,e4 liefiN*444Prof 4 4 ' '-'441014t010‘,...,,,_„. „. 'Y • " 8 / - v F W 30 • 0 ' / '' ,/'' -'' '' ''1 -- --- -- - LZ ,,/ ' '- / ' ��� / ,``�•��`A • / , / 28 , 14 i //�¢� FWI I •■••• 4 0 6) 21 /'"/-''-9 ,-'13 - MEAN HIGH WATER 2/ / / -rt� �' 0 0 4 •R 0. , - - , - s 4 0 33) 4 ' glir 10 ,-'' MEAN LOW WATER '8 ' , ` • Or / ., / ...... 1)114 7" - - - \ • CD 414k4Ip ' (:::::) 411hp " / ) \ ,, /- ,�,/ „// „/z /, 6 /// ,, /,/ / / C/ \ • ,' ,' I' -/ -' --' /' /' ,/' / / — \ . • co / , ” - / s. \ LZ / /f �' p• ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO NORTON PT. 8 o so TOWN OF SOU TH OLDCT1 / .../ / ,' / -- /. • V , NEW YORK C:1) r7 , • DESIGNATED TIDAL AND FRESHWATER WETLANDS Cri , 22 / , / Duck P,• d ' - - - � -' \ • • • / 61::/ ....... � \ �� \ o• 6'.- o • .7 \ an ,/' ,\.l'' ,%/// .,', ..� \ � . 65 � . \ �qNF \ \ ��PO GRAPHIC SCALES DATE: 3-19-98 REV. 1 8-19-98 SH. 4 OF 8 ,/ , 7 3 / / �, Oo \ ` oo CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING O _ ,/ ,' /' / - ,�./ rili \ \ • \ • • 0 OCEAN AND COASTAL r, /',/' ,// /', / \ \ \ . \ 414 • o • ,� �, 0 1000 2000 FT. o AILIP,,,,, .......„ of \ \ 1 =1000 —0 : > CO ........ z //'/ /// 14 /' ,k �,'/ \ \ h • CONSULTANTS, INC. C‘.1 / / I , / : /• 56 co -i 25 ,�—cc ,- -- // %�/�/ �, �;���k �"� _` — ,/�� — — ...... -- IIIIIIIi)°11 �� N 320000 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) 268 8821 N Q l� Q U IIPP :•••''.. ;• •••Cr''-'00.W.47‘, N •OMILI. . _ .-.. \ 111211S:111-P N 320000 -- -- -- - N 320000 * I,;.:.:'• ; ` Vii!. V N \ N �`0 0 • • • .,:',..:::.:•;z*4‘,: ',7"<bes' dr Ni /t) •N N a 1010A / • / N ,, l / O / . ,. 7 , CB rvii 0 0 ,, „ „ i/A: 4 • �` \\ / / \ \ ° �� \ \ q 56 / /• / ,' .'' / ,�\ti'. \0�'.j \ /N °� \ \ \ ‘.... .. 0 -\) , / , J6 \ , :?1::.: : / • N 12ce,•\' �' \ x 4Irk:: IX / i •N . \ . 4**4,1**:. ` �1:::: r S /1 (4 % � MEAN HIGH WATER :;� `/ �;' , :` \ \ N •� • e% / N ��7 0 MEAN LOW WATER ,' 10 ~.�_;y •::%/ " y�►� ) �� \. / \ \ 57 N 4111.1" ° *47:=06.00. , , :-'.::':,..".,;(:'04/ `. IlA, J / \ li. / \ , , , , ....!..,,t.•.--•'0,4•V ip, 0 \ \ 2‘• • c. -'9 ( / , * :'''''''''7.-ie.. .'00.4\ ,/,`" \ \•\ \ ,,./;:. / 5 ----'-- // „'"S B „, • ••:.,...t.„---, 0,,%*-.. i • PP/03F '; :�:.,%. .�, \. / \ \ •7 W ...._-V .:,' x/4,0, \ ° \ _...) 40 27 /�'%s*;' �� \0 Water \. .• / ' \ • ��,-,1'5 /'� 5,' ,�'.-:;. %�/'`�•�`���� R �2 �F�L \ • et, \ / \ / •• EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SHORELINE / j / r o F •\ AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY G - :.:.f:•-,::OA-71w_ oVv9 • ••• MAPS, PUBLISHED 1956. THIS INFORMATION IS t '' : /%444"'"01' c ,4 �" 17 �* ,.:: �� -i 11. \ 'S►' UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE ' "'`' ::. ,:` :.:./. •• //� ee I.1 �'� .,./4' ' 4 SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL M'att�,. :# . :;. 5. .:, . //_ m j.j.11.j.1. ��1�` 68 •• s / l 28 \� v ? ,0/- 11 11111IIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIII11111• ; / • ° \\ S • 2 , , PHOTOGRAPHY 1998. -:'t x. �; : ;° �� _I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t • M S �• ' 1' .., :'I'1 - I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 ► � o /' I • \ ► �- 0111011, 11i.I. 0 ,' 21 �� %/��' ��.�,. H. �•V1 \ / '/ .. 1 1 I • 11 I'I i• / , , ,.; , ,.f +'►__-_,�•t►. I I I I , I .,, ,����- I HI ,, ,. - t i i ‘& COVER TYPE MAPPING FROM NYS DEC TIDAL WETLAND ,' /' ' /_ = = .��I�:�•a.:e•�i j dk I•IIiii �il�iiii l \ • \` ). •z ` .� MAPS 702-540, 704-540, 704-542, 706-540, /' • ' 2 8 2 4 CB / /' .,�': / I •. y ,!.'./�.. Alb\ 1.1.1 I 1.1 i 1 i 1��'i S \ °:;•.;•. . . .- __ \.,o_ �.. ;C� • II ....".•,,I . J/ •� \ �� • 706-542, 706-544, 708-544, 708-546, 710-546, 00 - /:' / 4— =��_ ;,��`���" 0I 1' _;��� East a1tItU 712-546, 712-548, 714-550 BY OCEAN AND 1 I•I o ,�.' r `�` � ^;;_'°-=�, �.�,�► ' •.d qiiil.kit 1�1�1�11��N'% " �OF "� \ \ ► COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. (1998) Po LIMIT OF STU \ @ DY AREA TYP. C\ \ / 1 °off': I� �31, `k" G { i.1Ili• , 5, `� �'' ( ) 2 :' . .; �I`,,�:''c,`i 74 rw �' �' )141,4•::-FIIIIIII� �. \. ,. ,. • 4 , 0 \ \ .,..., ••k 11114.:.:::4"/ ilhhileklik I • 04. 1t. / '.i:¢t_ : ...>:;•.elide: ::A _/�,, I 1.11 X AF �� N 310000 - °. r/' • c _ 37 , -I•. . ,,,• N 310000 _ /> / /' `16s k .....� 4. 1111111.1 / • 7 5* ' :.,:,.. ( 1 1'1'1'1'1 7 ;y�. ,"-IIX041'-" ��C /� 63 E/SM �, Fill) o 8 1 111111111 ''1 -___': ,' 'k, .,../ '' l.�� ‘ �_� • •.• 111111 1 O ///' 30 15 , •�• /� ',*,:14IN .� iljllill,111‘ vv 1116 w= li ' ' o 28 / 11 ,' • /1/'��'40; ` n �� o .I.ij1 j1 �\� • o / / 10\\�� 1 s4 / 13 • :,:1 . .,.:r:' ,/�;AV*''!' 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I 11111 �, d °j►, I I III . 1 1 1 1 1 . , • ►y ,;� ✓ 1111111 1111111. III1I11jI1. h�� •,,,•:•:•::::,.-.-.,..- CPP CPP COASTAL PLAIN POND -_ .......;30.144.4e' 4 -� ,•Pal .- �,� 11 I 11 . I I I I I \ I M G ; :::•.'..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' ...`... ''':« .�4b ��� hypo •, �,�i ' /1111100014i- I I I I I I I�� ':'::::':'::::0.:::::':'::...::::::::::::':':.:.:'::::'.......: 00 . 1111111,:. I : :: :::: , ' ��., ., l i1 1 I I I I I I I l ill 1 1 1 1 1 I ,.....,,..y ' 1, •) e�1� �' / / bei �� " I I i, 1 I I I j i 11 1 1 I - A- :......... SS - SHRUB SWAMP , �;, �.� � �°�;..._.� ` .�-�`�� ♦ 01.1,11 I I ,a,n�Nq�y Ii11Il11Ii1 • ., '� -✓O .::::A..::.::::::::::::-..•....::::::: •.❖:❖::o.❖:• 13 ;6. 4, ''+ `�i • E • \•"•i,.;.`. — +� . T.���' III �Ip'�- - �n�, 11111LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) - .'i•• .�� ` O � ��,;�HN ��' _ ..a �.. �j�i.l.i.j. e� i�l l I �" °�. - EMERGENT MARSH .: .:`�..��;• . ., .,• / �;► // � � � � - ...� 1 . . •• j 1 �q I. . .1 ,� • . ., ,� EM EME GE �o I I•1.. 1. .I I I I I I 1 III 11 1• I ..� :::: ,:.. . . S S :....‘,.-,•:.,..,,• ••. : f! / 51. \- _ O �,`�`�` �. I I I I I I I i I. . .":.....:,;.a"' ) I I I I I I I + I .,f,.:.%�N, "'�`� r �� \ ° O �� ��' A "�' VIII IAI,�,'''+ IIIIIII11III111 1'1 I'I 11. , 111 .►r,V ':y% ���,:•'�:\ \ �� ►E �� I ! 111 ► ► 11 1 1 I 1 ► 1 1 . 1 1 ��; �o %��� CB — COASTAL BEACH • .-� .�/�,ll ll►jl11 llli!IlI1I!I!I!IIjI11111►1111111 . I -9 '':` JE -� of �� ✓� I,..••...:.. \tll l 11111111111111111.l. I I O /� '` �� _'` 1 / P / 1• / 1.j.j.j I j.j.I.1. .j. I i l l l l l 7 ,-'i '' . ' • , * p;0/11••,1* woN. •111111111•1111111111\,, i iII•I 111.1 ' E/SM - ESTUARY/SALT MARSH Ilr \ O I \ 0 ` O� 1 • -�, ,,�, „ 111i111 ,\ • „%� • �' �• %tis” j1 1 i 1 j p ° �� , .1.1.1. 1��.� � '.° 40,0 �� ��II �:� •,;.;:;,, j q;.. ..,.4- ..,,\:,14.11/14.1„. 1II11. ':; ii;liliii;; co - STABLE BANK idallt 0 ,r, '7 • c--) •• .\\v,„\- . • • /��� 1 `y► MD MD - MARINE DEEPWATER (NEARSHORE) \.CA14 \fit)14 \\iN • 1110 0 01/.,i. ••• ,...„ / o\oic,_ •c, o O PP/OF x \ 4- -5' \ \. 40 '���� / BM 16 \ 0 6p `� • ' 51 6 "Po i ' ..------- - ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO HORTON PT. \� Ac __D� o \ ::7 • �� \ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK co \ \°11.1‘..• ° . !�' COVER TYPES AND ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES Q \ \.\° ) o• • : 58�� - 50�,.,� 53 a o. /' ( Reschke 1990) 0• 57 SOUND /' o \O / BM 46 GRAPHIC SCALES R, o �� oo CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING o DATE: 3-19-98 REV. 1 8-19-98 S H. 5 OF 8 o BM 55 O o Q oo 0 0 1000 2000 FT. o) N \ + ++ ro OCEAN AND COASTAL to o 1 "=1 0010 -0 _ _ LU w _ 01 N 300000 ���` N 300000 :(Cr.7'k."\4:cao N 300000 CONSULTANTS, INC. cD i\ 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) 268 8821 cc 0 N .. U Q U -30 N 340000 N 340000 N 340000 --- 25 21 '� 12 : - 0 0 0 - o 0 - 'o , 0 0 0 - 19 1.:-.',:/-..i,",;:? _ X. --)(3 �/' MID\ 19 //',.,/ . ii alb �� ♦ I ,:.,...f:iiv. .//,.,."..., ittrk k -.0 PA w .,.......tit re....„....... E ,- '....,:i.•:is.• / , /. .p r • hi � ;/: _,�� I. moo , ''''.%\>,/d � LEGEND i S • GI 6Nn..." I' - ' N PP OF - PITCH PINE OAK FOREST I� ',/' ,/ 13 24 • /l _ , \ ••o�p \ �� / y '0 • / • MS - MARITIME SHRUBLAND , N46.. .,_ 4;4 CD MG - MARITIME GRASSLAND ' 13 _ 1 0' "111IL ''`�� � ° N •\ • • 14 .. ; F:.. ,/.. of • • • (CPP) CPP — COASTAL PLAIN POND _ 13 - i••• .::;r 3o N \ \ • -� \ 16 ;. .�12 ` ;.,::.,..-. ./ •., ,, \ ..x.:•:• :•:• . 0 /1 , ❖.❖.❖ SS SHRUB SWAMP '•, •f Nj a •� ) y 0 50--� EM EMERGENT MARSH - " ' 111111°N /ft C\ eM021 / y CB - COASTAL BEACHS 14 .; :;;;;::: ���:�� - - ! Y110 1 E/SM - ESTUARY/SALT MARSH -' z:::.:.".•,:.:.:.:-..n..:.:.:,' \ • • �;;' ; SB - STABLE BANK . 2 / 2 . :.,.,': 411110 MD - MARINE DEEPWATER NEARSHORE0 - - ,../.... /Grt : .. :::::: ::: : ir \1 o „..''. Illik \ • . , i 9 , , . •, •, : 4 A „::::::::::::,::::::::,elb••,/WI: .. .'440,‘, / / .-- ?. -• • ::;4:::::'. r - - rtti‘ i / 4 \ 25 // �`� � / ,01.•.0.:.- • 4 0� �Oqp S - , ,/ , , 11 / / , , }:71..1: �•• _ ...•..:.;_- t�:,, CPP , 24 Uk •401" • „___ o /- ' 15 / //' ,/ /' ,/ nfin '/ ,•f. :.• .:r=7"''',....""V:4 = %i � - v,„`:• •v ° 0 CY � �IJ� • 19 . r7 2421 //?. .11:: ��ILL: :..it-- .;14:::*,y,,, �� w , .' ,,,, / ,' ,1 / / . e,,%. jilOV V ..,/.:::...: ..,',1;c ...7..., N 330000 / 25 g `_- ,'11 ,/,/ It!' ; '� ': ;• . . 1 .. 41 / , .- / . / / :7::::::::/.4. ..! ..F2'::"1-: / / iceGA, !o / ,, -, _ / �, :.;`' :::•/.. �� /rte- -,N O 0 //i /' ''e ''' / '...--.':,0'.44Paaaams--- _i 0,9 ° 0 7 • / 24 " 17 E/$� yr•/��— `�=�� ``� •\ 10 ♦ a�E N •/ • a .1 N /' ,'- -' ,,' ,', GC111.751 I Ilt •.`•,:••.'�v 11,-- ". �y� �♦1 / • / 11 / „i `__ ` • © \ EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SHORELINE 30 • / Inlet ::,::::,:: . / �-;►• /. P P \ ° LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) ,.�:.�. . /�' ��,+;. ',.�°' �- O \ �• AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY — � .p�p ��t MAPS, PUBLISHED 1956. THIS INFORMATION IS ,-' ,/ ,' 10 14 ` 6 ' MG / -- °,', :'// :,-y IA400" ` \ UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE i • �' --n- �' I I I.'. I SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL , ' ` 16 ,•-,, ::... ' • « Ij�' SS O PHOTOGRAPHY 1998. ii / ,/ 0 • I -. 1160'' .' $B , .*• ,:, /�° III♦ '�� 15 _ - .:. ,,;,,..: ;•;' ,ik # l may. ��; o r • / �'' i5 - ,- - __ / .... ;':r-. // ,c`i, `i �o o TYPE MAPPING CB ' 'v' :•:, .. :, a-s �� I. COVER Y. PPI. FROM NYS DEC TIDAL WETLAND -' - ,1`L .. ... . .. .. . . .�Q�/ ��� . �: 1111.1 ,� MAPS 702-540, 704-540, 704-542, 706-540, , ' _ *"' ;o; : ',"iii, f` I•I'I N•'` E 706-542, 706-544, 708-544, 708-546, 710-546, �� ��� 4� F 712-546 712-548 714-550 BY OCEAN AND 21 ,' 13--' MEAN HIGH WATER ,- :� -,,--.0. .r.•••• .: •':...-.'� •:',•:••• . .- If r 16' ♦R COASTAL CONSULTANTS INC. (1998) ,.„ 00 eli ...„ 0 , M G Jo' MS 1 i e•. , ._ , ' MEAN LOW WATER 8 j'''' • •• / / , , ,- .- , .- ..'...:.:.::,-„,?t,..:,,;/„/ -----40 "--- 4 P - / 1 e , , , „ „. , , ___ ...k.. , , . , 0, , __- , , , , „ , , , „ „ , , ,(2,- . 1% 0 cip_ZscI n ic ./ye • ' ,,' �' ,' // /, ,/- IINIPe, C2) ,-' ,. - :::• +jam: /� \ • O , • / , ,\C ,/ • ,/ , 6 ,/ ,' /, ----- : •"': I. :,,_': � � \ \ • , / , , , ._-- , , ,- .:.....- ••:?..::. •.••.: ...:.-.0.-0e,-;ifor • 4. 15-/-'' ,, ' ::..' ....„.: .• ,:.,...•.,:•.••,,,,_,_, \ \ itil ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO HORTON PT. ' MD - - % �' '"' \ \ \ �,to • p TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK �, .: • /� tri • \ 8 :.:. �mss% \ 5 \ / 13 :.... _ •Ori4:-` 10 0 \ •CB `��' -� / COVER TYPES AND ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES / / / :. %,•a: /- `fit O \ \ • • ,, _ �:A;: .- �'' • \ (Reschke 1990) 22 , , • Duck P/•• d` •. -- •.••- : \ •\ \ • • / /.,,/ / / '. t./..y.iiti::;e'.'• o'-jig-Aiii• • .' " ' •••10'1 ',.•;$$PL2 60 / • 0. 0 .7 ,'/ ,/,/ f1' -'' ,- ::• '.��!'.:F .,,,,'p- „.�a�Nki ~� ` \ 65 `� �'l/1/� • \ \ OPo' GRAPHIC SCALES DATE: 3-19-98 REV. 1 8-19-98 SH. 6 OF 8 -, 3; '. //��� � PP/OF oo \ ° � CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING ,/' ,' -/ •„ '' 7 •:,. ;: r'/%, �\%ro \ •\ ' \ . N • oo OCEAN AND COASTAL ,';'/ PP/OF ::',tet ,/�� ��'+ •_ \ \ •, • • 0 •:• / + ' \ ♦ , „ 0 1000 2000 FT. o /' /' 11 ,' �•��\ '\ 4 \ • � ' \ \° 1 =1000 -0 (C)1"Th("7” . / • g ,� NS / \ • CONSULTANTS, INC. / 25 IMI 4M " �� —� - '� • N 320000 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) __ _ -� -- _a 268 8821 N 320000 N 320000 --,'' �- -- '�/ _� �� ��► \ _ -\,________ -N, . i�:`\ - -- \ -a 5� /d' , "VI N N/. . / , /// tk - •l' N t \'-,,,N,,,,,,Z • • ,, ,, 13 „'%/2-/V / \it q ,-----% Air 0 N .0 il. w ,/ , , ,( N, N N o• • 0 / ° -..s. 16,...,141 56/ If \.) , ///' , I L)N, 0 /AP / / X • ilikk. . S // / / 12 .....,.,,,,> / /' \ \.\ N io•CLY%• ;1N ,,,,,...4.÷%,......, es., , , 21 ,- ' W to rn 0 _ „ r%, kr,........_0,---fi E MEAN HIGH WATER ` x \ 0 �; � MEAN LOW WATER 1° ,,/ ��� % \ �.\ x / 57 �i \ \� 024 , , -6'-; > // �� i , \ • \ • / / / / iv V . Av • • ° • 0 v`i IP . . 47 * 4e 0 ,,,..!c . \. / \ 5 °•/o. •\ .-1.,,,..ED / N N / 7 4/ill / . - ‹,Dt �J�,, 15 12 ��� O��Go j•/1 . 7 24 , / •• �p •\ • \ \ OQO ' 28 ..(1) • \ \ \ \ .e , / \ Orego \° °\ s0 .� e 0 27 , , 6 ,' ./ �, \� .\� Water, \. • \ / \ 40 �,��L, �`5 ,,'� ��' * �� 6���c�L \ O• o o \ / / `� / •• EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SHORELINE \ \ o • �• <\ \ •�' AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY G ettltUC,�Cill\ -' , •. MAPS, PUBLISHED 1956. THIS INFORMATION IS , 17 , -t�,' a ��` ��� • y�� /•� \ • ' UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE 28 Matt uck ,�. :.': 1 68 \ • \ SS .� 9.y \ SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL ,' , , ., 1 •ht /A �° ,� • \ o /• 1 PHOTOGRAPHY 1998. • eoegf 0 /1 .,.zi:::: :::: ‹Lailir \ w . .\.-"- /' \ • ‘& . . • , ,' ,' O z:::::::::::::: :::.:.••: 6 • G \ o ` , \ \ / `-"• o �' 28 24 .' '� , �• ':``` Lam- dijelli:.::::.:.-.••••.:::::.,....::::::.. �•�� ?<�'�.. .� \ \ ° Ne - k.:*. '........ 00 ,,' -----' ,' • ri t •, UGLE ,��Odir ,a5 . ' East a titu • llor. i...---/- 14 �? LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) 12 °• �� (IL �Lu , • ''' --TA-•• / 4.1#1 vt, i.; :"...":. \:.:.. 1 \ \ 0 �'' vetiv", • A 14 N 310000 •���"Ivy / �I • 37 C�• N 310000 , Idt/ ,ho a 0 ,�� � i �9 �------�j _ / 5• , 1111M11 63 ./ O 0 / ," 1 1 / / MI \ '''AS i ' "\N; \ , ( o i•Afts. .:::i: :.: IIL • • .' 1 13 22 `, / /-� •� \ ce• Q r � w ,, / „ Z7t=r . t-- P 4/1____44) .: :•:..k;(,, , . ' ` .\\ \ '''''c� .:,::%:•:.:.:.::.::..11..!....1.::..,. oI f P i , / La k 30 24 / • ,Z0:01 \ . \ BAY _� ;,�� ::: ::::.. 0 LEGEND N.i, ..:ti::lc): :::.. , V- 40” / "" 6'' ,-'"/ :st• -s \ '� e Q_� ��\��� DOCUMENTED PIPING PLOVER NESTING SITE / ., `c4k v.„0 �� NEW YORK STATE — DECEMBER 1996 21 ,' , --/ __ / �, ��` , \' ki CONDITIONAL SHELLFISHING PROGRAM (VARY ANNUALLY) ,,- / dll \ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 13 - ` '\ / \ \ A__N , ' i �_'�' ��0 ° LIMIT OF STUDY AREA TYP.) ► ,p� ( \ SHELLFISHING AREAS CLOSED YEAR ROUND ,,/ r. - , ir 4 \„\ \_ 4\- ° D ��� "'� ���\� , 04 \ \ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH \ °• BM .� �Ni. ...--- 1, \ , 40 ` \ \ 90 •......❖:::::s:.: SEASONAL SHELLFISHING — CLOSED APRIL 1 TO DECEMBER 14 7 � , / �fi � O , \ / \ PJ . � .,__ `� � 1*\V10):\�i e, ' • ��) '\��` � :::::;:;:;::$. : ::::: SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH z\ Ae • °-_____----=-7-------Y-----___—-_—/0" \ o o •• \P • q \ CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA •' 4.r.ca. 0 P) //'" ...../ ••• ) , CEA 'I'I SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH \C) \ . Igh c \ ..zre • 1411 1 •/ •� � '....‘411114:11111;Alli% \•57 \ IL d • \ ,, , .,1 ,dok • \ / o � o � O X 0.114) D 40 �- / BM 16 \• 6° � C7N • 51 �° ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO HORTON O P T. \ i ' \ 90 \, , . \ o \ •• • ( 5o� •\ �� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 00 \ \ •cc \ \ Noill\L �� _ MAPPED HABITAT AND \ \.\o •o• • ; 58�� �� 53 �. . 0 57 SOUND a % CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS CT) \p ���� BM 46 GRAPHIC SCALES o 0 - CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING o DATE: 3-19-98 REV. 1 8-19-98 SH. 7 OF 8 _, 0 BM 55 ♦ 0 0 a o 0 0 3 � 0 1000 2000 FT. a)0 1 "=1 000 —0 -- OCEAN AND COASTAL ,, w p w w COC.(414::°"0. N 300000 ♦ N 300000 N 300000 ��♦ CONSULTANTS, INC. z 2..\ 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) 268 8821 cc0 0 U Q U _--__ 30 N 340000 N 340000 N 340000 ,- , 41 , o -- 0 o 0 0 _- co o Hor P; % ���_ _ w w `'' Li! thous- -- ' ' _ , /1 ,',',-, \=..---„ -N,„ ›...... -Ii/ liA7; \ X , ,/,/, 0 BOJ( -/ ' ' . 7 . W �� E ,-'' '' ; .,/ 0-04--- ' D \,- • p o « 11 q# 4111* LEGEND /' l /'24f/ /24,° \<:Irai>1 ,'", 22 ��Ili �� •° -11-\ 0 DOCUMENTED PIPING PLOVER NESTING SITE ,-'', 13 /' ; °� °©� 4 • 0 ,j. �/ \ 4� NEW YORK STATE — DECEMBER 1996 0 ,,'' 30 f/IS¢/ �� \ •CD \ / /— '. CONDITIONAL SHELLFISHING PROGRAM (VARY ANNUALLY ,' �/ • -�� \ 14 o ` \ • o SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH //' 13 ,/ 3p�` o \ Q./ \,..) q • \\\\\ SUFFOLSHELLFISHING K COUNTYAS DEPARTMEDNT OF R HEALH0 --ROUNDI --' ' M " c50 \ . �_ ,/ 27 ,7 • \ ' ' 14 / / .„„„„„„,„, SEASONAL SHELLFISHING — CLOSED APRIL 1 TO DECEMBER 14S ' ' / '°''+:444:4°'' SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH /( X30-' - 9 ,/ n • CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA • o CEA 11 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH --" .''' 12 21 .4k 0..• ,'' 09 •� '', ./ / // • • st.) h \ �► ' 0 ,"'e' 24 /16 /� \ q- 13 9 �. *,...04, : I �1 OP \�v\' '' '' ''' `-, ' / ' , '' / /, / . o \\ o 4414 4444 4 4 „,_--- .......,- ,..., / , ,iiit<- 1 40 / / ,- i 41,- • ii 4 ,q,vr‘C\b I )4106% -.1,0 S - - f • 0 o \ ,/'' ,'I 15 / „ ''.- ; // ,�jAS- Pres D ne-� • �O •�ti C/ r • \ ' In 24 ,'' '' 21 ,'� To._ '�� , w 10 ,/ /' ,� - 'ham �. -T.� ► / 111 N 330000 G 25 1- -, / ' / / ° 15 ' • ,.....) cA/„... 1 •/ •/1 or 0 --// ---*” t_,- - cZ::9›. / 7 .._,..) 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THIS INFORMATION IS , g , , - _ �. ,..,.,.,.;.,.,.,., /�� N UNCHECKED, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL REVISION OF THE / ,,,,,•,,,,, SOUNDVIEW AVENUE AREA BASED UPON AERIAL ` """' :iiiiii i' • PHOTOGRAPHY 1998. / . .. . / .... e *10,.......t.'4:•:!:::::::::::::::::::V i ‘ ,, , , , ,-- /2 7 0 ,' ,' -' • '' -'' A 1, ,�'� - -- /' �' - / �```�I \ • \ -50 ° / ,e, „._, • . \ diiiit / '', ''�'9 ''13 _ -MEAN HIGH WATER 2, O '! •••• �' i<� . ,,, ie , , , -- _6' - / s �_� '11CEA 11 / o „ ...- ,-, „ 10 -'' ,- ,-'' MEAN LOW WATER 8 .-- , , , 5 .... -- 4 / 40 4 X7 • N._ CD , , „ .... ...... , , ,. , / - \ INF” * IC:i) .. 4. ... .... .. , n. , .. _____ .. ..... , , .v , „ .... ,.. .. .. , 7 ... / - • 6 1� ro u / / ,-'' ”-l,'''� /" 15 - / ' Oma' ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY — RIVERHEAD TOWN LINE TO NORTON PT. I ...., ',..... O It TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK - MAPP- ' I. \ \ ED HABITAT AND O 0 22 �,�;:'' /,/'' Duck P,•. ,d; , — _ — ' _ J�'� \ \ e • \ \ • \ \ . .• . CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS ,Nfl' ,,','/ �eL r \ \• . 65 Gam .,0/6 ' . c/• 04- o .7 gtiF \ \ Po' GRAPHIC SCALES DATE: 3-19-98 REV. 1 8-19-98 SH. 8 OF 8 •� ,';'' ,'' 7 3';'// �' \ °o \ \ . ` ° ��O CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING r l�C o �' ,' /' ,' '' `','' •/ \� •\ \ • \ \ • • o OCEAN AND COASTAL /' 11 ,'/ /'' / \ • ' \ 411111110111"4111160H '' 0 1000 2000 FT. oR, - j / 1 Oi� qN \ \ �� \ ° 1 =1000 —0 _ co 1 8 . / 5i� S/� \ w c� / / 14 CONSULTANTS, INC. i-iZ 25 __ / (ijar ��� \ 56 ` \ row cc — ,, -- * /,' i / [��i��� •\ \� �\ /_� -- --- -s N 320000 35 CORPORATE DRIVE, TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 268 5007 FAX (203) 268 8821 0 U Q U