HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-48.-2-44.2 ®®, \A®1 US AREA MAP EA.REMENrEDARENETGUARAN CERTIFIED T0:ADF VENTURES,LLC STRUCNFFF RESCRDFE OR UNRECOFYSICAL NETGUARANTEEDTHE UNi TIMESSPHYSK'ALLY EVIDENTAT THE TIME OF SURVEY FOR THE OFlSFr(OR pMENSIDNSJ SHOhM ADF VENTURES LLC -- r ,... __ _ HEREONFROM USEAND ND THEREF EINE PROPERTYUNES ARE FORA SPECIFIC ��^' j���y��" ^i,� i PURPOSE AND USE AN07HEREFORE �; �,"��`{ ARE NOTINTENDED TO GUIDE THE ERECPROPS T 1 TUA A TIp AIDA NOF FEN E6 RETAINING f, WALLS POOLS PATIO PLANnNO --.I, I € AREas'ADan6Ns ro AUILDINGS RR yy SS '1 AND ANYO HER CONSiRUCnON GREENPOR UNAUTHORIZED ALTFP4nON OR ADaTIGN APR 1 1 2 010 i S n�N;2E0FTHFNEWYDR°STATE JOB NO.:2014-214 f0'JCA;I�,NLA W TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CDP IESOFMIS SURVEY MAP NGTBEARING MAP NO.: 548 THE SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK v..--- „" 1 roBEALANDSURVE TITLE INKED SEAL OR FILED:DECEMBER 23, 1930 EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED S.C.T.M. DIST.: 1000 SEC.:48 BLK. 02 LOT 44.2 OER FCADONS,NaC^TEDHERONSHALLRUN REVISIONS: ONLY m THE PERSON(S)WRWHOMTHE SURVEY ISPREPAREDANDONHIS BEHALF TOTHE C REV.500'RADIUS MAP PRE WMPANY GOVERNMENTAL AGEIrOY ANO ADD ZONING LENDING INSn1lJTION LISTED HER AND , TO THE ASEIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSn. 50 25 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 TunGNGTOADDITIONAL)AnGNSARENOTTRANSFERT DISTRICTS 3/29/16 1UTIONCER)INSTIMAK5 NQTTRANSTOPSUBSEWEA '� �) id' SCALE: 1"= 100' DATE:DECEMBER 23, 2015 °^°RS REV. PER TOWN COMMENTS 4/6/16 @ ` w ,Af. 4Gp' SEE SEPERATE TABLE FOR PROPERTY OWNERS OF PARCELS A WITHIN 500'OF SUBJECT SITE, A � � / CURRENT OWNER OF RECORD: ADF VENTURES,LLC 7 `� FREDERICK FRAGOLA ,{^ 138 OREGON AVE, MEDFORD N.Y. 11763 LICENSE NO.:050363 HANDS ON SURVEYING 26 SILVER BROOK DRIVE X FLANDERS, NEW YORK w SUBJECT PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) 11901 WITH THE SURROUNDING AREA ZONED R-40 I MARTIN D.TEL: (631)-369-8312-HAN(631)-369-8313 COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP,EITHER PAPER OR ELECTRONIC,NOT BEARING SUBJECT PARCEL REQUESTED TO BE REZONED AS R-40 THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID COPY AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE. E� S� RE F R0 ROTE 25 STATE IN p 0 D w ao --► .500�IQQ J r� cb O / 48-1.1690 0 3: \\ O m 0 48.1.17 6-3-12 6-3-11 A, O G) \ co 481EET �0 m S 0 6-3-1 6-3-10 6-3-14S -36 VVIGGIN 48 cn N 6-3-9 -t.. co c/) \ 6-3-15 _ o E] G, "'.{ / oo 48-1 37 0 �? 6-3-8 6-3-16 rn W w W o m rn 4-1. O a �. o 90 6-3-3 rn 6-3-7 6-3-18 / N "' rn 48-1-38 ,,,.., 6-3-17 rn 6-3-4 6-3-6 ` 48.1.41 --1� oQQ' 48-1-40 48 rn [I- 1 rn w -1- 6-3-cp5 N 6.5-21 i 48-1,47-1 I � �ITE 6-5-9 i i $ 48-2.44.2 0 CA7- 6-5-8 / 6-5-10 6-5-20 MT ❑` 6-5-19 ` 48-2-44,3 6-5-11 48-2-15.8 6-5-18 15.7 6-5-12 L 48-2-12.1 � 48-2- .� 48-2.11 / � 6-5-6 6-5-13 � - 2 O 6-5 17 48-2.9.1 8-2.1 48-2-7 6-5-15 48-2-6 6-5-14 STREET6-5-5 FLINTFLINT STREET 41. 48-2-18 0 0 6-5-4 d0. co N N \ -a .a .p. N iv iv 6-7-2/rn 6-7-2// rn 93 N N N O 2-19 v N N w y 48- 6-5-3 N 48-2-40 6-5-2 / cc co rn \\ , 9rn 6-5-1 / iv 90 /rev N / z LINNET S Q BROWN STREI /1 MAP CERTIFIED TO:ADF VENTURES,LLC 500 R D■ US AREA EASEMENTANrA YEWDEFACE SrRUCiURES RECORDED OR LIN DED ARE NOT GUARANTEED FOR VNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT AT THE nTnEGFsuRvev ADF VENTURES LLC AR NOSE DIMENSIONS)SHONM HEREON F M THE E r LURES TO THE PROFEPIY LINES ARE FOP A SPECIFIC PUPFlJSEA:::USEAND THEaEFOPE PRaPERTY I TUATE AT AREN TIN rF NFlTDR GUIDr THF ERE�DON OF FLNCES,RETAINING WALLS PCY)LS PAT,_PLANnNG AREAS,A-ITIbN570 LVIILDINGS AND ANY OTHER DONSTCUL DON VNAUTHORM ALTERATIONORADUTION GREE P RT SECTIOSURVEYIS ENEWTIORNOF KS JOB NO.:2014-214 EDOipN 7N LAW THE NEW YORKSTATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �OF IS SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK EMaOSCFTHIS SHALL MAPNOTNSIDEG MAP NO.: 548 THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED SEAL OR EM BE A VALID 77TLELLNOiBE CONSIDERED FILED:DECEMBER 23, 1930 TO BEAVAUD nTLEWPY S.C.T.M. DIST.: 1000 SEC•:48 BLK. 02 LOT 44.2 CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HERON SHALL RUN REVISIONS: ONLVTOTHE PERSON(SS))FOP M OMTHESURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON ABEHALF TO THE TITLE OOMPANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENOY AND LENDING IN!'r11UTION LfS TED HEREON,AND 50 25 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 TU HEASSI"`EES°""E`E" ""'".` TU CERTIFILA TIONS AF r NOT TRA N'FERABLE SCALE: 1"= 100' DATE: DECEMBER 23, 2015 OMERs°NA NSrinr,N50R�DaE�ENr SEE SEPERATE TABLE FOR PROPERTY OWNERS OF PARCELSi� WITHIN 500'OF SUBJECT SITE. CURRENT OWNER OF RECORD: ADF VENTURES,LLC FREDERICK FRAGOLA 138 OREGON AVE. MEDFORD N.Y. 11763 SUBJECT PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) WITH THE SURROUNDING AREA ZONED RESIDENTIAL. LICENSE NO.:050363 HANDS ON SURVEYING 26 SILVER BROOK DRIVE N FLANDERS, NEW YORK 11901 ` TEL: (631)-369-8312-FAX:(631)-369-8313 COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP,EITHER PAPER OR ELECTRONIC,NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID COPY AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE. E� S� RE Ro N� STATE ROtjTE 25 MAIN ROAD E. i i ao N �, ••" 600# / 48-1-16 0 O ''' 0 0 48-1'17 c • 6-3-12 o 6-3-11 \ / N a `fl 4g-1-18 ��� d m N ..a ' N � S � i � 6-3-1 � 6-3-10 � 6-3-14 IGGINS -1-36 v "' V V 48 i 0 •.� u'' i cn 6-3-9 (� \ 6-3-15 o � � —1 o . s, 0 p 48-1-37 �. 6-3 ---, 6-3-8 90 90 \ 6-3-16 cow T 6-3- w w o , � 1 / N , ..a i 3 0 �. " �' 8;oy i m 6-3-7 6-3-18 48-1 00 m r�a 0) ❑ 0� m ! 6-3-4 6.3-6 1 48-1-41 ``� 48-140 10 /48-1-27 m 1 1p rn w / ❑ -1- i 6-3-5 N E""T 0, 6-5-21 po E48-1-47,1 STRI 6-5-9RWIN Si .2 48-2-441 I I 6-5-8 / 6-5-10 6-5-20 I M1•A' - P1� � ❑ 6-5-19 482.44.3 RO ❑ 6-5-11 n' R -18 `1D 48.2-15.8 6-5-12 6-5-18 IS" .1 48.2-124LON� 48-2'11 i ,/ `Zr:1 6-5-6 6-5-13 48.2-9.1 5�^/ 6-5-17.2 4s 26 6-5-14 48.2-7 — 6-5-15 \ \ FLINT STREET 6-5-5 FLINr�' STREET \ ,N 48-2-18 00 00 6-5-4 A W N N 90 0 O0 , ^' i s -.40) 6-7-211 m ,;, ^' ry tNv 90 48-2-19 6-5-3 -. co / / 6-7-3 tk' 48-2-40 N \ .A m�{.T�' ' .9*. 6-5-2 \ 0 A f ' 1 0 / 0 1 1 1 N 6-5-1 -i \ o N ./ ' W00 tD cc STRE��- - --- _ LINNET i L JAN 2 5 2016 -�; U•MELOPoIEO ANE S195ORFACE Y TIRE OF a�imver. u�w.wrEm OFMETES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION PER DEED LIBER 6265 Yt�GExrAr HE EASEMENT ANtlOR DESCRIBED PROPERTY PAGE 278 AS RECORDED NOV.20,1967 ��U fMES ONIESs PHYSICALL MENsuvs,SHOWN NEREONTfnLI TAE E FORTUNES R THE ED NA SYtIRO S / PLPo GTINTE DEDT GHEREFORE ANE n`NOENOEG A GLADE THE EAEcWALLA POOL%PATI$RETAINING �^✓y IT WALLS POOL$PAI.nOq FLWfINo Y' .� . vµHoreE ME44 �cr icnG�ii.-------------,� mnuS SUM�EY�S A WOnunoN grow WNEDLCADONuw rNENEW YgU(srATE p r� Ifo TREuno I�MVEVMS lfmSu KED OR SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 4 � I I PI i EMBOSSED 6EAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIW'dEo CTM DIST: 1 C.:48 BI 2 P OT 44.2 � � �` P,i W�lr � ����) l jf IOBEAVMIOnnECATE '... CERTIFICATIONS INOIC�IAS5))IEO HERON SHALLRUN ............ _ .- Is PREPARED ANOONHISBEN.QFTO HE d ONLY TO THE PERSON fGR'LF TOT ESUNVEY 15 8 0 15 30 45 f0 75 90 105 120 135 LNEGG INSTIT,GOY9BMIFMALAGAL,AND o II�NBr4,INGXiYFhfk,/ W A nen nvn Wf TO THEAI&GNEES FTHEONEREGN,ANO TOIONCETIR of HEIENOTTINSn• IIYs�Ed�ydJlk��llr1��'f nmaN cERnRNITITU ANSWSUNMEOUENT SCALE 1"=30' DATE:JUNE 25, 2014 ,� �, rG AGanoNAUNsnrvrroNs oR sussEGUENr w ERs � ��,cai��ti Idle IF1F4l"I wm�os�wwo: i,:�„rarw.� °.,. .........., ®„ ........... PARCEL ALSO KNOW AS PART OF SEVENTH STREET& r LOTS 50&51 ON A MAP ENTITLED "PLAN OF THE S. BUEL CORWIN ESTATE" LL ' FILED IN THE OFFICE OF CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON DECEMBER 23, 1930 AS MAP NO.:548 iu co ll� W" AS vJ —^--^ ^ �rcrt fiotrYPOLE ,...,.,v ...,.....,,n, P1PPf PP POLE LOT AREA:9,541 SQ.FT. =0.219 ACRE X� CERTIFIED TO:ADF VENTURES, LLC VENTURE TITLE AGENCY, INC. CORWIN S . r'r td 130 � d'�,✓'.✓, '.;. �..�.w�, LtIP'L ad1 F�Vf-.P,''✓�r� ,+'..../EDf2Ts."/��','�*-"r',r"",,'',�",��a x+'e°";✓/r...^'°✓.+." ',�"�^� i.� ✓'',,,'�rdJ,.0��i'�/;�✓'� w a- :�unurrPOLE \ vq MAP NO.:548 625.84` 25.1 ALL tTl G , JOB N0.•2014-214 � I � 1 � 13 1 25.1 I _ S 88 3820149.00 . FILED. DECEMBER 23, 1930 I �P;Y Y y Fv REVISIONS. ,5 I ADD ROAD ABANDONMENT 4/03/2015 . . � 1 � � I . • I � �� r co . 4 0 i IRT �Q d 1 g- I 4 411, p I / 'Apcoo I �� CIO I ~ / L,07-50 /� LOT 51 .n PSP rf I �a FC 13, 152.01 177.6 I � 1 / MON. S 84-1140" 2.�"65� -- P :5.65' d ,, _ a� -- -- _ FAhPi P I P 13Pf LICENSE NO.'050363 -- ��p,����`.,. M � RAIL ROAD G ISLAND HANDS ON SURVEYING LON (M.TA) J-1 I 26 SILVER BROOK DRIVE FLANDERS NEW YORK 11901 .� TEL: (631)-369-8312-I�A "(63l)-,,169.8313 COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP,EITHER PAPER OR ELECTRONIC,NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID COPY AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE. 4 SURVEY OF' I LC�LKWC,CA TIRON f CC)VI 10 GRADF " M ;' ltd/I 1 PdTCH ?IN DESCRIBED O Tf !,� i `, iTi ( i1 f Ii 1/4/9T N CHMIN. F"1T)F67SLl P,FtAC > 5 MAX 3LDPd Y" N. PFr 7 . - P"o 9:. r I r.r� 5 1�� �° AX .. ..... Sl 1 GALLON ; a DJA' 8'EFF. LD �.,.� Ill INVii1.9' S.T. h8 DEV DEPTH N OF OU H -- � C I S. INV.:1'i.I INV 1 i.2.. ...... ....–, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 3'MIN. TU DISI;: 1070 SEC.:48 BLK.:,02 LOT 44 2 75 90 105 120 1 _ 15 8 0....,.. . 15 30.... ._. 5 60 mm. - 35 GROUNDWATER SCALE: 1"=30' DATE:JUNE 25, 2014 PROPOSED SANITARY CROSS SECTION PARCEL ALSO KNOW AS PART OF SEVENTH STREET& r j LOTS 50&51 ON A MAP ENTITLED "PLAN OF THE S. BUEL CORWIN ESTATE" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON DECEMBER 23, 1930 AS MAP NO.:548 Lij METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION PER DEED LIBER 6265 Qj - - - -- PAGE 278 AS RECORDED NOV 20,1967 .. .. ... ..... ......... _ _ __. S. .D I ENDORSEMENTS 11 . �... . .... .. . . .._.._ ._. . .. LOTAREA:9,541 SQFT, =0.219 ACRE EEVATIONS .... HEREON REFER TO NAVD 1988 CIO NO SURFACE WATER EVIDENT WITHIN 300' vJ ALL PROPERIES WITHIN 150'ARE IMPROVED AND SERVICED BY PUBLIC WATER IMPROVED IMPROVED IMPROVED Q tZ LU w ✓" I�'IYd.7PS LF�7LCe .� CERTIFIED T0:ADF VENTURES, LLC — OVERHEAD IRES r i� i� k ' UTILITYP�.� VENTURE TITLE AGENCY, INC. 1 ;' CL P f ,� .-%R WIN 45%; Km---'%EE I SIZE irlPhdkilf,IX,�dMIN VI'E r ».�.�". .. TO BE d.+,e. U 1't L:�VcV4NIV�;@7 kP P,d P YVC /1 13.0 O LL J 1N , JOB N0.:2014-214 r% r: ✓ � :,E,�z ..�✓ ',�"�+.� . ✓,r; /,+"rv^ �"R^ ,�r ,* .A y,,r� fir- y GUY MAP NO.:548 5 N FILED:DECEMBER 23, 1930 ai JYFIlTf POLE REVISIONS: A HAL.,2,0,w S 88°38'20"E PREP FOR SCDHS APPLIC.ADD ROAD T 12/23/5 625.134 I 2 F A �o.o �,25.9 ' I" � � 149.00 13' ��. .� L Q 1 w I P %.f!` ,. ... ..,,. Lij 1 7ESTHOLE I 0 MFO'DEE 1 t 38' EG FUTURE EXPANSION P.S Z I Y) .. F PROP053 0. w = O W 1000 GALLONS.L a w I O Q" Z a � ' 2ORY �I Z 0 I y�" r1 7 1,908 SOFT. \ (MAX 4 BEDROOMS) W _. C �r 1 4BEDROOM B 1 9 I LLI � I DWELLING � co W O. I FF.15.5'+/• / 9 I �k �z> O I I co .... _ r �wsMIN� 52.01' LOT 51 eraH 'Mst TEST HOLE DATA �„ L!,„ yO�� � � EI P1 S' fq o , __ L� 5 � N . 1 � LICENSE NO.:050363 Iy. ._ _. �'^�wJ CtlA$"F O .AWUW 34P'FL4WYMu`"c AD 1.L'r .I^ I a I 11 d 177.66 "�-11-1-.21- (SM) 1-.� 4p,� e _....__. . r . 4 1140 __ a �" I � :FSANDYSILT _._, r ,I� . e CNaPIO�. 'Fll ecrsra � SILTS��AM 3.l' 1Lp 1 2116.E O r 25.6J� ." �. _ „, 1marrrrvr" � HANDS ON SURVEYING __ _ ROAD_ 1 ... RAI ow e wrr1s FfPwwuNo 26 SILVER BROOK DRIVE coARses ._ S`4 I I NDFLANDERS, NEW YORK W1 GRAVELONG SLA _.._.. f A E- xmm�rpA raw rnrrnntianr nr�r�.rGwnCre TEL: 631 -369-83129 FAQ: 631 389-8313 l (SP) ..._ 1 EL 0.3' L �M,T )r._.d_._ nw1, rm a�kP„adma w�✓tittt.�r nr _ {f 1 J WATER IN H.E G.W.2.0' FO "C:'1::� IahILROAO p11�"a4�ICa urnrrrnVu�Dx r'��z°n"rw,�r�"orare ww".. ARSE SAND . at a aze�za ua�r nwcu"sr� COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP",EITHER PAPER OR ELECTRONIC NOT BEARING w GRAVES .13,11^ zm L.Y.�-::tiw,� .°� rcnarw�auw cer~r^s�rrwr�rr�.nrr�xr�r.u�.v ELECTRONIC, TEST HOLE BORING BY IpAPROVED ; ynl " wa," THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE SHAWN M.BARRON,MS 7/8/14 rva,ux�nne�waa rmrexXrtrrn�wn r,�ex�as a "z CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID COPY AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE. OFFICE LOCATION: " " a�.� MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � �'� Southold, NY 11971 1 , (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �o Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk cc: William Duffy, Town Attorney From: Heather Lanza, Planning Director Date: April 15, 2016 Re: ADF Ventures Change of Zone Application SCTM#1000-48-2-44.2 The above-referenced Change of Zone Application is now determined to be complete and meets the criteria for acceptance for filing by the Town. Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. c ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE,1iIMC �� Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK a P.O. Box 1179 CM Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS W° Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Planning Director Heather Lanza Town Attorney William M. Duffy From: Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Re: Change of Zone Application of ADF entures, LLC Date: April 8, 2016 Please find additional information relating to the above referenced application submitted by William Kelly in response to the March 21, 2016 letter of the Planning Board Office. MORTON BUILDINGS, INC. www.mortonbuildings.com ® Cox Lane Industrial Park®22355 County Rd. 48, Unit 4 Office: 631/734-4060 Cutchogue, New York 11935-1159 Fax: 631/734-4061 To: RECEIVE® 4-08-16 Southold Town Board FR: APR 8 2016 Bill Kelly Owners Authorized Agent Southold Town Clerk Ref: ADF Ventures SCTM#1000-48-2-44.2 620 Corwin St,Greenport, NY To the Members of the Board, We recently received a memorandum,from Heather Lanze, Planning Director Town of Southold, in reference to the completeness of our application for zone change to the above referenced property. Included with this letter is additional information requested: Radius map: Showing 200'and 500' radius with all zone boundaries indicated. Made subject property and request for zone change note more prominent and obvious to the casual observer. 6) Copies of list of property owners within 500'radius. List indicates all property owners with in the 200' in bold face. Memorandum from Southold Town Planning Board,from James H. Rich 111,Vice Chairman of the Planning Board, dated 3-24-15 to the ZBA. At this time we were requesting front and rear yard setback relief in order to construct a commercial building in an LI zone. I have only included the part of the letter that outlines the history and the zoning of the property. Please not that prior to 1971 the subject property was zoned residential, currently it is in the LI zone and we wish to convert it back to residential R-40. Respectfully William Kelly Authorized Agent Excellence—Since 1903 ,n 'I� S.CTM. /�.,ffV.,,RS NA dA, (Jnt ?p,, WTS ; R�AVXV7Jgt 100048--1-9 Frederick F. Gagen 1000-48-1-10 Annette E. Ray- --- -- - -- -- ---- _- - ---- ---- - --. _ �_ -- - 1000.48--1-11 James Richter i RECEIVED 100048-1•-12 James Richter 1000-48•-.1-13 Colin VanTu l -- ------- _ ——— _ ---- -- —-�' - _._ -- -- APR -8--20-16_ 1000�48� 1-14 David Zelle�rford j 1000-48-1.15 Shawna MacNamara _ -- --- --- ------ ------------- 1000-48n-1-16 [-lolly A. Wein cart& Sharon C. ��c� id-��rr� Cl�r . - -% 1000-48 .1-17 Peter F. Inzerillo Cheryl I Inzerillo ------------ ----- - ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ _ -- 1000-.49-1-18 John J. Kostal Jr. & Anne S. Ko stal 1 1000-48 ry 1-19 Ethel 0 -48 ---- -- - --- --.__ — -- ----- --- - ----- --- --- -- ---- -- - _-- -- 1000-48-1-20 -- Bridgehamwon National Batik 100048-1-21 Christopher P. Wachtel&Marianne W. Wachtel 1000-48-1-22 _ 635 Wiggins St, LLC 1000-4.8-1-25 Nicholas Gallery 1000-48-1-26 Erin L. Young-- - 1000-48•-1-2.1 __ Bruce Berger& Irina Martkovich - - T- 1000-48-1-29.1 _ Donald M. Lucas &Faye L. Lucas 1000-48-1-30 Dylan Croke &Morgan P. Croke -- 1000-48-1-31 - Morgan P. Croke 1000-48-1-32 _ Tonia Wachtel &Donald E. Wachtel 1000-48-1-33 Peter Pirillo Private Residence 1000-48-1-34 Robert N. Ilarvey, Paula Harvey 1000-48-1-35 Jill A. MurphPrivate Residence 1000-48-1-36 Kristian Iglesias 1000-48-1-37 Ural Tal at Private Residence 1000-48-1-38 Michael Greene Private Residence 1000-48-1-39 Jennifer Kenned , James W. KennedX Private Residence 1000-48-1-40 Michael Greene Private Residence 1000-48-1-41 Rosemary G. Macenas Private Residence 1000-48-1-42 Richard A. Fiedler& Judith Light Yht Private Residence ,.__ _ .� �_�- - � 1000-48-.1-43 Joan L. Dinizio &Robert J. Heaney _ Private Residence 1000-48-1_•44.2 Eugene A. Mazzaferro & Mary P. Mazzaferro 1000.,48-1-47.1. Lillian Vishno 1000-48-2-6 Yira`Tejada - 1 -.,• Yira Tejada _- 1000-48-2.-9,1 I 9 1 rtriothyCla k 1000-48-2, Peter n1. Clark Private Residence 1000-48-2-11 Peter Manwar ing Private Reaident,f _ x .� 1000-48-2-12-1 Wa do I Manwaring, Julia Manwaring Private Residence 1000-48- 15. 7 Joseph Angevine Private Residence .1000-48-2-13,8 Dawn Zurek Private Residence 1000-11-8-2-16 Vanessa D Minis 1000.48•-2-1 I Frances H. m iris 1000-48-2-18 560 Flint Street, LI C 100048-2-19 Ian Mcclille _ 1000-48-2-20 A] ssa Asliley Prior 16,00 0 �- 1 - 'p is OreAAp 1000-31.8--2-23 Gloria Murrain I kECEIVED 1000-413 2 24 -f.)aviclA. Kiiif),&Dct)oi,aliA.. Kitif,, 1000-48-2,25 Joshua Alton Whitecavago, et al ------ 1000-48-2­26 Robert Vard3runt 1000482. ­ 1.27� Monique A.Reed & Violet Rood --------_ ---- S�Luthol -Town-Cierk- d 100048-2,36.1 1 305 Linnet St., LLC 1000­413_9,37 Seledollio Villareal 1000-49-2-38 Mercedes Alvarez&Enrique Alvarez County of Sud-olk 1000-48-2-41 Jackson A._-'Ilay ,joi 1000-11-8--.2-42 Daisy N. Crenshaw -------------- -------------------- 1000-49-2-44.2 Subject Patcel 1000-48-2-44.3 Lewis Family Pr rties Partnership, LI'D er'dia-1 - Lewis Maritit-, St, 1001-6-1-1 St. Agnes Church --------------- 1001-6-1-5.3 St. Agnes Church 1001-6-3-1 fames Concannon Jr. & Wendy Concannon ........... 1001-6-3-2 Marek Matlak Private Residence 1001-6-3-3 Maureen Caouette Private Residence 100.1-6-3-4 Debra Riva Private Residence 1001-6-3-5 Enrique Alvarez Private Residence 1001-6-3-6 Brett D. Stephenson Private Residence 1001-6-3-7 Enrique Alvarez Private Residence J 1001-6-3-9 Teresa Schiavoni 1001-6-3-9 Mary Wade 1001-6-3-10Mercedes Alvarez 1001-6-3-11 Nicholas Ridolfi &Maria Ridolfi 1001-_6-3-12 Realty 3 515,LLe — 1001-6-3-14 Michael Bandow 1001-6-3-15 Elfyio LoL�cez? -d Minv 100,-71-6-3-16 Andrew Galasso &Bernal 1001-6-3­17 Linda Oliver --18­ Paul Kamailco 1001-6-5-1 David Tonsineire 1001.-6-5-2 Jaines Kalin 100 -6­5­3 Lisa Feuerhorm ------ 100 --------------------------- --- --- (-',hris McManus & Baiu Wiiono 100 .-4-5-.5 Robert W. Laub 100 1­6­5­6 101-6 5 7 John Dinizio Jr. & A. D Patr'cia, inizio Road Depa' 100 f1 Ilublic N� rico 1001.-6-5-9 GJC Pa i-tn orshl p 1001-4.5-10 Mercedes Alvarez 1001-6-5-11 Alvarez DO esus ---------- 1001­6­5­12 Charles I lawvev ---------- 1001.4-5-13 Atithony Anto leorgyj, Stevoll Sweew""Y' of al i ----------------- 1-001,4-5- /, -------- ------- _-1-_-------I------ 101 David 'Follye-s-_ 1001 6 5 I I Commerce 13aiik, NIA l_6, '1001-6- 1€1 Robert 1 Cllijt( ( i - --- - --� _ 1001 6•-5- 19 (e,frrc,y 1'. (Aa k &Lau��i 1,. Clerk - - _ - - ---- - - ---- -- +- -6-5-2k,orrazxle Petrig-liano 1001-6--5--21 GJC Leasing Corp. ------ 0 1 — -. ..__ _.. Frank L._Ouzt 7r. - - - -- - - - -. - - - - 1001 6 2 Christina Kem>tim -- 1001-6.-'7--3 C Barbara Slroko�i - ------------ -- -- — - --- ---- - -- Dote; Pamels in hzi;ltlzphtcd rows arc within 200 of tale su jOct property boundary --------- RECEIVED APR 8 2016 Southold Town Clerk OFFICE LOCATION: A LULING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ' f , P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 x 'k _Q Southold, NY 11971 r � `> i � Ar � (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) � R Southold, NYr `` '; Telephone: 631 765-1936 ��� y ���y www.southoldtownny.gov xv Yet PLANNING NG BOAR D OFFICE i TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk cc: William Duffy, Town Attorney From: Heather Lanza, Planning Director ._,M_..._. Date: March 21, 2016 Re: ADF Ventures Change of Zone Application SCTM#1000-48-2-44.2 Thank you for the opportunity to review this application for a Change of Zone for completeness. The application is nearly complete, however, a crucial element is missing from the plan. The surrounding zoning districts are not shown, nor is the proposed new zone shown on the plan. The zoning district boundaries and the proposed new zoning district boundary must be shown on the 500' Radius Area Map. This map incorrectly states that the subject parcel is surrounded by residential zoning. The parcel adjacent is in the Light Industrial Zone. Also, the map must have a notation that states which zoning district, specifically, is being proposed. Currently, the application illustrates the applicant's request to be able to build a house on the subject parcel, but doesn't specify what new zoning district they are requesting to achieve that goal If the Town Board does eventually approve this zone change, a legal description of the newly zoned area will need to be provided (this is the metes and bounds description of the proposed amendment item on the checklist). OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex y� � � " r P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Southold, NY 11971 ku � (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) r e Southold, NY 1 ;� Telephone: 631765-1938 a www.southoldtownny.gov i PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk cc: William Duffy, Town Attorney From: Heather Lanza, Planning Director ..- Date: March 21, 2016 Re: ADF Ventures Change of Zone Application SCTM#1000-48-2-44.2 Thank you for the opportunity to review this application for a Change of Zone for completeness. The application is nearly complete, however, a crucial element is missing from the plan. The surrounding zoning districts are not shown, nor is the proposed new zone shown on the plan. The zoning district boundaries and the proposed new zoning district boundary must be shown on the 500' Radius Area Map. This map incorrectly states that the subject parcel is surrounded by residential zoning. The parcel adjacent is in the Light Industrial Zone. Also, the map must have a notation that states which zoning district, specifically, is being proposed. Currently, the application illustrates the applicant's request to be able to build a house on the subject parcel, but doesn't specify what new zoning district they are requesting to achieve that goal. If the Town Board does eventually approve this zone change, a legal description of the newly zoned area will need to be provided (this is the metes and bounds description of the proposed amendment item on the checklist). Utz ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 Qe Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS r Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER , Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER � ,� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK P )��� kA-1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD lvr' 1E'' C 1(I'fIJ f'k:iars frig Boa:d To: Planning Director Heather Lanza �� - '' � Town Attorney William M. Duffy From: Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Re: Change of Zone Application of ADF Ventures, LLC SCTM#1000-48-02-44.2 Date: March 10,2016 Attached is the Checklist for the above described Rezoning Petition and additional information to complete the procedural requirements for this application. The application and maps were sent to you on January 22, 2016. Please review it and send me your recommendation as to whether or not this application meets the critera of your department for filing by the Town. Thank you. NAME OF APPLICATION: ADF Ventures LLC ,. DATE: 3/10/2016 ❑ Check means item is complete ❑ Circle means item not complete CHECKLIST FOR REZONING PETITION TC TA PB ❑ ❑ Four(4) complete copies of petition with Town Clerk with original signatures. Each set MUST be ordered as follows: ❑ ❑ Fee of$1,000.00($500.00 for AHD) ❑ ❑ Written notice to all property owners within 200' of property;mailed within 5 days Preceding filing of petition FJ ❑ File proof of mailing of notices to adjacent property owners in a sworn statement with Clerk's office and submit all original certified mail postal receipts NOTICE MUST CONTAIN: • Statement Of Proposal (as presented in zoning petition) • Description Of Property • Present Zone And Proposed Zone • Petition Will Be Filed Within 5 Days • Petition Can Be Reviewed In Clerk's Office • Public Hearing Must Be Held • Adjacent Owners Right To Be Heard @ Hearing • 10 Days Before Hearing Notice Published ❑ ❑ ❑ Meet all requirements for submitting zoning action pursuant to section 239 L &M of General Municipal Law attached hereto ❑ ❑ ❑ If applicable, file waiver of notice from property owner w/the clerk's office ❑ ❑ ❑ Six(6)maps drawn at the 1"= 100' scale in accordance with attached information sheet. ❑ ❑ ❑ Six (6) sketch plan maps at the 1"= 100' scale or the 1"=20' scale in accordance with attached information sheet. The procedural requirements appear to have been met by this application: Date Town Clerk � � .:w .�� ..... ...... �.._� ,�/ S iiatu c Town Attorney Date__ Signature Planning Board Date Signature www.mortonbuildings.com MORTON BUILDING / INC. —_ Cox Lane Industrial Park•22355 County Rd. 48, Unit 4 Office: 631/734-4060 Cutchogue, New York 11935-1159 Fax: 631/734-4061 RECEIVED To: BAR P14 3-10-16 Southold Town Board 10 2016 FR: Southold 1" wIr Bill Kelly Owners Authorized Agent Ref: ADF Ventures SCTM#1000-48-2-44.2 620 Corwin St, Greenport, NY To the Members of the Board, Attached are: PROOF OF MAILING NOTICE(To all neighbors within 200' radius) NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS(copy of what was sent) List with Tax map#, names and address of all neighbors within 200' radius Green cards from post office. Respectfulll A141410201,0 William K lly Authorized Agent Lowell Electrical Con �� ' � �" C" Fred Fragola IowellelectHc@grlleil.conl 9 " 138 Oregon Avenue Medford,NY 11763 6,1_6w 3 54-s77x 631-3x1 71.71(cell) 631 .1.41775�,"' � Excellence cellen ce Sfn ce� 1903 r TOWN BOARD. I'10WN 0 S0_1JJ'I1GLn In the Matter of the Petition of NOTICE TO ADJACENT to the Town Board. of the Town of Southold. :: PROPERTY OWNERS TO: `. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to request a 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Suffolk County Tax Map# 1000 m. _ . Property Address: (p&b Co .... T.1 .......m.. _ _... property ,n�.� . _ ----- � d district: - -- 3 That the �a �c �wh is subject of such is located in the following zoning istri 4. That by such Petition, the undcrsigned will r€xjoe,st that the above-described property be placed in the g followin zone district classification: 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times newspaper published in the`fown of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. � µ petitioner q YRVOF0yMAILD{GNO7ICE �F HxK4E ADDRESS ALL- ZJ!2�O'C)� Jennifer Kennedy and James Kennedy 2g3Fourth Avenue, St.James, NY1l78U _ Michael Greene and Susan Smith 3565th Street, Brooklyn, NY1121S . . Joseph Angevine P.O. Box 441, Greenport, NY 11944 Gregory& Dawn Zurek P.8. Box 459, Greenport, NY11944 ' Pathck[a|Wno, Kosemary6abhe| 431Seventh Street, Greenport, NY11944 Richard Fiedler,Judith Light l3D0Bea ch.Rd., Greenport, NY1l944 Michael Green,Susan Smith 356 5th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 ...... ____ Peter Wi in SaUyK4anvvoring 708Flint Street,Greenport, NY11944 VVaydeK4anwa/ing,Julia Monvxahng 3217th Street, Greenport, NY11944 Mau eenCooutte, Ralph Cooutte S8W1ixterK6, Holden, K8AOlSZO --- ------ Debra Riva 433Sixth Street,Greenport, NY 11944 ........ _ Enrique Alvarez 429Sixth Street, Greenport, NY11944 . Village ofGreenport Public Works Z363rd Street, Greenport, NY11944 PuthdaDinizio P.O. Box 1472, Southold, NY11071 STATE OF NEW YORK � 8S � COUNTY OFSUFFOLK � ' ^ residing at day being difly sworn,deposes and says that on the of 2OL\ _k ^dopnorotmailed uhruo copy of Notice set forth oothe reverse side hercof,directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names;that the addresses set opposite the names ofsaid persons are the addresses nfsaid persons ooshown onthe current wxoenn000utmUnftheTowunf800tbn\d; dbmtnaidNohunuwcx0000i\odatthoDnito6DtmmaPontOt6cnat that said Notices m c�o�cromi\ndto each ofthe said persons bycezbfiu n md^ �\�x� : rogioteicdreueiptmaiL aftire � Sworn before roo ffiix....._ day 20�Z(,�_ ��� I �u�mce� ry�zo��o� momry, °°^^y, �AnrAvru*uC,o�V'If WM YA W^ 'ooyw^m o*='Nwa/wm^W%m64m* 0 0 V 6 01-3 11 z 0) D rl 0 El 0 ck �O OL ci Lb :6 c m BA mi 0 Ul , @ 0 r sl E m Z� E Ln 0- w LE co .0 0 LO n. OC 0 -o ro 13 D 0 Er cl. 1� Ln e a) a) > ru ru Q- a) L 2: Er _0 t a`r2i C3 Er d) > Itw Lu w M Rm o 2, iT) aw C6 X ni 0 0 m Ln a) m E k-9r:q 0 M CL CL E 0 0. 0 0 • O. OEM= a) -0 zz < =-- E C6 C6 .O ay > tio �t ro CL c: Cf) W, N Pl� x 0 0 _m CD Ln 0 C)- w N cli -a ca 2> Q Ln N .8 >1 W, w -5 : 3 E Do a) Nv 7 d y a) 69 m T-- vu v tic 0 MEN= �a 00 E �12 ()0 :3 'o E -6 4-� Cf) z ce) J, C < z g CL, !� 8 T R -ql E 0 9 0 LL ® 0 0 N a) ai LL 9- U) 1 0 a) (D N (L 00 0) 0 ,z n- f, c� CL io cd o C1 z D 0 m >1 Ll "2 ri a g!2B 2 CU c. c: OC 0 E 1.9.&21-u)05'T (D 00Cl 13 Cl E ru 0E pL =J 0 — 'o 0. 'a tq=) W. D 1111 kit r-9 3 M (D Q� cc a�,ID lo W- c6 � g m ni as w 6 w Fo D cr VA ) -a 2= 011 El m m0: M E xid d s(Q)Coo) 13 11 E 0 M nj tM 0 eq SEEM Cq 0 cl in z c6 U) O. 0 wr IL a) CD EQ)EM 2:1 C\l m own= rIj t CL era r4) n) nr., V) a, z < (Y) _q) c zi t= r M a) 0 ca .t Q5 T E r cr) i r E o 2 o LA j Y, m alt.f. LL (D < TT U) U. Ci a- it U. ti v 1 a3 o 7 o f3 t N 10 ul 11 El El a LT t o ',ro a o ub' o qua "' '�i v •-� 3 ql. ro CC 0 co ar E: .CA CC Ot Er m 'a e�+ IL cc 0 Ln �t ani o Lr) ni CL CC N �. z `" ❑ ❑❑ Cr. C ao o a) g d d C - > C3 -a -oo g m N 9} r., to c.V W ass ® > as O o ui m o N a inD ❑❑ 6u v-0 ccc �"� � � v � o cc _. .. m U-)ul a oro r-9 :a 9 s m _0 ❑ m o E-� ti' C ❑ w O � C d u) V a. � A N � N � c Q A c ,tea a y co ro ani ro Z cv C 0000 N C> Ln °s "' o� dt t m o U1 ( d > cli r O O (YS U T E Y N O `1 �, r >_ ID Cl) .+00 O—' N y d' V` 6. Ur .O b r M a C M 00 d M ��' LL ® £e 'V c'd O ro LA 4' u '— ,. Q Z , 1 O m O d d' y N E r rgrgrC��� ma fS �s� W➢ O, d N d i N ZD El N } \ d o aEi o a�tw ur C H a fi a rd„ at p u'� n` aU Wil { to a m. ❑❑❑ i�-3 I I J cL -o C7 w f,•�., y- ra°a§v Fsa3 ,,s'" > 6a as ar 'd Ya{{,. rr d c. -oo y u U C p _ kC V d �w Y a�CP 4b aa1BBB fl.ld7YG d C 'i o m is k 9...a.q u DED E 31.3 p> 3.... + o wa A` CL � C'ro,� tl r catl momm 4) C u°I sa O•• r,... m . O. y^' Nr, i.wxin 4 f a1d"' „' M C4 Pz t 'C,.1 fr3 rl I":I [ka ttS 6 J �1 "C:S -0 r ni aur, cod tl h � ey a as c a) y ey r.n. 3 = p k °� B C Gtk cs co f 47a � 4,J at r g cl erro � � 9 'C.'Y 12.. r� eFu Nwm ".a�RPlWu ub9 R� c5C -{ P°J nz va E L 11.. x r cs .y.. Fra O ry '•t� 'P u L � G.1Ud 7 E 2' v o w ............. � � LCL a�d a S rPl�Y CJt PFS �� Baa ❑ ❑❑ � ,. cc It�tt rho fS G1 .:R ("N Q J] co 0 I d CU 9 cm q N I3 J ® d� 3 m c h Ni u L3 � N >- Ln 0. r C:L E3 aj CIL N �, 7 -❑ O CNS ` � N OB l .C7 M v r M a) ti a EED CO dz N CO y ILL IN m IN d p+allw e rr CL o YT � ,�c• E TaYnti 0 ' IL Cc tx cl)i P. o n ¢ad¢.z rra s¢ .�a r ❑❑❑ El ❑❑ ww �' h c Ll 11 ❑ 0 b CL i,"< rr m rL jp P»a Ul fl U,A, ._.U"k PSB hll'Gi ,e»l� ° CY}.� . �T9 TA ilk 8881� 3 [ �°' � . f�e'p w x ¢ w tar _ _.. . C4IJD FjFJ I .. R�errrr ra�rr� waw f 6T 4 Lr, Ll C3 m ouu r gqg �; IS u'" cvt �w % raP " w' fm 20 px -s m 0 1 r a Lrl I C t..w a, r o us Cs(7 "ti 1.4 rn s; ct r... err Al Q. .. •6"° m` 7.} CCf 4:. w-P w^ f,y b,u" N.. .1 .S w u k. L - pon r,.ro as Q Q) e MUWP,VN', C"tiV V� RHb testa Pd Y Ck... ...�, p%p P� e i C ru U u Pr V F) C� 0)OILR 01 YJ "91.. M.t 48.-1-39 Jennifer Kennedy and James Kennedy 293 Fourth Avenue St. James, NY 11780 48.-1-40 Michael Greene and Susan Smith 3565 th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 48-2-15.7 Joseph Angevine P.O. Box 441 Greenport, NY 11944 48-2-15.8 Gregory & Dawn Zurek P.O. Box 459 Greenport, NY 11944 48-1-41 Patrick Calkins, Rosemary Gabriel 431 Seventh Street Greenport, NY 11944 41-1-42 Richard Fiedler, Judith Light 1380 Beach Rd. Greenport, NY 11944 48-1-38 Michael Green, Susan Smith 356 5t" Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 48-2-11 Peter Manwaring, Sally Manwaring 700 Flint Street Greenport, NY 11944 48-2-12.1 Wayde Manwaring, Julia Manwaring 3217 th Street Greenport, NY 11944 6-3-3 Maureen Caoutte, Ralph Caoutte 58 Mixter Rd. Holden, MA 01520 6-3-4 Debra Riva 433 Sixth Street Greenport, NY 11944 6-3-5 Enrique Alvarez 429 Sixth Street Greenport, NY 11944 6-5-8 Village of Greenport Public Works 236 3rd Street Greenport, NY 11944 6-5-7 Patricia Dinizio P.O. Box 1472 Southold, NY 11971 r � ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE MMC ,r`� , � Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ' ,';� P.O. Box 1179 t Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS � � F MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone(631)765-1800 Fax(631)765-6145 �� RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ��,� `�m www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �a rYj- OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD er r To: Town Attorney William M. Duffy Panning Board From: Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Nevi e Re: Change of Zone Application of ADF Ventures LLC SCTM#1000-48-02-44.2 Date: January 22, 2016 The attached change of zone application of ADF Ventures LLC was received in this office today from William Kelly agent of Fred Fragola. Please review it and send me your recommendation as to whether or not this application meets the criteria for acceptance for filing by the Town. Thank you. cc: Supervisor Town Board * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 01/22/16 Receipt#: 198952 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Petition 48-02-44.2 $1,000,00 Total Paid: $1,000.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#1794 $1,000.00 ADF, Ventures Llc Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: ADF, Ventures Llc 138 Oregon Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Clerk ID: BONNIED Internal ID:48-02-44.2 k11P ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE iOF SU Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK „ P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS g, Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICERa Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER , ��',� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER c + southoldtown.northfork.net 4UNT`I, ,�y. ® .. .. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1 l 'j F R UEST FOR AMENDM a .._W m...._.�.-._e.�........ ..a.w.�... . ..._L'NT�1�1��"��"(�.�� CHANGE, OT ZONL', APPLICATION NAME: _m... (Name under which application shall be known) SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NO.: 1000 -_ '118 _ - Cm - _ � Z District Block Parcel A. SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Application is hereby made to the Southold Town Board for amendment to Chapter 280 {Zoning) of the Town Code and/or a change in the zoning classification of the Zoning Map in accordance with the Section 280 - 6 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Southold and Section 265, Town Law. Further, the following are submitted herewith (check those appropriate, write N/A where not applicable) 1, Four (4 ) sets of the completed application form and petition. Each set shall contain one (1) complete set of cover letter forms, affidavits, project description, surveys, plans, and EAF and any supplemental information as maybe be needed or requested. .......... 2. Fee in the amount of$1,000.00 ($500.00 for AHD). Applicant is also responsible for any fees incurred in the Environmental Review Process. I Survey map, accurately drawn to appropriate scale, showing the proposed zone district boundary changes, property lines, the calculated areas affected, in acres or square feet, the Suffolk County Tax Map designations, the street rights-of-way in the immediate vicinity and lands, land uses and names of owners immediately adjacent to and extending within five hundred (500) feet of all boundaries of the property to be amended. 4. Metes and bounds description of the proposed amendment. 10/1/2008 1 „n ....a 5. Appropriate Environrn ental Assessment Form (EAF). All Unlisted and Type I Actions require either a Short or Full EAF to be prepared. See Chapter 130 of Town Code and Part 617 NYCRR (SEQR), or check with the Town Attorney and/or the Planning Department. 6. Other information deemed necessary for review by the Town Board, the Town Planning Board and/or the Suffolk County Planning Commission (i.e. site plans, subdivision maps). Please note items submitted: B. GENERAL INFORMATION- 1. NF A1. Name Of Applicant(s): „ vF Address:. ... 1- 1 ��”" CW11 ....... -& Telephone No _ jZ _ 1 .. _. If the applicant does not own the property, is a contract vendee, or if the owner is a Corporation or a Partnership, prepare endorsement at the end of this form establishing owner's authorization of the applicant's request. 2. If the applicant is contract vendee, give name. If the applicant is a corporation (or partnership), give the name and title of the responsible officer: Name: Title: �• Address:(if different)- — - - -. _. _ ........... .... _..... _ Telephone No 3. Landowner(s) Title: ....... Address: . ..� r _ ... _.. Telephone No.: 4. Name of licensed architect, landscape architect, civil engineer and/or surveyor who prepared the plan: blame: Mf p _ Title: Name of Firm: AQ 25 µ. n � t M. Address: _._. t i , Telephone No.: a 5. Name of Attorney, or Agent authorized to represent the property owner and/or applicant: Name: r I Title: Name of Irv.. Addressf ". �A, I 1 Telephone No,: 10/1/2008 2 6. All conirnunications with regard to this application shall be addressed to the following person until further notice: Name T'itle Address° _ � `: � � � Telephone No y .._�1 C. SITE/PROJECT DATA: 1. Location of Property side corner of"w (north/south/east/west) (street) _ _...... feet '� �. ) 'r or road) (noi°th/south/east/west) (nearest intersecting street) (hamlet) 2. Existing zoning districts) . ,�. .. .__... __ ,......w.._ Special Overlay Districts), if applicable,,..... 3. Requested zoning district(s) 4. Lot area: sq. ft or acres 5. a. The latest deed(s) describing this parcel(s) is (are) recorded in the County Clerk's Office as follows: DATE LIBER PAGE Azo.-ri4.. .. ......................... b. A copy of the(se) should be attached to the application,. 6. There aree no nor piens against this land other than mortgages? encumbrances I✓S X NO ings 7. All buildand structures are shown on the survey? ® .YES NO (The Town Board reserves the right to request a complete survey showing all existing structures.) 8. Existing: Building Area sq. ft. Lot coverage q. Please attach a detailed typewritten description of the project, the proposed use and operation thereof, including a detailed explanation of the design concept, the reason for the particular design, objective of the developer or project sponsor and how or why the project is (or is not) in compliance with the Town Code and the Master Plan. Explain what benefits will accrue to the community by the proposed rezoning. Document reasons 10/1/2008 3 why proposed project can not be built under current zonin- regulations and pursuant to the current zoning map, D. AGENCY COORDINATION AND SEQRA (See Part 617, NYCRR and Chapter 130 of Town Code) 1. Does the site Front on a Town, County of State Road? (circle one) Name and number of the road (i,e. County Road 48, State Road 25) ...... ----1-1111 ......................... 11. ........................... "" __............................ ......___ .. .. .......... ................. .......... ............... .......... ..... 2. Is the site within any'other areas of review of the Suffolk County Planning Commission? ............. If yes, the referral requirements of the Suffolk County Planning Commission should be examined to assure a complete application, 3. Is the site in a designated critical environmental area as per the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and Chapter 130 of the Town Code? -YES ? NO. If yes, what ai-ca 4. Type 1, Type 11 Cry llltlisl Awticrlr (circle one) An environmental"A. s' essment Jorm must be completed for Unlisted and Type I actions. 5. Has an E iwl rop liental Assessment Form or Draft Environmental Impact Statement been prepared? ,Nl, YES ------NO. If yes, copies should be submitted with the application, E. I hereby depose and certify that all of the above statements ofjjlformatjol�, and all statements And information contained in the supporting da iments at,d'ilraivings supporting ,nts a attached hereto are true and correct. .......... A PLI(,i�JqS S1,(,1'NATURE Sworn before me this )....... day ol w 2 0 6 � '11'11!, /,? , 14 ........... NOTARY P/0BLIC AMANDA JFAN LUKASCZYK NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OFNIM YORK Registration No.01FR0293 126 (Qualified in Suffolk Coulliv Cominission Expires Nov.25,2017 10/1/2008 4 F. OWNER'S ENDORSEMENT (T°o be signed if applicant is not the owner or if the owner is a corporation or partnership) State of New York County of Suffolk , ...... ( �"., :: :. ^ " � f 13 ing duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she resides ate° �. �.�! ° fin_ �"�� � �W 1� � ��" �`�' �...,��: �' •" in the County of and the. State of m and that he/she is (the owner or the officer of the corporation or partnership which is the owner in fee (circle)} of the premises described in the foregoing application and thathe/she has authorized ....... ....... to make the foregoing application for amendment and/or ch4x0f zone as Xscribed here in r "44\41', S fC NA`p u t 19 m ........ m.®m _.._ ..._.. .. If a corporation, name of corporation and Officer's title Sworn before me this Day of cr;20 i NOIAR AJi11. ' d �i A WAN . 3,�ii^idlB¢rr6l113ri t1Ajgo�,ri93M fa t 3Wa��Rilir3 r�r�tiaridaadk�P"cMrirt��, mx1�71a a �arrq R+° dui � OP/ .w�mm 3 '�tba 10/1/2008 5 G. DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT State of New York Cw,,inty of Suffolk hein"iL, l:)lr me duly sworn, deposes and says: t � uwl �� x, ",. %tits 1. I am an applk:aUt for a project or an o� ner oI [hc, Nv,,huch is the subject of a pending application before the Southold Town Board for amendment and/or change of zone.. 2. The project name is: 3. 1 reside at t .K .: ". I 4. The Officers of the applicant corporation or owner corporation are as follows NAME TITLE ....... I .�- . __ ® . ,1 ... � ..... �„ ....... - � � i ....�` 5. I make and complete this affidavit under the penalty of perjury and swear to the truth herein, 6, 1 am aware that this affidavit is required by General Municipal Law 809 and that I shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as provided by General Municipal Law 809 should I knowingly or intentionally fail to make all disclosures herein. 7, During the 12 months before the filing of this application, have any of the following individuals made campaign contributions exceeding $100 in total, in cash or in kind, to members of the Town Board or political committees designated to accept donations behalf; Yes No I. Owner 2. Applicant 3. Agent for owner or applicant 4. Attorney .. 5. Other 10/1/2008 6 If the answer to Question 7 is yes, Town Code Chapter 26 require that the information be provided below: rrt,.� tt�r�.._ ' Anr®unt Name Title �vn .............i._...__...�.t For the purpose of this disclosure, an official or employee or either the Town of Southold or the County of Suffolk, shall be deemed to have an interest in the applicant and or owner when that official oremployee, their spouse, brothers, sisters, parents, children, grand children or the spouse of any of them: a. Is the applicant or owner . Is an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant or owner c. Legally or beneficially owns or controls stock of a corporate applicant or owner, or is a member of a partnership or association applicant or owner, or d. Is a party to an agreement with the applicant or owner, express or implied, whereby said official or employee may receive any payment or other benefit- whether or not for services rendered, dependent or contingent upon the favorable approval of such application. Ownership of less than five percent of the stock of a corporation whose stock is listed on the New York Stock or American Stock Exchanges shall not constitute an interest for the purposes of this disclosure YOU MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION YES OR NO Do any of the following individuals have an interest in the applicant or owner, as defined above? YES NO 1. Any official New York State YESNO 2. Any official or employee of Southold Town or Suffolk. County? �Yl`S No If the answer above is yes, to any of the questions, General Municipal Law Section 809 requires that you disclose the name and residence and the nature and extent of the Interest of said individual (s) in the applicant or owner. NAME RESIDENCE NAT°IJR_E OF [N"I°Ie,RES T ................ 10/1/2008 7 w ..,. ._. _ �..,. .. �� Sworn before rye this Day Of� Y ;20 1 NOTA,"I A, V ['t.X 1 1,°A G r AMANDA JEAN 1,r)KASCZYK ..........w.. NOTARY PUBLIC.S'l'ATH OF NEW YORK. Registration Nati.01 F'R6293126 Qualified in Simllaft County Commission Expires Nov.25,2018 10/1/2008 8 MORTONm VIII um AP A:dQ °Iraqi co rn �u� N� uuuu �v �a Irm�a��t��u�lr��...._ ........�...w,,,�.. Cox 1...aine 4idustdal Park-223,1515 County Rd. 46, Uini t 4 Office: 631/7"34-4060 t.tualtchog: ..ie,, New York 11935-.1159 i:-ax: 631/734 4CC°1 To: 1- 1- 6 Southold Town Board FR: Bill Kelly Owners Authorized Agent Ref: F Ventures SCT -4 -2-44.2 620 Corwin St, Greenport, NY To the Members of the Board, ADF Ventures, LLC had recently filed applications with Town of Southold Building Dept.,Town of Southold Planning Board and Town of Southold ZBA,to construct an electrical contractors shop/ warehouse at the above referenced property. Please note the property is zoned LI (Light Industrial) Which is the proper zoning for such a use. As we proceeded through the permitting process there was opposition from the neighbors against allowing such a use to be permitted in this predominantly residential neighborhood. During the process many of the opposed neighbors stressed that this property was incorrectly zoned for the area and should be zoned residential in order to conform to the rest of the properties in the area. After careful consideration and not wanting to move into a friendly neighborhood that was angered by the proposed use of the property, ADF Ventures, LLC elected to with draw their application to construct an electrical contractors shop/warehouse. At this time ADF Ventures, LLC Formally request a zone change from the current LI Zone to that of the neighborhood R-40.Although a non-conforming lot for the zone this lot conforms to the other preexisting lots in this area that are in the R-40 zone. It should be noted and is evident on the area map that all the residential lots within a 500' radius are of similar size and configuration.As part of our application we have provided the required area map, metes and bounds survey per deed description and a survey prepared for the Suffolk County Health Department showing the location of a proposed single family dwelling with sanitary system that conforms to other residences in the area. Respectfully LL w William Kell Authorized Agents . ~ 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAFiydesigned Lohelp applicants and agencies determine, in unorderly manner, whether project uraction may be significant. The question ofwhether anaction may besignificant isnot o|wmyseaoytoansmer~ Frequently, there aneespeusofapr�ectnhatareau�ectiveorunmeasumb/m. |cimalso under�oodthat those whode�rmimesignificance mmyha"=|indeornmformalknnm|edge of the environment or may not be technically expert in envknmn�ntaf analysis. In mddim' many who have knowledgem one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting thequesbmm of~gmffiom ~mThefu|| EAFis intended bopmvidmamethod whembyapplicants amdugoaimsoonusau -- 'uLdhadu,erminu1ionprocess has been orderly, comprehensive innature, yet flexible enough toallow Nno(iurtimmofnitupro�mcLuraction. be Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about agiven project and its site. Byidentifying basic project duto it assists anmiewerinthe onahoisthat takes place in Parts 2 and 3. ' Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The oonn also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. THIS AREA FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE — Type 7 and Unlisted Actions Identify the PoniunsofEAromnploteclfor this project: �~7Pa� 1 --' �~~ partZ part 3uponeviewu[theimharwnt|onmrordmdmnthix [AF(Partsl andand 3ifappmpriate)' and any other supporting information, and ndcons|denngboththenmmDmiuoAoand |npmrmncou[eachimpuct' itis eouonub| determined by the lead agency that: EIA. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, thenefoe, is one which will not have u significant impact on the onvirnnmeot, therefore negative declaration will be prepared. �_. D, Although the project could huweo significant effect onthe environmeni, there will not be significant effect for this UnUsLadAcbum because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration vviU be prepared.* C. The project may result /n one or more largo and important impacts that may have a significant impact on ,he envirmnment, therefore positive declaration will be prepared. ~AConditioned Negative Declaration /sonly valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer �� Signature ofResponsible Of�ceri �Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (11' different from responsible officer) �---~~--^ website "age 1o[21 . _ PART 1--PROJECTINFORMATION Prepared bvProject Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment Please complete the entire form, Parts Athrough E. Answers tothese questions will heconsidered aapart o/the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will beneeded tmcomplete Parts 2and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research orinvestigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specify each instance. Name nfAction Location ofAction(include Street Address, Municipality and County) -+/~ ~�� «�~* = °/� � Name of Applicant/Sponsor Address City/PO State Zip Code Business Telephone Name ofOwner(if different) ---- Address-- City/PO State Zip Code ~ Business Telephone Description ofAction: Page 2 of 21 Please Complete Each Question--indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall pnoject, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use: �-|U�an �-||ndusUiu| Frommer|a| Residential (Suburban) Runa| (non-farm) FlForest Agriculture Bbithe/ -____ _ � 2, Total acreage ofproject area: _°,'~~,_[acms, APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION K8eodnvv or Brush/and (Non-agricultural) —44—acnes arnos Forested acres �� acres Agricultural (includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres ...........................-_acres Wetland (Freshwater nrtidal asper Articles 24.25o[ECL) __-__--acres Water Surface Area 6�__acnes _______ocres Unwmgetated (Rock' earth or fill) acres eonea Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces ( acres ___ ��nes ^ Other (Indicate type) ^. acms ______acres 3. What is predominant soi|type(s) on project site? K��~ ��.~^ m. Soil drainage: ��1VVeU drained _��_96 of site �_��oderote|yvvaU drained ZYZ' % of site. OPnmly drained ____% ofsite b, |[any agricultural land i involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System?___a__acres (see 1 NYCRR370). 4, Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? 0 Yes :D/�o a. What is depth to bedrock______.(in pead /1/» 5, Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: [DO-10% /02) -x 1 �110- 15%____% 15% orgreater 96 G. Is project Suk*Aan6contiguous thtain u building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of Historic Places? [ |Ves [YNo 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register o[National Natural Landmarks? [F,~ Yes v 8, What isthe depth of the water tabla? (infeet) 8, Is slLe located over primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? �~7Yes Ma 1O. 0o hunting, fishing orshell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? E-1 Yes o Page 3of2i 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Yes Accixdfix to! I .., �. _.W.. _._ �.m.e.w ... ,. ., _. . �m..... . ....... . ,. _. tlCh If each s[r'a'a .. 12. Are there any unique unusual land forms on the project site? _.._ A . . (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations? Yes No Describe: i t 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? Yes No If yes, explai'm I _. _..:. _ ... .... ... _ -. — w.._._.._ ..m................. _ w 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? Yes 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: AIJA ......... ......... _ .. ......., a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary .. ...........,. 1/4 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or a ontia}','ous to p:�rrrl�a:ct area: , ..a,. Y .. m_ b, Size (in acres): p Pa:(.e4of21 ' ~ . . �� [l 17. |sthe site served byexisting public utilities? [_ Yes [_] No r� �� a. If YES, does sufficient capacity exist toa||ovvconnecdon? �_]Y�os L_ANo �� b� If YES, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? �—lYe� ��mo LJ �� 18, |sthe site located in an agricultura l lot certified pursuant 1oAghcu|tureand Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and ��3047 [—�Yes 19. |sthe site located in or subtanh,'IllygumustoaCr|dca| Envimnmenta|AeadesignatedpursuanttoArtide8oftheECL' and GNYCRRG17? K |Yes �~ Wo �� �� 20, Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? E Yes No B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate). a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: � aones. b. PnojecLacrea�e�nbedeve|opad� �~I�� aoesinitie||y� �'Z�� -acresu|hmatc|y. o. Project acreage 1nremain undeveloped: 0acres. d. Length of project, in miles: «*J�/11 (if appropriate) ' e. If the project is an expansion' indicate percent of expansion proposed. 0/. [ Number n[off-street parking spaces existing proposed 8� Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour: (upon completion ofpnojecL)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium __� Initially Ultimately L Dimensions (|n feet largest proposed structure: height; width; ���� |e�th, � �� j. L�ear �e nfhn�agealong opuN�thomughharapn��tm/iUoccupy is?_^/`�,.� �� 2. How Much natural material (i.e. rock, earth' etc.) will baremoved from the site? _�^ tons/cubicya/ds, �� c�� 3. VVi|| disturbed areas bered []Yes Yes ��No N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? ............... ............... .................... �� b� Will topsoil be stockpiled for redamob � reclamation? � Yes [-- Nn c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Yes o 4. How many acres of vegetation (treos, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? ��~-�' acres Page 5 of 21 - 5, Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) orother locally-important vegetation beremoved bythis project? �� �� �^� Yes �`] No @� If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction: E months, (including demolition) 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number oyphases anticipated_____ (number) 4/4 b, Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: month ymar. (including demolition) i c. Approximate completion date of final phase: month year. 4/1yA d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent onsubsequent phases? Yes � No /y 0El 8. Will blasting occur during construction? K~~�Yes [�[-o D. Numbern[jobs generated: during construction _ 0after project is complete 10. Number ofjobs eliminated bythis project 0 11. Will project require relocation ofany projects or facilities? Yos [9 No |fyes, explain: 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes E9No a. I[yes, indicate type ofwaste (sewage' industrial, etc) and amount b. Name o?water body into which effluent will badischarged �.................������������ 11 |ssubsurface liquid waste disposal involved? E]Yos [91�o Type I4. Will surface area ofonexisting water body increase ordecrease byproposal? Yes No |{yes, explain: 15. Isproject orany portion mfproject located ine 1OOyear flood plain? E]Yus C .1' 'o 10. Will the project generate solid waste? A ! Yes [v]No a. If yes, what isthe amount per month? tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? K~�Yes n��No c. If yes, give name location --- ---------------------- d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into o sanitary landfill? A |Yes [9-No PeQe 6 of21 e If yes, exp: aiw ,------ ....... m ®. . 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? Yes [ `N' o a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? .... ....... ,,_ tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Yes No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? 11 Yes No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? Yes ;No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? _,_ Yes No If yes, indicate type(s) 1 / I 22, If water supply is from wells, indicate.m. ._. . ..W, n _.. ... .. .. , _- .s.._._ :.._. --..._ _m.,.,..m ......�m�._�.....� ....� n. . ...� pumping capacity------ A . XE`"f gallons/minute, 23. Total anticipated water usage per day gallons/day. 24, Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? Yes No If yes, explain: i Fl age 7 of 21 ~ 25. Approvals Required: |ype Submittal Date City, Town. Village Board [ yes No --- City. Town, Village Planning Board Yes El 0o �� �� City, Town Zoning Board ���Yoy �.� No ---------�--------' F.!'75 Ci1y. CmuntyHeo|thDepa� ��Ument yas 0N --- ................— ___ Other Local Agencies [—]Yes E—| No Other Regional Agencies 0 yYea 0 +� N --'---------------- ----------- ' � � State Agencies K_�Yes �—J No Fede/a| Agenc/es �_�Yes �__ Nm ����������� C. Zoning and Planning Information ��� 7. Does proposed action involve u planning or zoning decision? U~~ Yes D No |fYes, indicate decision required: �� �� ��j Zuning amendment FTZoning variance �~J Nem/revision of master plan �_� Subdivision �� �^� Site plan �_J Special use permit Resource management plan �.� Other Page 8of21 2. What is t eQ l6:DlnIIII`1g c:asstOcatJor(s) of the `:rft.e? i 3. What is the maximum potential of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? _------- ,t 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? 5, What w the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? ,., . .., r _ — m.. -- ----- _----------- ._ -. ..m.., _..� 6, Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses to adopted local land use plans, �I Yes No 7. What are the predominant land �.�. � use(s) and zoning c�lassificatians within � �� � �.� .� e.., m.a ...... .� ........................ p g a '✓a mile radius of proposed action? -------- 19 - .-.- f i i 8, Is theosed ro p p action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses with a Y4 nille? Yes No g, If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? ... . . a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? Page 9 cA 21 10, Will proposed action require any a+_thorizaLion(s) for the; formation of SMA/er or water districts? 11 Yes . �o _ _ i i _ ------. ,..._.m _ m,, ,,,... .......w,.,... , 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection? Yes No a . If yes, as existing capacity ,:,ufficiient to Irandlc projected dertuand" ,'r s __d Na ...,...... ----------—-------- 12. .._12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? Yes _' 1'10 a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. Yes i No ........ '-77:77-7- ............... D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification certify that the information IMov'idt'xI above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor onsor Rlaw " _ Date A — pP P " , ,�r � ._Po�,,,,v,.� Signature t Mle If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 1=:'age 10 of 21 ^ ~ PART - PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE Responsibility mLead Agency General Information(Read Carefully) / |ncompleting the form the reviewer should bnguided bythe question� Have myresponses and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. ! The Examples provided are toassist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger nresponse incolumn 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring evaluation inPart 3 ! The impacts ofeach project, oneach site, ineach locality,will vary. Therefore,the examples are illustrative and have been offered aoguidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. ! The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. ! In identifying impacts, consider long term, short term and cumulative effects Instructions (Read carefully) m. Answer each ofthe 2Oquestions inPART 2. Answer Yes ifthere will beany impact. b. Maybe answers should beconsidered aoYes answers. C. If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box(column 1 or 2)to indicate the potential size of the impact. If impact threshold equals orexceeds any example provided,check column 2. |fimpact will occur but threshold iolower than example, check column 1 d. Identifying that an Impact will be potentially large(column 2)does not mean that it is also necessarily significant. Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an impact in column 2 simply asks that it belooked atfurther. e. |freviewer has doubt about size nfthe impact then consider the impact aopotentially large and proceed toPART 3. [ If a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s)in the project tuasmall tomoderate impact, also check the Yes box incolumn 3. ANnresponse indicates that such mreduction imnot possible This must be explained in Part 3. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change Impact unLand 1. Will the Proposed Action result inaphysical change tuthe project site? � NO U 1 YES I— 'Y Exomp|emthatwou|dmpp|ytoco|omn2 ' Any construction onslopes u/15%orgreater, (15foot [—J El E] Yeo EWo rise per 1OOfoot nf|engtN. orwhere the general slopes inthe project area exceed i0% ^ Construction onland where the depth tothe water table �~ [—i El Yea EJ`No is less than 3feet, ° Construction o[paved parking area for 1.00Onrmore �- �— �— Yeo [�`Nn vehicles. ° Construction �~ �— �� Yes ��{o m generally within 3feet ofexisting ground surface. ^ Construction that will continue for more than 1year or El ElYesau involve more than one phase orstage. ~ Excavation for mining purposes that would remove �— F—1 El Yea 19140 more than 1.OVOtons ofnatural m. aterie|(ie. rock or soil)per year. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change Construction or expansion of a santary landfill. �� -.e�Ya.s Construction in a designated floodway. �Yrsw Nc.7 Other impacts. 1 .. �.__ "_�Y �„ ��... No _..........:.... 2 Will there be an effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the site? j.e.,cliffs,dunes, geological formations, etc.} O YES • L Specific a nd forms: V Yes No Impact on Water 3, Will Proposed Action affect any water body designated as protected? (Under Articles 15, 24,25 of the Environmental Conservation Law, ECL) O El YES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Developable area of site contains a protected water body. ,,..., Ye plpl No • Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of E_l yes B1140 a protected stream. • Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water Ye N body. ._. _ � _ • Construction in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. I Yes 1 „Nc' p , rim acts: _ _,.;�Yes ` No „" 1 Other _...,,:�,....... .,--., , _... _ .......... m --- 4. Will Proposed Action affect any non-protected existing or new body of water? NO ...YES Examples that would apply to column 2 A 10%increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of E.II E]Yes No water or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. ��...,,� ..�.� • Construction of a body of water that exceeds 10 sores of surface Yes_ � area. • Other impacts - l Yes I3No 1=':-ge 12 of 21 ~ ' 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change 5. Will Proposed Action affect surface orgroundwater quality or qua n p�1N8 DYES �] �� Examples that would apply tocolumn 2 �— ~ Proposed Achonwill require mdischarge permiL L_J �_� K XYe» ��lNm ~ Yom No Proposed �Propua�dAodanrequireaueoofaaouroeofwater�ha1dneennt —1 � have approval toserve proposed(projmct)action. K�l K��/ ` Proposed AoUonrequires water supply� &_J from i | L_ Yee ��|Nm than 45 gallons per minute pumping capacity. � ~ Cmnabuctionoruperahuncausing any ron(amineMmnofmwater LL_� K~JYea [~]�No supply system. ^ Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. �_� Lk_JYmo o � ^ Liquid effluent will beconveyed off the site tutmd|itieowhich �_� L_U �|Yea [3 No presently donot exist mrhave inadequate capacity. ~ Proposed Action would use water inexcess of20.UOOgallons L_J �_� ��Yee L JNm per day. �� ° Pm ��pome�Autinnwi|||ihe|yoauaeai|(m�ionnru�herdimxhargein�v L_� k_V k�|Ymm �°�Nn mnexiwting body ofwater tnthe extent that there will bean obvious visual contrast tonatural conditions. ^ Proposed Action wiUrequire the storage ofpetm �� ��petroleum �~~ �_ Yes, � ".va chemical products greater than 1.1OOgallons. ^ Proposed Action will allow residential uses inareas without �_ �~� L_ Yaa No water and/or sewer services, ^ Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses Yes o which may require new*rexpansion nfexisting waste treatment and/or storage facilities. �l "E—]Yes^ Dtherimpacts� L_�� L_� L~Jreu ��mm Page 13 of 21 � 1 2 D Small to Potential Can Impact Ba Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change 0. Will Proposed Action alter drainage flow orpatterns, orsurface water mnu��, �1NO � |YES �� Examples that would apply tncolumn 2 =n�/ ~ Proposed Action would change flood water flows �-�Yem U -|Nm ^ Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. "'~ Yea EEJ`N' ~ Proposed Action imincompatible with existing drainage patterns. �— �~� D Yea ffo �� �� �� ~ Proposed AcUonwill allow development|nadesignated �~ �. l��Yeo ��mo Onod*my. �� ~ Other impacts: �. Elyes 071'Nm IMPACT OWAIR 7 Will Proposed Ao1ionmffectairqua|ity? ;^11moK—lYE8 �� �� Examples that would apply tocolumn 2 ,~ ^ Proposed AuUonwill induce 1.UO0ormoevehicle kipainany �—h ���Yee Nm given hour. �� �a� ^ PmpoeedAction will result inthe inoineradonofmore than 1ton �� c__ �_�Yes �°]Wm nfrefuse per hour. ~ Emission rate oftotal contaminants will exceed 5lbs. per hour ��Ye$ ��~~� oraheat source producing more than 1Umillion BTU's per hour. �� ^ Proposed Action vvi||allow anincrease inthe ernountnfland v—_/ |__�� � � Yes ��mo committed toindustrial use. ^ Proposed Action will allow enincrease inthe density of �~7 �- �—Yea ~L�m industrial development within existing industrial areas. � E]Yes^ Other impacts: �� [ � k_-Yoa ��|No |MPACT OWPLANTS AND ANIMALS 8VVi|| edAotimn� eo\any threatened orendangered species? ���NO 1:1 YES �� �� M Examples that would apply(ocolumn 2 ~ Reduction ofone ormore species listed onthe New York or �—| || ILYes Federal list, using the site, over ornear the site, orfound onthe site Page 14of2� ~ 1 2 5 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate LanJe Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change ^ Removal ufany portion nfacritical o/significant wildlife habitat, �— [—1 �~1Ye» ��[ o ' Application ofpesticide orherbicide more than twice myear, [-1 F—1 �~� r�T-o other than for aghou|tura|purposes. --Yen -- ~ Otherimpacts: Dyes 1:1 9. Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened nrnon' � end species? K!�N0 ��YES �� �� Examples that would apply tmcolumn 2 ~ Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident �. � �~ ���eo n���' mrmigratory�ah. eheUOahurwildlife species. L- �-| u^� ��]m» ^ Proposed Action requires the removal ofmore than 1Oacres of �ea r��� �� mature hamot(over 1OOyeemofage)orother locally impodant u~~ K-- u~� ��[n» vegetation. ` Otherimpa� � � �-�� Yeo K_��o IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. Will Pro edAction o�eo\agricultural land muourceu? (FN0 L �YES Examples that would apply tocolumn 2 � ~ The PmPunmdAcUonvvnu|dsever, ommmorlimit access te K�� ��x� �� L- �^���a ����o agricultural land(includes cropland, hayfie|da, pasture, vineyard. orchard,etc.) ° Construction activity would excavate orcompact the soil profile of �-lYem rz�" o' agricultural land, �—' �—" ~ The PmpoeedAction would inevensib|yuonve�momthan 1O �~� �~ �~l��m [�]�� acres nfagricultural land or, iflocated in an Agricultural District, -- --' �—^ ^-- more than 2.5acres nfagricultural land Page 15 o[21 ~ ^ - _ 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Lange Mitigated by Impact |mpor\ Project Change ° The Proposed Action would disrupt orprevent installation nf '. Yen [�l^ o L_ a0nou|\una| land management systems(e,g .subsurface drain —� lines, outlet ditches, strip c/opping);orcreate aneed for such measures(o.g.cause afarm field todrain poorly due Vn increased runoff), Ul �� ~ Other impacts: &_J �_�� �_ Yaa E�No IMPACT ONAESTHETIC RESOURCES 11 Will Proposed Action affect aesthetic resources?(if necessary, use the V' ��E8FAddendumin8ectionO17.2O.8ppendixB.) YES �� Examples that would apply tocolumn 2 n�' ~ Proposed land uses, nrpn� � ecomponentaobvioue|ydi� n! different Yeo [!fNo from orinsharp contrast tocurrent surrounding land use patterns,whether man-made urnatural, ^ Proposed land uses, orproject components visible Nusers nf �-|Yoa Fv'No aesthetic resources which will eliminate ursignificantly reduce their enjoyment nfthe aesthetic qualities ofthat resource. ~ Project components that will result inthe elimination ur E]Yeo []No significant screening nfscenic views known tobeimportant to the area. ° Other impacts: [IYesF "' m IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12� Will Proposed Action impact any site orstructure ofhistoric, ppehi rp�|�o� importance? El YES Examples that would apply tocolumn 2 - Proposed Action occurring wholly orpartially within nrYes m substantially contiguous toany facility orsite listed unthe State orNational Register ofhistoric places, ^ Any impact Voanarchaeological site orfossil bed located within El 11 F— 'Yes F-9. No the project site. ^ Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive [l �� �l Y�m E�» for archaeological sites nnthe NYS Site Inventory. Page 16 u[21 1 2 3 Small to Potential t.��:A�°u Jnq,)acl Be Moderate Large Milig ated by Impact Impact Prcilti ct Ch,winge Other impacts: 1-1 Y No PACT O OPE SPACE AND RECREATION 13. m -_... .. .. �wa....� -...__ TI 13. Will proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future opeFN ces or recreational opportunities? O YES Examples that would apply to column 2 The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity, ® . ::.. Yes " No erm .� � A major reduction of an open space important to the community, El Yes No Other impacts t ..� L. ..: Yes 1 ;Nay ...... .. A. m .._.. . IMPACT ON CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS 14. Will Proposed Action impact the exceptional or unique characteristics of a critical environmental area(CEA)established pursua t to subdivision 6NYCRR 617.14(g)? NO YES List the environmental characteristics that caused the designation of the CEA. Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action to locate within the CEA? Yes "ado / Proposed Action will result in a reduction in the quantity of the � ..,.',� El 9 Yes IIgo resource? Proposed Action will result in a reduction in the quality of the 0 ElYes o resource? r' Proposed Action will impact the use; function or enjoyment of the �.- � Yes No resource? Other impacts: ... �i.�:.-..� � i'Ye.� Mo Page 17 of 21 . � 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate LenQa Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change IMPACT ONTRANSPORTATION 15. Will baanm� � � toex|ehngtranspo�oUonayatemo? OO �7YEG u Examples that would apply tncolumn 2 � ^ Alteration ofpresent pattemnofmovement ufpeople and/or FE-] �l l �~ Yes ��N�o goods, -- -- - PmpouedAction will result inmajor traffic problems. �—� �- �—Yes -o ' Other impaote: ��Yea ���a IMPACT ON ENERGY 10. Will Proposed Action affect the community's sources offuel ur energy supply? ���D �7YES ^—u u�� Examples that would apply Vocolumn 2 ` Proposed Action will cause agreater than 596increase inthe �~ El C�]Yeu —~~^/ No use ufany form ofenergy inthe municipality �� -- ��� ~ Proposed Action will require the cmmhonorextension ofan K~� �- ��Yaa Us�No energy transmission nrsupply system tnoewemore than 5Q -- aing|eortwohami|yraaidenceaor\oeemeamajoroommerda| orindustrial use. - Other impacts: K—A El []Yes ff�No NOISE AND ODOR IMPACT 17, Will there baobjectionable odors, noise, orvibration aaaresult of the Proposed Action? F7fES Examples that would apply tocolumn 2 ~ Blasting within 1.5OOfeet ofahospital, school orother sensitive ��Ymm ��Xu facility. ` -- -- ~ Odors will occur routinely(more than one hour per doy), �~ K~� �—Yea ��' o ^ Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the - �� F��Yem rr�-' local ambient noise levels for noise outside ofstructures, -- ^—~ ~�^ ' PmpooadAction will remove natural barriers that would act aso �~ F- Dyes BIN'o no/aencrmen ° Other impacts �— �~ � Yes— ff'r No Par,je18ofD1 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change IMPACT ONPUBLIC HEALTH 18Will Pm d dAo\�ona�� pub|iohea|thandaahety? � ���NO F~�YES ° Proposed Action may cause arisk ofexplosion orrelease of �~ LI-".-I �—�Yeo ���No hazardous substances(ie. oil,peahc|dem. ohemiom|a. radiation, �� --' -- etoJinthesvantnfacoidentorupaa1oonUiUons.orthsemaybe achronic low level discharge oremission, � � ° Proposed Acdonmay result inthe burial of"hazardous wastes" K-7 17 K�]Yee [~ No |nany form(ie.toxic,poisonous, highly reactive, md|oa�iv*. �� |rhtmbng,infectious,etc.) ~ Storage facilities for one million ormore gallons nfliquefied El E]Yea [7r' natural gas orother flammable liquids. �� ` PmponodAction may msu|\inthe exoovaU �� excavation Yem "~�No disturbance within 2.000feet ofesite used for the disposal of solid orhazardous waste. {} W— N�herimpmuts� L �� &.���Y�u o IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY ORNEIGHBORHOOD 18. Will Proposed Actionaffect the character nfthe existing community? ��� �� N� ��YE8 o�� Examples that would apply tocolumn 2 �� ` The permanent pmpu|aU �� �� L~nnu��henity.townorvi||ogein�hiuhthe &~� �� ����o 9No project ialocated ialikely togrow bymore than 5%. DIN ^ The municipal budget for capital expenditures oropermUng �~ El E]Yem A �No services will increase bymore than 5%per year aoaresult of this project. �� ^ Proposed Action will conflict with o�ioia||yadopted plans or �~ ���J E]Yes ��Yea No Qna|m. E]Yes" Proposed Action will cause achange inthe density ofland use �_ ���� ��Yee ��No �� ^ Proposed Action w|Ureplace oreliminate existing faui|idea. E]Yes � °�No structures nrareas ofhistoric importance(othe community. ^ Development will create edemand for additional community El K~~ Yeo n�oro oerviooa(e,g, auhoo|a, police and fire, etc.) Poge 19 of 21 1 2 D Small to Potential Be Moderate Lange NU|ig'n�edby Impact Impact Project ch"" -Am ' pmpoaedAohonwiUmatanimportantprecedonthorfuture �— �� i —ly�� r�nIo projects. ^—~ ~~� �— �— '^ ^ Proposed Action will create oreliminate employment, �� [—�Y*m mzm�o ° Other impacts: �� �� n�n�' �� �~ Yam [E]-No 20, |atAene. oriathenaUke|ytnbo. pub|i000n1ruvnmyrelated to potential — --^^---�------------~-------'----------| adveWnvironmentimpacts? M� wo / |YE8 If Any Action in Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If you Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed toPart 3 PaQe2Oof 21 Part 3 ~ EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s)is considered to be potentially large,even if the impact(s)may be mitigated. 1�Arucdions�(if you need more space, attach additional sheets) Discuss the following for each impact identified inColumn 2ofPart 2: 1 Briefly describe the impact 2, Describe(if applicable)how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by projectohange(a), 3. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact imimportant. Toanswer the question ufimportance, consider: | The probability ofthe impact occurring | The duration ufthe impact I Its irreversibility, including permanently lost resources oyvalue ! Whether the impact can mrwill becontrolled ! The regional consequence ofthe impact { Its potential divergence from local needs and goals ! Whether known objections tothe project relate 1mthis impact. f 1111111 IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII MEMPINVIN SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 08/11/2014 Number of Pages: AlS At: 11:54:22 AM Receipt Number : 14-0104882 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 14-00936 LIBER: D00012784 District: Section: Block: PAGE: Lot: 908 1000 048.00 02. 00 044. 002 E 1:N 'D AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $75,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS S C $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5 . 00 NO EA-STATE $250 .00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cart-Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.pres $0.00 NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 14-00936 Fees Paid $380.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS HOTA BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County RECORDED C1 22014 Aug 11 11:54:22 AN IUDITH A. PASCALE CLERK OF " NumbQrofpages � SUFFOLK COUI4TY __ ., _...._ ._-._. L D00012784 _ P 408 This document will be public DT4 14-00936 record.Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed/Mortgage instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Retarding/Filing Stamps FEES Page/Filing Fee �r Mortgage Amt. Handling 2f:1, 00 1.Basic Tax -. . 2. Additional Tax _.,,. P-5 —r Sub Total NotationSpec./Asslt. / ED or EA 52 17 Count Spec./Add. I t Sub Total 9_..._. EA-5217(State) y TOT,MTG,TAX R,P.T.S.A, C7CPIxtr Dual Town Dual County Held for Appic)Intment Comm.of Ed, °.:.. 0_ _µ.. — T Transfer Taxr ) IT X00 Affidavit Mansion Tax _ sz Certified Co �A o e pr e y covered byt his mortgage� PY �.... rtor wo NYS Surcharge is. 00 330 Family dwelling only. Sub Total ,,,, Other YES or NO Grand Total.---3O ( If NO, see appropriate tax clause on �l page afthis lrrop��tr�yurmtert 4Dist If 14020153 i000 04800 0200 044002 ,0 Si 1 Community Preservation Fund Real Property I I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Consideration Amount$ _ .�. IIIIIII�III�IIIIIIII011 CPF Tax Due �— Tax Service !�" I �� b00 Agency L. Verification OR.Auts•'t�� 5a[Isfa tloIons/Drscl�rules/6lrriea ms List d rola rty Oswr�crs M�rplrral A clreas Improved 6 r RECORD&RETURN TO / Vacant Land - f Larry R.Davis,Esq. ✓ TD-.. 6.4._0,._..._.. Davis&Prager, P.C. TD 175 Oak Street — - Patchogue,NY 11772 TD Mail to:Judith A.Pascale,Suffolk Count Clerk y 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Co Name Venture Title/ cLIcy, Inc g Suffolk County Recording &TEndorseitle N ment Page ..°. ._.. _ ge This page forms art of the attached DEED made y P 9 p _..... - (SPECIFY TYPE .... m ...... --_ . OF INSTRUMENT) Linda M.Snrinaer as Executrix of the I ast Will The premises herein Is situated In APO.Tcstamcnt"cif Virgi„n.i.a O Jer.ni k SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of Js�1c111 lid . _...__,. _.. ____ PJf..�Ptrlltil b..). Ll.-. ... In the VILLAGE BOXES or HAMLET ofµ,.e C tt to ®...._ 6 THRU B MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, FORW E\ECUTQIt'S DEED(INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) ✓� 10 � STANDARD NYaTU DORM 8010 V / 1 ! b —5 f CAUTION: THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN ATTORNEY AND REVIEWED BY ATTORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PURCHASER BEFORE SIGNING, THIS INDENTURE, made the ° d'14_ day of July, two thousand and fourteen, behveen Linda M, Springer°, as 1 XeGtstrix crfthe Last Will and Testament of Virginia 0. Ie.rnink� dr r r rI Nfcp,` Ajl8 a,a• +� I0'12, 0—1k C UUnty Jurrogate"s Court file No. 2013-660, 1 et�tel's "cstarrncntary issued March 15, 2013, residing at 2 Linda Court, Shelter Island, New York 11964 party of the first part, and ADF Ventures, LLC, 138 Oregon Avenue, Medford, New York 11763 party of the second part, 1,,V1IN1!`&5",, ITH, that the party of°the first parl, by virtue ()fIlle power all(i authority given intend by said last will all(] testaaarrent,, and/or by Article I ] of the 13staates, Powers arrrd Trusts Law, and ill consicicration of Sevcrrty-1~ivc '1"laousarrcl Dollars($75,000.00),.00), hawfill money of tlae United States, plaid by the party of the second part, sloes hereby grant and release Mato the party Of the secoaad Part, the distributees or slleees''aOIS and assigns of the panty of the second par( forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described in "Schedule A"annexed hereto. Said premises also known as 620 Corwin Street, Greenport, New York (SCTM# 1000- 048.00-02.00-044.002). BE IN(.'") AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as described ill by deed (made by Alice. Olsen hlarise dated 10/06/1967, recorded 11/30/1967 in Liber 6265 Page 278 (PART OF I"REMISF,S) arraal by Certificate of Abandonment filed 08/26/1981 in Certificate filo 2328, Abstract No. 9131 , TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOG /'.!I/","R with the, al;>pUrten anccs, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at dw tlllic c>t dccedent's death in s,aicl pl,etlaases, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first p ao has or has 1>orver to cc'>rlvey Or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, w ise, NYSBA PRAcncF.FOWS 3/03 Kj:T067.1 I I Schedule A Description Underwriter No, 61-6-03110 Title Number VA-16103-S Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Corwin Street distant 625.84 feet easterly frim the corner formed by the intersection 0'the easterly side of Ninth Street with the southerly side of Corwin Street; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of Corwin Street, South 88 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East 174.13 feel, to land now or formerly of Enrique Alvarez; RUNNING THENCE along said land South 7 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West 43.97 feet to land of the Long Island Rail Road; RUNNING THENCE along said land, South 84 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West 177,65 feet to land now or formerly of Lew Family Properties Partnership LTD.; RUNNING THENCE along said land North 7 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds East 66. 24 to the southerly side of Corwin Street at the point or place of BEGINNING. Continued On Next Page a a Schedule A Description - continued Underwriter No, 618-03110 Title Number VA-16103-S Page 2 SCHEDULE OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS NO COVENANTS AND RESTPJCTIONS OF RECORD < A r! 6Al- TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the First part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the costs of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other numnse.. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF. lig a M. Springer, as laxc t trig Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State(RPL § 309-a) STATE OF NEW YORK } ) ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the D qlk day of July in the year 2014 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Linda M. Springer, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acluiowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. (sitxri t"ture and office of individual tm.. — � along acknowledgment) ___m ... � edgment) SUSAN LA CQNTl fiotary PubltG,State of New York No.01 LA61 M18 Oualffied in Nassau County Rr:'T°067.1 I Commisslon EVIros Feb.08,2018 2 r snn PkncrIcr:ronAts 3/03 S.CTM. OWNERS NAME CURRENT USE BUSEVESS NAME 1000-48-1-9 Frederick E Galen �. _.. ._ 0 48-1-10 Annette E Ray James Richter_.0-4 ® ...__._ _____.— _._._.—__ - ---- -u_ ........ _.. ............._ _..._ 100 -1 James Richter -_m __.._ -. ...... _ -- — y._.._ Colin VanTu 1 .. 1000-48-1-13_ .._.�..__. ...._y ..... m .....,... __.. _._.._ __. —... _._.. 1000-48-1-14 David Zellerford .. 1000-48-1-15 Shawna MacNamara 1000-48-1-170 HPete. _. . a...... �' .� n C Baden ........_ -.... n art& Sharon .�.. .. We1enllo Cheryl R Inzerillo 0 00-48-1-18 John J. Kosta ,.. -........ mw .. .....� ._.....--------- 1000-48-1-18 __ _____._......__. �e... ............_ 1 .. Peter F. i 1 Jr. &Anne S. Kostal 1000-48-1 19 .. ... _... . .......... � _ m _... ..._�_ Ethel Sin leton Bnehampton National Bank 1000-48-1-20 ........... _..m.._, �.. .. stopher P. Wachtel&Marianne W Wachtel ... 1000-48-1-21 Chn __ ... ._..... .. ................... ..... ....____ ,..._ ...�-.. .. �.._._ 1000-48-1-22 635 Wiggins St, LLC 100 _ . " 0 48 1 25 Nicholas Gallen' 1000-48-1-26 Erin L Young 1000-48-1-27 Bruce Berger&Irma Martkovich 1000-48-1-29.1 Donald M. Lucas &Faye L. Lucas 1000-48-1-30 Dylan Croke &Morgan P Croke Mown P Croke 1000-48-1-31 _ ._ ..-mm. _w.... - 1000-48-1-32 Tonia Wachtel &Donald E. Wachtel 1000-48-1-33 Peter Pirillo Private Residence 1000-48-1-34 Robert N. Harvey, Paula Harvey 1000-48-1-35 Jill A.'Mup2h Private Residence 1000-48-1-36 Kristian I lesias 1000-48-1-37 Ural Tal at Private Residence 1000-48-1-38 Michael Greene Private Residence 1000-48-1-39 Jennifer Kennedy, James W. Kennedy Private Residence 1000-48-1-40 Michael Greene Private Residence 1000-48-1-41 Rosemary G. Maceiras Private Residence 1000-48-1-42 1 Richard A. Fiedler& Judith Li ht Privat�Resid�ence 1000-48-1-43 Joan L. Dinizio&Robert J. Heave Privat 1. 1000-48-1-44.2 Eugene A. Mazzaferro & Mary P. Mazzaferro 1000-48-1-47.1 Lillian Vishno 1000-48-2-6 _ _. Yira Te ada 1000-48-2 7 __Yira l a__ 1000-48-2-9.1.. _ ...._. _ _ --- �.. - --__ Timoth Clark 1000-48-2-10 Peter m. Clark Private Residence 1000-48-2-11 Peter Manwaring Private Residence 11000-48-2-121 Wa de T. Manwarin , Julia Manwarin Private Residence 1000-48-2-15.7 Jose h Angevine Private Residence 1000-48-2-15.8 Dawn Zurek Private Residence 1w000-48_-2-16 Vanessa D. Mims . .. ..._---- .m �....1000-48-2-17 Frances Mims 1000-48-2-18.�e. .�._.. 560 Flint Street.a..._.. . n-, - .�m. __ u, ....... .. . _ _ , LLC 1000-48-2-19 Ian McCulley _._ ..e._ ®. . . ... 1000-48-2-20 Alyssa Ashley Prior James Drennan w.. 1000 �w.. .. .. _ ._ _........ _ ......�..__._ _..... ..._..._. .. ..._.. ... ..._. - Gloria Murrain 1000-43 ... � .. ._ _. .. - 4 David A King&Deborah A Kms m. . tecavarge, et al 1000-48 2 25 Joshua Alton Whi ______ __ 1000-48-2-26 Robert VanBrunt —... . .,�..��._ .� -- ... — 1000- -27 Monique Reed &Violet A. Reed .............. . .....m.. ..,,v_ ..... 8-2-3" 6.1 305 Linnet St., LLC 1000- - 7 _ Seledonio Villareal -------------- 1000-48-2-38 Mercedes Alvarez&EnriqueAlvarez 1000-48-2-39 County of Suffolk 1000-48 2-41 mm Jackson A Taylor ..._ .__..,._ �.. .. .. .._ .. ......_ _ 1000-48-2-42 Daisy N. Crenshaw �m �.� �,.�._. _ 1000-48-2-44.2 Subject Parcel 1000-48-2-44.3 Lewis Family Pro erties Partnershi , LTD Commercial Lewis Marine Su 1 ..... 1001-6-1-1 _...m St. Apes Church _ ..... __.. mm..... _.. _ . .. St. Agnes Church 1001.6 1-5..3 . . _..�.. . .... .............. ...�....... m...._._�._, _—�. 1001-6-3-1 James Concannon Jr. & Wendv Concannon 1001-6-3-2 Marek Matlak Private Residence 1001-6-3-3 Maureen Caouette Private Residence 1001-6-3-4 Debra Riva Private Residence 1001-6-3-5 Enrique Alvarez Private Residence 1001-6-3-6 Brett D. Stephenson Private Residence 1001-6-3-7 Enrique Alvarez Private Residence 1001-6-3-8 T- _ __ w .... ._ 1001-6-3-9 Mary Wade 1001-6-3-10 Mercedes Alvarez 1001-6-3-11 Nicholas Ridolfi &Maria Ridolfi 1001-6-3-12 Realty 3 515,LLc mm... 1001-6-3-14 Michael Bandow mm 1001 6 3 15Elgio Lopez --- -- .. . . .....m...... �.. . ny.... ..... . m._ 1001-6-3-16 Andrew Galasso &Bernard Mi . m..._.. �_. ...... .... �_sm.,._.. _. . 1001-6-3-17Linda Oliver -6-3 _ ._ 1001 -1� i 8 Paul Kamako ��..... - � .� _....,,.� 1001-6-5-1David Tonsmeire ,, . w..�...n _...... ...... .. ........ —- _. 1001-6-5-2 James Kalin 1001-6-5-3 Lisa Feuerherm ................. "01-6-5-4 Chris McManus&Baju W>�ono 10... ...._ __ . 1001-6-5-5 Robert W. Laub _ w... -- _.. _ __ .. _ 1001-6-5-6 Carlos DeJesus 1001-6-5-7 John Dinizio Jr. &Patricia A. Dimzio 1001-6-5-8 Villa a o�Green ort Public Works Road De artment 1001-6-5-9 GJC Part .. _�. ,._ m. ...v.__.... ..__. 1001-6-5-10 Mercedes Alvarez mm.. .._.....___ �.. .. . _.......—� — ------ ---- _.— 1001- -5-11 Alvarez DeJesus Charles Harvey 1001-6-5-12.�_ ..�_e �,.. _m._. _ _ _m.�... m .._e��._... _..mmm �. ��..�. 1001-6-5-13 Anthony AntonSeorgi, Steven Sweeney, et al Margaret M Campbell &MaryEllen Campbell _ 1001-6-5-14�.... .. w. .��. . ........� w .. ..----.._. ­ ...... 1001-6-5-15 David TonyeS_ _ -__---------- �.. ��. 1001-6-5-17,2 Commerce Bank, NA ifl(}1-ti-S-17 l \/11 illa11 rrn n{'11 r,11 r11 nPnn.. . �.., .._.. � nil 10 w._. ...._ n..",._ _- --- ------- _ 01-6-5-1 s.��.. ,._ ...... ..... Obert E. Chute ._ 1001.-6 5-1..__ .... .� ._. . 9 _Jeffrey P Clark&Laura L Clark -65- _... _ Lorraine Petrliano ..x.....__1001, - 20 i_ �...� _ � �. ...� .�.. � .. .....__ ..��.�..... n.�.._ _ ....� .. a._. .. 1001-6-5-21 GJC Leasing Corp. 1001-6-7-1 Frank Lyburt Jr. -.... ._ ._.-.. mm ... ... ®.. 1001-6-7- Christina eper �... ��..... ... -- .... �m _ 1001- -7- BarbaraStrokoff Note. ._....�a..... .. .--- Parcels in highlighted rows are within 200' of the subject property boundary