HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-104.-12-6.1 //'�/� OFFICE LOCATION: f % .r4r „ /5/0f MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex 1� , . 1, ® : P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 r . w : % Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) `�� �I G ? Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 ` , ' , l �1 p iI _•_... I,, LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Donald Wilcenski, Chair Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner1\\‘' . LWRP Coordinator Date: September 18, 2015 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision for Theodore Martz Located at 555 and 315 Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-104-12-6.1 Zoning Districts: R-40 This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 1.62 acre parcel into two lots where proposed Lot 1 equals 0.71 acres and proposed Lot 2 equals 0.92 acres, located in the R-40 Zoning District. The Zoning Board of Appeals granted an Area Variance to allow for Lot 1 to be less than 40,000 sq. ft. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following recommendations are implemented to further the below listed policies: Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The Zoning Board of Appeals granted an area variance (6844) with conditions on April 2, 2015 on the survey drawn by Kenneth M. Woychuk, dated April 30, 2007, with the latest revision dated Nov. 6, 2014. The conditions are as follows: 1. The applicant shall provide a 20 foot natural and undisturbed buffer of 170 feet on the east and west property lines and a 30 foot natural and undisturbed buffer along the entire southern property line which will remain in perpetuity. 2. The applicant shall bring the cottage on proposed lot#2 into conformance with the Town Code definition of a dwelling consisting of a minimum of 850 square feet of living area. 3. The applicant shall secure subdivision approval from the Town Planning Board. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Policy 2.2. Protect and preserve archaeological resources. The applicant is in the process of contacting the Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation to determine is a cultural survey would be required, therefore, impact to cultural resources are unknown at this time. The parcel is not a listed Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities (SPLIA) property. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold E. Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality: 1. Preserve existing vegetation which contributes to the scenic quality of the landscape. The plat references "existing clearing" and the Zoning Board of Appeals buffers. The buffers required on Lot 2 suggest that the lot can be cleared up to the buffer. It is recommended that the limits of clearing be shown on both lots. Existing trees and buffers should be accounted for in the required clearing limits. To further policies 5.1 and 5.5 below, it is recommended that the following best management practices be required: 5.1. Prohibit direct or indirect discharges that would cause or contribute to contravention of water quality standards; and 5.5. Protect and conserve the quality and quantity of potable water. A. Prevent contamination of potable waters by limiting discharges of pollutants to maintain water quality according to water quality classification, and limiting, discouraging or prohibiting land use practices that are likely to contribute to contravention of surface and groundwater quality classifications for potable water supplies; a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. c. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. - d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1st and April 1st e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Please contact me at (631) 765-1938 if you have any questions regarding the above. Cc: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSgel*®F SO(j1 P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI 1 AST ®'e® Southold,NY 11971 Chair ; OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ` Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY x 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III =®l� moil (con Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR - COMM ,,d Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM M� FFFflTYIj To. Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator 11111SEP 0 3_ 2015 From: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner P S. Southold Town Planning Board Date: September 3, 2015 Re: Request for Review on Proposed Standard Subdivision for Ted Math Located: on Broadwaters Road approximately 80 feet west of Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-104-12-6.1 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience. This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 1.62 acre parcel into two lots where proposed Lot 1 equals 0.71 acres and proposed Lot 2 equals 0.92 acres, located in the R-40 Zoning District. The Zoning Board of Appeals granted an Area Variance to allow for Lot 1 to be less than 40,000 sq. ft. Thank you for your cooperation. Please respond by October 2, 2015.