HomeMy WebLinkAbout40399-Z TOWN OF SOUTII101,11F) BUHIANG (I 1ECKLIST BUILDINC DER"AIRI'MEN'T Do you have cm lived 0[e killorwarig,G)efine appIytiq2,9' FOWIN IIALL Bm d W'l knhh S0UnHHJX NY 11971 4WS0BWTA;NWS ')p'EL. (631)765-111802 Nanrirnt.,n,Board appovd_ 1AX: 031)%5=2 sirrvey rmC a,mu u°C PEWMIT N(Jell/a o SoN le FoRil NY 8 DBC CO App licat6ni Hood llei"14 [sxktomn'd 2(o It Twat Mao AmmmmilArn Appwved hbil(0� NuIpprilmd de 0e 6 r- - 73Z 20 Building: h) -ic, M, DEC 2 9 2M5 III A) Ilk pt"lllCppC'l, 20 INSFRUCIIONS [Xk w III a"Whn MUST he compkrMy 1W in by typewrae� or rn inkand subilnirred to the RuRdirig hispector with 4 mm olywrq accaarc Idw Man ki mok Pie acarrding to nheduic K PkA p1m;Mwwhg locilthn of kA and orbuddAgs on pretnic%rehilmridsip w adIssig paWw"ir pW&mwim or ww"am wwuw"S. Vilre worl;emered by IN apolation nmy not he wmnwmxd hdWe Wnince of BWWWg Pwmft d Uponlipproval okiik,appircaflon,the Briflding Lirspcow wrfl issue a IBriflappumgr,I'Mnft to tile mpphCirrll-SUCh H P(atldl shid1l be kept on the premises avltillaNe 161 insporcrion throtighoril the work, e. No building AM be(wcuoed or wed A We or I pmL If my puMme whM moeva mW On BdTp InsimUor Nues a Qrdbcalz of(kcripancy. L Hwy WWWM pmkt shall c"ke Wthe worlo Wa6zed has not cornmenced withiin 112 nrondis a1hr V dale of knvance or Los nol bmn compkict!wrthh, 118 morvio Hun moch dMa Wim zoinuig in-nelohnents of other Yegwiddlions a5lb0ing the pmpMy have been emonted A dw AWN%Me MrAGg NW=hw mq aWwA,h w6liti&Ow a° ie "Qu pmA kir all AdWm Q nmWm II wmaNq a itew permh W he nopdre(I AAKK AnON VP HAU MY MANi W die MAIM[Mmorlmni ro,me wnwnm ora=mg Parsh pmsmm to se Briflding Zone Oirdnrance oravrown orSuMholl SWRilk Comfy New Ywk,nd WharmpiARM&JAw,NAmnces of RegrohlHon,Air Q wnstrucilon of hufldhsgs,addWon%Or HKCITUOH1,ilir fin rcnroivop or denrofirion as herenii described The appficant agrees to cornp�y wRh W1"OhmoNe Nwq wdirnnnw,W011ding co&%houNg cod,and ivgWuMvnq and to adrivil, aurhorized hmpectom on picirlims und in Wining lbr nmesmiy impeciAns (&pWuw oNWHcant cw=no We oqm On) 0 (MaHing mdAvm cWapohmid) Swte whba uppUmit N owmq Wee,Merit,w5hul erghimq gawt-W emAmdo;dectridmI Number or Wer 0(J- Name of ownrer of pmrnins w (As on r011 cor West dew) VqTkwa k a coqwortilbri,sigmt;nrc oNWQ aoholdmd Mcf, (Name and fifl(°Oft'a )cHUW"Hkol) BiniWers Lkxntse'%Ikr, 11k.frnbeirs Licensv No, lh,kctri6arrs JJcense No. Other'frade's License No. L lAwW&n orWnd on which pInyond"ua W he I fisws�,,,Man ber Street I hun Kir T; (',owAy'FaxMapNl), J000 Will Led SUbdlvkJon FiiedMap No, - - -Lot 2. Star(,,,existinty,use and occupancy ofprernkes arhli intonded �vd occuipancy ol'proposed construcflon. "'? it, ["XkthIg LISC WId OCCUpancy wa" Ae" 3, Nature.of work (check whn�h appficaffle): Addidon A4(,,radon 1tepair - I---------R orn ov aI -Dernolifion Other Work 4. E'Stinilated Cost Ve (To be pald oin fifing thk app heaflon) 5, ii'dw0fing,number of dwcfling tnihs _Nunilben ofdmdfing units on each floor If garage, number of cars .................................................... 6. Il'bminess,comrnerc.hd or Inixed occupancy,spe,6l'y nature, uhl exterit ofeach type ouw,. T Diinenspons or Gxisfing strIxtures,uFany° Front Rear Depth H1eight _,.. ­­­­­­­------_-1 ---Number of Stories—_.. Dimensions of same structure with afterations or additions: FrontRear ................................. Ideight Nurn�;r ..... ................. -- ----------- 8. DInu.nisions orentfire ncvv construction: Front--------------- ---------- all lZe --------------------__-Depth, IHeiight ..-Nurnber of Stones-, 9. Rear -------Depth--- ------- --------------------------------------------- p 0,Date of PuIrchaw- Nam c ofFormer Owner I I.Zone or use distrk,,t iD which premises a]C situated - ------------------------- --—----- p2,Docs proposed construcfiori viokitc any zornng law,ordinance orrcgiuiaGon?Y11',"S11-1 NO ---- p1 Wffl lot be re-graded?YEi--- NO Yfli emxss filp be avnovcd firorn jvemNes? Y11"S----- N 0 a Names of0vvneI ofpwMEWS 111moc Nora. 7- tv/J- Name ol'Arcfiiitecp 54 Addnws Homo Narne of("onti,,wwr Phmw No ..... ...... 5 a. Is this property w4Nn 1100 fiect ofa fi(U wedand or a fircshwalw vvelhind?:"YE'S NO IF YLS,Sol I']H01,I)TOWN 110 rS,'11 f,'FS&1').p .t PE'RMITS MAY BE hIs this prop ea vJlhin 300 Pcel cp['a tkU welland? * YES No JFYEN, PFNMF11`i' MAY BF,lU1-'QUHu,'1j1 6. Provide survey,tosczdc, w4h accuirate fioundation pkn and distamxs to Property fines. IT IIfcievmCionnn at any point on property rs at M fi,,et or bkfow,must provkle'topographic"d data on Survey, 18,Are there any covenanis and residefions Widl n'CSPCICtr tO thS propefty?* YFS--------NO----- * ]I,'YES,PROVIDE'A COPY, S FAT] TqFWr YORK) ""S CIAJtl y 0V1 I.'aim" �y b6m,duly swonii,deposes and SJyr%jo, 'It(S)lle IS too app�o;"1111t (Name ofrmfividuap so:ginng conlnx.,t)above narned, (,',;)He (ConhaOor,Agcnp,Coii porWe Officer,dc,) ofsaid ownei my owners,and is duly aIjjor)JIZ(u(p Jo peflj)a-M()I have peI ilxrnno,d flw said work and to make and ffle this apppicaflon; lhatafl statenients CoWafiwd in this app licafion are tine to ffic best of Ins kno"dedgeand behef and dw tih,woflk wifl be pe, fiortned in the manner set fiorth In the apppucatioin fikd flwrewaflh, 11:10 d as k w°iiwno Inv Ilais )9,Ck jV �puuyA )kYD01 R4tN E.MCNEMAR NOTAR Y PUBUC.STATE OF NEW YORK p isuationNo.OIMC627ptCtro 20tary Pubk QkudirjvdhiSuffWkC0uqty Signature ol'Appkcant Commission Expires Dec.3 c.) FF Scott A. Russell SUPERVISOR t err IWANAG]ENUEN T SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL-P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Road-SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 ���� •^�-.- �^° Town of,Southold CHAPTER 236 STORMWATE_ R MANAGEMENT WORK SHEET ( TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT ) DOES IS PROJECT INVOLVE AINY OF THE FOLLOWING: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) 10' A. Clearing, grubbing, grading or stripping of land which affects more �/ than 5,000 square feet of ground surface. 0[ B. Excavation or filling involving hrlore khan 200 cubic yards of material ,,-within any parcel or any contiguous area. C. Site preparation on slopes which exceed 10 feet vertical rise to 4 0 feet of horizontal distance. D. Site preparation within 100 feet of wetlands, beach, bluff or coastal i-os:ion hazard area. 011E. Site preparation within the one-hundred-year floodplain as depicted -Map,-of-any, watercourse-.- Installation of new or resurfaced impervious surfaces of 1,000 square feet or more, unless prior approval of a Stormwater Management Control Plan was received by the Town and the proposal includes in-kind replacement of impervious surfaces. If you answered NO to all of the questions above, STOP! Complete the Applicant section below with your Name, 4, Signature, 1 to our project. Ifyouanswe ed Contact Chapter t ES to one or more of the above, please submit Two copies a Sormwater Management Control Plane and a completed Check List Form to the Building Department,with your Building Permit Appllcctt.Ion.. _._. _ .. sec.T_n�. I aaaate t'1lICdN'; (Property�O�wrer,Design Prafesston al, ri Iucl C NAME' W Sect ion Block Lot — . hi�r�t:N Contact Information r r yr µ ..... 9 i vi nw }reviewed By Date: lit 1. C� l) C t�;ii7 tlf� � ,.. �� e��tuOUI C)� C C�uaa e. � � �y'�Ifaraw�:ry 4-or I�tdre:°c stu�ry V�tatltVotu¢;l�ye�rruuil. I e U t� ICI � � �� �.� tOr iruu n a Ve,r Main rc;r fnrry (��oO u 01 Ran Nnu lte�r)tuu ci Coolrol �c�rrv�urcJ6t`ty iv�rG;tu�r°i rrirPiQ�'rt�a:°(�a�Crtie,�'Ilhiutc�calr�e»ytarre1d Y "'NI( l ➢ cr lvi/\,u 20 1,t S.C.T.M. NO. DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION:15 BLOCK:5 LOT(S):24.15 ARPROi " D SnITED DATE: B.P.9 � FEE!! ITS... ...�, . NOTI UILOI�,�G PAR'EMENT AT 765.181 6 AM `I'0 'I Pil, FOR TE: CSN S• TI„ m . 1, FOUNDATON - TWO RFCUIRE UHL LANE FOR POURED CONCR TE 210.4CJ'R01� 'Fl . FRA%4!NG & PLUMf V G N71*33'50"E CONC.CURB INSULAT11ON r0.,U.P.1Eu.PJs �f ION MUS WEU L YON. BE COM ,9F4i C—, METER� ° _ ALL CONST UCTION E T THE RECaUIREME ITS OFT OD ,S F NEW C N7LY V�,IFTH ALL CODES O A$PHwI AMY YORK STAT NOT RESE'0 1,E FOR NEW YORK STA-I'LL' & TOWN CO' -S DESIGN OR OONSTRUGTI �E RORS. OQUIRED AN )2 p . ....� swDEwDL�sewr��'�� - aaa _ sr slrxw;�•Lvu�H��' � I.: n - CAa,r �E p L x z Pr Lo 7' txj w WOOD ... ; DECK 0 lytTE D o DO � rdHr p 0 Z ppNJHD 1KM7t o Lor 166 rRk d PICKET FkHCE TRIA. SHED 14Jth LOT 165 sry CCUPANCYSO 5' - LOT 164 N SE IS ULAWETUL Lor m 2j1� RETAIN STORM WATER 2- 36FF ITI UT CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER F OCCUPANCY 0F THE TOWN Cp WATER SUPPLY, WELLS DRYWELLS AND CESSPOOL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FIELD OB5ERV477ONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS AREA: 44,125.91 SQ.FT. or 1.01 ACRES ELEVATION DATUM: UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCA7I01V LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION, GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOW HEREON FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE THEREFORE THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO MONUMENT THE PROPERTY LINES OR TO GUIDE THE ERECTION OF FENCES, ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES OR AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. EASEMENTS AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUMRES RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT ON THE PREMISES AT THE 71M£OF SURVEY SURVEY OF: LOT 165 CERTIFIED TO: LESLIE KOCH; MAP OF: ORIENT BY THE SEA SECTION THREE DOUGLAS GRAY F!CbELITY NATIONAL TITLE BNSddf�Ad�C[ ��h�RA�"` FILED: OCTOBER 16, 1974 No.6160 -- -•-- I NKr. SITUATED AT: ORIENT _,. .............— Town OF:SOUTHOLD KENNETH_# WQyS K IA,." 7�¢6�'l� 1�fA;', PLLC Professional Land Surveying and Design Aqueb SUFFOLK 1o6NSCALE:Ew 30KDaTE NOV N.Y.S. LISC NO 05 P.O. Box 153 8-1508 guF N631 York 11931 f 26, 2014 � ,, PHONE (831)2Ba-15aB FAX(631) 290-1588 FILDB82 meWUL inf the racerde of Robert J.11--ey a Kenneth Y.Roychuk W ND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWINGS z . w USE THE FOLLOWING USP METAL CONNECTORS OR APPROVED EQUALS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOW MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. U U o aN 00 12 1 F Z Q z r) POST HURRICANE CLIPS _ U) 00O GIRDER/HEAD E o ALUMNIUM DRIP EDGE F-a co C7 o FASCIA 2x PORCH RAFTER O d POST/COLUMN 8"x8" OR 8"b ROOF E) �W C8 O Ul CONCRETE FOOTING <. 4x3 ALUMNIUM GUTTER OVERHANG TO 3" MATCH EXISTING POST FTG. CONNECTION AJ I ILOCATIONI USP NUMBLRJ DESCRIPTION APPLICATION (2) 2X12 GIRDER COVERED PORCH ROOF CONNECTION WC WC ® (yyy \1 ?0S POST-TO-GIRDER/HEADER CONNECTION 4X4 POST PAU44 OR WE44 POST / BEAM ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH FOOTING SHOWER SHOWER FRESH 1 J �0 USE MIN. (2) 1/2" DIA. GALV. BOLTS WITH WASHERS AND NUTS CD" R � " 3" 2" 3" " C.O. HOUSE N ' 3 TRAP IT w 4" CAST IRON TO AN APPROVED ��1 Cni 1 'S SUFFOLK COUNTY GIRDER DOUBLE TOP PLATE PLUMBING RISER HEALTH DEPT. ® ENG i� / SEPTIC SYSTEM GIRDER/HEADE PROPOSED BATHROOMS ADDED TO EXISTING PLUMBING o POST/COLUMN­—_0POST110 iJ J s o (2) 2x12 HEADER + "' w W/ PLYWOOD SPACER %i HEADER/GIRDER-TO-POST CONNECTION %� ;lbV �S LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION FULL LENGTH JACK STUD S 6 (2) BEAMS PAU44 OR WE44 POST / BEAM ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH STUD GIRDER/HEADER TO POST/COLUMN CONNECTION (3) BEAMS PAU56 OR WE66 POST / BEAM ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH WINDOW SILL PLATE U 11 BOTTOM PLATE U w GIRDER/HEADE m STAIR TREAD 00 TYPICAL WINDOW OPENING o POST/COLUM o Y o U RIM BOAR Ld S U STRINGER FACE MOUNT POST-TO-GIRDER/HEADER CONNECTION HANGER LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION 4x4 SOLID COLUMN PBS44 / PBSE44 POST CAP ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH COLUMN e In STRINGER TO DECK/PORCH CONNECTION TOP FLANGE M HANGER FLASHING TUCKED UNDER / TOP PIECE OF SIDING AND m LAPPED OVER FIRST CONTIN. PIECE OF SIDING BELOW Q 1/2" DIA. LAG BOLTS W/ WASHERS TYPICAL JOIST TO BEAM CONNECTIONS o CONNECTED TO BLDG. @16" OC etc ELECTRICAL ? ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND ALL GIRDER/HEADER STATE LOCAL AND UTILITY COMPANY wooD JOIST FLOOR FRAMING 2x JOISTS CODES AND REGULATIONS. ALL CIRCUITS SHALL BE MINIMUM 15 AMP. POWER BLOCKING FOR JOIST HANGER WIRING SHALL BE MINIMUM 14 AWG. Q FLUSH JOISTS WITH HEADER/GIRDER LAG BOLTS CONVENIENCE OUTLETS SHALL BE �- ALL JOISTS CONNECTED TO A FLUSH HEADER. TO BE SUPPORTED WITH RIM JOIST / BD. LOCATED 12" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR THE PROPER STEEL CONNECTOR. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. ALL Q z IF ABLE, SET FIR JOISTS APROX. 1/4" HIGHER THAN LVL HEADERS TO ALLOW FOR SHRINKAGE. SWITCHED TO BE LOCATED 36" ABOVE U W ., DECK/PORCH LEDGER CONNECTION THE FINISHED FLOOR UNLESS OTHERWISE Z Z INDICATED. SUPPLY RECOMMENDED - Q O LAMPS IN ALL FIXTURES. O COVERED PORCH NOTES: CD � 1). Unless otherwise noted, all exterior framing material to be #1 ACO pressure treated lumber. NAILING SCHEDULE z All fasteners, hangers and anchors to be galvinized or stainless steel. NAIL NAIL JOINT DESCRIPTION n Q r 2). Girders for deck joists to be bolted or anchored to each post or pier with washers and nuts. QTY. SPACIN NOTES Q Girders on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper steel connectors anchored JOIST TO: PER TOE W into concrete with a minimum 1/2" dia x 7" long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. GIRDER 4 — 8d COMMON JOIST NAIL 3). Posts supporting girders shall be anchored to existing concrete footing. BRIDGING EACH TOE Use a minimum 1 2" dia x 7•' long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. TO JOIST 2 — 8d COMMON END NAIL m (j 4). A minimum of 10 inch flushing shall be installed' between the building and ledger. BLOCKING 2 — 8d COMMON EACH TOE Z Ledger to be fastened to building with 1/2" dia. bolts with washers and nuts TO JOIST END NAIL Q at 16 o.c. CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA SIBLLL ORING TO: 3 — 16d COMMON EACH TOE NAIL Q 5). All joists to be supported with hangers and anchors. Each Joist shall also be anchored GROUND WIND SEISMIC FROST WINTER ICESHIELD FLOOD LEDGER STRIP EACH FACE to girder(s). SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY DESIGN UNDERLAYMENI 3 — 16d COMMON LOAD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP. REQUIRED HAZARDS TO BEAM JOIST NAIL JOIST ON LEDGER PER TOE O O MODERATE SLIGHT T 45 LBS 120 B SEVERE 3 FT. 11 NONE — TO BEAM 3 — 8d COMMON JOIST NAIL L0 H Lo TO HEAVY MODERATE BAND JOIST 3 — 16d COMMON PER END Y LO O ii TO JOIST JOIST NAIL -i 01 z N V) U o Z UN w mF- Q M O LMUMM ALUAWM OR AMU TO WS DRAWNc AND aRtim DXCMMtMS 5 n too ARM of SEG W OF of N.Y. EDWAnON LAW -� 0 V) Z w p� U � o 00 W U Cl � z Z � 00 az � Wim ¢ 00 O � < 2'-2" � o � C� --� � d � 0 U) FLITCH BEAM ON o N 4" COLUMN 4'-7 I DOWN cl OPEN TO BELOW REMOVE INTERIOR S 0 STAIR AND WALL FLITCH BEAM 4'-7" (3) 1.75X9.5 2.0E MICROLLAM W/ (2) 4" FLITCH PLATES OR EQUIVALENT I NEW 2X10 FJ 4 NN ENG INTERIOR WALL � I ® ITZ'� REMOVE EXISTING TO REMAIN INTERIOR WALL 2'-2 I 0)O .I INTERII ��PTA J w lt) Qc O REMAIN j 1 8'-6' ( Z CO NEW STAIRS TO S G o I z N IEXISTING LOFT O � 4 bedroom EXISTING WALKWAY J TO REMAIN down �`S* o I up FLITCH BEAM ON 4" COLUMN U MOVE EXISTING 0_ DOOR AND EXTERIOR WALL OPEN TO BELOW 4 COLUMN M RELOCATED Y U REMOVE W EXISTING`_� FRONT DOOR U WINDOW NEW COVERED PORCH FIRST FLOOR A M SCALE J ) SECOND FLOOR A 4 SCALE 4"= 1 ' z Q D_ 0 z 0 F-- < =Q z r7 U W � zz o Q_0 4x4 COLUMN O EXISTING EXISTING PORCH J EXTERIOR WALL TO BE NEW WALL WALL ( ^ V z i-- o Cf) Q w MZ NEW BLOCKING Q AND UNDEROBEAM LUMN FOUNDATION Of SUPPORTS AS o REQUIRED SECTION A M o w �, 0 m N Y O � z rn Z Z O N Q 0 z04 N LL) � L m F - Q a o C)uwamaaM AL1FRa11oN OR ADAU 10 7MS DPAWNG AND RE(a1ED DXUk NTS 6 A VaAWN W SEG nos OF 1NE N.rs fDDTON MW o � � N