HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12839 P 938 111111111111 I111111111111111111111111111111111111D1111 I1H1 I I I I 1lull ill1 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 11/09/2015 Number of Pages : 4 At: 09:42 :29 AM Receipt Number : 15-0155570 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 15-10262 LIBER: D00012839 PAGE : 938 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1001 004 . 00 04 . 00 014 .000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $440 ,000 .00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 .00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 . 00 NO EA-CTY $5 . 00 NO EA-STATE $125 . 00 NO TP-584 $5 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $0 . 00 NO RPT $60 .00 NO Transfer tax $1, 760 . 00 NO Comm. Pres $5, 800 . 00 NO Fees Paid $7 , 815. 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 15-10262 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County 1 2 RECORDED Number of pages 2015 Nov 09 09:42:29 AM JUDITH A. PASCALE CLERK OF This document will be public SUFFOLK 12899 L 000012839 record. Please remove all P 938 Social Security Numbers DT# 15-10262 prior to recording. Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee .- Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Spec./Assit. Notation or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. Held forAppointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 %!I Transfer Tax r1 GO • e Affidavit �� . � Mansion Tax ‘ J The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other Grand Total If NO, see appropriate tax clause on cig page# of this instrument. 4 Dist.1 MI 15031884 1001 00400 0400 014000 10 5 Community Preservation Fund TaxService Agency P-7.---1Z\ A IIIII�IILLIlI��III��I�l1I��k 111 1 �I F2 SMI Consideration Amount$ `11), Tax Agency 06-NOV-1 pF Tax Due $ UCh� Verification / pe Improved y 6 Satisfactions/Discharg RECORD&RETURN TO y Owners Mailing Address Vacant Land RICHARD VANDENBURGH, ESQ 1405 OAK DRIVE TD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TD to TD Mail to:Judith A. Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name ABSTRACTS INC. www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title 563-S-14132 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) DEBORAH L.FASBACH The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of SOUTHOLD BRIAN BURGESS In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of GREENPORT BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) A1,03 -S P-1131 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST 0 GRANTOR(INDIVIDUAL) ((rN STATUTORY FORM B 0 � TI-11S IS A LEGALLY BINDING INSTRUMENT.IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD,WE RECOMMEND ALL PARTIES TO THE INSTRUMENT CONSULT AN ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING. THIS INDENTURE,made the 29th day OCTOBER 2015, between DEBORAH L.FASBACH 525 MADISON AVENUE,GREENPORT,NEW YORK party of the first part,and BRIAN BURGESS 517 WEST 46TH STREET,APT.507 NEW YORK,NEW YORK party of the second part: WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of one dollar and other good and valuable consideration,lawful money of the United States,paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns forever, All that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon,erected,situate,lying and being in Greenport,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk State of New York,known and designated as See Schedule A Attached Said premises being known as 525 MADISON AVENUE,GREENPORT,NEW YORK Being&intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 4/18/04 and recorded 5/5/04 in Liber 12317 Page 195. TOGETHER with all the right,title and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof:TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the parties herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first of the payment of the cost of the improvement before using ay part of the total of the same for any other purpose.The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. In the presence of: n �• n DEBORAH L.FASBACH Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State(RPL§309-a) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU )ss.: On the 29TH day of OCTOBER 2015,before me,the undersigned,personally appeared DEBORAH L.FASBACH personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s)is(are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity(ies),and that by her signature(s)on the instrument,the individual(s),or the Gerson upon be alf of which the individual(s)acted,executed the instrument. (signatu and o c '`.T mal taking ac I owledgment) Kenneth B.Zahler NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public,New York Suffolk No.01ZA4517618 Expires Feb.28,2019 Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenants Against Grantor's Acts Section 004 Title No.563-S-1413.2 Block 04 Lot 014 FASBACH County or Town To Street Address 525 MADISON AVENUE BURGESS Return By Mail To: RICHARD VANDENBURGH,ESQ. 1405 OAK DRIVE SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 ' • First American Title Insurance Company SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Title No. 563-5-14132 . Policy No. 5011436-0090085e ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and designated as and by Lot No. 4 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Lots of Benjamin H. Reeve, John J. Barlett, Charles Cotton and C.C. Miles at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York'which map was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 20, 1892 as Map No. 469, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Madison Avenue distant 256.17 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Madison Avenue with the westerly side of Fifth Avenue said point of beginning is also the division line of Lots 3 and 4 intersects the southerly side of Madison Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along said division line south 14 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds west, 132.56 feet to the northerly side of Sixth Avenue; THENCE along the northerly side of Sixth Avenue north 76 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds west, 50.0 feet to Lot No. 5 on said map; • THENCE along the division line of Lots 4 and 5 north 14 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds east, 126.62 feet to the southerly side of Madison Avenue; THENCE along the southerly side of Madison Avenue south 83 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds east, 50.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. • • i SCHEDULE A A.L.T.A 2006 OWNERS POLICY INSTRUCTIONS(RP-5217-PDF-INS):ww.orps.state.ny.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 7 2 �j wNew York State Department of C1.SWIS Code i I 1 I.1t/�6.0i 1 i Taxation and Finance C2.Date Deed Recorded I I 1 / °9 /01015 I Office of Real Property Tax Services N� °y (�' RP-5217-PDF C3.Book i ( ,.."..11 1. ,c3 i C4.Pape i r r / t 3,g 1 Real Property Transfer Report(8)10) PROPERTY INFORMATION I 1.Prope,ly 525 MADISON AVENUE Location •aTRCCT NIVaFR 'SI XEErrsoc GREEN PORT 11944 •CIT.W TOWN wLLAGE •aP CODE. 2.Buyer BURGESS BRIAN Nome •LAST MN&ICOSPA• FIRS'PANE LAST hMAFCOMPahr r Rs-MAC Or 3.Tax Indicate where future Tax Bala em to be sent K�1GAS FR(Ora& Billing 4 other than buyer oddress(at bottom of fpm) oar ra NPAxr AIRST XMAS Addmas 4 d 501 \)/`,' J�{ M G 5�1 STREET 0 ER`s NAME CITY OR T��s4. API. 7U�I�t STaI /W3r 4.Indicate the number of Assessment 1 ❑Ped d a Parcel (Only If Part of a Parcel)Check as they apply: Roll parcelsesmh rred on the deed a of Parcels OR 4A.Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists ❑ 5.Deed X OR 0.15 411.Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer fl Property •rmNr FEET •DEP I•• %CFOS Size AC.Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided FASBACH DEBORAH L. S.Seller -1.54.1 NIP[JCONPMIr FIRM Naha: Name LAST N.Ia oP whir MIST XNIF' Check the boles below as they apply: 7.Select the description which most accurately describes the use of the properly at the lime of sale: 8.Ownership Type a Condominium ❑ A.One Fatttily Residential 9.Now Construction on a Vacant Land 0 10A.Property Located within an Agricultural District 0 10B.Buyer received a disclosure notice Indicating that the property is man 0 Agricultural District ISALE INFORMATION' 15.Check one or more olthew condnhns as applicable to tnnnaler: A.Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives 11.Sale Contract Date 09/28/2015 - B Sale between Related Companies or Partners in Business. C.One of the Buyers is also a Seller 10/29/2015 InstitutionD.Buyer or Saner is Government Agency or Lending Institution 'T2.Date M Slhlfsnshr E.Dead Type not Warranty or Bargain and Salo(Spicily Below) _ _ F.Select Freedoms!or Less than Fee Interest(Spedty Below) 93.Full Salo Mee 440,000.00 G.Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates }I Sale of Swans Is Included in Sale Price (Full Sale Prices the total amount paid far the property including personal property. -/I.Other Unusual Factors Meeting Sole Price(Specify Below) This payment may be in the form of cash.other property or goods.urine assumption of -�J.None mortgages or other ohllgahons.)Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount - Commengs)on Condition: 14.Indicate the value of personal 0,DU property Included In tel sate I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I 18.Year of Assessment Roll from which Information teken(YY) 15 't7.Total Assessed Value 1,8 00 •15.Property Class 210 _ '19.School District None GRE EN PORT '20.Tax Map IdentlMr(s)IRoll!dentitsr(s)(If more than four,attach sheet with additional hiontlaer(s)) (00004-04-014 CERTIFICATION] I Certify that all of the items of infomnatlen entered on this lone am hoe end correct(to the bast of my knowledge end belief)and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein subject mato the provisions of the penailaw.telalhe to the making Ind Ming of false Instruments. S LLER SIGNATURE BUYER CQNJACT INFORMATION Mom Warsaw Ia ties ouyer.Nae.It buyeris LLC.asdwy.casoeaom.earpamlen,Ira sleek cMaany.terse o Z., /�� awry era is not en indivimml aged Or Sm trawl■naw end ammo Irdnrnwoon or anIncarkko reapwsale '- ll D- f/._ _, e ? arty..ran amass comas*gonna We Rondo meet bre wowed Typo er pint titin.) SELLER NOIN'45S ATE BI;RGESS BRIAN BUYER SIGNATURE _ - q/E •LAST YAM FIRS:hal Ilijitry 4211 2.n'S ...RD CODE . •TEx(R. NIMWOOS NIER C.. wwS BUYER SIGNATURE C '',1' M 6-1, l S o n A-/e-nit.e. (•STREET m.•YoER /•SIRES:two 1 }N 'r 'll �. rJ Si �I1 tTY�Q'1'?PD` . I� �� 'II i ll m! '�4' II"�1 �lir',1'I' ;II 'eRtyl•M •alaTE •aP000E I I' I1ih .1}�1A II '1'IY Iii BUYERSATTORNEY iI lL �� �'� iI i �I l 1111 p,!i l VA[iDENBL3GH =CIIAR6 f r 111 1 it 1 11' 6 l 1' I `} 4 ' l' 111jf �d �'�li�Ilf''Si•�,�1I� II Iy �I �I ,' �n.1l loll�i 111 LAST NAME FlR4MVE .1 ii"1' ? }���+IfI�'1 TI� ^1.1 ���,r i+7`' �I(1J1I;i � (631) 513-9019 1. A J r. f r 11� I 'iI hl I 111 i I I !I AREA CODE TELEPr10rRnWYERLF+aaWTW) If, I�Ill q, �ll l �41,I{(,I} 1' 1 i,r � ll;' �1,c1 l I till �I ,I 1 Ij�� 1� li�