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fa LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard at public hearings by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on Thursday, May 16, 2002, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 7:35 pm Appl No. 5102 - Andrea Tung. This is a request for a Variance under Sections 100-30A.4 and 100-33C, based on the Building Department's February 4, 2002 Notice of Disapproval of applicant's request to locate an accessory garage in an area other than the required rear yard or required front yard. Location of Property: 410 Huckleberry Road, East Marion; Parcel 1000-31.-16-3.2. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business days from (8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: Wednesday, April 24, 2002. Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (Tel. 631-765-1809) 2,0 U WO) ill I 1 J — — FORM NO. 3 /L/\\/ FEB 5 )2 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL _ DATE: February 4, 2002 TO: Andrea Tung 410 Huckleberry Hill Road East Marion,NY Please take notice that your application dated February 1, 2002 For permit to construct an accessory garage at Location of property: 410 Huckleberry Hill Road, East Marion,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 31 Block 16 Lot 3.2 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed accessory garage, on a non-conforming, 38,768 square foot property, located in the R-40 district, is not permitted pursuant to Article IIIA Section 100-30A.4, which states; "Accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be subject to the same requirements as 100-33 of the Agricultural Conservation District,"which states; "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80,R-120, R-200, and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard." According to 100-33 C., "In the case of a waterfront parcel, accessory buildings and structures may be located in the front yard,provided that such buildings meet the front yard setback requirements as set forth by this code." The proposed accessory garage is noted as being located in a side yard, +1- 12 feet from the side yard lot line. The pro soAust ccesso _ara_e would increase lot coverage to approximately 10 percent. 1/0( orizelrr ature CC: file, Z.B.A. TOWN OF SOU'1'HOLD EU1LUINl' 'KIV111 AYYLIUA11UN UtiheiLL1S BUILDING DEPARTMENT . • Do : have or need the following,before applying TOWN HALL • Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 3 sets of Budding Pens TEL: 765-1802 Survey PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form. N.Y.S.D.E.C.' • Trustees Examined ,20 Contact: • • Approved ,20 Mail to /pOvrPG ,r��4/ �// Disapproved a/c ff d-- p!) ( /od3 1i12or/G>" /9PP � Yi Phone: k31 `/77—log • • B '...g or . q uut j APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date re,—. • , 200.A. .T.P.amui°�oA�r•tU INSTRUCTIONS s�;�;•g�,�'r �� a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3, sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced'before issuance of Building Pennit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector.wilissue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what-so-ever until a Certificate of Occupanc is issued by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,oreiinmces,building code,housing code,and regulatio. - to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary'inspections. (Signature o ;+p icant of name,if a corporation) A 6.07 ‘Q? & f crtQY) l/93) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee, agent, architect, engineer,general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder 01111/f • • Name of owner of premises /)/1 d rro (anon the,tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer • (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Elect icians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed wo ' ' ' be donees� v� H-/u f/y rk k ,6,0(( •//1 no. 0/ cosi /'/G r,o 1 ouse Number Street ✓ Hamlet County Tax Map No, 1000 Section 01 / Block • /6 , • •Lot �. a Subdivision • Filed Map No. Lot• ' (Name) i 2. State existing use and occupancy cm premises.and intended use:and occupa,_:;of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy I. b. Intended use and occupancy rG P Y Dela)1Ch , C ' 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building ' 1/--. Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work 413° (Description) 4. Estimated Cost 001/--- 9000 Fee (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed,occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories . Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front' • Rear Depth Height Number of Stories • 8. Dimensions o entire new construction:Front .,2 o lee'L Rear a a 4' Depth .22e) T Height /aJ G Air/w Number of Stories / 9. Size of lot: Front /3 2 •77` Rear / /S 4' Depth .a 7y- 4, 7 . 10. Date of Purchase j 0?3 hoeo Name of Former Owner /2 r?t N'G 6 r °1f /2/1 `Co '.t 11. Zone or use district in'which premises are situated &5/&/7/74`.) ' 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation: 13. Will lot be re-graded lo • Will excess fill be removed.from premises: YES , NO L4. Names of Owner of premises A 0, /1,4i Address A 6661,03 5? ,bone No. 431 '/7? /DLL Name.of Architect • Address • Phone No Name of Contractor 5 /f Address Phone No. 5. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES . . ' NO 4 ... • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED 6. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 7. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below;must provide topographical data on survey. TATE OF NEW YORK) SS: • 'OUNTY OF ) c)re) /ji/7 being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual sigrg contract)above named, • Dile is the o�',y 7 . (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) • said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; at all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be rfor med in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith - worn to before me this ( day of -,16,p 20''p z _ _- Notary Pub's f ' 4 ' Signature licant BMA STEPNOWSIO Notmy Public,State of New York No.01ST4844752 Qualified in Suffolk Count Commission Expires Sept 30 • / F f For Office Use Only: Fee rr� Assigned No. 5!®Z,I 151), TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR y{ G DATE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION APPEALED. ... .... . . V X 0?d0 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: I (We) �t2dn1 Q Y w�r� (Appellant) of /JO Iuck)eh rn /dill Rd• F_ . /22 'Pr (Tel # G 3 ) 1/ 77-141 ) HEREBY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE BUILDINC3-�INSPECTOR DATED ,.ft:a/UO „l,,,�U WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED,.}.Z°A• .:MIJa: FOR: (X) Permit to Build ( ) Permit for Occupancy ( ) Permit to Use ( ) Permit for As-Built ( ) Other: IlcceSSory 9 - fc_ • 1. Location of Property...!./D...NUek . b f fT)f Mi) & £ /LarIUY7 Zone lU51dr,��j g/ District 1000 Section..0. .(..Block..lie Lot(s) 3' 1 Current Owner.. ndc a Tue5 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and pcE22. . raph of Zoning Ord ance by numbers. Do not quote the law.) Articled.A. Section 100- 31/A...Sub-Section 3. Type of Appeal. Appeal is made herewith for: (X() A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A Variance due to lack of access as required by New York Town Law Chap. 62, Cons. Laws Art. 16, Section 280-A. ( ) Interpretation of Article , Section 100- ( ) Reversal or Other: • 4. Previous Appeal. Arevious appeal ppeal (Ians) (has not) been made with respect to this property or with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector(Appeal # Year ) REASONS FOR APPEAL (Additional sheets may be used with applicant's signature): I AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesirable .,mange will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to n. .rby properties, if granted, because: Every ol'hrr^ house 94 rami host Qrq r C?� / '1'11.-24 . 71 rear off' pro fin- '5 wooded . 7a cz'/ /, rrs o ,/ 'desire/ 6e°0S yhr� IO u n/ . 'The rl hl -s`icl P 01-�r pt hos (ore o Pn, r P/`zoc 7hr on/�/ seri (2) T e benefit sought by fhe applicdht CANNOT'be achieved /no qr e s S> for the applicant to pursue, other than an ar a variance, because:ey some method feasible .//� gar o'�6. comwi h QYJa1chr°r✓ k `ioe/sc Qs 1/ / din D„c1-6704 /r! �S17cr y a cY/1ercfrrll ria/ (cost6/e . Cr( /5 fa rao n ri I • (3) The amount'of � � >�o D %7ovse relief req.,:p;sted is not substantial because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in : neighborhood or district because: /20 7er5 O r tva de d or ro to )/ 4° >ivIJrli ,0 0/ o-r- 64P517 d h o; ' o (5) Has the alleged difficult; been self-created? ( ) Yes, or l`� No, This is the MINIMUM that is r<tncessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of th neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box if USE VARIANCE STANDARDS are completed and • - ached. Sworn to before mcg this I S 1�J .. (Signature of Appella jlor Authorized Agent) dayof . 2023--- (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) ZBA App 08/00 , ary Fu tic ' __ot CAROL L. IRI ' Public, Statea No. 485+5 3 Now Y'orl Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Aur. 28 )OZ , • . . — , • . • . • , ' -'''''•,'-,-1"--.'t,Y,T . • • . . 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Box 1179 ti Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ; y ��C 7.7 MARRIAGE OFFICER ',� Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER =_ ®l �a���� Fax (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ,vi" southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: February 19, 2002 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5102 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5102—Andrea Tung-Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is letter from Mr Tung, notice of disapproval, ZBA, questionnaire, transactional disclosure form, copy of deed, and survey. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS soil OFFO4 �N0 CSG; Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman 53095 Main Road Lydia A.Tortora y Z P.O. Box 1179 George Horning Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva ��� ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando -' * #0.0 Telephone (631) 765-1809 .....�'' http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman DATE: May 13, 2002 SUBJECT: Partial Refund —Appl. No. 5102 (A. Tung) The ZBA is recommending that a partial refund of $75 be issued to Mrs. Andrea Tung out of the $150 paid for an appeal of a Notice of Disapproval. The remaining $75 will be applied for research, processing, and advertising the public hearing. Reason for this Request: At the appeal review stage, the garage was found to be in a permitted rear yard. A Building Permit was issued on May 10th; the appeal is now obsolete. Thank you. Encl: (2) /�,.� Si/3 zi/G) 14441)/i/ A/ 47)'21 );7ar/iP, JO fij igOr(j 41 4471_5 /1 11 - 3 CF: CQ a,5-/, .4 a)/Pi daiJ afrib'ese, 0 V620 Ce/ /2,W7 Ail /5 el) ) y irk) 261Z 7135 1-2/17 drci e ee - 3 /, --- , 3, Z 611 12( ak2e Q(1/61/260,9 -7-2;/( k eill r ap-77/24:6"),. jigeo '41V • t5-1/ j) 144-6WC/1 1 aty e-Kk-i42/-6 MQ.4-1,-.w..Lz eft- -etzdia-L-c, ki14' ( f' -z- tt. 6 (1 ef 3/6 741fi-- eyrt . : FORM NO 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: February 4, 2002 TO Andrea Tung 410 Huckleberry Hill Road East Marion, NY Please take notice that your application dated February 1, 2002 For permit to construct an accessory garage at Location of property: 410 Huckleberry Hill Road, East Marion, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 31 Block 16 Lot 3.2 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed accessory garage, on a non-conforming, 38,768 square foot property, located in the R-40 district, is not permitted pursuant to Article IIIA Section 100-30A.4, which states; "Accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be subject to the same requirements as 100-33 of the Agricultural Conservation District,"which states; "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200, and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard." According to 100-33 C., "In the case of a waterfront parcel, accessory buildings and structures may be located in the front yard, provided that such buildings meet the front yard setback requirements as set forth by this code." The proposed accessory garage is noted as being located in a side yard, +/- 12 feet from the side yard lot line. The •r•,:i, ed accesso _ara_e would increase lot covera_e to a.•roximatel 10 •ercent. g), `r tileuthori ?Signature CC: file, Z.B.A. d v L • Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 02/19/02 Receipt#: 229 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $150.00 Check#: 229 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Tung, Andrea And Steven 8221 77th Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID.49863 d FYI for ZBA Members Re: Appl. No. 5102—Andrea Tung at Huckleberry Hill Road, East Marion 5/7/02 Two telephone conversations today with Mrs. Tung. ZBA staff asked her to confirm the distance of the garage from the front lot line, and she said she would be in today. Mrs. Tung confirmed the garage would be 11 feet behind the rear wall of the house, which is also beyond the rear deck. The Building Dept. repr. (Damon Rallis) agreed that the Notice of Disapproval appeal procedure is no longer necessary because the entire garage is being placed in the rear yard, not partly in the side yard as believed with the original map. Mrs. Tung confirmed she is sending a letter withdrawing the application and requesting a refund of any balance that may be due her(about$75). Thank you. . ', • - / . , "i• .,..,...„•,•.i.f:P-4i , , , , •-,-,-,,,.,t"ra,,,,I . , . , . • . . suFoit .;;,K:CO. HEALTH bEe.r,0.rioivAt....,- . - . . _BAY _ AVENUE' .. , . - H. S. NO..-- . fYIAP V Pt PFT-7- T Y r-T----T---- ,, . . . . •,,,, ,• ----- SURVVIE - - Ty - - - - ,,... . 0 ; 0 P.,. %,..,) :}p, . . ; .. , , - )..,•.; ' „....."-......'.......... 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Improved - Rggy —6 Vacant Land lntti _ � Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Add`ess TD 2.1 RECORD&RETURN TO: MAR 2 9 2000 TD COMMUNITY w I ie( /001 K)e� C PRESERVATION 9 S -/S IYI k- r t 0 n u-e--- , - FUND ' • -'i • & (.End etio , //3 8'X 8 _ Title Company._Infor ' tion ,;,fr = „ Co-. Name /(Pr '/ s"VGi 2--/Cc Ln•L Title# 0 0 S Fe9 09 g. er Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached -_ 4 -- .... madeby: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) /Y1 e i A— IRAll) R 4- OREffil. The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK- TO . In the Township of 50 u Di d . it),,n arickeq. In the VILLAGE I . HAMLET of BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. . —. (nvER1 • 120315009 SCHEDULE A "METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR" TITLE# 0058909RPT District 1000 Section 031 .00 Block 16.00 Lot 003.002 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the outhold�County ofSuffolk and State of New York, n erected, situate,bouded nd desc ibedand bng in has follows: e Town of S atapoint on the southeast corner of the premises as measured along described, said BEGINNINGcourses and distancesthe intersection of point eeing distant the following four(4) from corner Avenue; southerly aline of a 10 foot wide private a roadway with theesoutheaste southeasterly side of Bay the southerly side of the 10 foot wide roadway (1) South 72 degrees.24 minutes 50 seconds west, 98.68 feet; (2) South 46 degrees 50 minutes west 30.30 feet; (3) South 16 degrees 10 minutes west 128.38 feet; place of BEGINNING; (4) South 44 degrees 31 minutes west 50.49 feet to the true pointor ow or formerly of RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning along land n LeBar, south 58 degrees 22 minutes west, 137.02 feet to land now or formerly of LeRoy Edwards Estate; THENCE along said land, north 34 degrees 10 minutes west 279 feet; Lake; THENCE north 12 degrees 17 minutes east, 41 feet to the shore of Marion 10 minutes THENCE along the shore of Marion Lake onatieline course of north 53 degrees east, 86 feet to land now or formerly of Ralph of wide private roadway, south 38 degrees THENCE along said landint and laceuofhBEG NN NG. the 10 fo east318feettothe pop or P • , , Vt. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached. ) -7fl dr-f `runj owner B. Is the subject premises listed-on the real estate market for = sale or being shown to prospective buyers? ( } Yes /} No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) C. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? { } Yes- 1No D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? 44 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3 . Is the property bullheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? E. Is there, a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed c,q truction at or below five feet above mean sea level? (If not applicable, state "N.A. ") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? Ant, If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? i/O If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do yor any co-owner also own other land close to this u parcel? o If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel /99y honx and proposed use ,'/, ,° (✓ Authorized Sio:7 - Date 3/87, l0/901k 4 • • APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold ' s Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees . The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same . YOUR NAME: /Lfn 4ndrfa (Las name , first name , middle initial , unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so , indicate the other person ' s or company ' s name. ) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply. ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other ( If "Other, " name the activity . ) Do you personally (or through your company li parent, or child) have a relationship with�any spoofficer use, born9• employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by)- a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If you answered "YES, " complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself ( the applicant and the town officer or employee. Either check the ) appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided . The town officer or employee or his or her spouse , sibling, parent , or child is (check all that apply ) : A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation ) ; B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation) ; c) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant . DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this 15 day ofiGkve ewe Signature A - Print name 197)(4/00 v- FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: February 4, 2002 TO: Andrea Tung 410 Huckleberry Hill Road East Marion, NY Please take notice that your application dated February 1, 2002 For permit to construct an accessory garage at Location of property: 410 Huckleberry Hill Road, East Marion, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 31 Block 16 Lot 3.2 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed accessory garage, on a non-conforming, 38068 square foot property, located in the R-40 district, is not permitted pursuant to Article IIIA Section 100-30A.4, which states; "Accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be subject to the same requirements as 100-33 of the Agricultural Conservation District," which states; "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200, and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard." According to 100-33 C., "In the case of a waterfront parcel, accessory buildings and structures may be located in the front yard, provided that such buildings meet the front yard setback requirements as set forth by this code." The proposed accessory garage is noted as being located in a side yard, +/- 12 feet from the side yard lot line. The .r!.i:• ed accesso :ara:e would increase lot covera_e to a..roxiniatel 10 .ercent. if, `r /leuthori Signature CC: file, Z.B.A. 20' WIDE GARAGES 46,TT J 27/y)Gr r y II'-6.3/8" © 20' WIDE 10'-5 3/4" ® 20' WIDE ( j„ GUTTING R./.1,110 4 12` RAFTER TEMPLATE NOT TO SCALE 20' WOE - --- ALL DEPTH OPTIONS 4/12 ROOF PITGA MINIMUM RAFTER SIZE AND SPACING DEAD 20' WIDTH (10' RAFTER 22' WIDTH (11' RAFTER LIVE LOAD LOAD SPAN) SPAN) 20 7 2x6@16"O.C. 2x6@16"O.C. 20 15 2x6@16" OC •` 2x6@16" OC 30 7 2x6@16" OC 2x8@24" OC 30 15 2x6@16" OC 2x8@24" OC 40 7 2x8@24" OC 2x8@16" OC_ 40 15 2x8@24" OC 2x8@ 16" OC 45 15 2x8@16" OC 2x8@16" OC Shaded area indicates designed load value -- Use#2 S P F of better Lumber Specifications For Rafters. E = 1 4 x 10''6 p.s i@ L/240 � - A7c r c aAcJ JAJ ►1cjacnnw Inad Q4.- 21000 39YVY9'3'9100 X10 „o-,l = „b/I '31`do5 NY'ld NOIIVC1 10i .o-,oz - .WI e-,I „UI L-,91 .b/I 9-11 .9 ' .' ' .WI 9 „t'/I 9 ' 11 1 . ,19 %• 1' ,. �;ti NO111540) 91 39Q3"1 NIb21 9V"l5 5401-15 4'• N 5S Q3303?1 .I `GeV 511-1-1. b • 1401140 H142C1 .0 , ON N --I-- SOO4'121VNO5213d .p. �- 210d NMO4>0O1G P b r r ‘vi _ - - . e ` 91411004 21313YJIZl3d -1 . Ift\ 5221111X14 1H91"I SNOLLdo NY1d Try ` , •TdN01i40 ?103 aNI-1 ›`d3Z19 W du .g 3H1 d0 NOIJ-V O1 131110 au. al. 531V/i32! 3 3N11 >d3219 51H1 b "IVN0I140 /--N • 'XVW 213NN001 WWO213 ,I N 46 S1-TOG 21OH"NVd b . L J _ N 0 0 0 0 ' -I-- I 12 - . 1d11111.111111111111111111110 , 1"4 Ix6 RAKE BOARD BRICK MOULDING '® ' DOORS AND WINDOWS - -, TYPICAL 12" LAP SIDING SHOWN — _ MO" EXPOSURE PREFORMED OUTSIDE CORNERS FOR LAP o • SIDING �----- &RADE FRONT ELEVATION SGALE: I/4" = r-O" 2O'-O'-WIDE _ 4/12 ROOF PITCH ONE DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR . t2 . 4 • ,GRADE REAR ELEVATION SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" 20'-0' HIDE , 4/12 ROOF PITCH COMPOSITION SHINGLES 1 Ix6 FASCIA Ix2 FRIEZE BD OPTIONAL 2'8" x 6'8' PERSONNEL POOR 20'-0' ELEVATION SFiOWl - ADP TO LEN6TN FOR 4 LONC'ER OPT►O , A ,TOOP BREAK L I NE5 -- GRADE TYPICAL RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: I/4' = I'-O" 20'-0' WIDE 4/12 ROOF PITCH WITH OPTIONAL PERSONNEL DOOR I - OPTIONAL NI NOON 1 L • I -- GRADE TYPICAL LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE; I/4" = I'-O" 20'-0' HIDE 4/12 ROOF PITCH WITH OPTIONAL rr>Ie show 2x8 RIDGE 2X6 RAFTERS ® Ib" 0.C,x. • AR TI — _� 48" O C. ' SEE DETAIL 12 Q W REFER TO DETAIL in 7i- ry -- Ix6 FASCIA 2x4x10'-O" WALL TIES _ 3/8" PLYWOOD W/ 2x6 HANGER SPLICE WALL TIES SOFFIT 0 48" O.G. Wim' 2x4 SEE DETAIL PRECUT STUDS 125/8" / REFER TO DETAIL / SECTION A-A SCALE: 1/4" = 20'-0' WIDE -- 4/12 ROOF PITCH 1 a o 2XB 2x4 GABLE STUDS ® 16" OG. 2x6 RAFTERS 16" O.G. 12 ® 16" 06. --- '�4 2-2x12 HEADER �----1 z,--1'-II 1/4" _,.--,--1'-11 1/4" 16'-1 1/2" R.O. - 2x4 STUDS ® 16" O.G. — O - 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING ce ® FRONT WALL OPENING FOR DOUBLE 2x4 JACK STUDS 6ARA6EDOOR r ® O.H. DOOR OPENIN& REFER TO DETAIL FOR CORNER FRONT FRAMING ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = '-D" 20'-0' WIDE ALL DEPTH OPTIONS 4/12 ROOF PITCH ONE DO eLE GARAGE DOOR 1216" O G �4 REFER TO DETAIL 41 11u.- \, if i BEGIN 5710 SPAGIN(' ® 16" O.G. FROM THIS CORNER 2x4 STUDS I/ —1----- ® I6" O G 45'-1.1/2" 5'-1 I/2" - i j REAR FRAMING ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 20'-O' WIDE ALL DEPTH OPTIONS 4/12 ROOF PITCH < <, Ib'v.c.. 7,7777 , .:_ - -- -.I 22®xx644 8CC"OAOBLG.GLL. AE R51TIE2x6 HANGER 4 2x4 WALL T1E5 ®5_6I,4'� 2 2-2x6 HEADER SOPENINC FDRpr710NrLti ■■ PERSOL DOOR 2x4 STUDS ® I6" O.G. .• Ix4 LET-IN BRACING 0 SIDES AND REAR -- SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" ' RI(yHT SIDE FRAMIPICy ELEVATION • 20• DEPTH OPTION - /12 R 4WIDEOOF PITCH WITH OPTIONAL PERIL DOOR 122_4/12 R "0.G. IuiJIIi\\iiI\IIIII1 Ill I2-2x6 HEADER --- 111111111711!iir / I BE61NSTUDSPACING 1111li11111 I ® I6" O.G. FROMTHI5 CORNER • lilik II 2x4 STUDS ® I6" O.G. TOP OF SLAB 5'-1.I/2 5'-"i I/2" — ELEVATION LEFT SIDE FRASCALE: I/4' = I'-O" MINCy 20• DEPTH OPTION ?O'-O' WIDE WITH OPT 4/12 ROOF P1TGH _�. __ . , NYSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRY DATE : 02/04/2002 473889 SOUTHOLD SCHOOL OYSTER PONDS S•CH ROLL SEC TAXABLE % -CLS 210 ,e -.. RES` TOTAL RES SITE 31 . =16-3 . 2 ,/,S'' l 4C'; TOTAL COM SITE 410 HUCKLEBERRY HILL RD 00,`y. �*: ACCT NO 04 = OWNER & MAILING INFO === I =MISCO = ASSESSMENT DATA TUNG ANDREA IRS-SS1 0 R... ,i ** RES PERCENT P 0 M@ 16403095 Main Road I 1 `.ItIA c 4i 1,400 **'1 aXgl1)E745k1823 EAST MAImo tio ] 71939 I BANK ,, • pP 6,600 COUNTY Telephone(631)76111•$6$10 Southold,New York 11971-0959 : /1 4IK ' ''i.,ii�1 •R** TOWN 6 ,600 I I LA ..-.- 1, 400 SCHOOL 6,600 I ( TOTAL 6 ,600 ==DIMENSIONS --- I SALES INFORMATION ACRES . 89 ( BOOK 12031 Skit1-41AD & n1T SALE PRICE 350 ,000 I PAGE 9lAI' 4f1V0419fUTAK R & W F TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 ITOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS 5 CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE VALUE IFD026 IPK065 IWW020 ISW011 F1=NEXT PARCEL F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC 75. 10- 03-050 F6=G0 TO INVENTORY F9=G0 TO XREF F10=G0 TO MENU U,(\Ike_ 4D /0 Crj--e 0 ,, fle__ *1? CaAl 1 473889 31 . -16-3 . 2 OWNER : MCCUE, FRANK R & WF NUMBER# DATE TYPE ' CQ # USE/DESCRIPTION 14522 11/30/86 PERMIT' ,7''A �� ,L� 1i �0��,��Y,�`452 PE�:���T #14522 C 0/00/00 % o ` 0/00/00 y _ Town Hall,53095 Main Road Fax Fax(631)765-1823 P.O. JU79J 0 # �� �� Tele shone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 - ' ,1i'' 0/00/00 ....,.�•''� 0/00/00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0/00/00 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0/00/00 _ 0/00/00 _ 0/00/00 _ F1=More F7=Permit Detail FB=Co Detail F9=Preco F12=New Swis/Parcel F3=Exit • t 433 M .+. 'ks. •t. &2,-,3,2,--roa R'«- ey =a.. zr r,,,y" "+a.s 4 - - ,- __. n.-�•` ,^•.: �' 3 vx .s..C' 0.,,,,,,: +t r y� c - m` ` +' --.+''--4' -,,,,---',.'",177'Z k • +ra . ''- %.4,:"..„,: 1• y - `^±. s r -G .'' 1. .' '�k' y a 2. • enb 7,c...-- r2 kik,..a.,-, w .,�),.,.x, r;:`,-'7,-.„,-,":7.„,e417 3 � C ..tom x S .. 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't} *' x, . �U12VEYE=fU FG�fJ SEP • 0 .• ''� �_.�. � • -y � 2 ._ 3 ‹...1 , ..,NN k +' i' �.. . - 3r•.ir 1" y ,`+. �Z' n 1 _. 4! - - -- --r-f2A \ I / mcr- u s.cDom. 1,• VQ•lY „.„.,,, = , 1 ........ .._., .....-4 ______ A kE A:39 A1r ( E i NE) i.- 5.46`50.\01. 111 • STAT MENT OF INTENS _'-?r:::•,--;;:i: ` pix /1iy j \ Li:MG!�UME_NIT ,-.s. 54.30 'J THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE :: •: A E DISAL • AS? f�'lAi�lUS�� �f/ n W SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL_ �; TOWN �F �J ,�r>+-jQLc {� // �'� 4 CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF THE --- ros/ �ar J \ g d\ a- ?U SUFFOLK CO. DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES. _ MAP AMENDE.:[,' a:t_1 f 6 ;y$': '-� APPLICANT • ' T Otn+SST ( ons ! . ",71 " �EF , _9 �,s/a *s ��. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH Y• ' C ,�. 1 1/ SERVICES — FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION ONLYn ,"t'annrr;11f7 fV`S% 1, 9(19 ;�IErak E: Ar m DAT ,x '; t� • .0 rLlr�?:%1<#�lCE<: to • H. S. REF. NO.: 85- 0=152 d__- a APPROVED: 32a0 _,______— y ' Y a j " G74'- �q• • �I, o SUFFOLK CO,TAX MAP DESIGNATION: - i r �' _ ,�1' i ` g DIST. SECT. BLOCK. • - -PCL.: zR i • 9"~ OWNERS ADDRESS: `�" ;� w - T3 Dee PA2IZ_ . ISD, i; Z' �`} °� c.tiftf° __2 �� 1> . fel • , Y t1`�[f�4 .,.tet` .�. - — sl' - _`; .�p4��; 33'.__; TEL.242-.4040 =w ',u, SUFFOLK CQ i TY HEALTH DEPARTMENT _ __ - -- 0, ;' c I ED: j, i•:,:- P. 513�r >') :• SINGLE FA A.Y DWE�1G ONL 0- ,9. TE.5T I-40LE �L, �• ono x-e • ( , , •s„ - �]r Vii' p T. i-- e*tom o-aall 4J,i i` • 1J LD.-FIEF.NO. _.�Y_ �S "1�'�- r ' c�'l., �,. �e} • -'T` Z �- ,; 3!IU O� •7 •1 r l w ..,:::,--4,7::-.: s R;x • , GAG • C'1 HUMUS , :�: . sd DATE :SEP 2 _ `a G ,F- c _0a - • ' Yr. .sw-x - "E.3i.s.Ysi�i.• _ ^(; J .`' POOL- )•• -> ,.':1[Ldf`G @•3:a _, t THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WA� SUPPLY FACILITIES FOR THIS � (C �'441 SANDY ;.t.„�7. .: 4e .%` LOCATION HAVE BEEN INSPECT BY THIS DEPARTMENT AND ��� t - LOAM �""`�' Ir•'- t har._cfl l '. ':r rX ` FOUND TO BE SATIS ACTORY. �G �0 4\4 • to tt- temp t7t y(}� j�x ' w 1 / ` � t o r r an h;s-r-31 to 3Fta :'� : 3 •.I , n . ` e VVV 1 +P cri .¢' pt.,crvr•z -,;.rr„rmorstz!�tansyor+� • ` > ,\ Chief of astewater Management Section i ` to1r� t;F� ���y�'�� '� �p h� S1 to SAI,1U earnilR. s ero rae trenderal•• r 4 •� , ` ,',, l i� I�` ' ' �P�� �y;i;:•c.«;tre it rtiorta 6r Atlal®gWM jy ;.: t r�` „ -..�-:- .'t''•�ir• ' - - _ 0. •{-'•` _3..;,.{-;r- r'it - `• - • - ::R• .f w� { ..n x-- � � -•J � r �:' r �•' _.t ''r..• �qi r►f • t_'/r +'yy .•:` J , 's ♦f r f•.;,'• tl'Y n �'f'_ ... • _ • ., ,.1'.`.T'./� •< • - - r- -s` 1- ".1.4- 1%',Yr. ' > '1 . -r- ! %,1•14,•”. 4• kr`• r . ,ivii-z,` :i• - •e t _ " i •}4 �Sa,'z: -i•;. - •r•s ' 'r ...4 J _ C' tr -F::t 3• •7t: "`�> _ f • _ .. 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Location of CO OF f SUFFO K) Property: -1995 -Ryder Farm -Lane, Southold;Parcel 1000-15.-3;1,1,,.,,_,, _ ® C 7:00 p m.,Apgl:No.-5101'-Sotirios of Mattituck, in s Kassapidis,;This ,is a request for bounty, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Plinei Variances.under Section 100 24,2A and clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES,a weekly newspaper,p Section 1100;244,based•on<the e Building lished at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold +, Department's,February,7, 2002 Notice , County of Disapproval,regarding a proposed Suffolk and State of New York,and that the Notice f wh The.ne dg pool_a,, dwelling extension. The.new"additiont,iyill be less';than-35. the annexed is a printed copy, has been each We once Newspaper regularly feet from the frontiproperty'line,and•all lished in said pi e i construction;will exceed the;2 y. lot coverage,, limitation.- Location of for Property: ,`4075 Breakwater"•,Road, weeks successively, commenci on the 04 1f Mattituck;Parcel•4000-106.71-7.Ti ;•7 01:05 p. .Appl.,_No.`5112•- Robert of ,/�/ 20002 d, 17 DiBlasi:�This is a`request=for,Variances0 i, __. under.Sectiop,.:100-30A and,100-244, based "gl',.he-Building_Department's February 22,; 2002' rNotice t.r,of �. 1 Disapproval.regarding-;applicant's`pro- Principal Clerk . posalbto:,constru ;addit ct, ions,.'and,alter - atioristoC he,existing.dwelling.,The new, constiuctionristless than-34`;feet,from Sworn to before me this v'r� one;of,,the.front property"lines on this day of :corner lot;and;less than 35 feet'from the 20 Q ) °P!d rear property.lige.i ation.of ProperEy: , 86112-CCL-4 j 560`Bayyiatv.'Di iv ,".East'Marion; /-1C1--WL6, C /J � C/ _ _ +ias9 parcel=1000-37-5-1,;' ;_, '' LAURA E. BONDARCHUK 17:15,,p.m.,=App1:,No.-,5108:-„Paul NotaryPublic, York Fried.Tliis,is;a r nest fora Vari' ce State of New '.e9 a” No 01B06067958 ied in Suffolk `1,O0,32;;based.gn'the:Felint 20;20(;12: Qualified in Suffolk County �� P ss Amended-Notice;.offDisapproval--fora My Commission Expires Dec.24, 20�� ,ta,,new.deck"vat less=than 20,fe-9C,*om';the tui -'side pope1ty:'lin`e''L'ocation_of Propert _ =15155,Main,l2oad;A h' ' el gEat,Marion;,parcel ao 100023..4..4;' , =" `,( - .7:25'p.m:,App1.,No. 5105 Mary Ol Roman anm.' d-Ellen BirenbauThis is a request for-a•+Variance-under,Section '100-33,;:_basedT;on:'_.the', Building Department's January'10,.2002:Notice_ oisapproval:<regarding.applicants' • f-,D'proposaarlto>-locate?an'•accessory-g 1 azage ; - -i ;n; n% eaeothe01.hn;tt6e'required'rearyard ;,,,Location •bffPropeitY740 P4Auatucklate"Orient; Prcel;lObO- 271345.;, _..<'_:".`-.•r;r ^ ''',., ..7:35apm.Apls:No.5102=-'Andrea^_' Tung.This;is�,_ageguest"'for:a''Va_fiance' under,Sectioni1100.`-3,Q 'I"0 '` .44;�aiid�00^33C .based'•'oi,`theC^ din Ent's Buil g�Depaitine�t's° •',February?4„200�2!Noi ce<of•Disapproval=-`-� ofapplicant's�'requestnolocate;a0 cces- ri aa', so`ry,"',garage --,A..th%;1,,4it,`tl e, ;k;'t,'eq,iied;reaaz„3),,.aidorb require' ifrontt3� .'yard::_-;Ldcation of '-Pro `'t':� "au I? y „4LO r "''l ucklebe ast- rarjoii ;r ii liio d; .Otlyianb ivEafe lc,-1 1000-31 41'6;3:2.t ;.',- <^ _ ,1,F ''' ;.,7 5;,�,,t''3•r „ .!.at rrren r„3.p,m:w;;,Apf�lt',w095y`,`„:V_V'airreh 1iVanance tinder:Section"1 14 ,ba"se' part. tit ldin' Pan„ t;ent' ' �Ly7,. 74W. tic i'�.., De'o8%%,-,-,,-,,:x,' 2 Oi-4 Fvotic,,,,%'of- - =ssDisapprovairegar'din -a-bitildinggpermit;i ;f application to:consl(tct<<aane buildin"" {{ ,';Tire”' ,,,,,, ,,,, ', g;,l k= ,in; e a s ,,., ',reaso:.',,,sfatedt, �;th,.Dis"app'roval` areth' _ ,,cbi't ld g�setbacktsare(A)=less' in ig'fe iyard,Enoir=(2)less,' i1314,r;_)*00 fe'et„in[t a front,yard..)f:ocation;= f"pfr'Property:;r67575. Main; o`d,' .Greenport;Parce 000- 2.-• a '. t'�l ,5. 5;58:3 ;',s ,^ r+> --'-:; 7:55 p;m.-1Appl=-1NIo;5^100,50, 9l eft,^1 Mills Olsson 'fitis',is`a'reiquest fora Lot', =L��9, iver,'tov me7ge. -unim rov ds `,< ,#27)xshown`.,on th'ewMap ofT ny Wat :fronl`.,an;adjacent`imprOXed,=,lot"a(#28)'' \ KM. P. t. Tau« R IFIED MAIL r.7101414 ( !mesticMail Only;No lnsa Fe Covera.e Provided N in (} I t., �{ L{, la; E 1 is ti l it • leis 1 tL',/ if-.M O ` Postage $ 0.34 UNIT 1 j 'rn1 Certified Fee ( +� ' t?, r--1 O P/ystmark Return Receipt Fee re (Endorsement Required) 1.50 (L t,®e t RI O Restricted Delivery Fee 't : KH6N g O (Endorsement Required) ffff Q MI JC.2 Total Postage&Fees $ 3.94 04 Is''s'i Ill Sent To dif 1'MD0-.IV//2k ill Street,Apt No, n to �i/ al a or PO Box No 6p` e/11n _l]fy, .. 0a O City,State,ZIP+4 ! 5s 40 r&, Ci. , rn //f-? orm :11, anua IS - Lg S. . . °o tlf.1111 CERTIFIED MAIL-RE 112- (Domestic AIL-R•E - (Domestic Mail(,only;No Insurance,—.., erage Provided m 4 rs- ru m Postage $ 0.34 UN-I ! 19 . `4r,$)111 ' Certified Fee Q' t t moss qq Return Receipt Fee Q He` QY (Endorsement Required) 1.50 '` 42.co Restricted Delivery Fee C1'. �q,q_•.t.___ -`G3 O (Endorsement Required) V Total Postage&Fees $ 3.94 04/30/02 rU Sent To ng iriS C 11O c Street,Apt No, ,n or PO Box No /76y ��J'�./ri j 1 y7/ q , ir 00 City,State,ZIP+4 !rc/d PS Form 3800,January 2001 See Reverse for Inst .! . r osta= 'ervic- CERTIFIED MAIL �REC-'- (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurane erage -.rout.ed "` ru NEW:YORK. Ni? 110P 4 —.s L -' F 7 0 Postage $ 0.34 U 1'r90 00 Certified Fee `o iQ ra i, ' Postmar Return Receipt Fee r r �- Here (Endorsement Required) 1.J� Q ,I CO t O Restricted Delivery Fee '!� 1 O (Endorsement Required) 1' 2P�:= KN- �a Ot�1 / O Total Postage&Fees $ 3.94 • ,4Q - ' MI Sent To y, )/ o la '1)l %a .R0)e1/J lQf) Street,Apt No; , 7 —31 /l- ,.� or PO Box No IN It f+ 7Ci J',Y,tvr/tieT/ 1� City,State,ZIP+4 7 V t�J rP /�J ldaz/ PS Form 3800,January 2001—. , t ', See Reverse for,instruct o - 1 . 12 (Domestic Mail Only;No Insuran `foverage 'row.ed N , IT" 111 1 O Postage $ 0.34 pr.; " ag. rn et k IT' Certified Fee' 2.10 ,a -)� tmark Return Receipt Fee Iireh (Endorsement Required) \��pp lie O Restricted Delivery Fee e KHGMS Q ru • y ci (Endorsement Required) S• _`Oj O Total Postage&Fees $ 3.94 04 {.A, V MI Sent To 1)©bet i- kOrn row si7 O Street,Apt No, ,1 or or ri,y,1/,or p P POOBox No I1 /�'O � hgd ci City,State,ZIP+4 CD Orelrn 1--'j /y !/Sid PS Form 3800 J1-nivary2001 " See Reverse or nstr ns U S rPotaSer`knce °' CERTIFIED MAIL ' EIP -- (Domestic Mail Only No Insurce Coverage Provide. Fs- Is. .w n.' _.. -xi -r;.....E_3 �; -"n < ,'...�r 1 n j a GARDEN CITY, NY''115301:-.A.%•, ;-, V..,_,) .t 9 x 0 m Postage $ 0°34 UNIT ID: 0939 RI Certified Fee ‘939 Return Receipt FeeHere S ru (Endorsement Required) 1°50 '�` cv N O Restricted Delivery Fee _ d D O (Endorsement Required) - II O Total Postage&Fees $ 3.94 /0._ al G, Sent To v 1.$ 0 YeArii/1 t° P24 f ifii StreetO Apt No, 7 y A,jr l S� ,-q or PO Box No (f/�JJ�J OCity,State,ZIP+, )f j f- o o rdili C j , // J Es_ PS Form 3800 January 2001 — ,.r_See;Reverse'for Instrub _ U. . Postalr e-- —fice aft viva iaaviiin,:iligAI:A •omestic Mail •n y; Vo nsurance overa•e Prow•e• m o ,n . , ;i ri 1 I (:-.:,? 1:712 rn HEWS EA!, :- 21159) '! .f.:-''a L ,U, --?) c._, CD m Postage $ 0.34 11.I Mr&Certified Fee A,cliat ..- .rk rq Return Receipt Fee MIR Her (17 ' (Endorsement Required) MI 1=1 Restricted Delivery Fee N . erk: K..(,' 0 (Endorsement Required) 0 . Total Postage&Fees $ 3.94 • t t, o ru mSent To 0 jph0 Senke Street,Apt No r-.1 or PO Box No 89 ilen i n54,k di y el City,State,ZIP+4,i /IC--Cd 0 iit'm 0 sfra(ii rs- PS Form 3800 Janua I.1 ' -- 5' - -f. I. Dr& CERTIFIED MAIL P-01-412= (Domestic Mail Only;No Insur a Covera.e Provided a a GARDEN(CITY3`NY -1-1530 :� =_- ' --'� r= '-- O mPostage $ 0.34 UNIT aCertified Fee210 ¢Return Receipt Fee 1.50 Q(4;(Endorsement Required)11.11 Restricted Delivery Fee CIe . O (Endorsement Required) .S? �� ct O Total Postage&Fees $ 3.94 04/30/Oe - fl.l 'Sent To rn ci ttheA___)472,0 Ear Street,Apt No; x p /J,() ,q or PO Box No /J ter 13 I= City,State. ordir aoi �,9 it 3 ,c-r ict rauw �.r�s -rsa:maxrmra .., r ' • ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD.NEW YORK ------ - x — --- In the Matter of the Application of /� AFFIDAVIT /Indra /LW • OF (Name of Applio6nts) MAILINGS CTM Parcel #1000- 31 , - /4 - 3 ' Z' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) jplreO /0 residing at Y//D Hoc-kir err f-0 ✓ iQ5.1 fl')Gr , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 30 day of 42ii/ , 2007.,. I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in EGS'tQrip , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed t9 current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the VAssessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office So d yh d 1ci , for ev- property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or veil' . •r right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. • (Sign. ure) Sworn =cut. orn to before me this 00- REBECCA A.VILARDI NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK aa,G6,& QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY (Notary Public) NO:01W06039106 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 27 PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. 31- 4 -07. ] £l� Ghrm Al �Pr Vol 6320 000z /y233 0/ El ay / `y Ler AQd - - - (9'Qr0Pli c , 12y //5 3 I - 14 - 2 ' Z /I0(m4 K) GUer/A� 7001 03Z,03zd o 02 )Yz3 Oi 7f fIdIITh ( //5 3 3 / - II, - 14 _ z3 yeeljui--7° MCi�P/ ';/ �00f o3z0 000 z /93 0/G7 2z/ 4 / ns T✓ CO, i2y //s3 I -din Sr-E0,1v 7 0 032o 0001 192-3 0303 Psi n su1G e/v d 5M67' //S 5D ,,// 70o1 0320 0002 /092,3 0297 31 - 16 - y �herr- /�`mrOu)s,�l 4 /hid Yziro- Id //S 3d - 31 --)b - S 1/02gr) kQl ci /J i�r) 7001 0320 0'002, 42 3 0 z cid / z Sri - 1/2(/1J cyl f)(1 /2cy IM yo 7�: 3 / _ ' - /0 jun 1;schir- "o0 / 03z() a0oz /92_3 0273 1766/ &AIn Ry 6P6/ / „ //Y/O r ', OFFICE OF }' ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Email: Linda.Kowalskina Town.Southold.ny.us or _-_ Pa ula.Q uintierial ow .Southoid.ny_us (631) 765-1809 fax (631) 765-9064 April 24, 2002 Re: Chapter 58- Public Notice for Thursday, May 16, 2002 Hearing Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Suffolk Times. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be now mailed with a map or sketch showing the construction area or variance being considered. Send the enclosed Notice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, with the above sketch or survey showing the new construction area, or details of your request, by Wedneday, May 1st, to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. When picking up the sign, a $15 check will be requested for each as a deposit. Please post the Town's official poster/sign no later than May 8th. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is available for the additional front yard.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. By May 8th, please either fax or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers noted for each, and return it with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. The original Affidavit is due not later than the date of the hearing. Also, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the hearing, if possible. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. By May 15th, after the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your signed Affidavit of Posting to our office. A copy may be faxed to us, with the original furnished during the hearing. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Enclosures Zoning Appeals Board and Staff P.S. Please pick up the poster sign between Monday and Wednesday, April 26th and May 8th between 8-12, or 1:30-4. Thank you. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHECKLIST FOR NEW PROJECTS V LABEL APPL# Oa V ASSESSORS CARD (7 COPIES) NAME __ CTY. TAX MAP (7 COPIES + 1) CTM # 3 - / 6 -3 - �/ INDEX CARD (ATTACH OLD) TOWN , `,• LIST ALPHA BOOK RESEARCH ALPHA ,i COPY PRIORS/2,2-2:9z, 4r t/ ;SIX COPIES MEM INSPECTION PACKETS COMPLETE REF: UPDATED NEW INFORMATION °Vb770A !;///2 1142-6010-11 ( cede 60y C /---A) ,in /570 Tt 0111/ op eu eitea SOUTHOLD, L. i., N. Y. O,/o jy,o► '":" ..00.r 04°4 Telephone SO 5-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen •hf-erat+.42-ese4e.pg• Charles Gregonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS May 28, 1964 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held 7:30 P.M. , Thursday, May 28, 1964, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. There were present: Messrs: Robert W. Gillispie, ,Jr. , Chairman, Robert Bergen, Fred Hulse, Jr. , Charles Gregonis, Jr. ' Absent: Mr. Serge Doyen, Jr. PUBLIC BEARING: Appeal No. 665 -- 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T. ) , upon application of Edna Brown, Main Road, East Marion, New York, a/c John A. LeBar, Box 53, RD 1, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, for p. variance and recognition of access in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article -111, Section 303, Article X, Section 1000a, and the State of New York Town Law Section 280A, for permission to divide and set off lot with insufficient width, and for approval of access. Location of property: Right-of-way off west side Bay Avenue, East Marion, New York, bounded north by Lake, east by L. Baltz, south by Bay, and west by Edwards. Fee paid $5.00. ti Southold Town Board of Appea;.-b -2- May 282 1964, - The Chairman opened the hearing by reading application for a variance and recognition of access, legal notice of hearing., affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper., and notice to the applieant. The Board looked at themmap of the property in question and discussed it with Mrs. .EdTna Brown. THE CHAIRMAN: Do these lots have the proper area? HOWARD TERRYS Building Ispector: There is more than enough area on both of them. THE CHAIRMAN: Can fire trucks go in here without any trouble? MRS. BROWN: I guess they can go in without any trouble. They can go in from Gardiners Bay Estates. I will show you the access on the map. Mrs. Brown- showed the right-of-way in Gardiners Bay Estate on a larger map. The Board discussed it. TOE- CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present-who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone ho would like to ask any questions in connection with this a plication? (There was no response. ) After investigation and inspec ion the Board finds tht Edna Brown a/c John A. Lebar wishes to divide and set off a lot with insufficient width,,- and obtain approval of access. The Board finds that the lots in this vicinity vary in si4e. The Board agrees with the reasoning in the application. The Board feels it is reasonable to divide the lots in the manner suggested by Mra Van Tuyl and shown on the survey dated March 12, 1964, and revised May 11$ 1964. The Board finds that the access is accessible to fire trucks and other emergency equipment. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike b i -Southold Town Board of Appear -3- May 28, 1964 - , in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and will not change the character of the district. On motion by Mr. Gillispie1 seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED that Edna Browne Main Road: East Marion, New York,: a/c John A. LeBar: Box 53, RD 1•e, Stroudsburg.:, Pennsylvania.; be granted permission to divide and set off a lot with insufficient widthe and be granted approval of access on property located on right-of-way off west side Bay Avenue.$ East Marion, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mr. Gillispie: Mr. Bergen: Mr. Hulse, and Mr. Gregonis. * * * PU: . IC HEARING: Appeal No. 666 - 7:45 R.M. (ED.S.T. ) , u�•n applicatio• of'Joseph Milcetic: 31-57 33rd Street, Long Is ..nd City, New Yo . „ for recognition of access in accordance w ' the State of New •rk Town.Law,, Section 280A. Location of •. operty: Right-of-way ea side Boisseau Avenue: Southold, New ork., bounded north by E. C. Ma -re east by G. Barazac.:, south by . 4ht-of-way- Maier;:. west by John ilceticho Fee paid $5.00 The' Chairman open=d the hearing by readin• application for recognition of access, l-gal notice of heari affidavit attesting to its pulication in the • ficial newspaper-, and notice to the applicant. Mr. Howard Terry brought •efore t-e Board the tax maps, so that they could better acquaint themslve- with the location of the property. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there an ane p sent who would like to speak in favor of this application? HR. JOSEPH- MILCETIC: e are going to build a house and I have to have recognition of ' .-ccess before I can Build this house. MR. HULSE: How ide is the right-of-way? MR. MILCET : It is 25 feet. It is only a .rm road now. MR. E: Does it need to be scraped? Tn CHAIRMAN: Are there any other houses on this 'rad? MR. MILCETIC: There are no other houses there now, yC� , Southold Town Board of Appeals - .- August 10, 1972 PTBLIO SING: -Appeal No. 1623. - 7:45- P.M. (B.S.T.) , upon application of John 'Le Bar, R.D.#1, Box 53, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, for a variance in ac:c odance with the honing Ordinance, Article III, Section. 301 and Section 2804 of the Town Law, for. permission to divide with lees than required area and frontage-on unapproved road. cation of property: west gide o Bay Avenue,, Bast Marten, Bow York, bounded north by Marion Lake; east 'by Catg'eave 'and Wenk; south by Peconie Bay; west by Edwards 'gstato. ,Fee paid $15.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. TEE OB ,ZR.M : The application is accompanied by a survey showing approximately- '38,000 sq. ft. north of the right-of-Tway on Marten Lake; approximately 23,000 sq. ft. south of the right-of-way on Peeonic Bay',► TBE 0$ 21M0: Is there anyone present who wishes to. speak -for this application? IR+VI ' L. ,PRICE,,ESQ.: I prepared this appeal and I made a mistake: my ;calculations that I did not notice until today. I left out .an area so on the reasons for appeal I would like to amend the total. acreage he owns. It is approximately 67,000 sq. ft. instead of' 614000 sq. ft. It's a very irregular piece. It seems to ne .it's .only, fair and equitable that 38,35© sq. ft. be allowed to be set off!and- used as a separate building lot. These people are getting old and it t s more property than they need. - FOr the RecOrd: 'The' application was amended to read 29,000 sq. ft. head of 23;,000 sq. ft. under BOSOM FOR APPE&L. The total area of '61000- sq. ft. to be increased to 67,000 sq. ft«- attested- to by Irving L. Price, 'Esq. PRICE: There are many. smell lots down there. There is a very` nice' h00oe on the southern portion of,the, pr©perty. There used to be, a 'garage north Of the right of way but they moved it and added a noir garage to the present existing dwelling. •EREEST,,E DF ORD: I am in favor. .1 am the broker. As far -as the property is concerned, it seems to me that, if the Town wants to have one mare parcels it would be putting a burden on an owner who might have 3. 3/Li. acres. 'BE'CB4I11M : It is not feasible to apply 14,000 sq. ft. to an area or co aLI It ity that is as old' as this one. YOU don't solve any- thing, Just add co plications, because there are many lots that are larger than the original minimum of 12,500 sq. ft. The Ordinance does control new development. I ' 1 rr, • Southold Town Board of Appeals - - August 10, 1972 After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission to divide with lees than required area and frontage on unapproved road. Location of property: west side of'.Bay ,Avenue, East prion, ,New York; and also.requests approval of access. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the. applicant noting the amended figures on the. southerly acreage. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would. produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is. unique and-would not be shared by all properties alike. in the immediate .vicinity of this property and in the same use district; . and the variance will. not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Bergen, seconded by Mr. Hulse, it was ' RESOLVED- John Le Bar, E.D. 1, Box .53, atroudsburg, , Pennsylvania, be GATED-permission to divide with less than required area and frontage on unapproved road; and be GRANTED approval of access over private road for egress and ingress. - Location of property: west side of Bay Avenue, .East Marion, New York. - Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs:_ Gillisp.ie, Bergen, Hulse. PUBLIC MNG: Appeal" Na. 1622 - 8t001',14 (E -.T.), upon applicat i, . 'of'Michael N. Carlucci, 246-27 Vat Zan. ' Avenue* Little Neck; New I. for .a variance in accordance Wit. the Zoning- Ordinance, Article, III, Se . . on-300 0:.2 and '302,, for permi; .ion` to replace existing, accessory ..ilding with an enlarged ,p ilding, and 'reduced side.yard, Locati+en ;: property: south sit. of Island View Lame, Greenport, N'ew York, b. - ded-north by Ise.- .f d ,View Lane; east by Btemmler; south by the Cr,, , . ; west by ehardt. .Fee paid $15,00. The Chairman opened the =aring .y reading the application for a variance:, legal notice of he= n , affidavit attesting to its publication in the official news hers, ,and notice to the applicant. \\ TBE.C ,ice: Is there ..nyone pisesett who wishes to speak for this appiicatienn N, NR. C IUCCZ": I" a=, here to speak forstkie application, THE CHAIRMAN: see that you have tidal soblems in the rear yard area. MR. C ~ t,.,T GI: , Yes. The line is on the other side, of the shed. - r - ,r 'I