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James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex
Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25
Donald Feiler PO Box 1179
James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971
Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502
Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802
Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov
Damon Rallis, Administrative Assistant
Town of Southold
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
3:00 p.m., October 20, 2015
Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room
James Garretson,Anne Surchin, Donald Feiler, James Grathwohl, Robert Harper,
Edward Webb, Gary Parker, Damon Rallis
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman James
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of September 15, 2015 were approved unanimously.
Chairman’s Comments
Chairman Garretson discussed the need to create a “canned speech” for real estate
professionals that could be given to different organization to inform them of the historic
preservation law and process of landmarking.
Commissioner Webb pointed to the recent discussions surrounding the Lang property at
260 Horton’s Lane, Southold (SCTM# 1000-61.-1-3.1) as evidence that real estate
professionals were not aware of the HPC’s role in the protection of landmarks and what it
means to own a landmarked building in Southold Town.
Chairman Garretson suggested that the group put together a brief lecture that could be
presented to real estate professionals.
3:15 PM
Gerald Lang, new owner of property at 260 Horton’s
Pre-Submission Conference:
Lane, Southold Proposed alterations to a structure on a
(SCTM# 1000-61.-1-3.1).
landmarked property in the Southold Historic District.
After receiving an administrative permit for “in kind” work at the property, Mr.
Lang returned to the HPC to discuss additional proposed work.
Mr. Lang presented commissioners with pictures of the original building and
expressed an interest in restoring the south side of the building.
Commissioner Parker said that window specifications would be required to move
Mr. Lang said that he would be using two-over-two Anderson windows and that
they would match what is there using custom trim and sills.
There was further discussion of the types of windows that Mr. Lang should use
and commissioners suggested other window options.
Chairman Garretson also reminded Mr. Lang that a drawing of the proposed
porch would also be required for public hearing.
Administrative Assistant, Damon Rallis, said he would schedule a public hearing
for the November 17 meeting.
3:30 PM
Zach Studenroth
was scheduled to meet the Commission to discuss progress on the
historic mile marker project, but was unable to attend. Commissioner Grathwohl spoke
on his behalf.
Commissioner Grathwohl gave a brief history of the ongoing Mile Marker project
and said the project was moving along well.
He noted that Mr. Studenroth, through the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical
Council, had secured a grant to purchase and erect a sign at the first Mile Marker
in Orient.
Commissioner Grathwohl said that he would like to see a sign at the Laurel
Marker as well, but that funds were needed for the project.
Commissioner Grathwohl said that he would reach out to Supervisor Russell to
secure the $1500 needed for the sign.
3:45 PM
Alexander Perros 825 Stephensons Road,
Appointment with new owner of property at
Orient NY
Mr. Perros was unable to attend the meeting.
Old Business
Suffolk Times Advertising
Donald Feiler presented the Commission with a draft advertisement asking for readers to
send letters to the editor regarding historic preservation.
Commissioners were in agreement that this might open the door for not only
positive letters regarding preservation, but negative ones as well.
Commissioners agreed that press releases would be better. They could be used to
congratulate property owners for preservation, encourage continued preservation,
and offer free press.
Commissioners discussed the possibility of sending a press release regarding Mr.
Lang’s work on Horton’s Lane as a good subject, but decided to wait until after
the public hearing. Also, Mr. Lang would need to give permission first.
Community Outreach (Continued Discussion)
Commissioner Surchin said that she spoke to Nick Planamento from HANFRA about
giving a presentation and said that he liked the idea.
It was also suggested that the presentation could be given to civic groups as well.
Anne agreed to call Nick to discuss further.
Commissioner Harper agreed to work on a mock up for a before and after advertisement
for the paper.
Commissioners Webb and Grathwohl agreed to work on criteria for recognizing
buildings with a congratulatory letter. They also agreed to draft a letter that could be sent.
The discussion of plaques also came up and commissioners said they wanted to get a
handle on who had plaques and who did not.
Commissioner Grathwohl suggested adding a column to the registry to note which
buildings had plaques.
150 Bay Water Avenue
Commissioner Harper said that he had been making progress on working to find a
solution for the problems at 150 Bay Water Avenue. This included getting
“groups” together to donate time, materials, and services to winterize the