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THE 8FJDGE GROUP 5 Bridgehampton National Bank � 004 00005 00P. E: 1 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 Eridgehampton,NY 119323005 � (631)5371000 Address Servkt Requested 41, 3364 1{{.0268 AV 0.437 T90001}5# (Iitl�Iti�f�t�t1�lN�Iill�l��� �l�Rlt�I�11�1�1t.1l����tRi►�lEf ': TOWN of SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK 30 BOX 1179 97 SOUTHOLD NY 1197170959 6 NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 LAST ;STATEMENT 11130/07 18O,512,55 101 CREDITS 229 59 .78 ' 8 DEBITS 347,,246.21 THIS .STATEMENT 12/31/07 70,861.12 - - - - - .DEPIOSItS v - - - - REE #. . . . . . . .TRACE # .DATE. , ,AMOTJNT REF # . ,. . .TRACE . . LINT . . . . , . .. . . 0009013550 12/03 155.65 0911013978 12/10 763.36 0009013552 12/03 232.50 0011013334 12/10 1,588.85 0010013689 12/03 307.25 00090062969 12/11 41.8.'66 0010013691 12/03 734.20 00100071,21 12/11 ' 423.80 0009013554 12/03 1,049.45 001000'7125 12/I1 1,234.90 0010013707 12/03 1,141.85 0010007133 12/11 2,250.00 0010013698 12/03 1,497.40 00100.07940 12/22 697.70 c 0009013101 12/03 8,556.15 0010007899 12/12 3,85,9.'74 0007004639 12/04 258.65 0010`007378 12/12, ?,230.31 0007004641 12/04 619.80 000800 167 12113 47.85 c 0007004650 12/04 2,160,08 00112006,027 12113 74.25 0007005052 12/04 5,832.70 000$004165 .12/1.3 3015.50 0 0008005007 12/05 1.00 090800416 22/13 1,636.65 4 0007004422 12/05 126.00 0007005547 12/14..' . 82,05 0 0007004470 12/05 434.55 0012009328 12/14•' 339.35 0007004420 12/05 560.00 0007005545 12/14 1,805:77 0008004996 12/05 566.05 0008007106 3.21-14 2,347.04 0007005792 12/06 135.00 0010013037 12/17 65.55 0006004703 12/06 164.55 0010012868 1.2/1.7 ' 137.00 oON 0007005788 12/06 271.45 0010012870 1.2/1.71 178.00 crn 0007005782 12/06 662.50 0011014005 12/11 267.25 C?c. 0007005080 12/07 74.50 04111019007 32,111 272.90 W cn 0007005087 12/07 381.21 0010013039 12/27 805.60 0007005082 12/07 806,60 0010013024 12117 83+1.70 i 0007005776 12/07 2, 024. 00 0002042456 32/17' 24700€00 0011013338 12/10 92.40 0008004920 12/18% 0..25 0012014767' 12/10 205.05 0008004918 12/18 384.30 0011013274 12/10 649.60 00094106599 12/18 1,069.05 * * * C O N T I N U E D Fs r2004 NOTICE:SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION THIS FORM IS PROVIDED TO HELP YOU ]BALANCE YOUR STATEMENT WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING— BEFORE YOU START — NOT CHARGED TO ACCOUNT PLEASE BE SURE YOU,HAVE ENTERED IN YOUR REGISTER ALL No. $ AUTOMATIC TRANSACTIONS SHOWN ON THE FRONT OF YOU STATEMENT YOU SHOULD HAVE ADDED YOU SHOULD HAVE SUB- IF ANY OCCURRED- TRACTED IF ANY OCCURRED: 1. Loan advances. 1. Automatic loan payments. 2. Credit memos. 2. Automatic savings transfers. 3. Other automatic deposits. 3. Service charges. 4. Interest paid 4. Debit memos. 5. Other automatic deductions and payments BALANCE SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT $ ADD DEPOSITS NOT SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT tip ANY) $ TOTAL $ SUBTRACT– WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING BALANCE SHOULD AGREE WITH YOUR REGISTER BALANCE AFTER DEDUCTING SERVICE CHARGE (IF ANY)SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT TOTAL $ Please examine immediately and report if incorrect. If no reply is received within 60 days the account will be considered correct. INCASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS Telephone or write us at the telephone number or.addreds located on the front of this statement as soon as you can,ifis wrong or N you think your$11alement or r you nmore information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST sts4mem on which the roteed or pr6biam'appeared. (1) Tell us your name and account number(if any) (2) Describe the error or the transfer-you are unsure about,and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more Information. (3) Talj us the dollar amountot the suspected error; W will We W investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will recamount you think is in error,so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN ACCOUNT SUMMARY OF RIGHTS IS OUTLINED WOK This is a summary of your rights, a full statement of your rights and responsibilities under the Federal Fair Credit Billing.Act will be sent to you both upon request and in response to a billing error notice. Your Demand Deposit Loan Account is operated in conjunction with your Demand Deposit Account. Any charges for your checking account will be made to the Demand Deposit Account and they will be the same charges as are made for Demand Deposit Accounts not operated in conjunction with Demand Deposit Loan Accounts. The following information thus applies only to loans made to you under your Demand Deposit Account line of credit. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN If you think your bill Is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill,write us on a separate sheet at the address located on the front of this bill as soon as possible. We must bear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem eared.'You can telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter,give us the following information: (1) Your name and account number (2) The dollar amount of the suspected error (3) Describe the error and explain,if you can,why you believe there is an error. If you need more information,describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any money in question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. While we investigate your question,we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. We figure a portion of the FINANCE CHARGE on your Demand Deposit Loan Account by applying the daily periodic rate(s)to the"DaMy Balance"of your account for the billing cycle. To get the"Daily Balance"we take the beginning balance of your account each day,add any new advances,and subtract any payments or credits and unpaid FINANCE CHARGES. This gives us the daily balance. The minimum periodic payment required is shown on the front of this bill. You may pay off your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan balance at arty time, or make voluntary additional payment& Payments shall be applied,first to any unpaid FINANCE CHARGES, and second the principal loan balance outstanding In your Demand Deposit Loan Account. Periodic statements may be sent to you at the end of each billing cycle showing your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan transactions— Send Payments and Inquffles to address shown on front of bill. 13RNB NOTE:Payments received after close of business shall-be deemed received on the following business day for purposes of crediting your account. THE BRIMGR©OP Bridgehampton National Bank 004 00005 00 PAGE: 2 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 Bi�idgeharnpton;NY 11932-3005 (631)537-1000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWNCLERK r.an -- NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 -- - - - - DEPOSITS - - REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .AMOUNT REF #.. .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . .. .AMOUNT 0008005367 12/18 2,636.53 0008004738 12/26 1,150.01 0011007963 12/19 94.50 0008004751 12/26 1,205,.95 0011007965 12/19 508.60 0008005210 1,2/26 1,418.75 0011007968 12/19 1,537.22 0408004582 12/2?' 417.00 0010006627 12/19 5,612.80 0008004553 12/27' 1,187.94 0009006900 12/20 144.50 0008004460 12/27 7.,456.05 0009006902 12/20 386.60 0009005542 12/21 6,584.93 0009006888 12/20 2,261.11 0008004564 '12,/27 6,768.46 0010007246 12/20 8,763,01 4010007677 12/28; 378.50 0009007035 12/21 193.00 0010007679 12/2,8' 427.10 0009007037 12/21 354.70 0010067681 1.2/28 1,996.82 . 0009007039 12/21 1,900.65 ` 0010007276-12/28 71207.39 0009009403 12/21 2,288.25 0014012778 '12/31 337.50 0014013761 12/24 2,467.40 00150133401V31 ' 355.60 0008004654 12/26 88.75 0015013342 _12/31 441.75 0008004658 12/26 267.00 001501.333812/31 502.00 0008004766 12/26 326.90 0015013344 12/31 694.36 0008004764 12/26 351.00 001401;2765 '12/31; 1,005.60 %0 0008004656 12/26 564.75 0015013333 `12/31; 1,186.10 (6 0008004756 12/26 901.50 0014012768 ;12/3.1 1,42-0.70 it 0008004769 12/26 9716.60 0011010526 '12/31 5,348 00 - - - - - OTHER CREDITS - - - - - 0 DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT 4 Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/04 35,770.16 o INTEREST AT .21 % 12/14 20.46 M Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/24 36,679.16 c c ` - - - - - - - - - CHECKS - - - - - - - - - CHECK #. . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . .,. . .AMOUNT CHECK C . -TRACE #-DA!TE� . . . .. . .AMOUNT 4 1537 9001003033 12/13 83.90 1540 9001003273 12/06 200;242.43 0 1538 9001001449 12/13 15.00 1541 9001002045 12/17 89,452.01 T 1539 9001000880 12/17 247.50 1542 9001004407 >12/31 55,165.68 m z - - - - - - - - - OTHER DEBIT'S - - - - _ - - _ DESCRIPTION DATE ,MOUNT ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 500027685 ON 12/05 AT 10:29 CONF# 12/05 1,839.69 400082492 * * C O N T I N U E D Fs r2004 NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION THIS FORM IS PROVIDED TO HELP YOU BALANCE YOUR STATEMENT WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING— BEFORE YOU START— NOT CHARGED TO ACCOUNT PLEASE BE SURE YOU HAVE ENTERED IN YOUR REGISTER ALL No. $ AUTOMATIC TRANSACTIONS SHOWN ON THE FRONT OF YOU STATEMENT. YOU SHOULD HAVE ADDED YOU SHOULD HAVE SUB- IF ANY OCCURRED: TRACTED IF ANY OCCURRED: 1. Loan advances. 1. Automatic loan payments. 2. Credit memos. 2. Automatic savings transfers. 3. Other automatic deposits. 3. Service charges. 4. Interest paid 4. Debit memos. 5. Other automatic deductions s, and payments BALANCE SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT $ ADD € DEPOSITS NOT SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT (IFANY) $ TOTAL $ SUBTRACT— WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING $ r BALANCE SHOULD AGREE WITH YOUR REGISTER BALANCE AFTER DEDUCTING SERVICE CHARGE (IF ANY)SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT TOTAL $ Please examine immediately and report if incorrect. If no reply is received within 60 days the account will be considered correct. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS Telephone or write us at,the telephone number or address located on the front of this statement as soon as you can,if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or ptON",sp ed (1) Tell us your name and account number(if any) (2) Describe lite atror or ilia tran$*you are unsure about,and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. (3) Tell us the dollar amount of ttWsuspected error We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will recredit your account for the amount you think is in error,so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN ACCOUNT SUMMARY OF RIGHTS IS OUTLINED BELOW. This is a summary of your rights, a full statement of your rights and responsibilities under the Federal Fair Credit Billing Act will be sent to you both upon request and in response to a biling error notice. Your Demand Deposit Loan Account is operated in conjunction with your Demand Deposit Account. Any charges for your checking account w#l,be made to the Demand Deposit Account and they wig be the same charges as are made for Demand Deposit Accounts not operated in conjunction with Demand Deposit Loan Accounts. The following information 6A applies only to loans made to you under your Demand Deposit Account line of credit. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN If you think your bili is wrong,or if you need more information about a transaction on your bili,write us on a separate sheet at the address located on the front of this bill as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us,but doing so will not preserve fights. in your letter,give us the following information: (1) Your name and account nurnbar (2) The dollar arnoun(Of the 84 ed error (3) Desofbe the error and explain;If you can,why you believe there is an error. If you need more information,describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any money'in question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. While we investigate your quesliOn,we cannot report you asdelinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. t We figure a portion ofi tho . CHARGE on your Demand Deposit Loan Account by applying the daily periodic rate(s)to.the"Daily Balance"of your account for the billing cycle: gst the"Deify Balance"we take the beginning balance of your account each day,add any new advances,and subtract any payments or credits and unpaid FIRAME C itllGES, This gives us the daily balance. The minimum periodic payment required is shown on the front of this bill. You may pay off your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan balance at any time, or make voluntary additional payments. Payments shall be applied,first to any unpaid FINANCE CHARGES,and second the principal loan balance outstanding in your Demand r Deposit LoanAtcouot. Periodic statements may be sent to you at the end of each billing cycle showing your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan transactionsC►C p NBSend payments and inquiries to address shown on front of bill. [3i" NOTE:Payments received after close of business shall be deemed received on the following business day for purposes of crediting your account. THE BRIM GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank t 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 004 00005 00 PAGE:: 3ACCOUNT: 5000154 66 '12/3-1/2007 Bridgehatnpton,NY 11932-3005 (631)537-1000 NUMB TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ams ELIZABETH ''A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK .rnrl� s /STOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466' - - - - - - OTHER DEBITS - - - - - - DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT RETURNED DEPOSIT ITEMS 12/06 200.00 - - - - - - - - -' I N T E R E S T - - - - - - AVERAGE LEDGER BALANCE: 100,087.60 INTEREST EARNED: 15.91 AVERAGE AVAILABLE BALANCE: 89,207.08 DAYS IN PERIOD: 31 INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD: 20.46 ANNUAL PERCEN'T'AGE YIELD 4MED: 21% INTEREST PAID 2007: 397.78" - - - - DAILY BALANCE . - DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE DATE. . . + . . , . . � , . . . . w .BALANCE DATE. '. .BALANCE 12/03 202,187.00 12/12 69,078.05 12/21 ' 78f 92.39 12/04 246,828.39 12/13 71,123.40 12/24. 80,559.79 i'. 12/05 246,676.30 1.2/14 112,397.83 12/26- 87,911.00 12/06 47,467.37 12/17 49,959.32 12/27" 1,04,3-25.38 12/07 50,753.68 12/18 54,147.45 3.2/28 114t335.19 12/10 54,052.94 12/19 61,900.57 1.2/31 70,861.12 12/11 57,380.30 12/20 73,455.79 `o 0 N O O CO O O O O rl S O O 1 M M M O O d' O O 1 a z m Fs r2004 NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION 7-7 THIS FORM IS PROVIDED TO HELP YOU BALANCE YOUR STATEMENT WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING— BEFORE YOU START — NOT CHARGED TO ACCOUNT PLEASE BE SURE YOU HAVE ENTERED'IN YOUR REGISTER ALL No. AUTOMATIC TRANSACTIONS SHOWN ON THE FRONT OF YOU STATEMENT. YOU SHOULD HAVE ADDED YOU SHOULD HAVE SUB- IF ANY OCCURRED- TRACTED IF ANY OCCURRED: 1. Loan advances. 1. Automatic loan payment. 2. Credit memos. 2. Automatic savings transfers. 3. Other automatic deposits. 3. Service charge& 4. Interest paid 4. Debit memos. 5. Other automatic deductlions and payments BALANCE SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT $ ADD DEPOSITS NOT SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT (IFANY) $ TOTAL $ SUBTRACT WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING $ BALANCE SHOULD AGREE WITH YOUR REGISTER BALANCE AFTER DEDUCTING SERVICE CHARGE (IF ANY)SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT TOTAL $ 4 Please examine immediately and report if incorrect. If no reply is received within 60 days the account will be considered correct. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS Telephone or write us at"telephone number or address located on the front of this statement as soon as you can,if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or it you need more information.about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the-FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. (1) Tell us your name and account number(if any) (2) Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about,and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. (3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will recre&your account for the amount you think is in error,so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN ACCOUNT SUMMARY OF RIGHTS IS OUTLINED BELOW. This is a summary of your rights, a full statement of your rights and responsibilities under the Federal Fair Credit Billing Act will be sent to you tipth upon request and In response to a billing error notice. Your Demand Deposit Loan Account is operated in conjunction with your Demand Deposit Account. Any charges for your chef ft account: will be made to the Demand Deposit Account and they will be the same charges as are made for Demand Deposit Accounts not operated in conjunctloin with Demand Deposit Loan Accounts. The following information thus applies only to loans made to you under your Demand Deposit Account line of credit. Z 5r IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill,write us on a separate sheet at the address lodaled on the front of this t bill as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appealed, You can I'Maphone us,but doing so will not preswe your rights. In your letter,give us the following information: (1) Your name and account number (2) The dollar amount of the suspected error (3) DesoMe the error and explain,if you can,why you believe there is an error. It you need more information,describe the item you are unsWe about. You do not have to pay any money in question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. Whille we investigate your question,we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. We figure a portion of the FINANCE CHARGE on your Demand Deposit Loan Account by applying the daily periodic rate(s)to the'Daily Balance'of your account for the billing cycle. To get the"Daily Balance"we take the beginning balance of your account each day,add any new advances,and subtract any paymoft or credits and unpaid FINANCE CHARGES. This gives us the daily balance. The minimum periodic payment required is shown on the front of this bill. You may pay off your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan balance at any time, or make voluntary additional payments. Payments shall be applied,first to any unpaid FINANCE CHARGES,and second the principal loanbalance outstanding in your Demand Deposit Loan Account. Periodic statements may be sent to you at the end of each billing cycle showing your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan Send payments and Inquiries to address shown on front of bill.' NOTE:Payments received after close-of business shall be deemed received on the following business day for purposes of crediting your account, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 500015466 Page 4 =lank ?"h� band you sv can tfW .-- - �.� ......................_..._-------I.._-.____.... 1537 $83.90 12/13/2007 1538 $15.00 12/13/2007 i5Q ------------------------- .. ..»,z......_........................ _._..__..__......._._....... a .......,..w..,.._y _....._......_..... m..._......_.._. w+Op 15]9+,:pi3L0LLiK p5p0pi5LLV /ppppp t..i Sp: +Op 1510+C 10666 T,:05000 i5i66+ 1539 $247.50 12/17/2007 1540 $200,242.43 12/06/2007 .0 nF +pp15LV<pT3Lp6LL TC OSpOp ISLLV �iggl,K i..i�.:023L0666 TK pSppp ISLLV 1541 $89,452.01 12/17/2007 1542 $55,165.68 12/31/2007 LnO V, ko Co C) O 0 Co O O CD O O O 1 O V LO C7 CJ CDO I O O Cfl Z d' CO Reconciliation Report Bridgehampton Page 1 • Reconciliation Summary BANK STATEMENT--CLEARED TRANSACTIONS: Previous Balance: 188,512.55 Checks and Payments 8 Items -347,246.21 Deposits and Other Credits 101 Items 229,594.78 Ending Balance of Bank Statement: 70,861.12 YOUR RECORDS--UNCLEARED TRANSACTIONS: Cleared Balance: 70,861.12 Checks and Payments 0 Items 0.00 Deposits and Other Credits 0 Items 0.00 Register Balance as of 1/8'8: 70,861.12 Checks and Payments 0 Items 0.00 Deposits and Other Credits 0 Items 0.00 • Register Ending Balance: 70,861.12 Reconciliation Report Bridgehampton Page 2 1/8/'08 • Uncleared Transaction Detail after 1/ 8' 8 Date Num Payee Memo Category Cir Amount Uncleared Checks and Payments Total Uncleared Checks and Payments 0 Items 0.00 Uncleared Deposits and Other Credits Total Uncleared Deposits and Other Credits 0 Items 0.00 Total Uncleared Transactions 0 Items 0.00 • TK BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bares M 004 00005 00 PROS: 1 o 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500027685 12/31/200? f4A NOON Bridgehampton,NY 11932-3005 (631)5371000 Address Service Requeskif B 3357 0.4761 AV 0.312 TR00015 TOWN-OF SOUTHOID TOWN CLERK — CONS LICENSES 30 " BOX 1179 0 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 0 PUBLIC,FUNDS ACCOUNT 500027685 LAST STATEMENT 11/30/07 .00 MINIMUM BALANCE 00 1 CREDITS 1,039 69 AVG AVAILABLE BALANCE 771.48 1 DEBITS 1,839.69 THIS' STATEMENT 12/31/07 .00 — — — — - — — — OTHER CREDITS — DESCRIPTION — — — DATE AMOUNT ECOM XFER FROM NOW PUBLIC FUNDS 500015466ON 12/05 AT 10:23 12/05 3..,839.69 CONF# 400082492 — — — — — — OTHER DEBITS — — — — DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT NYSDEC DECALS ACH 205907350003201 12/18 1,835.69 — — — — — — — DAILY BALANCE DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE DATE. . . BALANCE DATE. '. . . . .B 'LANCE C 12/05 1,839.69 12/18 .00 o r o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i M orn Q cam+ o rn a m m z rn m . FSr2004 NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION THIS FORM IS PROVIDED TO HELP YOU BALANCE YOUR STATEMENT WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING— BEFORE YOU START — NOT CHARGED TO ACCOUNT PLEASE BE SURE YOU HAVE ENTERED IN YOUR REGISTER ALL No. $ AUTOMATIC TRANSACTIONS SHOWN ON THE FRONT OF YOU STATEMENT. F YOU SHOULD HAVE ADDED YOU SHOULD HAVE SUB- IF ANY OCCURRED: TRACTED IF ANY OCCURRED: 1. Loan advances. 1. Automatic loan payments. 2. Credit memos. 2. Automatic savings transfers. 3. Other automatic deposits. 3. Service charges. 4. Interest paid 4. Debit memos. 5. Other automatic deductions and payments BALANCE SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT $ ADD DEPOSITS NOT SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT (IFANY) $ TOTAL $ SUBTRACT— WITHDRAWALS UBTRACT—WITHDRAWALS OUTSTANDING $ BALANCE SHOULD AGREE WITH YOUR REGISTER BALANCE AFTER DEDUCTING SERVICE CHARGE (IF ANY)SHOWN ON THIS STATEMENT TOTAL $ Please examine immediately and report if incorrect. If no reply is received within 60 days the account will be considered correct. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS Telephone or write us at the telephone number or address located on the front of this statement as soon as you can,if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. (1) Tell us your name and account number(if any) (2) Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about,and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. (3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this,we will recredit your account for the amount you think is in error,so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN ACCOUNT SUMMARY OF RIGHTS IS OUTLINED BELOW. This is a summary of your rights, a full statement of your rights and responsibilities under the Federal Fair Credit Billing Act will be sent to you both upon request and in response to a billing error notice. Your Demand Deposit Loan Account is:operated in conjunction with your Demand Deposit Account. Any charges for your checking account will be made to the Demand Deposit Account and they will to the same charges as are made for Demand Deposit Accounts not operated in conjunction with Demand Deposit Loan Accounts. The following information thus applies only to loans made to you under your Demand Deposit Account line of credit. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR DEMAND DEPOSIT LOAN If you think your bill is wrong,or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill,write us on a separate sheet at the address located on the front of this bill as soon as possible. We must heer from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rVft fn your letter,give us the following information: (1) Your name and account nun*er (2) The dollar amount of the�error (3) Describe the error andexpla If you can,why you believe there is an error. If you need more information,describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any money in question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. While we investigate your question.we cannot reportyou as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. We figure a"t"n of the[INCE CHARGE on your Demand Deposit Loan Account by applying the daily periodic rate(s)to the"Daily Balance"of your account for the billing cycle:,,To gat the"D* "we take the beginning balance of your account each day,add any new advances,and subtract any payments or credits and unpaid FINANCE CHARM, This glOs us the daily balance. The minimum tart payment required is shown on the front of this bill. You may pay off your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan balance at any time, or make voluntary additional payments. Payf4®nts shall be applied,first to any unpaid FINANCE CHARGES, and second the principal loan balance outstaring in your Demand Deposit Loan Account. Periodic statements may be sent to you at the end of each billing cycle showing your Demand Deposit Loan Account loan transactions R N B Send payments and inquldes to address shown on front of bill. NOTE:Payments received after close of business shall be deemed received on the following business day for purposes of crediting your account. BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK Page 1 of 2 €lif BRIDGE GrIDUP ? wwr rrrrr w 3�r4�i1�< ���.gr�i s Mitliw,'d Kmk 0,v s . Previous Statement Transactions on TOWN CLERK *****5466 as of January 02, 2008 Check Date Number Description Debit Credit Balance 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 155.65 188,668.20 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 232.50 188,900.70 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 307.25 189,207.95 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 734.20 189,942.15 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 1,049.45 190,991.60 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 1,141.85 192,133.45 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 1,497.40 193,630.85 12/03/2007 DEPOSIT 8,556.15 202,187.00 12/04/2007 DEPOSIT 258.65 202,445.65 12/04/2007 DEPOSIT 619.80 203,065.45 12/04/2007 DEPOSIT 2,160.08 205,225.53 12/04/2007 DEPOSIT 5,832.70 211,058.23 12/04/2007 Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX 35,770.16 246,828.39 RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/05/2007 DEPOSIT 1.00 246,829.39 12/05/2007 DEPOSIT 126.00 246,955.39 12/05/2007 DEPOSIT 434.55 247,389.94 12/05/2007 DEPOSIT 560.00 247,949.94 • 12/05/2007 DEPOSIT 566.05 248,515.99 12/05/2007 ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 1,839.69 246,676.30 500027685 ON 12/05 AT 10:29 CONF# 400082492 12/06/2007 DEPOSIT 135.00 246,811.30 12/06/2007 DEPOSIT 164.55 246,975.85 12/06/2007 DEPOSIT 271.45 247,247.30 12/06/2007 DEPOSIT 662.50 247,909.80 12/06/2007 RETURNED DEPOSIT ITEMS 200.00 247,709.80 12/06/2007 1540 CHECK 200,242.43 47,467.37 12/07/2007 DEPOSIT 74.50 47,541.87 12/07/2007 DEPOSIT 381.21 47,923.08 12/07/2007 DEPOSIT 806.60 48,729.68 12/07/2007 DEPOSIT 2,024.00 50,753 68 12/10/2007 DEPOSIT 92.40 50,846.08 12/10/2007 DEPOSIT 205.05 51,05113 12/10/2007 DEPOSIT 649.60 51,700.73 12/10/2007 DEPOSIT 763.36 52,464.09 12/10/2007 DEPOSIT 1,588.85 54,052.94 12/11/2007 DEPOSIT 418.66 54,471.60 12/11/2007 DEPOSIT 423.80 54,895 40 12/11/2007 DEPOSIT 1,234.90 56,130.30 12/11/2007 DEPOSIT 1,250.00 57,380.30 12/12/2007 DEPOSIT 607.70 57,988.00 12/12/2007 DEPOSIT 3,859.74 61,847.74 12/12/2007 DEPOSIT 7,230.31 69,078.05 12/13/2007 DEPOSIT 47.85 69,125.90 12/13/2007 DEPOSIT 74.25 69,200.15 12/13/2007 DEPOSIT 385.50 69,585.65 12/13/2007 DEPOSIT 1,636.65 71,222.30 12/13/2007 1538 CHECK 15.00 71,207.30 . 12/13/2007 1537 CHECK 83.90 71,123.40 12/14/2007 DEPOSIT 82.05 71,205.45 12/14/2007 DEPOSIT 339.35 71,544.80 12/14/2007 DEPOSIT 1,805.77 73,350.57 https://www-.ecom0l.fiservboston.com/pbi_pbi 1961/Pbi 1961.asp?WCI=TranList&WCE=S... 1/2/2008 'BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK Page 2 of 2 12/14/2007 DEPOSIT 2,347.64 75,698.21 12/14/2007 Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX 36,679.16 112,377.37 • RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/14/2007 INTEREST AT .21 % 20.46 112,397.83 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 65.55 112,463.38 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 137.00 112,600.38 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 178.00 112,778.38 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 267.25 113,045.63 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 272.90 113,318.53 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 805.60 114,124.13 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 834.70 114,958.83 12/17/2007 DEPOSIT 24,700.00 139,658.83 12/17/2007 1539 CHECK 247.50 139,411.33 12/17/2007 1541 CHECK 89,452.01 49,959.32 12/18/2007 DEPOSIT 98.25 50,057.57 12/18/2007 DEPOSIT 384.30 50,441.87 12/18/2007 DEPOSIT 1,069.05 51,510.92 12/18/2007 DEPOSIT 2,636.53 54,147.45 12/19/2007 DEPOSIT 94.50 54,241.95 12/19/2007 DEPOSIT 508.60 54,750.55 12/19/2007 DEPOSIT 1,537.22 56,287.77 12/19/2007 DEPOSIT 5,612.80 61,900.57 12/20/2007 DEPOSIT 144.50 62,045.07 12/20/2007 DEPOSIT 386.60 62,431.67 12/20/2007 DEPOSIT 2,261.11 64,692.78 12/20/2007 DEPOSIT 8,763.01 73,455.79 12/21/2007 DEPOSIT 193.00 73,648.79 12/21/2007 DEPOSIT 354.70 74,003.49 12/21/2007 DEPOSIT 1,900.65 75,904.14 12/21/2007 DEPOSIT 2,288.25 78,192.39 12/24/2007 DEPOSIT 2,467.40 80,659.79 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 88.75 80,748.54 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 267.00 81,015.54 • 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 326.90 81,342.44 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 351.00 81,693.44 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 564.75 82,258.19 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 901.50 83,159.69 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 976.60 84,136.29 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 1,150.01 85,286.30 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 1,205.95 86,492.25 12/26/2007 DEPOSIT 1,418.75 87,911.00 12/27/2007 DEPOSIT 417.00 88,328.00 12/27/2007 DEPOSIT 1,187.94 89,515.94 12/27/2007 DEPOSIT 1,456.05 90,971.99 12/27/2007 DEPOSIT 6,584.93 97,556.92 12/27/2007 DEPOSIT 6,768.46 104,325.38 12/28/2007 DEPOSIT 378.50 104,703.88 12/28/2007 DEPOSIT 427.10 105,130.98 12/28/2007 DEPOSIT 1,996.82 107,127.80 12/28/2007 DEPOSIT 7,207.39 114,335.19 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 337.50 114,672.69 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 355.60 115,028.29 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 441.75 115,470.04 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 502.00 115,972.04 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 694.36 116,666.40 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 1,005.60 117,672.00 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 1,186.10 118,858.10 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 1,820.70 120,678.80 12/31/2007 DEPOSIT 5,348.00 126,026.80 12/31/2007 1542 CHECK 55,165.68 70,861.12 • https://www.ecom0l.fiservboston.com/pbi_pbi 1961/Pbi l 961.asp?WCI=TranList&WCE=S... 1/2/2008 `b1/03/2008 Town Of Southold Page: 1 DECALS Import Transaction Report December 01,2007-December 31, 2007 • Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD 12/03/2007 32.00 1.76 30.24 BONNIED 12/04/2007 5.00 0.28 4.72 BONNIED 12/05/2007 74.00 4.08 69.92 BONNIED 12/06/2007 10.00 0.56 9.44 BONNIED 12/10/2007 19.00 1.05 17.95 BONNIED 12/17/2007 42.00 2.32 39.68 BONNIED 12/18/2007 53.00 2.92 50.08 BONNIED 12/20/2007 37.00 2.04 34.96 BONNIED 12/26/2007 74.00 4.08 69.92 LYNDAB 12/28/2007 5.00 0.28 4.72 BONNIED 12/31/2007 19.00 1.05 17.95 BONNIED Report Totals: $370.00 $20.42 $349.58 • • NEW YORK DECALS PC LICENSE SALES Account Statement Report Printed on : 01/10/2008 09:06 AM EST AGENT ID :2059 Town Of Southold 53095 Main Road P D BOX 1179 Southold, NY - 11971 Requesting POS ID: 2140 Account Notice# 218088 Account Notice 01/04/2008 Date Billing Period 12/01/2007 through 12}31/200} Sales Summary "rocs les��� $370.00 tComrr�s si�n s $20.42 Met sales �� $340.55 Account Details �I Open Amounts Previous Balances $0,00.m Balance Forward $0.00�� i�Open Amou nq Ams+unts Pgndin Current Charges : Net Sales Oaf Data Trxns 12A3412G07 t__.__.�J $4.72 �� 12117C1ao7 �1 � �a9.es $50.03 $34.98 12124x2007 12/3112007 1 $17.96 Current Charges :Adjustments i No Data. Current Charges : Non returned , documents No D ata. Previously Disputed Transactions (Resolved this period) No Data] ACH Failures reported (this period) No Data. ACH Failures paid (this period) No Data. ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(this ACH) N o D ata. Fc Tots $340.5e $G.oa Agent Review Activity Since 01/0412008 Amounts Disputed 4 No Data. t ;puted Amounts Resolved No Data. New ACH Failures Reported No D ata. ACH Failures Paid No D ata. ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(s ince0110412008) N o D ata. ACH Failures removed from resubmissions (since 0110412008) No D ata. No D ata. New ACH Failures Reported No Data.] ACH Failures Paid No Data. ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(since 01/04/2008) No D ata. ACH Failures removed from resubmissions (since 01/04/2008) No D ata. rctals �o,00 $o.aa Amounts to be sxept on or after 01t16t20o8 12:00:00 AM $349.58 Pending Charges $0.00 Acreount Salanoe $349.58 Note: The letter"A"afterthe amount in "PteviouO/Disputed Transactions(Resolved this /'_�iod)"and"Disputed Amounts Resolved" ;tions indicates thatthere is an adjustment made to this item. ti C r BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK Page 1 of 1 li idg,ch t-yiptttn Nath)vuil Ban C � t A � Transfer Confirmation Completed: 01/08/2008 02:50:00 PM EST T ransfer From Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance *****5466 TOWN CLERK 349.58 127068.26 Transfer To Deposits Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number *****7685 TOWN CLERK-CONS LICENSES 349.58 349.58 400062812 https:/'www.ecom0l.fiservboston.com/pbi_pI>i 1961/Pbi l 961.Asp?WCI=ExpressXfr&WCE... 11/8/12-008 02/07/2008 Town Of Southold Page: 1 Miscellaneous Cash Report For Transaction Type: Interest NOW Account For:All Fee Types Date Range: 12/01/2007 to 12/31/2007 Transaction Type Fee Type Receipt# Date Customer Qty Total Interest NOW Account Interest NOW Account December 12/28/2007 Town, Clerk's Office 1 $20.46 2007 P.o. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Total Quantity: 1 Grand Total: $20.46 • i • 1 BRIDGEHAMPTON 004 05 00 i NATIONAL BANK RECEIVED The bank you can talk to.s.M 2200 Montauk Highway• P.O. Box 3005 Bridgehampton,NY 11932 DEC 6r.` Tel (631) 537-1000 Fax(631) 537-4685 www.bridgenb.com Sotlf%old T€�v'n rleA TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 CUSTOMER: 103590 t. AS OF: 12/04/07 PAGE 1 * T R A N S A C T I O N R E C E I P T ***************************************** ACCOUNT TYPE: NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER: 500015466 CURRENT BALANCE: 246, 828 .39 • DATE OF TRANSACTION: 12/04/07 TRANSACTION AMOUNT: 35, 770 . 16 TRANSACTION TYPE: WIRE TRANSFER Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL Your account was chal�rad a $15 . 00 fee for this transaction. v • FDICNOTICE:SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION 004 05 00 THE BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank 2200 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 3005 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 A "Cel (631) 537-1000 Fax(631) 537-4685 www.bridgenb.com TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 CUSTOMER: 103590 AS OF: 12/14/07 PAGE 1 ***************************************** * T R A N S A C T I O N R E C E I P T ***************************************** ACCOUNT TYPE: NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER: 500015466 CURRENT BALANCE: 112, 397. 83 • DATE OF TRANSACTION: 12/14/07 TRANSACTION AMOUNT: 36, 679. 16 TRANSACTION TYPE: WIRE TRANSFER Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL Your account was chA d a $15. 00 fee for this transaction. G O • FRICNOTICE:SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION THE BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank M ,' 004 00005 00 PAGE: 1 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 Bridgehampton,NY 11932-3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 • B (631)537-1000 ,address Service Requested FDIK �. 3364 1.0268 AV 0.437 TR00015 T loll 1'1111'Igill loll lr11111'UIItell ell 1111111111 �= TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ` ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK 30 BOX 1179 97 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 6 NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 LAST STATEMENT 11/30/07 188,512.55 101 CREDITS 229,594.78 8 DEBITS 347,246.21 THIS STATEMENT 12/31/07 70, 861.12 - - - - - - - - - - DEPOSITS - - - - - - - - - - • REF #. . . . , . . .TRACE 4.DATE. . . . . . . ..MOUNT REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE 4.DATE. . . . . . . .MOUNT 0009013550 12/03 155:6645-- 0011013978 12/10 0009013552 12/03 e-3-2 i' 0011013334 12/10 0010013689 12/03 '^. W--2A 0009006296 12/11 41.8,-66 0010013691 12/03 -4&4-.m-,-8 0010007121 12/11 423-8 0009013554 12/03 1��5 0010007125 12/11T- ?•"-s=m 0010013707 12/03 —" 0010007133 12/11 1,256.6 0010013698 12/03 0010007940 12/12 66 - 9 0 0009013101 12/03 8,556.15 0010007899 12/12 3;-9.59.14+ 0007004639 12/04 0010007378 12/12 0007004641 12/04 6.3 Q QQ 0008004167 12/13 4R--8,5 0 0007004650 12/04 - itii 0012006027 12/13 O86 0 0007005052 12/04 5;83z�-?0 0008004165 12/13 66 � Cp 0008005007 12/05 4-B8 0008004169 12/13 x6.6 0 0 0007004422 12/05 X6:$0 0007005547 12/14 8Q.E) 0 0007004470 12/05 434.5 0012009328 12/14 33x3,-33 M 0007004420 12/05 669-r" 0007005549 12/14 a 0 0008004996 12/05 566.0 0008007106 12/14 2,941--6� $ 0007005792 12/06 .7.35,-94 0010013037 12/17 -6-5.55 M 0006004703 12/06 i64.46 0010012868 12/17 134-06 om 0007005788 12/06 S=44-r-" 0010012870 12/17 CD ON 0007005782 12/06 662-r" 0011014005 12/17 *fr7.25 ca r- 0007005080 12/07 R+ 5v 0011014007 12/17 3.7Ls;o cr 0007005087 12/07 3�4 0010013039 12/17 .886.68 O°~ 0007005082 12/07 @06.69 0010013024 12/17 e4+-. 0007005776 12/07 ' ^,.,. � 0002002456 12/17 14- 9&-Q$ 0011013338 12/10 Q1) 4Q. 0008004920 12/18 ".2 5. 0012014767 12/10 '�6 0008004918 12/18 084--89 • 0011013274 12/10 -Fr49. 0009006599 12/18 1-1663- * * * C O N T I N U E D F512004 •..r.rrn n.•"rrn.r THE BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank 004 00005 00 PAGE: 2 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 Bridgehampton,NY 11932-3005 • B (631)537-1000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 - - - - - - - - - - DEPOSITS - - - - - - - - - - REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .MOUNT REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . • . .AMOUNT 0008005367 12/18 2,656.5 0008004738 12/26 1;' 59--�3• 0011007963 12/19 9+1--515' 0008004751 12/26 1,26-5.9 0011007965 12/19 54-. " 0008005210 12/26 0011007968 12/19 '�ga 0008004582 12/27 44-7.60 0010006627 12/19 &1-644-8-a 0008004553 12/27 k;119�-9.4 0009006900 12/20 14+r561 0008004460 12/27 1,4FP6.@-5, 0009006902 12/20 3�6--66 0009005542 12/27 84 0009006888 12/20 -1- 0008004564 12/27 6 68 o-t6 0010007246 12/20 8;-X63--9i .80 0010007677 12/28 9-76r50 0009007035 12/21 14-3.8 8 0010007679 12/28 4.21.1: • 0009007037 12/21 364. 0010007681 12/28 ;r q!;I-6rQ� 0009007039 12/21 1- -f 0010007276 12/28 ' , -g 0009009403 12/21 2-�-� 0014012778 12/31 33,--59 0014013761 12/24 2,46q.48 0015013340 12/31 x-60 0008004654 12/26 4*--9.5 0015013342 12/31 -443,—:-5- 0008004658 12/26 2-67-766 0015013338 12/31 0008004766 12/26 226.98 0015013344 12/31 0008004764 12/26 3.5-Y- 0014012765 12/31 1 . A0 0 0008004656 12/26 56sl r 0015013333 12/31 1;3!86-�-9 0008004756 12/26 9Q3!.& 0014012768 12/31 1,8 0008004769 12/26 946--68 0011010526 12/31 5-,548.0 M 0 0 — — — — — — — — OTHER CREDITS — — — — — — — - 0 DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT 4 Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/04 35 B.±6 o INTEREST AT .21 % 12/14 20.46 S' Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/14 36.,E-Wq 16 M 0 4 - - - - - - - CHECKS - - - - - - - - - - CHECK #. . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .AMOUNT CHECK #. . . • .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .AMOUNT 1537 9001003033 12/13 83.90 1540 9001003273 12/06 200,242.43 0 1538 9001001449 12/13 15.00 1541 9001002045 12/17 89,452.01 m 1539 9001000880 12/17 247.50 1542 9001004407 12/31 55,165.68 °O - - - - - - - - - OTHER DEBITS - - - - - - - - - DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 500027685 ON 12/05 AT 10:29 CONF# 12/05 1,839.69 400082492 A • * * * C O N T I N U E D F5 r2004 AIr)T1r..F• CCF OM/aoCC--C/ID GAOlIOTA SIT IGIC(l OA/A Tnn. 'i THE BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank ,A i j 004 00005 00 PAGE: 3 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 rof Bridgehampton,NY 11932-3005 • B (631)537-1000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 - - - - - - - - - OTHER DEBITS - - - - - - - - DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT RETURNED DEPOSIT ITEMS 12/06 z-@9.98- - - - - - - - - - - I N T E R E S T - - - - - - - - - - AVERAGE LEDGER BALANCE: 100,087.60 INTEREST EARNED: 15.91 AVERAGE AVAILABLE BALANCE: 89,207.08 DAYS IN PERIOD: 31 INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD: 20.46 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED: .21% INTEREST PAID 2007: 397.78 - - - - - - - - DAILY BALANCE - - - - - - - - DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE . 12/03 202, 187.00 12/12 69,078.05 12/21 78, 192.39 12/04 246,828.39 12/13 71,123.40 12/24 80, 659.79 12/05 246,676.30 12/14 112,397.83 12/26 87,911.00 12/06 47,467.37 12/17 49,959.32 12/27 104,325.38 12/07 50,753.68 12/18 54,147.45 12/28 114,335.19 12/10 54,052. 94 12/19 61,900.57 12/31 70,861.12 12/11 57,380.30 12/20 73,455.79 �o 0 M O O c'7 O ti O co O r- O O C, O O M O O O O m Z C LO • F5 hMd ..1nT1!`tnrr nr..rnnr n,r.r rnn i.•n.-.nr..,T,.r.,n...r,r,., December 2007 BANK DEPOSIT BREAKDOWN INTEREST TOWN DATE NOW CLERK SCALE TIPPING ACCOUNT DEPOSIT 3 ,p(D X34 26- 4 566.$5' l,q 4 q.85- a-;949-4 fi49� 8� 5 &1-9-E}8 2440-G8- 6 , .669.98- 6&2-56- 2:Fq-45 434.66 7 286.96 10 89G86 -M i.21 11 7,238.911 648-66 4-Ei88- -7za.36- 12 4423-56 4-,244-96 4-256-86' 13 zi,,84F-.64 607-:T6- 14 49&SG• 4 36:65 4,896.77 17 i,969.96 x-98 339.3& x:69- X8-90Q24 Q 18 5,6112.66 19 .80 30+88, �?a 20566-66 1,�2-- 21 24 354-79 385-69 17490.65 -L, 26 6,564. 3128.96- 964.56- 3;96.694?5-354-456.04- 27 ;9,287. 28 20.46 4 1,466.85 68.4 4.964-9�4� 31 6,368.00 "06..1 1,865..0 42:7.19. t-$z8, - 4-996-8-z� G94-56 TOTALS 20.46 90,691.65 13,670.641 7,776.451 2,209.301 3,204.651 834.70 23,949.841 6,383.93 0.001 0.001 December 2007 BAGS ADJUSTMENTS TOTALDEPOSIT 1�5-8rr z`i32-5. 9- 29725 4.00 7,263.36 4,254.75 458-" 3,203.08 426-60 14x6 4,213.50 205.05 37,451.13 •92-46- -299-99 10,124.52 2,982.95 6,815.08 -4:7.85- 02-@5. 36;6,F9-4G 65,336.98 469-218" -6535- 427.00 3,969.40 5,612.80 e&2�1 11,882.89 949 4,428.57 1 2,467.40 4.44:58- 493 6• 6,659.31 564-94,1' 359-88~ 86.75 26:7.8E) 12,417.39 7,207.39 44:7.09• 15,197.91 996-56 "444-7-& 4r&@ C- 15,514.23 227,207.69 1 2,719.80137,271.01137,567.761 769.00 337.50 -199.00 0.00 227,207.691 THE BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank �j rmf Bridgehampton,NY 11932-3005 004 00005 00 PAGE: 1 Brid Montauk Highway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 • B (631)537-1000 Address Service Requested !I 3364 1.0268 AV 0 .437 TR00015 .T TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK 30 BOX 1179 97 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 6 NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 LAST STATEMENT 11/30/07 188,512.55 101 CREDITS 229,594.78 8 DEBITS 347,246.21 THIS STATEMENT 12/31/07 70,861.12 - - - - - - - - - - DEPOSITS - - - - - - - - - - • REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .MOUNT REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE ##.DATE. . . . . . . .MOUNT 0009013550 12/03 155.65 0011013978 12/10 763.36 0009013552 12/03 232.50 0011013334 12/10 1,588.85 0010013689 12/03 307.25 0009006296 12/11 418.66 0010013691 12/03 734.20 0010007121 12/11 423.80 0009013554 12/03 1,049.45 0010007125 12/11 1,234.90 0010013707 12/03 1, 141.85 0010007133 12/11 1,250.00 0010013698 12/03 1,497.40 0010007940 12/12 607.70 0 0009013101 12/03 8,556.15 0010007899 12/12 3,859.74 0007004639 12/04 258.65 0010007378 12/12 7,230.31 0007004641 12/04 619.80 0008004167 12/13 47.85 0 0007004650 12/04 2,160.08 0012006027 12/13 74.25 ., 0007005052 12/04 5,832.70 0008004165 12/13 .385.50 0 0008005007 12/05 1.00 0008004169 12/13 1,636.65 0 0007004422 12/05 126.00 0007005547 12/14 82.05 0 0007004470 12/05 434.55 0012009328 12/14 339.35 0007004420 12/05 560.00 0007005549 12/14 1,805.77 4 0008004996 12/05 566.05 0008007106 12/14 2,347.64 0007005792 12/06 135.00 0010013037 12/17 65.55 0006004703 12/06 164.55 0010012868 12/17 137.00 Cn o rn 0007005788 12/06 271.45 0010012870 12/17 178.00 o rn 0007005782 12/06 662.50 0011014005 12/17 267.25 0007005080 12/07 74.50 0011014007 12/17 272.90 ze° 0007005087 12/07 381.21 0010013039 12/17 805.60 ca 0007005082 12/07 806.60 0010013024 12/17 834.70 0007005776 12/07 2,024.00 0002002456 12/17 24,700.00 0011013338 12/10 92.40 0008004920 12/18 98.25 0012014767 12/10 205.05 0008004918 12/18 384.30 • 0011013274 12/10 649.60 0009006599 12/18 1,069.05 * * * C O N T I N U E D FS 12004 KinTIrIC ccc nc,lcncr�,nr rnn r..nnn-rn.r,.,rnn..•-r,n•, THE BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank rAA Imn' j 004 00005 00 PAGE: 2 2200 Montauk Highway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 Bridridgehampton,NY 11932-3005 (631)537-1000 '%MNB TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 - - - - - - - - - - DEPOSITS - - - - - - - - - - REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .AMOUNT REF #. . . . . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . .AMOUNT 0008005367 12/18 2,636.53 0008004738 12/26 • •1,150.01 0011007963 12/19 94.50 0008004751 12/26 1,205.95 0011007965 12/19 508.60 0008005210 12/26 1,418.75 0011007968 12/19 1,537.22 0008004582 12/27 417. 00 0010006627 12/19 5,612.80 0008004553 12/27 1,187.94 0009006900 12/20 144.50 0008004460 12/27 1,456.05 0009006902 12/20 386.60 0009005542 12/27 6,584. 93 0009006888 12/20 2,261.11 0008004564 12/27 6,768.46 0010007246 12/20 8,763.01 0010007677 12/28 378.50 0009007035 12/21 193.00 0010007679 12/28 427. 10 . 0009007037 12/21 354.70 0010007681 12/28 1, 996. 82 0009007039 12/21 1, 900.65 0010007276 12/28 7,207.39 0009009403 12/21 2,288.25 0014012778 12/31 337.50 0014013761 12/24 2,467.40 0015013340 12/31 355.60 0008004654 12/26 88.75 0015013342 12/31 441.75 0008004658 12/26 267.00 0015013338 12/31 502.00 0008004766 12/26 326.90 0015013344 12/31 694.36 0008004764 12/26 351.00 001401276512/31 1,005.60 tOo 0008004656 12/26 564.75 0015013333 12/31 1,186. 10 0008004756 12/26 901.50 0014012768 12/31 1,820.70 0008004769 12/26 976.60 0011010526 12/31 5,348.00 M O O M - - - - - - - - OTHER CREDITS - - - - - - - - - CD 0 DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT c Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/04 35,770.16 o INTEREST AT .21 % 12/14 20.46 Incoming Wire Transfer REF PHOENIX RECYCLING-FHLB ATL 12/14 36,679.16 0 4 - - - - - CHECKS - - - - - - - - - - CHECK #. . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .AMOUNT CHECK #. . . . .TRACE #.DATE. . . . . . . .AMOUNT 0 1537 9001003033 12/13 83.90 1540 9001003273 12/06 200,242.43 0 1538 9001001449 12/13 15.00 1541 9001002045 12/17 89,452.01 m 1539 9001000880 12/17 247.50 1542 9001004407 12/31 55, 165.68 z O° - - - - - - - - - OTHER DEBITS - - - - - - - - - DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 500027685 ON 12/05 AT 10:29 CONE# 12/05 1,839.69 400082492 • * * * C O N T I N U E D F5 r2004 Kir)TICF- ccc onico—cine cno rn•onornnrr rnrcno+•n nnnr THE BRIDGE GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank fAA NwmW' j 004 00005 00 PAGE: 3 220gehamp on,NY 119hway Box 3005 ACCOUNT: 500015466 12/31/2007 Bridgehampton,NY 11932-3005 • B (631)537-1000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK r.� NOW PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNT 500015466 — — — — — — — — — OTHER DEBITS — — — — — — — — — -- DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT RETURNED DEPOSIT ITEMS 12/06 200.00 — — — — — — — — — — I N T E R E S T — — — — — — — — — — AVERAGE LEDGER BALANCE: 100,087.60 INTEREST EARNED: 15.91 AVERAGE AVAILABLE BALANCE: 89,207.08 DAYS IN PERIOD: 31 INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD: 20.46 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD EARNED: .21% INTEREST PAID 2007: 397.78 — — — — — — — — DAILY BALANCE — — — — — — — — DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE DATE. . . . . . . . . . .BALANCE 12/03 202, 187.00 12/12 69,078.05 12/21 781192.39 12/04 246,828.39 12/13 71,123.40 12/24 80,659.79 12/05 246,676.30 12/14 112,397.83 12/26 87,911.00 12/06 47,467.37 12/17 49,959.32 12/27 104,325.38 12/07 50,753.68 12/18 54,147.45 12/28 114,335.19 12/10 54,052.94 12/19 61,900.57 12/31 70,861.12 12/11 57,380.30 12/20 73,455.79 8 0 N v �o r� M O O C'7 O CD O co O N O C7 O t0 !'7 O O O O m Z c m • FS(JfNld �IIITIf•Cnrr nrirnnr nnr rr.n ..nr,nr..ir..ir.�n..w rin.i December 2007 BANK DEPOSIT BREAKDOWN INTEREST TOWN DATE NOW CLERK SCALE TIMING ACCOUNT DEPOSIT 3 5,832.76 734.20 4 566.05 1,141.85 1,049.45 1,497.40 5 164.55 619.80 2160.08 6 2,024.00 560.00 662.50 271.45 434.55 7 205.05 10 418.66 806.60 381.21 11 7,230.31 649.60 1,588.85 763.36 12 74.25 423.80 1,234.90 1,250.00 13 2,347.64 3,859.74 607.70 14 24,700.00 385.50 1,636.65 1,805.77 17 1,069.05 272.90 339.35 805.60 178.00 834.70 18 5,612.80 19 8,763.81 384.30 2,636.53 20 2,288.25 508.60 1,537.22 21 2,467.40 24 1,418.75 354.70 386.60 1,900.65 2,261.11 26 6,584.93 326.90 901.50 976.60 1,205.95 1,150.01 27 7,207.39 28 20.46 5,348.00 1,456.05 6,768.46 1,187.94 31 6,368.00 1,186.10 1,005.60 427.10 1,820.70 1,996.82 694.56 TOTALS 20.46 90,691.65 13,670.641 7,776.451 2,209.301 3,204.651 834.70 23,949.841 6,383.93 0.001 0.001 December 2007 BAGS ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL DEPOSIT 155.65 232.50 307.25 1.00 7,263.36 4,254.75 258.65 3,203.08 126.00 135.00 4,213.50 205.05 74.50 35,770.16 37,451.13 92.40 -200.00 10,124.52 2,982.95 6,815.08 47.85 82.05 36,679.16 65,336.98 267.25 65.55 137.00 3,969.40 5,612.80 98.25 11,882.89 94.50 4,428.57 1 2,467.40 144.50 193.00 6,659.31 564.75 351.00 88.75 267.00 12,417.39 7,207.39 417.00 15,197.91 378.50 441.75 355.60 502.00 337.50 15,514.23 227,207.69 1 2,719.80137,271.01137,567.761 769.00 337.50 -199.00 0.00 227,207.691 --=--------------------------- --- *031000040* 12/04/2007 6310848379 0 C3ru This s a LEGAL COPY o f o your check . You can use i t M ru JP RG NCH BANK,N.A. ' the same way you wo u I d al a NEW ENERGY WORLDWIDE,LLC wvo 1(N YORX 10017 use the original check. m P.O.BOX 345 c2 oE.COM l ru r-q SAOAPONACK,NY 11482 ra O ~ y Oo a 0-' PAY TO T ` , R ORDER OF 8 r` O` DOLLARS .D O — O O S 0 5 a ` rL MEMO - O r 6J a■OL1`114$n•—..-.'210 r _,,.0 .9$ 74n•:•: 11200 L L 4811' 41:0 2 10000 2 1i: 7 2 598 7 3 7411' 11100000 20000,1' *031000040 * 12/04 /2007 6612315394 x'031000040* 12/04 /2007 6310848379 o. 15q , I � S >021406667< tOR DEPOSIT ONLY �A -TM A NEVILLE U IC'; '0}.A./f CL--RIC r p: C n: m a:r1U v 1 Q •" a •L I � R'Itll� M'7fi t } >021406667'w 12/03/2007 } OOOO fF009013120 w, Iq J TBEOIMM GROUP Bridgehampton National Bank 004 0 5 025 fAIA A row BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK Nomw 54970 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 PHONE: 631-765-1500 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A NEVILLE TOWN CLERK BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 ACCOUNT: 500015466 AS OF: 12/06/07 PAGE 1 ****************************************************** * FOR DEPOSITED ITEMS RETURNED * * ****************************************************** THE FOLLOWING CHECKS HAVE BEEN RETURNED . . . . . .PAYOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .REASON. . . . . . . AMOUNT NEW ENERGY WORLDWIDE INSUFFICIENT FUNDS 200.00 UTOTAL ITEMS CHARGED BACK TO YOUR ACCOUNT 200.00 YOUR ACCOUNT BALANCE IS 246, 476.30 RECEIViD D EC 1 1 2007 Soathow Town Clerk 7 - -77 Itl F2" SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPI'IF THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Si item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B�R9ce' tG N e) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, (J v r or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: D No w 3. Sersp.Type jFettertified Mail 0 Express Mail 7 ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑Yes 2. Artich (transfer from service taoey --- PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1.540 newEnergy New Energy Worldwide LLC Telephone 631 537 7711 141 Maple Lane-PO Box 781 Facsimile 631 537 6068 Bridgehampton NY 11932 www.newenergyww.com • December 13, 2007 =' r r s e Linda Cooper Southold Town Hal/ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Linda, • This was embarrassing. Sorry for the inconvenience. We had a moment. It won't happen again. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Carol Durante Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 • * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 12/18/07 Receipt#: 1661 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Check Charge 1148 $20.00 Check Total Paid: $20.00 • Name: New, Energy Worldwide Lic P O Box 345 Sagaponack, NY 11962 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 1148 • Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 • * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 12/18/07 Receipt#: 1662 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Application Fees 1148 $200.00 Cash Total Paid: $200.00 • • Name: Building, Department Po Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 1148 • 1 ' Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 • * * * RECEIPT Date: 12/11/07 Receipt#: 1427 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 BP33538 12/04/07 -$200.00 Cash Total Paid: -$200.00 • Name: New, Energy Worldwide Llc Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 12/04/07