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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchupler, Joseph c. John Bredemeyer, President ----- Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino, Vice-President 'tee54375 54375 Route 25 James F. King Ey ss P.O. Box 1179 Charles J. Sanders •o �, Southold, NY 11971 Dave Bergen 'f 01 ,� a°!'� Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Work Session Report Date/Time: /a..-e— `� '?� /1 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of JOSEPH SCHUPLER requests a Pre-Submission Inspection regarding the existing dock. Located: 3475 Wells Road, Peconic. SCTM# 1000-86-2-9 Type f area to be impacted: altwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Vi'olattion Notice of Hearingcardposted onproperty: Yes No '" Not Applicable pp Storm Water Management Review: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed: Modifications: Conditions: ,ap l I�� - '' .-0'r4.0171- ! ! / Present Were: /j. Bredemeyer VM. Domino e%)- --King ✓ D. Bergen P4 Sanders Bay Constable Other Form filled out in the field by 241 Mailed/Faxed to: Date: -- - ,sem ate. .-..,.,—..=.-.' .: �`}«.•.... . ._..,.m .^t--.+y',k'1 a/ -e,%•; pry," :_-- - ;,r" - - - ,.i.N.....?.e.,a°..Lr...;. ,-. -1::',-- L. 4.11 Al L. 019-01949) 5 SEE SE SEE SEC *MSS SEE SEM.OIB SEE SEC NO On S.E S[ II 099 NO 025SEESEE SEC NO OM u _i .I. - UNENATO°&1220 --22"- -�.- .2x - --- --- ---Z�--r . --__- -_-.. - ._ __._-Y--__-_ -7.--- / L00.0.93 99 v FqI PCL NO. fOfl PCI NO x3.'.Bt SEE BEANO SEE SEC x0 C NO FOR PCL NO ^ 0}5201 a �� 0100010 12 .003.1 • 02503-001= •h 020.00011 •° SEE SEC NO P �;09I O '^r.* ; p. 111 d °I001-0031 Dix 991 .C`Y'-.bN'. % av".- 918493 I ,� rySOLTIODDAIS« I L� ¢ ertmaNr32 10-30 31 R 01 03.0402 gI ,tea .`ryS ' onzvmmTa10 ry . •• 11 B I m islisl 4wvw. '3. Q� 1Wq • oo-=rillDp' f.. =IS '. 1➢A x v��pA 5.2 N . talB As _. 3.5 3.0 ® \ 1. 4 ]IA - iikt. 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NOTICE gC'vv sscFFOLK /K°' 0,b v I m SECTION NO E _iz— „_� .. 011 - -- • _ _ •••••�p,...00.AN°' ov COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © sourxoLo •-- � NSEPIT,Ma EA ( )ReaIProPertYTaxServceAencY v H,-,rte ...y.--, .rum - .v - �u --,-- .ter°.-,---.-- I,r County ....4411.4.14.x511201 N roe r wu¢m 086 1,43,41444.1113114.411,34.0.1,4 nl.xi ----- ._o..,. Pw.°B.FmYM, �:`` i NM.°—� P®� ' P9rRa.P 1o3B PATRICIA C. MOORE =,, ;: ;_t t5 n Attorney at Law _ , " - -- - 51020 Main Road J Southold, New York 11971 - .:;:9 Tel: NOV 20 2015 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 — Boar;of Trustees email: November 20, 2015 Town of Southold Board of Trustees hand delivered Re: 3475 Wells Road,Peconic Sctm:10a0 86-2-9 Dear President Bredemeyer: - Enclosed please find my client's request to transfer his existing permit and the filing fee. There is an existing dock and float built in the 1980's and was eligible for a grandfather permit. We wish to apply for a wetland permit for the existing dock. I would request to meet the Board during the inspection on December 9`h Thank you. Very-truly • rs, icitf a C. Moore PCM/bp ends • Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) Joseph&Ali Schupler, as owner of premises 3475 Wells Road, Peconic, (sctm: 1000-86- 2-9)residing at 336 W.Neck Road,Huntington,New York do hereby authorize my attorney,Patricia C.Moore,act as our agent for the pre-submission site inspection,and to apply for pennit(s) and appear before the Southold Board of Town Trustees on our behalf. This authorization further allows the Board of Trustees to enter the property for said inspection together with Patricia C. Moore. ��?„4,.th, ! , A+'',L..e (Owner's signature L 4,--- —(awner's signature) 1 JOSEPH M. SCHUPLER P. O. Box 444 Huntington, NY 11743-0444 631-425-1333 vipsystm(a� November 19, 2015 ACEI ¢ E Southold Town Hall 4 , �� NOV 2 2015 Board of Trustees P. 0. Box 1179 South' a:r Southold, NY 11971 Buarcl of Trustees Attention: Southold Board of Trustees Re: Bulkhead Permit #1565 I am requesting the name on this permit be transferred into my name. I am the owner of the house at 3475 Wells Road in Peconic. In requesting the transfer of this permit, I grant the Board of Trustees the right to enter my property and inspect the bulkhead. Thank you. szt 5-‘hr Joseph Schupler - --' - --- -_--- - -.kti•E.--As4-p-j'sr--- --1,,c,R UER,i : _, , ,c..1,__ ,_..)c_ ,.,. ._ ___- - - 7. cp, . ! . _ . . , . . . _ . , -, ,....1,... ' • 0 . - - . . . , .. . . , . ., . Y . , . . , . . 1 • -_ .. . , .... • . 1...)FFC)Lk C 01.3 N `? ' . 1 . . , , , - . , • : . . . , . _ . _ . . . . , . , . 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