HomeMy WebLinkAbout5024 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUN~N~OF SUFFOLK) ~'-,/_~'/'~ ('2A'~ of Mattituck, ~n said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal den~ of THE SUFFOLKTIMES, a weekly newspaper, pub- lished at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a pdnted copy, has been regularly pub- lished m said Newspaper once each week for / weeks successive~ commencing on the day of 20 ¢ / Sworn to beforo me this_ ~'~ day of /~v~' 20 t7 I {;~ DAVID W. OLSEN ~ _....Notary Pubtic, Stste of New ) /"~-'L~~ No. 020L6020974 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 8, 20 FORM NO. 3 NO~TICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: September 12, ~00I .... Please raise n0tice~that your application dated August 10, 2001 For permit to c~nsu-uet an.~accessorv in-ground swimming pool at Location of property 1,1 ~ CR 48, Mattituck County. Tax M'm~N0: 1~00~- Section 108 Block 1 Lot 2 Subdivision Filed Map ~ [s returned here~i~ and ~fSapproved on the following grounds: Lot ~ The propfsed~-~mtc~un is not permitted pursuant to Article I~, Section 100-33 which states; In the Ag~, c~.~al,Conservat~on Dtsmct and Low-Dens~W Res~denttal R-80 R-120 R-200 and 400 D~stnc~s,~.a~esso~udflmEs and structures or other accessory uses shall be located m th~, reqmred rear ~ The propckse{ {~p~§o~ in-ground swimming pool is noted as being located in the front yard. The total squ~ foota~,e on the property following the accessor,r' addition, would be approximately 4 percent, i [ Authorized ~itu~e ~ CC: file, Z.B.A. ~NO. Boant~ B'aild~s Licease No. Ph~mhe~s License No. Electr/cians License No. Other Tx'adds Lie,,e~se No.. . 1. ,,,~;~ ~%: ~ .:,~ _ Locstion of land o~ which os~l work willbo done: Hov. seNumber -Skc~, ' . Filed M~ No .......... -. Lot.-,, . P. epa/r P. emoval Demo]it/on O, aoo IfSwe111~ ntmlbe~ of ([welliog units If garage, number of cars " Addition Alte~ation Oth~rWork -'~3.~ · (Descdpt/on) (to be pa~ on filing th/~ application) Number of dw~11~ ~3.~.ts on each floor If business, c(;m,.:ercial, or waxed occupancy, speoifynature and extent of each type of~s~. , Height ' Number of Stories :3?' Dimensions of same ~buotUre with alterations or addffions:, Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Name of At~M~ ' Adktm~ Nameo£Commctor OHIT~M '~OL.( Address f/v~TA43~ 5. Is ~hi~.prOl~y w~. 100 fe~ ora tidil wedand? *YES NO 2. Do~ propos~I cons~.~on violste any zot~g i~w, ord/nance or regulation: ... -- 3. W-nllotbem-gr~a~l - /~15 Wfll~x~ssfillbemmov~dfzompremt~s: :YES (~.' YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TKUSTEES PEKM1TS MAY BB KEQUIP,]~ 6. Provide survey, to scal~, ~vi~h accuride foundation p~ md ~ces to ~ ~. 7. ~eI~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a t 0 fe~ ~ below, m~ ~de ~po~M~ ~ ~ ~. TA~ OF N~ YO~ ~0~ OF , ) berg d~y swon~ deposes a~td says that (s)lm/s ~c applicant S)Ho is the (Co,.d~er, Ag~t, Corporate Officer, ~.) f~id ownor or erformed in tl~ rommer s~t for/i in tho app]icadon ,wo~o; to b~o~ ~ this ~ / .~ clayo£ /'-:///z'0~,~7'~'-~ 200/ EU~ A STATHIS NO~A~ PUBLIC, S~te ~ New ~. 01ST~08173, S~olk ~ {~l:or'Office Use Only: Fee $ · tOWN OF~ SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ........ DA~ O~ BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION AP~A~u ..................... ~EREBY APPEAk TNE DECISION OF THE BUILDINO INSPE~OR gA~Eg ~,T. WHEREBY TNE BUILDINg INSPE~OR PENIED AN APPLICATION ~ATEg....~.~.~.., Permit for Occupancy Permit fo Use Permit for As~Built Other: Location of p!.operty.....[],l.(~R.~. ..... .~ '- .~, !. .-~-~....m~'l'l'~''t'~'~''~' Zone I~'lstrict 1000 SectmJn..l(~J~..BIock.. J...Lot(s) ...... ~, .............. Current Owner...; .............~ ........ 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, S~ction, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ord_n. gnce by numbers. Do not quote the I~w.) Article ..,~k. Section 1.00- ..~.~..~.$ub-Section ............. ' Type of Appeal. Appeal is ma.de herewith fo.~. A Variance fo the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map )A Variance due fo lack of access as required by New YorkTown Law Chap. 62. Cons. Laws Art. 16, Section 280-A. ) Interpretation Of Article .......... Section 100 ................... } Reversal or Other: ................................................................................................ 4. Previous Appeal. A previous appeal {has) ~ been made with respect to this property or with respect fo this decision of the Building~l-~specfor (Appeal ~ ...... Year ....... ). REASONS FOR APPEAL ('Additional sheets may be used with applicant's si.qnature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesirable ,.~ange will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment fo n~ :cby properties, if granted, because: / (2~ The benefit sou~n~ by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant fo pursue, other fh~n an area variance, because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in ~:~ neighborhood or district because: (5) Has the alleged difficulty ~een self-created? { ] Yes, or ( ) No. This is the MINIMUM that is ~cessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. (]Check this box if USE VA~NCE STANDARD~~d. Sworn fo before me this (Si~afure of Appella~f'o~'Authorized Agent) ..~_. ~.a~.o~,f~ ~.]..~-~.~~/. {Agent must submit Authorization Eom Owner) ~ Not~ Public Z6A App 08/00 ELIZABETH A STATHI$ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of NewYotk No. 01 ST6008173, Suffolk Term Expires June B, ~ LOT ILDING LAND SEAS. IMP. VL. ' TOTAL I I¢O FARM DATE NG CONDITION FARM NORMAL Acre Per O. ~Ie 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland 3rushland -louse Plot brai 'COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD DOCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLO PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER· VILLAGE : ............. LOT REMARKS " TYPE OF BED. ~1'~:0 ]t ~'~ m .-~ ~: {~, PROP. CLASS~ FRONTAGE O~ WATE~ TILLABLE. JFRONTAGE ON ROAD WOODLAND DEPTH MEADOWLAND I . BULKHEAD "q~ HOUSE/LOT " ................ 2 ........... .' ........... . I · :xtension ~'.xtension 'orch ~orc~ 3reezewoy ;orage ~atio ).B. 'oral Foundation Bath Basement Floors Ext. Walls ~-\Ow ,,~-- Interior Finish Fire Place Heat Roof Rooms I st Floor Recreation Dormer Driveway (OLD ~rl~Z;,hE ~CAD) con ~ ~o~.~-~.o.~ ?_ . SUFFOLK , ¥ OF PROPERTY' SITUATE: MATTITUCt< TOI~N OF SOUTHOLD COUNT'C, NY CERTIFIED TO: t~OE~.T RUTKOSKI -*% NO?ES / / / / / / · NIONUIViENT FOUNO AREA: 4.80 AC.P--~S LOOATION OF ~,ELLS ,~ SEPTIC. PP-,O~/IIDEID B'r' OTHE~ SCALE:I"= ©0 JOI-IN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 369-8288F~36~8287 REFERENCE ~ ~-~o~I