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re,"teVeZr 0/414,A1 yi/74/ c„9- /72,e4i9 m :37:42 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS soil OFFO(4- / P % ea Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman yCC: 53095 Main Road James Dinizio, Jr. y P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora N 0 � Southold, New York 11971 Lora S. Collins ` 's' NO �� ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 George Horning Oj jig ' e, Telephone (631) 765-1809 N asset BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2001 Appl. No. 4926 A & B — JON C. KERBS Location of Property: 60105 Main Road, Southold Parcel 1000-56-3-11 Date of Public Hearing: April 5, 2001 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Applicant's property is located along the north side of the Main Road (a/k/a State Route 25) in Southold. The lot consists of 7500 sq ft. with 60 ft. frontage along the Main Road and a depth of 125 feet. The property is improved with a one-story trailer and accessory frame garage as shown on the survey map prepared by Anthony W. Lewandowski, L.S. dated October 2, 2000. BASIS OF APPEAL Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval dated March 5, 2001 denying an application dated January 2, 2001 for a permit for lot creation with existing structures, under the current regulations, Article XV, Section 100-151 for the reason the lot does not meet the size requirement of the current zoning ordinance of 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zone, and Article XXIV, Section 100-244B for the reason the side yard setback of existing structures are less than ten (10) feet. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicant requests area variances for a lot created in 1958, which size is less than 12,500 sq. ft. and lot width of 100 feet, the minimum provided in Bulk Schedule AA for the time period between April 9, 1957 and December 1, 1971. Also requested are setback variances for a dwelling structure (trailer) which does not meet the current code setbacks for a principal dwelling at 10 feet minimum on one side, and for an accessory garage at less than three (3) feet from the property line for properties containing 7500 sq. ft. INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE: The Zoning Board held a public hearing on April 5, 2001 on this matter, at which time written and oral testimony was presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation and other evidence, the Board finds the following findings of facts to be true and relevant: A. The lot and trailer on it have existed since 1958 with no apparent harm or detriment to the community. No testimony was presented during the public hearing to suggest that the size of the lot has had an adverse impact on the neighborhood or altered the character of the neighborhood during the 44 years of its existence. B. The lot was created by deed dated April 23, 1958, which was recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on April 28, 1958 at Liber 4453 page 73. Page 2—April 19, 2001 ZBA Appl. No. 4926—J. Kerbs Re: 1000-56-3-11 at Southold C. Applicant's predecessor was issued a valid trailer permit, dated September 25, 1958, by the Town Board, Town of Southold, to maintain a trailer on the lot in question, "indefinitely, unless revoked for cause." No evidence was presented to suggest that the Town Board sought to revoke the permit at any time during the 44 years. D. The applicant wishes to improve the property and has agreed to remove the trailer within a reasonable time. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspection, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of an area variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. Use of the property as a nonconforming lot with a nonconforming structure has existed since 1958 with no detriment to the community. Grant of the variance will provide for the elimination of the nonconforming trailer, which will enhance and improve the lot, and therefore be a benefit to the surrounding properties and neighborhood. 2. The benefit sought by applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for appellant to pursue, other than area variances because the lot is substandard in size and the setback of the trailer is preexisting. Without the variance, the trailer would remain on the lot indefinitely until it deteriorated, and the lot could not be improved. 3. The requested area variance is substantial. 4. Grant of the variances will not have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. No evidence was presented to suggest that the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood would be adversely impacted. In considering this application, the Board deems this action to be the minimum necessary and adequate to enable applicant to enjoy the benefit of a new dwelling, replacing the existing nonconforming trailer, while at the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. BOARD RESOLUTION: Now, therefore, on motion by Chairman Goehringer, seconded by Member Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to APPROVE the application as applied for, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall remove the trailer from the property within three years of the date of this decision; 2. The applicant agrees to maintain the trailer in good condition so that it does not become S ' . Page/—April 19, 2001 ZBA Appl No. 4926—J Kerbs Re: 1000-56-3-11 at Southold deteriorated before it is removed. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Member Tortora, Colli , d Horn.'o. Nays: Members Goehringer (Chairman) and Dinizio. This Resolution was uly ad/opted / •- / • , . / GERARD P. GOEH'INGER CHAIRMAN r FITV- To AND 11; il .'i 13 i 1 I LIE COLC:LC-1D ID b. ..I CLIL.C. L'71-17, 'I-IR"' ..E01:3 8:51) /mt 44/440, 1 , .•,, 1 . _ I , u , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2001 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard at a public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2001, at the time noted below(or as soon thereafter as possible): 7:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4926 — JON KERBS. Applicant requests Variances based on the Building Department's March 5, 2001 Amended Notice of Disapproval; (a) under Article XV, Section 100-151, and Bulk Schedule of the Zoning Ordinance, for the reason that this lot does not meet the current lot size requirements for this R-80 Residential Zone District; this lot contains less than 80,000 sq. ft. in area, 175 ft. lot width, and 250 ft. of lot depth; and (b) under Article XXIV, Section 100-244B, for the reason the setbacks of the existing trailer and garage do not meet the side yard code requirements for lots containing 7,500 sq. ft. Location of Property: 60105 Main Road, Southold; Parcel 1000-56-3-11, deeded April 23, 1958. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representative, desiring to be heard at the hearing, or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of the above hearing. This hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: March 12, 2001. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Th FORM NO. 3 odd r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �}$ 1��E BUILDING DEPARTMENT U u +! SOUTHOLD, N.X. Amended NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Va/v DATE; March 5, 2001 TO Jon.C. Kerbs 440 Riley Ave. Mattituck NY 11952 Please take notice that your application dated January 2, 2001 For permit for lot creation (with existing structure) at Location of property 60105 Main Rd Southold County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 56 Block 3 Lot 11 Subdivision Filed Map# Lot# Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds proposed set-off not permitted pusuant to Article XV Section 100-151which states; Except asotherwise provided in this chapter, no building or premises shall be used or occupied and no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected or altered in a use district unless the same conforms to the Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedules and the Bulk Schedules hereinafter set forth OBulk Schedule requires minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet in the R-80 zone, proposed setoff+/- 7500 sq. ft. Not permitted pursuant to Article XXIV Section 100-244B which requires a minimum side yard setback on lots containing 7500 10 feet. ©r Setback of existing structures will be+/- 2 feet on east and west ounda ies. ^7 )(Io1 Authorize Si ature 3 5 iy y . 4J `qY J K f ( !r kyr` g in J d FORMNO. 3 }il i „ ` S\( itipb StTOWN OF SOUTHOLD1110 I SAN 20 ?I l#ii„ f \Ct BUILDING DEPARTMENT j L? L L j l SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE; January 2, 2001 TO Jon C. Kerbs 440 Riley Ave. Mattituck NY 11952 . Please take notice that your application dated January 2, 2001 For permit for lot creation at Location of property 60105 Main Rd Southold County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 56 Block 3 Lot 11 Subdivision Filed Map # Lot# Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds proposed set-off not permitted pusuant to Article XV Section 100-151which states; Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no building or premises shall be used or occupied and no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected or altered in a use district unless the same conforms to the Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedules and the Bulk Schedules hereinafter set forth Bulk Schedule requires minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet in the R-80 zone, proposed setoff+1- 7500 sq. ft. 7521thorized Aature DZIAL €c .Gi7JoL4 i- -e-eC.�,a n FORM NO.3 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD ``, • BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN.HALL SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 TELc'765-1802 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST: Do you have or need the following,before applying?: Board of Health? ' 3 sets of Building Plans . Survey • • . • . .. Check Septic Form • N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined, ' 20 approved ,20 PERMIT NO. Disapproved aic Building Inspector • APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date /J7; ' , 20 co INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 ;ets of plans; accurate plot plan to sale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit ;hall be kept on the premise's available for inspection throughout the work. • e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or inpart for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy ;hall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION I8 HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the 3uilding Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or 2egulations; for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply,with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code, housing code,and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary ins.- 'ons. d :nature of applicant or name, if a corporation) 4ie MC e 1 . (Mailin address of applicant) N--1 Statehether applicant is.owner, I see, gent, architect,engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder .......s Name of owner of premises -.1\0�- CLQ `-- 3 (as on the tax roll or latest deed) 0 [f applicant'is a corporation , signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) • Builders License No. , Plumbers License No. ' Electricians License No: Other Trade's License N . 1. LiU dL1Vi1 Vl 1411LL VII Wl en propw”vorx will 09n 6lc,S et( ILJ _ /L 7 7 House Number Street . t�/� HAmlet G County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Sr Co • Block 6 3 Lot (( Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot (Name) 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy �� 3. Nature of work(check which applicable): New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work • (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee • (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front • Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height . Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front • Rear Depth • Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front Rear Depth • 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner • 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated • 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: 13. Will lot be re-graded Will:excess fill be removed from premises: YES NO 14. Names of Owner of premises Address. Phone No. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. • 15. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO • IF'YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED 16. Provide survey, indicate scope of project, to scale, with distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet of below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he its the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the • (Contractor, Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and thatthe work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this ,— z Ka day of a n 200 \ —012i,,/ Nntegaulolity S Signature of Applicant Notary Public, uu60 State of New York • Qualified in Suffolk Coygc . Commission Expires Dec.8. ArPLICATION FOR WAIVER UNDER SECTION 100-26 -,#/ This review is -for lots .which have separate 'deeds recorded prior to 1983 and. undersized. A merger determination has been issued by the Town Building Inspector (copy attached) The zoning of my parcel is presently: a The size requirement for this zone is: riwatc2030 square feet per parcel . County Tax Map Parcel Nos : 1000 5-6 - I (we) , , a k �1 time` s L � , as owners of the contiguous lots shown on the attached deeds, request a review determination by the Board of Appeals to determine whether or not these parcels qualify for a "waiver" under the merger provisions of Article II , Section 100-26 of the Southold Town Zoning Code. I hereby submit all of the following documents for reliance by the Town of Southold in making this review determination: 1 . Copies of my recent tax bill for both (all ) lots . 2. Copies of deeds dated prior to June 30 , 1983 for all lo' 3 . Copies of current deeds of the parcels under review. 4 . Copy of the current County Tax Map for my neighborhood . 5 . $150. 00 application check which is not refundable if this waiver is denied. • I understand that if an unfavorable waiver action is issued by the Town of Southold , that I reserve the right to file for a subdivision and, if necessary, area variances under the usual procedure. By making this application , I hold the Town of Southold free and harmless from any and all claims and liability resulting • from the issuance of a waiver. "IS (Ap • li •ant arid Owner ) (Applicant and Owner) /Savurn to befo me this `Py/� �day /of// �-<`�� g , �f MARY ANNCYBUt5Kt /VC?- 9 ` 44'1 4,„/„.__45 �„/„.__ _'`- Notary Public.State of New York J� Residing in Suffolk County Notary Public No. 525895900 Commission Expires April 30 6 f A Waiver is hereby approved denied (delete appropriate action) based upon' the above documentation . Issued by Reasons forapplication ( to continue on next page). zbata.4295 • • APPLICANT ' S REASON #1 : • • • • • APPLICANT 'S REASON #2: • • • • • • • • • • • (PLEASE USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS if needed . ). s 6 dr For Office Use Only: Fee$ /7.(940. //if 44'i Assigned No. 77"c4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION APPEALE :: ^ I , TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: I (We) SCM_ � NS ® 1(Appellant) Ca� gc of... U... n . .. . _.../ La . r� .. (Tel # / nS (o HEREBY APPEAL HE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED FOR: it ( ) Permit to Bhild ( ) Permit for Occupancy ( ) Permit to Use ( ) Permit for As-Built ( ) Other. 1. Location of Property/ O 40 J 5:40 - Zone � ....2. �. MA ri �- District-1000 Section.9W....Blockj Lot(s) t ( Current Owner.-Lv--.C.&'vira-5. 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordnance by numbers. Do not quote the law.) Article ,XV Section 100- )5 ( Sub-Section 3. Type of Appeal. Appeal is made herewith for: 9() A Variance fo the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A Variance due to lack of access as required by New York Town Law Chap. 62, Cons. Laws Art. 16, Section 280-A. ( ) Interpretation of Artie'-C,..i Section 100- ( '4 Reversal or Other .. dike.14-.,...,(--,A-.,. ..,wlr-," a-pa�l‘tS,,, I.4 c---Circ_ « -- 4 Previous Appeal. A previous appeal (has) \' •a • been made with respect to this property or with respect to this decision of the Buil•ing Inspector(Appeal # Year ) REASONS FOR APPEAL (Additional sheets may be used with applicant's signature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to eprby p operties, if granted, because:' N (-Lk., (� Le ry e S/�=S e I s e Us-� S hce vr15$ w �( � , a .1� rV.. —of ' °se_ €4..,at Lc ��. ,w,"l`nt(k 4.112 w'C U SS (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: LA sAze Co.., \o,fe. c w (3) The Amount of reliq requested is not substantial because: 14 a AreG -t ly (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental;condit' ns'�n the neighborhood or district because: lc f b1ak l,�-ree v^e Arkcia 4 va new welic recess<„� e�l, ` :.: CesctudLs a;;l,5. Le, vlcv„tat, (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or (4 No. This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. i---. ( ) Check this box if USE VARIANCE STANDARDS are comp) tccd'an''attached: 514 _... .,.._ `4 Sworn to before me this (Si. a - e o'F-Appellant or Authorized Agent) day •f •.• ' . .., 0C2 (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) / 401 Notary Pubo A. LIZABE1'HASTATHIS ZBA App 08/00 NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.01 ST60081 T3,Suffolk County Term Expires June 8,20522•+ Appeal Application, Continued BOARD OF APPEALS :TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:STATE OF NEW YORK x Application of Appeal Application (Continued) Property ID# REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE x Continuation of Appeal Application for a Use Variance (when applicable): For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Proiect is Located (please consult your attorney before completing):' (1) The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (2) The HARDSHIP relates to the property and does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: (3) The relief requested will not alter the essential CHARACTER of the neighborhood because: (4) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (5)This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,,and at the sore,time will preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community because: (6) The spirit of the zoning ordinance will be observed. (7) The public safety and welfare will be secured and substantial justice done. . _ (Signatu pellant or Authorized Agent) Sworn to before me is day of ..../..0 20 0/` • d'ary Public) ELIZABETH A STATHIS NOTARY PUBLIC,Stateof New York No.01 ST60081?3,Suffolk County Term Expires June 8,200 ZBA App 08/00. ,l'i`t, '�€ r ' - . _all T( MN OF SOUTHOLD ritOPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET & i /1c VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT oRM A >�ts -rbc 1ji r,4 Ci d,. . , - 44, A r� ,f -�,r . N E / ACREAGE n/m � fe ' -et ors t i/A /ki jot 7Ct zAej .772.. ' i �( Ci C t WSo+? S W , Vf TYPE OF BUILDING a 0 7 1'EX. C Al P`� 0 0 )p l/s Ls.-YL 2ES. 7Q SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. , IND. 1 CB. , MISC. Est: Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS SDE r: r / l (0 J / e7 Lkc% l/e f ccer,<_cr{s !('.3-178. ) Per N —44_ CPut. o 9° Z//�,/DC7 -Li II7^`f�5r2 / - bo�W5c OQl/ev /67s A/JG rz/7/ o E )12o/p538-ea/6?,tie la�1 rbc 42 000 t AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FRONTAGE ON WATER Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value FRONTAGE ON ROAD Tillable 1 BULKHEAD Cillable 2 DOCK Finable 3 Noodland swampland 3rushland -louse Plot 4 Total ka (:•• •, #17541°ce ,® - -s 6 .--c--• ••)�. -... -- icca sr,„pca1 / , a 1 4r, t ,i N kt is V 1 IP 4141 % 1 l A.I kl � o iZ QA kn t y l • t rn Z. 1 ti ,?i c. • `.jo. •I t t .se ��� a ys. iq�2� ..p iv E:tM Y,5...-i t.e . ! Y , a` , oflhie un s auar„r ed dcn lit i' of 9� _Srart -LMr.bon r o ri Duel- f"at cta Nel. ark taw a . ,71iJj Copes atthis say map t Vit , the Land awva!'arceng Wall*Gator 9�' Pj r \ m awoCiS�mfAeidereo ma •V p aarenteea indicted Mel ran • 197t .+tM orlon Nt wm the!WWI tnie cx bcMltmtlf¢ lending Yutunat Ow TannMeiiii ana to..dCiao�areroebansfemb]a GO.Gp1 I ownaa. na..5en.a•sub5sipw i ,C � 0t f 41 1 4,e/A P2Lam ifur uG d��cieCcy^ ci ✓a,3 vj_% si' c , t Co " / N, 14 In 11 Iti tt ki X55.p LA hyo hi hi o -- ___—_. 4 Iel N.' \i 6 I- r 4d a , 1 fit' ( t� i,, ,,S ,,fir g ._,7 ; 77- „,„1, e' 1 4 r 3 696 : ' 1` !i unaut,Uri:r.d alteration or addition "ir 119 EWV`` ��` to this survey is a violation of Section 7208 of the New York State a \ Q r I rl\Ili Education Law Copies of this sunray map not bearird o ••• ', the land surveyors Inked teal or O embossed see]shall not be considered (Q to be a valid true clay. Guarantees Ind/ceded hereon shall run 1 v o ly to the person for whom lh®aurvey is prepared,and on Ns behalf to the title company governmental agency ant ----AL-4. '91 :11•-"- lending Institution listed hereon and to the assignees of the lending Instltutlois. Guarantees are not transferable to additional institutions or subsequent owners. 6a,OD 3s' ---Ah -,i 4\ _ '1\ ist 5u�r/�y fay- -/d u d�.9tli-' � ,4e/74, 1 W LAW. �c ,r �/. .e4.4:47:4:1"J. uTM®Gv 1u�-,,ezm G'.LVT✓ , A4,.34 k R6454.3 `-c4,7�yOG ,,,/5!//97/ Z',p 7 .ecnose4 c 2..o as ic-/.0e...,/•./s.z.e)/ C7'r/,,'O...//-1-OEI4.U.a7, ec7 ' /aaa-.0‘-,00'// EV=nuc,0414.)„Au,P, APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ,#111'SVFFOr4- I. 4;; oe. Southold Town Hall Gerard P Goehringer, Chairman ; ,>' al 53095 Main Road James Dinizio,Jr. k y 2 P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora ��� Southold,New York 11971 Lora S. Collins �' ®z � ZBA Fax(631) 765-9064 George Horning = 61 Jt 4 ,.••� Telephone(631) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 25, 2001 Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Department of Planning P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Newman: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. 4926 A - Owner or Applicant: Jon C. Kerbs Action Requested: Approved Area variances (lot creation about 1958) with conditions N/s S.R. 25, Greenport Within 500 feet of: ( ) State or County Road ( ) Waterway (Bay, Sound, or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman By: Enclosures Vcy.ty'r - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK -:- ,yf> ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUMY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, AICP DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June 4, 2001 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Benjamin,Vallo 4786 Tirado, Leonard 4913 Alessi, Leo &Virginia 4922 Kerbs, Jon C. 4926A Canton, Grace 4929 Schriber(Joh&Ross (Jane) 4930 Leddy, John 4931 Hokanson, Richard 4932 Soto, John 4933 Corrazini, Paul 4934 Kontokosta, E.M. 4935 Cichanowicz, Frank 4940 Gallagher, Eileen 4941 Tirado, Leonard 4946 Kohs, Daniel and Mary Alice 4947 Wilke, William 4951 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG -4T1-1 FLOOR ■ P O BOX 6I 00 ■ (516) 853-5190 I00 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 16) 853-4044 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS FFOL4. 0,.&40%1 O Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ��,a 53095 Main Road • James Dinizio,Jr. ; y ; P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora p e, PPP�$ Southold, New York 11971 Lora S. Collins p! e ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 George Horning 04 � .1' 1° � Telephone(631)765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD • FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2001 Appl. No. 4926 A & B— JON C. KERBS Location of Property: 60105 Main Road, Southold Parcel 1000-56-3-11 Date of Public Hearing: April 5, 2001 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Applicant's property is located along the north side of the Main Road (a/k/a State Route 25) in Southold. The lot consists of 7500 sq ft. with 60 ft. frontage along the Main Road and a depth of 125 feet. The property is improved with a one-story trailer and accessory frame garage as shown on the survey map prepared by Anthony W. Lewandowski, L.S. dated October 2, 2000. BASIS OF APPEAL Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval dated March 5, 2001 denying an application dated January 2, 2001 for a permit for lot creation with existing structures, under the current regulations, Article XV, Section 100-151 for the reason the lot does not meet the size requirement of the current zoning ordinance of 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zone, and Article XXIV, Section 100-244B for the reason the side yard setback of existing structures are less than ten (10) feet. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicant requests area variances for a lot created in 1958, which size is less than 12,500 sq. ft. and lot width of 100 feet, the minimum provided in Bulk Schedule AA for the time period between April 9, 1957 and December 1, 1971. Also requested are setback variances for a dwelling structure (trailer) which does not meet the current code setbacks for a principal dwelling at 10 feet minimum on one side, and for an accessory garage at less than three (3) feet from the property line for properties containing 7500 sq. ft. INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE: The Zoning Board held a public hearing on April 5, 2001 on this matter, at which time written and oral testimony was presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation and other evidence, the Board finds the following findings of facts to be true and relevant: A. The lot and trailer on it have existed since 1958 with no apparent harm or detriment to the community. No testimony was presented during the public hearing to suggest that the size of the lot has had an adverse impact on the neighborhood or altered the character of the neighborhood during the 44 years of its existence. B. The lot was created by deed dated April 23, 1958, which was recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on April 28, 1958 at Liber 4453 page 73. a 4 Page 2—April 19, 2001 ZBA Appl No. 4926—J. Kerbs . Re: 1000-56-3-11 at Southold C. Applicant's predecessor was issued a valid trailer permit, dated September 25, 1958, by the Town Board, Town of Southold, to maintain a trailer on the lot in question, "indefinitely, unless revoked for cause." No evidence was presented to suggest that the Town Board sought to revoke the permit at any time during the 44 years. D. The applicant wishes to improve the property and has agreed to remove the trailer within a reasonable time. . REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspection, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of an area variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the Neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. Use of the property as a nonconforming lot with a nonconforming structure has existed since 1958 with no detriment to the community. Grant of the variance will provide for the elimination of the nonconforming trailer, which will enhance and improve the lot, and therefore be a benefit to the surrounding properties and neighborhood. 2. The benefit sought by applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for appellant to pursue, other than area variances because the lot is substandard in size and the setback of the trailer is preexisting. Without the variance, the trailer would remain on the lot indefinitely until it deteriorated, and the lot could not be improved. 3. The requested area variance is substantial. 4. Grant of the variances will not have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. No evidence was presented to suggest that the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood would be adversely impacted. In considering this application, the Board deems•this action to be the minimum necessary and adequate to enable applicant to enjoy the benefit of a new dwelling, replacing the existing nonconforming trailer, while at the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. BOARD RESOLUTION: Now, therefore, on motion by Chairman Goehringer, seconded by Member Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to APPROVE the application as applied for, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall remove the trailer from the property within three years of the date of this decision; 2. The applicant agrees to maintain the trailer in good condition so that it does not become ' o lit Page;—April 19, 2001 '11 ZBA Appl. No 4926—J Kerbs Re: 1000-56-3-11 at Southold deteriorated before it is removed. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Member Tortora, Colli r -, d Horni u•. Nays: Members Goehringer (Chairman) and Dinizio. This Resolu was •my adopted •-2 / GERARD P. GOEH-INGER CHAIRMAN APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ,00SUFFO(A'�; o��Q�' yt\` Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairmanfi 53095 Main Road James Dinizio,Jr. y . 2 P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A.Tortora O Pr7 Southold, New York 11971 Lora S. Collins ;43f, O�/ ZBA Fax(516)765-9064 George Horning = OI 1,4•4900. Telephone (516)765-1809 Q-." BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 26, 2001 Mr. Jon C. Kerbs 440 Riley Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Appl. No. 4926 A & B —Variance Request Dear Mr. Kerbs: Enclosed please find a copy of the Appeals Board's determination rendered at our April 19, 2001. Please be sure to return to the Building Department to submit any other documentation before commencing construction activities. A copy of this decision was furnished today to the Building Department for their permanent records. Very truly yours, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN Enclosure Copy of Decision to: Building Department // 04/05/01 09:51 /Y516 661 8269 IRA HASPEL AIA Z1001 4 6A Del), IRA SPEL ARCHYTEt., r, P.C. N r9 S I �A126 EAST MAIN STREET 91 BAY SHORE,NY 11706 PHONE: (631) 665-7525 FAX: (631) 665-7595 April 5,2001 Southold Town Board of Appeals Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Re: Application#4926 for a Variance based on March 5,2001 Amended Notice of Disapproval Dear Sir/Madam: We object to the proposed creation of the lot at 60105 Main Road, Southold. Tax lot Section#56,Block 3, Lot 11 for the following reasons: 1. The proposed lot of 7500 sq ft. is less than 1/10 the required 80,000 sq ft in the R-80 zone. 2. The proposed side yards would e 5 times less than the permitted l Oft pursuant to Article XXIV 100-244B. 3. The proposed set back for the trailer is 2 ft on the West side and 2ft on the East side for the garage. The basis for our objection for the creation of this lot is that this lot and the proposed structures on it grossly contradict the intended zoning in this area and a single trailer on this lot would not be consistent with the intended goals of the Planning or Zoning Board. Our property is 90 feet from the trailer. Sincr y, l aspel 599, Main Road Southold IH:ch U1Residentiallaauthnld tows-kerbs DOT a 1 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPOR1' TIME : 04/05/2001 10:37 DATE,TIME 04/05 10:36 FAX NO./NAME 2989545 DURATION 00:00:38 PAGE(S) 01 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD 1.1..7,‘•;,v,7:-., ,, .::-,,:1..,!,..: ,3".041?pl,fik'. /.1./....,reop,...5,14,14114..Votary yfrla. 1/404.!,..1,:r., ..,..,...,.........,...!.7.71,..:1i10.!......",? ,,„,, ,f:!,;!i,,,.,.: 9`..,:tr.irj 4.t..1 j 0 A.,•:,,,,,.14::.23-1...a... bt,‘4"::Pr•!.,.,,\-1)13 ,''''','4•• , ,":''":-...'-...2 -).' ,,„i",'',,:,ri-4.4p.":-'41:"....%..-.1;;;:•jEC':;"•.1`-,1-X-:-.`4-'ilt:>;'?!;•!',(fiti. /a :- ,.....• ! .n...iy. .., 0..%,.z Ai;..,1.-Ne: p.' 1 7•44; .,Trr , w;.... .k,. , :' r.'''l 714.4.iiiitiC ;yAtietr:'41.atitIVZ`c.e:'*ii it , ..1.rts'71',/;?..,Ye,-••4410 :,,-•'f•':•••• '',414 -..1 •ii:: - -1 0,0,4, '1,,e „,.1",..t1 4e 4•.7,%--.)^"•-••-•-• ,:ri-r-•.: '-,'•':,-P•',::47.'..i,...A: ,lit4f..-A...614,-;•:.„:.1.22,--,y,-40,-.,,,y 1:;•....;J:7,,c.K4;.1;1,-,e-r,,d:# '.--- ':,,,,!19,1,tii,g' ' .?)1..,,...:"•:it,'^..„.let2A. ,:,;!, .4.! ..1,.t.-..'1,,.. ;,-. 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The • ' • ';. ,•,•.•'.-,•--': f',..,.,...,. .-,,'•.;.4 ., -: - "j,Z;21,:',";.;'..;:....i.: • 'i;The yard"party" shall beizOnsirued orf it read"parties'',sphent•ver the sense of this indenture so,:isiiitirag:a'P".'' • '.4 ,•,•,,,,,,,•: . . ,,. ,.., . 1 OM vi4M...S.S4jnaiREtt,-tte-,t6iriy of the first part ha 'duly executed tbis deed the day and year'itestoheas.4:17-' •: ••. .!.:Zi.'1,. ,,...,--.1,,,,,..„. ;, • 1: .•. .4k .:-•.-71' •••... :• '.; written..:"'• , • . , :- -• •• , . •, .. ,.-• ••• •,„,, ,: •• „ •. ••k, .....• --',.•,v,r••••;`-,,- :.• .•- •':•',-.,4 , . . •-,,•-• ' • V..'•),,,. ;•,---•• •,,, . •tit parssucx as,T. - , , • , '.•'•:;.•'. 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Y6 SINGLE TRAILER OR HOUSEC • LOCATION ?ERMIT No. 10 Date September 25, 1958 • Name William Caley Street Main Road Town Southold, N.Y. Your application for a (single trailer) (lpermit was reviewed by the Town Board on September 21+ and (was) (=Xi= approved. P permit is hereby issued to locate a (single trailer) (1 license number or serial number at N/S Main Roads Southold, N.Y. pursuant to application dated sAptember 15, 1958 and the following conditions: Serial number to be furnis)ied as seen AC avail able; trailer to be located at least 35ft back from highway, not closer than 10ft to east property line, and rear yard depth of at least 25rft. Time limit: indefinately, unless revoked for cause. TO WN BO ARD, TOWN OF FOUTHIOLD Town Clerk ZONING oOARD OF APPEALS -. "a.flWN OF SOUTHOLD ( 631 ) 765 - 1809 FAX ( 631 ) 765 - 9064 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FROM: ZBA Office Staff 765-1809 COMPANIAt .°'42-121DATE: ) W /e)( /7;;D Bir) FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO.OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: PHONNUMBER: SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER: &405=-7 5-d 5" y D..3)X RE: // YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: II s 1 1 S — O i - - !'4_a/ ,)/.- ❑ URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY❑ PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: I a �/ t aa..e- C_ mei (b/ite,izad /714_ 9 (I • /, i ,., del- -el S/S-/)i /61d- 4S 0_. 6 c-i- o? 2oDO Cori / /.0.--4- --z-L-J Atize_e— j-LdLt..2-61 "0.,,L,,,71,-:/ ,i- __A.,<_,2-eVey 70-0,,, y‘-,),s---,_.s-- e i:5-f- dee 7 A,,-,i2" ccl ,L 1a4a' A x kr;6-1-,,z. 1' o / ;� f ®/ 6/ (l 53095 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0959 - TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPOR-' I �.t TIME : 04/04/2001 12:13 DATE,TIME 04/04 12:09 FAX NO. /NAME 6657595 DURATION 00:03:45 PAGE(S) 06 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 04/04/2001 12:07 DATE,TIME 04/04 12: 06 FAX NO./NAME 6657595 DURATION 00:00:52 PAGE(S) 01 RESULT NG MODE STANDARD ECM NG : POOR LINE CONDITION 2 Ilb • z,6 ?z/-vc26 .2`,03 it 1a 6 5 / 7 /6/ rvg_c__________© mno -1 (9,-60/1/1 J oth a' d' kMR��� 006 \\h_c I l JON C.KERBS 440 RILEY AVE. MATTITUCK,NV 11952 c--- toc_ __ Q Wk e In v\&? U. 52---- r-\ c___G---c--‘,_,', cc-- Ua_v" 0o4' r e <Ic.c) ( „,.c(_,_., e_. 6u\-___ -C,--\ko ot_e___ --, 0--S k--- G-- c:R Sc�e--- ct_.s -,?-t'°' 5 k---- ----- e._ v-- oz_\-\11A-c-(1 -9 ) iAcce ac ,r- 3 ZN/l) c,-( do_ Q' ---3/c/d/ ------eli c_Aci _,) I c=f )2„..., iivirio„ )3-ge.' c-- , , , Town Of Southold , P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 03/22/01 Receipt#: 4548 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $150.00 Check#:4548 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Kerbs, John 440 Riley Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID:28899 11,R. g.a0plOt.____,K3w4Fq74Nimi!RRc.49ww .--,,,,...T.".c.,....7,,,spAreer..7r,...--..., ...y.s:-.".....--7...,.. ..-r,.•_1-----,..--,----:,., ''"--r-", -,:7.. ----:.:;,---.--:::' •-•,..;:-...-:::'.. t.:,;,.. ''.-.4'- ..-.7, -,7"".. :44',.„).-1,..iiL:i.,,,,..:==',-.,:. '.;A:zY=._"--.I.7a-• -,g,12z,;.(--::2-.4.t.=,..1.41-.•••=44-..--,- --4---'4===. ,...e- fgv•,Wrilp-z,,,4. S.47::;',.:,..' =s- ' •1.,..1--. 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AGAR to me ' .1 m to be the Individual ' scrIbed in aLd zho ,., ,...,- . ::.....„ - executed the fcregoirg instrument, a ••••-,cknowl • ,..ed that ha executed tne sane. , 'F WILL .4tIlkhr.::, ATT Jr. ' N. WILLIAM !... 1:1,.•L'IT, Jr. - . NCIPlicLIC, State Cf 'Sew Yerk Residing 1: Suftolk Co. Offica] :,o. 156A , . .:, Comm1r.si,r. 'f.spire5 March 30 ,46 .." . •,..,, ••••.•.•• • *••• • • Recorded Jur.e '..'.8 1947 i:' 11:28 A. M. -. ...,. "'" ' • • C CM?Aill'iD BY. 7-: •L., ": 1),)(1),—, - -.. r.,;.•,i . ••,t1.{.e.,:...„...e ,g...,..?,,y...„..4,4,-/-ts—:. zr. , .., , 111 i .,.. Ti,-: 1-:-..):.:::Tu.c,:. :„,.de tne '.-..'t!. Jay ...:f Jivie, :II:let-2er nun';!•,,1 inci forti- ..• , - saYen, b,,tw,•-en MA'i- C;',I. ',:, reSid-1m-, it 0-.),,th..1.d, `.U.to' , "..',o inty, .;•?...: .'.n.k., •,:rty . ,3•-`, tn.! f..r -.-. : rt, an C1 . arid :11',NRY d '•;;A*Ii;_„:1-.T.':;:"„,„ of th-, .••••Lrr.e -,1 Loa, ,•,,,, as ,lo_int t:mants,)orties of the second part, .t..- ,.,. 1.1-2•;!?;:-.. .;TH, that the party ef the f1r-,t -'art, in considerti.,n of •••• ($1.0'2) Dollar1 Laf,.:1 money of the II:lite-I St ite:;, and ....•.,,, ,r _:0'•-• so.od ir.'l Yiltiaole, consider ttion, raid by the 13:1-.t ,--3 of tn.. 3 I. o...: !fart, de,:s ,•, hereby ;rant aria release irate th.! ..iart_es )t trio •-•ec,)-01 :art. t'lair %:',irs -c.c. --,. assigns fer•-trer, -C. L. that tr•tct of land al t:, tne buil din:;5 t, mr- ••ni, :-..1 Li.L;.,i .,1-t -.1 t...: ..7-......• • :' ' . :-:.•••.6: --; : V3 1.1:1-ge ‘).: •-.).:thold., in _ths ro:in of 0 iathold, County of •••,,:f°)14 %Mid ...; Lt,, .f ••,L: • • • ;York, o.)...inded .01,1t-e-ftly by the Lain South :load leading fr,yr: --ot.,tho•d to Sr •en,,.,rt, , :•."-.:: ... .‘ 150 feet;::,,cterly o-j land of 'fincent Pnlywocia; N'ort•per'y :r.: 1...1,1; -)t : * Island ',ailis t i Cr. 140-",feet a•ri '3„,'asterl7T- by 1:hi f'dx-lerlY 0•1:13:1 bY' ... ,:es : T=rry ii irt•-,n, sun :osed to co)-,Itatn ab,itit or.e try; •):1,•-half Ler •s ot ..and, bo t - I . ta [ same more or 17s . 4..t. •ok. , Beir.g and intendeditto 5' th-: ::ime nrar.v.s,•s •:-,•r:eyed by 1:11).3s T• rr•• ;or t ,n • .4 . - , ., ..., , • . , - ' and wif.a to Wary Corley by dd d ited Octok,er I.• , TOiri, and w recorded in t , .0 i':•.)1f. - t . „ .- '.0:••unty Clerk's Office in liber ?,3%.' of d'iels it op:a .214 on Octoh,r 20, 1)1i Lt :, •';',1.!At 1 , --,,•••;-‘-‘ i . , . . 9 A.,,,' I..; ond '•••,1.•,...t.,1. 1 , . ' •-•.;. ••'-' , ' ` 44 ,:i54":. 1 ::7_7•::,7•,;',0T to a nort.-rd,age no ,on the pr.,,r.isos h.?II by Ma.:1,...1n O.1 -2:,•rs ,r: i .' "7,!,,;•,",,N , , e m • :,,„ tn '',4poht af I..50"`. ,.....f.r.,..,',2).1/2,•.- ..11 ''.•..'• ''5.. .„, 4.• ': s, . . . ••••,. , , ;:•.4.• ,*••••,;: ,.. '..ttV:AX;24..5,:•'" --;t*. • , s ;oy:ince ilpo 1c,Liltio s.::all furniture, 1:ou:,.ilLoi,I f::••11•;hinr.s L.1,1 • : •,•ifkirs -,'•.'" Tni . nla ,-::' . 4.4'., .5;',..it' •ii.,,'', .FO.:)- ' 4.. ',Ittil.,Mr- ::7,W - '34' ' ..,;(q. ')At';',i1't:'4'„•iL.-7,,:_' • • ' •'''' V;•,4'?•'', : " :•If ' . 'f.:"; "t41:-,: i'c' , -..----............-.................waisiiiiiirririver ; i.. ..,•.-.W,..4'••••-•7 •-r-..-4.M2' ..''4-."-.i.,-- ----1,,..4.,"---f.a>"'''`''''''''.4,-'•-••••c. 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TO ::./.7'2.; AID O HOLD the premisur, i:-..-,.roin r:•intr,•3 ']:-Ito t,h--. vrt):::3 ofhe .:•., ' I -.)- • set:-..,n .., (: .,rt, th,•!ir fteir,S and ssigns fore':,r • _ '' ••''''..; '.- Y,',.'', -..-'-", 4,c, . - :•,„ , T.le ca.rty ott.the first start c or nitits that if any improyenents, rcloairs, • ••••2''"•-•' ••-••• --,,t-..• -,..-;:•,-4. , - •-• _-„ . .., , •,,,,,,..'d,r:aAter itions.,to;th,t,,p'27e1msys have been comme'riefid,:indhaye not.'been completed at -'- --•••,•:..• -.., ' ..: 4-,§-•!,'`,',.,-',-,'•,..`,,-", ,.-‘••••.;•••'; . -. - 4i'.'••---Vti6-2.•• . _, - .??,-,,k,"•••!i4.•••••••%'--,••••••A`-'-,'-''',,-,c,-,:•-;----: -•-•''•!. 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''' .t " . . ,,,,,-, • .,^,„ • , - A:;U said' part •• Of ths...'-first part 'covenAnts as follows: _ ,... .... : • I,-,••=t.I.,, ---...._- • - _7.3,7:,'--:•.z. '•4,"4;',' - First. That_sA-id party of the first part is seized of tne :-.••aid -remises • ''-'•• .:''.• ; 'V-' . . • . „ -.. ' :ceV5` 'i'.,• •' •, • ,..,, _ in f•Ae simnle, and has-,:goo'i ri to convey the same; •!::".!i-.••.•:. • , .. . r•!.! ,s'•-. - cDnd. That he parties of the zo-A.cond part shall nuie.tly ..f nj oy the said '• ''"'i ': - ! ' ‘4.f-':"-.•'"-,-,. '''''-' , ' ...".te•..":.'.. ' ,:`,'••, -;•., . . . t• -•t• • _f,,i- -"70 ini scs; ••„,'-,3-• • ."....- .",,;.•••:,;-....":',,1 , , •--;!..•:-..--;le i Third. That tho said premisesAre free from incumbrances ecepting -, -;•-h,, i --,-: „ _ •-• - ' .•:',... , '' -- •'': •-•''-•-•?•'4;,' ‘---h,.rPinb0 fo-e stated.. 4'. . ' • 1-'.'•-• • • . ! ,••!;;-. • -.•.. ' t ...'•;:-.t....::•,:,,'"•'• ' ...- . 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Tr•:.4-:..,- '.-•-•.-- ---• '''''-'----'- - `'''' n'A _ .... „.....14..---- . ,/ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIOG THIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INSTRUMENT St BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. -+ THIS INDENTURE, made the 7th day of December • nineteen hundred and ninety BETWEEN WILLIAM B. CALEY, residing ;,at 117 Riveredge Drive, Moore, South Carolina, 29369; FLORENCEHARPER- f/n/a FLORENCE A. SEXTON, residing at 1944 Mayfair Park ;'Drive,,j Apt. 206, Birmingham, Alabama; and JAMES JAY CALEY, residing':;at 9 71dersgate Drive, Riverhead, New York, being all of those-childreriof Lucille Caley Dawson, f/n/a Lucille Caley, deceased, referred to in paragraph "SECOND” of the Last Will and Testament of Lucille Caley Dawson which was admitted to probate in the Suffolk County Surrogate' s Court on November, 29 , 1982 under file no. 1920 P 1982, -parties -of the first part, and JON C. KERBS and JANISE.KERBS, husband and wife, both residing at 440 Riley Avenue, Mattituck, New York, 11952 • party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten ($10. 00) dollars, lawful money of the United States,and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto theparty of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, DISTRICT 1000 lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and being more particularly bounded and described SECTION as follows: 056. 00 BEGINNING at'.an iron pipe on the northerly line of the Main- 3LOCK Road at the southeasterly corner of land formerly of Carlis _ -- )3 . 00 Caffey and Howard Caley and the southwesterly corner of land 'of , the Robert Lang Estate, said pipe being about 35 feet westerly ,OT along said northerly line from the point where said northerly )11 . 000 line would be intersected by the extension northerly of the westerly line of Bay Home Road; from said point of beginning RUNNING along said northerly line of the Main Road, South 58° 02' 10" West 60 .0 feet to an iron pipe, said pipe being 90 feet easterly along said northerly line from the southwesterly corner of said land formerly of Carlis Caley and Howard Caley THENCE along said land of the party of the first part,, two courses as follows: 1. ) North 23° 49 ' 50" West 125 . 0 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE 2 . ) North 58° 02 ' 10" East 60 .0 feet to an iron pipe and said land of Robert Lang Estate; THENCE along said land of Robert Land Estate, South 23° 49 ' - fl7I - r.4- 1 ')C. A Fr.`.i- ♦-.. 4-L... .-...4 ..4. ,-..= nnnTl7n-,»i. THENCE along said land of Robert Land Estate, South 23° 49 ' 5p." East 125 . 0 feet to the point of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED. TO BE., the same premises as conveyed to- the party of the first part by deed dated April 23 , 1958 which was recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on••April 28, 1'9'90 in Liber 4453 at page 73. - - - - - r FORM NO. 2 ye/ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N° 7119 Z Date -7411a414--- / 9 , 94/ Permission is hereby granted to: // 1e/2 - -D,oxisoiL) dot° 5— — .7v41,4) 4.evP --- 42.4.0 MAC/ Y, to 74(d.q adc,/ erF eenicei.arer — at premises located at 0/6.40.55.— /20.4°10 4- -7).4;ci..7.2VC2.412 — 'yr pursuant to application dated O2teg'.4f ede , 197and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $. • uilding Inspector QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals -(and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Ee•arate she- Ray be attached. ) r c,.,6s E- e✓ 5 • B. Is the subject premises-listed on the real estate market for sale or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes • { } No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) " C. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? { } Yes { X{ No D. 1. Are there any areas which cont in wetland grasses? 14'y 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3. Is the property bulkh ae ed- between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? _ E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea . level? a (If not applicable, state "N.A.") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are - -submitting/ Aid If none exist, " n please state none. _ G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time • concerning' your premLces? `' If yes, please submit a copy map of your building permit and as approved by-the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this • parcel? 1"-" If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. T. Please lis .rerpent use •r operations conducted at this '- parcel 51 .l u -�„ • Sand - proposed e St Vv (-Am LI� - ilk''4 Liu . . ( ed, . - M - and Date . • 3/8 , 10/901k FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. Amended NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE; March 5, 2001 TO Jon C. Kerbs 440 Riley Ave. Mattituck NY 11952 Please take notice that your application dated January 2, 2001 For permit for lot creation (with existing structure) at Location of property 60105 Main Rd Southold County Tax Map No. 1000- Section 56 Block 3 Lot 11 Subdivision Filed Map # Lot# Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds proposed set-off not permitted pusuant to Article XV Section 100-151which states; Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,no building or premises shall be used or occupied and no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected or altered in a use district unless the same conforms to the Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedules and the Bulk Schedules hereinafter set forth Bulk Schedule requires minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet in the R-80 zone,proposed setoff+/- 7500 sq. ft. Not permitted pursuant to Article XXIV Section 100-244B which requires a minimum side yard setback on lots containing 7500 10 feet. Setback of existing structures will be+/-2 feet on east and w= b',undaries. Authorize ignature j LOT WAIVER QUESTIONNAIRE What are the square footage and dimensions of this lot (subject of building department merger application): 7 5 0f s.f. 67°' ft. by /a 5-- +- ft: Date of first deed which created this lot: r c _ 0- D-e mo n Date of current deed to present owner: Owners' names of lot at current time: ,„\a_-"` s °` `�� S Date and name of subdivision (if any): Size of remaining lot in the merger: - I( s.f. Were there any building permits issued in the past for this lot: Yes X No If yes, please provide copy of former permit and map approved. W ,fere there any County Health Department approvals in the past for either lot? Yes No )C . If yes, please provide a copy. Were they any vacant land Certificates of Occupancy requested in the past? Yes No K. If yes, please provicI9 a copy. —776cia \ -)r •��✓,N.. cis � 55 e- Were there any other Town actions (approvals or denials) in the past regarding this property (such as a pre-existing Certificate of Occupancy for a preexisting building, a variance, lot-line change, Trustees approval, or other type of application to build or use the property in any way)? Yes No If yes, please provid copy (if rvaila7, or a ain: � Is there any building or structure, such as a patio, driveway, or other, overlapping the deeded lot line which separates the two merged lots? No. Yes X. If yes, please explain. cn.Aboue- r S How many other vacant`lots are on the same block and immediate neighborhood? 1/1 0/Li Please note other approvals or other information about common ownership. of these lots: nil)L-1 --- 6(5 DrfrACJ-4. Ci TOW(/ .. GC)O-V-c0 I am an owner of the subject lot and the above information is provided to the best of my knowledge. (Copies noted above are attached.) Dated: II".. . 0 • Ow r' Signature - ZBA5/27/99 Jr' • -__ .1 l� 1 an,"nal0.'r'=NO //-a'v-9G-1200/Ar l a •O/y�:9dp'/''or'/J.a /v2 s///'J,?7' 'P yoga?73iltz1 :,,API Aea /LAS//,t%✓.14-PrC llbr. %t /Y i+,:nr2,7 �'7 'nye c'7v/�r1r�Cr •rrvi<a,v7 B�iy�rog�p d / ,n.-z✓/rt•/s*.,7./SJf it il/:q' Z k _ . nQ'b'og '7/Y/ - • tt t. • /Kw ZP.W.r 1 ,poio2 J467— TJJWA0 onbesgns ro suO 1r..nsul Ieuoplppe at eIgLIIsueA IOU OA swamp amouPai ati 10 amlOrna mil al pia uoew4 P0011 uopr IWI e+nPU I ;maw lasipswww.o0 duedwao•Q1 , a/glleyeq'IUSPus e�'d o `� kne sip utastgal Po+ u t uoowll I fee111 Atip pp like«u1 p $q a1 NkV appuoo bq lou w4•Pa penogwe t° 0 aai X 10 PON sialiakan Pull 041 0�w `� i sAeluopeonp3 I �� ems*gm,MeN NI Ia EOZt ua+Oeg ��0 x 1%3 N do�� - 1O uogepw a z+Awns cm 01 \ 1 C :Duippe JO uo7e.n:B pa'•^,ineun tj I - 11 + 41 li ./A' ' 11'0 /. i ' it7 J 2 A�y LA o O �p Q N 7/1 y 0,. 1- ,•• bA13'i '�'` O1 b00 oNd'1 O�60 ,ik' ": A , . /.1,,.0 47 , i• i '1)1 It ‘ \ il k n i , N 1 4 \ itf\ b' fir 'p ( 0 (/ ' i / . , ----- , 06,pp --—.:moi:d/,2 v.8s'/1� 1 _ ; 1 ; ,o,® f , ®- ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE o * : Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK 1 P.O.Box 1179 w PP, i Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS • .. �1 MARRIAGE OFFICER � / Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER i�Q( ��®oto Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER _ ion OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: January 23, 2001 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 4926 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 4926—Jon C. Kerbs -Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is a notice of disapproval, a copy of the deed, eight copies of the property survey, two copies of trailer permit, a building permit application, an application for waiver, a copy of the property taxes, a ZBA questionnaire, an applicant transactional disclosure form, a lot waiver questionnaire, copies of the deed, a building permit, a copy of the tax map page, •Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 01/22/01 Receipt#: 4498 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $400.00 Check#: 4498 Total Paid: $400.00 Name: Kerbs, Jon C 000440 Riley Ave Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID:25600 t r , • APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORH The Town of Southold ' s Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. _.(7 ,J:1 YOUR NAME: �C— ./ 4.) - (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless . you are applying in the name of someone else or 1 other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person 's or company's name. ) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply. ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If "Other, " name the activity . ) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. V;) . YES NO If you answered "YES, " complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person I Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply) : A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); �4) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation) ; C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted his day of Signature` �� 4NO'' Print name ....,b,,...N..... ------ -_ ..__.... .. , FOR BOARD AND STAFF USE Updated New Information ad est, f- 56'21 - z , ‘ \ I . k - , - . \. ,.........., _,.._........._.„.„,,,7•.,,,,,a,,i,iFT,,,..„:41„,„ .. , ,77-7-7=.,,,,-;.:„.„,,r,,,,., rt,',"te,,r,,=,,:s•!j, —— .-•," —1, - ', - --,—,", • :- .;',...-,:`,,-14-..,‘,T,,,•.,,,,• • ,,,,,,,,--1.,;,,,,,,,WV4! ,,,,,, ,, 7,77." ',,,,,.. "-„,,,,,,,:,-, '',,,,.7',,.:, ,, , 4." 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' ----- .... .. -- --kt-Lre----e_d ,<)L41--1 ' (Dant ma 3//9/0, *,10 , APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS '? �,ii®Stf FQ��� oIq� ®�: Southold Town Hall 3I I/ Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman = 1 ��► 53095 Main Road James Dinizio,Jr. *; P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora � ., ,� Southold, New York 11971 Lora S. Collins h'' x • x.c .,, ZBA Fax(631) 765-9064 George Horning ®_� �►�,� Telephone (631)765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 9, 2001 Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Kerbs 440 Riley Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Appl. No. 4926— Lot Size Variance Application Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kerbs: The Building Department has forwarded a copy of an Amended Notice of 3'(5/r1 Disapproval indicating that additional relief is necessary for the setbacks of the / d existing buildings. If you agree, would you please stop by to amend your (---/ application to include this relief under Section 100-244B. An additional $150 filing ' fee is necessary for the setback relief in this amendment. 4°Aj::°!)--� ) Thank you. �- Very truly yours, �/ �clP ' ZBA Office ' S ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS -- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK --------------------------------------------------------x In th Matter of t eapplication of U� I AFFIDAVIT 1 OF SIGN (Name of Applicant) POSTING Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- 56 - ?� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) residingat O � � , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the a'- day of Nt�r� -- , 200 1, I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of my application noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance) -facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven mays prior to the date of the subject hearing d hearing d -own to _►.ignature) Swn to before me this , 'O day of hx 200 (. y 't Nota ryHrEuLNE,S�ere:ar ew York (Notary Public) Qualified in Suffolk Caun ` commission Expires May 22, *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. i 1 ,..,--4-- ; Y ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD.NEW YORK x In tlie Matter f t e A plication of et/ S AFFIDAVIT OF (Name of Applicants) MAILINGS CTM Parcel #1000- St. - - l COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, 6 V�.. C�-�`�> residing at wo er ‘LI 4<___ A , 166 �� New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 3- I day of - , 200 1, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in eta A r-b- , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (" Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. , 0, ! ahaPostal - , i CE=RTIFIED MAIL(Domestic (Signature) �Ir�IV ��- t'Coverage Provided) A� CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 .i V7 1 SALLY BLADOS I�- Postage $ 0.34 _ Notary Public,State of New Yolk X7.1 / r No.4799955 t-n Certified Fee / I�11° ,,,f4,..4, �Suffolk ,,�� 1.90 Cooi iuke g pkesJ ns a hI Return Receipt Fee .�a O (Endorsement Regu red) 4 C7 { �/a p Postmark O Restricted Delivery Fee ��i8j9 H}e (Endorsement Required) C1PT�:. • p®� ;;' i Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers f] Tota Pos.ge&Fees n1 MU # ddresses for which notices were mailed. Thank - rt.1 IV. .e(P/e 'e Prlr„A,,,:.,..t-_,�t 9� Tt7 4,j ar/y)(Tobe comp/eta b U���6 ❑^ Street,APt..o. r PO Box 1y)' l p` lic --- 1 �� - --e-e---------------------- � C1tY ate,Z-- -�- ---------------- PS Form m ;,o �1�9s's - t lR 3� 1 i sy eto �ti Reverse{tp Instructions p-- Street,Apt,No.;or PO Box flfo__._– � I o -- - ��- v-9-rte.. City,State,Z(p,�. �"""'" ----------- f� 4 irw 1(7 38002.1999 � —� for Instructions t� ity,State,ZlZP+; L J. a 1\c I i G@ Rata]3800, 1999 (p /Cf1C.�;m\'IF / I • • iZ OG c�u` hT � ,,c) , s • `7 , C+kY\g1 l+ct--1 - k`` , , ' , ,---�A SAW,- '��QS O "O,. N ^ '1! dvoG o \ lG� D o n Z •I , 1. ,3 n , a m IIUJU S* c q ;m/ / N , co3 ` w CD a) - � cy St 0_ , y myw - [i 3 o aoyD m � � n (./� cb ch E. zi i CD C ,33 a) rte oa w , p D C) O i F, T_CD fD m ((^^)� a m N w w C m —mI ._V a m a D 7 a ni • . a a _( eco w , cn y m i •c-fk D 0 0 0 cp_...z 0 ----,--:cc'.2' a,:i 8 CD K CD Ell Cr 3 5 it _V^^I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 ; o vJ m cj Z -< DD No ' N - - m o y a o •.' '=, a' �' m = N ... CD Aly` N ��` y y C (� m m Z STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Cr-->A-2_C- of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES,a weekly newspaper,pub- ' lished at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly pub- lished in said Newspaper once each week ` 11 1 _ - for weeks successively, commencing on the day of )Ufkrc,h 20 :.�� CHRISTINAT. of NER ew Notary Public,State of New York ,• ' all �� No.01WE6034554 or - .. -.�_ Qualified in Suffolk County Prinei••:y(;lark Cor,;;,ssion Expires December 13, ( .'''':`-r,-'-�.'-�;r �_�y?,�. �;r, .,� v, :.•6�•� �- 'r .t.-- rJ, = Ni- AN11,-,G_IAYTRFEN`"JOHIsi:4, `,7:50,11.111.:A_pp1:.No„4_9:29-GRACE \S Li��",^, Ali$,..9';i.'f.. '-,' 4409. s`r ui st i, a' r i p,ri..;,GAN: _a 49eq §,a •b. ,�t}. „r: . -..,a;,� L - -',a; , .��,���»., ,;�!'��>=z.,��<„ ,{�'•„ .'I'QIE`n1�. I,1 t;;regiies; .�_ l►Fr`om re nous'<�a e < ,:�y'r,;; ,,r; ,.,•-t: ' -, ,. AW; - ,. ;,,1 ,_ r _" r�p ,f?��: :A7:•}u1e�,�.��1„•=a�eQtion`•��1bQ,;s26.,,°�"#fz��x-r�%azia'ri'ce,;��. ders,;;�,A1`t'icle��,r:"�.� ;s���w, w;_4 a, ' AL NOTA:E• .': OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (631) 765-1809 fax (631) 765-9064 March 9, 2001 Re: Chapter 58— Public Notice for Thursday, April 5, 2001 Hearings Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing the recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Suffolk Times. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be now mailed with a map or sketch showing the construction area or variance being considered. Send the enclosed Notice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, on Monday, March 26th, or sooner, including a copy of a map showing your project area, to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. By April 2nd, please submit to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (copy enclosed) with parcel numbers noted for each, and return it with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. Later, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us (but not later than the date of the hearing). If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. When picking up the sign, a $15 check will be requested for each sign as a deposit. If you already have a sign and stand and only need the laminated printout for the face of the sign, a deposit is not necessary and we can mail or fax it to you. Please post the Town's official poster/sign no later than March 29, 2001. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is furnished for each front yard.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. After the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your Affidavit of Posting to us for the permanent file. Within 20 days after the hearing, the sign and stand should be returned to us. The$15 deposit will then be returned to you. If the sign and stand are not returned within this 20-day period, the deposit will be non-refundable. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ZBA Board Members and Staff Enclosures JON KERBS SETBACK VARIANCES FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES and EXISTING LOT SIZE LOT 1000- 56 - 3 - 11 THURS , APRIL 5t" — 7 : 10 PM NEXT YEAR NYSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRY DATE : 03/09/2001 473889 SOUTHOLD - SCHOOL SOUTHOLD SCHOOL ROLL SEC TAXABLE PRCLS 210 1 FAMILY RES - TOTAL RES SITE 56 . -3-10 TOTAL COM SITE 60015 MAIN RD ACCT NO 08 = OWNER & MAILING INFO === I =MISC I ASSESSMENT DATA JOFFE SIMEON & CHRISTINE IRS-SS I **CURRENT** RES PERCENT 60015 ROUTE 25 I 1 (LAND 1,400 **TAXABLE** SOUTHOLD NY 11971 I BANK (TOTAL 4,700 COUNTY 4,700 **PRIOR** TOWN 4,700 I (LAND 1,400 SCHOOL 4,700 I (TOTAL 4,700 ==DIMENSIONS --- I SALES INFORMATION ACRES 1 . 00 IBOOK 12052 SALE DATE 06/15/00 SALE PRICE 240,000 IPAGE 709 PR OWNER KERBS JON C TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 1 ITOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS 4 CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE UNITS PCT TYPE VALUE 41854 710 02 IFD028 IPK070 IWW020 ISW011 F1=NEXT PARCEL F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC 75 . 10- 03-050 F6=G0 TO INVENTORY F9=G0 TO XREF F10=G0 TO MENU