HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2149 James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-~892 Fax (631) 765-6641 June 24,2009 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Andrew Semons 1580 Hobart Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: 1580 HOBART ROAD, SOUTHOLD · SCTM# 64-3-2.2 Dear Mr. Semons: The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees regular meeting held on Wednesday, June 24, 2009: RESOLVED, that the Southoid Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the request for a Transfer of Permit #2'149 from Robert Gensel to Andrew Semons, as issued on June 26, 1986. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, ja es~F. King(~' ~' President, Board of Trustees JFK:eac James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio. Jr. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631 ) 765-1892 Fax (631 ) 765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Worksession Report Date/Time: ~¢/~i '~ ANDREW SEMONS requests a Transfer of Permit #2149 from Robert Gensel to Andrew Semons, as issued on June 26, 1986. Located: 1580 Hobart Rd., Southold. SCTM#64-3-2.2 Ty.c~q~ of area to be impacted: __Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound __Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: ~,61~apt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: ¢/~etland __Coastal Erosion __Amendment __Administrative__Emergency Pre-Submission __Violation Info needed: Modifications: Conditions: Present Were: __&King J.Doherty ~-15.Dickerson __ __ D. Dzenkowski Scott Hilaw__other Form filled out in the field by D. Bergen__ B.Ghosio, Mailed/Faxed to: Date: Sale YOU! ., f; / \ Board-Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring No. N/A PERMIT NO ........ .2..~..4..~...i::'i'i.':': ......................... DATE: ...J..u.:~_..~..6..~....~.9..86 893: ; and 6'15' Of'the Laws of of the TOWN! 5.00, '~ a: 4f x and C°nditions listed On TrUstees aUthorizes :Approval to ~egiste,~ ~a::~tai~ing · 60' is~'etion 10', and ~' a¢cerdance with the ap~tica'tio{{ 'submitted. all ~in ,.aCcOrdance w?h .{'he detailed specifiCationS as Prese~teC! in IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TrUstees causes its COrPOrate Seal to be maiorlt~ of ~he · ~?' ._ piease tear off and return to the Trustee office. TERMS and CONDITIONS The P~mlttee ~ Robert Gensel .... .. , ~esiding at Hobart 'Road, Southold N.Y.~ as l~ing: 1. T~t ~e T~st~ P~t ~st ~ pro~y ~lay~ on ~e pr~ses eff~ ~y ~g. ~e ~i~ of ~rk ~d~ ~e ~t. · , ....... }} 7- ~ · ~ated me ~ed w complete ~e ~k mvolv~ but ~d .%dO??" for ~ ~ion may be ~de to ~e ~d at a ~ter da~ ~ ' '' :: '~ r ' 3' ~at ~ P~t. ~o~d be re~ ~d~y, or as long m~t~ ~e ~e or pmjea ~volv~ to provide e~d~ce to ~yo~ ~nce~ ~ an~- o~agon w~ ori~y ~t~. 4J~' ~t .&~ W~rk ~volved ~1 ~ mbj~ to ~e ~p~on ~d appr0v~ of ~e ~d ag~t~ ~d non-mmpHance ~ ~e pro,iota of ~e ofi~ appE~o~ ~y ~ ~-~e for ~fion of ~ P~t ~ ~olufion ~ ~e said B~ That there will be no unreasonable interference with naviga~on as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be rio interference with the tight of the public to pass and repass along 'she beach between high and Iow water marks. - "/>'-'7. =That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of she work herein ~uthonzed, or if, in the ol~inion of the Boasd ~f TmSteeg th~ work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation, the said Permlttee will be reClUk-ed upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town 'of SouthoX- " - '~- 55- '. 8. That the said Board will b~ notified by the Pennlttee ol the completion o~ the work anth- od_zed. - , . :9. Thlt- '~' ' ' ' the' Permlttee 'will obtain all other permits and coments chat may be £e~ed plemental to this permit which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obrain same, (Sea .tear o£~ ah~t.) HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fown Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-I89L~. June 27, 1986 Mr. Robert Gens~l Hobart Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Grandfather Application Dear Mr. Gensul: Please be advised that the Board of Trustees approved your Grandfather application during their regular meeting held on June 26, 1986. There is a $5.00 application fee due. Please remit to this office at your earliest convenience so that your permit can be issued and forwarded to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office an the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of [own Trustees Ilen~ Pfifferling~ Clerk'=no Trusteees HPS:ip cc: File Name of Creek: Towm C~eek BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765'1892 GRANDFATHER APPLICATION Dock 1, Name of Applicant: Robert Gensel 2. Address of Applicant: Hobart Road, Southold 3. Telephone Number: 4. Year of ConsTruction: 5. - Sketch of the work including sizDs: 6. Mark off on th~ attached, where your property is Signature:. -- Please note that there is a $5.00 filing fee, which is a one fee, for this application. located time Mooring Applications- $5.00 Application Fee and a $5.00 annual renewal fee each year. ~::. · BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ., 53095 Main goad Phone 765-1892 .~,0 BOARD OF TOWN Cree~. ~OCbO~ SOUTHOL ^/ ,~,4/I II