HomeMy WebLinkAboutGAZZA, JOSEPHFRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., Resident ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR.,Vic~eside~ JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P.S~TH BOARD OF TOWN TRUST~EES TOWN DF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE [516) 765-1892 November 25, 1988 Joseph F. Gazza, Esq. PO Box 969 - 30 Ogden Lane Quogue, N.Y. 11959 Re: Proposed minor subdivisions, Dam Pond, East Marion, N.Y. Dear Mr. Gazza: The Board has discussed the above mentioned proposed subdivision at their November 17, 1988 meeting and would like you to submit an application for permits for road construction, which will be evaluated by the Trustees. FAK:jas Very truly yours, . Frank A. Kujawsti, Jr. President Board of Trustees. FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR.. President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SMITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516] 765-1892 September 29, 1988 Mr. Joseph Gazza/ Attorney At Law P. O. Box 969 3 Ogden Lane Quogue, New York 11959 Re: Proposed Subdivision Lettieri and Gazza Dam Pond, East Marion Dear Mr. Gazza: Please be advised that the Trustees have reviewed your map for the above referenced subdivision. We would like to advise you that a wetland permit will be required for any work proposed within 75' feet of Wetlands. Since the D.E.C. has learned that the project site is an the vicinity of a known archeological site listed by the New York State Historic Preservation Office, you may be requested to do a survey. At that time, I would suggest that you contact this office for a determination on the need of a permit or waiver for that activity. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, President :~j/ ki, Jr. Board of Town Trustees FAK:ip cc: Planning Board Bldg. Dept. / FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P~ SMITH BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main P, oad P.O. Box 728 $onthold, New York t 1971 TELEPHOIXq{ (516) 765-i892 To: Planning Board From: Town Trustees Re: Joseph Gazza Date: June 9, 1988 Please be advised that the Town Trustees have inspected the site for the above referenced project and felt that there should be a 75' buffer outside of the stakes placed on the s~bject property. FAK Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., President HENRY P. SMITH, JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. III John Bednoski, Jr. ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR~ Vice-President TELEPHONE (516~765-1892 To: From: Re: Date: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197t John Holzapfel, Chairman Conservation Advisory Council Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., President Planning Board referrals April 29, 1988 Please find attached maps for two subdivisions as referred from the Planning Board for DBM Company and Joseph Gazza. May we have your comments and recommendations regarding these matters? Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., Pres. HENRY P. SMITH . JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III John Bednoski, Jr. ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President TELEPHONE (516~ 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 TO: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner FROM: Town Trustees ?~ DATE: April 28, 1988 As per your request, please be advised of the Trustees findings regarding the following applications: FRANKLINVILLE HOMES 1000-125-2-2.2 - Trustees found no evidence of wetlands - no jurisdiction. STYPE BROTHERS AGENCY - Trustees determined they have no jurisdiction. THORTON SMITH - 1000-121-1-1-,p/019 - The Trustees found a pond on the site. There is to be no grading on the ~op of the slope to the pond. DBM COMPANY - 1000-55-6-15.1 - Trustees are to contact the C.A.C. after it is staked for inspection. COVE BEACH ESTATES 1000-22-3-18.3 New access appears to be far enough away from the wetlands. JOSEPH GAZZA - 1000-22-3-(19-22)~35-5-1.~ Trustees will refer this matt~ the C.A.C. fo~-r~c~-~mmendations. To: From: Re: D ate: John Bredemeyer Clerk ~ene Pfifferling Joseph Gazza April 21, 1988 Please be advised that this office has a map for the Gazza subdivision. It was on the field inspections for you to look at. Map is in the office for your review. JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 969 3 OgDeN LANe QuoguF-- Ne~v YOrk 11959 (516)'653-5766 (DAY AND EVENING) October 17, 1988 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main ROad Southold, New York 11971 Re: Five (~) proposed Minor Subdivisions of Lettieri and Gazza Qam Pond, East Marion, New York Dear Mr. Frank Kujawski, Jr. Thank you for your Board's assistance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the flagging and location of all Wetlands as shown on the overall proposed Subdivision Man. As can be determined from our map, the only area of work connected with this map that is within 75 feet of Designated Wetlands would be where the proposed road (existing Old Farm Road) crosses the most Westerly extremity of Dam Pond. This is the only feasible access connection absent an access connection into the "Cove Beach Estates Map" to the Northwest, which to date the Town's Planning Board has not provided for. The Town Planning Board has not addressed this access issue ~o date, as requested in my letter to them of September 26, 1988 (see copy attached). Therefore I respectfully request permission from ycur Board for a Wetland Permit for this section of roadway. The improvement snecifications that I propose would be the placement of 4" of crushed stone blend atop the existing traveled farm road in the adjacent area ho the designated Wetlands. Please advise if your Board needs any additional infor- mation or if I must complete any forms for aoolication of the Permit: encl. Very~ Josep~ JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY at LAW P.O. Box 96~) 3 OgDeN LANE QuoguE. NEW York 11959 (5 ! 6) 653-576~o (DAY AND EVENING} September 26, 1988 Southold Town Planning town Hall Main Road Southold, New YOrk Board Re: Minor Subdivisions of Lands of Gazza Minor Subdivisions of Lands of Lettieri All situate at Dam Pond, East Marion, New YORk Dear Mr. Chairman, Bennett Orlowski, Jr., I~ am in receipt of a copy of your letter to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation dated September 22, 1988 pertaining to ~the above referenced. It pleases me very much to see that your Board is working on these five (5) subdivision Applica- tions at thi~ime~ It was only after proof,sufficient to the satisf~c%i~o~ of the Town Attorney that each Application was separate., that the PlanninG Board accepted these five (5) ApplicatiO~ as seperate Minor Subdivision Applications. My records indicate that on September 19, 1985, your Board endorsed the proposed thirteen (13) lot layout as submitted on these five (5) Subdivision Applications, however, required a 50~'foot right of way thru the subdivisions con- structed in ~compliance with Town of Southold Highway specifications. The correspondence, meetings and calls during the period O,ctober 1985 to March 1987 between us focused on the necessity for such a substantial road system and the duplication of a parallel road system within the property of Cove Beach Estates (an adjacent pending subdivision). The continuous a~d perseW~lng efforts by the underslqned since 1977 with th~ various owners of Cove Beach Estates and your Board to provide common access and a proper planned access system have never been successful. I respectfully requested of your Board to provide for future development of the entire area by providing access to the Peninsula via a con- nection into the Cove Beach Road system. This connection would alleviate my proposed road which would have to cross an area close to Wetlands on both sides. A road close to Wetland~ necessitates re~isw by the Town Trustees and the New Yo~k State Department of Environmental Conservation. JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 969 3 OGDEN LANE QUOgUe. NEW YOrK 11959 (516) 653-5766 (DAY AND EVENING) page 2 Your Board has been in a position to foster this.access planning but has neglected to. In March of 1987, it became apparent to the undersigned that your Board was not re- quiring an access termination into the Penninsula thru the Cove BeachMap and I therefore requested of your Board to further process the five (5) Subdivision Applications to- gether with road improvements dictated on September 19, 1985. It was inquired of me by Planning Board staff as to the status of the five (5) Subdivision Applications with the SCDHS and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The SCDHS position was;that further action on the five (5) Applications could not be taken until a SEQR determination by the Town of Southold was made (see notice attached) and a Department of Environmental Conservation Permit had been issued. The Department of Environmental Conservation's position was that since the Town failed to respond to the SEQR Lead Agency Coordination request by DEC of August 4, 1987, the DEC was proceeding with an uncoordinated, indepen- dent review (see letter dated November 16,1987, attached). The Board of Trustees, Town of Southold had on June 9, 1988 written that a 75 Ft. buffer landward of the DEC stake line, should be maintained, as their recommendation. The records I have kept pertaining to these.five (5) seperated Applications for Minor Subdivisions indicate the following: 1000-031-05-001.2 Deed 9111/58 Owner - Andrew Lettieri Size - 10.67 acres Request - Subdivision into three (3) residential Lots Complete Application duly filed on August 2, 1985 with Planning Board - Pending Complete Application duly filed on August 7, 1985 with Suffolk County Department of Health Services - Pending Complete Application duly filed on July 9, 1987 with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation No. 10-87-1200 - Pending Note: Lot 001.2 is Lot B (10.67 Acres) of a two (2) Lot Minor Subdivlslon of a 13.326 acre parcel approved by the Planning JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. Box 969 3 OGDEN LANE QUOGUE. NEW York 11959 (516) 653-5766 {DaY AnD EVENINg) page 3 Board and Health Department on April 15, 1985. Covenants and Restrictions were required by Planning Board and filed with the County Clerk to the effect that Lot 001.2 when further sub- divided would be three (3) Lots only. ~he Planning Board (lead Agency under SEQR with full notice to ali involved Agencies) made an~ i~itial d~termination of non-significance under SEQR on December 17, 1984, followed by the issuance of a negative Declaration (see copy attached). 1000-022--03-O19 Deed 8390/366 Owner: ~oseph Frederick Gazza Size: 4'.915 ~res Request: Subdivision into two (2) Comp%~te~Application duly Planning Board Pending Complete Application duly SCDHS - Pending Complete Application duly New York ~tate Department of No. 10-87A~200 C Pending residential Lots filed on July 16, 1985 with filed on August 7, 1985 with filed on July 9, 1987 with Environmental Conservation, 1000-022-03r020 Deed 911]/64 Owner: Beghice Lettieri Size: 4 acres Request: ivision into two Complete Application Planning Board - Pending Complete Application SCDHS - Pending Complete Application New York State Dep~rtment No. 10-87-1200 - Pending (2) residential Lots duly filed on august 2, 1985 with duly filed on August 7, i985 with duly filed on July 9, 1987 with of Environmental Conservation, 1000-022-03-021 Deed 8390/366 Owner: Joseph Frederick Gazza Size: 5.393 acres Request: subdivision into two (2) residential Lots Complete Application duly filed on August 2, 1985 with Planning Board - Pending Complete Application duly filed on Au'gust 7, 1985 with SCDHS Pending JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 969 ,:3 OGDEN LANE QuoguE. NEW YOrK, I 1959 (516) 653-5766 (DAY AND EVENING) page 4 Complete Application duly filed on July 9, 1987 with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, No. 10-87-1200 - Pending 1000-022-03-022 Deed Owner: Grundbesitzer Corp. Size: 6.3 acres Request: Subdivision into Complete Application duly Planning Board - Pending Complete Application duly SCDHS Pending Complete Application duly New York State Department of No. 10-87-1200 - Pending 9131,/377 and Andrew Lettieri three (3) residential Lots filed on August 2, 1985 with filed on August 7, 1985 with filed on July 9, 1987 with Environmental Conservation, It would appear to the undersigned that: ~- Review under SEQR pertaining to 1000-031-05-001.2 has been completed as of December 17, 1984. The SCDHS should review this three (3) Lot division seperate from the others and approve same. The NYS DEC should issue a letter of no- jurisdiction due to previous review under SEQR, Lot Size, elevation above sea level, and building envelope setbackq. The Planning Board in connection with the prior approval has reviewed this parcel and required a covenant to be filed limiting subdivision to the requested three Lots. ~- The four (4) PenniDsula parcels are each single and seperate tracts independently owned. I have no intentions of building on my two (2) parcels at this time, a retire- ment home or future use by my three children would be a possibility. Mr. Lettieri has not expressed intentions of development or not, to me. Mr. Lettieri and I have decided to subdivide our properties adjacent to each other, to create an estate type setting of choice two plus acre lots for our future. ? would hope that your Board re-consider the Cove Beach Road system in connection with their sub-division map presently before you. Proper planning dictates better access which should obviate the need for me to build a road to Town specifications near a Wetland. JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 969 3OgDENLaNE QuoguE. NEW YOrk 11959 (5) 6) 653-5766 {DaY AND EVENING) page 5 The Planning Board's sudden interest in obtaining lead Agency status under SEQR pertaining to the five (5) sub- division Applications puzzels me. On one Application, you have already issued a negative Declaration and on %he other four (4), since August 4, 1987, your Board has not been interested despite requests by the undersigned on August 7, 1987, %he SCDHS on June 10, 1987 and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on August 4, 1987. It is my understanding that §617.6 of 6 NYCRR provides a twenty (20) day time period for lead Agency status determina%ion. It is not my desire %o argue with your Board over these proposed subdivisions, but to work with your Board to make the lots created a model subdivision of estate type setting. I believe the proposed subdivision maps as submitted define excellent lot layout, size and design. The layout could be modified to further improve the subdivision only if alternate access was available thru Cove Beach Estate's road system. That choice is yours to make, mine only to respectful:ly request. Three plus years has been a long time to wait for permission to divide five (5) seperate tracts into twelve (12) lots. Please advise what I may do to satisfy your Planning concerns and help conclude the subdivision process. Ver eric1. cc: file New York State Department of Environmental SCDHS Mr. Andrew Lettieri Y~r~c~ Gazza Conservation JOSEPH FREDeRiCK GAZZA A~ORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 969 3 OGDEN LaNE QUOGUf~ NEWYORk 11959 (516) 653-5766 {DaY AND EveNiNG) October 17, 1988 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main ROafl ~outhold, New York 11971 Re: Five (5) proposed Minor Subdivisions of Lettieri and Gazza Dam Pond, East Marion, New York Dear Mr. Frank Kujawski, Jr. Thank you for your Board's assistance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the flagging and location of all Wetlands as shown on the overall proposed Subdivision MaD. As can be determined from our map, the only area of work connected with this man that is within 75 feet of Designated Wetlands would be where the proposed road (existing Old Farm Road) crosses the most Westerly extremity of Dam Pond. This is the only feasible access connection absent an access connection into the "Cove Beach Estates Map" to the Northwest, which to date the Town's Planning Board has not provided for. The Town Planning Board has not addressed this access issue to date, as requested in my letter to them of September 26, 1988 (see copy attached). Therefore I respectfully request permission from your Board for a Wetland Permit for this section of roadway. The improvement specifications that I propose would be the placement of 4" of crushed stone blend avop the existing traveled farm road in the adjacent area to the designated Wetlands. Please advise mation or if I must Permit. if your Board needs any additional infor- complete any forms for application of the encl. JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. Box 969 3 OGDEN LANE QUOGUE. NEW YOrk 11959 {516) 653-5766 (DAY AND EVENING} September 26, 1988 Southold Town Planning town Hall Main Road Southold, N~w YOrk Board Re: Minor Subdivisions of Lands of Gazza Minor Subdivisions of Lands of Lettier~ All situate aE Dam Pond, East Marion, New YORk Dear Mr. Chairman, Bennett Orlowski, Jr., I am in receipt of a copy of you{ letter bo New York State Department of EnviRonmental Conservatzon dated September 22, 1988 pertaining to the above referenced. It pleases me very much to see that your Board is working on these five [5) subdivision Appt~ca- tlons at this time. It was only after proof,sufficient to the satisfaction Of the Town Attorney that each Application wa~ seperate, that the Planning Board accepted these five (5) Applications as seperate Minor Subdivision Applications. My records indicate that on September 19, 1985, your Board endorsed the proposed thirteen (13) lot layout as submitted on these five (5) Subdivision Applications, however, required a 50 foot Eight of way thru the subdivisions con- structed in compliance with Town of Southold Highway specifications. The correspondence, meetings and calls during the period October t985 to March 1987 between us focused on the necessity- for such a substantial road system and the duplication of a parallel road system within the property of Cove Beach Estates (an adjacent pending subdivision). The continuous and perseVaring efforts by the undersigned since 1977 with the various owners of Cove Beach Estates and your Board to provide common access and a proper planned access system have never been successful. I respectfully requested of your Board to provide for future development of the entire area by providing access to the Peninsula via a con- nection into the Cove Beach Road system. This connection would alleviate my proposed road which would have to cross an area close to Wetlands on both sides. A road close to Wetlands necessitates review by the Town Trustees and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 969 3 OGDEN LANE Quoguf- NEW YOrk 11959 (5 ! 6) 653-5766 {DAY AND EVENING) page 2 Your Board has been in a position to foster this access planning but has neglected to. In March of 1987, it became apparent to the undersigned that your Board was not re- quiring an access termination into the Penninsula thru the Cove Beach Map and I therefore requested of your Board to further process the five (5) Subdivision Applications to- gether with road improvements dictated on September 19, 1985. It was inquired of me by Planning Board staff as to the status of the five (5) Subdivision Applications w~th the SCDI{S and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The SCDHS position was;that further action on the five (5} Applications could not be taken until a SEQR determination by the Town of Southold was made (see notice attached) and a Department of Environmental Conservation Permit had been issued. The Department of Environmental Conservation's position was that since the Town failed to respond to the SEQR Lead Agency Coordination request by DEC of August 4, 1987, the DEC was proceeding with an uncoordinated, indepen- dent review {see letter dated November 16,1987, attached). The Board of Trustees, Town of Southold had on June 9. 1988 written that a 75 Ft, buffer landward of the DEC stake line, should be maintained, as their recommendation. have kept pertaining to these five (5) the The records I separated Applications for Minor Subdivisions indicate following: 1000-031-05-001.2 Deed 9111/58 Owner - Andrew Lettieri Size t0.67 acres Request Subdivision into three (3) residential Lots Complete Application duly filed on August 2, 1985 with Plannin9 Board Pending Complete Application duly filed on August 7, 1985 with Suffolk County Department of Health Services Pendino Complete Application duly filed on July 9, 1987 with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation No. 10-87-1200 - Pending Note: Lot 001.2 is Lot B (10.67 Acres) of a two (2) Lot Minor Subdivision of a 13.326 acre parcel approved by the Planning JOSEPH fREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. Box 969 3 OGDEN LANE Quogue. Ne~v YOrK 11959 (516)653-5766 (DAY AnD EvEning} page 3 Board and Health Department on April 15, 1985. Covenants and Restrictions were required by Planning Board and filed with the County Clerk to the effect that Lot 001.2 when further sub- divided would be three (3) Lots only. The Planning Board (lead Agency under SEQR - with full notice to all inv?lved Agencies) made an initial determinatiou of non-significance under SEQR on December 17, 1984, followed by the issuance of a negativeiDeclaration (see copy attached)- 1000-022-03-019 Deed 8390/366 Owner: Joseph Frederick Gazza Size: 4.915 acres Request: Subdivision into two (2) residential Complete~AppDication duly filed on July Planning Board - Pending Complete Application duly filed SCDHS Pending Complete Application duly filed New York State Department of No. 10-87~1200 - Pending Lots 16, 1985 with on August 7, 1985 with on July 9, 1987 with Environmental Conservation, 1000-022-03-020 Deed 9111/64 Owner: Bernice Lettierl Size: 4 acres Request: Subdivision into two (2) residential Lots Complete Application duly filed on august 2. 1985 with Planning Board Pending Complete Application duly filed on August 7, 1985 with SCDHS - Pending Complete Application duly filed on July 9, 1987 with Ney York State Department of Environmental Conservation, No. 10-87-1200 Pending i000-022-03-021 Owner: Joseph Frederick Gazza Size: 5.393 acres Request: subdivision into two Complete Application duly Planning Board Pending Complete Application duly SCDHS - Pendinc Deed 8390/366 (2) residential Lots filed on August 2, 1985 with filed on Au'gust 7, 1985 with JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. Box 969 3 OGDEN LANE QUOGU~ NEW YORK, 11959 (5 ! 6} 653-5766 (DAY AND EVENING) page 4 Complete Application duly filed on July 9, 1987 with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, No. 10-87-1200 - Pending 1000-022-03-022 Deed 9131/377 Owner: Grundbesitzer Corp. and Andrew Lettieri Size: 6.3 acres Request: Subdivision into three (3) residential Lots Complete Application duly filed on August 2, 1985 with Planning Board - Pending Complete Application duly filed on August 7, 1985 w~th SCDHS Pending Complete Application duly filed on July 9, I987 with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, No. 10-87-1200 - Pending It would appear ko the undersigned thst: ~- Review under SEQR pertaining to 1000-031-05-001.2 has been completed as of December 17, t984. The SCDHS should review this three (3) Lot division seperate from the others and approve same. The NYS DEC should issue a letter of no- jurisdiction due to previous review under SEQR, Lot Size, elevation above sea level, and building envelope setbackq. The Planning Board in connection with the prior approval has reviewed this parcel and required a covenant to be filed limiting subdivision to the requested %hree (3) Lots. ~- Tbe four (4) Penninsula parcels are each single and seperate tracts independently owned. I have no intentions of building on my two (2) parcels at this time, a retire- ment home or future use by my three children would be a possibliity. Mr. Lettieri has not expressed intentions of development or not, to me. Mr. Lettieri and I have decided to subdivide our properties adjacent to each other, to create an estate type setting of choice two plus acre lots for our future. I would hope that your Board re-consider the Cove Beach Road system in connection with their sub-division map presently before you. Proper planning dictates better access which should obviate the need for me to build a road to Town specifications near a Wetland. JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. Box 969 :3 OGDEN LANE QuoguL NEW YOrK 1 ) 959 (516) 653-5766 {DAY AND EVENING) page 5 The Planning Board's sudden interest in obtaining lead Agency status under SEQR pertaininq to the five (5) sub- division Applications puzzels me. On one Application, you have already issued a negative Declaration and on the other four (4), since August 4, 1987, your Board has not been interested despite requests by the undersigned on August 7, 1987, the SCDHS on June 10, 1987 and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on August 4, 1987. It is my understanding that §617.6 of 6 NYCRR provides a twenty (20) day time period for lead Agency status determination. It is not my desire to argue with your Board over these proposed subdivisions, but to work with your Board to make the lots created a model subdivision of estate type se%ting. I believe the proposed subdivision maps as submitted define excellent lot layout, size and design. The layout could be modified to further improve the subdivision only if alternate access was available thru Cove Beach Estate's woad system. That choice is yours to make, mine only to respectfully request. Three plus years has been a long time to wait for permlsslon to divide five (5) seperate tracts into twelve (12) lots. Please advise what I may do to satisfy your Plannin~ concerns and help conclude the subdivision process. encl. cc: file New York State Department of SCDHS Mr. Andrew L~ttieri Joseph ~ erfck Gazza Environmental Conservation ~_ ~ [i~A~I~III~G BOA ..... P.O. box 969 3 OGDEN LANE QUOgUF~ New YOrK 11959 {516) 653-5766 (DaY AND EVeNINg) April 9, 1988 New York State Department of SUNY Building 40 Stony Brook, New YOrk Environmental Conserva-cion Att: George qammorth Regulatory Affairs Re: Application ~o. 10-87-1200 Dam Pond, East qarion, Tidal Wetlands Dear Mr. Hammorth, A meeting was held last week with Miss Valarie Scopaz of the Southold Town Plannin~ Department regarding the above re- ferenced. Valarie explained that the Planning Board would require a survey showing the line of Wetlands drawn fro~ actual field ribboning of the Wetlands. I explaineo to Valarie that you had requested the oroposed roao and lots to be staked out by my surveyor pr£or to your inseection. It was Valarie's suggestion that the Wetlands should be located first as the road and lot layout may be at variance with the oroposed, oepending upon Wetland location. Please advise of your Department's 2ositioq regarding this matter. CC: Southold Town Planning Board Mai~ Road Southold, New York 11971 Oosep~red~rick Gazza P Southold, N.Y. 11972 (516) 765-I9~8 April 29, 1988 Robert Deluca Bureau of Environmental Management Office of Ecology S.C.D.H.S. County Center Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: Dam Pond SCTM ~1000-22-3-19 ~o 22 a1000-31-5-1 Dear Mr. Deluca: The following is an update of the above mentioned subdivision. Mr. Gazza has been asked to stake the wetlands line. He has been informed that the Planning Board will make no decisions until this is done. The Planning Board has made no determination whatsoever as to the layout of the lots or the roads; however, its intention is to encourage clustering. Any further information will be forwarded to your office. cc: Trustees DEC jt Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 To: Trustees From: Vat~rie Scopaz, Town Planner RE: Joseph Gazza SCTM# 1000-22-3-(19-22) 35-5-1.2 ~ Date: April 8, 1988 Is there an application pending on the above mentioned property? If so, what is the status? We would also appriciate any comments you might have on ~his maLLet. jt ~~ ~- JOSEPH FREDERICK GAZZA ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 969 3 OGDEN LANE QUOGUE. NEW YOrk 11959 (516) 653~5766 (day and EVELING) July 26, 1988 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New YOrk 11971 Re: Proposed Subdivision Lettieri and Gazza situate Dam Pond, East Marion Dear Board Members, Attached please find survey print of above referenced plQt showing the flagged line of Wetlands by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Please make this print a part of your file. Kindly advise if any permits need be applied for from your Board in connection with the subdivision of this property. encl. Joseph~er i~k Gazza r State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40--SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794 (516) 751-7900 August 31, 1988 Thomas C. J0fling Commissioner Joseph Frederick Gazza, Esq. F.O. Box 969 Quogue, NY 11959 Re: Dam Pond Subdivision 10-87-1200 Dear Mr. Gazza: I am writing co update you om.the status of the above referenced project. We are in receipt of your recent letter and updated subdivision plat showing the DEC delineated tidal wetland line. Before you proceed with staking the location of building envelopes and the road, we require additional information. ~ We recently learned that the project site is in the vicinity of a known ~ site listed the New York State Historic Preservation Office. ar?heological by This info~mation combined with the sensitive nature of the area and the scope ( of the proposal caused the project to be referred to Dr. Michael Ci~quino, Arch- ~ ~ eological Consultant to the Department's Cultural Resources Section. ~ In Dr. Cinquino's opinion, a sensitivity assessment and field survey should be completed for the project area. Any disturbed areas should be clearly ~ocumeuted if excluded from survey. This assessment is based on the factors outlined below: ] · New York State site files record archeological remains in the pro- ject vicinity. This indicates a high potential for locating add- itional archeological sites within the proposed project area. The proposed project area has environmental characteristics similar to recorded prehistoric sites. The soil is well drained, the ~errain fairly level and a major water source is closely associated. The terrain of the area suggests erosion is moderate. Ground dis- turbance from recent or historic activities appears limited. The relative stability of the soil strata favors the preservation of archeological remains. Dr. Cinquino recommends sensitivity assessment, including historic map research and archeological site file search, to be completed prior to commeucement of a field survey. The assessment should be prepared according to the report for Archeological Site/File Literature Search form. Joseph Frederick Gazza, Esq. August 31, 1988 Page 2 A field survey should be zonducted in a systematic manner by a qualified archeologist for the entzre proposed project area. The scope and methodology should be based on the results of the sensitivity assessment. A rationale for the testing should be clearly stated. Any areas of prior disturbance should be clearly documented. Contact Dr. Cinq~ino for further information on evaluating disturbance. NYSDEC Cultural Resources Section should be aotified by telephone at (518) 457-3811 prior to the commencement of the site evaluation level of study (if any cultural resources are located). Survey results should provide information on boundaries, cultural affiliation and research potential for resources identffied. In addition, New York State site forms must be completed for each site discovered (copies attached). ~ site form must be completed for any prehistoric or historic artifacts discovered during the project regardless of the significance of the site. The report should b~ prepared in accordance with the NYSDEC Report of Field Reconnaissance form. The A~rcheol_~ql__o_gical_Site File/Literatue Search form and Field Reconnaissance form ara attached and should be submitted together as one report. Two coDies of the report should be forwarded upon ~omptetion to the NYSDEC Cultural Resource Section - Albany for revzew and one copy submitted to this office for placement in the application file. Any specific questions regarding the requirements should be directed to Dr. Cinquino at (518) 457-3811. This information will allow us to proceed with the processing of this applic- ation. Thank yon for your cooperation. Very truly yours, George W. Hammarth Environmental Analyst GWH:j f / Pfifferling ~ i HoOs~ %yPl, CAL STR LoT bA"(ouS Fop.- 'TYPICAL V/ELL I~$'rALL~iTIo~J I0 LZ Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Office of Ecology Suggested Alternative Design Concept for Subdivision at Dam Pond ~roposed Residential Lots __ Proposed Open Space Source: Survey of Lands at East Marion 4/9/87 ,,..__b ':,: ,::': '.. ,,.:.):, (.,, TYPICAL LOT & NOR POOL L