HomeMy WebLinkAboutGAEBEL, ERNEST & ANNHENR~P. SMITH. President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER_ Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M, LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516~ 765-1892 September 5, 1986 Mrs. Abigail A. Wickham Wickham, Wickham & Bressler, P.C. Main Road, P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Ernest ~-~Ann Gaebel Dear Mrs. Wickham: Please find enclosed a wetland application for the above referenced. As per my conversation with Henry P. Smith, President of the Board, he advised that I should forward same to you in the event a Waiver is not granted. Please sumbit same to this office as soon as possible so that the Board will be able to start the process at their regular meeting to be held on September 25, 1986 should it be needed. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip Attachment LAW OFFICES WlCKHAM, WlCKHAM & BRESSLER, p.c. main Road, P.O. BOX I424 mATTITUCK LONG ISLAND August 19, 1986 Board of Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Ladies & Gentlemen: We represent Ernest & Ann Gaebel who own s parcel of property on the southeast side of Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, New York. The Gaebels acquired the property on March 30, 1985, only a few days after the wetlands ordinance was amended to bring this property u~der its jurisdiction. At the time they purchased the properny, they had obtained permits from the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Conservation for the construction of a single family dwelling on the property. Enclosed are a copy of the map showing the Health Department stamp and a copy of the DEC Permit. There are houses located on both adjoining properties. The house is to be constructed in accordance with front and side yard requirements and the pools will be the required distance from the creek. Appropriate errosion control measures will be realized before and after construction to control run-off. The lot is heavily vegetated and the building site is situated so that the majority of the construction work can occur from the road side, therefore not affecting the wetlands. In light of the approvals by other regulatory agencies, we ask that a permit be waived. Very truly yours, AAW/j as FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N.Y. Cedificafe Of Occupancy ZI2563 Date June 15 ]9 ~ THIS CERTIFIES that the.l, qt. .v.a.q~ Locatlonofi~'operty ....3.8.90'. ...... ~qqx...N.e.c.k..R.p.a.d.. Hou~ No. $~eet · -139. S~ock 4 Lot. ] 1 CoumtyTax Map No. 1000 S~ctJon ....................... . . .. .... ...... .. Sutxli~ision. x Filed Map No x Lot No x conf6rms substantially %o the applicable provisions of %he Zoning]..~ Code of the Town of' Southold. ~he premises are located in%he ....... ?A"Residential-Agricultural District and may be used.. for such uses as are presently authorized by the Zoning Code in such. district subject to, however, all o~ the-requirements of the Zoning.. Code. A single and separate lot. DAVID ROSENBERG 1'be certificate is issued to ................................................. . . . (owner. '~ ..... of the aforesaid .i~;..- Budding Inspector New York S~te Department o~EnvtronmentaiConse~ation Building 40, State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 Hen~ G. Will~a~ns Commiss~o~e~ November 23, 1984 David Rosenberg Sldg. 8 Gyrodyne St. James, NY 11770 RE: 10-84-0604 Dear Sir: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing Regulations (6NYCRR Part 62I) we are enclosing your peri, it. Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable to comply with any condi- tions, please contact the Regional Regulatory Affairs OffiCe, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Building 40, Stony Brook, NY 11794. Also enclosed is a permit sign which you are to conspicuously post at the project site, protected from the weather. Very truly yours, . Charles T. ~amilton Alternate Regional Permit ~dmlnls_rator' ' ' ~ eTa/th 10-84-0604 PERMIT PE~tT ISSUED TO David Rosenberg St. James, NY 11770 LOCATION OF P~OJECT (Section of stream, tidal wetland, dam, building) · Mattituck .Creek on Cove Neck Rd., Maid,tuck SCTM %1000--113--4~' )ESCRIPT[ON OF ~O JECT Construct a;~one family dwelling on the proPerty's east side approximately 43 e l~dw~d VZ tld~i w=Li~d~ wiLL LL= ~=n~t~ry ~tem linearly arranged° .1 work is to be eith the COM/v~JNITY NA"~IE (City, Town~ Vii Jage) Mattituck 9/6/82. jTOW~'q Southold JFIA COmmUNITY NO. J DAm NO~ GENERAL CONDITIONS · 1. The~gen~ee shall file in tit office of the appropriate Regional Permit AdmiRiSlra;tor, a ~t ce of uteat rm to core,ucc work at least ~ ~ty in ~tiq of ~e completion of the work. ~ The ~itted ~rk shall be subiect to inspection by an authorized 'm~r ~e~ s~ed ff the public interest so requires. 3. ~s a c~ition of the issuance of this ~rmit, the applicant has ac- cepted expressly, bytit execution of the application, the ful[ legaJ respon- ~ s~r~ arising ~ of the ~oject descri~ herein a~ has agm~ to indemaify and save ~miess the State from suits, actmns, damages a~ co~ of eve~ n~ a~ description resulting from t~ said ~oject. 4. ~ny m~edal dredged in t~ ~r~ec~ion of the w~k herein permitted ca~e mj~ ~ ~vigab[e channels or to the banks of ~he wate~ay. 5. ~y mt~ial to ~ deposited or d~ u~er this ~rmit, either in the wate~ay or o~ ~re ~ove hig~watsr ~rk, shall it de~sit~ or dum~d at t~ locality s~ 0n t~ dmwiog ~reto attache, and, if so ~escrib~ t~reofl, witch m ~hi~ a go~ and s~sta~ial bulkhead or bulkheads, such as wilt ~v~ e~a~ of the material into t~ ~te~ay. work herein a~rized. ~. That ~ f~e ~atio~ by t~ State of New York require an alteration ,in t~ ~t~ ~ ~ct~e or work herein a~horiz~, or if, in the opinion O~u~n t6'~ ~ ~vigation ~ ~id ~rs or fl~.f~ pr enda~er ~ ~alth, ~ety m ~ffam of t~ ~ople of t~ State, or loss or destruction ~ t~ ~t~al m~C~ of tit State, the owner may ~ order~ by the Depa~- t~mby wit~ ~nse :to tit S~te; aed if, u~fl t~ e~plration or revocation waterco~se ~fe~y [~h~ized shah nut ~ completed~ t~ owners shell, as t~ D~ of Env'mnmem~l Consewatio~ may ~equire, re,ye aH or ~y ~ ~ ~ u~plet~ structure ~ fei[ a~ restore to its fo~e~ c~iti~ ~ ~gab~ a~ f[o~ ca,city of the ~tereeame. NO c~im shat1 ~ ~ ~ai~t t~ State of New Yo~ on account ~ any such re~val or J FERMIT EXPIRATLON DATE J 1Zi3ZlS 8. Tl~t tit State of New York sitll in ~o case be liable for nay damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by tit State for the conservation or improvement of navigatio~ or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 9. 1;hat if the display of lights and signals on any work hereby authorized ~s not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be pre- scribed by the United States Coast Guard shatl be installed and maintained 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be perJucmed in accor- dance with established engineering wactice and in a workmanlike mariner. 1L If granted under Arlioles 24 or 25, the Department reserves ~ Tight provais, laflds~ easements and right.~.of, way which my be Peqoired for Ibis project. {SEE F~EVERSE SIDe) SP~CIALCONOITJONS ~e~e is to be no of tidal wetlands. to vegetation or topography within 30' SPECIAL CONDITIONS A THROUG~ J ATTACHED. F= SUPPLEi~TAP. Y SPECIAL CO~ITI0~£ The folio~ng conditions applyto all permits: if any of the permit conditions are unclear, the permittee shall contact the Diviaio~ of Ragula~ox-y A~,fa!rs at the address and telephone noted below. A copy of this permit or approval and approved pro~ect plans and supplement- ary conditions shall be available at the project site whenever authorized work is in progress. The permit sign emclosed with the permit or a copy of approval letter shall be protected from the weather and posted in a conspiclou~ locatio~ at the work site until completion of authorized work. At least 40 ~0urs priortocemmemcememt of the project, the permittee shall complete and return the top portion of the enclosed reCeipt form cert~y~g that he is fully aware of ~4 u~derstands all provisions and condi~o~ of this pe~it. With~ ~e~ of ~mple=ton of ~e pe~tted work the bott~po~tio~ of ~ fo~s~ll al~be c~te~d ~d re~. For projects involving activities to be accomplished over a period or more than one year, the permit~ee shall not!f'~ the _ in writing at least 48 hO~rs to the Commencement of resumption year. If project design modificatlons take place after permit issuance, the permittee shall submit the appropriate plam changes for approval by the P~gional Permit Administrator prior to undertaking any such modifications. The perr~ittee is advised that substantial modificationmay require submiss- ion of a new application for permit. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude cont~mdnet~on of any wetlands or waterway by suspended solids, sedqment, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coating, paints, concrete, leachate or any other enviro~ntally deleterious materials associated with the project work. Any failure to comply precisely with all qf the terms and conditions of this permit, unless authorized in writing, shall b~ treated as a violation of the Environmental Conservation Law. The permittee is advised to obtain any permits or approvals that may be required from the U.S. Department of Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, 26 Federal Plaza, lqawYork ~rf 10007, (Attention Regulatoz-f Functions Branch), prior to co~emclng work authorized herein. The granting of this permit does not relieve the permtttee of the responsib- ility of obtaining a grant, easement, or other necessary approval from the Division of Land Utilization, Office of General Services, Tower Building, Empire. State Plaza, Albany, lPf 12242, which may be required for any encroachment upon State-owned lands under water. Alternate P~e~ional PermitAdministrator l~fS Department of Emvironmemtal Cons. ~" Blds. 40, SUI~f--Room 219 StonF Brook, ~Y 11794 (~16) 751-7900 ~ermit }lo. Issued to (Agent) Condition }lum~er I of the above refer~ pe~t you are tMt ~e authoriz~ ~tivi~ shall c~ce ~ be s~t at l~t ~ ~ys ~ a~ce of c~-,,-,~ of the Th~ permit sign will be posted et the site and ~opy of permit will be available at site for inspection. ~p~ca~le to notify or post sign will teave o~aer end/or contractor subject to e pemaltie~ for no.-compliance '~lth p~t conditions. I~YSD~C, ?~ional Permit Administrator Etdg. 40, SUi~--P~om 219 Stony Brook, }~ 11794 RE: Pet~tt tto. Issud to Dear Sir: Pu~"i",to C~ueral Condi~ion ~-m~ex I of the aboVe referenced per.it you are hereb~ notified that the authorized activity was co~pleted on Submitted by (This notice is to be sent to above address prom=tly up~ ~cT~m~letion of p~.~, t). Failure to notify vll! leave vvner a~/o~ contra~r suSJect to applicable penalties {o~ 'no~-...~o~pl:L~_~ ~th permit eondit[o~.. --mt: