HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1630ALL I. iO0~I:iGS AND, S~i~Eo~' ~4UST DISPLAY v~o~ - MOO~i~iG NU:-~BE?.S ALL DCC:4~q A~';D BUL2CrlEABS MUST DZ$?-r~¥ VISIBLE oard Of 5ourno, d ovvn Trustees SOU~HOL~, NEW YORK ~OOR~;~G ~O. PERMIT NO .... ~.~.3.~ ............... DATE: ....~.~..~.~.....%983 ISSUED TO Lillian M. Friemann :r.. Pursuanf fo fheprows;ohS o, Chaplet 615 o~ fhe Laws fhe Sfafe of New York 1893: ~nd Cha~fer 404 of +he Laws of fhe S*~,e o~ New Yor~ 9~2 ~nd *he Soumo[a Town Or~m~nce en- fff]ed 'R~ULATIN~ ANB THE PLACING OF O~ST~UCTiONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PU~UC LANDS ~nd RE~OVAL OF SAND. G~AVEL OR OTN~R ~AT~IALS FRO~ -. LANDS UNDER TOWN WATc,,~ ~nd b ~ccordence wifh fhe Reso[uf[on ' ~' ' ' ' July 5 ot ,ne Basra . afa meef[n9 he[~ on }9...8.~.., 8n~ [n cons]dersfion of fhe sum of $......~..,.00~ .. ........................................ L~&&~...A.,....~r..$.~m&~ q .............................................. Terms and Cond[Ho~s l;sfed on fhe reverse side hereof, o~ ~ou~no- ~own Trus*ees aufnonzes an~ perm~fs fheto~owm9:'" ~ou~ ~1io~¢io~ was &D~o~ed ~o ~me~d ~ou~ ~e~lous pe~mi¢ ~o Add &~ 8~ x 1~ seo¢lo~ ~o all m accordance w[fh fhe de~a~e~ specmcanons as oresenfed fhe orig~naf~ng app~cafian. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The s~id Boerd of Trusfees here- ' bv causes frs CorDorefe Seal fo be affixed, ~nd fhes~ pre$enfs subscnmea by ~ m~iormi o~ fhe said moara as of ~ms ~.e. ~ ~:, ~s~/ ~ ,~ ................................................... ?...-.-: .............."'"'~ ~7 .... ................. ............. RnnrH ¢1( C.-., ,~:t...1.4 -r ..... --~ - r~iding ar Pine~ree Road, Cutchogue N. par~ of the consideration for ~ ~cc of ~ P~: d~ ~de~d ~d lowing: l. ~"'~n~ the Southoid Trustees Permit musu be prominentlw. diso!ayed on the oremises effected thereby during the period of- 27 ~a: ~e ~d B~ of T~ ~d ~e Town of ~u~ol~ ~ d=mages or da~ for d~ag~, of ~n ~g ~e~y or ~3y ~=on ~rfo~ p~t to ~s ~ ~o ~e ~d P~ w~4 ~t wi~ respect =hereto: to ~e ~mpl~e nd=ion of ~e ~=d of T~em o~ ~e Town of ~oldPerm~t sufficient ~e r~uired to ~mpiete ~e work ~votv~ but should d~c~ w~ 4. =~at ~s Petit shoed be reta~ ~def~tety~ ar as long = orha6onr° mainrainw=theori~=llys~eobrMned.or pmje= invotv~, to provide e~d==ce to ~yone 5. ~at ~e work Nvolved wHI be ~bj~ to ~e Nsp~oa ~d approv~ of i= agents, and non-compHaace ~Sth the provNio~ of &e ori~g, appSmffo% 6. ~ar there will be no mnrmsonable interf~ence wi~ na~don herein au~orNed. 7, That ~ere shall ~ no ~teHerence wi~ the H~8~ of ~e ~bHc ~e bea~ be~eea high and Iow water m~ks. 8.. ~ar ff furore oper~iov~ of ~e Town of ~old ~u~e ~e t~oval ~d/or in the location of ~e work herdn au~hoF2~ or fi, h ~e oFiNm of work sh~ ~use u~e~onable obs~a~on to free navigation. ~e s~d Pe~aee ~fl ~ r~ u~n due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or pro~ecr herein stated ~ou~ =~== to ~e Tovm 9. ~ ~e s~d ~oard will ~ nodfi~ by the Pe~mee o~ ~e cmp!~on of o~cd. (See tear off sheet.) 10. ~at ~e Permlg:ee ~ll obt~a all o~er pe~ snd comen~ plemen~ :o ~is pe~: which ~y ~ ~ zo revoke upon f~ BO=~D OF ]'O]V~' TRUSTEES Town q~ So'utl,old $outhold. ~q~s~ Yorh ] ~0TiCE OF ACTION NOT A PEP~IiT To: . Lillian M. Friemann, Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 1. Ycur application, dated 6/13/83 ........................................................................ has aeon rev~ewe~ by this Board, at a meet'ing cf th,.. Trustees held on July 5, .1.983 eno resulting in the action, as ind/co, ted below: (..XJ~X~) AppL:c~tian aDaroved. ( ............ ) Application '~, ' ( ............ ) Appllcotion tabled. / 2. Comments and remarks: Your application was approved to add ~o existing floating dock. Also, ~o sem pole lifted by ice. Existing dock will be amended · o 8' x 14' A PEP~!_r~ FEE to t~ orcer ot the ~oara of 5oumoJd 'row. Trustees. T}tis fee Is computed below accordina to the.5~he~L~ O¢ R~s Cs ~et forth n the lns~ructicn ¢hee~ r:~ _ /~ pa~a wi~n;=n ~o aa'rs or re ~ _ ~, ~,.~r,,, ,/, This f~e ~us~ %e . .. ~ ..... -apply P~ zn~ ada~5~onai ~ee w2.11 De 5ecessa~.' It ,he ~erm t bee ~s ca:d m persor~ to the ~ecretary of the B6~rd, The 13e;'mjr will be obi'a,ncble o[ fhe same t[me. l¢ the fee ~s paid gy mc , the permit will be mcJied in rep~y. C~m.~uta~ on of Permit Fee: Total F~e for tP, is application .............. ' , S Paid $33.00 Pres. Board of Sou~h~ld Town Trustees. · ~ , Cl~rr FY /~ ........... ~ .... BOARD OFTOWN TRUSTEES ~1 Town Of Southald ?,~__ Blain RoncI ' ~ Southold, New Yor~41971 ~~S- AL~ DOCKS AND eULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY ViSiBLE PE~IT NUMBaR~ 1. Appllcomtq nome end =ddres*: .................................................................................................... 3. Briefly explain the purpose of th~s application: ~.a....~n ....... ........ ..................... ................................................................................................ 4. After ~ssuance of a Permit,war..'- mus: be completed within one year. 5. Secure the correct Arec MaD from the Clerk of :ms Board. cna by using a/X W~THIN A C~RCL:' ~ indicate ~s closely as Doss/Ne me location of this dock. On th~ r~/_,s_ ..... side of tnB' ' mop, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary Hfgh Wamr Mark, the shqpe cns size of the dock and any supplemental pilings which ere neeaea ro ho~d c floating dock ?Z-h. CH E.~ .... DS O_zS=uz-~ frommeO, m.W.~.Z~ ad~acen~ ~ropa~y owners h~ve docks, 4 = - specify loca~zlen and length to scale. 6. V~/][[ any portion of this construct]on extend offshore into Town ~/ater5 beyond an Jlne or bounda~ formed by o~her simiJar structures a{ong The oreo s shorei ne? Y~S or NO. If if does extend geycna ~nJs so<Gh-d dock hmo ind~ca'~e g~ how far, cDproximateJy,. ......... ~t_ 7. Provide the {allowing documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the proper~ ~nvolved. (b) .A copy of me Conrrcctors Plans aha  Short Environmental Assessment Form. ~et lands Appl ic~at non,, 8. ~J tins construction reou~re the rMing of any ~and offshore of the Ord[na~ High Mark or the Dredging of any mater/al ~romTown Lands under water? YES ar NO. if it does. Form A/4 (A, aDHcat,on for Dredging~Filling) must be completed and attached as parr o~ · ............................................................ CoVe