HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1821ALL DOCKs AND BUL~ADS MUST DISPLAY ~SIBLE p~RMIT NUMBERs Board Of $outhO{d Town Trustees SO'UTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring ~ PERMIT NO ........... ~:'.s...2.~. ........... DATE: ...J.~.~....~.,.....1.984 ISSUED TO ............. .J. 5 ..m,e..s..fi...,......~.o.~.d....... .................................................................... pursuanf fo the provisions of Chapter 615 of +,he Laws of +he S+afe of New Yorl~, 1893; and Chap+er 404 0{ fha Laws Of .S~a~'e O~ New York 1952; and +he Soufhold Town Ordinance en- rifled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and fhe REMOVAL OF SAND GRAVEL OR OTHER MATER ALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance w~fh +he Resolution of The Board adopfed a+ a meeting held on ...~.~.Y.....~.~.~. .19...§.~.., and in co.slderafion~ of '['he sum of $..~.5..~.9.9 ....... paid by ........ ~o..~.~..e.!%9....~.a..~:.~.n..~... ~..o...~...4..a~.~....]3.~.....~n~..a. ..................................... o~ ........ ~9..u.~...h..q..1..d. .................................................... N. Y. and sub. jecf fo {'he Terms and Conditions lisfed on +he reverse s~de hereof, of Sou+hold Town Trusfees aufhoHzes and permlfs +he Approval to construct 75' of bulkhead in front of existing bulkhead with ~he provision that in the future replacement is done in place. Final determination.is consistent w.ith Goldsmith ap. prova all ~n accordance w,fh +he de+ailed specifications as presenfed m +he oHglnafing application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trus+ees here- by causes ifs Corpora~'e Seal fo be affixed and fhese presen+s fo be subscribed by a maiorify of the: as of fbi ~ Tr~stce~ TERMS and CONDiTiONS J The P~n~m~ James B. Ford r~idlng at 2470 Hobart Road. $outhold N.Y. p~rr of the comideration for ~e ~ce of ~ Pe~ d~ ~d~mnd ~d p~ to ~e roi- ,lowing: i. - That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of ' ~aJ &e s~d Bw~d of T~s ~d &e To~ of ~u~old m ~med from ~v ~d work ;:..~ ~ ~ages, or d~ for d~g~, of ~ ~g ~y or ~y ~ a ~: of my o~r- ~nde~ ~.~d~ ~r/o~d p~a~r to ~s ~ md &e ~d P~ ~ at 'defend a~ md ~1 ~ ~ ~ by ~ pa~, md &e ~d Pe~R~ ~ ~ ~ pe~i~ wi~ r~pecz ~eret% to ~e ~mpl~e ~cImlon of ~ ~d of T~e~ of 3~ That ~ Pe~t ~ ~d for a ~ o~ ] 2 , m~ wM~ ~SR~¢~e~L ~e ~ed m complete ~e work ~volv~ but should ~5~ w~ for ~ ~e~on may he ~de to &e ~d at a la~ da~. 4.~ ~t ~ P~e shoed be ce~ ~dff~tely, or as long to m~ta~ ~e ~e or pmje~ ~volv~, ~o provide efid~ to ~yone or~a~on w~ ofi~ly obt~ed. 5 ~ ~t' ~e work ~volved wBl be mbj~ to ~ ~sp~on ~d approvfl of iu ageing ~d ~n<omp~n~ ~ &e pro.iota of &e ori~na~g appllmfio~ ~y ~ ~e foe ~v~afion of ~ Pe~t ~ t~olufion of ~e said' B~d. ~. ~at there w~ be no ~sonable interf~ce w~ na~n herein audlo~ed. 7.. Th~ ~ere sh~ ~ no ~ence ~ the fi~t of ~e ~b~c to p~ ~d rep~ ~e bea& be~eea Mgh ~d low water ~ks. 8. ~a~ ff fu~e op~ado~ of ~e Town of ~old r~u~e ~e tin.al ~d/or in ~e l~fiOn o~ ~e work her~ au~o~ or fi, ~ ~e o~ of work ~ ~ u~e~o~bte obs~oa to free ~gafion, ~e s~d Peewee u~n due nofi~, to r~ove or ~ter ~ work or proj<t he.in ~ated ~out of ~ .~ ~ ~e s~d ~o~d ~,I ~ ~o~ b~ the Perigee ox ~e c~e~on o~e~ (See te~ o~ ~eet.) L~ "~ P/1 ALL DOCKS AND BULK ..... VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ALL MOORINGS AND Main Road 'Telephone STAKES MUST DISPLAY {516-765-1892) VISIBLE ~OORING NUMBERS. Southold, New York 11971 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERMI, T T,~ Costello Marine for James B.: Ford 1. Your application, dated .......... ~.~.~.G./..8.~ ................ has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on...~AY..,.2.~.,...1.9.8.~. .............. and resulting in the action, as indicated below: (..X.X..X) Application approved. --_ ---_ ( ..... ) Application denied. ( ..... ) Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: Your application has been approved at the Trustee meeting held on May 24, 1984 with the prevision that, in the future, replacement must be done in place, and final determination is consistent with the Goldsmith approval. 3. If your application is approved above, a Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according to the Schedule of Rates as set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form 1/1). This fee must be paid within 90 days or reapplication and additional fee will be necessary. If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Clerk of the Board, the Permit will be obtainable at the same time. If the fee's paid by mail, the Permit will be mailed in reply. 4. Computation of Permit Fee: 75 lin ft. of bulkhead at $3.00 per lin. ft. $225.00 fee due. Total Fee for this application ......... ~ 225.00 fee due. cc: Mr. Ford President, Board of Sout~ld Town Truste.es TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 May 31, 1984 Honorable Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk TownHall - Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy: In the mat~er of the Wetland Application submitted by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of James B. Ford to construct approximately 75' of bulkhead in front of existing bulkhead which has deteriorated in Town Creek,..Trus~ee Bredemeyer sta~ed that the Trustees surveyed the referenced site and it was the general accord on this that the decision on this should be consistent with the one ~hat was granted on the Goldsmith application and. that. was approved in front of the existing bulkhead, with the provision that in the future, replacement is done in place. On motion-made by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by'.Truszee Cochran it was RESOLVED to recommend ~o the Town Board Approval of the Wetland Application submitted by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. for James Ford To cons~ruc~ approximately 75' of bulkhead directly .in.;.~ont of existing bulkhead which has deteriorated.in Town Creek,~ with the provision tha~, in the future replacement is done in place 'and that £~na~ ~e~minati0h'is cons~steht ~ih~ihe-G~ldsmiih approval. _ Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees EPS: ip Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T. TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REG~STR^R OF V~T^[ ST^TISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Dated: June 19, 1984 Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapzer 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below, has determined that the project, which is unlisted will not have a significant effect on the environmenz. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Application of Costello Marine Contracting Corp.~ on behalf of James B. Ford, for a Wetland Permit to construct bulkhead directly in front of existing deteriorated bulkhead at Hobart Road~ on Town Creek, Southold, New York. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental-assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effect to the environment are likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been a response from the Board of Souzhold Town Trustees and Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council indicating that this project would nor have a significant effect to the environment. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the New York State Depar~menz of Environmental Conservation and the Southold Town Building Department, it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. Further information can be obtained by contacting Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Copies to: David DeRidder, DEC, Stony Brook Commissioner Williams, DEC, Albany Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Trustees~/ Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Cos~l~ Ma~ine Contractin§ Corp., on behalf of James B. Ford ~ ................. :22:: T.. ~ ..TT- .... Town Hall, 53095 M~n Road P.O. Box 728 Sout~old, New York 11971 ~ IUDITH T. TERRY ~LEPHONE TO~X CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR or VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF T~ TO~ CLE~ TO~ OF SO.HOLD April 30, 198g. Mr. Henry P. Smith, President Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Smith: Transmitted herewith is application no. 201 for a Wetland Permit submitted Costello Marine Contracting Corp., on behalf of James B. Ford.by Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry $outhold Town Clerk Attachment '..~ TO?iN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONk{ENTAL ASSESS~JENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS: (o) In order ~o answer Che questions in this shor~ EAF it is assume Char Che preparer will use curren¢ly available information concerning the project and the l£kely impacts of Lhe action. [t is hOC expecCed additional sCud±es, ~eseorch or ocher inves¢igotions wil~ be undertaken. (b) ]fony ques¢ion has been answered Yes the p~ojec~ may be significant and a completed Environmen¢ol Assessment Form Ss necessary. (¢) ]£ ol~ cues¢ions hove been answered No it is l£kely ~hat this projec¢ is no~ significaot. (d) E'nvironmental Assessmen~ 1. Will projec% resulf in a large physical change to the projec% si{e or physically alie~r more {hah 10 acres of land? ........................ Yes ./X/No 2. %?ill ihere be a major change to any unique or unusual land form found on fhe site? .......... Yes ~-/No 3. Will projec¢ al{er or have a large effect on exis%ing body of wafer? ....................... Y~s-~'-No. 4. ?/ill projec% have a poleniiolly large impac~ on ground;valor quality? ....................... 5. Will pro3ect signiFican¢ly effec~ drainage flow on adjacent sites? ........................ Yes/No 6. Will pro3ect a~fec¢ any ihreatened or endangered plan¢ or animal species? ........... Yes ~---~o 7. Will pro3ect result in a major adverse on air quoli{y? ............................... 8. Will project have a major effec~ on visual character of the community or scenic views or vision known ~o be important to {he community? Yes ~_JNo D. Will projec¢ adversely impact any site or s{ruciure of his{eric, prehisioric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area 10. Will projec% have e bajor ef£ec~ on existing or future recreational opportunities? ......... Yes ~'~o 11. Will project result in major ~ro£fic problems or cause o major effect fo existing ~ tronsportclion systems? ....................... . Yes ' No 12. Will project regularly cause objeclioaoble odors, noise, glare, vibration, or etec%ricol disturbance os a result of ~he projec{'s opera{ion? .................................... Yes 13. ?Jill projec¢ have shy impac~ on public heal¢h or safe{y? .................................... Yes 14. ?/ill project a£fec¢ ~he exis%ing community by direc¢ty causing a growth in permanen¢ popul6t'ion o£ more lhan 5 percen~ over a one year period or hove o major nego%ive e££ec¢ on fhe charsczer of fhe community or neighborhood? ................................. __Yes 15. Is there public con±roversy concerning ~he projecl9 ...................................... __Yes REPRESENTING Costello Marine for James B. Ford DATE April 30, 1984 Authorization Lqtter Business/Property Name located at ~ ~ do hereby give Costello Marine Contracting Corp. ~he authority to act in my behalf as petitioner in applying for such permits as nece~ary in order for work to be done on my property. James B. Ford Residential 247~ Hobart Road, Southold BOARD':OF TOWN TRUSTEF-~ Town Of $outhold Soathold, New York 11971 Main Road APPLICATION FOR A BULKHEAD, D~F.; OR ]. D~5 this pmj~t involve the u~ of W~NDS as defifl~ in t~ ~th~d Town O~d~ Y~ or NO. If it ~, ~ ma~ file ~ ~ T~ C~% ~f~ ~ Is the propo~ w~rk ~tirely withi~ the ~u~rie~ af y~r awn pr~ ~ by your De~ or Su~ey? Y~ or NO. If it ~s, o Permit iS N~ ~ ~ ~t the T~ Building I~ ~d ~ c~m~' for ~11 ~tai~ . J~es B. Ford 3. ~pJicant% nome and addr~: ......... ~ ........ ~.,.~,~ ................. ~ ............. : ......... ............................... r. L 4. Contr~toFs nome a~ ~r~: Costello Mar~n~ ~.~racting Corp. ....... ....... ~t~a~. ...................................................................................................................... 6. After i~ua~e of Permit,work must ~ comp e 4 o~ ' ' 7. Secure the correct Area Mop from the Clerk of this Board, and by usinga/X WITHIN A CIRCLE ,as a mark, Indicate os closely os p~lble the I~tlon of this project. On the ~veme side, provide-a S~LE D~WING whi~ will ~ Ordinow High Water Mark os well as the size and shape of the structure or work to be done. AI~ include all dimensions for portions whi~ ~ten~ of~om from ~e O. H. W. owners. Provide the following documents: (a) A Lic~ Engineer's ~ of the pmpe~ involve, (b) A copy of the Contractor s Plan and Sp~ificatio~ 9. ~s ~is project exten~ into To~ Wate~ bey~ an Jmagina~ line or ~unda~ for~d by existing wor~ of a similar nacre alo~ ~e epp~imate distance b~, ~.~.~.. ~. 10. Will this construction require the Filling of any land of~ore of the Ordi~ High Water Mark or the Dredging of 6ny material from Town ~nds und~ water? Y~ or NO. If it Form A/4 (Application for Dr~gi~/Filling) m~t be c~let~ applicati~. 1 I. In requesting approval of this ap~l cation, I submit that: the information presented heroin Js true a~ cat,ct to the best or my ~owtedge and bailer; I om the per~ ac~un~le the oerformance of ~e work in accordance with the plans end specifJc~tJons attached, I h~ve read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pe~inent to ~e ~rk involved; and fu~her, I intend to adhere to and ~i~ by Permit, when and if i~u~ to me. s. Accepted by: ~: ~pril 20, 1984~ ~ '~te: There ~$ no known ~ ~ survey of the Ford property so we are enclosing copies of Goldsmith's properties Town Of Southold which are adjacent. Tow~ Clerk's Office $outhold, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR W~TLANDS pE/~W~Ff 7~?-.~ c?.~ ~.'~ ~-~ Application No ............... ~. ............... Date of Application ....~R~i~....2.g.,....1.?..8...4. .......... Costello Marine Contraotincj Corp. £or 3e_mes B. Fo~d Identity of Applicant ............................................................................................................................ 2~70 Hobart Rd. Address of Applicant BOX AK, Greenport, N.Y. - .................. II~TRUCTIOHS FOR PERMIT A. This opplication is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink ond submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter' permission from the owner of the property if not the same as the applicant. B, Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of property, the names and locations of owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed description of proposed project. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be rnad~ by a copy machine and .iluched to the Permit Application;) C. No operation shall be initiated by the applicant until ~11 permits that are required are Issued. D. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises offer the work is completed must be given, including a survey if required. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation th~n the construction of o private single dock .or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map certified by a registered land survey or Professional Engineer. The horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval Ioca41 coordinate system. ~The vertical control for elevation and sound- ~ngs shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted an the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fiji on s~id premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked or suspended by o governmentoJ agency. G. A filing fee of $25.G~ shall accompany the application. This filing 'fee includes one insoection, there is o $5.00 fee for each additioflol inspection. H. The Town Board upon requestca _~__t~ applicant fo.r a permit, may waive in whole or in port, the provisions of Article II, Section~ 3~1~,' subdivisions (~:t and I~ where it finds that nature of the proposed operations are such that the requirements of such provisions are not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. L Upon approval of this application t~e Town Clerk wil issue a permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request. .., Examined .................................................. 19 ....... ~praved ............................................................... ~itio~so if any Examining Body ..................................................................................................... Signature ~f Chain. n~m ..................................................................................................... New York, ~ ~ i~ ~ a ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ing ~ ~al ~ In~ W~ ~ P~ ~ ~, A~ ~ ~ T~ ~ ~ ........ ~L.~.~.~ ~..~.,...~..~=..~.~...~_.~ ........... .............. ......... .............. ....... _.... . , fioba~ ~., ~utho[d ~ati~ of pr~ ~ ~1~ ~lt ~ ........................................................... . ..... . ...... H~ ~ of ~it ~li~ if ~ ~ a~ ~ ............................... Creek, Bay or Harbor frantlng property .......,~.o.,~.~..g..,[~.~ .......................................................... Size of prc~c~d .. 75' length ......... ;...~ ........... :;..: ............................................................................................... ~ ........... Wide ........... ~,.~ ................................................................................................................................ - Height A/~ave HI~ ~r ......................................................................................................... ,... D~m ~1~ ~ Wemr ............~.~...R~a~..~.~.~..~a.~a~............ ........................................... Ya~ to ~ ~ .............................................................................................................. Yar~ to ~ FiJl~ ........ ~ ............ ~.~.~.~.~..g.~.: ......................................................................... p~ ........ ~....~ ............................................ Wid~ of Depth at Average Ri~ in ~de 2.6~ · Is this for private or business use? Private -- Area Zoning ............................... ~. ,e-, s..J; ~..e, ,~...t..3L .~..]:.../..C...°.~ -e- ?, .?..J;. ,~. ~ ...................................................... Mcnner in which material will be removed or deposited .............. .~...~..a..~..];.....b..a..q.~...b,.o...e. ..................... intended use of property ................................... ..~..e.,.~..~.,.c?..e..n..?.,e,, ............................................................... Written consent of owner of property, if not the same os the applicant ..... .~D.9.~,D.~ ............... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK· SS: ......................................... .~9.~.~....~..:....?..°..~...~..e...];.1...O. .................................... being duly sworn deooses and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, aha that oil statements contained herein ore true to the best of his knowledge and belief; mat the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of SouthoJd, The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtu of s id permit, if grant . Signore of Applkont Sworn to before me this 26th day of ........... .~.R.~..i-..]:. ............................. , 19...8.~... ........ ...................... MARION G. LATHAM Notar~ Public, State Of New Yo~k No. 52-4649732, Suffolk County Term Expires March 30, 19 o%~~- ,' /L,/,/ ':)NI 'dOHS ..LVO~ ~,Pt~Li I · ~, ~ ~ 2" -' '" "~ ¢ "- .:': .. \--/ ,'"" ,,x n) __ , . ' I :. ,.,.. iSTOCK No. 753 MAP OF LAND LD6f~ITH'S BOAT:SHOP, INC. SOUTNOLD