HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2290 ALL MOORINGS ~,~,~4,D 'STAKES* blUST~ DF'SPLAY V~S~E MOORING NUMBERS ALL DOCKS ANIY BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VIS/~'~E pEP&iIT NUbiBERS 'Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Moorin~ ~ N/A PERMIT NO .... 2290 :zDATE: ...4.-q~.~..?,..-...Z--9.-8-7 bo~u Tv ......................................................................................................................... ultl riza:tiun Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 ~f the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Soufhotd Town Ordinance en- ~ffled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS 'AND PUBLIC LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND, ~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS' UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance w;fh the Resolufbn of The Board adopted afa meeting held on ..~Z...~.~.~. ...... 19~.~. ...... and ;n consideraHon of the sum of $ ....~.~z.9.9. ......... paid by , .............................................. .~.~...~.~.~5~. .......................................................................... of ....... ~_9.~.C~5~.~ ........................................................ N. Y. and subject fo ~he .... Terms and Condff;ons I;sfed on %he reverse side hereof, of Soufhold Town Trustees aufhor[ze~ and permits the following: Approval to install one ~dditzona.1 pilin~ on creek side o~ the existi~ float to provide latersl s~pp~orc. ~ud C~ee~. all in accordance wffh the detailed specificaHons as presented in fha or;gbaHng appl;caHon, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The sa;d Board of Trusfees h.ere- by causes frs Corporate Seal fo be affixed and ~hese presents fo be subscribed by a ma]orify of {he said Board as of +his daf,e. TER~S ~nd GONDITIONS The Permi~ Marino Faraguna r~iding at Skunk Lane, Cutchogue N.Y., as part ot the conslderat~on for ~e ~ce of ~e Pemt d~ ~de~md ~d p~ to ~e fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Pemit must be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of ' '-;, r, ~at ~e s~d B~d of T~s ~d ~e Tow~ of ~u~old ~ ~l~ed from ~y ~d work :~ ) a~ damages, or da~ for dmg~, of ~ ~g ~y or ~y ~ a r~t of my o~r% un,e: .. ~fion ~rfo~d p~mt to ~s ~ ~fl ~e ~d Pe~ ~ at ~ ~ h~ own ~e, Lbo '~[defend any ~d MI m~ ~m ~t~ by ~d.pa~, and ~e ~d Pe~ ~ ~ ~ pe~mi~ wi~ respect ~ereto, to ~e ~mplete ~clmion of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e To~ of ~old 3~ ~at ~ Pe~t ~ v~d for a ~ of lP mm. w~ ~ ~d~ to ~ ~e - ~5" sufficient ~e r~uired to complete ~e work ~volv~ but ~ould ~t~c~ w~h for m e=~sion may be rode to ~e B~d at a later dam. 4.2 ~aat ~s Petit shoed be ret~M ~d~tely, or as long ~ ~e smd P~ ~m ' to maima~ the s~e or pmje~ ~volv~, to provide e~d~ce to ~yone ~ncern~ ~ au~- or~ation w~ ori~mll7 obt~ed. . .... 5~ ~at ~e work ~volved will be mb]~ to ~e Msp~on ~d approvM of ~e ~d or i~ agents, =d non-compHance Mth the prov~iom of ~e ori~na~g applimfio~ ~y ~ ~e for. ..... r~oca~on of th~ Pe~t by r~olu~on of ~e said B~d. .. .... 6. ~at there will be no ~msonabld interf~ence wi~ na~fion ~ a r~t of '~e wink ...... herein authored. ',; · .. 7. That there shall ~ no ~tefference wi~ the Hght of ~e public to pass ~d rep~ ~ong ~e bea~ be~een high and low water m~ks. 8. That ff furore operations 0f ~e Town of ~otd r~uke ~e r~ovM and/or Mtm~o~ in the lomtion of ~e work her~n au~o~ or ~, h ~e opi~on of ~e Bo~d of T~e~, ~e . ...,. work sh~ muse u~e~onable obsm~on to free. navigat/on, ~ smd Peewee ~H ~ r~ . upon due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stated wi~out mx~s th ~e of Sou~l& 9. ~ar ~e s~d Board will ~ nofifi~ by the Perigee oI ~e c~ple~on of ~e work aug- or~ed. {See tear off sheet.) 10. %at the Permkree will obtMn aH other perm and comenm ~at m7 ~ r~ ~ plemental to ~is .pe~l 'whi& ~y ~ ~bj~ to revoke upon f~ to obra;- ALL DOCKS AND BULKL HEADS NII=IST DISPLAY - ~~ ~ VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES l:Tq-~ --, ,.-~ ~ ~ - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~~ : ........ T el~ph~Sh e ALL MOORINGS AND Main Road {516-765-1892} STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS. Southold, New York 11971 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERMIT Mar ino Far aguna 1. Your application, dated. 4-22-87 ..has been reviewed this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on..A2.r.i.1.-2.9~..1.9-8-7 ............... and resulting in the action, as indicated 15elow:- (...xx~.. Application approved. ( ..... ) Application denied. ' ( .....) Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: 3. If your application is approved above, a Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee is computed below according to the Schedule of Rates as set forth in the Instruction Sheet (Form ill). This fee must be paid within .90 days or reapplication and additional fee will be necessary. If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Clerl~ of the Board, the Permit will be obtainable at the same time. If the fee is paid by mail, the Permi will be mailed in reply. 4. Computation of Permit Fee: Please remit the required $25.00 for the piling. Upon receipt of same your permit will be forwarded to you.. Total Fee for this application ............................. $. ................. President, Board o.f,~Sout d Town Tr~ TELEPHONE f516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 ~ Southold, New York 11971 YARDS TO BE FILLED WIDTH OF CANAL, O~EK OR BAY FRO~TING PROPERTY IS T~I$ FO~ ~R!VATE OR BUSINESS U~E? INTENDED USE OF ~F{O~E~TY ~'~__~S~-~ / D~SC~IBE FULLY TH~ ~EHABIL[TATION AND ~ROPO~D CONDITION OF THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE OWNER OF THE P~OPERTY. IF NOT THE SAME AS THE APPLICANT. ARE T[tERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT ~gOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROGECT? ~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES -- - TO;qI~ OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENV1RONt~ENTAL AS~ES'~'~ENT FOR1VI Project Information (To be completed by ^pplicznt or Project spansor) ~Residential [] .......... [] Commercial [] ^gnculture [] Park] ..... pen space ~ Other Yes ~"No yes, ist agency(s) and permit/approval, ~WYes [] No If yes, hst agency name and perm~t/apnrova~ type Environment~fAssessment (To be completed by Agency) PART iii Determination of Significance {To be comoieted by Agency) iNgTRUCTJON$: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it. is substantial. [arge, JmDortan[ or other~, s~gr ficant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (al setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurri icj dura,'ion; (dj irreversJbilit','; (e) geographic scooe: and (f) masnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference support materials. Ensure that exDlanation~ contain suffic~en[ detail [o snow that a~l reJe,/ant adverse impacts have been identJf and adeeua[ew addressed. [] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or s~gnifJcant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Tt proceed directly to the FULL LONG FORM EAF and/or prepare a positive decJar,~uon. ~ Chec~ this box i~_you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any SuPporting documentatJ~ that the oroposed acuon WILL NOT result m any sisnificant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here. and a~tacnments as necessary, the reasons supportn~ this determin;tion: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: V,RTU~ OF SaID fn comgleting this application I hereby authorize the Trusteesj agent br representative to enter 9~to my property to inspect the pre/aises i~ Conjunction ~ith rev' of lthi.s -~p,l_-ic~tion.- EXAMINEO EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEE~ 'w~rnv-s 9_ '27/8.q