HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-422 & 3619 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT Thfs W~t',-~ds ~?crmit .No .... .~,Z.~Z~ .... h~s been. ~nted by the Town.~Trus~te~s according to · , 517 ' Wzlhelra n. ~r~D~ information furnished in App cat on No ..................... flied by Apphcant on Oct, 27, 87 th t9 .......... A map of e proposed work will be kept on file in the Trustee Off~ce. under the application number given. ~ ~h~ ~ll~,~,;~ To construct a tim.b..~r bBi.~h.~B.~ 8.8 li~., it. ~u~d... Permit granted to ~ ~ ............. ~work ......................................................... to fill with approx. 50 cu. yds. of fill and ~o dredg.e, an .B~:C~ ]D.~..:~. 8~ A.~.~..~.,. yds. of dredging. Location of property on which work to be done ... ~.~.~5...~5.s..?-.:~-~..°..m..°-.g-.u..e---.A,,~-e.: ~ ---S-gA~b'~'d '- ¢ -- Creek, Bay or I~ari~or fronting properW ..... _P..e..t.t.y..'.,s..,P_o..n...d. ............................................................ Size of work: Length...8..8..i.~a: fL: . ' ........................................ Width ............................................................................................................................. Height Above High Water ............................................................................................. Depth Below Low Water ................................................................................................. -- Yards to be Excavated 90 cu. yds. of dred~in~ Yards to be Filled ....... .5..0...,c.?.,:..y...d..s.., ......................................................................... Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited .......................... ~ .............................................. Int~ qded use of property l~esidential ,. to be submitted t.o the Trust. ee office l~.rior to the issuance of t~e p. er~i.t.,., Expiration Date ~.u.~'.e.~5.~:~.~9.~8.~9..~i~.~'?~.~.~k~b.~`Q;~.c~m~.~h¥~d.~da~ .......................... ~ · , g-Trustees are to be notified ul~on the co.m.~letion of Number of Inspections mequ~reu ......................................................................................................... the work. $10.00 Inspection Fees ..................................................................................................................................... · Liability Policies in the Amount of .....//./.j/./.2/.2/./././.Zzr. r.r.r.r.~r.r.r,r.r.r.r. ....................................... The validity of this 2ermit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining SUCh approval. In the 'event that such anproval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall no~ commence operations here- under until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when. reouired shall subject this permit: to immediate revocation by the Trustees upon receipt by the Trustees- of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval· ~ The applicant does by the acceotance of this permit, assume all resoonsibility for ooerations under- taken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of in.iuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the Town, and its officers, agents and emoloyee,, from an',, and all claims arising from operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure that such operations are bein_c con- ductad in conform ity with this permit. This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vega- tation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters orthe tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. ' 1. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety a,nd general welfare'of the people of the town. . Board of Southoid Town Trustees ALL MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE MOORING NUMBERS ALL DOCKS AND BI.~KHEkBS MUST DISPLAY VISIBI~ PEP~IT NUMBERS Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring ~ PERMIT NO .3.~..1.?. ' DATE- Sept. Zl~ 1987 SUED TO WJ[lhelm H -Frank .... Pursuant fothe provisions of Chapter 615 cf the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 o~ the Laws of the State of New York 1952: and the Southold Town Ordinance eh- -..7 - titled "RE~=ULATINF= AND THE PLACINC= Of OBSTRUCTIONS ' ....... IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS ?.ROM ~' LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the .,-.., ~ ResoJutlon of The Board adopted afa meeting held on ..~T..u.n...e....~..5. ...... , .. ..-. and in consideration of the sum of $ .....~L..?.29..'.~.9 ....... paid by ~7ilhelm H. Frank of ......S..o.~t..h.p..1.~. ............................................................ N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Sou+h61d Town Trustees aufhorlzes and permits the following: Anproval to cqn~truct 88 lin. ft. of bulkhead and To dredg~ 90 cu. y,ds. i0 x 88' to confor~h to Z' below water Permit is 'approved with the provision that ~ I~censed survey .:~' is submitte~l before the dredging is done. To fill with 50 Cu. ce with the detailed specifications as presented inc~s' oz . '~ ~5 ' the or;ginafing application. : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees h,ere- by Causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and ~hese presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said as of ... Please tear off and renurn to the Trustees Board Of Southold Town Tru 'oo SOUTHOLDi NEW YORK MOO.qZNG NO. PERMIT NC, DATE: ISSUED TO ... cer=ify that the work as authoriaed in this permin has been comple[ed and is now ready for your inspec- tion. Also, the number required on this projec~ is clearly visible. I further understand this permit is noc valid un~il this tear sheet is resumed to the Trustees. TERMS and CONDITIONS The Parmktee Wilhelm H. Frank p~ of ~e co~idera~on for ~e ~ce of ~e P~r d~ ~demmnd ~d p~ to ~e fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of /".'~;'.,';'~".,~ '- ~a~ ~e s~d B~d o~ T~s ~d ~e Toga of ~u~old ~ ~l~ed from ~y ~ work · %. ~ ~a~s, o~ d~im~ for g~m~S~, o~ ~ ~ ~y o~ ~y ~ a r~ o~ ~y o~- unde~ 3~ That ~ Pe~t ~ v~d for a ~ o~ I 2 m~. wM~ ~ ~d~ to ~ $uZZ~cian~ ~e r~re~ m complete ~e work ~vol~ but ~ould ~o~m~c~ w~m~ for ~ e~emion may be ~de to ~e ~d at a later dat~ :' :' ' 4-~ ~at ~ P~t shoed be ret~ Mdef~ly, or as long ~ ~e smd P~ ~ "; ,:~L -.~ m~t~ ~e ~e or pmje~ ~volv~ to provide e~dmce m ~yone ~ncem~ ~ ~- 5~ ~at-~e work ~vol4ed ~I be ~bj~ to &e Msp~on ~fl approvfl of &e ~=d . '~. ~ agents, ~d non-~mp~nce ~ ~e pro.iota of ~e ori~na~g appli~fio~ my ~ ~e for : ~afion of ~ Pe~t ~ r~olu~on of ~e said B~d. 6. ~at there w~ be no ~mso~ble interf~ce wi~ na~don ~ a ~t of ~e w~ , h~ein auto.ed. ~ .... ':' 7.. That ~e~e ~all ~ no ~tefference ~ the Hght of ~e public to p~s ~d rep~ ~ong . ':-'~ · e ~a~ be~een high ~d low water ~. 8. ~ar ff fumre'operatio~ of ~e Town of ~old r~e ~e rmoval ~d/or ~tm~om ~ ~e lo~flon of ~ work her~ au~o~ or fi, ~ ~e o~ of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ work sh~ ~ u~e~o~ble obs~on to free navlgadon, ~e s~d Pe~ ~ ~ r~ -. u~n due notice, to remove or ~ter ~ work or proj~t h~eM stated ~out ~ to ~e T~m ' of Sou&ol& 5 · ~at ~e s~d Bo~d will ~ nodfi~ by the P~aee ct ~e e~plefloa o~ ~e work ~m- o~e& (See tear off sheet.) 10. ~at ~e Permittee wiR obt~a aH o~er p~u and eo~enu ~t ~ ~ r~ ~ pIement~ to ~i$ pe~t wM~ ~7 ~ mbj~ ~o r~oke upoa f~m to ob~ ~me. - HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. HREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. [5161 765-1892 PHILLIP J, GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI. JR~ ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD l~own Hall. $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 1971 June 30, 1987 Mr. Wilhel~ H. Frank 1 Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application No.463 Dear Mr. Frank: The followin§ action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeti§n held on June 25, 1987 regarding the above application. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees AFfEND the previous approval granted for Wilhelm H. Frank to construct 63 lin. ft. of bulkhead be and hereby is amended to approve 88 lin. ft. of bulkhead on property located at 1225 Archamomaque Ave., Southold. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town TYustees HPS:ip cc: Robert A. Greene, D,E.C., Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management Conservation Advisory Council Bldgo Dept? Board of~ppeals File '~ HENRY P. gMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. f516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Towa Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 June 30, 1987 Mr. Wilhelm H. Frank i Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application No. 517 Dear Mr. Frank: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting hold on June 25, 1987 regarding the above referenced application. WHEREAS, Wilhelm H. Frank applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 2, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their ~indings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respecn to said application on June 25, 1987 an which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and no objections were raised, and WHEP~EAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has. considered all the testimony and documentation submitteddoncerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the projec= as proposed will non affect the health, safety and general welfare of the peopie of the+town, NOW, rHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Wilhelm H. Frank BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN O~ SOUTHOLD TO: Dredge 90 cu. yds. (10' x 88') to conform to 2' below water. The permit is issued with the provision that a licensed survey is taken before the dredging is started to be s~bmitted to the Trustee office prior to the issuance of the permit. Property is located at 1225 Arshamomaque Avenue, Southold. Page 2. Wilhelm H. Frank - Approval This permit will expire on June 25, 1989 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the opera~ions pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take furthe~ notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency Which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. PLEASE RETURN TO THE BUILDING DEPT. FOR A DETERMINATION ON THE NEED OF ANY OTHER TOWN PERMITS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. -- Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Robert A. Greene, D.E.Co, Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management ConservRtion Advisory Council Bldg. Dept. Board of~fl~peals File u,- ~.~RY P. SMITH. Presidest TELEPHONE JOHN I~. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. (516} 765-1892 PNILLIP J, GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWI~ TRIJSTEE$ TOWN OF SOUTttOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P;O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: May 28, 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 517 NAME: WILHELM H. FRANK This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of ~h'e Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southotd Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has-determined That the pro3ect will not have a szgnificant effect on the environment. Please hake further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To dredge approximately 90 cu. yds. (10' x 88') to conform to 2' below water line. LOCATION: 1225 Arshamoumaque Ave., Southold REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor commenns from those agencies. Board of Trustees Page 2. For further information regarding this application please contact: Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees -- Southold Town Mall Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 Call: (516) 765-1892 cc: Robert A. Greene, D.E.C., Stony Brook C~mmissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management Conservation Advisory Council Bldg. Dept. Board of Appeals Town Clp~k's Bulletin Board File Wilhelm H. Frank HENRY P, SMITH, President TELEPitONrE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. (516~ 765-I892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold_ New York 11971 May 4, 1987 Mr. Wilhelm H. Frank 1 Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application No. 517 Dear Mr. Frank: The followzng action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on April 29, 1987 regarding the above matter. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Wilhelm H. Frank for a Wetland Permit on certain property located at 1225 Arshamoumaque Ave., $outhold. Please be advised that the Board only took action on the dredging portion of this applicatmon. Very truly yours, P. President Henry th, Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip TELEPI-IOI~ 1516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Yown Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 .- Southold, New York 11971 __April i, 1987 Mr. Martin Garrell, Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Garrell: Transmitted herewith is application no.5t7 for a wetland~'ermit submitted by Wilhelm ~. Frank. Please prepare a written report of findings and'-' recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees !lene Pfifferling Secretary to Board Attachment TELEPHONE f516) 765-1892 BOAIlD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOI4rN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 April 1, 1987 Mr, Robert A. Greene Alternate Regional Permit Administrator New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation Bldg. 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Greene: Transmitted herewith is Wetland Application No. 517 submitted by Wilhelm H. Frank. We would like to coordinate with you in our role as Lead Agency regarding this application. May we have your ~onnnenns on same by April 20, 1987. Very truly yours, Henry P. S~zith, President Board of To~n Trustees HPS:ip Attachments cc: Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Southold Town Building Dept, HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. f516) 765-i892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 April 1, 1987 Mr. Wilhelm H. Frank 1 Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Dear Mr. Frank: Please be advised that the Board 'of Trustees determined tha= a wetland permit is required for the project at 1225 Arshamomaque Avenue, Southold for the dredging to be done at this location. Kindly remit the required $150.00 fee for the apDlication at the earliest possible date. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, H~e n~~t h ,~p'r e~ Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip / cc: File Y TELEPHONE (516) 76S-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197t Date: April 1, 1987 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Attached hereto is a Short Environmental Assessment Form submitted by Wilhelm H; Frank in connection with his application for a Wetland Permit to ~epair and replace approximately 88' of hulkheading and to dredge 90 cu. yds. of spoil. Property is located at 1225 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold. ~ ~2~ith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS;ip Posted: April 1, 1987 HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres, [516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 February 4, 1987 Mr. Wilhelm Frank 55 Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application No. 463 Dear Mr. Frank: Please be advised that the Board of Trustees have reviewed your letter of January 23, 1987 during their recent meeting held on January 29, 1987. The Trustees will reconsider your previous application request to construct the bulkhead the total 88 lin. ft. only after you submit an application for the dredging you propose which is a total reflection of the overall scope of your project. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. A Wetland Application has been forwarded previously. Very truly yours, z~'~ Henry P. S~ith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Trustees file TELEPHONE (516] 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 NOTICE OF NEED FOR PERMIT Date: Jan. 29..1987 RE: D.E.C. Permit No. 10-86-1579 Dear Mr. Frank: A review has been made of this Parcel XXXXX Proposal to: .Dredge a: 10' wide area along new bulkhead to 2' below MLW to 'restore grades.- This was not applied for on your application. A ~oermit ~om the Trustees is required fq~ ~h~s work also. cation. 1225 ARshamomaque Ave., Soutnol~ It appears that a permit is required from the Town Trustees in accordance with the Code of the Town of Southold, Chapter 97, Wetlands. Enclosed is an application form (directions also). To avoid delays, be sure all specified information in mncluded applicable to the type of activity, complete and submit all Board of~Town Trustees ~ President Henry P. Smith HPS:ip Attachments HENRY P. SMITH. Presiden! TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres~ (516) ~65-I892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M, LARSEN BOAI{D OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1197! December 24, 1986 Mr. Wilhelm H. Frank 55 W]]eeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application No. 463 Dear Mr. Frank: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on December 23, 1986 regarding the above referenced matter. WHEREAS, Wilhelm H. Frank applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated October 27, 1986 , and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on December 23, 1986 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Wilhelm H. Frank BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDEK THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: construct 63 lin. ft. of bulkhead in kind and in place, leaving the a~ea unbulkheaded as zs, and to backfill with 50 cu. yds. of fill behind same to be trucked in from upland site. Property is located.at 1225 Arshamomaque Avenue, Southold. Board of Trustees - Page 2. Wilhelm H. Frank This permit will expire on December 23, 1987 if work ham not co~men~ed by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amounn as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the To~a as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may ~lso have an application pending for the same or similar projecn. The following fees are now due. $10.00 for Wetland Inspection fees 10.00 for Trustee Application fee° $20.00 due Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Robert A. Greene, D.E.C., Stony Brook Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Managemenn Conservation Advisory Council Bldg. Dept, Board of Appeals File HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER_ Vice-Pres. (516) 165-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI. JR. ELLEN M, LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TO~¥N OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 December 2, 1986 Mr. Wilhelm H. Frank 55 Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application No. 463 Dear Mr. Frank: Please be advised, according to our records, we have not received the required $50.00 fee for your wetland application to date. Your remittance would be appreciated at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: fil~ HENRY P. SMITH. President ~ ~~."~ ~ TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. ~ (5161 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 DATE: November 28, i986 S.E.Q,R.A. NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE A~PLICATION NO. 463 NA~: Wilhelm H. Frank This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Sonthold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will mot have a-significant effect to the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar-project. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Replace a timber bulkhead 88 Lin. Ft. in kind in place. CODITION: Replace in kind inplace NO FILL TO BE BROUGHT IN. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1225 Arshomomoque Ave., Southold REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the N.Y.S.D.E.C. is is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. Page 2 For further information regarding this application please contact: Mr. Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Southold Town Hail Main Rd. Southold, N.Y. 11971 516-765-1892 cc: Robert A. Greene, D.E.C., Stony Brobk Commissioner Henry G. Williams, D.E.C., Albany Stephen Mars, Army Corps of Engineers Thomas Hart, Coastal Management Conservation Advisory Council Bldg. Dept. Board of Appeals File HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. (516) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 31, 1986 To Whom It May Concern: Attached hereto ms a short environmental assessment foz~a submitted by Wilhelm H. Frank in connection with his application to replace an 88 ft. timber bulkhead and to fill with approximately 50 cu. yds of fill to be trucked in from an upland source on property located at 1225 Arshomomoque Ave., Southold. Very truly yours, Henry~P. Smith, Pres. Board of Town Trustees HPS:ao Posted; 10/31/86 HENRY P- SMITH. President TELEPHONrE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. {516) 765-1592 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI. JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 - Southold. New York 11971 October 31, 1986 Mr. Robert-A. Greene Alternate Regional Permit Administrator N.Y.S. D.E.C. Building 40, SUNY - Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Transmitted herewith is wetland application no. 463 submitted by Wilhelm H. Frank. We would like 6o coordinate wi%h you in our role as lead agency regarding this application. May we have your comments on same by November 19, 1986. Thank you for your input. Very truly~yours,. /Henry/P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling 3 Secre%ary to Board Attachments cc: Commissioner Williams Southold Town Building Dept. file HENRY P. SMITH. President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. {516] 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAU]~ ALBERT KRUPSKI. JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 - Southold_ New York 11971 October 31, 1986 Mr. Martin Garr~ll, Chairman Southold Town Conservatio~ Advisory Council Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Hr. Garrel!: Transmitted herewith is application no. 463 for a wetland permit submitted by Wilhelm H. Frank. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, ~-Henry 1~o Smith, President Board of Town Trustees Ilene ~zif fe~±ing Secretary to Board Attachment HENRY P. SMITH. President TELEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. ($16) 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI. JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ~WN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 - Southold. New York 11971 0etober 31, 1986 Mr. Wilhelm ~. Frank 55 Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application 1225 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold, NY Dear Mr. Frank: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees during their regular meeting held on October 30, 1986 regarding the above captioned matter: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Wilhelm H. Frank for a Wetland Permit on property located at 1225 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold, New York. Please remit ~he required $50.00 filing fee for this application at this time. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Please make sure the property is properly staked for inspection on November 20, 1986. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: file TELEPHONE (5161 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES YOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 September 24, 1986 Mr. Bill Frank c/o Frank's Liquors 1 Wheeler Road Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: Wetland Application Dear Mr. Frank: Please find enclosed a wetland application for the reconstruction of your existing structures on property located in Southold, New York. As I mentioned to you~ it would be advisaable to remit your application to this office by October 13th so that the Board can inspect your property in the event that you request a waiver of the ordinance. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call this office an the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Ilene Pfifferling, Secretar~ Board of Town Trustees HP S: ip attachment Town Hall, 53095 Maln Road P.O. Box 1179 ~ELEPHONE Southold, New York 11971 t516'~ 765-1801 SOUTItOLD TOWN CONSERVATIO~ ADVISORY COUNCIL December 23, 1986 To: llene Pfifferling, Clerk to the Southold Trustees From: Linda Cooper, CAC Secretary The following recommendations were made at the regular meeting Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Thursday, December 18, 1986: Application No. 456 - John R. Dampsey - Tabled Application No. 457 - Vincernt R. Pisano - Recommend approval. Application No. 458 - Ruth Engel - Recommend approval. Application No. 459 - Helen D. Reiter- Table Application No. 460 - Douglas Morris - Recommend disapproval, no need is shown. Application No. 461 - Paul Gatgan - Recommend approval. Application N6. 462 - Rita F. Gledich - Table ~pl~FCa~'~:n, N6,,-4:6~ ~ 1/gil,lg9 m H~ ,F~ank- - Recommend ~i~lJcati'on N6. 4:64 2'D~:' Richard S. La'kin - Tabl~ Application No. 465 - Joseph Sucher - Recommend approval. Application No. 466 - JOhn C. Diller - Recommend approval. Application No. 467 - Olaf Nelson - Recommend denial of Wetland Permit pending declaration of Significant Impact for a public hearing. Application No. 468 - Henry Steffens - Recommend approval. Application No. 469 - Howard Brush - Recommend approval. Application No. 470 - Joan Von Eiff - Recommend approval. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Linda J. Cooper, Secretary Southold CAC PUBLIC HEARING IN THE IN THE HATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WILHELM FRANK 8:10 P.M. ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, HAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ON TUESDAY, DECEM~BRt~, 19860N THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: Wilhelm H. Frank to replace a timber bulkhead, 88 lin. ft. and fill with approximately 50 cu. yds. of fill to be trucked in from upland source. Bulkhead to be replaced in kind and in ~lace, Pett~s- Pond, Southold. Trustee Smith: We have Conservation Advisory Council approval. Is there anyone who would like to comment on this application? Trustee Larsen: The only thing that I would like to say is that where it says "88 lin, ft. and fill with approximately" I would like it to say "Backfill bulkhead with approximately 50 cu. yds. of trucked in fill" on the permit. Trustee Bredemeyer: I went down and taped this job off. The 88 ft~ is not a straight distance. I don't know if the drawing does it justice? Apparently there is a cut out, it looks like it could have been a cut for a boat ramp there? This area~will be filled in with chis. There was some concern on inspections about it, then it got to dark to go out. I went down and taped it today, if you want to look at the diagram I prepared? Trustee Krupski: I thought the 88 ft. didn't include the cut? Trustee Bredemeyer: No it's only 63 ft, without the cut. I wrote the measurements down. It's 88 ft. including the cut. That would be a straight line across. There would appear to be pilings or supports there, apparently washed out. Maybe an old bulkhead washed out, something was there. Trustee Goubeaud: Be told me that there was a boat ramp there. Trustee Smith: There used to be a boat ramp there. Trustee Larsen: There is also an unbulkheaded portion of that, as well adjacent there. There was a question as to whether that portion ...... Trustee Bredemeyer: That is unbulkheaded, he wants to go all the way across. I Just want to bring it to your attantmon. I don't see a problem. Board of Trustees - Wilhelm Frank ltearing - December 23, 1986 Trustee Smith: I don't see any problem with that. Are there any other comments? Hearing mo further comments, I will close this public hearing. 8:10 P.M. Ilene Pfifferling Secretary to Board TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box Y28 Southold, knew York 11971 PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING FOPS4 AND RETURN WITH YOUR SIGNED STATEMENT: 1. Was ~he structure put in in accordance to the plan submitted? Yes No If no, please explain on the reverse side. 2. Was structure placed on the applicant's property according to the plan submittad? ( The distance must be at least 15 feet from his neighbor's line. ) Yes -NO If no, please explain on the reverse side, 3, Is there easy access over or around the structure, so that pedestrians can move along the public's right of way below high water mark? Yes NO If no, please explain on the reverse side. 4. Is the structure high enough so as not to inhibit the growth of the natural grasses alonq or below the structure? Yes NO If no, please explain on the reverse side. 5. Additional comments: Signature of Trustee TELEPHONE (516) 765--1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hail, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 APPL[CATION [S HEREBY MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT 2/2/87 IDENTITY OF APPLICANT WILHELM H. FRANK 254-3333 P~ON£ NO__ ADDRESS OF APPLICANT #1 WHEELER RD., CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. li722 (ABOVE IS OUR MAILING ADRESS TAX MAP NO. 1472 BEIXEDON EST~S AGENT W.H.FRANK (516) 234-3333 Business PHON£ NO._ PERMIT REQUESTED TO REPAIR & REPLACE APPROXIMATEL¥ 88' BULKHEADING,ALS0 DREDGE 2~ BELOW M.L.W. LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH PERMIT WANTED 1225 ARSHAMOUMAQUE~AV. S0UTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 HOME ADDRESS OF PERMIT APPLICANT IF DIFFERENT FROM AFORESAID LOCATION__ 55 WHEELER RD. CENTRAL ISLIP. N.Y. 11722 CREEK, BAY OR HARBOR FRONTING P~OPERTY PE;T¥~5'~0ND SIZE Or PROPOSED ~NGT~ 88~ WIDT~ ~]~ ~O 18" 0~ BUL~HEADING HEISHT ABOVE HIG~ WATER 2n ~0 3~ Fee~ __~_ DEPTH BELOW LOW WATER 2I YARDS TO BE EXCAVATED APP~0XIMATELY ~ YDS. 10~X'~SB~ TO CONFORM 2~ BELOW WATER- LINE. ie. IN SOME CASES WE CONFORM, EXCEPT IN WASHOUT AREA. DEPTH AT LOW- TIDE APPROXI~TELY 6' ABUTS TO EXISTING BULKHEADS IS THIS FOR PRIVATE OR BUSINESS USE? PRI~ATE AREA ZONING RES3~ENTIAL MANNER IN WHICH MATerIAL MILL m~ m~MOV~D OR m~POSITED BUCKET TO REMOVE - AND REMOVED TO UPLAND POSITION. INTENDED USE O~ PROPERTY_ RESIDENCE NONE TO ~Y KNOWEEDGE AGENCY__ NO PRCOR KNOWLEDGE THE PROJECT SITE IF NECESSARy BULKHEAD~NQ TO BE REPLACED IN KIND DREDGING AS TO D.E.C. WETLAND PERMIT re, 2' BELOW M.L.W. 10' ~ROM NEW BULKHEADING. ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT? NONE BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES .... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Project Information [To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) WILHELM H. FRANK J 1225 ARSHAHOUHAQUE Mu.icloalitvSOUTHOLD co..~ SUFFOLK [] N~ [] Ex~a.sio. [] Modmcat,o,'alte~at~o. REPALCE BULKHEADING IN ~LACE REPLACE 88'DETERIATING BULKHEADING IN KIND IN PLACE. SAME AS ABOVE ADRESS. tnitial[v aDDrOX. .6 acres UItimatew Same acres J-~ Yes r~No If No, describe briefly Residential ~J Industrial r- Commercial [] AsrJcultu~e [] Parkland/oDe. space [] Other [] Yes [] No If yes, list agenc'/(s) and perm,t/approvals D.E.C. (ACQUIRED) TOWN PENDING [] Yes [] No If yes, llst agency name and perm=£1approval type D .E .C. ..... WILHELM H. FRANK ^ 2/24/87 PART II Environmental Assessment (To be complet:ed by Agency) . PART Ill Determination of Significance [To be comolet:ed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above determine whether it Js substantial, large, imporran~ or otherw significant:. Each effect: should be assessed in connection wKh its La) sett:ing {i.e. urban or rurai); (bi probability of occurri (c) duration; {d) irreversibilitv; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference suppor[~ materials. Ensure t:hat explanations contain sufficient detail to show that ail reJevant zdverse impacts have been identifi and aeequatelv addressed. [] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentiaflv large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Tb proceed directly to the FULL/LONG FORM E^F anti/or prepare a positive decJarat~on. [] Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and anaJysis above and any supporting document~tk lhat the proposed action WILL NOT result in any sigmficant adverse environmentaJ imDacts AND provide here. and attachments as necessary, the reasons suDDortr~g this determination: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: in completing this application I hereby authorize the Trusteesj agent-St representative to enter onto my property to inspect the premises in conjunctiCn with reviewlo~t~s apBl~c~tion~ SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES ~LEPHONE BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 API~Li(:ATIGN I$ PIERI~By MADE TO TH~ TOWN T~U~T~S OF TH~ TOWN IDENTITY ~ APPLICANT ~ ~ ~HONE NO AVERAGE ~I~E l~ TIDE / ff/ ARE THE~ ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIEIT THIS PROJECT? BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES -. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .... SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL AS F-SSMENT FORM Project Information {To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) Amount of land affected: l.itiallv ~g L~'~ '~. *e, es UIBmatel : ..... acres r~[~ Yes ~ ~o If No, describe briefly ,~ ResiSe.tial [] Industrial [-- Commercial [] Agriculture [] Parkland/open space [] Other Describe: ~Yes [] qo If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals [] Yes ~L No If yes, list agenc,/ name and permit/approval type I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE PART II Envircnmetttal Assessment (To be completed by Agency) PART ill Determination of Significance (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); ['b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibilit~; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show'that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. [] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directlv to the FULL/LONG FORM EAF ano/or prepare a positive declaration. [] Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the prm3osed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here, and on attachments as necessary, the reasons suppormg this determination: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: u-- SEING DUkY SWORN DEPOS£S in completing this application I hereby authorize the Trusteesj agent-Sr representatl%e to enter onto my property to in~ect the premises in conjunction with review ~f~i~ ~p~ion/~ EXAMINED APPROVED "WETLANDS" PERMIT (CHAPTER 97) APPROVED "BOAT,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER DISAPPROVED "WETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD _ 53095 Main Road Phone 765-1892 ~ ~1~6~5 Sou~ot& N. Y. 11971 BOARD OF TO~N TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 Ma~ Road Phone 765-1892 ~.9 ~ -- x / ~.4RD OF TO~N TRUSTEEs P.O. Box 334 Hewlett, NY 11557 C:OMPANIE$ EP~AGE Atlantic .................... LETTER Wilhelm Frank CDMPANY 55 ~mhe~eT RoR(t LI{~R C Centrgl lslip, ~ 11722 COMPLY ~ )rehenslve Personal giab. 2R5-01-53-39 11/~1/86 11/0~87 c3~ ~ $ Premises iocated@ 1225 Arshanonoque Lane, Southold, I~Z 11722 Re: ?er~it ~' 463 $outhold NY 11971 OWEN A. PERLA INSURANCE MID ISLAND AGENCY, INC. 1226 WEST BROADWAY (51S] 374-~33 Date: 7/07/87 ~Town of Southold R__e: Wilhelm Frank 53095 Main Road 1225 Arshanonoque Lane Box 728 Southold, NY outhold, NY 11971 Permit #463 ttn: Eileen Pfifferling Enclosed herewith please find: ( ) MV 104 ( ) Mort§agee's policy ( ) Repair Estimate ( ) Endorsement - re: ( ) Claim Report ( ) Letter from: ( ) Proof of Loss ( ) Paid bill ( ) Claim Check ~) Certificate of Insurance Please forward: ( ) Draft ( ) Acknowledgment ( ) Claim # and name of ( ) Proof of Loss adjustor () REMARKS: Sincerely yours, OWEN A. PERLA On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by John Tuthill/k~ it was . RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the regular meetmng held Thursday, April 23, 1987. Vote of Council: Ayes: Ail Motion carried. RECOMMENDATION OF APPLICATIONS ' On a motion made by Martin Garrell, seconded by Ralph Condit, it was que' Avenue, Southold. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by John Holzapfel, it was RESOVLED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of'Wetland Appllication No. 518 submitted by Patricia Moore, Esq. on behalf of John H. Mulholland toconstruct an addition and alterations to an existing residence. Island View Lane, Southold. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion made by Ralph Condit, seconded by Heather Cusack it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town TrusTees approval of Wetland Applciation No. 519 submitted by En-Consultan~s, Inc. on behalf of Anthony and Robert Pisciotta to construct a one family house, sanitary system, driveway, etc. as shown on submitted site plan. Approximately 400 coy. oz ~lean fill will be trucked in to raise grades for house and sanitary system. Windy Point Lane, Southold. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motmon carried. On a otmon made byJeanne Marriner, seconded by John Holzapfel, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town TrusTees approval of Wetland Applc~ation No. 520 submitted by En-Consul~an~s, Inc. on behalf of Herbert Mandel ~omodify and repair an existing Timber dock and maintneance dredge an area 12' x 60' to 5' below MLW.Cox Neck Road (Mill Road), Mattituck. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. To: Trustees From: Secretary Re: Wilhelm Frank application Date: June 24, 1987 Please be advised that the Trustees have approved only 63 lin. ft. of bulkheading on the property. They advised in a letter that they would consider the 88 lin. ft. after an application was submitted for the dredging. The Board will have to do the resolution for the remainder of the bulkheading if they approve it. ST~T£ OF ~W YO~K o~ TH~ V~TLA~D 'j ) ~-APP~CA~ONS >? , NOTICE IS HER~YGIVE~. ' ~ COUN~ OFSUFFOLK ) .... ~ ~BE':[H~D:~ gY '~HE ?}} Richard Wil 1 lams ~-¢f.TO~.~[ SOUTHO~ ~AT , ', said Cou~t~ boinfl dul~ sworn sa~s that he/she ?;-~E :~ so~o~ ~6~ :?~;~ RO~,~Q~H. ;~::~ Principal Clerk of THE SU~OLK TIMES, a Weekly HOL~ ~ YORK ~oN 2~ Newspaper, published at Greenport, in the Town FO~OW~G ~P- ~-~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New PE~S York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for. weeks successively, commencing on the. K~fih dayof Juna 1987 Principal Clerk the applica~on of~Ot~ S cu. y~. of sand an~ ~ ad~ one $WOr~ to b mo this pil~ ~d ~2) 5' x 10' fl~ aha day of ~ ~ 9~ l~d ~ G~I Pond, Gr~n~. ~ ~~' Suffolk County N0. the apphc~tig~ ~ ~e L~d U~ Company ~ beh~n W~t- son ~ co~$~ct a 4' x 20~ fixed d~k leading ~ a3'~x and two 5' x 20' float2 ~ope~y is loca~d on~ Wel~ Road, located at 7:38 P.M. - the application of the Land Use Company on behalf of the West Lake Association re mainte- nance dredge a 85' x 60' area a depth of 4' at MLW. Resultant spoil (approximately 600 cu. yds. of sand) will be trucked to an up- land disposal site. Proper*y is cated on Lake Drive at West Lake. Southold. 7:40 P.M. - In the matter of the application of Frederick J. Bruce on behalf of the Wun- neweta Pond Association to maintenance dredge the entx- depth of 6' at MLW. Proper~y located at 4150 Wunneweta 7:4~ P.M. - In the matter of Moore~ Esq. o~_ _behalfofalohn H. Road. LEGAL NOTICE ~IOTICE'OF HEARING ~ ON WETLAND "~'~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK APPLICATIONS ss: ~ ,' - , ,.,- STATE OF NEW YORK ~ '"NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- -"EN THAT PUBLIC HEAR- INGS WILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF-~ Patricia Wood, being duly sworr, says that she is the THETOV,~qOFSOUTHOLD. Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, AT ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN ~ a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; HALL, ~.-MAIN ROAD, and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, :-,, SOUTHOLD,' NEW YORK. ON TUESDAY. DECEMBER has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman ~ ON THE FOLLOW- once each week -lNG APPLIC~,TIONS FOR for ........................ /.. weeks ,,~r~ PERM[TS UNDER THE ~RO- ~ X~VISIONS '-OF · THE - successively, commencing on the / / WETLAND ORDINANCE OF ...................... ' ?~iq:36 P.M: Inthb2 mat{~ ~r'the ~ipphcat~on of Paid Galgan~to ' ,/,;~tmct a~new dpck and qat-' .: ......... .-7~. · d~ Walk to rePlace'afl exisfiffg bld "~?~*'bod boat. ramp.Dock to be 10' ~'' , ' '- ' ' -' ,'~ 7:44' I~.M.- In the m~tte~,of the ' %~X 20/.with 4 pilings catwalk to ~ 6' X 50' with St~ps to a 10' ; application of Walter H. X 10' landing with a ramp 3' X ~ -;fBarden,--llt 'tO,-construct~a'~': - ,.~ , Sworn to before me this /. 3-- } w~de' catvalk 't~be -~20 to connect to catwalk~East .......... Creek, Cutchogue. .... . ..... , P~oi~6~ty is:!o~cgied On a R.O.W..~;~ .... :32 P.M.-.Ln the matter of the ~ ..... at~plication-of John R. Demp- i, ~q.~..vDt.. . .... ] 9 ~-~ · off of 6th S/ruer 6reenport. ..... . .... [- =-I 7:46 P.M.-' tn thettlatter ~f fll?~!~ ! ai~plication ~f tl~e sey.to construct a timber dock ' ~ ~G?mpany oli,,behalf bf consisting of a 4' X 1~' hinged ~' Ehgel to construct a 12~ X 40 . ,ra~mp and a 6' X 20' float ,~ , ~ , deek8,X20, flontdockanda%,~ secured by (2) 8, pilings, James ///~ ;>~a_o(_e~~ 3' X~ 6',ram~ 6n a dredged canal Creek, Mattituck. ' ................. '* ........ .- off of East Creek, Cutchogue. ~: 7:34 P.M.- In the matter of Notary Public . ~, 7:48 P.M.- In the matter of the the application of Wilhelm H. ~ :/~p~ of~ En,-Consifltant~ Frank to replace a timber BARBARA FORBES , ~ ........ ~ Inc~ on beh~l_ f 0fFriedrich ICrug balkbead. 8811n. ft. andfinwith Nota, y ~ab,:i:. State otN~w ~6~eplac~(~la9741injt(~ approximately 50 cu. yds. of fill No. ,~$~8~ ~' 6f ~istiffg 'thiiber' bulkh~/di to be trucked in from upland Qualified in Su~%ik Gaunt . source.'Bulkbead to be replac- Gemmi8mon Expkes ~.~9.~/ _,D,r~. ge aa.grea w, ithin ~cut-out ' edin kind and in place, Pettys i *,Phce'rest~[ ~t~'i:~--+ .gh:'~ds. ~-Pond, Southold. . &~.: In the matter of the ~?'~p'ofl behin~ th~:bulkh~' bn "-"applicatiOn 9[N:'inc6n~ R Pisa- owners lot. Igstall a dock ~.~toa4 X40 float dock to be at:. " tached to a 8 'X20' float dock~, ~- ' Mat[jtu_c_k_ C. reek, Matt[tuck: "7:38 P.M.- In the matter o~the Inc. on behalf of Nell Simon to construct a 4' X 16 ~ walkway to ;' ~xrl'HE ~-PLACE a 4' X 14' romp and a 6~ X 16' :* A'BOVE~ SPECIFIED AND dredged canal, property ~s WILLY'BE'GIVEN AN OP2 located at Harbor Lights Drive, ;~} i~RTUNITY TO'BE HEARD. Southald. .;- COMMENTS ~.~Y iBE SI21B- · ~.MITTED IN ~ WRITING 7:40P. M.- In the matte~ ofthe / PRIOPh TO THEDATE OF application of Frederic Ende- ~k, ' ?file I-/EARINC~. 'i,i:~,~?< mann to replace 5 old docks vi ~' DATEI~: De~emlier 8,1 i986 ... with new floats and ramps to be 'Heary P. Smit~ constructed as follows: (3 floats- 30' X 5' and 2 floats- 20' X 4') : ': ' President In Schoolhouse Creek, New ~ of Town Trustees Suffolk. 1T-12/11/86(8) 7:42 P.M.- In the matter of the application of Rita E Gledick COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newsoaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been pablished in said Long Island mr~aveier-Watchman once each week for ........................... ? weeks successively, commencing on the ......... /./..7. ....... ?/ Sworn to before me this ..................... oa¥ of Notary Public BARBARA FORBES !~otary Public, State of New York Land Use No. 4806846 Qualified in Suffolk County , ,. Commission Expires~ ~/19~~/ ? is located Zutchogue. of the Land Use West iation to ea85'X60' } a dept~ of 4 ' at MLW. (t].pprox mate y will be Southold. - In the matter of Bruce on behalf of l~ond Associa- ce dredge the MLW. Proper- ty ~ Iocated at 4150 Wunnew. eta application of Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on b~half of John ~ ~'%I. M~holland.to construct an "~ '~ ~.addltion and m~ke alterations to is located on Island View Lane, Southold. '?~: ' 7 44 p M?i~the matter of the ica~io;'bf Michael S. Gilhland' '-~t~;'~onstruct a single family [,?i~nce with a garage Prope~;lS;,4ocated at 4586 Sound i~¢~;~ Gmenport. · 7:46~.M~- In the matter of the Inc. on behalf of Herbert Mandel to modify and mpmr an following dimensions: 8' X 25' fixed elevation (minimum 3.5' walk: 2.5 X 60' floats. ~ MLW. Ap- of spoil suitable f the Inz on behalf of Elizabeth Yaro to construct a one-family dwell- ing, sanitary system, driveway and well, etc. and to fill. with 450 cu. yds. of fill to raise grade. Property is located on Min- nehaha Blvd., Southold. ;~ ALL PERSONS 'IN- ' TERESTED IN SAID MAT- TERS SHOULD APPEAR AT · THE TIME ANIJ PLACE ABOVE SPECIFIED AND WILL BE GIVEN AN OP- PORTUNITY TO BE HEARD. COMMENTS MAY BE' SUB- /18,86 / tr~ Page 2 - ~ 12 / 'Heather Cusack attend a meeting of the DEC concerning the STOP Program and suggested a collection container be made available year round for residents to dispose of any pollutants. Ms. Cusack also spoke with Sophie Morris of the DEC re- garding the possibility of the Southold Town CAC jozning the State CAC to become eligible for fundings. The Council was also reminded of the meeting being held January 29, 1987 at Southold Town Hall with the DEC sending agents to discuss topics of concern with Town residents. The CAC has been asked to aid in drawing up an agenda of topics. A discussion was held suggesting possible topics for an agenda. Heather Cusack will draw up a list of suggestions and submit same to Supervisor Murphy· Martin Garrell reported on the Long Island Sound Study. It appears that the LISS may receive an additonal million dollars in funding from Connecticut· RECOMMENDATIONS On a motion made by Martin Garrell, seconded by Ralph Condit, it was RESOLVED To recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of Wetland Application No. 457 subm{tted by The Land Use.Co. on behalf of Vincent R. Pisano to construct a 4' x 50' catwalk 4' over existing grade leading to a 3' x 16' ramp leading to a 4' x 4C" ~loaat dock to be attached to an 8' x 20' float dock· Meday Avenue, Mattituck. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees aDnroval of wetland application No. 458 submitted b~ The Lane Use Company on behalf ~ Ruth Enael to construct a 12' x 40' deck, 8' x 20~ ~loet dock and s 3' x 6' ramp. 600 Beebe Drive, Cutchogue. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of wetland application No. 461 submitted by Paul Gatgan to construct a new dock and catwalk to replace existing old wood boat ramp. Dock to be 103 x 20' with 4 pilings; catwalk to be 6' x 50' with steps to a 10' x 10' landing; an aluminum 3' x 20' ramp to connect dock to catwalk. 4605 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue. RESOLVEQ~jC,,O~.~ ~o the ~.gg~o~ Town Trustees app~Qy.~ ~/ and ~o fill with approx. 50 c.y. of fill. 1225 Arshomonoque Avenue, Southold. RESOLVED to recommend Eo the Southold Town Trustees approval of wetland application No. 465 submitted by Costello Marine Corp. on behalf of Josesph Sucher to maintainance dredge 150c.y. 90% sand and 10% silt 10' offshore of applicant's existing bulkhead to 6' MLW. Dawn Drive, GreenporE. RESOLVED 5o recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of wetland application No. 466 submitted by J. H. Geideman on behalf of John C. Diller ~o construct a retaining wall 15' LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION for: Wilhelm t{. Frank RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Wilhelm H. Frank for a Wetland Permit on certain property located at 1225 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold. POSSIBLE AliENDMENT - WILHELM FRA~t( REQUEST MADE BY WILHELM H. FRAiqK TO AMEND HIS PREVIOUS APPLICATION TO REFLECT DREDGING - 100 cu, yds. DOES THE BOARD WANT TO TREAT THIS AS A NEW APPLICATION OR AN AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUS ONE, WilheIm H. Frank 55 WheeIe~ Rd. Board of Town Trustees Centrat Islip, N.Y. 11722 Town of Southold Ph~ (516)234-3333 Town Ma11 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 728 Southo~d, N.Y. 11971 January 23, ~987 Dear Trustees, It is with regret that the undersigned could not De present at the public meeting, tuesday December 23, 1986; which included Wetland Application #463. I would like to be present a~ your next Board meeting in regaro ~o Wet- land Application #463. Initially I acquired said property %o speno my retirement in Southold. I am a 11felong resident of Long Island, and in my youth my parents, ~Henry and Mina Frank were occupants and restaurateurs at the"Water Mill Inn" in Mattituck~ Henc~ my roots were ir %ne North Folk for many years_ It is my hope to spend my later years in Southold. I ~m enclosin§ the N.Y.D.E.C. Permit #~0-86-~579~ I am very apprehensive~and would like to conform bulkheao ~o be in line with adjacent bulkhead to the North and South. My fear is the wash in when it rains and the resulting erosion into Pettys Pond. We would l~ke to re- place previous and existing bulkhead which are ~n disrepair. WILHEL~ H. FRANK DISCUSSION OF BOARD: Dec. 23, 1986 Trustee Larsen: I move to approve in kind in place replacement of 63 lin. ft. of timber bulkhead leaving the area unbulkheaded as is and to backfill with 50 cu, yds. of fill trucked in from an upland source. Trustee Krupski: I'll second that. Trustee Bredemeyer: What your saying is that you will not allow him to do the 88 ft. Trustee LaTeen: Right. And not fill in that area. Trustee Bredemeyer: Are you sure that that was a slip from the history of others? Trustee Smith: It was a ramp. Trustee Bredemeyer: It was a ramp? There were two large timbers there? I wasn't sure if there was a wash out or what it was? Okay, Trustee Larsen: No. Vote of Board: Ail approved: Ayes: Smith, Krupski, Larsen, Goubeaud, Bredemeyer This resolution was declared duly adopted. WILHELM H. FRANK DISCUSSION OF BOARD: Dec. 23, 1986 Trustee Larsen: I move to approve in kind in place replacement of 63 lin. ft. of timber bulkhead leaving the area unbulkheaded as is and to backfill with 50 cu. yds. of fill trucked in from an upland source. Trustee Krupski: I'll second that. Trustee Bredemeyer: What your saying is that you will not allow him to do the 88 ft. Trustee Lafsem: Right. And not fill in that area. Trustee Bredemeyer: Are you sure that that was a slip from the history of others? Trustee Smith: It was a ramp. Trustee Bredemeyer: It was a ramp? There were two large timbers there? I wasn't sure if there was a wash out or what it was? Okay. Trustee Larsen: No. Vote of Board: Ail approved: Ayes: Smith, Krupski, Larsen, Goubeaud, Bredemeyer This resolution was declared duly adopted. y ,~FATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVA 95-20~ C9/8~)--25~ NEW C~ . ~¢~ DEC PER,~AiT ~'UMBER ~ EFFECTIVE DATE i0-86-1579 ~ 12/17/86 FACILITY gROGRAM NUMBFRSl PERMIT EX?BATION DATE[s] iY/A Under fhe Environmental Conservation Law 12/31/88 Article 15 Title 3: 6NYCRR 327, ~ 6NYCRR 608: N ----~ Article 25: 7328, 329: Aquatic Pesticides Water Quality Certification Tidal Wetlands N ~ Article 15. Title 5: ~ Article 17, Titles 7. 8; ~ Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Protect]on of Water N [ [ SPDES I I Solid Waste Management* ] Article 15. fitie 15: Ar[icie 19: ~ Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: Water Supply Air Pollution Control* I I Hazardous Waste Management ~ Article t5. Title 15: ~ Article 23, Title 27: ~ Article 34: I Water Transpod , , Mined Land Reclamatio~I I 0oastal Erosion Management Article 15 Title 15: -- Article 24: I-----I Article 36: Long Island Wel!s Freshwater Wetlands I I Floodplain Management Article 15. Title 27: N--New. R--Renewal. Vi--Modification, ~ Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37; Wild, Scenic and Recreational C--Cons-rruc~ ',*only), O--Operate (*only) , , 6NYCFfI~ 380: Radiation Control Rivers Wilhelm Frank ~.DDRESS OE P~RMiTTEE 55 Wheeler Rd., Central Islip,Ny 11722 N/A ~z~r~ ~R~I~!~~e)LOCATiON OF PROJECT: 1225 Arshamomaque Ave., P~y'~ ~ond, .OCAT[ON OF PROJECT/FACILiT'~ COUNTY TOWN/C~'I~E t OTA4 COORDINATES Southold ] Suffolk Southol d Construct new 88' bulkhead in same configuration and location as deteriorated structure; dredge 10' wide area along new bulkhead to 2' below mean low water ~o restore grades; truck in 50 cubic yards clean upland fill to fill in washout area. W_0r~k_~z~be in ~¢~rd~nr-~ with attached plans approved by NYSDEC. GENERAL CONDITIONS gy acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compli- ance w~th the EC~, a~l ~pp]icahle regul~tlons and the conditions specified herein or attached hereto, 12J17/86 ~¢?1¥ k~M'~%~' ~^%~ l ADD~ESS BZdE.40,S~,~m. 2U ~fred T. Keltar Stony groo~,~ l~7qA ~~~ Page I of 4 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION UNIFORM PROCEDURES ACT Region No.: f Office://,. , ~..~ * Amount $ ,~ ¢ ~ · he following conditions apply to all ps,mits: A. If any of the pe~it conditions are unclear, the ps,tree shall contact the Division of Regulato~ Affairs at the address amd tA~ephone noted heir. B. A copy of this pe~it or approval and suppl~enta~ conditions shaI1 he available at the project site whenever authorized work Is in progress. C. ~e pe~it sign enclosed with the pe~it or a copy of letter of appr~al sh~l be protected fr~ the weather and posted in a conspiciuus location at the work site until :ompletion of authorized work. D. At t~st 48 hours prior to co~eneement of the project, the pe~ttee shall compiete and return the top portion of the enclosed recelp~ fo~ certifying that he Is fully aware of and underst~ds ~1 provisions amd conditions of this pe~it. Within one week of completi~ of the pe~tted work. the bottom portion of that fo~ shall also be completed and retu~ed. Eo For projects involving activities to be accomplished over a period or more than one year. the permittee shall notify the Regional Permit Administrator in ~iting at least 48 hours to the commencement of resumption of work each year~ If project design modifications take place after permit issuance, the permittee shall submit the appropriate plan changes for approval hy the Regional Permit Administrator prior to undertaking any such modifications. The permittee is advised that substantial modification may require sub- mission of a new application for permit. G. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude ~o~tamination of any wettauds or waterway by suspended solids, sediment~ fuels, solvents, lubrica=ts, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachers or any other environmentally deleterious materiels associated with the project work. Any failure to ac~pty precisely with all of the terms and conditions of ~his peIr~it, ur~ess authorized iq writing, shall be treated as a violation of the Bn~iro~enta! Conservation Law. t. ~e permittee is advised =o obtain any permits or approvals that may he reTaired from the U.S. Department of Army Corps of Engineers, i~f District, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278, (Attention: Regulatory Functions Branch), prior to c~mmence~ent of work authorized herein. J. The granting of this permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility of obtaining a grant, easement, or other necessary approval from the Division of Land Utilization, Office of General Services, Tower Building, Empire State Plaza, Albany, l"f 12242, which may he required for an}- encroachment upon State-owned lands under water. M. egiomal Permit Administrator 5-iS Dept. of Environmental Conservation Bldg. 40, S~Jk'~f~Room 219 Stony Brook= NY 11794 (516) 751-7900 ' DEC # 10~86-1579 Page 3 of ~ The following conditions~all apply if checked as appli e by the Regional Permit Administrator: . ._,,~ XXX K. Ail dredging shall b~ conducted so as to leave a uniformhottom~elevation L~ Ail spoil material shall bn disposed of either in the Atlantic Ocean or at an ~pproved U.S. Government Dumping Ground, as directed by the District Engineer, U.S..Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers. Any spoil material not intended for such waterdisposal shall be removed from the site and disposed of au an approved upland site. XXX M. Ail fill and spoil material shall be suitably contained at the work site so as to prevenn its eroding, leaching or otherwise entering into adjacent wetlands and wanerways. Ail peripheral rip-rap berms, cofferdams, rock revetments, gabions, bulkheads, enc. shall be completed prmor to placement of any fill material behind such strucnures. M2fX O. Ail repairs to existing structures shall be confined to replacement of existing structural elements with no change in design, dimension~ or ......... materials, unless specifically authorized herein. DATE 12/17/86 Regional Permit Administrator Division of Regulatory Affairs ~fS Department of Environmental Conservation B~iiding 40, SUNY, Room 219 DEC ~ 10-86-1579 Stony Brook, ~ 11794 (5i6) 751-7900 Page A of a ~DDITIO~AL GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR AR~C'~ES 15 (Title S)~ 24, 25, 34, 36 and 6 NYCRR Part 60~'~/ ) SPECIAL CONDITIONS Bulkhead to be in line with adjacent bulkheads to north and south and 88' from existing dwelling. Supplementary Special Conditions (A) through (J) attached. Additional Supplementary Special Conditions (K),(M),(N) and (0) attached. DEC PERMIT NUMBER t0-86-1579 PROGRAM/EACILITY NUMBER N/A Page 2 of X~YSDEC, ~ureau of Mar/ne Habitat Protection Bldg. 40, SUNY, Room 125 Stony Brook, N. Y. 11794 RE: Permit No. Issued To: Contractor's Name Contractor's Address Dear Sir: ?ursua~t to General Condition Number 1 of the above re~srenced permit you are hereby no5ified that the authorized activity shall co~ence on This n6tice is to be sent as least 5wo days in advance of commencement of the pro]ecs. The permit sign will be posted at the site and copy of perm&t will be available at site for inspection. Submitted by ~ailnre to notify or post sign will leave o~mer and/or contractor subject to applicable penalties for non-compliance with pc?mit conditions. Ch!af~ _~Larina ~sgu!atory Samsicn ~SDEC~ Bureau cf F~r~a --~ .... ~ hereby mca/lied :hzn -=- =--~-===~ o~ar ==~1o_ o ~= ......... -=--=-- penalties f r -~-~--~ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Unit Bldg. 40, SUNY, Rm. 219 Stony Brook, ~. Ye 11794 Henry G. Williams (516) 751-7900 COmmissioner December 17, 1986 Wilhelm Frank 55 Wheeler Rd. Central IC~lip,NY 11722 Re: Permit No. 10-86-1579 Dear Mro Frank: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing Regulations (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit° Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from ~he weather. Very truly yours, gfi_fred T. Kellar ~eputy Regional Permit Administrator ATK:I~ Wilhelm H. Frank 1 Wheeler Rd. Cen%ral Islip.., N.Y. TRUSTEES BOARD SOUTHOLD Dear Sirs: We are enclosing the fo$Iowing- Permit #463 at ~225 Arshamoumaoue Ave. SouthoId~ #1.The filI being taken in front of the 88' of bulkheading willconsist of 90 square yards of fill* to be depos6d of~Dehind repaired bulkheading. Very Truly Yours, Wilhelm H. Frank, owner * Ninety Square yards or 1ess.