HomeMy WebLinkAboutFRANCISCO, ARTHUR L R THIS PE~T made in duplicate, the ~ day of 19~4, between TOW~ OF 'SOUTHOE~, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees a~ by vi~t~ of Chapter ~l~ of ~e Laws of the ~tate of New Ye~k, passed ~ 189~ ~d p~su~t to a ~itten re~ol~tion add,ted by a ~f t~ Bo~d of T~stees of said Town of Southold, at a ~eeting held pursuit to notice duly given to all the members thereof, on the ~ , 19~, party of the fimst p~t, and d~y ART~R L. R, F~Ct~O, party of the second p~t, WIT~, the p~ty of the first p~t ~ consideration of the s~ of $ ~.~- , duly paid to the p~ty of the f~s~ p~t before the delivery hereof, the receipt whereef is hereby ~ly ac~owledged, has granted and does ~eby g~t ~uto the said party of the second p~t, his heims ~d assi~s forever, pe~ission to ~e~e the area adj~ent to his premises at Southold as indicated on the attached map, ~d pe~ission to ~ag mea~w g~ass ~d bog ~ front of his property in order to provide a s~dy beach, ~d ~ permission for erection of a dock and pi!ings~ Subject, however, to the public right of navigation and sub- ject to the right of the public to pass and repass along that por- tion of the beach oetween low and high water mark. On condition, however, that the party of the second pa~t will hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless aud free from any and all d~nages and claims arising under or Oy virtue of said dredging, IN WITNE~kS WHEREGF, the said Town of Southold, party of the first part, has by a vote of a maJorit~ of ~he Board of Trustees of said Town, caused its corporate seal ~o be hereu_uto affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of said Board of Trust~es, the day and year above written. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS :- COUNTY OF SU~FOLK. On this I~- day of o~,f~ Greenpo~t - , 1954,. Ebef°re me personally came EN~{0NS DEAN, N.Y., LYDE E. T~THILLs of Orient, ~.Y.; ALVAH B. OLD~MITH, of Southold, ~., JOHN EcNULTY, of Laurel, N.Y. and FRA.~ DAWSON, of New Suf~hlk, N..¥., al.1 personally known to. me, who being by me duly sworn.,~ severally said that they each reszded in the Town of Sohltho~d1, ¢o~U~ty of Suffolk and State of New York, and were members o~ ~he BOard of Trustees of said Town of $outhold and constituted a m~rity of th( same; that they knew the corporate seal of said Toga of Southold; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument was such corpo- rate seal; that it was affixed thereunto by order of the Boa~d of Trustees of said Town of Southold and that each one signed his name thereto as a Trustee and by like order. Notary BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ICE DAMAGE PERMIT Instructions: Fill out form below and return to above address. You should have this application approved and returned to you within a week. 1. Applicant's Name & Ad,rase: ~f~f ~.,/~. F~t'~ 2. Contractor's Name & Address: ~T~ S~&~C~7~ ~c. 31 The Purpose of this application: Redriving or replacing openwork dock or openwork pier piling, and mooring piles, removal of dax~aged piling, repair, resettinq or replacement of floating docks, rax~ps, or decking, all necessitated by ice and storm damage resulting during the winter. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ON MAY 30 OF THIS YEAR 1. No dredging or filling is permitted. 2. Repairs to existing structures shall be limited to replacement of timbers without change in design or dimension. 3. No repair or replacement of bulkheads is permitted under this permit. 4. No freshwater or tidal wetlands are to be disturbed under and circumstances. 5. A yellow permit s~gn provided by this office shall be displayed on the project at all times while under replacement. 6. Original permit number 3 inches high must be permanently displayed on project. I, certify that the work as authorized in this special ~ce permit has been completed and is now ready for your inspection. Also, the permit number on this project ~s clearly visible. ~ - Owner Signed -Date ~ ~\~ Signed Contractor ~ : ://~~/. / / ~'-o.. · · ~:~,,~.~:.. ~,~- ~ - ~" ~ ~- ~Ca. [ ~ ' ,~T-./'(~OTHOLD~ ~'UF{rOLK COUN?~L.I,3 [q.Yo March 26, 1956 Town Trustees of the Town of $outhold ~outhold ~ E.Y. Att. Mr. Alvah Goldsmith. Dear Sir: This is to advise you that I have given permission to Mr. Arthur L.R. Francisco to deposit some of the spoils from the present dredging operation of Messrs. Francisco and Hendrickson on the portion of the island owned by meT called Hallock Beach. Yours truly ~ Arthur '~..R.Francisco her~i~h you~~ cheek ~r Fifty ($%0.~) ~liars Our records show ~Dmt you paid for thi~ Alvah B, Goldsm~th~ Clerk ABG/mw Southold Town T~us~ees i~ ARTI-IUiR L, R. FILk!~CISCO alrf-k December 13, 1954 l~r. Alvak C~ldsmi~l~ Soul,oil, L.L. New York. Dear l~ir. G~lds~iik: I ~ t~ ~e Ilberty of ~ansmit~g io tke To~ of Souihal~, ~ough yo~u, my ckeck ~ tke sm of $50.00~ ~r ~ pe~i~ granted ~ ~e back in i946, wiik whick I ~_ sure you are ali ~osi f~iliar. A. L.R. Francisco 2~T~U~ L.R.F~clsco Rarch 11, 1946 Town Board of Trustees, SoutholR Towa, Lo~ Island, New York. Gentlemen: The ~riter has been given to ~omderstand £rom one of members that his application for permit to d~edge a sms3_l area in iT~ont of his property, to remove the beach grass and to erect a dock, originally requested November l, 1945~ and finally requested in amended form January 17, 1916, has been approved By the To~.~n Board. We are furthermore given ~o understand that thiz permit ~ll be forthcom-~ng in the very near future. In view of this information the writer has a'~horized a local oontraotor to perform the work and it ~ be star, ed ~ithin the ne~b week to ten days. Please rest assured that we are most appreciative for your kindness and are looking forw-~_rd to receipt of ~he permit itself. Yonrs very truly, A.L.R. FP~C~C~ A~T~U~ L. IR.FmClSCO 'COPY'