HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1641 GFALL DCCi~ AND Bu~EADS }lUST DiSPlAY ViSiBLE Do.rd Of Soutnold own Trustees SOUTHOLD NEW YORK PERMIT NO ....... .1,~.~.% ............. ' DATE: ...~.n%~...6..~....~983 SSUED TO ........ ~,L~.~.~ ~! ~...!.~_~ ............................................... S~a~e o{ ~ew Yor~ 19S2: an~ rne Sou~no!~ To~n Or~nancs ~i~e~ "RE~ULATIN~ AND THE PLACIM~ OF O~5TRUCTIOMS IN AMD ON TC~N ~A~=~,S AND PUgLIC [ANDS an~ ~he R~OVAL Or SAND ~RAVEL OR OT~R ~AT=~LS lANDS UNDER TOWN ~A~RS;" an~ in acc=r~ance wi+~ ~e .................................... : Eli~b.e.t.k- .~......~.~ ............................................................. Terms an~ Con~ilons ]is~e~ on f~e reverse si~e ~ereo~, O{ Sou~ol~ Town Trusfees aufkorlzes an~ permits f~e {ol]owln~: " and a 8' x 6' float secured by 2 spiles in Mattituck Creek. ~e orlglna~ing IN WITNESS WHEREOF.. The sai~ ~oar~ o~ Trusiees ~ere- '~y causes i~s ~orpora~e Seal lo ~e a~ize~, an~ i~es~ pres'ents ~e su~scri~e~ ~y a majority o~ ~he said ~oat~ as o~ ~his ~a~.e. TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permlx~e Elizabeth V. Fox. r~{dbgae MattJtuck & 630 Montauk Highway. W. Islio N. pa~ o[ ~e co~deradon for ~e ~c~ of ~ P~t d~ ~de~d ~d p~ to ~ fol- lowb~: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permi~ mus~ be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2~ ~na: ~e ~d B~ffof T~ ~d ~ Town of ~u~ofd ~ ~ed from ~7 ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~u ~g ~y or ~2y ~ z r~t of ~7 o~- n~ adon ~rlo~d p~t to ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~ w~ a~ ~h~t own ', . · ' · Dermlt.!: wire r~pec: ~ere.% to ~e mmpl~e ~d~oa of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town of 3. That ~ Pe~ b v~d for a ~M of.O~ ~AR w~ ~ ~d~ to sufflCle~t ~ r~uired to :omDiete ~e work ~volv~ but should ~c~ w~ for ~ e~e~,on may be.=de to ~e B~d at a la,er da~. 4. ~at ~s Per~t shoed be rera~ ~def~tety, or as long ~ ~ s~d P~e orkafion wm ori~mtly obr~ned. i~ agents, ~d non-comFEance ~qth the prov~iom of ~e ori~q~g app~;dog ~v ~ ~,,~e for revoca~on of this Pe~it b~ r~otuflon of the said 6. ~ar there wffl be no ~rmson~ble int~rf~euce wi~ na~don ~ a rede of ~e herein audaor~e~ 7. That ~ere shall ~ no ~tefference w{~ the ~ht of ~e ~b~ to p~s ~d rep~ ~he bea~ be~eea hi~ and Iow water m~i~. 8.. ~ar ff furore oper~iom of ~e Town of ~old r~u~e ~e r~oval =d/or in the location of ~e work her~n au~o~ or fi, ~ ~e opiM~ of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ work sh~ ~use u~e=onable obs~on to free navigation. ~e smd Pe~=ee ~R ~ u~n. due notice, to remove or alt~ ~ work or proje~ herein stated ~out ~ to ~= To~ of 9. ~ar ~e smd Board w~l ~ nod~i~ by the Pe~nee ox ~e cmFie~on of ~e work o~ed. (See tear o~f sheet.) !0, ~at the Peemt~te. will obt=m all o~er pe~ and co~ens ~at ~y ~ ~ BOARD OF TO~'N TRUSTEES Town of Southold l%Iain Road $outhold, New York ]1971 i'~OTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PEP, z;iZT To: Elizabeth V. Fox 1. Your op:~licatien, doted .,...6./..1.?./,.8...3. .................................................... hoe been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on ....... ..Z,~.~.~..,.~...~.~,~ ......................................................... and resulting in the action, as ind/cared below: gX~XX~ Application approved. ( ............ ) Application denied. (. ........... ) Application tabled. 2. Commen~ and remarks: Your application To secure a permit number for a 48' x 3' wooden dock, a 8' x 6' floating dock secured with 2 pil$~gs was approved a~ the July 5, 1983 meeting, under the Grandfather Clause. A PEI~CZT FEE 3. 1._~ ;,Our uOP[i¢ctiOn ~S caproved above. /~mff ,~-~ is now due an~ should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southo:g Town Trustees. This fee ~s computed be/ow occordJna to t h~. is a~id in person to the Secretory of the Board, The Permit will be at the same lime. If the fee is paid by mail, the permit will be moiled in repW. Computation o{ Permit Fee: Total Fee for this application .................... ' , $ ~,. ~ ~.~ ' Pres. Board Of Southold Tcwn Trust'~es. TELEPHONE (516) 765~I801 BOARD OF TOWN TI~L;$TEE$ TOWN OF SOUT}IOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING FORM AND RETURN WITH YOUR SIGNED STATEMENT: 1. Was the structure p/in in accordance to the plan submitted? / Yes /No If no, please e~lain on the reverse side. / 2. Was structur~placed on the applicant's property according to the plan~ubmitted? ( The distance must be at least 15 feet fr~ his neighbor's line. ) I~no,~ease explain on the reverse side. 3. thee easy access over or around the structure, so that %%~de~rians can move along the public's right of way below ~~water mark? o, please explain on the reverse side. Is the structure high enough so as not to inhibit the growth of the natural grasses along or below the structure? / / Yes NO If no, please explain on the reverse side. 5. Additional ~~~~ TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 June 2, 1983 Mrs. Elizabeth Fox C/O Ledogar 630 Montauk Highway P.O. Box 275 West Islip, NY 11795 ~ear Mrs. Fox, · kis past summer, the Trustees conducted a survey and i~ventory Of Mattituck Creek. The purpose of this survey was to update our records. According to our findings, your structure(s) has no permit on file, therefore, should you have a valid permit for a Dock please submit a photocopy or other proof of issue to the Board of Trustees, so that we can correct our records. If you do not have a permit, one is required by the Southold TOwn Trustees. Please complete the attached application where applicable and we will contact you after receip5 of same. We are working within a limited time frame and would like your response as soon as possible. Sincerely, Board of Town Trustees Frank Ku3awski, Chairman of Creek Survey Comm. FK/ip Encls. ~bk~ OF CP~EEK Mattituck ~ BOARD OF TOW~N TtlUSTEES .... Town Of Southdld Sonthold, New Yor~41971 APPLICATION FOR F~ED and/or Elizabeth V. Fox c/o E.J. Ledogar, 630 Montauk Highway, Box 275, West Islip, NY 11795 ............................................................................................................................ 2. Centre:torts name ond ~ddress: ....N_o.~,e. ........................................................................................ (Dock was repaired several years ago by 3de Danowski) Tel 3. -., To secure a Re~it number for ~meny exD~[m the purDos~ o{ th~s cpp[[co:iom~ ...................................................................... .Je ............... 4. Afner issuance of a Permit, work mus: be completed within one year. LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area Mop from the C!.erk of this Board, oma Dy using a/X A CIRCLE ind]cste as c~ose~/ cs ccssiu~e ~he [occtioo of this dock. On the reverse side of this mop, provide m SCALE dRAWING winch will snow Ordinary High Water N%ark, zne shape and size of the dock odd ~nv supplemental pUings which ore needed rd halo a floating dock ~'~[ZC~ ~%TE>~DS O~SEO% from the O. m W. ,~.E~ adjacen% prope~y owners have docks, specify location and length to scale. ; 6. Wilt any portion of this {onsfructlon ex,eno offshore into Town Waters beyond an llne or bound¢~ formed by other simiior s~ructu~es along the ~rea s shoreline? YES or NO. If it odes extend seyond this sc-c~Hed d~k line indicate by now for, cpproxim=~ety,. ......... 7. Provide the following documents: A Licensed Engineer's Survey o¢ the p~ope~, involved. (b) .& copy of the Contractor's P{ens dna Short Envircnmental. Assessment Form. Wetlands ApplicatJ on 8. , [ this cons~ruct¢on reauire t~e F[J[ing Of any land offshore of the Ordinal. High Water ;~ork or ~ne Dredging of ~nv m~teric[ fromTcwn Lands under water? YES or NO. If ~r doe~. Form A/4 (App;iccnon for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and cztccnea as parr of 9. In reauesnn9 approval of this sDDiicofior [ sub~it that: ~ne informcnon presented herein [s true cnd correct [o the best of my kno%~ledGe Gna belief; ] om ?nc person cccoun~b]e the performance of the work in accordance w~fn rne 2ions and soec]fJc=tion5 elf coned: [ hove rea~ or om farad]dr with the provisions of any 5outno[d Town Ordinance oernnenr ~o the work Permit, when aha if issued tO me. lO. To expedite finding spec3, f~c location for inssec~ion, indicate by, using a temporary markers .~~~ ~. ~.. " ~../ 'fYh~?).' A/2 Regl' '2/82 · . t. .:.; ......... ~L[Z~%~ V. FOX EDWARD J. LEDOGAR ATTORNEY AT LAW 630 MON;TAU{~ HIGHWAY. BOX 275 , WEST ISLiP. NY I 1795 516 . 422 - 3344 EDWARD J. LEDOGAR June 10, 1983 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 728 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Frank Kujawski Chairman of Creek Survey Comm. Dear Sirs: Enclosed herewith please find Application for Fixed and/or Floating Docks, together with cheek to your order in the amount of $5.00. Please issue permit. Thank you. EJL/jmc ¢ Encs. 1918 EDWARD J. LEDOGAR ATTORNEY AT LAW 630 MONTAUK HIGHWAY SOX 275 . WEST ISLIP, NY 11795 516 - 422 3344 EDWARD - LEDOGAR, SR s,~9-~6~ EDWARD J, LEDOGAR June 3, 1983 Board of Town Trustees Town of Soutkkold Town Rall, 53095 Main Road Box 728 Southhold, NY 11971 Bear Sirs: I have your letter dated June 2, 1983, copy of which is enclosed for reference. I re~resent Miss ElizaBeth V. Fox with reference to the subject property. It has been our impression however, that the small boat dock to which yo~ make reference is one which has been in existence since long prior to the time Miss Fox acquired title to the property many years ago, We will study the matter further, but, in aid thereof, I would appreciate receiving from your "List of Application aids available through this office": 1) the information pamphlet; 2) a copy of the Southkold Town Ordinance Regulating the Placing of obstructions in and on Town Watera and Public LanRm, eta (Porm 0/1~; and 3) a copy of the Southkold Town Ordinance regulating the dredging, filling and construction operations on Wetlands (Form 0/2). Please let me know if there is any fee for said materials. Thank you. EJL / af g ./ 1918/eric. / / /