HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOWDY, ROBERTShe -S-05194 Home Title tEED B & S(CeA) ~ 10.00 & Oared Nov. 15, 1968 Liter 6457 Pa. 497 Ack'd do Recorded Nov. 19, 1968 Grantors FRANCES Po BIRD ssa 5uff~ as devisee deceas,ed, res, Mat titu New York, ~n E. Hill, Grantees Cent LESNIKOWSKI Drive, Hebendum Premises ALL that certain plb~ piece ~r parcel { of land, with the buildings and improvements ~hereon e~ec~ed~ situate, lyinR and beinR in the Town of Southold, Count~ o~ Suffolk ~nd SI of New York, ~aown ~and designated as Lot No. ~ and N on a certain rasp entitled, "M~p of Shore Acres," and filed in the Office of the Clerk ( the County of Suffolk on January 3, 1914 as Map NO. 41. TOGETHER with ell the right, title and inte es~ ~f the party of the first part in and to Ma~Ituck ~ay and the shores thereof in front of s;ld Lots M and N~ including all accreti~n~ ~f ~a. ny ~ ~ %T0~mT~=R wz~ a right oi way, an common wit o~t-.~e, rs, 0etseen said bots M and N and Bay Vie~ Avenae over Nor:ih Drive, as laid out on sai.~ map,' Bay Vzew Avenue shown thereon now oelng s ~blic= hi~h~a~ y~ ~ Said ices being more particularly oJun~ ~nd describe& ss follows: A~guSt 19, November 8, 19sixty-eight, FRANEES P. BIRD, residing St Shore Acres, Mattituck, Suff61k County, New York, ROBERT FOUDY, residing at 188 Kilburn Road, Garden City, New York 11530, TEN AND 00/100 - ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ALL that certain lot or plot of land, situate at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as Lot "O"~pn map entitled, "Map of Shore Acres, situate at Mattituek,~own of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, surveyed December 1913, by Roswell S. Baylis, C.E., Huntington, L.I.", which map was filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York, on or about January 3, 1914~.as Number Forty-one, which said lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of North Drive, (a private road) said point being where the division line between Lots "N" and "0" on the above map intersects the ~aid easterly side of North Drive; RUNNING THENCE Northerly along the easterly side of North Drive, along the are of a curve bearing to the left, having a'radius of 216.92 feet. a distance of 90.65 feet to the division line between Lots."O" and "P" on the above map; THENCE South 87° 48~ 00'" East along the last mentioned division line, 517.06 feet to the existing high water mark of Mattituck Creek; THENCE Southerly along said existing high watermark of Mattituck Creek 75 feet more or less to the division line between Lots "N" and "0" on said map; THENCE North 88° 18' 30" West along said last mentioned division llne, 569.77 feet to the easterly side of North ~rive,'the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER ~_~H a right of w~y over North, Drive as laid out on said map to b~ used in common wlth ~-~sent and future owners of lands Shown on said~map, Bay View Avenue shown thereon now being a public highway. TOGETHER WITH all right~ titIe and interest, if any, of the of the ~irst part in and to land under the watersofMstCituek bOundin~ said premises' on the east. SUBJECT ~ easement of Long ~sland Lighting Company recorded in WI LL~AM WICKHAM RICHARD F. LART~ LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WIC KhAiM MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 516-298-8353 Amgust ~, 1969 Trustees oF Semibold Town Town Clerk's Office So~theld, New Terk 11971 Gentlemen: We represent Mr. Robert Femdywhe has p~¢hassR Lot 0, Map of'Shore Acres, from F~a~ces Po Bird. A copy the a~vvey~ shewing the original let a~d the filled- area, is enelese~. Mrs. Bird, in the deed te ~o~dy, conveyed all her ti%le to preseAt high water m~k Mattitmo~k Creek by $~vey description. N~s. Bird also sold Lets N & P adjoining Let 0 e~ either mire, Beth e~ these lots were sold with a se~vey Reseriptie~ r~uni~ to present high water ~ark ~ Matti- tmck Cmeek,.th~s erea~iag accurate bo~aRary limes,as far as Lot O is concerned, ef the filled-in area. E~closed are copies of the deeds ~or lets N, 0 and P. E~clesed also is a prepose~ g~amt for the filled-in area ef Let ~. We trust that all of the above meets with your approval and that yea will be kind enough to execute the enclosed grant. The fee of $1o00 is enclosed. Enots. Ve~cordial~O~L~S, O. .? 0 0 .