HomeMy WebLinkAboutBALDWIN WILBUR AEiv~ ~0 ~.%~ ~e~Z~er~ $he~eof on ~he 3rd ~ ~ October ~hTY OF P~kWgOLX~ ~, ~ .0~44~63 Suffolk Cou~ DRAFT WHEREAS, an application dated September 23, 1971, was made by Henry P. Praus, ~onvraes vendee~ to Howard Terry, Building Inspec~or~ Town of Southold, to secure permission to place fill on Lot 29 and the westerly 25 feet of Lot 30 on a map entitled "Subdivision Map, Peconic Bay Properties, Inco, surveyed February 6, 1931, by Ott¢ W. Van Tuyl, Surveyor" known as "Fisherman's Beach;'~ and WHEREAS~ said application was denied by the Building Inspec- vor who referred the same vo the Town Board of Southold Town on the grounds that said premises constituved wetlands in Southold Town; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board asked the Board of Town Trustees to review the application and the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the Town; and WHEREAS~ the Board of To~n TrusTees, by letter dated May 3, 1972~ to the Town Board, replied as follows: Gentlemen: The Southold Town Board of Town Trustees has reviewed the application of Henry F. Praus for a wetlands permit, and investigated the site at Nassau Point, Lot #29 and part of 30 on map of "Peconic Bay Properties, Inc."~ fronting on Haywaters Cove, Cutchogue~ New York. The Board of Town Trustees loes not believe the issuance of a wetlands permit to Henry Fo Praus will substantially adversely affect any portion of Section 280 of the Wetland Ordinanee~ It is the recommendation of the Board of Town Trustees that the application of Henry F. Praus for a wetland permit be ap~rovedo said WHEREAS, the Town Board of Southold Town has denied the afor~ application; and WHEREAS, by a subsequent survey dated Au~usv 8, 1972, by Young & Young, it has been established that part of this parcel is below ordinary highwater mark and under the jurisdiction of this Board} and WHEREAS, application has now been made by owner and contract Board; and WHEREAS~ this Wilbur Baldwin, vendor of the proper~y, for ~ grant f~m this property along with others an "Fisherman's Beach" has been assessed and taxes paid simce the filing of this map by the various owners, and the action of this Board over the years has been vo approve any reasonable requesv for filling, bulkheading and dredging~ as long as such operations were con- ducted within the boundaries of this map; and WHEREAS, in order to substantiate individual lot ownership and vo assure these owner~ ~f the properties on "Fisherman's Beach" that reasonable requesvs for improvements submitted vo us would receive favorable consideration provided the improvements are within the boundaries of the properties as shown on the filed map of Peconic Bay Properties, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved thav this Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby approves the application for and the issuance of a grant ~o Wilbur Baldwin for suc~ land as now is_ or formerly was~ below highwater mark and under the waters of Haywavers Co~e vo exvend 150 feet northeasterly from Haywaters Road~ F TOWN TRUSTEES September 22, 1972 Richard F. Lark, ESq. Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear, Mr. Lark: Your application on behalf of Wilbur A. Baldwin fo~'a land grant, submitted to the BOard of Southold Town Trusteqs,ihas been discussed by the Board and it was unanimous in ' thezr opihlon that these lots were acutally owned by the title holders by 9irtue of this mad filed February 6, 1931 as a subdivision map Of Peconic Bay Properties, Inc. The property has been assessed and taxes paid since the filing of this map by the various owners, and the action of this Board over the years has.been to approve any.reasonable request for filling bu'lkheading and dredging, as long ~s' Such operations were conducted within the boundaries of th~ ~ap. It was the unanimous consensus of the Board that they sub- s~ansiate the ownership by p~assin~ confi~m~ing resolutions, the inteht of th~ ~esoi~%ionSlbelng tQ assure ~W~er~ of the~~ properties that reasona~ie requests ~r said improvements sub~i~te~~ to us wo~ld recezve favorable ConsideratiOn, provided impr~)ve~ents are wl~hzn the boundarzes of %hese pr6pertles as shown on t~i~ sub~ division map of Peconic Bay Properties, Inci Very truly yours Alvah B. Goldsmith, ~hairman Board of Southold TO~n Trustees TO: Southold Tow~ 31erk's Office ,Main Road South01d, New York 11971 AT~': Judith Boken E' R . Wilbur Baldwin Dea~ Mrs., Bo~e~: P~rsuanv To our telephone conversation of thi~ date, I am enclosing a check to the orde~ 0f the Southold Town Trustees in the amount 6f $1.00. Very truly yours, SIGNED DATE:10/~/72 mlf~SIGNED DATE: __