HomeMy WebLinkAboutFISHER, BETTY K TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III,. President Henry P': Smith, Vice'":President Albert J'.'. Krupski, Jr.' John L. Bednoski, Jr'. John B.. :TuthHi Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTt L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. BOX 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (5t6) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-'t800 April 5, 1991 SamUels & Steelman 25235 Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 RE: Waiver Request for Betty Kunkel Bridge Lane, Cutchogue Dear Mr. Samuels: The following action was taken by 'the Board of Town Trustees during its regular meeting held on April 4, 1991: RESOLVED that the Town TruStees APPROVE the waiver request to construct exterior stairs to existing residence as noted on survey dated March 13, 1991. Please return to the Building Department for a determination on the need for any other permits which may be required for this project, as this approval is only from the Board of Trustees. Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Town Trustees JMB:jt cc: Bldg. Dept. CAC File Board .Of $'outhold Town rustees SOUTHO'LD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO, ..N~.N ~l,t DATE: ....2../..38:/~75 ......... ISSUED TO .....'...BEP~.T.Y:=KZJNKEL...EI.SHER:., ..!. Au.t:h or.izatiou Pursuant fo the provisions of Chapter 6t5 of fhe Laws of the State of New Yorl~[ 1893; and Chapter 404of the Laws of the State of New York 1952'; and the' South°Id Town Ordinance en- tltied "REGULATING:AND THE PLACING OF O'BSTRUCTIONS tN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND. PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL. OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance w~fh the Resolution: of The Board adopted afa meeflng held on ..2./.Z8/..95 ...... 19_.'.?.~)..., and in consideration of fh'e sum. of $...!.Qg..,..0..0 ..... paid .by .... J[amea..R.ambo..In.c ..... fo~...BET, TY.. K ..... EISHEP~ ................................... of ...... Cn~.cho.~ue .................................................... N. Y. and subiec'l' fo +he Terms and Conditions listed on +he. reverse side hereof, of Sou+hold Town Trustees authorizes and Permlts.fhe following: Grandf_a~her Permit to. replace a timber bridge measuring 52' X 14' inkind/inptace. Wunneweta Pond Lagoon all in accordance with +he defaiJed speciflcafions as' presented in +he originating applicafTon. IN'.WITNESS WHEREOF, The. said Board of Trustees here-, by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents fo be subscribed' by a majority of the said Board .as of '+h)s date, T~egh~me TO~ FROM: DATED $OUTHOLD TOWN C.ONSEE¥.&TION ADVISORY COUNCIL Soutbotd', N~w York i]971 Southoid Town Board of' Truste~'s Southold Town Conservation Advisory.~Council July 23~ 1992 Recommsqgations · At its meetin~ held Tuesday~ July 21~ 1992 the CAC made the follow- in~ re.commendations~ , On a motion~by Stephen Angell~ seconded by Rober~ Keith~ it was RESOLVED to recon~m~nd to the Southold Trustees a_j~rov~i with a ~ulations of the W~tland Application of Linda ~ 53-2-2 to construct a 24~. x 3~' single story r~.taii marine antique- !%1~ and 9irt shop with access driveway and parking~.~ ONLY AFTER there is indeDendent approval as approrpiate to the site by the Plannin~ Board and ZB'A will the CAC recommend approval of the Project as environmentally sound with the following stipulations~ that th~ continually be a natural vegetative buffer maintained and left it a natural st~te~ and that no chemicals be permitted for storage or use on th~ site. ~ · '68320 Route 2'5~ Greenpqrt Vote of Council: Ayes: Ali Motion carried~ On a ~otion by John Holzap~e!~ seconde~ by John McCo'rmick~ it P~SOLVED. to recommend to'the Southo!d Town Trustees a_Rprovai :~¢':'".=' i'iJ .' ?'?"')'-~ -~- of the Wet~and Application o~,~'e~ ~.~ K~k~&_. 118-1-i~'~1 ~ construct a~new wood deck. 1250 Bridge Lane, Cutcho~ue Vote of Council: Ayes: Ail On a motion by Stephen Angeli, seocnded by John~. Holzapfel, it RESOVLED to recommend to the. Southo!d Town TruSt~'S d~.s_.a o~v_..a! of Wet~and Appllcat._on oz Walter and Stanley KrWps~m to construct a 125 !.f. of~r~ on east' sid~ and armor with l! ton stone on fil~3r c'%~'~h' and ~ " ~, ~ ~,~' :~. - ~./ ....... a stone., splash pad behind. Th~ CAC reco~ends disapproval b~caus~ it would set a Precedent since there is no house or building. on the property. In ~enera!~ armorin~ the north shore of Lon9 Isl~d is not in the best interest of the town. The Council sUg~.~sts t~e Trustees study this issue for lon~ term view. Bri~e Lan~, Cutcho~.ue Vote of Council: Ayes: Mo~ion carried ~ On a motion by Robert Keith, seconded by Stephen Ange!l, it was RESOVLED to recommend to the Southo!d Town Trustees approval of ?~etiand Application of ~ony Helies !25~8-2S.3 to construct a timber dock, ~ ~Park Drive Ext.~. Mat~ituck Vot.~ of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. ~.~.~..application of '~onald Winkler-78-2-I1 to construct a single family dwel!in~~ was TABLED. -The Council was unable to inspect' ~he property due to heavy qrowth. Applicant Should stake the property and submi~ better plans. 3135 Main Bayview Road, Southold -. The revised application of'Lawrence Hmke for a ~ouse was TABLED · for"~a rein~pection~ Westphalia Road~ Mattituck · h~ CAC recommends approval of the Waiver Request of E.M. Davidson '-ill for a temporary shed. There is no problem ~ith the environm~ntai aspects of the project~ however, th~ Council questions the~status o~ the ~etition .- does the project have the property owners approva.l~] The CAC reco~ends'approva! of the Waiver Request of Joseph' D. ~.,, Zaiser to add a room as lon~ as all the usual conditions are fo!towed~ i..e. hay bales~ drywells~ etc. Southold. .Albe~ J. K~upski, President J0hn~Holzapfel,,Vice Resident.. William G. Alberrson - - Martin H. GarreI1 Peter wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1'892 Fax (5.16) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .c.Coastal Erosion Permi't Application ~etland Permit Application ~/. Grandfather Permit Application ~ Trustee Lands permit Application Waiver ~ Re~ved ApplicatiOn~ ~/~/~ '~ Clerical '~eview: ~]~/~ ~ . ~ ' Comp.leted APPiicati~n ~,~ / f~ ' SEQ~ ClaSsification: ~ ~e I : ..~e It Unl'isted~ Coordina%ion: (date senti) ~ CAC Refers.at Sent: ~/~/~ Date of I~sPec.tiOn:" / __ReceiPt 'o~f CAC Report: ( date ) Lead Agency Determination: Tech~.Cat Review: :( ~a.te), ~p~blic 'Hear.in~: (d.at~J/~/~ ~ Appli'~ati'on Fee: $-/~3. ~ ' / Name of Applicant Address ~~ Suffolk County Tax Map Ntu~ber: 1000 - (provide LILCO Pole ~, distance to cross streets, and location) (If ap~cable) Address: 1 Oard of Trustees Applicati~ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): ~c~ Area Zoning: ~ Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? YNo Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): .~..ard of TrUStees APPiicat~% CounTy of Suffolk State of New York BEING DULY SWORN DEP©SES A/~D AFFIRMS THaT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL.BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN T~I'S APPLICATION AND AS MAY'BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLIC~NT AGREES TO HoLD THE TOWNOF SOUTEOLD AND TH~ TOWN TRUSTEES ..HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES. AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT.(S)., IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING T~IS APPL. I.CATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE TtIE TRUSTEES., THEIR AGENT[.S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO'MY.PROPERTY TO iNSPE~T ~.TKE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTIQN WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. Signature SWO~ TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF ,19 Notary Public To.. '.Whom it May Concern: This is to. authorize JA~ES H.. RA~H30~iNc., to obtain the ne~es.sa~ permits f~or.~ m~ne constrhCtion on my beha'lf.. ,~%ard' of Trustees Applicat.f~.~ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA .Purpose of the proposed · operations: ~~~~ Area of wetlands on lot: ~ square feet Percent coverage of lot: /V/~. % ! closest distance between nearest existin~ stru9t~r~ and upland edge Of wetlandS: ' feet ~~." CloSeSt distanCe.between nearest propose~ str~upland edge. of'WetlandS: feet~ . Does~roject involve excavation'orfilling? No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? cubic yards How much material will be filled? cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet. Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason os such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): ~RuSTEES M. B~meyer; III, President :HehrY P.' Smit_hd Vice President .Aibert" J. ~I~upsld ~ Jr. John' L.' ~ednoSk~i,-Jr. John B.. TuthiH Telephone (51'6)..:765-1.892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD APPLICATION I.~3HE'REB¥ MADE: TO T~E TOWN TRUSTEES, ~'TC COUNTY., NEW YORK i FOR THE ISSUANCE OF a pERMIT P~ OR~tNAN.CES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING'TIlE ..COASTAL~..A~ FLo.QD PL&INs Alxq)'DRAINAGE .AREAS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN,' ~ PERMI.TS~ PURSUANT TO CtlJ~PTER ~2 OF TH~ CODE OF THE. M~I. LI.NG ADDRESS AGENT: AGENT ADDRESS: SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O...~ox t 179 - _ _ South01d, New york'~t1971 ~~) 76.5~t823' " ', i ~~$UFFOLK U~T.. T0'[~E..::LAw'S'.,j · INTERIOR '. ~HE. '~.SsU~CE~ OF D~ OF SOU~OLD~ EEL NO. PERblIT REQUESTED TO: .~_LQD~d>~). ~ ~~~'~-~z-/¢~/.,~. Y-t~9 ~--~7~,M~7G LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR YDS. TO BE EXCAVATED: YDS. TO BE FILLED: MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED: WIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR BAY FRONTINS 'PROPF : DEPTH AT LOW TIKE: ~ AVER. RISE IN TIDE: DISTANCE TO NEWEST CH~EL: ~~ ~EA 'ZONING: ~"~ "iS PROJECT' FOR PRIVATE OR BUS. USE: INTEND~ USE OF PROPERS: .~~'~/L~. ~/~~ DESCRIBE ~O~ PRIQR OPE~TIONS CONDUCTED ON PREMISES: HAS ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERMIT BEEN ISSUED TO ERECT STRUCTURES, DREDGE., OR DEPOSIT FILL ON SAID PREMISES: ~~' HAS ANY LICENSE OR PERMIT EVER BEEN REVOKED OR SUSPENDED BY A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY: /~ (2) DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION OF PROPERTY: DESCRIBE PROPOS~ CONDITION OF PROPER~ AFTE WORK IS COMPLETED. INCLUDE ~ ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF PROPER~ SITE IF NECESS~Y: ~ ~~ ~ ~E THERE ~Y COVEN~TS O~ RESTRICTIONS ~N YOUR DEED ~ICH WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT: ~ WRITTEN CONSENT OF OWNER IF NOT THE SAME AS APPLICANT: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE' OF NEW YORK ) BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES · AND'SAYS THkT. HE;IS. THE APPLI'CANT.'FOR'.'THEABOVE DEscRIBED PERMITS, AND -TH~T.'~LLsT~T.~S C~N'~INED HEREIN;ARE TRUE TO T~E-~ST'~OF H~S'/~OWLEDGE ~D ~ELiEF,'~THAT WO~: WILL BE nONE IN THE ~NER SET. FOR~ IN...:'THIS ~PLICATION~D'~aS ~Y BE'APPROVED BY'THE TO~..;.BO~ OF'~E:jTo~'DF SOU.~OLD. T~.'APPLI~T AG~ES T0 HOLD. THE TO~'OF SOUTHOLD..~D.~E TO~ TRuS~EES~SESS ~.:FREE...F~0M~ ~'DALLD~GES ~D:~..~aI'MS/~SING ~ER OR~./BY ~IR~E-0F SAID:.PE~IT, IF'~G~TED. ' IN COMPLETING.: TEIS AP~PLt~CATtON,. I HEREBY A~aORIZE..THE TRUSTEES.~.THEIR AG~OR. REP~sENTA~t'~Ei TO E~ER:0NTo ~. PROPERTy TO INSPECT THE pREMISES IN'CONJ~CTION'. WITH;'~VI~EW OF THIS APPLICATION. ~ignature O~ Applicant SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS EXAMINED BY .APPROVED DISAPPROVED CONDITIONS (If any) SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85 APpendix C State.Environmental Quality Review ,'~'. SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only SE.OR PART t--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) "~:~. ,~bt~,N:~.;~.,o.,~ : . i ~;~o~'L,~: NAME '4. PRECIS.E.LQCATI'ON (Street ~ddress and .road intersections,.-promi~ent landmarks, elc., or provide map} IS. PROPOSE~O ACTION: [] New [] Expe.nsio~ ~'Modificatio~ta~teration DES~Ri'~E"PROJECT BRIEFLy: acres Ultimately ~ acres 8. ~-'.tLL F~OPOSED ACTION COMP[~Y WITH EXISTING ZONJNG OR OTHER EXIST;~NG LAND USE RESTR)C;I'IONS? · '~,Yes · [] .hJo If No, describe briefly / 9. WHAT 18 pRESENT LAND USE iN VICI.NITY OF PROJECT? e~scResidentfat [] !ndustrial [] Commercial [] Agriculture 'rtbe: [] Park/Forest/Open Sp~ce [] Other DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING, 'NOW' OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? . ~.Yes [] Ne I! ye~, fist agency(s) and permit/approvals · · 1t. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE AGTtON HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [~] Yes '~Io If'yes, tl~t'agency name and perm?lapproval ,~. AS A RE*UL= OF PROP0~E~ ~C=,ON W,LL ~×,ST,NG',E,M,~APP,OVA~ .EO.i~,E MOOI~,OA~,ON? I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION pRoviDED AaOVE iS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEOGE Signature: tf the aCtion i's in the Co,~stal Area', and you are a state agency, complete the coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1: ?AR~ ii'~'ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE$S~ENT (To'be completed by Agency) ~a. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE I Th¢ ~OLD [N 6 NYCRR, PART 617.127 B. WiLL ACTION· RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS iN 6 NY.CRR, PART 617.67 If No, a negative de.nlara~ion · may be superseded by ~nother involved agency. 'C; COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFF[CT$ AssoCiATED WI~H THE FOLLOWING: (An:s-wets may ~b.handwritten. ,if fegible) · :' Ct. ExJ$fi.ng ai~' quality,, surface or groundwater qaai[ty er quantity, ~oise levels;, existing traffic pat'tarnsi solid waste production or diSpOsal, pctentia! for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? E~'Pi~ tt briefly: ~ C2. Aesthetic, agrieultu~-al, arct~aeolo¢cai, hi,tO,tic, Or othe~.natural or cultural resources; or .community or neighborhood character? Ex~h~to brleFiY; C3. Ve§etetio~ er fa~a. fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significa~tt habitats, o~ threatened Or endangered S~ecies? Explain briefl~ C4. A community's existfn'g, plans or goals a.~ officiaNy a¢opted, or a change in ~se or intensity of use of land.or other nature resources? E×p[a n briefly Growth. subsequent development, or related activities likely to be i~duce(t by the propose~t action? E×p~al~ b~'ietly. C6. Long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in O1.O57 Explain ~riefly. C7, Oilier impacts (ir~cl[~ding c~anges in use of either quantity or type of energyJ? Explsi~ briefly. D..IS THERE. OR IS THERE LIKELY TO I~E, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? [] Yes []] No If Yes. explain briefly PART Itl--DETERMINATION OF SIGN.IFICANC~=:(-Fo. be completed by Agency) iNSTRUCTIONS; For each adverse effect ~dentified above, determine whetr~er it is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each eltect should be assessed in connection .with [ts (a) settin.g (i.e. urban or rural}; (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; irreversibil¢ty; (e} geographic scope; and (f} magnitude. Ii' necessary, add 'attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that exp~anat.ion$ contain sufficient detail ~;o show that ~lJ rete~/ant adverse impacts nave been" identified and adeeuately addressed. [] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially ~arge or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAr and/or prep'are a positive declaration. · [] Check this box if you have determined, based on the in~ormation and analysis above and any supporti-ncj documentation, that the mrOposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: N.~me or Lead tide o[ N,.,~pons,~l~ Ou'i.cef b~gna{ute ot /{~espon3,ble OHice~' In Lead Agency -...'?-..',-- S~gnature o1' ereparer'[l't'~ai'ieren¢ ttom respgn3tble ol'r~ce~t BETTY ~{ ~ KUNKEL P.O. BOX 936 · CUTCHO'GUE, NY 11935 March 9, 1991 I hereby authorize THOMAS C. SAMUELS of SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS to act as my agent in..obt~ining the required Permits from the Town of Southold Trustees, Suffolk County Department of Health ServiCes and New York State. Department of Environmental Conservation, and SOuthold Town Building Department. Betty M'. '3KUnkek Date: 1600 Bridge Lane Cutchoque, New York ~ebruary 8,.!995C~ Town Trustees SOuthold,~ New York Gentlemen; I am writing as a property owner and resident of 1500 Bridge Lane on Nassau Point in Cutchoque to give permission to replace the wood bridge used to access my property and that of my neighbors. Wal~t er ~ilberna§el ~/ Febrnary ' 9th, 1995 Town of $outhold $oUtho'ld,, NY I, Donald Patrick Brennan, am the owner of property at 1663 Bridge Lane, Nassau Point.. I do hereby give 'my permission to.remove the existing bridge, which provides access to- the property, and replace it with a new bridge of subStantially.greater capacity. Sincerely, Donald Patrick Brennan S A M U E L S S T E E L M A March 2I, 1991 Boa.rd of Town Trustees ToWn of .Southold Southold, N.Y. Kunkel residence Bridge Lane Nassau Point, N.Y. Dear Trustees, We have submitted an application, site plan and a check for $35.00 for a proposed exterior stair addition to a.n existing residence located on Bridge Lane on Nassau Point. We are requesting, a. waiver from the Trustees for the construction of the exterior stairs. If we can answer any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Yours Truly, SAMUELS AND STEELMAN ARCHITECTS Tom Samuels Principal ARCHITECTS 25235 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGU£, NEW YORK 11935 (516) 734-6405 ; :,~ .' ~:M UELS:.:~ &-STEELMAN" //' ' . ' :.:252~5 ::Main Road,' . .. '/ CUTC'HOGUE,. (516) 'NEW'734:6405YORK 11935 · :' :i::.:' ./7z-,¢-¢.0x/,4xJ · .. :~.~ :. ,:;";:::~}~?WE ARE sENDING YOU ~ A~ched ~ Under separate cover via · · ":~: ,",'}-';~ ~ Shop drawings ~ Prfnts U Plans ;'~::~ ' ~ Copy of le~er ~ Change order [] Samples [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. [ · DESCRIPTION .... .f :'HESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: !:: ~ For approval [] Approved as submitted [] ~er your use [] As requested [] For review and comment E~ FOR BiDS DUE [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] Resubmit [] Submit 0 Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19 __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US TO If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.