HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINN, JUDITH Albezt 3[. Krupsld. President John Holzapfel, Vice President ..L.3im King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenezet Town Hail 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southolfl, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February ~, 1997 Judith D. Finn ~905 Peconic Bay Blvd. La'~et, NY 11948 Dear Hrs. Finn: Our Clerk, Jill, checked with the M~ttituck Park District in regar~ to the jetty or groin in the park east of your property. The Park District has no interes~c in replacinq the s~r~et~e, so it will probably continue to deteriorate. It's apparent, especially from the tax ma~, how ~is jetty a~fects ~ur property. Don~t hesitate to contact us if you have any q~estions about erosion control pro~ect. Sincerely, President, BoaEd of Trustees AJK:jmd Albert J. Kmpski, President lohn Holzapfel, Vice Presidem Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 South_old, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 2, 1996 Laurel, NY 11948 Dear Mrs. Finn: On November 14, 1996 four Board members inspected your property, as you requested. We were unaware of the problem of the Yacht club. I will put this problem on for re-inspection on December tl, and we will look at the whole beach area. Our answer to your problem was to get a permit to place sand on the beach to restore it to grade and then plant it with beach grass similar to your neighbors to the west. I will be happy to discuss our suggestions with you on or after our next field inspection. Sincerely, ?. Albert J. "~rupski, ~r. President, Board of Trustees AJK:jmd ovemher SOUTHOLD- -- .,: Mr. Albert Krupski, Jr. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr, Krupski: I am wziting to you in your capacity as President of the Town Trustees in the hopes that you will be able to provide some~ assistance to a matter that is troubling myself and my neighbors. The jetty located on the property of the Mattituck Yacht Club is badly in need of repairing, As a result of its deteriorated condition, the beaches are being eroded and bulkheads are being endangered. I called your office several weeks ago and an individual came to my property to assess the situation. I was told that I would need some very extensive repairs to my beach if I am to retain my bulkhead and preserve my property. I called one of the companies that were recommended by this person and I was told that the jetty is in essence the main culprit. The beaches will continue to erode at an ever increasing rate as the jetty gets destroyed in subsequent storms. My neighbors and myself have appealed to the Mattituck Yacht Club to begin remedying the situation and they have made no comment to our letters. I would like to know if there is any assistance available from some agency either advisory or financial to help us resolve this situation. It does not seem fair that the local property owners should lose their beaches forever due to the Yacht Club's neglience. would appreciate your asssitance in this matter at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Yours truly, JUDITH D. FINN 8908 PECONIC BAY BLVD. LAUREL, NY 11948 Mr. Albert Krupski, Jr. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Krupski: I am writing to you in your capacity as President of the Town Trustees in the hopes that you will be able to provide some~ assistance to a mat~er that ~is troubling myself and my neighbors. The jstty located on the property of the Mattituck Yacht Club is badly in need of repairing. As a result of its deteriorated condition, the beaches are being eroded and bulkheads are being endangered. I called your office several weeks ago and an individual came to my property to assess the situation. I was told that I would need some very extensive repairs to my beach if I am to retain my bulkhead and preserve my property, t called one of the companies that were recommended by this person and I was told that the jetty is in essence the main culprit. The beaches will continue to erode at an ever increasing rate as the jetty gets destroyed in subsequent storms. My neighborsand myself have ~app~aled to the Mat~ituck YachtClUb to begin remedying the situation and they have made no comment to our letters. I wouldlike to know if there is any assistance available from some agency either advisory or financial to help us resolve this situation. It does not seem fair that the local property owners should lose their beaches forever due to the Yacht Club's neglience. I would appreciate your asssitance in this matter at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Yours truly, .. F,.'. - 8g08 PECONIC BAY BLVD. ~ /LAUREL, NY 11948 Southold Trustees Town Hall P.O.Box 1179' Southold, NY 11971 Dear Trustees; October 23, 1996 I would, like to request a free pre-submittance inspection of my property to determine the best procedures to implement to stop the beach erosion problems I am~experiencing. Enclosed please find a copy of my survey. My home phone number is 298-4452 and my work number is 298-8685 ext. 230. Thank you. 8908 Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel, NY 11948 Yours truly, Judith D. Finn