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APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Horning BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 25, 1999 Appl. No. 4671— HENRY L FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. PARCEL 1000-9-4-11.1 STREET & LOCALITY: Equestrian Avenue, Fishers Island DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: March 25, 1999 FINDINGS OF FACT Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The above identified property is preexisting and contains a nonconforming use in this R-80 Residential Zone District on Fishers Island, and consists of an acre of 3.21+- acres with 186+- ft. frontage along Equestrian Avenue. This property adjoins properties in a quaintly developed Hamlet Business (HB) Zone District occupied by the commercial buildings of the village center. The parcel is improved with one museum building which is owned and occupied by the H. Lee Ferguson Museum, Inc., a not -for profit private foundation. This 2,330+- sq. ft. one-story building was constructed in 1972, with an additional expansion in 1990. The current lot coverage is 1.7% and the new addition would increase lot coverage to 2.6% as proposed. The remaining portion of the property is occupied by a rustic wetlands -wildlife sanctuary which is freely open for public access from any of the three public roads around the property. BASIS OF APPEAL: The Building Inspector's February 2, 1999 Notice of Disapproval, under Article XXIV, Section 100-241-A in which a building permit was requested for an addition to an existing museum, a nonconforming use in this R-80 Zone District. VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicant is requesting an additional building area of 1,315 sq. ft. for the museum. The proposed addition would further reduce the existing setback from the nearest corner of the building to the Town right-of-way from 41.5 feet to 28.8 feet. The R-80 Residential Zone District requires a minimum front yard setback of 60 feet (or the average within 300 feet on the same block and same side of the street). Equestrian Avenue contains a side walk on the museum side of the road and the distance to the center of the sidewalk from the closest point of the proposed addition would be 38+- feet and the distance to the edge of the existing pavement of Equestrian Avenue would be 45+- feet. age 2 — Appl. No. 4671 Re: 1000-9-4-11.1 (Ferguson) ZBA Decision - March 25, 1999 REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: With regard to Section 100-241A, the Board of Appeals is cognizant of the fact that this use (museum sanctuary) has existed on this property since 1972. This use is acknowledged as having a positive beneficial impact upon the surrounding more densely developed neighborhoods, both commercial and residential, because the museum occupies such a small percentage of the parcel which is otherwise designated to publicly accessible open space. The Museum provides a vital and beneficial service to Fishers Island. It is the repository of a wealth of knowledge which encompasses both local history and a realm of natural sciences. In order for the Museum to continue fulfilling its mission on Fishers Island in a positive and progressive manner, it is essential that it be allowed to expand its premises. Such expansion will be an enhancement rather than a detriment to the character of the neighborhood and nearby properties because the museum occupies a special niche in this small community and its mission is overwhelmingly supported by the residents. With regard to Section 100-32 (Bulk, Area and Parking Regulations) and while there is no other feasible way for the applicant to accomplish an increase in museum space for the purpose of creating additional exhibit display and storage facilities, the only feasible method is for the requested encroachment into the front yard setback facing Equestrian Avenue. As a result and due to topographical constraints on the property, the Board concludes that a museum addition will not change or expand the existing use because it will be for exhibits and displays related to the Museum, which exists. 1) The granting of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or be a detriment to nearby properties because the presence of the Museum and its adjacent wetlands wildlife sanctuary, situate upon a 3.21+- acre parcel, enhances the character of the neighborhood and also the value of nearby properties. 2) The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for applicant to pursue, other than an area variance because the topography of the parcel, which contains a small museum building and a scenic wetlands -wildlife sanctuary, places severe limitations upon the location and direction suitable for expansion of the building. 3) The requested variance is substantial only in respect to the proposed front yard setback from the Town right-of-way known as Equestrian Avenue. The distance to the center of sidewalk from the closest point of proposed addition is 38+- feet and the distance to the edge of existing pavement is 45+- feet. 4) There is no evidence that the grant of the variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because the adjoining Hamlet Business zoned neighborhood contains commercial buildings that are much closer to the street. Page 3 - Appl. No. 4671 Re: 1000-9-4-11.1 (Ferguson) ZBA Decision - March 25, 1999 5) The alleged difficulty has not been self-created because within the recognition of the Museum's need and desire to expand the existing facility is a further recognition that the site topography presents a situation that cannot be deemed to be self-created. In considering this application, the Board deems an addition to the existing museum is the minimum necessary and adequate to preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. RESOLUTION/ ACTION: On motion byChaixmn Goehringeseconded by Member Tortora, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the variance, as applied for. VOTE OF THE BOARD: GOEHRIN , IO COLLINS. This Resolution was duly adopted 4-0). (M er H �nt during this vete. ) GERAR P.GOEHRINGER / CHAIRMAN For Filing 3/26 or 3/29/99 ^C1, IVIED APTD FTTE n B7 TxiZ .C.=i_�--D T� .:id j D 7,TL Town C,,k/-k, Town of NAR 08 '99 1131 SOUTHOLD TOWN ACCOUNTING NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING SOu7HOW TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MARCH #.1999 NOTICE IS HIDE Y GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code P. 2/3 1 1 of Southold, the followingapplication will be held for a public hearing by the ;SS?tL OLD Ti BOARD Of, Ae L& at the 55frruddd Town HA 53.095 Main Road, Southold, New Yak 1157 ItIUSW s at the time mated below (oras soon thereafteras possible). 7,55 Pm. Appl. No. 4671 - HENRY L- fER USQN Variances are requested Ardcie =V, Section 100-241-A and Article III, Section 140-32, based upon two NOW Disapproval issued February 21 1944, for permission to construct addition with imuf#ic en#. yard setbacks) and alteaations to an e>dsting noncont©rmk* (Museum) use in this Residential Zone District. Location of property: N/W side of Equestrian Avenue (Bell Hill Avenu West Street), Fishers Isl snd, NY, County Tax Map No. 1000.004-04-11.1. The Board of Ag eats will at said time and place hear any and as persons or desiring to be heard in the above application or desiring to submit written statements concluding the hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are avail, review during regular sown Hall business hours (8-4 pm.). If you have questions, please hesitate to call (S16) 7,it5-1$09, Dated: March 8,1999• t••-, • r VY�4 on 10 not TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL / Date: February 2, 1999 To: H Lee Ferguson Museum, Inc. EquestrianAvenue Fishers Island, New York 06340 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated January 27 1999 For permit to Construct additions and alterations to the existing Museum Facility at Location of Propertyhom_ Equestrian �Avenue " Fishers Island. e New York 06390 County Tax Map,No. District 1000- Section 09 - Block 04 Lot 11.1 Subdivision: Filed Map No. - Lot No. Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Under article XXIV. Section 100-241.A.Nonconforming Uses. Existing _non -conforming use of buildings shallnot be enlarged, altered, extended: reconstructed or restored. nor shall any external evidence of such use be increased by any means whatsoever. The existing museum building is anon -conforming use in the R-80 Zone. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL 0 02 t� I;?, Date: February 2, 1999 To: H. Lee Ferguson Museum, Inc. Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island, New York 06390 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated January 27 . 1999 For permit to Construct additions and alterations to the existing Museum Facility at Location of Property Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island. New York 06390 County Tax Map No. District 1000-'Section 09 - Block 04 Lot 11.1 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Under article III. Section 100-32. Bulk, area and parldng regulations. No building shall be used in the R-80 District unless the same conforms to the bulk schedule of this chapter. The bulk schedule for R-80 District requires -a minimum front yard setback of sixU (60')feet. The existing front yard setback is forty one and one ha1f(41.5') feet. The pro frontvard setback is twenty eightand eight tenths' 2�.8'feet. This is an additional encroachment of twelve and seven tenths (12.7) feet. ck-¢ ",/ te FEB 7 199'" a e)„ TOWN OF 5O0-I19#VL)9*4V�0QWq APPEAL. FROM DECISIOIq OF BUILDING 11.1SPECTOft. APPEAL NO. DA IT ...... ................. 10 FI lE ZOCIItIG BOARD OF APPEALS, TOW11 OP SOU TI IOLD, N. Y, 1, {Wc) ,HENRY!L FERGUSON,MITSEUNi,,.z�O,,,,.,.o( ;.,,(no l6} Eduestrzan Avenue Name of Appellant Street and hhunber ..Fishers Island ......... ..:...... I1e1a;York ,,;,;......HEREBY APPEAL_ TO Municipality'.. Stale•. IHE'Z_Ot,fIHG BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR 019 APPLICATION FOR PERMI r NO. ..... ..... ........ ... DATED ..,F.e13S r xx..2..:R99.9._ ...... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO . ....................................... ... .......: ................ Horne: of Applicant. for pennit of y(no (E) Equestrian Avenue, „ enuesFishers Island,=._New,York ........ ......... Street aril Number Municipality State ( ) PERMIT 1"0 USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY (X) PERMIT TO BUILD 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY Cno ik) Equestrian Avenue / Fishers Island / <R-80 Street /Itaitiieti / Use District on Zoning Map District 1000 Section 9 Brock 4 Lot 11.1 .. ._.....- ...... :..... ......._...._... ._......--._.Current Owner H. Lee Ferguson Museum, Inc. Mop No. Lot No. Prior Owner 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub. section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article III Section 100=32; Article XXIV Section 100-241.A- 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is mode herewith for (please check appropriate box) (X) A.VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Low Chop. 62 Cons. Lows Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 ( ) d. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal W a*) (hos not) been mode with respect to this decision of the Building Inspec(or or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit - ( )request fora variance and was made in Appeal No.. ...... ..............Dated .. ............. ...r ......'..... REASON FOR APPEAL ( )- A Variance to Section 280A. Subsection 3 ( X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that applicant's museum requires additional space due to growth in materials to be exhibited and expansion isnot feasible without'encroaching further into required front yard. Foror Zlll.... (Continue on other side) REASDN FOR APPEAL Contimied I. 5'rRICT APPLICATION OF TI-fE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- soryIIARDSIHP because japplicant requires additional space for expansion and, while the parcel on which the existing building is located is quite large, due to slopes and 'wetlands, the only feasible building area is near the street line in the required. front yard, 2 The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because there is very little practical building space on a lot of substantial size. 3, The Variance would •observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE'TFIE CIIARACTER OF THE DISTRICT Because there would be no change to the use of the property and the property borders a commercial (HB):zone where the buildings are even closer to the street line than the addition proposed by applicant. HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. STATE E OF NEW YORK ) By 4 t4- L H-3-- , tt ss ......... ....... ......... COUI`!TY OF SUFFOLK ) Signature Stephen L. Ham, III, agent Sworn to this ......................211 ............. day oL.F.@bXuary.............. . ... 1999 BARBARA T HAM 7-.. Notary Public, State of New York No. 02HA5061959 ••• • ..... • •••'••••.. Qualified in Suffolk County i Jat rry Public Commission Expires June 17, REASONS FOR AREA VARIANCE ONLY to be completed by applicant):. Do not use these standards for "use variance" or "spec al exception." (Also attach sheets if necessary, with si natures.) 1. An undesirablechange will NOT be produced in the haracter of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, f granted g BECAUSE: commercial buildings to the northeast are already much closer to the f street line than applicant's proposed addition. I I 2. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achi ved by some method, feasible for the applicant to'pursue, other th n an area variance BECAUSE: there are steep slopes behind the existing useum building that would make construction in the rear yard difficult and impractical. 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial ECAUSE, if the variances are -granted, the lot coverage on this. 3.7 -acre par el will be increased only to a very small 'extent and the building will still b -farther from the street line than its neighbors to the northeast. 4. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or im act on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district BECAUSE building toward the street would 'have .a much smaller imp ct on physical conditions at the site and on the slopes and wetlands to the rear o the property. 5. Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes., (;X ) No. 6. This is the minimum that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the nei hborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF' SUFFOLK) >/ Fcw By (Applicant 'Stephen L. Ham,' III, gent must attach written, cons nt,from owner. �>>Agent Sworn o before me this of F bruary 1949/ _day _ —T_ -Notary public BAP BA6AT HAM. Notary Pubic, State of New York' No 02"A5061959 :c �lfe( for -.n . va� /temp QuaUied in au'rotk County c orrimission Expires june 17, 96(p7) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD C �9►R OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT' FORMER OWNER N E ACR. "a S W TYPE OF BUILDING 6DC RES. SEA VL. FARM COMM. • CB. MICS, Mkt: Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS e; 0 © 4) 30 Ili—GSD I � � `� �--3 O 0 1 L� A37",/ F, i ��. UU / // � r ST X7 6 rl C 1A (veli (04 , L- 8 (D ata f- r AGE BUILDING CONDITION ` ,• NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE - FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKHEAD Toto ° d✓ w DOCK ,.[ \. � `�� l�, _ �$ �.,,:�- . ,� TOWN OF SOU' HOLDPROPER Y RECORD CARD OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. ti SUB. LOT x�-•-W dyiuta � e / ll �✓ � �s �� M OWN y v �l E Yo 70 »� ,r,,,Y% ACR. 3..z/a ✓" / S — Awa W / TYPE OF BUILDING RES. S&k VL. _ rj FXRM COMM. CB. MICS, Mkt. Value ` LAND . IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value T Acre Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKHEAD Total DOCK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE PHEN M. JONES, A.I.C.P. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING �l1I NING May 20, 1999 �` ==� J �n rs�.� ;'MAY z IIMMS 41998 Town of Southold ` UL– Zoning Board of Appeals"�— Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s) submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county -wide or inter -community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Mortimer, Patrick 4636 Boyle, John 4655 Raynor, Frank SE4665 .t,4Ienry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. 4671 Hughes (Anthony) & Hulme (Susan) 4675 Basilice, Vincent & Linda 4678 Rogers, Jon & Jacqueline 4679 Terry, Raymond & Barbara ' 4680 Hughes, Michael* SE4681 Campbell, Virginia 4683 Tully, Shawn* 4684 *With the understanding that premises will be developed consistent with appropriate mitigation measures, particularly as set forth by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Very truly yours, Stephen M. Jones Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GN:cc LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR ■ P. O. BOX 6100 ■ (5 1 6) 853-5 190 I00 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 1 1788-0099 TELECOPIER (5 16) 853-4044 i 1 � BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (1-516) 765-1809 tel. (1-516) 765-9064 fax Pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, The Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, New York, hereby refers the following to the Suffolk County Planning Cc mission: x Variance from the Zoning Code, Article III & XXI;VSection 100-32-100-241.1 Variance from Determination of Southold Town Building 'Inspector Special Exception, Article Section Special Permit Appeal NO': 4671 Applicant: Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. Location of Affected Land: Equestrian Ave., Fishers Island County Tax Map Item No.: 1009- 9-4-11.1 Within 500 feet of: Town or Village Boundary Line Body of Water (Bay, Sound or Estuary) State or County Road, Parkway, Highway, Thruway Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State or Federally Owned Land Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State or Federal Park or other Recreation Area . Existing or Proposed Right -of -Way of any Stream or Drainage Channel Owned by the County or for which the County has established Channel Lines, or Within One Mile of a Nuclear Power Plant Within One Mile of an Airport Comments: Applicant is requesting permission..to addition & alter. -Exp. ------offorming use -front yard setback. Copies of Town file and related documents enclosed for your review. Dated: iZ� ,� 1999 PHmP B. MATTHEWS (1912.1992) STEPHEN L. HAM, III BARBARA T. HAM MEMORANDUM TO: MATTHEWS & HAM. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 45 HAMPTON ROAD SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 516-283-2400 FAGSDULE 316-287-1076 e-mail: Matthamesq@aol.com Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold March 25, 1999 FROM: Stephen L. Ham, III RE: Application of Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. (Application No. 4671-SCTM No. 1000-009.00-04.00-011.0011 This Memorandum is submitted in support of the Application of Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. (Application No. 4671) for variances to permit the construction of an addition to the Ferguson, Museum building located on premises situate at Equestrian Avenue on Fishers Island (SCTM No. 1000-009.00-04.00-011.001). FACTS: The Building Inspector denied the application of the Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. (the "Museum") for a building permit at the subject premises because the proposed additions would constitute the expansion of a non -conforming use in the R-80 Zone District and because one of the new additions would reduce the front yard setback from the already nonconforming distance of 41.5 feet to 28.8 feet, a 12.7 foot reduction. Copies of the Notices of Disapproval are attached hereto as Exhibit A. As indicated by the Affidavit of the architect Jacob D. Albert, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B, the proposed additions are designed to provide new galleries for marine exhibits and exhibits on the history of Fishers Island, to create space inside the existing building for a library, to provide a more accessible and inviting image to the entrance to the building and to expand and improve the services to the community the Museum now offers. As stated by Charles B. Ferguson, the President of the Museum, in his letter to your Board, dated March 22, 1999; a copy of which pis attached hereto as Exhibit C, the Museum has become a very important segment of Fishers Island life for both the summer and year-round residents. ARGUMENT FOR VARIANCES:' The Museum should be granted the requested variances because, among other good reasons, (a) the benefit to the applicant and to the public far outweighs any detriment to the immediate neighborhood or the community as a whole; (b) even after the additions are completed, very little of -the entire property will be in use; and (c) the additions are designed to preserve important environmental features. A. Benefit to'Public. The Museum building is a public facility which has become an important institution on Fishers Island. The public will be served by the new library and new space for existing exhibits. The additions will also create space for future expansion. For the reasons set forth below, expansion to a conforming location would be problematic. The Museum property is technically in the R-80 Zone District, a residential zone, but it is at the border of the commercial HB Zone District. The setback from the street line will be 28.8 feet, about half of the 60 -foot requirement. However, the setback of the building on the property adjoining on the northeast in the HB Zone is 0 feet as indicated by the copy of the survey of that property attached hereto as Exhibit D. The Museum property effectively provides a transition from the R-80 to the HB Zone District. B. Relative Degree of Expansion. The existing Museum building is situate on a parcel consisting of 3.21 acres or about 139,828 square feet, some 75% larger in area than the minimum lot area requirement in the R-80 Zone District. (In fact, it owns even more contiguous land, an approximately 4,000 square -foot parcel adjoining on the north designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as number 1000-9-4-7.) The footprint of the existing Museum building is approximately 2,100 square feet which uses only 1.5% of the total lot area. When the proposed additions are completed, the building will use 3,420 square feet or 2.4% of the total lot area which is still well below the maximum lot coverage of 20% (which would be nearly 28,000 square feet). Therefore, while the Museum may be expanding a nonconforming use, the resulting building will still use only a very small portion of the entire lot. C. Environmental Features. As stated by Mr. Albert in his affidavit and as can be seen from the site plan prepared by Chandler, Palmer & King, construction in the more conforming rear yard would be much closer to the pond and wetlands that are located on the northwesterly portion of the property. Moreover, expansion on that side of the existing building would necessitate the removal of several mature trees. The proposed construction is therefore much more environmentally sound than construction in a conforming location would be. CONCLUSION If the variances are granted, the expansion of an important Fishers Island institution can be accomplished. The public will benefit from -that expansion without any detriment to the neighborhood or community whatsoever. Indeed, the applicant's plans take into account significant environmental concerns. S.L.H., III TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Date: February 2, 1999 To: H. Lee Ferguson Museum, Inc. Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island, New York 06390 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated January 27 , 1999 For permit to Construct additions and alterations to the existing Museum Facility at Location of Property Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island, New York 06390 -tree am ler- County Tax Map No. District 1000 - Section 09 - Block 04 - Lot 11.1 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Lot No. Under article XXIV. Section 100-241.A, Nonconforming Uses. Existing non -conforming use of 'buildings shall not be enlarged, altered, extended, reconstructed or restored, nor shall any external evidence of such use be increased by any means whatsoever. The existing museum building is a non -conforming use in the R-80 Zone. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Date: February 2, 1999 To: H. Lee Ferguson Museum, Inc. Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island, New York 06390 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated January 27 , 1999 For permit to Construct additions and alterations to the existing Museum Facility at Location of Propertyo�Se o. Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island eNew York 06390 County Tax Map No. District 1000 - Section 09 - Block 04 - Lot 11.1 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Lot No, Under article III Section 100-32 Bulk, area and parking regulations. No buildingshall hall be used in the R-80 District unless the same conforms to the bulk schedule of this chapter. The bulk schedule for R-80 District requires a minimum front yard setback of sixty (60') feet. The existing front ,yard setback is forty one and one half (41.5) feet. The proposed front yard setback' is tweaV eight and- eight tenths (28.8') feet. This is an additional encroachment of twelve and seven tenths (12.7') feet. MRR-12-1999 10:02 AFFIDAVIT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS) ss.: COUNTY OF JACOB D. ALBERT, being duly swom, deposes and sags: P.02 1. I am a duly licensed architect with the firm of Albert, Righter & Tittman Architects, Inc. which has offices at 58 Winter Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. 2. I have been intimately involved in planning the proposed additions to the Henry L. Ferguson Museum which is situated on property owned by Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. at Equestrian Avenue on Fishers Island (SCTM No. 1000-009.00-04.00-011.001). 3. The proposed additions consist of a new entrance on the southerly side of the Museum facing Equestrian Avenue, a new gallery at the east end of the Museum building and a new exhibit "corridor" in the narrow strip at the rear or north side of the Museum building. 4. While the new entrance encroaches on the required 60 -foot front -yard setback, it would not be closer to the front lot line than the existing southeast corner of the Museum building. 5. The new gallery at the east end of the Museum building simply extends the length of that building. However, given the angle of the building to the road, the nonconformity of the existing nearest corner would be increased by 12.7 feet. 6. The new "corridor" at the rear of the Museum building does not violate any setback requirements. 7. The proposed additions are designed to accomplish the following goals: (a) to provide new galleries for marine exhibits and exhibits on the historyof Fishers Island; (b) to create space inside the existing Museum building for a library relating to the history and natural history of Fishers Island; (c) to provide a more generous and accessible entrance to the Museum building and to, create a more inviting image for that building as it will be viewed from Equestrian Avenue; and (d) to expand and improve the services to the community that the Museum now offers. 8. Expansion of the Museum in a conforming location at the rear or north side of the existing building would be problematic for several reasons. First, there is a steep slope -behind the building that would necessitate the creation of an exhibit gallery that would have a floor thirteen feet above grade, producing an awkward and unsightly addition. Second, existing mature trees at the rear of the building would have to be removed to accomplish the desired result. Finally, construction in that locationwould produce an addition that would be much closer to the existing wetlands than that currently proposed and for which a variances are sought. 9. I make this affidavit knowing the Zoning Board of Appeals will rely on the truthfulness • 1 MRR-12-1999 10:03 P.03 9. 1 make this affidavit knowing the Zoning Board of Appeals will rely on the truthfulness hereof in making a determination with respect to the application to Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. for variances to the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold. - Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this day of March 1999 t /M Notary Public In 60 illrL-c. �-Pm com�. ► 1115 -by (J��Ja-rcob D. Albert 14 A. O. C. LTD 860 677 6065 P.02 r , The Henri �. i CrA�rBU�t . �1trHetrnit K.6-- U. -J. N.,w Y.4 O637o caning aoard of Appeals Maroh 22, 1999 Icvli of Southold, X -y- 11971 Dear Sirs: As President of the F?EURy I,, ['ERGUSQN MCT5-- E:lA,, ain FIFherj Island, N.X., T &m writing to request that a variance be granted to the niuseutn for a proposed building expansion. The following is a brief resume of the history of the H.I.,.F-MUseum: It is narsEd in memory of my father, Henry J,. �'erguQon wbc died in 1959. It was founded by friends of my f&t,-e.r ;vhO tooK My' f'ather's -eollE:ctiona of Nat- ive J01erican artifacts, his mounted birds And his Fishers Island historical itenle and acquired a charter from the Now York State of net;ents in 1960. The museum openmd that year, 1960, in rented quarters. About 1972 a benefactor donated -money for the construction of the kergusoxi M110cum on Equestrian xve..nnd on a four acre plot which is the H.Lee Ferguson Wildlife Sa.net•- uary, city brother. About 1982 an addition, the 1:16torical. R000z wtis constructed and a second room was added about 1991, the ,Archeological tiring. With the gift of a major donation recently, the bergusor Museum has further plane t'or 860 677 6065 l,Iro A lens r .. 1.7O "On MR16Amn -2,- expansion 2. - expansion with the addition of: two gal- leries and an improved entranceway. The architectural firm of Albert, Tittman and RJ.Fhter of r�cston are the designers. "he oresent expansion plans will provide much needed space for a modest Library, ai desire of the donor and an area for -the storage of the Krow3.n8 historical material. :In addition, space for computorizzation of tale collections anlaudio/visual facilities will enhance the museum's educational capabilities. ';he i;S:NRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM, in its nearly forty years of -existence, has become a very im- portant segment. of Fishers Island life, both for 'the summer residents and for the winter Pop- ulation. The time: is ripe .for the mu -Pum to full. - 1,1:.1 Its long , range plan to provide quality exh.-- i7a tins anc, to continue to expand lin collect -- lolls of all--FiEhers Island flora, fauna, Island htstory- and archaeol.ogY• on behalf of the board of the Ferguson Museurra, I urge the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the requested variance so that the projected p&and may proceed. P.01 Please call me at 860-677-8086 at -my winter horse, 33 ia.rmstead Lane, Farmington, Ct.U60:32 if I aun be of further help. Sincerely, A f incl: 1998 H.L.F.M. Charles B. Ferguson Newsletter president 0'essio,v 37704 -to re 12 Nye ba Al ti��O IV v- 0� I 0 eo V I NII OTE; AXM MV-AsuwS'D IFICOMLU-S COAST 4 (:SIEO PL -:Am OT= vlzcOmvc-rly (:6v=- -J CD H tQ ' L.-:'. AN ID 'M A Vr—'S 1-4 u m,5 -r v, i A, 1-4 Av m: iJ u e—:, FISHF-7-rcS. I!SL-AMt:) KIMW -=, r- A, L" T -W - I 'I -Cc) T= -r. � p� �9 S 23 Oo" E • 9 7- S4f `8Z'- .4 00 b 0) 0. U) *m Act- 0 0.15 -55 .0 ba Al ti��O IV v- 0� I 0 eo V I NII OTE; AXM MV-AsuwS'D IFICOMLU-S COAST 4 (:SIEO PL -:Am OT= vlzcOmvc-rly (:6v=- -J CD H tQ ' L.-:'. AN ID 'M A Vr—'S 1-4 u m,5 -r v, i A, 1-4 Av m: iJ u e—:, FISHF-7-rcS. I!SL-AMt:) KIMW -=, r- A, L" T -W - I 'I -Cc) T= -r. The AYen y L. Ferguson EA.. Island, Neal Y.rlt � Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Sirs: March 22, 1999 As President of the HENRY L. FERGUSON MUS- EUM on Fishers Island, N.Y., I am writing to request that a variance be granted to the museum for a proposed building expansion. The following is a brief resume of the history of the H.L.F.Museum: It is named in memory of my father, Henry L. Ferguson -who died in 1959. It was founded by friends of my father who took my father's collections of Nat- ive American artifacts, his mounted birds and his Fishers Island historical items and acquired a Charter from the New York State of Regents in 1960. The museum openmd- that year, 1960, in rented quarters. About 1972 a benefactor donated money for the construction of the Ferguson Museum on Equestrian Ave.c.-and.-on- a four acre plot which is the H.Lee Ferguson Wildlife Sanct- uary, my brother. About 1982 an addition, the Historical Room was constructed and a second room was added about 1991, the Archeological Wing. With the gift of a major donation recently, the Ferguson Museum has further plans for Ile Henry L. Ferguson Museum I Fishers sl77anJv New York 06390 —2.— expansion with the addition of: two gal- leries and an improved entranceway. The architectural firm of.Albett, Tittman and Righter of Boston are the designers. The present expansion plans will provide much needed space for a modest Library, a desire of the donor and an area for the storage of the growing historical material. In addition, space for computorization of the collections anqaudio/visual facilities will enhance the museum's educational capabilities. The HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM, in its nearly forty years of existence, has become a very im- portant segment of Fishers Island life, both for the summer residents and for the winter pop- ulation. The time is ripe for the museum to full - fill its long range plan to provide quality exh- ibitions and to continue to expand its collect- ions of all -Fishers Island flora, fauna, Island history and archaeology. On behalf of the board of the Ferguson Museum, I urge the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant the requested variance s,o that the projected p&and may proceed. Please call me. -,;. at 86.0-677-8056 at my, winter home, 33 Farmstead Lane, Farmington, Ct.0603',. if I can be of further help. Sincerely, incl: 1998 H.L.F.M. Charles B. Ferguson Newsletter President A @ BAR 2 4199 THE HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM 1998 NEWSLETTER VOL. 14, NO. 1 --��`- FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 MUSEUM: (516) 788-7239 CURATOR: (516) 788-7293 NEW MUSEUM HOURS July throunh Labor Day. Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m.-noon; Mon. -Fri. 3-5 pm.; Sun. 11. a.m: 12:30 p.m. September-throunhColumbus Weekend Fri. 3.5 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-noon By appointment year round: (516) 788-7293 SPECIAL SUNEWER EXHIBITIONS OF '98 FORT H.G. WRIGHT CENTENNIAL 1898-1998 Together with the Fort H.G. Wright Association and its committee, the Ferguson Museum is celebrating the 100th anniversary of that "coastal defense, guardian of the Sound." The opening exhibition for this historic Fishers Island occasion will be at a reception at the museum on Friday, July 3, from 5 to 7 p.m. Museum board member Pierce Rafferty has researched the history of the fort from a decade before its founding in 1898 until its abandonment following World War II. It is a fascinating story, as his photographs and stories show. Pierce and John Wilton have also written a book, "Guardian of the Sound, a Pictorial History of Fort H.G. Wright, Fishers Island, NY," with photographs and - - --text-that depict the guns, the soldiers and the buildings. Their Fort Wright book will be ready for autographing at the museum on opening day, Friday, July 3. A short video in the museum, will highlight life as it was during the fort's 50 -year existence. On Sunday, July 5, the Fort H.G. Wright Association will hold a gala event as its celebration for the fort. A parade, tours of several of the big gun batteries and a tent on the old parade ground are planned for that Sunday. The Ferguson Museum will have a booth in the tent to dispense additional information on its membership, its special Fort Wright exhibition at the museum, and Pierce Rafferty's book. In honor of Edwin and Kay Homing's vast knowledge of the natural history of our Island, the Fort Wright Association has developed a trail at the fort that bears the Horning name. It is both an historic and military tour to view some of the gun emplacements as well as the nature trail. Mr. Horning has written a guide, "The Birds, Plants and Fish of Fort H.G. Wright." Maps of this newest walk are available at the museum. . "10 -inch Disappearing Gun, Fort Wright," oil painting, 24' x 36.5" by Beatrice Cumin, 1941. Gift of Bagley Reid: .(Note on back "W.P.A. accepted in good condition") MAJOR DONATION I V,-C:EIVED An anonymous donor has given the Henry L. Ferguson Museum a magnificent financial gift. It will be directed into four areas as approved by the giver and the museum's board: a portion into endowment, a portion into an enlarged library, some for the upgrading of the conservation of collections and exhibition techniques, and, finally, a sum for a modest addition to accommodate a library and reading room. This wing will also be a multipurpose room and will include a computer, an area for slide talks, a video screen, and exhibition cases for Fishers Island marine exhibitions. It is expected that construction work will commence this fall. Curator Horning and Board Member Pierce Rafferty study photo proofs for Fort Wright centennial exhibition at museum. With a keen interest in improving the museum's present library facilities, the donor has employed Valerie Wheat, retired librarian from the Museum of Natural History in New York. Valerie has suggested a book list of approximately 500 to 600 volumes, all relating to our collections. She will coordinate her work with Jim Righter and his architectural firm in Boston. - 2 As stated in the Ferguson Museum's mission statement (please see page 4), "research, education and interpretation of the several collections will be emphasized." As a result of this major gift, steps have been approved by the board to hire a professional "collections assessor." Alexandra O'Dormell of Art Care Resources has visited the museum twice and has written a full report with recommendations to improve the care of the collections in such areas as temperature/ humidity control, lighting and pest elimination. An upgrading to accepted museum standards is an immediate necessity and is now under way. Because of the importance of the Fort Wright centennial exhibition, which opens Friday, July 3, at the museum, the ' services of a professional designer, Kristine Hastreiter of KLH Design, have been secured. She will work with Pierce Rafferty on the fort exhibition and with Sally Ferguson and Happy Gaillard of our registrar/exhibition committee, as well as with the architects as the new addition develops this fall. With an enthusiastic board, an interested donor, Jim Righter, creative architect, and three professionals in library, collection conservation, and exhibition design, a fine team is in place. The next twelve months will be crucial to the museum's modernization and steps into the 21st century. Alexandra O'Donnell (left), Art Care Resources, and Kristine Hastreiter, KLH Designs, discuss . collection conservation and exhibition design. NATURAL HISTORY Curator Ed Horning reports that children and adults bring in "unknown objects" for his identification. Most specimens he knows and probably also the Latin name! The museum is ABUZZ, and we found out from conservator Alex O'Donnell that a bird's nest or beehive should be "deep frozen" for several days as pest control. Now we need a deep freeze, and Kay Horning will be happy to get the dead birds and animals out of her freezer at last. The museum's a "hive" of activity! Don't forget to watch for a poster announcing a July and August "Starry, Starry Night" with marshmallows and star gazing at South Beach. 12 and unders welcome with_ adults. Sarah and Arthur Bulger and Curator Horning have compiled a new check list of the birds of Fishers Island. It will be available at the museum this summer and is a fine addition to and updating of the original one by Horning-.and:—Shep- Krech in 1975— Some of -the notations in the new edition come from Lee Ferguson's bird notes. Lee, the son of Henry L. Ferguson, lived on the Island almost all of his 50 years. He was a noted ornithologist and member of the board of the National Audubon Society. The beautiful sanctuary bearing his name behind the museum was given by some of Lee's friends after his death in 1964. The least tern population along the East Coast, like the piping plover's, has dwindled dramatically. In late spring 1997 when several pairs of Least Terns began to show an interest in nesting at mid -island along the south shore, the area was enclosed with snow fencing. It is estimated that nearly a dozen pairs nested there successfully, safe from dogs and beachcombers. In 3 1998 a second atiz�inpt is under way to nurture these small terns. CURATOR HORNING KNOWS ABOUT Bones - Birds - Bees - Bats - Bugs - just ask Curator Horning. One good "tern" deserves another (but not a common and a least)! FROM CURATOR HORNING'S - MELD NOTES May 11 and 12 3 glossy ibises, 12 yellowlegs on driving range. Rare golden eagle there on May 12. May 16 and 17 Edwin and Arthur Bulger took part in the Great Gull Island Birdathon to support the work of Helen Hayes and the tern -nesting project there. The H.L.F.M. annually pledges $1 per species spotted. They counted 86! Among the rarities was a piping plover; scarlet tanager; 2 Bonaparte gulls; 6 male eiders; and .a least tern. May. 19 Warblers arriving: bay -breasted; ' blackpoll`s, vireos; Baltimore oriole; shore birds: dunlins; tumstones; oystercatchers nesting; horseshoe crabs mating. Your museum bird collection should inspire a "flicker" of interest! May 20 With J.R. Edwards and Arthur Bulger went to South Dumpling Island to count the nesting birds for the '98 Long Island colonial waterbird and piping plover survey for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Counted L10 cormorant nests in trees (unusual` -for' F.I.); 30+ herring gull nests; 30+ black back _gull nests; 15 great egret nests; 1 glossy ibis nest and 20 adults; snowy egrets (no nests); black crowned night herons (no nests); no little blue herons as seen 3 years ago. HAWKS by the hundreds pass over Fishers in September and October. Henry Ferguson, for whom the museum was named, wrote extensive articles on hawk flights as early as 1918. 4 MISSION STATEMENT The Henry L. Ferguson Museum, founded in 1960, has for its mission the COLLECTING, CONSERVATION, PRESERVATION AND EXHIBITION of items of pre- history, history and natural history of Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, and for the EDUCATION AND ENJOYMENT of its winter and summer residents and its visitors, now and in future generations. Equal emphasis will be given to research, education and interpretation of the several collections. Additional missions' are: (1) Through professional archaeological "digs" to further the knowledge of coastal Native American life and to display and describe in scientific papers its "finds"; (2) Through professional, scientific studies of ornithology, bird migrations and specimen changes, to add to national ornithological knowledge using its already outstanding and still growing collection of mounted bird specimens of Fishers Island; (3) Through professional, scientific research to increase the knowledge of and cyclical changes in the flora -and fauna of Fishers Island, New York, as it relates to the environment of the northeastern United States; (4) To preserve, conserve, collect and exhibit the past, present -and future story of Fishers Island via personal letters, documents, maps, photographs, postcards and memorabilia. GOOD NEWS "(("s4v- Received a fine- gift of $5,000 from the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation for a computer. A new publication, "The Birds of Fishers Island," by Arthur and Sarah Bulger and Curator Horning. - Alicia Hesse Cleary became the newest board member in October 1997. She will be very active on the events, membership and publicity committees. We are grateful to the law firm of Day, Berry and Howard for placing the museum among its pro bono clients. Harry Ferguson donated a fine collection of ornithological books, including 15 classic life histories of North American birds by Arthur Cleveland Bent. Bagley Reid donated a welded osprey sculpture by deceased Island doctor Bill Gallaher and an oil painting of a "10 -inch Disappearing Gun" by B. Cumin. LAND TRUST The land trust committee reports that it now manages 23 parcels of Island acreage and conservation easements. About one-quarter are at the west end and the rest are at the eastern end. The committee is ever on the alert to acquire "forever natural land"; if interested, please contact the museum's land trust cominittee for details. William Olmsted Jr. referred to Fishers Island's eastern development as a "park," and his vision must live on and on. In 1998 one new trail has been developed by the Fort Wright Association. It is named for Edwin and Kay Horning and is located at Fort Wright. A trail map is available at the museum. Q 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. HLF Museum on H.L. Ferguson Jr. Sanctuary, 3.7 acres, gift, 1965 Albert Stickney III and Susan Stickney Sanctuary, 2.38 acres, donation, 1990 L.F. Boker Doyle Brickyard Sanctuary, 15.48 acres, gift, 1982-83 Barlow Pond Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 acre +/-, gift, Bagley Reid, 1986 David F. Harris Sanctuary, .75 acre, gift, 1989 Betty Matthiessen Wildlife Sanctuary, 8 acres, The Nature Conservancy Project, 1978 Matty Matthiessen Wildlife Sanctuary, 23.15 acres, 5.6 acres easement, Robert J. Miller, 1983; 11 acres, FIDCO, 1984; 1.7 acres, Rita and Allerton Cushman, 1984; 4.85 acres, gift, Robert and Adrienne Miller, 1994. 2.38 acres, gift, Otis Pike, 1981. Key Post Sanctuary, 6.45 acres, gift, John Calley, Mrs. Duncan Ellsworth, Robert L. Geniesse, 1985 2.1_acres,, gift, John,.Calley, .1993 . 6.78 acres, The Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cant Wildlife Sanctuary, donation, Mr. and Mrs. R. James Newman, assisted by contributions from Frederic C. Hamilton, Michael and Mary Denny Wray, Peter Steil, 1995 1.36 acres, gift, Regina Pyle, 1994 Jansen Noyes, 4 acres, Middle Farms Pond, 1991 I1 14. .25 acres, ca6� end Hay Harbor, Henry C. Osborn, III, et al. 15. Small lot northeast corner of HLFM and connected to Lee Ferguson Sanctuary, Thomas A. and Allison D. Sargent EAST HARBOR u. q AY CHOCOMOUNT Land Trust �S. Management Areas 16. FIDCO, Middle Farms, 1.06 acres, 1996 17. FIDCO, Middle Farms, 1.46 acres, 1996 18. 1.82 acres near Middle -Farms old barn, Samuel S. and Anne H. Polk 19. - North side Middle Farms Pond, John N. Calley and Ali MacGraw 20. 3.16 acres east of Barlow Pond, Robert S. Searle 21. 4.03 acres overlooking North Hill, Jeanann' Gray Dunlop, her nephew and niece 22. FIDCO east end, 22.02 acres, 1996 - 23. Robert J. Geniesse, Middle Farms, 5.14. acres, 1996 Walking trails are being maintained by museum volunteers. A trail guide may be obtained at the museum. OTHER MAINTAINED WALKING TRAILS A. Brickyard Swamp Trail B. Treasure Pond Trail C. Chocomount Trail D. Clay Pits Trail (new '96) E. The Horning Fort Wright Trail MEMBERSHIP Richard Baker, membership chairman, reports that as of May 1, 1998, approximately 167 have membership in the museum: 13 individual, 80 family, 57 contributing, 2 sustaining and 15 life. SUMMER EXHIBITIONS. The Centennial of Fort Wright, 1898-1998 and Autographing of Pierce Rafferty and John Wilton's book "Guardian of the Sound:" Friday, July 3, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Opening reception for summer exhibition. Short talk on the history and future development of the museum, 6:00 p.m. All welcome. NEW LONGER HOURS JULY THROUGH LABOR DAY Monday -Saturday 9 a.m.-noon Monday -Friday 3-5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER THROUGH COLUMBUS WEEKEND Friday 3-5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-noon BY APPOINTMENT YEAR ROUND: 516-788-7293 SPECIAL EVENTS July and August - "Starry, Starry Night" A star -sighting night around a bonfire with marshmallows. Ages 12 and under accompanied by adult. Date to be posted at post office and museum. NATURE .WALKS July and August. Start at 2 p.m. from the museum; conducted by Curator Edwin Horning. Tuesdays for adults and children; Wednesdays for adults. (Sponsored by the Island People's Project; no charge.) PUBLICATIONS AT' THE MUSEUM 1986-1998 newsletters Fishers -,Island Land Trust Pamphlet Betty Matthiessen Wildlife Sanctuary Trail Guide Ocean Pond Oysters, pamphlet by Carey Matthiessen Fishers Island Clam Fanning, by Steve Malinowski The Indians of Fishers Island (Munnafawket), by Marion Ferguson Briggs Victoria and Albert's History of Fishers Island, by Charles B. Ferguson Field Guide to the Birds of Fishers Island by Arthur and Sarah Bulger and Edwin Horning (1998) Guardian of the Sound, a Pictorial History of Fort H.G. Wright, Fishers Island, NY, by Pierce Rafferty and John Wilton 1995 Trail Guide - 8 Walking Trails Maintained Natural history books available for study in the museum. Gifts of books and pamphlets are welcome. 2 BECOME A "FRIEND" OF THE HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM The museum has been and is financially supported by its interested friends and a modest endowment. The museum has an obligation to: become the center for island ecology and education, as well as to collect, preserve and display its collections. Help the museum- to acquire land on the Island for the preservation and protection. of its natural resources. and open spaces ,for future generations.: (See, the Henry.L. Ferguson Museum Land Trust brochure, with -preservation options for the .landowner.) Life Friend* $1,000 or more Sustaining* $500 -$999 Contributing $100- $499 _ Family $25 - $99 _ Individual $10-$24 Junior (under 18) $1 - $9 *You will receive a signed and numbered print, "Bittersweet," by Charles B. Ferguson Additional contribution for acquisition of land . (The HLFM Land Trust) $ Name Address City State, Zip Checks should be .made payable to "Friends of the HLFM." Corporate matching gifts welcomed, BOARD OF GOVERNORS Richard S. Baker, VP Karen C. Hyland Sarah Tremaine Bulger Jean Leuchtenburg Alicia Hesse Cleary Steven Malinowski Elizabeth H. Cook Erard Matthiessen, Hon. Charles B. Ferguson, Pres. G. Carey Matthiessen Harry L. Ferguson III Robert J. Miller, Treas. Sally M. Ferguson Pierce Rafferty' Marie Gaillard Bagley Reid Albert H. Gordon, Hon. Mary F. Russell Catha Hesse Penni Sharp, Sec. Edwin H. Horning, Cur. Robert K. White Elizabeth F. Husband, VP K.H. Sturtevant, Hon. Katherine Horning, Asst. Curator 11 V (Owner: Wilhelm Franken). beryard,and relate' - Aties, which Ti a request for. a ;;Special use is, noncom sg , in: this Exception under Article;, XX, Hamlet -Business ___ie District. Section 100-10111-12 to establish,=a ' , Location of Property', 13650:: Main new. Retail Gas Sales-Couveaience Road, Mattituck, NY; County, Parcel Store. Location"df Propetty:,'74495 No: 1000-114-11-24,3:;;':. Main -Road, Greenport; NY;' -County The Board of Appeals will;at said Tax Map No. 1000.454-4.1`(or 4). time and place hear. any and all per - 7:10 pan. Appf Nos. ` 4667 and sons or.representativerdesiritig4o be 4670 — JOHN -AND LUCIA.SICA.. heard im the abo ' ,'appliga'tion _ or. A Variance is requested'.under the desiring to' submit•.wrht"n'sfate-' Southold Town Zoning • Code, stents before concluding the :hear-. Article XXIV Section 100-244B and ing. Each hearing will'not'starE earli- Article XXIII, Section 100=239.48 er, than designated..-FlI6s* are avail= for permission to locate proposed able for review duringYegulai Town dweWag with setbacks at less than Hall business hours-18-4.pm ). if 75 feet from the existing bulkhead you have questions;=please:do not and -less than 40 feet from the front hesitate to call (516);765-1809: property line (facing private _right- Dated: March 8; 1999.. " of -way).' Location of Property: BY ORDER OF THE Private right-of-way extending off SOUTHOLD TOWN the south side of'Main Roads{S.R. BOARD OF:APPEALS 25), East Marion, NY Parcel 1000- GERARD P. GOEHRINGER 31-14-9., CHAIRMAN 7:20 p.m. Appl. No. 4663: DR. By Linda Kowalski FRANK AND JEAN MIRCHEL. 1633-1TM11 This is a • request" for a Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100- 244B, based upon a Notice of - Disapproval issued January 27,1999 for approval of the setback location J of an "as built" addition to dwelling NOTICE OF located at 2485 Yennecot Drive, PUBLIC HEARING Southold, IVY; County Tax Map SOUTHOLD TOWN Parcel 1000-55=4-16. BOARD OF APPEALS 7:25 p.m: Appl. No. 4664 — THURSDAY, ROBERT LUSTGARTEN (Joseph STATE OF NEW YORK) MARCH 25,1999 Tavanno, Contract Vendee). -This is NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, a request for , a Variance' under )SS: pursuant to Section 267.6f the town Article XXIV, Section .100-244B, Law and the Code of the Town of based upon a Notice of Disapproval COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Southold, the following applications • issued January;14;,1999 to construct 0 a f'" i `S of Mattituck, X11 Said will be held for public hearings by new dwelling; after demolishing \J /� t" the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD existing dwelling, which :Building county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is OF APPEALS, at the Southold area -will exceed, the 20.% code Town"Hall, 53095 Main Road, limitation for'dolal lot coverage and Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TEVIES, a Southold; New York -11971, on be located less than 35 feet from the weekly published at Mattituck, inTHURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1999 at front property; line. Location of Y news a erP P, P the .times noted- below (or as soon Property: 2575:. Old Orchard Lane, the Town Of Southold, County of Suffolk and thereafter,as,possible): East:Marion, NY; County Tax Map 6:30'1p:m: Appl. No. 4652 — 1000-37-6-7.1. ' State of New York, and that the Notice of which BUILDING DEPARTMENT by 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4666 — the annexed is a printed copy, has been regu- EDWARD FORRESTER. This is a ROBERT AND JOYCE`BARRY. request ,for a .Town -Wide Inter- This is a request for a Voriance larly published in said Newspaper once each preitatiou with regard to the under Article III -A, Section 100- week for I wee successively, Southold Town Zoning code, Ar- 30A.4, based .,upon a Notice of title III, Section 100-31C(1), Ac- -' Disapproval dated January..22-, 1999 Commend g On the + day cesssory Buildings and Structures, for to construct, new detached. two -car 19 an answer to the Building De- garage with second floor attic, locat- of aa 94 partment's Question: ed in a yard other, than the required 'Is a structure — that was orie- rear yard. This parcel is a corner lot inallv''desiEne'd"-and intended to known as 875 West Cove R_ oad (at be:for.vehkular use = as ructure West Loop), ` Nassau " Point, Principal Clerk that. cam be construed to be a cus-. Cutchogue, NY; County Tax Map tomary structure or use that is 1000-111-3-18;• ,also referred- to as _L customarily incidental to the I r� in- Lot 20 on the Subdivision;Map of Sworn to b fore me this /5 copal use?" -Alonzo Jersey., 6:35. p.m. Appl. No. 4662 — 7A5. p.m. Appl,. No. ,4669 — day Of 19 PATRICIA RUSHIN & PAMELA GERALDINE: FEREND. This is a MARY DIANA FOSTER MO'ITLEY. ,This is ,a . request for request fora Waiver of Lot under -y, �L Variances • under Article III, Article 11, Section 100-26, regarding r✓ /Li /Jc� ,�2sL � l lil i�<STARY i'UEL1C, S7r�1"E OF P�EtN �' �I� Sections 100-32i 100-33, and Section Lot '#249, consisting. of ap- / N0 51_-•465524?, SUFFOLIt COlii� fY 100-235A(2) based -upon a Notice of proximately 26,000 sq. ft. in area, cuulilti IsS-ION EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 19� Disapproval. issued December 10, shown on Amended -Map A of - 1998in;this pending subdivision pro- Nassau Point Club Properties. In the jest, as follows: Notice of -Disapproval issued June (a)_Insufficient lot width for each .22, 1998, the ToWm determined that okoposed Parcel:A:and B, for the lot has, beerr:merged.with Lot one: single-family., dwelling use #250. Location�of Property: 5125 on•each Parcel; , and 5345 Vanston Road, Cutchogue, (b).•. Insufficient lot area of pro- NY; County Tax Map Parcels..1000- posed Parcel A; ' 111-14-1 and 2.: I. (c),Insufficient side yards for each 7:55 p.m.. 'Appl. No. =4671 — Proposed Parcel,A and B; HENRY.. L. FERGUSON: MU (d). Insufficient total side yards SEUM. Variances. are: requested' for each proposed . Parcel A under. Article XXIV,' Section 100- andB.241-A and Article•III, Section 100- : (e) Proposed Parcel-, B — with 32, . based >.upon two Notices of "no safe and convenient ac- Disapproval issued. February 2, X19, 1999, for permission to . Construct (f) Bathhouse structure on Parcel addition with insufficient•front yard " A, setbacks) and alterations' to an Location of Property: 6850 Indian existing .nonconforming (Museum) Neck .L:ane; Peconic,- NY; County use in this R-80 Residential, Zone Tax Map Parcel 1000-86-7-5 (con- District. location of Property: N/W taining 3:43± acres). • of Equestrian. Avenue` (Bell Hill . 00 p m. Appl. No. 4655 — L. Avenue and West Street),, Fishers BO ILE AND HANDS FUEL:CO. Island; NY; County Tax, Map No. (Continuation from February 23, 1000-009-04-11.1.. ' 1999). Use of abutting strip of R-80 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4668 — Residentially Zoned Land. N/s Main SOUTHAMPTON LUMBER Road; Orient, NY; part of 1000-18-2- CORP. This is a request for a 33. Variance under . Article. XXIV, 7:00 p.m. Appl. No. 4660 — Section 100-241-G, for permission to EMPIRE PETROLEUM; Contract reinstate (re-establish) use as a lum- ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER 0 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: February 17 1999 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. sox 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 4671 - Henry L. Ferguson Museum Transmitted herewith is Zoning Board Of Appeals Application 4671 - Henry L. Ferguson Museum. Also included are Notices Of Disapproval, Letter Of Authorization, copy of plans, Short Environmental Assessment Form, Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form and Z.B.A. Questionnaire. PHILIP B. MATTHEWS (1912.1992) STEPHEN L. HAM, III BARBARA T. HAM Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Linda Kowalski Dear Linda: MATTHEWS & HAM - ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 45 HAMPTON ROAD SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 516-283-2400 FACSIMILE 516-287-1076 e-mail: Matthamesq@aol.com February 11, 1999 Re: Application of Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. SCTM No. 1000-9-4-11.1 In accordance with your request, I have enclosed a check to the Town of, Southold in the amount of $200 in payment of the additional fee for the referenced application. Sincerely, 4�5_4�0_ t_�� Stephen L. Ham, III Enclosure Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. Equestrian Avenue, Fishers Island, New York 06390 Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 February � , 1999 Re: Application for Variances at Premises at Equestrian Avenue, Fishers Island, New York (SCTM # 1000-9-4-11.1) Dear Board Members: The undersigned, by its duly authorized officer, as owner of the referenced premises situate at Fishers Island, New York, hereby authorizes Stephen L. Ham, III of Matthews & Ham, 45 Hampton Road, Southampton, New York 11968, to act as its agent in making such applications to your Board and in taking any and all incidental actions in regard thereto, including without limitation, completing and executing the required forms, giving any required notices and appearing at any public hearings, as he shall deem necessary or advisable in order to obtain approval of a variance or variances and such other relief as your Board may deem just and proper with respect to such premises in accordance with the Map prepared by Chandler, Palmer & King, and the Plans prepared by Albert, Righter,& T—ittmann=:Architects;:Inc:, asithe saine'mayrbe revised from-time-to'time;! - ...; Veryrtruly-yours; :. HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. By /,W– r Charles Ferguson, Pre&ent ACKNG'AILEDGMENT STATE OF CONNECTICUT) I ss' to, ` COUNTY OF d (� On the � U-) day of February, 1999, before me personally came Charles Ferguson to me known to be the individual, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at 33 F-Armstead Lane, Farmington, Connecticut 06032; that -he is-the=President of Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument and that he signed his,name'theretopursuant.�to authority granted to'him;by the board .of directors of said corporation.UU ELIZABETH BHERI®AN NOTARYPUBLIC Notary Public MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 30, 2083 _ -CQ�• �LaiT:Ti~tia z the CiidrLCr \ = and a'17 C"S"_ please a4sc'cse the riafps . a= nC? V�CLa15L,....._ - e �t_cn CT_ Sll=j ect Pre_-21-ses a*:C a G SC_ __ .. pr " tar- e^ -- (separate sae_.. ,Liay :,e a� Henr L. Fer uson Museum, Inc. -en ca .tae reams es mace ��e� =cr Is tae su p j ec = ='me=sas s � pr , { } yes prespe =tee buy s 1e cr be "g Shown tO a^^.nr'� {X } NC. (Tt VS+ 3.. � �,. ^5a15 .,-...-.' Z-- { } es (x } INC . r re riL''_^..n- • 2.e tae �;et__ d. eas sr -cid -a cn _re --- --- Ar a� '3' Cn? yes _? -,zs dre is ,' to L'�lr :^r :'1_- 1r+-...� no 4. I Sa YOU -c _. 7 no -ac^i ^"Z_e`iGtC.^. neer ry=e area C; Is there a Ge_ _.._�_aa ` 1. i r•. ;, �eot a OVe cTle 523 PrO�+/� �y C-,- Lc -n at cr L�_�.� .�_re level? N.A. (=c riot appl_- v - _te s=====S, �.-i=eaCS C� e-'.ras Are tThe±e an'i �Gti--S COnC= _ i- - 1- a "s4 ley = Wi1ZC n �and d a AOS. i - � :t_,.,.b,.� n s•uh none Z� none _e_Q.�s please s - �^ns� ,C -=Ca Iac= CL L- —.6.- G. ` .. . C-. M �e ani � �-_ -� you have please gvcur ^-gym; ryes r ----se s-�::..._ C�::Cernin _A..;- Oz Oz VOur bU4 1G? nC _ eri�:. and :;tap as ap_ rcVe2 i,TT t',•-�? C.� = 7 I'+e^•cr+•Tie-^•t. P.cne, ^lease State-.- • . -er la C ClcSe no you cr any cc -owner , alsd awry at-. - �arce? ? no I: yes, p� Sass °.-:pl -T : wi-�e=e cc er s-.r...._� _ =s a= dee; '-please ? s .. .,resent'usz ar' cperat_c;.s 'c =c�l museum l• The Y.T.S.avi_-or.- ntal Quality Review act racui=as subc_ssion of tis and anenviro�nr.:ent_lreview will �e made y t.:_s ;-pard be;ore anv action is taken. SHORT MN=RC:::fE`iT�L �SS8SSb1E;iT ?O Z�1 INSTRUCT 1CUS : (a) In order to 'anr4er the cruestiors in this short .SAF it is assured that the prenarer will use currently available inyorrazion corce_ni.%q the project and -"a likely impacts of the action. T_t is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) I: any question has been answered Yes the project may be sig,- ni:icant and cpmplated avironrental Assessaeat _arm is necessary. (c) _-e all questions have been answered Vo it is likely that the project is not sign:icant. (d) Env+4--crmental Assessment 1. will project result in a Large physical c^.ance to the project site or physically'alter rare than 10 aeras at Land? :es : X VO 2. Will there be a major chance to any unique or unusual land fors; on the site? `les X.110 3. 54-11 project.altar or have a large e= -,act ca an existiag body of water? _les X Aro 4. Will project have a _notentiall - y large ✓,.pact on grp�^.dwater quali=-,? - - _Tes X`io 5. Will -ojects.y: y e==ect d:ainaca :low on ad j ac_^.t sites? res X No o. Wi11 project a-fac= anv t_ zaataned or endan erect ola-.t Or 'aa= a1 St:eci=s? Tes X.,a 7. Will project :esus_ :.: a major ad'rerse affect on air ualit-I? 'as X -VO S. 'dill project have a major a=rect on visual .^.ar- actar at -the cc.-r.,=icy or scenic views or .istas :Mown to oe part_.= to the _.as X >Te 9. will project adversely impact any site ar 3=—,Ct- ur a at histpr_c, ire-nistor'-c, or paleona'_ccicaL =i-Portance or any sits designated as a critical envirc;.menzal area by a Local agency? _Tes X Ve 10. Will project have a major a=fact on existing or fLtu:`a recreational opportunities? _Tes X Yo 11. Will.praje= result in major t-at'ia ?rcblars or cause a major a=f=act to existi.-ig trarsmort=tion syszems? _Tes X go 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, , anise, glare, vibraz_oa, or electrical disr_rb- ance as a result of t:.e -r0ject's Operat.ioa? _fes X No 13will project have any impact on public health ' es X ,c or safety? , . 14. ;will project affac= the asisying . cor^�u:.izy py d__ectly causiac a growt inspermanent pcpula- __on of more than 5 perc2nz over. a cne-_rear Tas X oto period or have a major zegat ve ezzac= en =a --' czarac=er a= =a cc==-; zy or neic beraood? 1f. =s -:.ere gable_ _C===_ -vers, con cern_. _ project? L / '--'as Ic Tit aparar's Sicrat..:e• �T �""` �-•�- 4epresent-; c; Henry L. Ferguson.Museum,.Inc.. .2/8/99 3.._ A11PLICANT '1'nAN SAC'11lONAf. D: 8(S LOSURR . FORM The 'Town of Southold's Code of ELhIcs prohibiL•s conflicts of - interest; otl the parL of town - o'L•ficers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide informaL•ion which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid satne. YOUR NAME.- HENRY _L -j FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. (Last name, first name,' middle initial, unless you ,are.applying.in Lhe name of someone else or other enLILy, such as a company. if so, indicate the other' -person's or company"s name.) NATURE OF A14'.1.1CATION: (Check a1.1 t -hal: apply..) 'Pax grievance _ Variance g " Change of zone Approval of pial; Exemption from plat or ofricia.l. snap Other _ (If• "Other," name the activity'.) Do you personally (or through your company, spoune, sibling, parent-, or Child) have a relationship witli,any officer or employee of the 'Town of So"Lhold? "Itelationship" includes by blood, marriage', or bus.iness interest., "Ilusiness interest" means a businenn'-inr_ludiny a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of tate shares.. YES NO X If you answered "YES,", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe tate relaL,lonship beLweert yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through U) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or -his or her spouse, sibling, - parent, or child is (check all that: apply) s A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of Lhe corporate stock o'f Etre applicant (when the applicant: is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of'any interest in a noncorporate entity (when. Lhe applicant is not- a corporation); C) an officer, direcL-or, par-L-.ner, or employee of Lhe applicant; or U) the actual.applicanL•. DESCRIP'T'ION Or RELATIONS1111-1 SubntiL-Led Lhis / day of February ---1,999 S igna Lure,_ 1'r I nt nniup__Stephen L.. Ham, ZII , 'agent ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK -------------------------------------------------------------------x In the Matter of the Application of Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Inc. Parcel ID #1000-9-4-11.1 w COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING I, PATRICIA ROBINSON, residing at 106 Oneck Lane, Westhampton Beach, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 16th day of March, 1999, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Southampton, New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to the current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the Assessors- Office of the Town of Southold, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. Patricia Robinson Sworn to before me this 17th day of March, 1999 l.u. L . 4, a (N tary Public) STEPHEN L 14AM M Nowquw StW of Yak Qualified in Suffolk COUM Commission Expires July 31, Zoo® PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank You. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-9-4-13.1 1000-9-4-14.1 1000-9-4-14.2 1000-9-4-11.5 1000-9-4-8.2 1000-9-4-6 1000-9-3-4 ATTACHMENT TO AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING Assessed Owner and Address Patricia Lance & Jacques Appelmans P. O. Box 203 10 Equestrian Avenue Fishers Island, NY 06390 Whitney B. Armstrong 36 East 72nd Street New York, NY 10021 Ellen Harvey 756 Rugby Road Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Fishers Island Village Realty Holding Corp. P.O. Box 658 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Fishers Island Village Realty Holding Corp. West Street Fishers Island, NY 06390 Robert N. Huseby 18 Rhode Island Avenue Providence, RI 02900 Katharine M. Gaillard Apt. 7 N 15 3030 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 1000-9-3-5 Andrew P. Gaillard c/o Katharine Gaillard 17 Meetinghouse Road Greenwich, CT 06831 1000-9-3-16 Peter J. Gaillard 17 Mountain Peak Road Chappaqua, NY 10514 NOTE: TAX PARCEL 1000-9-4-7 IS OWNED BY THE APPLICANT. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTROLMNEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. (Name of Applicant) Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- 9' - 4 x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) . t - AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Thomas Shillo residing at " W�islt q - Avyt- Fishers Island , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the . le4 day of .March ,19 99 , I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature ofLny application, in a secure position upon-n>�property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of- way - facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way abutting this property;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be March 25 ,. 1999 . THOMAS F. D01!tMrr,grJ, X Notary Publle State of Now Yorla No, 4BOSS59 (Sig ure) ouslifieuln Suffolk County Thoma Shillo Expires 12/31 S rn to befor is 22!•" , ;-_> y p rch 9 99. ,Ool (Notary Public) ; * the Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Incl * *near the entrance or driveway entrance ofu* property, as the area most visible to passersby. a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1999 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held for a public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1999 at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 7:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4671 - HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM. Variances are requested under Article XXIV, Section 100-241-A and Article III, Section 100-32, based upon two Notices of Disapproval issued February 2, 1999, for permission to construct addition with insufficient front yard setback(s) and alterations to an existing nonconforming (Museum) use in this R-80 Residential Zone District. Location of Property: N/W side of Equestrian Avenue (Bell Hill Avenue and West Street), Fishers Island, NY; County Tax Map No. 1000-009-04-11.1. The Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear any and all persons or representatives desiring to be heard in the above application or desiring to submit written statements before concluding the hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (516) 765-1809. Dated: March 8, 1999. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski vmv�wczs: f}clo%1qdN-Atfrrafi'o,v Am,eum is 4 416N• to&FmAioc< SSE. Also Fxdn/T yKjeb NOTICE OF HEARING 5e7s-&&,, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: flEnr�e y L. FERGtcsa�r MusE�1, Lvc. DATE OF PUBLICHEARING: Tues. 1IR tcd 4s 7:S5-rtma If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and BOARD OF APPEALS •TOWN OF SOUTHOLD e (516) 765-1809 ZoQ[cE5Ti2/AF/ *4 a, F1,q/�ERS TsLnntD OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OFAPPEALS 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (516) 765-1809 fax 765-9064 March 8, 1999 Fax Transmission and Regular Mail Re: Chapter 58 — Public Notice for Thursday, March 25, 1999 Hearing Dear Mr. Ham: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the L.I. Traveler Newspaper, the Town's official newspaper for 1998-99. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be mailed and shall include a map or sketch showing the new location with the setbacks and use noted. Send this Notice, as soon as possible, with the map to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. Please submit your Affidavit of Mailing to us by the Friday before the hearing date, with the post office receipts postmarked. Later, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. You must post the enclosed sign no later than 3/18/99. Post the sign facing the street, no more than 10 feet from your front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, a sign is enclosed for the front yard facing each one.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and if possible, should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. After the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your Affidavit of Posting to us for the permanent file. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. It may be necessary to postpone your hearing if the required steps are not followed. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ZBA Office ELEv 1 3.44 LIMITS OF FRESH WATER WETLANDS PER S. LORENCE N.Y.S.F).E.C. Zr � co o� 0 c -A 0 G\ \ WOODED AREA r G \ �/ 30" MAPLE � — � / � /xi /z/ Ix IRON PIPE T11` - 8" TTRPLC / % / sr /110 /�'� J�� '' -• � .. 6-1.1t RAE /- �(. i A / 15 MAPLE 1 / / PROPOSED / ADDITIONS / / \� ➢ �— ' / EXISTING BUILDIrIG POLE ��N� ?� 1 / F. F. ELEV. = 40.5 '" r ��'' r� e8• 11 ��� -I / 15" MAPLE / SIGN,� / SH� OR 1\1/F _ 1- PATRICIA L. APPELMANS / MON/ / / POLE ##31 N/E E.I. REALTY HOLDING CORP. i / BENCHtdkARK TOP OF GRANITE MGrJUMEIJT ELEV. = 34.76 i </tA=2267.65 / i w= 2432.00 / NOTE, 1. COGE1GItJATE G15T (JCE'� SPE P.1f::'=l.�F'ED FP( --,I,1 i -i = (- •':T 4HD GEOH.-TIC SURvE'i 1F'I�(J+.;I)L�TI 't; S1�T1 ,(1 "PF:', SITE 1 S IN T HE TG,A^ H taI- S0I1THGLD. C+--+ J(J 1 i ;. F F F TAx MSP 1000, SDITIOr! v_i a, ELU, {. 4, LvT 1 1 1 3. SITE IS SERVICED B +� lvlUtlI,_ IF'r^ L �'k'AT EF? ANG (J 1i 1 E SEWAGE DISPOSAL S+`,TFtJ 4 SITE IS III R Z, -(JE 5. TOTAL AREA. H [EF B,�:,E F(. -,F' LE'. ELS rl v [ i LEGEND : FLE +_,F: F,_F,1,1EF'F FEEI 0 / <_ OF PJEJ,t,y O i lV . Ao SITE PLAN PREPARED FOR i H. LEE FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. i 20 iG 20 7_- wwm W -M nim EQUESTRIAN AVENUE ;RL` "i` scALr " FELT FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK REVISk-I)HS DATE GESCRIP11011 SATE: JANUARY 04, 1999 SCALE: 1 " = 20' SHEET 1 OF 1 ^�. !"'9 I^7 CHANDLER, PALMER 8c KING tl A0-7 �r: hitecture, Enlireennq .00d Sur ve;y4ng VR 110 BROADWAY NOR`MCH, CT 09390 880-88fl-3397 FAX 880-888-7801 18" � MAPLE Ir Z `---OVER- HANG -I / 15" MAPLE / SIGN,� / SH� OR 1\1/F _ 1- PATRICIA L. APPELMANS / MON/ / / POLE ##31 N/E E.I. REALTY HOLDING CORP. i / BENCHtdkARK TOP OF GRANITE MGrJUMEIJT ELEV. = 34.76 i </tA=2267.65 / i w= 2432.00 / NOTE, 1. COGE1GItJATE G15T (JCE'� SPE P.1f::'=l.�F'ED FP( --,I,1 i -i = (- •':T 4HD GEOH.-TIC SURvE'i 1F'I�(J+.;I)L�TI 't; S1�T1 ,(1 "PF:', SITE 1 S IN T HE TG,A^ H taI- S0I1THGLD. C+--+ J(J 1 i ;. F F F TAx MSP 1000, SDITIOr! v_i a, ELU, {. 4, LvT 1 1 1 3. SITE IS SERVICED B +� lvlUtlI,_ IF'r^ L �'k'AT EF? ANG (J 1i 1 E SEWAGE DISPOSAL S+`,TFtJ 4 SITE IS III R Z, -(JE 5. TOTAL AREA. H [EF B,�:,E F(. -,F' LE'. ELS rl v [ i LEGEND : FLE +_,F: F,_F,1,1EF'F FEEI 0 / <_ OF PJEJ,t,y O i lV . Ao SITE PLAN PREPARED FOR i H. LEE FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. i 20 iG 20 7_- wwm W -M nim EQUESTRIAN AVENUE ;RL` "i` scALr " FELT FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK REVISk-I)HS DATE GESCRIP11011 SATE: JANUARY 04, 1999 SCALE: 1 " = 20' SHEET 1 OF 1 ^�. !"'9 I^7 CHANDLER, PALMER 8c KING tl A0-7 �r: hitecture, Enlireennq .00d Sur ve;y4ng VR 110 BROADWAY NOR`MCH, CT 09390 880-88fl-3397 FAX 880-888-7801