HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1679 GF ~Uo. DiSPlAY ViSiBLE ALL DCC2~ A~;D Board Of Southold Town Trustees ~Zl ~:~'~"' SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ISSUED TO Norbert F. Falzon Pursuenf fo fha provis[cns of Chaofer 61B of +he Laws of fhe Sfafe of New York, 1873; and Chaofer 404 of fhe Laws of fha Sfafe of New York 1°,52; and fhe Soufho!d Town OrdMence fffled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR O~ ..... MATERIALS. FROM -. LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" end in accordance wlfh fha Resolution of The Board adopfea afa meefinc~ held on ....~e.p_~ ~__Z...3, 19.....8.~., and in ¢cnSlaerafion of fha sum of $.__..5_.....0...0 ..' .- p~id 'by ................................... ~ 9.~..b_e.~Y.._ P...-_ ~.~.].:E .o.~ .......................................................... of .._~..a..t_~..J=.t..q.q]f.. .................................................. N. Y. ~nd sub[eof fo the Term~ and C:onaffions llsfed on fha reverse side hereof, of ~oumo ~ Town Trusfee~aumonzes and permlfs fhe following: Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to se. cure a permit number for a dock in Mattituck Creek. IN WIiN=~S W ...... Or, The said Board of Trusfees here- · by causes ifs Coroorafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhese pressers fo be ~ub~cribea by e major/fy ol fhe aid Board as of fhJs d~f.e. ~ ~c::,.~/ ~ ~ ...... TERMS and CONDITIONS 3. That this Pe,'mir is valid for a ~r~'ind of .O~T? "~qAR. wMEu ~ conside_,'ed to be sufficient time r~quired to compiere the work 5~volvec~ but ~hould for ~ e~e~{on m~7 be ~d~ m ~ B~d at m lat~ dam. 4. ~a~ ~s Per~ shoed be reta~ ~def~te!y, or as long to maintain the s~e or p~je= involv~, to provide e~dence to or~afion w~ ori~ily obt~ned. Norber% F. Falzon The residing at Westphalia Road, Mattituck N. para of the consideration for ~e ~ce of ~e P~t d~ ~de=~d ~d F~ to ~ lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently disD!aved on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2~ ~Hat ~e ~d B~ o~ T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~o[d ~ ~ed from ~y ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, o~ ~u a~g ~y or ~3y ~ a r~t of ~y o~- under afion ~rfo~d p~mt to ~s ~q md ~e ~d Pe~r~ ~d~ at ~ ~ her own defend may ~d MI su~ ~ ~tM by ~d pa~=, and ~e ~d Pe~=~ ~ ~ ~ the wi~ respect ~erero, to ~e ~mpi~e =al=ion of fie ~ud of T~em of ~e Town of ~oi~Permit'~3 5. That the work involved will be subject to the insp~on and approvM of the Board or agents, and non-compLiance with the provbiom of the originating application, may be o,,se for revocation of this Permit by resoindon of the said Board. 6. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation a~ a result of 'the work-= herein aufi~orL~ed. 7. That there shall be no interference with the fight of the public to pa~s and rep~ along the beach between high and Iow water masks. 8.. That if future operations of the Town of Sonthold require the' removal mad/or altemtiom ia the location of the work bereiu author.zed, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustee% the work shall cause uare~onable obsn-ucnon to free navigation, the said Permirtee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stated without ex?-~ses to the Town Of 5outh. otCk 9. That the smd Board will be notified by the Pe~tree oz the completion of the w6xk math- orized. (See tear off sheet.) 10- That the Permkree will obtain all other pe=mirs and comen'.~ that m~y be required plemenral to ~is permlr which may be s-abject to revoke upon failure to ohrala same. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 September 27, 1983 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 Mr. Norbert F. Falzon c/o Mr. Russell Nine P. O. Box 1106 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. post your permit number on your structure, can be seen from the water. granted Please so that it Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Clerk to Trustees Attachment BOARD OF'TO~'~ TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main, Road $outhold, New York ]1971 NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PER,MIT To: . ~Qr.h~,r.~...~.... FalzOn I. Your application, dated 9/8/83 ........................................................................ has been reviewed by this aoard, ct a meeting of the Trustees held on .....~l~,~.t.,...,-1,,~,,.,.l~.~.~ ........................................ and resulting in ~he action, as indicated below: (.XXXX~ ( ............ ( ............ ) Application approved. Application denied. Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: At a regular meeting held on Sept. 13, 1983 your application was approved under the Grandfather Clause. Your permit:: will follow shortly. Please post your permit number, once you have received it. Thank You. A PERxwIZT FEE 3. I_~ your cvolicotion ~S aooroved above, ~mff~ is now d'r~ and should be made payable to the orcer at the Board of Southoid Town Trustees. This fee is computed below Occor i ~e~c~%~LRRkes~s set forth ~n the .Instruction ~heeLIEcrm l/l] This f~ ~. ,~$,-~z. ~u aays or re-appzyzng aha aaai~zo~al' fee tt the ~ermt~ Pee ~ pard m person ~o ,ne Secretary or the Board, The Permi at the s~me time. If the fee is paid by mail, the permit will be mai[ed in reply. Comgutafion of ?ermit Fee: Total Fee for this application .................. Signed Pres. Board of 5outhold Tcwn Trustees. by . Clerk ......... ~ BOARD OF TO,rD' TRUSTEES Town Of Southold limn Roacl ~ ' ' Southold, New York !1971,, nome and addLess' . ........................................................................ ; ..................... 2. Contractor's nome and address: .................................................................................... .. . . . . ...... .... Tel. 3. Briefly explain the pi~rpose o~ this oppiication: ........................................................................ ....... ................................................................................ L 4. After issuance of a Permit, work must be completed within one year. -, LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area Mop from the Clerk of this Board, and by using a~X WITHIN A CIRCLE indioore as closely os possible the location of this deck. On the,_reverse side of this moo, provide a SCmL~ DRAWING wmcn wdl snow O, amo,y H*gn Water Mar~, the shape ~nc size of the dock and any supp'emental p lings wh'ch are needed to hold a f]oating ddck, or tie-u~ a be~t. Give ati dimensions nece~a~ to determine the are~ of the dock surface ~Z~iC:q EXTENDS OFFSHO~ from the O. H W. M. If adjacen~ prope~y owners have docks, specify location and length to scale. 6. Will any porfion of this construction extend offshore into Town Waters beyond an imogm~ line or bounda¢/ formed bY other similar structures along The ar~a's shoreJ[ne~ ~55 o~ NO. Jf it does ex~end beyond this so-ca'led d~k line indicate by how far, ~pproximateJy,. ......... f~. 7, Provide the following documents: (o) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A COdy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. [~.t Short Environmental Assessment Form- Wetlands Applicat~n ~ 8. i J this construction reauire t~e ri lng of any land offshore of the Ordinary High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water? YES or NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Aopl[cotion for Dredging/Pilling) must be completed and mrrocneo as par~ of this aoohcotion. 9, In reauesting approval of this aoplicotion, I subrrii? that: the information presented herein is true and correct re the bes~ of my knowledge and ~elief; I om the person accountable for the eerform~nce of the work in accordance with the olons and specifications attached; I hove redo or orr £omuiar with the provisions of any £outhoto Town Ordinance oerrment to the work involved; one Further, I intend re adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when oho i~ issueo to me. !0. To expedite finding specific location for inspection, indicate :~ 7.:.2.~:..~:..%:~:~.:~.~? by using a temporary marker & ~...~X. i~ 'i']~. ',.~' - '- .... : ......... A/2 Rev; '2/82 " .... L S ' ..-, ,,.a/