HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1050Board Of SOutho[d Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO~ L0~50 DATE: N°vember i1, l~ ISSUED TO F~eder. ick, ~a~coner Pursuanf fo +he provisions of Chap+er 615 of fha Laws of +he Slate of New York, 1893; and Chap+er 404 of +he Laws of +he Sfafe of New York 1952; and the Sou+hold Town Ordinance +]fled 'RE®ULATING AND THE PLACJN® OF OBSTRUCTIONS JN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and +he REMOVAL OF SAND, C~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and [n accordance wffh fha Reso[ufion of The Board adopfed afa meef[ng held on Ncuember 11 19.7.4, and in consideraflon of +he sum of $ 30.50 paid by Frederick Falconer oqF.~.~q~W0~. ~d., Cutchogue, N. Y. and sugiec+ Terms and Cond[f[ons Jisfed on +he reverse side hereof, of SoufhoJd Town Trus+ees aufhor[zes and permffs fha construct a catwalk 4 ft. by 10 ft., ramp 2~ l0 ft., float 6 ft. by 20 ft., with 5wo moorzng piles and redredge an area 30 ft. by 30 ft. in ap~Droxi.mDtely ~iQ0 cu. yds,. of~ fill which is to be, p~a~e~ on 5ne app.£lcant's up£an~ property at F.~eetwoo, ail in accordance w,fh fha de+al]ed specif]cgflons as presenfed +he ori~]naf]ng application. Road, C~tchogue, at East Creek, effective Oct.12 JN WITNESS WHEREOF, The sa]d Board of Trusfees h~re- by causes frs Corporafe Seaf fo be affixed, and fhese prese~fs fo be subscribed by a majorff¥ of fha said Board as of +his da+~e. TERMS end CONDITIONS The Permit-tee _ Frederick Falconer residin§ at Box~_10D. F~eetwood Road, Cutchoque ~1935 N. ¥., ~s part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the fol- lowing: I. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or daims for damagas, of suits arising directly or indireeti]/ as a result of any ope. r- adon performed put, ant to this ~rmir, and the said Permit-tee will, at bis or her own exTmse, defend any and ail tach suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes fall liability with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Tru~ees of the Town of Southold 2. That dais Permit is' valid for a period of 1_2 mos. which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should drcematances warmng request for an extension may he made ro the Board at a later date. 3o That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittce wish~ to maintain the srcecmre or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that auth- orization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of t_he Board or its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application, may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no mareasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 5. that there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach betmeen high and low water marks. 7. That if future operations of the Town o£ Southold require the removai and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or fi, in the opiulon of the Boaxd of Tmsteas, the .work shall cause unreasonable obstmmon to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upoa due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by tbe Permittee ot the completion of the work auth- orized. 9. That the Pertulttee will obtain esl other permits and consents et~ may be required sup- plement~ ro this permit which may be s~ulbject to revoke upon failm'e to obtain same. rev. YOUR ORIGINAL PEP~MIT NUMBER 3/28188 '~ BOARD OF TOg;N '~RUSTEES Town of Sonthold BIa.ln ltoad Southold, iNew York 11971 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ICE DAMAGE PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out form below and return to above address. You ¢.,... 2 Contractor's Names & Address: Tel No 3'. The purpose of this application: Redriving or repla~ing openwork dock or openwork pier piling,~ and ~oor'ing-'~ites_~~ removal of damaged piling, repair, resetting or replacement~f floating docks, ramps, or decking, all necessitated by ice and storm damage resulting during 1987-1988 winter. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. No dredging or filling is permitted. 2. Repairs to existing structures shall be limited timbers withoht change in design or dimension. to replacement of 3. No repair or replacement of bulkheads is permitted under thzs permit'. 4. No freshwater or tidal wetlands are to be disturbed under any circumstances. _5. A yellow permit the proDect at all sign provided by this office shall be displayed on times while under replacement. 6. Original permit numbers (3 '} high) must be permantlF displayed on project. ~.~ (Tear off and return) , certify that the work as authorized in this permit has been completed and is now ready for your inspection. Also, the permit number required on this project As clearly visible. PERMIT NU~iBER Signed - Owner Sicned - Contractor ' BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Ma;.n Road $onthold. New York ]1971 P/1 kqev 6/72 ] Your application, doted ...... .S..~..p..~,b..e..~...~.~.:...?:?..7.4. ...................... has been reviewed Board, at o meeting of the Trustees held 3n ...Q.~.Q~).~r...7.,...J~.c).7..z~...~.P,d,..~.(2.v.~.~.~. and resulting in the action, as indicated below: ~ ) Application approved. Application denied Application tablec 2. Comments and remarks: 3 ]f your oppJication ~s approved aDore, A Permit Fee ~s now due, aha should oe m,,aae to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee ~s computed below accordm.~ the ScheduIe of Rates as set forth n the Instruction Sheet (Form I/]). If the Permit Fee is paid m person to the Secretor of the Board The Permit will be o~ the some time. tf the 'fee is paid by mail. the permit w~ll oe mailed in rep~y Computation of Permit Fee: Catwalk ~ ft. by lO ft. lO sq. ft. - ~ 10¢ sq. ft. - ........... S 4 Ramp - 2½ ft. by 10 ft. 25 sq. ft. - ~ 10¢ sq. ft.- ............. 2 Float 6 ft. by 20 ft. 120 sq. ft. - ~ 10G sq. fto- ............ t2 2 Mooring piles ~ $1.00 each ....................................... 2 100 cu. yds. fill dredged - ~ 10~ cu. yd.- ........................ $30 Less filing fee _ 5 $25 00 bO 00 00 00 50 00 50 DUE Total Fee for this application ............................................................ $ ;~,.5.,~..5..Q ....................... Signea ALVAH B. GOLDSMITH Chin. Board of Southold Town Trusmes Secretary. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southo]d Ma;m Road Soa~hold. New York 11971 Lawrence M. Tuthill 1215 Inlet Lane. Greenpore N.Y. 11944 To~ a/Cprederick Falconer Box 10D, Fleetwood Road. Cutchogue, N,Y. k Your aDDI[cation, doted ....... September t9 1974 nosDeen reveweobytl~is BoarD, at o meeting Df the Trustees held an ......... Q~..t.¢..b..e.~....7..,....~c.~[..4. .......................................... cna resulting :- trio action os ;ndlcored De]ow: 11935 Application ooDrovea. Application denied Application roared the Board will a decision an znvestigaue the site. their nexu meet~n~ on and make Xosember tlr[ 3. if your oppncor~or is aooroved above, A Permit Fee ~s no~ DUe, and snou,d se mode [o [ne order of rne Board of Southold Town Truslees. This fee is computed Below accorong the Schedue of Rotes as set forth in [ne nsrrucf~on Sheet Farm !f me Permit Fee ~s paid n person rD me Secreta[~ )f the BoarD. The ?errr a[ rne some t!me. If ihe fee is paid by moil. the permit will be mailed in redid, Computation of Permil Fee Total Fee for this oooJication ............................................................ $ ................................ Sioneo ALVAH B. GOLDSMITH Chm. Board o~ 5outnold ~-own Trustees Secretor',, BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town O~ Southold Main Road $outhold, New York 11971 A J2 - Rev. 6/72 APPLICATION FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCKS 1. Applicant's name and address: ....~.....~..,..~...~....~...~...L.C.'. ............ .~..~.~..{~....~.. ................... 2. Contractor's name and address: A.~.t~.Z.~..~..~.~../~.!...Z.~..~.k.~..I.L ..................... ....... 3. Briefly explain the purple o~ this *pplic~tion: ........ After issuance of a Permit, I expect to: (mark by an )~) (o) Commence work -- AT ONCE ............ ; ASAP ..~.....; UNKNOWN ............. (b) Complete work in-- 1 DAY ............ ; 1 MO ............. ; 1YR.~ ...... ;FUTURE ............. h 5. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, .and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate as closely as possible the location of this dock. On the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Wai'er Mark, ~he shape and size of the dock and an,,, supplementa~ pilings which are needed to hold a floati.n~ dock or tie-up a boat. Give all dimensions necessary to determine the area of the dock surface which extends offshore from the O. H. W.M. ~7/~fl ca, ~j-~e~ ~ 6. Will any portion of this construction extend offshore into Town Waters beyond an, imaginary line or boundary formed by other similar structures along the area's shoreline? YES _or~. if it does extend beyond this so-called dock line indicate by how far, approximately,~l~?..ft. Provide the followincd documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of t'he Contractor's Plans and Specifications. 8. Will this construction require the Filling of any land offshore of the Ordinary High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water?i~ror~j~l~. If it Form. A/4 (Application f~or Dred,ging/Filling) ...must be cor0pleted and ~ttached as pa,rt of this 9. In requesting approval of this application, I su:bmit that: the information presented herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications attached; I have read or om familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued to me. Z-ZE~'~Pa'oo b IPo,4L~ ,4-?pi o L/.~?~/./ /oo