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BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 ' TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 March 31, 1986 Mr. Albert Roke 2955 Wells Avenue Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Roke: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on March 27, 1986 regarding your' request for a Waver of the Wetland Ordinance. Moved by Trustee Goubeaud seconded by Trustee Larsen it was RESOLVED to Deny the request for a Waver of the Wetland Ordinance for the replacement of a floating dock on property located at 2955 Wells Avenue, Southold. Your application will be reviewed and we will notify'you as this application progresses. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P.~ Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: Trustees file This PERMIT~ made in duplicate the 24th day of geDtember~ Zg~?,,b~t'weem TOWN O_F_S0.~HOLD~ in the Con~ty of Suffol.k a~nd State of New York~ by a.m~Jority of its duly elected trust~es -end by virtue of Chapter 6-~ of the Laws of the S~ate of New ~ork~ p~ssed in 189}~ and pursuant to ~ ~itten resolution ~dopted by a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Tow~ of South- old~ at a meeting held pursuant.to notice duly,given tO all the members thereof~ on the 2~th day of September~ 19Y7~ party of the first pert~ and'~ STE~-~_~E~EN E___.~C~HPBEL~L~ party of the secon~par~ Witnesseth~ the party of the first p~rt in consid- eration of ths sum of $10.00~ duly paid to the party of the first part before the d~liv~ry her~of~ the r~ceipt whereof is h~reby duly scknowledE.ed~ has granted and does hereby grant unto th~ said party of the second par$~ the helrs~ successors ~nd assigns of the party of th~ $~cond part for- $~r~ p~rmissiom to steer a dock in front of his property fronting on g~ck~y Creek in Sout'hold~ in the Town of SouthOld Suffolk County~ New York, in accordanc~ with the plans submit~;ed, Sub~ect~ however~ to the public right of navigation an~ subject to the right'of th~ public to pass end repass along that portion of th~ b~ach between low and high '~ater mark. On condition~ how~ver~ that the party of the second -part ~ill hol~ the said Trust~es and the Town of Southold harmlsss an8 fr~e from any and all damages and claims arislng under or by virtus of said construction, IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ the said Town of Southoid~ party of the first part~ has byi~ vote of a majority of the Board o'f Trustees of s~id To~n~ caused its corporate s~l to be her.- unto affixed~ and th~se presents to be subscribed by s majorf': of the said Board of Trustees, the day and year above written STATE OP NE:W YORI~) COUNTY OF SUFF©L~K) On this ~ day ~£ ~et~ber~ 19ff7~ before me personally appeared Emmons Dean~ of ~r~nBo~.t~ Philip Weiler~ of Orient~ N:.Y.~ Alvah Bo'G~!~smi~h~ of South~l~ N.Y.; John McNulty~ of Laurel.~ N.'Y.$ a~d Frank D.aws¢ cf N~W o6ffolk~,"N.Y~.~ all personally kno~ 12~ 'me~:who'~ b~ing b~ me duly s~o~n~ ss~erall~ said that they ~ch r~sided in tn~ Towr, of ~outhoid~ County~of Suffolk and Stat~ aff'N~W York 'and were members of the Boara of Trustess of said Sout~.old and eon, stitu2ed ~ majority of the sam.eS 2ha2 they knew th~ corporate se~l of said To~ of Southo!d$ that the sere a.ffixed to ihs fersgo~g instroment was such corporate sesl~ that it was so affixed there._tO by order of th~ Board of Trust~es of said Town of Southold and that each one signed his name thereto as a Truste~ and by like ordsr. Mr. $$ephea D. Campbell (Permi~ ~ill ~ Forwarded on complstion) CIGARETTES PLUG PRODUCT~ OF REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY T~VIST SMOKING IN TPP~ MAT'~R OF TBIE APPLiCATiON OF FOR TO TB~ TOWN T~USTE~S 0P _~ T0~q 0P TP~ UN'-DERSZG~D' DOES ~==~B~ ~u~S~ FRDM Tir~~,~,~.~_.~ mO~'mr_ ,... TR'JS~ES (a) permission to dredge '~permission to erect a dock (c) a oran~ of ia~d _ ~ water And~ T;~ umD~RS_Gi~D DOP. S TUZ?~BY AGREE to held the said Trustees a~d .ne Town of Southoid hakim!ess a~.ud free fron any and all ds~nages arid claims arising under or by virtue of said STATE OF ~? -,? to me known and known to me to be the individual described ilt and who executed the foregoing instrument,~ and, duly ac_nowledged to me ii, at i cured the same, Notary PuBlic, State of Ne~ N~, 52-1355200 Suffolk County