HomeMy WebLinkAboutBURNS, JOHN Fof Bouthoi~ a~ a ~seti~ held ~ ~ ~ Be ~1i m~er~ tb~rco£ ~u th~ ~ d~y cf Octobe~ 1984~ Dar~y ao~nsP of the wltnin p~mi~ss~ ~ich point of begin- no~theas~e~iy Co~eP of l~nd of B~ au~ Prom said more aP ie~ to t~ ~ wa~ mark of ~ek m~ ~ng t~euce ~esterly ~!~ ~Id hi~ wm-c~m ~k ~ ~ polnt~ whl~h pain% i~ situa~ p!aae cf B~iP~g ~ ~ut~ne~8 t~ be all of e ~'~ ~e~~ l~g between ~he hi~ ~ mark of ~'~ttitu~k C~k as fo'~d In 1950 ~d ~ p~es~nt hL~ wate~ TO ~%~ A~ TO HOLD the ~bove me~*~io~ed ~nd ~em~D'ib~ Oct~er 28, 1964 Mrs, Mariom A. Regent Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Re: Town Trustees * Deeds to Burns and Refff De~r M~r/oa: ! have examined the deeds in the above smatter. I rmte that the east X/ne of Reiff is 130 feet in length and the west this o~ Burns ts 95 feet tn len~th (which is the same I/ne). In checking with Otto Van Tuyl I find that the west I/ne of the Burn~ property should be 130 feet and accordingly ! have made this change in the Burns deed° In ail other respects the deeds are in order ~nd can b~ delivered to the property owners. ! am r~tumi/g the above me~ioned deeds and the maps and correspo~lence. which you sent to me. Yours very truly, R(~ERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures LiPETZ & McNULTT ATTORNEYS ~ COUNSELORS AT LAW October 14~ 1964 Trustees of the T~wn of gouthcld Southold New York Re: John F. Burn__~~ Gentlemen: On behalf of our client~ John F. Bur~s~ we respectfully request that your Board grant to him a deed to the filled area adjacent to his property on Nattituck Creek. ~e -~derstand that in the past your Board has conveyed to the owners of the upland upon request, any filled area or beach which was caused by the dredging of Mattituck Creek. In connection therewith, we are enclosing a proposed deed to the filled area lying between the high water mark o f Mattltuck Creek and the present southerly boundary of Mr. Burns~ premises° We are also enclosing the consents of the two adjoining owners together with a print of the survey of Otto ~. Van Tuyl & Eon dated Ap~%l 20, 1961~ as well as our chec~ ~n the amount of $1.00o If there is any other or addmt~onal charge, please advise and we will remit same to you forthwith° If your Board finds the proposed dead to be satisfactory in form,and further, if your Board views our request favorably~ we would appreciate your executing the enclosed deed and returning same to us. Thank you for you~ attention and cooperation in ~his matter. Respectfully submitted~ JRN:jc A copy of the proposed deed is enclosed for your file together with a copy for t he Town Attorney° The Trustees of tha Town Southold New York of Southold Gentlemen: I am the ovmer of certain property at Nattituck, New York, adjoining the premises of John F. Burns on the wast. I understand that ~r. Burns has applied to your Board for a deed to the ~filled area~ ss shown on the survey of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, dated March ~3~ 1980. The westerly boundary of the filled area as shov~ on the map is an extension of the property line between Er. Burns and myself. I have no objection to yo~ Board ~eeding such land to him amd using as a westerly boundary the line as shown on the map. Very truly yours, Frsd Reiff /~ The Trustees Southo2d New york of the Town of Southoid Gentlemen Z am the owner of certain property at Mattituck, New york, adjoining the premises of Jobm F. Burns on the east. I ,understand that Mr. B~ns has applied to your Board for a deed to the ~filled areaw as shown on the survey of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, dated March ~3, 1960. The easterly boundary of the filled area as shown on the map is an extension of the property line between Mr. Burns and myself. I have no objection to your Board deeding such land to him and us Lug as an easterly bo~adary the line as shovm on the map. C ~i£ K