HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-83-2-10.6Albert'J..KrUpski; President $ohnHOlzapfel, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Gan'ell. Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone. (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT Permit Number.: 83-2-.10..6 Name of Applicant/Agent: Land Use Co. .Name. of .permittee: LOUIS CORSO Address o5 Permittee: 1020 Glenn Road, Southold Property Located: Same DESCRIPTION .OF' ACTIVITY: To construct a 4' X 140' stairway with 4' X 12' retractable stairs as per plans dated 8/6/93. Date of permit issuance: March 24, 1994 This permit is valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: '/ Bluff restoration through a re-vegetation agreement ls attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of. this permit. ~ A relocation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. ~ ~ A maintenance agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. Albert J. Krupski., Jr. President, Board. of Trustees AJK/djh ~cc: Building Dept. Boa'rd .'.Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT. NO .... '42.9.7 ............... DATE: ..~./..~.~.t. %~. ............ ISSU'ED TO .......... LO.UIS.,..GO Z:~SO ........................... ~ ..................................................... Author. iza ion Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the'State of New York, 1893; anCl. Chap~rer 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952;.and the.Sou~rhold Town Ordinance en- titled "REC=ULATING AND THE :PLAGING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND .ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND., E~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;". . and in accordance with the Resolution Of The Board adopted'at a meeting held on ..3../2.~/.9..~ ...... I9 ....... 9.4 and in consideration of the sum of $_iSCL;..0:CI ..... paid by ~ Lancl'..LTse...C.0 .~ £o~..LOLTT$._cO-I~s_O. ........................ : ...................................... of ....... .S...o_...u..f~..h.o.!.d ....................................................... N. Y. and subiect to the Terms and Conditions I~sted on the reverse sMe hereof, of Southold Town ' Trustees authorizes and permits the following: To construct a 4' X 140' stairway with 4' X 12' retractable stairs as per plans daied 8/6/93. all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of' the said Board as of this da~,e. ..... Board .Of $o'uthOld Town. Trustees $-OUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO ..... ~...~'~' .~.,. DATE: ....~g./2~t~ ...... A, ul'h. oriza iott Pursuant fo 'the provisions of. chapter 615 of the Laws of' the Sfaf'e of New York, 1'893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of-New York 1952; and the Soufhold Town Ordinance em titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN' AND ..ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and 'the REMOVAL OF. SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM .LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the ResOlution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on 8/~.5./.cz~. .... 19....9.~., and in consideration of the sum of $....Z0~.,.00 paid by ....... ]~::C~>x)~I_.t~z~.~..Z.~.c ........ .~o.r_.~.O.~ZS....&..:~:U..5.A..O.. rO..~$.C) ............... Of ....C.~.C.~O,~e. ................................................... N. Y. and subiecf to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following:. To constr. 460+ I.f. of ret. walt wilh 2-12~ angled reurns, to be placed in the cliff and completely covered with sa~d. Slope will again be planted in accord, with SCS&WCD. all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be. subscribed by a majority of. the said. Board as of this date, Albert J. Krupstd, President 'John HolZapfei, Vice President. William G. Albertson Martin II. Gan'ell Peter Wenczel · Town Hat1 53095 M~n Road P.O: Box 1179 South01d,.New York 1 t97t Telephone (516) 7654.1892 Fax (5.16) 76571823'; BOARD OF TOWN' TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 25, 199.4 En-Consultants Inc. Mr. Roy. Haje 1329 North Sea Rd. Southampton NY 11968 Re: LOUIS & LUBA CORSO SCTM ~.83'2-10..4, 10.5 & 10.6 Dear Mr. Haje, The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees dUring its regular meeting held on August 2.5, i994 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Eh-Consultants Inc"., on behalf of LOUIS & LUBA CORSO applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southo. td:, :application dated May 9, 1994. WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on August 25, 1994. at which time all interested persons were given, an opportunity to be 'heard, and, WHEREAS, 'the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this.applicationr and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the application of LOUIS & LUBA CORSO to construct a 460+ I.f. of timber retaining wall with 2'- 12' angle~ returns to be placed in the cliff and completely covered with sand, Following installation of wall, slope will again, be planted in accordance with plan of SuffOlk county-Soil'~ .Water Conservation Department. Located I020 o~egon Road, CUtChogue. Permit to cons't~uct project will expire two years from. the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued Within six months of the date .of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. FEES: Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees aJE/djh cc. CAC Albert. J. Kmpsld, President JOhn HolZapfei, Vice President William G, Albertson Martin Hz Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 .Maiu Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NeW York 11971 Telephone (516) 765.- 1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 29, 1994 Land Use Co. 2576. Sound Avenue Baiting Hollow NY 11933 Re': LOUIS CORSO SCTM 983-2-10.6 Dear Ms. Lachenmeyer, The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during its regular meeting held on'.March 24, 1994 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, LOUIS' CORSO applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a. permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, revised survey of 8/6/93, and, WHEREAS, .said application was referred to the Southold Town COnServation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on' March 24, 1994 at which time all interested persons were given, an opportunity to be heard, and~ WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and' documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed Will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of.theE people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of. Trustees approves the application of Land. Use Co., on behalf of LOUIS CORSO to construct a 4' X 140' stairway with 4' X 12' retractable Stairs as per plans dated 8/6/93. Permit .will expire two years from the date it is signed', Fees mus~ be paid, if aPPl, icable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required a/%d the TrUStees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Very truly yours, Albert J. KEupski, Jr. PreSident., Board of Trustees AJKldj~h cc. CAC ' TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, Iii, President Albert J. Krupski, Sr., Vice President Henry E Smith John B, Tuthill William G. Atbertson Telephone (516)7654892 Fax (516) 765-1823 SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall : 5'3095. Ma~.Road P.O. Box R 179. Southotd, New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES /3'-' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT. PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN.' WETLANDS PERMIT APPLICATION TRUSTEE LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION dffice Use 'Only: Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~-4~etland Permit 'Application aiver from Chapter 97 rustee Lands Permit Application randfather Completed Apps. Date..: · ~~ .?CAC comments-Date: Sen't~--~c. Variance Required, ' -- Neighbors :notified Date: ' ~ SEQRA TYPe ~ ]~.t.~ ' · ~ C'oord. Review-opt.,mand. ~'nsp, .comp',/date: .' .~-,~:0, ~j --SEQRA Determin./date:~jL..~& --Piublic Hea'ring./date:'.:~~f · Findings: '~5¥g~i~ Permit Vote: (y/N): Special Conditions: (also see file) .N-OFSOUfHOLD Date Rec. by Office Applicatio] Application Number; SCTM %1000- 083-2~-.'j,~.,.~ Pr'ojec't Name. (If any) Corso - Cutchogue Date Prepared: 3/22/93 Applicant: Brian Franl/Land Use Company For: Louis Corso Address: · 2576 Sound Avenue, Baiting Hollow, N.Y:i: .Phone (519'')727-2~00 Interest: (owner, consultant,leSsee,etc.) Agent Owner of Proper.ty: Louis Corso Address 1020 Glenn R0~d S°uthold, N.Y. Phone ( ) · Subject Property Location: Location map enclosed (prOvide LILCO 'Pole ~, Distance to cross Streets if' not on location map) .. Page 1 TRU~"rF.,F.,~ · ..lohn M. Brcdemeyer, III, Presicient Atb~r~ I ~ki, ~r., Vice President. H~ P. Smflh ~illi~~ O. Fax (516) 76S-1823 BOARD OF.TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 30 year Maintenance Agreement Erosion Protection ;Structures Chap~e.r 37 So=~hold Town Code $ou=l~Old Trustees as Administra~or SUPERVIgOR SCOTT L, HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main. Road EO. Box t179 Southdlcl,.New York '1197 I (we).. Louis Corso ' , --... tYPe or p~int nam ts) the owners of record of property at:off of E.i'~h.~_~gf Wa.v,.. ........ Oregon"'Road. Cutcho~ue (type' or print 'Street' address) SC~TM $1000-0832'hiY0..2,..!0.4, and 10.5 in applying for a Coastal Erosion ~it for an Erosion Protection Structure do hereby agree to a 30 year maintenance progr.~ for a structure co.only kn~n as a %i~ bulkhead of 475 +/- as sho~ on the at=ac~ed fee: ct length lto~-sed survey of the as-built structure. 'It is my/our understanding that we are to maintain this structure with' materlal.s designed to endure 30 years and or equivalent to the original approved structure and tha~ for any maintenance which involves more .than 5% in length cf this struc~u.re we are to give prior written not'ice to the administrator, waiting for their approval in all but true emergency situation's which would seriously endanger life, prople'rty and important ~oastal natural resource features such as bluffs or wetlands. We further understand 'that failure to maintain the 'structure could result in a requirement to post a bond and or have the. repairs ordered as a Iien against the property upon a finding by the Trustees that said lack of maintenance would risk lift, property or important nature! ding~ eatened resources features i!nclu cted, rare or thr one year of the original construction. This maintenance agreement shall only be valid upon the final approval of the administrator. SLtbsequent owners may apply to the Southold Town Trustees to re-authorize this maintenance agreement. NOTAf~V' PUBLIC, Slate of New York No. 01CR 4661488 Qual{fied in Richmond County CeaSe Rk~l in New York Coun[¥ Corimmissiort Expires,Jan. 3I, 1995 Y~s. to be excavated: 0 Yds. to be filled: 0 Manner in Which material will be removed or deposited: n/a Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property: Long Island sound ia miles Depth at low tide: N/A Aver. rise in tide: 5.0' Distance to nearest channel: N/A' r Distance project extends beyond similar projects in area: ' 0 Area zoning: Residential Land area in acres: 5.5 e/- Is project for private or business use: Private Intended ~se .of' property: Si~qle. Fa.m~l¥ Re'S. idences Describe known !prior operations conducted on premises: Existinq Has any p.r'ior iic~n'se'.or permitbeen issU~d%o...er.ect s~ru~t.ur.es, dredge, or deposit fiI1 on'said premises: Has any licenSe olr permit ever been revoked.'~?'~sDen~ed bY a Governmental AgencY: None Known' Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during construction of the principle 'and accessory structures and underground structures (i.e., pipeline and septic system; make additional attachments if necessary). Please see attached pro]ect description Authorization (Where the applicant is not the owner)P!Sese see attached authorization letter I resiaing at '- ( Prin=-owner of .subj eot property) (Mailing address-phone) do hereby authorize to apply for Coastal Erosion permit(s) from the'Southold Town Trustees 'Signature THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Page Land Use June 15, 1993 N,.Y.S~D-.E.C. Bureau of Regulatory AffairS, Room 219 Bldg..#40, SUNY Stony Brook, .N.Y. 11790-2356 Atth: john Wieland Re: APplication:bylLou~s~Corso.,,~.Southold (ID# 1~4738-00608/00D01-0) Dear Mr.. Wieland: With regard to your letter of May 11, please be advised that the applicant is willing to modify the proposed bulkhead plans. It should' be noted, however, that the aesthetic impacts associated with the proposed bulkhead will be minor due to the presence, of timber bulkheads .on adjacent properties. To reduce the erosion potential associated with bulkheading, the applicant proposes the use of 300-500 lbs armor stone to stabilize. the sand at the base of the bulkhead. The stones would be placed at the base of the bulkhead depth at mean low water and would extend' approximately half-way up the height of the bulkhead. Four copies of an amended project description, site plan and cross section indicating these changes are enclosed for your use. Other alternatives to tbs proposal are as follows: 1.) Gabion installation The .use of gabions to stabilize the bluff would ~have a similar or more severe aesthetic.' "impact than those associated with the proposal. 'The gabions would also provide a similar or improved erosion control method as timber bulkheading with rock armorment. 2576 Sound.Avenue · Baiting Holiow, NewYork · 11933 (5~t6) 727-2400 · FAX (516)'727-2605 2. ) No action The no action alternative would result in the la=k of any erosion' control structures along the'. seaward' fade o'f "the bluff. The consequences of this action .would'result in the. Cont~hued erosion of the blUff as seen in the recent storm eve~ts~ resulting in a potential hazard to .p=operty and human life. Please be advised that the correct Suffolk ~Co~u~,ty Tax Map tots are 10.4, 10., 5 ~a~ '~10"6 ' "At the request-, of our .office,..kindly: windrow the '.APpl ica~ion if or. '.'the ~t.~er ..st.ai~ays 'on.. lot~jt 0'.,~5.~.~. !0~, 6. ~.t.~e two'"~s~e~ '~ots:). ~:nd c0.ntznue' :the review.of ~s p.roj~. ~s..'.zt zs shOWn in ..t:h~. pro~..eCt~'p'ians.. If our office may .fur.ther assist the review of tLS application, please d° not hesitate· to call. Very truly yours, Brian Frank BF/jb eric. Fedex John Bredemeyer -~Town..of~.'$~Qut-hotd · Board of Trustees q / Amg.,n, ded ..Proj,9.'.ct'. Des.cri_Dtion The applicant proposes the following activitieson thre~ adjoining lots (.SCTM: 1000-0.83-2-10.4, 10.5 and 10.'.6) in Cutchogme, Tow~ of Southoid'. Activities consist of:= 1.) Construction of approximately 4'75 ft. of timber b~lkhe~d across the three adjoining lots. Two 20 ft. returns ars also' proposed on lots 1'0.4 and 10.6. Timber sheathin~ for the bulkhead will be secured by 8" C.C.A..timber pilings driven to an approximate depth of t6 ft. Timber sheathing will also be secured by deadm~n a~d tie rods. To minimize erosion, armor stone weighing 3.00-500 lbs will be placed in front of the bulkhead on filter iabric to the depth of mean low water and extend hal~way up the bulkhead. 2.) Installation of two timber stairways, which, will ac=es~s t.hebeach area from the two lots. The s.tairways will .be 4' wide and range in length from 100'- 14'0'. '~ 37 38 39 0 U D ",., OREGON P~ G R E A T P E C 0 N I C A Y NEW$~FFO~K :cuF, cHOSU;~ HARBOR 01~ Co~e NOR TH L\A H O 37 . 38 3.9 To all regulatory agencies: I hereby .authoriZe Land Use .Company to. apply for ail approvals necessary .~o:comple~e my project. · Louis C. Corso 2576Souncl Avenue · Baiting Hollow, NewYork ,, 11933 (516) 727-2400 · FAX (516) 727-2605 County of Suffolk ) state of New York ) Brain Frank/Land Use Co. For:Louis Cors~EING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE]SHE IS THE APPLICANT'FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HERKNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNERSET FORTH IN TH:IS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD-TOWN BOARD. OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES"TO HOLD THE:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE .TOWN.TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND. FREE.FROM:ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS. ~ARISING UNDER .OR ~BY VIRTUE OF.:SAID 'PERMIT(S)~ IF GRANTED,' tN COMPLETING~: THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE: THE. TRUSTEES, THEIR ~GENT(S) OR:REPRESENTATiYE('S)', TO :E~TER ONT.OMY PROPERTY TO INSPECT 'THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW'.OFTHtS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THiS 22 DAY OF March ,1993 NOTARY PUBLIC CNA.~LI:S W, BOWMAN ~Q?AR¥ PUBLIC, Stat~ ~f. New Y~r~ 4668958, Suffolk Co~y Suggested space for location Map THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Page 3 Al) mO Q ~ 0 ~-~'m ~o~ 0 ~3 .l,-~. m o Om ~ CORSO - CU%:~2HOGU~. '~ Pro~.ect Description The applicant proposes the following activities on three adjoining lots (SCTM: 1000-083-2-10.2, 10.4 and 10.5) in Cutchogue, Town of Southold Activities consist of: 2.) Construction of approximately 475 ft. of timber bulkhead across the three adjoining lots. Two 20 ft. returns are also proposed on lots 10.2 and 10.5. Timber sheathing for the bulkhead will be secured by 8" C.C.A. timber pilings driven to an approximate depth of 16 ft. Timber sheathing will also be secured by deadmen and tie rods. Installation.of three timber stairways which will access the beach area from the three 'lots. The stairWays Will be 4' wide and. range in length from 100'- 140'. 3.) Construction of three timber, retractable stairways (4,.x 12') to access beach areas from the toe of bluff. SHORT 617.21 ~ Appe.dix C State Environmental Quality Review ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNUSTED ACTIONS Oniy PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) ~.. APPU¢/*,.T'~SPONSCR' ]~:~-~ 'F~t.-~;:/La~d Use Co. 'Fo~l: 2. Pa~C-CT"NAME ' Louis Corso ~ Corso ,,:.,:.Cutcho~ue ,. 3. PROJECT LOCATION: M u nicipal.[ty Southold C~unty Sllffolk 4. PRECISE LOC, AT.ION {Stre~_t aadre~ and roa~3 m~etsections, p¢omi~ent lan~tma~ks, et~., o; provi~le map} SC~'~: 1000-083-2-10.2, 10.4, & 10.5 5. IS PROPOSED'ACTION: [~' NeW DESCRIBE PROdECT .BRIEFLY: Please see attached ~ ModilicatJonlait er~tion project description AMOUNT OF LAND AFFEC-I ~'£D: : lnma,ty 5.5 +/-- .... ~cres Ultimately __ 5.5+/- ~cms WILL. PROPOSED ACTION CO;,tPLY 'Wl'[l-t EXiSTiNG ZONING OR, OTHER EXISTING LAND UBE RESTRICTIONS? [~/Yes [] No II NO, ~escribe briefly : 9. WHAT I$ PRESENT LAN.'-. U~E IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? es Resi~enlial ["'.~ Industrial ~ commeroial tribe: [] Ag,iculture [] Par~JForesuO%n space [] Omar i0' DOES ACTION iNVOLVE ~ P[RM;T APPROVAL, OR FUNDi'NG, NOW OR LiLTtMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVE'RNME. NTAL AGENCY STATE OR LOCAL)? r~ No II yes, list agency(s) aha pen'nitl;~pp~'ovais Town of Southold - Board of.Trustees nQ.':.q ANy ASPECT O~ Tt.i~ AGl ION HAVE A CURRENTL'~ VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? Yes [~ NO ! 'yes, iisi agency name eno permiUa'pproval /- 't2. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WiLL EXISTING PERt~tlT!APPROYA~ REQUIRE MODiFICATiON? ' !,~] Y,-S [~'~0 "' I.CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED AaOvE l:s TRUE'TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Brian Frank/Land Use.Co. for:. Louis Corso App]ica.nUspon$ol* name: it the action is in the Coastal Area, and you :are'a state agency, comptete the 3/22/93 Coastal ASsessment Form before proceeding with this 'assessment .OVER 1 CORSO - CUTCHOGUE ~J Project DeSCription The applicant proposes the following activities on three adjoining lots .(SCTM: 1.000-0.83.2-10.2, ·10.4 .and ·10.5)in Cutchog.ue, Town of Southold.'Activities consist of: 1.) ConstruCtion .of approximately 475 .ft. of. timber bulkhead across the three adjoining lots. Two 2.0 ft.. returns are. also proposed on lots 10.2 and 10.5. Timber sheathing for the bulkhead will be secured by 8" C..C.A. timber pilings driven to an approximate depth of 16 ft. Timber sheathing will also be secured by deadmen and tie rods. 2.) Installation of three timber stairways which will access the beach area from the three lots. The stairways will be 4' wide and range in length from 100'- 140'. 3.) Construction of three timber, retractable stairways (4'x 12') to access beach areas from the toe of bluff. Telephone (5 I.~' 76~.1892 Fax (5'I ~'765-tg22 //CO'IT L, HARRIS BOARD .OF TOWN TRI~ TOWN OF ~OUTHOLD 5'3095 Main Road P.O. Box llTP- Som~Id, N~v Yo~k 11971 COASTAL EROSION I~FAG:igHgN~ P~~ AP-~LiCATION TOWN WETLANDS ~ AAI~LICA'I'TO:N "te' ' ' .' . ~-~ ~- ~,~ .i~ eview-?p~:',m~.- Da:a Rec. by Office Pe~i~.'Vc~a: (Y/N): SPecie! Con~tiona: ('als0 see file) ApPlication Fee: · Appli'ca~ion Number; $CTM ~1000-083-02-10.4, 1'0.5, 10.6 Project Na~e (If any) Date Prepared: April 26, 1994 Applicant: Eh-Consultants, Inc, Address: 1.329 North Sea Road Sou_tham-ton, .New York 11968 - Phone (.516..) 283-6360 Interesn: ( OWner, consultant, lessee, e~c. ) AGENT Owner of PrOperty:~ Luba Corso . - . Address Subjec-_ PrOperty Loc_a~ion: ~ ~ R0~d_. Cut~ogue (Pruv:=~ LiL~ ~, D&suanca Uo cross S~eus i~ non on De~h at 1~ ~: · ~/~. Aver ue~cr~e ~nuwn Pr£or'~pmrations eon~ucCe~ on :.~~.-... StairWay 'being bUiit --'' Governmmn~ Agen~t.: Project Description Authorization (Where the 'applicant is not ~he oWner) I_ Louis. and Luba Corso r~sidi~lg at 102~ Glenn Road, (Pr£n~-~wner of 's~hjec~- proper~y) {M~~g ad~s-phcne) = - ~o=~z~ . E'n-Consultan~s ~ inc. tO apply for PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct 460 ~ 1.f. of armored timber retaining, wall plus (2) 12' angled returns. Wall will be at toe of bluff~.and, will be armored with 2 courses of 1 - 3 ton stone on filter cloth. A 6' Wide splash pad landward 'of wall will consist of 8" - 12." stone on .filter~cloth. Approximately200 ¢.y. of clean sand will be brought in via Duck Pond Road. Applicant attempted to stabilize the'bluff by'~pl'an~ings only but failed. Unless the toe'is .stabilized, slope will continue t°. move. Foil:owing installation of'wail, Slope will again be. planted in accordance with plan of S.,.C.S~ (attached) · DEC prior permit ~1-4738-00608/00001-0 County of Suffolk) State of New York ) Lou~s and Lub~ Corso BEI/~G DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND · P~IT{.S) ~ ~T. ~L STA~~S CO~AiN~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .BEST .OF ~S/~. ~O~.GE. ~ B~, ~ ~T~ ~ WI~ BE DONE IN ~E ~' SET FOR~ IN ~S ~PLI~ON. ~ ~ ~Y BE - ~ .::..o~':.:~y..'~~ .:0~: .S~D:.'.~ ~'~=~..S)','..'~' ~,...':' '. '...." Z.~...CO~.~~G :'~S:::'~.!~ZO~; .Z'. ~;~~Z~'....:;~ TO_:!~S~E~T.. '.~.:'~S~'S ~.' CON~~O~ W~. ~. OF:.'~S N©TARY PUBf. iC ~OTARY. PUBLIC, State of New Y~ No, 01CR ~148~ Q~t~ed ~ R~chmo~d Couh~ Ce~ca~e F~i~d in N~w York Coun~ Commission Expires Jan. 3!, 1995 Suggested space, for location Map THIS' IS NOT 'A PERMIT JohnB. Tdcphunc (5i6) 7~,t~ (516) 765- t~ BOARD OF TOWN TRI]'~ TOWN OF SOt/rHO~ :n · 30 year ~__~.-t~nance Agreement Erosion Protection Structures Chapter 37 Southold Town Code SoUthOld Trustees as ~~rator ~jPERV~OR .SCOTT L HARRIS Town Hall $3095 Ma~ Road EO. Box 1179 $ouihotd. New York I197 I (we,) L.o_uis and Luha =Cnrso. ty~a or Print .nsmet s ) ..... ~he owners of record of prop~ ~=: Ore~on Road, Cutchogue i'n apply~g for a'. Co~ ~osi~ p~t for Protection S~c~e do .h~~ a~ee to a 30 pro~ for a s~t~e =~on'ly ~~ ~ a Lul~ead ' fee= of len~ licensed s~ey of ~e ~'-~,{ lt. It is my/our understanding ~hat we are ~o maintain ~his strucnure with materials designed' to endure 30 years and or equivalent ~u' =he. orig~-~l approve~ statue=ute and ~hat for any maintenance which involves more than 5% in Ienq~_h of this s~_ruc=ure we are to ~ive prior written notice ~o ~he administrator, waiting for 'their approval in all but true emergency..situation' s which would seriously endanger life, property and impor~.~t, coastal natUral resource features such as bluffs or wetlands. We fUrther underse~-d that failure to maintain the s~ructure could' result in a requirement to post a bond and or .have the repairs ordered ~-~ a lien against the property upon a finding by the Trustees ~ha= said lack of maintenan.cei~ would risk life, property or important natural .resources features including p~ote=ted, rare. or threatened e -of record · ' = . SWORN TO BZFOIt~ l~ THIS /~Q DAY OZ ~~/i? ,I9 ?~  ~ ~'. . ' ' ~SEPH R. CR{SCDNE 2/' /~ NO T~Y PUBLIC, S~ ~ Hew V~ ' ~ ~- ' ' No 01CB 4~1488  . ' . ~mmi~)on ~pires Jan, 31, 19~ ~'ih maintan~Ca 'agre~ent shall only be va~d ugon attac~ent three c~p~es of a licensed land s~ey made wi~ one year of the original const~ction and vali~tad to show ~e the final Duck Pond o .1 EN-CO'NSU LTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SEP 2 )994 TOWN OF SOUTH.OLD~ 1329 NORTH· SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-61,36 August 31, 1994 Southold Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New, York 11971 RE: LOUIS & LUBA CORSO APP. ~1000-83-2-t0.4, 10.5 & 10.6 Dear Trustees: As you requested, please find enclosed work plans revised to show Ammophila breviliqulata planted up the slope in addition to over the wall. RespeA2tfu!~l~ yours, REH:jhg Enclosure ..,.- EN-CO~tfSULTANT$ SOL~THA~iPTON N, ¥. fnited. States Del)artm~nt o! Agricultiiro Soil Conservation Service Northesst Technical Service Cerltet Broomall, Pennsylvania TECH:N'i'CAL NOTE PLANT MATERIALS NO, 11 STABILIZATION OF ERODING BLUFFS EXPOSED TO FLUCTUATING TIDES The erosion of. high sandy bluffs along ocean fr0fi[~ has 'challenged conservati0nlsts since they were '~i~t bbserved[ ~ypicat of such bluffs are.~hose along the north'Shof~ Of Long ~land.' ~he' soil material is s~ndy smd erosiVe~ ea~ity~moV~d by Wind oF water~ 'Bluff h~ight Varies,: from a few feet. ~p to w~ti over a hundred feet. The slope is usuatty about l:~lj or at-what, ever angl~ the materi~l is stable. They may appear as 'shown below. the wrong direction ,~overhanging liP remanenls of old vegetation, boulders, elc; toe' hi~'h tide Typical characteristics of eroding bluffs exposed to tidal fluctuations. DIST: NE S, T, NO Prepared by W. Curtis Sharp Plant Materials Specialist July 8. 1983 Numerous attempts have 'been made by la~dOwners to stabilize the s. lopes~ ~nly a few have succeeded. No procedure can guarantee a p~rmanent solution, but some have si§nificantly ~showed erosion.over several years~ FrOm these, it appears.'the following' is essential: Do not allow surfade water to §o over top of'the SlOp~ 2. Remove the overhanginE lip at the top of t.he slope~ 3. PrOvide pr~.tection..!at th~ toe of~ the slope With a low~ well constructed buikhe.ad, There m~Y be circum~taU~s Where the beach is .sUf:ftcientl.y.Wide that it wil~ be unusual.. I'f this ~h:O~Id. be,th~ case~, thm ~se of marsh building vege.~.a~ion...0n the beach ~hb~Id-be' ~onSidar~d, if a bulkhead is.'US.ed'; leave a level adequate b'eaah permi.~s. This,i~ With American. b'eaChg'rass. Waves that break over a low bulk- head can"dispense some of their energy here~, rather than ba~terin§ a hi§her one or dashing against the Slope. above the bulkhead.~'~ /,..water diverted away fram s!ope / ging lip' removed vegeleted slope getated level area constructed bulkhead ]1 .high Typical of procedUres that have had a desirable long term effect on slowing bluff erosion. (TN PLANT MATERIALS 11, July 8, 1983) ~tST1N~ ALL -P~St~-- q-~.~4~%. ALL re~ard~ug tbe. pro~er.t~ of. Suffolk CoUnty Tax Map No, 1000-94-I-14 Represented ~.0. Box 6~7, CutchogU~, James E. Fi'tzge~ald, Jr. .5~6-734=5800 sheet of September 'N,CON-SU LTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 5i6-283-6!36 September 23, 1994 Ms. Diane Herbert Southold Town Trustees 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: LOUIS & LUBA CORSO APP. #1000~_~_~_-2-10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 Dear Diane: As you requested by telephone, please find .enclosed revised'sheet'2 of 2 showing the establishment of a more gradual slope over the retaining wall. I assume this is what you were looking' for. Please contact me as sOon as possible~ if it is not, asWe would like to get.this project completed. Ve~trul~yours, Environmental Analyst REH:jhg EnClosUre EN'CONSULTANTS INC. NORTH SEA ~D, $OUTHAI~PYON ~, yr. Pond P~ .~t~ :UTCI-mOGU E [J~ EH:CONSULTANTS INC. ii'Ag NORTH SEA RD, ~OLITHAMPTON N, Y. 1196.8 Pond P~ CUTCHOGUE {~ /. tY[.oW-, ~ ,-,,- EN'CONSULTANTS INC. J$29 NORTH SEA RD, :EN'-.CON. SU LTANTS, I NC. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' i 329. NORTH SEA ROADi SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968· 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-'6136 August 31, 19'94 Southold Town Trustees TOwn Hall 53.095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE:. LOUIS & LUBA CORSO APP. ~1000-83-2-10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 Dear Trustees: As you requested, please 'find enclosed work plans reviSed to show Am3n'ophila breviligulata planted up the slope in addition to over the wall. En~¢'~ro~men ca i~,,~ ..... yst R EH': j hg Enclosure Pond P~ _5~-cF -EN:':CO:N SULTANTS, INC. 3'29.NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283'-613'6 AugusL 19, 199'4 Southold Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: LOUIS & LUBA CORSO APP. ~t000-83-2-10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 Dear Trustees: This letter is to follow-up my letters dated August 5, 1994 and .August 11, 1994. After much confusion, we have been informed that the armor .and splash pad are not to be used, as was originally stated in my letter of August 5, 1994. I have again revised the plans accordingly and enclose 2 copies herewith. Respectfu!lv voUrs, RObert E. Hoffmann Environmental Analyst REH:jhg Enclosure cc.: TOm Samuels $0UTHAkIPTON, N.Y. 11968 516-283-6360 CUTCHOGUE EN-CONSULTANTS INC. 1329 NORTH SEA RD. sOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. 11968 516-283-6360 EN-CONSULTANTS INC. 1329 NORTH SEA RD. SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. !1968 516-283-63-S0 2t, JTc. HO 6 IJ E (i' EN-CONSULT~NTS i329 NORTH SEA RD. SOUTHAU. PTON, N.Y. I1968 T©W. OF SOUMOd) 'E'N-.CONSU"LTANTS, INC. i ~'29 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX NO. 516-283-6360 516-283-6136' August 11, 1994 Southold Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box~l179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: LOUIS & LUBA CORS© APP. ~1000-83-2-10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 Dear Trustees: This letter is a follow-up to my letter dated August 5, 1994. Apparently we mistakenly thought that you were requesting that the armor and splash pad be removed from the retaining wall. However, after speaking with Mr. Tom Samuels, we understand that this is not the case and that the armor will be used but buried with sand. I have enclosed plans revised accordingly. 'for the misunderstanding and thank you assistance and cooperation. We apologize for your Re~.~/ectfu~y yours, Environmental Analyst REH: j hg Enclosure cc: Tom Samuels Louis & Luba Corso 0 ~'~ /~ 1329 NORT~ SEA RD, ~,~ SOUTHAt~PTON N, Y. 1196~ 5i6-283,,6350 Pond :UYCHOSUE ,,i-: £N'coNsULTANT$ INC. I329 NORTH SEA RD, SOUTHA.~PTON N, y. '11968 $J6-~83,6.350 Pond P~ £N'CONSULTAN.~ IN~., ~ ~_,~ )~) t~o~?H s~a RD, ~ 'SOUTHA~tpTO~ ,~, y. '~igSS J EN"CONSU LTANTS, I'NC. OF SOUTH.OLD 1.329"~ORTH SEA' RoAD,'SOUTH'AMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX NO. 516-283-6360 516-283-6136 August 5, 1994 Town of South.old Southold Trustees 53095 Main Road P.O.. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: LOUIS. & LUBA CORSO Dear Trustees: As directed by the Board during your meeting of July 28, 1994, we hereby enclose plans 'depicting the proposed retaining wall to be buried with sand and planted with Ammophila breviliqulata 6" on center. It is our understanding that this proposal was necessary for your issuance of a negative declaration and that use of armor and splash pad will be allowed should your suggested technique be unsuccessful. We thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter and look forward to issuance of your permit. Respectfu'lfy yours, . ... , ..' Environmental Analyst' REH:jhg .:. Enclosures cc: Tom Samuels- LoUis & Luba Corso 'Albert $. Krupski, President Jolm Holzapfel, ~¥ice President William G.:Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765~1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION NO.. 1'000~83-2-10.4, .10.5 & 10.6 NAME:LOUIS CORSO DATE: July 28, 19'94 Chapt. 9'7-.Wetlands Chapt. 37 - CoaStal Erosion RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617', Section 617,10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southotd Town Trustees, as Lead Agency for the action described below, has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same: or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: Type: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Applicant requests permit to construct 46.0+ 1.f. of armored timber retaining wall plus (2) 12' angled returns completely covered by sand. Wall will be at toe of bluff and will be armored with 2 courses of 1-3 ton stone on filter cloth. A 6.' wide splash pad landward of wall will consist of 8- 2" stone on filter cloth. Approx. 200 c.y. of clean sand will be brought in via Duck POnd Road. Applicant attempted to stabilize the bluff by plantings only but failed. Following installation of wall, slope will again be planted in accordance with plan of Suffolk County Soil & Water Conservation Department. Located 1020 S~n;Road, Cutchogue. LOCATION: SCTM ~1000-83-2-10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An on site inspection has been conducted by the Board of' Trustees. 2. An environmental assessment, submitted by the applicant and reviewed and. completed by the Board of Trustees, has indicated .that no significant adverse effects 'to the environment are likely to ocour should the .following mitigation measures be implemented. cc: CAC Albert I. Krupsld, Presidem JohnHolzapfel, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Gan'ell Peter. Wenczel' Town 'Hail 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New .York 1197I .._. ' Telephone (516) 765-1892 ' '~V3~,_ Fax(516)765-1823 BOA O OF Towi TRUSX ES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Enelo'sed ..is a .permit application and a .completed part I of the Environmental Assessment Form. Southold TOwn Trustees are interested in your ageny's comments in acting as SEQRA Lead Agency for: NAME: k~%5 % ~o%~- d~oVOO LOCATION: Oc~ ~ T~ MAP: ~ _~_~o,~, ~-~ to,~ ~ PE~!T REQUIRED: (~~ WETL~ ( SEQ,'CLASSIFICATION: ( ) T~e I ( ~LI S~D PERMIT OTHER ) Type ) CEA Please contact ._Albert J. Krupski, .~r., Trustee -_. within 30 days. and be advised that the Southold Town' TrUstees (WANT)/(DO NOT :WANT) to assume lead agency. SENT TO: DOS ('~'DEC (L~DOH ( ) PB ( ) ZBA ( ) BLD ( ) AGE. (~ CAC (~-"~ Please complete, detach and return this form to prodesding. . Involved Agency: Project Name: Location: ~ We at .. (Hav objection to Southold Town AGENCY Trustees assuming Lead Agency. /~ expedite .ure of' ~i' ve' 617.21 Appendix E State Environmental Quality Review POSITIVE DECLARATION Notice of Intent to Prepare..a Draft EIS Determination of Significance SEQR Project Number ~'~-2-1 6). 6 'Date February 1, 1994 This noti'ce is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the imptemen.ting.:regulations pertaining to Article' 8 :(State Envfronmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental "Conse.rv'a'tion Law. T. he Southold'Town'Boaz-d of Trustees ' , as lead agency, has determined that.the proposed action described be. low may have a significant effect on the environment and. that a Draft' Environmental Impact'Statement will be prepared. ' Name of Action: Louis Corso SEQR Status: _ Type I Unlisted Description of Action: Construction single, timbe~ :~:~'tair~_ay 'o.n th~' westerz~ '~ot (10.6) stairway wilt be 4' X 140r and will have._a 47 X m 1'2' retractable .stairway ext, ending down the face of ti~e bulkhead, and construct .appro× 4757 of timber bulkhead a'cross the .three adjoingin§ .10tS. Two 20r returns are also proposed on lots 10.4 & 10.6. Timber sheathing for the bulkhead will be secured by 8" CCA timber pilings driven to .an approx depth' of 167. Timber sheathing will also be secured by deadmen and tie rods. To Minimize erosion, armor stone weighing 3'0.0-500 lbs. Will be placed in front of the bulkhead on filter fabric. Location: (Include street, address and the name of the' municipality/county. A location map of appropriate scale is also recom..mended.) Located North of Oregon Road off ROW, Cutchogue SEQR Positive Declaration Page 2 Reasons.Supporting This Determination: Based on the Boards re-~iew of 617:1'1 o:f t'h'e SEQRA Law as we'll as Chapt. 97-28, Section B, E & H of the Southold Town Wetland Code. Impacts related to these sections listed are likely to occur. Please be advised that the project may ~ell require an Evironmental Impact Statement '(EIS), tihd'er'.S:EQRA, a scoping session can be ~rranged with this Board. For Further information: Contact Person: Albert 3. Krupski, Jr., President, Board oY Trustees Address: Southbld Town Board of Trustees, S~uthold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 1'1971-0'959 ' Telephone Number: 765-1892 A COpy of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation. 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York t2233-0001 Appropriate Regional Office of.the' Department of Environmental Conservation Office of the Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be p.rincipaliy located. , Applicant .(if any) Other involved agencies (if any) EN"CON'S U.LTANTS, INC. '1329 NORTH SEA.RO,~,D, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-6136 May 26, 1994 TO: FROM: RE: Jill Southold ToWn Trustees RoseMarie Eh-Consultants, Inc. Luba and Louis Corso Oregon Road, Cutchogue Enclosed please find check #5245 in the amount of $2'00.00, for the application fee for the above-referenced application, as per, your request. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Telephone (516) 765-1801 Town Hall.. 53095 Main lt'oad P.O. Box 1179 SouthoM, NeW York 1197~ $OUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TO: Southold Town Board of Trustees FROM: Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council DATED: June 27, 1994 RE: Recommendations of Wetland Applications The following recommendations were adopted by the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council at /ts meeting on Monday, June 27, 199t~. Present at. the meeting were.: Bruce Loucka, Chairman; Stephen Angell, Member; Robert Keith, Member; "Jack" Hagerty, Member;' 'and Patricia lsaksen, Member. RECOMMENDATION OF WETLAND APPLI'CATION~ No. 1t39 RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town. Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Wettand Application of HAROLD AVENT 115-10-2 to secure a building footprint to construct a one family dwelling. South of New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck. No. 1159 Moved by Patricia Isaksen, seconded by Stephan' Angell, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Application of .LOUIS~ '.A. ND '~: LU'BA .'~.~,...CO'R'SO 83'2~:1'0-~.'..~:10~5."..10.:6:1"to construct. 460 +/- i.f. of armored timber retainin9 wall pJus tw.o [2') 12' angled returns. Wall to be at toe of bluff and to be armored with two (2) courses of 1 - 3 ton stone on filter cloth.. A 6' wide spiash-pad landward of wall to consist of 8". - 12" stone on filter cloth. · Approximately 200 c.y'. of clean sand to be brought in via Duck Pond Road. (NOTE: A'ccordin9 to applicant, applicant attempted to stabilize the bluff by plantings only but failed'. Unless the toe is stabilized., slope will continue to move.) Following installation of wall, slOpe will. again be planted in accordance With plan of S.C.S. The CAC recommends disapproval because ther~ is no need for the .bulk'head. The applicant should continue planting the b~uff for stablization. 132u;5', 13453,. and 1.3451 Oregon Rqad, Cutchogue P.O~ Bo~ 11~9 Soutbold, New-~°~- 1'1971 F~ ~516~ ~65-1~3 To~ OF $OL~I~IOLD ~ A~cz cOo~Z~A~ZO~ .~L~.~nf~--~t~ complete~.pa~t I o~ the ~icatiOn ~nd a tees are intereste~ in You~'''agenY'~s co~entS Leaa Agency ~or: CEA within 30 ~e Ye ad agency - ACE (~ ;~ete, detaC~ ~d ret~n t~is ~o~ to ~edite lenCY: (Have/NO) objection to CY assuming Lead AgencY- Southold ToWn §ignatur.e ~e. E N:'CO:N S:U.LTANTS, .I'N C. ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 1 329, NORTH SEA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX NO. 516-283-636u 5'16,283-6136 May 23, 1994 TO: FROM: RE: Jill Doherty Southold Town Trustees RoseMarie Louis and Luba Corso Enclosed please find (4) copies of application for above- referenced 1owner, as per your request. Please note that the project address has been corrected; property is located on Oregon Road, not Glenn Road. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. '0 © © TO: FROM: DATED RE: Southold Town Board of Trustees Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council March 29, 1.994 RecOmmendation Of wetland Applications and Letters of NOn-Jurisdiction RECOMMENDATION OF .WETLAND APPLICATIONS Moved by Stephen AngelI~ seconded by John Hagerty, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the SoUthold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of Wetland Application of LOUIS CORSO 83-2-10.6 to construct a 4' X-140.' stairway with 4' X 12' retractable stairs as per plans dated 8/6/9.3. 1020 Glenn Road, Southo~d Vote of Council: Motion carried: Ayes: Ail (This vote was made to Trustee Clerk Diane Herbert by Stephen Angell by phone conversation on March 29, 1994) Land' Use February 25, 1.994 Board of Trustees ToWn of South°id Town Ha~l 53095 Main Road P~O. Box.~ 1179 Southold, N.Y.. 11971 Attn: Jill Louis Corso Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear .3i1!: As pe.r our recent telephone conversation enclosed Please find (4.) sets of revised plans indicating only the' proposed Construction of a '4'x 140' stairway with 4'x 12' retractable stairs° Kindiyamend our previous application to reflect this change. i have also enclosed, a copy of the' N.Y.S.D.E.C permit issued for 'this project. .. ShOuLd you have any.questions, please don't hesitate to contact this office~ Very truly yours,. Tanya. Lachenmeyer TL/cf Enc. 2576 Sound'Avenue · Baiting Hollow, NewYork · 11933 (516) 727:'2400 ° FAX (516) 727-2605 TRUSTEES John M. Bred'emeyer, III, President Albert. J. KrupSk/,' Jr., Vice President Henry P. Sraith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson .Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.'O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 BOARD'OF TOWN TRUSTEES ~~~,' ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST. ~ t~ TO: Kenin D. Vinneau DATE: 2/'~/94 ~=.< Enclosed is a permit application and a completed part I of the Environmental .Assessment Form. Southold 'Town Trustees are interested in your ageny~s comments in-acting as SEQRA' Lead Agency for: NAME: Louis Corso LO.CATION: ROW off Oriegon Road, Cutchogue TAX MAP: 83'~2.-'10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 PERMIT ~ DESCRPTN.: See attacked PERMIT' REQUIRED: tX) TOWN WETLAND (~) OTHER a60~ SEQRA CLASSIFICATION: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II' ) UNLISTED ( ) CEA Please' contact ,~lb. ert J. Krupski, Jr., Trustee . within 30 days and be advised that the Southold Town Trustees (WANT)/(DO NOT WANT) to assume lead agency. SENT TO:' DOS (~"DEC ([~;-DOH ( j PB ( ) ZBA ( ) BAD ( ) ~{'~¥(,~.~ Please complete, detach and return this form to expedite processing. involved.Agency: Project Name: Locat.imn: . - SCTM:'.~'-f~" t .~ /~/~. We a '~'(~ffiI~./No) objection Trustee.s?. assuming Lead Agency. Comments/Reasons: to Southold Town Land' Use June 28, 1.9'93 N..Y.S.D.E.C. .Bureau of Regulatory Affairs, Room 219 Bldg. ~40, SUNY Stony. Brook, .N.Y. 11790-2356 Attn: Mr. John.Wieland Re= App. ~catlon_byF. L.ou~.s-...COrso~,=....Southoid ('I~# 1~4'738.. 00.6'0:'8'/00'0'0'i'~0,) :' Dear Mr. Wiel.and: As per your request of June 17, enclosed please find-four copies of the amended project description and project plans. The' amended project description has been modified to reflect the creation of. a single timber stairway on 'the western Lot (SCTMLot No.. 10.6).. With respect to your suggestion for a single stairway on the center lot with easements on-the adjo' ' · . ~nlng. lots, the applicant vi.ews'this as an. unviablealternative. The lots will be held .under separate ownership. 'Therefore',-it would, be unreasonable to require ~'he homeowners on lots 10.6 and 10'.4 to access the beach via the private_ .property of another homeowner. / The bulkhead, proposal entails mitigation measures which should minimize any adverse effects of a bulkhead at this location.. Since alternatives to the proposal have been addressed, please explain what other objections the Department has with this ~roposal.. / 'If our office .can supply you with any additional informatio~ regarding this application, pleas~e don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, Brian ~rank BF/jb eric · ' ' ': - Certified Return.' Receipt' P.357336376' cc: · John: ~Bredem~yer' - 2576 Sound Avenue · Baiting Holfow, New.York ,. 11933 (51:6) .727.2400 · FAX (516.) 727:2605 \~o~_b .Amended'~roject.Desc~iution The applicant proposes the following activities on three adj:oi~ing lots (SCTM~ 1000.-08.3-2-10'..4, 10.5 and 10.6) in Cutchogue, Town o'f Sou~hOld.. Activitie~ consist o.f..: 1.) Construction of approximately 475 ft. of timber bulkhead across the three adjoining lots. Two 20 ft. returns .are also proposed on lots 10.4 and 10.6. Timber sheathing for the bulkhead will be secured by 8" C.C~A. timber pilings driven to an approximate depth o~ 16 ft. Timber sheathing will also be secured'by deadmen and 'tie rods. To m~nimize erosion, armor stone weighing 300-500 wili be placed in front of the bulkhead on filter fabri.c~', 2.) Installation of a timber stairway which will access the beach area from lot 10.6. The stairway will be 4'x 140' and will have a 4'x 12' retractable stairway exteu~in~ down the face of the bulkhead. New:YOrk State Department ~'.Environmen~ · , ~. 'b.,~ · Based on the information you have submitted, the New 'Ye . '.Department of Environmental. ~.~.~._~ ..... z ..... '. rk state :. .' , ': ~/ ' ~' .. ~ Therefore,· in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use Re~iations. (6NYCRRPart 6.6!) no permit is required under the Tidal Wetlands ACt . Please be advised, however, that no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance Of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal wetlands jurisdictional boundary, as indicated above, without a permit, it is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface, or vegetation within Tidal Wetlands· jurisdiction which may result from your pro~ect'. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work. area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your project (i.e. a 15' to 20' wide construction area) or erecting a temporary fence~, barrier, or hay bate berm. Please be further advised that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining any necessary p'ermits or approvals from Other agencies. Very truly yours, ~"-t~3"Regional Permit Administrator Land: USe April 22, 1993 Town of Southold Board of Trustees TOwn Mall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box t179 Southold, N.Y. 1.1971 Re:-Bulkhead 'permit application by Louis Corso To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find a signed and notarized Maintenance Agreement which should complete the Town of Southold's permit application by Mr. Louis Corso. Should you require additional in~0rmation regarding Mr. Corso's permit application, please do not'hesitate to call our office. BF/jb eno '. Very truly yours, Brian Fran~ 2576 Sound Avenue · Baiting Hot. tow, New York · 11933 (516) 727-2400 ° FAX (516) 727-2605 Land Use December 28, 1993 Board of ToWn Trustees TOwn of Southold RoO, Box 7-28 S~Uthold,-N¥ 11971 Re: Louis Corso - Cutchogue, NY D. ear Jill: As per our recent telephone conversation, enclOsed please find a check in the a~ount of $50'.00 as payment of the required coastal erosion fee. It is our understanding that the above-referenced matter will be placed on the January 27, 1994 Trustees meeting agenda for a decision. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact this office. Very~truly yours, anya Lachenmeyer TL/cj Enc. ~ ~576 Sound Avenue · Baiting. Ho ow, NewYork . ~'1933 (516) 727-2400 . FAX (51'6)'727-2605 G^iL S. ShaFfer SEcrEtary olr 'S~tAt E Mr. Brian Frank Land Use' Comp. arty 2576 Sound Avenue Baiting Hollow, N-Y 11933 STATE :Of NEW YOrK DePAttrMENT OF STATE .ALbaNY. N.Y..122'31 ~001 July 6, 1993 Re: F-93-466 U.S. Army' Corps of Engineers/NY District Permit Application Lo,tis C.orso Town of'Southotd Request for Additional Information Dear Mr. Frank: Pursuant to 15 CFR 930.58, the following data and information is necessary to enable the Department of'State to adequately assess the coastal zone effects of this proposed project. Please provide a response to the following questions and requests: - Provide photographs of the timber bulkheads located on adjacent properties that are specified in your Joint Application; - Has the alternative of non-structural erosion control been fully .evaluated? Replacement of the material within the bluff, .eroded from recent storm damage, through a nourishment project may be a more appropriate activity for the intended purpose. Pursuant to 15 CFR 9.30.60(a), the review of your consistency certification will begin after we receive and determine that the necessary data and information is adequate to assess coastal zone effects. Any additional information which you believe will facilitate our consistency review of this' project 'would be appreciated. A copy of this letter has been sent to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer. s.~.~ Mr. Brian Frank Page 2 Please..ca!l.,..m...e_.,at (51'.8) 474-6000 if'you have :any questions. Sincerel.y,~ ¢ '/Kevin 'D. Vienneau Coastal'. Resources SpecialiSt COE/NY 'District- Sophie Ettinger NYS DEC/Region 1 i-' David 'DeRidder Towrt of Southold - Valerie Scopaz ~zzc!~ ~ond P~ :u'~¢~o~u £ (~ .! 0 ~ "~"0 %7' 0 ~0~ C~O~ 0 ~) o ¢ ',,.., .....~, · November 29, 1993 Louis C. ~020.'. G1'enn Road P.P/i[ 1-4738-00608/00001-0 D~ar Pe~mi~tee: In ¢onformanc. e wl~h ~hs requirements of ~he State Uniform Procedures"Aot (Article 7'0, ECL) and. its implemen=ing regula=ions {6NYCRR, Par= 621) we are enclosing your p.ermit. Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable =o comply with any · condi~ionl, please con=ac~ us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permi~ sign which posted a~ the aAw/Ja enclosure is ~o be conspicuously proJec= .si~e and protect:ed from ~nvi~o~e~ Analyst 1 DEC 19 '93 19:58 ME~ SYATE D~PA~?#E#T'QF E#WRONM#TAL PE IIT Cmrllrvmt ton LmM F?/ypE. OF 'PERNIT I #eu ~ .,4r~t ~.#odifi~Ion ~, P~rm~ .~o CQn~tr~t P.3/11 ef~er.~ O Ar~i'Cte 15, T~tte I~: ~eter SuppLy ArtfuL· 15. TitLe 15[ ~t~r Trinaport ~ A~t~-¢.te ~5, T~.tLe 15~ Long ~ A'rt;;L.. 15) T~tLe'ZT: ~fLd, $;e~1; ind. ~e~relt;Or~L IOZO: Gte~-;R~, Cu~hou~, NY 11971 ;3. Ptrmt .c..;.to: Operitt "f' ~ ArticL~ I, 3, 17,.79, ZT, $7; ~RR ]~; I!.~et~ Control 212,TZ7'2Z,00 CO~TACT PE'~SOH:F~R PERHITTED'~GR~ Brtln:'F. rl~'- kn'L~d U'84 Co, 2576~.~Ou~.Aye~e~ lmltt~ HoLtou, NY 11933 'L~Y.~ON OF P~JECT/FACI~XTY "4 T~N ] ~TERC~SE c~TT ~S~thotd ~uffoLk b~ in iG¢o'rdlnGi with pttnapr.p~rid by kln~ Use datod 03/19/93 is r.vised ~/O~/~ ¢it~lXd #Y~EC 8ppcoved off permit, th. pe~mit~ee.agree~ thlt th. ~rait ~· ==~ttnQ.~t upon stHCt c0m)L~ence ~f~h the ~OMIId~ STMTOI~: George .W. Hammarth ILdi. 40, ~JNY, Rom Z19, Stony Brook, #Y 11790-~35& AUTHORIZED $[GNATURJ~f ,/~ DATE D~C 19 '9~ 19:~9 Ir~pect ior~ 1. The portal.trod site or f~llity, I~{~l~ relevant ~e~rdO, is s~Jec: to ln- i ns~ct i~' 'at reaSo~bl · ~rs..a~ i nter'va.l.s~, by ~..a~r..I z~ repre~tat ire of ~et~r the ~[tt'ee: is ~tying with this ~itI"a~=~ the ~. ~ch .r.epres~- tat ive' ~y ord~r .'the~:~rk sus~. purs~nt .~o ~ 71:,~1 :~ ~A ~'1 (3}. A ~'~r~nt represan(at:lve is a viol. atl~ of this Penmi't C~ange.s and Ftane~'ls 2. 4 The Deparlrmnt rose,ryes the ri'ght to.rrodify, suspend, or revoke this permit Wen: a) the .soaPS 'of'. the 'permitted ectivi.'ty ~s exceeded or. a violation of any conditlon.'Of ~the"pe'rnqit or provisions of' the':B~ .and per't[nent regula- .t ions .i $= .f~.; / b) the permi.:t.'.:was ob.tel'ned by misrepresentetion'o ~'fallure to disclose re ! e/ant: t~s.; ..- c) .naNrrate'r,t:ai":ln'fortration is di'soeVered; or d) :envirom'e'n. ta[:.conditions, relevant technol'ogy, or. applicable Ia~v or regU.lat'ion';~vei..nater'ial ly changed since the pe'mnit:wes Issued. The permittee rrus~ sul~nit a separate written a, pplication to the Departrrent for. r'eneAal,, rrodifica~[Oh' or transfer of this permit; S~ch appl~ication trust incfude any forrm, fees .or suppl.erental inforrmtion the .Depar;lrmnt requires. Any renw, el, m3di fiCation or transfer granted by the 'Depa.rtrrent;Lrrust 'be in vw ItinG. The permit~ee rrus.t sub-it a renewal appJ ication et least: a) 180 days before-expi, ratiOn of. ~errnits for State,Pollutant Discharge E] imination. Syste~n {SFCES), Hazardous V~ste IV~nsg~nt Fac i t i;ies (H~d:), fret.or Air Pollution Control {AEC) and Solid V~ste Manatee'rent Facilities {S/IM:); and b) 30 days before expt rat lan of all other permi't types:. Unfess expressly provided for by the Dapartrmnt, issuance;of ~his permit ac)es not rrodifY, supersede Or rescind any order or determinations'previously issued by the Dapattrren! 'or any of :he ten'm, conditions or requireren:a contained in such order or detenmlnatton. Other Legal Cbligatlons of Pem~ttee 6. The pe'rmtttee has accepteci expressly, by the execution of the application, 'the 'fUll legal responsibility for all dM'rages, direct or indirect, of v~"atever ;nature and by w~Tever suff.ered, arising .out of the project descr, ibed In this .Permit and has agreed to ~ndaTni'fy and save harmless the State from suits, actions, daq'ages and easts of every nato 8nd description result.trig frcm this project, 7. This permit does not convey to the permittee any right :to trespass upon the lands or Interfere with the ri'parian riglqts of others iniorder to perform ti~e permitted work nor'does it authorize the irrpai'm'ent 'of any rights; title, or interest In reel or persOnat property held or vested in a person not a party the perml 8, 'T'ne permfttee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lanOs easeTents and rights-of-way that rmy be required for this Project, AD~iT|ONAL GENERAL CONDI?IO~$ FOR ~R~CL~$ ~5 (T~fl~ ~ ~4~ ~5~ $4 and (~ N¥C~ Pi~rt 60a [ P.5/11 project. 13. Any ma[er~B[ dredged in ~he pro,scud,on ~f t~ work harem sh~lt be r~mov~ eyenlY, without J~dng L~r~e refuse 'Di~es. ridges a waterway, 14+ Th~ ~all ~ no ~nma~[e inmrf~ence w~th n~vL~flon b~ me ~k ~e~e~n authori~- is rf U~n the expiration or ~evocatiOn of this permit, the pro~ect hereby autho. Hzed has notbeen complete~ t~ appiic~n[ shall, without exnen~ to'the State. and to. such'extent an~ i~ such t}me a~ manne~ as 'the Department of E~vltonmentaJ'Coh~rvation may mqu~(e. ~em~e ail tO~ ~ former condit~n.'N~cia'[~'.~atl ~ ma~e.aga.lngt t~ State'.~ NeW Va~k on account of anY. such ~em~a[' or :~lterau~. 16 If.granted under 6 NYCR'R Part 5~. the .NYS'D]eDar~ment of E m~nt~t Conservation.hereby. certifies that th.e~ubi~: o~ect'wii[ nor c'0ntrs~ effluent' ['imhations o~.~[~e'r limitation&Or s[~ndaras Sections 30~, 302. ~3, 306:a~ '~07. bf t~ Cfe6n Wa~er Act of [PL 95.217~ provided that aU'Of .~he' Condhions l~s~ed .herein are met Ail actlvit[el authorized bv th S' ~ermh'mus: be in ~triCt~confo~mance With the approv~ p~ans:s'u~ by.t~ a~ptican: ~'~]s a~en~ of ~he permit Such approve~ P}an~ wine prepared by ~'~ ~..~= _ That if future: operations by the State ofi..~.w. York require an at- tecat ion in t he position, of the 'ltructure or wo~.~ 'herein authorized, If. in 'the o~lnron of the De~.~.tment of E~v~renmenta~ Con~rvation ~ shall.cause unreuonable obstruc{ion ~.the,f~e navigation of ~atd wam~..or flood flows ar endorser the heal~h, ~afetv or welfare Of the people' of ~he. St~te, O~ cau~ ~oss' et.~des[ru~tt0~'of t~e' n~turat re~drces 0f t~e S'ta~,'th~ owner may 'be o~de~ ~:9 ~he Department remove o~. alter th· ~truc[ural work, obst~bcttO~, or .hozar~ caus~ thereby wtthou[ ~en~e tg the 5tats, 'an~; ~f', .upon the ~airation 'evocation o.f'.'.'t~ls permit, the structure~ fil'l~= e~caVa:tlon~ et o~her m~difi~tiol~' of the'water¢oume hereby ~.~{~'0~ri~ed'shail not be com~ plotS'd, tee 'ow=~er~, shall, without e~pense tb~the. 5tare..and tO such ex.tent and In.su~h time ~nd manna; ~' t~.D~P~tmem Conlervatl'on.may' require..remove all ~r a~'~pb~on ~ the U.~ompleted ~tr~ctum er flit and~ re, to're to 'It:t f0rm:e~..:C~:t.i~n the n~vtgabl'e th~ State'~f NeW York an. account'ef anY.%u~:J~ remavat er'al~r~'~i~n. T.hat Ihs State.of New York shaU .In no'Ca.~i: be I.fabie,.for any damage ~r.~ u~ ta the structure or work here.in~.a~(~ ~hleh ma? be by or result from.future operations u'n;deet~n, by ;~he .S~te fe~ C:on~e.rvntlon ot. tm~rovement.ofn6viaat~','e6fo~tber put~os~.s~.and no claim 0r r~iht t0 c~ensatton sha~ ~E~e~mm a:ny Such d~maBe ~tan~n8 of thi~ permit does no~ relieve ~e~li~ n'[ af ~he bility of obtaining any oLher De?mistiO~:¢O.~.se~['or agprova'l the U5 A~my Coral of Eh&insets.. US :C~ua~, New Yore Ofhce of General So. ices o~ local lovera~[~hich~.may be reqalre~. Al.l: n'ecessarv ~recaudons s~l.l.' be. take~t&;:~reclude ¢Ontamln~tion of :any wetland or waterway by s~en~.. ~:ld~, S~6~ments, f~eh. sol:v.ent~, lubr',cants,-e~oxy coatings, pai~n~r~te, leachers er any SPECIAL CONDITIONS Only one commo~ stairway to t4he beach shall be~ permitted in the fu:u.re for lot 1000-83-02-10.4 and. lot 1000-83-02-10.5. A~y debris 'or exoe. es material from construction, of thi~ project shall .be completely removed ~rom the adjacent area (upland) and-removed tO an approved upland area for dispowal. No debris is .Permit:ed in: tidal we:lands. Prior :o ~he ultimate expiration of this permit!the permittee will cause all fill and exposed fauee :o be prevent erosion, There shall be no discharge of ~noff do~ ~e.bluff. z~ip~ent oDeration below me~ high wa~er prohibited· ~' .: " The stairway landi.ng~ ~whioh ~ere eh~ll be.~only no~ exceed 4' in width. TO protec~ the values of the ~idal web,ands and i~e .adjacent area =~ere is es~ablished a ps,anent buffer zone whereby there sh~ll be no fu~ure disturbance of ~ege/ation topography seaward of~ =he ~oP of the bluff, indiba=ed in special condition: n~er 1 sad/or ~o bluff s=abiliza2ion vegetation. . , . : .: .,:.. .... ..:,..,. ...... - .., ,,f:.~:;.,:';...,... .,,:'~ :.,.. .. NEW Y0~K 'STATE .DJ PAi~TME~¥ OF. ENVIRONMJNTAL, CON$~t~VATION SPECIAL CONDITIONS· P. 6/li For Article _ [ The..perm.i~ee Bh~ll incorporate ~h.~ ,following 'la~gug.ag~i as a noUi~e covenant.ko the 10 ,.6. "Regulated =i.dal wetlands associated ~i~ .Co.rso~ su~iviSion are:.loca~d on lo=s 1000-83-2-10.4, 10.5 & 10,6 ~e proger~ie.s · of 'Luba P~,ev~sions~ .:: of '~L.'] ,..A=tiOl~ 25, . .and. th&. 00~~ .':. of 'regUlated' n%ir on =al . This daea...;.,ooTe~a~=:, sh.al! be re°0rd~d wi~, the Cler~ of suffolk 0b~08)000-0~"a0., 'iA: "copy~ 0f.' 'th~..'' ~°vs~n~e'd deed.... or 'o~er h.i's, ~e~o seared ~'ue~V:~,~ePu~ Oq' o~ se~~v ~U~A~O~T"S~Oap~' ~0~ '0 o '¥ DEC 19 =~ ~,~ ,, llMU, 40. SUNY, lle~. 2l:J ' · ~tmW Brook, N, Y. 11790-23Ii0 ON. TH^ .C'rOt! N^Mr-'; ADI)nE.s~ __ _~I$SUEDTO: 'I'IiLEPI lONE ' (]ar 5ir: ~.r.,)L, rm'! l.zt E.iJplom. o. tJ?r¥ Spec/n/ will.be av;fll;,l)lo .at tho' site f.r hlSliUCIIon t.n CO't,j'f'llACi~Of~ DATE ' .... ill[;; ') TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert' J. Kmpski, Jr., Vice Presidenl Henry P. Smith John B~ Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892. Fax (5'16) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN 'TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Somhold, New York 11971 TO: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST Sent to: .R. Greene, Armey Gorps. and K.~: 'Vinneau DATE: 2 t 4 t 94 Enclosed is a permit application and a completed part I of the Environmental AsseSsment Form. Southold Town Trustees are interested in your ageny's comments in acting as SEQPLA Lead Agency for: NAME: Louis Corso LOCATION: ROW off Oriegon Road, Cutchogue TAX MAP.: 83-2-10.4', 10.5 & 10.6 PERMIT ~ DESCRPTN: See attached PERMIT REQUIRED:. (~)'TOWN WETLAND (~) OTHER C6~ SEQRA' CLASSIFICATION: ( )Type I ' ( )Type II ) UNLISTED ( ) CEA Please contact ..Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Trustee , within 30 days and be advised that the Southold Town Trustees (WANT)/(DO NOT WANT) to assume lead agency. SENT TO: DOS (~"DEC. (~;-DOH ( j PB ( ) ZBA ( ) BAD ( ) ~¥~. Please complete, detach and return this form to expedite processing. Involved Agency: Project Name: LoC ation: SCTM: We at AGENCY Trustees assuming Lead Agency. (Have/No) objection to Southold Town Comments/Reasons: Signature of Authorized Representative Albert J. Kmpski, President John Holzapfet, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1'179 Southotd, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 February 4, 1994. State of New York Department of State Att: Kevin D.. Vienneau Coastal Resources Specialist Albany., NY 12231-0001 Re: Louis Cot. so SCTM ~83-2-10.6 Dear Mr. Vinneau, The Southold Town Board of Trustees is currently' reviewing the application of Louis Corso, SCTM 983-2-10.6. .Our Board would be inclined to review all hard structures in Long Island sound as a whole concept of effect on the Shoreline, not on an individual, site by site basis. We were please to review your Positive Declaration under SEQRA dated January 19, 1994. Please assist us in a coordination, effort. Sincerely yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/djh encts. LONG ISLA ND NOTE, ~ LOCATION OF DIRT ROADWAY WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY 13 NOT SHOWN HEREON. HEALTH DEPARTMENT-DATA FOR APPRC)M~L TO C(~STRUC T NOTE: & =STAI(~ FOUND AREA = 7'~589S. E LOT NO. 4- MINOR SI.JB~'d;:~ON "Nk~A STEVENS"' SOUND \ INSET AUG. 16 1993 JUN.:SDs, 199~5 JAN. 4 1995 NOV 17' 1992 NOV. 13' [992 I" : I00' AT CUTCHOGUE DATE: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCALE: SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK NO. *u~u~mcmz(~ ~r~.~rm, o~ ~o;~,o~ m ~,sIi CERTIFIED w',~ YQUNG YOUNG ~ OSTRANDER AVENU~ RIVERNEAD, NEW YORK ALDEN W. YD~ING: Pf~OFE~StONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR N.Y.S. UCENSE NO. 1284§ HOWARD W. YOUNG, LAND ~JUR~EYOR N.Y~E~ LICENSE N074589,}