HomeMy WebLinkAbout4575hgyvlc- ld '41e� L, w APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Horning h�o��gUFFOI�-CO� o y� �W 2 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1998 Appl. No. 4575 - Frank Gaston PARCEL 1000-52-5-5 STREET & LOCALITY: 1875 Bayview Avenue, Southold DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: May 14, 1998 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/ DESCRIPTION: The above -identified property is located on the south-west side of Bayview Avenue, Southold, and contains a total area of 14,405 sq. ft. The July 15, 1997 survey map prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. shows the subject 12' x 25' deck proposed at the rear of the dwelling. Existing along the front property line is an accessory frame garage building. that the subject premises is improved with a 1-1/2 story frame house and detached garage structure located in the front yard. The subject premises is waterfront and contains a concrete retaining wall approximately 83.85 feet in length near the mean highwater mark of Arshamomaque Pond. BASIS OF APPEAL: Building Inspector's August 20, 1997 Action of Disapproval, updated 5/7/98, because Zoning Code Article XXIII, Section 100-239.413 requires a setback at less than 75 feet from a bulkhead, concrete wall, or similar structure. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED BY APPLICANT: The request made by applicant is to locate a 12 ft. by 25 ft. open deck addition at the rear of existing dwelling with a proposed setback at 69+- feet from the bulkhead at its closest point. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: (1) The granting of the area variance will not produce an undesirable change in character of neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties because other decks exist in the neighborhood. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for applicant to pursue, other than an area variance because the applicant could not build an attached deck with any usable depth without the variance. (3) The requested area variance is not substantial. In considering this application, the Board deems this action to be the minimum necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. Page 2 - June 23, 19968 Appl. #4575: 1000-52-5-5 (Gaston) Southold Town Board of Appeals RESOLUTIONJACTION: On motion by Chairman Goehringer, seconded by Member Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the variance as applied for and WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE DECK SHALL REMAIN OPEN TO THE SKY. VOTE OF THE BOARD: AYES: GOE DINIZIO, TORTORA, COLLINS, AND HORNING.MEMBE�S s**ssssssssssssssss*s****ssss 52-5-5 AGERARD P. GOEHRINGER, Approved L EIVED AND FILED BY iE SOliTHOLD TOWN CLERK DA,T�E' & H7� OUR 353� - L �(RipaGC�IV/, a Town Clerk, Town of Southold APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Horning BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1998 Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held for public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1998 at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 6:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4575 - FRANK GASTON. This is a variance request under Zoning Code Article XXIII, Section 100-239.4B, based upon the Building Inspector's August 20, 1997 Notice of Disapproval (updated 5/7/98), disapproving a building permit application for a deck addition to dwelling with a setback at less than 75 feet from a bulkhead, concrete wall, or similar structure, at 1875 Bayview Avenue, Greenport, NY; 1000-52-5-5. The Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear any and all persons or representatives desiring to be heard in the above applications or desiring to submit written statements before the end of each hearing. The hearing will not start earlier than designated. The file is available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809. Dated: May 20, 1998. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, Chairman MAYY''7 1998 y __ NO'[-i(:i✓ OF, DISAPPROVA{„ _..._ //. Cho Date 195, 7 . PLEASE TA NOTICE that pour awplicatim, dated - Io (or permit In - 7 �. LOc:l Uou of Properly ./rJ./✓ .... _ jii l.� rv� ............ ------------------------------------- RV 1�itQ i l� BOARD OF HEALTH . f , FORM No. I ��L SETS OF PLANS TOWN OF,SOUTHOLD ; uRVEY :....................... BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHECK '......................... TOWN HALL ..SEPTIC FORM ................... SOUTHOLD, 1193,- --- TEL X65 tso2; j] �Vj ,�iw� 1 2 3 99i t`� r�nined............:...... 19 ... (hE ,'- .: L ao Approved... 19. i _ ................................. r Disapproved a/c C ........ ..................... (Building Inspector).- APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 'Date ................ ,19... INSTRUCTIONS a. This .application most be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector wii 3 sets of plans, acauate plot plan to scale. Fee according to scheduler b. Plot plan :showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving adetailed description of layout of propertymost be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c The work covered by this application my not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit-shallbekept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy sball have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLIGATICN IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Buildipg;Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Neo York, and other applicable Laws, Otdinances-or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code; housing code, and . regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in bui ding for s inspections ....................... (Signature of applicant, or name, if corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether licant is .r, 1 ssee, t„architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder .... ............................................................... Nameof a ver of premises ._:1. .: 4`i...U:."................................................................. (as on the tax roll or latest deed): If icant isrporation of duly authorized officer. 4....._. .... . ........ .......... (Nae and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. ..�r1!.Q�F7t.'.......... Plumbers License No. ....... ......... Electricians License No . ..................... Other Trade's License No . .................... a I. Location of land on which proposed work will be done ... ......IY';?r.............A�ytl'IeCzl/ ......... tefOV a..........`....................... .House Number Street _. Hwleet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ... ........ Block ... Q ..... Lot .... © ✓....... Subdivision .............. ......... .............. Filed Map lio. ............... Lot ............... (Name) _ 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction. a. Existing use and occupancy ...................... .................................................. b. Intended use and occupancy ......................... .................. ......... ....................a.. aF,ay J 3. Nature of work (check%Aiich applicable): New Building ... Addition .......... Alteration ... Repair ............ Raioval ............. Demolition ............ other Work ...................... 99,, '..(Description) /i. Rstima[e<1 Cost .... sa!�i%Q �.. ..:...... fee ........ .....:.... (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dowelling, Shier of dwelling units ............ 18rrber of rkael Iing units on each floor Ifgarage, innber of cars ...................................... If business,commercial or mixed occupancy, specify natureand extent of each type of use.......... 7. Ilimensioos of existing structures, if any: Front..... ................ Rear ............... Depth ............... Height Umber of Stories ...... Dimensions of sane structure with alterations or additions: Front ..:....... Rear Depth .................... lleiglut ............ Miller of Stories ................ 8. Il mensiot,76k entire new constnuctiou: Front ..........:..... Ream ............... Depth ileigbt ....... ................ lJurber of Stories ...................... 9. Size of lot: Front .................... Rear .................... Depth -10. Dw e of Purchase ..................... Nave of Former (owner........ .......... ............... ....... H. 7aoe'.or use district in wtiicf premises are situated ........ .:........................ I............................ 12. Dces proposed construction violate any zoning 1aw, ordinance or regulation: ........................ 13. Will lot be. regraded ...... Will excess rill be rercived frompremises: M liJ 14. Manes of Owner of premises ....... AddresA�../7... `.. .wofh.�v Pltaie No.. ............ Nave of Architect ............ ©,, y Address 13 --�+ � ..... `{ .... Phone No. . p�.. }V(� N:me of cnntraet or _ :`!.0. ['!::•-"-'.=........ Address .11'!��:['j?. oV�4ione No. 25 �• ... 15. Is this property within 300 feet of a, tidal wetland? * MIS .......... NO .......... *IF YGS, S(1(ill"D lum IMSILFS Pfi1wr.my ISG M. Alin). PLOT DIAGRAM .. locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, vAredler existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions frail property lines. Give: street and block n.nbec or description according to deed, aoi shoIw street nacres and indicate whether interior or corner lot. S uNw., (x' "'V YORI{, %'�J� I� SS ax1Nly or .. '5CL.U.1.`.!'.: \ .. -( S-&—...... ...........being duly sworn, deposes and says Lhat he is Lbe appLicatil (Nae of individual, signing contract) Ilej- Lhe ..... _..... ...... ....... ........ ... Q(Ccndr1.), �gent,cor{mrate officer, etc.) - of said owner o is duty authorized to perform or Gave performed due said work and to make arc{ file Lhis application; that all sta tenznts contained inthis ap{rlicatio< are trueto lire best of his knowledgeard lx:liePand tint due work will be perfumed in the manner set forth in Lhe appl.icaLion filed therewith. fkmrn to before no this _\\ Q .J V. lay of `a• 19."1 Notary Ptd is .... .. . ... .. ... . .. 1. (S {nature of Appiicanl) PAMED 01- 6e-19-- MAY 1 1998 1f1h TOWN. OF SOUTHOLD, 14EW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING II'ISPECTOR APPEAL NO. DTE ........... .... ....... To TI IF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOVNN OF SOUTHOLD, H. Y. .74O1-AC -s- IFFtN......f�.�.- of �J ��7.1�1%.Ir.J,l� 1��.......:........ Norne of Appellant }tj P�y7TD8ta Street and NUrnber ...... ...../.. HEREBY APPEAL TO tate Municipality 1'I IE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM T1 IE DECISION OF T1 III BUILDING INSPEC'OR OH J APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. ..... ......... DATED ......... ............. .............. ....... . WHEREBY THE BUFLD(tJG INSPECTOR DENIED TO vJ�......_ ..._..--...- -- Name of Applicant .for permit Street and Number Municipality State ( ) PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .......il..�..lJ.�I.G.11Y�...� • r ceA� g Street /liamlet / Use Districton Zoning AAop GLtd District 1000 SecttanjBlocljj�LotF}s Current Owner i�� �%�'�✓ ----------------- -ion __-- Map'No: Lot No. Prior Owner 5/mG 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (indicatetheArticle Section, Sub- section and Porogroph of the Zoning Ordinoncby number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article)(KIII: Section /OD-d_31,ig -- TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (please check appropriate box) WA VARIAHcE to the Zoning Ordinance or Z_onin9 Mop ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Low Chap. 62 Cons. Lows Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 y(hos) -has not been made with respect to this decision 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. .. Such appeal. was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance Gildwas made in Appeal No ...................... ..:.:...Doted................. ............ ,................. .......... :............ REASON FOR APPEAL --- (Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ( A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested .for the reason that Form ZS)t (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because I The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this :use district because. 3.. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE - Cl IARACTER OF Ti IE DISTRICT because STATE- OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF Signature Sworn to this........� ........... day oL 19 Notary Public HELEME D. E'sE:ME @too ,q pubiaak State of Naw yotk No. 4951334 a snf eo in s i" clk coC ty twwJrt S191 OF SOUTHOLD JIOPERTY RECORD CARD STREET t< 7 VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT OWNER A I km� FORMER OWNER It I N- E ACREAGE 2L M 6 9, a"2' TYPE OF BUILDING RES. SEAS. ),&6 VL, FARM comm. IND. CB. I MISC. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS 0-p JJ 3 / �q 's6 NL 3,7o -r) AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE 9 Cr Form Acre Value Per Acre Value ,n le I TI16'ble 2 Tillable, 3 WoodIctncl SNmpland 6�,Nhlcincl House P No' k AN 1 V I - 'T3 ®..■..■.■..■.■■.■■.■ ■.■■■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■ :.. No .■■■�.,■.■.�.. .. s,t ONE .a.�.��t �a a CC■ MEN ■■■■■■�I.' ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ mi■s C■■■ a C■CCC■■■■■■�■■C.CC 1 P�0 GPR T41 O'f y,yo t�• 61.0 01, ate. -9 .A FFo 611 s moo,, X, / N W• / ,50 6,,p5 AREA - 14,405 sq. ft. to line NY R0 � Ga'o SURVEY OF PROPERTY N AT ARSHAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PEt't' SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000 — 52 — OS — 05 SCALE 1"= 30' �Y 15, 1997 ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO ,THIS SURVEY /S A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209 -SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY lF SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR WHOSE SIONATURE APPEARS HEREON. . ADDITIONALLY TO COMPLY WITH SAID LAW THE TERM 'ALTERED BY' MUST BE USED BY ANY AND ALL SURVEYORS UTILIZING. A COPY OF ANOTHER SURYEYOR'S MAP, TERMS SUCH AS 'INSPECTED' AND 'BROUGHT -TO -DATE' ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. NEW y0 F O .p N. 1�i S S, (5161 -H5020 P. O. 9496 �J 1230 q SOUTHOL 1971 1C. NO. 49618 97-223 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE July 9, 1998 JUL 1 4 STEPHEN M. JONES, A.I.C.P. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s) submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county -wide or inter -community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Apnlicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Riverhead Building Supply 4547 Pliaconis, Christopher 4559 Shank, Robert and Ann* 4560 Segrete, Dominick 4568 Frazzitta, Joseph* 4570 Millis, Walter 4571 Chatpar, Prem** 4574 Vdaston, Frank 4575 Snyder, Charles 4576 Ratti, Albert and Janice 4580 *Alternative relief appears warranted *With the understanding that the garage will not be used for sleeping quarters. GGN:cc C:N l l CCIZON ING\ZONING%WORKING\LDS\JUL%SH4547.JUL LOCATION H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR ■ 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY Very truly yours, Stephen M. Jones Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner MAILING ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6 100 ■ (5 1 6) 853-5 190 HAUPPAUGE, NY 1 1 788-0099 TELECOPIER (5 1 6) 853-4044 ��gUFFOCK�O co W =. %;55 OFFICE OF BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road, NY 11971 • - Southold, (1-516) 765-1809 tel. (1-516) 765-1823 fax Pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk Comity Administrative Code,'Tbe Board of An eats of the Town of & xthold, New York, hereby refers the following to -the Suffolk County Planning Ca=issim-. XX Variance from the Zoning Code, Article XXiii Section 100-239.46 Variance from Determination of Southold Town Building Inspector f Special Exception, Article Special Permit Section Ap"peal No: 4575 Applicant: Frank Gaston Location of -Affected Land: 1875 Bayview Ave., Southold, NY County Tax Map'Item No.-: 1000- 52-5-5 Within 500 feet .of: Town or Village Boundary Line xx _Body of Water (Bay-; Sound or Estuary) State or County Road, Parkway, Highway, Thruway Boundary of Existing or Proposed. County, State or Federally Owned Land Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State or Federal Park or other Recreation Area . Existing or Proposed Right -of -Way of any Stream or Drainage Channel Owned by the County or for which the County, has established Channel Lines, or Within One Mile of a -Nuclear Power Plant Within'One Mile of an Airport Comments: App l i.cant is requesting permission.. to construct a deck addition within 75 feet from a bulkhead Copies of Town file add. related documents enclosed for your review. Dated: Page 2 - June 23, 1950 Appl., #4575: 1000-52-5-5 (Gaston) Southold Town Board of Appeals RESOLUTION /ACTION; On motion by Chairman Goehringer, seconded by Member Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the variance as" , applied for and WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE DECK SHALL REMAIN OPEN TO THE SKY. VO'L'E OF THE'. BOARD: :AYES:" MEMBE GOE ; DINIZIO, TORTORA, COLLINS, AND HORNING . ERARD P. . GOEHRINGE , CHATMAN \ Approved , RECEIVED AND FILED " B Y' THE s® 'TI-1C�LD . TOWN CLti� DAT6 a91F� a Town ,Clerk, Town of Southold APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Homing BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road T.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (5,16) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS: AND DETERMINATION REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1998 Appl. No. 4575 - Frank. Gaston PARCEL 1000-52-5-5 STREET & LOCALITY: 1875 Bayview Avenue, Southold DATE.OF PUBLIC HEARING: May 14, 1998 FINDINGS OF FACT ' PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The above -identified property is located on the south-west side of Bayview Avenue, Southold, and contains a total area of 14,405 sq. ft. The July 15, 1997 survey map prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. shows the subject 12' x 25' deck proposed at the rear of the dwelling. Existing along the front property line is an accessory frame garage building.. that the subject premises is improved with a 1-1/2 story frame house and detached garage structure located in the front yard. The subject premises is waterfront and contains a concrete retaining wall approximately 83.85 feet in length near the mean highwater mark of Arshamomaque Pond. BASIS OF APPEAL: Building Inspector's August 20, 1997 Action of Disapproval, updated 5/7/98, because Zoning Code Article XXIII, Section 100-239.4B requires a setback at less than 75 feet from a bulkhead, concrete wall, or similar structure. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED BY ' APPLICANT: The request .made by applicant is to locate a 12 ft. by 25 ft. open deck addition at the rear of existing dwelling with a proposed setback at 69+- feet from the bulkhead at its closest point. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: (1) The granting of the area variance will not produce an undesirable change _ in character of neighborhood or a detriment, to nearby properties because other "decks exist: in the neighborhood. (2) The • benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for . applicant to pursue, other than an area variance `because• the applica A -could not build an attached deck with_ any usable 'deptli;��•without : the' -"variance. (3) The requested area variance is not substantial. In considering this application, the Board deems this action to be the minimum necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. 07,-71-1(y Off' BOARD OFAPPFALS (.,%16) 765-1809 ZBA tel. 765-9074, fax Mr. Sam Patron 30 Crest Drive East Northport, NY 1] 731 Re: Variance Determination (Gaston) Dear Mr. Patron: Southold Town Hall 53095" Main Road Southold, NY 11971 June 29, 1998 Enclosed please find a copy of the Appeals Board's determination rendered at our June 23, 1998 Meeting. Before construction activities may be commenced, issuance of a building permit is required. Please contact the Building Department directly at 765-1.802 regarding further reviews. A copy of this variance determination has been transmitted to the Building Department for their update. Encl. Very truly yours, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN cc w/ encl: Building Department Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaston Original filed with Town Clerk's Office CAZBactions\Action1 tr.doc APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Horning BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1998 Appl. No. 4575 - Frank Gaston PARCEL 1000-52-5-5 STREET & LOCALITY: 1875 Bayview Avenue, Southold DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: May 14, 1998 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/ DESCRIPTION: The above -identified property is located on the south-west side of Bayview Avenue, Southold, and contains a total area of 14,405 sq. ft. The July 15, 1997 survey map prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. shows the subject 12' x 25' deck proposed at the rear of the dwelling. Existing along the front property line is an accessory frame garage building. that the subject premises is improved with a 1-1/2 story frame house and detached garage structure located in the front yard. The subject premises is waterfront and contains a concrete retaining wall approximately 83.85 feet in length near the mean highwater mark of Arshamomaque Pond. BASIS OF APPEAL: Building Inspector's August 20, 1997 Action of Disapproval, updated 5/7/98, because Zoning Code Article XXIII, Section 100-239.413 requires a setback at less than 75 feet from a bulkhead, concrete wall, or similar structure. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED BY APPLICANT: The request made by applicant is to locate a 12 ft. by 25 ft. open deck addition at the rear of existing dwelling with a proposed setback at 69+- feet from the bulkhead at its closest point. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: (1) The granting of the area variance will not produce an undesirable change in character of neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties because other decks exist in the neighborhood. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for applicant to pursue, other than an area variance because the applicant could not build an attached deck with any usable depth without the variance. (3) The requested area variance is not substantial In considering this application, the Board deems this action to be the minimum necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. Page 2 - June 23, Appl. #4575: 1000-52-5-5 .(Gaston) Southold Town Board of Appeals RESOLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Chairman Goehringer, seconded by Member Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the.; variance. as applied ''for and WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE DECK SHALL REMAIN OPEN TO THE SKY. VOTE OF THE BOARD: AYES: MEMBE GOE DINIZIO, TORTORA, COLLINS, AND HORNING. ERARD P. GOEHRINGE , CHAI N , Approved 52-5-5 I BOARD OF APPEALS:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -----------------------------------x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING AND POSTING a rl7.-,! , o g � � as& (Name of Applicants) ------------------------------------x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, 5�zmve1 A/ --%orale_, residing at 30c,�IAe New York, being duly sworn, depose and say ,that: 1) On . the . day of .V /Ve , , 199.9 , I personally mailed, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice, addressed to each of the following named persons at the addresses' set opposite their respective names, that the addresses listed below are those shown on the current assess- ment rolls of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office to each name - below certified mail, return receipt requested attach post office receipts here): Name of Surrounding Property Owner Mailing Address :���.-� � _ � l.•� . :tel ��.� ���. � l ,. and, 2) On the 3 day of JWQAV-- 1993, I personally posted the subject pro Ierty identified as District 1000, Section 60, , Block- D , Lot ®5 by placing the Town's official poster ten (10) feet, or closer, from the property line facing the street or facing the right-of-way, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in41) ace for ,seven full days prior to the subject hearing date, which is 199?. Sworn to before me this (signature) day of 199 . Notary Public **Please return to the office of the Board of Appeals when completed. (Town Hall hours are 8 - 4 p.m.) Thank you. § 58-1. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING § 58-1 Chapter 58 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING §58-1. Providing notice of public hearings. (HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-27-1995 as L.L. No. 25-1995. Amendments noted Where applicable.] § 58-1. Providing notice of public hearings - Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing, this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. The board or commission reviewing an application shall provide for the giving of notice: A. By causing a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the -hearing to be published inthe official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. By requiring the applicant to erect the sign provided by the town;'which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application abuts, giving notice of the application, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public, hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than ten (10) feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for .a period of not less than seven (7) days immediately .preceding the date of the public hearing: The applicant or his/her agent shall file an -affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. C. By requiring the � applicant to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street § 58-1 SOM, OLD CODE 158-1 from the property included in the application. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The applicant or agent shall file an affidavit that stile has complied with, % this provision. N �d RPG GP �Iolf .y0 6\•oy ¢DQ�ax n mo Du Off, CN AREA - 14,405 sq. ft. t0 bRe yy e / a05' 5 GP�1. pip e%x-• - G pN` SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT ARSHAMOMOOUE ���►P TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PE SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000-52-05-05 SCALE Y' = 30' JUL Y 15, 1997 ANY AL TERA TION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209 -SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY /F SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR WHOSE SIGNA TURF APPEARS HEREON. ADDITIONALLY TO COMPLY WITH SAID LAW THE TERM 'ALTERED BY' MUST BE USED BY ANY AND ALL SURVEYORS UTILIZING A COPY OF ANOTHER SURVEYOR'S MAP. TERMS SUCH AS 'INSPECTE'D' AND 'BROUGHT -TO -GATE' ARE NOT /N COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. I1t�lI�Ll:�1F i 1230 TRAVELER - STREET SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 1197/ 97-223 RIV ERHEAD BUILDING sory garage, Article III, Section ing Code Article IIIA, Section 100-30A.3, based -upon the. - SUPPLY CO.. (Re=open as 100-31B(13). Locationofl?rop- Building Inspector's April, 14, 1998 Notice of Disapproval; dis- ap-. .,_;kper:•Board,Resolution adopted erty; 680`;- Mid,>ivay $oad;>,: approving a building permit Plication to remove existing shed COUNTY OF SUFFOLK -May:'',N'4998);This isavariance. `requestbased.upon,th6Building� Southold; NY;'`1000-90=2=9.1; Cedar Beach Park, Lot -11.1-112-_; and replace with accessory ga- STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Inspector 0arivary 2,.1998 No-- ' p� of 144'(as a single'parcel) ` I, G.�L NOTICE • , tice of Disapproval which reads _ as fblloWs .aa) the proposed" : 6:40' p.m- Appl. No'. `4575- FRANK GASTON . This'is a': SULITII< OLD TOWN. `'; . ;. BOARD OF AppEALS structure being located. m anLIO ` District -is' permitted to have a ":-maximum variance request under the Zon- in Code Article XXIII- Section , NOTICE ', IS 3' 'H'ERE$Y Section 67 of 60 feet of frontage on:.one street:: The proposed `appproximately 100-239.4B based upon the _; Building'Inspector's August 20; '1997 GIVEN, pursuant of the Town Law and the Code Southold, -the building is 115 ft: , facing Rt; 25r Pursuant to Article Notice of Disapproval(up- dated 5!7/98); disapproving" a of --the Town=of following applications _will tbhe• hearings by -XIII, Section'' 100-133C; 2) " When fences are located in or buildingg ermitappplication'for a deck addition to'dwelling a • held foripubltc SOUTHOLD. TOWN BOARD .alongg side -and' rear yards, they with . 'setback at less than 75 'f&ffitim OF, APPEALS,'at"the Southold all -�53095`,Main Road, sliall,:not exceed'. 6%z feet in • heighi;pursuantto 100-231B..... a' bulkhead; concrete wall, 'or' similar.. ,structure,. at.::1.875 Ton' Southol'd,'NewYork 1'19.71., ono T"U DAY; 11';1997: Location of Property: 746.10 and ; 74500 Main Road, Greenport; Bayview: Avenue,', Greenport,.; NY;1000-52.5-5•.., .JUP1E asn6tedbelow(orassoonthere--, '`°''. ,. NY;1000-46.14.and 2.1, com- ' bind as a single lot. " ' 6:45 p.m.'Appl. No. 4571- ' WALTER MILLIS..This'is a after as possible): ". ":, 5:45p:m Nortli:Shore Yacht .6:05 p.m; Appl. No. 4568-.' • DOMINICK SECRETE. This variance request under the Zon- Sales,. Appl:.. No i 4547 ; posed. location within 75 feet a e of coverage o a. - from. -the bulkhead, concrete (a/k/a 1875) Village Lane, Ori- Patricia C. Lollot, being duly sworn, says that ,:wail;`rip rap or similar structure, ent,NY; 10000-24-2-22: she is the Production Coordinator, ofthe TRAV- at .,4000 Wunneweta Road , 6:50 p.m. Appl. No: 4576- ..; to 0 Point Club Properties, " CHARLES D. SNYDER. This ELER WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed Cufchogue, NY;.'1000-111-1'4= is a variance request under :the at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no 22.1. Zoning Code, Article IIIA, Sec - 6:10 p.m. Appl.,No. 4569- tion 100-30A.4, based upon the, tice of which the annexed is a printed copy, -FRANK KROPF. This is a Building Inspector's May 8,1998 has been published in said Traveler Watchman -,'variance•request under Zoning _ Notice of Disapproval; disap- CodeArticle III, Section 100-33, proving a building permitappli- once each week for based upon the Building cation for,an accessory garage Inspector's Apri18, 1998 Notice' due to its proposed location in an ................................................... ..:.................. of Disapproval, weeks l, disa rovin a area other than the rear yard at building permit application for 704 Wiggins Lane, Greenport; suCCeSSively, commencing on the ...�............ an addition which will create a 1000-35-4=28.24 (formerly non-conformi ' m�that the exist- CTM Lot 19). " ty ....................4......... ... ,19..�,�.. mg garage will not be located in 6:55. p:m, Appl: N6..4577- day O CCII the rear yard at 1820 Marlene CARL -AND LYNNE - Lane; Laurel, NY; 1000-144-2- FRITSCHER. This is a vari- 33: ance request -under Article based . 6:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4570-_, upon; the `Building,Irispecto' es JOSEPH FRAZZITTA. This. May 8,1998 Notice of Disap- is a variance. request under the proval, disapproving a building Sworn to before me this .............�� day of permit. application fora new y Zoning'l00-2 . Article XXIII, sung le=famiill dwellin with ro-' Q Section 100-239.4B for permis- g y g p j-� .......... 19...1 posed front yard setbacks of less """"" ' sion to construct, deck addition than 50 feet: Location -s with gazebo'at a setback of less , Prop - than 75 feet from the bulkhead ' erty: 135 Pine Tree Court, and at 1420..In1'et Way at Cedar along Pine Court Extension (a/ k/a Private Roads), Cutchogue,� ,..................... ... Beach, Southold, NY; 1000-92- ••••••••••••• •••• 1-6. NY; 1000-98-.1-7.15,... Nota Public 6:20 p.m. Appl No. 4572- 7:10 p:m: Appl. �No`-'4578 Notary NICHOLAS METHVAN. STEPHEN AND ANGELA This is a variance request under - PUTZI.. _This -is a variance re- BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER the Zoning Code, Article XXIV, questunderAiticleIIIA,Section NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York 100-30A.4,- based upon the No. 4806846 Rection 100-244B, based upon , �theBuildinglnspectc)esApri1,16,' ""Building Inspectors April 28, Qualified in Suffolk 1998 and April 19,1998 Notices 1998 Notice ofDisapprovalI dis- Commission Expires of Disapproval; disapproving a approving a building permit ap permit application fora ` Plication to construct addition to - building : - - . :- deck and addition which -will an existing accessory garage in posed;to,b'e rebuilt witfi :anm orti Variances based.'up" 'on _the exceed the allowable, lot cover- a front yard location at 2575 (a/ suffic'fent-front~yard.'setback:. Building`InspecfoA Fe>iiniary o k/a 2500) Lighthouse�Road.and Location.. ofc Property.:. '420 18 :1998,Notice:ofDisapprov_ a1, age of 20 -for this nonconform- rovin a buildin permit in lot. .Location of 'P --roe Soundview Avenue :Southold, i . Lesters.Road MatUtuck, 1000- disappP.,..-, g,,.,.. g"F. v. g Property- ' ""' ' r ` . a licatton,to construct.a tower NY 1000=50-3.6.' i 114-7-8. PP . 1630 Theresa Drive, Mattituck, 7:15 p.m. 'Appl. No. 4579- '� 7:30 p m., Ap 1. No. 4544-. for teleco>nmumcetioris.use, for NY; 1000-115-14-3; also known. EDWARD"AND AUDREY ;MARTINROS)N OWNER: thefollowingreason:'1)'thepro= as' Lot 6; Deep Hole Creek Es; CIELATKA.' This is'"a request O. BOOKER &, NO.) 3:oca- osed'telecommunications tower p -. 6:25 p.m. Appl.: No. 4574; fora:Special-Exceptionto:estab= tion of;Property 11.7 Sound beim tocated'onanoii-conforin- PREM CHATPAR..This is 'a 10h•Accessory Apartment Use.in. f Avenue, lViattituck, NY; County mg. of in an LI,. District Is not variance request under the Zon- the piincipal,.building:;of'4hl Parcel--141=3=44.Thisis p'erniitted aocording",to,Section -: ingCode Article XXIII, Section : . owner -applicants as, provided a request for Interpretation and/' 100-1659; 2) the proposed tower 100-239:4$ based upon the under. Article III; Section' 100= i Building Inspector's. March 10, ' 31B-13 (formerly100=31B-14) 1998.and January.6;1997 di sa - " ; of the Zoning Code. Location Or pp Prgperty;.:260-Cedat.Summit ' proving a building permit, appli= ` " to be hF cation fora ro osed two"sto Road, Southold; NY;1000=78=9= th rincipal;use on the lot desiring . addition;to dwelling and pro) 29,(Bayside'Terrace). .. being hOO rad• applications,or 7;20 p,m. Apgl 0 4580 mitwnttens os „ i requiredao'have' a,rear::y posed sorygaiagelocation :` ALBERT AND'`tJANICE setback -of 70=feet pursuant•to-. . " whicli'a;e:p.ioposed within. 75 '" RATTI :This:is is; -re=' Art•V+'100-142, 3)'the pro fe@tof apullcliead, concrete wall, d to be.lo . or'siriiilar. tructure. Applioant's, quest.under.Articl6 XXIV; S.ec-. •posedtowerist'egwre Felin ;i2 1998)kf(1 avitstates . tion,1:00-242, (100-244 -based , cated at least'one-hundred (100) the �ropose4Tuse ofgarage to lie upon the t•Building' Inspector'§ feet from the neatest dwellingg for'occu' ;ible's ace",intended;. May 1998 Notice of unit'pursuant to Article P P Section 10'0-16X.3..: as a f gni�y,;roo'm, library/study ;, proval;. disapproving'aauilding :: a Board Appel will at January 6`,with b,1�997 Notice of Disc" dwellingpwhich was damaged saidrup'timeandplacehearanyand approvpl regarding•tliis site was more than 50% by'fire; and pro- all persons or representattves issued dis�pliroving'a proposed. guest•annelC ut proposed acces- a the above'\ ing;.to sub- sbeforethe- lot start ear- liec'than designamu- he file is) available for review duringregu-, 1arTown Hall:busmess hours (8 4=p -m.). If you have, questions,: please do notheshateto call'765- 1809., Dated: Mav 20,1998 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAR1 OF -APPEAL'• GERARD P. GOEHRINGE is, a: vanance• request under the . ` -_•ZoningCode•ArticleXXII;Sec- ing Code Article IIIA, Section 100-30A.3, based -upon the. I QJ tion 100-239AB; based upon the . Briilding: Inspector's April 9, Building Inspector's April, 14, 1998 Notice of Disapproval; dis- ap-. `Y 1998 Notice of Disapproval, dis- • approving a building permit Plication to remove existing shed COUNTY OF SUFFOLK approving a building permit. ap- , pllication for an inground pool and replace with accessory ga- STATE OF NEW YORK ss: aridd6ek addition due to its pro- rage, which will exceed allow _Ll- 1 471A01- t 1800 posed. location within 75 feet a e of coverage o a. - from. -the bulkhead, concrete (a/k/a 1875) Village Lane, Ori- Patricia C. Lollot, being duly sworn, says that ,:wail;`rip rap or similar structure, ent,NY; 10000-24-2-22: she is the Production Coordinator, ofthe TRAV- at .,4000 Wunneweta Road , 6:50 p.m. Appl. No: 4576- ..; to 0 Point Club Properties, " CHARLES D. SNYDER. This ELER WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed Cufchogue, NY;.'1000-111-1'4= is a variance request under :the at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no 22.1. Zoning Code, Article IIIA, Sec - 6:10 p.m. Appl.,No. 4569- tion 100-30A.4, based upon the, tice of which the annexed is a printed copy, -FRANK KROPF. This is a Building Inspector's May 8,1998 has been published in said Traveler Watchman -,'variance•request under Zoning _ Notice of Disapproval; disap- CodeArticle III, Section 100-33, proving a building permitappli- once each week for based upon the Building cation for,an accessory garage Inspector's Apri18, 1998 Notice' due to its proposed location in an ................................................... ..:.................. of Disapproval, weeks l, disa rovin a area other than the rear yard at building permit application for 704 Wiggins Lane, Greenport; suCCeSSively, commencing on the ...�............ an addition which will create a 1000-35-4=28.24 (formerly non-conformi ' m�that the exist- CTM Lot 19). " ty ....................4......... ... ,19..�,�.. mg garage will not be located in 6:55. p:m, Appl: N6..4577- day O CCII the rear yard at 1820 Marlene CARL -AND LYNNE - Lane; Laurel, NY; 1000-144-2- FRITSCHER. This is a vari- 33: ance request -under Article based . 6:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4570-_, upon; the `Building,Irispecto' es JOSEPH FRAZZITTA. This. May 8,1998 Notice of Disap- is a variance. request under the proval, disapproving a building Sworn to before me this .............�� day of permit. application fora new y Zoning'l00-2 . Article XXIII, sung le=famiill dwellin with ro-' Q Section 100-239.4B for permis- g y g p j-� .......... 19...1 posed front yard setbacks of less """"" ' sion to construct, deck addition than 50 feet: Location -s with gazebo'at a setback of less , Prop - than 75 feet from the bulkhead ' erty: 135 Pine Tree Court, and at 1420..In1'et Way at Cedar along Pine Court Extension (a/ k/a Private Roads), Cutchogue,� ,..................... ... Beach, Southold, NY; 1000-92- ••••••••••••• •••• 1-6. NY; 1000-98-.1-7.15,... Nota Public 6:20 p.m. Appl No. 4572- 7:10 p:m: Appl. �No`-'4578 Notary NICHOLAS METHVAN. STEPHEN AND ANGELA This is a variance request under - PUTZI.. _This -is a variance re- BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER the Zoning Code, Article XXIV, questunderAiticleIIIA,Section NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York 100-30A.4,- based upon the No. 4806846 Rection 100-244B, based upon , �theBuildinglnspectc)esApri1,16,' ""Building Inspectors April 28, Qualified in Suffolk 1998 and April 19,1998 Notices 1998 Notice ofDisapprovalI dis- Commission Expires of Disapproval; disapproving a approving a building permit ap permit application fora ` Plication to construct addition to - building : - - . :- deck and addition which -will an existing accessory garage in posed;to,b'e rebuilt witfi :anm orti Variances based.'up" 'on _the exceed the allowable, lot cover- a front yard location at 2575 (a/ suffic'fent-front~yard.'setback:. Building`InspecfoA Fe>iiniary o k/a 2500) Lighthouse�Road.and Location.. ofc Property.:. '420 18 :1998,Notice:ofDisapprov_ a1, age of 20 -for this nonconform- rovin a buildin permit in lot. .Location of 'P --roe Soundview Avenue :Southold, i . Lesters.Road MatUtuck, 1000- disappP.,..-, g,,.,.. g"F. v. g Property- ' ""' ' r ` . a licatton,to construct.a tower NY 1000=50-3.6.' i 114-7-8. PP . 1630 Theresa Drive, Mattituck, 7:15 p.m. 'Appl. No. 4579- '� 7:30 p m., Ap 1. No. 4544-. for teleco>nmumcetioris.use, for NY; 1000-115-14-3; also known. EDWARD"AND AUDREY ;MARTINROS)N OWNER: thefollowingreason:'1)'thepro= as' Lot 6; Deep Hole Creek Es; CIELATKA.' This is'"a request O. BOOKER &, NO.) 3:oca- osed'telecommunications tower p -. 6:25 p.m. Appl.: No. 4574; fora:Special-Exceptionto:estab= tion of;Property 11.7 Sound beim tocated'onanoii-conforin- PREM CHATPAR..This is 'a 10h•Accessory Apartment Use.in. f Avenue, lViattituck, NY; County mg. of in an LI,. District Is not variance request under the Zon- the piincipal,.building:;of'4hl Parcel--141=3=44.Thisis p'erniitted aocording",to,Section -: ingCode Article XXIII, Section : . owner -applicants as, provided a request for Interpretation and/' 100-1659; 2) the proposed tower 100-239:4$ based upon the under. Article III; Section' 100= i Building Inspector's. March 10, ' 31B-13 (formerly100=31B-14) 1998.and January.6;1997 di sa - " ; of the Zoning Code. Location Or pp Prgperty;.:260-Cedat.Summit ' proving a building permit, appli= ` " to be hF cation fora ro osed two"sto Road, Southold; NY;1000=78=9= th rincipal;use on the lot desiring . addition;to dwelling and pro) 29,(Bayside'Terrace). .. being hOO rad• applications,or 7;20 p,m. Apgl 0 4580 mitwnttens os „ i requiredao'have' a,rear::y posed sorygaiagelocation :` ALBERT AND'`tJANICE setback -of 70=feet pursuant•to-. . " whicli'a;e:p.ioposed within. 75 '" RATTI :This:is is; -re=' Art•V+'100-142, 3)'the pro fe@tof apullcliead, concrete wall, d to be.lo . or'siriiilar. tructure. Applioant's, quest.under.Articl6 XXIV; S.ec-. •posedtowerist'egwre Felin ;i2 1998)kf(1 avitstates . tion,1:00-242, (100-244 -based , cated at least'one-hundred (100) the �ropose4Tuse ofgarage to lie upon the t•Building' Inspector'§ feet from the neatest dwellingg for'occu' ;ible's ace",intended;. May 1998 Notice of unit'pursuant to Article P P Section 10'0-16X.3..: as a f gni�y,;roo'm, library/study ;, proval;. disapproving'aauilding :: a Board Appel will at January 6`,with b,1�997 Notice of Disc" dwellingpwhich was damaged saidrup'timeandplacehearanyand approvpl regarding•tliis site was more than 50% by'fire; and pro- all persons or representattves issued dis�pliroving'a proposed. guest•annelC ut proposed acces- a the above'\ ing;.to sub- sbeforethe- lot start ear- liec'than designamu- he file is) available for review duringregu-, 1arTown Hall:busmess hours (8 4=p -m.). If you have, questions,: please do notheshateto call'765- 1809., Dated: Mav 20,1998 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAR1 OF -APPEAL'• GERARD P. GOEHRINGE (1-516) 765-1809 tel. OFFICE OF BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (1-516) 765-9064 fax. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- May 20, 1998 Re: ZBA Application Hearing Date: Thursday, June 11, 1998 Dear Sir or Madam: For your records, please find enclosed a copy . of the Legal Notice describing the time, date and place of the public hearing regarding your application. (Our department will arrange for publication in the official newspaper: L.I. Traveler, Southold.) Town Code Chapter 58, requires that the applicant send "NOTICE GIVING THE TIME, DATE, PLACE AND NATURE OF THE HEARING." Please send a copy of a map showing the proposed project area, together with a cover letter with your, name and address to the "OWNERS shown on the local assessment roll for every property which abuts and is across from any public or private street from the applicant's property." These mailings must be by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED,- within five (5) days of receiving this- letter. This will allow for the green signature cards to be returned to you., and then submitted to us for the official. (If the green signature cards are not received by the hearing date, a delay is possible before receiving action by the Board.) Please be sure to: 1. Return the Affidavit of Mailing to us when the certified mail receipts are postmarked on the day of mailing, attaching a written list signed by the person verifying the same from the Assessors' Assessment Roll, which lists all the lot numbers and owners' names, current addresses from on the local assessment rolls, and . the date the listing was obtained from the Assessors' Office. 2. Place the enclosed Poster in the location described by 'Ch. 58 of the Code, within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street, for a time period of not less than seven days. The sign must be posted not later than June 3rd. 3. Return a completed Affidavit of Posting by -the hearing date. 4. Return the green signature cards at or before the hearing. Page 2 - Instruction Le Meeting of April 16, 1998 Southold Town Board of Appeals Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman by Linda Kowalski Enclosures (Notice, Two Affidavits, and Sign) As400/txt1k/1nag.98/app1.1n � Ec f( �II�D � � so•V NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: -Alb If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. - BOARD OF APPEALS 9TOWN OF SOUTHOLD e (516) 765-1809 r ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER yam► o co 2 -it OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK t} TOWN OF SOUTHOLD + t� TO: Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Office of the Town Clerk DATE: May 4, 1998 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 MAY 51998 RE: ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APP. NO. 4575 - FRANKGASTON (Applied for by builder, Samuel Patrone) Transmitted herewith is ZONING APPEAL APPL. NO. 4575 - FRANK. GASTON together with the Reasons for Area Variance, the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Zoning Board of Appeals' Questionnaire, a letter dated December 16, 1991 to the Planning Board from Suffolk County Dept. of Planning, the Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form, a copy of the Building Permit dated 7/16/97, the Application .for B ilding Permit and a survey map of the prope rty��-r,C> /Va)^rC� Ute- `'�Sc`��1r�,���, �ZC97 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk a REASOt,I FOR APPEAL ^A i Continued I. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sory I-IARDSHIP because d,,v Ly Pd S;S 18 LL ZO cr, go r,l 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the Immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because O,oC .�%✓� eS,S TC'� �7 j'c,'� 3. 1 -he Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CI-IANGE THE CHARACTER OF TME DISTRICT because 7� Jnr_ ��%..s/�..t.JG/��/t% �r/UC7Li� �2. /D✓ / T �l �'a l L (S "T �Zr� D f`l tD �' f19�tit> 09' TT'e 'T "I O d✓ S'I'ATI: OF NEW YORK ) ss COUI,,I TY OF ) Sworn to this ......................................... Signature ... ............................ cloy of... ................................... 19 IJatary Public HELENE'D. HORNE Not-ry Public, State cf New Ybik No. 4951 6 Ouolified in StiffoN County Commission Ex iron i:'ic;y ._'', 19 � z- REASONS FOR AREA VARIANCE ONLY (to be completed by applicant): Do not use these standards for "use variance" or "special exception." (Also attach sheets if necessary, with signatures.) 1. An undesirabLe change will NOT be produced in the character of I_,t_he neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, if granted BECAUSE: -OF l T -S S`/ ��P��'C,•� 47-0 Fc1jVC77O/I1 2. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance BECAUSE: G 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial BECAUSE 6 Fip 4. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district BECAUSE 5. Has the alleged d i. f f icu l.ty been se 1. f -created? ( ) Yes. (� No . 6. This is the minimum that is necessary. and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF' SUFFOLK) (Applicant) Agent must attach written consent .from owner. Sworn to before me this � day of 'q1a_pl 19 69 . Notary Public HELE€NE D. !-ORNE Not_iy Puolic, State 01 jve-vjj York No. 49513,4 iarrn.var/temp Qualified in Suffolk County - Commission EXPlres May 22, i 3 -V—lf TOWN OF•"SOUTH®LD- ':.;;w::•t4; BUILDING .DEPARTMENT s !:y TOWN .•HALL �... r ' BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST. BE', KEPT ON THE, PREMISES UNTIL_ FULL. COMPLETION -OF THE. WORK AUTHORIZED) u 9 �r fie. a Date 1. ..� 4. •r• Permission is'.hereby granted to: ................................. s%� r0 4re�l+�!:.`f/..7. .rte.... . p .:1 r . ti!/ .. /�`• f� n ,r •./�.. al!.::: .... ^T:....................................'........:..............:...... ... ....... ... ... ... ............................................. ............ ........ ........... .... ... .:.. ...... at premises located at .. •• :Y� •��•�••• • •• County Tax Map- No. 1,000 Section Block lar.. Lot No. .........., pursuant to application dated. `� ��1.....•••�•3 19•/ :1, grid approved by the .� ............... Building inspector.. Fee $..... �.�..'••.• � 3 ................. ....... 8..�:..g.�....tor................................_. E-13 u w I -S: I TU WN () 1•, SOT I . I I 10 AM *i 2,1199T TOWN Cl,ER ir s M.I. IC11 N.v rig rir.L OF DISAPPROVAL 112 ....... ......... 761� .............. PLEASE TAKE NOTIC17; (Itnt yr)1ir nplific,.1 (inil d -fled Far peryllif 10 Aee&dW-i4v� -'epic ........ Loc--Mml of Property y Nr7r/.tp M(7, 19 Y.7. . �e,,ef� Courtly T. -Ix Mn 11 Mo. 1000scr-fjr.)lj JCSc� .... 13 1 v c ....... Lot. .6.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zen RV I/p() ................. ?n�1. Mt Ll ding T 0 t: LogenO -- YILIwOE OF Real Pro erf Tax Service Agency }P.MN�.�: _'S�,_}' ..�q�.le f:t:__M:_::. 'waJa.•l. r.... IHI a..r.. www Ll!a--.a.-_ — - F y LiP'i:.4!�'!f.'41tjY ""►ILrriil7ln .•>t '" '`dGt�191�^'^-.y .Ly7,im °,� 1"3'', - °n scuE urrtn (,$4 Coenly Cenrer DISTRICT No. 10 hMw.wr, �:.,w:,a' w+"?: ' �[ K�[ 4;x�[++..1�;['�}ru `T61T, r`' St,:Kz:S�t'r ..-ii'r':.';3�i:..::• _ L.I.. NDw York -f4 'i"�:':r Riverhead. .. rs[4r qD • .c[ Y DQE xR Y•rOA '• DtoN •TP m l SEE ]EC h0 044 ll4 it 11 _-_ 10" PIRCEL NO 111 SEC. NO, 044 -OS-004.5 N J , , P Xl, ] SEE scc No °44 —YAiSH �_ A FOR PARCCL NO s sEE SEC NODH -04.0OSJ . x � y a'ie1[I �4F1 ]LL 9EO Nu 044 !Rd-- _—Z FOR PARCEL NO. SEE SEC. NO 044-04-005.1 µ^Y+pO PUNY � 4.O.H1 8 a I. •� xJlud V S 2 , „ 63•E' ; I IAIt1 ♦ ALDERT9jI0R� j mmLA..r[. 7 $ ]oax F S. -NOLO , � ��%� O 0 5 ao.a 1 li.dalcl la ealcl `•, 11 ss a 9x1°1 © O IIIIII •�•' :11' 'tet 1, .Y �T _ `'/;:y�;�'•'•' 9 �•�'b ,� ., Ili ��--\\ \ �1..\ \•J \ w'I / 1 `<\ i ILI 11,NO rnn-III-OOJ nP4rL�w • 1 j� r FOR FA.—L­ 91E9E N C D 056 -OI-GOB ••40i'^� \\ --- N.YICII 2 LME /I I __ NAT -11 LINE •\ • • Im --II GI L911 Fig [[I St, SEC. NO D56 \ EE SEC. ND O]6 rL"" Cm LDOend Z. IN —e— Yllul...l �� Lm ��- .. Llm �___ ..r Dlu'Nl lam �P.�_ N.4cm w•ula Ll.._�.II•—_ 110.irim Lw ll.. I]n KEY NAP m^L'.� _.__ Uly t ___ _ -�' a'�- W. m. w.u.l L.m - _ U..e U•....1v. O— e]' • i t _• (111 CJ..6�.J 4.. W-1 U51.0 I I rOR -DE No SEE SEC n0 OS -01 J }' 1 IJ .'I /5[E BECI, NDN. Ij OSS -01.001.2 I P% �< rOR PARCEL ry0. SEE 9EC N¢ -Kz © COUNTY OF SUFFOLK IN FfEi Real Property Tax Service Agency County Center Riverhead, L. I., New York 052 61 N in G P 1_1- olF oy1y0 t�• 61• Q4 il00005,50 6100 5• 2 A� G P z%- 001f y . GOL� SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT ARSHAMOMOOVE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000 - 52- 05- 05 SCALE 1" = 30' JUL Y 15, 1997 �P��OF NF�y y0 c N 7. MF ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209' OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW, EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209 -SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS . Y. LIC. NO. 49618 HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY /F SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR - CiyS YO C. WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. (5( o._ AREA = 14,405 sq ft ADDITIONALLY TO COMPLY WITH SAID LAW THE TERM 'ALTERED BY' P. O. t0 bile MUST BE USED BY ANY AND ALL SURVEYORS UTILIZING A COPY 1230 STREET OF ANOTHER SURVEYOR'S MAP. TERMS SUCH AS 'INSPECTED, AND SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11-971 'BROUGHT -TO -DATE' ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. 97- 223 r- JUN 13 1997 � f i BLDG. DEPT J! ! T 1`1OFSO, 1ir10!n ?xanirx'cl.... ...... 1997 FORM NU. I TOWN OF SO11'1'IIOI.D BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOII'1'IIOLD, N:Y. 11971 TEL: 765-1802 l enrri t: No. �?`. , Disapproved a/( ................................... ...................................................... I / y' (Ikril In pector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PEItMi.'1' TNSTRUCTlONS ._.!)AIt11 OF HEALTH . . ....... . .... . :1 SETS OF PIANS ............... SURVEY ........................ CIIECK ... ...._ ............. SEI>TiC FORM ................... NOTIFY: CAL L.�(J .a%(v>'_ tl% MAI 1. '1'0 Date....... 19 a. (his applicaticxr nRrst Ire completely filled in by tyfx-writer or in ink and 511111litted to the Ikrilding Inspector ur 1 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. 1r. Plot plan slxrwing location of lot: sill of Ixrildings on premises, relationship to mijoining premises or fxrblic streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of: layout of property mist be drarm on the diagran which is part of this application. ' c. 'Ilre rxxk covered by this app] ication mry DOU be cuunenc:ed before issuance of Building Ilennit. d. 11[mapproval of l:his application, Lhe ikrildinl; Inspec ttrr will isstije a Ikrilding Permit to the applicant. Birch ix'rnrit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection thrcxrglr(xrt the work. e. No Ixrildirrg shall Ire occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate o.f (kxuparx.y shall. have been granted by the )klilding .lnspecLor. APL'Li(YKI'I()N IS IlC'sltlillY t1A1]E to the Ikrilding Delmirtmenl for the issuance of a IkAlding Pennit fxrrsrrant to the Ikrilding 7.cx)e Ordinance of the 'ravrr of Scxrthold, Suffolk County, N(i4 York, and other applicable I aws, Ordinances or lk%ulations, for the constnret'ion of lxrildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein ckscribed. 'Ibe applicant agrees to carrqily'whir all applicable laws, ordinmmrces, Wilding code, (rousing code, and rej,"dations, and Co admit authorized insfxectors nn preuises sill in buildinno dor necessar inspections. ......................� . r��:.. (Signature of applicant, or nir»e, if a (.orlx)ralion) (K-li Ling address of appl icanl.) Slal.e whether applicant is cxaxr, lessee, agent, arcaritect, engineer, general contractor, elecLTician, plud>er or Ixrildel- %Tl/.........................................•........................... dd /i Marnex- of cx4rr of: premises ......tic! .'... kA2� 1� . ald— U51 (as on the tax roll or latest deed) 1f app.scant is�a,ern<poration, 971,Lure of drily autlxrrir.(-xl officer. -,rxs aril title of Corporate officer) Ikri Iders License No- PImix!rs Licenne No.r: Electricians License No_ Other 'Ira(k-'s License No . ................... I. Inc.aCicxr of: larxl on which propx)secl rx»'k will Ix' (laire./j ,,5f_LcGI%P ,✓, c!4.!// -J 11 Umber Slreet............................................................. ....... Ikxr:>c. Comity Tax Map No. I(XX) Section ... �� ........ BIock .. ;xrixlivrsicxr .�........... ......................... I�ilecl t•L•rp Ncr. ............... tat (tlirrrie) ................ .1. State existing use aril OCcultanc.y of premises aril inter(xled rr_se and ocet'Pancy cif proposed construction: a. Existing use mm] mcagktrx.y h_ Intcrxkxl use and cwclgrarx:y dC.?%Jr%/L.� y���OUr•� 1JSC .. . /�c�E.l>' 'wt�k ter ...... �'�.tic'Sri'$Id» iY1 a , ra Cl iti+'licyt di"VA'A atbo Nrlurc of ;,N)ik (clwck I'k-'%4 N)i I (I ill),) .......... AtkIltion Altex-acion .......... N -Iwa i I . ............ H1.11lova I ............. Demo I i t. i oi I ............ 0 11 le r- Wo I k ................................... Desc r 11) 1 ot I F's( inull ed Gist............... Fee ...................... - ((o be Iwlid on H I (ig 110.3 iilyplicaLion) I int;, 1XIIAX!r OF AAAI int; units ............ Ullbel. of: I int, unit s oil each floor ................. gatage, 'okylber of call; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1xishies s, coinitercial or mixed (X:('%YIMIIK-Y, SI)CCA ry Mlt.trre mxI exteiit or, each I.ype.of use........ .............. r any: Froul- . . . . . . 3.!P-. ..... .............. Dillmlisioils of: exislAilly f3l.lix-tit' e I J.'I It .. . . . . . . ..I- 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rodx!r Or Sl,orieff . . . . 7— r. I.Ft o * . . . . . . . .6b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Difirnisioon of siw3x! s0mhire willi alteral ims or ithlitloil tit: ..... I --pill -.7 ........... fJtxilw.r of Slorien ....... 2 ........ N lk.if)il . ..... / iI I ims i ot Is of enlAre lx -.,t4 cotistim-I ioil: Froin. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ R.11ber of: stories ..................... Sivp of: lot: Froill ...... I ............... Real. ..................... Depth .................... 0. 11611c of: Pill-chnne ..................... Naive of I"olllv.!l (MVIT . ........................................ I. Zoiu or use dincr ict in Olich IM--Illif-ien arc ShAlill (A .............................................................. 2 I)KX!!-, Illolioned coll..31.1w.r.i(mi violate any v-oOiiij1, UN4, or(IiIMIK:e Or Tf%1%IIiltAOI1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Wi I I lot. lie rei'm . .................... Will exr.-.efs fill Ile r(,.tYx7ved froin premises: YI--.s I I Z0110 - of Owlwr or. fit einises Itens gbw livolic Ho. ............... ............... ....... .. V1 c -76W e twec-> Rom! of Ardiii-i!cL .................................... Arklress C -If ST ......... 11 toile R) Nalk! of: 0)111-rac.Cor ........... At l< I r ess x ........ ........... 15. Is this pl-opett-y within 3M feet: of a Lid,11 loet-11IM? YU; .......... NO........... -lum MAY 1413 1111,01' DIAGRAM lxx-;i(.(i clearly nixi dinLitic.1.1y n1l bilildil,11,9, 1,41M.her exist.ing, or prollosed, aril iMicate All set -hack dilliensiotis I't(sti proIx!t-ty Hoes. Give sLrieel: atul 1)1(x:k limber or (knqcrip(Jon accoiding Co:Ike(], aril Miro; st.reet tuvirs aril ifxIiC;I1-e tAitjIs(tv itil.crior or cotiww lot:. r NIA11" (X, t*'M Y(MIK) UARTIN (MI, OYI-e ............. beilij... duly qI(!IXm(!..; atxl smyt; that Ise if; the -1()1)1 iC-1111 (Molk! of il)(lividwil. signing; colll.rnct) lk! if; Ow ......... ................................................................. . .. .. ... 'Aftew, corix)v;iI.c officer', etc.)(Unit,11 .,I(,( of , T-!-, mitt if; duly mlillor iz(!41 to jx!rIoIIII of lum! the Imid UX)t-1k .11)(I to 11rike '11A Fill! 1111"; .1ppl is ion; 111111, 1111 stnt(Ilvilt.1; coill;lil)cd in Ibis oppl i(:;II tun;Iry I fly! to the twill of . his 1u)(AdvAll"o 111x1 NO 10 .11x1 11):;1 the w "Ali it, will 1w lier Fol IIX'd in 1 It(! livill1wr mel. I'm 111 in I I w :11)111 i (.,I(: i oil U i I ed I lim (.'Wi I It to Ix -low [IV! this )` 19. ....... ...... d;ly of y..... ... ........ I- I 61"New YO* OU HAMM *?g ( qq it9 u= &M 6 County c I, vim awn Der- a, ----+— ........... ... ......... (Silgimi.m e (if Appl icmit The N.Y.S. Environ. ntal Quality Review Act requires submission of ..is for=, and an enviro'nmer.csl review will *oe mace ,y this ljoard before any action is taken. ' SHORT ENVI^.OMEMENTAL ASSESSLMENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS: (a) in order to ans•.+er the questions in this short E.3c^ it is assumed that the preoarer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts Of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) I any question has been answered Yes the oroject may be sig- n-- cant and completed Environmental Assessment Form. is necessary. (c) _= all questions have been answered No it is likely that the project is not significant. (d) Envircnmental Assessment 1. Will project result in a large physical chance to the project site or phvsically'alter more tan 10 acres o= land? Yes rY0 2. Will there be a major chance to any unique or unusual land form an the sits? 3. Will =roject alter or have a large effect on an existing body of water? 4. will project have _ potentially large impact on groundwater cuali`_' 5. eli-1 =rajecz s'g^-=_cantly effect drainage `low on adjacent sites? o. Will project affae= anv threatened or enca-_ere^ plant or an=al specias? 7. Will oroject result in a major adverse effect o a== a alitr? _'es 40 '' es /110 Yes 1 10 Yes 'X0 n 'es /,.0 S. Will nroject have a major effect on visual c.^.ar- ac-er of t:.e cc=.:=_=7 or scenic views or vistas own to be portant to the cammun_ty? .,as ' 21q 9. will project adversely Lanact any site or st=uct- ura of historic, ,re -historic, or 7aleanto1acical importance or anv site designated as a c:__ical envirc=ental area by a local agency? Yes J 10 10. Will project have a major effect on exist -4.-.g or ,% uture recreational opportunities? Yes " Vo 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major affect to existing ,.=anspor==tion systems? Yes No 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturb- ance as a result of the Project's operation? _Yes No 13. will oroject have anv impact on public heal`—h or safety? Tas 1 V0 14. Will project affect the existing community by directly causing a growth -n permanent nopula- __ n or more than 5 percent over a ore -year 'es • X10 period or .ave a ::ajar necative a=fact c .e cnaractez ac t :e ... ==.Lt_r or nei _ b-orheoc? 13. Is here pub l_. cane=oversy caracer: _n g the pro .41TC raparar' s Sicnat.»e App '1p=ase..^.t_ :c: zn (_eL Y Data nr. 4/7 5 qUz- _CZQITAI E' W _ ,e L crer (s) and a--' y C'"27 �:C � a. please dj.scicse __ ,e names "4 =S) ,-a,ji a d-Tal5nd1V(and CII QT_e�r=ntere5 _ S'.:.C] e^rt ^rem' Sts anc- a atta -e (-eparate sheet may -- ' v rem+szs .s �e2 an the real es C --a marten =c, Is e sub; e_= c.e^n ve buyers? { } les sa Cr be4mg shLown CO _.rC.. �. ^r^ anter Qr { No . {lam- JS _ C. Are Arz { } yes { }a C'asses? A ere areas wric� c= --a � ;ve =_=mac - J. 2 �Mn 'ries C a=ea5 S _Min Cy —e "ia7 S'i:; _ 'ne_._ Z-. t:�Sta�-,Ca�_^.�_?p we-!' —� .'..5 awe- �- be=rieen 3. Isnte ^c .�^ u� i an �, c a_ _ 4 . 'or mand 7 IIL _Ler :1 _-��5 _ ". trorT �� . CCe Ca? �n `.here a Ger- -Sj1Cu Or Sl C=ing e=evG�-=C. ne- Is L T`- e : at Cr Lelc:a ��re feet above :zee_ se= Croposed ccrs�act4 - - -eve!? not appli^ahle, sta i - CCnC=ee =ar-=e TS • DL'ir?aCS u� a Are `:.._.__ T _ c�_.S �. n r ems% map L - and •�...�G WnzCh ave C� a=s 5_ I- none e_Y st, Blease su_.. cc t=�ct-�1ac_ at C. Do you ha-Je an•± ns n rQn Please a c �-:C VCL'r ^=.^;?Ses�� i= yes, -.a , �. and 'ila� GS G1....i vVer. '07 t� e :L��...y Q om. your Cu i I d i nC _ r -1y. - n Iyvncne, :a52 st =i'.�. r 2^�?..t.i�e._t . t ^-'J:Ji:er also C:Jn .^.�_^er ! a _C. c_Cse je Do you Cr any c.. : _ `S -� i ease o r^ where Cr s.: C"y- -arcs!? �.� := ves , = - _ --- o= deeds. Piease t �e5eni. I :. _S - ^. ._ a_Cai _ - CCSed § 97-i3 WETT YDS § 97-13 TM" _ The Town of Soul:_a The Board of T:mstees of the Town of Souc :old. (Added 6-5-84 by L.L. Vo. 6-19841 --'_T'�JS [Amended 8-25-75 by L r. No. S5 by t___ Nra. &-19&5 (1) AlI brads Z nerslly covered eyed .vi-;--. or :vzic' corer on. tior dal. xacz:s. or ;encs lying beneath :dal Nate:,. -,v' :: 3L ::ern law tide are covered by tidal :valets: == 'e (6) =zen incs��1; a :lax;: um. dei:h of ng °ut :,cc limited to ban bogs. salt r.:arsh. swamus.:aeadows. !fats or oc:.er low lying Iands ssbje'tc :a -;-; i cdon; (2) All banks. bogs. meado:vs. tL:s and tidal T`,n subject to such tides and :iron :vaich grows or may grow some or any of t.`.z Oilowing: salt hay. black 9r ss, saltworts, sea lavender tall :tails. ,; cor..g�,.as, hig bush. ca 6- 0 --- = =­'Sa=L^-flaw anti jaw (3) -II land immediateis ad;acoat o a defined in Subset^ ., - Baaltlaad as - on -V2) an 15-ing ;vithin sever.- rI-rive (; 5) feet landiva. y of "he most Iard :var d edge of such a tidal wedard- ESHIVATEIZ E ANDS -as de_:ned in ArtiCia 2 4 T i- tle 24-0107, Subdi1isions I(a) to I(d) inti;� of the "I:•i:onmenzi Conserv,. . 'sive. Of �(e:v �' cion -:v of the or:;: and (3) All land immedi ;zrti •- ' ad;acza to azt :and." as dc; ie :, �7ner ::-er- e C1 :n SLbsec_:cn 3(1) a"d 1; in seventy-fiv- (75l :eat i�::d:v,. of t,.e T �- Ward ed^a of rreshna:2r walla: d. cst ^c- DEPARTMENT CF PLANNING COUfv T, `( OF SUIIFFOLK PATRICK G. HALPIN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE REC-7iVIED, 0E0, 1 a 1991 H E M 0 R A N D U H ARTHUR H. Kuvz C.REC-OR OF PLANNING December 10, 199' T0: Suffolk Counter Town and Village :la.*zning Soares Suffo—lk CounI:7 Town and Village Clarks - "Cu: Art .ur 4. 7-unz Dizaccor Fes for Review of Zoning and Subdivision Actions and Apolicat'_ons Sl:i_o' r tys c::__ COU. 1 i zra t financial SitL'atiCil Ras led t::e leg_sla- c-2re to adopt Reso"utian ( 809-1991 wnicn auchcr_zes fees for certain actions and applications subm7.tted to the of�ioeS Of t e Sur-aoik COunty �_anni_.g Co=issiOn. As of ian arq 1, 1992, zoning and subdivis:cn' actions and aDplicat=ons requiring si;n;1:4Cant rev,-ew wiil be subject to a --50 fee iOr each zoning ac=Jon and $?.S per lot far each s bdiv4sion aD_Dlicstian. Actions on a Town or Vi'_lage motion will be expmpcad from the fees. please [IOti 7 all applicants subject to COunt3 review Of t?:e recuito—enc of Count7 processing fee. This office will bill t:he aD_ Diicant direc=ll once the need for significant review is determined. - AEK; pd cc: Gerald Neuman Frank Dowling Luc: --e Garde_ VC-t.gANy 'E-'CRIAL .. (;;'wAY UPoa Ups nEy ..CRK 1 t 1783 31 G1 ]DQ719� T d APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The 'Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the pari: of -town officers and employees. The' purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow It to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME:L (Last name, first- name, middle initial, unless you are applying in Lite name of someone e.l,se or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate. the other person's or company's name.) NATURE OF APPLI,CATIO.N: (Check all that apply. ) 'Pax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval. of plat; Exemption from.p.l.at or official. map Other (If "Other," name Lite activity.) Do you personally (or through your company, spoune, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the 'Poen of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business Interest. "business Interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which, the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares.. YIN'S NO If you answered "YES,". complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of.Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer ,or employee of his or tier spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that; -apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant. is a corporation); 13) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant-; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OC RELATIONSII.11' Submitted this day of lggg S igna Lu re �—�– P r. t. n I; name