HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1657 GF S.~:<Eo ~ ~r~:~y ViS ~'~LE i<OO?~ZSG ~.-~ I.~OOR,'i,GS AND bIUST Di ~ x~ ALL DCCi~ AND Bu~EADS }lUST DiSP~Y ViSiBLE PEPd.ilT ~-~ERS Of Soutno, d Town Trustees SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK '{ .... ¥ PERMIT NC ...... ~6.67. ......... ' DATE: ~.~g~.!....~... Z98: ISSUED TO ............. .~Z~ ~....6..~_..~.8[~.~2~ ................................................................ Pursuan? ?o fhe provls;cns o{ Chaplet 615 of fhe Laws o{ fhe, Sfafe ~o~ ~ew Yor~, 1893: and CM=fer 404 o~ fhe Laws o~ S~afe o~ New Yor~ 19~z: and ~he Sou~no,o Town Ordinance en- rolled ' REGULATING AND THE PL~ING OF O~STRUCTIO~S ~: IN AND ON T W .... r ~, O N WA~cxS AND PUzdC LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS. FROM LANDS UNDcx TOWN WATcx5; and in aocordance wii~ fhe Re~olufion ~ The Boara' a~o~r*d~ ' afa m~eflng held on .~.B~.~...Z.~ .... 19..8.3..., an~ m con~aeran~n o~ fhe sum ~ $..~.~..t..~ pa~a by of ....... ~t.Z.~k ................................................. N. Y. and subjecf fo Term~ and Con~iHons ~ed on fhe reverse ~ide hereo~, o~ 5oufhe~d Town Trusfees aufhorizes and permif~ ~he following: ,.., A~pZZoa~on approved unde~ the G~ndf~he~ Clause ?ii ~o obtain a permit for a 8' x 18' floa~ dock in Matt ituck Creek. ~, ~. m ,ne defai[e~ specmcanons as presenfe~ ;n ,~:~,x~-.~, ~he o6gJnar[n9 app~caHon. .'a~-*~*'~*'~,'t IN WITNESS WHE~EOP, T~e ~ai~ ~ ' '. ' ¢ ........ ~oar~ o{ Trusiees ~]!~. ~<,~z~.;., ~1~':~, ~ '~'/ causes i?s Corporaie Sea] fo ~e af~ixec and ihes~ pres'enfs +o ~,..~":~: ....... '~? CdVi* 4 ,: be su~scrmea ..... ~y' a me[oriry of fhe sa]d,ooaro' as of ;,h~s' dar.e.' TELEPHONE ~516~ 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 August 8, 1983 Mrs. Sven E. Englund 800 Jackson Landing Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mrs. Englund: I am happy To enclose your permit for your dock, which was approved at the regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees on June 7, 1983. Please post your permit number, on the s~ructure. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Clerk Attachmen~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Soufl:old Main Road $outhold. New York 11971 NOTZCE OF ACTION - NOT A PER~4!T To: .......... s.v.~a..a,...~g~..~.~&....4...0..0.....4 ~..c.~.s...o..n.. &~.~.i.~?..,....~..a.~ .t.!.t..=...c.~ .............................. 1 Your opbIication, dated .... .4-/.2~./.1~.3. ............................. ~t .................. has aeon revmwed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on ................... J~u~e...?.,..3~..8.~. ............................................ end resulting in the action, as indicated below: (....~XX.X ,~.ppHcotion appraved. ( ............ > AppHcaHon denied. ( ............ > ^pplicotian tablea. 2. Commen~s and remarks: Application approved under the Grandfather Clause. A PEP~qIT FEE 3. I..~, ,-,cur cgglication is conroven abgv~, .'~%,..i ~= ,~ on8 should be mode the. S.cheduleof Rat~s ~s .... ~.u .' .. , ==*. -,,,* ,ce ms computed b~law occnrdi.~ If me Perm,t Fe~ is ~-;~ ;- pp~Ang and ad~l~.zona~ ~ee ..... T ~.s~ ar the same time. If the roe' is paid b~ moil, the permit will be mallet in redly. Computation of Permit Fee: 8' x 18' flo~t = 144 sq. ft. :'~t .25 sq. ft. = $36.00 ~5.00 lite charge for application 5.00 Total ~mount due for application S41.00 Total Fee for this application ............... , .............................. $ ............ .4.1.0C Pres. 13oard of Southold Town Trustees. .................... . ................ ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST ,. .~A?~ O? C~EK~,~$?-~,~ ._~/'(C< _/-~/ DISP~y VISIBLE PE~IT NUMBE~ BOARD OF TOW~ TRUSTEES .-~:_-; ...................... S*uthold. hew York 11971 APPLICATION FOR F~ED and/or ~Og_TI~G DOCKS .., .......... ........................................... ........... __ 2. .... ~ ~ ~ ~.,, [~ /, n ~ ................... ~"f'"'~'~-~.~.~ ................ ......................... ~ ........... ~.r.~..~...~2Z. a~....~ ....... 4. a~er issuance o~ a ~rmi~, work mus~ De co~ ~- · ~oat completed snm~e~ lq~O ~RGE 5. ~ecure the~ ~ correct Xrea ~ ~rc~YRe Clerk of this Board. end by using a/X WITHIN A CIRC~= indicate ~s closely as 3oss"D,~ the location of this dock. On th~_ ~, ~ reverse sEde of this mop, provide a S~La DRAV/ING which win show Ordinary Nigh Water Mark, the shape cnd size o~ the dock ~nd any supplemental pilings which ~re nee~ea to hold a floating dock ~r he-up n boat. Give al dimensions necessan, re determine ~he area cf [ ~4-~u EXmENDS ~_z~.. OFFSHO~ from theO ~,/.~.if adiacen~ property docks.~D ~= · - ~ ........ ~e -. ec~y Iocanmon and length to scale 6. ?/,H an[ ~or[~on ~r rhm construction ex, end o~shore ~nto Town Water~ beyond ~me or Oounaa~ ,armed by other similar st~ctures along the orea's shoreline? ~ NO. if [t does extend beyond this so-c~Hed d~k llne indicate by how for, approximate y,. ........ 7. Provide fha following doauments: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Su~ey O3 the prope~ involved. (b), A Copy of me Contractor's Plans and 5~e¢~f~' ¢c1 Skor~ Envzronmental Assessment Fo -' ~i¢~ ~?stlanps .~pplication , rm, _ _ '~gmg of any matermi fram ~own Lands under water> ~r NO. If it does, term A/4 (Application for Dredging/Fi]linC must be completed and arrccned as part' of this cppllcetion. 9. In requesting approval of this opDllcotion, ~ submit that: the mformar~or, presented herein is true and correct to ~he gesr of my kno~ledge aha belief; [ am the person accountable for the performance of the work in aCCOrflance with me Plans ~n~ seec'ficehons crrachea: [ nave reaa er om Familiar w,r~ the 9revisions cf any Sourho]d Town Ordinance pertinent re me work involved- and further, intend to adhere to and abide by',h_¢ Terms ant Conditions of me Permit, when end i~ msuea re me. lO. To expedite finding specific loca~for ~ection, indicat= ...~%.=:~ ......... by using a temporary marker~ : ~ ~..~~~ INSTRUCTIONS: '" (o) t~ Order to answer the-questions in this short EAF it is oSsumel that the preparer will use currently ava£1able £nformatlan concerning the project and the likely impacts of the ac{ion. I¢ ~s not expected · additional studies, research o~ otker investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form Ss necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No $¢ $5 ~£~ely tha~ th£s project is not significant. ~=~:. ._ (d) E~¥&'[onmen(el Assess~en( 1. ~'¢ill projec~ resui~ in a large physical change to ~he project site or physically ~lte~ more then 10 acres of land? ....................... Yes 2. Will there be e ma~or change ~o any unique or unusual land form found on the site? ..... ;... Yes -+ 3. Will projec~ alter or have a large altec, on existing body of wa~er? ...................... Y~s ~ No ¢. Will project have o potentially large impact on groundwater quoli~¥9. . - ................. ... Yes_ ~No_ 5. Will project sig6ificantly effect drainage. flow on adjacent sites? ..% ............ Yes &"No 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant ar animal species? ............ ~Yesj/N° 7. Will projec~ result in a major adverse on air quality? ............... Yes character ~ the community or scenic vie~s or vis,es known ~o be important ¢o the community? Yes ~/No ?. Will project adversely impact any si~e or s~zuctuze aC historic, prehistoric or p~leon~ologlcol importance or any designated as a critical environmen~bl by o local agency? .............. '~..-v~.;'-.,-.-~--~..=_ YeS'No 10. Will projec~ have a bazar effect on existing or ~utuze recreational opportunities? ......... Yes ~No 11. Will projec~ =esui~ in molar ~ro~ic problems or cause a mo~or e~ec¢ ¢0 existing transpor%a¢ion sys~ems?]"; ..................... .' Yes, 12. Will projec¢'regolarly cause objec%ionable od~rs, noise, ~l~re, ~ibr~ion, or electrical disturbance 05 o rasul~ o~ %he projec%~s opera,ion? ' ' Yes ~No 13. %~il! project hove any impact on public health' or safety? Yes' 14. Will project offer% the existing_ c_ommunity .~y ~ directly causing a growth'in-per~s6en% population o~ more.~'han 5 percen~ over a one .-. ~ear period or hav~ a ma3or n.ega~ive e~fec'% on %he character of %he c_~mmuni~y or ' neighborhood? " t5. Is %here public con%zoversy concerning %he .' projec%? ....................... PREPARER'S SIGNATURE