HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1705 GFDC~i~ A~:D BU~EADS .4Ua. DiSPlAY ViSibLE PEEC'~IT ~ r., N/A PERMIT NO. 1705 : DAT:*Oct. 24, 1983 ~ '. Jack Drobe% ISSUED TO ............ :. ........................................................................................................... Pursuanf +o fha proykicns o{, Chaplet 615 ~ fha La~s ,0~ ~he Sfafe o{ New Yor~, 1893; an~ Chamfer 404 o~ fha Laws ot Sra~e or ~ew Yor~ {~52: an~ The Sou~no,~ Town Ordinance K.~ULATIN~ AND THE PLAC~N~ O~ OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TO~N ~ATERS AND PU~dC~ LANDS an~ REMOVAL OF SAND, ~RAYEL OR OTHER MATERIALS LANDS UNDER TOWN RS; an~ In accorcance w.n Reso[uf[on of The Boarg a~opfe~ afa meetin~ he[~ on I%..~.&. and in .... " c~:er~non o~ fha sum of $ 5.0'0 ' .. pa~: ...... :~ Ap.~_ D~Q~ ........................................................... ............................................... N. Y. and ~ub[ec+ ~o Terms end Ccnd[f[ons ]isled o: +he reverse s~de ~ereof, ot ~outn:- Town Trustees aufnorlzes and perm[fs fne App11~atLo~ a~?~o~e~ ~e~ the G~a~%at5e~ Clause to seo~ze a ~e~mZt ~o~ a ~ook La Dee~ ]ole C~eek. eli ]n accordant_ w~fn ,.,e deTm[e: spec[f[caf[ons as ?re$enfed ~he or~gJnar~ng app[~ca~cn. IN WT~q ~/~=D:~: The sai~ ~ ' .oar~ o~ Tru~fees ~ere- ~y cause= i~s C~r~orafe Seal ~o ~e a~xe~, an~ ~es~ presenfs ~ .~=; =:{~-~g" ~ ~ ........................................... TER~S and CONDITIONS Jack Drobet The P errnir:,e: r:{4[ng a~ Box 965, Lupton Point, Mattituck N. ¥, par~ of the com.~ideredou for ~e ~c~ of ~: P~: d~ ~de~d ~d p~ to ~: fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trus=ees Permit must be prominently disp!aved on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2. ~Ka; ~e ~d ~ of T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~ofd ~ ~ed from ~ ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~, of ~ z~g ~y or ~27 ~ a ~ of ~y o~- u~der adon ~rfo=~ p~=~ to ~s ~q ~d ~e ~d Pe=r~ w~L at~ ~he: own defend any ~d ~i su~ ~ ~t~ bz ~d pa~=, an~ ~e ~d Pe~m~ ~ ~ ~W . wis respec: ~crero, ro ~e ~mpl~e ~ct~ion of ~e ~d of T~em of ~e Town of ~oldPermzt':- 3. Thz: ~ Pe~r ~ v~d for n ~ of .Ox? ~A~ w~ ~ ~d~ ro ~ sufficient ~e r~uired ro complete ~e work ~volv~ but should ~c~r~ w~ for ~ eme~ion may he ~de to ~e B~a ar a later 4. ~at ~s Per~r shoed be rera~ ~def~re!7, or ~s long ~ ~ s~d P~e ~ to m:imain the s~m~e or pmje~ involve, to ~rov{de e~d~ce to ~7one ~nce~ ~ au~- - - ot~adon w~ ori~mlly obr~ned. 5. ~at ~e work ~volved will be mbj~ ro ~e ~sp~on ~d approvM of ~e ~d or im agents, and non-comFHance ~Sth the prov~io~ of ~e ori~g appHmdo~ ~y ~ ..... for revocaffon of this Pe~it by r~otuHon of ~e said B~rd. 6. ~ar there will be no ~r~sanable inrerf~ence wi~ re~t of ~e w~ herein nut,orbed. 7. That ~ere shall ~ no ~refferenee w[~ the right of ~e ~bHc to p~s ~d rep~ ~ong hhe beach be~een h~gh and Iow water m~ks. 8.. That ~ furore oper~io~ of ~e Town of ~etd r~uke ~e'r~oval ~d/or in tke location of ~e' work her~n au~od2~ or fi, ~ ~e opium of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ work sh~ ~use u~e~onable obs~on to free navigation. ~he s~d Peewee ME ~ u~n due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stared ~ou~ ~ to ~ 9. =ar ~e smd Bo=d ,gl ~ no~i~ by the Pe~=ee or ~e C=FieHon of ~e work o~ed. (See tear off sheet.) !0. ~at ~e Permi::ae wH] obt~a all o~e~ perm and co~enm ~a: my ~ r~ ~ plement~ to ~ pe~ whimh ~y ~ ~bj~ to revoke u~om f~e-~o ob~ ,LL DOC;iS 'AND BULKH~-~,DS MUST BOARD OF TO~'N TRUSTEES 31SPLAy V!StBLE P~RMIT NUMBERS TpFn of~ Southold 4tarn* Road ALL [~I~gRINgS AND STAGES ~,]UST Southold, ~rew York ]1971 31SPLAY VISBLE MOO~ING NOTICE 0F ACTION - ~OT A PE~,i~T To: Jack Drobet I. Your oppIication, doted . 9/6/83 ........................................................................... ....................................................................... has been revmwed by this Board, at o meeting of the Trustees held on October !1, 1983 end resu{tbg in the action, os indico~ed be[ow: (....X..X...X...) Application opproved. · { ............ ) Applicotion denied. ( ............ } Applkotion toned. 2. Commems end remorKs: Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to secure a permit for a dock in Deep Hole Creek~ 3. If vcur ee~[icstio,~b_~..m... . A PEPC4'ZT FEE .- ~ ,~'? .... ,,,e =oard of So,,,k~- - ~ ..... paid wlchfn ~--~,/~t torth in the In¢* .... If the Permit ~{~..~r re-appI~h~'~n%e~JS=rm Computfltlom o~ Permit Fee:p y mini, the permit Total Fee for this cppl/~ation ....... TELEPH O,,X~ f516~ 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southolct, New York 1 I971 October 24, 1983 Mr. Jack Drobet Post Office Box 965 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Drobet: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferl~ Clerk to Trustees Attachment · . DISPLAY VISIBLE PER~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold '" Main Road '.jt~ Southold. New York 11971 ~, ~ APPLICATION FOE FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCKS ,.-~./~....~..~.~.~-w...v~c..~.~...-......../..~.~.....~ ~'- --''~- ............. .~... ......................... ' .... ..... .................... "' ........ 2j ...... ........... · ' ~Z~ ~'~ ~A.~ ....... .. .D. :~ ~ ~ / _ ~ ~ d ,. ......... ~ ....... ~ .~...~ ...... ................. ~z. . Z.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ e2~'J'}~ ................................... ~ ..... ~'~'"'~'"~ 4. A~ter issuance o~ a Permit, work mus~ be completed within one year. LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area ,%qsp ~rcm the Clerk o~ th~s Board. snd by A C~RC~ indics~e cs c)ose~v cs poss~bie the location of this deck. On the reverse side of th~s map, provide c SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary Hi~h_ Wat~ M~rk, ~ne shade cna ~/ze of [ne ~cck ~nd ~ny supplements pHir]s which are needed to hold a ficcrlng dock or tie-u~ n bcqt ~ive ~[I flimens'on~ n~:s~r, to deform'ne +' · ~'2~ZCH EX~Zi,iDS OFPSP~OP~ from the O. ~. ~V'. N% ~f ad3aceng prope~y owners ~.ave docks, specify, location and len~hi~ ~o scale. 6. %Viii any sorties cf this construct~on extend offshore into Town %~aters beyond cn I[ne or bounca~/ formed Dy other similar structures c[on9 the staG's shoreline? YE5 or NO. If it coos exrena De,z,ona this so-called deck line /nd[caTe gv how far, ccgrox;mat~ v 7. Provide the following documents: (b} A cody of the Contractor's Plans aha ~DecJficGTtorls. ~~.ho~% ~nviro[~e~a! Assessment For~. w~t iar~s Ap~mlca~i,~n ................ ~ ..... I~nd otIsnore of the Ordino~ u:gh Micter tAark or me Dre~gmG of any mcterlol from Town kanos unde-w~ter? YES or NO. If ~ d:es, Form A/4 ~ ...... - cppiic~ficn.,A~ ....... n for Oredgmg/Fil[ing; must De completed cna arrcchea as parr of this 9. In requesting CDP?OVal Of this application, J sub,it that: the ~n(ormauon presented herein 'nvoJveo: and further, J intona ro adhere ro aha a~Jd~ D~ ~h8 Te~F3S and Ccndi:mns of th~ Permit, w~e~ cna JE issuec ~o ~0. Wa ex~edite ~!~di~g specific location ~or-2nsp_ctlon,~ indicate bv uszng a temporary marker~ -' - .- A/2 Ree~ 2/82 L. S ........... ~.['. ................................. : ......... Lake / / / / / / / Board Of'Southold Town 'Trustees - Grandfather . SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK - ISSUED TO Jack Drobe~LL DOCKS AND BULKNEADk'"'~bST . ~his, _ permz~ has zeen ~.-~zeree~m .... , .that the work as authori, -~ - Aloo t~ - -, ~ nov r =a · - - - I fu-- e~u~_ep on this -~ -. ~ ~o_ you~ inspec- - ~-°2ect is clearly visibi~. ~he~ understand this permzt is non valid un~il this ~ear sh.ee~ - is returned to the Trus~me~.