HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1757 ALL :4GORINGS AXD STAKES 51~ DISPLAY VISIBLE 5[GORING NU~,iBERS ALL DOCKS A~ND BULKHEADS MU§T DISPLAY VISIBLE PE~IIT NUP.iBERS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Moorzng ~ ISSUED TO Ron Ddbert .................. Pursuant' fo the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 189:1~ and Chapter 404 of fha Laws of the State of New York 19~2: and the Sobfhold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS:" and in accordance wffh 4'he Resolution of The Board adopted at a' meefbg heid on ...b.g..~.~ .....1=...1., 19...8.3_, and in consideration of the sum of $ ..-~....9..©. pald by ............................................. ~.o.~......D....o..b..~.~ ~. ................................................................................... o~ ......... M.~t,..t..J..t..~.~.k.. ............ N.Y. and subiect to the Terms and Condffions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Soufhold Town Trustees aufhorizes and permifs the following: Appl±cat£o~ a~oved to construct ~ cat~alk ±~ a g~tter o£E GE Ja~es C~eek, .Ma~±t~¢k. all in accordance wifh fha detailed speciflcafions as presented in the originating appllcaflon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The sald Board of Trustees here- by causes frs Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents fo be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of fhls da{e. Please tear off and return t-o-'~-he Tr-usteb-~ ............... Board Of Southold Town Trustees Grandfather SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK.,~ .... ,,, .', :'~- ~ Clause AL!_ ~u'~,,~ ,-,,TD ~U~.x .AD~ MUST MOOP. IiCG NO. DISPL,"\Y VISi3L5 PEP, MIT [4UMB&P,S PERMIT NG. 1757 DATE: Oct. 31, 1983 I_~Ua~ TO Rpb Dobe~t .. I, ceruif~, thac the work as authorized in tkz. s permz% ~as been comp!coed and %s now readv for your inz~ec- rich. Also, tke number required on tkzs ~rojec~ is c[ear!y visible. I furtker understand tkis permzt is noz va!i~ un,i! tkis t~ar sheet TELEPHONE ¢516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 13, 1983 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southcld Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Judy: Transmitted herewith is the action taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on October 11, 1983: RESOLVED to recommend to 5he Southold Town Board APPROVAL of the Wetland Application ~167 for Ron Dobert to construct a 250' x 3' catwalk in James Creek, Mattituck. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Paul Stoutenburgh President PS:ip NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAU OF MARINE HABITAT PROTECTI~,~ ~ BLDG. 40 - STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW STONY BROOK~ NE~ YORK 117~4 (516) 751-7900 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Mr. Run Dobert 31 Southern Blvd. ~ovember 23~ 1987. East Patchogue, NY 11772 Date of Violation: September ll, 1987 Location: Ole Jule Lane, James Creek, ~attituck P~rmit Numoer (if applicable): 10-85-1193 Dear Mr. Dobert: Records of this Department indicate that you are in violation of the environmental Conservation Law (ECL): Article 15, ~rotection of Waters, Section 15-0501.1, 50~.1, 0505.1 X Article 25, Tidal Wetlands, Section 25-8401.1 in that you caused, or permitted to be caused: Construction of 26± if oi timber catwalk in non-compliance with issued permit in that structure i~ not located a minimum of 5' over grade, construction of a 4'x8' platfor~ in intertidal marsh and additional 18' of catwalk constructed ~ith permit. A violation of this/these Articles of ECL is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of not more than $3.000 and/or $8,000. You are, hereby, advised to cease your operation at the referenced location immediately. Please contact this office at once so that we may attemot to resolve this matter. A failure ~o contact this office within 30 days will result in this matter being referred to the Department's Regional Attorney for legal action. Very truly yours, Charles T. Hamilton Chief, Marine Regulatory Section CTH:dr ECO Obenauer Southold Town Trustees Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T. TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516~ 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 28, 1983 ~. Paul Stoutenburgh, President Board of Southold Town ~rustees Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Stoutenburgh: Transmitted herewith is application no.167 for a wetland permit submitted by Ron Dobert. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T. TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Dated: November 2, 1983 Pursuant ~o Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part.617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below, has determined that the project, which is unlisted will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Application of Ron Dobert for a wetland permit. Permission ms requested for construction of catwalk at James Creek on Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck, New York. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for zhe following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effect to the environment are likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been a response from the Board of Southold Town Trustees and Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council indicating that this project would not have a significant effect to the environment. Because there has been ao response in the allotted time from the New York State Departmen~ of Environmental ConserVation and the Southold Town Building Department, it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. Further information can be obtained by contacting Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Copies to: David DeRidder, DEC, Stony Brook Commissioner Williams, DEC, Albany Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Trustees~ Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Ron Dobert TELEPHONE f516~ 765':1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 4, 1983 sation today, with Trustee Stoutenburgh, I have Please fill it out and return to this office along with a S5.00 filing fee, so that your-,~pptication ca~e acted upon at the earliest possible date. I have made coDies of your work plan, map of property to help make this more convenient for you. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees ne Pfifferlin~ Clerk to Trustees Attachment '-.LL DOCKS 'AND BULKHEADS MUST BOARD OF TOW'~ TRUSTEES OISPLAX VISIBLE P~RMIT NUMBERS Town of Southold ~Iain Road ALL fvlO lNgS ArID STAKES MUST Sout~old. ~'ew Yor~ ]19?1 ISPLAY VISIBLE EOORING NU !BE S NOTICE OF ACTION - N~ A PE~,IIT To: ........ Ran Dobert I. Ycur aPPffcotioa, dated ...... 1QL..1..1./...8..3. ....... ' ................... ........................................ has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees he d on 10/11 /8,3. cnd resulting in the act/on, os indicated below: (I~XDLXX~[X APpJicotion approved. · ( ............ ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled.; 2. Comments and remarks: Application approved ~o construct a catwalk in a gutter off of James Creek, Mattituck. the. Schedul~ ~/: r)~,. .~ u, ?outnold Town Trustee~'~zt-:- ",~" Y~ ~no snou~a be made ~ ' pazd wzC~n"~s~ set forth in the .... .-' --~,,,~ tee ~s computed bela,v ~ .... ~. yaole tf the Permit Fe~ i- %-'~ ' re-apDZyzn= an~ %e&~..~rm at the Same hme. 1¢ the ¢~ ' P... to the becrerarv of thC R¢~.4 mk - e wz~ ~e neces - ~ . -~ ~s pa,a by mail, the perm'it ~mputation of Permit Fee ~- mouea- m reply ALL DOCKS AND ~"" '"' '-- ~-U~-KH:ADS MUST - DISPLAY ¥,~I~L"~ ' rcRM~ i ~NU~v~RS Tctal Fee far this application ..... ' 5 ............................................. $ ........ .....o..0. by ...... ¢~-.,,j,~,~ ~.~,~,¢, ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS BOARD OF TOWN T~U~T~ Town Of Southold .... ~ ........ ~ Southol& New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR F~ED ~na/or FLOATING DOCKS ~ ~ ~' 2. Ozntrootor's nome and address: ff.'¢'¢~ - - .................................................................................... Z....Z% ..... ~ 3. J~rief/y explain the purpose Of this cpplJcation: '-'/'-~---~---.~'~-?---'~-,.~-.~..~..'~'...~'..~'.Z~..._..,~.. ................................................................... :~... ~ 4. After issuanze of a Permit, wa_.. mush ~e com~!eted w~th-:~ one year. ~. Secure the correct Areu Mag from the C1 .... ~f this Eczrd, end by using a/X WITHIN '~ t~ ~. LA P.G~ mcp,~; provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary Hieh M/6te~ M~rk, tne' .... ' c,,~ size of me dock anc ~nv supplementa~ pilings which ~re needed to ho[c ~ z ..... - or tie-uo n boer. Give ah al;mans'one necessur,., re determine the erae cf the dect ~ ' .............. DS 0 ..... 0.~ from the O. H. W. ~. If ad]acen~ pro~e~y owners ~ave docks, specify loc~Cion and len~zh to scale ~6. %Vfll any portion ot this construct' on %xton~ ~z,-k_ , .', · , .... ~,,a,,ur~ hq,o lawn ','Vcter~ beyond en line or bouncc~7 termed uy other similar structures e on the ~ '~ ' If ~t does extens beyona thi~ ~-~tJe~ z ,. ,; . . . g, a,?a ~ snot_bna? YES or ~ 7 ...... u~. hne md~ca,e cy how tar, approximately .......... 7. Provide the fo[l~wing documents: A Licensee ~ngineer's Survey of the progenyinvolves.' (b) A cgoy of the ContracTors Plans cna ~PecifizotJons. ~¢i~ ................ Assessme~ ~or~. 8 ~?etlan~s AppJ. ic.ati~n i tn*s construction require the Filling of an,/ Janc~ of'snore of the Ordinam/ High ~Vcter Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Land; under wGrgr? YES or~ If it dzes, Form ,~/4 (rX¢DIJczt~on for Dre~ging/Fillfnq. must b~ completed xn~ attached as ~art of application. - - . 9. In requestmg cSDro'voJ 3f this application [ subm,t that: the mrcr~ :Hen Pr¢sented herein involved; and further. I arena re ccn~re to one aD,de by the Tetras and Cc.qo~cr.s of 10. To expedite finding spec;fi= locatlca f~ insDec=ion ":"-:"-'~:,3,-bT..using a temporary marker;, ~ ~=~ , indicate GREAT PE¢ONI¢ BAY SUFFOLK CO. ~;~Al H ~::, --'"'"""~'"-'-~ " · -' t .~ SUFFOLK CO. D~T. OF ~ - / ! {S] A~PLICAI~T .... .~. ~/ ~ ~(~' SUFFOLK COUi~TY D~P~ SERVICES -- FOR ' '~ "~" 7~ _ "~.-:.-:_..?~ ~ x ~ ,~,~: ' 'm-"'. ...... i-'.:" -"' o~_ ~_.;u.~/._,~,',;F:s- J~/ ~.~:C~,-~F~ ~ ' ' . .,':~ TESTHOL~ . J -- ~ ~ ' .~.~ ~,.~ .,.~.~ .'.- - . C,~o LICENSED L~h~g TOWN OF SHORT ENVIRONk~ENTAL ASSESSL{ENT FOR~J INSTRUCTIONS: (al tn order to answer the.questions in this short EAF it is aSSumed thc~ the preparer will use currently available i'nformation concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expec¢ed that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be significant and o completed Environmental Assessment Form Ss necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely th-'~t this not project is significant (d) Environmental AsSessment .... :' 1. WiLt projeaz result in a large physical change to the project site or physically alter more ~han 10 acres of land? ......... - ............... Yes 2. Wilt there be a major chan~e to any unique or -unusual land form found on the site? ...... ;... YesF/No 3. Will project alter or have c large effec~ on ex~sting body of water? ....................... yes F/No 4. Wfll project have a potentially large impact 'd ' q lity? Ye on groun woter ua ................. ...... s o 5. Will project sig~ificanfly effect drainage. flow on adjacent sites?..- ...................... Yes/No. 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? ........... Yes ~/~No 7. Will pro3eci result in a major adverse effect on air quality? ............................... Yes/Nb 8. Will pro3ect have a major effect on visual character Of fhe community or scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? Yes /No ?. Will project adversely impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontologicel importance or any site designated os o critical environmental oreo by a local agency? ............ ~..~-~.v-..~-.~--~..~. YeJ /No 10. Will project have o major effecl on existing or future recreational opmortunitles? ......... Yes./No 11. Will project result in major traffic problems _ or cause a major effect fo existing ~ransportation systems?.-~ ..................... yes F/No 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable od~rs, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of %he project's operation? .................................... Yes /No 13. Will project have any impact on public health' - safety? Yes 14. Will project affect the existing community directly cousin§ o growth in permanent populotion of more t'hsn 5 percent over o on~ year period or'hov~ o major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood?. - ................... - Ye-s / No 15. Is there public controversy concerning ~he projeat? ....................................... P REPARER'$ SIGNATURE ~~)~ - REPRESENTING DATE- Town 0£ Southold Town Clerk's Of[ice ~(~ Southold, N. Y. SEP 2 7 APPLICATION FOR WETL~S PERM~ ............. ................... ............................... (A ' ~ ~ ~ Identity of Appllca.t . ~ ~ ~T . Address of Applicant ~...~.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-- ~' ~ Z/~ C ~NSTRUCTION$ FOP, PERMIT A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town C~erk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter- permission from the owner of the property Jf not the same as ti~e applicant. B. Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse ~ide of this application showing the location of property, ' the names and locations of owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed description of proposed proiecr (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and attached lo the Permit ADp] cation.) C. No operation sho] ~e initiated by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. D. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the work is completed mast be given, including a survey if required. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must ye accompanied by a survey and topogrophicc map certified by a registered land survey or Professional Engineer. The horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- ings shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked or suspended by a governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This filing fee includes one inspection.. there is a $5.00 fee for each additional inspection. the prows~ons of Ar['icle ii, SectionT~ /subdivision, (~l ,,,4 '~- - .......... ~, where it finds that nature of the proposed operations are such that the requirements of such prowsions are not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. I. Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk wit issue a ~ermit to the applicant. Such permit shall be available for insoection at any time, upon request. Examined ......................... 19... Approved ......~....~- -~-.~7-.-~ .-~.-,---~.~---- Disapproved ........................................................... APFLICATION tS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk New York, for the issuance of a permit pu~uant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regutmions govern- ing the Coastat and interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit requested to ................................................................................................................... . . ..... . ..... Location of prope~y for which permit wanted....,~~..~ ...... Creek, Boy or Harbor fronting prope~ ~...~.~.~ ........ Size of proposed work: .... .................................................................................................................................. Width Height Above High Water Depth Below Low Water ........................................................................................................................ Yards to be ~c~ated .......................................................................................................................... Yards to be Filled ................................................................................................................................... Width of c~nal, creek or boy fronting prope~ ................................................................................. Depth at Low Tide ........ ~ ...................................................................................................................... Average Rise in Tide Is this for ar/vote or business use? ~' '~'~" · .... Area Zoning ............ ~5' ...................................................................................................................... Manner n which material will be removed or deposited ................................................................... intended use of property Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant ........................................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: .......... .~._~.~.......~...~...~...~ ................................................... being duly sworn deposes and s~ys that he is the applicant for the above described oermit, and that c statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and a] damages and claims arising under or by ~~nted. Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this ..,~..-~,. .................. ..... ~ Notary Public /~ ...... N. p~CTE~ PJ~_~4VON J~. NO~¥ PUBLIC, Stat~ ~ New N,~. 92 - 3210931, Suf4:olk