HomeMy WebLinkAboutDESPOSITO, ARMIDABOARD OF TOWN TRU.~TEES TOWN OF SrlUTHOLD O~tober 5, 1972 Supervisor Albert M. Ma~tocchia Southold TOWn Board 16 South Street G~eenpO~t, Hew York 11944' Dear Mr, M~toc~hia: The ~oard of Tow~ Trustees ~ec~mendS that the Southold Town Board disapprove th~,applic~tion of'~ Armida C. DespoSito, who ~eques~ permission to ftil Wetlands on his property a~Gre~t Pond, off Kehn~S Road, $outhold, New Y~rk. This project planned by M~. DeSpositO would substantially aff~ th~ ecology Of the area, as he proposes 5o fill two~thirds of his ~ot, which includes Water and ma~Bh, a~d has much wildlife on it, very truly yours, Alvah B. GOldsmith Chairman Board of Town Truste~ /jb ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICE OF &PPLICATION ,Notice is hei~by given tha~. pursuanl, to Conservation Law. Article V. Part III-A. 'and Pub- Itc Law 91-224. ~ction 21 b)/ said Law (s), Armida C. Des- plication and published, rules and place 20~cuJ yds. of ~1 x 1~ ft. in Gr~t Po~d on her property. :at Sou~h01d, ~ew ~ork. ~rea 'l~ated in c~ve at e~ter~ end o~ pond bordering Keuny's Road, 103 ft south 0f ~ner Lake Drive. Any person ~t~es~d in ~s applica~n who wishes to be~ wiIh publish~ rulea~nd ~ons of the Department notify the undersigned in writ{rig eligible to ~ hea~'d if a public he~ng ~ ul~a~ly BOARD OF' TOWN TRUSTEES TnwIN ElF SOUTHOLD December 5, 1972 J. Spagnoli Permit Agent State Department of nmental~Conservation NO. 40 iversity of New York New Y ~k 11790 t Town Trustees wishes to o~3edtlon to the granting of a permit to :?~sposito,: who has applied to place 200 ~f fill in her property at Great Pond, ~xamined the property and we do John J Spagnoli · · ~ . it would be in the best interest of the Local Perr~lit Agen~ .' Robert S. Drew Southold to grant such an application. This Cehtral Permit Agent r is considered wetlands by this Board and it Date: November ~, 1972 . I52T3-00~2 Very .truly yours Alvah B. Goldsmith, BOard of Chairman NewYorkStateDepartment of Environmental Conservation Building # 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11790 Henry L Dfamond Commissioner December 7, 1972 Mr, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Southold,:New Yerk 11971 Dear Sir Reference: Application No. 15273,0052 Reference is made to your letter of December 5, 1972 requesting recognition of your interest in the subjeCt application. Please be informed that you are recognized as a Party-in-Interest in this procee~i~n~ and will be appraised of any and all action taken with respect to this ~pplicat~on. Sincerely yours Local Permit Agent JJS:pri sriUTHDLD, L. 1, N. ¥. 11971 August 8, 1972 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith: Transmitted herewith is application No. 9 for a wetland permit submitted by Armida C. Desposito. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit said report to the Southotd Town Board within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk TOWN cLERK's OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. ?ion FOR WETLANDS PERMIT Date .of Applica~ lication'is to be com ~letely filled in by ~itted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, .the Plan must be drawn~to Scale on the rever . · !ation showing the lo~ation of property, the nam6~ and locations. /''' ., of adjoining properties~ and a det~iled.descri projectl (Note: CoPies of the Pilot Plan~ may Copy 'machine and attached to the Permit Applica .ons shall'be initiat are required are issued. ~mises after th~ork is completed must be g S private'single d~ck or jetty, the~ ~ional Engineer. The horiz6ntal~- upon an approvedtoca!. .inate ands0uDdin~ nd res datum. · · n :A0ns .conducted o issued ~o erect ~tructures fill ~id premises, and~ w~het~her any-,-~ :~Voked~ or suspended by :ionl ,, 9pon request :ions' are such that'the~ ch ~cessary for a proper considertion of a ~tion. a~proval ~ this 'aPp!ic&'~ion the Town.clerk will issue the ap~ .cant~ Such permit Shall be avail~l~ for ' ' time, upon request. · D~sapproved " " C~itions any ''~' :' " : H~,REBY MADE to ,the', Town of the' Suffolk CQunt'~ New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant~to -, ~ :th~ ~:;%,or~inances and RegUlar'ibis governing the Coastal an~' .~' Interior. Wetlands, Flood Plains 9nd ]prainage Areas of the Town of h h'~p ' an~t srty 'fo~ w lc ermlt w ed 'canal, Average Ri ~material will be . - - deposited ~ (~ ~nsent !'of owner 6f property, if nc "applican -being duly SWbrn' deposes !or the %bore described permit,, contained herein are true to the best of be.lief~ that the work will be done i~ the wanner ~et pplic~tion'-and as may be approved bylthe ToWn,B0~rd s0u~hold. - Theapplicant agrees to hold the'Town.of ~he Town Board harmless and free from ~ny =Bd~alI 'es and~iaims arising under or by virtue of sa%d