HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1201 Board Of $outhold Town Trustees · ~, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~ PERMIT NO. ': ~ ' ._12D~L .................. · 'DATE: Decem3oer. 6 ~, _: ISSUED TO ............ ~.~....~ ......:~ .e.~e,e..~e.~..= J~ .......................................... ut'l ori ati n ~ Pursuant' fO +he provisions of Chep+er 615 of {'he Laws of i . · +he S{'a+e Of New York, 1893; and C. hap~r 404 of +he L.aws of S+a+e of New York 1952; end +he So;~fhold Town Orchnance eh- +Hied "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN W~ATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and {'he REMOVAL OF SAND, ,GRAVEL O,R, O ~,T?.ER MATERIALS ~ROM LANDS 'UNDER TOWN WATER~S; -,ana ~n accordance w~'/h the ResoJu+~on of The Board adop+ed afa mee+ing held on ..~.~' 6 1'9_. 7.6, and in cons]dera{'i0n of '{'he sum. of $.__ 5.~OD.. ...... paid by ........................... Edx,,Tar d ....I4.,.... ~e e d er, Jr. ofGlen~o, od.._P~d....,.Gl~n~.o, od Land~n.g~ and subie¢+ fo +he Terms and CondH'i0ns 'lisfed on +he reverse side hereof, · =' of Sou+hold Town Trus+ees ad+hofizes and permHs +he following: permission for dock at Corey Creek, Nunnakoma Water, Southold, aJJ in accordance wi+h +he de+ailed speci~qcaf;ons as presen{'ed in +he orlglnaflng appJicafion. IN WITNESS WHEREO'F, The said Board of Trus+ees here- by causes ~s Corpora+e Seal fo be affixed, and '~hese presen+s be subscr]be~l by a maiorHy of +he said B~)ard as of +his .................................. TERMS e~d CONDITIONS The P'ezn:6~e~_ Edward L. DeReeder, Jr. resicllngaz P_O Rnw ~5~ . ~lon~o8 Road: Gl~nwood Landing, ~.~ p~ of ~e co~id~a~oa for ~e ~e' of ~e P~t d~ ~d~ ~ ~ to ~e fol- 1o~: 1. ~at ~e ~d B~d of T~ ~d ~e To~ w~ respe~ ~eto, to &e ~mplete ~d~on of &e ~d of T~ of &e To~ of ~o1~ es~at~ ~e r~ted ro c~p~ &e wo~ ~vol~ hut sh~d ~mc~ w~ r~ for ~ ~ension ~y be ~de to ~e B~d ar a 1~ 5. ~at ~s Pe~t ~d be rem~ ~dd~t~y, or to ~ta~ ~e ~e ~ pmje~ ~volv~, to provide e~d~ce or&a~on w~ o~y obt~e& 4. ~at &e work ~volved w~ ~ mbj~ to ~e ~ ~ approv~ of ~e ~d or i~ ~ and non-compliance ~& &e pro~iom of &e ori~g ap~ ~y ~ ~ for ~v~affon of t~ P~t by ~olu~on of ~e said 5. ~at thee ~ be no ~onable ~t~f~ here~ 6. ~at &ere ~a~ ~ no ~te~er~ce ~ the ~r of ~e py~ to ~ ~d rep~ ~ong &e ~a~ be~een ~ ~d Iow water ~ 7. That ~ furze op~6~ of ~ Town of ~Id in the l~on of ~e wo~ h~ ~&o~ or ~, wo~ sh~ ~me ~e~le o~on to ~ree na~ga~ u~n due no~ce, to r~ove ~ ~t~ &~ work ~ proj~ h~e~ ~ ~&out ~es to ~e To~ of Sou&ol& 8. ~ &e s~d Bo~d ~ ~ n~i~ by the P~gee ot ~e ~pleff~ of ~e work ~&- orke~ pl~enm~ m ~s ~t w~ ~y ~ ~ to revo~ upo~ f~;{,,~ to ~ s~e. OF -rOw , os'rE s TOWN Ol~ SOUT~.0LD~ Telephone 516 765-3783 ~uth6Id '~ L ~j'y~p'l1971 December 7, 1976 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Please be advised that all of the docks at the boat basin in the subdivision "Nunnakoma Waters", Corey Creek, developed by Henry Smith have been approved by the Board of Southold Town Trustees under separate applications of the individual dock owners as required by us. The approvals for these docks were granted at out regular meeting held on December 6, 1976. Very truly yours, ~il e~, ~e~rSary Board of Southold Town Trustees cc:file BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR FIXED and 'or FLOATING DOCKS V 2. Controctor's nome and address: ....... .-~.~.~,e~.,..,..~.f,,.,~.~,c~,w¢~ .................................................... .............................................................................................. 4. After ssuance of a Permit, I expect to: (mark by an )~) (o) Commence work AT ONCE ............. ASAP ........... ; UNKNOWN ............. (b) Complete work in 1 DAY ............ ; 1 MO ............. ; I YR ............. ; FUrFURE ............. 5. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretory of this Board, and by using on X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate es closely os possible the location of this dock. On the reverse side of this map, provide o SCALE DRAYVING which will show Ordinary High Water Mark, the shape and size of the dock and any supplemental pilings which are needed to hold a floating dock or tie-up a boat. Give all dimensions necessary to determine the area of the dock surface which extends offshore from the O. H. W. M. 6. Will any portion of this construction extend offshore into Town Waters beyond an imaginary ine or boundary formed by other similar structures along the area's shoreline? YES or NO. If it does extend beyond this so-called dock line indicate by how far, approximately,. ......... ft. 7. Provide the following documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. 8. Wil this construction require the Filling of any land offshore of the Ordinary High Water Mark or the Dredging of amy material from Town Lands under water? YES or NO. If it does, Form Al4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as part of this application. M ~ 9 In requesting approval of this application, I submit that: the information presented herein is true one correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I om the person occountable for the performance of the work ~n accordance with the plans and specifications attached; I have read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued to me. ' L. s .......... .' ........ , ................... Accepted by: ,~/~, Dated: z'//~'Cr//~''