HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1359 'Vlv k Board Of Southold Town Trustees xa SOUTHOLD, NEW YORKJig 5 t > . ,' � PERMIT NO. :...:.?359....:... .. DATE: . May 101..1979 151 a ISSUED TO ..... .. . ,,,;Donald DeLalla ry x : " , Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of r " pR the State of New York, 1$93; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- R ` "REGULATING REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS at 4 Pl-� ;; IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC !ANDS and the REMOVAL-OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the 111 Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on May l9: 19 79., and in consideration of the sum of $ 5 CQ paid by Y ; Donald DeLalla .... .. ...... ... ... ... ..:.. ..... ` Ott , of Cuteho9ue .. . .. ._.._.. ... N. Ya and subject to the 19 Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, ; 1c ` ' of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: ,? placement of three spiles off private property h> s : of the applicant at Mud Creek ,t a C [ 1 9£,Rf ' hadFA� all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in i the originating application. tr � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to , R be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date.ni r A } r ..: .. . ..�.z . ... 27'1/Sd22S. '� ���° tet.. > :':+ y ,,. t .fie s --E.z•� _,r> �A.r .'.��'A ash �' BOARD;O ~F;TOWN::TR USTEES 7fOWN OF SOUTHO LD Telephone 516-765-1938 Southold 11971 July 27, 1981 ~Lr. Donald DeLalla ~ ~.~; ~. 102 Bay Avenue Cutchogue, N. Y. Dear Mr. DeLalla: The Board of Trustees would like ~o bring to your attention that your mooring permits allow only three private recreational boats to be moored at your site. The mooring of anymore boats or the accepting of fees for mooring is in violation of your permits. If such is the case, your permits will be revoked. Yours,truly, Anna To Hataier, President Southcld Town Trustees July 22,1981 Mrs.Joseph G.Hataier,Chairman Southold Board of Trustees Southo!d,N.Y. Dear Mrs.Hataier: This letteris to express my opposition,to the issuance of a permit to Mr~Donaid C.DeLaiia of Skunk Lane, Cutchogue to erect three or more spiles for mooring boats in Mud Creek, Cutchogue. These poles and the subsequent boats protruding into the creek will create a menace to navigation especially at night. The creek is filling in and the channel is getting narrow, Furthermore the parking of many cars on the West side of Skunk Lane will cause a traffic problem. The road is very busy in the Summertime especially on weekends, There is very little l~nd West of the road so the cars will be parked partly on Town property. The creek is a fragile nursery of many forms of sea life especially as it i~adjac~nt to many vital wetlands inctuding~t~co~o~ meadowl~ads and the six acre Nud Creek Nature~Conservancy sanctuary. People spending nights and weekends on these boats will cause undeniable pollution, T~e rur~ing of large motors at the dock causes much noise in the quiet residential neighborhood now and this will be incrsa~sed by the additional boats the new poles will allow. There is a definate commercial aspect to this venture as noons spends the money for doc~s, piling, lights ~ud bubble systems mn!ess they intend to profit by it. No one family needs more th~u one large boat, Last Winter three large boats were ~ kept in ~r. DeLalla's side yard. Will there be six, or seven boats there next Winter? ! dont believe that several of the boats presently kept in Mud Creek ~ front of Mr,DeLalta's house are o,;~ed by his family or local people. The simple, rural nature of our creek will be spoiled forever if this ambitious project is allowed, sincerely, Aprll 9, 1979 Mr. Donald DeLe!la 102 Bay Avenue Cutc~o~ae~ New York 11935 Dear Mr. DeLalla~ ~.e following action ~as taken by the Board of Southoid Town Trustees a= a regular meeting held April 3~ 1979. RESOLVED to table the application of Donald DeLalla to place three spiles off private property of the applicant at ~ud CrDek in order to obtain more informaeion. The Board requests that you attend the next meeting whi~ will b0 held on ~ay 1, 1979 a~ 7:30 p.m. Yours truly~ Muriel Brush. Secretary Board of Town Truetees RECEIVED N~ Y~K. N, Y. 10007 TO~ ~t~r~ ~0~0~ ~OP-E 15 ~ag Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir or Madam: We have received a request for a Department of ~ha Army authorization for the following activity: Subject: Installation of three (3) piles for the purpose of moorng two (2) private reereatlonat crafts. In: Baldwin Creek, Little Peconic Bay At: Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York Application by: Donald C. De Lalla 102 Bay Avenue Cutchogue, New York 11935 Application No. 79-244 As this work is minor in nature, authorization may be by Letter of Per- mission. This is according to current Federal Regulatious governing work in navigable waters of the United States. To accomplish the degree of coordination required for the issuance of a Letter of Permission, your review of, and cemment to the inclosed of the subject application, is requested. To allow for the timely processing of the subject application, your comments are requested within 20 days of the date of this lette~. Sincerely yours, Incl PHILIP~W. McG~E as Chieff Regulatory Branch .4/1 - Rev. 6/72 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town o£ Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR A MOORING IN TOWN CONTROLLED WATERS: 1 Applicant's name and'~ddress: ~)~/.~.,6z~ ~) ............................ · ./.. .......... 2. Contractor's name and address: .......,~-..,'...~77.%..~ ..¢~...../~...o. ..~...~.~ ...... 3. What is being moored.:) Z~a~'4;'~' 4. If a boat is being moored, state: Name of manufacturer ............................................................ Reg. No ............................. Name of boat ......... ~...~..Z ~.~...~.. ~ ......... Color ........ .~..../~.../.'./.~...~.. ......... Lengfh ........... ~....~..../. ................. Powered by .........../.../~.....z~.~..~...,~/..z~.......~...,~...~..~....~...~..'.,(.Z.~..~' 5. What is your method of mooring? (mark by an X in the proper space) ( ) OFFSHORE MOORING (type & weight) ...................................................................... ( ) OFFSHORE STAKE ( ) OFFSHORE STAKE with pulley line to ONSHORE STAKE (/~' TIE-UP BETWEEN PILINGS (number of piles) .......~.... .......... ( ) SOME OTHER METHOD (describe) ................................................................... 6. After issuance of e Permit, I expect to: (mark by an X) (a) Commence workAT ONCE ................ ; ASAP ..........~.....; UNKNOWN ................. (b) Complete work in 1 DAY ............ ; 1 MO ............. ; 1 YR ............. ; FUTURE ............ 7. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, and by means of an X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate ns closely es possible the location of this mooring. On the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which shows Ordinary High Water Mark, stakes, pilings or other anchoring devices to be used, and oil distances ia feet between stakes and stakes. 8. is access to the proposed mooring fram PUBLIC or PRIVATE shoreline property? (state which) ,/2~q7~,,,¢~.~- If from private ~roperty not belonging to the applicant, provide letter of consent From the property owner. 9. At the mooring's location: What is the approximate distance to the channel? .......... .~..~... ........... ft. Number of other boats moored within 100 ft. 10. In making this application, I declare that the placement of this mooring will not be an im- pediment to the normal boating needs of others. Accepted by: Dated: T~I~PHON~ (516) 765-1t92 BOARD OF TOWN-TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 CREEK STRUCTURES INVENTORY Current Owner's Name: '~C;t~L~ -~C~J~O~ Index No. 7~!~ Address: ; ~ Z~ ~£~:.~ ~ Creek: Purchase Date: Telephone No.: Date of Field Work: Previous Owners: Permit Applicant: Permit No.: 5q~, 7Z~ Permit Specifications: Condition: ¢ \ RECEIPT BOARD OF TOWN of No. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK · /~/~- \ ' ~ ' ~' ~' '~"~-~ ~/, ~ - DOLLARS .................................................... ~ ~..._.~._.~_~_~ ............................... For / Titl~ ........ SECRETARY