HomeMy WebLinkAboutDALY, THOMAS F JRBOARD rlF TnWN TRUe;TEE5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD becember 28, 1960. F~. & M~s~arry ~.~ ~a~Aill and Family 843 Main St~.eet Greenport0 L~I., N.Y. Dear Mr. & F~rs Tuthill; At a meeting of the Southold T~m~n Trustees held on Tuesday, December 27, 1960, the Board voted un~nlmously the following resolution: ~ER~AS, God, in His Providence, has taken from o~r midst Henry Hull T~thilt, End %~ER~_~-,S. HeD~y ~uli ~uthill has served ~he Town of Southo!d as it's Supervisor faithfully and well for th~ past year, ~HEREFORE. BE IT RESOI~ED: That the T~wn Trustees deeply mourn the passing of cur goo~ friend and fellow townsman, and extend their profound bereavement, and that when the Board adjourns this day, it do so out of reapect to the memory of Eenry Hull Tuthill. ~-~--IT FL~THk,~RRESOIJFED: ~at a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the ~embers of his family and a copy be spread upon the ~Inutes of this meeting and come a part of the public records of the To~ of Southotd. Sincerely yo%trs, Marion A. Regent Secretary Southold Town Trustees IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TO THE TOWN TRUSTDES OF THE ~T0YS~ OF SOUTHQLD: T~E U~DERSYGhrED DOES UEP~BY REQUEST From the ~outhold Town Trustees ~-~'(a) permission to dredge ~,~o~ ~ .~¢/~ -- ~ / (b) permission to erect a dock (c) a grant of land Under water And~ T UNDERoIGA~D DOES ~ ~ ~ .REBY AGRE~ to hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and free from snly and all damages and claims arising Under or by virtue of said COUntY OF SUFfOLKs)8S: On the o~ day of ~ ,19~begore me personally to me kno~andk~uown to me to be the individual demcribed in and ~executed the foregoing instrument~ and duly acknowledged to me that executed the same, who otary Publzc~ Suffolk C - ountyy VITAL SPEECHES OF THE DAY THE BEST THOUGHT OF THE BEST MINDS ON IMPORTANT CURRENT QUESTIONS Published Semi-Monthly CITY NEV/S PUBLISHING CO. 33 %VEST 42~ ST., NeW ¥o~K 18, N. ¥. lizard of Town Trustees, ~w~ of ~ou~hoIA Dear Sirs ~e ~stre permission to clear the channel into Peconic B~ ~ the ~t~ ~ ~o~ ~he bo~y of ~ ~o~y as sho~ on the ~p; ~ate~ ~e~tem~ 1~; 1926; w~ch we re~entl~ f~e~ ~0 t~ Bo~ of T~stees, We ~ersta~A ~e BOar~L 0f ~0~ Trustees has J~rtsAiction over the lama l~lew D3~ water along ~e ]~a~. To keep ~ippo~lrome P0nA from l;ecomi~g ~%agx~a~t a goo~ flow of water to a~A from Peconic Ba~ is essential. To pro- vi~e for a ~ficie~fe flow of wa~er l~tB w~s it will be mecessa~y to clear the oh~el from ~he titglx water line to the iow w~er line. We weul~ ap~reoiate Being aAvise~ of the A&te of the meeting at which %hio item will Be considere~ Sinoerel~ yours ~ 2 NeW York 18, N.Y. Dear ~v. Daly, We reoeived your tether of AuEuS~ 20~ reques~In~ permission ~ clear the charmS1 in~o Pe¢on~c Bay. At the presen~ ~ime we plan ~e hold a T~wn TTustee meeting on September 2~ ~9~?, a~ your request will ~e acted upon. If there is any chan~e in this da~e~ I will notif~y ~e~y ~ruly yours, Town Trus%ees~ ~a~ien A. ReEen~ Sec. We aek~owteds~ ~eomi~ ~f yom~ sE~ee~en~nd~ map ~xe~u~ed by Tho.mas~F~ Daly, St; a~ Ben~et~ ~Biexedon es~blishi~E the ~da~y ~en ~hei~ ~esDective preperties. We t~k ~u for submitting files; If and when you de. Sire ~o do any d~edglnS~ Dtease file an.apDlica~ion sh~wiag the prepared wo~k and we ~ilt be ~ gla~ ~ have you'a~en~ the meeting a~ which the actiun will be taken thereon. C~rdially yours, Alvah B. Geldsmith Clerk VITAL SPEECHES -' OF THE DAY- THE BEST THOUGHT OF THE BEST MINDS ON IMPORTANT CUI~d~NT QUESTIONS Published SemLMonthly CITY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. 33 WEST 42ND SI., NEw YOI~K 18. N. Y. [ I h~?o reoeived a letter from Alvah ]~, @ol~s~i~h, ole=k of the ~oa~ of Town Trustees, re~e~d/a~ & "reques~ ~o dre~-e a ne~ eheanel :Ba'~o ~/l~O~o~e Creek, Southel~, ~lea~e rea~ ~he enolose~ boun~ar~ ~reeaen~ ~m~e ~y ~ f~thor, ~ ~o genne~t De ~c%on, whioh ~ request tha~ leu ~eep and file permanen~ reCor~ AS~ De ~xe~on fa/le~ to exercise the o~tion before Ma~ ~oun~er~ be~w~n ~he ~o~ies w~ se~le~ s~ ~ ~ enolose~ ~F~, This a~ st~hte~o~ ~o ~he ~aE~. 0~o~, ~ ~e~ ~o~e~E ~bou~ 19t0, rec~ Eels ~e c~l ~ ~ ~s b~o ~e close, bE a~g a~. ~e As the Oontraetor, work/~ for ~r, · he ~, TO ~0 a ~O~ ~0~ he Wo~ ~ ~o ~k he aske~ for p~ssto~ ~ ~ ~ees. ~lease a~Ivise me of ~he next meet~a~_~T ~e 3oar~ of ~ustees at which th~s m~tte~ will ~e consi~e~e~ a~l settle~ yours, ~.SUF£OL~, ~.OUNT~' No.